Modern wallpapering. How to beautifully hang wallpaper in the living room: original solutions for your interior. Panel or decorative insert

Before wallpapering, you need to understand the combination of colors, patterns and structures. This is the only way to achieve harmony in design. How to avoid making mistakes when arranging wallpaper in the living room, bedroom and other rooms - more on this below.

Variety of materials - what kind of wallpaper is there, and where is the best place to glue it?

Manufacturers of modern wallpaper are trying to surprise, offering not only interesting design solutions, colors and images, but also new manufacturing materials. Products made exclusively from paper are the most affordable and do not require special preparation when gluing walls. The canvases do not emit harmful substances and are environmentally friendly, allowing the walls to “breathe”. Smooth textures prevail various colors y solutions, but there are also options with structural relief. Paper wallpaper are susceptible to moisture, easily fade in the sun and absorb odors. For this reason, the place for their use is the nursery and bedroom, less often the hall or living room.

Non-woven wallpaper is made from nonwoven fabric, which gives strength to the canvas. If the wallpaper is made exclusively from non-woven fabric (combined ones are often found), then they are completely harmless and at the same time wear-resistant, allowing you to hide small cracks. The fabric does not shrink, is not afraid of short-term exposure to water and is highly breathable. For gluing, a special glue is used, which is applied directly to the wall. This finish is most often used in living rooms.

Vinyl wallpapers are produced on a paper or non-woven basis, on top of which foamed vinyl is applied. This material allows you to create rich textures or can be completely smooth (silk-screen printing). Such wallpaper can be washed, it does not fade in the sun, and some models can be washed up to a dozen times. However, along with these advantages, vinyl options have a significant disadvantage - they are airtight, so they are not recommended for use in the bedroom or children's room. But for the kitchen or hallway they will be just right.

Fabrics made from natural plant materials such as seaweed, reed, and jute are very popular. The basis is usually paper. Their price is quite high, so in order to save Money they are used in combined finishing. The canvases also have other disadvantages characteristic of natural materials– they are afraid of water, fade easily, and are highly susceptible to mechanical wear. On the other hand, they are environmentally friendly and suitable for all living spaces.

Fiberglass wallpaper is made using the weaving method from fiberglass. The material is very durable and wear-resistant. They are produced in white with a characteristic texture, the choice of which, unfortunately, is not very rich. As a rule, this is a herringbone, matting, zigzag. Although manufacturers are actively working on the release of new structures, such options can rarely be found on the shelves of construction stores. Wallpaper is used to be painted with latex or water-based paints. Excellent for finishing walls in buildings subject to shrinkage. The material is environmentally friendly, non-allergenic, in addition, it is not afraid of water and is non-flammable.

Fabric wallpaper is available on paper or non-woven base. Natural components (cotton, linen, silk) are used as the top layer, although synthetics can sometimes be used. The canvases have good aesthetic qualities, they are natural and allow you to create unique interiors, however, they have low wear resistance characteristics, are afraid of moisture and are expensive.

Recommendations for combinations - how to highlight zones in a room?

To prevent the room from looking dull and boring, it is recommended to add color accents. This effect can be achieved by adding multi-colored pieces of furniture, or you can use a simpler and more proven method - a combination of two types of wallpaper. Such option will do both for living rooms and kitchens or corridors. Methods for gluing wallpaper can be very different, because it all depends on your taste preferences.

Before gluing two types of wallpaper, you need to understand what effect you want to achieve. The fact is that right choice textures, patterns, colors and other aspects will help to visually push the boundaries, highlight functional areas or correct flaws in the finishing. The right combination will give the room coziness, fill the room with light, create conditions for relaxation or, conversely, active work. The transition between materials can be decorated using moldings or textures can be selected in such a way as to level out the joints.

Bright decoration is usually done in the area of ​​the sofa, TV, and fireplace. Recommended this one quite well design move when pasting the wall at the head of the bed. In this case, the rest of the room should be covered with a plain material of soft, discreet tones so that the eyes do not get tired of the abundance of colors and textures. If you want to create something extraordinary, innovative ideas for wallpapering can always be found in design magazines that reflect latest trends fashion trends.

By combining products of different textures and colors, you can correct minor imperfections, such as uneven walls. To do this it is enough to do color accent on a flat wall, and this place will immediately attract attention, and flaws in the neighborhood will become invisible. In addition, with the help of embossed materials you can disguise more serious flaws that will not be noticeable under a convex pattern. Pasting two types of wallpaper can help visually change the geometry of the room. To do this you need to paste over big wall bright canvases, this effect will visually distance it, creating the impression of volume.

We glue combined wallpapers - what to combine with what?

Exist various options wallpapering walls. Manufacturers made the selection work easier and began to produce special series, which present ready-made combinations. Thanks to this solution, the issue of arranging different collections is no longer an urgent issue. Before purchasing, be sure to ask the seller to unroll the rolls and attach them to the wall to understand whether you like this combination or not. If you yourself are engaged in the selection of wallpaper different manufacturers and textures, we will tell you about some rules that will help transform the interior.

If you have low ceilings, choose collections that have vertical stripes or upward floral patterns. Color does not play a special role, but the brighter the main pattern, the more subdued the background should be. A horizontal strip will expand the space of the room. The large format of the picture looks good in large rooms. In modest-sized rooms, it is worth choosing smaller patterns of a simple nature, otherwise the interior can “put pressure” on a person, creating a feeling of isolation.

There is a simple rule for wallpapering and arranging wallpaper: the smaller and darker the room, the lighter and more unobtrusive the pattern on the canvases should be. If you need to fill the room with light, the wall opposite the window is covered with light wallpaper.

How to create a beautiful finish - interesting solutions

A win-win option for gluing two types of wallpaper in the hall is a combination of stripes with plain wallpaper. In this case, the alternation can be different: 1:1, 2:1, etc. It is important to understand that the wider the stripes, the more canvases need to be combined into one pattern. Similarly, the striped pattern can be replaced floral ornament. It is even allowed to alternate large and small patterns. Choosing structural wallpaper, try to ensure that the thickness of the different strips matches, forming flat surface without pronounced joints.

If you want to bring creativity into the room, the options for wallpapering two types can be much more original. It is not necessary to join the strips vertically - this can be horizontal combination or diagonal gluing. Nobody forbids you to cover a room by creating a zigzag pattern from the canvases. Judging by the reviews, wallpapering a room in a patchwork style looks good. To do this, you need to cut from different types of wallpaper (at least two) geometric figures and stick them in random order. Square flaps are most common.

The combination of matte and glossy surfaces looks beautiful. Especially if you use canvases with metal coating. Yes, there are some. For their production, thin plates of aluminum are used, which when printed gives a metallic sheen. It is not necessary to use ordinary colors in this situation. You can combine and plant patterns, and monograms, and inserts with cartoon characters will look great in children's rooms.

What types of original wallpaper will look great in the hallway? It is worth paying attention to the horizontal combination. To do this, the bottom is covered with dark-colored or striped wallpaper, and the top is reserved for light-colored wallpaper. They can be either plain or with a floral pattern. The joint between different canvases can be finished with molding. As an option, a change of accents is allowed - the bottom is pasted over with a light color, and the top with a more saturated color. This technique also has its place and looks very original.

Don't forget about the possibilities in the room. Modern wallpaper is high-quality compositions on a non-woven basis or in the form of self-adhesive sheets. The same applies to frescoes - canvases that imitate the technique of painting an image. Such material will be quite expensive, but the effect of its use is worth it.

A properly and tastefully decorated room in an apartment or house will delight guests and owners every time. After all, the first impression of your home depends on this room. This is where you spend most of your time, relaxing with your family, watching TV and welcoming guests.

Create the most comfortable, bright, stylish and bright interior hall is not an easy task, so if you don’t have time and financial opportunities choose a special design, try using some original ideas which will be discussed in this article.


It doesn’t matter what wallpaper you choose or how you glue it, the main thing is that you need to do it extremely carefully. Mistakes are forgivable when wallpapering in a bedroom or hallway, but not in the “heart” of the apartment, where family evenings and meetings with friends take place. To avoid mistakes at work, it is worth remembering some tips.

Wallpapering a room means that you will encounter various difficult areas in the form of radiators, switches, and sockets. Corners are also not the most pleasant places to mess with.

Choose wallpaper with a small pattern for gluing. If the canvases have a large pattern, or the distance between the patterns is decent, then the material consumption will be much greater, because it will go away when adjusting.

Once you have laid out the wallpaper, measured the length, compared whether the pattern matches, be sure to number them to avoid installation in the wrong sequence. You should start gluing wallpaper from the window, it doesn’t matter - from the left or right side, as it is convenient for you. To properly paste wallpaper in a corner, it is necessary that the canvas extends onto the next wall no more than 30 mm. If more, cut off the excess.

When it comes to outlets and switches, you will need to unscrew them for convenience. When gluing the fabric to a socket or switch, make two small diagonal cuts in this place. Then carefully trim a small section of the wallpaper, leaving a small overlap. It can be neatly tucked under the housing of sockets or switches. Once you have dealt with this, you can safely screw on the fasteners.

Do not forget to turn off the electricity in the apartment during this time.

With batteries, things are a little more complicated. Although, if you use ingenuity and cunning, you can cope with wallpapering very easily, without errors. Starting from the top of the battery and to the bottom of the canvas, you need to make several cuts diagonally. This will allow you to manage your wallpaper the way you want. And the seams behind the battery will not be noticeable and will not damage it in any way. appearance rooms.

If you have completed pasting the hall, then you can safely move on to next room or arrange furniture and enjoy the renovation.

Master class on correct gluing wallpaper see below.

Which ones to choose?

Today there are many options for wallpaper for living room walls, and even the cheapest wallpaper samples can look beautiful and stylish. However, there are many points that should be taken into account when choosing this finishing material.

Vinyl, bamboo, metal, textile and others are considered durable and high-quality wallpaper. The main thing is to remember that there are no absolutely ideal rolled sheets; they can all have their drawbacks. Thanks to their diversity, you can choose those that will suit all your requirements:

  • Paper Wallpaper belongs to the category of light and cheap materials. They are enough to just cover a room. But they don’t hide surface imperfections and quickly lose their “freshness.”
  • Non-woven Wallpaper can also be purchased at a reasonable price. They have good heat and sound insulation. Hides uneven walls.
  • Particularly popular now photo wallpaper. The choice is quite varied, they look good and modern and, importantly, are sold at an affordable price.

  • Wallpaper for painting- very comfortable and practical option. They can freshen up your room. They can be painted more than once.
  • Vinyl Wallpaper is distinguished by its durability. They are moisture resistant and embossed. However, not everyone can afford such paintings. They contain expensive materials, which is reflected in the total cost of the wallpaper.
  • Textile Wallpaper is considered one of the most expensive. For their production they are used natural materials. Due to this, they have no joints on the walls.

To make it easier for you to understand which wallpaper samples are suitable specifically for your living room, You should follow a few simple rules:

  • it is necessary to take into account the parameters of the hall, such as the height of the ceiling, the width of the walls and even lighting, layout features, the style of the room, and your own character traits;
  • When choosing wallpaper for a room, you should take into account both your wishes and the position of the room relative to the cardinal directions. For northern and eastern rooms, warm and bright colors, if the room is located on the south and west side, then it is better to choose colors in cool shades;
  • the main thing is to decide what style of interior you like, and then select the pattern and type of wallpaper, taking into account the idea, design and decoration.

Remember that lighting and the location of windows in a room can also affect how a particular color will be perceived in the interior.

When choosing wallpaper, do not forget about the style and color of the furniture. If your furniture is dark in color, experts advise covering one or more walls with light-colored canvases, and others with dark ones. Contrast is a great technique that will always be in fashion.

Colors and prints

The color scheme that will become the main one in the room is almost completely determined by what the wall decor will be. It is worth remembering that it is better if the colors of the wallpaper are repeated in the interior, be it furniture, doors, floors, ceilings or decorative items.

The dominance of red, yellow and orange tones is considered warm, while the dominance of blue, cyan and lilac is considered cold. Most often it is advised not to combine warm and cold colors. It looks inharmonious; you are unlikely to feel comfortable being in this room.

It is better to try to combine cold and warm tones with neutral ones. As a last resort, the room should be decorated in only one color scheme.

Decorating walls with two different types of wallpaper in rich colors is also not worth it. It is better to combine bright and rich color with neutral. The same situation is with canvases that have a drawing on them. Here it is recommended to combine wallpaper with a calm and laconic design.

A small step away from the color you had in mind can change the overall picture for the worse. If you decide to decorate a room with two types of wallpaper, then, if possible, purchase them in the same store so that you can immediately and accurately select harmoniously combined textures and colors. The easiest way is to choose one type of wallpaper. Coloring at your discretion.

Wallpaper in light colors or with vertical stripe will help expand a small room with low ceiling. To avoid a cramped and oppressive environment in the room, you should not use wallpaper with large contrasting patterns. There is no need to worry that the room will look boring. Remember, classics will never go out of style.

Large rooms can be decorated with both light and dark wallpaper. Light colors are emphasized free space, dark shades will provide the opportunity to visually reduce the room to a more comfortable size.

The hall is the room where you relax, meet guests and spend most of your time. Therefore, you should not decorate the room with shades that contradict each other. For example, combine bright red and blue or pink and yellow. Combinations of beige and brown, red and white, gray and blue are good for the living room. These colors will create maximum comfort in the interior.

Remember that you need to take the choice of wallpaper as seriously as possible. It is worth considering both your preferences and the advice of experts:

  • It is better to decorate a small living room in pastel colors. For example, mint, lavender or pink color;
  • for a cool living room, apricot, strawberry, peach tone wallpaper These colors will help create a cozy and warming atmosphere.

Just remember that warm colors can visually make a space appear smaller.

  • if the living room is different in its high temperature, then aquamarine, pale blue, mint or lilac color of the paintings would be appropriate here;
  • southern, eastern, southwestern and southeastern rooms look good in classic shades of gray, blue and light blue;
  • Mother-of-pearl, silver, and gold colors look expensive and stylish;
  • Green, burgundy, and cherry colors will look good in the room. They will give a special atmosphere and add brightness.

Prints and wallpaper will help you decorate your living room and make it special. Now you can print on any surface, including wallpaper. And there are so many options that you don’t have to figure it out yourself. Today, the most popular wallpaper designs are animal, floral and newspaper prints. However, it is better to decorate only one wall with a bright floral print, otherwise it will merge into one large pattern and will not become the highlight of your room.

You can decorate your room the way you want. You can glue paintings in any style or posters of celebrities to the walls. IN Lately Stickers and vinyl decals have become popular.


The popularity of this method of pasting walls, such as combination, is becoming more and more popular:

  • First of all, it's fashionable now.
  • Secondly, you can cover one room with different types of wallpaper in case you don’t decide on one color.
  • Thirdly, you can divide the space into several zones.

Nowadays, many people connect the living room with the dining area. Zoning the room is very important here. By combining different wallpapers, you can separate the kitchen from the living room or the living room from the bedroom if one room is used both as a bedroom and as a meeting place for guests.

The use of wallpaper is the most common finishing option.

Over time, manufacturers produce materials that are more and more original in design, but despite this, interior design using only one type of wallpaper is gradually fading into the background.

Today, combinations of wallpaper with different types of texture or pattern are considered a sign of modern style, especially in the interior of a hall or living room, since these rooms are considered the main ones in the apartment.

Achieve creation cozy atmosphere When gluing two types of wallpaper in a room, it can be difficult, so it’s better to plan in advance how your walls will look.

If you are not confident in your design abilities, we recommend that you find out from the photo how to hang two types of wallpaper in the room, and also learn about common approaches to combining according to the recommendations of specialists.

Effects of combining wallpaper

How to glue a hall different wallpapers, photo

Before you start hanging new wallpaper in your living room, decide what effect you plan to achieve. Depending on the size of the room and its main purpose, possible combinations will differ.

For example, wallpaper with a more expressive design, concentrated in one of the zones of such a room, will highlight the main accents in the interior. This decorative effect is especially popular in the area where the TV or fireplace is located.

Advice: if you plan to create accents using dark or bright wallpaper– decorate the remaining walls in a calm palette that will balance the expressive atmosphere in the room.

How to beautifully hang two types of wallpaper in the living room, photo

A competent combination of two different types of wallpaper will ensure zoning of the living room. Enough emphasize color transitions on the walls– and you can highlight a sleeping area, an area for reading or working, etc. This technique is popular among owners of modern studio apartments, where the living room is combined with a kitchen.

Thanks to different options for combining wallpaper in the living room, it becomes possible masking surface imperfections. For example, due to separate inserts of embossed wallpaper, you can hide uneven walls from view.

Another effect of the combination is correction of room shape deficiencies. For narrow room you can choose wallpapers of light and dark shades that harmonize with each other: when you hang wallpaper of rich colors on long walls, you can visually distance them from each other, and the room will seem more spacious.

Don’t forget about the most important effect of wallpaper combinations – decorative.

The combination of different materials is a great opportunity to make a room more stylish and highlight your taste.

Moreover, wallpaper can be selected in such a way as to save on expensive finishing - and at the same time create an interior that will look no worse than rooms decorated by designers.

Wallpaper of two types in the hall, photo

Nuances of combining materials

Combining wallpaper is not so difficult, especially since consultants will help you immediately select materials that are in harmony with each other. But, since only you know about the features of your room, you will have to make the decision about the characteristics of the canvas yourself.

Focus on following rules combinations:

Advice: If you have difficulty combining shades, but want to diversify your design with two different types of wallpaper, stick photo wallpapers that include several colors at once against the background of light walls.

Many manufacturers produce wallpaper, having previously provided for the possibility of combining them in a residential interior. Therefore, pay attention to new collections: often the wallpapers in them are pre-matched to each other not only in color, but also in texture.

Combination ideas

There are several win-win options for gluing two types of wallpaper in the room:

Please note that different techniques can be implemented simultaneously to make the interior even more interesting.

Each method of combining two wallpapers involves creating stylish accents in a hall or living room, but if you find such methods too complicated, use the simplest one: glue the second type of wallpaper to the entire surface of the wall that will be the main wall in the room.

Combinations of shades and patterns

The design of the sticker depends on many factors. Firstly, both the brightness of the colors and the size of the patterns must be chosen based on the area of ​​the room. In a cramped room, wallpaper should be as light as possible and include only small prints.

Secondly, in the choice combined wallpaper The psychological aspect plays an important role.

Each selected shade should emphasize cozy atmosphere, so experts recommend giving preference pastel colors. And here accents in combinations can be made brighter and more expressive: this will emphasize the desired dynamics and solemnity of the interior.

Remember! The wallpaper style should correspond to the chosen design direction. For modern styles, choose something calmer and neutral, for classics - wallpaper with large flowing patterns, for Provence and country - checkered or floral prints.

The most common patterns used in wallpaper combinations are classic, floral and geometric patterns. All of them are perfectly combined with plain materials or wallpaper with thin stripes.

Design of combined wallpaper for the living room, photo

A popular solution in modern interiors is combining patterned wallpaper with photo wallpaper and imitation materials. For example, floral motifs can be combined with landscapes or wallpaper stylized as wood. A brickwork harmonizes perfectly with abstraction - this is one of the signs of the loft style.

Wallpaper with accent patterns should not be glued close to each other.. If this is a vertical combination, consider maintaining a decent distance between the bright inserts, where wallpaper with a calmer design will be pasted.

As for horizontal combinations, it is important to choose the right color and pattern. The lower part of the walls is most often made darker and monochromatic. IN classic style It is allowed to use striped wallpaper. The upper zone can be both light and bright (depending on the size of the room): it is often decorated floral motifs or geometric patterns.

A few words about combining textured wallpaper

When deciding how to hang two types of wallpaper in the room, pay attention to their textures. If this is textured wallpaper intended for plain coloring, there will be no difficulties in combining it.

Advice: Wallpaper that is glued next to each other should have a similar thickness, otherwise you will have to look for ways to disguise pronounced joints.

Pasting two types of wallpaper in the living room, photo

Textured wallpaper on a textile basis is a good option for a living room from a design point of view. But in practice this material is quite capricious, and in combination with regular wallpaper doesn't always look good. Therefore, most often textile coverings are used to create inserts in the form of patterned panels on free walls: to decorate them you will need moldings or a finished frame.

Combined with most textured wallpaper Liquid wallpaper will look good. But vinyl and non-woven materials must be selected based on the relief pattern.

In modern interiors, embossed wallpaper with classical ornaments, floristry, abstraction, stripes and small strokes. If a large section of the walls is decorated with this type of wallpaper, you should not select a relief pattern for the remaining surfaces.

Advice: When combining vinyl and non-woven materials, do not forget that such canvases adhere differently to the surface of the walls. Use universal glue or select a special one for each of the selected materials.

Pasting two types of wallpaper in the living room: design, photo

Now you know how to beautifully hang two types of wallpaper in the living room: by choosing different shades and textures, this room can be made bright and festive or, conversely, calm and relaxing.

Select suitable materials for combinations with your loved ones and turn one of the ideas shown in the photo into reality.

Photo gallery

One of the latest trends in interior design is the use different colors on the walls. This technique allows you to diversify the design and focus attention on some part of the room. To correct planning deficiencies, different patterns in the same color scheme are used. All these techniques work perfectly with wallpaper: they have different textures, colors, drawings. Moreover, the result can be assessed in advance by rolling out two rolls side by side on the wall. That is why wallpapering of two types is increasingly popular: it is modern and gives the opportunity to make rooms interesting.

Rules for combining wallpaper and textures

In such a matter as design, one cannot do without rules, and even more so when combining colors, patterns and textures. In order for wallpapering of two types to look harmonious, it is necessary to take into account whole line parameters.

Ceiling height

It is this characteristic of the room that dictates the choice of the type of pattern, and also largely determines the texture and color. If the ceiling height is less than 2.5 m, use wallpaper in light colors, without a rough texture, with a small pattern. If the ceilings are very low, a combination of a light main background with a faint texture or pattern, vertical stripes (a pattern, or just canvases of a different color) that can be located on one wall, but it is better to distribute them over two or even three, can correct the situation.

Vertical stripes “raise” the ceiling

High ceilings - from 3 m and above - require a radically different approach. Here, on the contrary, it is necessary large drawing, stretched wide. You can use horizontal wall divisions using different colors in the top and bottom halves (see more below). To make this design look modern - this is still a classic technique - you need to put a lot of effort into choosing colors and/or patterns.

Room dimensions

In addition to height and width, we pay attention to geometry. First, to the square. If the room is large, you can use more saturated or darker shades. This will visually reduce the dimensions. If plain dark walls If you are not happy, find dark-colored wallpaper with a light, large pattern. As a rule, these are plant motifs, abstraction or geometry are also found.

In small rooms, everything is definitely the opposite: use light colors. If it has a texture, then it is not large; the pattern is small, not very clearly expressed.

Secondly, we pay attention not to geometry. If the room is long and narrow. In this case, the situation will be saved by gluing two types of wallpaper: lighter ones are glued to short walls, and some of them “go around” the corner. This way the geometry is visually aligned.

There is another technique that is used if the entrance to narrow room is located on one of long sides. Then it’s worth highlighting the middle of the opposite wall with a different color, pasting the corners with the same wallpaper that is intended for short ones. The perception of the room will change significantly: it will no longer seem so long.

Selecting a texture

In general, gluing two types of wallpaper requires careful selection of the texture and thickness of the canvas. When combining, it is advisable to use the same type of panels. If the joining occurs only in the corners, then the thickness and texture can be special attention Don't worry: you still won't see much in a place like this. But if the connection of the canvases is on a flat wall, then the difference in thickness will only emphasize the transition. It usually looks too exaggerated.

One more moment. If you still decide to glue the canvases different types, you need to use the appropriate glue for them. For example, for wallpaper on a non-woven basis, you have your own - on paper - your own. The same applies to the coating - for vinyl and structured canvases there is a different type, for acrylic - another. Don't want to fool your head? Buy a universal one. There are such compositions.

Light or dark

If the room is too bright, or the interior turns out to be too monotonous, it is not necessary to use dark wallpaper on all the walls. You can cover the wall opposite the window dark, let the rest be light. As a result, the room will not be very bright, and you will get rid of the oppressive atmosphere that dark walls create.

This technique works the other way around: to brighten a room, just hang canvases light color on the wall opposite the window. It will become much lighter.

How to compose

There are several techniques for gluing two types of wallpaper, which can be used “in their pure” form or combined two or three at a time. It is important to have a good idea of ​​what exactly you want to achieve.

Vertical combination

Probably everyone knows that vertical stripes give visual increase ceiling height. Moreover, the stripes do not have to be regular. IN modern interpretation One wall may have striped wallpaper, while the rest may be plain-painted or have a dim, barely noticeable pattern.

But this is not always the case. You can distribute vertical stripes on different walls. Moreover, they can be regular - repeated at regular intervals. As you can see in the photo, the interval is different walls may be different.

The stripes can be different - in color or pattern. The texture of this combination of wallpaper should be the same, otherwise you will get an incomprehensible jumble. For such a combination, it is easiest to work with one collection. The fact is that most campaigns release several designs that combine with each other. As a rule, they are available in several colors. One collection has two or three plain backgrounds and several options with patterns.

You can see an example of using three wallpapers from one collection in the photos below and above. The combination is almost perfect - they were tested for compatibility many times before starting production. By the way, in most of the other photographs, wallpapers are also combined from the same collection. It’s just that it’s very difficult to combine different textures normally.

When combining vertically, there is another interesting technique that allows you to make the ceiling higher. One of the stripes “extends” to the ceiling. At the same time, the transition boundary is blurred, which gives a feeling of greater volume.

To make the principle of the stripes a little clearer, we present several options in graphic representation. The drawings are made as if viewed from above.

This win-win options, which will always “play” when choosing paintings from one collection. If you need a guarantee that wallpapering two types will be effective, use one of these schemes. This wall design has been tested thousands of times, and every time the result is excellent.

Horizontal division

A technique that can be considered a design classic. It has been used for a long time, but with the current abundance of colors and textures it has acquired a completely new meaning. This technique is more often used in rooms with small area, but with high ceilings. Horizontal division of the room helps to remove the “well” effect. It could just be a horizontal strip that encircles the room. It is often tied to the height of the window sills, but in general it is carried out when dividing the plane into three parts and can be located in the lower or upper third.

This rule is often violated: sometimes the strip is made at eye level and some decorative elements are hung at this level. It often looks very good. This technique is often found when

The division zone can also extend at the top. Traditionally, the lower part is designed in a more dark colors, the top one is lighter. But this rule is also broken. An example is in the photo below.

Traditional options for combining two types of companion wallpaper with horizontal division:

  • bottom (1/3) - striped wallpaper. top - smoothly painted or with a small pattern;
  • bottom - 1/3 - in a small pattern, top - large monograms or plain ones;
  • 2/3 at the bottom is a large pattern - monochromatic at the top.

Traditional pasting with horizontal division is one of the options


Wallpaper of different colors in one room is also used if it is necessary to emphasize zoning. For example, in studio apartments, different functional areas are divided in this way: dining and relaxation.

The same principle can be applied in a nursery. In this case, gluing two types of wallpaper serves to separate the play area, bed, and table. The same applies if there are two children in the nursery. This is only possible if there is no competition between them, otherwise the number conflict situations may increase.

With this combination, the use of different textures is allowed. But separating them with moldings is used very rarely. They try to either join in the corners, or choose wallpaper so that the joint does not look provocative.

Panel or decorative insert

Different wallpapers have been glued in one room for a long time, only once they were made of fabric, and they were decorated in “frames” because they were very expensive and were accessible only to the upper class. Since those times, it has become a custom: gluing two types of wallpaper in the form of a panel. And today classic interiors are decorated in this way, using silk-screen printing, embossed or textured options for insertion.

If the style allows, elements of a different color are framed from. This design option fits perfectly into classic interiors or Provence and country styles.

A similar panel is also possible in more modern styles - Art Nouveau, for example. But then the frame can be made from a border of the same color - from the same collection, or cut from the “body” of wallpaper.

Another option is to paste it into a niche. In this case, the design and texture are selected according to the style, as well as other designs.

And in this case, it is best to use wallpaper from the same collection. A professional decorator will select them based on experience or using instinct, but amateurs may not succeed. If you don't want to take risks, use one collection.

Color accents

There are two principles for using this technique. The first is to divert attention from some element that you consider unsightly. For example, uneven walls. In some apartments they may be sloping. To prevent the eye from clinging to this fact, the opposite wall is highlighted with wallpaper of a different color, with or without a pattern. It is important that they attract attention.

The second technique is gluing two types of wallpaper to attract attention to some object in the interior. In bedrooms this is often either the bed or the opposite wall. Here who wants to emphasize something (). In kitchens, a table is often allocated - thus forming dining area. This is partly zoning, partly accent. Still, attention is diverted from the kitchen area.

Accenting a wall near a piece of furniture is an interesting way to hang wallpaper in two colors

The actual accent can be not only a vertically directed strip, although this option is more common: our rooms do not have high ceilings, so any means are good. IN high room the accent can be a wide horizontal stripe - or some part of the wall, as in the photo below.

Two steps at once: and different colors, and different textures

Some rooms have ledges load-bearing walls or niches. Often they try to disguise them. There is absolutely no need to do this. By highlighting this area with wallpaper of a different color, it can be turned into an architectural highlight that will add individuality to the room.

Wallpapering two types: protruding “remnants” of load-bearing walls can be turned into an asset

In general, the options for hanging wallpaper of different colors in one room are endless. Choose what you like best, and so that it is more ideas, below there is a whole section with different photos.

Wallpapering two types: photo ideas

Stripes are combined not only with plain surfaces, but also with patterns. It is important that the interior is in the same colors

Bright heels in a monotonous interior - perfect option for gluing other types of wallpaper

In the photo, different wallpapers in one room were chosen well, the color is also repeated in textiles

Zoning using different colors is a proven method

Remove the “trailer” effect by breaking up a long wall with a partition and covering it with eye-catching wallpaper.

Vertical stripes “raise” the ceiling

Arbitrary division of the wall is another interesting approach

The accent is a burgundy wall. Definitely attracts attention

Wallpaper for walls is a very flexible finishing material that gives you the opportunity to dream up and get creative from the heart. They are used not only as the main decoration of walls, but also for accentuation, decoration, and improvement. Wallpaper helps create the desired mood, highlight required areas, create visual effects. Wallpaper can be used in different ways: on the entire wall or on small area, whole strips or pieces, one sheet or several.

Wallpaper creativity, among other things, allows you to save money. Stores often sell leftover wallpaper at bargain prices. You can buy interesting samples for pennies and arrange them together. For some people, this turns into a hobby: they buy wallpaper one roll at a time and use it not for basic finishing, but for design and decoration. Fortunately, many ways have been invented, and here are just some of them.

1. One vertical stripe

This is a pretty bold move. Used to add a touch of color or theme to the interior. Creates external diversity, eliminates smooth plain wall from visual emptiness. Wallpaper is preferable to bright, active ones.

2. Several vertical stripes in different areas

Single stripes can be located at a distance from each other or even on different walls. This technique helps to emphasize or indicate symmetry. For example, stripes can be glued on both sides of a sofa, bed, or closet.

3. Combination of different wallpapers on one sheet

The composition of different wallpapers is spectacular and very unusual. It is recommended to combine wallpaper sheets that have something in common. For example, only pastels or only saturated ones, etc. You can take different wallpapers with the same background color.

Usually two to four sheets are combined, thereby creating a small accent piece behind the sofa or bed.

But sometimes a series of different wallpapers are applied across the entire wall or only along its lower side. If you have managed to put together a luxurious wallpaper collection, why not go all out?

4. Wallpaper patchwork

Another option for collectors. If you have accumulated a fair amount of different wallpaper, you can turn a wall or a fragment of it into a “patchwork quilt”.

This design method is most suitable for vintage and “shabby” interiors (country, Provence, shabby chic). But if desired, suitable design wallpaper can fit patchwork into a modern setting.

5. Wallpaper panels and imitation panels

This is a popular and very common option for wall decor. The method involves gluing wallpaper fragments to the wall and then framing them. To create frames, moldings or strips made of wood, polyurethane, plastic, and aluminum are used. Framed wallpaper may look like decorative panel or as classic panels.

Wallpaper panels and false panels are an inexpensive and easily implemented technique that allows you to bring into the interior classic features and quickly refresh the situation without a global remodel.

6. Wallpaper friezes

The interior frieze is a wide border located under the ceiling. Internal friezes are typical for classic, traditional interiors, but they are often found in modern design. With the help of a frieze you can visually reduce excessive high ceiling and visually expand the room.

Friezes can be applied (for example, plaster or wood) and imitated. They imitate friezes by applying paint or gluing wallpaper. Wallpaper friezes are especially interesting and expressive. They can become a real decoration and highlight of the interior.

7. Wallpaper sheets are not end to end, but at a distance

This technique allows you to be a little original and save a little on wallpaper - it costs significantly less than with classic continuous wallpapering of walls. The pitch between the wallpaper can be narrow or wide, up to the width of the wallpaper sheet.

Unfortunately, you won’t be able to save a lot, because you will have to spend money on paint for basic surface preparation - the gaps between the wallpaper must be ideal. However, instead of paint, you can use simple plain wallpaper that reproduces the texture of a painted wall.

8. Eye-catching wallpaper on the ceiling

Light-colored wallpapers are glued to the ceiling quite often, but colorful samples with patterns or ornaments are almost never found here. It looks unusual and impressive. The ceiling, covered with expressive wallpaper, persistently attracts attention and has a a huge impact on the perception of the interior. Walls and floors with such a ceiling should be restrained and calm.

9. Wallpaper in niches

Wall and furniture niches “play” in a new way, being highlighted with color or pattern. They deepen, become isolated, and acquire “character.”

If there are several niches in the room, you can decorate them with different wallpapers. This will not only enliven the situation, but also zone it.

Sometimes the niches of the shelving are covered with different wallpapers. Furniture a la patchwork (with niches, drawers and doors of various colors) is very relevant today. Such items are accent pieces, so the rest of the furniture adjacent to the “patchwork” should be “quiet and modest.”