How to make a drain pit from tires. How to build a cesspool from tires with your own hands. A cesspool from car tires.

Long gone are the days when country houses and dachas were significantly inferior in comfort to city apartments. All owners of private property try to arrange their lives as best as possible and create all the conditions in the house. A simple do-it-yourself tire drain pit equipped on the site is also included in this list. It becomes an ideal option when there is not enough time or money to build a more extensive sewer system.

Proponents of building a tire drainage pit call the mass advantages of such a structure:

  • Cheapness. Used rubber tires you can even get it for free at the nearest car service center, it’s easy to dig a hole yourself, and Consumables will not require large investments.
  • Rubber is not subject to corrosion, so the service life of the pit is quite long compared to a pit made of metal barrels, but still no more than 10-12 years.
  • Drain pit made of tires is very easy to install, which can be done in one or two days.
  • No special tires are needed to install a tire drain pit. complex instruments. For cutting, a simple one will be enough hand hacksaw or jigsaw.

But of course, in order to make a final and informed decision and decide to construct a tire drainage pit, you need to familiarize yourself with disadvantages of this design:

  • Even the largest tires usually have a diameter sufficient to create a sewer system for a small family of a maximum of three people.
  • Depressurization is possible, and this, in addition to additional costs, also poses a threat of contamination of the adjacent soil.
  • If the pit is not sealed tightly, an unpleasant odor may come from it.

In what cases is a tire drain pit most relevant?

Inexpensive and easy-to-install drainage pit in a private house made from tires would be a good solution for a home bath or sauna. One such pit is also enough to provide sewerage to a house where one or a couple of people live. And it is better not to use such a pit for draining liquids with large contaminants, so that the ecological balance on the site is not disturbed.

Calculate the required volume of the hole

And the easiest way is to use a ready-made formula developed a long time ago. It is estimated that one person spends about 200 liters of water per day. Organic waste is processed by bacteria within three days. To determine the volume of the drainage pit, you will also need the number of people living in the house. These three indicators must be multiplied together. The number that comes out will be the same optimal volume plum.

Where is the best place to place a drain hole?

If anyone thinks that choosing a location for a tire drainage pit does not make much sense, then he is deeply mistaken. After all, there are certain sanitary and hygienic rules and regulations that were invented for a reason.

Here are some tips to consider before planning your drain pit:

  • There must be a distance of at least 5 meters from residential buildings to the tire drainage pit. You must retreat at least 2 meters from the fence.
  • Do not place a tire drain pit near wells and boreholes. The distance should be at least 30-50 meters.
  • If you plan to pour more than a cube of liquid into the hole, then you must make a sealed bottom. This is important, because bacteria cannot process large volumes wastewater and there may be a real danger of contamination of the soil and groundwater.

How to make a drain pit from tires


Before you make a tire drain pit with your own hands, you first need to decide on the type of tires. You can pick up tires from a car, tractor or truck. The more powerful and larger the car, the heavier and larger the tires it has.

If in the area allocated for the construction of a drainage pit made from wheels, groundwater flows very high, then achieve required volume the well is possible by laying tires of the largest diameter.

Important: Groundwater must pass at least 1 meter below the bottom of the drainage pit.

When the material has been selected, you can begin digging a hole for the tires. If you decide to do it yourself, then earthworks you will need:

  • Two different shovels (for loosening and removing soil).
  • Roulette.
  • Rope and stakes for marking the boundaries of the pit.
  • A strong ladder, the size of the estimated depth of the hole.
  • Buckets on a rope.


Use one tire as a pattern - place it in the place of the future hole and outline it with a peg with an indentation of 5-10 cm. The pit should be dug along this ring.

When the required depth is reached, you need to drill a narrow hole in the bottom of the hole through the water-resistant layers, approximately 3-5 meters. Into this hole a tube is inserted that will act as additional drainage.

In the upper part of the pipe it is necessary to make many small openings for water intake and cover them and the upper cut with a polymer mesh. The mesh is needed to protect against large particles getting into the drainage. The visible part of the pipe must be at least 1 meter. The entire bottom around the pipe is filled with 10 cm of coarse crushed stone.

Tire stacking

The tires are stacked on top of each other and then fastened together with mounting clamps. To prevent the structure from leaking, the seams between the tires are additionally treated with any sealant. The top tire needs to be trimmed a little so that the inlet pipe lies more stable and the liquid drains more efficiently.

Tip: It is more convenient to fill the gaps between the tire walls and the ground as the tires are laid.

The top tire should be positioned so that it rises slightly above the soil level.

From above there is a drainage hole from car tires you need to cover it up with something. It is better if the lid is made of plastic or metal. To prevent toxic gases from accumulating in sewer pit, it is advisable to install a piece of pipe into the lid for ventilation.

Features of tire cesspools and their advantages. Selecting the location of settling tanks. Method for calculating the required volume of a structure, technology for its installation and methods of cleaning during operation.

Features of tire dumps

Due to the fact that the construction of brick and concrete sedimentation tanks requires investment, folk craftsmen came up with a way to use old tires for this purpose.

A rubber container is not suitable for collecting sewage in large volumes, but as a cesspool for summer house will do just fine.

Digging a hole for a stack of tires is easy. They are light in weight, so installation will be easy. However, the durability of such a structure does not exceed 15 years. The reason for this is the depressurization of the structure over time. If this happens, sewage enters the ground, which is unsafe for environment. A damaged structure can be repaired, but it is easier to remove the tires, clean the hole, and then reassemble the same well.

For a rubber sump, you can use tires from any car, tractor, excavator, etc. It is worth considering the load capacity of such equipment. After all, the higher it is, the larger its wheels, and therefore the diameter of the tires. This may become important when achieving the required volume of the structure due to its width, if it is not possible to deepen the well due to the high location of groundwater.

A self-made drainage pit made from tires surpasses all stone analogues with the following characteristics:

  • Ease of installation - assembling such a structure alone can take no more than 2-3 days;
  • The ability to regulate the volume of the sump with tires of any diameter, from passenger car tires to tractor slopes;
  • Availability of necessary materials - old tires can be obtained for free or bought inexpensively at a tire shop;
  • The tire well has a relatively long service life - up to 15 years.
Apart from complaints about insufficient tightness, which leads to the appearance of unpleasant odors in the area, such cesspools have very few disadvantages. In addition, they are easily dismantled and do not require preparatory work use of earthmoving equipment.

Choosing a location for a tire drain pit

Like any cesspool, a tire pit requires correct location Location on. For this purpose, there are state-legalized standards, violation of which can lead to unpleasant communication with sanitary inspection authorities or neighbors in the country.

These standards prescribe the following:

  1. The minimum distance from the cesspool to a residential building is 5 m, and to the external fence - at least 2 m.
  2. The minimum distance from the tire drainage pit to the water source is 25 m.
  3. If the volume of wastewater from residential buildings, toilets and baths is more than 1 m 3 / day, a sealed bottom should be made for the cesspool.
  4. To deliver liquid sewage from the building to the sump, metal or PVC pipes with a diameter of 110 mm should be used. When laying them, it is necessary to maintain a slope of at least 2% towards the drain.
  5. To prevent freezing of wastewater, the laying of the pipeline transporting it must be carried out below the depth winter freezing soil. If this is not possible, the sewer pipe should be insulated with moisture-resistant material.

Attention! An ideally laid waste pipe to the sump should have no bends and sharp turns. This may be prevented by tree roots or bushes that may be in the path of the highway. They should be avoided whenever possible.

Tank volume calculation

Determining the required volume of a tire cesspool is necessary for full-fledged living in the country and saving money when disposing of waste using sewer equipment.

The optimal dimensions of a well can be determined using the following criteria:

  • On average, one person consumes about 200 liters of water per day for various needs. This number was obtained by statistics; in our case, it can be considered a constant value.
  • Bacteria can process organic matter naturally in three days.
  • Number of residents of the house.
If you multiply the data from the above three points, you can find out the required volume of the technical well.

Of no small importance is the structure of the soil in which it is planned to dig a hole for a tire sedimentation tank. Depending on it, the initially planned volume of the tank can be reduced. Porous soil, that is, sandy, allows this to be done by 30%, and dense soil - no more than 10%.

Typically, the depth of the sewer sump is about 3 meters. This is optimal for the operation of vacuum cleaners. Therefore, the volume of the structure mainly varies by its width, that is, the diameter of the tires. If everything is calculated correctly, drainage from such a pit will need to be pumped out once every four months.

It should be borne in mind that an erroneous calculation of the volume of the waste tank is fraught with unpleasant consequences. Regardless of what such capacity is local sewerage, problems may arise: due to the rapid overflow of the cesspool, the need for the services of vacuum cleaners may arise more often than would be desirable. Moreover, they are paid. And if you neglect to clean the pit in a timely manner, the sewage from it will simply pollute the summer cottage.

Also, do not forget that the calculated volume of the tire drainage pit will determine its parameters: depth and cross-sectional dimensions. It is important to know that the level of wastewater in the tank should be located at least 1 m below the ground surface level.

Preparatory work

At this stage of work, you should prepare materials, measuring and working tools, make markings, dig a hole and install a drainage pipe into it. Now let's talk about everything in order.

For work you will need: tires of the same diameter, sewer and drainage pipes, bayonet shovels, drill, three-meter ladder, rope and bucket, construction tape, plumb line, twine and several pegs.

After determining the location of the hole, one tire must be placed in place and traced along the ground with the tip of a shovel. This will be the diameter of the future well. The direction of the sewer line should be marked with pegs and a cord, being careful not to point in the direction of trees or other obstacles.

After marking, you can begin to excavate the soil. It is recommended to dig a hole a little bigger size than the diameter of the tire. Then it will be more convenient to work in it. Having gone deep to the planned bottom mark, you should make a round cavity for the drainage pipe in its center with a drill. The depth of the hole should end at the level of the soil aquifer, and the diameter should correspond to the size of the pipe.

It needs to be prepared before installation. To do this, determine the length of the workpiece by measuring the depth of the drilled hole. The excess must be cut off with a grinder. Then you need to measure 1 m from the end of the pipe and make several holes in this area in the wall of the product. The top of the perforation must be covered with a polymer mesh. That's it, the drainage pipe is ready.

Now it has to be inserted into the bottom hole so that its perforated meter end is free. The mesh installed on it will prevent insoluble waste from entering the drainage pipe. The upper end of the pipe should also be equipped with a mesh. After completing this procedure, the bottom of the well must be covered with a layer of crushed stone and compacted. The thickness of this layer is 200 mm.

Installation instructions for a cesspool

After the preparation described above, you can put tires in the pit, but before that, the inner rim of each of them should be cut off. Then the liquid will flow down freely and not remain inside the tires. Can be used for cutting electric jigsaw.

When laying, it is necessary to ensure that the outermost tire on top rises slightly above the ground of the site. Tires should be secured to each other using mounting clamps.

On next stage it is necessary to install a main pipe inlet from the house. Before doing this, you will need to cut a hole of the appropriate size on the side of the tire tread. After this, the end of the pipe should be pulled into it.

When this work is completed, the internal joints of the tire column must be sealed with a moisture-resistant compound or hot bitumen, and the external voids between the tires must be filled with earth.

The covering of a self-made cesspool made from tires can be constructed from plastic cover suitable diameter. It is recommended to pour a clay mound on top of it. Thanks to it, precipitation will not penetrate into the sump, causing it to overflow.

It is advisable to equip the plastic cover with a ventilation pipe, which should rise at least 600 mm above the ground surface. It is necessary to prevent the accumulation of toxic gases inside the cesspool. After installing the ventilation, all work can be considered complete.

Subtleties of cleaning a tire drain pit

A drainage pit made from tires, like a concrete or brick one, needs to be cleaned periodically. This procedure can be performed different ways. You can scoop out the sewage by hand using a bucket and rope. This method is extremely unpleasant, dangerous and time-consuming. In addition, it requires the performer to have special equipment: protective clothing, a respirator, etc.

Another easier way is to use your own or rented fecal pump for mechanized pumping of wastewater from a pit. It is safer for workers, but, like the first method, it requires their presence.

The third method does not require the active participation of the site owner, but it is not free. These are the services of a sewage cleaning company. In addition to monetary costs, it will be necessary to ensure vehicle access to the cesspool, and this is not always possible.

Many people like the last cleaning option the most. The method involves using anaerobic bacteria to process wastewater. A special biological preparation is placed in a cesspool, and after some time, the bacteria “awakened” in a humid environment begin to actively break down organic waste, turning it into a useful, odorless fertilizer that can be used in the garden of the land.

How to make a cesspool from tires - watch the video:

Country cesspool - convenient thing. And there is nothing complicated in its construction, especially when the owner suggests how to make a drainage pit from tires. Moreover, this option is considered the cheapest.


If you are not on site centralized sewerage there is a need to prepare a cesspool with your own hands. This will completely solve the issue of drainage from the house. When using tires, bricks and barrels, such sewerage is completely free - and there is no need to pay utility fee. As it fills, you will need to contact the sewer truck to pump out the contents. This will have to be done if the hole is sealed and the liquid is not absorbed into the soil or it happens too slowly.

Types of cesspools

According to the principle of arrangement, the drainage pit is sealed and open. The open one has an uncovered earthen bottom through which the liquid goes into the soil. In this case, it is possible for sewage to enter the well, which will lead to damage and infection. drinking water. This design is suitable for a remote area where there are no drinking sources nearby.

A sealed cesspool does not have such disadvantages. It completely retains all the liquid, preventing it from seeping into the ground. With such a drain design, there will be a need to pump out the entire volume that has entered it. At open type this can be avoided for years, especially if the filling intensity does not exceed the rate of natural soil absorption.

Another classification of drains is based on the type of materials used for construction. In this capacity they use:

Depending on the availability of materials for construction and sealing the walls to prevent them from collapsing when wet, other materials can be used. Slate cesspools are a good solution.

Cesspools cannot be dug anywhere. Construction will require permits from local authorities. They can only be issued if strict construction standards are met:

  1. The distance to the nearest building is at least 5 m, and to the fence 2 m.
  2. For open design the distance to the water source is at least 30 m, and for sealed water 15 m.
  3. If the drain volume is more than 1 cubic meter. Only a sealed pit can be used.

Issued permit document will prevent problems from occurring in the future. In its absence, fines may be imposed, as well as lawsuits from neighbors who are unhappy with the soil contamination on their site. It is necessary for a specialist to examine your yard himself and determine optimal place, where the drain won't hurt anyone. Even if it is located on an alley or on the way to the garage, everything can be compensated for by installing a reliable and thick ceiling for the pit.

When designing a future drain, it is necessary to calculate the trajectory of the sewer pipes so that they have as few turns as possible. If there are knees, clogging will inevitably occur. If the hole is located far enough from the input, then it will not be possible to break through the plug with a regular cable. The ideal solution would be direct location pipes with sufficient slope. The larger it is, the less likely it is that a garbage plug will form.

Important! If the sewer pipe is not dug in enough and is close to the surface, then it is necessary to insulate it. In winter, freezing will inevitably occur, which will completely stop the operation of the system. This also applies to the pit itself. Its roof should not let the cold in.

Construction of a tire pit

The most budget-friendly and least expensive option is a drain hole made from tires with your own hands. With this choice of design, the main problem will only be the need to dig a foundation pit for it. Its diameter depends on what tire is used. If the drain is needed for a dacha, where it will be actively used only in the summer during the holiday period, then tires from passenger car. With active use, the volume will be clearly insufficient.

An ordinary DIY tire cesspool is not very productive. For large drains, you will need tires from trucks or agricultural equipment. It is also necessary to take into account that their diameter must be the same, so that after installation on top of each other you can get an even well. Tires require cutting off the side rim. This will prevent clogging between their folds. The most convenient way to do this is with a jigsaw.

Having picked up necessary materials you can dig a pit. Its diameter should be only slightly more tires. If the work is done manually, then it must be made round right away; when using an excavator, the installation task will be a little more complicated. Before making a cesspool from tires, you need to take care of purchasing cement if complete tightness is required.

To do this, the bottom is first concreted, after which the tires are laid. The solution is poured into the space between them and the earthen walls of the pit. In order for it to spread completely, it should be pushed with a wooden handle. For an unsealed structure, these precautions will not be necessary, and all that is required is to fill the voids with gravel or excavated clay.

Having brought the inlet pipe from the house, it is necessary to close the hole. And you should also make a hatch to control the filling and have access to pump out liquid. Budget option There will be a slate covering, on top of which concrete should be poured. The solution must extend beyond the outline of the pit so that the resulting roof is securely fixed.

The slate underneath will make the process of pouring concrete easier, but will be useless for adding strength. To do this, you should definitely use iron reinforcement, because it is better to be safe than to fall into a drain well.

Construction of a brick drain

cesspool made of brick - this is the most ancient option for arranging sewer walls. It can be sealed or with an open bottom. To facilitate construction, it is necessary to prepare a foundation pit with smooth walls so that the brick can be laid close to them. This will significantly speed up the work, especially if there is not enough experience in this area. A home cesspool made of bricks is placed on cement mortar. You cannot use light sand masonry, because in conditions of constant humidity, a collapse will be inevitable.

The masonry is done in half a brick in a circle. This way the corners hold each other tightly. With this method, additional modernization is possible to improve tightness. To do this, you need to plaster the walls and fill the bottom. Can be used old brick, obtained from destroyed buildings. This construction method takes the longest. A brick cesspool is one of the most reliable and if used strong solution, then its destruction will not happen soon. You just need to prepare a hole for the inlet pipe in advance, since it will be difficult to break through the wall later.

Using specialized containers

Now on the market you can find specialized packaging, which is a large barrel. It needs to be dug into the ground, which will prevent you from having to worry about strengthening the walls and sealing. A cesspool made from a barrel will cost more than the above-mentioned options. Special plastic containers for cesspools are lightweight, but at the same time large. Freight transport will be required to deliver them. Some summer cottages They are located in such a way that it is simply impossible to bring a barrel to them due to the complete lack of access.

For correct installation plastic cesspool requires compliance with certain standards. It is not enough to simply lower the barrel into the pit and cover it with earth, since with such installation a long service life cannot be guaranteed. Should be prepared at its bottom concrete screed. This will allow the barrel to distribute its weight evenly, without the risk of uneven immersion and cracking.

It should be noted that a plastic cesspool is very light and if all the liquid is pumped out, groundwater can squeeze it out of the ground. To prevent this from happening, it will need to be anchored to the screed. This is done with chains or cables. For areas where there is not much rainfall and groundwater is deep, such precautions are not necessary.

A short video about building a tire pit

After construction, each cesspool requires special care. It needs to be pumped out periodically. For an open structure this happens less frequently, but the frequency can be increased even more. To do this, you need to understand what bacteria that process organic matter are. These microorganisms decompose sewage into water and gas. As a result, the purified liquid is better absorbed compared to thick liquid. For them to work, it is necessary to limit the drainage of chemical detergents that kill microorganisms.

Now on the market you can find special biological products with a culture of these organisms. By adding them to the septic tank, you can improve the absorption of liquid into the soil. They will also be useful for sealed cesspools, since as a result of their work they remove unpleasant odors. At the same time, the contents of the drain become more liquid, so pumping out the sewer truck will be easier and faster.

It is difficult to call living comfortable without a properly functioning sewage system, which is a removal system Wastewater. City apartments are connected to it centrally, and owners of private houses and summer cottages Quite often they equip it with their own hands.

It is often most rational to use available materials for your own design. In this case, the simplest and affordable option arrangement of a septic tank is the use of old tires. Used tires can be purchased for a minimal price, which will be determined practically by the cost of delivery.

Sewerage in a private house is needed no less than in an apartment

Big advantages and small disadvantages of tire sewerage

The idea of ​​arranging a septic tank from tires has a number of undoubted advantages. Sewage well you can do it yourself, without hiring hired workers and without paying for their labor. You can easily find the tires themselves at your nearest tire shop. In this case, the presence of serious tools and mechanization equipment is not required (unlike the installation of a factory-made septic tank).

The disadvantage of this design can be considered its small capacity, which assumes the use of the sewer system by a family of no more than three people. In addition, the low tightness of a tire septic tank poses a risk of environmental pollution.

To avoid such a nuisance, it is necessary to periodically carry out preventive inspection and sealing of joints and connections. Alternative option- make a sewer system from barrels in accordance with the description
Practical use of old tires

Determining the best place for a cesspool on the site

When choosing the location of the cesspool on the site, you must maintain the required distance to the water source, own home and neighboring buildings. The best place for the construction of a waste pit is determined by the following requirements:

  • to prevent foundation erosion minimum distance the distance to the house should be from eight to ten meters;
  • from the water-bearing source, the cesspool should be located at a distance of thirty to fifty meters at sandy soil if the soil is clayey, the distance can be reduced to twenty-five meters;
  • fruit trees must be separated at a distance of at least five meters;
  • garden plants - two or more meters;
  • groundwater can be no closer than five meters to the surface;
  • the soil should not freeze too much in winter.

It should be taken into account that a cesspool should not be located too far from housing. In this case, the volume and cost of the work increases significantly, since it will be necessary to lay a long section pipeline system and equip it with inspection hatches. In addition, the risk of blockages increases. At the dacha, a septic tank is also equipped for a bathhouse.

Allowable distances cesspool placement

Choosing a sewerage design option from tires

When choosing a tire sewer design option, you should take into account the volume of wastewater released. If pumping out and removing waste seems feasible, you can install a sealed drain pit. Otherwise, you should dig a simple well and provide wastewater filtration in it. Of course, this option should suit the local administration in terms of its environmental characteristics. A more complex and practical design of a filter system with a settling tank made from car tires is also possible.

The simplest drain hole

The simplest and least expensive financially The method of installing a septic tank with your own hands is to install a sealed drainage pit. In this case, you need to dig a hole, seal its bottom and lay the tires, ensuring that their connections are impenetrable to wastewater.

Diagram of a tire cesspool

The result is a waste storage tank, the capacity of which directly depends on the diameter of the wheels and the depth of the pit. The drainage from the sealed drainage pit must be pumped out regularly, otherwise it will overflow. Simplicity of design and lack of soil contamination are its main advantages.

Well with filtration

The operating principle of a simple well with filtration is not particularly complicated. Solid insoluble fractions of wastewater entering it do not penetrate into the ground and are deposited on a layer of gravel or crushed stone.

Construction of a septic tank with filtration from tires

Liquid fractions of wastewater are filtered in the drainage layer and go into the ground. The disadvantage of this option is the formation of silt sediment at the bottom of the well. Over time, it makes it difficult for liquid to pass into the drainage, and then complete cleaning of the pit and replacement of the gravel or crushed stone backfill is required.

Tire septic tank with drainage pipe

The presence of a drainage pipe does not increase the functionality of a tire septic tank. Holes are drilled in the pipe and it is placed in the center of the well, descending below its bottom.

Diagram of a septic tank made from tires drainage pipe

The purpose of this structural element is to drain filtered wastewater into the ground, bypassing the bottom of the well clogged with silt deposits. In practice, it turns out that the pipe gets clogged with them quite quickly, in any case, they don’t work effectively for too long.

Construction made from car tires with a filter system

Settlement device from car tires with a filter system is somewhat more complex, but this modification is more different for a long time services. In this case, two containers are used, one of which is intended for settling fecal water, and the other for filtering it before entering the soil. Working diagram next:

  • solid large fractions of wastewater, entering the sump, settle at its bottom;
  • liquid fractions flow through the overflow pipe into the filter container;
  • After cleaning in the drainage layer, the liquid goes into the soil, leaving light fractions of contaminants at the bottom of the well.

Tire septic tank with settling tank and filtration

Similar system is the most environmentally friendly and economically beneficial. The container of this design fills much more slowly, so pumping out waste products can be done much less frequently, only when it is overfilled.

How to make a septic tank with a sump and a filter well with your own hands

You can make a septic tank with a storage tank and a filter well with your own hands. You need to stock up on sewer pipes and tires, for example, from the Kirovets tractor. Please note that it is quite difficult to move tires of larger diameter on your own. In addition, you will need tools in accordance with the illustration.

Sewer polypropylene pipes can be cut with a sharp knife. It is better to seal butt joints and pipe entry points with a bitumen compound; its structure is most compatible with the material from which car tires are made.

We will calculate the volume of the septic tank, the required number of tires and other materials

The volume of the septic tank is determined by the diameter of the tires used in its manufacture and the depth of the shaft. Usually it is about three meters. Dividing this value by the width of the tire tread, we get the number of tires required for work. Seven tires from a Kirovets tractor and two from a Kamaz truck are usually enough.

Big tire is a big cesspool

Depending on the distance of the septic tank from the house, the number of sewer pipes needed for its arrangement is determined. Dividing the distance to housing by maximum length pipe, which is three meters, we get the desired figure. Another pipe will be required between the containers; in addition, it is necessary to provide a supply of material in case it is damaged during the work.

To install a drainage layer, up to two tons of crushed stone or gravel will be required. It is more convenient to backfill a pit with tires with sand. The tires are fastened together with clamps or binding wire. Connecting two tires requires about five clamps or two meters of wire. To perform waterproofing you will need a roll of roofing material and a sheet of rubber with an area of ​​approximately one square meter according to tire size.

We dig a trench from the house to the sump

When digging a trench, it is necessary to provide the correct slope of the sewer pipes for the smooth removal of wastewater under the influence of gravitational forces. Read about this in the article There should be no significant protrusions or irregularities on the bottom and walls; they are carefully leveled and compacted.

Sewer line from house to cesspool

The width of the trench is selected so that it does not interfere with the joining and laying of the pipeline system. A shock-absorbing cushion is installed at the bottom, which is a layer of sand; in addition, it allows you to maintain the correct angle of inclination of the sewer pipes.

The biggest job is preparing the pit

The most labor-intensive part of the work is preparing the pit for treatment plant. Once you reach a depth of about one and a half meters, it becomes difficult to throw the soil out of the hole, so you should use a bucket on a rope to excavate the soil. Upper fertile layer soil can be poured into the garden.

You should not dig deeper than three meters, as problems may arise in the future when pumping wastewater from such a well.

The dug shaft should be cleared of tree roots using an ax. As they grow, they can damage the structural elements of the septic tank. The lower part of the pit is carefully leveled to ensure a good fit of the waterproofing rubber layer to the bottom tire.
Pit pits for settling tank and filter well

The bottom of the filter well is further deepened to the thickness of the drainage layer, which is 60-100 cm in accordance with the dimensions of the lower tire. It also needs to be leveled, since the surface will be covered with crushed stone or gravel with sand.

The work area must be fenced to prevent accidents, especially if children live in the house.

We put tires in a settling tank and a filter well

Before putting the tires in place, it is better to cut out about one-third of the inside of the sidewall. This will significantly increase inner diameter well and will make it easier to clean in the future. This is especially important for the sump, which will definitely have to be cleaned.

IN storage capacity The first tire is placed on the bottom covered with a sheet of rubber or roofing felt. All joints are thoroughly coated with bitumen. The second tire is connected to the first with clamps or binding wire. The joints are also sealed with bitumen. Subsequent tires are laid in a similar way; a hole is cut in one of them for the entrance of the sewer drain pipe extended from the house.

The filter well is ready

In the filter well, crushed stone drainage is first filled in, and then the first tire is laid. Each subsequent tire is fastened to the previous one with clamps or binding wire, the joints of the joints are coated with resin. Then it executes backfilling. The soil around the tires is compacted and compacted. It is more convenient to backfill with sand, as it will not shrink.

We carry out sewerage from the house to the septic tank

When carrying out sewerage, it is necessary to maintain the recommended building codes and rules of inclination angle drain pipes. It should be understood that waste removal occurs under the influence of gravitational forces and if the angle of inclination is too small, large fractions will get stuck and create a blockage in the pipe. The same will happen if the angle of inclination is too large, in which case the fast flow of wastewater will throw large fragments towards the inner walls, and they will clog the drain.

We install an overflow pipe from the septic tank into the sump

To install an overflow pipe connecting both containers, holes of the appropriate cross-section are cut in the tires using a grinder. The overflow pipe should be located below the level of the wastewater disposal pipe leaving the house.

The sewer pipe is placed in a sump

In addition, the height of the holes is selected so that the pipe has a slight slope towards the filter well. The joint is sealed with roofing felt patches coated with bitumen resin.

We install covers and provide ventilation

Covers must be installed on the filter well and septic tank. If you want to make them attractive, read the article. To prevent the occurrence unpleasant odor a ventilation device is provided. It is most convenient to place its pipe in the lid of the filter well or on the transition pipe between two containers.

Interesting ideas for constructing a cesspool lid and ventilation

The section of pipeline running from the exit of the house to the septic tank is also suitable for arranging ventilation. You can read about the rules for arranging ventilation in the article

Many country houses do not have a connection to the central sewer system, for this reason, owners of houses and country buildings equip themselves, but not everyone has the financial opportunity to purchase ready septic tank or treatment plant, the equipment is expensive.

A DIY tire drain pit is not a bad option for waste disposal.


  • Simple and easy installation which anyone can do.
  • Construction cost is very low
  • Suitable for all tires with a diameter of one meter or more

Disadvantages of a tire septic tank

  • Service life maximum 15 years
  • Possible seal failure
  • After a certain time, a sewer smell appears
  • It is quite difficult to repair a pit or disassemble it. In the overwhelming majority, at the end of its service life, it is simply abandoned and a new pit is built.
  • Design features greatly complicate the pumping process.

Tire cesspool options

Attention. At high level If groundwater occurs, you should choose another disposal option; a tire pit will not pay off.

It’s also worth paying attention Special attention due to the fact that the volume of the structure is designed for 1-2 permanent residents.

Cesspool made from car tires perfect option for a summer residence or not big house with temporary or seasonal residence.

How to choose a place for a pit

  1. Taking into account the possibility of seal failure, the waste storage tank is installed at least 30 meters from the water source.
  2. It is necessary to have free access for maintenance equipment.
  3. 2 meters from the fence.
  4. From residential building minimum 5 meters, maximum 10 meters.

How to make a drain pit from tires with your own hands

Before you begin, you should prepare the material and tools:


At the selected location, a pit is dug, with a diameter larger than the tires by 10-15 cm, and a depth in accordance with the number of products plus an embankment of a natural filter. The last (top) tire should be slightly above the soil level.

The bottom is leveled and a shaft is made in the center using a drill, which must cross the aquifer.

When the pit is ready, a trench is dug under sewer pipes. The main thing is to maintain a slope when laying to ensure gravity flow.

A perforated pipe is inserted into the shaft. A meter of free pipe is left. This section is wrapped with fine mesh along with the hole, which will serve as a filter and help avoid rapid clogging perforation.

Coarse crushed stone is poured onto the bottom in a layer 30 cm thick.

A sand cushion should be created in the pipeline trench.

Tire preparation

The cesspool is ready.

To build a pit, you can use tires from a tractor, truck or car.

The choice of size depends on the required pit volume.


The tire drainage pit has a drainage bottom, for this reason it is better to keep an eye on the drainage. The presence of chemicals, medications, and chlorine in them is not acceptable. Preferably no feces. Gray wastewater will allow the well to last a long time and not cause damage to the environment.