Interior of dacha plots of 6 acres. Components of the recreation area

A serious question about how to plan a plot of 6 acres arises not only among beginning gardeners, but also among those owners of haciendas who have decided to completely change the appearance of their property. This is explained simply - if you are lucky enough to have a place where you can escape from the noisy and stuffy city at least for the weekend, it is not at all necessary to use it exclusively for growing organic vegetables, berries and fruits. It would be a good idea to arrange one or even several areas for complete relaxation.

Landscape design is the whole art of designing certain areas of the territory. There are several schemes that people prefer to work with professional designers. When planning on your own, you can also use one of ready-made developments, taking it completely as a basis, or using only individual elements from it that are suitable for a specific area.

Whatever plan is chosen, the most important criterion for the residents of the house will be maximum ease of use of all the facilities provided for comfortable rest and work.

Typical site planning projects

Landscape designers have developed six basic schemes for planning a suburban area, which professionals usually rely on when carrying out work, certainly enriching these templates with their own ideas.

  • Rectangular layout

This type of territory planning can be called the most popular, since basically all summer cottages have a rectangular or square shape. And it should be noted that they are also the most comfortable for arrangement.

The most uncomplicated - rectangular layout

It is convenient to draw a diagram of the distribution of objects on a sheet of paper lined in a square (or on “graph paper”), and when drawing it, it is necessary to set in advance and maintain a certain scale, for example, 1:100.

Defining different zones in a territory with right angles is much easier to do than creating complex, intricate diagrams that add chaos to the overall appearance of the site. It is easier to make a rectangular area more open by placing it in in the right order various residential and outbuildings, ponds, garden beds, alpine slides, fruit trees and shrubs. In addition, with this approach it is easier to plan the various communications necessary to ensure a comfortable stay on the site.

  • Diagonal layout

Diagonal planning can be done on a rectangular, square plot, or on a irregular shape. The defining elements of such zoning are the paths dividing the site, which are laid diagonally, from corner to corner. Sometimes designers, when drawing up a diagram, prefer to completely move away from horizontal and vertical lines, even planning to place the house diagonally on the site.

The main “reference lines” are diagonally drawn tracks

This method of placing objects will visually expand the space and make the area more spacious. In addition, there is the possibility of original distribution of zones. With this approach, many more of them can be identified, since the constructed paths will connect the corners of the territory, which quite often remain completely unused.

Diagonal planning is usually used if it is planned to complete the entire design of the site in a certain style.

  • Irregular planning

Irregular scheduling includes various ways organization of zones. Elements of rectangular, diagonal and curved layout can be used here, but they must be mutually placed so that they are in harmony with each other.

On the presented plan, which was drawn up for a specific site, you can clearly see all the zones of the territory planned by the designer:

1 – Entry zone, naturally located in the front part of the site, facing the road. Here a covered parking lot can be arranged for a car or a full-fledged garage can be built.

2 – Entrance area is a continuation of the entrance. A path leading to the house is arranged on it, and it is most often decorated with flower beds.

3 – The recreation area is almost always located in the depths of the site, but not far from the residential building. In this area they organize a playground, a swimming pool, a gazebo, install a swing or garden benches for relax. Fruit trees or trees can also be planted here. ornamental trees.

4 – The utility zone is most often located in the far corner of the site. The necessary outbuildings are being erected there, and a sanitary area is being installed - a summer shower and toilet.

5 – The vegetable garden in this diagram is located in the corner part of the territory. If this zone is organized in this way, then the fencing of the area in this place should not be continuous, since it is usually garden crops Natural ventilation is necessary, otherwise a lack of sun and excess moisture can lead to rotting of vegetables right in the beds.

6 – Alpine slide. Usually it is also included in the recreation area, but is located somewhat separately, since it can become a corner of solitude, sometimes so necessary for communicating with nature.

7 – Garden area. Decorative and fruit trees and shrubs are planted here, and this area of ​​the dacha can also be used for recreation.

Irregular site planning can be applied to areas of any geometric shape. When distributing zones, you do not have to adhere to any strict rules for the location of objects not connected by communications, which is why this type of planning is quite popular among land owners.

  • Curvilinear planning

Curvilinear planning can be called spontaneous, since the paths on the site are laid along convenient well-trodden routes. Therefore, in landscape design this type of zone distribution is called natural or natural.

Emphasized smoothness of lines is the basic principle of curvilinear planning

In this option for arranging the site, there are no straight or sharp corners, and all paths have smooth, almost imperceptible turns, so the area looks aesthetically pleasing and elegant. Various shrubs are planted along the paths passing through the area, flower beds are created, which will need to be carefully monitored throughout the summer, otherwise they will quietly begin to take over the path area.

  • Tangents and arcs in layout

The use of tangents and arcs in site planning can be applied to a site of any shape. This distribution of zones makes the territory more dynamic, where shapes and turns, replacing each other, have rounded corners, which is very comfortable for leisurely walks.

This type of site arrangement can be used for any architectural style of the house. In the presented diagram you can clearly see all the objects located on the site.

  • Radial layout

A radial or circular planning scheme is distinguished by the fact that all the objects of the site are located in a circle or semicircle, which fit into a certain zone of the territory. In order to emphasize the unusual shape of the arrangement of elements on a rectangular plot, its corners are planted with shrubs or fruit trees.

In this case, when drawing up a project, in addition to a square grid, a compass is also used to draw a circle inscribed in a square or rectangular shape of the site and divided in the form of rays. Decorative landscape elements and main structures are located along these radially diverging rays.

A house in such a layout can be located in the central part of the circle or on one of the rays, but in order for the dynamics to be maintained, the building will have to fit harmoniously into this shape. If a residential building has already been erected on the site, then planning can be done around it or on one of its sides.

In the example project, a radial layout is used, inscribed in a square area:

1 – The residential building is located on the arc of the central circle.

2 – . A path leads to it, which is part of a circle located near the house.

3 – Garage. This building is located at the entrance to the territory, and its own semicircle is organized around it.

4 – Small secluded gazebo.

5 – Greenhouse located in the corner of the plot.

6 – The vegetable garden, located next to the greenhouse, has beds in the form of rays.

7 – Fruit trees are planted in this case along the edge of the plot.

8 – A children’s playground is installed next to the house, so it is clearly visible from its window, and the children will be under the control of adults.

9 – Rockery - a flowerbed with various plants well matched to each other, and additionally decorated with stones.

10 – Ornamental trees or shrubs. They can be selected in such a way that flowering will continue from early spring until late autumn.

11 – Paths that are located in circles.

12 – Entrance area, which can be used as a parking lot.

Criteria for determining the main purpose of the site

To apply one or another basic planning scheme, you need to decide in advance what the area around the house will be intended for:

  • It will only be a place of relaxation, a vegetable garden, a garden or a complex divided into different zones.
  • Will one of the varieties be located on the site? artificial reservoirs– a pond, decorative waterfall, pool or fountain.
  • Do you need a children's playground and what will be on it?
  • Will a zone be organized?
  • Which outbuildings are expected to be built on the site.
  • The number of flower beds and their varieties.
  • Do you need parking or a garage for a car at your dacha?
  • Where will the sanitary zone be located - on the site or in the house itself.

After a clear answer to the above questions, the owner of the site will probably have the first outlines of a plan.

What needs to be taken into account in the project?

In order for the planning to be successful, the basis of the drawing must be taken from the site plan attached to the cadastral passport, which must be transferred to graph paper on a scale of 100:1, that is, 1 m of the site per 1 cm of the diagram. In the case when the house has already been erected, it is immediately drawn on the diagram, and other buildings, objects and landscape design elements begin to be “placed” around it.

Plumbing and artificial reservoirs

The plan for laying out water supply pipes must be drawn up as rationally as possible, since the created network must cover all areas where water is required - this is, first of all, a residential building, then a bathhouse, a swimming pool, a garage, a barbecue area, a garden and a vegetable garden.

  • It is advisable to deepen the pipes into the ground by 500÷700 mm. If the pipeline is planned to be light and will run on the ground, then it will have to be dismantled annually. winter period, and in the spring - install it in place.

It often makes sense to limit yourself to light “summer” water supply
  • If the country house is planned to be used only in the summer, you can use ordinary reinforced hoses, polyethylene or polypropylene pipes, which are installed only for this time and supplied to the required zones.

How to install a water supply system in a country house

This largely depends on the type of main water source. Read more about how you can in a separate publication on our portal.

  • Next, the water supply is sent to the area where the bathhouse will be built, and a shower and toilet will be installed. Even if you plan to make a bathroom in the house, it is recommended to have a toilet on the site so that you don’t drag dirt into the house while working in the garden. It is best to install these objects in the far corner of the site.

A toilet and shower are usually installed in a complex, and sometimes they are attached utility block. Thus, you can save not only on materials, but also on the organization of sewerage.

Complete solution- toilet, Summer shower and utility room

Usually this zone is closed from prying eyes by tall shrubs or planted with evergreens such as pyramidal thuja, boxwood and others.

  • Naturally, it is necessary to provide high-quality watering vegetable beds, berry bushes and fruit trees. To do this, it is recommended to connect the water supply to the garden and vegetable area.
  • If a swimming pool or pond is planned to be installed on the site, then a pipeline must also be laid to them, but not only for water supply, but also for sewerage. These reservoirs require periodic flushing and water changes.

It is also necessary to take into account the fact that a pool or pond is installed in different places, but for one or for another body of water, an important condition will be the absence of tall trees nearby.

The pool is usually located in an open sunny area near the house. It is desirable that it is clearly visible from the window, especially if the family has small children.

It is recommended to place the pond at a distance from the house among low bushes that can shade the surface of the water, since ultra-violet rays will contribute to its flowering, and it will have to be changed or provided for frequently complex system cleaning.

This reservoir should not be located close to the house because evening time a lot of people gather in the grass near the water various insects, which will fly towards the light of the windows and into the house.

Artificial pond - decoration of a suburban area

It is quite possible to build such an original element of landscape design on your own. Read more about this in a special publication on the portal.


There is no way to do without a sewerage system or collection of household waste on a summer cottage, especially if the house is used for living all year round. In order to avoid problems with regulatory organizations, it is necessary, according to existing sanitary standards, correctly locate and equip a septic tank or an isolated cesspool on the territory. At the same time, they adhere to certain rules established by SNiP and SanPiN.

  • Sewage pipes must be located at a distance of at least 10 m from the water main. If possible, the treatment or storage facility on the terrain of the site should be located below the water intake, so that in the event of a breakthrough sewage did not get into clean water.
  • The septic tank must be located at least 5 m away from the foundation of the house - this will eliminate the risk of washing away the walls of the building when emergency situations, and will also get rid of unpleasant odors in the house. However, you also need to know that you shouldn’t move the septic tank too far from the house, as this will cause internal blockages. If you still have to equip it at a more distant distance, then it is necessary to provide an inspection well every 15 m.
  • The septic tank must be located at least 5 meters from a busy road.
  • The septic tank is located from the fence between the sections at a distance of at least 2 m.
  • The distance from fruit trees or bushes should be at least 3 m.
  • The distance from a river or stream is 10 m, from a standing body of water - at least 30 m.
  • Entrance to inspection hatch The septic tank must be free, since it will have to be periodically cleaned of accumulated sediments using sewage disposal equipment.

Based on the above, we can conclude that the sewer system and the location of the septic tank must be planned immediately when building a house before dividing the site into zones.

Sewerage in country house- serious question

In order not to have problems with regulatory organizations, with the sanitary-epidemiological or environmental service, and with neighbors in the area, special attention will have to be paid to the issues - the details are set out in the corresponding article on the portal.

And another publication will help with solutions that optimally meet the specific conditions of living in a country house.

Basic elements of site arrangement and landscape design

  • At the entrance to the site, parking for a car is often provided, with or without a canopy. If you are setting up not so much a summer cottage as a house for a long-term or permanent residence, then it would be more advisable to think about a permanent garage.

Sometimes a garage is also located under the house, but this can only be foreseen at the design stage residential building, even before the foundation is built.

  • IN Lately increasingly, barbecue stoves are being installed in summer cottages, in their recreation areas. The convenience of this zone is that it can serve as a gazebo and summer kitchen, giving you the opportunity to spend more time outdoors. Such zones are set up close to the house, but at the same time - not too close to it, so that during cooking the smoke does not enter into the house. open windows residential premises.

Perfect place for relaxation - barbecue area

The stove itself cannot be installed under the canopy of trees, otherwise the hot air emanating from the pipe will dry out the leaves on the branches, after which the tree may die, and the leaves may easily ignite from a spark.

BBQ prices

  • If you decide to install a gazebo instead of a barbecue area, it is usually placed near the house. The pleasant shade that will be created in it thanks to the dense greenery will provide an opportunity to relax in coolness and freshness on hot days. In addition, in such a place it is good to spend not only days, but also quiet evenings with a cup of tea and a pleasant conversation.

The variety of gazebos is extremely large, so it is possible to choose one that is suitable both in size and design, so that it fits harmoniously into the created landscape of the site.

  • If there are children in the family, then you cannot do without a playground in the local area. It can be made stationary, but there is another solution. For example, the modern assortment of specialized stores includes original inflatable complexes, including slides, trampolines, pools, as well as other elements interesting for children.

A good solution - a safe inflatable playground

The convenience of such towns is that they are stable, but light in weight, and they can be moved to a shady or, conversely, sunny place. In addition, for the winter they are easy to assemble, pack and do not take up much space in the pantry.

  • If there is a plot of land, then few people will resist planting at least a small amount of herbs or vegetables in the beds. And in fact, don’t lead on own dacha tomatoes or beets grown in Turkish greenhouses, when it is possible to get an environmentally friendly product from your own garden. To get a decent harvest, you need to choose right place for arranging beds. Ideally suited for this open place on the south side of the house, where there is sun most of the day.

Fruit trees and shrubs are usually planted along the fence - this way they will not cover natural light beds. Tall trees are often planted near the walls of a house to create dense shade and keep rooms cool on hot days.

  • Many summer residents dream of receiving fresh vegetables It’s already the first month of summer, and for this you need to install a greenhouse or greenhouse. It is not necessary to build a structure large sizes– it is sometimes enough to allocate only two or three square meters of space for this. In early spring Seedlings grown in advance on the windowsill are planted under the film.

It is worth equipping the greenhouse in such a way that the film or transparent walls on it can be removed, periodically giving access to the greenery to fresh air and sunlight. When the weather is warm, such a greenhouse can easily be turned into a regular bed by removing the cover completely.

You can approach the construction of a greenhouse or hothouse creatively

Greenhouses and greenhouses can have very original designs, and a variety of, sometimes even unexpected, materials are used for their construction. If you want to get more information on this, take a look at the portal’s publication devoted specifically to these issues.

  • Quite often if available land plot there is a desire to start raising poultry, and it should be noted that this is quite possible to implement even on six acres by installing a compact and quite aesthetic chicken coop.

It is best to install this object at the end of the site, away from the residential building, so that the unpleasant odor does not enter the rooms through windows open in the summer.

Chicken coop prices

chicken coop

A chicken coop can fit perfectly into general style plot

How to do it correctly, and what sizes and proportions should be followed - all this can be found out from a special publication on our portal.

  • The Alpine slide has become one of the favorite elements of landscape design among owners of private houses. It can be located in a fairly large space or compactly occupy a small corner.

There are many different types of alpine slides, and choosing one of them to decorate a small corner will not be difficult. In fact, this decorative object is a kind of flower bed, raised above the main space of the site and decorated with plants that can grow on slopes among stones, as well as large and small boulders and pebbles.

To create an alpine slide, you can use the soil left after digging a pit for one of the buildings. To raise the slide it is not necessary to use fertile soil- it will be enough just to lay her down top layer, the thickness of which is determined by the depth of the root system of the plants selected for planting. Matched stones are placed around evergreen shrubs and decorative perennial grass. Alpine slide can be installed near a pond or in front of the windows of the house, so that you can admire the flowering plants and their harmonious arrangement on the slope of this artificial elevation.

  • Upon completion of site planning, all objects on it are connected by paths that can be laid from various materials. The paving should be laid out in a place prepared in advance for it.

To form paths, fine crushed stone and slabs are used different sizes and shapes, round timber sawn from tree trunks and other, sometimes completely unexpected materials.

Paths in the country - room for creativity

Creative owners should not have any problems with the device being convenient and beautiful paths on its territory. How to rationally arrange them, and what can be used to cover them - all this is described in detail in a separate publication on the portal.

  • After distributing the paths throughout the territory, you can think about their design. The best option, which will emphasize the direction of the paths and become a wonderful decoration of the entire site, is to arrange flower beds.

Flowerbeds can be of different shapes and sizes - specialists involved in landscape design have special templates for their arrangement. If there are no flower beds on the site, then it looks boring and uninteresting, so you should not give up this decorative element, although it will cause quite a lot of trouble, as it requires constant care. And it’s best to make flower beds from different varieties plants that will bloom in succession from the warm spring months to late autumn.

In addition to the layout of flower beds, free zones of the site are often decorated with various decorative items, which can be made independently - you just need to use your imagination and make some effort.

Video: basic rules for placing objects on a suburban area

Procedure for drawing up a plan

Now, having information about all the main functional and decorative structures and elements that can be located on the territory of a suburban area, in summing up it is necessary to consider the general sequence of drawing up the plan:

  • The first step is always choosing a place to build a house.
  • If you plan to install a bathroom in the house, then, when determining the location of the building, you immediately calculate the area where the septic tank will be installed and the sewer pipes coming from the house will be laid.
  • Next, it is planned to build a parking lot or garage.
  • If necessary, the location of the summer toilet and shower is outlined, which, in order to save space and money on building materials, can be combined into a complex and installed in the far corner of the site.
  • After this, you need to determine a place for the vegetable garden and garden plantings.
  • Places are allocated for recreation areas - a playground, barbecue, gazebo, etc.
  • When these objects requiring communications are distributed, the layout of stationary or summer water supply pipes must be indicated on the plan. At the same time, the issue of laying power cables, if necessary, is being considered.
  • The next stage is planning specific landscape design objects - a pond and an alpine slide.
  • After that, you can think about the remaining elements of the landscape design.
  • Now you can unite all the objects with paths along which you can place flower beds or flower borders.

It may be necessary to draw several site plans so that each stage of the arrangement (for example, laying communications) is visible as clearly as possible. Therefore, separate schemes will be required, but they all must be fully consistent with each other.

Drawing up a plan for placing everything necessary on a garden plot is a creative process that requires imagination, the use of your own developments and ideas within the framework of existing standards related to fire safety and environmental safety. Of course, you can entrust site planning to specialists who know their business and do it professionally, but this will be quite expensive. And, frankly speaking, no one other than the owners can better provide for all their own needs and wishes aimed at maximizing the comfort of living in their possessions.

Video: several examples of successful planning of a suburban area

Until now, it is most often possible to see plots of 6 acres in dacha farming. At first glance, this is not very much. But with the right planning, you can create a great landscape design, which will become an example for your neighbors.

To begin with, you must understand that there are many examples of landscape design on 6 acres. A lot depends on the main and secondary objects that you want to build. Let’s say that if building a house is a given, then there are a number of other structures that can radically transform the landscape.

Very often, when creating a landscape design on 6 acres, a building for a bathhouse is included in the plan. You can also build a small gazebo and even a swimming pool. In fact, this area is more than enough to create a cozy and beautiful corner.

But the planning of landscape design on 6 acres includes not only the construction of buildings. You should also mark where the trees will be located, ornamental shrubs, lawns and so on. All these items can be seen in the examples from the photos.

To understand which examples of country estates are suitable for you, let’s consider what a 6-acre area is. In most cases, this is an area measuring 15 by 40 or 20 by 30 meters. To create an ergonomic landscaping design in such a small area, you must not only plan everything accurately, but also use modern methods zoning.

It is very important to understand the priorities before starting to create a landscape design project for a summer cottage on 6 acres. You must know in advance what is more important to you: a large beautiful house, a swimming pool, a garden with fruit trees or a lawn with green grass. Only after this can you begin to create your own example of a future plan diagram.

What to consider when planning

Eat whole line parameters that need to be taken into account when developing landscape design on 6 acres, then the example of a future design masterpiece designed by you will be the most functional. To create a good project you need to rely on the following parameters:

  1. Relief. Your site may be on a slope, in a ravine, on a hill, or even at the foot of a cliff. Naturally, this must be taken into account when planning. Otherwise, all your design delights will not make sense. The type of house construction, its location, and the necessary engineering Communication and much more.
  2. The shape of the site also plays a significant role in creating an example of landscape design on 6 acres. The fact is that most people think that this is a traditional square or rectangle. But the truth is that shapes can be very diverse, ranging from a triangle to a parallelepiped. There are more than enough options.
  3. Naturally, when creating an example of landscape design on 6 acres, the type of soil is of particular importance. Only the hardiest plants can grow on poor soils. Of course, with the right amount of effort, you can create chernozem or even artificial soil on the site, but such an example of creating a landscape requires financial investment.
  4. Water resources. In some areas there may be ponds. They can be used as part of landscape design or, for example, filled in. It all depends on your aesthetic preferences.
  5. Groundwater. If your site is located where there are problems with groundwater. That without arranging a good drainage system it won't work out.

As you can see, when planning a landscape design option on 6 acres and focusing on ready-made examples, you need to take into account many parameters on which the very possibility of bringing your chosen example to life depends.

We create landscape design


To make your landscape design pleasing to the eye even on 6 acres, you need to approach its creation wisely. The plan diagram must be made on a scale of 1:500. Simply put, five meters is one centimeter.

Attention ! The plan diagram includes the location of extensions and zones, based on current standards.

At the beginning of planning landscape design for 6 acres, study the land act. This document specifies the parameters of your site. Transfer them to paper and only after that, focusing on the examples you liked in this article, start planning.


Decide on the size of the house and other buildings. Each object must have its place on the plan diagram, and its clear parameters must be indicated here. But at the same time, you must take into account the norms of SNiPs, which guarantee you a comfortable arrangement.

To create the correct plan diagram, you should rely on SNiP 2.07.01-89 and SNiP 2.01.02-85. Here are the main extracts from these documents:

  1. Buildings cannot be placed closer than five meters from the street.
  2. There should be more to other areas from the house three meters. This parameter for outbuildings is one meter.
  3. The windows of your house should be located at a distance of six meters from neighboring household buildings.
  4. The distance from a barn with livestock or poultry to a residential building is 15 m.
  5. From residential to residential building the distance is from 6 to 15 m.

By following these simple rules, you can create an excellent landscape design on 6 acres, which will become an example for everyone else.


It depends on zoning whether your landscape design on 6 acres will become an example for everyone else. Undoubtedly, great value It has correct location houses and outbuildings. But that's not all.

When creating a landscape design on 6 acres, it is very important to correctly position the garden, vegetable garden, pool and other areas. The internal comfort of the site depends on how harmoniously you do this.

It’s worth starting with the fact that according to zoning rules, you cannot locate a garage deep in a plot of 6 acres. Firstly, it's not very convenient. And secondly, you will have to allocate space for a driveway, which is an unaffordable luxury in such conditions.

You should not locate the garden in the southern part of the territory. Since it will create shade for the garden. This, in turn, will negatively affect plant growth. A vegetable garden should also not be built where shadows from buildings will fall on it.

Attention ! In turn, the recreation area is best located in a shaded area.

If you want to create great example barbecue areas in your landscape design for 6 acres, then be sure to take care of knowing the prevailing winds in the region. This will allow you to choose the optimal location.

It is best to arrange a barbecue or grill area on the windward side. Thanks to this precaution, smoke will not spread throughout your area.

To create a truly high-quality landscape design on 6 acres, you must take into account many nuances. For example, the fact that water will accumulate in the lowest place of the territory. That's why worst zone there is no need to plant a garden.

If you have a problematic terrain with constant elevation changes, then a terrace staircase would be an excellent example of good landscape design. It will serve as an addition to it.

An excellent example of good zoning using terraces is the autonomy of each zone. Moreover, they are all connected to each other through paths and stairs.

Attention ! Retaining walls are used to strengthen the terraces. Concrete structures serve as an excellent example of solidity and strength.

But if desired, retaining walls can become decorative elements in your landscape design on 6 acres. These designs have long been considered an example of excellent design taste and a non-standard approach to zoning.

Examples of successful landscape design

If desired, quite a lot of objects can be located on 6 acres and at the same time maintain comfort of movement. To achieve this, you need to clearly calculate the dimensions and plan everything carefully. You can also rely on ready-made examples.

House, bathhouse and car garage

This type of project is particularly popular in Europe. It allows you to squeeze out maximum capabilities with minimum free space. Let's consider real example. There is a plot in the form of a rectangle. In his right top corner a bathhouse is being built. There is also a recreation area here. A gazebo and a pond will organically complement this example of successful zoning.

A little below the recreation area there is a vegetable garden. It is best to take a semicircular shape as an example. This will make the most efficient use of the available space of 6 acres.

A good example good facade in this example of landscape design, there will be a front area on 6 acres. Flower beds and lawns are traditionally made here. The top left section is best for fruit trees.

Attention ! When drawing up a plan diagram, you must take into account the features and parameters of your territory.

Example design for an elongated section

If your territory is strongly elongated to one side of the rectangle, the house should be located right next to it. There is an open area in front of the house. There is a lawn and decorative elements such as trees and bushes.

The winding path in this landscape design of a summer cottage on 6 acres will run along the entire rectangle from the house at one end to the outbuildings at the other. There is a garden on the sides.


Even a small space can be used effectively. Six hundred square meters is not small at all, if you choose best option zoning and calculate everything correctly. The main thing is not to violate building codes.

When we have even a small amount of land at our disposal, we immediately try to implement the existing ideas to the maximum. And use the beds to achieve results. Only an understanding of all factors, including natural ones, will make it possible to transform the existing land into a cozy corner where the whole family can relax. And where landscape design brings real pleasure.

What do the professionals advise? What principles should I use?

Shrubs will help hide unpleasant moments and elements that distract from relaxation or greatly interfere with it.

On dacha area There must be several objects, regardless of area, 6 acres is no exception:

  1. Part with gardening purposes.
  2. A corner where relaxation takes place.
  3. A utility block, which often includes a well and a kitchen, a garage and a cellar.
  4. Residential buildings.

There is nothing complicated in drawing up drawings. The scale unit is 1 centimeter. In reality it corresponds to 5 meters. When purchasing plots, a package of documentation is drawn up. One of the important items on this list is a separate deed drawn up for the land. This act provides data on the proportions of the site. They are transferred to the created diagrams and plans.

Next step - selection of suitable dimensions, what photos of areas help to understand, country houses. And exactly where they will be located. The following information will help you solve the problem correctly:

  • The street is taken as a conditional red line. Any buildings should be kept at a distance at least 5 meters from it.
  • The house must be located at least from the boundary three meters away.
  • Depending on the type of buildings, the distance that is maintained between residential buildings along the street is chosen.
  • Economic objects and neighboring plots need to be divided at least 1 meter.
  • There is no need to make the windows in the house abut the utility block on the neighbors’ property. In this case minimum distance equals 6 meters.
  • If the building is used for keeping animals, it must be located at least 15 meters from buildings with residential purposes.

If the territory allows you to move the house to the side without violating established standards, it is recommended to do so.

Design and planning: examples of schemes and solutions

Here is an excellent example of a site where there is not only a house, but also a two-car garage. The bathhouse, relaxation area, including s, is located in the upper corner on the right. A small vegetable garden with a round shape will frame the lower part. It will not disrupt the overall composition. In this same part it is permissible to plant ornamental trees, as photos of summer cottages show, this is more than appropriate.

The front area with a flower garden comes from the main entrance. In the same part there is a landing. Fruit trees are located at the top left. On the back side of the house we are building a platform where in the summer we place an umbrella along with.

Another diagram. This time the area is stretched upward. The house is on the left, in the foreground. In front of it we have a platform where decorative landscaping and a lawn are located. It leads out to the outbuildings and the garden itself, decorated with modern finishing materials. It is permissible to grow shrubs between the buildings, and raspberries and blackberries are planted on the left.

Geometric style – good options layouts for summer cottages. Certain forms formed by all buildings.

The closer to home the recreation area, the better. For fencing with your own hands, you can use the plants themselves. Or decorative varieties.

In general, the layout of plots with different areas is not much different.

This diagram shows how SNiP requirements must be met. Landscape design projects allow you to fulfill all requirements.

This design project will help you figure out which arrangement of buildings will be better depending on the influence of light.

Even small area can be arranged so that absolutely all the elements fit.

Diagonals and smoothly curved lines are actively used - this allows you to visually expand the space.

Trees can become not only decorative element, they perform the function of a fence. This saves space significantly, plus provides additional protection plot.

It is not necessary to work out the location for each crop in such detail. But this helps to immediately understand the purpose of each plant. And choose the optimal place.

Studying the basics of botany becomes mandatory regardless of area. Before designing, you should clearly familiarize yourself with the requirements of all the crops you are interested in.

If you are not sure about own strength, it is recommended to contact specialists to draw up a rough plan. But their services can be quite expensive. The estimated price of the simplest plan is 3-4 thousand rubles. There are also more expensive offers, depending on the characteristics of the site itself and the complexity of the landscape.

An area of ​​8 acres or more allows you to expand upon arrangement. But the principles remain the same.

Taking into account the movement of the sun also helps to choose a place that is considered the most optimal. It doesn't matter what type of building we are talking about.

A practical approach to everything

The most important rule: smooth and regular lines of paths should not cut through the area if it is small. That is, it is better to forget about straight paths on a plot of 6 acres or less.

There are additional tips:

  • 6 acres is a small area. Any part of it will be clearly visible. The main task is to soften the protective contours. For this they are used. Acceptable use.
  • If the above solutions do not suit you, you can create . But for it use a neutral shade, in light tone. Or the texture will be combined, using several different materials. It is important that the fence is not monotonous. Otherwise, the visual space will not expand.
  • Several entwined with vines also create the desired effect. They seem to slow down the gaze of the one observing the site.
  • It is recommended to exclude row plantings completely. Optimal solutionchaotic tree planting, when they are scattered throughout the territory.
  • The free territory given over for arrangement helps to expand the space. This zone can become a kind of center of the site if it is sown with grass and framed with ornamental plants.
  • It is better to make beds in free form, moon-shaped or spiral. This form is not only beautiful, the solution is also practical. Especially when there is little space.

Ideas in the design of individual elements

Beautiful ones fit in any area, even small ones. However, keep in mind that such a structure will become the central decorative element of the site.

It is not necessary to allocate a place for them on the side; the element is often placed in the center, as the example in the photo above shows.

Regular design style is ideal for square or rectangular areas. Trees are placed along the boundaries of the site. The main thing is to retreat at least 3-4 meters from your neighbors. Low-maintenance plants can be planted between trees so that not a single free patch is wasted.

A natural or landscape look is often given to the second half of such sites. For example, it is used for arranging recreation areas. It is recommended to place the house and leave some free space in front of it.

Thuja i is the best choice for owners of a modest area. Don't turn your garden into a collector's dream. In any case, there is not enough space to accommodate all the crops at once.

In small dachas it is easy to set up so-called mini-gardens. They can be organized in a two-tier form, in the form of a staircase or cascade. Even from such structures, very decent harvests are collected.

As you can see, even small spaces can be arranged so that the whole family can enjoy their holiday. If you approach organizational issues correctly garden plot, then even ownerless land will become a paradise. It is important not to forget about regular care. It is required by all types of plants, edible and ornamental. They require fertilizers of organic and mineral origin. Separate inspections are carried out for the presence of pests. The soil requires treatment once or twice a week.

The FORUMHOUSE video channel offers you to get acquainted with the opinions of experts on the first steps in the difficult task of planning your own plot.

Often, for the construction of small houses outside the city, an economical option for land plots of six hundred square meters is purchased. In this case, there is not enough space, so it needs to be distributed in such a way that there is enough space not only for construction, but also for organizing an outdoor recreation area.

Most summer residents prefer to lead a quiet lifestyle and, instead of traditional garden beds, place original flower beds with flower beds, decorate courtyards with compositions of various plants. For this purpose, special landscape design techniques are used. They allow you to turn even the tiniest piece of land into a real paradise for family vacations and meeting friends. The development of such a project is considered a difficult process, but it is quite possible to create it yourself.


The landscape design of a plot of 6 acres should include not only rational use land, but also the layout of its zones in such a way that a modest area acquires an attractive and voluminous appearance.

Therefore, when designing a territory, you need to pay attention to the following points:

  • Multifunctionality. Each corner on an area of ​​approximately 20x30 meters must simultaneously cope with several tasks.
  • Landscaping. All plants should be placed compactly; it is not recommended to use many plantings.

  • Visual illusion. There are various ways in which you can visually enlarge an area.
  • Exclusion of massive structures. It is advisable to install small buildings and choose lightweight ones for their finishing. Construction Materials. Alternating structures with natural decor in the form of shrubs or “live” hedges look beautiful in a small area.

  • Fences. In this case, their installation is not recommended. Blind fences will not only take up a lot of space, but will also disrupt air circulation.
  • The right choice of trees and shrubs. The design of a small plot requires compact and low-growing plants.

It is also worth noting that all compositions in the landscape should be harmoniously combined with each other, creating a cozy atmosphere. Therefore, before starting construction and decorating the exterior, it is necessary to carefully consider all the nuances and make an appropriate design


Any layout of a summer cottage begins with the distribution of land. An area of ​​6 acres is considered small, but you can beautifully place a house, garden, small vegetable garden and other objects on it. To facilitate the arrangement process, first, territory plans are drawn up, in which a detailed site plan is indicated and a diagram is drawn indicating the location of the sewerage and water supply lines. It is recommended to create several sketches, and during the work process choose the best and most suitable one.

Once the drawings are ready, you can safely begin zoning. At this stage of registration, it is important to take into account many nuances. A suburban area should not only be beautiful, but also comfortable to live in, which is why it is traditionally made with a cozy house, garage and bathhouse. Many people use their dacha as a place to relax, but there are also city dwellers who like to grow vegetables. A special design project is created for them, and the garden plot with the house is supplemented with a small vegetable garden.

If there is no toilet in the room, it is installed outside; you will also need to build a veranda and gazebo. For families with children, we must not forget about the playground - you need to allocate a small area for an inflatable pool, sandbox and swings. The recreation area for adults should include an artificial pond and a barbecue area. All zones can be arranged at your discretion by combining them.

First of all, they choose the location for the living space, and based on this they determine the installation of other buildings. At the same time, utility structures should not be visible from the recreation area, windows of the house and from the street. On an area of ​​6 acres, all buildings should not exceed 10% of the territory. If the land is divided into a vegetable garden and garden, then it is recommended to allocate no more than 60% of its area for planting shrubs and trees, as well as 17% for a vegetable garden.

As for the recreation area, a gazebo is perfect for it, located in the depths of the garden. Next to it you can install decorative pond or a small fountain. On a square plot, it is best to place the structure in the center; a barbecue or grill will look harmonious next to it. It is recommended to make the play area for children rectangular in shape and it should be accessible for parental supervision. For a children's playground, an area should be allocated sunny side with little delights of trees.

To revive an area of ​​6 acres, it needs to be decorated with flower beds and lawns, which should not exceed 13% of the entire territory. As a rule, they are located between fences and the house. The design style can be chosen either free or strict geometric. At the same time, the first one looks more impressive and neat, since strict lines visually reduce the space.

A huge role in the zoning of a summer cottage will be played by its shape. The ideal option is a rectangular area of ​​land, but sometimes you can find elongated areas. For a corner plot, choose the location of the house near the fence, after which zones for the garden, city and buildings are divided. Due to the narrow area, in this case it will be necessary to place a recreation area and children's Corner directly next to the house. The L-shaped layout is considered the most comfortable, in which small plot It turns out beautiful and functional.


The backyard area is the “face” of the owners of the house, so it should always look well-groomed and tidy, especially for small areas measuring 6 acres. To arrange them in an original way, you can use various options landscape design, among which gardening is the most popular. Garden trees, bushes and flowers will become a real decoration for the plot of land and will help to distinguish it from the background of simple neighboring buildings. To create a “green” decor, a landscape is chosen from various elements.

  • Flower beds. They are located both opposite the living space and on its sides. To show the beauty of the decoration, they use not only ordinary pots, but also plant plants in old tires, after filling them with soil. Small “flower streams” planted in various geometric shapes also look beautiful.

  • Vertical decor. It is often chosen for small areas whose area needs to be visually expanded. In addition, space is used rationally and does not require unnecessary square meters. Plant walls are best placed near arbors, trellises and fences. Such a green “curtain” will not only hide the recreation area from prying eyes, but will also provide the area with shade, dividing it into various corners. A pergola is a good choice for vertical gardening.

  • Bush plantings. Since the area of ​​6 acres is small, you cannot choose many shrubs to decorate it. It is advisable to plant such beautiful plants, like rosehip, cotoneaster, jasmine and lilac. They take up little space, are good for human health, and require little maintenance.

  • Trees. No matter how rational the layout is small area, it does not provide for planting tall trees. The space should be light and free, so it is advisable to choose dwarf plants that are placed in pairs. Trees planted around the perimeter look original.

  • Garden. For many, it is associated with an ordinary piece of land on a field. But that's not true. If you make every effort and add imagination, you will get real masterpieces; the beds will serve as an additional decoration of the design. Only the most necessary plants should be planted on the ground and the garden should not be turned into a “collective farm” space. As a rule, carrots, all types of greens and onions are grown in dachas.

  • Beds. On a miniature square they need to be decorated creatively. Therefore, if at the dacha there is old brick, stones, plastic bottles, from them you can lay out unusual fences of any shape. In addition, to save space, preference should be given to trellis growing, in which the beds acquire vertical view. It is good to plant flowers next to the vegetables, so after harvesting the land will not look empty. For example, you can plant gladioli, marigolds and zinnia near the onions.

Landscape design must be original in everything. Therefore, many summer residents prefer to combine several plants in a flowerpot at the same time for decoration. The result is so-called flower beds. When creating them, it is important to pay attention to the height of the plants and select flowers and greenery according to their flowering time. Such compositions not only have an aesthetic appearance, but also protect vegetables from insects. For example, marigolds and nasturtium will save plantings from pest invasion, and garlic and onions will protect crocuses and tulips from bugs. Similar decor can be placed in different corners of the site. The decorations look beautiful both between outbuildings and at the entrance to the house.

Special attention in design country house decorative “barrels” deserve. Large pots, boxes, old dishes and even baby baths are suitable for creating them. The container must be painted to match the style of the buildings and decorated additional elements. In such artificial beds you can grow beans, carrots, cucumbers and tomatoes, while flowers such as calibrachoa, petunia and mirabilis also look good in containers. The main advantage of such a flowerpot is the ability to place it in any convenient place.

Small suburban area 6 acres of land is difficult to plan, since the design must be done correctly, excluding various obstacles and partitions in the project. This is especially true for organizing long and narrow space. Applying interesting ideas, you can quickly turn a small cottage into a beautiful corner.

If landscape design is done independently, then novice craftsmen are advised to consider the following points:

  • You cannot install closed or solid fences, otherwise cozy atmosphere will lose its meaning and the area will take on the appearance of a “box”. The right choice there will be neat fences with forged inserts. Low wicker fences made of wood also look good. They do not cover the area and harmonize well with climbing plants. If the house is fenced concrete fence painted in dark shades, it is recommended to decorate it with separate inserts with a mirror surface; they will reflect the space and enliven the design.

  • It is important to correctly distribute all decorative elements on the area, including outbuildings and trees. It is not allowed to make some places oversaturated and others empty.
  • Much of the design can be done with your own hands. For example, all paths adjacent to the house can be covered with gravel, flower beds can be placed along them and decorated with compositions made of stone or brick.
  • It is advisable to plant plants in such a way that their height on the north side is greater.

Every owner of a country property wants to give his brainchild an unsurpassed appearance. For this reason, we decided to look at how we can implement country house design with your own hands on 6 acres. In fact, this is a very affordable operation that will only require persistence and endurance from you.

Landscape Design Basics

Many people think that it is impossible to create an attractive and cozy exterior in small areas. However, in reality this is completely misleading. If you put in maximum effort, then everything will certainly work out.

Unfortunately, for many people, landscape design is just words. Therefore, we will analyze its main elements.

Plant placement

It is a key tool for landscape professionals.

  • Tall crops must be located on the north side.
  • Shrubs are placed on the center line.
  • It is advisable to place tomatoes and peppers (if any) on the south side, because there, as a rule, the best lighting is observed.
  • Playgrounds, greenhouses and beds should be placed in a geometric order.

Tip: first create a plan on which all the elements will be indicated.

  • If there are any unevenness, then you should not try to level them. It is best to play this up with flowers or trees.


To ensure that spending time in the fresh air brings only positive emotions, we recommend dividing the area into zones that are responsible for their functions.

We propose to highlight the following objects:

  • House. Should be located in the most convenient and picturesque (if possible) area. This territory should be cleared of all unnecessary things, leaving only ornamental plants.
  • Outbuildings (etc.). Least demanding area. It is best to place it in the least visible place (do not forget about unpleasant odors, characteristic of these buildings).

When planning, also be sure to consult with your neighbors.
It won’t work out very well if, for example, your compost pit is located next to the neighbor’s gazebo.

  • Garden (all ornamental plants). This is the most attractive part and should be placed in the most visible place. It is advisable that garden path was located along it.
  • Vegetable garden (useful crops). It is best placed on backyard. In this case, it is advisable to come up with some kind of fence.
  • Rest zone. The most reasonable place for it is between the house and the garden. At the same time, it should be located at a sufficient distance from outbuildings.

Building codes

Not everyone knows that there is SNiP 2.07.01–89, which regulates the planning of suburban areas. In addition to it, there is also SNiP 2.01.02-85, which ensures compliance with fire safety rules.

It is imperative to comply with these regulations, so we are publishing the main provisions:

  • Residential premises should not be located closer than 3 m from the boundaries of neighboring plots. Therefore, when you develop the design of a 6-acre dacha with your own hands, do not forget about this.

It is also prohibited to locate such buildings closer than 5 meters from the street line.

  • Outbuildings should be located no closer than 1 meter to the neighboring plot.
  • Residential premises should be continuously exposed to sunlight for at least 2.5 hours a day. Based on this condition, rooms such as the kitchen and bathroom should be located on the north side, and bedrooms and hallways on the south.

It is also worth noting that it is advisable to ensure that the windows of the bedrooms and living rooms overlook the most picturesque areas of the site. If your house has already been built, then it is worth placing such objects in appropriate places.


Most people only pay attention functional lighting, forgetting about the decorative. Despite this, it can significantly transform the area. Therefore, no competent design project for a summer cottage plot of 6 acres should do without this aspect.

What can be done with the help of properly selected lighting devices:

  • Visually highlight the most expressive zones. The paths are also often illuminated, allowing you to move freely at any time.
  • Identify the most beautiful plants (for example, a rare tree or flowers).
  • It becomes possible to observe the site in the dark.
  • Buy lamps of lower power than for an apartment. They will be quite enough, and extra expenses to nothing.
  • If possible, consider separate connection functional and .

Advice: get three-phase automatic machines with fuses. With their help it is much easier to make wiring, and they will save you from a short circuit.

  • The power cables must be very well insulated from precipitation. If we hide it in the ground, then we make appropriate markings so that they do not stumble upon it during the execution process. gardening work. However, the instructions prohibit placing it next to the pipeline.


On such a positive note we will sum up our story. However, if you were not able to comprehend all the nuances, then do not worry under any circumstances. In the video presented in this article you will find additional information on this topic, which will help you understand everything.