We don't always get what we want. Why don't we always get what we want? Sentence grammatical errors

Option 6

The answers to tasks 1–24 are a word, phrase, number or

sequence of words, numbers. Write the answer to the right of the task number without

spaces, commas and other additional characters.

Read the text and complete tasks 1–3.

(1) Mentions of a sea completely covered with a carpet of algae are found in European

geographers since the 5th century AD. (2) But the real discoverer of the Sargasso Sea

There was, after all, Christopher Columbus - during his first voyage across the Atlantic, the ships of the brave Genoese found themselves among such a dense mass of algae that they could hardly move for several days. (3) ______ Spanish sailors from Columbus’s team gave the name to the algae, and at the same time to the sea.

1 Which of the following sentences correctly conveys the MAIN information contained in the text?

1. The Sargasso Sea, known since the 5th century AD, was discovered by Christopher Columbus and was named so by Spanish sailors.

2. During their first voyage across the Atlantic, Christopher Columbus's ships found themselves surrounded by such a dense mass of algae that they could barely move for several days.

3. The Spanish sailors from Columbus's team gave the name to the algae that covered the sea with a continuous carpet.

4. Mentions of a sea completely covered with a carpet of algae have been found among European geographers since the 5th century AD.

5. Spanish sailors led by Christopher Columbus discovered the Sargasso Sea and gave it its name.

2 Which of the following words (combinations of words) should appear in the gap in the third (3) sentence of the text? Write down this word (combination of words).

2. It was then

4. Of course

5. Therefore, 3 Read a fragment of a dictionary entry that gives the meaning of the word MASS.

Determine the meaning in which this word is used in the second (2) sentence of the text. Write down the number. corresponding to this meaning in the given fragment of the dictionary entry.

MASS, -s. and,

1. One of the main physical characteristics of matter, determining its inert and gravitational properties (special). Unit of mass.

2. Dough-like, shapeless substance, thick mixture. Wood pulp (semi-finished paper for making paper). Molten m. cast iron. Syrkovaya m.

3. The totality of something... as well as something. large, concentrated in one place.

Air masses. Dark metro area of ​​the building.

4. unit.. whom (what). A bunch of, a large number of someone (colloquial). M. to the people. Spend a lot of energy.

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5. pl. Broad sections of the working population. The will of the masses. Break away from the masses (lose contact with the people).

4 In one of the words below, an error was made in the placement of stress: the letter denoting the stressed vowel sound was highlighted incorrectly. Write this word down.

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5 In one of the sentences below, the highlighted word is used INCORRECTLY.

1. DOUBLE code is a form of recording information in the form of ones and zeros.

2. I liked her romantic image - huge blue eyes and a sweet INNOCENT look.

3. The venerable age of the painting was evidenced by the sagging canvas and in places the lost PAINT layer.

4. We lived in an airport hotel room under the UNBEARABLE roar of airplane turbines.

5. They brought us bread and salt - a hearty, fragrant, weighty loaf with a golden-brown top crust.

6 In one of the words highlighted below, an error was made in the formation of the word form.

Correct the mistake and write the word correctly.

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FOUR students 7 Match the sentences with the grammatical errors made in them: for each position in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.


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9 Identify the row in which the same letter is missing in both words in the prefix.

Write out these words by inserting the missing letter.

reproach, transgression in...mad, dis...doubling pr...raised, depict in...anxious, n...turn in...tongue, not enough 10 Write down the word in which the letter I is written in place of the gap.

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pIdentify the sentence in which NOT and the word are written CONCLUSION. Open 12 12 brackets and write down this word.

1. We (NOT) ALWAYS get what we want.

2. The list of books turned out to be far from (NOT) COMPLETE.

3. Most of the grass in the meadow has not yet been mown.

4. The new book turned out to be very (UN)SUCCESSFUL.

5. There is always catastrophically (NOT) ENOUGH time.

13 Identify a sentence in which both highlighted words are written SEPARATELY.

Open the brackets and write down these two words.

1. The rain (IN)MIG stopped, AS (IF) a tap was turned off somewhere above.

2. It is unlikely that we should hope that the situation will change (IN) DURING the next week.

3. (WHATEVER) they tell me, I (STILL) want to see the match with my own eyes.

4. (NOT) DESPITE numerous warnings, the same students violate discipline.

5. (B) DUE to heavy snowfall, the roads were closed, so (B) THE PLACE of the planned trip had to stay at home.

14 Indicate all the numbers replaced by one letter N.

Everything was prepared (1) in advance: greased (2) the seams of high leather (3) boots, checked (4) tents, packed (5) backpacks and hunting equipment.

15 Place punctuation marks. Indicate the numbers of sentences in which you need to put ONE comma.

1. For the holiday, houses were decorated with birch branches, greenery and meadow flowers.

2. Students of the military school were thoroughly taught not only mathematics but also dancing.

3. Crocuses and tulips, lilies and chrysanthemums, daffodils and roses were planted in the garden.

4. Figured images decorate the texts and margins of manuscripts and, together with the text, form a colorful and subtle decorative whole.

5. Between the gray wisps of clouds, high mountains appeared and disappeared.

16 Place punctuation marks: indicate all the numbers that should be replaced by commas in the sentence.

He managed to turn on his side (1) with a frantic movement, at the same moment pulling his legs to his stomach (2) and (3) turning (4) he saw the face of the female carriage driver, completely white with horror, rushing towards him with uncontrollable force and her scarlet bandage.

17 Place punctuation marks: indicate all the numbers that should be replaced by commas in the sentences.

Winds (1) winds (2) about (3) snowy winds (4)

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18 Place punctuation marks: indicate all the numbers that should be replaced by commas in the sentence.

The stairs will remind you (1) that you are human (2) that you should have a sense of dignity (3) and (4) that it is completely unworthy for an adult to run up the stairs.

19 Place punctuation marks: indicate all the numbers that should be replaced by commas in the sentence.

And the old woman kept talking and talking about her happiness (1) and (2) although her words were familiar (3) but their grandson’s heart suddenly ached sweetly (4) as if he imagined himself in her place (5) and (6) as if everything he heard was happening to him.

Read the text and complete tasks 20-25.

(1) I recently visited the Trinity-Sergius Lavra. (2) I wandered through the numerous rooms of the museum, looking without inspiration at the endless crowns, chasubles, and all sorts of clothing decorations, and at their owners, who were immediately set into frames. (3) This museum is very rich, and maybe that’s why they let us in as a group, locked the door with a huge iron bolt and stationed a policeman outside.

(4) So I walked between gold on one side and silver on the other, not knowing where to turn from the unnatural shine, which, perhaps, would be enough to play and overflow the whole Lake Seliger.

(5) And then I came across the original recording posted on the wall. (6) This was an inventory from 1641 about weapons installed on the fortress wall of the monastery. (7) It was written there:

“On the red tower opposite the holy gate there is a one-and-a-half-piece copper arquebus. (8) Another squeaker on wheels, the gunner at that squeak is Pervushka Fedorov.”

(9) And it was as if everything came to life immediately, I even heard the brocade rustle, thrown from the noble shoulders, and a golden button rolled, jingling, and the framed nobles glanced out the window to see if the watchman was in place, if the gunners were at their post, and then God forbid... (10) And here he is, First Vushka Fedorov, sitting by the one and a half squeaker, which is on wheels, and looking from the fortress wall with a calm eye. (11) Pervushka’s eyes are large, deep, blue, her hands are large, in knots, because she used to chop houses and lay stoves.

(12) And the shirt is the most homespun, bleached in the first snows; no one will keep this shirt or put it under glass.

(13) I then happily experienced the joy that time had outwitted all this - stainless and eternal - and brought to me a living, strangely exciting image of a Russian gunner.

(14) I carried this mood through all the rooms of the museum, until a polite policeman counted us twice and opened the bolt.

(15) “Oh, you, First Lady Fedorov,” I muttered to myself.

(16) - Oh, you, my dear ancestor, Pervushka! (17) Even now, it’s true, I don’t know your face.

(18) On old wooden icons, where gloomy princes with cruel autocratic faces and their beloved horses are imperiously perched in the foreground, almost on the frames, I only supposedly find you, my dear ancestor. (19)3and on the voluminous shoulders of the prince, where a hundred helmets in a row are painted with the quick hand of a boy-apprentice, or just sickles of hair with yellow ocher, you stand there, ancestor Pervushka Fedorov. (20) And earlier, and then, and many times later, this unfair picture will be created, and the Russian people will be brought out as a common background behind the shoulders of a single human icon with cruel, motionless features. (21) And many times I will guess you, gunner Pervushka Fedorov, only because you did not leave your arquebus either in 1641 or three hundred years later. (22) In 1941!

(23) And while you exist, First Lady Fedorov, the Russian land will live on earth, well-aimed gunners will stand on the fortress wall, and our land will be safe through the cares of those gunners.

(A. Pristavkin*) * Anatoly Ignatievich Pristavkin (1931-2008) - Russian writer, public figure. For many years, the writer’s fate and work were connected with Siberia. During these years, he wrote documentary stories “My Contemporaries”, “Bonfires in the Taiga”, “Angara River”, etc.

Anatoly Pristavkin became widely known for his story “A Golden Cloud Spent the Night...” (1987), which raises important moral issues - war, childhood, the cruelty of the world and people. The story received worldwide recognition - it was translated into

2. The mention of the pushkar Pervushka Fedorov awakened the author’s imagination.

3. The gunner’s homespun shirt is still kept under glass in the Trinity Lavra of St. Sergius Museum.

5. Thanks to the courage of ordinary Russian people, such as gunner Pervushka Fedorov, Russia overcame all adversity and trials.

21 Which of the following statements are incorrect? Please provide answer numbers.

1. Sentences 1-2 present the narrative.

2. Proposition 17 clarifies and specifies the content of proposal 16.

3. Sentences 20-23 present the reasoning.

5. Sentences 5-6 provide a description.

22 Write out the archaism from sentence 10.

23 Among sentences 1-9, find one that is related to the previous one using lexical repetition and a defining pronoun. Write the number of this offer.

Read a fragment of a review compiled on the basis of the text that you analyzed while completing tasks 20-23. This fragment examines the linguistic features of the text. Some terms used in the review are missing. Insert into the blanks (A, B, C, D) the numbers corresponding to the number of the term from the list. Write down the corresponding number in the table under each letter.

Write down the sequence of numbers in ANSWER FORM No. 1 to the right of task number 24, starting from the first cell, without spaces, commas or other additional characters. Write each number in accordance with the samples given in the form.

24 “The text by Anatoly Pristavkin plunges us into the distant historical past Russia XVII century, therefore the author uses such a lexical device as (A) ____ (“nobles”, “squeaker”, “gunner”, etc.). Readers become witnesses to ancient events thanks to (B)_____ (sentences 7-8). The author seems to be talking with the hero of the work, and this impression is achieved with the help of (B) _____ (in sentences 16).

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Write an essay based on the text you read.

Formulate one of the problems posed by the author of the text.

Comment on the formulated problem. Include in your comment two examples of illustrations from the text you read that you think are important for understanding the problem in the source text (avoid excessive quoting).

Formulate the position of the author (storyteller). Write whether you agree or disagree with the point of view of the author of the text you read. Explain why. Argue your opinion, relying primarily on the reader’s experience, as well as on knowledge and life observations (the first two arguments are taken into account).

The volume of the essay is at least 150 words.

Work written without reference to the text read (not based on this text) is not graded. If the essay is a retelling or completely rewritten of the original text without any comments, then such work is scored zero points.

Write an essay carefully, legible handwriting.

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2 exactly then The word “just then” should take the place of the blank, based on the context.

Based on the context, the word “mass” in the second sentence of the text is used in meaning 3.

4 you will inquire Incorrect: you will inquire. That's right: you'll find out. Derived from the verb to inquire.

5 binary The word "binary" is used incorrectly. Correctly "binary".

Dual - possible in two forms, double. For example: the benefit is twofold.

Binary - based on counting in twos (pairs). For example: binary number system.

6 more strict Correct “more strict”, since superlative adverbs are formed by adding the words "more", "less" to initial form adverbs.

In sentence 2, the participial phrase is not consistent with the word being defined.

Correct: You can serve kernels with fish walnut baked in the oven.

In sentence 4, the subject “no one living” requires a singular predicate. That's right: No one living will tell.

In sentence 8 there are homogeneous members: did not neglect and did not doubt. There is a dependent word “in support”, which is common to homogeneous members. However, they require different controls: “did not neglect” puts the dependent word in the instrumental case (didn’t neglect what? support), and “didn’t doubt” puts the dependent word in the prepositional case (didn’t doubt what? support). Therefore, you need to make sure that the word “in support”

ceased to be a common dependent word.

In sentence 5, the error in the use of the participial phrase is caused by the fact that it is mistakenly attached to the predicate “arises,” to which it cannot refer.

In sentence 7 the preposition is used incorrectly. That's right: doubts about strength.

8 militia incident - unstressed unchecked vowel of the root.

set fire to is an unstressed alternating vowel. It is written I if the root is followed by the suffix a. Light up, if there is no suffix a, then it is written E silhouette - an unstressed unchecked vowel of the root.

militia - unstressed checked vowel - regiment.

abOrigen is an unstressed unverified vowel of the root.

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10 swing almondEvy - the vowel E is written in the suffix, so it is in an unstressed position.

key - the vowel E is written in the suffix, so it is in an unstressed position.

swing - suffix willow, check: I'm rocking.

hated - the suffix e remained from the infinitive to hate.

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12 unsuccessful We don’t always write separately, not with an adverb.

We write the incomplete text separately, there is the word “far”.

We do not write separately, this is a short participle.

We write unsuccessfully together, the adverb “very” strengthens the affirmative meaning of the adjective “unsuccessful”.

We write what is missing separately, not with a verb.

13 it is unlikely that the current is written together, because it is an adverb. As if it is written separately, it is a union.

It is unlikely to be written separately, since the particle and the word are written separately. During is written separately, since it is a derived preposition.

Whatever is written separately, it would be a particle. It is also written together, equal in meaning to the conjunction and.

Despite being written together, it is a derived preposition. The same ones are written separately, but the particle with a preposition is written separately.

As a result, it is written together, this is a derived preposition. Instead is written together, this is an adverb.

PreparedNo - short participle.

SmazanaNy is a short participle.

KozhaNykh is an adjective with the suffix an.

Verified - short participle.

Packed - short participle.

In sentence 1, 2 commas are needed for homogeneous objects connected by a non-union connection.

In sentence 2, a comma is needed not only for a double conjunction, but also.

In sentence 3, two commas are needed for homogeneous subjects connected by conjunctions in pairs.

In sentence 4, punctuation marks are not needed, since the conjunctions And connect different groups homogeneous members of the sentence.

Sentence 5 requires a comma for a repeating conjunction.

Commas in place of numbers 1, 2 isolate the participle phrase. Commas in place of numbers 3 and 4 isolate a single participle phrase.

In this poetic passage, commas are needed in place of the numbers 1,2,4 to separate references.

Commas in place of numbers 1 and 2 separate homogeneous subordinate clauses. Commas at places 3 and 4 are not needed, since homogeneous subordinate clauses are connected by the conjunction and.

Instead of numbers 1 and 3, commas are needed at the junction simple sentences as part of a complex

In place of the number 4, a comma is needed to isolate the subordinate clause.

In place of the number 2, a comma is not needed, since after the concessive clause there follows the conjunction BUT, which actually takes on the function of connecting the first and third parts of a complex sentence.

In place of the numbers 5 and 6, commas are not needed, since homogeneous subordinate clauses

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“The text by Anatoly Pristavkin immerses us in the distant historical past of Russia in the 17th century, therefore the author uses such lexical means as (A) outdated words (“nobles”, “pishchal”, “gunner”, etc.). Readers become witnesses to ancient events thanks to (B)quotation (sentences 7-8). The author seems to be talking with the hero of the work, and this impression is achieved with the help of (B) rhetorical exclamations (in sentences 16). The originality of the author’s speech is also created by the use of such a syntactic device as (D) parcellation (this is the division of a single statement into several independent, isolated sentences) (sentences 21-22).”

Please write about any inaccuracies by email (indicating the option and assignment number):

We always get what we want

Are you surprised to read these words in the subtitle? Do not believe? But this is really so.

We have already said that every woman creates her own world. And she really gets what she herself created. But the trouble is, the majority still don’t know what exactly they’re doing!

Maria received a handsome gigolo, not knowing that she was subconsciously waiting for him. After all, she wanted worthy man“, but she didn’t know what it was, her imagination only pictured a vague (albeit brilliant) appearance, and nothing more. The Arthur she met was really what she needed... But did her imagination picture something else? No. She was waiting for an acquaintance in a restaurant - and that’s what happened. Everything is according to the scenario she herself planned (albeit unconsciously).

Wonderful world, in which we live, exists according to its own laws. Perhaps someday a genius will be born who will be able to algorithmize them and derive a formula for an absolute understanding of the world. For now, we are trying to understand only its individual elements. Our distant ancestors may have known this mysterious formula, but they did not have time to convey it to us. That's why we have to reinvent the wheel today. However, by observing, comparing and drawing conclusions, we can guess why this formula of the universe, according to which we always get what we want, really works at all times and in any place, without exception.

The world we live in, as we already know, is reasonable Living being. Therefore, he hears our every desire and responds to it. After all, we are particles of this world and exist in very close interaction with it! However, this world does not understand the intricacies of Russian, Ukrainian, English and other human languages, so it does not hear how we ourselves formulate and pronounce our desires. He perceives them in his own language. And the language of our world is the language of states. This is the language of sensations, emotions, images. This is the language of energies.

This is why the power of prayer is so powerful. The world does not hear words, but perceives the emotional message and the state that we put into the words of prayer.

That is why our desires sometimes come true in a completely different way than we wanted. While controlling words and formulations, we do not always control our states. And the world gives us its benefits in response to states, emotions, sensations, and not at all to words.

Suppose a person has a passionate desire to buy the latest model BMW. The Big World perceives this as an aspiration this person get a certain state and experience certain emotions. And if this person wants to use this vehicle to demonstrate his coolness to others, then the world will react precisely to this desire, and not at all to the desire to get a car. Moreover, the world will reveal the true reasons for this desire and begin to present options to the person. What could be the true reasons for wanting to demonstrate that you are cooler than others? It can be a repressed feeling of one’s own inferiority, and family troubles, and failures at work, and sexual complexes, and dislike in childhood... And then circumstances arise in a person’s life that, if treated correctly, can ultimately help him resolve these problems, eliminate complexes, realize your worth, gain self-esteem. For example, a new great love may appear in his life, or a son may be born, or an interesting creative endeavor may turn up...

The world thus gives him a gift. It’s as if the world is saying: “Look how good you are. How much you deserve. And you don’t need to assert yourself by demonstrating your coolness!”

But will he be able to see this gift of peace? Or will he brush aside his gifts and continue to long for his fancy car?

Unfortunately, very often we refuse the gifts offered to us, continuing to want something else, and thereby miss out on our happiness!

Therefore, it is very important to understand: wanting to get something concrete, material, we are dealing with a world that speaks the language of states. He will read our desire in the language of state. And we will receive the realization of this desire in accordance with the state in which we were, striving to achieve what we wanted.

Look at your life, at the situation you are in now. The wrong man is next to you, he treats you badly, and you don’t believe that such a good-for-nothing family life– your own choice? That you got what you wanted?

But let's think about it. Did the fact that the man is not the same become obvious only today or yesterday? “He used to be completely different!” - you say. Let's say. And yet, then, before, when he treated you much better than now, in your relationship, no, no, and something arose that you did not like, embarrassed, caused this or that discomfort. Because of this, your condition changed for the worse. But you didn’t even want to think about it. You brushed aside these first alarming symptoms like annoying flies. Did he raise his voice at you? Did he skimp on a gift or flowers? He promised to call and didn't? “Nonsense,” you told yourself, “we’ll get married and he’ll improve.” But the honeymoon passed - and it turned out that he had not improved, on the contrary, everything only got worse. “Nothing, a child will be born, and then he will become more responsible, more generous, kinder, better!” – you consoled yourself again. And your condition is getting worse. But the expectations again did not come true, and your relationship became worse and worse... And now you say: “Why am I being punished like this? He drinks, beats me, doesn’t care about the children, goes on walks, doesn’t bring in any money!”

And this is not a punishment. This is what you chose for yourself. You demonstrated to the world that your poor state of mind is something that suits you. Your husband’s bad treatment of you also suits you, because even on the very first date he simply had it written on his forehead: “I am like this and I won’t be any different.” And if you listened to your heart, you would certainly “read” this message. But you didn’t want to see this eye-catching “inscription” - it was more convenient for you then to simply not notice it. You have come to terms with mental discomfort. Your current situation was created by this very uncomfortable state of your soul. By continuing to live in this state and putting up with it, you yourself purposefully brought yourself to this result.

Or maybe you are lonely and also don’t believe that you yourself wanted to be in such a situation? But if you remember properly, you will understand that you chose loneliness for yourself not yesterday and not today. You once rejected someone. Once upon a time, you simply refused to meet someone that could have led you to start a family. And once you fell in love with a man who was completely unsuitable for you, married or for other reasons unavailable. Not realizing that she herself, albeit unconsciously, made such a choice in order to avoid real relationships, not build a family, not take responsibility for another. By doing so, you let the world know that you are better off alone. Or maybe this is really so, and loneliness is what you need now? It is likely that at this time in your life it is better for you to be alone. And in this case, if you listen to yourself and your condition, you will understand that in fact you are not so bad being alone. On the contrary, it's good! And your desire to get married at any cost is nothing more than another stereotype imposed by society.

In general, be that as it may, by recognizing that in our lives we have received what we ourselves - consciously or unconsciously - wanted to receive, we have a reason for optimism. Yes, yes, you can stand up and shout loudly: “Hurray!” After all, if you yourself, albeit by mistake, created in your life what you now have, then you yourself can change all this. There would be a desire! Only the desire must be genuine, and the tools to achieve it must be correct. Having created one situation in your life, you can create another, exactly the opposite one.

“No matter how it is. – Your skepticism may push you to object. “I simply had no other choice.” How could I choose any other path if life did not offer me other options?

It is not true. You and all other people always have many options. Another thing is that we may not see these options because we are too blinkered. Since childhood, our consciousness has been driven into a cage of stereotypes of behavior, thinking and feeling imposed from outside. As a result, we put on masks and roles that may not correspond to our true essence. And so, playing other people’s roles, along the bricks of stereotypes, we move towards someone else’s goals that are unnecessary to us. These stereotypes show us the way in life, pave the way in it. While other, happy paths, turns and directions are simply not noticed by us, since they do not fit into the usual patterns and stereotypes.

It's time to sort this out, don't you think? In the next chapter we’ll talk about what patterns, stereotypes and masks are, how to recognize them and what to do with them so that they finally stop interfering with our freedom of choice.

Why don't we always get what we want?

Sometimes I think that to get what you want, you need to try your best, or as English speakers say, do your best.

In my personal experience, the reason for failure in some endeavor often does not depend on the person himself. There is a certain mechanism at work in the world that connects people, ideas and circumstances together. In order not to burn out, this mechanism sometimes closes or connects other chains instead of the expected ones.

In order for the mechanism to work and recharge, it generates more ideas and chains that don't always connect together. People make efforts to achieve their goal, without getting what they want, they still produce the energy necessary for the operation of the mechanism.

But when the mechanism connects large chains, many amazing things happen, even magical at first glance. And sometimes, in order to recharge a large chain and get a great result, a person has to go through a series of short circuits and disconnections. The main thing is not to lose heart, because after all our efforts we eventually get real results.

I want to give examples from my life where a mechanism short-circuits and disconnects us from our goals in order to ultimately lead to something more.

Example 1. When I was a senior at university, I did a summer internship at a large company that I really wanted to work for. Moreover, my practice supervisors were pleased with me. There was just a vacancy for which I submitted my resume. I tried my best and was almost sure that I would be able to get a job in this company. But in the end, no one called me after a week, and after two weeks, and three. The mechanism closed and became disconnected.

A state of despair filled me from the inside. And once I told my future colleague about my expectations and shared my frustration. My future colleague called me some time later and asked me to come for an interview at small company, for a temporary vacancy. I agreed and in the end, I really liked my work and the company itself. After some time, I received an offer to apply to a Canadian university.

A year later, I was accepted to a master's program at a university in the States. So the mechanism was charged with energy and connected my chain to a line that initially lay far from mine.

Example 2. When I was finishing my master's thesis, the idea came to me to apply to a Canadian university to continue my studies in graduate school. It was a good but risky idea. A few months before the final decision, I had a huge quarrel with a friend of mine. We had a strange friendship that ended in a quarrel and the impossibility of reconciliation. Now I think that everything is as it should be. And then it seemed that I had ruined something and there was no forgiveness for me. At times I regretted that I had met this friend at all. But after two years, I realized that it was my friend who motivated me to continue my studies. And if it weren’t for her, I wouldn’t have such confidence in the next step. Thus, our chains crossed for a short time, charging me with an idea that came to life.

The story continues. I received a letter from the university that I was not accepted, but was put on the waiting list. Two months later I was enrolled. During this time, I managed to think through the plan for my master's degree. That is, the mechanism stuck, giving me time to think about the decision. I chose the academy instead of work.

Example 3. Sometimes the mechanism generates quite strong energy, which manifests itself even in life. It happens when we see a person several times a week, for some unknown reason we bump into each other again and again. In such cases, I start to think that I should talk to this person. In a completely mysterious way, I managed to meet my dance friend several times a week, bumping into her in unusual places. Realizing that this was no accident, I shared with her the idea that was ripening in my head at that time - and oh yes! She agreed to help me implement it.

Example 4. Accidents are not accidental. The mechanism pushes us together to spark ideas and come to a common result. Recently I sat down and wrote the concept of a club that I had been planning for a long time and dreamed of, if not creating, then at least visiting once every two weeks. The idea came to me after a meeting to which a female psychologist friend invited me. I wasn’t eager to go, but in the end I was pleased. The energy of other people charges us, giving us the strength to gather our thoughts together. So after this meeting, after listening to the thoughts of other people, I came to the conclusion - we need to create an organization that helped foreign students adapt to graduate school conditions. The club should be based on public discussion of painful issues, that is, work like an Internet forum, but live.

After discussing the issue with the heads of the local student trade union committee, I received an answer: such an organization is needed, but it cannot exist. It is impossible to create it within the existing structure. We need other options.

So far the mechanism has been closed, but I think only for a while. The levers of this ancient machine must be recharged with energy, they must be lubricated with new ideas, and then the miracle mechanism will work again and generate the desired result. Or this whole chain of events is nothing more than a prerequisite for a different result. And then the circuit will open, disconnect one line from another and lead to unexpected events.

We have already determined that happiness is a state. Certain feelings, emotions, mood, sensations in the body - everything that for us adds up to the concept of “good”.

Of course, this feeling, the feeling of happiness, will be different for each person. It is as unique as the design of an iris or a line on a hand. This is why most people have difficulty answering the question: what is happiness? Someone will describe the prerequisites for experiencing this state: well, for example, to have love, money, a good home... Without noticing that in this way they again replace the goal with tools to achieve it. Others will talk about situations when they experienced happiness. But hardly anyone will answer this question definitively. And yet there is not a person who has not experienced what is called happiness at least once in his life!

We have all experienced this very happiness at least once. And even the one who considers himself the most unhappy in the world, if he is honest with himself, will certainly admit that yes, and he, it turns out, is not so unhappy, because these very moments, and even minutes, and even hours He also had happiness.

Happinnes exists! And it is true. And he doesn’t need any definitions. It exists even without any definitions.

When we strive for happiness, we strive for this very experience. We want to get a state of happiness, and not at all imaginary prerequisites for it in the form of some conditions, material or other benefits. We strive for experience, and sometimes it does not depend on external conditions at all.

But why then do people continually try to replace this very experience of happiness with some of its external attributes and signs? First of all, because we have lost the habit of being attentive to our states. This means that we need to relearn how to consciously relate to our experiences and feelings.

Shall we start now? For this we don’t need much – an ordinary mirror and a little time.

Exercise "Mirror". Part one

Look at yourself in the mirror. But not the way you usually do it - with a critical and evaluating look. Look at yourself as the kindest and most loving person. Learn little by little to become for yourself this person who accepts and loves everything about you, does not judge, does not criticize, does not evaluate...

Relax all the muscles in your face. Look at everything, every wrinkle, every fold, every line. This is you, this is yours. You accept your face as it is. It is unique. No one else in the world has this. It was given to you by Nature so that you can show yourself to the world as you are. You don't have to become someone else. You don't need to put other people's masks on your face. You don't need to imitate anyone. You only need what you already have - your real face.

Is there something you don't like about your face? Try not to reject it, don't deny it, don't give up what you don't like. This is yours too. Try to accept him as he is. On your face is the experience of your life, your, exactly your destiny, your experiences, emotions, your unique personality. Not accepting something about yourself is like giving up a part of yourself. But you can’t tear off a part of yourself and throw it away! You need yourself as a single indivisible whole, in all your depth and uniqueness. So take it as it comes. Whatever is in your past, whatever is happening in your present, whatever is reflected on your face now - accept it! It is your life. This is your experience. You need him exactly as he is.

Look carefully at your face in the mirror. Remember any pleasant event in your life. A date with your loved one, success at work, the first steps of a child... Watch how your condition and mood change. Notice, realize, feel these changes. Watch how your face changes. Muscles relax, wrinkles smooth out, eyes begin to glow...

Now remember some not so pleasant moment. It’s better to leave serious troubles alone for now, but some minor troubles will do: for example, how you once froze, having dressed too lightly in the cold, or how you had difficulty squeezing into a crowded bus. Watch the change in condition and how the face changes: the muscles tensed, the lips closed in the word “raisin”, the eyebrows frowned, the gaze became prickly...

Again, remember some very pleasant state: sea, beach, river, forest, joy for soul and body... And again watch how your feelings and facial expression change.

On this pleasant note you can end the exercise.

Attention: You just did a very important thing. You have learned to be aware of exactly what feelings you are experiencing, what you are feeling, what states you are experiencing. You paid attention to what events in your life are associated with certain conditions.

You can say: big deal, I always knew this!

Yes, you've been through a lot. But until now you have not been able to recognize these states. If you could, you would already be immensely happy. And I would hardly read this book.

You did not experience your states consciously, you were not aware of them, and therefore, in your pursuit of happiness, you chose the wrong directions of movement. You did not strive to experience a state of happiness, but only to stereotyped, stereotyped forms of behavior imposed by someone or something from the outside, which supposedly should have brought you this happiness.

The soul does not tolerate templates. Therefore, she refuses to be happy when they try to impose happiness on her according to a template, according to someone else’s model, according to the principle “so that everything is like other people.”

But people are different. And everyone has their own happiness, as we already understood. And you have it - only yours, not at all “like people’s”!

Happiness is near! Algorithm for finding it

And now - the most important thing. Have you been suffering for a long time and don’t know how to find happiness? It's actually easier than you think.

By doing the “Mirror” exercise, you began to learn a very important thing: to be aware of your states and comprehend the reasons that prompt you to move from one state to another. You began to understand that life is not so much a series of events as a series of states. Your states are the reality in which you live.

And now you can learn, before taking this or that action in your life, to consult with yourself to determine what state it will lead you to. You will correlate each action not with some abstract desired result, but with your inner reality, with the reality of the states of your soul and body.

Your true self, your soul, wants with all its might to bring you to a state that you will feel as happiness. And if you want to help your soul in this good deed, then you will learn on your own to consciously move towards the necessary states in which you feel good! This is where yours will begin new life. Before, you didn’t think about what state you would come to as a result of this or that action in your life, right? You thought about what the external result would be, what you would get, but not what state of mind and body you would be in.

Now everything will be different. We suggest you apply the technique of sequential questions to yourself and build a kind of algorithm for achieving happiness. Yes, exactly that, no more, no less!

This exercise will help you determine which path to a state of happiness is correct and which is not, and as a result you will receive an answer to what actions you need to take to get what you really need.

Here's how we propose to do it.

Exercise “State of Happiness: Goals and Tools”

Take a piece of paper and write on it your wish, the fulfillment of which you think can lead you to happiness. Well, be brave, you are a normal, living person, and therefore you certainly have desires!

Did you write it down? Fine. Now ask yourself the question: “Why?” - meaning what state it will lead you to. Why do you need this desire to come true, that is, what state do you want to get in the end? The answer usually comes quickly. Write that down too.

Think about whether this answer really describes your internal state, or whether it only indicates some external result. If the answer does not describe the condition, ask yourself again: “Why?” Already in relation to the answer received. And write down the answer again.

Do this until you receive an answer that describes exactly the internal state that you will experience as a result of the realization of your desire.

Now try to analyze: is this state that you will get in the end really what you want? Is this really a state of happiness, or at least joy, satisfaction? How stable and how long will this condition last? And is this state really only possible to achieve in this way?

Here's what this exercise might look like in practice.

Desire: I want to lose weight.

To be beautiful, subtle, clear and transparent.

To make your girlfriends gasp.

To make them happy for me.

I will be pleased.

Stop, the result is obtained: we have arrived at what we were looking for - the definition of what internal state, which will result in the end: “It will be nice.” Very good. We analyze: your girlfriends will gasp, you will be pleased. You will get satisfaction. Is it really so important for you to go to this momentary satisfaction in such a long and difficult way?

The girlfriends will gasp and forget. And in general, it’s not a fact that they will really be happy for you. Maybe your slimness will only irritate them. And for this reason, you abused yourself, trying all kinds of express diets, diet pills, going through grueling workouts, daily stressful weigh-ins, constant hunger and counting calories? And what did you end up with - frayed nerves, irritability and embitterment from hunger? Yes, it’s not happiness at all, but it’s precisely this completely undesirable state that you will get in the end.

This means you have chosen the wrong tools to achieve a state of happiness. And you won’t come to him this way.

The approval of friends and the joy of communicating with them can be achieved in some other, more pleasant ways. But this does not mean that now you can give up on yourself and get fat. It may very well be that it really wouldn’t hurt you to lose weight, but only if you clearly understand what kind of condition you will get in the end, and understand that this is the condition you really need.

Well, let's try again.

So, the desire is the same: I want to lose weight.

To be light, clear and transparent.

To feel good, get a state of lightness.

A state of physical lightness is truly pleasant and worth striving for. Note that in this case you are trying to do something good for yourself, and not for your girlfriends, not in order to impress anyone! It remains to be seen whether you will impress others even if you become the slimmest beauty in the world. If you don’t produce it, it will be a shame, it will hurt: how much effort was wasted. And if you want to get a pleasant state of lightness for yourself, you will win in any case.

Let's think now: is it possible to achieve this desired state of lightness in another way, without losing weight? Perhaps not. This means that both the goals and the tools are defined correctly. In this case, both diets and workouts are justified (just so that they are not overwhelming - do not forget that you are learning to love and accept yourself, and love and self-abuse are incompatible things). So, it’s decided: you’re losing weight and feeling happy right now!

What did we do with this exercise?

We have defined the goal, the result we are striving for. This result is a state of happiness.

We also found out what actions we must take to do this. They are tools for achieving a state of happiness. At the same time, we determined whether we really need to strive to fulfill this desire, or whether the goal is false. We also found out whether we had chosen the right tools to achieve the goal.

Pay attention also to this important thing: if the logical chain turns out to be too long, you ask the question “Why?” again and again, but you just can’t come to a description of the internal state; instead, your answers contain descriptions of some external situations, then the goal and the tools to achieve it are most likely chosen incorrectly. When we follow the right path, the answer indicating exactly the state comes very quickly.

Here's an example.

To be in good shape.

To make an impression on the beach in summer.

To attract the attention of an interesting man.

To marry him.

To be happy.

Stop. It would seem that the answer describing the condition has been received. However, “to be happy” is too general, an abstract answer that does not describe your personal state of mind. In addition, this seemingly impeccable chain is actually flawed, and this becomes clear even with the most approximate analysis. And that's why.

I want to swim in the pool. For what? To be in good shape. The desire itself is commendable, but there is no answer to the question of whether you will feel good in this very pool or you will only suffer and suffer there. The state is not defined - it means that you are again not attentive to yourself, to your states, but strive only for an external goal.

Next: I want to be in shape to attract attention on the beach. The mistake is that it is still unknown whether you will be able to attract anyone’s attention on the beach, much less the attention of a man who is interesting to you. Maybe on the beach where you find yourself, all the men will be with their families. Maybe there will be only old people there. Maybe there will be single and young men there, but they won’t seem interesting to you. And then what? The efforts were in vain. You are disappointed, you are sad and despondent. The result is not as desired.

Well, let's say you still attracted the attention of an interesting man. Firstly, it’s not a fact that you will marry him, but this is exactly what you were waiting for. Again - grief, melancholy, disappointment. Secondly, even if you marry him, it is unknown whether you will be happy in this marriage. If you don’t, again there will be grief, melancholy, disappointment.

And why all? Because when answering the questions, you did not take into account your fortunes. You set external goals without thinking at all about how you would feel in the process of achieving them.

And here is another version of the same chain.

Desire: I want to go to the pool.

I love swimming! I feel great in the water, I enjoy life like a child.

Here it is! You want to perform an action that will put you in a pleasant state. This means you will do it with pleasure, with joy, you will get a lot positive emotions. And from here you can go very far! A woman glowing with joy, filled with positive emotions, is capable of doing a lot - attracting a man and achieving other big goals.

Hence the conclusion - strive to get a positive state of mind and body, and the rest will follow!

Criterion for the correct path: pleasure from the process

Now pay attention to one very important thing.

The only true criterion that you are on the right path to your happiness is the pleasure from the very process of achieving it, that is, when both the goal and the tools are defined correctly, we already use these tools, from performing actions aimed at obtaining a state of happiness, we experience joy.

If we want to lose weight in order to improve our own well-being and achieve a pleasant state of lightness, then we will follow diets with pleasure, and exercise on exercise equipment with joy, and not with tears choking our throats.

Is it clear what the point is? If we rejoice on exercise machines and on scales, we rejoice while limiting ourselves in food, then our future slim figure will bring us real happiness!

If we cry at the gym, then this unearthly beauty that will be the result will not bring happiness, but only disappointment at best.

Another example: you enter the university that your parents chose for you. As a result, you prepare for exams reluctantly, you are sick of these textbooks, these formulas and rules, you simply feel physically ill. But you overcome yourself and do it. As a result, you either study poorly and still leave the hated institute, or you force yourself again and study well, but then you can’t find a job, or you find a job, but you don’t love it so much that life turns into torture and you just get sick. In addition, in a job you don’t like, you can’t work with pleasure and to your full potential, and therefore you earn pennies, and you have serious financial problems. What's the result? Life is ruined!

But suppose you enter a university that you have chosen yourself, where your heart aspires, perhaps even against the will of your parents. You gather your courage and dare to do it your way. You are preparing for exams - and even cramming is a joy for you! Exam stress is experienced much easier. The process of passing exams itself is painted in bright romantic colors for you. The emotions are the most positive! As a result, you enroll, study with pleasure, get your favorite profession, and become a professional in it. This means that you will not be lost in life, and not only will you not be lost, but your life will be full of joy and creativity.

This is the law! The road to happiness is paved with pleasures! If there is no pleasure and you, gritting your teeth, endure hardships and troubles for the sake of mythical future happiness, then you won’t get it.

Note: happiness and pleasure are not the same thing. Happiness is a state. Pleasure is the feeling you get in the process of moving towards the result - happiness.

Do you understand now how simple everything really is? You can turn your life into a series of pleasures, joy and happiness! To do this, you just need to choose the right paths, correctly formulate goals and find the right tools their achievements. You've already learned how to do this!

And now let’s return to the story of our heroine, so that, in the light of what we have just understood and learned, we can analyze what exactly she did wrong and why.

How did it all start for Maria? Because she wanted to fulfill a completely natural desire: happiness in her personal life. The wording seems to be correct and does not raise any objections.

The criterion for choosing the right tool is, as we already know, the pleasure of the action itself.

Did she have fun during the divorce process? No, on the contrary, Maria experienced a lot of unpleasant emotions. Conclusion: the tool was chosen incorrectly. And it’s not surprising, because this was not Mary’s personal choice - this tool suggested to her by her mother and friends.

The next tool is changing your appearance. Here Maria is completely confused. She decided that changing her appearance was the goal, whereas it was just a tool. The goal is a state of happiness, and Maria thought that by changing her appearance, she would automatically become happy. But it was not there. And this tool was chosen incorrectly, since the very actions of changing one’s appearance were not accompanied by pleasure, but only by emotional and physical suffering.

Then everything resembled a snowball, inevitably turning into an avalanche. Each subsequent action only aggravated previous mistakes. Moreover, the more effort, tension, and willpower put into achieving a result, the worse the situation became and emotional condition.

As we can see, Maria used an erroneous algorithm to solve her problem. Such algorithms are also scary because, as a result of their use, a problem that has arisen in one area of ​​life begins to create problems in other areas. And you don’t have to be clairvoyant to predict that if Maria hadn’t changed her behavior, she would have had to say goodbye to a successful career very soon.

"Ha! - you can say. – Well, if everything is so, then you can achieve a pleasant state, especially without bothering or straining. For example, drink a couple of glasses - and now you feel good. Or, eat a whole cake at once. And why not, if, as it turns out, our main task is to strive for pleasure?”

Well, if such thoughts really came into your head, then it’s time to talk about true and false desires, as well as what it means to live without contradicting your Nature.

Desires, real and imaginary

When we learn to recognize our states and be attentive to them, we learn to live in harmony with our Nature, without contradicting it. Our natural nature, our true “I”, our soul, strives with all its might for the joy of being. It is given to us by feelings, sensations, states that carry a creative principle. And those states that contain the seeds of destruction will never lead us to happiness - it doesn’t matter about ourselves, other people or the world around us.

This is also why it is so important to learn to be fully aware of your states: in order to figure out which of them are really good for us, good, bringing real pleasure, and which are just pretending to be so.

This is where confusion often arises. It happens that something harmful and destructive seems pleasant to us, but something really necessary does not cause much enthusiasm. Why?

Let us give a little theory here.

In human society, it has developed that since ancient times, preferences have been given to certain mechanisms for achieving goals and fulfilling desires.

After all, all people had them, have them and will always have them. And these desires must be fulfilled somehow! This is where the mechanisms, methods and technologies adopted by people come into play.

The first mechanism is struggle, conquest, achievement and conquest. It involves active external influence on events and objects. This type of relationship with ourselves, with others and with the world has been familiar to all of us since childhood. Our parents told us more than once: if you want to be the best, fight, achieve, achieve... The world is conquered by the strongest, the weakest leave the race. This is called natural selection. If you want to survive, fight, tear life apart with your teeth.

Having absorbed, as they say, such stereotypes of behavior with mother's milk, we begin to fight, fight, and take obstacles by force. Struggle is always associated with destruction. There is no other way. And where there is destruction, there is pain, there is suffering. But the habit of destroying ourselves and others is so ingrained in our flesh and blood that it already seems to us: if we don’t fight, don’t suffer, then something is being done wrong. And so we unconsciously look for that same “ecstasy in battle and the dark abyss on the edge.” Self-destruction becomes sweet, but this does not cease to be self-destruction.

The second mechanism for achieving what you want is passive agreement with the situation, non-resistance and humility. This path has been practically forgotten in our post-Soviet culture, but is now being revived by many spiritual movements and the works of modern authors. And this philosophy is already accepted by many people. Rejoice at what the Lord has given, don’t want too much, take suffering for granted, be patient, go with the flow... In some situations, this attitude can really be life-saving, but following it throughout your entire life is at least unwise. Thus, we nullify our active creativity and we prefer to suffer and endure where we could create something much better for ourselves. As a result, this path is also destructive, since it sometimes leads to intoxication not with battle, but with passive suffering, the role of a victim, a weak and helpless being.

We propose a third way. This is the path not of struggle, but of agreement with yourself, with the world, with other people. This is not a path of passivity, but of active creative interaction, cooperation with reality. He is completely creative, and therefore filled with the true joy of being. This path allows you to find everything you need without exhausting struggle, without exhaustion, without breaking yourself, without forced changes in your lifestyle or habits. You won’t have to break yourself or others, desperately prove that you’re right and defend your rights. This is the most natural path - the path along which we can follow without contradicting our Nature, that is, abandoning all destructive states of soul and body and choosing only what brings us true joy and happiness.

In order to firmly take this path and not deviate from it, you need to be truly attentive to yourself. We must definitely learn to renounce everything that carries within it struggle and destruction or passivity and also destruction. We sometimes confuse good states with destructive ones - we have been taught this since childhood.

Do you remember how it was?

If you don’t eat semolina porridge, your mother won’t love you! And so you choke, suffer, fight with yourself, harm yourself, because losing your mother’s love is a disaster! And so you are promised happiness for this torment...

And later: if you don’t drink in a friendly company, you will become an outcast, everyone will reject you, there will be no happiness!

If you don’t learn to smoke like other girls, you will become a black sheep, boys will not love you, there will be no happiness!

And you destroy yourself with all your might just to get this happiness! But where is it? Again it floated somewhere beyond the horizon. Because happiness cannot be found on the path of self-destruction, no matter how hard you try.

So let's learn to distinguish our states again, examine them and check where is what really brings you joy and where is fake.

Exercise "Mirror". Part two

Look at yourself in the mirror. Relax. See your face for what it is. You are alone with yourself - there is no one to evaluate you, criticize you, there is no one to impress. You can allow yourself to be real.

Don't hide your true face from yourself. You are who you are, and that's good. You accept everything about yourself as it is.

Look at you. What state are you in right now? this moment?

Listen to the sensations in your body. Are you comfortable? Are you tense or relaxed? Are the muscles toned or flaccid? Are you cheerful and full of energy or do you feel tired? Are you full or hungry?

Your sensations - everything that your body experiences - is a component of your state.

Look at your face. What's written on it? What emotion? What's your mood? Are you happy or sad? Calm or anxious? Are you more optimistic or more pessimistic?

Your mood is too component your condition.

Pay attention to exactly how each of these sensations is reflected on your face.

Focus on your inner world. What thoughts, images, feelings, experiences are relevant to you at the moment? Notice how they are reflected on the face.

Images, thoughts, feelings - all this organically fits into what is called a state.

Now close your eyes for a while and think about the fact that you have a certain experience behind you, you have lived many years of your life, which means that you have experienced many different conditions. Life is nothing more than a series of states. We feel the flow of life precisely because our states change. They are diverse and constantly replace each other. Where the state does not change, life itself stops.

Conditions change - and our body instantly reacts to this. You already know that a pleasant state causes muscles to relax, eyes to glow, and wrinkles to smooth out. When the state is uncomfortable - bad mood, resentment, heartache, - the body experiences the same thing, and this is also immediately reflected on the face.

So, remember what states you were in and what situations it was associated with. Remember what comes to mind first and open your eyes.

For example, you remembered how you were skiing through the winter forest. You already know that a state is a mood, emotions, and body sensations. Remember all this at once. How the frost stung my cheeks. How easily the snow fell from the tree branches when you accidentally touched them. How bright the blue sky above you was. What a ringing silence stood around... What joy filled your soul!

Look in the mirror and watch how the memory of this state changes your face. Do you think this state is creative? Is it really joyful, good for you? Is it really fun? Apparently yes.

Remember yourself in a state when you were doing difficult but interesting work and it was your own choice, not imposed by someone from the outside. It may not have been easy for you, but you received true satisfaction. And now, remembering what we received as a result positive result your eyes are glowing.

Now remember how you had to do something against your will - you were forced to do it, or you did it to please someone. Maybe it wasn’t such a difficult task—for example, you had to run to get cigarettes for your boss—but why is it so unpleasant to remember? And the eyes immediately went dark, and the shoulders hunched. This means that by doing this, you contradicted your Nature, destroyed yourself, trampled on your self-esteem...

Remember how you were given a desired gift. How did you give gifts yourself? How you rested and how you worked. How I felt on the first date. And on the second? And on subsequent ones? How you fell in love. And how the breakup followed. You still don’t understand why... But maybe already on the first date you felt some discomfort that you didn’t pay attention to? Now you know: this was a sign that this path is not yours and this person is actually a stranger to you.

Remember how you went shopping. I bought some great boots that I had been dreaming about for a long time. It’s still nice to remember that radiant state! But another purchase: someone offended, the mood was terrible. A friend advised: buy a new blouse, and everything will be fine. For a moment, you were really overcome with euphoria: now I’ll update my wardrobe, and everything will get better! You spent all your money and brought home a bunch of packages. All this happened in some unnaturally excited state, which then you took for genuine joy. In your terrible mood, it turns out you bought some terrible blouses. The joy instantly disappeared, and even greater melancholy took over - now there was nothing to live on...

Here you are in the dentist's office. It’s unpleasant, it hurts... Why do you smile now, remembering this, and experience the most pleasant feelings: what a great fellow, smart girl, she overcame herself, did it, and now the reward is healthy, beautiful teeth! No, it turns out that it was a very good, positive state! But if you got scared and ran away before reaching the dentist’s door, you would probably feel really bad...

Here is a meeting with friends - pleasant, soulful gatherings. How good it was! You can still see it in your face. A smile just blooms by itself...

Here's a feast in the company of work colleagues. It used to be called a booze party, now it’s a corporate party. You're on a roll, you make toast after toast, drink glass after glass. A pleasant state at first glance... Remember, remember: your movements are uncoordinated, your arms and legs don’t obey, your head is noisy, your thoughts are unusually light, everything floats before your eyes... Are you really pleasant in this state? Why then is it so unpleasant to remember this now? Now remember how you felt the next morning after the banquet. What, it’s better not to remember at all, right? So was that state really good and joyful?

Now remember what really gave you a feeling of pure joy and pleasure - without unpleasant aftertastes, without signs of disappointment and disappointed hopes. A walk in the mountains, the smell of a flower, good book or that state when you are next to your loved one, and no words are needed, because even in silence you are together and there is complete mutual understanding between you...

Now you see that states that are harmful and destructive for us can sometimes seem pleasant and good. But if you “feel” into yourself better, you will definitely find that discomfort lurks somewhere in the depths of such states. It can sometimes be subtle, especially if you don't have enough experience yet to recognize it. But the more you practice, the more easily you will be able to detect such discomfort. This means that you will have a powerful tool in your hands that will protect you from erroneous decisions and wrong actions. If your condition is even a little uncomfortable, then you need to stop and not go further down this path. And only if there is not the slightest unpleasant sensation in your condition, then you are going right. This is exactly the path that can ultimately lead you to happiness.

Desires are genuine and imaginary - as it often happened that we did not distinguish one from the other or distinguished it too late... A genuine desire is always one that is dictated by the desire of the soul for a state of joy, pleasure, for a state in which it, the soul, feels good.

An imaginary desire is one that is imposed by someone or something from the outside: other people’s ideas about what is good and what is bad, or the rules and norms accepted in the society to which you currently belong.

But now you know that only the fulfillment of genuine desires gives genuine joy. When we fulfill imaginary desires, discomfort inevitably rises from somewhere from the bottom of the soul and it is important to notice it in time.

Now you have the skill to distinguish between truly positive, creative states and negative, destructive states. In addition, you have an algorithm for identifying goals and tools for achieving them. Here's how you can put this knowledge into practice to identify genuine desires, which sometimes you don't immediately recognize because they are hidden behind imaginary ones.

Desire: I want to become an accountant.

To work in an interesting team.

To communicate with different people.

Because I am a sociable person and get great pleasure from communication.

The desired state has been found. But what does the profession of an accountant have to do with it?

What do you really want - to communicate or to be an accountant?

The profession of an accountant involves much more than just communicating with other people. You'll have to do a lot more. When choosing this profession, do you take into account what it will be like for you to pore over numbers? Reconcile debit with credit? And most importantly, what will your state be like?

What? You hate numbers, but you think that they will tolerate and fall in love with you when you get into a large prestigious company? If you don’t hope, you won’t be able to endure it and you won’t fall in love. And if, before you start working, you no longer like numbers, then you will begin to feel sick of them. And no amount of communication will compensate you for this extremely unpleasant state.

This means that the goal was set incorrectly. There are plenty of other professions in which you can satisfy your desire for communication! Why not search among them?

And you should become an accountant only when you have such a short chain.

I want to be an accountant.

I love this job! I'm like a fish in water in these numbers.

In this case, you will not lose anything, but will gain a lot! And welcome communication as well.

Now do you understand why everything in your life is not the way you wanted? You weren't really striving for what you needed. Accordingly, you didn’t get what you needed.

Still not very clear? Let's figure it out now.

We always get what we want

Are you surprised to read these words in the subtitle? Do not believe? But this is really so.

We have already said that every woman creates her own world. And she really gets what she herself created. But the trouble is, the majority still don’t know what exactly they’re doing!

Maria received a handsome gigolo, not knowing that she was subconsciously waiting for him. After all, she wanted a “worthy man,” but she didn’t know what that was, her imagination only pictured a vague (albeit brilliant) appearance, and nothing more. The Arthur she met was really what she needed... But did her imagination picture something else? No. She was waiting for an acquaintance in a restaurant - and that’s what happened. Everything is according to the scenario she herself planned (albeit unconsciously).

The wonderful world in which we live exists according to its own laws. Perhaps someday a genius will be born who will be able to algorithmize them and derive a formula for an absolute understanding of the world. For now, we are trying to understand only its individual elements. Our distant ancestors may have known this mysterious formula, but they did not have time to convey it to us. That's why we have to reinvent the wheel today. However, by observing, comparing and drawing conclusions, we can guess why this formula of the universe, according to which we always get what we want, really works at all times and in any place, without exception.

The world in which we live, as we already know, is an intelligent living being. Therefore, he hears our every desire and responds to it. After all, we are particles of this world and exist in very close interaction with it! However, this world does not understand the intricacies of Russian, Ukrainian, English and other human languages, so it does not hear how we ourselves formulate and pronounce our desires. He perceives them in his own language. And the language of our world is the language of states. This is the language of sensations, emotions, images. This is the language of energies.

This is why the power of prayer is so powerful. The world does not hear words, but perceives the emotional message and the state that we put into the words of prayer.

That is why our desires sometimes come true in a completely different way than we wanted. While controlling words and formulations, we do not always control our states. And the world gives us its benefits in response to states, emotions, sensations, and not at all to words.

Suppose a person has a passionate desire to buy the latest model BMW. The Big World perceives this as the desire of a given person to obtain a certain state and experience certain emotions. And if this person wants to use this vehicle to demonstrate his coolness to others, then the world will react precisely to this desire, and not at all to the desire to get a car. Moreover, the world will reveal the true reasons for this desire and begin to present options to the person. What could be the true reasons for wanting to demonstrate that you are cooler than others? It can be a repressed feeling of one’s own inferiority, and family troubles, and failures at work, and sexual complexes, and dislike in childhood... And then circumstances arise in a person’s life that, if treated correctly, can ultimately help him resolve these problems, eliminate complexes, realize your worth, gain self-esteem. For example, a new great love may appear in his life, or a son may be born, or an interesting creative endeavor may turn up...

The world thus gives him a gift. It’s as if the world is saying: “Look how good you are. How much you deserve. And you don’t need to assert yourself by demonstrating your coolness!”

But will he be able to see this gift of peace? Or will he brush aside his gifts and continue to long for his fancy car?

Unfortunately, very often we refuse the gifts offered to us, continuing to want something else, and thereby miss out on our happiness!

Therefore, it is very important to understand: wanting to get something concrete, material, we are dealing with a world that speaks the language of states. He will read our desire in the language of state. And we will receive the realization of this desire in accordance with the state in which we were, striving to achieve what we wanted.

Look at your life, at the situation you are in now. The wrong man is next to you, he treats you badly, and you don’t believe that this worthless family life is your own choice? That you got what you wanted?

But let's think about it. Did the fact that the man is not the same become obvious only today or yesterday? “He used to be completely different!” - you say. Let's say. And yet, then, before, when he treated you much better than now, in your relationship, no, no, and something arose that you did not like, embarrassed, caused this or that discomfort. Because of this, your condition changed for the worse. But you didn’t even want to think about it. You brushed aside these first alarming symptoms like annoying flies. Did he raise his voice at you? Did he skimp on a gift or flowers? He promised to call and didn't? “Nonsense,” you told yourself, “we’ll get married and he’ll improve.” But the honeymoon passed - and it turned out that he had not improved, on the contrary, everything only got worse. “Nothing, a child will be born, and then he will become more responsible, more generous, kinder, better!” – you consoled yourself again. And your condition is getting worse. But the expectations again did not come true, and your relationship became worse and worse... And now you say: “Why am I being punished like this? He drinks, beats me, doesn’t care about the children, goes on walks, doesn’t bring in any money!”

And this is not a punishment. This is what you chose for yourself. You demonstrated to the world that your poor state of mind is something that suits you. Your husband’s bad treatment of you also suits you, because even on the very first date he simply had it written on his forehead: “I am like this and I won’t be any different.” And if you listened to your heart, you would certainly “read” this message. But you didn’t want to see this eye-catching “inscription” - it was more convenient for you then to simply not notice it. You have come to terms with mental discomfort. Your current situation was created by this very uncomfortable state of your soul. By continuing to live in this state and putting up with it, you yourself purposefully brought yourself to this result.

Or maybe you are lonely and also don’t believe that you yourself wanted to be in such a situation? But if you remember properly, you will understand that you chose loneliness for yourself not yesterday and not today. You once rejected someone. Once upon a time, you simply refused to meet someone that could have led you to start a family. And once you fell in love with a man who was completely unsuitable for you, married or for other reasons unavailable. Not realizing that she herself, albeit unconsciously, made such a choice in order to avoid real relationships, not build a family, not take responsibility for another. By doing so, you let the world know that you are better off alone. Or maybe this is really so, and loneliness is what you need now? It is likely that at this time in your life it is better for you to be alone. And in this case, if you listen to yourself and your condition, you will understand that in fact you are not so bad being alone. On the contrary, it's good! And your desire to get married at any cost is nothing more than another stereotype imposed by society.

In general, be that as it may, by recognizing that in our lives we have received what we ourselves - consciously or unconsciously - wanted to receive, we have a reason for optimism. Yes, yes, you can stand up and shout loudly: “Hurray!” After all, if you yourself, albeit by mistake, created in your life what you now have, then you yourself can change all this. There would be a desire! Only the desire must be genuine, and the tools to achieve it must be correct. Having created one situation in your life, you can create another, exactly the opposite one.

“No matter how it is. – Your skepticism may push you to object. “I simply had no other choice.” How could I choose any other path if life did not offer me other options?

It is not true. You and all other people always have many options. Another thing is that we may not see these options because we are too blinkered. Since childhood, our consciousness has been driven into a cage of stereotypes of behavior, thinking and feeling imposed from outside. As a result, we put on masks and roles that may not correspond to our true essence. And so, playing other people’s roles, along the bricks of stereotypes, we move towards someone else’s goals that are unnecessary to us. These stereotypes show us the way in life, pave the way in it. While other, happy paths, turns and directions are simply not noticed by us, since they do not fit into the usual patterns and stereotypes.

It's time to sort this out, don't you think? In the next chapter we’ll talk about what patterns, stereotypes and masks are, how to recognize them and what to do with them so that they finally stop interfering with our freedom of choice.

Are you surprised to read these words in the subtitle? Do not believe? But this is really so.

We have already said that every woman creates her own world. And she really gets what she herself created. But the trouble is, the majority still don’t know what exactly they’re doing!

Maria received a handsome gigolo, not knowing that she was subconsciously waiting for him. After all, she wanted a “worthy man,” but she didn’t know what that was, her imagination only pictured a vague (albeit brilliant) appearance, and nothing more. The Arthur she met was really what she needed... But did her imagination picture something else? No. She was waiting for an acquaintance in a restaurant - and that’s what happened. Everything is according to the scenario she herself planned (albeit unconsciously).

The wonderful world in which we live exists according to its own laws. Perhaps someday a genius will be born who will be able to algorithmize them and derive a formula for an absolute understanding of the world. For now, we are trying to understand only its individual elements. Our distant ancestors may have known this mysterious formula, but they did not have time to convey it to us. That's why we have to reinvent the wheel today. However, by observing, comparing and drawing conclusions, we can guess why this formula of the universe, according to which we always get what we want, really works at all times and in any place, without exception.

The world in which we live, as we already know, is an intelligent living being. Therefore, he hears our every desire and responds to it. After all, we are particles of this world and exist in very close interaction with it! However, this world does not understand the intricacies of Russian, Ukrainian, English and other human languages, so it does not hear how we ourselves formulate and pronounce our desires. He perceives them in his own language. And the language of our world is the language of states. This is the language of sensations, emotions, images. This is the language of energies.

This is why the power of prayer is so powerful. The world does not hear words, but perceives the emotional message and the state that we put into the words of prayer.

That is why our desires sometimes come true in a completely different way than we wanted. While controlling words and formulations, we do not always control our states. And the world gives us its benefits in response to states, emotions, sensations, and not at all to words.

Suppose a person has a passionate desire to buy the latest model BMW. The Big World perceives this as the desire of a given person to obtain a certain state and experience certain emotions. And if this person wants to use this vehicle to demonstrate his coolness to others, then the world will react precisely to this desire, and not at all to the desire to get a car. Moreover, the world will reveal the true reasons for this desire and begin to present options to the person. What could be the true reasons for wanting to demonstrate that you are cooler than others? It can be a repressed feeling of one’s own inferiority, and family troubles, and failures at work, and sexual complexes, and dislike in childhood... And then circumstances arise in a person’s life that, if treated correctly, can ultimately help him resolve these problems, eliminate complexes, realize your worth, gain self-esteem. For example, a new great love may appear in his life, or a son may be born, or an interesting creative endeavor may turn up...

The world thus gives him a gift. It’s as if the world is saying: “Look how good you are. How much you deserve. And you don’t need to assert yourself by demonstrating your coolness!”

But will he be able to see this gift of peace? Or will he brush aside his gifts and continue to long for his fancy car?

Unfortunately, very often we refuse the gifts offered to us, continuing to want something else, and thereby miss out on our happiness!

Therefore, it is very important to understand: wanting to get something concrete, material, we are dealing with a world that speaks the language of states. He will read our desire in the language of state. And we will receive the realization of this desire in accordance with the state in which we were, striving to achieve what we wanted.

Look at your life, at the situation you are in now. The wrong man is next to you, he treats you badly, and you don’t believe that this worthless family life is your own choice? That you got what you wanted?

But let's think about it. Did the fact that the man is not the same become obvious only today or yesterday? “He used to be completely different!” - you say. Let's say. And yet, then, before, when he treated you much better than now, in your relationship, no, no, and something arose that you did not like, embarrassed, caused this or that discomfort. Because of this, your condition changed for the worse. But you didn’t even want to think about it. You brushed aside these first alarming symptoms like annoying flies. Did he raise his voice at you? Did he skimp on a gift or flowers? He promised to call and didn't? “Nonsense,” you told yourself, “we’ll get married and he’ll improve.” But the honeymoon passed - and it turned out that he had not improved, on the contrary, everything only got worse. “Nothing, a child will be born, and then he will become more responsible, more generous, kinder, better!” – you consoled yourself again. And your condition is getting worse. But the expectations again did not come true, and your relationship became worse and worse... And now you say: “Why am I being punished like this? He drinks, beats me, doesn’t care about the children, goes on walks, doesn’t bring in any money!”

And this is not a punishment. This is what you chose for yourself. You demonstrated to the world that your poor state of mind is something that suits you. Your husband’s bad treatment of you also suits you, because even on the very first date he simply had it written on his forehead: “I am like this and I won’t be any different.” And if you listened to your heart, you would certainly “read” this message. But you didn’t want to see this eye-catching “inscription” - it was more convenient for you then to simply not notice it. You have come to terms with mental discomfort. Your current situation was created by this very uncomfortable state of your soul. By continuing to live in this state and putting up with it, you yourself purposefully brought yourself to this result.

Or maybe you are lonely and also don’t believe that you yourself wanted to be in such a situation? But if you remember properly, you will understand that you chose loneliness for yourself not yesterday and not today. You once rejected someone. Once upon a time, you simply refused to meet someone that could have led you to start a family. And once you fell in love with a man who was completely unsuitable for you, married or for other reasons unavailable. Not realizing that she herself, albeit unconsciously, made such a choice in order to avoid real relationships, not build a family, not take responsibility for another. By doing so, you let the world know that you are better off alone. Or maybe this is really so, and loneliness is what you need now? It is likely that at this time in your life it is better for you to be alone. And in this case, if you listen to yourself and your condition, you will understand that in fact you are not so bad being alone. On the contrary, it's good! And your desire to get married at any cost is nothing more than another stereotype imposed by society.

In general, be that as it may, by recognizing that in our lives we have received what we ourselves - consciously or unconsciously - wanted to receive, we have a reason for optimism. Yes, yes, you can stand up and shout loudly: “Hurray!” After all, if you yourself, albeit by mistake, created in your life what you now have, then you yourself can change all this. There would be a desire! Only the desire must be genuine, and the tools to achieve it must be correct. Having created one situation in your life, you can create another, exactly the opposite one.

“No matter how it is. – Your skepticism may push you to object. “I simply had no other choice.” How could I choose any other path if life did not offer me other options?

It is not true. You and all other people always have many options. Another thing is that we may not see these options because we are too blinkered. Since childhood, our consciousness has been driven into a cage of stereotypes of behavior, thinking and feeling imposed from outside. As a result, we put on masks and roles that may not correspond to our true essence. And so, playing other people’s roles, along the bricks of stereotypes, we move towards someone else’s goals that are unnecessary to us. These stereotypes show us the way in life, pave the way in it. While other, happy paths, turns and directions are simply not noticed by us, since they do not fit into the usual patterns and stereotypes.

It's time to sort this out, don't you think? In the next chapter we’ll talk about what patterns, stereotypes and masks are, how to recognize them and what to do with them so that they finally stop interfering with our freedom of choice.

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