The magic of plants. Medicinal properties of some plants

It is believed that every plant emits energy. It is known that indoor flowers can influence the atmosphere in the house, as well as the well-being of its inhabitants. Since ancient times, plants have been used not only to decorate rooms, but also to cure illness, attract good luck, money, and improve relationships with a loved one. We invite you to get acquainted with folk tips based on the use of ordinary indoor plants.

How to use the magical properties of plants

  • From a bad mood. If you often feel sad or your mood quickly deteriorates, it is recommended to keep balsam in the house. Its aroma will make you smile and enjoy life.
  • From all diseases. Aloe is a home healer who is always nearby. This plant is not only healing, but also has magical properties. It will help you endure any separation and loneliness. In addition, aloe is considered a talisman against damage, the evil eye and uninvited guests.
  • From tension in the house and from a negative atmosphere. If you feel that something wrong is going on at home, you constantly quarrel with household members, or you often feel stressed, then keep geraniums with red flowers at home. She does a great job of fighting negativity and defusing the situation in the house.
  • To attract love. If you want to meet your soulmate or want to improve your relationship with your existing partner, have a hyacinth at home. The magical properties of the plant are aimed at preserving love, feelings and mutual understanding.
  • From sexual impotence. If a man has problems in his intimate life, then you need to put several sheets of dracaena under the mattress. This will improve potency.
  • For conception. Myrtle will help get rid of infertility. This plant will make a woman fertile and healthy.
  • For seeing prophetic dreams. If you want to have prophetic dreams every night, then place a pot of calendula near the bed, or preferably at the head of the bed. In addition to this property, calendula is capable of providing vital energy everyone who is nearby.
  • To attract money. If you want to see more money in your wallet, put a couple of mint leaves in it. This plant will help you charge your wallet with monetary energy.

Use people's councils for your own good. Remember that the plants that are around us are living beings that influence our lives and mental state. We wish you good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

06.10.2014 09:18

The rose has always been considered a noble, royal flower. She personified beauty, tenderness, femininity and love. But its beautiful appearance and aroma...

Garlic has always been considered a magical plant. If we recall ancient legends and fairy tales, people used garlic heads to protect themselves from witches...

and how to use their power

Plants and flowers are designed not only to please the human eye and soul. They all have a certain energy potential and each have their own impact on one or another area of ​​life. Plant energy can be both positive and negative. They also have magical properties and are used in many rituals and ceremonies.

Flowers are magical helpers for women

Plants especially give strength to women. An energy exchange occurs between them. Therefore, it is important, when using, to love them and breed them with pleasure. So, it turns out that the woman will give them her love and care, and in return they will receive a good and powerful energy charge and great magical potential. Otherwise, they will only cause harm, simply absorbing energy and not giving anything in return. Therefore, it is better not to breed flowers if there is no attraction to them.

White flowers can give a woman a great energy and magical charge. These plants are protected by the moon. To use their energy, the flowers need to be charged with it. To do this, they need to be placed in the house so that moonlight falls on them at night. Magic properties indoor plants and colors are just as diverse and can help in various life situations.

How to choose flowers for your home so that they bring comfort and benefit?

For harmony and comfort in the home, energy indoor flowers very important. You need to choose them correctly, since not all of them are positive.

First of all, you need to take into account that some flowers are female, and some are male. And their ratio must be observed. It would be best if there were equal numbers of flowers in the house of both genders. Then they will really contribute to the harmonization of the general atmosphere in the house and the relationships of its inhabitants.

Flowers with rounded leaves are well suited to create a favorable atmosphere in the house. It is this form that can smooth out and eliminate all negativity.

What can the energy of house plants influence:

1. On the general atmosphere in the house. Purifying flowers can absorb negativity and all negative influences, thereby purifying the atmosphere of the home.

2. Flowers – . Many are able to help their owner in case of illness.

3. The magic of plants is used to attract various benefits.

4. There are flowers for love. Many have the ability to attract a soul mate and strengthen relationships between people.

5. There are flowers for protection. They can protect from a lot. For example, from theft, from illness, from evil forces, from witchcraft.

What plants are useful to have in the house?

Balsam. He is also simply called Vanka. This is a very positive flower. Its energy helps to avoid despondency and puts residents in a good and joyful mood.

Aloe. This is a medicinal plant. But, besides its practical use in folk medicine, it also has certain magical properties. His energy will protect him from diseases. It will also help you cope with separation from someone close to you and loneliness. Helps strengthen mental strength.

The energy of geranium will help in preventing and. She is able to absorb anger, calm and give strength in oppressive situations. The magical properties of flowers vary in their direction, depending on the color. So, pink geranium will protect you from dark forces and help you find love. And white will help in conceiving a child. In general, the energy of this flower is very useful for the home.

Hyacinth is also a good protector against evil forces. It will also help cope with insomnia and get rid of nightmares. Therefore, the best place for this plant is the bedroom. His energy will be just right there.

Another protector from evil is dracaena. But she is very receptive. If you bring it into a house whose energy is unclean, the plant will die. Therefore, she is more suitable as a guard. The magical properties of this plant are also used for love purposes. For girls, a piece of dracaena will be a good talisman, giving attractiveness and helping to find happiness. It needs to be sewn into a small bag made of natural fabric and carried with you at all times. For men, this plant will help avoid sexual impotence. To do this, part of the plant is placed under the mattress.

The cactus will become the guardian of the house from thieves and uninvited guests.

Spathiphyllum is called the “flower of love.” The use of its magical properties can be enhanced if another plant is placed next to it - anthurium. The name of the first flower fully reflects the area of ​​​​use of its energy. And the second is a male flower. So, a composition of these plants will help attract a man to the house and maintain love and happiness. The energy of these plants is very strong.

Roses are always associated with something beautiful and are a symbol of love. These flowers will always help in finding mutual feelings. And women will be given beauty and attractiveness.

Crassula, called the “money tree,” can really bring financial stability. To use its magical properties there is special rituals and conspiracies. This plant should be located on the eastern side of the house or apartment.

Violets in the house are desirable. They, depending on their color, influence various areas. Energy properties of violets of different colors:

  • red will enhance positive energy in the house;
  • pink - will improve the love atmosphere;
  • blue promotes the discovery of creative forces and will stimulate inspiring aspects;
  • purple will promote spiritual growth and development;
  • white will have a cleansing effect.

What plants will harm the house?

Can't be kept in the house climbing plants. Their energy will contribute to quarrels between family members.

There are also vampire plants. They will drain their owners of their vitality and energy. If they are present in the house, people may experience a bad, dejected mood, fatigue, depression, and even poor health.

But you can use their energy by planting them in front of the house. There, vines and energy absorbers will be useful. They will not allow negativity from the outside to enter the house; they will act as guards.

The magical power of flowers and plants has been used by people since ancient times. These are real gifts of nature.

The magical properties of pansies

According to the ancient language of flowers, pansies cause peace peace of mind. Apparently, it is no coincidence that many people call this flower “flower dead souls" Places where pansies grew have long been considered in Western countries to be a haven for the soul of the deceased. This opinion subsequently spread to Rus'. Therefore, they began to grow them mainly in cemeteries. According to Russian folk belief, if you want it to rain, pick a bouquet of pansies on a warm sunny day and put them in water. It will certainly rain in the evening or the next day.

Magical properties of pine

Pine loves people and wishes them well. In addition, this tree very subtly senses the accumulating evil and uses all its considerable strength to dispel it. This is why pines have great difficulty surviving in cities - there is too much bad energy there, and this tree always “takes the fire upon itself.” If you have the option, always choose pine. Pine boards and pine furniture (even haphazardly made in a factory) will always be well protected from evil forces. And pine branches with cones should decorate any home, especially at that time of year when the night is longer than the day and the weakened winter sun does not have time to drive away the creatures of darkness from the human home. Pine especially patronizes Leos.

Homewrecker lily of the valley

Lily of the valley is the guardian of fidelity and purity, but in evil hands it can become a homewrecker. These flowers cannot be collected, bought or given on the eve of the new moon, when their scent, according to legend, awakens lust and throws women into the arms of sin. Lily of the valley berries used by a home-grown magician can make him a victim of creatures from subtle world, eager to master someone's will. Lily of the valley flowers, picked on the morning of the full moon, on the contrary, promote high romantic love and make the loss of virginity less painful. It is believed that a man becomes more tender and careful, and a woman more passionate, if there is a bouquet of lilies of the valley, collected during the waxing moon, at the head of the bed.

Magic plants. Sedge

Sedge (some argue that the famous “break-grass” is akin to this marsh plant) protects against love and love spells. If you begin to suspect that they are trying to bewitch you, scatter fresh sedge on the floor at home (and be sure to put it in your bed). Carrying sedge root with you is a good protection against unclean thoughts on the part of the stronger sex. Flowers help drive away love obsessions, showing the chosen one as he really is.

The magical properties of nettle

Nettles were placed under the soles of the bewitched person’s shoes or boots so that evil spirits could not drag him into the underworld. They say that autumn nettles can name the enemy who is plotting against you. To do this, in late autumn you need to find thickets of nettles that have lost their summer “anger” and run your unprotected palm along its stems from bottom to top, listing people who may wish you harm. When you name the name of the enemy, your hand will burn. Required condition The experiment must be a preliminary “test” of nettles. Force yourself to think about something pleasant, at worst, hum a song to yourself. If, while sorting out the nettles, you do not feel a burn, it means that the bush is already so wise and calm that it can give advice.

The magical properties of garlic

Protects against vampires and other otherworldly predators. The flowers of this plant are especially good. Sometimes one bouquet is enough to remove clumsily applied damage. Garlic flowers and some love spells are removed (in particular, those that awaken in a person lust and desire to immediately and at any cost possess the one who cast the spell). A wreath of woven garlic at the doors and windows will not allow uninvited “guests” from the subtle world to enter the house. The Spaniards believe that stew with garlic will indicate an envious person - he will smell several times stronger than others who have tasted the same dish. Garlic juice will not allow the sentry to fall asleep on duty, even if they try to “bewitch” him (this is why garlic is traditionally included in the guards’ menu). And, among other things, this vegetable is extremely healthy.

The magical properties of spruce

In some countries of Western Europe, it was believed that spruce has the ability to bring good luck to hunters and fishermen. Therefore, very often, when going into the forest for the next prey, men filled their pockets with fir cones, plucked from the tree before dawn. In addition, there was an opinion that a fir cone buried in the yard of a house or in a vegetable garden would protect the hunter from accidents while hunting and cruel death from an attack by a wild animal. Freshly cut spruce tree branches were also used by healers in their healing practices. Spruce needles were used to cure diseases associated with joint damage, rheumatism and pain in bones and muscles. Spruce paws were placed around the patient’s house, under the windows and outside the door, and the disease was spelled out.

The magical properties of thistle

If you translate the name of this plant into modern Russian, you will get “scaring devils,” which is quite consistent with the abilities of this herb. In order to prevent evil spirits from entering the home, this plant was hung at the entrance to the house. He was planted on the graves of sorcerers and damned people to prevent the devil from dragging their souls into hell. Thistles grow in bad places, protecting our world from evil. They said that where the thistle settled, either the people were evil or the place was bad; In any case, it is better to stay away from him. The thistle reaches its greatest strength when its flowers bloom.

The magical properties of wormwood

A very strong anti-demonic herb, which is now used extremely rarely. The smell of wormwood can drive almost any evil spirits out of the house. To protect against intrigues evil spirits wormwood was hung in houses, and fires with the addition of wormwood were burned near the houses. A safe method of using wormwood is to hang a small bunch of this herb in the house (preferably in the bedroom or hallway). The buds, not the stems, have the greatest strength of this plant, so when you collect wormwood, do not cut it down to the very root, take only the top. In addition, in this way you will preserve the plant, since wormwood grows slowly and does not germinate well from seeds.

Magical properties of aster

Asters embody the principles of Faith (scarlet and purple), Hope (pink, lilac, lemon), divine Love (white) and Wisdom-Sophia (purple). These flowers protect from bad thoughts, strengthen the soul in trials, and ease moral suffering. A dream about asters promises happiness and good luck. If you dream of blooming asters, then a certain person will make you interesting offer, which will touch the hidden strings of your consciousness. Don't trust this man and his promises because they will never come true. The dream predicts that your diligence will help you become a real ace in your business.

The magical properties of willow

Many traditional Russian rituals were associated with this plant. Ancient healers attributed rare magical and healing powers to the buds that hatched on willow branches. The peasants pinned their hopes for a future rich harvest on Palm Sunday. There is still a sign: if on Palm Sunday The weather is clear and warm, then you can expect a good harvest of bread and vegetables. Willow branches placed in the room bring good health to all the inhabitants of the house, ward off misfortunes, the evil eye and damage from them. Seeing a willow branch in a dream or holding it in your hands is a sign of success in business and honor.

The magical properties of the water lily

Water lilies (water lilies) are very beautiful, but they are dangerous to pick up. These flowers are under the special protection of water spirits, who very jealously watch over their property. By picking a water lily, you risk incurring the wrath of the “owner”, who will begin to harm you to the best of his ability. You shouldn’t buy them either; these flowers are capable of taking on other people’s troubles and passing them on to a new owner. If you still really want water lilies, throw a few coins to the water lily and pick no more than two flowers.

The magical properties of white lily

One of the most mysterious plants. What properties are not endowed with it! This is the “flower of death” and a symbol of the Annunciation, a sign of oblivion and fidelity, a symbol of purity and debauchery. Lily is a strong talisman, the properties of which depend on the circumstances and desires of a person. The buds of white lilies, given at sunrise, can engender a bright feeling in a young girl, and flowers that bloom at sunset or at night with their aroma plunge the most virtuous into sin. A branch of lilies, from which one flower is cut, given as a sign of farewell, softens the pain of separation.

The magical properties of cherries

This is common in our gardens fruit tree carries a huge supply of positive energy. In past centuries European countries it was considered a symbol of fertility and prosperity. In Russian villages, young girls, guessing by cherry pits, tried to find out their fate: will they get married? To do this, the cherry pits remaining on the plate were counted, putting one at a time to the side, and they said: “This year, next year, not soon, never.” If the last bone foreshadowed an imminent marriage, that is, it turned out to be the fifth, the girl threw it over the threshold into the yard, repeating three times: “Fifth stone, bring a rich groom.”

The magical properties of the Laurel plant

The bay tree was especially revered during the Roman Empire. He was credited magical power protect a person from death. The ancient Romans considered this Plant a symbol of immortality and took laurel leaves with them on harsh military campaigns and bloody battles. With the help of a laurel branch, people also tried to protect themselves from accidents associated with natural disasters: it was believed that laurel protected houses from lightning strikes and floods. A bad omen was the sudden curling or falling of leaves from a laurel tree growing in the yard. This meant announcing the imminent death of someone living in the house. Traditional healers advised placing a sprig of laurel tree in the bed of a person exhausted by long periods of insomnia or nervous disorders. The smell of laurel leaves should bring calm to the patient and restore normal, sound sleep.

The magical properties of the poppy plant

Poppy flowers and seeds have been widely used in witchcraft since time immemorial. According to rumors, if you pour a few poppy seeds into a person’s ears when he is fast asleep and then cast a special spell, you can bring trouble and illness to him in this way. If red poppy petals are placed on the eyelids of a sleeping enemy, he will go blind, and therefore become weak and helpless. To rid a woman of infertility, healers sprinkled poppy seeds into women's boots, and scattered the petals in the attic of the house in which the infertile woman lived. The poppy petals had to be kept under the roof of the house for the same number of days as the patient had been infertile for years. After this, the dried petals were collected and thrown into the oven. It was believed that in this way the disease leaves the sick woman’s house through the chimney.

The magical properties of sunflower

The well-known sunflower has the strongest protective properties. Even sunflower oil and seeds are good help against evil forces. If you go into a society where you are hostile, and are afraid of encountering energy vampires, or even the danger of the evil eye, lightly touch the sunflower oil fingers of the temples, bridge of the nose, dimples at the base thumbs and a point midway between the chest and navel. Unroasted sunflower seeds sprinkled at the threshold will prevent the “induced” evil from crossing it, and sunflower flowers in a vase are not only very impressive, but also help cleanse the house of negative energy. If you plant sunflowers under the windows, the number of small annoying troubles that happen through no fault of yours will decrease.

Magical properties of rose hips

Rosehip removes the barriers erected by social conventions, money, differences in status and age, making the impossible possible for a moment. A branch of white rosehip can kindle the love of a queen for a page, and a king for a shepherdess. If blood “mixes” on a rosehip branch (both the one who plucked the branch and the one for whom it was intended were scratched by the rosehip thorns), a fatal passion may arise. Rosehips are one of the important ingredients of the love potion; dry rosehip branches, collected in November under the full moon, protect against evil forces and, along with garlic and aspen stakes, are weapons against vampires. Moreover, what is especially valuable, energy vampires.

The magical properties of physalis

Helps individuals whose horoscope is dominated by the elements of fire and air (heat and dryness). This plant increases vitality, eases the course of illness and protects against bad thoughts.

Dried physalis flowers placed on window sills or hung above the door protect the house from the penetration of various entities from the subtle world, both malicious and, unfortunately, good.

In addition, these flowers are believed to make it difficult to conceive.

The magical properties of cyclamen (alpine violet)

Flower of pride and self-respect. White and light pink cyclamen strengthens the human spirit during business troubles. It has been noticed that if cyclamen grow on the windows of an institution, then (especially at the time of their flowering) subordinates put their presumptuous superiors in their place. Purple and scarlet cyclamens help keep your face in love. If you understand that slavish obedience to your beloved will not lead to good, and you don’t have enough strength to “maintain your character,” fill the windowsill with blooming scarlet cyclamens.

What to plant for good luck

If you want to restore your physical strength, then plant laurel, ordinary celery, honeysuckle, calendula, roses or thyme. Blooming in the garden, these plants will help adapt you and your home to change. In addition, flowers, leaves and seeds of these plants can be used in magical rituals to enhance their effects. Those who want harmony in the home can plant such common plants and flowers as garden primrose, mint, tomato, tricolor violet, pansy, jasmine and catnip. To always have happiness in your home, place pots of hyacinths, lavender, oregano, catnip and morning glory on the windowsill.

If you have problems with money, you should choose mint, chives, snapdragons, camellia japonica, navel, clover, dill, basil, and perhaps sow a strip of wheat. Pine, oak, ash and apple trees, banana trees planted near the house will also protect your home.

To keep thieves away from your home, be sure to plant garlic, cumin, thistle bush, cactus or juniper bush. Myrtle in boxes on the window, planted by a woman, also brings good luck.

The magical properties of pansies

According to the ancient language of flowers, pansies evoke peace and peace of mind. Apparently, it is no coincidence that many people call this flower “the flower of dead souls.” Places where pansies grew have long been considered in Western countries to be a haven for the soul of the deceased. This opinion subsequently spread to Rus'. Therefore, they began to grow them mainly in cemeteries. According to Russian folk belief, if you want it to rain, pick a bouquet of pansies on a warm sunny day and put them in water. It will certainly rain in the evening or the next day.

Magical properties of pine

Pine loves people and wishes them well. In addition, this tree very subtly senses the accumulating evil and uses all its considerable strength to dispel it. This is why pines have great difficulty surviving in cities - there is too much bad energy there, and this tree always “takes the fire upon itself.” If you have the option, always choose pine. Pine boards and pine furniture (even haphazardly made in a factory) will always be well protected from evil forces. And pine branches with cones should decorate any home, especially at that time of year when the night is longer than the day and the weakened winter sun does not have time to drive away the creatures of darkness from the human home. Pine especially patronizes Leos.

Homewrecker lily of the valley

Magic plants. Sedge

Sedge (some argue that the famous “break-grass” is akin to this marsh plant) protects against love and love spells. If you begin to suspect that they are trying to bewitch you, scatter fresh sedge on the floor at home (and be sure to put it in your bed). Carrying sedge root with you is a good protection against unclean thoughts on the part of the stronger sex. Flowers help drive away love obsessions, showing the chosen one as he really is.

The magical properties of nettle

Nettles were placed under the soles of the bewitched person’s shoes or boots so that evil spirits could not drag him into the underworld. They say that autumn nettles can name the enemy who is plotting against you. To do this, in late autumn you need to find thickets of nettles that have lost their summer “anger” and run your unprotected palm along its stems from bottom to top, listing people who may wish you harm. When you name the name of the enemy, your hand will burn. A prerequisite for the experiment should be a preliminary “check” of the nettle. Force yourself to think about something pleasant, at worst, hum a song to yourself. If, while sorting out the nettles, you do not feel a burn, it means that the bush is already so wise and calm that it can give advice.

The magical properties of garlic

Protects against vampires and other otherworldly predators. The flowers of this plant are especially good. Sometimes one bouquet is enough to remove clumsily applied damage. Garlic flowers and some love spells are removed (in particular, those that awaken in a person lust and desire to immediately and at any cost possess the one who cast the spell). A wreath of woven garlic at the doors and windows will not allow uninvited “guests” from the subtle world to enter the house. The Spaniards believe that stew with garlic will indicate an envious person - he will smell several times stronger than others who have tasted the same dish. Garlic juice will not allow the sentry to fall asleep on duty, even if they try to “bewitch” him (this is why garlic is traditionally included in the guards’ menu). And, among other things, this vegetable is extremely healthy.

The magical properties of spruce

In some countries of Western Europe, it was believed that spruce has the ability to bring good luck to hunters and fishermen. Therefore, very often, when going into the forest for the next prey, men filled their pockets with fir cones, plucked from the tree before dawn. In addition, there was an opinion that a fir cone buried in the yard of a house or in a vegetable garden would protect the hunter from accidents while hunting and cruel death from an attack by a wild animal. Freshly cut spruce tree branches were also used by healers in their healing practices. Spruce needles were used to cure diseases associated with joint damage, rheumatism and pain in bones and muscles. Spruce paws were placed around the patient’s house, under the windows and outside the door, and the disease was spelled out.

The magical properties of thistle

If you translate the name of this plant into modern Russian, you will get “scaring devils,” which is quite consistent with the abilities of this herb. In order to prevent evil spirits from entering the home, this plant was hung at the entrance to the house. He was planted on the graves of sorcerers and damned people to prevent the devil from dragging their souls into hell. Thistles grow in bad places, protecting our world from evil. They said that where the thistle settled, either the people were evil or the place was bad; In any case, it is better to stay away from him. The thistle reaches its greatest strength when its flowers bloom.

The magical properties of wormwood

A very strong anti-demonic herb, which is now used extremely rarely. The smell of wormwood can drive almost any evil spirits out of the house. To protect against the machinations of evil spirits, wormwood was hung in houses, and fires with the addition of wormwood were burned near the houses. A safe method of using wormwood is to hang a small bunch of this herb in the house (preferably in the bedroom or hallway). The buds, not the stems, have the greatest strength of this plant, so when you collect wormwood, do not cut it down to the very root, take only the top. In addition, in this way you will preserve the plant, since wormwood grows slowly and does not germinate well from seeds.

Magical properties of aster

Asters embody the principles of Faith (scarlet and purple), Hope (pink, lilac, lemon), divine Love (white) and Wisdom-Sophia (purple). These flowers protect from bad thoughts, strengthen the soul in trials, and alleviate moral suffering. A dream about asters promises happiness and good luck. If you dream of blooming asters, then a certain person will make you an interesting proposal that will touch the hidden strings of your consciousness. Don't trust this man and his promises because they will never come true. The dream predicts that your diligence will help you become a real ace in your business.

The magical properties of willow

Many traditional Russian rituals were associated with this plant. Ancient healers attributed rare magical and healing powers to the buds that hatched on willow branches. The peasants pinned their hopes for a future rich harvest on Palm Sunday. There is still a sign: if the weather is clear and warm on Palm Sunday, then you should expect a good harvest of bread and vegetables. Willow branches placed in the room bring good health to all the inhabitants of the house, ward off misfortunes, the evil eye and damage from them. Seeing a willow branch in a dream or holding it in your hands is a sign of success in business and honor.

The magical properties of the water lily

Water lilies (water lilies) are very beautiful, but they are dangerous to pick up. These flowers are under the special protection of water spirits, who very jealously watch over their property. By picking a water lily, you risk incurring the wrath of the “owner”, who will begin to harm you to the best of his ability. You shouldn’t buy them either; these flowers are capable of taking on other people’s troubles and passing them on to a new owner. If you still really want water lilies, throw a few coins to the water lily and pick no more than two flowers.

The magical properties of white lily

One of the most mysterious plants. What properties are not endowed with it! This is the “flower of death” and a symbol of the Annunciation, a sign of oblivion and fidelity, a symbol of purity and debauchery. Lily is a strong talisman, the properties of which depend on the circumstances and desires of a person. The buds of white lilies, given at sunrise, can engender a bright feeling in a young girl, and flowers that bloom at sunset or at night with their aroma plunge the most virtuous into sin. A branch of lilies, from which one flower is cut, given as a sign of farewell, softens the pain of separation.

The magical properties of cherries

This fruit tree, common in our gardens, carries a huge supply of positive energy. In past centuries in European countries it was considered a symbol of fertility and prosperity. In Russian villages, young girls, guessing by cherry pits, tried to find out their fate: will they get married? To do this, the cherry pits remaining on the plate were counted, putting one at a time to the side, and they said: “This year, next year, not soon, never.” If the last bone foreshadowed an imminent marriage, that is, it turned out to be the fifth, the girl threw it over the threshold into the yard, repeating three times: “Fifth stone, bring a rich groom.”

The magical properties of the Laurel plant

The bay tree was especially revered during the Roman Empire. He was credited with the magical power to protect a person from death. The ancient Romans considered this Plant a symbol of immortality and took laurel leaves with them on harsh military campaigns and bloody battles. With the help of a laurel branch, people also tried to protect themselves from accidents associated with natural disasters: it was believed that laurel protected houses from lightning strikes and floods. A bad omen was the sudden curling or falling of leaves from a laurel tree growing in the yard. This meant announcing the imminent death of someone living in the house. Traditional healers advised placing a sprig of laurel tree in the bed of a person exhausted by long periods of insomnia or nervous disorders. The smell of laurel leaves should bring calm to the patient and restore normal, sound sleep.

The magical properties of the poppy plant

Poppy flowers and seeds have been widely used in witchcraft since time immemorial. According to rumors, if you pour a few poppy seeds into a person’s ears when he is fast asleep and then cast a special spell, you can bring trouble and illness to him in this way. If red poppy petals are placed on the eyelids of a sleeping enemy, he will go blind, and therefore become weak and helpless. To rid a woman of infertility, healers sprinkled poppy seeds into women's boots, and scattered the petals in the attic of the house in which the infertile woman lived. The poppy petals had to be kept under the roof of the house for the same number of days as the patient had been infertile for years. After this, the dried petals were collected and thrown into the oven. It was believed that in this way the disease leaves the sick woman’s house through the chimney.

The magical properties of sunflower

The well-known sunflower has the strongest protective properties. Even sunflower oil and seeds are a good help against evil forces. If you go into a society where they are hostile towards you, and are afraid of encountering energy vampires, or even the danger of the evil eye, lightly touch your temples, the bridge of your nose, the dimples at the base of your thumbs and the point in the middle between the chest and the navel with your fingers dipped in sunflower oil. Unroasted sunflower seeds sprinkled at the threshold will prevent the “induced” evil from crossing it, and sunflower flowers in a vase are not only very impressive, but also help cleanse the house of negative energy. If you plant sunflowers under the windows, the number of small annoying troubles that happen through no fault of yours will decrease.

Magical properties of rose hips

Rosehip removes the barriers erected by social conventions, money, differences in status and age, making the impossible possible for a moment. A branch of white rosehip can kindle the love of a queen for a page, and a king for a shepherdess. If blood “mixes” on a rosehip branch (both the one who plucked the branch and the one for whom it was intended were scratched by the rosehip thorns), a fatal passion may arise. Rosehips are one of the important ingredients of the love potion; dry rosehip branches, collected in November under the full moon, protect against evil forces and, along with garlic and aspen stakes, are weapons against vampires. Moreover, what is especially valuable, energy vampires.

The magical properties of physalis

Helps individuals whose horoscope is dominated by the elements of fire and air (heat and dryness). This plant increases vitality, eases the course of illness and protects against bad thoughts.

Dried physalis flowers placed on window sills or hung above the door protect the house from the penetration of various entities from the subtle world, both malicious and, unfortunately, good.

In addition, these flowers are believed to make it difficult to conceive.

The magical properties of cyclamen (alpine violet)

Flower of pride and self-respect. White and light pink cyclamen strengthens the human spirit during business troubles. It has been noticed that if cyclamen grow on the windows of an institution, then (especially at the time of their flowering) subordinates put their presumptuous superiors in their place. Purple and scarlet cyclamens help keep your face in love. If you understand that slavish obedience to your beloved will not lead to good, and you don’t have enough strength to “maintain your character,” fill the windowsill with blooming scarlet cyclamens.

What to plant for good luck

If you want to restore your physical strength, then plant laurel, ordinary celery, honeysuckle, calendula, roses or thyme. Blooming in the garden, these plants will help adapt you and your home to change. In addition, flowers, leaves and seeds of these plants can be used in magical rituals to enhance their effects. Those who want harmony in the home can plant such common plants and flowers as garden primrose, mint, tomato, tricolor violet, pansy, jasmine and catnip. To always have happiness in your home, place pots of hyacinths, lavender, oregano, catnip and morning glory on the windowsill.

If you have problems with money, you should choose mint, chives, snapdragons, camellia japonica, navel, clover, dill, basil, and perhaps sow a strip of wheat. Pine, oak, ash and apple trees, banana trees planted near the house will also protect your home.

To keep thieves away from your home, be sure to plant garlic, cumin, thistle bush, cactus or juniper bush. Myrtle in boxes on the window, planted by a woman, also brings good luck.

2 May 2017

Acacia is a tree that gives birth to life. It is the acacia tree that is asked to give birth to a child, but the spouses need to communicate with it together. The influence of acacia promotes fertility and awakens the instinct of procreation equally in both men and women. Acacia flowers and resin are used for protection, tranquility, and in money magic. Acacia resin (catechu) is used to rub the altar.

Aloe arborescens
Increases immunity, protects against diseases, strengthens fortitude, and helps withstand loneliness.

Prosperity, abundance, money.
Brings money and protects against financial failures. Burn a small amount in a ritual cauldron, collect the ashes and place them in a magical amulet.

Fossilized resin.
Success, fortune, happiness. A powerful cleansing and healing agent. Absorbs negative energy. Helps restore the family, keep vows and promises. Brings good luck to warriors. Strengthens the element of fire in the body, warms the heart, makes it kind and sympathetic. Improves mutual understanding between people.
When burned, it produces an aroma that has cleansing properties.

Exorcism, cleansing, protection.
To drive out evil forces, it is enough to burn a small amount of asafoetida. When thrown into a fire or censer, it destroys the negative effects of evil spirits during magical rituals.

Asters embody the principles of Faith (scarlet and purple), Hope (pink, lilac, lemon), divine Love (white) and Wisdom-Sophia (purple). These flowers protect from bad thoughts, strengthen the soul in trials, and alleviate moral suffering.

Gives joy, love, courage and healing, increases psychic abilities. Protects the house, prevents burglary. Maintains a peaceful environment in the home and promotes reconciliation after a quarrel. It is also used for cleansing, healing and providing vital energy.

Balm of Gilead
Kidneys are used for magical purposes.
Love, protection from evil forces, healing of wounds, intellectual abilities.
Buds are carried with you to soothe a “broken” heart or attract new love, are burned to create the material basis for the appearance of spirits when performing appropriate rituals, and are also placed in bags with dry herbs in order to attract the attention of a loved one and protect oneself from evil forces. Other names: Indian balsam poplar, Mecca balsam.

Smoothes out tension in the house, protects against despondency, and develops the ability to see the good.

Marigolds protect against evil forces and ignite a love interest that turns into passion. They are kept from prying eyes during secret dates - just put it on the window and front door bouquets of marigolds, and unexpected guests heading towards you will remember the urgent matter and pass by.

Begonia royal
Useful for slow people, those who do not know how to make decisions.

Birch is the favorite tree of our people, personifying the Russian soul, a tree of extraordinary kindness. It is also called the tree of life. The esoteric teaching of trees connects with birch two runes of the Elder Futhark - Berkan and Uruz. Since time immemorial, the birch tree has been associated with fertility and healing magic; birch branches have been used to impart fertility not only to the land, but also to livestock and newlyweds. Cradles for newborns were made from birch wood (in almost all European countries). Symbolically and magically, the birch appears as a protection against all misfortunes, both physical and spiritual. Birch is extremely useful and very favorable in healing spells, spells aimed at strengthening the harvest. Birch branches (especially those that have just blossomed in spring) are rightly considered an excellent talisman, driving away sorrows and illnesses, protecting children from illnesses and many other troubles). Birch is gentle and compassionate, has a very soft, affectionate and at the same time strong influence. In contrast to oak, sick, weakened, and recovering people should turn to birch. It will ease suffering, help restore lost strength, make it easier to endure the disease, and speed up the recovery process.
Communication with birch is useful for people with upset nerves and depression. This tree relieves fatigue, neutralizes Negative consequences everyday stress, helps restore mental harmony. A birch tree growing next to the house drives away nightmares. The impact of this tree is long lasting. It’s better not to come to it, but to live nearby, then it can heal you. Birch has always been credited with the ability to ward off evil spirits.

Tonka beans
They fulfill wishes, give love, courage. Also known as “wish-granting beans.”
When carried, Tonka beans attract money, bring good luck, give courage and ward off illness. Seven beans thrown into a river or stream make a wish come true. Used in rituals of pagan magic and Voodoo magic.
Seeds of a tree of the genus Dipteryxin, growing in tropical South America. They contain coumarin, an aromatic stimulant that is used in the manufacture of incense, perfume, soap, tobacco, etc.

2 May 2017

Hawthorn, with which esoteric teachings associate the runes Thurisaz and Odal, was considered the “tree of the goddess of carnal love.” Popular beliefs They considered this tree enchanted and predicted an evil fate for anyone who was reckless enough to encroach on it. The death of children or the loss of livestock, the loss of accumulated money is the lot of those who have the audacity to destroy this thorny bush. And yet, either due to custom, or out of due respect for the hawthorn itself, strips of material are tied to its branches, clearly reminiscent of offerings to the goddess. A similar custom is still preserved in Ireland and some lands of Germany. At the same time, hawthorn was also revered as a protective plant: tea was brewed from its flowers, relieving anxiety, improving appetite and blood circulation. In ancient Greece, the hawthorn was seen as a symbol of hope and marriage. It was only with the advent of the Middle Ages that it began to be associated with witchcraft. Hawthorn is especially useful in protective and love magic, in spells that should speed up marriage or strengthen it.

In all Northern European countries, this tree is revered for its great magical powers. Rune masters usually associate the runes of the human world with elderberry - Fehu and Odal. New elder branches easily grow to replace broken old ones, and any branch that ends up on the ground can take root. Tea is brewed from elderberry flowers “to purify the blood”; a soothing infusion is obtained from the bark, but the fumes emanating from this plant are considered pathogenic and even fatal for those who linger under its shade. According to the Elder Edda, the goddess Freya chose the black elderberry as her home. Popular beliefs warn against burning elderberry wood in the house, as this brings inevitable misfortune. In the Middle Ages, the elderberry was considered a witch tree, the twigs of which were used by witches for night flights. Elderberry is the darkness of the Lower World. It provides the opportunity for active aggressive defense, and therefore it is believed that when an elderberry grows at the gate of a house, it is good, but bringing it into the house is not worth it. And therefore you should think seriously before breaking an elderberry branch and carving runes on it.

In the esoteric tradition of the North, the beech tree, with which the Nautiz and Perth runes are associated, acts as a symbol of ancient knowledge revealed in relics, ancient temples, spells and manuscripts. The beech appears here as a guide from knowledge of the past to the acquisition of knowledge of the future.

Witch's grass
Happiness, love, passion and exorcism. Carrying with you or scattered under the bed attracts new lovers.
Often used in rituals to remove spells, damage and the evil eye. Scattered in a room (or other places) dispels evil forces.

Love, protection, purification, peace, money, youth, sleep, healing, expels obsessions, averts fevers and poisonings; Verbena decoction is sprinkled on the altar before performing love magic rituals; Verbena collections are placed in the newlyweds' bed.
Verbena gives a woman beauty and charm. This is the herb of seductresses and femme fatales. The combination of verbena and sedge has an interesting effect. A woman who skillfully uses these two herbs will turn the head of any man, but will always be able to stop in time and get out of the situation without compromising her honor.
Prevents mental attacks.
Used in magical cleansing baths, cleansing incense and various amulets to protect against evil forces. Hang vervain above your bed to get rid of nightmares. Verbena will help the soldier escape from captivity. Buried in a field, it is a pledge of generous and bountiful harvest. Sometimes amulets are given to children, as it is believed that vervain will help their development and learning. Use in various dry herb bags to ward off evil forces and to attract the attention of a loved one. Burn pure verbena (or with incense in equal proportions). You will receive a very effective cleansing incense.
Attracts wealth. Used in general love spells.

Love, removal of spells, luck and luck, money, protection from thieves. Calms, stabilizes, promotes associative memory.
Vetiver strengthens the central nervous system. Gives emotional peace, helps in overcoming depression, insomnia and nervousness. Reduces anxiety and nervous tension.

Water lilies (water lilies)
Water lilies are beautiful, but holding them in your hands is dangerous. These flowers are under the special protection of water spirits, who very jealously watch over their property. By picking a water lily, you risk incurring the wrath of the “owner”, who will begin to harm you to the best of his ability. You shouldn’t buy them either; these flowers are capable of taking on other people’s troubles and passing them on to a new owner. If you still really need lilies, throw a few coins to the Vodyanoy and take no more than two flowers.

Elm in the esoteric tradition is associated with the Gebo rune. Elm - exclusively male tree, the tree of the true spiritual qualities of a real man. He gives preference to men in the full sense of the word, supports all their endeavors, but does not like losers. Only those who fight to the end do not become limp; they give strength. Sometimes one good contact with elm can last a person for many years. In the Middle Ages, knights made spears from elm not only because of the strength of the wood. It was believed that elm spears instilled courage in a warrior and brought good luck in battle. In magic, the elm brings stability and support to the spell.

Wear gardenia flowers to win love or make new friends. Fresh flowers help to attract the attention of your lover. Dry and crumble the petals, mix them with orris root powder and dust your body a little with it to suit your taste opposite sex. Use the plant as a link to the Moon.

Wild carnation
Plant parts used: flower buds.
Carry cloves with you to avoid the influence of hostile and negative forces, and also to stop gossip. It affects the strengthening of memory and is added to bags with dry herbs, which help attract attention from the opposite sex. A necklace of carnations (they should be strung on a red thread with a needle) has protective properties against small children. Hang it where they can't reach it.

Garden carnation
Protection from evil forces, energy.
Attracts wealth, helps in realizing desires.
In the old days, witches wore carnations to avoid sudden death on the scaffold. Cloves are used in incense to give strength and placed on the altar for extra energy. Dry nine red carnations in the sun and grind them, removing them from the stem. Add a few drops of clove oil and mix well. The mixture smoldering on charcoal is a very effective incense substance that produces a huge amount of energy!

Main properties: foresight, exorcism.
Place under your pillow to induce prophetic dreams, especially if you want to find out who robbed you. Heliotrope is also used in incense to exorcise evil spirits and in medicinal bags of dry herbs.

Main properties: love, healing, protection from enemies, including energy ones.
It extinguishes the fire of rage and anger, develops a sense of humor, and helps people who are under great pressure from life circumstances. Serves as a wonderful harmonizer and neutralizer of unfavorable zones.
You can wear geranium flowers or put them in herbal bags to attract the love or attention of a loved one. Bright red geranium radiates vitality and energy, heals, and protects from evil forces. Pink geranium promotes love and protects against evil forces. White geranium promotes the birth of children.

Peas help in various complex, especially legal matters. Dried pea pods make speech more convincing, confuse opponents, and force them to listen to those who prudently took them with them. Peas (and the entire legume family) are especially favored by Virgos.

2 May 2017

Seduction, visions, sensuality.
A stimulant - can be smoked in a pipe (like tobacco) or brewed like tea. Is a powerful herb of love. Increases sexual energy. When burned, it is a conductor of visions and enhances their understanding.
Damiana was used as an aphrodisiac in the ancient Mayan civilization and for "dizziness and loss of balance." Spanish missionaries were the first to report that Mexican Indians made a drink from damiana leaves, added sugar to it, and drank it to increase their ability to “love.”
Damiana is traditionally used to terminate pregnancy.

Dragon's blood, dragon tree resin (dracaena)
Energy, cleansing, protection from evil forces. Used to attract love, protection, exorcism and strengthen sexual potency.
Add a pinch of resin to your incense to increase its effectiveness. Use in dry herb bags and talismans to attract your loved one. Place a piece of dragonweed under your mattress to cure impotence.

Oak is a symbol of power and stability. Things made of oak strengthen the position of their owner. The oak-trimmed interior is in some mysterious way connected with the growing authority of the institution located in it. Even cognac, so beloved by high ranks, is prepared and aged in oak barrels. Jewelry made from oak wood adds weight to the words of the woman wearing it. Oak protects the house as such from various financial and business shocks and crises, and promotes professional growth. If you want to properly receive a significant person, it is good to decorate the room with oak branches. Acorns chosen “for good luck” help you get support from your superiors and stimulate career advancement. Especially good for Sagittarius and Pisces. Bestows wealth (abundance), fertility, protection, awakens psychic abilities. Oak is completely incompatible with spruce. Never place a Christmas tree on an oak table, and do not mix these two plants in one composition. Even oak and spruce boards in the same house will have a bad effect on the moral atmosphere, stimulating intrigue and conspiracies. Oak is a mighty tree, a symbol of a huge vitality, longevity, revered by all northern Europeans as the sacred tree of the thunder god (Thor, Perun). The Celts, on the contrary, tend to revere the oak as the tree of the supreme deity, the tree of wisdom and spiritual strength. By the way, the term “druid” itself comes from the Celtic stem, which has two meanings - “oak” and “wisdom” (the same stem dru/drw sounds in the Russian word “tree”). Throughout the North-West, the oak tree (as well as the thunderbird) is associated with a certain day of the week - Thursday, which in northern languages ​​is called Thursday, "Thor's Day". Esoteric teaching connects as many as six runes of the Elder Futhark with oak - Thurisaz, Evaz, Raido, Teyvaz, Yaro and Dagaz. Thanks to physical properties oak, such as the reliability and strength of its wood, the size and longevity of the trunk, as well as connections with the supreme deities in the magical practice of the North, oak was generally used in spells aimed at protection, increasing physical strength, and achieving stable success.
Oak is an energy donor. With direct contact with it, a person receives the maximum possible amount of vital energy.
However, we should not forget that this is a strong but harsh tree. His aura is very powerful; it only responds well to healthy people. It is better for a person who is seriously ill or suffering from chronic diseases not to communicate with this tree.
Communication with oak charges a person with activating energy and calms the soul. It has long been noted that walking through an oak forest normalizes blood pressure and has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart and nervous system.
Oak always gives preference to warriors, fighters, strong and healthy people. He heals wounds received in battle, heals the souls of warriors, and shares a piece of his longevity. Veterans, former soldiers, and elderly people benefit greatly from contact with him.

oak moss
Moss growing on the bark of some trees. Particularly interesting for magical purposes is the moss growing on oak bark.
Clairvoyance, predictions, magic. Money growth, abundance, peace of mind, starting new things.

Spruce offers its energy support all year round. It does not contain particularly strong properties, but its energy is constantly available to those who feel a lack of strength in winter. It will give you no more energy than you need.
Spruce helps control emotions and puts you in a philosophical mood. The smell of burnt, dried pine needles is an excellent way to cleanse your home of harmful influences.

Symbol of the Moon and night secrets. Used to bewitch a loved one. Main properties: love, prosperity
Jasmine flowers are used in dry herb bags used to attract the attention of a loved one, as well as in a wide variety of rituals intended to promote well-being. Jasmine attracts pure love.
Stimulates creativity, birth original ideas. Strengthens self-esteem, a sense of well-being, and helps adapt to unfamiliar surroundings.
Develops extrasensory and mental abilities, attracts money and love.

Star anise
Mental development and protection, predictions and foresight, nightmare prevention, dreams.
Burn anise seeds as incense to gain clairvoyance, or use the plant to make a pendulum. Sometimes anise is strung on a thread along with nutmeg, Tonka beans and other herbs and plants, resulting in a necklace charged with magical energy and emitting a very strong aroma.

St. John's wort
One of the most powerful anti-demonic herbs middle zone Russia. This is a herb that absorbs sunlight and immediately affects the entire human body, cleansing it. St. John's wort helps well with depression, fatigue, and the first signs of colds. It opens a person’s heart, allowing his soul, mind and body to unite into a single whole. All evil spirits are afraid of him, just as they are afraid of sunlight.
Heals, gives happiness, courage, love, protection. Promotes divination.
St. John's wort gains its greatest strength by mid-July. Previously, it (like all magical herbs) was collected on Ivan Kupala (July 7, new style). St. John's wort is a very proud and whimsical plant that remembers the pain caused to it, so if you cut off the strongest shoots that catch your eye, then next year you risk not finding it at all in this place.
St. John's wort is not used in smoking, as it does not have the power to drive evil spirits out of the room. It simply very powerfully fills the body with the solar energy contained within it. Therefore, St. John's wort is used in infusions or in aromatic oils, that is, for a direct effect on the body. Previously, in Rus', St. John's wort often replaced tea, which was very good, since in our climate there is a noticeable lack of solar energy, which the body has to extract from other sources.
Hyssop (blue St. John's wort) acts immediately on the subtle energy planes of our body. It is used in incense, incense, and infusions, but it gives the greatest strength to our body when it comes into contact with the skin. This allows you to quickly cleanse a person’s energy of accumulated dirt. Otherwise, the nature of its action is similar to that of ordinary St. John's wort.

Willow is a water-loving tree, which is probably why the Laguz water rune is traditionally associated with it. It is associated with the concepts of cyclicity, rhythm, as well as ebb and flow. Willow is a tree of female magic. She is associated with the Moon, all rituals dedicated to earth and water that women perform. The energy of willow cannot be called good, it is indifferent to the problems of good and evil, it serves only nature, obeying the laws of balance and justice. The energy of willow gives amazing power to women who are able to bewitch, turn away, damage the offender, and ruin his fate. Willow is extremely sensitive and may not want to communicate with you. In the Western tradition, a weeping willow leaning towards the water has become a symbol of unhappy love and sorrow.

2 May 2017

Another of the anti-demonic herbs widespread in Russia. It has virtually no effect on a person’s thoughts, so it is used only in infusions. This herb allows the body to achieve harmony between Yin and Yang energy, helps a person achieve happiness in life, and attracts to him what he lacks. She removes evil spirits by eliminating, with the help of the reserves of the body itself, energy holes into which evil penetrates. Calms the nervous system; with constant use of this herb, a person noticeably becomes prettier.
But this herb does not retain its strength for very long. Having collected it near the day of Ivan Kupala (when it ripens), you will be able to fully use it for no more than a full lunar month. In dried form it is with everyone lunar month loses about 10 percent of its healing properties, although chemical composition her remains the same. But even more so, try not to miss the opportunity to wash yourself with a broom from Ivan da Marya on the evening of July 7 (Ivan Kupala Day) in order to wash away those essences that, clinging to you, devour beauty and well-being.

Bestows money, success, power and love.

Saturn Herb: Contains sulfur and also produces indigo dye. Used in traditional Chinese medicine to treat sore throats, hepatitis, fever (reduces high temperature). Antiseptic. In some countries, during times of famine, it was eaten with butter and salt to prevent inflammation. In Europe, it was used as a poultice to relieve pain and irritability, to treat skin ulcers and stop bleeding.
In magic it is used in the manufacture of magic ink.

Calendula (marigold)
Causes prophetic dreams.

Chestnut – we're talking about about the female chestnut. Direct contact with this tree is tantamount to communication with a stormy mountain river. The pure and strong flow of his energy will wash away your ailments, but do not expect energy replenishment from him. Kashtan is busy with himself. He's selfish.

Cypress is also a typically masculine tree, affects the sexual strength of men, sexual activity and not only enhances potency in healthy men, but also heals weak ones.
Cypress does not perceive the female body, but through a man it brings harmony and novelty into family relationships. True, it does not operate at a distance. To fully interact with this tree, a person only needs direct contact or being in close proximity to it. Then the energy of cypress gives a man an aura of irresistibility that is difficult to resist.
Cypress requires immediate satisfaction of the desire that has arisen; it willingly helps those who turn to it for help.

Maple is a tree that helps people of all types find peace of mind, brings peace and self-confidence. This is the tree of inner strength and balance. It is not touchy; takes on all emotional outbursts, frees you from boiling passions.

Copal is the North American equivalent of incense. When lit over charcoal it emits a rich, delicious pine and lemon aroma. When incense is burned on charcoal for some time, the aroma eventually becomes too bitter. The aroma of copal, however, never changes when burned.
This native of Mexico and Central America has been used as incense in religious and magical ceremonies for hundreds of years, perhaps dating back to Mayan times or even before.
The resin is excellent in mixtures for cleansing, protecting and driving away evil forces. It is effective in increasing spirituality.
Burn for protection, cleansing, heightening spirituality, cleansing quartz crystals and other stones before using them in magick.

Root of John the Conqueror
The hard, woody rhizome of a plant related to the sweet potato. Gives strength, faith, control over any situation, success, victory in gambling, luck, money, love, health, protection. Before gambling, wash your hands in an infusion of the root. In magical practice, this root is used as a whole, without crushing, and stored in a pocket or a special bag, which is intended to attract money, good luck in the game or increase male power. Useful in all rituals related to wealth and prosperity.

2 May 2017

Gives success, excitement, develops good motives (aspirations).

This burning herb has the property of counteracting evil witchcraft. It was used when the body was weakened and powerless; it was placed under the soles of shoes or boots of a bewitched person so that evil spirits could not drag him into the underworld. They used nettle brooms to sweep the floors of an enchanted home to drive out evil spirits from it. Rugs for the hallway were woven from nettles to deprive those entering the house of evil power. Nettle was also used as smoking to drive away evil spirits from the house, in the form of infusions and baths to restore a person’s former strength. Nettle was also part of the ancient elixirs of youth and beauty. Adult and old nettles have always been used in magic. In order to destroy the power of evil, an old plant is more suitable. Nettle has the greatest anti-demonic power on the young Moon. But in order for it to help you or someone with your hands, you must tear it without fear and without anger at the burns. Nettle by nature is a warrior plant; it does not like cowards and aggressors. If such people pick it, the plant begins to drive burning (almost poisonous) juice through the leaves, and loses 70 percent of its healing properties. They tear nettles with their bare hands for special purposes... To better preserve its healing properties, it is best to cut nettles with a knife; This plant cannot be uprooted - half of its strength is lost, since it loses connection with the place where it grew. They say that autumn nettles can name the enemy who is plotting against you. To do this, in late autumn you need to find thickets of nettles that have lost their summer “anger” and think about who exactly might wish you harm, running your unprotected palm along the nettle stems from bottom to top. When you call the name of the enemy, your hand will burn. A prerequisite for the experiment should be a preliminary “check” of the nettle. Force yourself to think about something pleasant, at worst, hum some song to yourself. If, while sorting through the nettles, you do not feel a burn, it means that the bush is already so wise and calm that it can give advice.
Nettle is a good talisman for all Aries and Scorpios. If you carry a bag of spring nettles with you, it will be difficult to take you by surprise. In addition, nettle is a friend of women; it discourages random bullies or rapists from getting involved with those under its protection.

Red sandalwood
Main properties: protection, fulfillment of desires, healing, expulsion of evil entities, spirituality. Used in alternative medicine for bruises, stomach upsets, fevers, in sacred and magical rituals, and in clairvoyance.
Red sandalwood has been used for over 4 millennia in India and the Middle East. It also has a calming and stabilizing effect on the mind, spirit and body, which is why sandalwood has been used for centuries for meditation in traditional Hinduism and Buddhism.

Bloody Dragon Reed
Protection from evil, return of lost lovers.
Promotes wound healing, stops bleeding. Helps with chest pain, heals internal injuries, problematic menstruation, sexual impotence.

Love, protection, sleep, chastity, longevity, purification, happiness, peace of mind, money. Helps to relax and calm down, promotes balance, attracts good forces.
Great for attracting romantic love.
This plant has the ability to concentrate the forces of the human body to fight evil spirits. It is used in the form of smoking and infusions. In large doses, lavender can cause aggression and hatred towards everything, so it must be used carefully, little by little.
Lavender is one of the ingredients in an aromatic herbal bath bag and is also used in cleansing incense. Witches threw lavender into the fire on Midsummer as a sacrifice to the ancient gods. Lavender is often added to medicinal bags of dried herbs, especially in bath mixtures, as well as in incense to induce sleep. At one time, lavender was used along with rosemary to maintain chastity. On the other hand, the plant was used to establish intimate relationships with a man. Wear lavender to see spirits. In ancient times, before separating from their lover, girls placed lavender flowers under his pillow and made a wish, which would certainly come true in the future. Animals and insects that carry evil do not like the smell of lavender: mice, rats, moths... Therefore, lavender oil was often placed in places where food and clothing were stored. More soft action Lavender picked on the young moon has a beneficial effect on the human body.

Bay leaf
Removes obstacles and protects from the influence of evil forces.

Lily of the valley
Lily of the valley is the guardian of fidelity and purity, but in evil hands it can become a homewrecker. These flowers cannot be collected, bought or given on the eve of the new moon, when their scent, according to legend, awakens lust and throws women into the arms of sin. Lily of the valley berries used by a home-grown magician can make him a victim of creatures from the subtle world, eager to master someone's will. Lily of the valley flowers, picked on the morning of the full moon, on the contrary, promote high romantic love and make the loss of virginity less painful. It is believed that a man becomes more tender and careful, and a woman more passionate, if there is a bouquet of lilies of the valley, collected during the waxing moon, at the head of the bed.

Well known herb Hoodoo Voodoo.
Passion, psychic powers, driving away snakes.
Lemongrass was planted around the house, and all the snakes left the garden. This herb is used in some potions to induce passion and sexual desire, and also helps in the development of psychic powers.

White lily is one of the most mysterious plants. This is the “flower of death” and a symbol of the Annunciation, a sign of oblivion and fidelity, a symbol of purity and debauchery. Lily is a very powerful talisman, the properties of which depend on the circumstances and desires of the person. The buds of white lilies, given at sunrise, can engender a bright feeling in a young girl, and flowers that bloom at sunset or at night with their aroma plunge the most virtuous into sin. A branch of lilies, from which one flower is cut, given as a sign of farewell, softens the pain of separation. They say that as long as the giver keeps the cut flower, it will not be forgotten, and a “return” potion can be prepared from the petals of this flower. White lilies grown on graves or near churches have especially strong magical properties. You need to be extremely careful with them (this, however, applies to all “cemetery” flowers). In addition, lilies standing in the room give prophetic dreams.

2 May 2017

Larch is a calming tree. If a person is haunted by fears, doubts, and causeless anxiety, contact with larch will bring him great relief. It heals severe nervous disorders, especially those accompanied by attacks of melancholy and depression. Her influence helps to see the best sides of life.

Bulbous flowers
White daffodils, hyacinths and lilies are often used to bewitch loved ones. The land taken is taken by the one in whom love is supposed to be engendered. This earth is mixed with earth, to which soil is added from under the threshold of the house where a person longing for love lives. Then, on the first day of the moon, a flower bulb is planted and carefully cared for, naming it after the beloved.
The night following the opening of the bud is favorable for love. This method is effective for attracting a person with a “free heart”; In order to break an existing union, similar methods are used; they contain elements of black magic.

Mandrake is rightfully considered one of the first on the list magical plants.
Magicians are interested in this plant for its magical properties, but ordinary people considered it a powerful tool against the power of evil. All this is known, as well as the fact that Mandrake is a strong narcotic substance that can soothe pain and put a person into a state of sleep. Its psychotropic qualities, the halo of legends, myths, and dreams around Mandrake indicate a nature close to the sign of Pisces (ruler Neptune).
Plant parts used: root.
Mandrake has such strong narcotic and anesthetic properties that a person under its influence appears dead. Probably mandrake excites sensuality; the visions, hallucinations and delusions it causes can lead to dementia, which was once noticed by Hippocrates. The Assyrians used it as a sleeping pill and pain reliever. Hippocrates specified that in small doses it is an effective remedy for fear and depression. In larger quantities, it causes strange sensory impressions close to hallucinations. In even larger doses, mandrake has a sedative and hypnotic effect and, finally, causes deep sleep, accompanied by complete insensibility. Homer mentioned that epileptics were treated by inhaling mandrake vapor.
In the Middle Ages, mandrake was used in syrups and other preparations taken against insomnia and various types of pain. In order to quickly fall asleep, it was enough to hold a mandrake apple in your hand before going to bed. The rhizome peel and juice mixed with cognac were given to patients before surgery as an anesthetic.
Mandrake was compared to the spirit of the dead. For many millennia and until recently, mandrake was considered a primarily sacred plant. In the Middle Ages, this plant was called “harmful to livestock.”
There are many legends about the origin of mandrake and its properties. The ancient Arabs and Germans believed in mandrakes, demonic spirits that resembled small beardless men who lived in these plants. IN Ancient Greece mandrake was called the plant of Circe, the witch goddess, who prepared juice from the root and used it to turn Odysseus’s companions into pigs. They say that medieval witches collected roots at night under the gallows on which unrepentant criminals, vicious from birth, died. It was implied that the root grows from the place where the decaying body of the criminal seeps. According to Christian teaching, witches wash the roots in wine and wrap them in silk and velvet. Then they are fed with sacred prosphora stolen from the church during communion. Mandrake has a reputation for enhancing love and fertility, known as love apples. In the Book of Genesis, barren Rachel, Jacob's wife, ate mandrake roots and conceived Joseph. Mandrake is given to women to encourage them to give birth to as many sons as possible; Arab men wear mandrake roots as amulets to enhance their masculinity. From legends it is known that the mandrake shrinks when a person approaches. Touching her could be fatal. A mandrake pulled out by the roots screams and oozes blood, and the one who pulls it out dies in agony. But why go through such inconvenience in order to acquire a root? Mandrake was used as a doll in voodoo witchcraft; witches could cast spells by imagining the figure of the one against whom they directed their magic. In the place where the witch damaged the mandrake, the person will inevitably be injured. In Germany, peasants made eyes for their mandrakes from millet grains and treated them very kindly: they bathed them, dressed them, carefully wrapped them at night, sometimes putting them in a coffin. They did all this in order to be able to consult with the mandrake on important issues. In France, these plants were considered close to the elves and were called main-de-gloire (hand of glory) or magloire. They were often hidden in secret cabinets, since possessing a mandrake was dangerous. After all, its owner could be persecuted for witchcraft. Clairvoyants used it to enhance their abilities, which allowed them to see strange and wonderful things. Some claim that it can always be found at night because it glows in the dark like a lamp. According to legend, it grew under the gallows from the sperm of a hanged man and could only be removed from the ground if special precautions were taken. They said that at the same time it emitted a deadly, heartbreaking cry, which is why it could only be pulled out of the ground with the help of dogs, who were supposed to die in this case. Probably, such stories were intended to increase the value of the alraun root, and thanks to this, of course, it grew. belief in its magical effect. As numerous tales attest, she was both highly valued and feared. In antiquity, it was a symbol of the sorceress Circe, among the Jews it was a known remedy for infertility; in general, it is considered as an indication of forces that a person should handle only with the greatest caution. It is also believed that the root can predict the future: it shakes its head in response to questions asked.
The fleshy, starchy roots of the mandrake often resemble the figure of a person with their branching, and are often an analogue of a person in magic, and are used as a volt.
Healers use mandrake as an anesthetic and sleeping pill, as a narcotic during operations. This effect is due to the presence in the mandrake root of the poisonous alkaloid hyoscyamine in large quantities, which is also found in other plants from the nightshade family: belladonna, datura, henbane, scopolia. Mandrake also contains other alkaloids - scopolamine, mandrake. It is also worth noting that this is a rather rare plant.
Mandrake root is kept in the home as a powerful protective talisman. Mandrake root is used in image magic. Small pieces of the root are placed in bags of dry herbs to protect against evil forces.
When working with mandrake, remember that it is not only dangerous for its magical properties, but is also both a toxic and hallucinogenic plant!

Love, fertility. Cleanses, protects, enhances psychic abilities. One of the most common plants that strengthens love.
Add to bags of dry herbs to attract the attention of your loved one. Carry with you to maintain youth.

Juniper is a shrub with strong cleansing properties. Its power is mainly directed not at people, but at the objects around them. If you burn its needles in your apartment, you can get rid of the adverse effects.
For a person, juniper can help remove the evil eye or damage, and get rid of the effects of a love spell.

Promotes good luck in gambling, gives love, fertility, prosperity.

Spearmint (curly) mint:
Promotes prosperity, bestows money, helps to easily endure long trips. Protects and heals.
Cat mint:
Gives love, happiness, courage.
Increases extrasensory abilities, bestows love, cleanses.

Olibanum, antique incense
Protection, purification, concentration, exorcism.
Obtained from the yellowish resin that flows from cuts in the trunk of the Boswellia tree, growing in Africa (Somalia), also known as antique frankincense.
Burn incense to obtain fluids for the purpose of purification, sanctification, protection from evil spirits and its expulsion. Often used in talismans and bags of dry herbs. Causes visions and promotes meditation. Burn while performing a variety of magical rituals at sunrise. Mix with cumin and burn to create a powerful incense to ward off evil forces.

Esoteric tradition connects the human rune Mannaz with alder. Piles were made from resinous, rot-resistant alder wood, which were traditionally used throughout Europe to lay foundations for buildings in marshy areas. The foundations of Venice and Rotterdam, Winchester Cathedral and watermills on the islands of Scotland are supported on alder piles. Alder is also associated with the production of swords; gunsmiths valued its wood for the best coal for melting metal. Like the yew, alder is a “bleeding” tree, and cutting it down was considered blasphemy, capable of causing a fire in the home of the one who cut it down. Probably due to its practical use, alder is understood in the esoteric tradition as a kind of bridge connecting the lower, underground kingdom with the above-ground kingdom of air. In Irish and British mythology, alder, as a sacred tree, personifies the deified King Bran. Tradition says that all the prophecies that Bran's embalmed head uttered while it was carried across the country came true, and therefore alder is associated with protection, the ability to foresee the future and divination.
Alder is a tree that protects the family; The more children and grandchildren there are in a family, the more the alder supports its members. It strengthens family ties, unites all family members, and tends to unite people into a clan.
If you come to alder with problems of family relationships, she will willingly help you find a solution. This is a tree for women - the guardians of the hearth, the tree of the “big house”. Alder will help you “tie” your husband to your home.

Love, hard work, concentration of strength, fertility, kindness, healing from illnesses, avoidance of temptations; protects from evil spells.
Mistletoe berries are a powerful love spell. Mistletoe heals, gives pleasant dreams, eliminates despair, and protects against theft.
In Europe, mistletoe has been the object of superstitious worship since time immemorial. Sprigs of mistletoe, along with four-leaf clovers and horseshoes, were considered universal talismans and amulets that brought happiness and warded off evil spirits. Sorcerers and healers of the Middle Ages attributed to mistletoe the ability to protect against witchcraft spells, and also considered it a universal master key.
Mistletoe is considered the herb of salvation.

2 May 2017

Another sacred tree of the northern tradition, the tree of wisdom and magic, dedicated to Odin (Lug, Veles). Along with ash, it was widely used for the manufacture of magical tools - wands and staves, as well as for the formation of magical protection. In the latter case, walnut twigs were stuck into the ground along the perimeter of the fenced area, into which, as it was believed, no magic from the outside could penetrate. Thus, in Scandinavia, for example, areas for fights were fenced off so that none of the spectators could influence the course of the battle with magic. Hazel is a very influential tree with a strong character, one of its main qualities is justice. Its energy will help turn your mind to an objective consideration of the situation with different sides. His concept of justice applies not only to the sphere of human relationships. For the hazel tree there is no worth attention cases, even the smallest injustice must be eliminated.

Aspen is a tree that absorbs negative energy. This property of aspen was previously considered magical. Everyone knows the best way to fight werewolves and vampires - an aspen stake. In the old days, it was believed that aspen drove away evil spirits, so it was planted near homes. In an aspen grove you can find refuge from the persecution of an energy vampire, and to some extent alleviate the consequences of damage and the evil eye.
Direct contact with aspen will cleanse your aura of harmful influences. This quality is not only living tree, but also products made from it.
Communication with aspen helps with nervous conditions, obsessive thoughts, and causeless fear. In magic, aspen is considered a tree that averts death. It promotes the manifestation of inner healing powers human being, providing access to our true essence, sometimes hidden under a deceptive outer shell.

Sedge protects against love and love spells. If you begin to suspect that they are trying to “bewitch” someone, scatter fresh sedge on the floor of his house (and be sure to put it in his bed). Carrying sedge root with you is a good protection against unclean thoughts on the part of the stronger sex. Flowers help drive away love obsessions, showing the chosen one as he really is. If you have serious suspicion that your close person intends to connect his life with an unworthy person and at the same time does not want to listen to any arguments, arrange it so that both heroes of the novel end up in the evening in a house, in the four corners of which bunches of flowering sedge are hung, and a candle is burning on the table. Dinner in such an upper room will open your eyes to your beloved.

A plant for pleasant dreams and restful sleep.

Protection, passion and seduction, love, predictions. Attracts money, returns lost love, eliminates enemies.
Has the ability to attract the attention of men and women. Wear alone or in combination with other love-enhancing botanicals. To induce passion, tie some herbs in cheesecloth and place them in a bath of water. Scatter green candles around when holding money rituals. Usually burned in incense to aid clairvoyance and divination. A powerful love spell.

The well-known sunflower has the strongest protective properties. Even sunflower oil and seeds are a good help against evil forces. If you go to a society where they are hostile towards you, and are afraid of encountering at least energy vampires, or even the danger of the evil eye, lightly touch your temples, bridge of the nose, head (where the “third eye” is located) with your fingers dipped in sunflower oil "), dimples at the base of the thumbs and a point "halfway" between the chest and the navel.
Unroasted sunflower seeds sprinkled at the threshold will prevent the “induced” evil from crossing over, and sunflower flowers in a vase help cleanse the house of negative energy (just like pine branches). If you plant sunflowers under the windows, the number of small annoying troubles that happen through no fault of yours will decrease.

Wormwood is a very strong, but at the same time very whimsical plant. It grows slowly and does not grow well from seeds, so when collecting wormwood, try not to cut it off to the very root. Cut off only the top - the greatest strength of this plant is in its buds (the stem is not needed for work).
The anti-demonic properties of wormwood increase during the waning moon.
This is the second most powerful anti-demonic herb in Russia, which is now used extremely rarely. Among others, she drives away evil spirits of aquatic origin. Mermaids are madly afraid of her, and in mermaid week, to protect against their machinations, wormwood was hung in houses, and fires with the addition of wormwood were burned near the houses.
The smell of this herb can drive almost any evil spirits out of the house. Wormwood loses some of its strength in a water infusion, and it tastes very bitter, so it is most often used in the form of smoking (in addition, the strength of wormwood is very great, and it can only be used internally in microdoses).
Wormwood has the property of restoring our harmony with nature, and with a strong concentration of its smoke, susceptible people can begin to see beings of the subtle world - this is the second reason for the rare use of wormwood. In fact, it is used only by magicians who are not afraid of otherworldly contacts.
Absolutely safe method Its application is to hang a small bunch of this herb in the house (preferably in the bedroom or hallway). The smell of wormwood is so unpleasant to all evil spirits that it leaves the house where wormwood is simply present. Ritual wreaths from wormwood were always woven on the night of Ivan Kupala. They used them to guess about future fate, a secret wreath (the one that decorated the effigy of Kupala all night around the fire) was hung in the house above the door so that quarrels and misfortunes would bypass it. It was considered a very bad omen if such a wreath fell or was torn - this indicated the effect of evil witchcraft on the family.

Love, money, reflection of negativity.
It is believed that a person carrying a cinquefoil will be granted love, money, health, power and wisdom. Cinquefoil also reflects any evil caused by a person's five fingers (such as a curse).
Cinquefoil was an ingredient in many spells of the Middle Ages, and was also used in love predictions.
One ancient version of the Witches Ointment recipe uses cinquefoil along with babies and wolf bones. It is believed that this herb was mixed with the fat of babies dug up from the grave and added to wheat flour.
Cinquefoil has been used for medicinal purposes since the times of the Ancient Greeks; fevers and diarrhea were treated with this herb. This plant was chewed to relieve sore gums and toothache. It is a powerful astringent. Large amounts of cinquefoil can damage the kidneys.
Hang a bag of grass on the door for protection. Use in all spells that relate to prosperity, cleansing, healing, strength and wisdom.
Cinquefoil is a universal magical plant. To make a powerful dry herb pouch that promotes well-being, mix together equal parts of cinquefoil, cinnamon, cloves, lemon balm, and add whole vanilla or tonka beans. The mixture should be prepared on Thursday after sunset, when the Moon is waxing. Place the mixture in a purple cloth pouch and carry it with you to increase your wealth.

2 May 2017

Rose and rosehip
Rose does not have any pronounced magical properties. Her weapon is beauty. But the elder brother of the rose, the rosehip (the product of Mars and Venus), is endowed with magic in abundance. A branch of white rosehip can kindle the love of a queen for a page, and a king for a shepherdess. Rosehip removes the barriers erected by social conventions, money, differences in status and age, making the impossible possible for a moment. If blood “mixes” on a rosehip branch (both the one who plucked the branch and the one for whom it was intended were scratched by the rosehip thorns), a fatal passion may arise. Rosehips are one of the important ingredients of the “love potion”; dry rosehip branches, collected in November under the full moon, protect against evil forces and are a weapon against energy vampires. If you have to deal with a person, after communicating with whom you feel like a squeezed lemon, surround yourself flower arrangements, which includes dry rosehip branches, hawthorn berries, reed panicles or pine branches. Gives love, peace, happiness, cures heart diseases.
Rosehip stimulates the manifestation of tender feelings, is responsible for the emotional side of love, supports tenderness, passion, and spiritual harmony in people. If you pick a flowering rosehip branch and give it to your loved one, but it leaves him indifferent, it means that his feelings are not as deep and strong as you thought. The good magic of rose hips is concentrated in flowers and fruits.

Rosemary is the keeper of your invaluable energy; it protects against damage and the evil eye.
Provides protection, exorcism, cleansing, healing, induces sleep; restores or maintains youth, brings love, strengthens intellectual strength. The Greeks and Romans considered rosemary sacred. It symbolized love and death and was used in wedding and funeral rituals. Rosemary was burned to protect against infectious diseases and to purify the air. Rosemary was believed to preserve youth. Main properties: purification, love, intellectual potential, protection from evil forces. Add to dry herb bags for cleansing baths, as well as love incense, exorcism mixtures, and protective incense. Burn for protection, exorcism, cleansing, healing and sound sleep, increasing intellectual strength, love and eternal youth. An excellent antidepressant, it removes a state of indifference and apathy. Stimulates mental abilities, beneficial for weak memory, poor concentration and mental fatigue. This plant has a connection with the sea, so it is used in all sea rituals, as well as in bags of dry herbs intended to ensure safety on the water. A good protective amulet in the form of a bag of herbs for those traveling in a boat or on a ship can be made from rosemary, garlic (prevents storms) and mistletoe (protects from lightning). Prepare a rosemary infusion and wash your hands in it before practicing magic if you do not have time to regularly take a ritual bath. Drink rosemary tea immediately before various tests or exams to ensure that your mind is fully alert and functioning properly. Burn rosemary and juniper as healing and restorative incense.

Calms, brings good luck and fortune, helps to find a future spouse.

Drives away evil forces, eliminates the evil eye, damage and evil spells. Attracts love.
Used in general love spells, excellent for talismans, helps break love curses.
The plant diverts evil eye, suppresses envy, counteracts black magic and bestows blessings. Rue, along with other protective herbs, is worn in a special pouch around the neck as an amulet against evil forces. Rue used to be worn on the body to protect against plague, but nowadays it is placed in healing pouches of dry herbs or pouches that protect you from illness. Rue is used to get rid of heartache that unsuccessful love brings. Add to incense intended for exorcism,

May 3, 2017

Rowan The esoteric teaching of trees connects the runes Nautiz and Algiz with rowan. Protective runes were usually carved into rowan wood, since rowan was known for its ability to protect against witchcraft. In addition, it was believed that rowan could protect from the evil eye and damage, from evil will, so rowan bunches were hung on poles at the entrance to cattle pens and placed near the door lintel. It is believed that rowan sharpens perception and develops the gift of foresight. In the past, sacred rowan groves grew in sacred places of the sanctuaries of the ancient gods, since rowan provided magical protection and contributed to predictions. In addition, rowan was associated with such skills as the ability to control one’s feelings and protect oneself from other people’s spells. Until now, in many villages from Britain to the Urals, little girls in the fall string rowan berries on a thread and wear them like beads, having long forgotten what exactly they are doing - and yet such a talisman has always been considered better protection from foreign magic of any kind (some researchers believe that in the North such a rowan necklace was considered a reflection of Brisingamen, Freya’s sacred necklace). Rowan is the best ally for women who find true pleasure in the physical side of love. Direct contact with rowan can awaken the sexuality dormant in a woman. Favorite for rowan female age about 40 years old. She gives such women a particularly warm autumn in love, full of strength.

Myrrh Resin Magic, meditation, protection, exorcism, healing, peace, cleansing, sanctification, spirituality. Has strong cleansing and rejuvenating properties.
Burn to purify and provide protection from evil forces. The smoke is used to consecrate, cleanse and bless items such as rings, amulets, talismans, and tools used in rituals. Also used for healing, protection, exorcism, achieving peace, consecrating a place, meditation. Light the resin while performing rituals of healing magic and performing cleansing rites. Often used in talisman bags, especially with incense. This is one of the classic magical plants.

Pine loves people and wishes them well. In addition, this tree very subtly senses the accumulating evil and uses all its considerable strength to dispel it. This is why pines have great difficulty surviving in cities - there is too much bad energy there, and this tree always “takes the fire upon itself.” If you have a choice, always choose pine. Pine boards and pine furniture will always be well protected from evil forces. And pine branches with cones should decorate any home, especially in winter, when the weakened sun does not have time to drive away the creatures of darkness from the human home. Pine especially patronizes Leos.

Pine has a beneficial effect on gold. If you hang it on a freshly cut pine branch during the first quarter of the Moon gold chain and remove at noon on the day following the full moon, you will receive a good amulet against evil forces looking for easy prey (to ward off a blow aimed specifically at you, this talisman is not suitable).

Perhaps in Russia, where yew almost does not grow, pine can be called a local analogue of yew. In esoteric teachings, the Kano rune is associated with it (as the embodiment of light that disperses darkness). In the dark, pine looks lighter than other trees and, like the eight ogama figs made of pine and the Kano rune, appears as a symbol also on an intellectual and spiritual level. This connection with the fire of insight can be traced with the ritual of burning a pine cone, which is present in almost all northern peoples. This resinous fruit symbolizes the storehouse of wisdom that holds the entire material world together. The Dagaz rune, dedicated to the ace Heimdal, is also associated with the pine tree in its protective function. You can also remember that in the Scandinavian runic systems the name of the rune Eyvaz - the rune of protection - sounded like Yr, which means “pine”.
Pine is a tree of tranquility and heights of spirit. If there is a time in your life important point, your fate is being decided and you must calm atmosphere answer yourself a number of serious questions; you can’t do without communicating with pine. The aura of this tree is very strong, it will help the person who turns to it to rise to an unprecedented height of spiritual insight and creative takeoff. With direct contact, the power of pine will take away the irritation and frustration that daily accumulate in your soul.
The energy of pine will help you get rid of nervous disorders and stress. No neurosis can withstand its influence.
Pine is a merciful tree. It must be approached with an open mind. Pine can cleanse a person’s aura from outside influences and partially remove damage. In the old days, it was believed that the smell of pine helped to get rid of feelings of guilt.

Thyme Cleanses the aura, prevents nightmares.

Yew Probably, the yew could be called a sacred tree in the northern tradition. Very often yew grows near sacred places; in Western Europe it was often planted near churches and along the road to them. Yew is directly associated with many Futhark runes - Hagalaz and Algiz, but primarily with the Eyvaz rune, which in its graphic outline primarily depicts a magical two-pointed wand of life and death. The yew trees planted around the burial grounds were intended both to protect the dead and to serve as a kind of bridge, or door to another world. The exit to this other world took place in ancient times during shamanic rituals, which in the northern countries were called "zeyd". An invariable part of the zeid was the burning of incense from the bark, leaves or resin of the yew tree. That is, the magicians of the past used yew to enhance magical and psychic abilities and cause visions. On the other hand, since yew wood is considered the most durable in European continent, it turned into a symbol of eternal life, an attribute of many deities who rule over death and rebirth to life. In the northern countries, spear and arrow shafts and heavy combat bows were made from yew wood. Over time, the yew itself began to be attributed protective properties, and many security amulets were made from it.

Poplar is a completely indifferent tree to humans. Its peculiarity is that it, like a sponge, absorbs everything negative from environment. Therefore, in cities, poplar plays the role of a health worker and improves the environment.

Yarrow Promotes divination, love, happy marriage. Yarrow is placed at the head of the head to protect against damage - it is a very strong plant, but it acts while the evil spell is only gaining strength. In addition, yarrow gives young people strong patrons; it can awaken a romantic feeling in a girl for an older man famous person.

Dill This herb grows in any garden. But few people know that witches cannot stand its smell. The smell of dill dispels the effect of witchcraft and removes a person’s troubles. An infusion of dill helps drive out the undead sent by evil witchcraft from the body. The problem with its use is that dill itself is a weak herb. It works well as an aid in cleansing the body and home, but it would be irrational to rely only on it for protection from evil forces.

Orris root Love, attractiveness, harmony, relationships, physical and spiritual protection, predictions, attracting money.
Carry the root (or a piece of the root) with you to help you find love. Add crushed root powder to dry herb bags and bath water to attract your loved one's attention. Along with lavender and rose buds, place in a bag in your clothes so that they are saturated with the aroma of love. A small amount of orris root is used in love incense, which should be used to fumigate the house before a date.

Physalis (flashlights) helps individuals whose horoscope is dominated by the elements of fire and air (heat and dryness). This plant increases vitality, eases the course of illness and protects against bad thoughts. Dried physalis flowers placed on window sills or hung above the door protect the house from the penetration of various entities from the subtle world, both malicious and, unfortunately, good. In addition, these flowers are believed to make it difficult to conceive.

Hops is an assistant to players and adventurers. It helps in the game, especially for beginners, but hops are capricious and do not like greed and anger. If it seems to him that its owner is playing not out of pure curiosity and a desire to tickle his nerves, but for the purpose of profit, and in addition is plotting against his rivals, the hop will not only stop helping him, but will also turn his luck against him.

Thyme (Bogorodets herb) A strong herb, which, unfortunately, does not have a universal effect. Her sphere of influence is fertility. But it always helps to restore fertility to the soil, animals, plants, and people. Smoking thyme calms the nervous system, allows you to find a solution to a difficult problem, and cuts off the effects of energy sexual vampires. Infusions act in a similar way. Washing and bathing in thyme infusion helps preserve female beauty.
This herb is at its most powerful around the full moon.

Bird cherry is a gentle tree, friendly to youth, heals the spiritual disappointments of the young, helps to show tender affection, youthful passion, but does not allow anything base. If it is not your soul that speaks, but your body, bird cherry will not do you any good.
Even if you are no longer young, tired of the vicissitudes of fate, come to the bird cherry tree. Her aura will help you fall in love with people and life again.

Thistle Promotes divination, love, happy marriage.
Thistle translated from Old Russian means “scaring devils.” This is quite consistent with the abilities of this “weed”. Devils are really afraid of it, so this plant was hung at the entrance to the house to prevent evil spirits from entering the home. They planted thistles on the graves of sorcerers and damned people to prevent evil spirits from dragging their souls into hell.
This plant was not used in smoking - the smoke of thistle is very bitter and eats the eyes and throat.
Thistles grow in unkind places, protecting our world from evil. People living nearby were judged by this plant: thistle grows - either people are evil, or the place is bad; In any case, it is better to stay away from him.
The thistle reaches its greatest strength when its flower blooms.
Thistle is a reliable protection against damage caused by envy. They say that a dry thistle flower, on which the hair of the owner is wound, not only protects against many spells, but also “returns” them to the one who cast them. The flower must be changed every summer, cutting it off on the hot afternoon preceding the new moon. In this case, you need to make sure that there are no strangers around. Before the full moon, you should wear both flowers together, and then burn the old one on a live fire, after saying goodbye and thanking it. It is characteristic that each subsequent talisman absorbs the power of the previous one.

Garlic It is believed that garlic provides excellent protection against vampires and other otherworldly predators. The flowers of this plant are especially good. Sometimes one bouquet is enough to remove clumsily applied damage. Garlic flowers and some “love” spells are removed (in particular, those that awaken in a person lust and desire to immediately and at any cost possess the one who cast the spell). A wreath of woven garlic at the doors and windows will not allow the said “guests” from the subtle world to enter the house. The Spaniards believe that stew with garlic will indicate an envious person - he will smell several times stronger than others who have tasted the same dish. Garlic juice will not allow the sentry to fall asleep on duty, even if they try to “bewitch” him (this is why garlic is traditionally included in the guards’ menu).

Sage Cleanses, gives wisdom, protects, removes negative energy from the environment.

Eucalyptus Brings Healing

The apple tree is the first tree in the Druid horoscope. In European symbolism, the apple tree is considered a tree of rebirth to eternal life. The Greeks left us a legacy of the legend about the golden apples of the Hesperides, the Scandinavians - about the goddess Idunn and the apples of immortality, the Celtic epic tells of the blissful Island of Apples Avalon, among the Slavs - these are fabulous "rejuvenating apples". Thus, the apple tree itself, like the Inguz rune associated with it, personifies eternal life. The apple tree is one of the first cultivated trees and therefore in esoteric teaching is associated with conscious choice. Mentioning in your description runic fortune telling“Fruit-bearing tree,” Tacitus most likely means the apple tree. Being associated with choice and, probably, with fortune telling, the apple tree provides considerable assistance in predictions, and in addition, its wood has long been used in love and healing magic. This is a tree feminine power, female sexuality, awakens the sensual side of nature in a woman. If you want to experience a surge of erotic powers, then go to bed in the summer under an apple tree, however, it is more willing to share its powers with young girls. Under the influence of the energy of the apple tree, a girl can imagine the image of an ideal man suitable for her, and in a dream see her betrothed. But you must be wary of the temptations that this tree may surround you with. There are no moral rules for the energy of the apple tree; it is guided only by the call of nature.

Ash - the tree of the world axis, symbolizes the divine nature of humanity. It helps to understand our purpose, sometimes its energy awakens the ability to clairvoyance, allows us to know the future, but it helps only those who are sincere in their desire for knowledge. Ash is a tree of rebirth and renewal, with which esoteric teaching connects the bright and joyful runes of the Elder Futhark - Gebo and Vunyo. In addition, ash personifies the connection between what is above and what is below, that is, the connection between the world of gods and the world of people or the spiritual world and the material world, and therefore this tree correlates with the rune of Odin Ansuz, as well as the rune of travel between the worlds of Evaz. Ash is a tree traditional for all types of magic and fortune telling. It is from its wood that the best sets of fortune-telling runes are made; it was this wood that Northwestern craftsmen preferred to use for the manufacture of weapons and tools, especially those with magical purposes. For example, in Scandinavia it was often believed that a spear with an ash shaft was magical simply because ash was used: such a spear was likened to Odin’s sacred spear, Gungnir, because it was made from the wood of this particular tree. In addition to making magical tools and weapons, ash wood is very widely used for making protective amulets that protect the owner from almost any harmful influences, including (as is still believed in some places in Europe) bites poisonous snakes. In addition, special magic is traditionally attributed to fire lit with ash wood. The smoke of such a fire is considered sacred incense, and the power emanating from the fire is beneficial and healing. According to N. Pennik, there once was a tradition of washing a newborn baby for the first time near an ash fire.

Orchis The magical herb of Venus is the orchis, a humble orchid of the northern forests. This plant has the ability to forever bind hearts destined for each other. It is as impossible to deceive the orchis as to avoid Cupid's arrow. How many people have remained unhappy for the rest of their lives, having never met their other half, or having met but not recognized! If you have a dried orchis flower with you, you will never pass by your Romeo.

Barley Relieves pain

May 3, 2017

Witchcraft herbs
Mandrake (herb of Circe), the most powerful of witchcraft plants. Stemless, large leaves collected in a rosette, gnarled root reminiscent of a human figure. This root has the properties of increasing sexual desire, its juice causes prophetic visions and helps to fly. According to legends, mandrake root contains a small demon who, if the root is bathed in wine and wrapped in silk, will offer advice or fortune telling. Among the sorcerers of the past, mandrake root was very highly valued. Extraction of the plant was complicated by the fact that when it was torn out of the ground, it emitted a terrible cry of pain, and everyone who heard it fell dead. Therefore, the gatherers covered their ears with wax, tied a rope around the plant, the end of which was tied to the dog’s collar, and then threw meat in front of the dog and ran away. The dog pulled the root out of the ground and died from a demonic cry, and the collector took the root.

Melissa (or lemon balm), a symbol of friendship and positive emotions in communication. Melissa flowers will attract the affection of the people you interact with.

Nettle along with salt make up a mixture that supposedly has a powerful magical effect against witches. They believe that if you carry a dried nettle leaf with you, it will give you courage.

Odolen-grass, the Old Slavonic name for water lilies. It was used by healers, serving as an antidote and remedy for toothache. As a symbol of purity, it is considered a talisman that protects against evil spirits and the evil eye of unkind people.

Rip-grass, a legendary plant described as having cross-shaped leaves and fire-like flowers. It has the ability to destroy any walls and constipations when brought to them, and also neutralizes the power of many talismans (for example, charmed needles and horseshoes). It blooms at midnight on Midsummer's Day (June 24) and holds the color no longer than it takes to read "Our Father", "Virgin Mary" and "I Believe". Rip-grass is distinguished by throwing it into the river: it, unlike others witchcraft herbs, begins to swim against the current. Its extraction is supposedly fraught with mortal danger.

Rue, a shrub with yellow inflorescences, grows in the Crimea and the Caucasus. The plant is poisonous, and over the centuries it has been attributed a variety of witchcraft properties. Dried rue is used to fumigate rooms, as a means of expelling evil spirits.

Ulika-herb is described in herbalists as a red-cherry-colored plant with paw-shaped leaves and yellow flowers. Used to prepare a love potion. When preparing a drink from it for someone who has fallen out of love, they read the conspiracy:
“As you, grass, bowed your head to the ground, so he (she) would bow his head to me and be with me heart and soul to the grave!”

Hops is one of the natural amulets. Dried hop flowers are used in love potions.
Chernobyl, a type of large wormwood. It is used as a talisman against evil spirits and the evil eye, repelling and averting the “evil eye” due to its strong pungent odor.

Thistle is attributed the same properties as Chernobyl due to the presence of spines (similar to needles). Scares witches away from home; An amulet - a thistle covered in wax in an amulet - can save you from misfortunes on the road.

Garlic, due to its strong odor and disinfecting properties (contains many phytoncides), is considered a strong amulet and is widely known for use against vampires.

Generally powerful magical properties have plants that have strong odor or thorns, thorns, or poisonous plants. In “white” magic, rose petals are widely used, along with dry lavender to fill popular wearable amulets, mint, bay leaves, apples, orange tree leaf oil, almonds, myrtle.

In particular, there was an “apple” love spell. The very thing fell from the apple tree beautiful apple, was cut, and sheets of white paper were placed between the halves (on one - written in blood with your name and the name of your beloved person, on the other - a certain magic word), as well as the hair of the object of adoration connected by a “knot of love”. The apple was dried in a bread oven, then it was covered with myrtle and bay leaves, discreetly placed at the head of the loved one (this ritual is described in different variations, for example, between the halves of an apple it was necessary to put a nettle leaf, etc.) Occultists claimed that in a matter of days the desired result was obtained result.

In healing practice, many herbs are used in such a way that their effect is directed towards the person who resorts to their help.

Potentilla grass (it is easy to find along rivers and in forest clearings in coniferous forests), if hung around your neck, will clear your mind and endear you to influential people.

A willow twig will protect you from nightmares.

Cuckoo tears will attract love and protect against marital disagreements if their dried stem is woven into a hair braid and worn on the head.

Witch poisoners most often used yew berries and aconite (a very poisonous plant with purple bell-shaped inflorescences) in their potions. Potions that cause nightmares are made from various herbs. Even the innocent water lily comes into play - it is part of the potion that supposedly allowed witches to fly.

Datura with pale gray flowers with purple veins, nightshade with sweet and deadly blue-black fruits, henbane with ghostly white cupped inflorescences, hemlock with umbels of small white flowers (its juice can cause impotence, and in large quantities is deadly poisonous) are often used in "black" magic. Rose oil is included in love potions.