How to create an advertising page on Instagram. Targeted ads on Instagram: step-by-step setup

Recently, it became possible to place targeted ads on Instagram, all thanks to the launch of the official Instagram ads system by the company. Previously, it was only available to big brands with crazy budgets.

But now ordinary mortals also got the opportunity to experiment. You no longer need to search for various exchanges and manually negotiate feed postings with individual bloggers.

I decided to study how it works and prepare step by step lesson, nevertheless, it is impossible to ignore the fastest growing network, which has overtaken Twitter in audience and will soon approach 500 million users, if you are somehow connected with Internet marketing.

This is a huge channel for attracting customers and buyers.

Who benefits from Instagram ads?

To answer this question, you need to look at the number and composition of the audience of this network - according to TNS (early 2015) there are more than 10 million Instagram users in Russia, the demographic profile is leaning towards the female audience - 77%, men are much less, only 23%. For the most part, this is a young audience, usually no older than 25-30 years old.

The maximum effect will be received by:

  • Restaurants, cafes and other local establishments.
  • Online stores of clothing and accessories.
  • Beauty industry: salons, hairdressers, etc.
  • Mobile applications and games.
  • Niche of furniture, interior and design.
  • Recreation: hotels, airlines, tourism.
  • Promotion of events and concerts.

Basically, Instagram can be a good advertising platform for any campaign, the main thing is to be able to create high-quality visual content.

What does Instagram ads look like?

Usually ads are presented in photo or video format. In the right upper corner Ads are tagged with Sponsored and can be shown to you even if you are not subscribed to the sponsor.

The person who is shown this ad can subscribe to the account of the advertised brand, like and / or be active in the comments. Below is an example of a commercial that pops up on my Instagram from time to time:

Instagram ad formats

As part of these goals, you will have 3 ad formats: images, videos, and a carousel.

  • Pictures

They are usually attractive images with a clear call to action like Install Now, Subscribe, Buy Now, Learn More.

  • Promotional videos

This ad is a 30-second video that allows you to tell about the subject of the ad, show all the benefits and attract the attention of potential buyers. Videos can be uploaded in both portrait and landscape format.

  • Carousel

In March, Instagram announced the launch of advertising carousels, in which you can present multiple images at once with the ability to scroll. You can also install a CTA button here that transfers users to yours.

How to set up an advertising campaign

Below, I want to tell you how to create your own Instagram ad and run an ad campaign using the tool Facebook Power Editor... Actually, there is no other way, it is impossible to launch advertising directly on Instagram, it's not for nothing that Facebook bought this network for $ 1 billion in 2012 😉

1. Facebook business account

First of all, you need to create. If you have more than one page of this type, then you can use the Facebook Business Manager Tool - a tool that allows you to work on multiple accounts at once.

You can link your Facebook business page to your Instagram account in your account settings. However, in order to start advertising on Instagram, this is not at all necessary.

If you went to link your Instagram profile to Facebook, you need to link it to the advertising campaign to complete it:

By the way, when you use your Facebook page to create advertisements for the FB social network, you can post those same ads on Instagram as well. If you do not have the ability to edit and create ads, then this feature will soon become available.

2. Create a campaign in Facebook Power Editor

After logging into Facebook Power Editor, select the account you want to use, from this moment you can start creating a new campaign.

As a reminder, there are three actions that can be applied to Instagram ads: site clicks, mobile app installs, and video clicks. Choose the option that best suits your needs.

Do not forget to select the "Auction" option in the "Purchase" type to buy advertisements of the required duration for your chosen target audience... Enter a name for your campaign, ad group, and new ad, and then click Create.

3. We set up the audience and determine the budget

When choosing your campaign settings, be sure to make sure you're in the "Manage Ads" section and go to the "Ad Groups" tab by clicking on the middle block in the navigation menu on the left. Check the box next to your campaign name. In our example, the name "Alt" is used. Then press the edit button located at the top center of the screen to open the settings.

Specify a budget, schedule for displaying ads, set optimization and pricing settings, advanced shipping, and the most fun - audience. Here are the individual targeting options that will allow you to determine the maximum target audience.

Most Facebook ad targeting options are also available for Instagram ads. Among them are location, demographic data, interests, habitual actions and much more. At first, you don't have to use all of the targeting options at once. We are most concerned about location, age and gender.

When you get to the Placement section, check the Instagram box. Please note that this option cannot be used in conjunction with the other options provided. You can also specify which mobile devices will display ads (iOS or Android only, or all available devices).

In the future, you can return to editing the audience groups that you created earlier, for this you need to go to the "Tools" section. Do not be lazy to experiment with demographic parameters and interests of the audience, the effectiveness of the entire campaign depends on it.

The main thing is to choose the right target audience and focus on providing quality and relevant content. Only in this way can it bear fruit.

3.1 Retargeting

In addition to attracting new customers and buyers, it is worth focusing on how to return those users who have already been on your site and have performed a certain action or, on the contrary, have not acted. The system offers a special tool for tracking visitors to your site and collecting data about them, it is called the "audience pixel" and is a code that needs to be placed in the site template.

Think carefully on which pages this code should be placed, for example, you can generate two versions of the code and, accordingly, two audience groups, place the first code on pages that are visible only after payment or confirmation of the order - then "catch up" these visitors with the help of advertising and offer additional products to achieve repeat sales. Insert the second “audience pixel” into the cart page to track those who left without completing the purchase - they can be reminded of the items from the cart and offer additional discounts.

4. Payment model

In the section "Optimization and pricing" I recommend putting "Optimize for" - Pay for impressions, and select the item "Get more clicks on best price". Then you will have the chances of getting low-rate clicks if your ad is truly engaging with your audience.

As for the average cost of traffic, give some universal prices difficult, in each case the rate is determined individually and depends on many factors. The bet can start from $ 0.01 and go up to several dollars. Personally, I got about 30 cents per transition.

5. Create an Instagram ad

The final step is to create the ad itself. In the left column, go to the "Ads" tab, select the current ad and click "Edit". Once you get to this point, you will need to select a suitable Facebook page and link it to your Instagram account. Here, you can even create a new Instagram account if needed.

Next, you will need to enter the content of your ad (up to 300 characters), and specify the URL (the page the user will go to when clicking). Select an image and CTA (call to action button). Among the available buttons are: Reserve; Contact us; Download; More details; Buy; To the store; Register; See more.

If you are looking for an ad that will bring results, be sure to take the time to create attractive illustrations. Choose pictures in a square or horizontal format, a minimum resolution of 628px on each side is recommended. It's important to motivate people to do what you need to do. Let it be posting a selfie, following a link, subscribing to a newsletter, or tagging a friend in the comments below a photo.

WITH right side there is a window with a preview, so you will always be aware of what your ad looks like. Facebook is very strict about the quality of the images it uses. For example, I had to replace the image with another one, since Instagram cannot use pictures with captions on them if they occupy more than 20% of the picture. Read in advance

Targeted Instagram ads are launched via advertising cabinet Facebook. Why is this happening? Instagram is owned by Facebook, and the latter positions itself not only as a parent company, but also as an advertising aggregator, using Instagram as a partner of its own ad network.

Instagram ad targeting is configured based on Facebook audience data. Accordingly, it is shown only to those users whose accounts are linked. The only exceptions are campaigns with settings for all users. But there are practically no fans of this method: few people want to shoot sparrows from a cannon.

We select the Traffic goal and continue setting up Instagram ads.

Step 2. Setting up an advertising campaign

Audience selection

We give the name of the campaign and click "Continue".

The first thing Facebook asks you to choose is the type of ad target.

The most common option is a website. But you also have the option to link to your app or link people to Messenger.

The first audience that Facebook suggests using is your own. In the line "Customized audience" you can pull users from your databases or based on pixel retargeting. With it, you can catch up with your website visitors with advertisements on Instagram.

Facebook also offers to reach an audience that is more or less similar to yours.

Now let's move on to setting the geography, gender and age of the audience.

In geographic targeting, you can select not only a country or city, but even a specific place on the map and broadcast ads on Instagram only to those who are nearby.

Advice: if you are targeting your own database, we recommend that you do not set “other targetings”. Their purpose-cut off all the audience uninterested in your proposal, leaving only potential clients... Meanwhile, everyone who has interacted with your site or other advertising materials,-this is already your target audience. Moreover, we recommend going from the opposite direction and setting the parameters advertising campaign based on the characteristics of subscribers and buyers.

Let's move on to more detailed targeting with audience selection based on their interests. There are many categories of interests on Facebook, so just write down the key interests of your target audience. If there are any, the system itself will pull them up. If it is difficult to formulate interests, find one or two, and then use the "Recommendations" social network... Facebook will show interests that are close to the set ones.

Interest categories are formed on the basis of behavioral targeting: who they follow, what they interact with on Facebook and beyond, which posts they like, comment on, which photos they view. Based on this, the user is assigned to one or another category of interested parties.

As for the restrictions on gender and age, this is a subjective parameter that largely depends on your business and the goals of the advertising campaign. You shouldn't exclude it. It's worth noting that the bulk of Instagram's audience is young people. But it must be borne in mind that it includes an impressive audience under 18 years old. This segment does not have its own income and is not interesting for every business. Also, each age cluster has its own characteristics, girls aged 18-22 and 30-35 behave differently on social networks. Accordingly, the advertising content for each segment needs to be different.

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Setting up ad placement (Instagram ad placement)

We proceed to setting up the site for placement. To do this, you need to select "Edit Placements" and leave only Instagram. Then choose the placement that interests you more: ads in the feed or in Stories.

Advertising in Stories has its pros and cons. It is always at the top of the screen and is highlighted, that is, more noticeable. In addition, it automatically plays when viewed. However, this is a purely visual interaction tool: you will not add details to your ad as there is not much room for text.

On the right, Facebook shows what the selected placement looks like.

Optionally, you can select the type of operating system of the devices on which you want to display Instagram ads: iOS or Android. So, if you only sell accessories for Apple, the Android audience will not be interesting. But the assumption that the owners of iOS devices are more solvent finds less and less evidence in practice, and such segmentation is often erroneous.

Display budget and schedule

When setting the budget, you can choose "Daily" or "For the entire duration". At the launch stage, we recommend starting with a small budget (the price of the issue is 100-200 rubles per campaign) and evaluate the results.

Next, we choose an optimization strategy. There are four options: Link Clicks, Landing Page Views, Impressions, and Daily Unique User Reach. It depends on the strategy to whom, how often, and under what payment scheme your Instagram ads will be shown.

Types of strategies:

  1. The "Shows" strategy will provide high frequency contact.
  2. Daily Unique User Reach will show your ad to the maximum number of unique users, but subtly, no more than once a day.
  3. Click on Link and Landing Page Views are very similar. The system will optimize your advertising campaign in such a way as to get maximum amount targeted actions at a minimum cost. In the first case, clicks are counted, in the second, loaded pages. Therefore, to optimize for landing pages, you need a link to the site in the form of a pixel.

By choosing Link Clicks, we can decide whether to pay for an impression (CPM) or for an action (CPC), in other cases, the fee is charged only for ad impressions (CPM). Recall that for example, we decided to bring users to the site using targeted advertising on Instagram. In this case, a suitable optimization method is "Click on the link" with pay per action.

You have the option to set a CPC limit (this is the upper limit on the cost you are willing to pay in the auction) or not to set a bid. In the second case, Facebook itself will charge the optimal market rate per click. The bid will change according to the auction bidding and your ad will be shown with a 100% chance of being shown. Moreover, if your ad gets a good CTR (click-through rate), the cost per click will decrease significantly in the subsequent period.

IMPORTANT! Having learned the cost of a click, bring the campaign to 100 clicks-this is the number of actions required to evaluate the effectiveness of an advertising campaign and the channel as a whole.

"Planning an advertising schedule" we can only use it when setting a budget for the entire duration. This format is convenient if you work on requests or calls, but you can only receive them at a certain time. For example, a pizzeria with delivery working until 22.00. It is clear that orders after this time are irrelevant for the institution. In this case, you can set a schedule for displaying ads daily from 10.00 to 22.00.

"Delivery type" is the display type for your ads:

  • "Standard"- the budget will be spent evenly during the selected period, which will allow you to monitor the effectiveness of the campaign, disable expensive or non-working ads.
  • "Accelerated"- Instagram ads will be shown as quickly as possible, so that the entire planned budget can be written off in a couple of minutes. Use this type only when you are absolutely sure of the effectiveness of your ad at a particular point in time. For example, when an advertised promotion lasts one day and it is important to reach all possible audience today and now.

Step 3. Create ads

The first step is to choose the ad format. The site provides various options, each of which has its own advantages. The only way to know which solution will work for you is to split test the ad parameters and keep collecting data until the best result is achieved.

Which ad format should you choose?

The most common and flexible option is Single Image. It will be easier to start with, but don't ignore others.

How to place an advertisement on Instagram officially in the feed? This question is now being puzzled by many entrepreneurs throughout Russia. This is due to the fact that more than 200 million people sit on this social network. Not only schoolchildren spend hourly time in it, but also quite solvent people. Therefore, the promotion of a post in the feed is an opportunity to tell the world about your newly opened business or increase the popularity of an existing one, find new clients and acquire useful connections.

Advantages and effectiveness of advertising in the Instagram feed

By promoting the record, you can achieve:

  • generating leads;
  • increase in conversions (targeted actions of Internet users);
  • increasing video viewing;
  • attracting traffic to the website page;
  • increasing your brand awareness;
  • increase sales.
  1. With the help of it, you can cover any target audience.
  2. If necessary, really get hold of clients from different countries.
  3. It is possible to select one or several desired goals of the RC.
  4. It has a variety of point targeting tools.
  5. Almost all goods and services can be advertised.
  6. Low cost per clicks and views.
  7. A large number of tools for conducting analytics.

How to advertise in the feed: step by step instructions?

So, let's move on directly to the question: how to make an advertisement on Instagram in the feed.

First, link your business account to your company's Facebook profile. Then select the post you want to advertise. Edit it if necessary. Write important information on the first line, and make a call to action at the end. Click on the blue "Promote" button.

Target action

Below the ad there is a Call to Action button. You need to choose a text for her. For example, visit your website or call a company. If the goal is to go to your page, copy its address from the web version. If you want Instagram users to go to the landing page, then paste the link to it.


Choose your target audience. In the settings, specify the geography, age, gender and interests. You can also entrust this action to Instagram itself.

Total budget and duration

Determine the amount you want to spend on promoting the post, as well as the duration of the ad. Check it in the settings. For example, your budget is 1000 rubles. You intend to promote the post for 10 days. In this case, every day 100 rubles will be deducted from your card, since the budget is evenly distributed for the entire duration of the promotion.


Click "Check Order" and then "Preview Promotion". Thanks to this action, you will be able to see how the post will be displayed in the feed. Then re-read the text, check it for errors, and also make sure your links are clickable. Take this step responsibly so as not to waste your budget.


Go back a little and click on the "Add new way payment ". Click "Credit or Debit Card". Then enter the card number, expiration date, and CVV.

Final stage

Click Promote. Your ad record will be sent to a moderator for review. If everything is done according to the rules developed by the creators of Instagram, then soon the recording will start showing and you will be able to see its statistics. If the results are not satisfactory, then the ad can be turned off and then removed.

How much does feed ad cost?

You set the budget for the promotion of goods and services yourself. The minimum is 20 rubles. More installed from your card will not be written off.

After setting up audience targeting, Facebook offers advertisers 2 options for post reach:

  • small for a low price;
  • big on high.

You can also suggest your own budget. The frequency of the advertising campaign will depend on which one you set.

“The cost of advertising in regional cities is much higher than in small ones. For this reason, if you are not interested in promotion, for example, in Moscow, then you should remove it in the geography settings. So, you will save a considerable part of the budget. "

"The more expensive the product, the more competitors, the higher the cost of advertising."

Why can't I advertise on Instagram?

The problem can be caused by reasons such as:

  • lack of a business account;
  • Facebook advertising debt;
  • an image of the wrong size is used;
  • description of the ad more than 300 characters;
  • video over 4 GB;
  • inability to enter the page, as it was blocked;

In addition, if you are not the admin of the Facebook page to which your Instagram business account is linked, you will not be able to advertise in the feed either.

What cannot be promoted. Short list

  • tobacco products;

  • illegal goods and services;
  • medicines;
  • unsafe food additives;
  • weapons and ammunition;
  • materials for adults;
  • broken landing pages;
  • network marketing;
  • forged documents;
  • malware;
  • Scandinavian auctions.


Is one of the most effective services for promotion own business ... You can make money on advertising products, but you need a promoted and popular profile with a "live" feed. After ordering a paid publication, the conversion and sales are growing exponentially... The payback comes immediately or over time, but the income almost always covers the costs.

  • per month - 400 million active users in the world, of which 18.5 million Russians;
  • 80 million new photos appear every day;
  • 75% of users are representatives of Europe, Asia and the CIS countries;
  • the largest share of the audience is girls aged 17-35.

Advertising on Instagram attracts new customers and allows you to build business connections with other PEs, mainly small businessmen... You can advertise your own products directly in Instagram app, on Facebook pages, in the profiles of famous bloggers. The leading large accounts have staggering earnings on Instagram from advertising, so not everyone can afford their services.

Here are some tips on how to get it right with your ads:

  • There is no place for the sale of expensive specific equipment. There are exceptions, but usually harvesters, trucks, expensive server machines, etc., are not popular among the masses.
  • If a non-standard product is offered, you will have to apply maximum creativity to attract users. Ideally, it should be interesting and attractive.
  • For a small advertising budget, it is better to stick to standard promotion methods. Getting the most out of your investment will help: using high-quality images, attractive prices for goods, providing evidence of the benefits of purchasing a service or product from the company.
  • Better to use targeted ads. Using targeting, you will be able to attract the target audience and not spend money on useless banner displays.

  1. Set the main task: promoting a name, increasing the number of sales, attracting users, increasing the number of subscribers, likes, etc.
  2. Define target audience... Targeted ads on Instagram are much more effective.
  3. NS think up and implement fresh interesting idea.
  4. Prepare your profile and site in advance for a large influx of users. Advertising a service is half the battle, since you still need to retain the audience.
  5. Create a business account on Instagram and create a Facebook profile, all manipulations are done through Facebook.
  6. Choose content format: photo, video, carousel.

Types and cost

All types and costs differ among themselves:

  • targeted ads on a blog or commerce page. It's impossible to say exactly how much different advertisers pay, as the cost fluctuates a lot depending on numerous factors. Very approximately, but you will have to pay 15-20 rubles for one click;
  • showing ads in thematic groups;
  • placement of an advertising company through the exchange.

Advertising from bloggers is inexpensive, if the account has few subscribers, such profiles can be bought very cheap (starts from 30-50 rubles), but the promoted accounts will result in a penny. How much advertising in a group costs is specified by the administrators and sometimes reaches a million rubles. In order not to search for public pages on your own and to negotiate the cost of displaying publications, you can use the exchange. It is easier to choose a suitable group on it and find out about the cost of an advertising campaign.

Before you can make money from showing paid ads, you need to have active subscribers, active account management, copyright photos, etc.

Typically, a post is set up even before you post it to your Facebook profile. Basic settings:

  • On the page " Audience»Set the display region, age of users, gender, spoken languages;
  • on the tab “ Placement types»The method of displaying ads is selected;
  • « Budget and Schedule»- this is a page where the ad display time is indicated and the optimal company budget is selected;
  • on the tab “ Media»Easy to change the type and content of your ad.

What is targeted advertising

Targeted advertising refers to the official method of advertising products, in which only users with a certain lifestyle, age, wealth, gender, place of residence, etc., fall under the target audience.

Instagram advertising exchange

There are many exchanges where advertisers and owners of platforms for displaying commercial posts upload their offers. It is easier for both parties to find each other and agree to advertise products or services. Additionally, exchanges are needed to provide a guarantee of payment for goods and fulfillment of the terms of the transaction, this helps to avoid fraud.

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V recent times promotion on social networks is gaining momentum, and companies of various directions see this great opportunities to advertise their products and services. One of the most relevant platforms today is Instagram, the number of users of which, as of mid-2016, exceeded 500 million people.

Back in 2012, Instagram was taken over by Facebook, and the price of the agreement was a tidy sum - $ 1 billion.

This site provides the opportunity to use targeted advertising, which is a different kind of ads that are shown only to a group of people united by common criteria that are determined by themselves, in other words, by the target audience.

Initially, the service could be used exclusively by representatives of big business, companies with multimillion-dollar turnover. Now, targeted advertising is available to anyone who wants to arm themselves with it. It is no longer necessary to ask different bloggers to post on their accounts.

As for the Russian-speaking audience of Instagram, it is about 10 million people. Interesting feature lies in the fact that 77% of it belongs to the female sex, men show slightly less interest in this social network - 23% of the total number of users. As for the age range, they are often young people under 30 years of age.

Instagram is a photo bank where users show their lives by posting photos and sometimes using small videos. Therefore, here you can advertise everything that can be photographed.

The best results in promotion are achieved by:

  • fast food establishments;
  • online stores and services;
  • IT industry products;
  • promotion of media personalities and artists;
  • hotels and other organizations working in the tourism sector.

This is not a complete list of areas of activity where targeted advertising will be useful and bring results.

How to place ads on Instagram

Advertisements are an image or short video... In the upper right part of the post, you can see the inscription "Sponsored". You don't have to be an advertiser brand profile to see an ad like this. The target audience is not determined by subscribers, but by age, gender, place of residence and other criteria set by the customer.

There are 3 options for how the alert will look:

  1. The image is usually bright photo that stimulates a person to buy a product, install an application. Pictures are often used to inform potential customers, especially when it comes about the new trade mark that has not yet won the trust of consumers;
  2. Video content - small commercials (no more than 30 seconds) that have a lot in common with advertisements on television or, for example, on youtube;
  3. Carousel - makes it possible to place several pictures at once, alternately replacing each other. In addition, you can set a link to the website or other resource of the advertiser.

It all starts with Facebook, then Instagram

First, a business page is created on FB through the user's personal profile. For those who have a need for several such pages, the Facebook Business Manager Tool service was developed, which makes it possible to manage several similar profiles at the same time.

After the page is created, the Instagram profile is linked to it in the settings, although this step is not necessary to place targeted ads.

However, if you did link your Instagram account, you need to link it to the campaign.

This approach offers some advantages, namely the ability to publish Facebook sponsored posts to Instagram.

Creating an Instagram campaign

Upon completion of registration with Facebook Power Editor, a profile is selected, which will be used in the future.

It is worth mentioning once again that among the targeted advertising tools, transitions to the site, installation of applications and videos are available. It is necessary to choose the most suitable option.

In the column "Purchase type" you need the item "Auction". This is necessary for setting the timing and target audience. The name and other parameters are indicated here. After filling out the form, you need to click "Create".

Check the box next to the campaign name (in the example in the photo, the campaign is called "Alt"). After that, you should select the edit item in the upper central part of the form.

Here you can configure the parameters of not only the budget, but also the target audience, based on the parameters provided by the service. The main ones are age, gender and place of residence.

In the Placement section, you need to check the "Instagram" box. It is important to note that the ability to use other items together with it is not provided. In addition, there is the possibility of choosing the operating system on which the ads will be broadcast (for example, iOS or Android).

The above settings can be changed after launching the campaign, for which you need to select "Tools".

After the work has been done, you need to use the "Load changes" button at the top of the screen. The advertising post will be reviewed by the moderators during the day.

P.S. I am attaching screenshots of my earnings in affiliate programs. And I remind you that everyone, even a beginner, can! The main thing is to do it right, which means to learn from those who are already earning, that is, from professionals.

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