What does a wardrobe consist of and what should you pay attention to when choosing it? Wardrobes: types, types, advantages Types of sliding systems for sliding wardrobes

Cabinets are functional furniture designed to store things and small parts. With the help of such structures, you can save, expand and profitably fill the space, hiding the imperfections and unevenness of the walls, ceiling or floor.

Types of cabinets

Depending on the use of space There are different types of cabinets:

  1. Freestanding. They have a solid body, can be installed anywhere in the room, and can be transported. This is ready-made furniture, which consists of side walls, bottom, doors and top cover.
  2. Built-in. Such furnishings are an integral part of the interior. The side walls of the structure are the elements of the room space (floor, walls, niches, ceiling).
  3. Partially built-in. These are products tied to a point in the internal space. The headset differs from the standard one by the absence of one or two parts.

By type of door elements stand out:

  • wardrobes with frames and sliding doors;
  • cabinets with hinged doors;
  • cabinets with lifting doors;
  • cabinets with door curtains;
  • open cabinets.

Sliding wardrobes have two door opening mechanisms:

  • a mechanical frame within which the door moves on a roller basis;
  • the rollers move along the monorail, which prevents foreign objects from entering the structure.

Types by configuration method:

  • typical;
  • serial;
  • modular.

By style stand out:

  • classic cabinets (rococo, empire, modern, baroque);
  • folk style cabinets;
  • cabinets in a modern style (high-tech, modern).

By shape differ:

  • straight cabinet (linear);
  • corner cabinet (L-shaped, U-shaped);
  • cabinets with a radius end (rounded side panel);
  • rectangular.

By number of doors single-leaf, double-leaf and three-leaf structures are distinguished. There are special cabinets (bookcases, dishes, shoes) and combined ones.

By material there are:

  • wooden (made from solid wood);
  • plastic;
  • steel;
  • glass;
  • mirrored;
  • with glass ceilings;
  • with photo printing.

Cabinet functions and characteristics

Cabinet characteristics:

  • dimensions (width, height, depth);
  • materials of the body, side panels (wood, plastic, glass, chipboard);
  • quantity and location of components (pull-out cabinets, shelves, partitions, hangers, mezzanines);
  • door opening mechanism (hinged, sliding);
  • number of doors (one-, two-, three-leaf);
  • elements of fittings and fasteners;
  • decorative details and finishing of facades;
  • shape (straight, angular, rectangular);
  • type of product (built-in, free-standing);
  • stylistics (classical, folklore, modern).

Perform the following functions:

  • storage of things and small parts,
  • functional filling,
  • expanding or saving space in the room,
  • addition to the style of the room.

Cabinet components:

  • mesh shelves and baskets;
  • pull-out cabinets for small parts;
  • hangers with hooks;
  • shelves for shoes;
  • trouser holders;
  • hangers for ties, hooks, cufflinks;
  • microlifts.

Accessories for sliding wardrobes include handle profiles, sets of guides and overhead rollers, stoppers, insert brushes, door clamps.


  • save room space;
  • perfect fit of the case to the walls, floor, ceiling;
  • prices for such designs are lower, because they are used less materials for the frame;
  • sustainability;
  • good sound insulation characteristics;
  • visually smooth uneven walls;
  • high capacity.

Advantages of free-standing cabinets:

  • don't require additional costs during design;
  • they can be placed in any convenient place;
  • transportation is possible.
  • spaciousness and functionality;
  • diversity internal filling;
  • suitable for narrow spaces;
  • variety of design;
  • zoning of the premises is possible;
  • space saving.
  • are distinguished by durable fastening;
  • long service life;
  • in case of breakdowns, there is no need to remove the entire façade of the structure;
  • practicality.


  • structures cannot be moved around the house or transported;
  • they damage the walls;
  • high complexity of assembly.

Disadvantages of free-standing cabinets:

  • take up a lot of space;
  • it is difficult to combine such models with other headsets;
  • the capacity is less than in built-in furniture.
  • break quickly due to loose fittings or improper use;
  • complex installation;
  • A flat floor is required for installation.

Disadvantages of cabinets with hinged doors:

  • limited height of the structure;
  • a small number of decorative inserts;
  • the stability of the structure depends on the errors of the floors or walls.

How to choose a cabinet

  • Pay attention to the dimensions of the structure. Estimate the depth, height and width of the model. The standard depth is 60-65 centimeters. In hallways, sets with a depth of 40 centimeters are used.

Remember that 10 centimeters of the depth of the product are occupied by the doors. When choosing a wardrobe, consider the number of things that should fit in it. Choose functional and dimensional furniture. The more compartments and compartments there are in the design, the better.

If the ceiling is higher than three meters, then the cabinets are equipped with mezzanines. By special order it is possible to make aluminum doors up to the ceiling, steel structures reach a height of 2.75 m.

  • When purchasing, you should take into account the features of the floor on which the structure will stand. If it is made of linoleum or parquet, you will need a special underlay. “Liquid nails” or silicone sealant are placed on the tiles.
  • The cabinet should fit into the overall design of the room and match the color of the wallpaper and furniture. Light shades They have a calming effect and are suitable for bedrooms and children's rooms.

Yellow and green tones lift your spirits. Blue color evokes negative emotions. To visually reduce the size of furniture, choose dark colors.

  • Most often, structures are installed in bedrooms. Such furniture should have hangers and sections for folding linen. Models with two-tier construction of rods are practical.

See if there are pull-out cabinets for storing underwear and small items. Open side panels and mirrored facades with built-in ones that provide background lighting look good.

  • When choosing a closet for the hallway, provide compartments for storing clothes and shoes, several sections for small items or gloves. The set must have a mirror.

For hallways profitable option there will be furniture equipped halogen lamps for main or background lighting.

  • A wardrobe installed in the living room should have compartments for storing things, linen, etc. Provide a central section for other equipment, family photos and various little things that decorate the interior.
  • Open corner shelves look good. There are models with built-in desks and open shelves for storing books that will fit well into a spacious living room.
  • You can hide uneven walls and save space using built-in wardrobes. When choosing such models, remember: the structures cannot be moved to another location.
  • Wardrobes for children's rooms should be bright and unusual. It is better to choose such furniture with your child; he will tell you which cartoon characters should be on the facades.

Don't forget about the functionality of the headset. When designing, take into account the age, height of the child, and the possibility of altering the furniture.

  • Pay attention to what the side panels and lids of the wardrobe are made of. For the manufacture of the body, chipboard, fiberboard, and MDF are most often used. Do not buy plasterboard products, they are fragile and will not be able to withstand such a load.
  • The doors of sliding wardrobes must be strong and not slip off the wheels. Pay attention to models in which the wheels of the running system are made of Teflon-coated plastic; ordinary plastic will not last more than six months.
  • To determine how functional a door is, you need to understand whether it can provide free access to drawers and hangers, and whether there will be hard-to-reach areas in the closet.

  • Choose steel profiles for doors, they are stronger than aluminum and will last longer. The width of one door should be no more than 1 meter; it is difficult to move massive doors, which leads to breakage of the fittings.
  • For visual expansion For hallway spaces, cabinets with mirrored doors are suitable. Pay attention to the presence of a special film; it adds strength to the structure, protects against mechanical damage and extends its service life.

Doors with handles will be more convenient to use. Such structures are not recommended for installation in bedrooms.

  • Pay attention to decorative elements: photo printing, films with landscapes or still lifes. They must match the design of the room.

Which is better

Best wardrobe:

  • fits the room in size, does not weigh down the room;
  • visually expands and saves space;
  • looks good against the background of the overall design, suits the room in style and color;
  • equipped with the required number of compartments, which have an advantageous location;
  • has durable fastening and fittings;
  • roomy, functional;
  • has a stylish finish.

How to use and care correctly

  • Maintain the required indoor microclimate. The temperature in the room should not exceed 45 degrees and be below 5 degrees. Air humidity is 55-75 percent.

Increased moisture levels lead to deformation of structures and the formation of cracks in wooden products.

  • If abrasive substances come into contact with the surface of the cabinet, the panel coating is damaged. Wipe the products with a well-wrung microfiber cloth.
  • Protect the structure from direct sunlight. Do not place the heater or other appliances near the cabinet. This will lead to damage to the fittings, fastenings, and parts will have to be replaced with new ones.

Do not place hot objects on the surface of the furniture without thermal insulation.

  • Make sure that there is no dust on the guide profile and wheels. Process and wipe the parts. These elements ensure smooth door movement. Special care is needed for the lower profile of the structure.

Clean retractable mechanisms from dust and lubricate if necessary.

  • To remove stains from furniture, make a slightly diluted soap solution and apply it to the surface with a soft sponge in a circular motion. Then remove it with a damp cloth and wipe dry.

Do not use rough brushes or materials that may damage the surface of the headset.

  • Wipe mirrored facades detergents not recommended for windows. In this case, clouding of the glass will occur. Use cleaning products for mirror surfaces or ammonia solution: 1 ml. for 1 l. warm water.

It is better to clean metal parts using dry cleaning.

  • Make sure there is an even load on the cabinet shelves. Do not overload clothes rails and upper shelves, as this may compromise the stability of the structure. Place heavy objects closer to the support, light things should be in the center.

Incorrect operation will lead to loosening of fasteners and deformation of fittings.

  • When rearranging, unload the set, remove loose elements, and, if necessary, dismantle the doors.
  • It is prohibited to store chemically active substances in the cabinet sections, which can lead to destruction of the surfaces of the product.
  • Protect furniture from mechanical damage various kinds: scratches, dents, cracks, use sharp objects carefully.
  • Doors and cabinets should be opened perpendicular to the plane of these elements, using minimal effort.

The warranty period ranges from 1 to 25 years depending on the manufacturer. Free service is provided only upon presentation of the furniture passport and warranty card. Carried out if there is a manufacturing defect about which the buyer was not warned.

The following are not considered a manufacturing defect:

  • features of the product materials that are associated with the stylistic idea;
  • minor differences in texture or shades of materials;
  • wrinkles on front side products that disappear after smoothing by hand;
  • light or dark knots up to 15 mm, pockets up to 20 mm long on the front side of the structure.

The warranty is not provided in the following cases:

  • failure to comply with the conditions and requirements for the operation of the product;
  • the product shows mechanical damage and defects that indicate the use of the product;
  • causing damage, making changes to the design, getting foreign objects inside the furniture;
  • use of products for production purposes;
  • when assembling the structure by non-specialists;
  • damage that occurred during self-delivery of the goods.

If it is not possible to determine exactly what caused the damage, an examination is carried out. It lasts 1-1.5 months. The consumer reimburses the costs of the procedure unless the presence of a manufacturing defect is proven.

What can break and how to repair it

Common malfunctions include:

  • Breakage of frame elements under the influence of heavy loads, falling cabinets or manufacturing defects. You will need to replace old parts with new ones.

First, unscrew the upper and lower door frames and remove them from the guides, then disassemble the structure using a special wrench for furniture bolts.

Determine the dimensions of the broken part and order the production of a new one. When installing the element, follow the factory diagram.

  • Damage to internal contents: shelves, stands, hooks. Remove damaged parts, take measurements, order the production of new elements and install them.

If they differ from the design in color or material, paint the parts in the desired shade; the texture of the material will not change.

  • Contamination of guide grooves. Remove blockages with a screwdriver or other sharp object, and remove dust or dirt with a vacuum cleaner with a point attachment.
  • Incorrect installation of guides. Remove them and select the desired position.

To fix it, make new holes in the body; the old ones can be covered with wood putty.

  • If the guides are deformed, it is necessary to replace the parts with new ones. It is not recommended to align the elements, because even small bends greatly affect the operation of the structure.
  • Roller breakdowns. If the door does not close tightly, tap the lower track stopper several times with a screwdriver. The door will return to its previous position.
  • To adjust the lower or upper rollers, tighten the adjustment bolts. Use a hex wrench. Lubricate the rollers, applying a small amount of oil to the axles if the doors squeak.

If the rollers are faulty, remove the door from the guides, peel off the dust brush on the bottom of the door, unscrew the roller mounting screws, then install a new element, glue the brush and mount the doors in the cabinet.

  • Serious chips and dents can be dealt with by priming the interior surface. Apply the product in several layers, placing each subsequent one after the previous one has dried.
  • To deal with cracks and scratches, use furniture wax. Warm up the product and wipe away mechanical damage. For painting, clear wax is preferable. Minor defects can be removed with sandpaper.
  • To paint the cabinet, sand the putty areas and apply several layers of primer so that the aerosol lies evenly on the surface.

Cabinet Manufacturers

The company produces bathroom furniture. Moisture-resistant materials with antibacterial multilayer coating and advanced technologies are used. Furniture can withstand the effects of household chemicals.

The designs are stable, look stylish and modern, and are perfect for small bathrooms. The product warranty is 3 years, the actual service life of the furniture is from 10 years. The products have European quality certificates.


This is a Russian company that specializes in the production of furniture. The entire production cycle takes place without intermediaries. The products are certified according to European standards.

Environmentally friendly materials are used for the body and finishing. Assembly of a high technical level.

Western European technologies, American, Italian and German equipment are used.

The reliability of the goods is ensured by imported fittings and environmentally friendly materials. Acceptable ratio of quality and pricing policy. The company has promotions and discounts.


This is a holding of production and trading companies, which specialize in the production of cabinet furniture from environmentally friendly wood species. The products are represented by living rooms, bedrooms, children's rooms, wardrobes, and small furniture.

From this article you will learn:

    When and how was the wardrobe invented?

    What types of wardrobes exist

    How do built-in wardrobes differ from others?

    What types of wardrobe facades are there?

    How the wardrobe works inside

    What types of doors for sliding wardrobes are there?

    What types sliding systems there are

    What are the different types of rollers for sliding wardrobes?

    How to choose a wardrobe for the bedroom

    Which wardrobe to choose for the hallway

A sliding wardrobe is a modern design solution for furnishing an apartment, allowing you to arrange the available space as efficiently as possible, creating coziness and comfort in your home. To add some zest to the interior and realize your most original ideas, you need to understand what types of wardrobes exist, what are the advantages of this or that solution, and what difficulties you may encounter when implementing your plan. In addition, it is equally important to have an idea of ​​the cost of cabinet elements, mounting, installation, etc. This review will help you study the issue and make the right decision.

The history of the wardrobe

It is believed that the progenitor of modern design was the great Napoleon Bonaparte. His idea of ​​saving space was due to his categorical rejection of the chaos that accompanied the field life of subordinate officers. It was he who ordered that equipment and other attributes of military life be hidden from prying eyes by a sliding screen.

His idea was developed in the middle of the 20th century, when California residents decided to use a door instead of a screen, providing it with rollers and guides. This conceptual solution was truly significant, because it became possible to roll the doors to the sides, which significantly saved the usable space of the room.

The development of the concept was implemented mainly through constructive and design solutions. The door sliding system was modernized - the moving mechanism became less noisy and more stable. The doors became mirrored and protected with impact-resistant film. All this made the wardrobe more accessible, and over time it became a mandatory element of the interior for Americans, just like a fireplace for the prim British.

In our native Fatherland at the end of the last century, sliding wardrobes were initially a luxury item, since they were an imported English product. Newfangled “foreign” cabinets were simple 2-3 doors built into a niche on a frame, and simple guide slides. But, despite their simplicity, these interior solutions were considered at that time the height of perfection.

However, in the late 1990s, creative compatriots, having calculated the demand trend, decided to improve design features wardrobe As a result, the idea of ​​​​sliding doors was implemented in ordinary furniture. This is how kitchen cabinets with dishes and built-in consumer electronics, wardrobes, children's wardrobes, etc. appeared.

The highlight of some solutions were even built-in folding tables and beds. Thus, the sliding structure received a new, “Russian” impetus for development, and the expression “sliding wardrobe” has become firmly established in our everyday life, revealing the peculiarity and style of the interior solution.

At the beginning of the new millennium, the popularity of sliding wardrobes began to grow rapidly.

Main types of sliding wardrobes: their differences and advantages

Built-in wardrobe

This stationary design, using almost the entire volume of the place where it is located. Simply put, these are shelves and compartments for things closed with sliding doors. The boundaries of such a cabinet are the walls, floor and ceiling of the room.

Various types of built-in wardrobes have the following dignity:

    The entire useful volume is effectively used.

    Maybe self-production(plywood, plasterboard, etc.), which significantly reduces the cost of construction and provides undeniable advantages in the design of the interior of the cabinet.

    The permissibility of placement in any rarely used place of the room, the ability to hide clearly visible communications.

    The embodiment of any design ideas, maintaining the consistency of a single room design style.


  • Inability to move or rearrange the cabinet. And if it is completely dismantled, then decorating the freed-up space will become an additional “headache”, since it will clearly catch the eye and spoil the uniform style in the design of the room.

Semi-built-in wardrobe

Unlike its predecessor, this type of wardrobe has a special feature. This is the absence of one or more supporting parts. For example, side and back wall. Such a wardrobe can be mounted in a corner along the wall. It allows you to simulate a missing opening or niche in a room.

A significant difference between this solution and a cabinet wardrobe is that its frame, which provides stability, is attached directly to the wall, and it still may not have a back wall. Therefore, moving it will still be problematic, which many consider to be its disadvantage. However, this is precisely what is considered by some of its owners as an advantage of the interior solution.

Standard sliding wardrobe

This is a typical case consisting of four panels, load-bearing frame, rear wall and sliding doors. As a rule, this type of wardrobe is located along the wall, less often - in the center of the room, when interior solution involves dividing useful space into several functional zones.

The sliding wardrobe is a stylish replacement for traditional hinged furniture. Monolithic design - perfect solution for those who are accustomed to moving and who are not averse to periodically changing the situation in the apartment.


    The ability to move freely, which allows you to update and refresh the environment around you.

    Acceptability of transportation in assembled form when moving. However, this is fraught with loss of frame rigidity, but nothing prevents you from transporting such a cabinet disassembled.

    Possibility of dismantling and assembling the wardrobe with your own hands.


    Forced reduction in useful volume, which is due to design features. In this it loses to its built-in brother.

    High cost of manufacturing and components, which is associated with the formation of a frame and a large volume of material.

    The need to remove all the sides and “floor” of the cabinet from the usable volume of the room, since it is a separate element of the interior.

Corner wardrobe

A great opportunity to take up useful space in the corner of the room is to install in it corner view wardrobe A smart layout of the cabinet's interior space will make its volume practical. Here you can experiment with different shelves, drawers and other accessories. Installing such a cabinet in the hallway will be a very stylish and pragmatic solution.

One of the variations of the corner cabinet is the diagonal-corner compartment model. It has a rounded facade, often decorated with a mirror, opaque or corrugated glass. One of stylish solutions there will be accommodation corner wardrobe in the bedroom. The facade of the closet in the living room can be decorated with stained glass or photo printing. Inside you can place combined shelves for Hi-Fi equipment, documents and books. Some allocate space for a small bar and even a mini-fridge.

Important advantage this type of wardrobes the opportunity to profitably use the corners of the room, where it is often impossible to place other furnishings.

Flaw consists in its high cost associated with the complexity of assembling and installing the structure, especially if the body of the sliding wardrobe is solid.

Straight wardrobe

This type of wardrobe has a strict, straight facade, applicable to any interior style.

Advantages: versatility and simplicity of design.

Flaw: mediocrity. This solution is overly traditional and in most cases is used in classic style interior design.

Radius wardrobe

Sliding wardrobes with radius facade became widespread not very long ago, but thanks to their originality and practicality they gained wide popularity.


    An original facade that brings elegance and style to the interior.

    Multifunctionality, which consists in combining all the advantages of other types of sliding wardrobes.

Flaw high cost. The high cost is due to the complexity of manufacturing the mechanism and facade doors. Such sliding wardrobes, as a rule, are made individually and according to customer sketches.

Modular wardrobe

This type is characterized by a combination of several autonomous modules, stylized under a single design concept. The individual elements are combined in the most ergonomic configuration, giving the interior originality and style. At the same time, it remains possible to change the overall architecture of the modular set.

In addition to everything, it is necessary to note some "bonuses" when installing these types of wardrobes:

    The design feature allows you to limit the height of the cabinet with a roof or fill the entire space from ceiling to floor.

    The possibility of using elegant additions in the form of various podiums, open shelves and canopies, often equipped with lighting.

    Variability of complementing the structure with mezzanines and niches.

Sliding wardrobes can also vary in location:

Internal view of the wardrobe: structure and features

To ensure the practicality of the wardrobe, the following design details are sufficient:

  • Shelves.

The functionality of the wardrobe is ensured by shelves that divide its internal space into zones. Things and objects on the shelves can be easily rearranged or removed altogether. Shelves may have different variants execution. For example, pull-out shelves are convenient for filling them and finding the right thing, mezzanine shelves are for placing rarely used household items.

  • Boxes.

Designed for storing household items. Their quantity, as a rule, is pre-agreed with the customer, but this does not exclude the possibility of subsequently supplementing the cabinet with these practical elements.

  • Barbells.

Furniture rods and pantographs are designed to accommodate wardrobe items. These elements are usually made of chrome-plated steel, which can withstand the significant weight of clothing. If height is available, the pantograph can be installed at the top of the cabinet, delimiting its space for more practical use.

In a closet that is small in depth, you can place hangers with transverse hangers, which will allow you to use a small-sized wardrobe with maximum efficiency.

  • Baskets.

These closet accessories allow you to keep things naturally ventilated. In addition, by looking through the mesh of the basket, it is easy to determine the location of the item you are looking for. They usually store underwear, socks or small toys.

To expand the functionality of the interior of the wardrobe, the following accessories are available:

  • Necktie.

This is an indispensable additional element that allows you to store ties compactly when hanging without any problems and easily find the one you need. Often, tie holders are equipped with lighting, which allows you to unmistakably complement a suit look without leaving the closet.

  • Trouser.

This is a retractable hanger for conveniently placing trousers, keeping the ironed creases suspended.

  • Hanger for belts.

A simple furniture accessory for storing belts when unfolded.

Sliding wardrobe: types of facades

We invite you to familiarize yourself with some types of facades and their manufacturing technology.

  1. Facade with photo printing.

The manufacturing technology involves applying polymer dyes to the façade to create a detailed image and then exposing them to ultraviolet light. The reaction is accompanied by the conversion of dyes into a durable film, which makes the image more distinct and closer to the real one. The picture is covered protective layer, preventing it from abrasion and deformation.

  1. Glossy facade.

It is characterized by low cost of production, since multi-colored plastic, colored PVC film is glued to it, or acrylic is applied. Combinations of several colors or shades are possible. As a rule, it is used to maintain the chosen tone in the style of room decoration.

  1. Mirror facade.

Along with undeniable functionality, mirrors brighten and visually expand the space of the room, which is why such cabinets are usually placed in dim hallways and dimly lit rooms. The mirror can be of any shades at the customer's request. Its surface is protected from destruction from the inside by a special durable film.

  1. Sandblasted glass facade.

In such facades, as a rule, transparent, frosted or tinted glass is used. Using a sand-air jet applied to the glass under high pressure, it is decorated with a pattern. This image is abrasion-resistant and can be cleaned with ordinary glass cleaners.

  1. Facade with milling.

This method of decoration is typical for wooden facades. The doors are processed with special cutters, as a result of which they acquire an original relief ornament of any complexity and size.

Combined facades should be highlighted separately. This is a harmonious unification of different styles of decorating the external surface of the cabinet. For example, milling with sandblasted glass insert, mirror and glossy surfaces. In this way you can successfully decorate impressive three-section wardrobes.

Types of doors for wardrobes

The main elements of the wardrobe design are sliding doors. They are so easy to use and save space, allowing you to place the cabinet inside almost any room, without thinking about the need to allocate space for a swing door.

A compartment-type door is a steel or aluminum frame framing the door material.

Advantages Applications of aluminum profile are:

    light weight;

    a wide range of coatings for guide panels;

    strength and endurance of the structure;

    mobility and quiet movement of the door.

The most common types of wardrobe doors include:

  1. Doors with roller mechanisms.

There are two types. Hung doors hang on guide rollers, while bottom-supported doors gain stability by resting on bottom rollers, which move along a rigidly fixed guide.

  1. Doors enclosed in a profile(aluminium, steel or wood).

Among them, the aluminum structure has an undeniable advantage. This profile is wear-resistant, practically does not bend and is more reliable, unlike thin sheet steel.

  1. Doors without frames.

These are ordinary hanging doors of the compartment type, which are made to size from a single sheet of laminated chipboard. This a budget option, and it is possible that over time such a door will become deformed.

  1. Radius type systems.

As the name suggests, such doors are used in radius sliding wardrobes. The sliding system follows the contour of the door, ensuring smooth and easy movement.

Sliding wardrobe doors: types (photos of other options are available on the Internet)

Types of sliding systems for sliding wardrobes

The typification of types of systems is determined by various parameters.

So, based on door shape and frame presence, distinguish:

  • Systems on casters.

As a rule, this is a special hanger that is fixed at the top of the door and is equipped with a roller runner. The slider is located in the rail guide, which contributes to the easy and quiet movement of the door.

  • Frameless systems.

This is the most budget type of compartment system. The rollers are attached directly to the door leaf.

  • Frame systems.

They are widely available in steel or aluminum versions. The practicality of an aluminum profile makes it expensive (on average, 2-3 times more expensive than a steel profile).

  • Systems for radius sliding wardrobes.

The system is made of a profile curved along the contour of the door. As a rule, it is developed for a specific model, based on its shape.

By type of material doors are distinguished:

Compartment type systems are different types of profile decor. This can be either a simply painted surface or a stylized texture.

The variety of sets of sliding systems is ensured by some manufacturers maintaining their corporate identity. Let us indicate the most frequently encountered brands.

  • Indeco-Lux and Indeco(Poland).

Indeco-Lux is characterized by wood styling, while Indeco decorates sets in white, brown and more luxurious gold and bronze colors. To give an impressive color, the guides are coated with high-quality powder enamels. Indeco system kits are equipped with spring-loaded plastic rollers on top, which are designed to ensure quiet and easy door movement. The lower rollers have special stops that prevent the door from leaving the “rail.”

  • Komandor(Poland).

Leading manufacturer of steel compartment systems. His kits are focused not only on wardrobes, but also on sliding interior doors. This brand is distinguished by a luxurious selection of decor options, excellent strength of the lower rollers and impeccable smoothness of the door.

  • Braun(Germany).

This brand is famous for the reliability of its products and the up-to-date design of its kits. Braun aluminum profiles are durable and designed to last a long time, and the rollers can make the door slide almost silently.

  • Cideco(Germany-Türkiye).

The ideal price-quality ratio, as well as a huge selection of components and system installation options, are the key to the brand’s success. Hanging system Cideco, used when installing interior doors, eliminates the need to install a bottom track, which preserves the integrity and beauty of the floor covering.

  • Raumplus(Germany).

The brand's products are designed for the most discerning customers who are willing to shell out money for premium coupe doors. The chrome-plated profiles of the Raumplus aluminum system are protected by a durable anodized coating and are particularly hard, and the ball bearings used in the rollers do not require lubrication and will ensure smooth movement of the compartment door.

The listed brands are distinguished by their popularity, but this is only a small fraction of the huge number of manufacturers presenting their products on the furniture fittings market. The choice of brand and components is in most cases based on the individual needs of the customer. Many are taken into account the most important parameters, such as the weight and material of the door leaf, the purpose and height of the door, the rigidity of the base and much more.

Types of rollers for sliding wardrobes

Rollers are an important element that unites all sliding systems, regardless of their type, style, door leaf material, configuration and size. Their high quality and responsible approach to installation guarantee an increased service life and comfortable use of the compartment system.

An important property of the roller is its ability to ensure smooth and quiet movement of the door. In this regard, manufacturers equip rollers with external rings made of the following materials:

  • tarmonide (hardened composite);

The design of the roller provides for the placement of a bearing in it closed type. The penetration of dust, moisture and dirt into such a bearing is excluded.

In a bottom support system top rollers keep the facade in a vertical position. In this case, rubberized rollers are used, the coating of which reduces the noise when the compartment door slides. The rollers differ in their size and installation method, which depends on the configuration of the vertical guide.

Unlike the top ones, bottom rollers are supporting, and it is on them that the entire mass of the compartment door presses. Therefore, high-quality rollers are equipped with bearings and spring shock absorption, which contributes to the ease of movement of the door and the durability of the supporting mechanism.

Types of mirrors for sliding wardrobes

The mirrored front of a sliding wardrobe is an excellent choice, characterized by its ergonomic and stylish solution. The combination of elegance and practicality of the mirror is the decisive argument in favor of this particular façade design option. There are a huge number of such options, so choosing the optimal and stylish one will not be difficult.

What is a façade mirror designed for various types of wardrobes? This is a decorative element of a compartment door, placed with the reflective side facing outwards. The mirror thickness standard is 4 mm. The inner surface is covered with abrasion-resistant amalgam and impact-resistant film, which protects against breaking and scattering of fragments when destroyed.

Mirrors are usually built into the facades of wardrobes installed in living rooms and bedrooms. This solution gives a visual feeling of increasing the area of ​​the room and its volume. This is especially true for owners of small apartments.

As a rule, a wardrobe that is supposed to be decorated with a mirror has two or three doors. The most common types of sliding mechanisms are: built-in or radius. Therefore, when installing mirrored facades, it is necessary to take these design features into account. And then you can make all the doors mirrored or boldly combine a reflective surface with the use of other materials for the facade.

Despite the fact that the mirror surface is an independent decorative element, you can use some techniques to give the facade individuality:

    Photo printing. It is necessary to choose a design that will harmoniously fit into the interior decor. The flight of fancy is not limited by anything. This image is then printed on a special base and then transferred to a mirror surface. In this case, the mirror receives additional protection.

    Sandblasting drawing. The most commonly used method of additional decoration of a mirror. Using the abrasive properties of a sand-air jet, light curls are applied to the mirror, folding into a luxurious three-dimensional pattern.

    Oracal film. Recently, this decoration option has become increasingly popular. Durable PVC film Oracal is stretch-resistant, so it will additionally protect your facade from destruction. With such a film you can decorate not only the entire facade, but also, using the possibility of multi-layer application, create a one-of-a-kind wonderful mosaic.

What types of wardrobes are suitable for the hallway

A simple wardrobe and clothes hanger in the hallway look, at least, unaesthetic and therefore become a thing of the past. They are being replaced by various types of wardrobes, which, first of all, must be functional.

It is necessary to provide in advance for zoning the internal volume of the cabinet into at least two compartments. The first will be used for everyday clothes and shoes, the second – for storing unclaimed seasonal items. Retrofitting the closet with additional hangers, shelves and baskets will help you make the most of the interior space.

Let's take a closer look at the common types of wardrobes in the hallway.


As mentioned earlier, such cabinets do not have sides, back walls, floors or ceilings, so they are built into niches or openings in rooms. If the hallway layout includes a storage room, then this is the most comfortable spot to accommodate such a wardrobe. In other cases, it is installed “in space” between opposite walls in the far corners of the hallway. This is not difficult to do. It is necessary to take measurements, order facade sashes and roller mechanisms with guides. Inner space can be retrofitted with rods, partitions and shelving systems.


The name of this type speaks for itself - it is a full-fledged wardrobe with a body. Their specific difference is only in the internal placement of accessories and the design of sliding doors. Typically, long-term storage areas are installed at the top of the wardrobe, which allows for more functional use of the remaining space.


They are usually small. Their advantage is the ability to profitably use the corners of the room, where it is difficult to place other furniture. It should be taken into account that in massive corner wardrobes it is difficult to effectively equip the corner itself, since it is not so easy to get to it.


This more expensive type of wardrobes looks impressive and emphasizes the refined taste of its owner.

Advice. In order to take into account all the nuances of its practical use when creating a sketch of a wardrobe for the hallway, you should know the following:

    Take care in advance of an additional compartment for storing seasonal clothes and shoes to prevent wet or dusty clothing from coming into contact with it.

    Provide a compartment for shelves, hangers, hooks, etc., which will serve as a place to store umbrellas, bags, keys and various household items, and maybe even tools.

    Consider decorating at least one hallway door with a mirror. This is not only practical, but will also brighten the hallway and give the room additional volume.

It follows from this that the wardrobe in the hallway must have at least two compartments for clothes and one for shelves. This will help you determine the number of doors, since ideally each compartment should be covered with its own door. You can install two doors, but it makes no sense to install more than three. Also remember that on different types The price of sliding wardrobes is also very different.

Types of wardrobes in the hallway: photo examples

What types of wardrobes to install in the bedroom

What should you consider when choosing a specific type of wardrobe for your bedroom?

The design of your wardrobe directly depends on your preferred style, as well as how much space you are willing to allocate for its installation. In small bedrooms the most a good decision there will be an installation radius or corner wardrobe Their difference is only in the geometry of the facade. The radius has a rounded façade, while the angular one has a straight façade. A radius wardrobe can be placed along the wall, and a corner wardrobe can be placed in the corner of the bedroom.

The façade design must fit harmoniously into general style bedroom decoration. Alternatively, the cabinet can be made entirely from a single material. However, many customers prefer mirrored facade design in the bedroom. Both all doors and individual doors can be mirrored. It all depends on your preference.

But it should be taken into account that in a small bedroom, mirrors built into the closet will visually give the room additional volume. You can stylize the wardrobe façade with colored organic or frosted glass, which will add mystery and individuality to your room. If you are considering different types of built-in wardrobes, photos on the Internet are a good help.

As for choosing the color of the wardrobe in the bedroom, you should not focus your attention on flashy and bright colors such as red, yellow, green, etc. Give preference to pastel colors or classics: beige, milky, white, brown and others.

Photo of a wardrobe in the bedroom: view inside and outside

Types of wardrobes: photo

You can buy these and many other types of wardrobes in our Formula Furniture online store.

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Sliding wardrobes are comfortable, ergonomic furniture that allows you to save space due to the sliding door system. The structures have an original design, are spacious and become the central element of the room. Compartment-type furniture allows you to hide imperfections by covering pipes, niches, and uneven walls. Before choosing a wardrobe, you need to measure the dimensions of the room, think about the location of the structure, color scheme, decor and furniture content.

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Types of sliding wardrobes

Models of sliding wardrobes are divided into 2 types: cabinet and built-in. Products differ in installation method and filling. Built-in furniture does not have a frame, since the structure is attached to the walls, floor of the room, and becomes a continuation of the interior. The cabinet model is of a traditional shape, has a frame and can be moved around the room.

Compartment-type structures vary in shape. Angular, straight, radius models have been developed.
Wardrobes with a straight front are suitable for interiors of different styles. The most harmonious products are in the classical direction, because they are laconic, simple, and do not have many details.

Corner wardrobes are suitable for free parts of the apartment. The designs are different complex shape and require special measurements, calculations and manufacturing costs. In the bedroom, a corner structure can replace a dressing room, becoming a spacious storage space.

Radius cabinets have an unusual round shape. The type of furniture was recently developed and is already widespread. The functionality of the product corresponds to the types of compartment-type storage systems. But the price of radius models is higher, because... complex configuration doors are produced according to individual drawings.

Sliding wardrobes differ in location in the apartment. Models have been developed for hallways, bedrooms, living rooms, offices, and children's areas.


A compartment-type cabinet is equipped with an internal frame and has a floor, ceiling, and doors. The doors move along roller guides. The advantage of cabinet furniture is mobility. If necessary, simply rearrange the cabinet. Cabinet models are equipped functional shelves and boxes. The structures are mounted along the wall panels, in a niche or in the corner of the room.

Before choosing a wardrobe for the living room, you will need to measure the parameters of the place where the furniture will be placed. Assembly of cabinet products is carried out at home.

Structures, if necessary, can be dismantled and reassembled without damaging the integrity of the interior. The disadvantage of the model is its smaller volume and higher consumption of materials compared to built-in analogues.


A built-in wardrobe allows you to make the most efficient use of space, since the structure can be placed in a niche or corner. It is allowed to vary the size. Built-in furniture requires less materials. The door leaves are attached to the walls of the room, so there is no need for panels for the floor or rear wall. Inside, the structure is equipped with shelves and internal partitions.

Before choosing a wardrobe for the bedroom, you need to take measurements of the room. It is necessary to consider the color palette and design. The disadvantage of the design is that the furniture cannot be moved or moved without dismantling work. It will be necessary to disassemble the structure, and then carry out cosmetic repairs. Built-in models are often made to order.

Deciding on the sizes

Before choosing the right wardrobe, you will need to measure the parameters of the room and determine the height, width, and depth of the furniture. The optimal depth of a compartment-type structure is 60 cm. With this parameter, the hangers do not interfere with the movement of the doors and do not leave any free unused space. For smaller depths (40-50 cm), end hangers are suitable - stationary or retractable.

The optimal door width is 1 m. Doors large sizes less comfortable and easily fail due to heavy weight.

Cabinets are standard and custom-made. Depending on the parameters, there are compact or spacious designs.

The height of the furniture wardrobe is influenced by the dimensions of the ceiling. At tension structure the size of the technological gap from the wall to the cabinet must be at least 50 mm to avoid damage.

Door operating device

The cabinet door opening mechanism consists of a set of sliding and roller devices. The system saves space, is durable, and reliable in operation. Sliding elements differ from standard (hinged) ones in the way they open - the doors move horizontally.

The main element of the door functioning system is rollers. Choose guides equipped with rubber, Teflon, plastic or steel rims. Elements should move smoothly and silently. In furniture with a sliding system, 2 to 4 door panels are installed.

3 types of doors have been developed: framed, frameless, and with overlay profiles. Which sliding system for the closet to choose is determined in accordance with the dimensions and configuration of the room.

Doors without frames are simple, reliable and affordable. The structures are equipped with inside rollers moving along the top guide. The advantage of the system is its simplicity installation work. The disadvantage is the constant adjustment and replacement of roller guides.

More the doors are reliable with overhead profiles. The door leaves are framed on the sides with a steel profile, which prevents damage during operation. The doors move smoothly and silently. During installation, distortions of the structure should be avoided, as the rollers may fall out of the track.

Framework door leaves framed with a profile around the perimeter. This allows you to increase the reliability of the structure and prevents deformation of the canvas. The blades are equipped with upper and lower roller guides.

Material of manufacture

Which cabinet is better to choose depends on the materials. The body and internal elements of compartment-type products are made of MDF boards and chipboards of different textures and colors. When determining the thickness of the panel, the width of the spans - shelves - is taken into account.

Chipboards are available in different shades, textures, and are easy to process and install. Wood boards are laminated before installation, and the ends are edged.

Medium-density fiberboard (MDF) is environmentally friendly and durable. The material is often used to decorate bedroom wardrobes. MDF boards are not damaged by humidity and exposure to hot steam. The price of the composition is higher than that of analogues made from chipboard.

A sliding wardrobe is a necessary attribute of a modern apartment, which helps to use free space with maximum benefit, as well as profitably save apartment space. To choose the most suitable option Specifically for your apartment, you need to know the types of sliding wardrobes, the pros and cons, design features, installation, calculations, as well as existing market prices for cabinet components, assembly and other points.

Types of wardrobes. Cons and pros

There are 2 main types:

- to order;

- ready-made wardrobe.

These species are divided into a large number of subspecies:

1) By location:

for the hallway. Such a closet stores outerwear, shoes, hats, scarves, gloves, bags that are used at the current time of year. For convenience, wardrobes in hallways are equipped with a mirror panel.

- for the living room. Used for storing bed linen, cutlery, dishes, clothes, documents and so on. It can have both closed shelves and open ones, in which stereo systems, TVs, and speakers are placed.

- for kitchen. For storing dishes and kitchen utensils. It also has open shelves where a microwave, coffee maker, TV are placed, and may have a built-in sink, dishwasher, or electric stove.

- for the dressing room. They can be a separate room, part of a room, or a converted storage room. Used to store all clothes and shoes regardless of the season.

- for the nursery. Children store toys, clothes, and books in such cabinets. It should be as comfortable and suitable for the child as possible.

- for the bedroom.

- for the bathroom and others.

2) According to the features of the placement of the wardrobe:

— built-in;

— fully assembled or cased;

- radius;

- corner;

- from wall to wall;

- from panel to wall;

— from panel to panel;

- diagonal;

- diagonal-angular.

Built-in wardrobes help save space and are suitable for small apartments, storage rooms, niches, arches, and attics. Fully assembled - they represent a full-fledged independent element of furniture, are adapted for transportation, have a ceiling, walls, upper and lower parts, that is, they represent an integral structure. Radial ones are convex, concave, oval, asymmetrical, and so on.

The main advantages of sliding wardrobes:

- can be of any kind and type, it all depends on the tastes and preferences of the customer;

- allows you to save space and visually expand the space of the room due to mirrors;

— compactness, versatility;

— capacity;

- made to order according to precisely taken measurements, as a result of which it corresponds to the dimensions and features of the room in which it is installed;

- helps to hide wall imperfections and defects;

— possibility of transportation;

— the moisture resistance of the material allows you to install such a cabinet in the bathroom and kitchen;

— safety of mirrors.

Main disadvantages:

— cabinets with aluminum parts are not strong enough due to the softness of the metal and are short-lived;

— the grooves of sliding doors can jam: animal hair, dust, hair, small objects;

- built-in wardrobes, despite the measurements taken, do not have precise geometry, because ready-made designs may not be perfectly level.


The wardrobe may have various features designs and implement many design ideas to best satisfy the requirements of even the most demanding customer.

Sliding wardrobes according to customer requirements can be:

- with a mezzanine where suitcases and other non-essential items are placed;

- with open shelves. In the open shelves you can place a TV, computer, microwave, electric oven, books for the most convenient access to them.

- with mirrors. Mirrors increase the space of even the smallest room in which the wardrobe is located. Mirrors can be matte, graphite, bronze, tinted and so on. Modern mirrors are safe because they have a special film for protection. Cabinets with mirrors should not be placed in darkened rooms, or combined with exquisite furniture made of carved wood, heavy velvet, antiques, lampshades, and crystal.

— To make wardrobes more impressive, they are often equipped with special external lighting, usually of low power. For convenience, lighting can also be placed inside the cabinets, and the more powerful the light bulbs, the easier it will be for the customer to navigate the contents of the cabinet.

— The contents of the cabinet depend on its purpose and location. At the customer's request, shelves, hangers, hooks, baskets, cells, special umbrella stands, and drawers can be placed inside. You can even mount a bed in the closet or desk. The distance between the shelves must be at least 30 cm; they are secured using visible or invisible fasteners.

— The color range of cabinets is quite diverse. There are standard colors: white, black, brown, for various types of wood: maple, pear, oak, cherry, pine, hornbeam, etc. Upon request, the cabinet can be made in other, more exotic colors.

— The cabinet can have a special pattern, carvings, leather, iron, plastic inserts. All special characteristics of furniture are specifically discussed with the customer.

— Cabinet fastening (system) can be made of steel or aluminum. Steel mount cheap, reliable, economical, durable, strong. The aluminum system is more expensive, but is silent. The door in such systems moves smoothly and softly. But aluminum is a soft metal that is not durable, so a cabinet with fasteners of this type is short-lived and can quickly fail.

Sliding mechanism cabinets may have a bottom or top door sliding system. The main disadvantage of the lower system is that small debris, wool, hair, dust, and small objects can accumulate in its tracks, causing the door to jam. Therefore, the tracks of such a system must be cleaned regularly, for example, with a vacuum cleaner. Upper system more convenient, more reliable, does not jam, but also costs more.

— The material for the cabinets is chipboard (chipboard) or MDF. Chipboard is light, durable, strong, moisture resistant, does not dry out, maybe different thicknesses. MDF is suitable for implementing the most daring design ideas, because it is suitable for milling, after which it can be covered with patterns, engravings, carvings, this material is also environmentally friendly, has a more even and smooth surface, so it does not need cladding. These two basic materials have almost the same cost.

— For cladding wardrobes, laminate, melanin, and veneer are used. natural wood(oak, hornbeam, mahogany, cherry, beech). If veneer is used, the wood is cut and glued to chipboard or MDF. Laminate, in turn, is stronger than melanin and more durable.

To choose a wardrobe that is suitable specifically for your apartment, many companies offer design services, the cost of which is often included in the prices of the cabinets. Designers specially come to the apartment and help you choose the cabinet lining, color, material, show catalogs with samples, and take measurements. , give valuable advice so that the result maximally satisfies all the customer’s needs.

Manufacturing of sliding wardrobes: terms

The duration of production depends on the complexity of the design, design solutions, and the capabilities of the manufacturer. The cabinet manufacturing process can last from 5 days to 5 weeks.

The cabinet assembly process is usually carried out by workers from the company that manufactured the cabinet. Assembly of the cabinet can last from an hour to 5 hours, it all depends on the complexity of the product.

When designing and manufacturing sliding wardrobes, you need to consider the following main points:

— Opposite the door frames there are dead zones, which are always closed, so drawers and baskets cannot be placed there. Only cabinets with 4 doors do not have such zones.

— Very long shelves (more than 60 cm) sag over time, so they need support (a partition or drawer on the back).

— To avoid sagging of the cabinet roof (if the cabinet is longer than 1 meter), you need to make a partition.

— In order for all doors to be openable, they must have the same width, with the exception of a cabinet that has 3 doors (in such a cabinet, the middle door can be 2 times wider than the side ones).

— If the doors open on their own due to the slope of the floor, it is necessary to install a stopper on each door.

— Each door must have its own compartment, the internal structure of the wardrobe must be carefully thought out, otherwise a situation will arise when in a closet with 2 doors only one part of the cabinet can be opened, in a closet with 3 doors only one door can be opened, in a closet with 4 doors - only half opens.

— Drawers and shelves cannot be placed close to the walls of a cabinet with hinged doors, otherwise the drawers and shelves will not open. To avoid similar situation you need to put a partition between the drawer and the cabinet wall (at a distance of 5 cm from the wall).

— If the shelves are equipped with plastic eccentrics, then they become 1 mm longer and the size of the cabinet increases. This point must be taken into account, otherwise the roof length will not be enough.

- If the floor is not level, problems may arise with swing doors in wardrobes that warp due to unevenness or touch other doors. To avoid this, install a base or legs at the bottom that can be adjusted.

Carrying out calculations

In order to correctly carry out the calculations, taking into account all the nuances, it is best to use the services of measurers, which are offered by each company that installs sliding wardrobes. Such calculations can be carried out independently, taking into account following points:

— When taking measurements, be sure to pay attention to the slightest unevenness in the floor, walls and ceiling of the room, because if the floor is uneven, the cabinet doors will open on their own.

— Take into account the material of the floor on which the cabinet is installed. If you are installing a cabinet, for example, on an old carpet or carpet, then be sure to make a shelf of chipboard up to 120 mm long under the bottom track, otherwise the carpet will be pulled into the track and jam the door.

— Decide on the location of the cabinet (from wall to panel, built into a corner, etc.), not forgetting that the built-in cabinet cannot be moved.

— The height of the wardrobe is measured as follows: along the edges and center with a mandatory margin of 1.5-2 cm.

— Measure the width of the cabinet: find out the degree of curvature of the wall; defects are eliminated by a panel that is mounted vertically.

— Measuring the depth of the cabinet: the cabinet mechanism requires a minimum depth of 10 cm. Thus, the useful depth of the cabinet itself will be 10 cm less. So, with a wardrobe depth of 80 cm, the internal shelves should be 70 cm. A sliding door needs up to 10 cm in depth.

— If you are planning several rows of hangers for things inside the closet, then take into account the minimum required distance between them, so if you have hangers for short things, at least 900 mm between the rows.

— A cabinet without mezzanines can be made up to the ceiling. If the ceiling height in the apartment is more than 3 m, it is more practical to make a closet with a mezzanine.

— If mirrors, inserts, etc. are planned for the cabinet doors. – make appropriate measurements for them.

- In the presence of drawers and shelves in cabinets with sliding doors, keep in mind that the opening should allow the drawer or shelf to slide out (sufficient width).

Cost of a sliding wardrobe: assembly and installation

When calculating the cost of a wardrobe, the following aspects are taken into account:

— cabinet dimensions (width, height, depth);

- Number of doors;

- steel or aluminum system;

- cabinet material;

- door material;

— the presence of mirrors, drawings, engravings, carvings and other decorative elements;

— type of cabinet (built-in or cabinet);

- internal contents of the cabinet (shelves, drawers, baskets, lighting).

The cost of each wardrobe is calculated individually.

The price of the housing, as a rule, is 1 l.m. = 8000 rub.

Doors: mirror = 6,000 rub., laminated chipboard = 7,000 rub.

Here are examples of the approximate cost of sliding wardrobes:

Option #1.

Cabinet cabinet (height 2100, width 1200, depth 600), 2 doors with mirror = 14,200 rub.

Option number 2.

Cabinet cabinet (width 2400, height 2100, depth 600), 4 combined doors (glass + chipboard) = RUB 34,500

Option number 3.

Built-in wardrobe (width 2400, height 2600, depth 600), 4 combined doors made of colored glass = 37,000 rub.

Option number 4.

Built-in wardrobe (width 2400, height 2600, depth 600), 4 doors made of chipboard with aluminum profile = 27,000 rub.

The cost of installation and assembly of built-in wardrobes = 10% of the cost of the wardrobe. The cost of assembling and installing a cabinet sliding wardrobe = 6 - 10% of the cost of the sliding wardrobe.

Purchasing and installing a wardrobe is the right decision for small apartments, in order to rationally organize space and save space, and for spacious apartments with high ceilings. Correct calculations and design solutions help you choose a cabinet that will fit well into the decor of your apartment and will perform all the functions for which this type wardrobe is designed.

There is not a human home in the whole world that does not have a closet. This item can have a very different appearance and even design, but the essence remains the same: it is a place to store various things: from clothes to books, from dishes and food to personal accessories.

What types of cabinets are there? Let's look at the main varieties.


One of the most popular modern varieties is the wardrobe. The main thing that such furniture can be proud of is saving space! Sliding doors, like in a train compartment, do not require space in front of the furniture. And the possibility of placing cabinets in the niches of the apartment gives a chance to make the most of all the space.

By choosing custom-made sliding wardrobes in St. Petersburg, you can get furniture that perfectly suits the layout and dimensions of your apartment.

Wardrobe and wardrobe

At their core, these two concepts mean almost the same thing. These are special cabinets for clothes and linen. The word chiffonier is gradually becoming obsolete. It comes from French word, meaning "linen closet". That is why very often the term wardrobe refers to narrow furniture with drawers. Although they can often be called classic wardrobes for storing any types of clothing, including outerwear.


Chests of drawers cannot be fully called wardrobes; rather, they are something in between them and cabinets. However, this furniture is also used for storing clothes and personal items, usually has several drawers and is half the height of a person.


As is clear from the term, such furniture is intended for storing books. It often has glass doors that protect the volumes from dust. And inside such a cabinet there is very simple organization: classic shelves.

Kitchen cabinets

You can't do without cabinets in the kitchen. It doesn't matter whether you buy ready-made furniture or choose custom kitchens, there will be a large number of cabinets both in the lower part and in the upper hanging part. As a rule, the lower cabinets have hinged doors, and the upper ones either also hinged or open to the ceiling. In some cases they may be glass. The interior space is organized in such a way that it is convenient to store food and kitchen utensils.


This is also a gradually becoming obsolete concept. Buffets are designed for storing dishes and food; they can be placed both in the kitchen and in the dining room or living room.

Glass cabinets for dishes were often called slides.

IN modern apartments And in homes, it is very common to find regular or built-in furniture that combines many or even all of the above models. For example, one built-in wardrobe can store clothes, linen, bedding, table textiles and even books, gadgets and other accessories.