When bread is baked with a surprise for fortune telling. Folk fortune telling on bread online. Bread and the future

Times are unstable now, everyone is thinking about their future. There is a very simple and available method fortune telling on bread crumbs. Try it!

Fortune telling with a bread ball was popular in the old days. It is believed that such fortune telling arose due to the desire of the ladies to urgently find out how the acquaintance at the ball would end or which of the two gentlemen to choose.

To find out the answer, during lunch or dinner they rolled a ball out of bread and found out the answer by the shape of the ball.

An even and round ball foreshadowed good luck, and a crooked one foreshadowed misfortune. Fortune tellers called such a ball a “ball of fate,” and ordinary people called it a “pellet.” Thoughtful ladies could pile up to ten pellets during lunch, which, by the way, was considered bad form.

If you want to tell fortunes, formulate a question, then roll a ball out of bread, wax, chewing gum or any other material that comes to your hand. In the process of sculpting a ball, when you look at the ball, a thought will probably arise. This thought needs to be “caught” and “fixed” by turning on the internal “freeze frame”.

If you thought that:

The ball is too big - this issue will not play a big role in your life. You are giving him too much attention.
The ball is too small - this question will interest you for a long time, despite the fact that you consider it a trifle.
Ball the right size– the solution to the issue depends on you.
One ball - loneliness. You have no one to rely on to resolve the issue.
The ball is too soft - you are too flexible. You can't go with the flow on this issue.
The ball is too hard - you lack softness and flexibility. IN this moment you need to relax and go with the flow.
The ball is too viscous, sticky - you are obsessive or have already managed to “get” someone.
The ball is too light - lightness and friendship, pleasant meetings.
The ball is too heavy - not very pleasant meetings, communication in captivity.
A ball of normal weight - ordinary, normal communication.

If the ball falls on a table or chair, you miss your chance.
If the ball fell on someone, this person will influence your destiny
If the ball fell to the floor, you almost missed your chance.
If the ball fell to the floor and flattened, something tragic. In some cases, it foretells death.
If the question concerned many people, then the ball falling to the floor foreshadows the death of one of them.
If the ball fell to the floor and broke, it means failure, a “broken heart.”
If the ball doesn’t hold its shape and spreads out, you’re a mess.

Ball shape

Smooth and round - your intentions are firm, you know what you want and you will achieve it.
Round, but with dents - you are not sure that you need your goal. You yourself are hindering its achievement.
Flattened ball - sudden changes
Oval - your goal will change.
Square - your mind is filled with opposing goals.
Triangle – desire for religion.

Number of balls

The ball needs to be rolled without focusing on the process; it is advisable to watch a TV series or read something. You may notice that you end up with a few balls.
One ball means loneliness
Two - to the appearance of a groom or friend, if there is already a husband
Three - a love triangle will burst into your life
Four - hopeless boredom
Five – frequent visits.

Other actions

Looking at the ball means looking for someone or something.
The desire to put a ball in your mouth means you are trying to hide your interest.
Accidentally eating a ball means willingness to die for love.
If the fortune telling was favorable, then the ball should be eaten. If it is made of inedible material, carry it with you.
If you want to throw a ball at your neighbor’s eye, this indicates a problem with the nervous system.
If the fortune telling is unfavorable, the ball should be thrown away.

An ancient Arabic proverb says: " When people bake bread, demons run into the mountains" This sacred attitude towards bread is explained by the role it plays in human life. For many, bread is a symbol of life, but not everyone knows that its taste is determined not only by the quality of water, flour, yeast and sugar, but also by the energy that a person put into it during the cooking process.

This property of bread has long been used in Rus' to determine the character of the bride. The future relatives asked her to bake bread, and then carefully studied the finished loaf.

Anyone who has baked products from yeast dough at least once knows well what a difficult task it is. In order for the pies to turn out fluffy and rosy, one recipe is not enough. Different housewives make different pies and cheesecakes from the same products. And the point here is not only in the quality of the components used and compliance with the cooking technology. Bioenergetics research has shown that the taste of bread primarily depends on future events that await the housewife and her family members. The fact is that the dough, as it rises, absorbs the aura of the house and the energy of the person preparing the pies.

According to Russian tradition, only bread was used for fortune telling. And indeed, as experiments have shown, a loaf without filling more accurately reflects a person’s aura, therefore, fortune telling on it turns out to be more accurate. Such a loaf was baked separately from the pies, although often from the same dough, and dedicated to the brownie. This means that after fortune-telling it had to be left in the appointed place so that the brownie could eat the treat. Fortune telling on bread is based on the fact that there cannot be two identical breads baked by different housewives. Moreover, the most delicious loaf comes from the one that has a large supply vitality, the brightest and purest aura, as well as a kind and gentle character.

Lush and light bread testifies to a happy and light hand a person marked by fate. Thanks to this, he will be lucky in everything and he will be able to achieve a lot in life.

Tasty and filling, but heavy bread characterizes a kind and wise person, but with a difficult fate. The people closest to him will cause him the biggest trouble. Such a person has good, bright energy, but cannot use it as a shield from possible blows of fate.

Lush but bland and tasteless The loaf suggests that the main character traits of a person are laziness and greed. In life, he often uses the people around him to obtain some benefit for himself, without giving anything in return.

If the bread turns out sometimes overcooked, sometimes underbaked, then the person who prepared it lacks logical thinking. In Rus', they tried not to marry a girl who only got bread every other time. It was believed that, having become a wife and mother, she would attract misfortune to the house, and especially to her children.

Dull (not lush) The loaf clearly indicates that there are evil spirits in the house. Perhaps one of the household members absorbed a large number of negative energy, which needs to be gotten rid of as soon as possible.

Bread beautiful and correct form Most often it comes from a housewife with a difficult fate. If you look at it more closely, you can see irregularities on its surface, under which voids are hidden. They just testify to the holes in the aura of the woman who baked the loaf, through which her luck and well-being escape. Such bread, as a rule, is obtained by people born in " damned"year. They are not recommended to change their place of residence and live away from relatives.

Tasty and fluffy, but different in shape every time loaves are evidence of a creative nature, in constant search, endowed with a powerful intellect. If a housewife bakes delicious bread, each time giving it a special shape, then the following can be said about her: she does not know how to analyze what is happening and, as a result, predict the future. She is too absorbed in trifles and is unable to focus on the main thing.

Cracked bread foreshadows the violent death of one of the relatives or predicts difficult trials for the housewife herself.

Burnt bread comes from a vindictive and grumpy person who suffers all his life because of his evil character.

Crumbly bread characterizes a fickle person, prone to changing places and social circles.

Bread can tell not only about a person’s character, but also predict future events. If you bake a loaf of bread for a housewarming party on the day of moving, then by its appearance you can judge the life that awaits the family at the new place of residence. And bread baked the night before Christmas will tell you about the events to look forward to in the new year.

The best omen is considered tasty and lush loaf.

crumbly bread beautiful shape, With flat surface predicts good health, material well-being, understanding and help from relatives and friends. Thanks to such support, a person will achieve a lot. But the only thing that can negatively affect his future fate is sudden changes in life.

A tasty and fluffy loaf, but not a very beautiful shape and with an uneven crust speaks of discord in the home, loss of mutual understanding between close people who began to live by their own interests, forgetting about family matters. Such bread indicates material instability and a rather difficult period of life. But there will always be strong, albeit lonely, natures nearby who, by their example, will suggest a way out of the most difficult situations.

The prediction can be specified by “ drawing", which forms on the bread crust. For example, a bird or a bird's head speaks of the imminent receipt of important news and of a situation in which one must act decisively in order to find good luck; a bird's feather - about government troubles, often associated with receiving an inheritance; snake - about a deceitful friend who brings misfortune; hare - about the intervention of otherworldly forces; cat - oh happy family life; cow - about the need to work hard to gain wealth and health; dog - about friendly help; bear - about obstacles that you shouldn’t be afraid of, etc.

Cracks in bread- to troubles: divorce, loss of friends and loved ones. If the cracked bread is fluffy and tasty, then this indicates that the person has enough health and strength to cope with problems and survive the crisis without losses, especially since an improvement in his financial situation awaits him.

If the bread is being baked fell apart into several parts and one of them, the smallest one, dried out or even burned, then this is a very bad omen. In the near future, we need to prepare for the death of a loved one.

If a small part of the bread fell off and it turned out to be a small golden bun, then a joyful event is just around the corner. Most likely, the family is waiting for a new addition, which will dramatically change the rhythm of its life and bring good luck to the house.

Parched bread indicates poor health and financial losses. It’s as if he’s telling the person: “ Curb your ambitions, don’t waste your energy in pursuit of illusions, live in the present and enjoy every day you live.».

Burnt bread is a sign of future tears and sad thoughts. But if at the same time the bread still turned out tasty and fluffy, then after the dull period the time will come material well-being and peace of mind. And the company of old and faithful friends will help you survive depression.

Lush but tasteless bread warns: it’s time to think about yourself and your health and stop living with the worries of others. You need to give free rein to your own desires. Love and attention to yourself will result in love and attention from others.

You can tell fortunes using bread crumbs. Take a bread crumb, place it between your palms and begin to roll a ball out of it, mentally repeating the question of interest. Then stop and, opening your palms, look at the resulting bread ball. The first thought or movement will be the answer to the question. Study the interpretation of meanings.

The ball is very small- you will never get a high position of authority.

The ball is very soft- your jealousy will cause you many unpleasant moments.

One ball- your destiny for the near future is loneliness.

The ball fell out of the open palms- loss awaits you in the near future.

You forgot and continue to roll the crumb- you are facing an exciting and troubling period in your life.

As you roll the crumb, you keep your eyes on it- you are currently in search mode.

Forgotten, you squeezed the crumb- changes in life await you.

Fortune telling on bread has been known since ancient times among many peoples, and bread is a symbol of life. Therefore, fortune telling on bread is considered the most accurate.

According to Slavic traditions, bread without filling was baked for fortune telling, since such bread is saturated with the aura of the person who baked it. It is believed that the loaf reflects the mood, character and energy of the person who baked it, as well as the energy of the house where it was baked. In Rus', the relatives of the future groom asked the bride to bake a loaf of bread, and then studied and tasted it for a long time to find out what kind of character the bride had.

For fortune telling, the girls used bread baked with their own hands, and after fortune telling they were strictly forbidden to eat it: this loaf had to be left to the brownie.

Fortune telling on bread crumbs

You need to take the crumb from the bread and roll it in your hands. But don’t concentrate on skating, but do other things: walk, read a book, talk with someone. Then you take the crumb and study what happened.

Small ball - don’t expect good luck at work or in school.

A very soft ball - there will be many problems due to jealousy.

The ball fell from open hands- in the near future you will have to endure a loss.

When you were rolling the crumb, you couldn’t distract yourself from this process - which means you are in constant search.

The crumb looks like a flat pancake - there will be changes in your life.

If it breaks up into several lumps, then you need to count how many there are. If it's two - love will come, if it's three - a love triangle awaits you, if it's four - there will be nothing interesting in the relationship, if it's five - there will be a lot of frequent visits. If it is more than five, you will soon have a hectic and troublesome time, but at the same time, nothing important will happen.

Fortune telling with hook, bread and ring. Fortune telling about the future groom

It is carried out as follows: take a piece of bread, a ring and a crochet hook. At midnight, these objects are placed on the table, covered with a scarf, and then, without looking, the girl must touch the scarf with her finger. What the groom will be like depends on what object the finger touches. If the finger touches the ring, then the groom will be a dandy. If it is a crochet hook, then the groom will be a poor but good man. If there is a loaf of bread, the groom will be a respectable and rich man.

Fortune telling on bread for those who want to know the near future

The girl bakes bread, and after baking it is wrapped in white cloth. Before midnight comes, the loaf is hidden under the pillow. And at midnight the girl unwraps it, takes a knife and asks: “What will happen to me tomorrow?” And watches the loaf of bread fall.

If the chunk falls immediately, then it is better not to plan anything on that day, because the plans will not come true. If the piece does not fall, then, to everyone’s joy, everything planned will come true. If the piece is delayed before falling, then the execution of the plan will cause some difficulties.

Fortune telling using bread for the profession of the future groom

They take several items: a piece of bread, a ring, a brush and a pinch of tobacco. A stranger takes each of the items and covers it with a plate, and at this time the girl must turn away and not peep. Then the girl goes to the table, selects a plate and picks it up. If you come across a brush, then the groom will be an ordinary hard worker. If it’s a loaf of bread, then it’s rich. If there is a ring, the groom will be a dandy. If there is a pinch of tobacco, he will be a businessman.

Fortune telling on bread for those who want to know what will happen next year

For fortune telling you will need a loaf of bread, a scarf and a branch of any tree. The girl puts these items in a bucket, saying: “What will happen next year?” Then the girl, without looking, takes out some thing. If you get a piece of bread, then the year will be good in all areas. If it's a branch, then nothing special will happen. And if it’s a scarf, then the girl will meet her love this year.

Bread is used for a great variety of fortune telling, and all of them are in tune with folk wisdom: “Don’t look at the sky - there is no bread there. To the ground below - closer to bread!”

Bread is a sacred product. But bread is not only a symbol of life, it is also an indicator of future events. Yeast dough It gets its taste and quality not only from water and flour, yeast and sugar. Its properties largely depend on the bioenergy invested in it.

This was well known in Rus', and therefore, in order to determine the character of the future bride, they carefully watched what kind of loaf she made. Many centuries have passed since then, but the old signs, which allow us to judge a person and his fate by the nature of the baked bread, are still true today.

We all know that every housewife has her own secrets. One housewife has such pies that they just ask to be put into your mouth, while another bakes beautiful pies, but you can’t put them in your mouth. It is also known that with the same housewife there is no such thing as time after time. Products made from yeast dough sometimes turn out fluffy and literally melt in your mouth, sometimes they just can’t rise. Modern bioenergetic research shows that this depends on future events that await the owner and her family. While the dough rises and reaches its condition, it absorbs the aura of the house and the energy of the person preparing it. Distortions of the biofield of a person and place are recorded in the aura of the test.

Then the bread goes through a fiery birth. Its taste and form are living evidence of what awaits its owners in the near future. According to Russian tradition, bread was used for fortune telling, that is, a round loaf of yeast dough without filling. It was baked separately from the pies, although often from the same dough as the rest of the treat, but it was dedicated to the brownie and given to him for food. Modern knowledge allows us to testify to the truth of folk wisdom: bread without filling more accurately shows the strengths and weaknesses of a person’s aura and it is easy to predict his character and destiny from it.

Let's begin with appearance and the taste of bread for each housewife has its own unique characteristics. The tastier the bread, the more vitality a person has, the brighter and purer his aura, the kinder he is.

Lush and light bread speaks of a person’s happy and light hand and the special significance of his destiny: he will achieve many things in life easily and playfully, as if by itself.

The bread is tasty, but heavy, quickly filling those who eat it, indicating that the person who prepared it is a kind and wise person. But his fate will be difficult, he will suffer a lot because of the people around him. According to research, such a product is obtained by those people who have light bioenergy, but do not know how to retain it.

The bread is lush, but unleavened and tasteless, indicating that the person who prepared it is lazy and greedy. This is the type of “sticky fish” who loves to have a ride in life at someone else’s expense.

If a person’s pies and bread turn out either overbaked or underbaked, this indicates his inability to think logically. In Rus' they did not like such housewives. They said that they attract trouble to the home and their children.

If the dough products are constantly not fluffy, this indicates that there are evil spirits in the house, and one of the household members has “the devil at his side,” that is, someone has absorbed a large amount of negative energy.

Overly neat and beautiful pies, oddly enough, indicate the difficult fate of the hostess. Despite beautiful view, the surface of the cake is usually uneven, there are many empty cavities. They say such “subcutaneous holes” about “holes” in the aura of the hostess. Through these holes all the luck and well-being of this person goes away. Very often, people born in a cursed year have such products. It is difficult for such people to live far from relatives and the place where they were born.

Different in size and not too similar in shape to each other, but tasty and fluffy pies speak of an interesting creative nature and often indicate a strong intellect.

An overly pretentious shape of a product with good taste speaks of a nature that does not know how to draw conclusions and foresee the course of events. Such a person is so preoccupied with trifles that he does not notice the forest for the trees.

If the bread constantly cracks during baking, this is very bad sign, a harbinger of the violent death of someone close to the baker. For the “author” of the product, this sign usually speaks of difficult trials and drastic changes in his destiny.

Constantly burning bread folk signs, - evidence of a vindictive and grumpy character. Such a person will suffer in life solely because of himself. If he can change his attitude towards life, his fate will change.

Very crumbly bread indicates that a person will have many changes in his life. He will part with many friends and acquaintances, his social circle will be unstable.

These are signs that allow you to learn something about the life and fate of the person who bakes bread. But there are signs that allow you to predict life using bread the whole family over a certain period of time. If you bake bread on the very first evening you move into a new place, the appearance of the bun without filling will tell you better than any oracle what to expect from life in your new home. Predict your life on New Year may have the same shape and taste as a bun baked the night before Christmas.

If you bake a bun without filling on the brownie’s name day, February 10, its appearance will predict what awaits you and your family in the house throughout the year.

The best omen is considered to be tasty and lush. Crumbly bread that turned out beautiful round shape, without sharp bulges and depressions. This form indicates that good health, prosperity, understanding and support of loved ones await you. This form also suggests that you can achieve a lot in life, relying on the help and support of people close to you. The only thing this bread warns against is that you shouldn’t change your life.

The same bread, but not of a very even shape, consisting, as it were, of separate peaks, speaks of a lack of harmony in the family, loss of contacts with family and friends. Everyone in your house, as they say, “pulls the blanket over themselves.” This also indicates that the forecast period will be turbulent. Both in business and in money there will be “sometimes empty, sometimes thick,” and you should be mentally prepared for this. Next to you there will be many strong, but internally lonely natures, whose life path will tell you how best to act in a given situation. Sometimes a drawing on bread allows you to clarify the general prediction. For example, if the shape resembles a bird or a bird's head, wait important news and don't get lost in a situation where you can rise to the top. A shape resembling a bird's feather is trouble with documents (sometimes a harbinger of receiving an inheritance). The snake is a deceitful friend that interferes with your happiness. The hare is the intervention of otherworldly forces in your life. Cat - look for happiness in the house. Cow - work hard and get wealth and health. A dog is a friend's help. Bear - don’t be afraid of obstacles, go straight towards your goal.

Lush and tasty, but not very beautiful bread with an uneven crust indicates discord in the house, when close people stopped understanding each other and began to live with their own interests, forgetting about the interests of the whole family. Such bread speaks of temporary difficulties and material instability. However, there is a chance that in the family there will be lonely but strong people who, by their example, will show a way out of a difficult situation.

Cracked bread speaks of unpleasant future events. Your family will split, you will lose many friends and loved ones. This form does not usually indicate the death of someone. To draw a conclusion about this sad event, the bread must not just crack, but, as it were, break into several parts during the baking process. In this case, one of the parts should be noticeably smaller than the others, dry out and even burn a little. If the bread itself, despite the cracks, is fluffy and tasty, you will have enough health and strength to overcome the crisis. Besides, good things await you financial condition.

If the bread is cracked, and part of it is baked in such a way that it forms a small separate bun, expect a new addition to the family. It will establish new rhythms of life, often better than the existing ones.

Dry bread is considered a very bad omen. O indicates poor health and financial losses. Learn to be economical, “dry the crackers long before the event.” Know how to sometimes come to terms with fate without wasting your strength in pursuit of the impossible.

Burnt bread predicts bitter moments and thoughts, tears and melancholy that will visit the fortuneteller during this period. However, if the bread is still tasty and fluffy, this will not prevent you from achieving material success and forgetting melancholy in moments of joy and fun. Try to be in the company of friends more often - this will give you additional forces.

If the bread is fluffy but tasteless, it’s time to take care of your appearance and health. The time has come to solve your problems without interfering in other people's lives. Be where you want. Meet those to whom your heart lies, and you will soon notice how others will pay much more attention to you.

But whatever the prediction, the Russian people always left themselves a loophole to correct the future. One such example was the cajoling of a brownie so that he would appease the villainous fate and, with the help of his domestic charms, smooth out a difficult period. That is why they gave bread, which they used to tell fortunes, to the brownie.

Fortune telling on bread crumbs

Take a bread crumb, place it between your palms and begin to roll a ball out of it, mentally repeating the question of interest. Then stop and, opening your palms, look at the resulting bread ball.
The first thought or movement will be the answer to the question.

Interpretation of meanings
The ball is very small - you will never get a high management chair.
The ball is very soft - your jealousy will cause you many unpleasant moments.
One ball means your destiny for the near future is loneliness.
The ball fell out of your open palms - a loss awaits you in the near future.
You have forgotten and continue to roll the crumb - you are facing an exciting and anxious period in your life.
As you roll the crumb, you constantly follow it with your eyes - at the moment you are in a state of search.
Forgotten, you squeezed the crumb - changes in life await you.

Fortune telling "On a ring, a hook and bread." Previously, this fortune-telling “for the groom” was carried out using a ring, a crochet hook and a piece of bread. Exactly at midnight, these items must be placed on the table and covered with a scarf. Without looking, point your finger at the first thing you come across. If you come across a ring, the groom will be a dandy. Hook - the groom will be a good man, but poor. Bread - the groom will be a rich and respectable man.

Fortune telling "The next day". To find out their fate for the next day, the girls told fortunes on a loaf. After baking, the bread is wrapped in a white cloth and hidden under the pillow until midnight. At midnight the bread is placed on the table. The fabric unfolds. The girl takes a long, sharp knife and whispers: “What will happen to me tomorrow?” cuts off a small piece of bread. At the same time, you need to carefully watch how the piece falls. If the piece does not fall, then everything planned will come true to everyone’s satisfaction. If the piece is delayed before falling, then the execution of the plan will cause some difficulties. If the chunk falls right away, then it is better not to plan anything for that day - your expectations will not be met.

Fortune telling "For the groom's profession." For fortune telling you need to take a ring, a piece of bread, a brush and a pinch of tobacco. Each item is covered with a plate (this is done by a stranger), the girl at this moment turns away and does not peek. Afterwards, the girl goes to any plate and picks it up. If she comes across a ring, the groom will be a fashionista. Brush - the groom will be a simple hard worker. Tabak is a businessman groom. Bread is a rich man.

Fortune telling "On next year". To find out your fate for the year ahead, you need to take a headscarf, a piece of bread and a twig of any tree. All three things are put in a bucket with the sentence: “What will happen this year?” Then, closing her eyes, the girl pulls out the first thing will come across. Scarf - will meet his love. Branch - nothing special will happen this year. Bread - there will be a very successful year in all respects. There are many fortune-telling on bread, but they all emphasize the basic popular thought: “Don’t look at the sky - there is no bread there , and to the ground below - closer to the bread."

Epiphany fortune telling with a needle, bread, salt
Take bread and salt, a piece of brick and coal. Thread a long thread into a needle and place a crumb of bread on the tip of the needle. Place the bread opposite the salt, and the brick opposite the coal. Take the thread and needle, lift it to head level and start swinging. If such a “pendulum” begins to swing from bread to salt, then only good things await in the future; if from brick to coal, something unpleasant will soon happen.

One last thing little advice: Bake bread at home more often. This helps to attract abundance and prosperity into your home.

From ancient times to the present day, people have been trying to look into the future. Attempts to penetrate the secrets of existence have given rise to a huge number of all kinds of fortune-telling, which have been and continue to be used by initiates, members of secret societies, and even by us, mere mortals.

In ancient times, any magical rituals, including fortune telling, were preceded by a sacrifice and took place in an atmosphere of special solemnity. Fortune telling was part of Everyday life, the course of events depended on the received prediction, and not only everyday or personal events, but also those that were significant for the entire state, in particular the declaration of war or, on the contrary, the conclusion of a peace agreement.

As for the methods of fortune telling, some of them have been forgotten in our time. For example, this is fortune telling on the entrails of sacrificial animals and the corpses of enemies. But many ways to find out the future have survived to this day: these are fortune telling by shadow, fire, water, wax, etc. More simple types fortune telling were accessible to many, while others required deep scientific knowledge. For example, a priest who knew the physiology and anatomy of living beings could, looking at a dismembered corpse, say with certainty in which country and in what climatic conditions the deceased lived, what plant and animal world this country and whether there is a possibility of capturing and developing this territory. This fact explains that not only the priests of certain cults, but also many ancient scientists - Archimedes, Aristotle, Pythagoras, etc. - were involved in predicting the future.

By reading this book, you will become acquainted with the most different ways fortune telling. Many of them may seem too simple to be true. However, one should not rush to conclusions. Some of the fortune-telling included in this book are hundreds of years old, and if they always gave false results, they would have been forgotten long ago and we would never have known about their existence.

Fortune telling on various subjects

Fortune telling by bread

The ancient Arabs said: “When people bake bread, demons run away into the mountains.” This attitude towards bread is associated with its enormous role, which it has always played in the life of any person.

For any nation, bread is a symbol of life, but not everyone knows that the taste of bread is determined not only by the quality of flour and yeast, the taste of water or the amount of sugar. In baking bread, the energy that the person involved in its preparation puts into it means a lot.

Since ancient times, this last property of bread has been used in Rus' to find out about the character of the future bride. The groom's relatives asked the girl to bake bread, after which they carefully examined the finished loaf.

Anyone who has ever tried to bake a pie or pies from yeast dough knows that this is not an easy task. For example, to bake a fluffy and rosy pie, simply combining the right ingredients is not enough. Different women will get the same recipe different pies or cheesecakes. And it’s not just about the quality of the components used or strict adherence to technology. Bioenergetic research has shown that the taste of finished bread directly depends on the events awaiting the woman and her family members in the near future. After all, the dough, rising by yeast, is able to absorb the aura of the house, as well as the energy of the person baking the pie or bread. The result of this is an exact repetition of the characteristics of the human biofield in bread.

According to the ancient Russian tradition, only bread was used in fortune telling. Experience shows that bread without any filling is most fully capable of reflecting the characteristics of a person’s aura, therefore fortune telling on ordinary bread turns out to be the most accurate. The fortune-telling loaf was baked from pie dough, but separately from the latter and dedicated to the brownie. The latter means that after fortune telling, this bread had to be left in a certain place so that the brownie could eat the treat.

The meaning of fortune telling is that different housewives do not have two completely identical breads. And the most delicious bread comes from the woman who has the largest supply. vital energy, who has the purest and brightest aura and a kind, flexible character.

Light and fluffy bread speaks of light and lucky hand the woman who baked it and about her being chosen by fate. Thanks to this, she will always be accompanied by success and good luck, she will achieve a lot in life.

Nourishing and tasty, but heavy bread is made by a wise and kind woman, but with a difficult fate. The biggest troubles await her from her loved ones. Such a woman has bright, good energy, but does not know how to use it as protection from future blows of fate.

A lush, but tasteless and insipid loaf indicates that the main character traits of the future bride are greed and laziness. In life, this woman will use others for her own benefit, without giving them anything in return.

If the bread turns out alternately underbaked and then overbaked, the woman who prepared it has a complete lack of logic. In Rus', they tried not to woo a girl who only got bread every other time.

People believed that, having become a wife and having children, such a woman would attract misfortune into the house, including on the heads of her own children.

Consistently sticky (raw and stale) bread indicates that evil spirits live in the house. Perhaps one of the girl's household has absorbed too much negative energy, which you need to get rid of as quickly as possible.

A woman with a difficult fate makes beautiful, well-shaped bread. If you look closely at the loaf, you can find irregularities formed by voids on its surface. Such voids indicate gaps in the aura of the woman who baked the loaf. It is through them that her well-being and luck “go away”. Such bread is usually obtained by a person born in a “cursed” year: he should not live away from his relatives and change his place of residence.

Lush and tasty, but different in shape, breads indicate a creative nature, endowed with high intelligence and constantly in search.

If a woman makes delicious bread, which she herself gives a new shape every time, then most likely she is not able to analyze what is happening and make a forecast for at least the very near future. She is so absorbed in small things that she cannot concentrate on the main thing.

Cracked bread prophesies either difficult trials that will befall the woman who baked it, or the violent death of one of her relatives.

If the bread is burnt, it means that the woman who prepared it is grumpy and vindictive, which affects not only those around her, but also herself.

Crumbly bread comes from a fickle woman who is prone to changing her social circle and place of residence.

Fortune telling by bread crumb

For fortune telling, you need to take a little bread crumb and roll it into a ball between your palms, mentally saying the question that interests you. Then you need to stop and, with your palms open, examine the resulting ball. The first movement or the first thing that comes to your mind will be the answer to the question asked.

Interpretation of movements and thoughts

The ball is too small and you will never be a big boss.

The ball is too soft - your jealousy gives you a lot of unpleasant moments.

One ball - in the near future your lot will be loneliness.

The ball fell as soon as you opened your palms - a loss awaits you in the near future.

You have forgotten and mechanically continue to roll the crumb - an alarming and exciting period of life awaits you.

While rolling the crumb, you keep an eye on it all the time - at the moment you are in search.

You have forgotten and crushed the crumb - quick changes in life await you.

Fortune telling on coffee grounds

Fortune telling on coffee grounds is one of the most popular and most common types of predictions. There is not a person in the world who has not read or heard about him. However, not everyone manages to find out exactly their destiny, inscribed in symbols on a coffee cup.