Japanese shiatsu points. Shiatsu massage: secrets of oriental masters. Shiatsu points for wrinkles on the bridge of the nose

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Shiatsu massage

Shiatsu is one of the types of Japanese massage. It is an improved type of acupressure, which has long been practiced in oriental medicine. Different styles of shiatsu are based on the principles of Japanese massage, Chinese medicine and complemented by modern knowledge of human anatomy and physiology.

The shiatsu technique involves influencing the body with the fingers and palms to create a certain pressure on specific points, which makes it possible to eliminate disorders, get rid of many diseases, and improve health.

Author of massage


Tokuiro Namikoshi is considered the creator of shiatsu. He described his method in the book “Shiatsu - Japanese finger pressure therapy.” The term itself is also translated from Japanese as “finger pressure” (“shi” - fingers, “atsu” - pressure). It was first mentioned at the beginning of the 20th century in a book by Tempaku Tamai called Shiatsu Ryoho. The Shiatsu method was developed from the traditional Japanese amma massage technique as a result of Namikoshi's observations of instinctive behavior a person pressing and rubbing a sore spot. Such an impact awakens the reserve forces of the body, inherent in it by nature itself. Initially, Namikoshi developed his technique to help his mother, who had suffered for many years. rheumatoid arthritis. Shiatsu subsequently gained national recognition. In 1940, the Japanese Shiatsu College was founded. Namikoshi's patients were famous statesmen, movie stars, famous athletes. Today in Japan the system has a special legal status.

Diagram of points on the body for massage

How it works

To understand the mechanisms of Japanese shiatsu massage, you need to know the structure and functioning of the human body. Approximately 450 muscles, symmetrically attached to the bones, contract to help produce various movements. This difficult process begins from the moment it enters the body nutrients. A certain part of them accumulates in the liver in the form of glycogen. After this, glucose and oxygen flow through the bloodstream to the muscles, where they take part in biochemical processes, as a result of which the energy necessary for muscle contraction is released. During muscle contraction, lactic acid is produced. As it accumulates, it leads to fatigue of muscle fibers and difficulty in their work. Fatigue can be dealt with by temporarily stopping the process of muscle contraction, that is, giving them rest. During the “respite”, venous blood removes lactic acid, and arterial blood delivers glucose and other substances necessary to release energy, which is spent on muscle work.

Point pressure on functioning muscle fibers during shiatsu massage accelerates the elimination of excess lactic acid, thereby eliminating fatigue, reducing pain, and restoring correct work muscles.

Types of massage

Shiatsu is one of the dynamically developing forms of therapy. Today, there are several different styles of massage, or derivatives of shiatsu.

Professional shiatsu massage
  • Shiatsu Meridian Therapy was developed by incorporating the meridian theory of traditional Chinese medicine into Shiatsu. Tadawa Izawa was founded.
  • Zen shiatsu was the result of the introduction of shiatsu experience into the research of Chinese medicine and Western psychology. Includes special “makko-ho” exercises aimed at stimulating the flow of QI.
  • Taoshiatsu therapy includes praying to Buddha and techniques aimed at concentrating the mind.
  • Tsubo Shiatsu – from a physiological and anatomical point of view, explains the use of tsubo (or meridian points) in shiatsu therapy.
  • Ohishiatsu is another variation of shiatsu created by Wataru Ohashi.
  • Quantum Shiatsu - affects various levels of human energy: physical, mental, emotional, spiritual.
  • Shiatsu movements were developed by Bill Palner and David Ventura to relieve chronic diseases through unusual experiments and exercises.

Shiatsu massage is also divided into the following subtypes:

  • Professional – performed by a specialist.
  • Mutual massage – can be used with the family, mainly to relieve fatigue and restore strength.
  • Self-massage - compared to other types of procedures, has some advantages: active work of the hands promotes blood flow to the fingers, as a result, its stagnation in other parts of the body is eliminated, cerebral circulation and work are normalized nervous system.
Shiatsu helps with scoliosis

Features of the massage

A distinctive feature of Japanese massage is its effect on the body as a whole. Special techniques of pressing on certain points activate the internal energy of Qi. Shiatsu is not aimed at treating a disease, but at strengthening and mobilizing forces to independently fight the disease. In this case, the body itself chooses the optimal way to get rid of it. The bioactive points stimulated during shiatsu do not correspond to Chinese medicine acupuncture points. They do not have a clear localization, and their choice is based more on the painful reaction of the human body. Impact on the points leads to normalization of the QI flow passing through the meridian.

Shiatsu is indicated both for the treatment of various diseases and for their prevention, as well as relieving fatigue and general improvement of the body.

Massage helps with the following problems:

The result of impact on specific points


Contraindications to Japanese massage are:


No special preparation is required for the massage. The skin should be clean and dry. The best effect can be achieved if you pre-warm the body. This technique helps relieve muscle tension and dilate blood vessels. The massage therapist's hands should also be warm and dry. Before the procedure, they need to be rubbed against each other.

Shiatsu facial massage cleanses the skin special means based on herbs, after which a hot compress is applied for 2-3 minutes. Before starting the procedure, you should relax as much as possible.

Massage technique

The Shiatsu massage technique comes down to the use of two techniques: stroking and rhythmic pressure on certain points with the fingertips or in different parts palms. In this case, the body weight seems to be transferred to the fingers and palms. Stroking takes only 10-20% of the session, and pressing – 80-90%.

The main standard technique is pressing with the first phalanx thumb. The intensity of the impact can vary from strong pressure to a gentle touch and complete removal of the finger from the surface of the skin. The frequency of such oscillations is 5-10 times per minute. Shiatsu is also performed with the fingers or palms of both hands, located one above the other. This impact is stronger and is called “pressure with weights.” It is used in the area of ​​large joints and muscles.

Do not move your fingers along the skin or move the fingertip in a forward direction: this leads to rapid hand fatigue.

The choice of fingers for shiatsu is determined depending on the location of the massaged area:

The palms are also used for vibrating movements. Shiatsu uses a variety of pressures: regular, flexible, vibrating, concentrated, suction, intermittent, stimulating.

The direction of pressure is perpendicular to the surface of the body. The strength of pressure is selected depending on the disease, its symptoms, and the patient’s well-being. The optimal pressure is one that produces sensations on the verge of mild pain. Sharp, rough, jolting, impact impacts leading to bruising should be avoided.

To treat specific diseases using shiatsu, select points located closest to the diseased area. However, in some cases other points are massaged. For example, when treating kidneys, massage is done on certain areas of the feet; to strengthen the heart, massage points on the left hand are done.

The duration of pressure on one point is on average 5 seconds, when working with points located on the neck - a maximum of 3 seconds.

Sessions last 7-10 days, after which a break is required.

General massage

The general massage procedure involves massaging the entire body. Its goal is not to fight a specific disease, but to improve the health of the entire body. General massage includes a whole series of techniques that are used both in combination and separately. After mastering them, the procedure can also be carried out independently.

In Japan itself, shiatsu is performed in the seiza pose: a person kneels and sits on his heels spread in opposite directions, while straightening his back as much as possible and completely relaxing his shoulders and neck. For Eastern countries this position is natural, but for Europeans it is not very suitable. Therefore, it is better to choose a position lying on your side, with a pillow under your head, and if necessary, roll over onto your back or stomach. The pose sitting on a chair is also perfect for shiatsu. The impact is on active points. Their location diagram is shown below.

How to massage your face

Shiatsu facial massage helps eliminate fine wrinkles, restore skin elasticity, and rejuvenate it. Depending on the purpose of the influence, various techniques are used.

To get rid of wrinkles on the forehead

Use small circular movements to apply pressure in the central part of the forehead, the “third eye” area. For 7 seconds, massage the point between the eyebrows with your index, middle, and ring fingers.

This movement also allows you to get rid of a runny nose, flu, headache, and stop nosebleeds.

Shiatsu points on the body

For eyelid rejuvenation

Using three fingers, press on the point in the center of the eyebrow (it can also be located closer to the end). The duration of exposure is about 7 seconds. To tighten the drooping ends of the eyebrows, the movements should be directed upward.

To eliminate crow's feet

Using your fingertips, find points located at a distance of 1 cm from the outer corner of the eyes in the direction of the temples. Apply pressure with some pressure (direction - slightly to the sides and up).

To get rid of swelling of the eyelids

Press the point located at the inner corners of the eyes with your fingertips. Massage for about 3 seconds without moving the skin. Repeat the exercise twice.

For firmer cheeks

Find a point on the lower edge of the cheek bones. Pressing on it tones the cheek muscles. Act on the point for 7 seconds.

For the beauty of lips

Using your fingertips, rhythmically press on the point located in the hollow above the upper lip for 7 seconds. This effect also helps to get out of a fainting state.

To eliminate wrinkles around the mouth

Use the tips of two fingers (index and middle) to massage the corners of your lips.

For correction of facial oval

Press the pads of three fingers against both sides of your chin. The thumb presses the jaw bone from below, the remaining fingers move towards the temples. Duration of exposure – 7 seconds. To tighten the skin of the face, the movement of the fingers is directed upward. In this case, the thumb remains fixed at one point.

Points on the neck for massage

For the beauty of the neck

Stimulate points located on the side of the neck for 3 seconds. Repeat twice. This effect eliminates wrinkles and relieves some respiratory diseases.

When the result is visible

When reading reviews about shiatsu, one often gets the impression that results can be seen after the first session. Indeed, when you massage your face, your skin almost immediately takes on a fresher appearance and your face begins to look younger. However, lasting results can be obtained only after 7-10 sessions.

If the goal of shiatsu is to achieve a therapeutic effect, one or two procedures are also clearly not enough. It is necessary to complete the entire course, and from a qualified specialist who knows the technique and thoroughly knows what effect can be achieved by stimulating specific points.


In Moscow, one Shiatsu massage session costs from 1000 to 5000 rubles.

The name of this acupressure comes from two Japanese words- “pressure” and “finger”. Its author is Japanese Tokujiro Namikoshi, based on classical anatomy and Tibetan medicine, invented it in the early twentieth century to treat rheumatoid arthritis in his mother. The method turned out to be so universal, simple and effective that it soon gained a lot of fans and was officially recognized in Japan. It began to be used for the prevention and treatment of many diseases, including for cosmetic purposes to maintain healthy skin. By the way, Dr. Namikoshi himself, who actively used own methodology, lived to be 95 years old and looked surprisingly young in his old age.

It has been proven that regular use of shiatsu massage strengthens facial muscles, smoothes existing wrinkles and slows down the formation of new ones, both facial and static. The reflex effect on biologically active points located on the face naturally stimulates the accelerated production of collagen and elastin - structural proteins that are responsible for the elasticity and turgor of the skin, improves capillary blood circulation and lymph flow. And, by the way, it normalizes sebum secretion, which helps in the treatment of acne.

Important points

It is best to do this massage in the morning.

Before the massage, clean your face with your usual cleanser and apply moisturizer.

It is very important to master the correct pressing technique. Pressure on each point should last about 5-7 seconds.

The massage is carried out with the thumbs or three at once - the index, middle and ring fingers. You need to press the points firmly, but only with the pad of your finger. In this case, the pressure force should be directed strictly perpendicular to the surface of the skin. Try not to stretch the skin when pressing. When removing a finger from a point, you must not rotate it around the axis.

The force of pressure depends on the thickness of the skin and subcutaneous fat. So, on the neck and décolleté, where the layer of subcutaneous fat is very thin, the effect on the points should be very gentle and short-lived. Pressure can be increased on points located on the cheekbones, chin or wings of the nose.

Click on the dots

Using three fingers - index, middle and ring - press on the points indicated in the figure. We hold our fingers in each place for 5-7 seconds (points 1).

At the same time, with three fingers we press on the points located on the eyebrow line. Then, with your index finger, press on a point near the outer edge of the eye, then near the inner edge (points 2, 3, 4).

We connect the same three working fingers together and press quite firmly between the eyebrows (points 5).

Using three fingers, press on the upper eyelid just below the eyebrows, but without touching the eyeball (point 6).

Using the same fingers, we press on the points located on the lower border of the eye socket (points 7).

We press on the points under the cheekbones - again using three fingers at the same time (points 8).

Use the pad of your thumb to press on symmetrical points at the wings of the nose (point 9).

With your thumb, press on the point located in the middle between the upper lip and the nasal septum (point 10).

We press with our thumbs on the points located in the corners of the lips (points 11).

Use your thumb to press on the hollow under the lower lip (point 12).

At the same time, with three working fingers of both hands we press on the points located on the lower jaw, then with our thumbs we press the paired points under the jaw (points 13, 14).

Simultaneously press paired points on the sides of the neck with your right and left hands. Press lightly, no more than 3 seconds (points 15).

Using the pad of your thumb, we very lightly press the point located in the jugular cavity. Hold for 3 seconds and release (point 16).

Using the pads of the index, middle and ring fingers, press on symmetrical points under the earlobes. Hold for 5-7 seconds (points 17).

Shiatsu massage is a manual therapy using finger pressure created by Japanese physician Takuhiro Nakimoshi. Any ailment and pain can be relieved by powerful pressure with your fingers or palm on the bioenergy points along the meridians. No more classic massage techniques are performed.

Shiatsu massage

What is shiatsu?

Shiatsu massage is a body treatment using pressure perpendicular to the body. The same points are pressed with repeated repetitions until the stiffness of the tissues that are pressed changes. Repeated pressing began to be called acupressure.

The specific diagnosis affects the strength of the impact. Thanks to correct technique When performed, the patient will not experience pain even with the deepest pressure. The peculiarity of the procedure is that shiatsu massage is intended to eliminate the cause of the disease, and not to treat it. Shiatsu therapy awakens internal forces the body and directs their action precisely to eliminate the causes of the disease, triggering, through the influence on tsubo (active points), the healing mechanism that Nature itself has laid in a person.

Shiatsu massage of the face and body is not only a treatment method, but also a diagnostic system. When pressing on the points, the massage therapist awakens the most important processes in them. These points (normal and abnormal) are different from each other, and the massage therapist senses this through sensitive fingers. The points have different hardness (compliance and elasticity), temperature, color and pain. If you frequently press on an abnormal point, it begins to change: its characteristics approach the norm or become normal. In this case, the mobility of this area of ​​the body is restored.

By using hard points, you can determine the epicenter of tension in the body and non-stressed areas. The body expends a lot of energy in order to maintain tension in diseased areas, accompanied by spasms. With the help of pressure, the massage therapist relieves tension, redirecting energy from destructive processes to creative processes. The body is harmonized. In the presence of conditions not associated with physical pain: anxiety for no reason, irritation, chronic fatigue, melancholy - neurotic conditions, it is also necessary to relieve tension (psychological pressures) in hard areas by pressing on the points.

So it's Japanese acupressure or shiatsu of the face and body is not just an impact on the points, but a change in their condition and the whole organism. Acupressure changes the very sensations and appearance of a person. Shiatsu is able to make the body “soft”, restore its mobility, relieve deformation, muscle tension, calm the nerve system and automatically normalize pathological processes in organism.

Even without additional massage movements, when performing shiatsu, the body undergoes a serious warm-up that replaces physical exercise. This is evidenced the next day after the procedure slight pain muscles in the area of ​​which the points were pressed. This pain resembles the condition of the muscles after a long physical workout. The body changes to adapt to unusual stress. It is with the help of this adaptive reaction of the body that many tissues in which degenerative-dystrophic changes have occurred due to osteochondrosis or arthrosis are restored. The cartilage tissue of the joints also changes. Thanks to changes in tension in the points, the body regains mobility, flexibility, and freedom increases internal organs, necessary for the adaptive reactions of the body.

Shiatsu massage technique

Shiatsu massage technique

When performing a Japanese shiatsu facial or body massage, the massage therapist applies pressure using his fingers:

large (one or two); index (one or two); medium (one or two); three fingers (one hand or two); palm.

When pressing, the fingertips of the terminal phalanx should be in contact with the patient's body. Body topography: The thickness of tissues, including subcutaneous tissue, muscle, skin or bone, and the point of impact influence the degree of pressure.

When dosed, the following is taken into account:

1. Pressure force, it should not exceed 3-5 kg.

2. The duration of one pressure, depending on the goals and objectives of acupressure:

healing effects last - 5-7 seconds; pressing in the neck area lasts no more than 3 seconds; relieve pain with exposure – up to 2-5-10 minutes.

You need to choose and combine your fingers correctly when performing a shiatsu massage. For light (weak) pressure, use the index or middle finger, for the middle finger - the thumb or the second and third together, for intense pressure - the thumbs, three fingers or palm.

It must be remembered that with pressure the patient should not feel discomfort or pain. But if the point is correctly hit, the patient will feel a small electrical discharge of his own body, since all biological points are energetically active.

Shiatsu facial massage

Shiatsu acupressure facial massage is popular among women and men. Pressure is eliminated:

headache; sleep disorders; chronic fatigue; runny nose and other symptoms of a cold; facial nervous tic.

Pressure helps improve vision, emotional condition, general state facial skin with age-related changes. With systematic shiatsu sessions, the aging process of the skin slows down, since elastin and collagen are produced twice as fast. At the same time, the shape of the face is restored, the appearance of new wrinkles is not observed, and existing facial wrinkles are easily smoothed out, as the facial muscles are strengthened. By improving capillary blood circulation, the skin returns to a healthy tone and the fight against acne is accelerated.

Contraindications for acupressure massage

Before using acupressure, it is necessary to study contraindications. You cannot perform Japanese shiatsu facial massage if you have:

Reduced intracranial pressure;
neoplasms on the skin;
inflammatory processes: rosacea, herpes, hemophilia, dermatitis, furunculosis;
open wounds on the face and body.

Technique for performing acupressure facial massage

When pressing the point, as indicated above, make clear and leisurely movements with your hands. It is not recommended to “twist” your fingers. This can stretch the skin, causing excess wrinkles to appear. The strength of the effect is adjusted in accordance with the subcutaneous fat layer. The smaller the layer of fat, the weaker the pressure. However, on a decent layer of fat, there is also no need to “make holes” with your finger. If pain appears, treatment can be completed! When working with both hands at the same time, they act with equal force.

To obtain a daily effect from acupressure for cosmetic purposes, one point is treated for no more than 4-7 seconds. Treatment sessions require exposure to one point for up to several minutes.

It is best to perform a cosmetic shiatsu facial massage in the morning for 10-15 minutes. It will take the same amount of time to prepare.

Preparing for acupressure facial massage

To prepare you need:

Treat your facial skin with lotion or any other cleanser. An infusion is suitable for this medicinal herbs, dry white wine mixed with filtered water (3:1);
warm up the skin to relax muscles and dilate blood vessels using a hot compress or steam bath - 10 minutes;
for general relaxation, you can light an aroma lamp, turn on quiet relaxing music and relax on the sofa for 10 minutes, combining with a hot compress to save time;
apply a moisturizer with vitamins to the skin 5 minutes before shiatsu to increase the effectiveness of the procedure;
Before preliminary procedures, you can perform a peeling or cleansing mask.

Scheme of acupressure facial massage

Shiatsu facial massage

1. Eyes

At the beginning of the eyebrows there is point 1, it is pressed with the middle fingers. Dotted movements pass along the superciliary arches and affect point 5.

The middle fingers use point 6, which is located in the corner of the eye from the outside to relieve eye fatigue, normalize the function of the gallbladder and activate the work of the head brain.
Point 6 is followed by point 4 on the bridge of the nose near the inner corner of the eye to relieve eye strain and headaches.

Paired points 8 under the cheekbone (under the eyes) are pressed from bottom to top and massaged towards the ears. This makes the skin of the cheeks elastic, eliminating sagging, and helps normalize the cardiovascular system and activate the body's defenses.

2. Forehead

Press 2 paired points above the eyebrows and move them forcefully upward to the hair with all fingers, then to the temples. This sharpens vision and increases the overall tone of the body.

At the temples, in the area where hair begins to grow, they act on point 3, then massage the forehead towards the center to stimulate performance.

A little lower at the roots of the hair on the temples, press on point 7, then wave-like massage movements are made above the ears to improve memory and normalize kidney function.
Point 16 is located in a recess, two fingers above the conch of the ear. It needs to be massaged and pulled upward to tighten the skin of the face and stimulate mental activity, relieving headaches.

3. Mouth area

Before the beginning of the gums under the nose (in the recess), begin fingering movements from the center to points near the corners of the mouth - 9 and 10, press on them.

Move to point 13, which is located in the center of the chin below the lip. Affect the paired point in the corners of the lips - 12.

From the chin, pass all fingers along the cheekbones and press point 14, repeating 3 times, then move the fingers to the ears.

4. Neck

To find point 17 you need to move one finger down from your earlobe. Press on the depression between the tendon of the neck and the lower jaw to relieve swelling and improve complexion.
There is point 11 under the skull at the edge of the posterior fossa; after exposure to it, they pass with massage movements towards the ears to activate energy centers spleen and pancreas.

Closer to the throat, near the tendons of the neck, they act on point 15, then massage it on both sides at the same time.

Upon completion of the acupressure, alternating with massage movements, remove the remaining oil and irrigate the skin with tonic. Allow it to dry on its own and apply cream.

In addition to the morning shiatsu massage, you can perform it again until 10 pm. The minimum course is 15 days.

Shiatsu massage video

What is shiatsu (shiatsu)?

"Shiatsu" is translated from Japanese as "finger pressure." Finger – shi, atsu - pressure. This is a Japanese acupressure that is very popular.

Shiatsu has a rather short history; it originated in the last century. We can say that it is a kind of modernized version of amma massage. Amma massage is a traditional Japanese massage that has been used in Eastern medicine for many centuries.

The founder of the Japanese national school of shiatsu is Takiyuro Namikoshi. He believes that this therapy helps restore the strength and productivity of employees who are forced to sit in one place all day. It can even make the job more successful. In addition, he is confident that shiatsu massage can prevent colds, problems with the gastrointestinal tract and cerebral hemorrhages.

The Japanese Ministry of Health has given an official definition of this type of massage. By definition, shiatsu is a treatment method that can maintain and improve a person's health and relieve them from various diseases. The massage therapist uses his fingers and palms. With the help of them, he creates pressure on certain points of the patient's body.

This type of massage is primarily aimed at restoring and maintaining human energy. He shows excellent results in the treatment of insomnia and nervous disorders.

It is believed that shiatsu is able to effectively balance the struggle of various principles in the human body. Their harmony is achieved.

What does Shiatsu massage do?

Shiatsu has enough wide range impact. It should be noted that similar techniques can be used in different situations. This is due to the features of this massage. Shiatsu is not intended to treat diseases, but to stimulate the body's defenses. It is also used to increase a person’s overall vitality.

Energy medicine specialists believe that shiatsu helps to activate energy and improve its circulation. The points on the human body that shiatsu uses are generally not the same as those used by traditional Chinese acupuncture.

We can generally say that these points are almost conditional. Their location is not very clearly described. The creator of shiatsu himself explains that this type massage is based on the instinct of a person automatically rubbing and massaging the area of ​​the body in which he feels pain. He studied and systematized all these instinctive impulses. Shiatsu therapy was developed precisely on their basis.

Shiatsu techniques are also based on the theory of subtle energy circulation developed in China. This massage deals with a person's energy rather than just having a physical effect on their body.

Shiatsu masters press on certain points through which they have a positive effect on a person’s energy flows. These points are located in the recesses of the body. Experts most often determine their location using intuition.

These points are impacted not only by the massage therapist’s fingers. For this purpose, special massage balls called “ki-gong” are also used. The masseur presses them and gently rotates them clockwise.

Shiatsu massage can also be used to enhance sexual energy. This type of massage is quite simple and can be used as an erotic massage. So, men need to massage the active points that are located in the sacro-lumbar region for three seconds. In women, such points are located in the thyroid gland and between the breasts. In this way, sexual activity can be prevented.

Shiatsu is often used simply to relieve tension that has accumulated during the day.

Shiatsu massage technique

A Shiatsu massage course usually lasts 7-10 days. After this, it is recommended to take a short break.

The shiatsu technique involves rhythmic pressure with a finger or various parts of the palm on the desired point. The main standard technique of this type of massage can be called pressure over the entire surface of the first phalanx of the thumb.

The pressure may vary. The massage therapist can apply both light touches and pressing with the maximum possible force. From time to time, his finger is completely torn off from the patient’s skin. These force fluctuations must be performed at a frequency of 5-10 times per minute.

Sometimes the massage therapist uses both hands or fingers of both hands, which are placed on top of each other. It should be noted that the finger should not move across the skin.

During a facial massage, the massage therapist uses only three fingers - the index, middle and ring fingers. The palm applies pressure to the eyes and stomach. The palm is also used for vibration massage.

You should not make jerky pressures that resemble blows to the body. Pressing should be done with soft fingertips. At the same time, it is as if the entire weight of the body is transferred to them. The force of pressure should be adjusted depending on the symptoms of the patient’s illness and his general condition. The pressure should be directed perpendicular to the surface of the skin.

When using massage to treat a specific disease, they most often use the points that are closest to the sore spot. But massage therapists also use other points. For example, when treating kidneys, you need to press on points on the soles of your feet, and to strengthen the heart, on your left hand.

The massage therapist’s work with areas around the neck should not last longer than 5-7 seconds. In this case, the pressure should cause the patient a feeling between painful and pleasant.

Intense exposure to the fingertips promotes blood flow to the hands. This increases a person’s psycho-emotional stability and strengthens his physical health.

Return to the beginning of the Body care section
History How it works Types of massage Features of the massage Effect of impact on specific points Contraindications Preparation Methods of performing massage When the result is visible Cost Reviews

Shiatsu is one of the types of Japanese massage. It is an improved type of acupressure, which has long been practiced in oriental medicine. Different styles of shiatsu are based on the principles of Japanese massage, Chinese medicine and complemented by modern knowledge of human anatomy and physiology.

The shiatsu technique involves influencing the body with the fingers and palms to create a certain pressure on specific points, which makes it possible to eliminate disorders, get rid of many diseases, and improve health.


Tokuiro Namikoshi is considered the creator of shiatsu. He described his method in the book “Shiatsu - Japanese finger pressure therapy.” The term itself is also translated from Japanese as “finger pressure” (“shi” - fingers, “atsu” - pressure). It was first mentioned at the beginning of the 20th century in a book by Tempaku Tamai called Shiatsu Ryoho. The Shiatsu method was developed from the traditional Japanese amma massage technique as a result of Namikoshi's observations of the instinctive behavior of a person pressing and rubbing a sore spot. Such an impact awakens the reserve forces of the body, inherent in it by nature itself. Namikoshi initially developed his technique to help his mother, who had suffered from rheumatoid arthritis for many years. Shiatsu subsequently gained national recognition. In 1940, the Japanese Shiatsu College was founded. Namikoshi's patients included famous government officials, movie stars, and famous athletes. Today in Japan the system has a special legal status.

Diagram of points on the body for massage

How it works

To understand the mechanisms of Japanese shiatsu massage, you need to know the structure and functioning of the human body. Approximately 450 muscles, symmetrically attached to the bones, contract to help produce various movements. This complex process begins from the moment nutrients enter the body. A certain part of them accumulates in the liver in the form of glycogen. After this, glucose and oxygen flow through the bloodstream to the muscles, where they take part in biochemical processes, as a result of which the energy necessary for muscle contraction is released. During muscle contraction, lactic acid is produced. As it accumulates, it leads to fatigue of muscle fibers and difficulty in their work. Fatigue can be dealt with by temporarily stopping the process of muscle contraction, that is, giving them rest. During the “respite”, venous blood removes lactic acid, and arterial blood delivers glucose and other substances necessary to release energy, which is spent on muscle work.

Point pressure on functioning muscle fibers during shiatsu massage accelerates the elimination of excess lactic acid, thereby eliminating fatigue, reducing pain, and restoring proper muscle function.

Types of massage

Shiatsu is one of the dynamically developing forms of therapy. Today, there are several different styles of massage, or derivatives of shiatsu.

Professional Shiatsu massage Shiatsu Meridian Therapy emerged as a result of the inclusion of the meridian theory adopted in traditional Chinese medicine into Shiatsu. Tadawa Izawa was founded. Zen shiatsu was the result of the introduction of shiatsu experience into the research of Chinese medicine and Western psychology. Includes special “makko-ho” exercises aimed at stimulating the flow of QI. Taoshiatsu therapy includes praying to Buddha and techniques aimed at concentrating the mind. Tsubo Shiatsu – from a physiological and anatomical point of view, explains the use of tsubo (or meridian points) in shiatsu therapy. Ohishiatsu is another variation of shiatsu created by Wataru Ohashi. Quantum Shiatsu - affects various levels of human energy: physical, mental, emotional, spiritual. Shiatsu movements were developed by Bill Palner and David Ventura to relieve chronic diseases through unusual experiments and exercises.

Shiatsu massage is also divided into the following subtypes:

Professional – performed by a specialist. Mutual massage – can be used with the family, mainly to relieve fatigue and restore strength. Self-massage - compared to other types of procedures, has some advantages: active work of the hands promotes blood flow to the fingers, as a result, its stagnation in other parts of the body is eliminated, cerebral circulation and the functioning of the nervous system are normalized. Shiatsu helps with scoliosis

Features of the massage

A distinctive feature of Japanese massage is its effect on the body as a whole. Special techniques of pressing on certain points activate the internal energy of Qi. Shiatsu is not aimed at treating a disease, but at strengthening and mobilizing forces to independently fight the disease. In this case, the body itself chooses the optimal way to get rid of it. The bioactive points stimulated during shiatsu do not correspond to Chinese medicine acupuncture points. They do not have a clear localization, and their choice is based more on the painful reaction of the human body. Impact on the points leads to normalization of the QI flow passing through the meridian.

Shiatsu is indicated both for the treatment of various diseases and for their prevention, as well as relieving fatigue and general improvement of the body.

Massage helps with the following problems:

viral and colds; diseases of the gastrointestinal tract; osteochondrosis; arthritis, arthrosis; scoliosis; intercostal neuralgia; bronchitis; headache; cerebrovascular accident; age-related changes (shiatsu facial massage is performed); excess weight;
Shiatsu relieves excess weight radiculitis; chronic fatigue syndrome; insomnia; stress; decreased libido; weakened immune system; diseases of the nervous system: trigeminal neuralgia; neuritis of the facial nerve; spastic and flaccid paralysis of neurasthenia; neuritis of the external nerve of the thigh; bed-wetting; sexual neurosis; diseases of the cardiovascular system: angina pectoris; hypertension; hypotension; phlebeurysm; obliterating endarteritis.

The result of impact on specific points

To eliminate muscle fatigue in the arms and legs, Shiatsu massage is performed at points located on the inner surface of the arms just below the elbow joint. Restoring vitality is facilitated by massage of a point located four transverse fingers below the navel. You can reduce the level of anxiety and get rid of anxiety by pressing on points located two centimeters below the popliteal fossa. Kneading your earlobes will relieve insomnia. To increase appetite, shiatsu massage should be performed in the central part of the feet, the middle part of the palms and along the upper phalanx of the little fingers, including the joint. Massaging the upper chest in the sternum area will help get rid of the craving for smoking. Take off headache and you can increase concentration by massaging small depressions in the temporal region and a point on the bridge of the nose. Pressing on the points at the inner corners of the eyes and at the base of the nose, next to the nostrils, will relieve fatigue and eye strain. According to Shiatsu, to relieve back pain, massage the points located in the center of the popliteal fossae. It is recommended to relieve the symptoms of menopause by pressing on points in the center of the forehead and chin. Pain in the lower back, stomach, dysfunction of the stomach, intestines, pancreas, attacks bronchial asthma, limited mobility of the shoulder girdle - all these phenomena can be eliminated with the help of a back massage performed using the shiatsu technique.
Impact on different points


Contraindications to Japanese massage are:

general serious condition; infectious diseases (jaundice, whooping cough, mumps, malaria, etc.); inflammatory-allergic skin diseases; tuberculosis in the acute stage; benign and malignant neoplasms; conditions requiring surgical intervention; fragility of blood vessels, tendency to form hematomas; capillary toxicosis; blood clotting disorder; bone fractures; sharp abdominal pain; simultaneous presence of pathologies of the heart, lungs, liver and kidneys.
Warm up your body before the massage


No special preparation is required for the massage. The skin should be clean and dry. The best effect can be achieved if you pre-warm the body. This technique helps relieve muscle tension and dilate blood vessels. The massage therapist's hands should also be warm and dry. Before the procedure, they need to be rubbed against each other.

When performing a shiatsu facial massage, the skin is cleansed with a special herbal-based product, after which a hot compress is applied for 2-3 minutes. Before starting the procedure, you should relax as much as possible.

Massage technique

The shiatsu massage technique comes down to the use of two techniques: stroking and rhythmic pressure on certain points with the pads of the fingers or different parts of the palms. In this case, the body weight seems to be transferred to the fingers and palms. Stroking takes only 10-20% of the session, and pressing – 80-90%.

The main standard technique is pressing with the first phalanx of the thumb. The intensity of the impact can vary from strong pressure to a gentle touch and complete removal of the finger from the surface of the skin. The frequency of such oscillations is 5-10 times per minute. Shiatsu is also performed with the fingers or palms of both hands, located one above the other. This impact is stronger and is called “pressure with weights.” It is used in the area of ​​large joints and muscles.

Do not move your fingers along the skin or move the fingertip in a forward direction: this leads to rapid hand fatigue.

The choice of fingers for shiatsu is determined depending on the location of the massaged area:

back massage is usually done thumb or index and middle;
Facial massage Shiatsu is massaged on the face with three fingers: index, middle, ring; the eyes and stomach are affected with the palms.

The palms are also used for vibrating movements. Shiatsu uses a variety of pressures: regular, flexible, vibrating, concentrated, suction, intermittent, stimulating.

The direction of pressure is perpendicular to the surface of the body. The strength of pressure is selected depending on the disease, its symptoms, and the patient’s well-being. The optimal pressure is one that produces sensations on the verge of mild pain. Sharp, rough, jolting, impact impacts leading to bruising should be avoided.

To treat specific diseases using shiatsu, select points located closest to the diseased area. However, in some cases other points are massaged. For example, when treating kidneys, massage is done on certain areas of the feet; to strengthen the heart, massage points on the left hand are done.

The duration of pressure on one point is on average 5 seconds, when working with points located on the neck - a maximum of 3 seconds.

Sessions last 7-10 days, after which a break is required.

General massage

The general massage procedure involves massaging the entire body. Its goal is not to fight a specific disease, but to improve the health of the entire body. General massage includes a whole series of techniques that are used both in combination and separately. After mastering them, the procedure can also be carried out independently.

In Japan itself, shiatsu is performed in the seiza pose: a person kneels and sits on his heels spread in opposite directions, while straightening his back as much as possible and completely relaxing his shoulders and neck. For Eastern countries this position is natural, but for Europeans it is not very suitable. Therefore, it is better to choose a position lying on your side, with a pillow under your head, and if necessary, roll over onto your back or stomach. The pose sitting on a chair is also perfect for shiatsu. The impact is on active points. Their location diagram is shown below.

How to massage your face

Shiatsu facial massage helps eliminate fine wrinkles, restore skin elasticity, and rejuvenate it. Depending on the purpose of the influence, various techniques are used.

To get rid of wrinkles on the forehead

Use small circular movements to apply pressure in the central part of the forehead, the “third eye” area. For 7 seconds, massage the point between the eyebrows with your index, middle, and ring fingers.

This movement also allows you to get rid of a runny nose, flu, headache, and stop nosebleeds.

Shiatsu points on the body

For eyelid rejuvenation

Using three fingers, press on the point in the center of the eyebrow (it can also be located closer to the end). The duration of exposure is about 7 seconds. To tighten the drooping ends of the eyebrows, the movements should be directed upward.

To eliminate crow's feet

Using your fingertips, find points located at a distance of 1 cm from the outer corner of the eyes in the direction of the temples. Apply pressure with some pressure (direction - slightly to the sides and up).

To get rid of swelling of the eyelids

Press the point located at the inner corners of the eyes with your fingertips. Massage for about 3 seconds without moving the skin. Repeat the exercise twice.

For firmer cheeks

Find a point on the lower edge of the cheek bones. Pressing on it tones the cheek muscles. Act on the point for 7 seconds.

For the beauty of lips

Using your fingertips, rhythmically press on the point located in the hollow above the upper lip for 7 seconds. This effect also helps to get out of a fainting state.

To eliminate wrinkles around the mouth

Use the tips of two fingers (index and middle) to massage the corners of your lips.

For correction of facial oval

Press the pads of three fingers against both sides of your chin. The thumb presses the jaw bone from below, the remaining fingers move towards the temples. Duration of exposure – 7 seconds. To tighten the skin of the face, the movement of the fingers is directed upward. In this case, the thumb remains fixed at one point.

Points on the neck for massage

For the beauty of the neck

Stimulate points located on the side of the neck for 3 seconds. Repeat twice. This effect eliminates wrinkles and relieves some respiratory diseases.

When the result is visible

When reading reviews about shiatsu, one often gets the impression that results can be seen after the first session. Indeed, when you massage your face, your skin almost immediately takes on a fresher appearance and your face begins to look younger. However, lasting results can be obtained only after 7-10 sessions.

If the goal of shiatsu is to achieve a therapeutic effect, one or two procedures are also clearly not enough. It is necessary to complete the entire course, and from a qualified specialist who knows the technique and thoroughly knows what effect can be achieved by stimulating specific points.


In Moscow, one Shiatsu massage session costs from 1000 to 5000 rubles.

Shiatsu massage is one of the most famous Japanese acupressure techniques. Transmission based nerve impulses into the brain when certain points on the body are pressed. With the help of massage, many diseases of the internal organs, musculoskeletal system, nervous and endocrine systems are eliminated. You can maintain youthful facial skin or enlarge your bust using the Shiatsu technique. This procedure is very popular in many beauty salons, but you can master it and do it yourself at home.

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    Japanese Shiatsu massage technique

    Shiatsu massage is the most popular Japanese technique in Russia. Its principle is to press fingers on certain points on the body: stomach, head, back, limbs, etc. Because of the technique, the procedure is also called acupressure.

    Shiatsu translates to “finger pressure” in Japanese. Today, this technology is used to treat certain diseases different areas body can be mastered at home.

    Japanese massage can be considered an innovation in the field of acupressure; it is a more modern and improved version of it. For each person, depending on his physiology, it is selected individual scheme carrying out the procedure.

    Basic methods of influence

    Traditional medicine explains the positive effects of such treatment by complex interdependent reflex, neurohumoral, neuroendocrine processes regulated by the higher parts of the central nervous system of the human body.

    According to the Shiatsu method, massage is performed by pressing fingers on biologically active points on the patient’s body. The effect has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin, muscles, joints, bones and internal organs.

    The massage technique uses two techniques: stroking and rhythmic light pressure on the points with the tips of the fingers or part of the palm. In this case, the massage therapist seems to transfer the weight of the body onto his fingers and hands. The smaller part is occupied by stroking (10-20%), the larger part by pressing (80-90%).

    The technique alternates pressure with different fingers. The main working finger is the thumb. The intensity of pressure varies from light touches to intense pressure with the fingertip lifted from the skin. The pressure force ranges from 5 to 10 times per minute. The massage is also done with the palms of both hands folded one on top of the other. This impact is stronger, it is called “with aggravation”. It is most often used in the area of ​​large muscles and joints.

    When performing Shiatsu, fingers should not be moved from the point of pressure or moved back and forth across the skin: this will not benefit the patient and will quickly tire the massage therapist’s hands.

    The choice of fingers that will be used to perform the procedure depends on the location of the massaged area on the patient’s body:

    • back massage is done with the thumb, index and middle finger;
    • For facial massage, use the index, middle and ring fingers;
    • Abdominal massage is done with palms.

    Pressures in the shiatsu technique can be:

    • ordinary;
    • concentrated;
    • flexible;
    • stimulating;
    • intermittent;
    • suction.

    Palms are used to massage any part of the body, performing vibrating movements.

    The direction of pressure pressure is only perpendicular to the body position. The specialist chooses the strength of pressure based on the patient’s illness and well-being. The impact on the body is considered correct when a sensation arises that borders on pain, but does not turn into it. Shock, sharp, rough pressure that brings suffering and bruises to the patient is not acceptable.

    When treating a specific disease with Shiatsu, points located in close proximity to the diseased area are selected. In some cases, especially with diseases of internal organs, points near the site of the disease are massaged. For example, influencing points on the feet heals the kidneys. Massaging the left hand relieves heart disease.

    The duration of single pressure on the point lasts on average 3-5 seconds. A massage course consists of 7-10 sessions, after which a month-long break is required.

    How to look for Shiatsu points correctly

    Japanese Shiatsu massage points are located all over the body. Most often these are small pits in joints, areas between muscle fibers, bones or arteries. Pressing them calms the body and promotes the production of its own positive energy. It is difficult to find these points correctly without a teacher.

    Experienced specialists see these points, tactilely find their location and can determine by eye what diseases are bothering a person.

    Face massage

    Japanese Shiatsu facial massage has gained its popularity due to its ability to preserve the freshness, beauty and youth of the skin. Modern cosmetologists advise women to spend 15-20 minutes a day warming up their face.

    With the help of healing massage you can:

    • accelerate skin regeneration processes;
    • tighten the oval of the face;
    • give tone;
    • restore color.

    Shiatsu facial massage not only maintains smoothness and elasticity of the skin, but also improves the performance of the digestive system, reduces the frequency of headaches and stabilizes the functioning of the endocrine system.

    The main points for facial massage are:

    • on internal corners eye;
    • in the pits above the wings of the nose;
    • in the pits at the junction of the wings of the nose and cheek;
    • in the recesses along the edge of the eye socket;
    • in small depressions on the sides of the larynx.

    All these points have a pair located symmetrically on the second half of the body, so the massage is performed on the face with both hands. When influencing points, they are used different techniques pressing.

    • pressing;
    • massaging;
    • vibration.

    Depending on the purpose, various techniques are used:

    Target Massage techniques
    Get rid of forehead wrinkles Apply small circular movements to apply pressure in the center of the forehead. Then for 7 seconds, alternately massage with three working fingers (middle, index and ring) the point located between the eyebrows
    Eyelid rejuvenation Using three fingers, gathered into a pinch, press the point in the center of each eyebrow. Apply for about 7 seconds. In order to raise the drooping ends of the eyebrows, all movements are performed in the direction from bottom to top.
    Eliminate wrinkles in the corners of the eyes (crow's feet) To a point located on outside eyes, press in a circular motion for about 5-7 seconds. The movement should be directed slightly upward
    Remove bags under eyes Click on the point located on horizontal line at the bottom of the eyeball, at the edge of the orbit for about 5 seconds
    Smooth, firm cheeks 7-second pressure on a point on the lower edge of the cheekbone area tones the cheek muscles
    Soft, plump lips Rhythmically, with vibrating movements, press on the point located above the upper lip in the hollow area. Also, massage of this area helps to bring a person out of fainting.
    Remove “purse-string wrinkles” (around the mouth) The corners of the lips are massaged with the tips of the index fingers
    Clear oval face Place the pads of three fingers, gathered into a pinch, to the chin on both sides. The thumb remains below and presses against the jaw, the other two fingers move upward towards the temples. Duration of pressure on the points – 7 seconds
    Elastic, youthful neck For this purpose, points located on the neck 5 cm below the earlobe are stimulated for 3 seconds. Stimulation is done in two approaches. The method also helps in the treatment of respiratory diseases

    During facial massage, the so-called “royal points” are used, the stimulation of which is more effective than a lifting procedure performed in a beauty salon. These points include:

    1. 1. Tenyo, evening out the tone of the face, eliminating swelling of the face and neck.
    2. 2. Coreo, eliminating sagging cheeks and removing wrinkles.
    3. 3. Sokkoku, creating a peculiar skin tightening effect.

    On average, the duration of a massage session should not be longer than 20 minutes. It is more advisable to carry out the procedure in the evening, before going to bed, since at this time tired facial skin responds most effectively to rest and relaxation.

    Shiatsu facial massage is an innovative method of maintaining a youthful face for many years, requiring regular use.

    Strabismus Correction

    In the Japanese method, “shiatsu” is a set of influences aimed at restoring visual functions. There are about 10 active points around each eye. By pressing your fingers on these points, you can increase visual acuity, reduce eye fatigue, and achieve good results in correcting strabismus or lowering intraocular pressure.

    Active Shiatsu points around the eye

    All movements are made using gentle pressure. They should not cause discomfort. Do not press sharply or intensely.

    Massage algorithm:

    1. 1. The index, middle, and ring fingers should be placed on the edge of the upper half of the eye socket. Light pressure on the point is carried out without touching the eyeball for 7 seconds.
    2. 2. Similar actions are carried out along the lower half of the eye socket.
    3. 3. The ring and index fingers are placed along the edges of both eyebrows, and the middle finger is placed in the middle of the eyebrow arch. The impact on the points lasts 7 seconds.
    4. 4. Place your fingers on the outer and inner corners of your eyes and gently press with your fingertips for 7 seconds.
    5. 5. Press inner surface thumb on eyelids for 10 seconds.
    6. 6. Place three fingers into a “pinch” and press on the temples and slightly lower on the cheekbone for 7 seconds.

    Before performing Shiatsu pressure on the eyes, an ophthalmologist consultation is required. The doctor will give precise instructions on the possibility of using the technique to restore vision. Improper massage can cause exacerbation of eye diseases and vision loss.

    Massage sessions are contraindicated for hypotension, infections of the visual organs, glaucoma.

    Body massage

    Shiatsu massage technique for the body can cure many diseases of the body:

    • eliminate the consequences of injuries;
    • relieve pain from muscle strains;
    • help in the rapid fusion of bones in case of fractures;
    • get rid of stressful conditions;
    • activate the normal functioning of all internal organs.

    The massage is performed using the same techniques as for the chest, neck and face. The basis is the correct identification of points, the impact on which will help the body relax and release its own energy. Most of them are located on the spine, bends of the legs and arms, along the outer and inside thighs, in muscle cavities.

    The massage procedure is done in stages:

    1. 1. First, the patient lies on his stomach, the specialist works on the points located on this side of the body.
    2. 2. Then the patient turns over onto his back. The massage therapist works on points on the spine, neck, arms and legs.
    3. 3. After working out all the points with your fingers, the body is relaxed with special tools (rubber sticks, metal or wooden balls), which allow you to relax as much as possible.

    On average, a body massage is carried out for 25-30 minutes.

    Back massage

    Shiatsu back massage is a kind of more in-depth part of the whole body treatment. It is carried out in accordance with the classic method of pressing on active points. The specialist, without being distracted by other points of the body, concentrates all his forces only on the back. The massage lasts no more than 10-15 minutes.

    The main difference between a full body and back massage is that it provides different impact on the body. In the first case, the procedure is carried out to tone the body, in the second - to treat certain diseases (most often the musculoskeletal system).

    Shiatsu back massage is very popular in dispensaries, sanatoriums and hospitals, as its effectiveness has been proven by modern medicine.

    Shiatsu for bust enlargement

    To enlarge the bust, you need to influence the points responsible for the production of the female hormone estrogen. Thanks to this technique, blood circulation and metabolism in the mammary glands improves. Daily 10-minute sessions will significantly improve breast firmness.

    In this case, 10 points are involved. Pressing may be accompanied by mild pain. If discomfort increases or cold sweat occurs, the procedure should be stopped and examined by a medical professional. Because this may be a symptom of a more serious disease.

    Before the massage, it is necessary to perform warm-up exercises for the upper shoulder girdle in order to disperse lymph and blood in this area of ​​the body.

    The massage is performed with warm hands:

    Dot Location Effect
    Lu 1 Located at the edges of the lungs under the collarbone Increases lymph circulation in the large chest muscle
    St 15 Located in a vertical line upward from the nipple to the collarbone between the second and third ribs Increases blood circulation in muscle tissue breasts and stimulates the promotion of female hormones
    St 16 Located along the line of the collarbone and nipple, between the third and fourth ribs at the beginning of the convexity of the chest Stimulates female hormonal secretion, improves blood and lymph circulation
    Gb 22 Located next to the armpit, on the side of the body, in the 4th intercostal space Affects the improvement of blood supply to tissues
    Gb 23 Located on the nipple line on the side of the body Improves lymph and blood circulation, promotes female hormones
    Sp 18 Located on the chest, in the 4th intercostal space The mammary gland is stimulated, milk production improves during lactation
    Sp 17 Located in the 5th intercostal space Eliminates chest and abdominal pain
    St 18 Location in the 5th intercostal space, in line with the nipple, one rib below The mammary gland is stimulated, milk production improves during lactation
    Ki 23 Located in the 4th intercostal space
    Sv 17 Located in the cavity between the mammary glands, at the level with the 4th intercostal space When exposed to this point, estrogen production is stimulated, stress is relieved and the condition of the skin improves.

    At the end of the procedure, cream is applied to the chest area. All pressure should be gentle and the skin should not be stretched.

The Japanese physician Takuhiro Nakimoshi became famous because of the manual technique he developed for acupressure with Shiatsu fingers: Japanese acupressure of the body. By pressing your fingers on energy points, you can relieve any kind of pain. The birth of this technique was inspired by the doctor’s observations of how a person who has received a blow or bruise reacts to it. He immediately begins to intensively rub the bruised area, thereby, as it were, forcing the body to become more active and relieve the pain. Translated from Japanese, Shi means “fingers” and atsu means “pressure”.

Pressing is carried out perpendicular to the body. When pressed regularly, the lactic acid accumulated at the point changes to glycogen. Some points are pressed repeatedly until the tissue stiffness changes. This is the essence of Shiatsu acupressure therapy. Due to the characteristics of the disease, the pressing force and technique change. This ensures that the person does not experience unpleasant pain.

The purpose of the technique is to eliminate the cause of the disease. As a result of manipulations on the tsubo (as the points are called), hidden possibilities awaken human body, laid down by nature, and he begins an independent battle with the disease.

Bioenergy points

Point locations:

  • dimples on joints and bones;
  • tendons, arteries;
  • pulse.

By applying finger pressure to points of the human body, you can not only cure a disease, but also diagnose it, that is, find those points that are not functioning correctly, and therefore indicate the presence of a disease.

Each point is special in color, temperature, softness. When you frequently press on the painful point, its parameters change and gradually return to normal. Consequently, the zone for which this point is responsible begins to function normally.


A parameter such as stiffness can indicate the epicenter of stress in the body. To maintain the diseased area in a tense state, the body expends a lot of energy. The massage therapist relieves this tension by simply pressing his fingers and moves energy towards the healing process. Massage is also used to relieve nervous tension, fatigue and anxiety.

So Shiatsu is not just an impact, but a change in the state of active points of the body.

Shiatsu makes the body mobile, developed, relieves muscle tension, calms the nerves, and changes the appearance as a whole. During the massage, a person receives physical activity. This condition is close to the one that occurs after playing sports.

Massage is capable of:

  • relieve headache;
  • promote good sleep;
  • relieve fatigue;
  • cure colds;
  • relieve nervous facial tics;
  • improve vision;
  • improve complexion;
  • slow down the skin aging process.

Massage is divided into three types:

  1. professional;
  2. mutual massage;
  3. self-massage.

Diseases that Shiatsu massage can cure

  • cold;
  • gastrointestinal diseases;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • arthritis, radiculitis;
  • scoliosis;
  • bronchitis;
  • neuralgia;
  • excess weight;
  • headache;
  • depression;
  • insomnia;
  • paralysis;
  • angina pectoris and a number of others.


If you have:

  • low intracranial pressure;
  • skin disease;
  • inflammatory diseases: herpes, dermatitis, etc.;
  • open wounds,

then Shiatsu massage is contraindicated for you.

Consequence of pressure on the points

  • To relieve tension in your arms and legs, you need to press on the points located in the inner part of your arms from the elbow to the wrist.
  • Massaging a point located a few cm below the navel will help increase vitality.
  • Massaging the point under the knee hole will help relieve anxiety.
  • Against insomnia - massage the earlobes.
  • Kneading movements of the center of the feet and palms, phalanges of the fingers will increase appetite.
  • Pressing on the chest area will help you get rid of the smoking habit.
  • You can relieve headaches by performing manipulations at points at the temples and in the center of the bridge of the nose.
  • Massaging the points at the inner corners of the eyes and at the base of the nose near the nostrils will help relieve eye strain.
  • To relieve back pain, massage should be performed at points located in the center of the hollows under the knees.
  • Points in the middle of the forehead and chin are responsible for the symptoms of menopause. Therefore, you can alleviate your condition by pressing on them.

Acupressure technology

The massage therapist's movements should be clear, but unhurried. Do not turn your fingers so as not to stretch the skin. The force of pressure depends on the subcutaneous fat: the thicker the layer, the stronger the pressure. Massage with both hands should be performed with the same intensity. If pain occurs, the massage should be stopped. A restorative massage is performed in the morning for fifteen minutes.

Preparatory activities for facial massage

  1. first you must cleanse your skin with lotion or some other product;
  2. warm the skin with a hot compress to open the pores;
  3. as a relaxing effect, you can play relaxing music and light aromatherapy candles;
  4. Before the massage, apply moisturizer to your face.

The entire human body consists of twelve meridians corresponding to twelve systems. Shiatsu therapy is not intended to replace medicine, but can be a good help in achieving harmony between a person and his body. Only a person who is in harmony with the world and with himself can give a massage.

Abdominal massage.

You should start a restorative massage from the abdomen, since it is the center of important organs. First you need to calm down and feel the pulse, since the pulse is considered an important component of the human body that accompanies it throughout life. Next, place your hand on your stomach and make circular massage movements. In the abdomen there is an energy point called “qi kai”, that is, life that spreads throughout the body. From the center of the palm, you should move alternately to the pelvic areas, then back. Removing your hands from your stomach, you need to feel the pulse again. You cannot break the connection between the massage therapist and the person to whom it is performed.

Back massage.

The back is the area that stores the body's memory and even the experience of past generations. Shiatsu will help you maintain balance. A set of exercises for the back consists of dynamic movements that require the massage therapist to apply strength. As a result of massage movements, the shoulder area relaxes. And this is where tension accumulates. The lower back is also subject to relaxation, therefore, the renal system is activated. However, all manipulations must be done carefully and carefully. First, the massage therapist establishes contact with the left hand, then with the right. Left hand connects with the human heart, and the right one connects with the entire body. A few intense pressures are enough to make the connection. Next, the right hand moves from the lower back to the pelvis, and the left hand to the neck. Thus, you stretch the contact zone first on the left side, then on the right. Then the same thing, only diagonally. The spine is stretched. After this, the right hand continues to be on the pelvis, and you turn on the pressure, which is directed to the lower back through the left palm.

Foot massage.

On the feet there are bioenergy points responsible for the functioning of vital systems. In order to bring life back to tired feet, you need to press one by one on each toe in the area of ​​the nail, and then with your thumb you need to press on the point in the area of ​​​​the instep of the leg to such an extent that an imprint remains. Four more run down the center of the foot important points, requiring point pressure. There are also points on the Achilles tendon and on both sides of the heel.

Hand massage.

There are four energy points on each finger. Pressing them must be done with the pad of the thumb of the other hand. After massaging all the fingers, you proceed to the points located on the inside of the palm. They are located: the first is at the base of the middle finger, the second is in the center. The third is at the large base.

Shiatsu techniques differ from Western ones in that they involve releasing tension, establishing contact, and applying pressure perpendicular to the body. It should be noted that Shiatsu is performed through clothing, and not necessarily on the naked body.