DIY bedroom renovation. Where to start renovating a bedroom: preparation, first steps. Designers highlight a number of other useful recommendations

Comfortable sleep and mood the next day will depend on how the bedroom is furnished. If you're considering a bedroom renovation, check out how to create your own personal oasis of peace that will last for years to come. See how to make informed decisions when choosing materials and finish colors. And analysis of the actual estimate will help you imagine estimated cost of this event.

Bedroom renovation - planning

This room actually has many functions. This is a place to sleep, a place to store things and, often, a study. Therefore, when starting a bedroom renovation, it is necessary to think through design elements, layout and functionality in advance.

What to pay attention to:

  • decide what size the bed will be and where it will be located in order to properly place the sockets for the bedside tables.
  • You should immediately clearly know where the TV will be - so that you can install 4-5 sockets there and run the TV cable
  • if there is a desktop, you will also need a block of sockets with an internet cable for it

How to make a ceiling in the bedroom

Everything is of course subjective and depends on personal preferences. To get an overall picture, let's look at all the most common modern options completing the ceiling during renovation in the bedroom.

Plastering with painting

Here's to mine personal view just flat, white plaster ceilings with painting the best option for the bedroom. I think the ceiling in the bedroom should not draw attention to itself. In addition, it must “breathe”. Therefore, the use of several levels, lighting, and glossy surfaces does not seem entirely appropriate for this room.

From plasterboard

The use of plasterboard ceiling construction when renovating an apartment is justified in several cases:

  • when there are floor defects that are not advisable to level with plaster
  • when there is a desire to make several levels of the ceiling, build in lamps, and install communications behind them (electrical, ventilation)

Plasterboard construction can be combined with a stretch ceiling.

Look at the photo successful examples plasterboard ceiling in the bedroom.


Stretch ceiling is a stretched ceiling on an aluminum frame or plastic profile, canvas made of vinyl film (PVC) or fabric.

Since this material is newer than previous versions, I will dwell on it in more detail.

From user reviews, the following advantages and disadvantages of suspended ceilings follow:

Advantages of suspended ceilings

  • Subjectively I like the look
  • Durability (30 years or more)
  • Create flawlessly flat surface
  • Quickly installed
  • Glossy, visually increase the height of the room
  • Coping with flooding from above (holding water)

Disadvantages of suspended ceilings

  • Dear
  • At first there is a smell
  • Seam - width PVC tapes(European) up to 2.7 m, if necessary it is welded
  • Chandeliers must be selected with reflectors
  • Afraid of sharp objects
  • If you decide to install a suspended ceiling - only take quality material and normal installers;
  • If the smell does not disappear for more than a week, then call the experts and have them change the film
  • Check material certificates (fire safety and hygiene). There you can also see the country of origin of the material.
  • The more angles and arcuate bends there are, the more expensive the suspended ceiling will be (by 30 percent)
  • Matte PVC ceilings more versatile for interior use.

Look at selected photos of the stretch ceiling in the bedroom

Bedroom walls decoration and decoration

  • Light colors expand the space, dark colors do the opposite.
  • Natural and natural colors are preferred
  • You should not use more than 5-6 different colors in a room; it will create a variegated effect. This does not apply to shades of the same color - they can be used without restrictions.
  • The more colors you use, the softer they should be.
  • In order to choose the best interaction of colors with each other (including the interaction of walls with furniture, curtains, etc.) - use a color calculator

Consider the following color combinations, as in the photo:

How to make a floor in the bedroom

The load on the floor covering in the bedroom is low (significantly lower, for example, than in the hallway or kitchen), so there is no need to use the hardest coverings (tiles, laminate). Take a closer look at these natural coatings like cork boards and parquet - they will add comfort.

What to look for when selecting coverage

  • parquet is certainly preferable to parquet boards
  • parquet boards may be susceptible to scratches. Relevant when the family has small children or pets
  • wooden floors are better made from hard wood (ash, Canadian maple, oak)
  • If cork board, then only adhesive (not locking) and varnished
  • Underfloor heating only makes sense during short off-season periods. The rest of the time it is not particularly used in the bedroom.

Dark or light floor

  • The main disadvantage of a dark floor is that it is less practical than a light one.
  • The main advantage of a dark floor is that it looks (subjectively) more beautiful
  • If the floor is dark, it is not monotonous. So that less specks are visible. Better even with light variegation.
  • The robot vacuum cleaner also works well with dark floors.

Having re-read the forums, I can say that the reviews about dark field much worse. That is, people made one for themselves and many regretted it. Mainly due to the fact that any dirt is easily visible on it (dust, crumbs, wool, stains) and therefore you have to wash it often.

Example of a dark floor

example of a light floor

Often, it is simply necessary to begin renovations in an apartment; the reasons may be completely different, but the purpose of such renovations is always the same. Renovation in a small bedroom is very difficult task, which you need to try to solve.

If everything is clear with the kitchen and bathroom, then with the bedroom everything is much, if not sadder, then very vague and serious. Since the bedroom is one of the special rooms in an apartment or house, there must be a special, tactful, thoughtful approach to its renovation.

It is no secret to most experts that even the most experienced designers Often they simply cannot make a design project for a bedroom, since such a place in the house is very difficult not only to renovate, but to choose the right design and color scheme. And what can we say about builders who simply don’t know where to start.

But still, some people think that renovations in a small bedroom should be entrusted exclusively to professionals and specialists in their field, who can competently carry out not only a design project, but also carry out the renovation itself.

Modern bedroom renovation

However, if for some reason you do not want to invite construction crews, then you yourself, using your theoretical knowledge and some skills, can make a beautiful renovation in the bedroom. After all, no one can guarantee that your family budget will be able to attract the services of skilled workers.

In order to start your planned business, you simply need a positive attitude, a few lessons from familiar specialists and, preferably, consultations with professionals. If you are new to this business, then it is better to start repairs not alone, but as a team, since knowledgeable people must and must help you resolve this serious issue. Inexpensive bedroom renovation photo:

So, before you start renovating a small bedroom, you need to ask yourself a few important questions:

  • How many people will use the bedroom for its intended purpose?
  • Where will the laundry be stored?
  • Will the bedroom perform exclusively its function, or will it also combine an office for work or just a place to relax?
  • Will there be a single or double bed in your bedroom?
  • Is there a plan to watch TV in the bedroom?

After you answer the questions, you can safely start organizing the bedroom itself. Modern bedroom renovation involves creating an ideal, cozy, spacious and functional room.

Since the bedroom is a place for relaxation, then for starters, you just need to take care of the heating first. If the bedroom is poorly heated, then you just need to change the radiators and insulate the floor. Since the bedroom simply must be as bright as possible, take care of new plastic windows. Ideas inexpensive repairs in the photo from 2018:

It is worth choosing finishing materials that are environmentally friendly and breathable, since a person spends most of his free time from work while at home in the bedroom.

It is worth noting that the textures and ranges of colors on this moment exist in huge quantities. But many experts argue that the most the best option, as a rule, is green color. Inexpensive bedroom renovation photo green bedroom option:

If we talk about renovations in a fairly small bedroom, then in no case should there be the use of dark colors, since dark shades visually reduce space.

When choosing wallpaper, paint and more, pay attention to the shade you choose. Remember, the brighter your bedroom, the better. Because harmony and comfort are achieved much faster.

If you are thinking about not painting the ceiling, but installing a stretch ceiling, then white is more suitable for these purposes. glossy ceiling. White color will be another plus to visually enlarge a particular space. Beautiful renovation in the bedroom also requires proper placement of mirrors.

Have you ever thought that in a small room it can fit very organically? lift bed? It will save space and highlight in a very original way. modern renovation your bedroom bedrooms. And things can be stored in convenient ways, using a wardrobe.

But if you want your bedroom to become more spacious and at the same time more comfortable, it’s enough to get rid of the clutter of various things everywhere. Resort to yourself ideal solution– remove all unnecessary things to other rooms, leaving the most necessary and necessary things in the bedroom. Ideas for inexpensive bedroom renovations are presented in this useful video:

You simply need to approach the decision of choosing a bed with all responsibility, simply because it is the most basic item in your bedroom. When choosing a bed, pay attention to the materials that were used in its manufacture, and also look for possible customer reviews.

As for the light in the bedroom, there is no need for excessive brightness. One of the most good decisions Regarding light, it will be the purchase of lamps with adjustable lighting. This is connected not so much with the creation of romance, but with the saving of light, which will be visible. A beautiful renovation in the bedroom will be made by spot lighting on the suspended ceiling and beautiful lamps at the head of the bed.

Don't forget about little tricks like light baseboards, ceiling levels and all the inconspicuous details. This way you can hide those details that should not stand out and visually the room will become more voluminous and larger.

Inexpensive renovations in a small bedroom can be done with your own hands in the shortest possible time, but you need a positive attitude and faith in the best. And then you will certainly succeed! I wish you inspiration and success in your renovation!

Healthy and restful sleep largely depends on the interior of the bedroom, as well as the materials from which the furniture and decorative elements are made. A process such as renovating a bedroom design, real photos of which are presented in the article, depends on whether it will be carried out in a small apartment or in a large area. This takes into account who it is intended for: a married couple; child or shared use. Renovating a 12 square meter room requires clear planning and careful selection of accessories. More spacious premises 15 or 16 square meters allow you to install more furniture and decorative elements.

Based on who the sleeping room is intended for, design features are distinguished:

  • a matrimonial bedroom with an area of ​​12 m2 must have cozy atmosphere, it is advisable not to create work corners, but to create an intimate atmosphere;
  • if a room of 15 or 16 m2 is planned for several children, then zoning must be done to create individual space for each;
  • a bachelor's bedroom can combine a relaxation and work area.

The dimensions of the bed have the greatest influence on the arrangement of furniture. Standard sizes 140x200 cm or 160x200 cm are suitable for a room of 15, 16 or even 12 square meters. A width of 140 cm is enough for spouses of average build; it is better to choose a product with a width of 160 cm for overweight ones. It is optimal if there is access to the bed from both sides. In a small room with an area of ​​12 meters, you can place the bed in the corner, then you can install a bedside table between it and the wall. If the area of ​​the room is 15, 16 square meters or more, then provide an area for changing clothes or reading, place dressing table, banquette, armchair. Various options for placing a bed in a Khrushchev building can be seen in the photo.

What finishing materials to choose

To have a sound sleep you need fresh air in the bedroom. Therefore, when choosing finishing materials it is recommended to give preference environmentally friendly materials. Suitable for decorating the walls of a sleeping room paper wallpaper or fabric sheets. Plastered walls in Khrushchev can be painted with your own hands using high-quality paints water based. You should not place wall hangings or tapestries in the apartment.

Carpets quickly accumulate dust, which can cause allergic reactions.

When renovating a bedroom, they often choose natural wood, parquet, parquet board. If the floors are heated, then you can combine wood with tiles. If desired, it is possible to put small fluffy bedside rugs that are easy to wash and clean with your own hands. It is better to refuse carpets and cheap laminate in a residential apartment.

Multi-level suspended or stretched ceilings are not suitable for a small room of 12 square meters. When finishing a plastered ceiling with your own hands inside such a room, choose water-dispersed paints and wallpaper for painting. In more spacious rooms in a Khrushchev building with an area of ​​15 or 16 meters, you can install single-level fabric stretch ceiling or plasterboard structures. A possible ceiling design for a bedroom is shown in the photo.

What color scheme should you use for the design?

The bedroom is intended for rest and relaxation, so bright flashy colors, glitter, and an abundance of decor have no place in it. For decoration, it is recommended to choose muted light colors which will have a calming effect.

If you plan to paint the walls of a small room with your own hands, then it is preferable to choose blue, purple, peach, pink shades. Glossy paint helps visual expansion space. Also, to decorate walls in Khrushchev, you can use plain light wallpaper or canvases with small patterns. A large pattern reduces space and is more suitable for a living room; this is taken into account when designing a bedroom.

If a sleeping room with an area of ​​12, 15, 16 square meters has elongated shape, then you can visually correct it by decorating a short wall in beige or peach color to create an approaching effect, and a long one in pastel cold colors.

When renovating a bedroom, furniture and other interior items, it is recommended to use light shades. Their design should be as simple as possible, which will create a feeling of free space.

It is important to maintain order in a small apartment to avoid clutter and visually make the room smaller.

Textile accessories, curtains, bedspreads should also not have a complex design. An abundance of ruffles and folds will look pretentious. Dark colors or large drawings will disrupt the harmony in a small sleeping room in a Khrushchev building.

Furniture design should suit general interior premises. When renovating a bedroom, it is recommended to choose at the design stage bedroom set. Different kinds beds can be seen in the photo.

To make optimal use of bedroom space in a small apartment, consider the following recommendations:

  • pieces of furniture should not occupy more than half of the bedroom space, so as not to create crowding;
  • Making the most of the space is possible by choosing a podium bed. Bottom drawers are used to store things and bedding. Installed nearby bedside tables;
  • It is recommended to store personal belongings inside the wardrobe. Manufacturers offer various types of cabinets, with glass or mirror sliding doors. Their design can be matched to any interior. The maximum height of the cabinet will provide the greatest capacity;
  • inside small apartments It is not recommended to install chests of drawers and cabinets. It is possible to replace them in Khrushchev bedside tables, built-in shelves with lighting and mirrors located along the height of the wall.

You can highlight your bed by choosing a model with a beautiful headboard. The decor is made with your own hands or a finished product is purchased.

How to choose lighting fixtures

When planning a bedroom renovation, you need to determine what lighting will be installed, where and in what quantity. During installation suspended ceiling wires made of plasterboard or tensioned from PVC film are placed at the stage of installing the frame; it will not be possible to add connection points for individual lamps afterwards. Decorate large chandeliers compact bedrooms are not recommended, even if the ceiling height is significant.It is better to choose a small product simple design or use several spotlights. Examples of ceiling design in the bedroom can be seen in the photo. If you need to read, work, or do handicrafts in the room, then install sconces or small floor lamps, lamps on the bedside tables. They can have bright contrasting colors and act as the main accents of the interior. Different kinds wall lamps are shown in the photo. You can hang a mirror not far from them.

Common decorating mistakes

The desire to decorate your bedroom as much as possible often leads to the fact that the room is not comfortable for rest and relaxation. Let's give typical mistakes when decorating:

  1. installations excess furniture clutters the room, makes it inconvenient to move;
  2. the mirror is hung opposite the bed or exit. This contradicts not only old traditions, but also the basics of Feng Shui;
  3. excessive decoration of walls with paintings and photographs. It is allowed to use no more than 1-2 canvases or photos big size, 3-4 medium and small;
  4. choose a color for wall decor in a room where the windows face north, you need warm light colors. IN sunny rooms it is possible to use cool colors;
  5. Decorating furniture and walls with stucco, carvings, and bright paintings is not recommended. The simplicity of the design of furniture and accessories is the key to a comfortable stay.

The brightness of the lighting is selected individually, taking into account the planned use of the room.

Plan and Execute Finishing work a small bedroom will not be difficult. No installation required complex structures, lighting systems, partitions. The use of light colors, minimalist products or classic style will create a cozy bedroom environment.

And have certain skills in this area. Before you begin this difficult, but truly aesthetically pleasing process, be sure to determine the functionality of the room so that it will be easier for you to draw up a project.

If you want to see examples quality repairs bedrooms, photos are shown in our gallery.

What to consider when drawing up a project?

Before you renovate your bedroom, draw up a project. This can be done using a special computer program, but if you do not have the skills to work with it, just draw the layout of the room on a piece of paper.

You should start drawing up the project by determining the location of the sleeping place. Decide in advance on the width and design of the bed. Remember that these parameters affect what other furniture attributes will be located in the bedroom.

The bedroom renovation design in the photo was made using a simple computer program

Be sure to plan your bedroom in such a way that the bed is easily accessible. If two people will live in a room, it is advisable to make convenient approaches to sleeping place on both sides.

Photo of a bedroom renovation with a comfortable approach to the bed

The bedroom design should also include the location of other furniture elements and large decorative details. You should also note the electrical wiring diagram on it if you are planning a major and not redecorating bedrooms with replacement wiring.

Which style should you choose?

Bedroom renovations can be done in different styles. The choice of design direction is influenced by several factors, but the most important are the square footage of the room and the personal preferences of the apartment owners.

What style to use for a room with a small square footage

Where to start renovating a bedroom? Of course, from the ceiling decoration. Regardless of whether you plan to level it, plaster it, paint it, or stretch it, you should always start with it.

Bedroom renovation, design, real photo demonstrates installation of stretch ceiling

European-quality renovation of the bedroom, in the photo the room is completely ready for use

Tips and tricks for renovations in small and narrow spaces

Creating beautiful and functional interior may be difficult if the bedroom area is small. More often small rooms arise as a result of redevelopment in an apartment or house, for example, after expanding the living room. Bedrooms in Khrushchev are also distinguished by their small area. In these cases, carrying out repairs, as well as choosing a design, requires a special approach. If you want to see a beautiful and competent renovation in a small bedroom, photos are waiting for you in our gallery.

The most successful options for decorating small rooms in Khrushchev

Small rooms in Khrushchev (3 by 3 or 3 by 4 m) should be decorated in light colors and contain a minimum of furniture. It is better to paint the ceiling in such a room or make it suspended. Plasterboard construction can make the room lower and visually smaller, which means it’s best to avoid using it.

and the closet is minimum required furniture for such rooms. It is better to buy a corner wardrobe, so you can save space.

After renovation, you can add a few bright accents to your bedroom in Khrushchev. This will help transform an expressionless interior.

Ideas for renovating narrow bedrooms

Photos of renovation ideas for a narrow bedroom, the interior decoration is made in Japanese style

Do not forget about the main rule of repair narrow rooms. The main accents should be used on short walls, and try to make long ones less noticeable. By accents we mean more bright wallpaper or carpet, if its use is allowed by the style. A small wall can be covered with bright photo wallpaper.

Wallpapers with large drawing in a narrow room they are the main accent of the room

Interesting idea: Narrow room for a boy or teenager can be issued at nautical style. The white and blue color scheme inherent in this style will help visually expand the space.

Bedroom renovations are carried out when you want to update the interior that has become familiar to the eye. People spend a considerable part of their lives in rooms, so everyone wants to make it cozy. That is why, before starting the planned work, it is necessary to choose the optimal design, from a human point of view. Photos will help with this ready-made options or designer consultation. Regardless of the chosen method, you must first think through everything carefully, otherwise unforeseen expenses cannot be avoided.

It is recommended to consider in advance various options registrations. For this you will need furniture or thematic catalogs. It wouldn’t hurt to make a sketch that will help you see in advance how exactly this or that detail fits into the interior. It is advisable to consider at this stage the size of the room, the degree of illumination and the prevailing color range.

Increased attention is paid to the issue of zoning of available areas. For example, if we're talking about about the design of bedrooms, it is done in isolation from other rooms. On the one hand, every centimeter of space must be used rationally, without overloading the interior. On the other hand, if there is sufficient space in the room, a wardrobe or workplace is equipped.

The further stages of work are as follows:

  1. Drawing up a work estimate - the more accurately the materials needed for repairs are taken into account, the easier it is to decide on financial issue. Beginners can use specialized computer programs. We do this to simplify the entire process, because they allow you to see an approximate estimate based on the entered parameters;
  2. Preparing the future place of work - in order to make it convenient to carry out the necessary manipulations in the room, all furniture and equipment should be removed from it. In cases where the project does not provide for the replacement of windows and doors in the room, they should first be protected from accidental damage, dust and possible paint. For this, a special film is used, which can be purchased at a building materials store;
  3. Removing old structures and coatings - in most cases we are talking about unnecessary wallpaper, whitewash, tiles or paint. This stage takes a lot of time and requires increased caution. The real difficulties begin at the stage of removing the baseboard and threshold.

Bedroom renovation options: finishing walls and ceilings

In order for the bedroom to be transformed, you need to pay close attention to the walls and ceiling. When it comes to the ceiling, then change it appearance can be done using: puttying, installing a tension or plasterboard option. The first way is to wisely use sufficient construction experience for people, otherwise many mistakes cannot be avoided. It's easier to work with drywall.

Firstly, they level out almost all surface unevenness, and, secondly, they allow you to hide unsightly communications with your own hands. Among other advantages, versatility stands out - the ability to be used in the interior, regardless of its characteristics. If the design of the room includes the use multi-level ceiling, then it is recommended to use plasterboard or suspended ceilings.

No less attention should be paid to the issue of transforming walls:

  • Drywall is an inexpensive and simple ways hide all surface irregularities;
  • If there is no desire to visually reduce the space in the room, the choice must be made in favor of plaster;
  • Finishing is carried out using wallpaper and decorative plaster;
  • Various types of finishes will help you study the photographs in the thematic press.

Where to start renovating the bedroom: you also need to look under your feet

A beautiful floor in a room should not have cold tones. A similar requirement applies to its temperature. The “warm floor” system will help you fully experience the benefits of a well-insulated floor option. If financial opportunities there is no way to install it, then do it comfortable option Several common types of materials will help. Opens the list of laminates that can be easy styling even by not very experienced people.

After installation, it does not require special care - in addition, good designer will offer a number of other options:

  1. Linoleuma budget option flooring. For decades, furniture was placed on it that could not harm the linoleum. If from a functional point of view the material confidently outperformed its competitors, then from an aesthetic point of view it left much to be desired;
  2. Bulk floor– creates a perfectly flat surface when minimum cost time. Other advantages include the ability to create a floor in 3D images;
  3. Suberic floor– environmentally friendly and pleasant to the touch coating. Its only drawback is the ban on the use of aggressive chemicals cleaning;
  4. Parquet– requires increased attention in terms of care. At the same time, it allows you to create a designer floor. A significant disadvantage of the material is its high cost.

It is more correct to start with redevelopment, which involves dismantling individual elements. The same should be done when it comes to zoning space using partitions. In addition, at the redevelopment stage, heating radiators are replaced, air conditioning is installed, installation or configuration changes are carried out electrical wiring, installation of new double-glazed windows.

Finishing material – selected taking into account aesthetic and environmental factor. The phased work plan must take this aspect into account. The absence of dangerous dyes and other not always safe elements will have a positive effect on the health of the occupants of the premises. If we talk about the window system, then wood must be abandoned due to its inability to let in the required volume air flow. Incorrect microclimate in the best possible way will affect indoor air quality.

In addition, you must remember that the apartment needs high-quality sound insulation. Only plastic windows can cope with this task. However, you need to remember one point. If people with allergies live in the house, then plastic windows worth refusing. A similar requirement applies to doors. They are mistakenly perceived as a monolithic obstacle designed to protect the inhabitants of the room from military invasion.

  • The bet is placed on functional furniture with a large number of retractable elements;
  • Visually expands a small bedroom corner cupboard with glass sliding panels;
  • In rooms with unusual geometry, it is better to use 2-3 noticeable visual accents. These will be designer wardrobe or a picture;
  • Whatever finishing option is chosen, it is necessary to avoid excessive cluttering of the space with furniture.

Carrying out renovations indoors is not an easy task and requires good preparation. When making a sketch, take into account architectural features premises where it is planned to change the situation. Furniture, windows and doors are selected taking into account the preferred style of the interior. After approval of the estimate, the transformation of the premises begins. The main thing is to maintain a balance between the degree of congestion of the available space and the desired result.

Examples of bedroom renovations (photos of interiors)