Potato peels as fertilizer. Fertilizer for plants from potato peelings. Fertilizer for indoor flowers

Many of you have probably heard that potato skins can be used as organic fertilizer for summer cottages. This is true, since they contain starch, potassium, and other valuable mineral components.

This method fertilizers are absolutely harmless, economical, and help protect the garden from Colorado potato beetles (as well as their larvae), slugs, and wireworms. How to use potato peelings as fertilizer, for which plants they are suitable as fertilizing - we will consider below.

What benefits do potato peelings bring to the vegetable garden?

During summer season Potato peelings are used as fertilizer and as protection against certain pests. Yes, and as bait for the Colorado potato beetle or slugs The potato skins worked great. You just have to spread them out on the surface of the earth before the sprouts appear, and when the pests stick around them (usually this happens at night) - destroy them. This will protect your crop from such a scourge.

It’s good to dig them into the ground near those plants that love starch, which is contained in potatoes in large quantities. As they rot, they will release it to the soil, thereby replenishing the lack of this product in it. And soaked peelings are an excellent way to ensure that seedlings of some plants take root well and quickly grow stronger.

For which crops is fertilizer made from potato peelings suitable?

Potato peelings can be used as fertilizer for a vegetable garden or garden, because their use improves the soil and has a positive effect on the harvest anywhere in your area. Let's consider how to use this tool for different types crops

This natural fertilizer will not affect nightshade crops, in particular: potatoes, eggplants, tomatoes, bell peppers. And given the common infections, the pathogens of which can survive in the fertilizing, the listed plants may still suffer damage.

  • - all types of currants, raspberries, gooseberries, other berries and ornamental shrubs;
  • - fruit trees;
  • - strawberries and wild strawberries;
  • vegetable crops, especially pumpkin ones;
  • - flowers, including indoor flowers.

How to properly prepare fertilizer from potato peelings

Potato peelings as a fertilizer for the garden have long proven themselves to be the most in the best possible way. It’s not for nothing that summer residents try to find out the most best recipe its preparations. Of course, you can just bury it in the ground. But in this case, along with the cleaning, the remaining phytophthora will also enter the soil. And besides this, it will take longer for them to completely decompose than if they enter the soil in the form of properly prepared fertilizer.

Therefore, it is worth remembering a few rules for its preparation:

  • — Dried peelings should be crushed to make transportation to the dacha and further work with them easier.
  • — Chopped dry potato peels are placed in a barrel and poured with boiling water. This will help cope with both late blight and other pests remaining from the fall.
  • — The grounds formed after soaking are placed in the holes when planting seedlings, and the liquid is watered on top of the plants, which helps not only to fertilize the soil, but also to cope with some pests.

Pest control with potato peelings

Another useful property Potatoes are a wonderful bait for pests. It is especially loved by slugs, click beetles (its larvae are popularly known as wireworms) and the Colorado potato beetle.

You need to start setting traps as soon as the first shoots appear or the seedlings are planted in the ground. This way you are guaranteed to protect the future harvest.

A pest trap made from potato peelings is very simple to make.

Making traps is easy. Dig into the ground glass jars, old unnecessary buckets and pans, cans or cropped plastic bottles so that the edge of the container approximately coincides with the top edge of the pit. The container must be deep enough and without holes. Place potato peelings at the bottom every evening. To enhance the effect, you can water them sweet water(a tablespoon of sugar per glass), syrup, or add some old jam that no one will eat anymore. In the morning, all you have to do is go around the containers, collect the pests caught in them overnight and destroy them. Just don’t throw what you’ve collected over the fence. After a few hours, the slugs and insects will return to your area.

Another trap option is to bury a long piece of wire in the ground with peelings strung on it. Leave one end sticking out of the ground or mark the place where the trap is buried. Once every 2-3 days, dig it out, collect any pests you find and replace the bait with fresh bait.

Feeding seedlings with potato peelings

Fertilizer from peelings is useful when planting cucumber and cabbage seedlings. Each finished hole at the bottom is fertilized with potato pulp. One scoop is enough. Sprinkle with soil. Plant seedlings. This will promote soil fertility, since the potatoes will be liked by the soil bacteria responsible for the formation of the fertile layer.

Feeding fruit trees with potato peelings

Dried cleanings are buried within a radius of 0.5–1 m from the trunk, depending on the size of the tree. Or sprinkle the resulting circle with “flour”, immediately afterwards loosening the soil well. The norm for one tree is 0.7–1 kg.

Feeding currants with potato peelings

Currant is one of the most common plants in summer cottages. Housewives value its berries for their excellent taste and abundance. useful substances, and gardeners - for their unpretentiousness in care. It is believed that currants are long-lived and can delight with their fruits for up to 15 years. Experienced gardeners know that without proper care, this shrub will not stop bearing fruit, but the quality and quantity of the harvest will noticeably decrease, and in order to avoid degeneration of the plant, currants must not only be watered and pruned, but also given additional nutrition

Potato peelings are the most favorite organic fertilizer for currants, because they contain a large number of substances and microelements useful for the bush: starch, glucose, phosphorus, iron, potassium, magnesium, fluorine, etc. Phosphorus promotes the active development of the root system and stimulates flowering. Starch, glucose and potassium make the berries more juicy and sweet.

Gardeners choose this type of fertilizer for several reasons:

  • — no costs;
  • — ease of preparing and preparing a solution for feeding;
  • — environmental friendliness and health safety;
  • — this fertilizer does not stimulate the growth of weeds.

You can collect potato waste throughout the year, but it is recommended to feed currants in early spring, before the flowering phase. You can do this in the summer, but in this case there is a risk of overheating the soil, since a large amount of heat is released as a result of the decomposition of the waste.

Potato peelings are an excellent source of potassium and starch, which currants love so much. It is thanks to them that currant berries become the size of cherries. Do you want to receive excellent harvests from your currant bushes? Then don’t be lazy to collect and dry potato peels over the winter.

Do you want to save as much as possible and not harm your plants? summer cottage? Then collect potato peelings and prepare organic fertilizer with your own hands.

Conclusion: in autumn and winter, do not throw away potato peelings, but rather freeze or dry them, and take them to the country in the spring. There they will be useful to you in gardening matters. After all, gardeners prefer natural fertilizers most of all, and most importantly, what benefits they bring to your garden.

Many of you have probably heard that potato skins can be used as organic fertilizer for gardening. This is true, since they contain starch, potassium, and other valuable mineral components. This method of fertilization is absolutely harmless, economical, and helps protect the garden from Colorado potato beetles (as well as their larvae), slugs, and wireworms. How to use potato peelings as fertilizer, for which plants they are suitable as fertilizing - we will consider below.

What benefits do potato peelings bring to the vegetable garden?

During the summer season, potato peelings are used as fertilizer and as protection against certain pests. And as a bait for the Colorado potato beetle or slugs, potato skins proved to be excellent. You just have to spread them out on the surface of the earth before the sprouts appear, and when the pests stick around them (usually this happens at night) - destroy them. This will protect your crop from such a scourge.

It’s good to dig them into the ground near those plants that love starch, which is contained in potatoes in large quantities. As they rot, they will release it to the soil, thereby replenishing the lack of this product in it. And soaked peelings are an excellent way to ensure that seedlings of some plants take root well and quickly grow stronger.

For which crops is fertilizer made from potato peelings suitable?

Potato peelings can be used as fertilizer for a vegetable garden or garden, because their use improves the soil and has a positive effect on the harvest anywhere in your area. Let's consider how to use this tool for different types of crops.

This natural fertilizer will not affect nightshade crops, in particular: potatoes, eggplants, tomatoes, bell peppers. And given the common infections, the pathogens of which can survive in the fertilizing, the listed plants may still suffer damage.

  • all types of currants, raspberries, gooseberries, other berries and ornamental shrubs;
  • fruit trees;
  • strawberries and wild strawberries;
  • vegetable crops, especially pumpkin crops;
  • flowers, including indoor flowers.

How to properly prepare fertilizer from potato peelings

Potato peelings as a fertilizer for the garden have long proven themselves to be the best. It’s not for nothing that summer residents are trying to find out the best recipe for its preparation. Of course, you can just bury it in the ground. But in this case, along with the cleaning, the remaining phytophthora will also enter the soil. And besides this, it will take longer for them to completely decompose than if they enter the soil in the form of properly prepared fertilizer.

Therefore, it is worth remembering a few rules for its preparation:

  • Dried peelings should be crushed to make transportation to the dacha and further work with them easier.
  • Chopped dry potato peels are placed in a barrel and poured with boiling water. This will help cope with both late blight and other pests remaining from the fall.
  • The grounds formed after soaking are placed in the holes when planting seedlings, and the liquid is watered on top of the plants, which helps not only to fertilize the soil, but also to cope with some pests.

Pest control with potato peelings

Another useful property of potatoes is that they are a wonderful bait for pests. It is especially loved by slugs, click beetles (its larvae are popularly known as wireworms) and the Colorado potato beetle.

You need to start setting traps as soon as the first shoots appear or the seedlings are planted in the ground. This way you are guaranteed to protect the future harvest.

A pest trap made from potato peelings is very simple to make.

Making traps is easy. Dig glass jars, old unnecessary buckets and pans, tin cans or cut plastic bottles into the ground so that the edge of the container approximately coincides with the top edge of the hole. The container must be deep enough and without holes. Place potato peelings at the bottom every evening. To enhance the effect, you can pour them with sweet water (a tablespoon of sugar per glass), syrup, or add a little old jam that no one will eat anymore. In the morning, all you have to do is go around the containers, collect the pests caught in them overnight and destroy them. Just don’t throw what you’ve collected over the fence. After a few hours, the slugs and insects will return to your area.

Another trap option is to bury a long piece of wire in the ground with peelings strung on it. Leave one end sticking out of the ground or mark the place where the trap is buried. Once every 2-3 days, dig it out, collect any pests you find and replace the bait with fresh bait.

Feeding seedlings with potato peelings

Fertilizer from peelings is useful when planting cucumber and cabbage seedlings in the ground. Each finished hole at the bottom is fertilized with potato pulp. One scoop is enough. Sprinkle with soil. Plant seedlings. This will promote soil fertility, since the potatoes will be liked by the soil bacteria responsible for the formation of the fertile layer.

Feeding fruit trees with potato peelings

Dried cleanings are buried within a radius of 0.5–1 m from the trunk, depending on the size of the tree. Or sprinkle the resulting circle with “flour”, immediately afterwards loosening the soil well. The norm for one tree is 0.7–1 kg.

Feeding currants with potato peelings

Currants are one of the most common plants in summer cottages. Housewives value its berries for their excellent taste and abundance of nutrients, and gardeners value them for their ease of care. It is believed that currants are long-lived and can delight with their fruits for up to 15 years. Experienced gardeners know that without proper care, this shrub will not stop bearing fruit, but the quality and quantity of the harvest will noticeably decrease, and in order to avoid degeneration of the plant, currants must not only be watered and pruned, but also given additional nutrition

Potato peelings are the most favorite organic fertilizer for currants, because they contain a large number of substances and microelements useful for the bush: starch, glucose, phosphorus, iron, potassium, magnesium, fluorine, etc. Phosphorus promotes the active development of the root system and stimulates flowering. Starch, glucose and potassium make the berries more juicy and sweet.

Gardeners choose this type of fertilizer for several reasons:

  • no costs;
  • ease of preparing and preparing a solution for feeding;
  • environmental friendliness and health safety;
  • This fertilizer does not stimulate the growth of weeds.

You can collect potato waste throughout the year, but it is recommended to feed currants in early spring, before the flowering phase. You can do this in the summer, but in this case there is a risk of overheating the soil, since a large amount of heat is released as a result of the decomposition of the waste.

Potato peelings are an excellent source of potassium and starch, which currants love so much. It is thanks to them that currant berries become the size of cherries. Do you want to get excellent yields from your currant bushes? Then don’t be lazy to collect and dry potato peels over the winter.

Do you want to save as much as possible and not harm the plants at your dacha? Then collect potato peelings and prepare organic fertilizer with your own hands.

Conclusion: in autumn and winter, do not throw away potato peelings, but rather freeze or dry them, and take them to the country in the spring. There they will be useful to you in gardening matters. After all, gardeners prefer natural fertilizers most of all, and most importantly, what benefits they bring to your garden.

So-called organic farming is gaining increasing popularity. The essence of the method is to use a minimum amount of chemical fertilizers in the garden plot. Chemicals need to be replaced with something.

Preference is given to natural organic matter. We don’t hesitate to throw food waste into the trash bin. But if you spend a little time processing potato peelings, they can then be used as fertilizer. With a minimum of effort, you will get excellent natural remedy for feeding.

What are the benefits and benefits of potato peelings?

Any summer resident wants to consistently receive from his garden plot good harvest, spending a minimum on it Money and strength. Therefore, instead of purchasing fertilizers in the store, all kinds of fertilizers are used folk remedies. Chemical and organic fertilizers, in addition to their high cost, have other disadvantages. In the soil into which you add them, not only agricultural crops, but also all kinds of weeds begin to grow well. If the dosage is not strictly observed, excess chemicals enter from the soil into vegetables, berries and fruits, and from there into your body. As you can easily guess, there is nothing good in such an “overdose”. This will not benefit your health or the soil.

Potato peelings, the benefits of which for the garden have been tested by time, are absolutely safe for humans and completely free fertilizer. Unlike chemicals, organic matter decomposes much faster, being processed by bacteria contained in the soil. This means that the necessary microelements will quickly reach their destination through the root system. A “side effect” of rapid decomposition is the release of heat. If you fertilize in the spring, the soil will warm up noticeably faster.

The structure of the soil also improves. It becomes lighter, looser

This is especially important for peat, clay, and silty soils

Everyone knows that potatoes are very healthy. It contains many microelements useful for humans - potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, calcium, iron, sodium. But the same substances are necessary for proper growth and development of plants. The most common chemical fertilizers contain nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, and magnesium.

Potato peelings contain many useful substances that are so necessary for the plant.In addition, 10-25% (depending on the variety) of the potato mass is starch, and 3-5% is glucose. It is these substances that plants store in seeds, bulbs or tubers. Starch and glucose are the main nutrition for the developing embryo. Hence, potato fertilizer will be useful for agricultural crops at all stages of development.

Another important point is the availability of potato peelings. Potatoes in one form or another are present on the table of every family, regardless of financial situation, almost every day. Even if you remove the peel very thin layer, approximately a tenth of the tuber mass will still be thrown away. A more likely option is 15-20%. Now calculate how many cleanings you can accumulate by next summer if you set a similar goal from the beginning of autumn.

Video: potato peelings to help the gardener

Pest Control

Another useful property of potatoes is that they are a wonderful bait for pests. It is especially loved by slugs, click beetles (its larvae are popularly known as wireworms) and the Colorado potato beetle.

You need to start setting traps as soon as the first shoots appear or the seedlings are planted in the ground. This way you are guaranteed to protect the future harvest.

Pest trap made from potato peelings

it's very easy to do

Making traps is easy. Dig glass jars, old unnecessary buckets and pans, tin cans or cut plastic bottles into the ground so that the edge of the container approximately coincides with the top edge of the hole. The container must be deep enough and without holes. Place potato peelings at the bottom every evening. To enhance the effect, you can pour them with sweet water (a tablespoon of sugar per glass), syrup, or add a little old jam that no one will eat anymore. In the morning, all you have to do is go around the containers, collect the pests caught in them overnight and destroy them. Just don’t throw what you collected over the fence. After a few hours, the slugs and insects will return to your area.

Another trap option is to bury a long piece of wire in the ground with peelings strung on it. Leave one end sticking out of the ground or mark the place where the trap is buried. Once every 2-3 days, dig it out, collect any pests you find and replace the bait with fresh bait.

How to prepare and use fertilizer?

Raw materials for preparing fertilizer need to be collected all winter

Peelings from boiled potatoes are not suitable as a fertilizer. Prolonged heat treatment destroys all useful microelements.

Of course, if you just spread fresh potato peelings over the beds, you won’t get a good harvest. They will begin to rot very quickly, especially in the summer, in the heat, spreading the corresponding “aroma.” In addition, mice, rats and other rodents living in the surrounding area will come running to your site - this is a wonderful treat for them. And in general, plantings “treated” in this way look very unaesthetic.

At the same time, fresh potato (like any vegetable) peelings can and should even be added to the compost heap.

Potato peelings are a good addition to compost.

Exist different variants fertilizers But in any case of cleaning, before fertilizing, it is necessary to thoroughly rinse and disinfect using boiling water, dry heat or cold to destroy the bacteria and/or fungi present on them. Otherwise, you will only contaminate the soil and healthy plants.

To get the right, healthy fertilizer, you need to act as follows:

Rinse cleaning in cool running water until visible traces of dirt disappear.

Wait until they dry and lay them out in a single layer on newspapers or thin cloth.If weather permits, dry outside in a well-ventilated place, away from direct sunlight and possible rain. When it’s already cold, do it in the apartment on the radiator or on the balcony. Complete drying takes 7-10 days outdoors and 2-3 weeks in an apartment. Exact date depends on the thickness of the peels.

Those who want to speed up the process can dry them in the oven. Place the peelings on a baking tray covered with baking paper, place inside and leave for 3-4 hours at a temperature not exceeding 100ºC, closing the door loosely. The procedure will take even less time if it is carried out in a special electric dryer or microwave oven. The main thing is to choose the appropriate mode. The finished fertilizer becomes noticeably lighter, the peels are translucent and break easily.

You can simply freeze the peelings. The downside is that there probably won't be enough space in the freezer to store them. Another most suitable place is the balcony. But as soon as the temperature outside is positive, the fertilizer will have to be used for its intended purpose. Thawing the peels and freezing them again is strongly not recommended.

If the house was dried naturally, the cleaning is stored on the balcony, in an unheated garage, shed, etc., so that the cold destroys pathogenic bacteria and fungi. Place the oven-dried future fertilizer in linen bags and keep in a dry, cool, well-ventilated place. Perfect option- pantry.

Grind dry peelings in a meat grinder, blender or food processor until powdery. This ready-made fertilizer- the so-called flour. In addition, this type of cleaning takes much more less space, they are easier to store and transport.

In spring and summer, use dry peelings to prepare an infusion. Place them in a bucket or barrel, filling the container about a third, fill it to the top with boiling water and close it tightly. Wait 3-4 days until a characteristic odor appears. Without stirring the contents of the barrel, scoop a liter of infusion from above, pour into a 10-liter bucket and add water (9 l). Now mix thoroughly and water the plants.

The gruel remaining at the bottom of the container will also come in handy. It is dug into the ground under bushes and trees and added to holes when planting seedlings.

Another option for preparing the infusion is to pour boiling water over the peelings, wait until it cools to a temperature of 35-40ºC, and strain.

Bury dried peelings in the ground or prepare an infusion

What plants need to be fed?

What plants benefit from fertilizer from potato peelings and how to feed them to maximize the benefits?

Table: how to feed agricultural crops

crops with potato peelings?


Type of feeding

Cucumbers, pumpkin, cabbage, squash, zucchini, watermelon, melons

When planting seedlings in the ground, a “porridge” of dried peelings poured with boiling water is placed at the bottom of the hole. Sprinkle with a layer of earth of the same thickness, then another portion of “porridge” is needed. Last layer- soil again. Then the sprout is placed in the hole and it is covered with earth.

Onion, garlic, turnip, radish, radish

Watering with infusion of dried potato peelings every two weeks starting at the end of May. It is better not to water individual bulbs, but to pour fertilizer into the furrows between the rows of plantings. The infusion must first be strained so that the pieces do not end up on the garden bed. On the surface they are absolutely useless, and they also attract pests. Remove the nozzle from the watering can - it gets clogged very quickly. Despite straining, the infusion turns out to be quite thick.


Cleanings in the form of flour are applied to the root zone, then the soil is well loosened. An infusion of fresh peelings is used for watering (about 5 liters per 1 p/m).


In the spring, flour from the peelings is sprinkled under each bush. For small ones, one handful is enough, for larger ones, two. In addition, dried peelings can successfully replace mulch.


White, pink, and red currants love peeling, but the effect of feeding is especially noticeable on black ones. The berries will become noticeably sweeter and larger, reaching the size of raisin grapes or even cherries. The dried peelings are buried at the roots to a depth of 15-20 cm, after slightly moistening them with water so that they do not take away moisture from the plant. The procedure is carried out in the spring, as soon as the soil has melted sufficiently. If you are satisfied with the condition of the plants, you can feed the bushes every two years. It is possible to feed bushes in winter if the soil around them is cleaned in the fall and covered with polyethylene. As fresh cleaning accumulates, rake the snow, spread it on the ground and bury it again. In spring, dig up the soil well. Watering with infusion of potato peelings every 12-14 days is also effective.

In order to properly fertilize the soil, gardeners sometimes have to put in a lot of effort. And a lot of money is also invested in growing a good harvest, because from year to year prices for fertilizers rise along with inflation, and you don’t want to get a meager harvest. To save both effort and money, it doesn’t hurt to pay attention to very unusual fertilizer– potato peelings, of which during the off-season you can collect not just a lot, but a lot!

Disadvantages of standard fertilizers

The most popular fertilizers currently are manure, as well as peat and, of course, nitrates and phosphates. Moreover, the first two types belong to the class of organic fertilizers, and the last two – to mineral ones. Perhaps their main disadvantage is their fairly high price. In addition, peat and manure tend to heavily clog the beds, and any mineral fertilizers can easily accumulate in the developing fruits, which in turn can have a detrimental effect on human health.

How are cleanings prepared?

It is not difficult to guess that potato peelings are classified as organic fertilizers. By the way, they are perfect not only for systematic feeding, but also for protection against a wide variety of pests!

Collecting peelings throughout the cold season, they are dried as they accumulate in a well-heated oven. Dried potato peelings are perfectly preserved until the very moment they are introduced into the soil. At the same time, they will not be a source of various fungal diseases, nor a provocateur of the ill-fated late blight - heat treatment will quickly “neutralize” them!

Good fertilizer is the secret of preparation

In order to feed garden crops, you can simply bury potato peelings next to them, but the most the best option After all, there will be preparation of a full-fledged fertilizer.

Having poured well-ground raw materials (that is, purified) into a container, they are poured with boiling water for literally a few hours (maximum twenty-four). Liquid infusion is used for watering flowers, fruit trees and growing seedlings, and the mushy mass must be buried in the immediate vicinity of the growing crops - in the process of decay, careful cleaning will begin to give them various nutrients. Crushed and thoroughly soaked peelings are good because their decomposition process is much faster. By the way, decomposing potato peelings are also an excellent food for worms and all kinds of soil organisms.

You can also place a thick infusion on the very bottoms of holes dug for seedlings. A small layer of soil is poured on top of it, then both layers are repeated one more time, and only then they begin to plant seedlings.

Cucumbers, cabbage and pumpkins are very fond of this “potato” fertilizer. But it’s better not to offer this treat to tomatoes and eggplants.

To feed berry crops, dry cleaning must be buried along the entire perimeter of the tree trunk circles - by autumn, the roots of the berry bushes will begin to receive all the nutritional compounds they need. Potato peelings are also suitable for feeding indoor plants.

But it is not recommended to water green pets with an infusion in which pieces of peelings float - it is best to either water the garden with the drained liquid, or distribute thick fertilizer over holes with grooves and then add it in drops. Pieces of waste that fall on the soil surface not only do not bring any benefit, but also give the site a very untidy appearance.

Having heard such a phrase from experienced gardeners as, potato peelings are the best fertilizer for currants, a novice gardener will certainly be surprised. But in fact there is nothing to be surprised at. Because potato peelings are the best organic matter for plants planted in the country.

So, below we will look in detail at how to properly use potato peelings as fertilizers, how to feed the currant crop with this component, and what properties potato peels have.

    Properties of potato peelings

    How to prepare potato peelings

    How to use

    After freezing

    After drying

    Tips from experienced gardeners


    Pros and cons of potato feeding


Properties of potato peelings

It is quite difficult to find a person whose diet does not include such a product as potatoes. Perhaps it would be superfluous to list how many benefits it brings to a person, since even a small child knows about it.

But not every adult knows that potato peelings are absolutely not inferior to the fruit in terms of the content of useful substances. They contain a huge number of elements such as:

  • fluorine;
  • potassium;
  • magnesium;
  • iron.

And this is just a small list of useful substances contained in potato peelings. But they are precisely what is so necessary for the full growth of crops, and not only for the currant variety. By fertilizing, for example, raspberries, currants or gooseberries with potato waste, you are guaranteed to get a good harvest of large and very tasty fruits.

Moreover, potato peel can be safely called an organic growth stimulant, since it helps black currants grow green mass more intensively, and the branches of this crop grow much faster.

By the way, it is worth highlighting that cleaning also has an effect on the taste of berry crops. big influence, making them sweeter and juicier.

And all because the purifications contain a high percentage of glucose, of natural origin. As a result, the gardener enjoys tasty and very sweet fruits.

Thanks to all the properties described above, potato scraps will become simply irreplaceable in the spring as a top dressing for the following crops:

  • for almost all fruit trees;
  • all types of berry bushes;
  • for vegetable crops;
  • for flowers, including indoor ones;
  • and of course, for black currants.

Let’s look at how to prepare a fertilizing mixture from potato peelings further. And what is better, using raw or processed, let's figure it out together.

How to prepare potato peelings

Potato skins for currants, can be collected all year round. The main thing is to preserve them correctly until spring. To do this you will need to do the following:

  • Potato peelings are thoroughly washed in a weak solution of potassium permanganate to destroy all fungal spores that are often found on the peel;
  • then, the washed peel must be spread in a thin layer on paper in a dry and well-ventilated place;
  • Then, when the cleanings are completely dry, they need to be folded into pre-prepared paper envelopes, in which they will be stored until spring.

It is worth noting that if you want to dry the potato peel faster, then chop it into small cubes with a knife, so it will dry several times faster.

Or use the freezing method. To do this, rinse the peelings thoroughly and grind them into a meat grinder. The finished pulp is placed in a container and sent to freezer

until spring.

How to use

In order to feed currant bushes with potato peelings in the spring, you need to properly prepare organic fertilizer.

If you froze the peel, it should be removed from the freezer and allowed to completely thaw. Then, they begin to prepare the fertilizer. First you need to boil 10 liters of water. Then in hot water add 2 kg of potato peeling pulp. Next, mix everything well and let it brew for a day. Ready mixture Fill the currant bushes at the rate of 1 liter of fertilizer per bush.

After drying

In the case where potato peelings were prepared for future use by drying, the preparation method will be similar, only half as much potato raw material will be required, or more precisely, 1 kg. As for watering with this product, you need to water the currants with potato infusion for 10 days, from the end of March.

It is worth noting that thanks to this feeding, currant fruits will grow larger and sweeter. Potato infusion has a particularly good effect if the fertilization procedure is repeated during the formation of the ovary and a week before harvest.

Please note that when feeding again, the number of watering days is reduced to 3.

To enjoy currant berries, you do not have to purchase various drugs of chemical origin. For this you have great product in the form of potato peelings.

Almost any crop can be fed with potato scraps. But if you don’t have time to prepare healthy potato raw materials, then a little trick from experienced gardeners to help you.

When autumn comes to your front garden and the time comes to prepare the currant crop for hibernation, perform the following manipulations:

  • remove all fallen leaves and other fragments from the currant bed;
  • dig up the ground around the bushes;
  • then, make a shallow groove around trunk circle currants;
  • Next, place fresh potato peelings in a 5 cm layer, previously washed in a weak solution of potassium permanganate, into the dug groove;
  • and fill the ditch;
  • and place a thick layer of dry grass on top of the buried ditch.

Having completed this manipulation, in the spring you will be pleasantly surprised at how intensively the currant crop will grow. As already described above, potato skins are an excellent growth stimulant for almost all crops. And most importantly, it is absolutely natural.


Most experienced gardeners have seen from their own experience that feeding such as potato peels can really work wonders. Essentially, it is universal. Because the peelings contain potassium, glucose, starch and many other equally useful components for the full growth of fruit and vegetable crops.

Some gardeners claim that with the help of potato waste it is possible to fully fertilize almost all crops and completely abandon chemical fertilizers.

Moreover, you can fertilize with this component not only in the spring, but also in the summer and even in the fall. In addition, potato peelings can increase soil fertility several times. Therefore, most gardeners recommend: before planting a fruit crop in the front garden, fertilize the soil with potato fertilizer.

For these purposes, an infusion is prepared from it according to the recipe described above. Or, 200 grams of cleaning material is placed at the bottom of the hole. Moreover, regardless of which method you choose, the result will definitely please you in the form of a good harvest.

Pros and cons of potato feeding

Despite the fact that the benefits of potato peels for your garden are simply colossal, such feeding still has several disadvantages that should always be remembered, namely:

  1. The vast majority of potato skins contain spores of defects of fungal origin. And if, before preparing such a product for future use, and do not treat the skins with a solution of potassium permanganate, there is a high probability that the crop may become infected with a dangerous defect.
  2. Potato fertilizer has a small by-effect in the form of significant heat release during the decomposition process. As a result, if you apply such fertilizer in early spring, then root system It will quickly warm up, and during night frosts it may die. For this reason, you should plan the time to apply this fertilizer so as not to harm the crop.

Of course, it is worth noting that the above-described shortcomings can be easily eliminated if you competently approach the process of procurement and use of raw materials.

Well, as for the advantages, potato peelings have a lot of them, namely:

  • financially advantageous;
  • natural growth stimulator;
  • improves the taste of fruits;
  • potato fertilizer is safe and does not contain toxins.

It is worth highlighting that this is only a small list of the advantages of using potato peels. In fact, it is quite difficult to list all the advantages of such feeding.


Well, now you know how useful potato peelings are for your front garden and vegetable garden. Such free fertilizing helps not only to harvest a good harvest of natural fruits, but also fertilizes the soil, making it more fertile.

Therefore, next time, before throwing away potato peelings, do not rush to do this, use them in your dacha. And your berry crops will definitely thank you in the form of a good and generous harvest.