Fastening plasterboard to the ceiling without a frame: popular technologies. Leveling the ceiling with plasterboard - a frameless installation method How to level a plasterboard ceiling

Smooth and smooth surfaces serve as a real decoration of the room. But many apartment owners are faced with the fact that floor slabs deform the finish, leading to cracks. As a result, you have to use ceiling leveling. It can be done in several ways:

  1. plaster;
  2. drywall;
  3. tensile structures;

Plaster can be used only in cases where differences in the ceiling do not exceed 5 cm. Otherwise, its use is not recommended. In addition, leveling the ceiling in this way is quite difficult. For significant differences, you can use tensile structures, but installing them yourself often becomes difficult. The simplest and affordable solution What remains is drywall.

Calculation of required materials

To correctly level the ceiling with plasterboard, you must purchase all materials in advance. This way the work will go faster. For ease of calculation, a table is provided below. All you have to do is multiply the number of items consumed by the area of ​​the room.

Name Consumption
PP profile 60x27 2.9 linear m.
Profile PN 28x27
Sealing tape 30 mm Length corresponds to perimeter
Single-level connector for PP profiles 60x27 1.7 pcs
PP profile extension 60x27 0.2 pcs
Anchor suspension with clamp for PP profiles 60x27 0.7 pcs
Suspension rod 0.7 pcs
Anchor dowel 0.7 pcs
Dowel for fastening profiles PN 28x27 2-3 pcs
Screw TN 25 23 pcs
Reinforcing tape 1.2 linear m

Next, make a drawing of the ceiling on paper. This way you can depict the preliminary layout of the sheets. At the same time, make sure that adjacent sheets are fastened offset relative to each other at a distance that should not be less step bearing profile. The size of the standard sheet is 1200 mm, and the distance between the frame profiles will be a maximum of 600 mm. Thus, leveling the ceiling with your own hands will be possible for anyone who is at least a little familiar with construction tool.

Marking the ceiling before leveling

Secret beautiful room on a flat and smooth surface, so below we will tell you how to level a ceiling with plasterboard. To do this, you need to retreat 10-15 centimeters from the ceiling. We make a mark and using bubble level draw horizontal line. It must be laid along all the walls of the room. If you did everything correctly, then the end of the line will coincide with its beginning.

Next, several screws are screwed into the line and a rope is pulled, which will serve as a guide. It will allow you to install a flat ceiling in the room. Then, directly on the surface, the places for attaching the profile are marked, the distance between which is 60 cm. This is enough to attach a sheet of plasterboard 120 cm wide along the edges and center.

Assembly and installation of the frame

Anyone who is familiar with construction tools can easily level a plasterboard ceiling in their home. But you need to remember that the quality of the frame depends appearance future design. First of all, the UD profile is attached along the line marked on the wall. Its lower part should be in contact with our line. To do this, make a hole every 45 cm. Now the profile is attached using a 6 mm dowel and a 4-5 mm screw.

Then hangers are attached to the ceiling, the distance between which is 60 cm. To do this, use a dowel and a screw of similar sizes. A CD profile is attached to the hangers, which is pre-cut 5 mm less than the distance between the walls. This will allow you to easily insert it into the UD profile. And now you have almost managed to level the ceiling without outside help.

Electrical wiring for room lighting

Any room will require lighting, so you should think in advance about where you will hang the chandelier and where you will use it. Spotlights. For installation lighting fixtures you need to make holes in the drywall sheets. This can be done in advance, even before installing them, or after fixing them using a special crown attachment for a hammer drill.

But do not forget that before installing the drywall sheets, it is necessary to carry out electrical wiring. Even if you know how to level the ceiling yourself, then working with electrical wires may not be possible. To do this, you can contact a specialist.

You just need to make sure that the wires are stretched to the places where you plan to install the lamps in the future. And remember that when leveling walls and ceilings, all wires must be placed in special corrugated pipes that will protect the wiring from moisture.

Marking and cutting drywall for a flat ceiling

It is very important to pay Special attention marking drywall. Do not rush to immediately attach the sheets to the ceiling. To begin, draw on paper a plan for placing the sheets. Cross-shaped joints of the slabs should be avoided; they should be staggered to make the ceiling even. The step between joints must be at least 10cm. Remember that each slab must be fixed to at least two profiles.

Whole sheets are laid along the edges of the room, and an insert is made in the center required size. To do this, a sheet of plasterboard of suitable dimensions is pre-cut on the floor. Draw along the marking line twice assembly knife, and then the sheet breaks off. The edges are processed with a plane. For final installation you will need an assistant, since it is extremely difficult to level a plasterboard ceiling alone.

Installation and final finishing

Together with an assistant, lift the sheet and hold it in the place where it should be located. While one holds, the second can begin to fix the drywall to the frame. To do this, screws are screwed in every 20-30 cm so that the cap is buried a couple of millimeters in the cardboard. Leave a gap of 5 mm between the sheets of plasterboard, thanks to which the ceiling is leveled and the occurrence of cracks is prevented.

After installation, all joints are sealed with reinforcing tape, then the ceiling is leveled with putty. It allows you to not only hide the joints, but also the screws. After the putty has dried, it is cleaned and a smooth surface is achieved, which is ready for final finishing. You can paint the surface any color.

Thus, anyone can start leveling the ceiling on our own. The main thing is to have the desire and a little patience for this. Could you do this kind of work yourself?

If a home renovation is planned, leveling the ceiling is inevitable. In some cases, the ceiling is so distorted that no amount of plaster will help. Then most often they resort to leveling the ceiling with plasterboard.

Not many people know how to level a ceiling with plasterboard. But in fact, this process can be completed independently, without turning to specialists for help.

The technology for leveling the ceiling with plasterboard is reliable and simple. It has the following advantages:

1. Drywall installation has minimal lines.

2. There are no wet processes.

3. It is possible to use the space between the base and the mounted plasterboard ceiling (laying sound insulation and communication networks).

4. The ability to implement any design solution.

5. No special tools are required for installation.

6. Waste is minimal.

Repair to level the ceiling consists of two main stages - the construction stage metal frame and the stage of plasterboard covering.


Leveling the ceiling with plasterboard should begin with the calculation of materials. Calculation of materials will minimize the percentage of waste. When calculating, it is necessary to take into account the position of the sheets. It can be longitudinal or transverse. Cross connections are not allowed!

Repair (leveling) of the ceiling begins with the construction of a metal frame. First you need to make markings. The plane of the future frame is marked using a level. From the very top you should measure the specified size (usually a few centimeters), then attach a level to the wall and draw a line with a pencil. This procedure must be done along the entire perimeter of the repair area. If the starting line exactly matches the ending line, then the job is done perfectly.

Then, you need to screw screws into the resulting lines and tighten the cords. This will be a kind of plasterboard ceiling level. Instead of cords, you can immediately install a metal guide profile around the perimeter of the room.

Then the supporting profiles are installed. Bearers metal profiles inserted into the guides, observing a step of 40 cm. It is very important to observe their location in relation to future sheets of plasterboard. Simply put, the profile should be located along the length of the plasterboard sheet.

To prevent the ceiling leveling repair from having to be redone, jumpers should be installed. This will prevent the seams from cracking, and will also make the frame more rigid, and therefore more reliable. Jumpers are installed around the entire perimeter of the room in increments of 50 cm. They are fastened using cross-shaped connectors.

Then the entire frame must be fixed to the floor slabs. This can be done using brackets, boots, and quick hangers.

Before you start next stage“leveling the plasterboard ceiling”, check whether electrical wiring, communications, air ducts, and insulating material are installed in the metal frame.


Having calculated all the materials, decided on the location of the plasterboard sheets, and installed the metal frame, you can begin to solve the problem of how to level the ceiling with plasterboard.

Leveling the ceiling with plasterboard is the easiest, most uncomplicated job. The installation stage is as follows: you need to lift a sheet of plasterboard to the ceiling and secure it to a metal frame using self-tapping screws. To level the ceiling with plasterboard, a sheet of gypsum must be fixed as supporting profile, and along the guide, observing a step of 15 cm.

Repair (leveling) of the ceiling is completed by masking the joints. To make the seams invisible, they must first be secured with assembly gauze, onto which a layer of putty is then applied.

Thus, this article reveals the question of how to level a ceiling with plasterboard, what materials are needed for this, and what sequence of work is necessary. Using this step by step instructions, it is possible to level the ceiling with plasterboard on your own.

Uneven ceilings in an apartment are not a problem for individual residents, but a general and understandable one, moreover, under the concept uneven ceiling not everyone means the same thing. We will proceed from the fact that a flat ceiling is a smooth surface, leveled horizontally, and we will analyze methods for leveling a ceiling with plasterboard, while observing all production technology.

All stages of work

Making the markings

  • The thread should be pulled between two marks and, pulling like a bowstring, sharply released.
    The thread will leave a straight line, which will serve as a guide when installing the frame suspended ceiling and will indicate the lower limit of this frame.
  • Since the frame implies a totality, we still need to cut off a number of lines on the main ceiling.
    To do this, we select the corner of the room that is closest to 90⁰ and, having decided on the direction of the plasterboard sheets (GKL), during installation we mark two opposite walls under the ceiling every 50 cm along this direction.
    Now all that remains is to lay out the lines between the marks on the ceiling using a chokeline.

Advice. When you transfer marks under the ceiling with a water level, the cones will interfere with you, since they will rest against the main ceiling and you will have to fill the level with water almost to capacity, which is very inconvenient.
Therefore, you can simply remove these cones.

Advice. To install the profiles, special self-tapping screws for drywall are used.
You can check their quality as follows: the self-tapping screw placed on nozzle No. 2 should not fly off it in a horizontal position and even with a slight tilt with the screw down.

Installation of a metal frame

  • Now you need to screw the UD profile to the wall. The bottom of the profile must exactly match the marked line on the wall. The UD is attached to plastic dowels with a screw.
  • The optimal diameter for a dowel for such fastening is 6 mm, and for a screw 4-5 mm. Keep in mind that when purchasing a dowel-screw set, this combination does not occur, since the screws there are thinner.
    It is difficult to say what manufacturers are focusing on, but if a screw is thinner than 4 mm in a 6 mm dowel, then it behaves almost like a pencil in a glass, that is, it does not hold.
  • If there are no mounting holes in the UD profile, then they need to be made 40-50 cm apart from each other. These holes can be made by placing the profile against the wall and simultaneously drilling a hole in the profile and in the wall. If the UD profiles are installed level, then leveling the ceiling with plasterboard is already halfway successful.

  • Now along the lines on the ceiling you need to install U-shaped suspensions or pawns, as they are often called.
    The distance between them is 50-60 cm and to attach them to the ceiling you need dowels and screws, which have the same requirements as stated above.
    But, in addition to this, the ceiling dowel should have a small cap or flaring on the sleeve so as not to fall into voids.

  • Cut the CD profile 5 mm less than the distance between the walls and insert it into the UD profiles under the hangers, as can be seen in the photo.

  • In order to level the CD profiles, you need to pull a nylon thread under the frame, but the sagging of the profiles will interfere with leveling, so each CD needs to be tightened with a middle pawn, bending it under the profile.

  • Now align each profile individually, screwing it to the hanger with self-tapping screws for plasterboard profiles.
    Bend the protruding ends of the suspension to the sides, and also fasten the joints of the UD and CD with screws. Next, we will look at how to level the ceiling with plasterboard when installing gypsum boards.

Hemming plasterboard sheets

  • You definitely need a partner, at least for the installation of gypsum boards, since it is very difficult for one person to lift the sheet and screw it on, and almost impossible for a beginner.
    For installation, use metal screws, 25 mm long, screwing them in 30 cm apart.

  • The head of the self-tapping screw should be recessed into the gypsum board so as not to interfere with the putty, but at the same time, it should not break through the paper, so you can use a special attachment with a lampshade that fixes the depth of the head.

  • We are considering leveling the ceiling with plasterboard, and take into account that the edge of the gypsum board should lie on the CD profile, covering it up to half - the second half will be occupied by the next sheet.
  • After installing all the sheets, proceed to sealing the seams and screws, but this no longer applies to installation, but to puttying drywall.


So, you now know how to make a flat ceiling with your own hands from plasterboard, and with this knowledge, you can move forward. This means that you can also do multi-level and figured ceilings, adapting them for installation of vinyl sheeting. First of all – desire!

The use of plasterboard to finish the ceiling is a solution that allows you to both obtain a perfectly even coating and form unique design interior in an apartment or country house. Traditional way gypsum board fastenings are considered frame technology using .

However, there are situations when it is necessary to eliminate the frame and fix the plasterboard covering directly to the ceiling.

Features of finishing the ceiling with plasterboard without a frame and profile will be given in this article.

Frameless technology for installing plasterboard on the ceiling is one of the most common finishing options, which is advisable to use in the following cases:

  • a single-level ceiling is planned or the ceiling height does not allow the installation of a full-fledged frame;
  • it is necessary to complete the work quickly and at minimal cost;
  • The ceiling surface in the room is flat and there is no need to hide wiring or communications.

However, despite the apparent simplicity of the installation process, fixing gypsum boards directly to the ceiling surface requires both knowledge of the technology and a certain skill when performing the work.

Glue on a sheet of drywall

For best result You need to pay attention to such points as:

  • choice optimal technology installation depending on the base material ceiling structure;
  • performance careful preparation a surface that will ensure maximum adherence of the sheets and high-quality adhesion of the glue to the base, if used;
  • the presence of accompanying devices for lifting and fixing gypsum boards on the ceiling during installation, since when using adhesives it takes time for them to set securely, and plasterboard itself is a heavy material.

All this must be thought through and prepared in advance at the installation planning stage, so that the process itself can be completed without additional difficulties.

Stages of leveling a ceiling without a frame

To execute reliable fastening plasterboard to the ceiling without a frame, it is necessary to carefully level the surface.

this work carried out in the following sequence:

  1. The ceiling surface is thoroughly cleaned of old coating, including:

  1. Joints, cracks and are treated with a primer, and wooden plots are antiseptic.
  2. Using a horizontal or water level, a marking of the ceiling level is applied along the walls of the room, taking into account the thickness of the gypsum board. In this case, it is necessary to start marking from an angle as close as possible to the floor.

In cases of significant deviations of the ceiling from horizontal level It is advisable to stretch construction twine along the markings so that the line is visible visually.

Leveling the ceiling with putty

Based on the results of the work, you can evaluate the general curvature of the surface in order to choose a method for correcting errors.

Read also

Technical characteristics of Knauf plasterboard

Correct fastening of plasterboard sheets without frame

In order to attach plasterboard to a ceiling without a frame, it is necessary to adhere to installation rules, compliance with which will allow you to avoid subsequent re-repair work.

Attaching drywall to the ceiling using self-tapping screws

Leveling the ceiling with plasterboard without a frame and attaching gypsum boards with self-tapping screws is the most in a simple way installation on concrete base, which also allows you to level the ceiling surface with significant curvatures and deviations from the horizontal level.

Fastening drywall with self-tapping screws

Installation of sheets occurs in the following order:

This method can be used for any curvature of the ceiling surface.

Attaching drywall to the ceiling using mastic

Another way to level a ceiling with plasterboard is to use mastic as an adhesive.

The technology is as follows:

It is better to install drywall on the ceiling surface using factory-made compounds, strictly following the manufacturer’s instructions.

Installing drywall on the ceiling using glue

This method is advisable to use when the ceiling surface is flat; it will ensure maximum adherence of the sheet and reliable fixation of the glue.

Fastening drywall with glue

Sequence of work when applying glue:

  • the adhesive composition is applied in an even layer over the entire surface of the gypsum board, starting from the edges;
  • Next, the gypsum board is applied to the surface and fixed with additional devices.

Read also

Plasterboard ceilings on a round wall

It should be noted that it is not advisable to attach gypsum boards using glue in rooms with high humidity, which negatively affects adhesives.

Frameless technology for attaching plasterboard to a wooden ceiling

It is also possible to use plasterboard on a wooden ceiling without a frame, and in some cases this is The best decision when finishing.

Attaching drywall to a wooden ceiling

Ceiling in wooden house can be of two types:

  1. With protruding floor beams, that is, the plank lining is made on top.

In this case, it is allowed to attach drywall:

  • directly along the beams, while joining the sheets must also be done on the beams;
  • in the spaces between the floors.
  1. With hemming done with rough boards along the bottom edge of the beams.

The gypsum boards are fastened smoothly along the boards.

The main method of fastening plasterboard in a wooden house is to fasten the sheets with self-tapping screws, using wood screws, the length of which is selected depending on the thickness of the plasterboard and the base material. As a rule, it is 70–90 mm.

Additionally, washers are used to prevent the self-tapping screws from pressing into the gypsum board.

Attaching drywall to beams

For significant deviations wooden ceiling from the level, it is possible to adjust the position of the gypsum board sheet with self-tapping screws, which are evenly released or tightened if necessary. In this case, the length of the screws must be selected taking into account this adjustment.

It should be noted that installation of drywall using adhesives for wooden structures use is not recommended.

Possible problems when attaching drywall to a ceiling without a frame

Usage frameless technology installation of gypsum boards on ceiling covering, of course, has a number of advantages, but you may encounter some problems, including:

  • a poorly prepared surface will prevent reliable fixation when using adhesives, which can cause both the appearance of cracks and the sheets falling off in the future;
  • the same effect can occur if reliable support of the sheet is not ensured while it is setting with glue;
  • When fastening with self-tapping screws, you need to select them optimal length with some margin in plus, and when twisting them, avoid deepening the caps into the sheet;
  • when laying drywall without a frame on wooden base Cracks may also occur due to wood movement.

It is advisable to take all these points into account when carrying out work in order to avoid annoying troubles in the future.

So the finishing ceiling surfaces drywall without plasterboard is not only possible, but also the best option. Observing technological methods and installation rules, frameless plasterboard ceiling will serve for a long time.

When conducting internal repair work The most important step is leveling the walls and ceiling. The problem with most houses, especially apartment buildings, is that in the rooms, in addition to uneven walls, there are quite crooked ceilings. The most optimal solution A similar problem would be the use of drywall.

Today there are several ways to level the surface (using plaster, drywall or plastic panels), but not all of them are suitable for the ceiling. The best way here the use of plasterboard boards will be used.
Ceiling leveling drywall accessible even to a beginner construction work and it is quite possible to carry out such alignment with your own hands.

When found uneven surfaces and the desire to sheathe it plasterboard sheets The question naturally arises: “how to level a ceiling with plasterboard?” Today there are two ways to level the surface using this finishing material:

  • gluing sheets to the surface. It is used only in situations where there are minor irregularities;
  • assembling the frame for covering it with slabs.

Both methods can be easily implemented with your own hands, subject to certain rules.
Since plasterboard ceiling structures are often made multi-level and with built-in additional lighting, here you can only use the method of constructing a frame from metal profiles.
Note! Frame method will help you not only disguise severe curvatures and defects in the ceiling, but also create a unique and original ceiling structure.

Calculations required for work

Calculations are needed in any construction. Without them, it is impossible to determine the amount of material required. Leveling the ceiling with plasterboard also requires such calculations. First of all you need:

  • measure the perimeter of the ceiling;
  • select the type of suspended ceiling device.

Note! The complexity of the required calculations will depend on the type of ceiling structure.

  • draw the perimeter of the ceiling on paper;
  • We display on the sheet all the levels that will need to be constructed.

Construction drawing

All profiles and jumpers should be indicated here. This will make it much easier to calculate the amount of materials required to create the selected suspended ceiling. If there are additional lighting fixtures, the wiring locations can be shown on the plan. Be sure to indicate the mounting locations for the lamps.

List of materials and tools

Leveling the ceiling with your own hands requires the following tools:

  • hammer drill with drill;
  • screwdriver;
  • construction knife;
  • metal scissors;
  • building level and pencil;
  • roulette.

In addition to tools, you will need to purchase the following materials:

  • plasterboard sheets. To level the ceiling, you should use ceiling plasterboard 9.5 mm thick. This way you will reduce the load on the frame;

Note! When carrying out this kind of work in the bathroom and kitchen, you should buy only moisture-resistant sheets.

  • metal profiles;
  • fasteners: straight hangers, dowels, screws, crabs;
  • reinforcing tape;
  • putty and primer.

With such tools and materials, you can easily level the ceiling with your own hands.

Getting ready for work

On preparatory stage To improve the quality of work, you should do the following manipulations:

Preparing for work

  • remove the chandelier;
  • delete from work surface previous finishing layer;
  • Cover all cracks and joints with putty. This will help improve sound insulation.

Experts, especially if leveling takes place in the bathroom or kitchen, recommend priming the ceiling with either a primer deep penetration, or a means that prevents the development of fungus and mold.
After adding primer, you can begin applying markings. With its help it will be much easier to assemble the frame with your own hands.
Note! Before you begin marking the ceiling, you need to determine the level of lowering of the entire structure. Usually the ceiling is lowered by 10-15 cm. This is quite enough to make a multi-level device. To level it, it is enough to lower the ceiling level by 2.5 - 5 cm, which will correspond to the thickness of the guide profile.
Marking is applied as follows:


  • determine the lowest point on the ceiling. To do this we use a level. The point should be looked for in the angle that is as close as possible to 90 degrees;
  • from this point along the entire perimeter we draw a line;
  • in the presence of multi-level design, from this point we retreat down to the distance of lowering the ceiling and draw a new perimeter. You can simply step back at least 2.5 cm from this point and draw a line around the perimeter. On adjacent walls transfer the lines using a level.

After this, you can proceed to the main stage - installation of the frame.

Fastening the structure

The most commonly used method of leveling the ceiling is to assemble a metal frame and then cover it with plasterboard.
First we install the structure frame:

  • We attach the “UD” profile to the marking lines so that its lower part clearly falls on the line;
  • We attach the profile to a dowel with a screw. It is allowed to use 4-5 mm screws, and 6 mm dowels. For fastening, you can use existing holes on the profile or drill them yourself using a hammer drill;
  • the dowel fastening pitch is 40-50 cm;
  • Then we repeat the procedure along the entire length of the walls.

Note! The evenness of the ceiling depends on how smoothly you install the profiles around the perimeter.

U-shaped hangers

  • the distance between the hangers is at least 50-60 cm;
  • We attach the suspensions to the ceiling with screws and dowels;
  • We cut the “CD” profile to the length we need and insert it into the suspension.

The suspensions are aligned using nylon thread. It is pulled under the frame, then each “CD” profile is tightened with a suspension. After this, the suspension needs to be bent under the profile. Only then can you align each profile individually. When they are all aligned, we secure them with self-tapping screws.

Ready frame

Now you can start covering the structure with plasterboard yourself.
Note! At this stage, you will need a partner, since attaching the sheets alone will be problematic.
Installation of drywall is carried out as follows:

Sheathing of the structure

  • First we attach solid sheets, and only then add pieces to the sheathing;
  • We fasten the sheets with self-tapping screws, which we insert every 30 cm. It is better to use self-tapping screws 25 mm in length;
  • We screw in the screws so that their head is recessed into the material no more than 1-2 mm.

If the device involves built-in lamps, then in the sheets of plasterboard, in the right places, we make holes for spotlights.
In the end, you should get it flawlessly Smooth surface ceiling.

The final stage of work

To give the ceiling a finished look, we carry out the following operations:

Final putty

  • We seal all joints between the slabs with serpyanka or reinforcing tape;
  • cover the tape with plaster. We also apply a layer of putty on top of the screwed-in screws;
  • after it dries, we smooth out the unevenness with sandpaper;
  • Next we apply the final putty.

Professionals get a perfectly flat surface right away. If you are a beginner and you get some small roughness, you can easily smooth them out with sandpaper.
Now you can decorate the ceiling: paint, wallpaper, hand-paint, decorate with plaster, etc. When decorating the ceiling in a bathroom or kitchen, you should choose a finish that is suitable for the microclimate of these rooms.
As you can see, the whole process seems quite simple. If you follow the instructions, everything will turn out perfectly smooth and beautiful ceiling, made with your own hands, will delight you for a very long time.