How to increase the sound insulation of an apartment in a panel house. How I made soundproofing in an apartment with my own hands Options for soundproofing an apartment

Any person in own apartment, you need to rest and relax.

But what kind of vacation is there when there is noise from passing cars outside the window, neighbors are noisy on the top floor, and someone is making repairs in the apartment on the floor below?

Everyone knows that it is impossible to relax with constant noise; in addition, increased noise is very harmful to health.

The solution is to soundproof the apartment: cover the walls, floor and ceiling with noise-absorbing material. Complete insulation from noise will be a thoughtful installation of doors and windows, which are the main sources of penetration of all sounds into the apartment.

Soundproofing panels PHONESTAR

It is better to carry out all measures to soundproof an apartment during construction, since the thickness of the walls and ceilings affects the penetration of sounds into the apartment. However, apartments in a residential building built from concrete blocks have walls standard sizes, which can no longer be changed. This requires soundproofing of the entire room.

Materials used together with soundproofing panels: 1. Wolf-Vlies backing canvas (layed before installing the panels); 2. PhoneStar caulk gun and Wolf Flex caulk (used to remove possible gaps between panels); 3. Adhesive tape(for sealing the ends at cut points, necessary to protect the filler inside the panel); 4. Wolf dowel nails

An apartment located in a residential building made of brick, where the walls are usually thick, will need partial insulation, for example, of the ceiling. To insulate the ceiling from noise, you can install suspended or suspended ceiling structures with a high degree of sound absorption.

Materials used with soundproofing panels: 1. Drywall; 2. Straight profile suspension P60x27 (for fastening (suspension) ceiling profiles to load-bearing structures); 3. Profile PN 50*40*3000 for partitions; 4. PP profile 60*27*3000; 5. Profile PN 28*27*3000; 6. Single-level connector 60*27 Crab; 7. Universal screws (5x25) - used for fastening panels, drywall)

Video on how to soundproof an apartment in a panel house: walls and ceiling

  • From this video you will learn how to soundproof the walls and ceiling in an apartment using soundproofing panels.

The resulting space inside ceiling structure filled with insulating materials. This creates a spectacular absorption of sound that enters the apartment from all sides. This is facilitated by the development construction technologies and appearance innovative materials allows you to do complex insulation from noise from several materials.

Types of noise and ways to isolate them

The method of noise insulation depends on its origin. Noises can be impact or airborne.

  • The first types of noise occur when objects hit the floor when falling, walking, and moving objects (furniture) on the floor.
  • Noises arising through the air due to air vibrations during a loud conversation, turning on household appliances occur through thin walls, improper joining of building elements and many other reasons. In this case, it is necessary to use insulating materials in places where the integrity of the surface is damaged, and cover the walls with multilayer panels (sandwiches).

Video on how to soundproof apartment walls using ZIPS soundproofing panels

  • From this video you will learn how to make sound insulation in an apartment using multi-layer ZIPS panels.

As an insulating material against noise, various sealants are also used at the joints of surfaces (wall - ceiling; wall - floor; heating and water supply risers).

There are two ways to soundproof a room: carrying out work according to a full or partial program.

The first method requires a complete renovation of the room using materials that increase the thickness of the walls, which leads to a reduction in the size of the area, therefore small rooms It is not advisable to carry out this work.

Materials used with ZIPS soundproofing panels: 1. Soundproofing panel ZIPS; 2. Fastening kit for the ZIPS panel; 3. Tape soundproofing gasket Vibrostek M-100; 4. Vibrosil (vibroacoustic sealant); 5. Drywall for finishing cladding

Partial insulation, such as sound insulation, may be suitable here ceiling, which is mentioned at the beginning of the article.
Windows and windows play an important role in protecting a room from noise. entrance doors. This plastic double glazed windows With soundproofing properties and sealed, tight-fitting entry doors. The sound insulation of doors can be improved by sealing the openings and tightly fitting them to the door frame.

Note! All of the above materials are provided as an example only and are not mandatory for use. The modern market offers a variety of materials for sound insulation and you can choose any material of acceptable quality, properties, and price.

Video on how to soundproof a steel entrance door

  • In this video you will learn a little more about sound theory, as well as step by step instructions for soundproofing a steel entrance door

Not in last resort Sound insulation affects a comfortable stay in the apartment. Neighbors can be driven to despair by playing musical instruments, clanking of frying pans, and, at times, elementary swearing. In addition, a noisy elevator or roar coming from the street can ruin your mood. How to avoid, or at least reduce to a minimum, the likelihood of such troubles in apartments monolithic houses, will be discussed in this publication.

First you need to understand the causes of the problem. Usually there are four types of noise, namely:

  • The so-called airborne noise occurs due to the occurrence of sound vibrations in the air. This could be speech, the sound of a TV, a dog barking, or similar noises coming from the next room.
  • Sounds that arise when moving furniture, walking in heels, falling objects, and similar sounds arise and propagate directly through the building structures and are called impact noise.
  • An echo that occurs when sound vibrations are repeatedly reflected from the surfaces of structures inside an apartment is called acoustic noise. You can easily combat it by hanging a carpet on the wall or covering it with liquid wallpaper.
  • Structural noise, as its name suggests, is a multi-component mixture of airborne and impact noise. To this set are added the sounds of the building’s engineering equipment (elevators, ventilation pumps, etc.). Monolithic houses, due to the high density of the material used for their construction, are most susceptible to this type of sound pollution. It happens that it is impossible to determine the source of noise, since it freely passes through building structures over long distances.

Perhaps this classification is very arbitrary; in practice, this is what is used. Soundproofing an apartment in monolithic house is carried out taking these factors into account.

In the literature you can find other types of noise classification. Indeed, all noise can be reduced to impact and airborne, but the list given is the most complete.

Building types

Frame-monolithic buildings (monolithic houses) have gained recognition due to the simplicity and high speed of their construction. Apartments there are inexpensive due to the cost-effective construction technology. The price is also reduced by the fact that most of them are usually sold “for repairs”. This means that the new resident monolithic house receives the frame of his home, consisting of walls, columns, ceiling and floor (at best, with a poured screed), and has the right to dispose of the layout and decoration of the future apartment at his own discretion.

Indeed, it is very convenient, but the sound insulation of an apartment in a monolithic building (new building), or rather, its quality, depends solely on the owner’s costs for its implementation. It is at this stage that you need to think about it and make significant investments in soundproofing your home, because later it will be more difficult and more expensive.

Building structures made of bricks or blocks quickly absorb a significant portion of sound vibrations, preventing their propagation. Owners wooden houses using particle-cement boards, there is no need to worry about this at all. The construction materials of such structures are themselves good sound insulators.

The situation is worse, if not catastrophically bad, with panel and monolithic buildings. Panels for construction are made by pouring concrete onto a metal frame. Therefore, such structures turn out to be homogeneous, and, therefore, are a good conductor of sound vibrations. Soundproofing an apartment in a monolithic building is the most popular.

Monolithic technology involves making a metal frame for the entire building and then pouring it with concrete. In this case, we get a situation where everything bearing structures rigidly connected to each other, or more precisely, they form a monolithic structure. Thanks to this, there are simply no obstacles to the propagation of shock vibrations and the sound from the operation of a hammer drill on the ground floor of a building can be clearly heard at the last level due to the ease of its propagation along a monolithic column. This leads to special requirements for soundproofing an apartment in a monolithic building.

Plates or made according to monolithic technology, surfaces (walls, floors and ceilings) form membrane-like devices. Through such structures, airborne and structural noise propagates almost unimpeded.

It is for these reasons that the soundproofing of an apartment in panel house, and, especially in a monolithic frame, requires special measures to be taken at the repair stage.

Soundproofing an apartment in a monolithic building

In order to protect yourself from intrusion, you need to know the enemy by sight and understand the ways in which noise enters the premises. With regard to monolithic houses, the following routes can be distinguished:

  • impact impacts through the ceiling;
  • airborne noise from neighboring apartments through walls and floors;
  • penetration through ventilation, plumbing, heating systems, as well as electrical communications;
  • external influences through and windows.

Don’t forget about the sounds created by the owners and spreading inside the apartment. Interior partitions must also have good acoustic properties. Otherwise, it will be impossible to relax in the bedroom, for example, if next room The TV will work, even not very loudly. After analyzing the list above, you can easily understand that the best sound insulation for an apartment in a monolithic building is its complete sound insulation. This involves a whole range of measures that should apply to everyone structural elements apartments.

In general, the best sound insulation of an apartment in a monolithic building is achieved by building a structure similar to a nesting doll. This option is what professionals call an “apartment within an apartment.” It lies in the fact that, to the detriment of the usable area and height of the rooms, all its surfaces are duplicated.

This means that the floor becomes higher, the ceiling lowers, and the walls become thicker, which affects the reduction in the final volume of the room. This additional layer on the surfaces of the rooms will act as noise protection.

Soundproofing the room

In order for the reduction of living space to be justified not only by considerations of reducing sound pollution, it is most often possible to combine sound insulation work with insulation of the apartment. But, killing two birds with one stone is recommended with the approval of a specialist. This will help you avoid mistakes in choosing materials and using them together.

All work on soundproofing an apartment in a monolithic building should be carried out simultaneously at the stage of planning the apartment or its renovation, and one of the first (drafting stage). Already expensive measures may require even greater financial investments if they are not carried out simultaneously, as part of one repair. You can imagine the costs of soundproofing the floor in a monolithic house, for example, if to perform these operations you will need to get rid of expensive parquet or other covering.

Materials for sound insulation in a monolithic house

The range of materials produced and available on the market is incredibly wide, but they are all divided according to the principle of action into two groups:

  • Sound reflective, as the name suggests, is designed to reflect sound vibrations when colliding with a surface, a wall, for example. Characterized by high density, and accordingly, mass and elasticity, but within reasonable limits. Too hard a material can cause the effect of sound re-reflection into the room.
  • Sound-absorbing materials dampen vibration energy by redistributing its power within their structure and converting it into heat. These are usually cellular, porous, and fibrous materials with a large specific surface area. That is why many heat insulators are also good sound absorbers.
Soundproofing material

It follows that the optimal sound insulation of an apartment in a monolithic building should consist of two flexible surfaces with a large mass, with a gap between them filled with porous or fibrous material. To make the soundproofing of an apartment in a monolithic building truly functional, you must adhere to this principle.

The quality of noise reduction is directly related to the number of different layers that the sound wave must overcome. The multi-layer barrier significantly increases the effectiveness of protection.

For the owner who arranges the soundproofing of an apartment in a monolithic building with his own hands, the main importance is the affordability of the material, its manufacturability and durability.

The most popular solutions are:

  • sound-absorbing mineral wool;
  • soundproofing frame cladding;
  • frame suspended ceiling systems;
  • soundproofing panels ZIPS and others.

Drywall, with its low cost, the ability to be used for both walls and ceilings, ease of installation, as well as a smooth surface that provides high-quality design (wallpaper, for example), is the most popular type of cladding. But plywood, gypsum fiber board, SML and other materials can also be used for these purposes.

When purchasing materials, you should not listen to the advice of sellers. Their task is to sell goods at any cost. Claims about the existence of thin sound insulation with a thickness of 2 to 10 mm are a myth (proposals from a thickness exceeding 5 cm should be considered). Pasting the walls with foam plastic, despite the promises of those who care, will not bring any effect. An improvement in the acoustic environment will only be noticeable when using thick, massive and multi-layer structures.

Soundproofing an apartment in a monolithic building is an expensive process that requires serious labor and time, and therefore is very responsible. Therefore, the choice of materials for its implementation is undoubtedly an important stage.

Floor installation for soundproofing in a monolithic house

Even a thick screed does not allow achieving at least some acceptable sound insulation of the floor in monolithic houses. The only way out of the situation is to install a “floating” floor. This means that the base of the top covering will be separated from the ceiling by sound-absorbing elastic material.

This approach will provide a reliable barrier to airborne noise from below and prevent the spread of impact noise from the floor of the apartment to the neighbors below it. In principle, the result should be a design similar to that shown schematically in the figure. This will provide a significant contribution to the overall sound insulation of an apartment in a monolithic building.

Soundproofing the floor

Many people neglect the installation of the floor or ceiling in relation to their acoustic characteristics, engaged only in protecting the walls. Here we must not forget that the floor of one apartment is the ceiling of another, and, given the monolithic (or panel) technology of the house, impact noise from the floor of one careless owner can cause inconvenience, spreading for many meters in all directions to many apartments.

This can be compared to a fly in the ointment and regret that good sound insulation apartments in a monolithic building were not completed centrally during the construction phase.

So, to install a floating screed you need:

  • Check the condition of the ceiling. If there are cracks, chips and other defects, they must be expanded to get rid of the destroyed material and repaired cement mortar. If necessary, lay waterproofing coating. Pipes of water communication risers are treated with a heat-resistant sealant that has good elasticity.
  • Lay an elastic layer (preferably two). If the coating is multi-layered, the joints should be shifted so that they do not overlap each other in different layers. Optimal material to perform this procedure will be basalt wool, which, unlike mineral, has a higher density.
  • Along the perimeter of the room, a mineral wool edge with a thickness of 5 to 15 mm is placed between a layer of basalt wool and the walls. Its height must exceed the height of the future screed.
  • Further operations are no different from standard screed pouring. A film for waterproofing is laid in the resulting cotton “trough”, and the seams are sealed. Then the reinforcement is installed ( metal grid) and the screed is poured. It is traditionally moistened for 3–5 weeks to gain the declared strength (ripening). A thickness of 5–8 cm will be optimal.

There is a technology for soundproofing an apartment in a monolithic building relative to its floor, using logs. It is used in frame and wooden buildings, where the use of massive concrete screed unacceptable, and therefore not considered here.

A properly constructed apartment in a monolithic building will eliminate the penetration of structural noise from the rooms below and will protect people living there from the same phenomena caused by sounds in the apartment of a monolithic building being renovated.

Wall treatment technology for soundproofing an apartment in a monolithic building

Optimal, from the point of view of the ratio of price to quality, is the sound insulation of an apartment in a monolithic building, consisting of plasterboard cladding mounted on metal frame. Moreover, 2–3 layers of drywall are used, and the gaps between the profiles are filled with sound insulator (most often mineral wool).

Special attention should be given to the construction of the frame. It attaches to perimeter fencing structures, although a wall mount can also be used. Very important feature This design in terms of noise reduction is the acoustic decoupling of the walls from the frame. It is performed using elastic materials.

Soundproofing the wall

You should be extremely critical of the joints, junctions of sheets to walls, as well as through holes in the walls. To obtain reliable sound insulation for an apartment in a monolithic building, they should never be compacted polyurethane foam(a very common mistake). Foam is not a sound insulator. These areas should be treated with special silicone sealant, Various types which are available in abundance in the market.

The outer surface of the profile, when attaching it to the wall, is covered with strips of sealant or a special tape that dampens vibration. The frame is mounted to the floor and ceiling using dowels or anchors. To improve sound insulation in a monolithic house in terms of the characteristics of partitions (brick, block, etc.), it is recommended to use special soundproofing hangers with elastic gaskets.

The cavities formed by the frame should be densely filled with mineral wool, and if funds allow, then with specialized acoustic wool.

The final stage of soundproofing the wall

As for communications, they can be laid inside the sound-absorbing layer. Exits should be carefully sealed. Instead of standard ventilation ducts, sound-absorbing ventilation systems can be used.

The joints of the drywall sheets in its different layers should not coincide; the upper level should overlap the joints of the lower one. The joints themselves must be covered with putty or non-hardening sealant.

As an alternative to the proposed method, you can use sandwich panels to soundproof walls in a monolithic house. Good performance have, for example, ZIPS panels. They are attached directly to the wall and are thin. Their main disadvantage is their high cost.

Ceiling installation for soundproofing in a monolithic house

In principle, protection from sounds from rooms above is no different from a similar operation in relation to walls. Schematically it looks as shown in the figure.

Ceiling soundproofing

The suspended ceiling is made using a frame, during the installation of which special attention should be paid to the acoustic decoupling of the profiles and the ceiling. Elastic cushioning material, of course, is a way out, but it is better to use special vibration suspensions.

Myths about supposedly good sound insulation of light materials (cork, polystyrene boards, etc.) have nothing to do with reality. The same can be said about suspended ceilings, which under certain conditions can even intensify vibrations.

Only a thick and fairly heavy structure will allow you to ignore the sounds of steps or moving furniture from neighbors above. Only in this case will the noise insulation of an apartment in a monolithic building be acceptable.

In conclusion, it is necessary to mention windows and doors, which are also sources of noise and act as part of the soundproofing of an apartment in a monolithic building. Soundproofing of these structures is done in the same way as in any other apartments, not necessarily monolithic. Therefore, issues related to them are not discussed in this publication.

For a comfortable stay in your apartment apartment building The walls in the apartment must be soundproofed. I hope that those who read this article are familiar with the “delights” of living in high-rise buildings and this topic is close to them.

A noisy company, a neighbor, a student pianist with rather boring scales (or a trumpeter, or a violinist, or...), “seizing power and establishing a new order” in the neighboring family territory, or a “nighttime bed” conversation between a couple behind the nursery wall... All this is enough good reasons to care about soundproof fencing.

High-quality soundproofing of walls with your own hands (or with the involvement of qualified specialists) will allow you not only to press the “Mute” button on the “acoustic” wall bordering the neighbor’s apartment, but also to deprive them of the “pleasure” of learning your apartment “news”.

How to soundproof a wall? Let's understand the basics...

Functional purpose of sound insulation

Soundproofing functions:

  • Sound absorption;
  • soundproofing.

What is the difference?

Sound insulation is aimed at ensuring that sounds emanating from a nearby “source” are reflected from a special coating (material) and do not reach your ears.

Sound absorption- the process is reverse. The sounds in your apartment will be absorbed by a special soundproofing environment, and your neighbors will remain “deaf” in terms of involuntary “wiretapping” of the apartment.

Types of household noise in apartments

Based on the nature of noise in apartments and their source, they are distinguished:

  • air noise,
  • acoustic noise,
  • impact noises,
  • structural noise.

The cause of “airborne noise” may simply be someone talking or shouting loudly, music or a loud TV.

“Acoustic noise” is more familiar to you under the name “echo”. This noise usually occurs when empty rooms and is eliminated by the arrangement of furniture and other interior items of the apartment.

For the appearance of " impact noise“It’s enough to hammer a nail into the wall, hit the wall with your fist (or your head), and it can also be the “elephant” (sorry for the comparison) gait of the neighbors above. The pinnacle of skill in extracting impact noise is working with a hammer drill, although it can also be classified as a source of temporary structural noise.

“Structural noise” “live” thanks to the presence of elevators, pumps, ventilation and other systems in houses.

Some “subtleties” of soundproofing walls in an apartment

The most better sound insulation walls in the apartment can be done from the side of your neighbors. But we very much doubt that you will be able to agree with them on such a comprehensive reconstruction of the walls in their apartment.

The second option remains - install a sound-absorbing layer on the side of your home.

Before soundproofing a wall, it is necessary to analyze the current condition of the wall and its integrity. All existing holes, cracks, crevices (especially in panel houses) must be carefully plastered.

Attention! Pay attention to the socket boxes installed on the walls adjacent to the neighbor. Very often, to facilitate installation, builders make through holes for sockets, then “forgetting” to at least block them inside the wall with soundproofing material.

After this, having studied the “market” of soundproofing and sound-absorbing materials, you need to choose those suitable for your room, taking into account the need for “protection” from various types noise

Remember! Each additional layer of sound insulation means a reduction in the usable area of ​​your apartment. And further…

Carrying out interior work It must be remembered that it is advisable to choose materials for soundproofing walls taking into account environmental safety, especially for children's rooms and bedrooms.

Since soundproofing the walls in an apartment involves a complex of works, their final stage (except for cases of using solid soundproofing materials) decorative panels) is the final decorative finishing of the surface of the wall of the room.

Notice! This operation also affects the remaining usable area of ​​the room and the cost of soundproofing work.

Also, “channels” for the transmission of sounds from neighboring rooms can be water supply and sewerage communications, pipes central system heating. Due to violations of the rules for installing such pipes during construction, it is necessary, if possible, to soundproof them yourself or, at a minimum, eliminate cracks around them.

Methods for soundproofing walls in an apartment

Several methods are used to soundproof walls in an apartment. Let's look at some of them.

Note! Heat-insulating materials such as polyethylene, polystyrene foam, polystyrene foam, and cork ARE NOT effective sound-proofing materials.

Consider this fact before performing work, and not after finishing, counting the money spent only on reducing the usable area of ​​the apartment.

Plasterboard sound curtain

The wall or ceiling frame for plasterboard is made from wooden slats or profile.

A special feature of the installation of such a frame is special anti-vibration pads or brackets (for suspended mounting), which prevent structural noise from “penetrating” into the room.

Attention! Attaching fasteners directly to the wall and then installing them on a drywall profile can, on the contrary, only amplify the sounds coming from outside the apartment.

The optimal soundproofing material in this case may be mineral acoustic wool or a material in the form of slabs with a high sound absorption coefficient. The installation of sound insulation must be done very carefully, since the remaining flaws can nullify all the work done.

The outer layer of drywall is also a good additional soundproofing material. Drywall joints are glued with mesh, puttied, followed by painting or wallpapering.

Soundproofing from prefabricated panels

Soundproofing panels are not a new thing, but today’s “representatives” of such materials offer maximum ease of installation with their effective functionality.

Such panels already have groove-tenon end connections, which make it possible to obtain high-quality “monolithic” soundproofing and decorative finishing(paper or fabric) surface.

Such slabs, despite their low weight, are easy to install and are optimal for soundproofing not just one wall, but the entire room.

Pasting the wall with sound-absorbing material

This, at first glance, is a simple way of organizing sound insulation by gluing soundproofing to the walls. roll material has two main disadvantages - a lower degree of sound insulation compared to previous methods (up to 60%) and a significantly higher cost..

This option is the best way soundproofing the walls in the apartment if you rent it.

It is up to you to decide which material and method of sound insulation to choose. The main thing is that you get the desired effect for the money you are willing to spend!

Most people live in apartment buildings, which, on the one hand, is convenient and safe, but, on the other hand, entails some difficulties. The most common inconvenience is sounds coming from neighbors: loud music, repairs, crying, screaming, running household appliances. However, the problem is often not in the neighbors themselves, but in poor sound insulation of the walls in the apartment.

Noises can be divided into several types, but the main ones are two:

  • Airborne noise. These are all sounds that are transmitted through the air: laughter, screaming, loud speech, music. Such noise comes from neighbors through cracks, cracks and through holes in walls, floors and ceilings.
  • Impact (vibration) noise. These are sounds carried across floors and walls. They are especially unpleasant: the sounds of a hammer drill, a subwoofer, the noise of moving furniture, loud steps, the roar of special equipment working on the street.

It will not be possible to measure the noise level without special instruments, but you can roughly imagine it. Normal level noise in residential buildings during the daytime (from 7:00 to 23:00) 40 decibels are considered, which is comparable in volume to a normal conversation. The upper noise threshold should not exceed 55 dB, and this is comparable to the volume level of a typewriter or gentle slapping of a hand on a table.

At night, the upper sound threshold is legally set at 40 dB, but the recommended noise level is 20-25 dB (the volume of a whisper). If you feel the noise level is higher, then the best solution will make sound insulation.

Noisy neighbors

The modern market offers soundproofing material for every taste and budget. You can even carry out soundproofing in your apartment yourself, although it is better to entrust this task to specialists.

In any case, it is necessary to carry out the installation of sound insulation in a comprehensive manner, simultaneously protecting yourself from neighbors above, below and to the side.

High-quality sound insulation will give two positive effects at once:

  • Soundproof. External noise will not penetrate into the apartment, which will make it more comfortable.
  • Sound-absorbing. Internal sounds will not penetrate to your neighbors, which will allow you to feel more free in your home.

Preparatory stage

It would be ideal to do soundproofing at the stage of preparation for repairs. If the apartment is new, in “new builder” condition, then all possible loopholes for extraneous noise are immediately visible. If renovations in the apartment have already been done, and it doesn’t matter how long ago, then for correct installation soundproofing, you will need to remove both the wallpaper and the flooring.

Most airborne noise enters the apartment through tiny cracks and holes in the walls and ceilings. This problem is especially relevant for old panel and brick houses, dating back to Soviet times. In such houses, there were certainly gaps between the panels of walls and ceilings, as well as in the seams between bricks, even if they were invisible to the eye. It is these noise-conducting channels that need to be eliminated at the preparatory stage.

To ensure primary sound insulation of the wall, you need to thoroughly clean it and cover up all the irregularities, chips, and potholes. Pay special attention to sealing the corners of the room and the seams between the bricks. As a rule, the most problem areas- these are the joints of the plates. Sometimes the slabs are so poorly articulated that simple cement putty is not enough and it is necessary to use polyurethane foam. By the way, it helps fill hard-to-reach voids that often occur at joints, especially interior walls with external ones.

The preparatory stage can also include soundproofing of technical openings (for sockets, switches, chandeliers). This is done quite simply. The previously de-energized socket is completely dismantled so that only the power cables remain. The hole is filled with non-flammable soundproofing material (for example, mineral wool), while the wires are released out. The socket is mounted back.

In panel houses, holes for sockets were often made through, so warn your neighbors that you will be working on an socket located on the wall adjacent to them. There have been cases when a neighbor's poorly secured socket fell out, resulting in a short circuit.

Soundproofing from neighbors below

There are many ways to soundproof a floor various materials. Here are some of them:

  • vibroacoustic sealants;
  • polyurethane foam boards
  • soundproofing underlays for floor coverings;
  • soundproofing panels for floors;
  • non-flammable sound-absorbing mineral wool slabs;
  • rolled materials against impact noise;
  • soundproofing boards for floating floors;
  • soundproofing base for floating floors;
  • vibration-damping and sound-absorbing mastic;
  • sound-absorbing cellulose-based spray coating;
  • magnesite fibreboards;
  • soundproofing linoleum;
  • cork backings.

The choice of materials depends on what kind of finishing coating is planned.

Plank floor

To soundproof an existing plank floor, the boards must be removed. Fill the space with soundproofing material based on mineral wool. This should be done end-to-end, avoiding the formation of cracks. Apply vibration-insulating tape to the joists along the entire length and cover them with boards. If sound insulation is carried out during the initial installation of a plank floor, then you can also lay vibration-insulating tape under the logs.

For other types of flooring, soundproofing materials and the method of their installation are selected based on how thick the coating can be made.

If the repairs made earlier make adjustments and the floor has already been screeded, but dismantling it is impossible for financial or technological reasons, then you need to make a choice in favor of thin sound-proofing materials. These are cork, polystyrene substrates, spray coating, liquid soundproofing mastics.

Materials can also be combined. For example, cork backing use in combination with soundproofing linoleum. Multilayering significantly increases the sound insulation effect.

Installation is carried out in the following order:

  • On a prepared and leveled base with double-sided adhesive tape, markings are made along which the soundproofing substrates will be joined.
  • The substrates are rolled out with precise joining of the edges.
  • If there is insufficient joining of the edges, the seams are sealed with vibroacoustic sealant.
  • Lay the finishing coat.

Sound insulation under screed

The best soundproofing effect for floors is achieved by installing soundproofing materials under the screed. This method is called "floating floor".

In this case, the screed is poured not onto the base, but onto the substrate and has no connections with the walls. It turns out that it is, as it were, “suspended” above the subfloor by soundproofing materials.

The work is performed in the following order:

  • By rough foundation spread the waterproofing substrate. To obtain the desired “floating floor” effect, it is laid extending 15-20 centimeters onto the walls. This overlap must be higher than the total thickness of the soundproofing layer and screed.
  • The selected soundproofing material is laid on top of the substrate.
  • A reinforcing mesh is laid on it and beacons are placed.
  • Fill the screed with a height of about 50 mm.
  • Carry out finishing work.

Soundproofing from neighbors above

Ceiling soundproofing is needed more often than others, because if the lower noise is softened floor coverings, side – furniture, then the upper noise comes without any barriers. There are three main systems for soundproofing ceilings:

  • Suspended ceiling with a frame made of soundproofing boards.
  • Hemmed plasterboard ceiling on a metal frame.
  • Stretch ceiling made of soundproofing fabric.

A frame suspended ceiling filled with soundproofing boards or mineral wool is considered effective and easy to install:

  • Vibration-damping tape is glued to the walls near the ceiling around the perimeter of the room.
  • Vibrating suspensions for the box are attached to the ceiling.
  • Install a box from profiles.
  • Soundproofing boards are laid.
  • The box is covered with plasterboard.
  • Finishing is carried out.

Vibration-damping tape must be used to insulate not only the perimeter walls, but also the communication pipes passing through the ceiling (heating riser, gas pipe).

Soundproofing from neighbors on the side

The most commonly used method of soundproofing walls is installing plasterboard boxes. The installation technology is identical to soundproofing the ceiling using the suspended plasterboard box method. Vibration suspensions can be replaced with a simple mount. At the same time, lay a vibration-damping tape between the mount and the wall.

Other options for how to soundproof a wall from neighbors:

  • Decorative sound-absorbing panels. Easy to install, but quite expensive and not suitable for every interior.
  • Basalt cardboard is a soundproofing and heat-insulating material based on pressed basalt fiber. Used as a substrate for drywall with installation without a frame.
  • Cork sheets and panels. Mounted directly on the wall using vibration-damping adhesive. Not the highest soundproofing properties, but can be used independently, thanks to decorative properties traffic jams.
  • Continuous filling with polystyrene - polyurethane foam. Technology on this moment quite expensive, as it requires special equipment.


  • One of the common mistakes made when deciding how to soundproof a wall from neighbors is the use of materials that are designed for thermal insulation. So, for example, covering walls with foam plastic boards will only increase the noise, as it will create a drum effect.
  • The floor plinth is fixed either only to the floor or only to the wall, so as not to create vibration bridges for noise penetration.
  • In order for the soundproofing of an apartment to be effective, you need to install high-quality double-glazed windows and doors.
  • With all the variety of soundproofing materials, their thickness determines the result - the thicker, the better the sound insulation.
  • It is better to carry out soundproofing work in the warm season - cracks in the walls will be more noticeable and easier to repair.

Video: how to properly install sound insulation on walls and ceilings

Soundproofing an apartment is not at all difficult. It is only important to correctly follow all important instructions and choose high-quality materials for the work. It should be remembered that the soundproofing of an apartment must cover the entire room and be comprehensive. Properly performed soundproofing of walls guarantees peace and relaxation in your home.

If your neighbors hear everything that happens in your house, then we are not talking about any comfortable living. Houses made of wood or panels transmit sounds too well, so here you need to use Additional materials, absorbing noise. Sound insulation of walls in wooden house– this is a stage of the same importance as insulating walls and installing communications.

How to properly isolate yourself and your loved ones from unnecessary noise outside and inside the room? Before starting work, the first thing you need is to establish the nature of the noise and its source. Based on this, you will buy soundproofing material and cover with it exactly those areas of the apartment where the noise comes from. For example, if a strong stomp is heard from neighbors above, then you need to treat the ceiling with sound-absorbing material. If they interfere loud voices neighbors or sounds from the street, then you need to sheathe walls and partitions, etc. You can do noise insulation yourself or use the services of specialists, in any case, it should not only protect the residents of the house from sounds from the outside, but also prevent sounds from penetrating outside your premises.

Types of noise

There are the following types of noise:

  • airy – sound that travels through space through air. This is the sound of a voice, musical equipment, television;
  • structural - the sound emitted by the gas and water supply systems in the house, pump, garbage chute;
  • shock - noise from mechanical actions or from movements (clattering feet, knocking, moving a car). This sound is transmitted through walls, the earth's surface, and solid objects.

What noises should you protect yourself and others from? There are specially developed sanitary standards that allow a certain sound volume in residential premises. IN regulatory document it is said that for daytime the volume should be no more than 65 dB, and for night time - no more than 45 dB, while a child's crying has 80 dB.

Table of sound level versus sound pressure

Volumes greater than 120 dB are considered hazardous to human health. This is why it is so important to ensure peace and quiet in your home by reducing the sound permeability of walls and other building structures.

Nuances of the process for improving sound insulation

Before purchasing sound-absorbing products and proceeding with their installation, you must carefully inspect the walls and ceiling for defects (cracks), and also seal the holes around carelessly installed sockets using fiberglass. The following factors also contribute to increased noise in the home:

  • if the building materials themselves have low soundproofing properties;
  • if the doors and window frames are of an old design, or low-quality double-glazed windows;
  • if finishing materials poorly absorb noise.

In order for the money and effort expended to produce the expected result, you need to focus not only on covering the room with absorbent materials, but also whole line related works:

  • replace old doors with more modern ones, with elastic seals along the contour;
  • replace wooden windows with double-glazed windows;
  • install on interior doors seals;
  • cover the outside of the building with materials with high sound-absorbing properties;
  • use materials with low level sound reflections.

If you do all the above work, it will not only protect you from unnecessary noise outside and inside, but will also significantly insulate the building.

Materials for absorbing noise in the home

There are many means for soundproofing walls in a residential building. Let's look at the characteristics of some of them and options for their use.

Cork sound insulators

Outside, you can use thick cotton fillers, but if you need to sheathe the walls inside, then the smallest thickness of the material is important so as not to take up a lot of room space. Porous cork wallpaper or cork panels will do the job perfectly.

Cork not only does not allow noise to pass through, but also, like any wood, retains heat, and is also used as finishing material. Corridors, hallways, and children's rooms are often decorated with such wallpaper.

Loaded vinyl (or sound block)

If square meters especially small ones, it is impossible to do without vinyl film. Its thickness is no more than 3 mm, but the film is very heavy - 5 kg per square meter. This is what provides a high noise absorption coefficient.

Loaded vinyl (sound block) - high-quality, dense, but expensive membrane

Vinyl film is elastic, resistant to moisture, and the mineral dust that is added to it absorbs sound. One layer of material is capable of blocking sound at 25 dB, two layers - more.


ZIPS panels, glued under wallpaper.

They are a two-layer “sandwich” consisting of panels, inside of which there is basalt fiber with a solid gypsum fiber sheet.

Soundproofing panel ZIPS-Module floor

Such panels are up to 7 cm thick and absorb up to 10 dB.


Soundproofing adhesives and wallpaper underlays.

This thin material It can easily be glued to the wall and is not at all expensive, but the effect of such sound insulation will not be great.


Fiberglass slabs act as the middle layer in sound-absorbing partitions.

They are placed inside interior partitions or between the floor slab and suspended ceiling. To prevent the fiberglass from fraying during installation, it is wrapped in a special non-woven fabric.


It also has the ability to block sound, of course, in combination with other materials, for example, a “sandwich” of fiberboard, chipboard and plasterboard.

Mineral wool

Mineral wool, ecowool, basalt wool.

These are fibrous materials that absorb noise well, but are thick, making them impossible to use in a small room.

Foamed polystyrene

The material is environmentally friendly and durable. It has low thermal conductivity, therefore it is used for thermal insulation. It is thinner than mineral wool and is resistant to moisture and mechanical stress. Capable of blocking sound at 4 dB. Often used as an insulating material in combination with others.

In general, it should be remembered that any type of noise-absorbing structure alone will not give the desired result. The more materials are combined to protect a home from extraneous sounds, the better the effect will be.

The process of soundproofing a room

To completely block sound vibrations from one room to another, it is necessary to block all directions of sound wave propagation.

Walls and partitions

Most often, walls and interior partitions. Various mineral wool very easy to install, which is why they are used more often.

Soundproofing walls in a frame house

To do this, perform actions in the following sequence:

  1. Horizontal slats are nailed to the walls; this is a lathing for ventilation.
  2. A vapor barrier film is glued to the sheathing.
  3. Vertical racks are constructed from aluminum.
  4. Mineral wool or ZIPS panels are laid between the racks. The material inside is fixed with slats.
  5. Then the vapor barrier film is glued again.
  6. At the end, the walls are sheathed with some finishing material.


To muffle the sound penetrating into the apartment through the floor, bulky fibrous materials are used: ecowool, basalt wool, etc. A cork and rubber backing would also be good.

Insulate the floor like this:

  1. The old floor is torn off, and waterproofing is laid on the joists and between them.
  2. Next, soundproofing material is laid.
  3. Then the waterproofing material is installed again.
  4. A rubber-cork backing is placed on the top.
  5. And then chipboard boards are laid and the space between them and the wall is sealed with felt.


You can seal the ceiling so that noise penetrates less, both from inside the room and from the attic, if this a private house. It is also advisable to come to an agreement with the neighbors in the high-rise building, then the effect will be better.

Sound insulation of suspended ceiling

Soundproofing the ceiling is done in this way:

  1. Remove the old covering from the ceiling.
  2. The vapor barrier tape is attached with a construction stapler.
  3. Next, fill the gap between the suspended ceiling and the coating with sound-absorbing materials. These can be foam boards, basalt wool, roll insulation Ursa type.
  4. If the ceiling is from wooden beams, then mineral mats are laid between the beams.
  5. The ceiling is sheathed with finishing material.


Soundproofing walls in a wooden house is a necessary procedure, since in addition to protection from unwanted noise, the above materials provide heat conservation in the home. And living in a warm and soundproof house is much more comfortable.