Textured fiberglass wallpaper. Fiberglass wallpaper in the interior. Using glass wallpaper in the interior

Fiberglass is an expensive but versatile material. They can be glued in all rooms, including the bathroom and kitchen. They can be easily washed, even using aggressive cleaning agents. But before using it to its fullest, you will have to try to ensure that the fiberglass does not fall off the wall.

Today we’ll figure out how to glue glass wallpaper for painting.

How to prepare the surface for glass wallpaper

Wall preparation is very important stage. If you neglect it, then at one far from perfect moment the glass wallpaper will sadly fall off or swell with cheerful bubbles.

Old covering. If you are sure that the old plaster, paint or putty is holding tightly, then special preparatory work not worth carrying out. It is enough to make the wall slightly rough and then cover it with two layers of primer.

Why so many times? Because glass wallpaper is very heavy and dense material. If the adhesion to the wall is weak, then all the work will go down the drain.

All other previous coverings will have to be removed from the wall. Wallpaper, whitewash, water emulsion. These comrades have very weak adhesion. And impregnation wallpaper glue will allow them to fall off the wall in one piece. Along with fiberglass.

Be sure to wash off or clean off all this stuff. Then they putty again and cover with two layers of primer.

By the way, it is not at all necessary to putty until the surface is perfectly smooth. Glass wallpaper perfectly hides all minor flaws, so don’t be too zealous.

New coating. If you are going to install glass wallpaper in a new building, then the walls will also have to be prepared. Plaster concrete walls- a mandatory procedure. Without it, it will be difficult to glue the canvas evenly.

Sometimes people don't putty plasterboard wall or partition. There is no doubt, and without preparation the glass wallpaper holds up perfectly. But the next renovation will be a major one instead of a cosmetic one. The canvases are torn off only with pieces of drywall. It is impossible to remove them separately.

Advice. It's better to play it safe and prepare the walls properly. In the future, this will significantly save money, time and nerves.

What adhesive is suitable for glass wallpaper

Run! Run away from a seller who offers to buy universal glue! Otherwise he will advise you something else “good”. Fiberglass wallpapers have high density. Consequently, they weigh quite a lot. This means that the glue must be appropriate.

Of course, special mass is not cheap. But believe me, it will be more expensive to re-glue. Especially if you found money in family budget to buy glass wallpaper, then set aside a certain amount for glue.

It should be written on the packaging: “for fiberglass wallpaper" It will be ideal if the wallpaper and glue are purchased from the same brand. The manufacturer knows exactly how to adhere the canvas efficiently.

By the way, today the market offers a great variety of adhesives. It’s easy to get confused, and there are also fakes. Be sure to ask the store for a quality certificate. Then you definitely can't go wrong.

And further. Before purchasing, do not be lazy, read the ingredients. Starch-based glue is definitely a fake. It will not be able to support the weight of fiberglass. It is desirable that PVA be present in the composition. He holds everything very well severe types canvases

Advice. The right glue cannot cost less than 500 rubles per package.

How to dilute glue for glass wallpaper

It's not difficult at all. Look at the recommendation on the packaging. We measure required amount liquids. Pour approximately 600 ml into a separate container. Then we take a wooden spatula or paddle in one hand and begin vigorously stirring in a circle. With the other hand, carefully pour the glue into water funnel. It is necessary to pour in a thin, even stream, without stopping. At the same time, you must remember to constantly stir the mixture.

Then the glue is left for 6-8 minutes to swell. If you did everything correctly, then the finished glue is a very thick mass, similar to hard jelly.

If the glue seems too thick to you finished form, then add the previously measured water and stir thoroughly. Just remember that it is problematic to glue fiberglass canvases to glue that is too liquid.

Advice. You're afraid of ruining everything and don't dare apply the glue yourself. Then your choice is special glass wallpaper with ready-made adhesive layer. It only needs to be wetted with water and can be safely glued directly to the walls.

In order for the fiberglass canvas to be painted, choose a colorless type of wallpaper. Colored wallpaper can show through a thin layer of paint. A thick layer will smooth out the entire texture of the wallpaper.

By the way, don’t be fooled by the marketing ploy. Some sellers actively offer glass wallpaper with fluffed fibers for painting. Of course, it looks beautiful and impressive. But only on a roll. When gluing on the wall, a spatula or roller will “smooth out” all this fluffiness. And subsequent painting will completely hide the remaining hairiness.

Wallpaper pattern does not matter for the quality of gluing. It's just a matter of personal choice and the intended design of the room.

What you will need:

  • Wallpaper and glue.
  • Plastic spatula or rubber roller.
  • Bucket or basin for glue.
  • Wide brush. Easily replaced with a roller with even pile.
  • Glasses, gauze bandage, gloves.

What is point 5 needed for? Glass wallpaper consists of quartz “yarn”. And may cause skin irritation for some people. Kind of like glass wool. And beginners need a headband and glasses. They do not yet know how to cut fiberglass smoothly, so particles can fly off into the eyes or enter the respiratory tract. It's not very pleasant, but the glass wallpaper crumbles a lot when cutting.

Procedure. It differs from the usual gluing paper wallpaper only by applying glue. It is spread only on a wall with a thickness of 2 mm along the width of the canvas with a small margin. Measure in advance desired length with an allowance of 7-9 cm. This small excess is needed for precise joining of the pattern. Because fiberglass canvases must be glued strictly end-to-end. Overlap is allowed only if the wall is very uneven and the seam is subsequently cut off.

To ensure that the room does not end up awry after gluing, you need to make a mark before starting work. This is easy if you have any thread and a heavy bolt. One person holds a plumb line by the thread near the ceiling, the second marks the line for starting gluing.

If the glass wallpaper is glued, as they say, by eye, then subsequent painting will clearly show all the errors.

After the wall is coated, the canvas begins to be glued from top to bottom. Do not stick the entire canvas at once. When smoothing the surface, unsightly creases and bubbles may appear. It is better to smooth the glass wallpaper with a spatula or roller from the center to the edges, gradually moving towards the floor.

By the way, the porous structure of glass wallpaper allows excess glue to penetrate through the fiber to the front side. This shouldn't scare you. And it is advisable to use such drops to simultaneously prime the surface of the wallpaper. Subsequently, paint consumption will be significantly less.

Simply use a spatula or rubber roller to evenly distribute the exposed glue, while simultaneously smoothing the sheet of glass wallpaper. Special attention pay attention to the joints. They must be perfectly adjusted so that they do not stand out against the general background of the wall. There is no need to be afraid that the glue will leave noticeable stains on the surface after drying. It will become completely transparent and practically invisible.

  • no drafts for at least 2 days before completely dry canvases
  • room temperature within +17-24°C
  • humidity no more than 75%

Some sources recommend excluding sunlight from entering the room. But we have never found an adequate explanation for what this precaution is connected with. What kind of wallpaper is this that is already afraid of the sun at the beginning of its service?

After 2 days, when the canvases are completely dry, you need to carefully inspect the walls. If air bubbles appear, you need to fill them with glue using a regular syringe and smooth them out thoroughly.

You should also check the quality of the joints. If some detachments are found, they are glued with PVA glue in the form of a pencil. Then carefully roll it with a roller.

Advice. Fiberglass canvases are always wrapped front side inside the roll. The outside is always inside out. Very often it is marked with a stripe neutral shade so as not to be confused.

How to prepare glass wallpaper for painting

There is no need to dance with a tambourine here. Everything is very simple. Wallpaper glue is applied in the usual way, only water is taken 2 times more than the recommended amount. After the liquid swells, it is applied to fiberglass canvases thin layer. Naturally, after gluing and drying.

It is very convenient to carry out the procedure with a short-haired roller or a wide brush. The first layer must dry, otherwise the second layer will roll into unsightly lumps. Yes, yes, a second coat of primer is required. After all, you cannot be 100% sure of the quality of a single application.

After all layers have completely dried, you can begin painting or painting the glass wallpaper.

Many people neglect priming their canvases. This is an unaffordable luxury. Fiberglass absorbs 2 layers of paint remarkably well. And only the third will lie more or less evenly. Not priming the wallpaper with glue before painting is an extra waste.

Advice. Instead of liquid glue You can use any other primer, the packaging of which indicates the possibility of applying it to glass wallpaper before painting.

  1. Do not use regular rags or rags to remove excess glue. Quartz fibers stick to them and turn them into sandpaper. If you continue to rub the canvas with such a rag, you will get a scratched texture and noticeable stripes along the bottom of the sheet.
  2. Do not cut the entire roll into strips at once. In some houses, the difference in height between walls can be up to 20 cm around the perimeter of the room. You will then struggle with cutting out tiny pieces and accurately fitting the pattern. Measure each piece separately. Avoid headaches.
  3. It is much more convenient to cut fiberglass with ordinary scissors. The usual stationery or construction knife can greatly crumble the edge of the canvas.
  4. For ease of application, choose glue with a dye in the composition. This will avoid gaps when applying to the wall. When dry, this glue becomes discolored and leaves no traces.
  5. For the ceiling, glass wallpaper of lower density is chosen. This makes gluing easier. In addition, the ceiling is less susceptible to testing than walls.

How to glue glass wallpaper for painting? Very simple. After all, this procedure is not much different from gluing simple wallpaper. It is important to place the first canvas perfectly evenly. And then everything will work out practically without special effort. Accuracy and diligence are the key good result And modern design at the end of the renovation work.

Video: how to glue glass wallpaper

Painted walls and ceilings are becoming increasingly popular. But preparing for painting is another task. The paint shows all the flaws and irregularities and this takes a long time and is tedious. You can simplify the task, and at the same time make the wall textured, using fiberglass wallpaper. They are designed for painting and last a very long time. We will discuss how to glue glass wallpaper further.

What is glass wallpaper

Fiberglass wallpaper is a finishing material for walls and ceilings. Most often used for painting. Fabrics, which are called “glass wallpaper,” are woven from fiberglass on special machines. Through the use of fibers different thicknesses and their different weaves produce different patterns. There are not as many of them as on regular wallpaper, they are not too pronounced. And this is considered one of the disadvantages of this finishing material. But practicality, durability and the ability to repaint them up to 20 times outweigh this drawback.

Types of glass fiber matting type

There are drawings that are almost invisible, which after painting just give a slightly rough surface. The most common type is matting. It is called so because the weave is made in the same way as coarse cloth was previously woven - matting. There are small, medium, large. The difference is visible in the photo.

Herringbone, checkerboard and diamond patterns are also widespread. They also come in small, medium and large. They differ in the “scope” of the pattern. In addition to these types, there are other weaves, but they already belong to the category of designer or collectible and cost more.

This material is sold in rolls, usually 1 meter wide. Roll length - from 12.5 m (50 are also available). Price per roll - from $20 to $50. The cost depends on the length of the material in the roll, the complexity of the design, and the manufacturer.

Advantages and disadvantages

Before gluing glass wallpaper, let’s look at their pros and cons. Let's start with the positives. They are made from natural raw materials, safe, environmentally friendly, and do not support combustion. They are characterized by increased strength, service life - from 10 to 30 years. They are suitable for painting, which allows you to quickly change the interior. They can be repainted from 5 to 20 times without changing the appearance (depending on the quality).

Fiberglass wallpapers do easier preparation surfaces for painting. The walls should be smooth, but not perfect - all small deviations will be hidden by fiberglass and the texture of the wallpaper. And this is a significant plus.

Fiberglass wallpaper can be glued in damp rooms - in the bathroom or kitchen

Another positive thing is that they are not afraid high humidity, therefore they can be used both in the bathroom and in the kitchen. You just need to choose the appropriate paint.

The disadvantages are the following:

  • Not as wide a range as regular wallpaper. The appearance of the spring can be diversified by decorating walls covered with glass wallpaper using various design techniques.
  • Fiberglass breaks when gluing; you must wear protective clothing.
  • The price is higher than ordinary beautiful wallpaper.

In general, no perfect option, but if you need a durable finish with the ability to quickly change color, gluing glass wallpaper is your choice.

How to choose

Typically, glass wallpaper is selected according to the pattern, and the quality is determined by the density of the material in the roll. But it’s worth saying that not everything on the wall looks as voluminous as it does on a roll. To make the pattern look clearer, some manufacturers use fluffed threads. When sticking to the wall, all the fibers are pressed, the volume goes away. So the volume of the roll is not a guarantee that the design will be clearly visible on the wall. The solution is to purchase proven brands that guarantee a certain quality.

The situation is practically the same with the density of glass wallpaper “to the touch”. To give them additional strength, some manufacturers impregnate the canvas with starch. When applied with glue, this impregnation gets wet, the surface becomes loose, which is why it absorbs a large amount of paint.

Look at the technical specifications

How to determine good glass wallpaper in this case? View in specifications. There is a line there - density. The higher the number, the denser the wallpaper (normal density is about 145 g/m2). If this indicator is not present, there is a roll weight. In this case, too, the heavier the roll, the greater the density of the material. But in the case of weight, you also need to look at the length of the canvas in the roll - it can be very different - from 12.5 meters to 50. There is another way out - trust trusted manufacturers or try it on a small piece - glue it, then paint it. Only the question of where to get this piece remains open...

What else is worth knowing about glass wallpaper... that they come in two grades - first and second. First grade - good quality, they usually come with a warranty. The second type is something like a lottery. They may be wow, they may not stick well, have a large number of defects, etc.

A few words about marriage. It is found even in good producers— the threads are torn, they lie wrong, etc. This place is marked on one of the edges of the roll with a glued black stripe, and 50 cm (penalty) is added to the length of the roll. When purchasing a roll in transparent packaging, inspect the ends. The fewer black “markers”, the easier it will be when cutting.


And finally, about trusted manufacturers. Can definitely recommend trade marks Wellton (Welton) and Oscar (Oscar). Any collection, any roll is of good quality. Even the second grade is not about quality, but about non-standard length (so you can save money).

According to the pricing policy: Welton is more expensive, there is a larger selection of patterns, you can repaint it up to 20 times; Oscar - cheaper, less texture, can be repainted up to 10 times. So there is a choice for every budget.

How to glue glass wallpaper

Fiberglass wallpaper For painting, they are glued with special glue or PVA and its analogues. Ordinary wallpaper glue It won't work, it's not worth trying. If this is your first experience, it is better to take a special composition, not in powder, but ready-made, in a bucket. Yes, it is more expensive, but the quality is guaranteed, gluing will be easier, and there will be fewer problems.

Surface preparation

Before gluing glass wallpaper, you need to prepare the walls or ceiling. The walls must be smooth, without potholes or protrusions. It is necessary to remove stains and dust, it is advisable to cover it with a primer. PVA diluted 1 to 10 is suitable as a primer. This composition is applied to the walls with a roller, wait until it dries, and then begin gluing the glass wallpaper.

Some tips for preparing for gluing for different substrates:

As you understand, when preparing the base, it is important to fill significant depressions and remove protrusions. You may not achieve a perfectly flat surface, as you would for painting, but significant differences are visible. Therefore, they are smoothed with sandpaper. If there are cracks, you don’t have to fill them, but glue them with reinforcing paper (which is used for drywall) before applying putty.

Pasting with glass wallpaper

Now specifically about how to glue glass wallpaper. The process itself is no different from gluing conventional ones - vinyl, acrylic, etc. The techniques and sequence are the same. The peculiarity is that the glue is applied only to the wall, the wallpaper does not smear. Everything else is the same:

  • Glue is evenly applied to the wall or ceiling. It is faster to do this with a roller; in the corners and places where the ceiling and wall meet, use a narrow brush. The glue must be distributed evenly. Where there is too much of it, “dips” are formed, and handprints may be visible. In places where there is little glue, the glass wallpaper will not stick and a bubble will form. While the wallpaper is not painted, the bubble is not visible, only felt by the hand (after drying). When painting they all appear. Therefore, we try to distribute the glue evenly over the entire surface.
  • The canvas is cut to the length of the wall + a small margin (5-10 cm).
  • The first sheet of glass wallpaper is glued strictly vertically to the wall. The verticality of the edge is checked (preferably with a plumb line). The canvas is smoothed with movements from the center, towards the edges - this way the air escapes better. To do this, it is advisable to use a plastic wallpaper spatula. They work conveniently and quickly.

Excess length (top and/or bottom) is cut off. A steel ruler or wide spatula is placed in the right place, and the fiberglass is cut with a sharp blade or stationery knife.

Glue the second canvas

The next canvas is glued end-to-end. It is applied to the edge of the already pasted one, aligning the pattern. Then smooth it to the surface, first with your hands, then with a spatula. You should not use a rolling roller to glue the joint - it “rolls out” the pattern, and the knock is even more noticeable. The canvas fits together quite well with your hands.

When gluing the outer corner there are two options:

When gluing internal corner There is usually only one technique. The last canvas on the wall should overlap the next wall by 1-2 cm. If it is wider, it is cut off. This makes it easier to lay glass wallpaper even if the corner is uneven. The next strip is glued overlapping. At this point a double layer is obtained, but usually it is almost imperceptible. If you really don’t like it, you can make the overlap a little more than 3-4 cm, glue it overlapping, and then trim off the excess by 1-2 cm from the corner.

We are finalizing the little things

In those places on the wall where sockets meet, switches operate when the power is turned off. It is best to turn off the machine at Remove the outer parts of the sockets and switches and stick the cloth on. At the point where the electrical network exits, the fiberglass is cut crosswise. Take a spatula and apply it to the socket. cut off the excess with a knife and press well.

While you are gluing fiberglass wallpaper for painting and while it is drying, there should be no draft in the room. It is also worth curtaining the window so that the sun does not dry out the surface (bubbles may form).

You probably already realized that if you have ever hung ordinary wallpaper, you know exactly how to glue glass wallpaper. Because there are almost no features. All the same. The peculiarities begin later - the wall needs to be painted. That's what's unusual.

The video shows how to glue glass wallpaper. Everything is accessible and understandable.

Fiberglass Wallpaper Paint

You know how to glue glass wallpaper, let’s figure out what and how to paint them. Most often, water-based and water-dispersion paints are used for painting glass wallpaper. Acrylic and latex dispersions are easy to clean, some can be washed with a brush and using detergents. Some similar compositions can withstand thousands of brush cycles (vandal-resistant up to 20,000). Therefore, they can be used even in rooms with active use - in the corridor, hallway, kitchen, bathroom.

Water-based emulsions are also washable, but they are not so stable. At best, they can be wiped several times with a damp cloth. But they do not reduce the vapor permeability of the walls. That’s why they often paint residential premises.

There are also special enamels designed for painting wallpaper. They are also good, but they are more expensive. When selecting, pay attention to the area of ​​use - there should be an inscription stating that this composition is suitable for wallpaper (or glass wallpaper).

Glued and dried glass wallpaper is painted

How thick is the paint? Basically, it doesn't matter. If it is liquid, you will have to apply more layers, if it is thick, less. In any case, to obtain a good effect, the same amount of dry matter is required. Another thing is that sometimes thicker ones turn out to be more profitable, although they cost more. In this case, you need to look at the hiding power and the required number of layers.

Features of paint for fiberglass

Pay attention also to the type of surface obtained when painting. Silky texture is best emphasized matte paint, but simply matte will partially hide it.

There is one more point. Fiberglass wallpaper is a porous material and paint consumption, especially when applying the first layer, is high. To reduce it, it is advisable to prime them. As a primer, you can use base paint diluted 1 to 1 with water (if the paint water based). Its hiding power will become lower, but at the expense large quantity water it will penetrate into the pores better. The pigment will fill them when dry. The next layer of “normal” thickness will lie better and will be absorbed less. This, although not very much, will reduce the overall paint consumption.

Fiberglass wallpaper for painting is modern material, which is able to satisfy the needs of any home. Having a number positive qualities, the material can be an excellent solution for finishing walls and even ceilings.

One of the qualities of glass wallpaper is that after gluing the bulk wallpaper, which consists of glass fibers, you get a very smooth, fairly uniform surface, perfectly protected from cracks. This article will tell you how to glue glass wallpaper for painting?

Features of glass wallpaper

Fiberglass is a special material that has in common with regular wallpaper just the gluing process. Such a canvas is made by connecting glass threads, which are obtained from a special type of glass, melting it at a high temperature.

A specific manufacturing technology makes it possible to obtain a canvas with an organic beautiful ornament and texture, which allows you to hide after application various minor surface defects that can be noticeable during regular painting. Fiberglass wallpaper is similar in structure to fabric.

The material acquires an unusual surface due to its composition, which includes:

  • Sand.
  • Clay.
  • Limestone.
  • Other environmentally friendly natural materials.

There are two types of glass wallpaper:

  • Smooth, which are called fiberglass or “spider web”. Such wallpapers are used most often for:
  1. surface seals;
  2. hiding small cracks, small irregularities and other defects;
  3. leveling before painting the walls. In appearance, the canvas is painting fiberglass, reminiscent of a spider web, which has reinforcing properties and is used as a decorative material.
  • Embossed.

This type of material is used for final finishing surfaces, their density is significantly higher than that of smooth wallpaper, they are less at risk of being stretched or torn during use.

The texture of glass wallpaper directly depends on the method of its manufacture. When using ordinary machines, the textured pattern takes on the form geometric shapes: rhombuses, Christmas trees and others. On jacquard looms, the textured image takes on a more refined and complex look.

Tip: There are other options for obtaining a drawing. In any case, which one to choose depends on the imagination of the owner of the room. Everyone chooses the combination of shades on glass wallpaper independently.

Such wallpaper is sold in rolls one meter wide. Usually one roll is enough for 50 squares, but if properly glued in the corners, some of the material may remain unused.

The advantages of glass wallpaper are:

  • They can be painted.

The textured surface of the material allows special paints to be applied to it. This makes the walls brighter and increases the durability of the coating. Fiberglass wallpaper can be repainted up to two dozen times, while maintaining its excellent shape and texture.

  • Provide fire safety.

Treatment of glass fibers of the material with a special fire-resistant solution that is resistant to high temperatures, allows you to use wallpaper in tropical countries and in the kitchen, close to heat sources.

  • They do not deform under the influence of moisture, do not interfere with air circulation.
  • Environmentally friendly material.

For its production, natural ingredients are used that have hypoallergenic properties, without causing any harm to human health.

  • Wear resistance. The service life of wallpaper exceeds 25 years.
  • Electrical resistance, do not accumulate a charge, which prevents the collection of dust on the walls.

Such advantages ensure that in the end the cost of coverage will not be too high.

There are also some disadvantages of glass wallpaper:

  • They may crumble or break in your hands.

Today there is a huge variety on the wallpaper market, covering absolutely all tastes. These include a variety of colors, shapes, and materials.

Not so long ago, the option with glass wallpaper became popular. This is a worthy and high-quality product that deserves the attention of buyers due to its interesting style and final combination with the interior.

Glass wallpaper - how are they made?

Fiberglass wallpaper is a unique type of wallpaper that is woven from glass threads. The fibers are drawn at high temperatures, creating a variety of thread shapes.

After this, they are woven into a whole fiber, from which the fabric is made. It is thus decomposed onto the base.

The base materials are natural substances - lime, quartz, soda and dolomite. Therefore, glass wallpaper is not hazardous to health and the materials from which they are made cannot cause allergies.

What types of glass wallpaper are there?

Fiberglass wallpaper differs in texture and composition. There are several different types. When choosing, you will have a wide range of possibilities, so it is best to decide in advance how you want to see the design of the room.

Let's highlight the main categories by which wallpapers differ:

By type of material. There may be smooth or embossed glass wallpaper. The latter most often produce some kind of patterns.

By color. You can choose absolutely any color, but most often buyers prefer white glass wallpaper with a shade to the side beige colour. In any case, such wallpaper can be painted.

According to the drawing of the canvas. Textured or complex wallpaper. Difference in production. The first ones are produced at on a regular machine, the second on a jacquard loom.

Coloring if possible. Smooth wallpaper, unlike textured wallpaper, is not intended for painting.

Advantages of glass wallpaper

Fiberglass wallpaper is not only strong and durable, it is also interesting for many other reasons that will be appreciated not only by professional designer, but also a homeowner with a taste for style.

Let's look at what's outstanding about glass wallpaper:

  • Best before date. On average, such wallpaper will last you about thirty years.
  • Coloring. Fiberglass wallpaper can be repainted about ten times.
  • Ecology. Wallpaper consists entirely of natural materials. Therefore, they will not cause harm to health.
  • Fiberglass wallpaper does not fade and does not collect dust.
  • Resistance to fungus formation.
  • Can be washed with brushes and detergents.

Disadvantages of glass wallpaper

Despite numerous advantages, there are also some disadvantages. Glass wallpaper is difficult to remove from walls and may require considerable effort. There is also a downside to the cost.

Not many people can afford fiberglass wallpaper. Another household drawback is that the wallpaper is quite cold.

If you have decided to purchase glass wallpaper, then you should know that regardless of where they will be located, this is a practical solution.

When you are familiar with the advantages and disadvantages of glass wallpaper, you can easily choose the most suitable option for design. The main thing is that the material perfectly combines durability and extraordinary beauty.

Photos of glass wallpaper in the interior

More recently on the market building materials Innovative glass wallpapers have appeared, which are distinguished by their practicality and have already gained enormous popularity, despite the fact that many consider them harmful.

Non-woven fabric for painting also gets good reviews, since this coating is made from fiberglass and is widely used in repair work.

If you plan to paint glass wallpaper, then it is worth considering that cheap paint will quickly clog the texture of the wallpaper, and it will lose its attractive appearance. appearance after the next repainting.

Fiberglass pros and cons

The advantages of glass wallpaper include the following:

  • strength. Research has proven that such wallpaper can last over 30 years, while the cost of glass wallpaper is low;
  • resistance to any impact;
  • the possibility of accumulating electrical charges, which protects the wallpaper from dust settling;
  • moisture resistance;
  • ease of cleaning, since glass wallpaper can be washed using detergents.
  • unusual “breathable” material structure;
  • reinforcing properties that can protect walls from cracks.

Thanks to these advantages, fiberglass for putty is popular. At the same time accessible and quality material. They can be glued to the ceiling, and in this case the reinforcing properties will be fully manifested.


But glass wallpaper still has disadvantages, and these are:

  • This wallpaper can only be glued perfectly smooth surfaces, which must be carefully prepared before this: cleaned, puttyed and reinforced with a large mesh;
  • It is necessary to glue glass wallpaper only with special glue, and the price of wallpaper glue is high, which can negatively affect the budget if you need to carry out repairs in a large room.

As for fears that such wallpaper is harmful to health, they are not justified, because glass wallpaper has nothing in common with glass wool.

Moreover, this type of wallpaper is environmentally friendly, non-toxic and hypoallergenic and can provide an ideal microclimate in any room. From positive characteristics It is also worth noting their fire safety.

Glass wallpaper comes in various structures, and the most commonly used decors are diamond, matting and herringbone. With good imagination and Money you can always buy original glass wallpaper from designer drawing. In addition, you can order your own drawing, although it will cost a little more.