How to make a beautiful garden swing with your own hands? Do-it-yourself garden swing (45 photos): choosing a location on the site, material and type of construction Base for the swing

Remember the childhood sensations of swings? This is not only pleasant, but also useful - monotonous rocking trains the vestibular apparatus, and also calms you down. nervous system. The second property is very useful nowadays. Such a pleasant treatment - relaxation after a busy day. Moreover, anyone with “straight” arms can make a swing with their own hands. There are, of course, complex models, but there are many more simple ones.

About designs

Like most outbuildings, swings are most often made of wood. The posts and crossbar are made from timber, logs, the seats are made from planks and even from parts of home furniture.

A little about the designs. There are three main types of hanging swings, or as they are also called - boat swing, sofa, bench, etc. The main difference is in type supporting structure: there are A-shaped and U-shaped. You can see an example with racks folded into a triangular structure above, and in the photo below an example with a U-shaped rack. This is more likely with a hanging bench and it is built according to the same type, only taking into account swinging loads.

There is a third type - this is a complex structure that requires certain skills - it is based on hinged joints and they swing from the feet resting on the floor. We will immediately provide photos and diagrams for those interested (you can expand it to full screen if you click on the arrows in the right top corner Pictures).

We make a swing with our own hands from wood

Most often, they make their own design in the shape of the letter “A”. It is simpler and requires less material consumption. Let's look at the components and fastenings in more detail, talk about materials, protection against destruction and stability.


Let's talk about what to make a wooden swing from. The choice of lumber cross-section depends on the planned load. If it is assumed that one adult will sit, the posts and the top crossbar are at a minimum - 50 * 70 mm. If a larger number of “seats” are expected - two or three, then the cross-section of the beam is at least 100 * 100 mm, preferably 100 * 150 mm. It has been experimentally established that such a design, when using 100*100 timber, can normally withstand a total load of about 200 kg. If you need more, take a larger section, or place logs))

About what the bench/sofa is made of. The frame will use a 70*40 mm block, the backrest height will be at least 600 mm, and the seat depth will be at least 480 mm. You can experiment with the depth of the seat and the angle of the backrest: there are options for a “lying” position. Accordingly, the length of the sofa and the dimensions of the structure change greatly due to this. For fastening, use 200 nails or studs of at least 10 mm in diameter.

How to position the racks

A diagram with dimensions and a list of required materials is shown in the photo below. To be honest, few people make them from such materials as indicated in the specifications. More often they install beams.

There are varieties of this design: with or without a lower frame. If the swing is installed on a rigid platform and the fastenings are made rigid, on studs, without the possibility of play, then such a structure will stand without problems. If in doubt, you can make a timber screed along the bottom, nail it to the covering with pins, or drive the staples into the ground.

A crossbar has been added here, there is nothing to move apart. The most simple design, but the “legs” can move apart

For those who are afraid of lateral loads - the design in this axis is not the most reliable - you can suggest installing the racks with a slope. The area will be large, but the stability will be high.

If installation in the ground is intended, parts of the racks that will be buried must be treated with bio-protection. A cheap option is to place it in a vessel with used oil for several hours. Dry, then bury. They bury it to a depth of at least 50 cm, pour a little crushed stone on the bottom, set up racks and concrete it. If you are afraid that this is not enough, attach several strips of metal crosswise at the bottom. You'll have to dig a hole bigger size, but the retention area will be larger.

Methods of fastening the crossbar

In all swings of this type - with the bars of the posts sawed at the top - the problem is the attachment point of the crossbar, to which the bench is then attached. In the photo above it is solved reliably, although not entirely aesthetically pleasing. The trouble is that aesthetic methods are difficult to implement. And, if you're not selling, it's quicker to make something inelegant but reliable. So, in order to secure the crossbar, an overhead beam is attached below the intersection, pulled to the posts with pins. The cross member rests on it, which is held against lateral shifts by uprights and fasteners - nails and studs.

Another way to install the cross member is to mount side racks in the form of the letter "X". With this option, the supporting beam fits perfectly. It is additionally secured with nails, and the posts are tightened with studs. See the next photo for this option.

Everything is fine, but the length of the sofa is not enough...

Using the same principle, a swing is assembled with your own hands from logs: the sides are fastened crosswise, and a support log is laid on top. If timber is sometimes assembled with nails, then in the case of logs, pins are mainly used.

For those who are familiar with carpentry, there are other options: half-wood. Such a project is in the photo gallery below with close-up some key nodes.

How the racks are fastened together - view from the inside

Photo gallery of homemade swings on chains

And a few photos of different swings made on the basis of an A-shaped structure.

Made from thin logs under a reed roof - looks great Chic option— 3-seater, or maybe more, swing Another option in which all the “finishing touches” have been added - stands in the form of the letter “X” and on a slope One of the modifications is more difficult to manufacture This is a whole swing Right away and stairs...

Attaching the swing to the crossbar

The mounting for the swing also requires clarification, that is, it is not obvious to everyone how to hang a bench-sofa on the crossbar. First, the crossbar is drilled from bottom to top through. A bolt is passed through the hole, to which a ring nut is attached. One or two wide washers are placed under the nut head so that it does not press down under the weight.

It turns out that the ring nut is located at the bottom. You can attach a carabiner to it, throw a rope or cable, etc. Just pay attention that the carabiner should hang normally and freely on the ring-nut. And two chain links should fit freely in the carabiner. Therefore, it is advisable to buy everything together in one store: you can try on the entire knot at once.

By the way, in the rigging store you can come across other devices that can be adapted to attach chains or ropes from the swing seat. For example, such as in the photo below.

They are designed to lift a load of 0.5 tons, so there is no point in using them for children, but for swings for adults it is fine.

This type of fastening has a significant disadvantage - a creaking sound is heard when rocking. You can get rid of it temporarily by lubricating the unit, but this operation will have to be repeated periodically. The solution is to make a unit on bearings, but you can’t do without welding.

DIY metal swing

Their design is exactly the same. The material is different, and the method of fastening it is different. This is welding. For those who are familiar with it, it will not be difficult to cook something similar. And for inspiration, a photo report.

Below is a drawing of this swing with dimensions. Some clarification is required. In the figure there is a pipe welded around the perimeter (this plane is shaded). It is buried and therefore not visible in the photo. It was made in order to increase stability: friends have considerable masses. For the same reason, metal plates are welded onto the ends of the racks. The installation was complicated, but the swing is firmly in place.

It took 22 meters to make profile pipe 50*50 mm, for a seat 25*25 mm - 10 mm, boards 2000*120*18 - 7 pieces and the rest - fasteners, paint, anti-rust.

There is another way to attach the swing to the crossbar. He's in the photo.

A way to attach a metal swing to a crossbar

A swing made from a profile pipe has an original shape - the posts are not linear, but curved. If it is possible to do something like this with wood, it can only be done by a master.

Baby swing

For children, you can make the same design, but smaller in size.

There are several other models for , as well as . Here are the first ones - a swing-scale or a balance beam.

Swing for children - balancer or scales

Everything is clear, questions may only arise regarding the fastening unit. Below is a drawing with dimensions. To decorate the upper part, steel plates are fixed inside. To make them swing, a hole is drilled into which a pin is threaded. You can improve the “rolling” by inserting bearings.

You can quickly and easily make a swing-nest from a tire (car tire). Bolts with eye nuts, but of a smaller diameter (don’t forget about the washers), are installed into it at the four corners; ropes or chains are attached to them, and you can even throw them on the appropriate branch on a tree, or hang them on a horizontal bar.

Modern children prefer TVs, computers and fashionable gadgets to healthy walks and games. And to make them fun on fresh air more interesting and exciting, you can create for them with your own hands various crafts for the playground. One of the simplest options for decorating a play corner is to create a swing from old tires. This is simple, economical, and makes it possible to give a second life to worn-out car tires. But before we decorate the site with crafts, we build a sandbox according to the diagram.

Tire swing for children's playground

In order to make a high-quality and durable swing from a tire, you need to carefully select the material. Products from foreign manufacturers are well suited for this, since domestic tires are too hard and difficult to cut and bend. Experts also note that winter tires more pliable than the summer one, so to create unusual shapes it is better to take just this one.

To make it comfortable to ride on a swing, the diameter of the tire must be large, but too huge products from tractors will not be suitable - even the strongest branch will not support their weight. In this matter you will have to rely on common sense and my own sense of proportion. You can also check out this important point like decorating a playground.

Rubber swing option for children

And, of course, the rubber itself must be strong and durable, because children will ride in it, whose safety comes first.

Preparing rubber

Before creating crafts for the playground, you must carefully prepare the selected tire. To do this, it needs to be checked for damage so that it can accurately support the weight of an adult.

Next, it needs to be thoroughly washed to remove dirt, because children will sit on the finished swing, and the cleaner it is, the better. For washing, regular dishwashing detergents are used, but ideally you should use WD40 liquid, which displaces dirt and water from the pores of the material. Tires are cleaned from the outside and inside, after which the remaining detergents are washed off with water.

To prevent rainwater from accumulating inside the finished product, drainage holes must be made at the bottom of the tire.

Choosing a base for a swing and fastening

Often, a tire swing is hung on a branch in the garden. For the safety of the child, the tree and branch should be selected especially carefully. The tree itself must be mature, but not old, without visible flaws or lesions, and of sufficient height. The branch should ideally be located at a height of 2.5-3 meters above the ground; there should be no other branches under it that interfere with the movement of the rope. In principle, the swinging range of the swing itself depends on the height of the attachment, so for young children it makes sense to attach the rope to lower branches, and as they grow older, use their taller counterparts.

Selecting all the necessary tools for making a hanging swing

The thickness of the base should be at least 25 centimeters; it is better to choose a branch on which there is a flat area about a meter from the trunk, limited on the sides by other branches - if you fasten the rope in this place, the rope will not be able to slide to the sides. A distance of 1 meter from the trunk allows you not to worry about the child hitting it while swinging, but you can’t hook the fastenings close to the edge of the branch - this could cause it to break off.

A rope is quite suitable for securing a craft made from a tire, because rubber is not very heavy. But it must be strong, durable and wear-resistant; special climbing grades are suitable. To extend the life of the rope, it is recommended to cover the rope with covers in places that are most often exposed to impact - around the branch, near the attachment to the tire, in areas where children handle it, this will reduce the rate of destruction of the fibers. In any case, ropes used in an outdoor playground require replacement every 2-3 years.

The rope is thrown over a branch in a chosen place, tied with a sailor's knot, and the ends are later tied to the product itself. At the end of the work, the excess ends are cut off so as not to interfere with children. If desired, you can also use chains; they are more durable, but are more damaging to the tree.

Video of making a simple swing from wheels

Making various types of tire swings

Let's look at the manufacturing process various types swing made from car wheels:

Vertical swing

The easiest way to make a place for kids to play with your own hands is to hang a tire vertically, as in the photo. To do this you need:

  • choose a strong, durable tire of medium diameter;
  • on one side, screw in the eye bolts with your own hands - self-tapping screws with hooks on the head;
  • tie the ends of a rope pre-tied to the branch to them; chains can also be used, they need to be secured with carabiners;
  • install the tire on required height, it depends on the height of the child, on average there should be about 40 centimeters between the bottom edge and the ground, so the baby can independently climb onto the structure and jump off it safely;
  • Drill drainage holes in the bottom of the wheel so that any water that gets inside is immediately poured out;
  • test the swing for strength;
  • if necessary, level the soil of the playground under the structure.

Rocking chair manufacturing process

Horizontal swing

From a strong small tire you can make a simple comfortable rocking seat. For this:

  1. Select and wash a suitable tire.
  2. Using eye bolts, make fastenings for a chain or rope on the flat side; if desired, you can make four or three supports, in the first case, under two bolts, the wheels are screwed in on both sides at equal distances, in the second - with angles of 120 degrees equilateral triangle. The mounting locations must be carefully calculated, otherwise the finished swing will constantly warp.
  3. Attach ropes or chains to the base.
  4. Connect them to the hooks on the wheel, hanging it parallel to the floor.

Not only children, but also adults will enjoy riding in such a simple “chair”, made with your own hands. If you want to choose something unusual for your dacha, then we offer you an original do-it-yourself swing.


More complex design, which will decorate the playground. Moreover, if you have a sharp shoe knife, making it yourself is a matter of a couple of hours. In addition to this option, we make a hanging chair from other available materials. You will need:

  • cut off the top edge of the tire with a knife, leaving the rim intact;
  • Attach brackets for fastening ropes or chains on top of the resulting “handles” using bolts with your own hands;
  • secure the ropes to the brackets with strong sea knots, trim the remaining ends;
  • check the seat for strength.

Tire chair for playground

Such a cradle will be especially comfortable for very young children; while playing on the playground, you won’t have to worry about their safety. An example of the product is shown in the photo. If you don’t have a tire on hand, you can make a garden swing from other materials.


It can be an excellent attribute not only for a playground, but also for any recreation area. original chair from tires, as in the photo. To make it you need:

  • cut off one rim from the tire;
  • make a cut along the perimeter of the second to half the circle;
  • turn the rubber inside out;
  • place the cut edge of the side panel behind the rim - this will be the back of the chair, the curved opposite edge turns into a comfortable seat;
  • the bend point is fixed with bolts;
  • eye bolts are screwed into the “armrests” of the chair, and chains or rope are attached to them;
  • the entire structure is fixed to the base.

Rocking chair

From tires you can make not only a hanging swing, but also a ground rocking chair with your own hands. For this:

  • you need to cut the tire in half, getting two halves of a circle;

Rocking chair made from scrap materials

  • Screw a sanded board to one half from the cut side with self-tapping screws;
  • make two holes on both sides of the board, thread a piece of thick rope into them - these are the handles that children will hold on to while skating;
  • paint the product in bright colors.

Original crafts from tires

If you have imagination and free time, you can make it yourself original designs for children in the form of fairy-tale characters, a bicycle, a horse, a motorcycle. To do this, according to drawings obtained on the Internet, rubber is cut into a certain form, individual elements are fastened with bolts. The rubber must be cut with a shoe knife in the direction “up and towards you” to obtain even cuts; depending on the type of structure, the length and width of the cut strips and the angle of the cuts vary, but the rims must be left intact - this is a guarantee of the safety of children. The result is a fantastic swing - an ideal decoration for any playground. Examples of such products are shown in the photo below.

You should not mistakenly believe that swings in the country are made exclusively for children’s fun. In addition to swings designed for the weight of a child, there are plenty of interesting options, which will become an excellent element of landscape design and a place of relaxation.

What to make a swing from?

Traditionally, swings are made of wood, metal, and a combination of these materials. However, the swing seat can be made of plastic, metal pipes, beams, strong rope, an old chair or a chair without legs. Tires and other waste materials are often used.

The main thing is that it is comfortable and safe to sit on the swing, and that the stands can withstand the loads placed on it.

Often country swing equipped with canopies made of fabric, polycarbonate, wood, roofing materials. This “roof” protects from bright sunlight; you can sit on the swing without the risk of burns.

What types of swings are there?

Soft swing chair

Before building a swing, you should think about its purpose (for children or adults to ride), location (excessively large models are inappropriate in small areas), seasonality (not in all dachas it is appropriate to leave swings under the winter). open air). It is also important to choose a model that fits well into the overall picture of the country landscape.

The swing can be mobile (collapsible) or stationary.

In turn, mobile swings can be suspended or equipped with a prefabricated frame that is installed on the ground.

Do you want to make a children's swing at the dacha for a child?

Children's swing is great idea, how to entertain a child at the dacha, and the portal website also offers you information on. If you already have a sandbox, then read the article about building a playground with your own hands -.

You can make your own swing-balancer, swing-hammock, swing-sofa. Special attention deserve designs that are far from the classical representation of a swing design. Unusual swings can be:

And just recently, swings for disabled children appeared. The design with a platform for a wheelchair allows you to ride even for those who, unfortunately, cannot move independently.

Prices for garden swings

Garden swing

Making a hanging swing with your own hands

There is no frame provided for such swings. We will only make a seat, which we will later attach to the ceiling beams or thick branches.

Have you decided on the design of your swing?

Option 1. The simplest swing is old tire tied with a rope and suspended from a tree. You can also use a chain and secure it with a screw and nut.

Option 2. Place the tire horizontally. We cut 3 or 4 holes, insert metal hooks into them, which we secure with washers and nuts. We thread ropes or chains into the loops of the hooks.

Option 3. This is the most difficult option, which will require mastery of an angle grinder. The tire should be cut according to a certain pattern, bent and secured with long pins so that the resemblance of an animal or bird is obtained. One of the methods for making a country swing can be found below.

Swing made from boards (cut logs, wooden lattice etc.) and ropes – classic. It is enough to make 4 holes in the corners of a wide board and thread the ropes.

You can use an old board instead high chair, sawing off the legs and tying it with ropes.

A metal (steel or aluminum) hoop must be equipped with rope weaving so that a cobweb-seat is formed in the center. It is advisable to wrap the edges of the hoop with foam rubber and sheathe thick fabric. And to hang the swing, you will need several strong ropes, metal rings or other fasteners, which must be secured at least at four points around the circumference.

As one of the options, you can consider a swing-hoop, inside of which a metal basin is inserted. The edges of the pelvis should hold firmly to the hoop. Subsequently, the structure can be easily disassembled and re-qualified as a flower garden.

To make such a swing you will need two wide metal triangles, rivets and the material itself - tarpaulin. We fold it in several layers, stitch it around the perimeter, insert triangles and fasten it with rivets. All that remains is to hang the swing on a branch or beam.

To assemble a wooden swing on stands, prepare the following:

We use galvanized bolts as fasteners for such swings. We refrain from using simple screws and nails.

For additional protection material from damage and preservation natural look we use glaze. Pre-coat everything with it wooden elements designs.

The finished swing is hung on a strong branch or fixed on racks with a cross beam laid on top of them. Use a wooden beam to assemble the support structure.

Bottom ends wooden racks treated with bitumen. To fix the racks, it is enough to dig a couple of holes about 1 m deep, install the racks in them, fill 20-30 cm of the height of the hole with a mixture of sand and crushed stone, and then pour concrete.

You can do it separately if you wish. concrete pillars and attach a wooden beam to them with anchor bolts. Do what is most convenient for you. When using the second method, be sure to lay moisture-proofing material between the metal and wood. To give the frame greater stability, we support the racks with braces.

Options for attaching a seat for a swing

We make the swing itself in accordance with the following step-by-step instructions.

First step. We make supporting arcs-sticks. To do this, we use boards 22 mm thick (preferably pine) and plywood 12 mm thick. In accordance with the diagram, we draw a template and cut out 6 clubs.

Second step. Using plywood blanks, we outline the outlines of the core. The layer in the middle is made of glued board. In the outer layers of the outer sticks we create cutouts for the ends of the rope.

Third step. We fasten the parts of the support using waterproof glue. We tighten the support with clamps. We remove them only after completely dry glue.

Fourth step. We process the edges of the supports with a sander, giving them a rounded shape.

Fifth step. We cut out round pieces for the rope holders from a pine board. This is easiest to do using the appropriate drill attachment.

Sixth step. We treat the supports and finished rounds with a primer or weather-resistant paint.

Seventh step. We screw metal rope holders into the supports through roundels, and then cover the wooden elements

Eighth step. Let's move on to creating a seat for a homemade wooden swing. First of all, we align the picket fence.

Ninth step. Next, drill holes for screws in each plank. To make the holes as carefully as possible, we put a corner on the edges of the picket fence (can be made from plywood) according to the size of the planks with pre-made holes in the right places.

Tenth step. Screw the pickets to the supports. To ensure an even step, we place planks between the slats.

Eleventh step. We fix the armrests to the supports. We also make them from picket fences. We screw the metal bolts into the end of the planks. We place a wooden round between the support and the armrest.

Twelfth step. We thread the rope through the holes of the holders fixed in the swing support. We tie the rope into a sea knot, then we wrap wire, strong thread or cord around it.

Thirteenth step. Cut off the free edge of the rope using a knife.

Fourteenth step. We pass the rope through the oval hole in the armrests. We rest the armrest itself on blocks mounted on a pair of half-rings secured with bolts.

Fifteenth step. We wrap the rope around the cable thimble and tie it with a rope.

Finally, all that remains is to hang the ring from an alpine carabiner, fixed to the crossbar of a support or a thick tree branch. Your swing is ready!

Metal swings are also easy to make with your own hands.

First step. We cut blanks from pipes. You need to make 2 two-meter side posts, a 1.5-2-meter crossbar, and also 4 pipes of arbitrary size for the base (2 pipes will go on each side).

Second step. We clean the pipes from burrs using metal sandpaper or a file.

Third step. blanks for the base at right angles.

Fourth step. We weld the rack to the finished base, and then weld the crossbar to the racks.

How to install a crossbar on a metal swing

Fifth step. Let's get started earthworks. You need to dig 4 holes with a depth of 80 cm.

Sixth step. We insert metal beams into the finished pits that are slightly longer than the depth of the pits.

Seventh step. Filling the recesses with beams concrete mortar. You can make your own concrete from one part cement, one part crushed stone and two parts sand. Add water to the dry mixture and mix thoroughly until a homogeneous mass is obtained.

Eighth step. We leave the concrete to gain strength for about a week.

Ninth step. We weld the hooks to the crossbar. Anchors can be used to make hooks.

Tenth step. We weld the frame of the swing to the metal beams.

Eleventh step. We attach the seat.

That's it for homemade metal swing ready. You can test it and put it into permanent use.

Video - Do-it-yourself swing for a summer house

Video - DIY baby swing

Always used the swing in great demand. Yes, this is understandable, because children and adults love to ride them. In the article we will tell you how to make them correctly at the dacha, we will consider various materials(metal, wood), and also demonstrate photo and video instructions.

Today there are many design variations of these structures. We'll break them down into 3 categories:

  • Children's. This group includes chair-type swings with pendants and peculiar boats. The frame is always made in accordance with the safety scheme. For very young children, seat belts must be provided.
  • Family. Most often they are massive bench-type structures with a large backrest. Such structures can accommodate the whole family at once. They are secured to a U-shaped frame using cables or strong chains. If there is a roof over them, you can swing even when it rains.
  • Mobile - easy and quick to carry, as well as install in convenient location, for example, on a veranda, in a gazebo or in a house.


  1. The hammock type of structure is hung on a crossbar, for example, on a tree. This design allows you to float above the ground. They will appeal to people who are keen on reading books. They can withstand weight up to 200 kg.
  2. Hanging is a seat with several ropes attached to the sides. Today they are made light, comfortable and durable. The sizes and shapes of such structures are different.
  3. Singles are all variations that do not require additional crossbars. Such structures can be quickly installed anywhere. They are made from a wide variety of materials.
  4. The swing chairs can accommodate two adults and one child. They can even be placed in a room, because they have only one point on which they are attached. They are made from a special metal alloy. Externally, the sun loungers are airy, but in fact they are quite durable.

To make metal structures, you need to prepare the following set of tools and materials:

  1. Welding machine with electrodes.
  2. Container for mixing the solution.
  3. File/sandpaper for metal.
  4. Ingredients for mixing the solution: water, cement, crushed stone, sand.
  5. Grinder for cutting metal elements.
  6. Fasteners: bolts and nuts.
  7. Wrenches for tightening bolts.
  8. Metal pipes.
  9. Shovel.

First, cut the pipes:

  • Side posts 2 m long – 2 pcs.
  • Crossbar 1.5–2 m long – 1 pc.
  • For the base, 2 pipes on each side (length is arbitrary).

After cutting the pipes, remove any burrs from them. This can be done with a metal sandpaper/file. The pipes forming the base of such a structure must be welded at an angle of 45º, as shown in the diagram. Then weld the crossbar at right angles to the posts.

Dig 2 trenches with a depth of 80 cm and a width corresponding to the resulting tripod in our case. The distance between them should correspond to the width of the crossbar. Supports (tripods) will be inserted into these trenches. Before as support pillars will be laid in trenches, do sand cushion 10–20 cm, compact the sand. Install tripods and fill them with concrete. It must be done based on the proportion 1:2:1 - cement - sand - crushed stone. Add water to this mixture. You should get a homogeneous, not too liquid mass.

The concrete should cure for a week.

Afterwards, you can weld hooks to the crossbar, to which the seat will be secured on cables/metal beams. Weld the seat to the metal beams and secure the seat. The finished structure can be painted.

Let's consider technological sequence manufacturing wooden structure, on which several children can sit. Sizes can be reduced/increased if necessary. As source material pine, spruce or birch wood can be used. So, you will need:

  • boards with a section of 100×25 mm, a length of 2.5 m - 15 pcs.;
  • board with a section of 150×50 mm, length 2 m – 1 pc.;
  • self-tapping screws 52×3.5 mm – 250 pcs.;
  • carabiner – 6 pcs.;
  • welded chain 5 mm thick, length equal to height;
  • galvanized screws: 2 pcs. – 12×100 mm and 2 pcs. – 12×80 mm.

When choosing screws, pay attention to color. If you choose them to match the wood, then they will be invisible on the finished structure, and to give a special effect, it is better to choose self-tapping screws in contrast.

The tools you need to stock up on are:

  • square;
  • drill with a set of drills;
  • tape measure;
  • circular saw;
  • pencil;
  • plane;
  • hacksaw;
  • with a hammer.

Following a plan makes it easier to do the job accurately. Therefore, before starting to make a swing, prepare its design.

If you find it difficult to decide, then check out the drawings and diagrams located at the end of the article. Remember that the design for children and adults is different.

Make blanks 1.5 m long, cut at an angle of 90º. For sitting, use a board with a thickness of 20 mm. In this case, the thickness of the board for the back can be in the range of 12–13 mm. For the design we propose, you need to make a seat, for which you will need 17 planks 50 cm long and 15 planks 45 cm wide.

To prevent the wood from cracking when tightening the screws, pre-drill thin holes in the parts to be joined.

If you want to make the back more comfortable, then make it curly. To do this, you will need to use a board of the largest thickness - 150x50 mm. You should have 6 blanks. Use a pencil/marker to outline the shape of the workpiece.

Determine the angle of the backrest. The planks should be secured at equal intervals. To screw them evenly, secure the ends on both sides, and then in the middle. To make swinging more comfortable, make armrests. For these purposes, timber of any width will do. One end of it needs to be screwed to the back frame, and the other to the seat.

You can then attach the chain to the frame. It is best to do this to the bottom of the armrest, where it connects to the seat. The other end of the chain is attached to the top of the frame base on the back. Secure the chain with nuts and washers. Otherwise, the nut may enter the wood, thereby compromising its integrity. A special element with a ring on one side and a thread on the other should be secured to the seat frame and to the crossbar.

Afterwards, you can connect the rings with a chain. It is better to secure the bench swing on an A-shaped post. For support, it is important to use strong logs or make metal carcass. It all depends on you.

Making a support

The A-post or support is quite reliable and can withstand significant loads. For work you will need the same set of tools as for making a seat, if we're talking about about a wooden stand.

Make two identical posts that are the same size. Ultimately, they will be installed at the distance you require, which depends on the width of the seat. The posts/supports are connected by a crossbar.

Accurately calculate the angle of connection of the vertical parts of the racks. At the top, the pillars must be securely connected. Over time, they should not begin to diverge. Place the crossbar at 1/3 of the height of the support posts. For these purposes use metal corners and self-tapping screws. The crossbar must be installed on the posts at the same height.

There is usually one crossbar installed at the top of the rack, but if you want to strengthen the structure, you can make two crossbars.

The structure should be installed in the ground. Dig holes up to 80 cm deep. Make a sand cushion of 20 cm crushed stone. Insert the posts and fill them with concrete. To prevent rotting of the racks, they must be insulated before pouring. This can be done by impregnation or wrapping the wood waterproofing material, for example, roofing felt.

If you are making a swing for children, then make it safe. Remove sharp corners and sand the wooden elements.


You still have wooden pallet after delivery building materials, why not use it as a base? Agree that it is not difficult, and does not cost much! All you need is a pallet, strong rope and a tree trunk to hang the structure. You can make supports from strong pillars. How to do this will be discussed a little later.

The swing can be made from a solid pallet, secured on the sides with four ropes. That's it, you can ride. If you want more comfort, then place a mattress on a tray and cover it with a sheet, and place a few pillows on top. Now you can start reading in the shade of a tree; in addition, here you can take a break from the midday heat, lie down and even sleep.

If you have 2 pallets at your disposal, then you can create cute designs with a backrest. To achieve greater aesthetics, first clean the parts and sand them, and then fasten and paint (coat with moisture-resistant varnish) finished design. Now your nondescript pallets have turned into a very attractive country swing!

"Boards" are the most simple idea. You need to fasten another board on the sides of the board so that the rope frays less, then drill 4 holes, insert the ropes into them and tie them with strong knots. This structure can be secured to a tree or a U-shaped support.

Another idea is with a rope. To do this, you should make 4 grooves in the board: 2 at the end and 2 along the edges closer to the corners. The board may have rectangular shape or semicircular. Although the grooves are open, the rope still does not jump out. The tension force only secures the position of the rope, which makes the structure even more reliable.

Do you have an unusable board for snow riding? Then use it instead of sitting! Drill holes in it and secure the ropes. Now all that remains is to hang the finished structure on a reliable support!

Do you have old tires? Don’t rush to throw them away, because they can be used to build wonderful swings for children! To do this you will need a tire and rope. If you want to create some special shape or improve tire structures, then you will need a sharp cutting tool, For example, construction knife. You can paint the tire to make it even more fun. In order to achieve best results, you can draw a model of the structure on paper or mark the cut locations on the tire itself. Below are ideas for implementation from tires.

If you have 2 small round logs lying around in your yard, level them, clean them and tie them together with strong rope, and then tie them with a sea knot to the support.

Selecting the material

The above-mentioned variations in the manufacture of the simplest swings implied the use of available materials. But, if you want to create a more sophisticated design, then you can use the appropriate type of wood and metal. It can be supplemented with a backrest and a crossbar placed in front, which will ensure safe operation.

The list of materials required for manufacturing may be something like this:

  • Larch boards.
  • Self-tapping screws of different sizes.
  • Carbines.
  • Chain for fastening.
  • Screws with rings.

To create the design you will need a typical set of tools. It includes a drill with different sizes of drill bits. A hacksaw and saw, a plane, a jigsaw, and a hammer may be useful. For measurements you will need a tape measure, a square, chalk, or perhaps a pencil or marker.

It is better that the structures are installed in shady place, under a roof or tree. If a canopy is not provided, then in bad weather they must be covered with a protective film.

If you want to create a stable support, then you should definitely dig four pillars into the soil to a depth of about 80 cm. Subsequently, they will need to be concreted, then connect the racks and the crossbar. If you chose as racks metal pipes, then they need to be connected using welding machine. If you are using wooden supports, then before installing them, you should treat the material with an antiseptic drug. Connect them using bolts and nuts. To make a seat, prepare 2 frames that will serve as a back and seat. Attach the plywood, and then connect the frames at an angle of 120˚.

Now you need to attach special hooks or brackets to the seat, which will allow you to pass chains, cables or ropes through them. In this state, the swing can be suspended from the crossbar. Please note that the sitting person's feet should touch the ground with their toes. In fact, country swings can be very diverse; here, perhaps, it all depends on the power of your imagination.

The main thing is that when creating this garden item, you can ensure its safety, reliability and durability. Add a little creativity to the product: decorate it, use an unusual object as a seat.

We install the fastening mechanism

In order to hang the seat from the crossbar, you need to attach it to special hooks or staples. If you decide to use cables as a suspension, then you will need clamps. Pull a cable, rope or chain through the holes. It is better to use chains with large links. This is due to the fact that they are more durable and are not afraid of bad weather and temperature changes. Chains, among other things, perfectly decorate landscape design.

It is better, of course, for the seat to have a backrest, while the suspension plays a less important role.

The place where the suspension will be fixed must be especially reinforced. If your seat is wooden, then decorate it with pillows, pull an awning or lay a mattress. All these details will only improve your rest and the rest of your children.

Swings are an integral part of leisure time. You will never regret the effort spent, because your structure will delight your family throughout the summer season!

Have you already worked on creating such a design? What ideas did you manage to bring to life? Perhaps you encountered difficulties during the manufacturing process? What helped you cope with them? Write comments on the article, we appreciate your work and experience!


You can see an example of making a wooden swing below:



If you decide to make a swing for your dacha yourself, then the presented drawings and diagrams will help you with this:

How can you diversify your holiday at the dacha, make it easy, fun and enjoyable? There are many ways, and one of them is installing a swing in the garden or on a specially designed playground. Whether it is a separate structure or a device in a play complex makes no difference, the main thing is that it brings a lot of joy and positivity. To save money and at the same time please your loved ones, you can build a garden swing with your own hands: they will compare favorably with purchased models due to the originality of the idea and exclusive finish.

Before you start creating a sketch, you need to answer two questions: where will the structure be installed and who is it intended for? Depending on the answers, they make an estimate, prepare a drawing of a garden swing, and select tools and materials.

Swings located outdoors are often equipped with a canopy, which serves as protection from the sun (rain) and at the same time is an interesting decor.

One of the simplest structures is a swing on A-shaped supports with a seat-bar

There are a lot of solutions, so for convenience, all products can be divided into three categories:

  • For the whole family. This is a large structure, often in the form of a bench with a high back, which can accommodate several people. The product is suspended from a durable U-shaped frame using chains. A small canopy on the cross beam allows you to use the swing in almost any weather.
  • Children's. Quite a diverse group: here are frameless products, consisting only of a suspension and a seat, and strong structures with an armchair-style seat, and large boat-type structures. Frame models are safer. Any type of swing for the youngest children should be equipped with safety belts.
  • Portable. Mobile swing of this type usually hung indoors: in the house, on the veranda, in the gazebo. They can be removed at any moment and installed in another place.

Each of listed types has its own advantages and can be used in the country for relaxation and entertainment.

Bench swing: step-by-step instructions

Swinging alone is certainly boring, so we present an option for fun company– a swing in the form of a wide bench that can accommodate several people.

The proposed parameters can be changed - for example, making the seat wider or narrower, the height of the backrest a little more or less. The main thing is to be able to sit comfortably and relax. This swing is designed for a garden or recreation area; both children and adults can use it.

Taking the bench seat as a basis, you can invent various design options for the swing as a whole.

The sofa swing is suitable both for relaxing with a book and for a cheerful conversation with friends

A country swing can be hung from a large horizontal branch, but it is better to install two posts with a cross beam specifically for them.

Preparation of materials and tools

If construction has recently been carried out at the dacha, there will be no questions in finding materials - after all, everything you need is already at hand. Wood is best suited for manufacturing - a soft and malleable material, but strong enough to support the weight of several people. Birch, spruce or pine are perfect both in terms of characteristics and cost.

Boards are a suitable and inexpensive material for building swings

So, the list of materials:

  • pine boards (100 mm x 25 mm) 2500 mm long – 15 pieces;
  • board (150 mm x 50 mm) 2500 mm – 1 piece;
  • self-tapping screws (80 x 4.5) – 30-40 pieces;
  • self-tapping screws (51x3.5) – 180-200 pieces;
  • carbines – 6 pieces;
  • welded chain (5 mm) – along the height of the swing;
  • galvanized screws with rings – 4 pieces (pair 12x100 and pair 12x80).

Metal parts and screws can match the color of wood or, conversely, be contrasting (for example, black).

To build a garden swing made of wood, traditional tools for processing this material are suitable: a drill with various drill bits, a circular saw, hammer, jigsaw or hacksaw, plane. A square, tape measure and pencil are useful for measuring workpieces.


Pieces of one and a half meters long should be sawn off from the boards. The corners of the workpieces must be straight.

Thanks to precise markings, the swing will be smooth and beautiful

The thickness of the finished planks should not be less than 20 mm. The load on the back will be much less, so a thickness of 12-13 mm is sufficient. The approximate number of slats for the seat (500 mm) is 17 pieces, for the back (450 mm) - 15 pieces.

To protect the wood from cracking, holes for self-tapping screws are drilled with a drill, choosing a thin drill bit. The depth of the hole for the self-tapping screw is 2-2.5 mm.

Holes for self-tapping screws will help save wood

To make the seat and back comfortable, it is better to make the parts of the base on which the slats are attached not straight, but shaped. To make them, you will need the thickest board (150 mm x 50 mm). Thus, you will get six shaped parts for the frame.

The contours of the future part, applied to the workpiece with a pencil or marker, will help to cut it out accurately

Having chosen the required angle of connection between the back and seat, you should combine the parts into the frame and fix the slats one by one, making equal intervals between them. First, the ends of the parts are attached, then the middle.

By nailing the central strip first, it is easier to align the remaining elements

The armrests are made from two bars of arbitrary width, then fixed with one end on the seat, and the other on the back frame.

The finished swing must be coated with varnish or paint.

The best place to attach the ring screw is at the bottom of the armrest pillar.

To prevent the nuts from going completely into the wood, washers must be used. Similar rings are screwed to the top beam on which the swing will hang. The chain is attached to the rings using carabiners - the place for relaxation and entertainment is ready!

Simple swing with different seating options

A simple and versatile option - side stands for swings on which you can hang different kinds seats. Let us dwell in more detail on the installation of the supporting structure.

Part of the chain can be replaced wooden blocks cylindrical

The material and tools for construction are the same as in the previous description.

One of the seat options is a sofa designed for 2-3 people

Externally, the design looks like this: two posts in the shape of the letter “A”, connected by an upper crossbar. To begin with, it is important to calculate the angle of connection of vertically standing parts. The wider the intended seat, the wider the racks should be spaced. The beams (or pillars) are fastened at the top with bolts for reliability.

Support structure posts

To vertical elements do not diverge, they are fixed with crossbars at a height of 1/3 from the ground. When installed, the crossbars will be parallel to each other. Best mounts for them - corners mounted on self-tapping screws.

Fixing load-bearing beam using additional elements

Usually one pair of crossbars is enough for the screed, but sometimes a second one is made - in the upper part of the structure. Together with them, they strengthen the attachment point top crossbar– metal or wooden linings in the form of a trapezoid are mounted on the inside.

Cross bars increase the stability of the supporting structure

A supporting transverse beam is attached to the finished side posts, and then the structure is installed in the ground. To do this, dig two pairs of holes (at least 70-80 cm deep - for greater stability), at the bottom of which cushions of crushed stone (20 cm) are placed, posts are inserted and filled with concrete. To check the even horizontal position of the top beam, use a building level.

For the smallest summer residents, a chair with insurance is suitable

The top crossbar can be equipped with fastenings installed on different widths, as a result we get a structure on which you can hang various swings - from simple rope swings to a family sofa.

Material on how to do this may also be useful hanging chair with your own hands:

When installing a children's swing, you should remember that safety comes first, so all parts should be thoroughly sanded with sandpaper. For the same reason, wooden elements must be “without a knot, without a hitch” - defective wood is not suitable for load-bearing structures. Sharp corners must be smoothed with a file.

Use a sander to quickly process wood.

It is also worth taking care of the swing itself. Treatment with impregnation, finishing with paint or varnish will prolong the life of the structure, and galvanized fasteners will avoid destruction of the wood from the inside.

Photo gallery of original ideas

Since you will be making the swing yourself, you can get creative and give it some originality. Of course, the decoration of the product is purely individual solution, but some ideas can be borrowed from ready-made designs.