Living room zoning options. Zoning the room into a bedroom and living room. Photos of successful examples of zoning in a small room

Sometimes it happens that it is necessary to place areas for sweet dreams or relaxation and a living room in one living space. How can one correctly divide one room into two spaces that, it would seem, are not entirely compatible? Probably one of important methods The division of the design of an apartment or house is the division into zones of the room. For example, from one bedroom you can make a living room and a bedroom.

Dividing into functional zones in this case will allow you to place several places in one room where you can relax, as well as workplace.

Photo ideal zoning in the bedroom you can see in any magazine with interior designs. Visual division is also done with the aim of creating an optical illusion (visually increasing the area of ​​the room), as well as to increase the attractiveness of the interior.

Two zones in one room

To correctly zoning a bedroom into two parts, you need to know general rules division into zones, and also do not forget about the style of the entire room.

How can you divide a room into many zones? To do this, you can use the best bedroom zoning ideas, namely, use the following techniques:

Separation using arches is considered a classic. Thanks to this design, you can make each of the zones private. The arch has a non-bulky design. If you use plasterboard structures, you can make quite interesting visual effects.

If the room and funds allow, you can use decorative structures to zone the space. For this, builders will definitely install niches, plasterboard shelves, glass partitions. Sometimes there are quite attractive options when a fireplace or an aquarium is used instead of partitions.

Podium is enough practical solution for zoning space. Inside the podium structure there is often space for storing various things. Occasionally there are storage options small bed inside the podium. Its height can be about 20 centimeters. In order to clearly differentiate the podium from other spaces, a lighting solution is used - backlighting.

False partition - perfect solution for a studio apartment. Using such a partition you can visually create the illusion of a wall, giving privacy and secrecy.

Sliding doors are the best assistants in dividing a room into several functional zones. Using correctly selected furniture, you can also organize several separate zones in the room. In the kitchen, the most common option for organizing different zones in the room is a bar counter.

The bedroom can be zoned from living space and using the most ordinary curtains. Thanks to their use, you can quickly and easily organize a cozy corner for relaxation.

When is visual division of a room used?

Dividing a room into several zones is necessary in order to divide the space into zones that have different purposes: visual separation of a sleeping place from a working place, for example.

Zoning helps to cope with the problem of a one-room apartment - when one room needs to be divided into a common area and an individual one.

The space can be divided in order to different time day, the room was used for its intended purpose, for example, during the day the room is used as a dining room, and at night it is used as a sleeping room.

Using zoning, you can create an optical illusion that can make the interior more attractive, and can also add or reduce the area of ​​the room itself.

If you decide for yourself at the construction or renovation stage that you will separate the bedroom using division, try to immediately think about how to perform zoning and at the same time take care of lighting in different zones.

Let's say that in the sleeping area you planned to divide it into two completely different zones (according to functions) - do not install one overhead lighting (meaning one chandelier on the ceiling). An ideal solution to this problem would be to install a floor lamp or sconce.

For a small room, it is not recommended to use very bright floor or wall finishes. Avoid painting the floor different colors. For example, if the floor is painted with single-color paint, this will help to visually make the room larger in size. Forget about monochromatic contrasting patterns on the walls.

A light, solid color on the wall will help make the room larger. Ceiling - it is better to install a multi-level or suspended ceiling.

If you have a combined sleeping room and living room, this is perfect option in order to convert it into a studio bedroom. To do this, you need to remove absolutely all partitions in the room. Zoning is necessary only with the help of a variety of furniture and different designs walls

For example, the kitchen area must be decorated using tiles. The dining and living areas should be separated by plastered and painted walls in colors that will harmonize with the color of the tiles in the kitchen area.

We recommend placing a table in the center of the room round shape. It is best to hang a hanging lamp above the table. In the corner you can comfortably place a TV and corner sofa. Thus, you get a relaxation area and a bedroom at once.

A transformable bedroom is when the room itself is enough small size, but I want to place several zones there at once. Furniture with transformation mechanisms will come to your aid. That is, the bed will become a closet in the morning, and in the evening it will again turn into a place to sleep.

Such items are usually designed on a specially equipped podium, which is quite easy to transform into the furniture you need. If you want to visually highlight the living area, place a small table for magazines in the corner. Soft chairs would also be useful.

The transformable bedroom option is ideal for young people - bachelors or couples without children. Older people are unlikely to fold and unfold furniture with such mechanisms every day.

Photo of bedroom zoning

IN modern conditions Not every family can afford to buy a house or apartment with many rooms where all the residents could comfortably accommodate. Many live in one-room apartments, studio apartments, and someone owns a large living space that needs to be properly organized. In such cases, zoning space is the best way out to maintain comfort for each family member, to use every meter of housing with maximum benefit, and make not very comfortable housing more comfortable and functional.

Types and purposes of zoning a living room

When people resort to zoning their home, they usually pursue certain goals:

  • Divide one room into zones with different purposes - for example, a relaxation area and a sleeping area.
  • Separate zones that are personal and for everyone - for example, arranging a place to work in the hall.
  • To visually enlarge a small room and make a large one more comfortable.
  • Make one common room as diverse as possible, implement small area all the needs of the family.

It is not recommended to divide the living room into more than four different functional zones, but better into two or three, otherwise the effect of clutter and overcrowding is possible, which will not add aesthetic pleasure to the residents.

Zoning the living room can be done with different rooms, resulting in a dynamic and comfortable room, where every corner will be rationally used.

The following associations have become popular:

  • living room and bedroom;
  • living room and kitchen;
  • living room and work area;
  • living room and children's room;
  • living room and dining room;
  • living room and hallway.

The combination of a guest room and a bedroom is quite popular among people, especially in small apartments, where one large room is allocated for everything. Or parents give a separate room to their children, and they themselves settle down in the hall, organizing it for several needs at once. If it is a large room, then the task becomes easier. You can even install a full bed, separating it using suitable means into a separate sleeping area. It will be more difficult if the area of ​​the hall is small. The easiest option in this case is to buy a good folding sofa. But unfolding and folding it every day is not very convenient, just like cleaning the room if there is no way to fold it. You can order a transformable bed, which during the day can turn into a wardrobe or other piece of furniture.

No less often they connect the living room and the kitchen, which is important in studio apartments and one-room apartments. Most often, the zone separator is a bar counter, which from the side of the hall can be decorated in the color of its walls.

It is also best to place the kitchen area close to the window - an abundance of natural light is needed for preparing dishes. Juicy and bright photo wallpaper with images of fruits and other goodies. It is very important to pay attention to the lighting in the kitchen - it is better to make it brighter, well illuminating the work area, and in the living room more diffuse and soft.

Zoning the work area and living room is also popular due to the convenience and relative ease of organization. The workplace should not be a walk-through area; you can place it away from natural light and pay attention to the artificial, but the latter must be made as intense as possible. Fresh flowers or flowerpots will not only decorate the work area, but also make it a little healthier.

Separation of work area and living room

The combination of a living room and a nursery is less rational, but sometimes a decision is made in favor of such a tandem. The larger the guest room, the easier it will be to divide it into such zones. It is better to separate the part for children using different partitions or furniture, and you need to carefully think through all the nuances so that the child can comfortably spend time in his corner, as well as have a good rest.

They rarely combine a living room and a dining room, usually when they have a very small kitchen. Lunch group It’s better to place it near a window, it will be convenient to eat during the day and observe beautiful views outside the window in the evenings.

Would be appropriate in the dining area bright accessories and an overall bright design, which nevertheless should be combined with the overall style of the living room. Lighting, as in the kitchen, should be brighter.

Zoning the kitchen and living room

Combining the hallway and living room can greatly expand the space of the apartment. In this case, more subdued lighting would be appropriate in the hallway area, and large mirror will additionally increase the space and benefit residents getting ready to leave.

Ways to zoning a living room

You can make a decision on how to create zoning for the living room in your home, or you can turn to the advice and help of a designer. But we will look at the main methods below, after which you can make a choice in favor of one of them, or several at once, and understand what you need.

  1. Zoning with furniture is one of the simplest and most functional ways to divide a living room into zones. The living room and kitchen can be separated using a bar counter, which can also serve as a table for preparing and eating food. A sofa with its back turned to another part of the room will clearly highlight the relaxation area. And double-sided shelving can serve not only as a partition, but also serve as storage for books, toys and decorative items.
  2. Zoning using sliding doors and partitions is very popular with affordable way zoning the living room. Sliding structures are especially suitable for separating a corner for sleeping, which will allow you to close your personal area from prying eyes. Suitable materials will frosted glass or plastic. Such structures are easy to install and, if necessary, move; when you open the doors, the room again takes on a uniform appearance. Partitions made of plasterboard will add aesthetics and convenience to the design of the living room, especially since you can pre-make niches in them for storing various items for interior decoration.
  3. Zoning is possible using decorative structures. The partition can be an openwork design, which nevertheless gives a clear sense of division of space. They take up less space in the room, are more aesthetically pleasing and lighter than a blank wall, and can be made from any materials and to suit every taste and imagination.
  4. Amateurs often resort to using arches modern style. Arches can be given any curved or straight shape, but you need to take into account general style rooms so that the whole ensemble looks harmonious.
  5. Zoning with the help of a ceiling - the use of different materials when finishing the ceiling, different colors, plasterboard structures will allow you to easily and elegantly separate two zones from each other without taking up valuable square meters.
  6. Zoning using podiums is suitable for small apartments and for the convenience of families with children. The podium can act as storage for things if it is not possible to install large cabinets. You can also build a pull-out bed into it, or hide the ventilation. The podium does not reduce the area of ​​the room by a meter, but it is suitable if the ceilings in the living room are high enough, and it will be convenient for everyone to move around such buildings.
  7. You can zone the space with curtains - this is the simplest and a budget option, which may remind someone of student times and dormitory. Using curtains you can separate the sleeping or children's Corner, they are easy to hide or replace. You can choose them from a heavy and durable material, or from a light and airy one - it depends on the goals and tastes of the residents of the apartment.
  8. Using wallpaper, you can also zone the living room without cluttering the room with additional structures. Visually, the room is divided into functional zones, but one part is not closed from the other. You can cover the walls with contrasting and different textured wallpaper, which in this case will look appropriate within the boundaries of one room.
  9. With the help of various flooring, as in the case of wallpaper, unobtrusive division into zones is possible. You can use different colors and textures of the floor covering - for example, tiles in combination with laminate. It will be interesting to look at laying one material in different directions. The task of zoning can also be performed by carpets, which can act not only as interesting accents in the interior and islands of comfort. Different rugs can highlight different areas of the living room.
  10. Isolating zones using lighting allows you to indulge in experiments. Nowadays, there are many options for organizing light sources, which allows you to arrange each zone to your liking. It is advisable to install one central light source in the living room, but each zone should have its own lighting that matches the purpose of that zone.

Saving space when zoning a room

When zoning the living room space, more furniture is installed than usual, so you need to try not to clutter up the already limited area too much. By using modern means there is an opportunity to save valuable space without compromising on comfort, and even gaining some advantages.

  • Wall shelves will take up free space on the wall, adding usefulness to it, and they themselves can act as a valuable addition to furniture, serving as additional storage space for all sorts of necessities. In some cases, the shelves themselves can act as a means of zoning a room.
  • A wall-mounted flat-screen TV will not require the purchase of a special table, which in turn will save about square meter area.
  • Transformable furniture can be a real salvation for a small room. A place to sleep can be a storage area for bulky items during the day. Some ottomans can be transformed into coffee tables. Small tables are converted into large family or guest tables. You can even hide chairs in some designs, and, if necessary, remove several or all at once. Pull-out beds – a good option, especially for families with children, since in daytime they can be pushed in and the free space can be used for play.
  • Drawers in beds or podiums allow you to store a lot of things without using large closets.
  • If there are high ceilings, a sleeping place can be arranged on the second tier, that is, you can organize a second floor for yourself. And under it, install additional shelves or a storage cabinet, or leave free space and use it according to circumstances.
  • For a schoolchild, it is possible to allocate a separate “all in one” area - a table combined with a closet, and a loft bed on top.
  • A workplace for an adult can be placed in a closet - new and unusual move. When the doors are closed, it is completely hidden from prying eyes.

Transformable bed to save space

What to consider when zoning space

If the zones allocated to the rooms are completely opposite in their purpose, then it is better to organize more than one central lighting, but in each zone to allocate its own, of different intensity. Various floor lamps and table lamps can be placed where they are most needed, and spot lighting will highlight exactly the area that needs to be better illuminated.

In a small living room it is better to avoid large and bright accents so as not to visually reduce the small area even further.

For the same purpose, it is better to use homogeneous flooring. Light wall decoration will visually enlarge the room, and will also be relevant multi-level ceilings and installation of the podium.

You can expand your living space by adding an insulated balcony, where you can organize a work or dining area.

Having considered the methods and features of zoning a living room, everyone can imagine which option is most suitable for them and make right choice. Now you can imagine the room of your dreams and take action.

The studio apartment format has become so incredibly popular that tens of thousands of design projects are being created for it. The idea of ​​combining several separate zones in one room first came to the mind of an American architect with German roots, Ludwig Mies van der Rohe. In his famous parallelepiped house, which became a unique art object, he simply swept away the walls, and with them the generally accepted frames. The structure consists of just one room with huge panoramic windows. Based on the new concept, a universal solution has emerged for small apartments that have less space than they would like. They simply arrange combined zones within one room.

Zoning a room into a bedroom and a living room in Khrushchev apartments is more a forced step than a whim of the owners. These two sites perform opposite functions, so combining them in one space is a difficult but doable task. The interior design of a combined room is developed based on:

  • Room size;
  • Stylistic preferences of the owners;
  • Ratios of the areas of both zones.

It is also worth considering useful tips experienced designers, who “ate the dog” in the design of rooms with a shortage of space. The division of zones is of special importance in such interiors. It can be achieved using various techniques, but it always fulfills one task: to clearly show that the room has two areas independent of each other (living room and bedroom). Let's learn how to create a combined set, parts of which will not fall out of the overall stylistic composition.

Pros and cons of a single space

The main advantages of combining a bedroom and a living room in one room include:

  • Space saving. As a result of renovation and rearrangement, you will get a versatile room. Perhaps the owners simply have nowhere else to fit the functional minimum of the apartment, or with the arrival of a child in the family, they have to be sophisticated so that the baby has a separate nursery.
  • Project budget. The idea of ​​dividing space into several mini-rooms using walls has long been considered outdated and ineffective. In addition, the construction of a full-fledged partition will affect the thickness of the wallet, and zoning the room will not only allow you to create a neat interior, but will also cost much less.
  • Possibility of saving good lighting. The area that will be further from the window will, of course, partially lose daylight, but access to it will not be completely blocked.

Among the disadvantages of a single space, note:

  • The ability to highlight the shortcomings of the room. Here we are talking more about premises complex shapes. It is precisely these that, out of ignorance, a novice designer can design completely incorrectly, hiding their advantages and exposing what should have been veiled in the first place.
  • Excessive space congestion. The problem arises if you wanted to fit a lot in the room, but no compromises were found. In this case, the zoned room will be a Minotaur labyrinth of bedside tables, cabinets, coffee tables, somewhere in the wilds of which a bed will be hidden. Agree, such an interior is very unsightly.
  • Illiterate division of sites. The room must be properly zoned. You can’t get too carried away with light, airy decor, which in its abundance will not lift the room to a state of weightlessness, but, on the contrary, will ground and load it.
  • Lack of sound insulation. Unfortunately, if you do not divide the room with a blank wall, then the echoes of fun in the hall will disturb those who are trying to sleep in the bedroom.

In general, combined premises have more advantages than disadvantages, otherwise they would not be so popular.

Zoning methods

You can divide a room in several ways, even a moderate combination of them is allowed:

  • Covering walls, floors and ceilings. You can separate two different “worlds” in an apartment using cladding. The more contrast its texture is, the more noticeable the border will become.
  • Light. Usually this method is combined with a podium on the floor or a ledge on the ceiling, into which a Spotlights.
  • Furniture. Its role can be sofas, shelving, cabinets, beds, tables and bar counters (relevant in the kitchen).
  • Color scheme. This separator is considered conditional, since it creates an illusion that puts pressure on a person’s perception on a subconscious level. A similar practice is used for small rooms (less than seventeen square meters), where actual options load the space.
  • Curtains and doors. Both types of partitions are easily retractable, so they allow you to completely open or close the opening between zones as desired.
  • Mobile and static partitions. In the first case, screens are used, which are rolled up if necessary, thereby uniting the spaces again. Static partitions can be made of glass, plasterboard, bamboo, decorative brick or stone.

Zoning can also be marked symbolically with decorative items or columns. The first can be two identical vases, which are symmetrically installed on both sides of the conditional passage. Columns are not recommended for building in small rooms with a lack of square footage. meters. A fireplace can also separate two rooms. It is difficult to classify it as furniture, so in the list of methods it stands apart. Based on the type of location, only central fireplaces that are built into a column are suitable for these purposes.

Forged partitions look unusual; they are superimposed on the canvas of an interior painting with an elegant touch.

Using multifunctional furniture

Furniture for zoning is used in two types:

  • Regular. It will inevitably look backwards into one of the areas of the room.
  • Multifunctional. Organically complements the design of both “rooms”.

Any living room must have a place to relax. Its role is often played by a sofa, less often by armchairs. The furniture market presents original models the first, which have a common back, and on both sides of it two independent seats. This way you can solve placement problems large quantity visitors and add a couple of sleeping places. Also popular are modules that include a folding bed and a wardrobe or an open storage system. The best option for small rooms. During the day, the module is compactly assembled, and the owners have space to do household chores in peace. If two people sleep in the bedroom, and one also has a hobby or activity for late hours, then install a multifunctional closet, which partially turns into a small workplace.

Finishing materials: as means of zoning

In this case, it is necessary to select materials that are different in texture and even relief, but which still harmonize well with each other. For example, the bedroom is finished with wood veneer, and the walls in the living room are painted or plastered. PVC boards look good in combination with foil wallpaper. Wood panels with different texture and shades. For zoning, you can paint half the room, leaving the other for wallpaper. In this case, it is not necessary to select similar shades, but to play on the game of contrasts.


You can conditionally divide a room using wallpaper. The best option The walls in the bedroom and living room will be covered with materials of different shades, but with complex patterns. At the junction, a wide strip is made into which a third type of wallpaper with a special texture is wedged. Preference is given to photo wallpapers, as they will act as a spectacular highlight against the background of more practical neighboring walls. In small rooms, the use of small patterns is allowed. Large prints will play a cruel joke on the perception of space, “biting off” a large meter-long piece from it.

Ceiling and light - highlighting zones

Multi-level ceilings are often made of plasterboard. The material is low in cost and can replicate the most intricate contours. “Steps” on the ceiling often echo a similarly shaped podium on the floor. In order to emphasize this obvious advantage of the room, spotlights are built into the frame of the structure. They will help not only add luxury to the decor of the room, but also make up for the lack of natural light in the area that is separated from the window.


Textiles are considered to be the most economical solutions to the problem of space zoning. Ideal for inexpensive repairs. The cornice is installed either along one line connecting opposite walls, or along the contour of the bed, which needs to be hidden from prying eyes. During the day, the curtains move compactly apart, completely erasing the previous boundaries. It is recommended to select textiles to match the wall decoration and window curtains. If a child spends the night in the bedroom, and one of the adults likes to work at night, then choose a dense fabric so that it does not let in light and does not interfere with sensitive rest.

Some people prefer not textiles, but original versions from beads, long threads or bamboo “sticks”.

Cabinet or rack as a delimiter

Wardrobes divide space only in large rooms where there is room to spread out. If the dimensions of the room are on the average border, then it is desirable that the façade of the furniture be made in light shades or have glass panels. To prevent the divided room from looking overloaded with decorations, shelving is used. To achieve the effect of lightness and airiness, preference is given to open and combined storage systems.

Closed options fall under taboo. There are no restrictions on the design of this piece of furniture. They can be made of untreated wood, which will emphasize the originality of the “eco-stylish” environment, or painted white and have a “snake” shape for original interiors. Options with places to store different items are relevant. geometric shapes. To create the feeling of “floating” shelves, choose built-in models, where metal pins from the floor to the ceiling act as supports. It’s as if they are strung with transverse wooden boards, which serve " permanent home» for books and small items.

Partitions - changing the perception of space

Partitions are divided into two types:

  • Mobile. Cleaned if necessary.
  • Static. In any situation they “stand their ground.”

Screens have become prominent representatives of the group of mobile partitions. They are executed from bamboo panels or a wooden frame with textiles stretched over it. Drawings are applied to the fabric, which are selected in accordance with style decision interior Static ones can be made of plastic, plasterboard, wood, glass, decoracrylic, varnish, lacobel, metal or fabric stretched over a frame, as in screens. The partitions, repeating the neat openwork pattern, look gentle and fresh. Although they come from oriental styles, they quickly acquired the status of a universal element. Models made of metal, worked on by a blacksmith, emphasize the elegance of the interior. Wooden partitions They fit almost all styles, and the plastic is cheap.

Sliding doors

Sliding doors have an undeniable advantage: they are built in and reach right up to the ceiling, which is not the case with wardrobes. The range of these products allows you to choose not only the material of manufacture, but also original design canvases Frames are usually made of chipboard, PVC or timber (more expensive options). Canvases or facades are created from plastic, several types of heavy-duty glass and laminated wood boards. There are options with combinations of materials, patterns and designs on the surface of the doors. Sliding models can have a standard “in line”, angular or semicircular shape. The latter type is rare and is often made to order. This model will be in harmony with a bed of a similar shape.


A podium in the interior can perform not only a decorative function, but also combine “utilities” in the form additional places for storage hidden behind the steps. The elevation is placed either on the border of two spaces, or directly in front of the bed, in order to highlight it against the background of other interior objects. You can make a podium yourself.

The work is divided into three stages:

  • Design and selection of materials.
  • Creating a frame and covering it.
  • Decorative finishing.

It is worth considering the large weight load that the podium will have to withstand, so it is better to make the frame from metal. Decorative lamps arranged in a row will serve as an original addition.

Advantages of a room with high ceilings

Owners of rooms with high ceilings incredibly lucky, since they can refuse zoning altogether. The room is decorated with a mezzanine-type structure, on which they place sleeping area. It is located separately from the living room, and allows you to allocate additional space for it. Stylish element The interior becomes a staircase, to which all eyes will now be directed. It can be made of wood, metal, tempered glass. In more modern versions the railings are completely abandoned and each step is built directly into the wall.

Is color separation simple or complex?

The color palette should be in harmony with the shapes and lines of the decoration. When designing, you can keep the traditional selection accent wall above the head of the bed.

It is not known for certain who was the first to zone the space with shades, but this method remains the most practical and popular. Usually colors are combined within the same area of ​​the spectral circle, or contrasting tones. These combinations are used in wall decoration, since they set the “fashion” for the entire room. The lining of the “box” is used as a starting point when choosing color scheme room decoration and decor.

It is not recommended to use flashy shades in the bedroom, so for accents they leave places in the living room or additional element zoning. Preference is given to neutral pastels:

  • Grey;
  • Sand;
  • White;
  • Pink;
  • Blue;
  • Lilac.

In medium-sized rooms, one wall is given over to photo wallpaper with a thematic pattern, and in small rooms, small patterns are combined with vertical or horizontal stripes, depending on which guide the room needs to be drawn out visually.

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Design of a living room combined with a bedroom 20 sq m photo

Not every family has the opportunity to live in apartments with a large area. But even in a small space you can create a cozy corner for yourself and your guests. For example, you often have to combine a living room and a bedroom in one room of 20 square meters. m, you can find many examples of photos of such premises. By choosing the correct division of zones and properly designing the space, you can become the owner of a cozy nest in which it will be pleasant to be.

Light green living room-bedroom area of ​​20 sq.m.

Zoning a room into two zones using a wide arch

Experienced designers recommend that when creating the interior of a room, clearly mark the boundaries of zones, for example, a workplace and a place to sleep. In our version, the design of one room with an area of ​​19-20 square meters. m will combine two zones - a living room and a bedroom. See photo examples below.

Before you start planning, you need to designate an area for guests and for sleeping. A clear separation will help you in the future to have fun and comfortably receive guests, but at the same time, fully relax.

Zoning the living room-bedroom using a podium and a small plasterboard partition

Separating the sleeping area with curtains

Attention! In the bedroom area, everything should be maximally aimed at relaxation and intimacy of the atmosphere, and in the living room area it is necessary to create maximum comfort for a group of people.

Zoning the sleeping area using a low partition

  • The living room combined with the bedroom is one space. Therefore, the sleeping and guest areas should be designed in the same interior style. A clear difference will create disharmony, and you will not be able to fully relax in such a room.
  • Decide how much space you need to allocate large area. Depending on this, you can choose the main design, for example, of a bedroom, and correctly combine the design of the living room with the chosen style.
  • It is better to choose the bedroom area away from the door. The recreation space should exclude the passage of strangers.
  • It has been proven that many people find it very comfortable to wake up and fall asleep with a view of the street. If you are one of them, then place the bed close to the window.
  • Do not plan to put a lot of furniture in a room that combines a living room and a bedroom. Excess items will create a cluttered effect. A clearly defined minimum is a guarantee of comfort and relaxation.

Pull-out bed in the living room interior with an area of ​​20 sq.m.

Separation of the sleeping area and living room using a high podium and a small screen

Zoning using different wall coverings

Ways to divide a room

To divide a room into two zones, you can use different ways. Each suitable for apartment Several variants. Rely on your own intuition and sense of style, and you will get a unique design for your bedroom-living room.

Separating the living room from the bedroom in one room of 20 sq.m using a shelving unit


The first type of zone separation is partitions. Moreover, their choice is huge, and is often based on the imagination of the apartment owner or designer:

Partitions from various materials. Wooden, glass, plasterboard. There is an option to combine the partition with the head of the bed. This way you will protect your sleeping space from prying eyes.

Zoning using glass partition in the living room-bedroom 20 sq.m.

An original idea would be to have a fish aquarium inside a glass partition. Look at the photos with examples and create your own unique way divide the room.


Curtains will allow you to delimit zones, but at the same time give the room a weightless effect. The advantage of this option is the ability to open the curtains during the day and combine the bedroom with the living room. And at night, drawn curtains will limit a separate intimate relaxation space.

Zoning with curtains in the living room-bedroom 20 sq.m.

Curtains are used both light and transparent, and thick. By choosing an opaque fabric, you will create a separate, isolated space.

Screens made of various materials

They are quite light and mobile, and do not visually overload the room. They not only serve as a partition, but are also an original decorative element.

Racks for books and clothes

A great option to divide zones and save space. The shelves can accommodate a lot of things.

Zoning a living room-bedroom of 20 sq.m using a screen

Color Separation

It is very interesting to separate zones using a play of color. Different colors can be used:

  • when decorating walls,
  • when selecting furniture,
  • when choosing decorative elements.

Zoning the living room-bedroom using color

Important! The colors of the bedroom and living room should not be contrasting, they should only differ in shades of the same color.

For example, you can choose light beige shades for the bedroom, and dense beige for the living room. The transitions between colors will not be as noticeable, but it will become in a great way designate both spaces.

An interesting solution is to highlight the bedroom or living room area using furniture and other items original colors. For example, highlight everything related to the living room in bright burgundy colors. Burgundy carpet, reddish armchairs, chandelier in burgundy tones, table with burgundy legs. Complete the space with similar colored details.

Original color division of the living room-bedroom with an area of ​​20 sq.m.

And in the bedroom, use a pleasant pink, close in shade to the chosen color of the living room. The recreation area will not be as bright and will be separated from the guest area.

Height difference

Differences in floor height will add a special twist to the design of a living room combined with a bedroom of 20 square meters. m. Photos will clearly show the implementation of this idea. A bed or table with chairs for guests can be located on the podium.

Zoning using a high podium in the interior of a living room-bedroom of 20 sq.m.

An option for lovers of unusual solutions - pull out bed, which hides in the podium during the day and comes out at night.

Zoning with lighting

A design trick is to separate zones using lighting. This option is considered the simplest and most accessible. No need for complex ones repair work When building partitions or painting walls, you just need to correctly select and arrange the lamps.

Zoning a living room-bedroom of 20 sq.m using lighting

For each zone, different brightness, direction of light, and location of lamps are used. Light can be either direct or reflected. They use pendant or floor lamps at the border of zones, light partitions, accents over certain interior objects. Photos of examples will help in this method zoning of space.

After determining the bedroom and living room areas, you need to choose the right design for the room.

Modern design in the interior of a living room-bedroom 20 sq.m.

Choice of colors

When deciding on color, base it on your own preferences. Keep in mind that in the bedroom area the color should be soothing. Everyone performs this function pastel shades(beige, pink, milky), blue and purple, calm green will look good.

Blue color in the interior of a living room-bedroom 20 sq.m.

Eliminate yellow and red colors. They excite nervous system. Use them in decorative elements to create interesting accents.

Modern lighting devices allow you not only to illuminate a room, but also to create two separate spaces. Our recommendations:

  • It is better to direct natural light to the bedroom area.
  • Place maximum artificial light in the living room.
  • In the bedroom area, use muted colors to create a relaxing space.
  • Bright lamps placed on the ceiling are perfect only for the living room.

Lighting in the interior of the living room-bedroom

Based on your own preferences and use various options light sources (sconces, floor lamps, LED backlights).

Correct selection of furniture

The furniture you choose for your bedroom-living room can go a long way in making the room interesting.

The ideal option would be to use built-in and folding furniture. It is created to order and fits exactly into the layout and design of the room. A bed that hides in a wall niche during the day will save space for guests. A godsend is also a folding sofa - a place to receive guests during the day and sleep at night.

Bedroom-living room interior

When choosing furniture for the living room and bedroom, combined in one room of 20 square meters. m, focus on photos that are easy to find on the Internet or design magazines.

Design of a room of 20 square meters. m, combining a living room and a bedroom - an interesting activity. Approach this process with pleasure and you will get the room of your dreams.

Photo gallery (50 photos)

Proper distribution of space in a small living area can be called a real art, especially if it is necessary to combine the functionality of the rooms. Thoughtful interior design of a room of 18 sq.m. for the living room and bedroom will make the room original, comfortable and cozy. The main thing is to properly zone the space.

This can be done in several ways:

  1. Using different materials to create additional wall. Advantage is given to drywall. It is easy to use, it is easy to create partitions and fences from it.
  2. Wall decoration using different shades and textures. This makes it possible to visually divide the space into several zones using wallpaper, paint, plaster, and other finishing materials.
  3. Zoning a room using furniture.

In our article you will see real examples in the photo, where a room of 18 square meters is divided into 2 zones: a bedroom and a living room.


Partitions that change the perception of space will allow you to divide a room into several zones.

There are 2 types of partitions:

Movable partitions are also called mobile partitions and are often made from bamboo panels, wooden frames which are covered with fabric. Any pattern that suits the interior design is applied to the textiles.

Static partitions are often made from materials:

  • plastic;
  • drywall;
  • tree;
  • Lakomat;
  • metal;
  • frame covered with fabric;
  • decoracrylic

Partitions will emphasize the elegance of the room. Models made of metal will demonstrate luxury. Plastic partitions are cheap, but they are practical, and wooden partitions will suit any style. Zoning a room using a plasterboard partition will allow you to implement different creative ideas, put any image on them or design any shape.


These are lightweight structures of a rectilinear or arched shape that will not occupy floor space.

Arches are popular when zoning space. Designers recommend combining arches with partitions. This method makes it possible to separate the bedroom and living room into several functional zones. They look luxurious, give the room coziness, and are regularly given preference when zoning a room.


A sliding screen is decorative design. It is installed where there is no need for a static partition. The screen can always be put up or removed at any time.

The structure is created from several frame frames. Made from wood, as well as other popular materials:

  • rattan;
  • bamboo;
  • rice paper;
  • cane.

Quite often, screens in the interior are used for rooms in oriental style. The design is easy to move from place to place; this is a common option for zoning a room.

In order for the charm to transmit light, they are used transparent materials, light shades. The disadvantage of the design is the lack of sound insulation between rooms. The screen should fit harmoniously into the interior.


A cabinet or rack, which will be used as a delimiter, perfectly divides the space into zones. It is recommended to choose a closet in light shades.

Shelving that is used to delimit space has many advantages:

  • versatility;
  • the ability to combine several materials;
  • simple installation of the structure;
  • mobility;
  • decorative element.

Installing shelving for zoning the living room and bedroom makes it possible to make the room functional. You can place various little things on the structure. Shelves can be regularly updated to change and diversify the interior.

Sliding doors

This design has an advantage over an ordinary door. The range of products allows the buyer to choose not only the material from which the sliding doors will be made, but also the design of the door leaf.

Frames are mainly made of chipboard, PVC, and timber. The canvases are mainly plastic, glass, and made from wood panels.

There are also options on sale with different designs and patterns, combinations of materials. The sliding design mainly comes in a standard line shape; you can also make a corner or semicircular door to order.


This is the most interesting method for demarcating a room. The podium in the interior will not only serve as decoration, it is an excellent place for storing things, which can be hidden behind the steps. The podium can be purchased or made independently.

For this you will need:

  1. Make a project.
  2. Select material.
  3. Create a frame and sheathe it.
  4. Decorative finishing.

The weight load must be taken into account. It is recommended to create the frame from metal. Lamps will be an original addition to the podium.

Decorative zoning

Used to effectively divide a room into a living room and a bedroom, different finishing materials are used.

You can zone the space using:

  • decorative plaster.
  • siding panels.
  • painting.
  • combining wallpaper by color, texture, pattern.
  • curtains, curtains

Dividing space is easy. The main thing is to use imagination and creativity.


Using wallpaper to zone a room allows you to make it visually wider. Wallpaper makes it possible to designate the living room and bedroom.

Zoning with wallpaper will create the necessary mood in the room, a relaxed atmosphere. Wall covering should be combined with the chosen style in the interior.


This is an ideal option for budget renovation. The cornice must be installed on one of the lines that will connect the opposite walls.

During the day, the curtains can be drawn apart, and when necessary, they can be used as a partition. It is advised to choose the shade of the curtain to match the finish of the walls or curtains.

Glass zoning

This natural material, high quality, equipped with aesthetic properties. Glass structures allow you to save usable space and make the room open and spacious. The disadvantages of the partition include the need for regular surface maintenance.

Glass is used for stationary partitions, used as a mobile screen. Light easily passes through such a screen. The design is resistant to changes in temperature and humidity, has long term services.

Design ideas

Nowadays it is popular to zone space. The bedroom and living room are separated by partitions so as not to expose the resting area to others.

To properly zone a room, you need to consider several rules:

  1. The contrast makes it possible to hide the sleeping area from prying eyes.
  2. Light shades allow you to expand the room.
  3. You should not place a lot of furniture in the room, do not clutter the space.
  4. Dark colors should only be used in accessories, and light shades should be used for interior items.

In order to give the room originality, use different ideas. For registration use:

  • original texture, floor coverings;
  • stucco;
  • relief drawings on drywall or walls;
  • combination of materials with different textures.

Furnishing features

Before starting renovations in a room, it is necessary to think through all the nuances in detail. Don't clutter the room unnecessary furniture, which is not necessary. This includes ottomans and armchairs, chairs, and dressing rooms.

A number of rules will help make the room spacious:

  1. Give preference to functional interior items.
  2. Use open shelves for storage various items along the walls.
  3. Ditch the TV stand.
  4. The sofa can serve as a bed.
  5. Things should not be bulky or bulky.

It is also not recommended to place interior items in the room on the lines of movement. Great idea is the purchase of transformable furniture, it can be a sofa bed, folding chairs or tables. Avoid cluttering the bedroom and living room by using niches and bay windows for storage.

Which type of partition to choose will depend on the chosen interior design, room lighting, financial opportunities. Zoning a room is a great idea for dividing space that designers use.