Treatment with copper sulfate according to Lebedev. Cleansing the body according to Lebedev's book. Let's start with common sense and say that Kreshtop “was offended by God for no reason”...

“The medicine that defeats cancer is very easy, and doctors “communicate” with it every day, and it is before their eyes: how - by the grace of God - I know it too. God, however, does not reveal it, because in last times Because of this disease, paradise will be filled..."

Elder Porfiry, Greece, Athos

Author about the author

This book was written for you by an ordinary city dweller. His way of life social behavior and food were once no different from yours. He also smoked, had fun, loved holidays and abused casual relationships. In general, I lived like everyone else. Until he realized that he was dying.

The possibilities of modern medicine were well known to him, and he decided to avoid meeting with her until the last moment. There were reasons for such a firm decision. Five years before the onset of the disease, the author buried his father, who died within two months of metastatic lung cancer after pneumonia was “successfully treated” in the hospital.

The strength left very quickly and I had to leave work, my health worsened and appearance. Pain and insomnia began... And it so happened that last book The book the author read was Ivanov’s book “Apocalypse Now.” Then, for the first time, an understanding came to him of how we should all live this temporary life. But it was too late. The two summer months of life were a protracted agony. Never and nowhere has the author heard or read that the pains of death are so terrible. In early August, he realized that he would die the following week. Just the thought of having to live in such torment for another week was unbearable and caused horror. There was only one hope left - to ask the Lord God for a quick death. Death moved away, and the pain became a little weaker. Because of them there was no sleep. This lasted another four months until the author picked up Maya Gogulan’s book on the treatment of tumors. The author had known about the work of the Japanese for a long time, and since there was no way out, he began to drink vegetable juices, made a tubage and began to perform contrasting air procedures twice a day. A month later, a toxic rash broke out on my skin, and I immediately felt better. The author was unable to fully implement Heldy Clark’s scheme, but the evil residents in the liver and intestines died, emerging with severe vomiting from the liver and discharge with poisoning from the intestines. After this, I gained more strength, the opportunity to read and at least somehow take care of myself, making it easier for my loved ones to care for me.

The next nine months brought nothing but meeting many authors, their recommendations and discoveries. All this time, the intake of juices with short fasts continued, which saved life, but did not improve health. There was an understanding that we had to go to the temple of God. In December - repentance and confession, in March - unction and the first time of collecting herbs. After taking the herbal collection, a short course of taking celandine. Some of the gastrointestinal tumors collapsed and came out, some of the growths were thrown onto the skin, but the general condition did not improve much. The pancreas, liver, upper stomach, left lung and left hand. The irresponsible writings of authors who filled bookstore shelves and counters with books about “cancer treatment” were confusing. And only after becoming familiar with Orthodox literature, learning the history of the church, reading patristic traditions, the Old and New Testaments, the author learned that all his life, in fact, he had been a son of this world and a slave of sin. He believed in God, but he did not believe God or His words and did not fulfill them. From Old Testament he learned that “the death of sinners is cruel.” And also that fornicators and harlots will inherit “rottenness and worms, and let the insolent soul be destroyed.” I also learned that “God does not want the death of a sinner” and that “a person’s life does not depend on the amount of his property,” but depends only on his fulfillment of the laws and the will of God. It became known to him that God’s providence about events in the world or the life of an individual person is not affected by the actions of this person or the fallen angels, but only repentance and correction of life influence it. Now he knows that all future events until the end of this world and Last Judgment, to those who love and fear him, the Lord God communicated through the prophets.

And finally, I learned the words of St. Seraphim of Sarov: “Take away sin, and the disease will leave you.” Reading the great Holy Fathers, he realized that one can get rid of defilement and illness only through fasting, repentance, herbs and a firm decision to no longer commit mortal sins and especially avoid communication with the “servants of the devil,” otherwise the devil will immediately gain power over you. With shame I read that for fornication God deprives one of reason and, remembering his life, he wept bitterly.

In the fifth month of fasting, I had a chance to see for myself what severe diseases eat sinners alive. When infection from the tumors was released onto the skin, the skin melted. The pain subsided only from the oil consecrated during the unction. And only now the author understands how many generations of ancestors had to live in purity and holiness for the Virgin to be born on earth. In the PURITY of which the Lord could incarnate.

Knowledge and experience came quickly, people helped with books and books with advice.

Now everyone who has repented, confessed their sins, corrected their lives, fasted, and taken herbs is recovering. Those who have their own minds, who run to fortune tellers, go to sects, live in prodigal cohabitations, and do not cry for children killed by abortions, their affairs are not important. Everything gets in the way - holidays, misfortunes, urgent matters, which for some reason are more important than life and treatment. “If God does not please, work in vain.”

Read, friends, this book, correct your life and get well.

Ordinary fascism, or the bitter truth about our oncology. (the letter that started this book...)

Dear readers.

We have to join the discussion of the issue of tumor and cystic neoplasms. Moreover, over the past three years, our own little experience for the treatment of these diseases. A. S. Kreshtop is right that tumors are changeable, but his conclusions are somewhat unexpected. Is it really all about the resolution of microscopes? Official medicine loves to make money, and if the issue was only in the area of ​​selecting antiviral or antichlamydial medications, it would have been resolved long ago. Elementary and reticular bodies, as well as persistent and resistant forms, have been known for many years, but it is still not possible to reliably and permanently suppress viral and chlamydial infections. So Kreshtop is in the process of many years of treatment and torture. Variety of infectious agents, various options their combination, the same locations of localization in heterogeneous neoplasms, disheartens everyone studying this problem, including heads of laboratories at a fairly serious level. Do not think that this is a speech in defense of practicing oncology centers. It’s just that Kreshtop has not yet given up the illusion of changing something in this system, but I myself did not have them from the very beginning of my illness.

First of all, I knew that initial forms cancer is completely curable. I knew because the Dutch professor Moerman lived on Earth, treating early tumors with nutrition. I also knew that the Watanabe Hospital operates in Japan, where patients are treated according to Professor Nishi’s system. This is where I began my treatment. Only the lazy do not write about the Nishi system now, but the essence and foundations of this system disappeared without a trace in the recommendations of those who began to write about it.

Digressing, I want to tell readers my opinion about the incredible number of books about “cancer treatment” on bookstores. Buying these books will not bring you any closer to understanding your own treatment or even prolonging your life one iota. Moreover, 90 percent of these authors recommend things that directly hasten the death of patients. Indicator pendulums, spells, breaths of happiness, tobacco tinctures from cigarettes from the Dukat factory...

There are other methods - treatment with kerosene, vodka with oil, ASD, hemlock, celandine, fly agaric, complex mixtures.

And if the authors of the first recommendations work directly with the devil, then the essence of the second recommendations is completely lost. The main goal The treatment and recipes used should be to suppress most of the infections present in the body and restore the patient’s own immunity to suppress the remaining ones. I think the readers agree with this conclusion.

We have read on the pages of many books and in the conclusions of modern researchers that it is impossible to restore immunity in a cancer patient. This is wrong. Let's restore immunity! Moreover, this is achieved in 4–8 months using simple and relatively cheap procedures, and also tinctures from our Ukrainian herbs. After which there are crises with a rise in body temperature to 40 ℃. Vascular-endocrine crises, during which the vessels of the arms and legs are “pinched.” They come in series, with tumors of the urinary system coming out in the form of rags and mucus in the urine. Gastrointestinal tumors come out in bloody flaps and chopped pieces and mucus.

If there is no way out, then treatment of a long inflammatory process and breakthrough of pus will greatly speed up the introduction of drugs from the group of peptide bioregulators. Namely Timalin, Imunofan and Polyoxidonium.

Attention! Hunger is not a cure, especially for tumors. Therefore, you need to know for sure: is it necessary to use it at all? It is much more beneficial for cancer patients in the second half of treatment (after the removal of helminths and most of the infections that have affected the liver and lymphatic system) to switch to strict fasting for 1–3 months. That is, eating for many months only porridges and vegetables, stewed, fresh and pickled. For those who have completed chemotherapy courses, strict fasting can be observed no earlier than 14–16 months of pre-treatment.

Over the past three years I have had to deal with such diseases

1. Serous cystenoma, the location of the lesion is the cervix; exudative pleurisy; chronic hepatitis at the age of 65 (treatment period - two and a half months).

2. Sarcoma of the brain, jaw, knee joint; metastases throughout the lumbar region and into the lungs (two irradiations, nine chemotherapy treatments, patient age – 12 years, doctors’ prognosis – amputation and death within one month).

The boy lived for more than four years, the tumor was removed from the brain to the cheek, metastases were removed from the lumbar region and lungs, but Bone marrow never recovered. Anisocytosis and hypochromia of erythrocytes after courses of chemotherapy could not be cured. The boy had also previously visited a healer, where he was brought with wet eczema. After the conspiracies, the eczema disappeared, but two years later Ewing’s sarcoma appeared. The mother never repented of this sin before God (in turning to the unclean for help).

3. Tumor of the mammary glands, with growth into the axillary lymph node, large fibroma (patient 50 years old). The tumors and fibroma disappeared after two months, although I had to continue treatment for another month and a half.

4. Tumor on the artery under the diaphragm between the adrenal glands, hepatitis, the patient was previously operated on in 1984. Then her reproductive organs were removed. Twenty years later, artery surgery, tumor regrowth and two courses of chemotherapy. Now the patient’s immunity has been restored, disturbances in the structure of leukocytes in the blood have been removed, purulent rods have been released from the tumor onto the skin, and tumor growth has been stopped. During treatment for hepatitis, a cyst formed, since during liver treatment the patient’s family celebrated birthdays (two in a row and all treatment schedules were disrupted). In addition, the patient smokes and is 60 years old. But the treatment continues.

5. Two jaw tumors are currently being treated, both in men. Both of them developed tumors after visiting the dentist.

6. Two breast tumors, one very large.

The lives of four patients (points 3 and 5), I hope, are no longer in danger. Other patients are also being treated after surgery and one or two courses of chemotherapy, for example, the treatment of two brain tumors is improving. I think this is enough for examples...

Problems in treatment are as follows

1. Four people who visited or had visited sects sought help, none of them were cured. Two of them started treatment and stopped after a very successful start, the other two did not even do this, and did not even begin treatment properly.

2. Violation of strict dietary restrictions, with the most severe patients having the fourth degree.

One of the women began to drink milk at the very moment when the destruction of the tumors began. The patient's family did not hold her back. As soon as I heard this, it became clear that now she only had worse things ahead.

Another woman began to take medications and herbs off herself, and at the same time began to eat anything. And this was precisely at the moment when the growth of ESR and the fall of Hg (hemoglobin) was stopped.

Both did not want to read prayers and did not believe in the need for repentance and changing their lives according to the commandments. I am writing this so that it immediately becomes clear that everyone who does not correct their lives according to the commandments of God will not be cured. And even if cured by doctors and herbalists, 90 percent of them die in the first years after treatment. There are statistics on this matter.

3. Sick people’s search for “magic” remedies and pills. This is especially true for people with money.

Example. A forty-five-year-old woman diagnosed with polycystic ovary syndrome. I tried to treat myself with herbs. On the advice of an “experienced” gynecologist, her reproductive organs, which had already been cleared (!) of cysts, were removed. After a year of taking Metronidazole and vinegar wraps, the growth of tumors in the peritoneum became very similar in appearance to dropsy. Only there was no liquid. When she asked for help and I told her:

- We'll cure you!

After that, she deceived me over the phone for four days, claiming that she had started treatment. In fact, she went to Kyiv, from where she was brought back two days later, barely alive. At the same time, the woman paid good money to have chemotherapy, believing the promises that after this she would get up immediately.

They took the money and did the chemotherapy. Moreover, “good”, in the sense of the amount of drug administered, as a result of which the lymphatic system of the left leg and thigh was burned. The patient's condition deteriorated greatly. The peritoneum became even larger. The saddest thing is that multiple tumors began to shrink a week after the start of treatment according to the regimens, every intestine and organ was palpated, but due to intoxication from the poisons of the collapsing tumors and the last chemotherapy, the treatment could not be completed. In addition, the swelling of the left limb was removed only after a month. Then there were two months of chemotherapy, but, alas, they were unsuccessful. And all because the chemotherapy was administered in exact accordance with the money offered.

All patients, let’s say, dislike oncologists with a “quiet dislike.” Everyone was promised the following:

-’ll go drink vodka, plant a garden, and do business.

All this, dear reader, alas, is not so. At their symposiums, doctors themselves admit that there is no scientific basis for chemotherapy. Doses and medications are prescribed empirically by the attending physician. Empirically means by experience. These experiments on patients are paid for by the patients themselves. New drugs are most often tested in oncology centers on patients with stage 3–4 disease.

Of the more than five hundred new drugs tested on patients, only sixteen have been introduced into clinical practice. These are statistics for the Moscow Oncology Center for two last year. Doctor Mengele and the Japanese "Squad No...." are not worthy of carrying briefcases behind our oncology department, armed with the “latest scientific knowledge" A. S. Kreshtop, despite his long life, his scientific and practical experience, apparently has not yet fully understood that those to whom he appeals for common sense and the need to determine the causes of tumors themselves die and do not repent. Not in your fornication, not in your theft, not in your lies. And you say they don’t have microscopes. Yes, they have no conscience, Anatoly Semenovich, and accordingly, they have no fear of God. But they have had microscopes for a long time, and if not ours, then their colleagues abroad definitely have them. There is no point, Anatoly Semenovich, in creating funds. We must slowly treat ourselves those whom we can cure, and, taking advantage of the opportunity of the revival and existence of Orthodox newspapers, medical books and books, describe the most important thing - nutrition, procedures and the beginning of treatment. Explain to people what will help them save their lives and stop the growth of the tumor at first. If growth is stopped, then there will be a reserve of time until the immune system is restored, and nutrition will put pressure on the tumor.

I’m not much of a doctor, but I already have a little experience, I know how to derive a patient’s blood formula so that the body itself gets involved in the fight against the disease.

Anatoly Semenovich, apparently, knows how to stop the growth of melanomas and similar fast-growing tumors, and I know how to completely restore a patient. I am writing this for reader Mironova, because the red spot that remains with her worries me greatly. If cured, no stains should remain. Common sense is the main thing in treating patients, but not traumatic experiences paid for at exorbitant prices out of their own pockets.

Let's start with common sense and say that Kreshtop “was offended by God for no reason”...

Hasn’t he really read and heard that “the generations of sinners are dying out,” that “every adulterer is a murderer?” Doesn’t he know that the Gospel and Orthodox literature describe “what a person should eat” and that all other food is the work of Satan and leads to sin, illness and death?

I would like to explain to readers that patients with and without tumors come to me, have been well examined, have gone through many medical centers. They have been fully examined. It has even been established what types of pathogens affect individual organs.

After 2–3 months of treatment, the so-called semi-venereal infections are cleared or removed from the skin, including the fungus. Sometimes candidiasis, trichinella, sometimes demodex and high titers (400–800) of antibodies in the blood to herpes and toxoplasma remain. The tumors themselves are either no longer there, or are they fibrocystic mastopathy, not life-threatening.

It remains to undergo further treatment after the functions of the liver and kidneys are restored. At this point, Gerpevir, Norfloxacin and other similar medications may be included (although practical experience has long shown that treatment with chemotherapy is not very effective). Both the doctor and the patient himself should be involved in unraveling such tangles of infections of various kinds, changing lifestyle and nutrition in accordance with the statutes of the Church. In families, patients always have the same thing - hereditary fornication, fornication of husband or wife (or both), lack of fasting, the presence of dogs, cats, parrots, rats, hamsters, etc. These are what our tumors consisted of and consist. And patients need to change their lives immediately and completely. And if the family of a sick person lives in two-room apartment together with the dog and categorically refuses to get rid of it, I know that in 9 cases out of 10 these dogs will not see their owner or mistress recover. Go to the priest, and he will tell you that you cannot “desecrate the temple of your body with fornication” and communication with unclean animals (dogs, rabbits, rats, etc.).

Nowadays, entire families are dying from tumors.

Grandma is a tumor.

A son and daughter-in-law have a stomach ulcer and an ovarian cyst.

Two grandchildren - one with phimosis, the other with a tumor.

Example: tumor of the rectum and prostate, chronic hepatitis, paresis of both feet, HIV.

A man (50 years old) passed fecal stones almost every day for four months. Then, during therapeutic fasting, stones came out of the ascending intestine. At the same time, the release of dead and exfoliated films of the large and small intestines with black spots of fungal lesions and black cholesterol “seeds” from the bile ducts during tubage was noticed. Once there was black vomiting from opisthorchids (flatworms) that had died in the liver. Headaches and shooting pains occurred, followed by water and mucus leaking from the ears and nose.

All women experience heavy discharge from the female genital organs. Cysts and tumors are rejected in rags, sometimes with blood, pus and mucus. Rashes after compresses are observed on the ovaries, swollen spleen, lungs, pancreas and thyroid glands.

Repentance with crying to the Creator, prayers and observance of the commandments and statutes of the Church with a pure heart saves the sick and gives strength.

All this, a beginner in treatment must know and endure. And live in abstinence, of course, without “our lesser friends.” And to the words of those who tell me that they pray to the Lord and the Queen of Heaven in vain, I answer with the words of the Most Pure One herself:

– You can break your forehead on the floor in the temple, begging My Son and Me for help, but you will not receive it until you begin to fulfill the Law of God.

Envy, lies and lack of mercy, borrowing money at interest, failure to pay employees on time, robbing orphans and widows are also mortal sins. And when a patient begins to lie from the start of treatment, I know that his affairs will most likely be bad.

As you, readers, understand, I take on tumors reluctantly, the work is too hard and the return is small due to the reluctance of the sick to repent of their sins and endure. Many people try to get rid of their fatal diseases without changing anything about themselves. Therefore, I try to deal mainly with the treatment of infertility, cysts and fibroids, kinks and constrictions in the gallbladder. Most patients cope with this within 4 months, and working at a sufficiently uncomfortable work. I am especially happy when whole families come at once, treat their children and are treated themselves, living in peace with God and without fornication.

I would like to remind you once again of the Lord’s words to himself and to you: “A person’s life does not depend on the amount of his property” and “The Lord does not desire the death of a sinner.”

Evgeny Lebedev

Let's treat everything!

“The medicine that defeats cancer is very easy, and doctors “communicate” with it every day, and it is before their eyes: how - by the grace of God - I know it too. God, however, does not open it, because in the last times, because of this disease, paradise will be filled..."

Elder Porfiry, Greece, Athos


“The mercy of God is hidden in involuntary suffering, attracting the sufferer to repentance and delivering him from eternal torment.”

St. Mark the Ascetic

Dear reader! Now you are holding in your hands the second book about cancer treatment.

Only a few months have passed since the release of the first book. The first book helped save the lives of thousands of cancer patients. From Ukraine and Russia, sick people report that when switching to a macrobiotic diet, their malignant tumors growth has stopped. The treatment regimens from the first book made it possible to cleanse the intestines, expel worms, and free the bile ducts. And most importantly, tumors and metastases began to disappear immediately in hundreds of patients! For the first time in the history of medicine, hundreds of sick people began to recover. A short interval between books will give those who have started treatment the opportunity to cope with advanced tumors. The first book contains regimens for the treatment of tumors no larger than 2 cm in size. And with the help of this book, patients with T3 tumors with germination and metastasis can also be cured. In this book you will learn how to get rid of the consequences of poisoning in cancer centers, where to start and how to end treatment. To do this, you need to find your chapter in the table of contents and carefully read, understand, and then follow the instructions.

In three years, such a quantity of data has been obtained that it is time to immediately move on to working on materials for the third book. In 2006, it was possible to suppress the growth of bone tissue sarcomas and achieve their breakthrough (two cases); two more patients are slowly recovering. Two people with early leukemia are recovering slowly. Different types of lymphogranulomatosis and non-Hodgkin's lymphoma are treated no worse than other lesions. It is possible to cope even with lymphoma after chemotherapy.

One of the real healers, V.V. Tishchenko, foresaw that in the near future there will be people who will be able to treat cancer by learning to quickly restore liver function. Now there are such people. This is you and me. For several years now, former patients have been undergoing new treatment after or in the second half of treatment. alternative views diagnostics and examinations and amaze doctors with their purity. Only one or two residual infections (mostly in those organs that are cleared in last resort). That's all! The only obstacles to such a complete cure are a sinful life and trauma after cancer centers. Particularly evil obstacles to recovery are prodigal cohabitation and theft, sects and unauthorized churches, communication with fortune-tellers and psychics.

In this book you will find out what prevented some of the patients from returning to health and caused their death.

When starting treatment, carefully read everything that concerns you. And it will be very useful if those who have already undergone similar treatment begin to help you. This year there have been many cases when people familiar with nutrition, treatment regimens and methods of treatment saved their friends from certain death.

Remember for the rest of your life: diseases cannot be treated with pills.

You can get rid of illnesses only by repentance, confession of sins and communion, correction of life, nutrition and herbs according to the will of God.

When starting treatment, forget your position in society, the opinions of others, authority, successes and keep before your eyes your former evil life and soul with its passions.

And finally, in my opinion, the most important event happened. It was possible to understand how a cancer patient should eat during different phases of treatment. What changes should be made in nutrition when inflammatory processes have begun, what to take for tumors of the human lymphatic system, how it is possible to cure the most advanced stages of cancer. Finally, proven treatment regimens for various tumors have emerged that make it possible to cure patients completely, and not just prolong their lives.

The most important point(precisely the most important thing that determines the complete healing of a person from this terrible disease, however, not only cancer) is complete submission, free, according to a person’s personal choice, submission to God and the Church. Not an arbitrary “church” in a basement or in a movie theater, but an Apostolic – Orthodox one. It is impossible to cure a fornicator and a thief, a heretic and those who run to fortune-tellers with psychics, a homosexual and a lesbian from any disease acquired by sins. It is impossible to cure a serious illness of a child living with parents who have not abandoned their sinful life and have not turned to God. Only suffering can bring us all, hard-hearted, hardened in mortal sins from youth, who have not known a pure life, into the Church of God, into the body of our Lord Jesus Christ. And only sorrow. Out of our own free will, we do not seek a pure and holy life and run away from it, forgetting the words of the Testament that God is always merciful to those who repent and correct their lives, and the death of an unrepentant sinner is always cruel.

Having an extensive field of observations of people and illnesses, I always see that there is no healing for a person until he realizes that the Church is life. And everyone who enters the temple at least once a week and cries out to God for the forgiveness of their terrible sins, asking for wisdom and help to correct the bitter end of life, receives everything.

Always receives everything, as the Lord God promised. Forgiveness of sins, reasoning and help along with life. Only the evil ones, those who do not seek the salvation of souls, predators and those who bring temptations, do not receive this. Even good, family people who, simply due to laziness or lack of faith, did not want to begin a life according to God, observing the statutes of the Holy Church, do not receive recovery. Man does not find time in vain worries for morning and evening prayer, and the Lord God no longer finds a place for him on this earth. People have one, only one opportunity to come to God and Eternal Life - this is prayer. Every person should know one more truth. A person’s life is taken away at the most saving age for his soul. The actions of people and fallen angels do not affect the terms of life assigned by God. Only its correction affects life expectancy.

There are amazing cases when patients cannot be cured until they begin to observe Apostolic Rule and go to the Temple of God at least once every two or three weeks. And there are cases when a patient who has already been cured passes away at the moment when his right faith in God and the Truth of the teachings of the church may be destroyed.

Current page: 1 (book has 25 pages total) [available reading passage: 17 pages]

Evgeny Lebedev
Let's treat everything!

“The medicine that defeats cancer is very easy, and doctors “communicate” with it every day, and it is before their eyes: how - by the grace of God - I know it too. God, however, does not open it, because in the last times, because of this disease, paradise will be filled..."

Elder Porfiry, Greece, Athos


“The mercy of God is hidden in involuntary suffering, attracting the sufferer to repentance and delivering him from eternal torment.”

St. Mark the Ascetic

Dear reader! Now you are holding in your hands the second book about cancer treatment.

Only a few months have passed since the release of the first book. The first book helped save the lives of thousands of cancer patients. In Ukraine and Russia, sick people report that when they switched to a macrobiotic diet, their malignant tumors stopped growing. The treatment regimens from the first book made it possible to cleanse the intestines, expel worms, and free the bile ducts. And most importantly, tumors and metastases began to disappear immediately in hundreds of patients! For the first time in the history of medicine, hundreds of sick people began to recover. A short interval between books will give those who have started treatment the opportunity to cope with advanced tumors. The first book contains schemes for the treatment of tumors no larger than 2 cm in size. And with the help of this book, patients with T 3 tumors with germination and metastasis can also be cured. In this book you will learn how to get rid of the consequences of poisoning in cancer centers, where to start and how to end treatment. To do this, you need to find your chapter in the table of contents and carefully read, understand, and then follow the instructions.

In three years, such a quantity of data has been obtained that it is time to immediately move on to working on materials for the third book. In 2006, it was possible to suppress the growth of bone tissue sarcomas and achieve their breakthrough (two cases); two more patients are slowly recovering. Two people with early leukemia are recovering slowly. Different types of lymphogranulomatosis and non-Hodgkin's lymphoma are treated no worse than other lesions. It is possible to cope even with lymphoma after chemotherapy.

One of the real healers, V.V. Tishchenko, foresaw that in the near future there will be people who will be able to treat cancer by learning to quickly restore liver function. Now there are such people. This is you and me. For several years now, former patients, after or in the second half of treatment, have been undergoing new alternative types of diagnostics and examinations and amaze doctors with their purity. Only one or two residual infections (mostly in those organs that are cleaned last). That's all! The only obstacles to such a complete cure are a sinful life and trauma after cancer centers. Particularly evil obstacles to recovery are prodigal cohabitation and theft, sects and unauthorized churches, communication with fortune-tellers and psychics.

In this book you will find out what prevented some of the patients from returning to health and caused their death.

When starting treatment, carefully read everything that concerns you. And it will be very useful if those who have already undergone similar treatment begin to help you. This year there have been many cases when people familiar with nutrition, treatment regimens and methods of treatment saved their friends from certain death.

Remember for the rest of your life: diseases cannot be treated with pills.

You can get rid of illnesses only by repentance, confession of sins and communion, correction of life, nutrition and herbs according to the will of God.

When starting treatment, forget your position in society, the opinions of others, authority, successes and keep before your eyes your former evil life and soul with its passions.

And finally, in my opinion, the most important event happened. It was possible to understand how a cancer patient should eat during different phases of treatment. What changes should be made in nutrition when inflammatory processes have begun, what to take for tumors of the human lymphatic system, how it is possible to cure the most advanced stages of cancer. Finally, proven treatment regimens for various tumors have emerged that make it possible to cure patients completely, and not just prolong their lives.

The most important point (precisely the most important, determining the complete healing of a person from this terrible disease, however, not only cancer) is complete submission, free, by the person’s personal choice, submission to God and the Church. Not an arbitrary “church” in a basement or in a movie theater, but an Apostolic – Orthodox one. It is impossible to cure a fornicator and a thief, a heretic and those who run to fortune-tellers with psychics, a homosexual and a lesbian from any disease acquired by sins. It is impossible to cure a serious illness of a child living with parents who have not abandoned their sinful life and have not turned to God. Only suffering can bring us all, hard-hearted, hardened in mortal sins from youth, who have not known a pure life, into the Church of God, into the body of our Lord Jesus Christ. And only sorrow. Out of our own free will, we do not seek a pure and holy life and run away from it, forgetting the words of the Testament that God is always merciful to those who repent and correct their lives, and the death of an unrepentant sinner is always cruel.

Having an extensive field of observations of people and illnesses, I always see that there is no healing for a person until he realizes that the Church is life. And everyone who enters the temple at least once a week and cries out to God for forgiveness of their terrible sins, asking for wisdom and help to correct the bitter end of life, receives everything.

Always receives everything, as the Lord God promised. Forgiveness of sins, reasoning and help along with life. Only the evil ones, those who do not seek the salvation of souls, predators and those who bring temptations, do not receive this. Even good, family people who, simply due to laziness or lack of faith, did not want to begin a life according to God, observing the statutes of the Holy Church, do not receive recovery. Man does not find time in vain worries for morning and evening prayer, and the Lord God no longer finds a place for him on this earth. People have one, only one opportunity to come to God and Eternal Life - this is prayer. Every person should know one more truth. A person’s life is taken away at the most saving age for his soul. The actions of people and fallen angels do not affect the terms of life assigned by God. Only its correction affects life expectancy.

There are amazing cases when the sick cannot be cured until they begin to observe the Apostolic Rule and go to the Temple of God at least once every two or three weeks. And there are cases when a patient who has already been cured passes away at the moment when his right faith in God and the Truth of the teachings of the church may be destroyed.

The first book contains the instructions of Archimandrite George and our observations that if one of the spouses turns to the enemies of God, fortune-tellers and psychics, the second, as having a common body in marriage, always dies. Know also that even a parent whose crazy children go to ask demons about their future dies during treatment.

The sins of such parents are forgiven in the Sacrament of the Church, but their lives are not extended if they do not have the goal of correcting the lives of their children. Those parents whose soul the Lord took did not have such a goal for their future life.

You can recover from cancer and remain among the living only by imitating the saints with your life to the best of your ability. It is impossible to imitate without knowing anything about the faith and the Holy Fathers. Open the Gospel and patristic traditions and read. Pray and read daily. This is the bread of life that will give salvation to your soul, life and help you regain health for yourself and your children.

Thieves and fornicators, know that in hell there is no fornication and theft. There is only torment, crying and gnashing of teeth.

Evgeny Lebedev

December 2006

Donetsk region, Mariupol

Note. In the hometown of the author of the book, Mariupol, according to general director Donetsk Regional Antitumor Center G. V. Bondar in patients who put themselves in the hands of oncologists, the mortality rate for cancer tumors is as follows: for cancer of the mouth, pharynx - 54.6%, esophageal cancer - 58.3%, colon cancer - 40, 2%, rectal cancer – 42.1%, laryngeal cancer personal experience– 51.3%, lung cancer, trachea – 65.0%. These data have been published and once again confirm that modern oncology is following the wrong path, leading patients away from true path healing (editor's note).

"Science" oncology

Lies lead to suffering

We are all reading people. We watch TV, subscribe to newspapers and magazines. Over the course of 30–50 years of life, any Ukrainian has read a dozen articles about cancer treatment, the causes of tumors, and the 100% mortality rate of patients. This is why a diagnosis of cancer deprives one of self-control and common sense 99% of patients. Everyone who has already completed this school knows how events develop after a diagnosis is made. Confident doctors, without allowing the patient to come to their senses, immediately put everything in the “right place” for the patient. Now – surgery, then – radiation, then – two or three courses of chemotherapy and that’s it, you’re healthy. You will go home to do your own thing. Only during treatment for some reason the suture does not heal after the operation, and after irradiation metastasis begins. Chemotherapy courses rid the head of hair and deprive it of health completely and irrevocably. And only the weakened patient, sent home to die, realizes that the doctors knew, knew from the very beginning, that they would not be able to cure him. He guesses that the treatment (not the disease, but this kind of treatment!) killed him. 90% of patients begin their own treatment from this moment. Unscientific. But for some reason this is exactly what gives improvement. Sometimes not for long. Only a few manage to remove the poisoning, and only a few complete the treatment until they defeat the disease.

Now, reader, you will learn what “cancer” is, what tumors are made of, who treated them and how, what they did with those who knew how to treat cancer and how it should be truly treated.

Causes of cancer

Oncologists: “Cancer is our own diseased cells. The immune system fails and cells begin to divide uncontrollably until the death of our body. This division can only be stopped by irradiating the tumor and removing it surgically. Then carry out a course of chemotherapy to destroy cancer cells.”

It's a lie

In fact, any tumor contains all infections - viral, single-celled, "bacterial", fungal and worm larvae in different proportions. The basis of any tumor is three infections that are evolutionarily assigned to each person.

1) Diatom.

2) A single-celled flagellar microorganism, very similar to Trichomonas.

3) An imperfect predatory fungus that feeds on “dirty plasma” of blood, red blood cells and reproduces uncontrollably with the help and in symbiosis (with the formation of tissue) with other bacteria, and uses human red blood cells as an incubator. It can behave both as a yeast fungus and as a mold fungus. It uses human red blood cells to reproduce its offspring, which disguise itself as our cells.

“A cancer is the end result of the activity of microorganisms in the human body over many years.”

These are the conclusions of E.V. Alekseeva’s research.

All other infections join the three that are evolutionarily present from the womb in the human body.

So, we have three basic components:

1) algae;

3) imperfect carnivorous mushroom; – these three dangerous infections form tumors in different percentages.

Tumors, even the same in size and location in two different patients, will differ greatly both in composition and in the timing of treatment. Therefore, you should not be surprised if you take longer to receive treatment than someone you know.

The “behavior” of tumors during treatment exactly corresponds to the studies of E. V. Alekseeva.

During the treatment of advanced uterine cancer, the main tumor, which was a dense node with thread-like rags, was “discarded” with bleeding. Then the walls of the uterus became inflamed, and the infection began to spread to the vaginal lips. Twice they swelled and became covered in a rash. The doctors invited to the examination, after consulting, came to the conclusion that the cancerous process had spread to the vagina. Then (two weeks later) the patient developed a very painful tumor on her pubic area with “tugging” pain. This is a future abscess (which subsequently ruptured successfully).

During the treatment of advanced lung cancer, the patient spat out pieces of the tumor three times, and then a severe inflammatory process began, with severe shortness of breath and high temperature up to 39 ℃. It lasted about two months, and it ended with the fact that on an October evening the patient began to choke, she was turned over, injected with Sulfocamphocaine, and the flow of pus began, which lasted two months.

All observations indicate that even rejection of the main tumor (stages III–IV) does not solve the problem of cancer. Rejection is also followed by inflammation in the tissues at the site of the tumor.

The entire body is always involved in the cancer process, and no local influences (surgery, radiation, chemotherapy) will stop it. They will only deprive you of the remnants of your health, poison you and speed up your death two to three times.

The following solution is relatively acceptable for patients:

1. Early detection of the tumor.

2. No proliferation.

3. Biopsy! And immediately after this, surgery to remove the tumor (without radiation or chemotherapy).

4. Further treatment using schemes from the first and second books.

Now there are many such patients. The absence of a primary tumor greatly facilitates treatment. The remaining infections are simply released into a rash on the skin several times. Some of them underwent two to four courses of chemotherapy, but with God’s help they survived and are recovering. The picture is completely different if restoration according to point 4 is not carried out.

With the most favorable prognosis - early, when the primary tumor was discovered immediately and only surgical treatment was performed - oncologists give the patient no more than five years to live. If the patient lived for 5 years and 2 weeks, then he is recorded in the column of successfully and completely cured. However, we have not met such people. In the spring of 2006 alone, five women came to me and immediately after diagnosis they left the “help” of oncologists and treated themselves. Kerosene, celandine, hemlock, Potopalsky collection and others. Here are their deadlines:

1) 60 years. She died 4 years and 2 months later. She lived without pain, death was easy.

2) 56 years old. 4 years. Alive. He is being treated. The prognosis is favorable, despite the fact that the tumor has grown.

3) 40 years. 2 years. The tumor ruptured in diagram No. 3. I took sick leave for 3 days. He is undergoing further treatment.

4) 52 years old. 3 years. The tumor fell out of the mammary gland. A huge wound and metastases to the liver and ovary. Primary improvement, the wound closes. Then destruction of the tumor in the ovary, breakthrough of the tumor in the axillary lymph node. The tumor in the liver has become looser. I didn’t have enough strength to fight the inflammatory processes.

5) 56 years old. 3 years. The tumor has grown greatly. Treatment lasts 8 months. Alive, severe pain. The tumor has shrunk by half. Treated carelessly. Doesn't fulfill all the requirements, but strictly adheres to nutrition.

Now the same examples after the oncology center:

1) 32 years old. Strong, with a good circulatory system. She began treatment at the oncology center at the end of July 2005 (Kyiv). She died in early April 2006. Her lungs were burned.

2) 40 years. Treatment began in January 2006. She died at the end of summer. Metastasis to the neck and spine after irradiation.

3) 54 years old. Small tumor 2 cm. 30 courses of radiation. She started treatment in the summer of 2005. Now he is dying from the consequences of total radiation.

Deadlines! Pay attention, reader, to the life spans of the first and second groups of patients.

If five women with breast tumors knew that treatment should be carried out with abstinence and fasting, then they themselves would have managed to cope with their tumors.

Candidate of Medical Sciences O.I. Eliseeva (author of a book on diagnostics) correctly wrote that in people who observe fasting, the acid-base balance in the blood plasma and tissues shifts. At the same time, the metabolism of microorganisms immediately changes, as well as their appearance and nature of activity.

I will add my conclusions to the words of O.I. Eliseeva: tumor growth stops by the end of the first month of macrobiotic nutrition, and by the end of the fourth month the tumor and metastases begin to collapse (in those who are not etched and not weakened). Patients report this to me every week.

Differences in Tumors and Blood Tests

Research by E.V. Alekseeva made it possible to understand why blood tests in cancer patients vary so much in nature. There is the influence of other infections and worm larvae in the lymphatic system (for example, Trichinella in clinical blood tests gives a high lymphocyte value during treatment - 40, etc.), but in general, the tests can be divided into approximately three main groups:

1) Tumors, let’s say, are unexpected, painless, are discovered suddenly, large ones grow quickly, and are very rare. Blood tests are excellent. ESR is low. They can even be treated with herbs (although it is very difficult and long). Conclusion: These tumors are most likely composed of algae. This year, both the editors and I encountered three such cases. As a rule, these are tumors of the stomach, thyroid gland and lungs (although this is not necessary). They are treated quickly and reliably (within a year) with a regimen with creolin - subject to bowel cleansing, fasting, and tubage.

2) Tumors of the second type. High leukocytes, more than 7–8. Not very high ESR throughout the entire treatment. Fast growing. Very dangerous. Bone sarcomas also belong to this type of tumor. During treatment they give severe pain. They always give extensive metastases, and these metastases come out just as well with compresses from aqueous solution copper sulfate. The tumors themselves are well removed with inflammation on cakes made from flour, honey and poultry fat. Violations of fasting, and violations in general, are not forgiven to the patient. Treatment should only be provided with a generous intake of infusion of pine needles and vegetable juices (4-5 types of vegetables) in an amount of at least 0.5 liters per day. These, reader, are tumors with a large percentage of the fungus of a predatory imperfect species.

4) Tumors are always large. If left untreated, they will not hurt until death. During treatment, the pain remains either morning or afternoon for some time. High levels of leukocytes, ESR not higher than 37, high eosinophils. As a rule, they consist of worm larvae in a large percentage.

Treatment is good if there are no complicating operations, radiation, or chemotherapy. They often form near surgical sutures, where lymphatic drainage and blood circulation are impaired.

They are treated with hemlock, befungin and a regimen with cinquefoil and compresses with ASD-2F. Because they consist of larvae different types worms, you often have to select a regimen individually.

And it is clear that such a distribution of analyzes into groups is very arbitrary. There is no consistency or statistics, and additional infections blur the picture. But after scheme No. 3, as a rule, it is possible to figure out what kind of infections predominate in the patient’s body, especially since now there are a lot of people affected by opisthorchiasis and schistosomes, and this always complicates treatment.

These lines, reader, were written not for patients, but for herbalists and herbalists. In the city of Chernivtsi and the city of Kyiv, two doctors, using treatment regimens from the first book, began to very successfully treat cancer patients. A Kiev woman doctor was the first to achieve the destruction of what she considered to be “benign” tumors. They turned out to be very dangerous, but slow growing. When destroyed, there was a profuse release of viral and chlamydial infections on top part body and head. I think that over time she will write her own lines about her own treatment. You will be able to read them in the near future. The Chernivtsi doctor has also already restored several people sent home to die to their feet.

Of course, these are the first preliminary outlines of future precise knowledge about the treatment of tumors.

But now there are reliable regimens for the treatment of breast carcinoma. Here's an example. Telephone call. A short introduction. Adenocarcinoma of the breast, size approximately 10 cm. She was treated for a year by the herbalist P-nyaya. The tumor was growing. The money has run out. I took the phone from the editorial office and called. I did everything according to the plans. While taking wintergreen, the tumor increased in size, began to “twitch” and change color. It turned red, turned blue, opened up and began to slowly drain into pus. There are no violations and the patient has no problems either. Consultations and treatment are carried out by telephone. He lives in the village in his own house, and also works in the garden. He doesn’t want to go to oncologists at all. She's afraid of them. I must note that he is doing the right thing.

“The medicine that defeats cancer is very easy, and doctors “communicate” with it every day, and it is before their eyes: how - by the grace of God - I know it too. God, however, does not open it, because in the last times, because of this disease, paradise will be filled..."

Elder Porfiry, Greece, Athos

Author about the author

This book was written for you by an ordinary city dweller. His lifestyle, social behavior and nutrition were once no different from yours. He also smoked, had fun, loved holidays and abused casual relationships. In general, I lived like everyone else. Until he realized that he was dying.

The possibilities of modern medicine were well known to him, and he decided to avoid meeting with her until the last moment. There were reasons for such a firm decision. Five years before the onset of the disease, the author buried his father, who died within two months of metastatic lung cancer after pneumonia was “successfully treated” in the hospital.

My strength went away very quickly and I had to quit my job; my health and appearance worsened. Pain and insomnia began... And it so happened that the last book the author read was Ivanov’s book “Apocalypse Now.” Then, for the first time, an understanding came to him of how we should all live this temporary life. But it was too late. The two summer months of life were a protracted agony. Never and nowhere has the author heard or read that the pains of death are so terrible. In early August, he realized that he would die the following week. Just the thought of having to live in such torment for another week was unbearable and caused horror. There was only one hope left - to ask the Lord God for a quick death. Death moved away, and the pain became a little weaker. Because of them there was no sleep. This lasted another four months until the author picked up Maya Gogulan’s book on the treatment of tumors. The author had known about the work of the Japanese for a long time, and since there was no way out, he began to drink vegetable juices, made a tubage and began to perform contrasting air procedures twice a day. A month later, a toxic rash broke out on my skin, and I immediately felt better. The author was unable to fully implement Heldy Clark’s scheme, but the evil residents in the liver and intestines died, emerging with severe vomiting from the liver and discharge with poisoning from the intestines. After this, I gained more strength, the opportunity to read and at least somehow take care of myself, making it easier for my loved ones to care for me.

The next nine months brought nothing but meeting many authors, their recommendations and discoveries. All this time, the intake of juices with short fasts continued, which saved life, but did not improve health. There was an understanding that we had to go to the temple of God. In December - repentance and confession, in March - unction and the first time of collecting herbs. After taking the herbal collection, a short course of taking celandine. Some of the gastrointestinal tumors collapsed and came out, some of the growths were thrown onto the skin, but the general condition did not improve much.

The pancreas, liver, upper stomach, left lung and left arm were also affected. The irresponsible writings of authors who filled bookstore shelves and counters with books about “cancer treatment” were confusing. And only after becoming familiar with Orthodox literature, learning the history of the church, reading patristic traditions, the Old and New Testaments, did the author learn that all his life, in fact, he had been a son of this world and a slave of sin. He believed in God, but he did not believe God or His words and did not fulfill them. From the Old Testament he learned that “the death of sinners is cruel.” And also that fornicators and harlots will inherit “rottenness and worms, and let the insolent soul be destroyed.” I also learned that “God does not want the death of a sinner” and that “a person’s life does not depend on the amount of his property,” but depends only on his fulfillment of the laws and the will of God. It became known to him that God’s providence about events in the world or the life of an individual person is not affected by the actions of this person or the fallen angels, but only repentance and correction of life influence it. Now he knows that the Lord God communicated all future events until the end of this world and the Last Judgment to those who love and fear him through the prophets.

And finally, I learned the words of St. Seraphim of Sarov: “Take away sin, and the disease will leave you.” Reading the great Holy Fathers, he realized that one can get rid of defilement and illness only through fasting, repentance, herbs and a firm decision to no longer commit mortal sins and especially avoid communication with the “servants of the devil,” otherwise the devil will immediately gain power over you. With shame I read that for fornication God deprives one of reason and, remembering his life, he wept bitterly.

In the fifth month of fasting, I had a chance to see for myself what severe diseases eat sinners alive. When infection from the tumors was released onto the skin, the skin melted. The pain subsided only from the oil consecrated during the unction. And only now the author understands how many generations of ancestors had to live in purity and holiness for the Virgin to be born on earth. In the PURITY of which the Lord could incarnate.

Knowledge and experience came quickly, people helped with books and books with advice.

Now everyone who has repented, confessed their sins, corrected their lives, fasted, and taken herbs is recovering. Those who have their own minds, who run to fortune tellers, go to sects, live in prodigal cohabitations, and do not cry for children killed by abortions, their affairs are not important. Everything gets in the way - holidays, misfortunes, urgent matters, which for some reason are more important than life and treatment. “If God does not please, work in vain.”

Read, friends, this book, correct your life and get well.

Ordinary fascism, or the bitter truth about our oncology. (the letter that started this book...)

Dear readers.

We have to join the discussion of the issue of tumor and cystic neoplasms. Moreover, over the past three years, we have gained our own little experience in treating these diseases. A. S. Kreshtop is right that tumors are changeable, but his conclusions are somewhat unexpected. Is it really all about the resolution of microscopes? Official medicine loves to make money, and if the issue was only in the area of ​​selecting antiviral or antichlamydial medications, it would have been resolved long ago. Elementary and reticular bodies, as well as persistent and resistant forms, have been known for many years, but it is still not possible to reliably and permanently suppress viral and chlamydial infections. So Kreshtop is in the process of many years of treatment and torture. The variety of infectious agents, different options for their association, identical localization sites in heterogeneous neoplasms, disheartens everyone who studies this problem, including laboratory managers at a fairly serious level. Do not think that this is a speech in defense of practicing oncology centers. It’s just that Kreshtop has not yet given up the illusion of changing something in this system, but I myself did not have them from the very beginning of my illness.

Firstly, I knew that early forms of cancer are completely curable. I knew because the Dutch professor Moerman lived on Earth, treating early tumors with nutrition. I also knew that the Watanabe Hospital operates in Japan, where patients are treated according to Professor Nishi’s system. This is where I began my treatment. Only the lazy do not write about the Nishi system now, but the essence and foundations of this system disappeared without a trace in the recommendations of those who began to write about it.

Digressing, I want to tell readers my opinion about the incredible number of books about “cancer treatment” on bookstores. Buying these books will not bring you any closer to understanding your own treatment or even prolonging your life one iota. Moreover, 90 percent of these authors recommend things that directly hasten the death of patients. Indicator pendulums, spells, breaths of happiness, tobacco tinctures from cigarettes from the Dukat factory...

There are other methods - treatment with kerosene, vodka with oil, ASD, hemlock, celandine, fly agaric, complex mixtures.

And if the authors of the first recommendations work directly with the devil, then the essence of the second recommendations is completely lost. The main goal of treatment and the recipes used should be to suppress most of the infections present in the body and restore the patient’s own immunity to suppress the remaining ones. I think the readers agree with this conclusion.

We have read on the pages of many books and in the conclusions of modern researchers that it is impossible to restore immunity in a cancer patient. This is wrong. Let's restore immunity! Moreover, this is achieved in 4–8 months using simple and relatively cheap procedures, and also tinctures from our Ukrainian herbs. After which there are crises with a rise in body temperature to 40?. Vascular-endocrine crises, during which the vessels of the arms and legs are “pinched.” They come in series, with tumors of the urinary system coming out in the form of rags and mucus in the urine. Gastrointestinal tumors come out in bloody flaps and chopped pieces and mucus.

If there is no way out, then treatment of a long inflammatory process and breakthrough of pus will greatly speed up the introduction of drugs from the group of peptide bioregulators. Namely Timalin, Imunofan and Polyoxidonium.

Attention! Hunger is not a cure, especially for tumors. Therefore, you need to know for sure: is it necessary to use it at all? It is much more beneficial for cancer patients in the second half of treatment (after the removal of helminths and most of the infections that have affected the liver and lymphatic system) to switch to strict fasting for 1–3 months. That is, eating for many months only porridges and vegetables, stewed, fresh and pickled. For those who have completed chemotherapy courses, strict fasting can be observed no earlier than 14–16 months of pre-treatment.

Over the past three years I have had to deal with such diseases

1. Serous cystenoma, the location of the lesion is the cervix; exudative pleurisy; chronic hepatitis at the age of 65 (treatment period - two and a half months).

2. Sarcoma of the brain, jaw, knee joint; metastases throughout the lumbar region and into the lungs (two irradiations, nine chemotherapy treatments, patient age – 12 years, doctors’ prognosis – amputation and death within one month).

The boy lived for more than four years, the tumor was removed from the brain to the cheek, metastases were removed from the lumbar region and lungs, but the bone marrow never recovered. Anisocytosis and hypochromia of erythrocytes after courses of chemotherapy could not be cured. The boy had also previously visited a healer, where he was brought with wet eczema. After the conspiracies, the eczema disappeared, but two years later Ewing’s sarcoma appeared. The mother never repented of this sin before God (in turning to the unclean for help).

3. Tumor of the mammary glands, with growth into the axillary lymph node, large fibroma (patient 50 years old). The tumors and fibroma disappeared after two months, although I had to continue treatment for another month and a half.

4. Tumor on the artery under the diaphragm between the adrenal glands, hepatitis, the patient was previously operated on in 1984. Then her reproductive organs were removed. Twenty years later, artery surgery, tumor regrowth and two courses of chemotherapy. Now the patient’s immunity has been restored, disturbances in the structure of leukocytes in the blood have been removed, purulent rods have been released from the tumor onto the skin, and tumor growth has been stopped. During treatment for hepatitis, a cyst formed, since during liver treatment the patient’s family celebrated birthdays (two in a row and all treatment schedules were disrupted). In addition, the patient smokes and is 60 years old. But the treatment continues.

5. Two jaw tumors are currently being treated, both in men. Both of them developed tumors after visiting the dentist.

6. Two breast tumors, one very large.

The lives of four patients (points 3 and 5), I hope, are no longer in danger. Other patients are also being treated after surgery and one or two courses of chemotherapy, for example, the treatment of two brain tumors is improving. I think this is enough for examples...

Problems in treatment are as follows

1. Four people who visited or had visited sects sought help, none of them were cured. Two of them started treatment and stopped after a very successful start, the other two did not even do this, and did not even begin treatment properly.

2. Violation of strict dietary restrictions, with the most severe patients having the fourth degree.

One of the women began to drink milk at the very moment when the destruction of the tumors began. The patient's family did not hold her back. As soon as I heard this, it became clear that now she only had worse things ahead.

Another woman began to take medications and herbs off herself, and at the same time began to eat anything. And this was precisely at the moment when the growth of ESR and the fall of Hg (hemoglobin) was stopped.

Both did not want to read prayers and did not believe in the need for repentance and changing their lives according to the commandments. I am writing this so that it immediately becomes clear that everyone who does not correct their lives according to the commandments of God will not be cured. And even if cured by doctors and herbalists, 90 percent of them die in the first years after treatment. There are statistics on this matter.

3. Sick people’s search for “magic” remedies and pills. This is especially true for people with money.

Example. A forty-five-year-old woman diagnosed with polycystic ovary syndrome. I tried to treat myself with herbs. On the advice of an “experienced” gynecologist, her reproductive organs, which had already been cleared (!) of cysts, were removed. After a year of taking Metronidazole and vinegar wraps, the growth of tumors in the peritoneum became very similar in appearance to dropsy. Only there was no liquid. When she asked for help and I told her:

- We'll cure you!

After that, she deceived me over the phone for four days, claiming that she had started treatment. In fact, she went to Kyiv, from where she was brought back two days later, barely alive. At the same time, the woman paid good money to have chemotherapy, believing the promises that after this she would get up immediately.

They took the money and did the chemotherapy. Moreover, “good”, in the sense of the amount of drug administered, as a result of which the lymphatic system of the left leg and thigh was burned. The patient's condition deteriorated greatly. The peritoneum became even larger. The saddest thing is that multiple tumors began to shrink a week after the start of treatment according to the regimens, every intestine and organ was palpated, but due to intoxication from the poisons of the collapsing tumors and the last chemotherapy, the treatment could not be completed. In addition, the swelling of the left limb was removed only after a month. Then there were two months of chemotherapy, but, alas, they were unsuccessful. And all because the chemotherapy was administered in exact accordance with the money offered.

All patients, let’s say, dislike oncologists with a “quiet dislike.” Everyone was promised the following:

-’ll go drink vodka, plant a garden, and do business.

All this, dear reader, alas, is not so. At their symposiums, doctors themselves admit that there is no scientific basis for chemotherapy. Doses and medications are prescribed empirically by the attending physician. Empirically means by experience. These experiments on patients are paid for by the patients themselves. New drugs are most often tested in oncology centers on patients with stage 3–4 disease.

Of the more than five hundred new drugs tested on patients, only sixteen have been introduced into clinical practice. These are statistics for the Moscow Oncology Center for the last two years. Doctor Mengele and the Japanese "Squad No...." We are not worthy of carrying briefcases for our oncology team, armed with the “latest scientific knowledge.” A. S. Kreshtop, despite his long life, his scientific and practical experience, apparently has not yet fully understood that those to whom he appeals for common sense and the need to determine the causes of tumors themselves die and do not repent. Not in your fornication, not in your theft, not in your lies. And you say they don’t have microscopes. Yes, they have no conscience, Anatoly Semenovich, and accordingly, they have no fear of God. But they have had microscopes for a long time, and if not ours, then their colleagues abroad definitely have them. There is no point, Anatoly Semenovich, in creating funds. We must slowly treat ourselves those whom we can cure, and, taking advantage of the opportunity of the revival and existence of Orthodox newspapers, medical books and books, describe the most important thing - nutrition, procedures and the beginning of treatment. Explain to people what will help them save their lives and stop the growth of the tumor at first. If growth is stopped, then there will be a reserve of time until the immune system is restored, and nutrition will put pressure on the tumor.

I’m not much of a doctor, but I already have a little experience, I know how to derive a patient’s blood formula so that the body itself gets involved in the fight against the disease.

Anatoly Semenovich, apparently, knows how to stop the growth of melanomas and similar fast-growing tumors, and I know how to completely restore a patient. I am writing this for reader Mironova, because the red spot that remains with her worries me greatly. If cured, no stains should remain. Common sense is the main thing in treating patients, but not traumatic experiences paid for at exorbitant prices out of their own pockets.

Let's start with common sense and say that Kreshtop “was offended by God for no reason”...

Hasn’t he really read and heard that “the generations of sinners are dying out,” that “every adulterer is a murderer?” Doesn’t he know that the Gospel and Orthodox literature describe “what a person should eat” and that all other food is the work of Satan and leads to sin, illness and death?

I would like to explain to readers that patients with and without tumors come to me, have been well examined, and have gone through many medical centers. They have been fully examined. It has even been established what types of pathogens affect individual organs.

After 2–3 months of treatment, the so-called semi-venereal infections are cleared or removed from the skin, including the fungus. Sometimes candidiasis, trichinella, sometimes demodex and high titers (400–800) of antibodies in the blood to herpes and toxoplasma remain. The tumors themselves are either gone, or it is fibrocystic mastopathy, not life-threatening.

It remains to undergo further treatment after the functions of the liver and kidneys are restored. At this point, Gerpevir, Norfloxacin and other similar medications may be included (although practical experience has long shown that treatment with chemotherapy is not very effective). Both the doctor and the patient himself should be involved in unraveling such tangles of infections of various kinds, changing lifestyle and nutrition in accordance with the statutes of the Church. In families, patients always have the same thing - hereditary fornication, fornication of husband or wife (or both), lack of fasting, the presence of dogs, cats, parrots, rats, hamsters, etc. These are what our tumors consisted of and consist. And patients need to change their lives immediately and completely. And if the family of a sick person lives in a two-room apartment with a dog and categorically refuses to get rid of it, I know that in 9 out of 10 cases these dogs will not see their owner or mistress recover. Go to the priest, and he will tell you that you cannot “desecrate the temple of your body with fornication” and communication with unclean animals (dogs, rabbits, rats, etc.).

Nowadays, entire families are dying from tumors.

Grandma is a tumor.

A son and daughter-in-law have a stomach ulcer and an ovarian cyst.

Two grandchildren - one with phimosis, the other with a tumor.

Example: tumor of the rectum and prostate, chronic hepatitis, paresis of both feet, HIV.

A man (50 years old) passed fecal stones almost every day for four months. Then, during therapeutic fasting, stones came out of the ascending intestine. At the same time, the release of dead and exfoliated films of the large and small intestines with black spots of fungal lesions and black cholesterol “seeds” from the bile ducts during tubage was noticed. Once there was black vomiting from opisthorchids (flatworms) that had died in the liver. Headaches and shooting pains occurred, followed by water and mucus leaking from the ears and nose.

All women experience heavy discharge from the female genital organs. Cysts and tumors are rejected in rags, sometimes with blood, pus and mucus. Rashes after compresses are observed on the ovaries, swollen spleen, lungs, pancreas and thyroid glands.

Repentance with crying to the Creator, prayers and observance of the commandments and statutes of the Church with a pure heart saves the sick and gives strength.

Where to start treatment

Basic macrobiotic diet for the entire duration of treatment

50% of products are made from heat-treated whole grains brown rice, wheat, barley, millet, buckwheat, millet;
25% - from vegetables grown in the area;
15% - from beans and seaweed(kelp and spirulina);
the remaining 10% consists of fish, soups, seasonings, fruits, seeds and nuts.

For the first month, be sure to drink oat decoction. It is prepared as follows: 1 glass of oats + 1 liter of water, boil for 1 hour. There remains 750 ml of liquid, which should be taken. Within the first month, worms, protozoa and fungi die in the patient’s body. This protein material is toxic to us. Oat decoction contains amino acids that bind poisons and remove them.
In addition, oat decoction contains the entire complex of B vitamins, but droppers do not contain it, and you have to pay for it separately. Oat decoction removes poisons and allows the body to quickly recover.

Basic macrobiotic diet

Morning. 200 ml vegetable juice of 4-5 types of vegetables and 1-2 green sour apples or a salad of five vegetables and plants (lettuce, cucumber, dill, parsley, pepper, radish, turnip, tomatoes, etc.). A handful of nuts. Porridge.
Dinner. Pea soup or rassolnik (or borscht, or bean soup), vegetable stew, porridge, fish.
Evening. 200 ml of vegetable juice (50 ml carrot, 50 ml beetroot and any others) or porridge with pumpkin, nuts or porridge and fish. Citrus fruits 1-2 per day, if there are no metastases. Herbs, tinctures and tea are drunk before meals or no earlier than an hour after it.
Prepare vegetable juices as a mixture of juice from 4-5 types of vegetables. The amount of carrot juice should not exceed 50 grams per day.
All of the above products should be on your table daily. After 20 days everyone adapts to them.
Problems with sweets in women disappear 1-2 weeks after starting to eat porridge.
Complex carbohydrates that make up grains transfer the liver to high-quality new level nutrition for non-injured patients with tumors no larger than 20 mm in size. To destroy them, this nutrition and treatment regimens, which will be given below, are sufficient.
At the slightest suspicion of metastasis, fruits and sweets are immediately excluded from the diet. Only half a lemon and the juice of sour green apples are allowed, as they stimulate the secretion of bile and the cleansing of liver cells.

Pay attention to the lemon juice!

It is he who removes the blockade of the liver from the metabolic products of the fungal tumor and removes aflatoxins. Non-cancer patients, even seriously ill patients, drink the juice of two lemons and an orange. In people who smoke, it causes sweating, sputum production and depression. In such cases, you need to take a break and not drink lemon juice.

So, food without meat, eggs, fats, dairy products, sugar and refined flour products.
Attention!!! In the absence of meat as the main supplier of vitamin B12, be sure to eat a handful of nuts (anything except cashews) every day. It is not advisable to eat peanuts in the first month. All types of nuts can be bought at the market, and almonds and pine nuts can be bought in supermarkets.
No canned or smoked meats! Anything for long-term storage is not for you.
Only raw vegetable oil - sunflower, flaxseed, olive, nut, cottonseed (18). Refined oil is only for frying fish, vegetable and fish cutlets, as well as peas. You can fry fish, but only in large quantities oils
The daily menu should include beans or beans. There is one caveat: soak beans and beans overnight. Prepare borscht and vinaigrettes with beans.
Many people will not like beans, especially on a daily basis. You'll get used to it.
From drinks - green tea, uzvar from dried fruits, tea from raspberry leaves, black currants, but not in bags. Leaves are sold at the market and in pharmacies. Pharmaceutical raspberry and currant leaves, by the way, High Quality, and you need to drink them daily, because... they are antiviral.
Potatoes - once or twice a week, and only in the form of vegetable stew
Fish with white meat only - pike perch, pelengas, halibut, flounder, hake, etc. Not salmon! Allowed are shrimp, fish fingers (fresh, not burgers!), seafood cocktails (sold in supermarkets), and I repeat once again - nuts daily.
Dried fruit compotes - without sugar.
Raisins and dried apricots - with porridge and pumpkin.
Vegetable stew.
Wholemeal noodles.
Unpolished rice (available in supermarkets).
Vegetable salads daily before meals.
Salt is only a mixture of sea and rock (sea salt is sold in pharmacies), use the same mixture to salt food.
Add onions, carrots, garlic to porridge.
Use vegetable seasonings.
There is pickle on the table every day, sauerkraut, radish, lightly salted cucumbers and tomatoes.
Mustard and white vinegar are prohibited.
It is possible and necessary sometimes Apple vinegar without honey, wine, grape (in supermarkets).
Buy spirulina in tablets at the pharmacy (4-6 tablets per day, especially when it comes to inflammatory processes will come). Also buy kelp at the pharmacy (consume 1-2 teaspoons per day with juices, cereals or with water). Read all the contraindications to kelp on the packs yourself.
Preferably malt bread or wholemeal rolls with bran. If not, then only rye.

Now the treatment itself. Start.

Scheme No. 1 for the destruction and removal of mature helminths

Have dinner rice porridge with raisins or honey. Go to bed before 12.00. At 2.00 am, get up, brew 100 ml of green tea (0.5 tsp of tea in half a glass of boiling water, leave for 6 minutes). Add 4 dec. l. sugar and 5 tbsp. cognac Mix and drink. After 20 minutes, drink 60 ml of warm castor oil (for children, take 1 ml of cognac and 1 ml of castor oil per 1 kg of weight). Go to bed. In the morning you will go to the toilet two or three times. Place a colander in the toilet sink and make sure the worms are dislodged. The next day, after three nights of taking cognac and castor oil, take a break. While taking the mixture, do not give an enema, drink a decoction of oats and be sure to drink juices.

Make a scheme only with enemas, taking oat decoction, taking vegetable juices. Take 4 medications according to the regimen on one day. Protein foods are prohibited! Dairy too!
1) 14 days in the morning on an empty stomach, take 2 tsp of nut tincture. for 50 ml water
2) 14 days, take 1 tsp three times a day 15 minutes before meals. pumpkin oil. Buy the drug “Pumpkin Seed Oil” only at the pharmacy!
3) Take ground cloves for 14 days.
The first three days, in small groups the size of a large pea, then every four days, double the dose (you can only take two doses).
Complications are possible due to the death of flatworm flukes in the liver.
The liver enlarges, but it is not advisable to stop taking the medications. Then comes the discharge of black mucus, similar to blood, through the intestines or through the mouth (the so-called “black vomit”). Vomiting is possible throughout the night until the morning. After this, the liver restores its functions within a year.
4) 14 days, an hour after lunch and dinner, take the Wormwood plant.

For the first three days, brew 1 tbsp. l. wormwood in 250 ml of water, cook for 15 minutes and take wormwood in the form of a warm infusion. Drink with honey water.

Liver cleansing (or tubage)

During tubage, still living worms are discharged, liver worms and cholesterol crumbs of black or white. Such patients have generalized helminthic and fungal infections of the lymphatic system of the lungs and liver. The amount of small crumbs or black-green “seeds” coming out can be enormous, especially with long-term chronic liver diseases. After the liver ducts are released in patients, provided they take vegetable juices in the morning, fuel oil-like “tongues” of black bile come out with the feces. And for a long time.
In the evening, brew 5 tbsp in a thermos. rose hips 0.5 liters of boiling water. In the morning, pour a very hot rosehip infusion into a glass, stir with 2-3 tbsp. sorbitol and drink in one gulp.
Then move all the time and stay on your feet.
Exactly after 20 minutes, drink the remaining rosehip infusion in the thermos (without sorbitol).
After 45 minutes, breakfast: preferably juicy fruits or vegetable salad, nuts, as well as an infusion of raspberry, currant, and rosehip leaves. You can eat a piece of dried bread.

Between each intake of liquid and food, you should actively move (stay closer to the toilet!).
Repeat this three times in two days on the third (for example, Friday, Monday, Thursday). You can perform this liver cleansing once every two months. At the same time, they are cleared The lymph nodes liver, which has a positive effect on the condition of the whole organism.
Now - attention! During tubing, it is desirable to achieve results. For some, during the first tubage the discharge from the gallbladder does not occur. Weak contractions of the gallbladder do not press through the clogged ducts and therefore cause nausea. Over time, the ducts will definitely open up. If you feel nauseous for a long time, you can induce vomiting by pressing your fingers on the root of the tongue.
Do everything exactly according to the tube pattern. In this case, pour sorbitol into a very hot infusion of rose hips (take the infusion after 20 minutes - also hot). Then everything will work without problems.
Tumors of the mammary glands are the least dangerous, but they are complex, difficult and take a long time to treat.
A strong infusion of rose hips and sorbitol (sweet-tasting alcohol), leaving the stomach, irritates the nerve of the papilla of Vater, which causes contractions of the gallbladder with a force of 4 atm. Both the bile ducts and the gallbladder are cleansed. If there are stones up to 2 cm, don't worry. They don't cause trouble. When the drain is successful, black-green or gray-white crumbs are always dumped into the toilet. This shedding of black-green debris can also occur when taking cognac and castor oil, if your ducts are not very clogged and you are young. After tubing, the patient should relax 1-2 times.

Scheme No. 3 (after three times tubage) Take 22-25 days.
Scheme No. 4

1.5 months (at the same time start a 4-5 month douching cycle). Administer Timalin once a week, 2 ampoules (60 mg) as one injection into the buttock. Consult your doctor. Dilute 1 ampoule with 1 ml of saline solution. Take 5 months in a row.
1) Wintergreen (tincture) – 2 times a day, 1 tsp. in 30 ml of water.
2) Anemone (tincture) – 3 times a day, from 3 to 5-6 drops per spoon of water.
3) Infusion of pine needles and rose hips - half a glass 2 times a day.
4) Propolis (tincture) – 2-3 times a day, 30 drops per spoon warm water. Apply compresses from copper sulfate solution to the appendages and uterus for 3-4 months in courses of 5 days in a row for 3-4 hours. If there is itching and tingling in other places, then apply compresses to other places.
If weakness appears, reduce the dose of infusion by 2 times. Break - 10-12 days, drink half a glass of pine needle infusion in individually selected doses.

Scheme No. 5 - 30 days (repeat 2-3 times, repetitions - without anemone).

1) Collection of Father George - 3 times a day, 1 - 1.5 tbsp. 40 minutes before meals.
2) Take propolis and pine needle infusion in the same way as in scheme No. 4.
Break – 10-12 days, drink half a glass of pine needle infusion in individually selected doses.
Scheme No. 6 – 20-25 days
1) Aconite (tincture) - in the morning on an empty stomach in 100 ml of water from 1 to 10-12 drops and back - from 10-12 to one drop. In case of unusual conditions or recurrent infections, do not increase the dose for 1-2 days.
Scheme No. 7 – 20 days.
1) Everything is as in diagram No. 5.
Scheme No. 8 – 40 days.
Everything is as in scheme No. 7 + 3 times a day, 1 tsp. tincture of red brush (enlarged lymph nodes or profuse rashes) or tincture of Japanese Sophora if cancer or cyst growth is suspected.

Scheme No. 9 – 3-8 months.

Reception ASD-2F (Moscow). For the first 40 days, drip ASD-2F in the morning in 100 ml of oregano infusion, then 40 days in 100 ml of agrimony infusion (brew the herbs overnight, 1 tsp per 1 glass of boiling water).
Take ASD-2F with caution for gastritis with zero acidity and hyperfunction of the thyroid gland (if weakness appears, immediately stop taking it for 7 days).
For very severe ovarian pathologies, I advise you to precede these regimens with 3-4 courses of taking creolin and befungin.
Start using copper sulfate compresses from the moment you take creolin. Do not drink more than 14 drops of creolin!
The daily dose of carrot juice should not exceed 70 ml.

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