How best to decorate the walls in the kitchen. Kitchen wall design: practical ideas. Photo wallpaper - a creative solution

When decorating the kitchen interior, you should take into account the specifics of this room and select appropriate materials. Kitchen walls are constantly exposed to steam, quickly become dirty, fade and lose their attractiveness, so the finish must be waterproof and resistant to mechanical stress. When decorating the walls in the kitchen with their own hands, many choose paint as the most convenient and practical finishing material. But there are other design options that are no less practical, but much more attractive.

Simple paper wallpaper are not suitable for the kitchen, but vinyl, fiberglass, liquid or compressed paper based are widely used in such rooms. Thanks to the variety of textures and colors, these wallpapers can decorate the most unprepossessing room, filling it with color and a cozy atmosphere.

In the process of finishing the walls you will need:

  • starting and finishing putty;
  • putty knife;
  • paint brush and roller;
  • primer;
  • sandpaper;
  • wallpaper;
  • wallpaper glue;
  • clean rags;
  • scissors and a sharp knife.

Step 1: Clean the base

In order for the wallpaper to hold as firmly as possible, it is necessary to thoroughly clean the surface of the walls: remove old wallpaper, peel off peeling paint and plaster, and wash off the whitewash. If the walls are too uneven, the old finish is removed down to the very base.

The cracks in the corners need to be expanded in order to seal them properly. After this, the walls are wiped with a damp cloth, removing dust.

Step 2. Alignment

The clean surface is treated with a primer mixture deep penetration, which will avoid the development of mold and other microorganisms under the finishing layer. Knead starting putty and first seal noticeable recesses and small gaps. Deep cracks are filled cement mortar, after drying, leveling is carried out with putty. When the recesses are leveled, you can cover the entire surface of the kitchen wall with putty mortar.

The thickness of the putty layer should be within 1-2 cm; thicker layers may crack when dry and become detached from the base. When leveling, you should check the plane of the wall with a rule or a long wooden strip. When the putty is completely dry, the surface is sanded with sandpaper and then checked again with the rule. If necessary, apply another layer of mortar to make the wall as smooth as possible.

Step 3. Wallpapering

There is no need to paste over the area near the stove and cutting table - it is better to lay out a tiled apron here.

Begin gluing from the corner: cut the wallpaper to length, coat it well with glue and leave for 5 minutes to soak. In the corner, the strips are glued with a vertical overlap so as not to leave gaps. Heavy waterproof wallpaper glue them end to end, otherwise the seams will stand out too much. Each strip is carefully straightened, pressed against the wall and smoothed with a clean rag or rubber spatula. Excess glue protruding around the edges must be wiped off immediately.

Liquid wallpaper is ideal for the kitchen; it looks elegant and original. They are prepared very simply: the dry mixture is diluted warm water, stir thoroughly and leave to swell for 5-10 minutes.

Next, the mixture is applied to the walls with a wide spatula and leveled, creating a certain texture. After drying, liquid wallpaper forms a seamless durable surface, resistant to washing and mechanical stress. If any area is accidentally damaged, it can be easily restored by applying a small amount of the working mixture.

Using plaster to decorate walls

Decorative plaster is also great for the kitchen. It easily tolerates temperature fluctuations, high humidity, and repeated cleaning to remove dirt. This material is very plastic, and therefore can be given any shape and texture. Imitation of brick or stone masonry looks attractive on kitchen walls, which is not difficult to do. Surface preparation is carried out as standard, except that leveling does not have to be done very carefully.

Step 1. Mixing the solution

Pour water at room temperature into a small container and pour dry plaster. Using a construction mixer, mix the composition well and add coloring pigment if necessary. Leave the solution for 10 minutes and then stir again until smooth.

Step 2. Applying plaster

You can apply the solution with a regular or notched trowel, a textured roller, a paint brush, or even with your hands. The relief of the wall depends on the method of application, so you should think about the desired pattern in advance. Can be applied plaster composition evenly, and then use your fingers, a thin stick or something else to squeeze out the patterns.

For creating brickwork You will need a ruler and a pencil: on a wall covered with an even layer of mortar, draw horizontal solid lines under the ruler. There should be at least 8 cm between the lines. Next, vertical sections between the lines are pressed in a checkerboard pattern, resulting in neat brickwork. For masonry, lines are drawn arbitrarily, by hand, drawing stones of various sizes and shapes.

Patterns made with a notched trowel look original and unusual: to do this, take the solution onto the spatula and distribute it over the surface with uniform circular movements. The depth of the grooves and their number depend on the pressing force and the angle of inclination, which allows you to create a unique pattern.

Step 3. Finishing

The decorative coating should be treated with a protective compound; it can be varnish, special wax or paint. Most often, it is paint that is used, which is always waterproof and environmentally friendly. The most practical are considered acrylic paints based on silicone and latex: they are easy to apply, dry quickly, allow the walls to breathe and do not wear off with repeated washing.

Ceramic tiles are widely used for finishing kitchen walls and floors. Modern tiles are highly durable and come in a wide variety of colors, shapes and textures. Properly selected ceramics will make the kitchen irresistible. Without the appropriate experience, it is not so easy to veneer walls, but if you practice a little, everything will definitely work out.

For finishing work you will need:

The walls are prepared using the technology described above - cleaned, cracks sealed, leveled and primed. If the surface is not perfectly flat, it’s okay, the main thing is that the differences in height do not exceed 2 cm per square meter. Small defects will be hidden by a layer of adhesive, so they do not affect the placement of the tiles.

When the preparatory process is completed, you can begin cladding:

The outer fragments are cut with a grinder into pieces of the required width. All subsequent rows are laid with offset joints, pressing tightly against the wall surface. Be sure to follow the pattern, turning the tile at the desired angle. Changing fragments after the glue has dried will be problematic, so it is better to avoid such mistakes when cladding.

After completing the installation, the walls should not be touched for 5-7 days until the glue is completely dry. After the specified period has passed, you can begin grouting the joints. This process is necessary to protect the seams from excess moisture and destruction, and grouting also gives the cladding a finished and neat appearance. The joints are thoroughly cleaned of glue and dust residues and wiped with a clean damp sponge.

Mix the grout and apply it to the seams with a rubber spatula. Lightly pressing, spread the mixture along the seam, and then apply it with a spatula and remove the excess. So fill all the joints and leave for 20 minutes.

After this, take a bucket of water, a thick sponge and begin to wash the seams. The sponge must be wrung out very well, otherwise the joints will differ in color. The seams are formed with the same sponge, making small, uniform indentations.

Often, to give the seams the correct shape, a piece of durable rubber cable or a special tool - a jointer - is used.

Video - DIY kitchen walls: painting with water-based emulsion

Video - Do-it-yourself wall tiling

Video - DIY kitchen apron

Decorating the walls of the kitchen is a special matter, because here they not only eat, but also get together with the whole family over a cup of tea, and the atmosphere should be comfortable and conducive to relaxation. On the other hand, this is a place of high humidity and when choosing a finish it is also worth remembering.

How to decorate the walls in the kitchen with your own hands, we will consider everything below. Also in the video in this article and photos there will be ready-made solutions that may suit you.

Materials to complete the work

Wall decoration in the kitchen is done according to general interior premises. Materials must also be selected not just by appearance, but also by their characteristics. If tiles are usually laid in the bathroom, and wallpaper is glued in living rooms, then in the kitchen you can use many more types of finishes, both in combination and by choosing one.

Let's consider possible finishing materials used for the dining room:

Washable wallpaper

Considering that the kitchen is subjected to wet cleaning every day, and that grease can get on the walls during cooking, the wallpaper in this room should be easy to clean (see How to wash washable wallpaper: do it right).

Today there is a large number of water-repellent and washable wallpaper, for every color, taste and budget.

In order to stick them on, you don’t need any special training; almost anyone can do it.

PVC panels

They help to level the walls if necessary and are quite easy to install.

Can be washed even with chlorine-containing disinfectants.

Long service life.

The downside is that they slightly reduce the size of the room due to the loose fit to the wall.

Decorative plaster

Requires special training of the master.

It is difficult to clean, but has a wide range of textures and colors.

Looks good in combination with other materials.


Expensive material, natural, environmentally friendly, durable.

Stone finishing will serve for many years in unchanged condition.

Can be used only in one area, for example, apron, corners, slopes.

Tree Unusual design of kitchen walls can be done using wood. After all, the material is perfectly processed.

Looks good in country houses, if the footage allows.

Due to the fact that wood easily absorbs moisture, it is not recommended to be used over hob, only in the dining area or seating area.

Highlighting zones using color

It is not necessary to decorate the kitchen in a single color scheme. For example, the design of the wall in the kitchen dining area may differ significantly from the working part.

  • If the footage of the room allows, then using color you can conditionally divide dining area and a cooking area, for example, make one part yellow and the other purple or green.
  • If the footage of the room is small, then one tone is taken as the basis, and another is used, for example, to decorate only one wall. Thus, using a combination of different colors, you can give your kitchen personality.

Let's look at examples of zoning and finishing various areas premises:

What you need to know when choosing wallpaper

Decorating a wall in the kitchen with your own hands using wallpaper is the most common. The price of such finishing is not high and everything can be done with your own hands and in a short time. But even here there are details: Take into account the features of the room, the area of ​​the room, lighting (the color and pattern will depend on this), design style, color kitchen set, protrusions and niches - all this must be taken into account when choosing wallpaper.

Attention: When choosing wallpaper glue, pay attention to its antifungal properties, especially it has great importance, if your choice fell on natural materials.

The stores offer a huge selection of wallpaper; in order not to make a mistake in choosing, you need to know a few simple rules for reading the markings:

  • Moisture-resistant wallpaper are divided into washable and super washable (washable ones are marked on the roll in the form of a wave, super washable ones have a wave sign with a brush, which allows for more thorough cleaning using chemicals and a brush);
  • Vapor tightness, Another one important element markings that are worth paying attention to; wallpapers with a higher percentage of this indicator allow more air to pass through and dry faster, which is important in the kitchen;

Attention: When choosing wallpaper, pay attention to such a marking element as density. This indicator determines how long your walls will remain beautiful. And the higher the percentage of density, the less porosity and greater dirt repellency

You can ask a sales consultant in the store about which wallpapers can be combined and which ones should not, and clearly see how different types look together.

Pay attention to vinyl wallpaper, this material has long proven itself only with the best side. Having a two-layer structure, the coating combines practicality and an interesting texture, appreciated by many designers. The advantage of this wall covering is that the spraying is natural and environmentally friendly;

Studio kitchens have long gained popularity among the younger generation for their convenience and functionality. Such a kitchen is an excellent solution when the size of the apartment does not allow separating the dining area from the food preparation area.

Therefore, if the living space and kitchen are combined, silk-screen printing is well suited for the recreation area - this natural coating, on which any drawing can be easily applied, be it a photo or a painting of your favorite landscape;

Practical people prefer wallpaper for painting; non-woven wallpaper is perfect for this purpose. Here, first of all, pay attention to the quality of the material, since practicality lies in the ability to repaint the walls, if necessary, in a different color without re-pasting the wallpaper, or simply tint the damaged area, thereby you can refresh the coating without resorting to expensive repairs and changing the wall covering;

Paper wallpaper can also be used in the dining room due to its low cost; it can be changed quite often;

Decorative plaster has long won its place in the market, thanks to a wide range of textures and colors. For kitchen premises A special type of plaster is applied on top.

The texture of the walls is created by choosing the grain size of the material and the method of application. various instruments. Using your imagination you can create a very interesting texture.

In order to apply plaster, it is better to use the services of a master without having the appropriate skills; it will be difficult to do this, and the result may disappoint you. This is a long and scrupulous job, decorating the walls in the kitchen with this material is quite attractive.

If you still decide to do this work yourself, then prepare the following tools:

  • Spatulas of different sizes;
  • A roller for applying paint to large surfaces and a sponge for small areas of the wall;
  • To fix the plaster you will need wax and varnish.

The texture is created precisely by these tools. And all you need to do is prepare the solution and apply it to the wall and then make the surface in relief.

The use of PVC panels in kitchen decoration

PVC panels are often used to decorate kitchen walls in the “economy” segment due to their low cost, durability and attractive appearance.

Attention: Unscrupulous manufacturers sometimes use toxic materials Be sure to ask the sellers for quality certificates!

When choosing, focus on the following parameters:

  • Thickness, the higher this indicator, the stronger the panel; the number of crossbars, the more often the crossbars are located inside the panel, the stronger the product; presence of deformations (should not exist); the connection point, check whether the panels fit tightly into the lock; weight is directly related to the quality and quantity of partitions, choose panels with the greatest weight;
  • Determine the chalk content, bend the panel by 30-40%, if there are no creases left when unbending, then the manufacturer did not add a lot of chalk, and the panel is of high quality;
  • Price and manufacturer, focus on well-known brands.

Choosing materials for a kitchen apron

An apron is an area located above the working kitchen surface that requires constant wet cleaning with disinfectants; it is most often laid out with ceramic tiles.

  • In order not to make a mistake with the choice and not spoil the entire kitchen design, the apron is selected in last resort, based on existing furniture, wallpaper and accessories.
  • You need to take everything into account, the color of the wallpaper, flooring, furniture, kitchen façade and countertop; if you take into account all the details, the apron will fit organically into the interior and become the main decoration of the kitchen.

By choosing the right color scheme and texture, you can add some zest to your kitchen interior:
If the wallpaper and furniture contain a lot of decor, then it is better to choose the color of the apron in neutral tones so as not to overload the room, a practical casual style will become good decision;

  • If the furniture and wallpaper are decorated in monochrome, with a minimum of decorations, then you can play with contrast by decorating the apron and, for example, door handles in the same color;
  • A bright apron with a catchy pattern also looks good if, for example, you hang a panel on the wall in the same style;

A matte apron looks good when the doors of the set have a glossy shine and vice versa, if the set has a matte surface, it will go well with a glossy apron.

Decorative brick finishing

IN Lately When decorating a kitchen, decorative brick is often used. The color can vary from classic orange and brown to any shade that suits the interior.

You can decorate with brick either completely all the walls of the room or decorate the wall near the table in the kitchen. It will look good to decorate one area, for example, the place where there is a dining table or coffee table.

The kitchen is the face of the housewife, because a woman spends most of her time here, so the atmosphere in the house depends on how comfortable she is in the room. This is a place where the whole family gathers every day, eats in the kitchen, drinks tea, and receives guests. That's why good kitchen- the dream of any housewife and the design of the wall in the kitchen should be thought through carefully.

The kitchen is a fairly popular place in the apartment, especially for women. This is where the housewife spends a lot of time, preparing food, cleaning, feeding her household, etc. And, accordingly, it should be not only functional, but also cozy and beautiful. Decoration and design play a huge role in preparing the kitchen for its immediate comfortable use.


Initially, it is important to decide exactly how it will be formatted. To do this, you need to evaluate the size of the kitchen room, the entire apartment, as well as the design of the room as a whole. The material used for decoration must be of high quality and durable. Correctly selected wall design in the kitchen means, first of all, correctly chosen shades of wallpaper in accordance with the overall design of the apartment.

Right choice

Wallpaper should be chosen especially carefully. And the point here is not so much the color of the wallpaper, but the quality. Of course, waterproof wallpaper is best suited here. In addition, the choice may also fall on fiberglass wallpaper and wallpaper intended for painting. Very important advice, which is definitely worth paying attention to, is that the wallpaper should be glued far from the washing area (for example, above dining table). It is better to decorate the sink area with stone, tiles or a fresco. It will look great and fit well into the overall design of the kitchen room.

Modern ideas

Fashionable and modern ideas for decorating walls in the kitchen include metallic wallpaper. They are made on the basis of aluminum foil. Such wallpaper is perfect for small kitchens, as it visually expands and enlarges the space. They can be either smooth or textured. They look very modern.

Photo wallpaper

Photo wallpapers have been relevant at all times. And now, quite often, owners choose this type of finishing for their kitchens. Photo wallpapers can give a very romantic look to the kitchen room. But you should choose them especially carefully, paying attention to the overall design of the room, colors, the character of the household and other nuances. A picture can look very out of place in one shade or another, or, conversely, become a bright addition that harmoniously fits into the overall picture and atmosphere of the room.

When choosing wallpaper, you should take into account the size of the kitchen room itself, especially if the kitchen is small. In this case, not everything will do. Wallpaper must be chosen carefully. And, in this case, mostly wallpaper with a small pattern. Large details will only make it visually smaller.

In a kitchen covered with wallpaper, various types of interior decorations will look very harmonious, such as vases with and without flowers, paintings, family photos in beautiful frames, especially those made by hand to match the overall design of the room, thus creating a special comfort and emotional atmosphere in the house. Kitchens will also look good with a TV of this style.

Ceramic tile

One of current solutions when decorating a kitchen room, especially if the kitchen has gas boiler– this is, of course, tile. Because it is beautiful and at the same time convenient. It is easy to clean, is not afraid of grease and other contaminants, and is very practical, which is very important for this type of room.

In the case where the kitchen is completely covered with tiles, designers recommend using additional details as decoration. These can be beautiful vases, decorative jars, beautifully arranged fruits, etc.

Plastered walls

Decorative plaster makes it possible to make the design unique and individual, reflecting the taste and preferences of the apartment owner. This type of cladding is very in demand and popular, as it makes it possible to create something unique and unlike anything else, to express your own flight of fancy. In addition, painting can be done on the plaster coating. To do this, it is better to invite an artist or do the painting yourself. Also with projections on the walls with beautiful plaster A panel made with your own hands or purchased in a store will look great.


The big advantage of such a material as plasterboard is that when using it, absolutely straight and smooth walls are maintained. This design is suitable for creative people. Drywall allows you to implement almost any creative ideas, using fabric or draping openings where needed, if necessary.

With this type of design, various design ideas, which you can refer to when choosing this option.


Panels are also used quite often in decoration. And this is no coincidence, since the panels have many advantages. Firstly, it is reliability and durability, as well as the possibility of combining different types(glass, polymer) panels. And secondly, it’s beautiful and modern design solution, which will look appropriate in any kitchen.

Painted walls

Perfect solution for those who want to save money and at the same time create beautiful design with your own hands - this, of course, is painting the walls. Painted kitchen walls look very stylish, bright and will look harmonious in any design. But you need to understand that only decorative paint is suitable for these purposes. By combining and mixing paint with elements such as sand, starch, sawdust, etc., you can end up with a very interesting and unusual surface.

In this case, any additional design ideas are appropriate. Can you decorate a kitchen like this? decorative elements(vases, frames). Wall shelves will also look very harmonious, especially if they perfectly match the color scheme of the walls.


Often the choice falls on brick when it comes to choosing a material for decorating a kitchen room. Brick walls in the kitchen give a special charm to the room. If you choose the right color and shade of this material, then such a kitchen will look especially harmonious, at the same time cozy and homely.

White brick will look very noble and is more suitable for sophisticated and romantic natures. With gray bricks you can also achieve a similar effect. An unusual brick color, such as yellow or orange, will add some playfulness and brightness to the room. These colors in the interior should be chosen by those households who have children.

Apron design

To finish the work area (the so-called “apron”), it is recommended to use materials such as stone (natural or artificial), metal panels, tiles and other materials. They are expensive, but they can and should be used selectively, on a separate area, and not on the entire wall.

In fact, there are two types of this kitchen area:

  1. Casual style, or otherwise neutral style. It does not require any additional details. The main thing here is functionality.
  2. If the goal is to pay attention to any detail kitchen interior, or directly onto the work area, then in this case it is made bright and contrasting. It is quite possible to add additional elements there.

The main thing during the renovation is finishing the walls in the kitchen. It is necessary to choose finishing materials that are practical and beautiful, but this is not easy: not all meet the requirements.

Requirements for finishing materials for the kitchen

The kitchen is a room with difficult conditions: there is often high humidity, evaporation, and splashes of grease. Therefore, materials for finishing kitchen walls should be easy to wash and should not react to high humidity.

In addition to cooking, most families also use the kitchen as a dining room. And if so, then the finish should also be beautiful. Naturally, it must be safe for health and, preferably, durable.

There are not many materials that satisfy all conditions. The only thing that helps is a wide variety of textures and colors, and new items that have appeared recently. So, finishing the walls in the kitchen is done using:

  • ceramic tiles and mosaics;
  • washable wallpaper;
  • waterproof paint;
  • panels made of MDF, plastic;
  • decorative plaster.

Due to the fact that different functions are combined in one room, even a small kitchen is divided into two zones - working and dining. And emphasizes the separation of the use of different finishing materials, including for walls. So most often you have to choose two types of wall decoration for the kitchen - something very practical and easy to clean for the work area, and something in the same style and color for the dining area, but more comfortable.

Ceramic tiles and mosaics

Wall-mounted ceramic tile for finishing kitchen walls - an excellent option in terms of durability and ease of maintenance. But if the entire room is tiled, it will be uncomfortable, like an operating room. Another drawback is the high costs of the material itself and its installation: it’s not very easy, so they often hire craftsmen, and their work is not cheap.

Because in modern renovation For the most part, ceramics are used to decorate the work area - the wall space between the floor and wall cabinets. This piece is also called . Previously, it was made only from tiles, today this material has worthy competitors - glass-ceramic and plastic panels, MDF panels, decorative and a natural stone.

All new materials are easy to install - they are fastened with a few bolts and do not require a perfectly flat wall surface. They are also easier to care for, since there are very few seams - at the junction of the panels - and they can be sealed with sealant to prevent moisture and dirt from entering. In general, ceramic tiles are a good option for finishing a kitchen work area, but not the only one and not the best.

Ceramic tile finishing options

But despite the availability of new materials, tiles are still the most popular option for finishing a kitchen countertop. Only in the design style did significant differences appear. The previously commonly used medium-sized square tiles 15*15 cm or 18*18 cm are no longer popular. Large formats are in favor - long rectangular or square, but with a side of at least 35 cm, or even 50-70 cm. So it turns out that on kitchen apron one or two rows of tiles are required.

There are curly collections, with patterns, drawings, and there are smooth ones. Long and narrow tiles are called “hog” Large fragments - one per apron height

It’s up to you to decide which tile to choose—smooth, with texture, with or without patterns. The textured one certainly looks very interesting. But in terms of practicality, it is inferior to a smooth surface: dirt and soot gets clogged into the recesses. To bring her to normal condition considerable effort is required.

Mosaic wall decoration

Wall decoration in the kitchen with mosaics looks good. These are very small ceramic, glass-ceramic or glass tiles glued to a mesh for faster installation. Small squares can be the same color, or they can be different shades in the same range; there is a mosaic laid out with patterns and even paintings. This type of finishing material is even more expensive than ceramic tiles, but its appearance is non-standard.

Mosaic panel - non-standard solution Patterns in different styles- beautiful and original Different colors and sizes of tiles - rare collections, but very beautiful Mirror mosaic on the walls of the kitchen - an option for high-tech style Green with brown and gray - a cozy and calm combination Gray - best background for brighter elements

You can decorate the kitchen with mosaics not only working wall. The same panel is made above the dining table. This harmonizes the interior. Plus, another area that gets dirty often gets an easy-to-clean coating.

Wallpaper: washable and paintable

This type of finishing material is mostly used on the walls in the kitchen dining area. In the work area, even super-washable and super-durable wallpaper won't last long. Especially in the wash area.

According to the technology, decorating the walls in the kitchen with wallpaper means first sticking the wallpaper onto a flat surface. The best choice is with vinyl covering. Vinyl forms a dense film that can be wiped with a rag. There are technologies that make it possible to obtain such a durable coating that this wallpaper can be washed with a brush using liquid (non-abrasive) detergents.

Vinyl wallpaper is paper-based and non-woven. Non-woven ones adhere very easily to a flat surface. If the walls in the kitchen are not level, it is better to take vinyl wallpapers on paper based, and choose thick paper and a textured surface of the roll. This will help hide unevenness.

Photo wallpaper on the wall in the kitchen is a popular type of decoration

Wallpaper for painting is worth highlighting as a separate category. They must also be glued to flat surfaces. They are often made on the basis of fiberglass. They are painted water-based paint, without problems you can repaint from 3 to 20 times (depending on the type of wallpaper, the more you can repaint, the more expensive the wallpaper). We'll talk about choosing paint in the next section.

Another separate type of wallpaper is photo wallpaper. Bright or pastoral landscapes, city photographs, kitchen “still lifes” - whatever your heart desires. It is usually pasted on the wall next to which the table is located or on a free wall. By the way, there is a way to blur the boundaries in a rectangular kitchen - paste a wide-format image with next wall. Changes immediately visual perception premises.

Painting the walls

The choice of paint for walls in the kitchen is not so wide - water-based paints are most suitable, but they need to be washable. This type of paint can be repainted without any problems, but it is easier to wash. That’s why we choose these ones.

According to the technology, painting walls in the kitchen is done on a flat, pre-primed wall. The type of primer is selected depending on the type of paint (with acrylates, alkyd and silicate). After the primer has dried, paint is applied in several layers. Since the base is water-based, there is practically no smell; after drying, a film of varying degrees of strength is formed (read more about finishing paints).

Pastel shades for a “light” interior The traditional technique of combined painting is one wall is bright, the rest are neutral. You can apply a pattern to the painted walls. Light furniture - bright walls. A common decorative technique

Decorating the kitchen walls with painting can be background, dim, or, on the contrary, attract attention. Background colors are chosen if bright color, A bright walls do if the facades are neutral.

Decorative plaster

I also call decorative plaster “liquid wallpaper”. These compositions are textured and smooth. Smooth - Venetian plaster based on marble dust with various additives. The surface is silky to the touch and has a muted sheen very similar to silk. Textured plasters there are two types. In the former, the relief is obtained due to the presence of some large inclusions in the composition (usually quartz sand of different grain sizes), in the latter, the relief is obtained due to application with special rollers, brushes, and spatulas.

Finishing the walls in the kitchen with smooth decorative plaster occurs after careful leveling of the walls. The composition is very expensive and it is extremely unprofitable to spend it on leveling defects. In addition, the slightest irregularities spoil the overall impression. Structural decorative plasters you can finish imperfect walls - the surface will still be uneven, so perfect smoothness is not required. What is mandatory in any case is a preliminary primer for better adhesion to the surface.

Decorative plaster for finishing walls in the kitchen a good choice— it is washable, retains its appearance for a long time, many pigments do not fade or fade. The disadvantage is the high price of the material and a complex application technique, which not all “masters” can handle. In addition to the ability to plaster, this requires artistic taste, and not everyone has it.

Natural and decorative stone

Non-standard wall decoration in the kitchen is done using natural or artificial decorative stone. Natural - sawn into thin plates different sizes and shapes. Artificial - made on the basis of gypsum or cement, with the addition of crumbs of natural minerals. Natural stone is heavier and more expensive, making it more difficult to install. Artificial is lighter in weight, much cheaper, easier to install; one side is like a tile, the other imitates the surface of stone in both color and shape.

Imitation of old brickwork is one of the latest trends. Decorating walls in the kitchen with decorative stone is one of the options.

- natural or artificial - requires a certain skill. You also need to first level the surface before starting. Finishing work. Place on tile adhesive, first covering with primer. After laying the stone, the seams are opened (with mortar or grout), and then the wall is varnished to make it easier to maintain.

Decorating the walls in the kitchen with plastic panels

If you need an inexpensive and quick option for finishing your kitchen, consider plastic wall panels. They are mounted on the sheathing, secured with self-tapping screws or staples from a stapler. There is absolutely no need to level the walls - the lathing will hide all the imperfections. Wall decoration in the kitchen PVC panels probably the most quick way update the room. Also the cheapest. There are a lot of color options - from plain matte or glossy to imitation tiles, wood and other surfaces and materials.

Wall finishing with plastic - urgent and inexpensive repairs

Naturally, there are disadvantages - unnatural raw materials and fragility. The raw materials are unnatural, but under normal operating conditions (do not exceed the temperature) they are harmless. With fragility. nothing can be done - plastic panels have jumpers between two layers of polymer. When struck they are crushed. There are, however, thin PVC wall panels, but they are glued to flat walls. In any case, if you need a quick and inexpensive way to update your kitchen walls, consider plastic panels.

MDF panels

Another simple and quick way to make renovations is to decorate the walls in the kitchen with MDF panels. They are also mounted on the sheathing, but are much more expensive than plastic ones. One way to finish a backsplash without tiles is to use MDF boards. In addition, this material can be used to decorate the rest of the walls. It is made from wood waste ground into flour, which is paddled under high pressure. The resulting boards are then laminated with film. MDF can come in a lot of colors, but the most popular are wood imitation different breeds and shades.

Two shades of brown cozy interior V modern style Imitating the surface of a stone is also interesting

There are different color solutions for decorating walls in the kitchen with MDF panels:

  • Choose the same color as the countertop.
  • Make an apron that matches the facade, and make the walls a different color.
  • All the walls and the apron in the kitchen are made of the same color, but it does not match the color of the furniture (contrasting or in the same color scheme).

The disadvantage of this method of finishing kitchen walls is that MDF reacts to high humidity (a little, but it expands). To reduce the effect, during installation, open sections are treated with sealant.

Decorating the walls in the kitchen, a photo of which you won’t be ashamed to show to friends, requires effort and time. Don't rush into repairs, review everything possible options and make the right decision. After all, ideas for creating beautiful interior so many.

Basic material requirements

The preparatory stage is almost more important than the rest - you need to choose a material that will look beautiful, emphasize the advantages of the room, hide flaws, and also meet the basic requirements:

  • Water resistance. Water is constantly flowing in the kitchen, something is being washed, poured, and cleaned. The walls should easily withstand high humidity and not suffer from splashes of water, even boiling water.
  • Resistant to temperature changes. In the summer, when borscht or jam is being cooked in the kitchen, the temperature in the room rises significantly, hot air stays above the stove - the material should easily withstand it, cool down without cracking.
  • Easy to care for. Pieces of food, splashes of grease, and soot get on the walls in the kitchen - they should be easy to clean, the use of chemicals should not cause damage, and even after the fiftieth cleaning, the material should retain its original brightness.
  • Hygiene. Mold, mildew, and pathogens should not be able to multiply on the walls, even if soot and grease are constantly deposited on them. Otherwise, food prepared in the kitchen will be harmful.
  • Easy to care for. The tiles are most often covered with enamel - you can simply wipe off fresh dirt from it with a wet cloth. And if the dirt has already dried, even aggressive chemicals will not affect appearance tiles
  • Diversity. Tiles are a beautiful material that is produced in different forms, different colors, with different patterns. It opens up space for imagination; with its help you can lay out intricate patterns, making your kitchen unique.
  • Durability. At correct operation tiles can last for decades, even if lying on the floor. And on walls, where even special abrasion resistance is not needed, it wears out very slowly.

It has no downsides, except for one thing - the elegant enamel can be scratched.

Interestingly, in recent years, new types of tiles have entered the market that can be brilliantly used in kitchen design:

  • three-dimensional ceramic tiles have convex and concave sides, from which you can create not a simple two-dimensional pattern, but a three-dimensional pattern;
  • Liquid tiles are made to change color when pressed - it looks beautiful on the floor, but it will also look fresh on the wall, and children will especially like it.

When purchasing you need to consider b:

  • type of tile - in the first defect there will be less than five percent, but in the second it is already about twenty;
  • general condition - there should be no cracks, depressions, yellow spots either on the outside or on inside tiles;
  • resistance to detergents- the “AA” marking means that you can use any connections you like, but it is better to handle class “A” tiles with care.

The thickness of the wall tiles does not exceed four millimeters. It is specially marked with a palm icon - this means that it was made specifically for walls.


The tiles can be matte, glossy or mirror. You need to understand what you want your kitchen to look like and choose based on that.


But mosaics also cost significantly more than regular tiles.


In order for the mosaic to reveal itself to its full potential, it is better not to lay it yourself, but to hire a master. It will be more expensive, but the result cannot be repeated at home.


Kitchen paint is used with reservations - nevertheless, its durability is less than that of tiles, especially natural stone.

There are several advantages:

  • Easy to apply. The tile can be laid crookedly, a mosaic will require a master, but any paint can be applied by a person who has never held a brush in his hands, especially if he practices a little first.
  • Diversity. The paint can be matte, glossy, different colors, different shades. Moreover, this is the most classic material for creating drawings - you can not only apply a simple geometric pattern with it, which anyone can do, but even copy a classic painting if you have the patience.
  • Easily repaired. If the paint peels off or cracks, just add another layer on top and the original appearance will be restored.
  • Moisture resistance. Paint is often used to cover walls in swimming pools and bathrooms - and all because it is insensitive to moisture.
  • Easy to care for. Painted walls wipe with a cloth, either wet or dry. However, it is not recommended to use aggressive chemicals.
  • Resistance to biological threats. Does not rot, cannot become infected with fungus.

But there are also disadvantages:

  • The need for good preparation. Walls for painting must be perfectly smooth, otherwise all cracks, depressions, and other defects will be clearly visible.
  • Possible instability. Not all paints remove stains easily, so before painting a wall in your work area, you should carefully read the specifications.

Of course, there is more than one type of paint. For painting in the kitchen you can use:

  • water-based paint - non-toxic, dries quickly, odorless;
  • acrylic - durable, odorless, suitable for painting, since multi-colored colors are common;
  • alkyd paints are cheap, hold up well, but smell sharp when dry.

It is interesting that in recent years new types of paint have appeared that have not yet come into widespread use:

  • slate and marker paints allow you to draw on a dry surface either with chalk or special markers;
  • antibacterial paints contain silver ions, killing pathogenic bacteria, which is important for the kitchen;
  • Magnetic paints contain tiny iron particles, so that after drying, magnets can be attached to walls anywhere.


A kitchen painted with paint does not look very aesthetically pleasing - unless, of course, you put effort into patterns and designs - so a good solution would be to combine paint with other materials.


The idea that wallpaper is not suitable for the kitchen has long been refuted, because in addition to paper, other varieties that are more resistant to environmental influences have long appeared. Each of them has its own advantages.

  • Non-woven wallpaper. The advantages are standard - durability, strength, resistance to temperature and humidity. The only unique thing is the ability to choose a texture to your taste and apply any paint to it, and good wallpaper can survive staining up to ten times. There is one minus - dust accumulates in the complex texture of the wallpaper, so they need to be cleaned regularly.
  • Impregnated paper wallpaper. Cheap material, which will become unusable in two to three years. It absorbs odors, fades in the sun, and stains are difficult to remove. But if you need to make repairs in conditions of total savings, this is the solution.

There are wallpapers that have recently appeared on the market: so-called live wallpapers, the pattern on which changes depending on the temperature. The simplest example- when the temperature rises, flowers bloom on the green branches covering the wallpaper.

These need to be placed either in the area of ​​the stove or above the battery to allow for changes. But in general, the kitchen is a place where the temperature changes constantly and live wallpaper can reveal its full potential.


Wallpaper also goes well with tiles, but you can also cover your work area with it.

Decorative plaster

Decorative plaster is easy to apply, hides unevenness of the base, does not absorb odors, is resistant to moisture, and provides a certain level of sound insulation. True, it is expensive, but on top of all the advantages it looks aesthetically pleasing.

It can be different:

  • Roller room. When applied, grooves-indentations remain in the surface, which then give the wall three-dimensionality and combine well with painting.
  • Latex. Gives the effect of natural stone, painted at the mixing stage.
  • « Wet silk" The result is a fabric effect - an iridescent, flowing shine, which can be of any color if you add color.
  • « Sea breeze" It has a light pearlescent tint and is translucent.

To give the plaster additional resistance to the environment, you can cover it after drying with special coatings - wax or glaze.

They will not only make the material stronger, but also give it additional shine.


The plaster dries quickly, so you need to come up with a pattern before applying it.


Stone remains the most durable, reliable, durable material in any field. Moreover, it can be either natural or artificial, and these are two big differences.

A natural stone:

But at the same time, it is expensive and also heavy - to cover a wall with stone, you need to buy the thinnest tiles, attach them with strong glue, and always start from the bottom. Calculate whether the wall can withstand such a load.

In this regard, artificial stone is much more convenient. It is also resistant to moisture, durable, does not crack, does not rot, but at the same time it is cheap, lightweight, and can be styled to resemble any natural stone without adding to the price.

The only real drawback of the stone is the limited range of shades. It is suitable only for those who truly love natural beauty, veins, shades of gray, white, beige, brown. It lacks brightness and saturation, although no one would bother you to paint individual tiles with paints.


Fully stone kitchen beautiful, but not very comfortable- such a design sophistication is justified only if you want to make your home look like a knight’s castle. It makes much more sense to combine stone with other materials that are warmer and brighter.

The disadvantages include flammability - in the event of a fire, the lining will immediately catch fire - and instability to aggressive chemical detergents. In the work area, it is better to choose a different material and wipe the lining with a cloth from time to time.

When purchasing, it is important to consider the class of lining:

  • extra is devoid of any defects at all - all knots, roughness, blueness are allowed exclusively on the back side, and there should be no cracks at all;
  • class A - knots no more than one per meter and not larger size, than a centimeter, the cracks are not exclusively through, processed by the manufacturer himself, but any other defects are exclusively on the back side;
  • class B - there may be cracks, but in a small number, knots in an unlimited number, but the diameter is not more than a third of one panel;
  • class C - all other lining with knots, cracks, roughness, stains.

The operational properties of the classes do not differ (with the exception of C, which is unreliable and has little service), for the most part you should choose a specific one based on your preferences.


Before buying, compare extra-class lining with class A. Perhaps the first one will seem too uniform to you, and therefore boring.

Plastic panels

Plastic panels do not look nearly as beautiful as wooden ones, but they are cheaper and have whole list advantages:

  • Easy to install and lightweight. Plastic is lighter than wood, it is also fastened according to the mosaic principle - the tenon fits into the groove, the structure is fixed, you don’t need much experience with dexterity to carry out the fastening process carefully.
  • Easy to care for. Plastic can be washed using the most aggressive means, from which the tree will quickly lose its aesthetic appearance.
  • Moisture resistance. Plastic does not need to be coated with special compounds to make it impervious to moisture.
  • Resistance to temperature changes. Of course, the plastic panels could not withstand open fire, but they will retain their properties at temperatures up to one hundred and twenty degrees.
  • Diversity. Plastic, unlike stone and wood, can be given any color; it will be bright and saturated. You can even buy panels with patterns.

The panels are cheap, but not without their disadvantages:

  • Flammability. If plastic is exposed to an open flame, it will burn slowly but will eventually fill the entire kitchen with choking black smoke.
  • Low strength. Plastic is not resistant to mechanical stress - if you hit it lightly, a crack will form. It wears out quickly and won't last for decades. Also changes color with prolonged exposure to sunlight.
  • Reducing space. The panels take away four centimeters from each wall - as a result, the kitchen not only becomes visually smaller, but seriously loses in volume.

When purchasing plastic, it is important to ask the seller if there are quality certificates. If plastic is made in violation of technology, it will release toxic compounds into the air that are harmful to person.


If you don’t want to lose useful space, you can buy thin PVC panels, which are no thicker than three millimeters and are simply glued to the walls.

Glass panels

Modern glass is not at all the usual fragile material that is inserted into window frames. It is difficult to break, and even if it succeeds, it will fall off not into sharp cutting fragments, but into harmless large pieces with blunt edges. This material has several advantages:

  • Sustainability. To moisture, to temperature changes, to aggressive chemicals, to falling pieces of food, boiling water, fat, to the development of mold or mildew.
  • Durability. The glass will serve for decades, and does not fade in the sun or lose its bright color.
  • Diversity. Happens colored glass, mirror, matte, transparent, translucent. Moreover, it can be custom painted in any way you like, creating a photograph or drawing that will make the kitchen unique.

The downside is the price. Glass is expensive. In addition, it is still not very resistant to strong mechanical stress. If you hit it, it will either crack or crumble.

There are different types of glass:

  • ordinary- fragile, brittle, not very suitable for the kitchen, since it breaks into sharp fragments that can seriously cut you;
  • stalinite- durable, breaks into small granules with non-sharp edges;
  • textured- embossed, with a three-dimensional pattern, which is aesthetically pleasing, but at the same time requires additional cleaning, since dirt accumulates in the texture;
  • decoracrylic- a polymer that is similar to glass, but lighter, cheaper, stronger, and also less resistant to temperature changes;
  • triplex- glass consists of several thin layers, on the internal image, which is protected from the external environment.

There are also mirrored and colored glasses - they allow you to diversify the interior.


Decorating an entire kitchen with glass is expensive and often unnecessary. It is better to combine glass with paint, wallpaper or ceramic tiles.


Metal overlays on chipboard, tiles with a metal surface, metal mosaics - all this is exotic, which is rarely used, but which looks quite appropriate in the kitchen, especially in the high-tech style.

The advantages are as follows:

However, the metal is expensive and can be difficult to find - yet it is not the most popular material.


If you want not just metal inserts, and metal inserts with fiction, order engraving - the letters or drawing will look good above the desktop.