Which tile to choose for a modern bathroom renovation. Fashionable tiles for the bathroom - selection of optimal trends and the best examples of their application (130 photos) Fashionable design of tiles for the bathroom

The lack of usable space in the bathroom is a well-known problem in many apartments and a real godsend for lazy owners: they say, leave new-fangled trends to the mansions, and only time-tested options are suitable for our tiny area. These “time-tested” options cause such melancholy that sometimes you don’t even want to turn on the light. What is required to destroy this depressing stereotype once and for all? Obviously, look at what it looks like good design bathroom in 2019. We have selected for you 50 photos of fashionable tiles that will fit perfectly into the format of even the smallest bathtub.

Don't be afraid of colorful shades

There is an opinion that flashy colors have no place in a small bathroom. It’s hard to disagree with this: their abuse threatens to cause visual redundancy, which disrupts the natural background in the room and simply signals bad taste.

However, the judicious use of bright and colorful tones is welcome, as it allows you to introduce an element of novelty into the interior and create a festive mood. Agree that taking a bath with a smile on your face is much more pleasant than with a sour expression.

Designers predict unprecedented popularity in 2019 yellow colors. Moreover, its most common variation is a juicy lemon shade. In the ceramic tile format, this color can be easily diluted with neutral white:

  • the freshness of perception will be preserved;
  • visually the room will become more spacious.

  • orange;
  • scarlet;
  • light green.

True, if you want your bathroom design to be balanced and harmonious, then use a bright color in a small bathtub. ceramic tiles only one type. If you break this rule, you will get a rather motley result, which does not always look as good in practice as it looks in theory. Tile manufacturers, by the way, take this point into account and almost always compose their collections in accordance with color balance.

"Metro" is still in trend

Who would have thought that the format of small tiles like bricks would not only safely survive the twentieth century, but would also begin to take leading roles in the twenty-first century? But almost a hundred years have passed since it first appeared - on the walls of the Parisian metro, hence the characteristic name.

Our people usually call such small tiles a little differently - "hog". However, the essence remains the same:

  • correct geometry;
  • noticeable relief;
  • imitation brickwork.

Due to large quantity fragments used for installation, such fashionable tiles are simply ideal for a small bath, as they allow you to create the illusion of increasing usable space and seriously diversify the relief on the walls. In addition, in Lately Manufacturers have mastered the production of such tiles with an emphasized three-dimensional texture.

Bathroom design obliges you to experiment even with already proven material - look at the photo to see how you can successfully use such a popular and fashionable tile as subway for a small bath. By the way, vertical arrangement And herringbone- obvious trends of the year that you should pay close attention to.

The rugged beauty of porcelain tiles

This name can be heard more and more often from the lips of buyers in construction stores. Everyone wants to buy porcelain stoneware, because it is much more durable than ordinary ceramic tiles. However, it would be fair to add that it also looks great. Both on the walls and on the floor. And if initially porcelain stoneware was conceived as an alternative to conventional floor tiles, now it has confidently expanded the boundaries of use and increasingly began to appear in the design of modern bathrooms 2019 on the walls, including those for fairly small ones.

Why is porcelain tile this year a fashionable and quite suitable tile for use in even the most modest spaces? Obviously, due to the mood created and the ability to scale. Often, fragments of porcelain stoneware are large and heavy slabs of 60*60 centimeters with a characteristic imitation of stone as a texture. And we all already know quite well the property of stone to visually increase space. Therefore, if you transform the design of your bathroom in strict accordance with the trends current year, then pay attention to just such a tile. As for the texture, you can choose any imitation:

  • marble;
  • pebbles;
  • concrete;
  • autumn leaf;
  • slate;
  • tree, etc.

One of the common options that can fully realize its potential even in a modest-sized bathroom is polished porcelain tiles. It reflects light very well and saturates the space of the room with a magnificent play of glare. This will allow you to correctly place all the design accents. A few examples of photos where porcelain tiles do an excellent job of creating a somewhat harsh and heavy, but still very modern and complete style.

The versatility of the mosaic composition

In 2019, it is quite reasonable to pay attention to ceramic mosaic- this is such a specific, but very fashionable tile now, which is suitable for both a small bath and a large room.

The versatility of mosaics and adaptability to the design of the most complex areas is one of the undeniable advantages that can be successfully used in the interior.

  1. allocation of a shower area;
  2. design of nonlinear elements;
  3. bathtub finishing;
  4. flooring modeling.

An obvious advantage of mosaics is also the almost limitless variations, because ceramics, natural stone, and glass can easily fit on one fragment. Everything instead allows you to create a rich pattern that reacts vividly to the lighting in the bathroom. But interaction with light is one of the important points that you should pay attention to if you are guided by the design trends of this year when renovating.

Unusual geometry of space

The persistent search for new forms of expressing decorative potential in the bathroom forces us to abandon the usual geometry and confidently move towards experimentation. Manufacturers of ceramic tiles are very sensitive to design trends and promptly release fresh solutions for sale. For obvious reasons, they are of interest only to a limited circle of “initiates,” but over time, as a rule, they gain great popularity.

The geometry we are used to is still in trend, but if you want to really impress someone with a brand new bathroom renovation, be sure to pay attention to hexagonal tiles - an option that can be 100% called fashionable and very relevant for a small bath. Judge for yourself from the photo below.

The use of such small fragments allows you to radically change the perception of even the tiniest room: a feeling of continuous movement appears, the eye constantly picks out individual decorative elements, light is advantageously scattered around the entire perimeter of the room.

Despite the solid decorative potential and a confident departure from classical geometry, this solution still successfully adopted its characteristic laconicism and symmetry.

Meanwhile, there are plenty of options with much greater expression. As a rule, such tiles boldly experiment not only with shape, but also with color and texture, turning the overall bathroom design into one continuous and fascinating decorative ensemble. Look how great it looks in the photo - maybe some of the trendy tile ideas will fit perfectly into your small bathroom too.

Texture tiles - a scattering of options

We all remember the good old tiles, which we still inherited from the no less old and good Khrushchev buildings: typical segmentation 15 * 15, a couple of simple decors - as a rule, conventionally contoured on a floral theme, as well as a classic line of borders, which we love to call “piping”. That case when it’s really simple, even if tasteless. Surprisingly, one of the trends in modern bathroom design has also become the simplicity of wall decoration - a decisive rejection of intrusive visual images. However, texture took over to compensate for the lack of graphic information.

Contrary to the dictates of strict geometry and categorical symmetry, wavy shapes are now gaining popularity. textured tile. It fits perfectly into the concept of any bathroom, as it directly appeals to the theme of water and helps to create a laconic, but capacious and cozy design that perfectly matches the spirit of the times.

If you are the happy owner of a modest-sized bathroom, but do not want to compromise with your aesthetic principles, then this material is like a balm for your soul. We tried to track the most interesting and obvious trends in the design of living spaces in terms of the use of fashionable ceramic tiles just for a small bath. We also advise you to get acquainted with examples of mirror tiles presented in Leroy Merlin catalogs.
In general, the design of the bathroom 2019 is not much different from the concept art of previous years: an obvious emphasis on the competent use of every square meter, the rejection of unnecessary accessories and bulky furniture and plumbing fixtures, optimization of space, fundamental adherence to the laws of geometry and general restraint as a leitmotif through the vast majority of design projects. Although, of course, there are exceptions - and almost always you would like to call them pleasant. Therefore, experiment too - hiding behind the small size of the bathroom is bad manners, you will agree.

Bathroom tiles are a classic. One way or another, most of us, when arranging a bathroom, most often use this type of wall and floor decoration. After all, it is always beautiful, stylish and practical. Tiles can be large or small, colored or plain, laid out with strict lines or complex patterns. Creative tile design can very well become a luxurious decorative solution and turn the bathroom into a real relaxation corner. What varieties will be the most popular in 2017?

Bathroom design with tiles 2017

Small tiles

Small tiles look impressive in the bathroom, thanks to which a shimmering effect is observed. If you want to focus attention on the furniture and the bathroom itself, choose tiles in a neutral palette. In this case, shades of beige, gray, blue, and of course, classic white with black splashes are perfect.

A romantic and delicate design will be created by small tiles near the mirror in a blue color scheme along with a snow-white ceiling and furniture. Spotlights organically complement modern decor.

Large and medium size

If you are a typical connoisseur of “timeless” classics, then in your bathroom design give preference to large or medium-sized tiles. Finishing in the same color scheme allows you to experiment with combinations. So, for example, you can lay out the wall below with larger tiles. Limiting it with a plinth, fill everything with middle on top.

The luxurious design of this bathroom was achieved thanks to the spectacular contrasting combination of rich cherry-colored walls and snow-white tiles. A chandelier in a bathroom is a rarity, but according to the design idea, it is a logical finishing touch to the stylistic direction of the entire apartment. In this design, the bathroom can be considered a full-fledged cozy room.

A white classic bathroom can be refreshed with Mediterranean notes by laying out lines on the walls beautiful mosaic with original ornament. A harmonious addition would be the same mosaic tiles in the area of ​​the bathroom and its sides. Interesting accessories in the same theme will highlight the luxurious Mediterranean style.

Tiles in noble beige shades are an irreplaceable classic

A bathroom kept in the same palette will be diluted by tiles of different sizes and patterns. Small with light and dark tones of beige in combination with large fragments of dark beige tiles complement each other perfectly. Luxurious chandeliers and mirrors add elegance and charm to the room.

In modern classic design There is nothing superfluous in this bathroom. Decorating the walls and sides of the bathtub with tiles in pastel beige, along with an elegant mirror in a metal frame and lamps in the form of candlesticks are characteristic elements of the classics.

Large rectangular tiles in a neutral color look sophisticated and elegant. gray combined with soft beige fragments and a finely defined skirting line.

The right combination

Modern classics also involve interesting color combinations. The contrast of white with emerald and green will give the design more expressiveness.

Combination natural wood, medium green tiles on the walls and large ones on the floor - the solution is quite bold, but just as modern. Elements of mosaic tiles together with an ethno-style sink will add a Mediterranean flair to the room.

Even partial fragments of beautiful tiles can set a certain tone. For example, a bathroom with wood trim will be noticeably transformed by the stunning designs on the tiles on the wall above the bathtub and on the floor.

Imitations of natural materials: wood and stone tiles

Bathroom design with wood or stone tiles is a fashionable “eco-trend” of 2017. In the next photo, wooden tiles create an incredibly warm, cozy atmosphere in the bathroom. Organically complement the style wooden furniture and bronze-colored accessories.

Shall we fantasize?

In the design of large bathrooms, you should not get hung up on traditional, customary decorative solutions. After all, you can show your imagination and turn your bathroom into something special! Thus, the fusion style in this case will refresh the usual design and significantly transform the room.

Do you like to experiment? Try something new, like an extravagant bathroom design. Colorful tiles with fun patterns will create a playful atmosphere. Combined with unique items and decorative elements such a room will definitely be the brightest and most creative area in your home.

The natural beauty in the bathroom will be recreated by tiles with floral pattern. This design will transform the interior as country house, and a city apartment.

An interesting design solution is to place tiles on the floor with a transition to the lower part of the wall, delimited by colored mosaic tiles.

Fashionable tiles for a small bath 2017

A compact bathroom can look amazing if you choose the right decor. One of the most popular is tiled finishing. What tile design is best for a small space? There is no single universal rule. But the fact that it should be neutral in color and attract less attention is a dubious statement.

Accent elements look stylish and unique in a compact bathroom. But any designer’s idea comes down to a single rule: texture and color are used locally and selectively, otherwise the whole meaning is lost.

Black is not for a small bathroom? This is debatable. It all depends on the amount of black and the location. Playing with contrasts is always welcome. White walls can easily be complemented by a black ceiling. In this case, it stretches out and the effect of infinity is obtained.

Dark tiles on the floor can also look quite organic. We see a striking example in the photo below. But an abundance of dark in a tiny bathroom is unlikely to be appropriate.

The abundance of white in a compact bathroom perfectly complements the interesting striped pattern with an original color transition. A bright room looks much more spacious in all directions.

Fill your bathroom with warmth and coziness by adding sunny colors. Orange tones will cope with this task perfectly.

What tile would be better suited to visually expand the space: glossy or matte? Obviously, glossy or mirror coatings can reflect light well, making the room seem larger and brighter.

A noble design was chosen for this bathroom. The finish of glossy gray tiles with a beige tint and slightly noticeable stripes looks very impressive. In the shower area, the striped pattern on the tiles intensifies, as if emphasizing the thin streams of water.

If you want your bathroom to look more free and light, add more glass, mirror and metal objects. It is not only stylish, but also practical.

A popular solution for a small bathroom is a combination of white and blue-blue shades. The same design may include mirrors and doorway. This design will be airy and light.

Don't be afraid of contrasts compact premises. Brown floor tiles look great with light pastel or white walls.

Two colors in a small bathroom is not the only scenario! Of course, many colors and sizes of tiles are useless in 3-4 square meters. But two formats and a pair of tones are an attractive combination. Additionally, you can use decor.

Of course, there are many fans of plain white. However, you should not turn the room into a hospital ward. This color scheme will look organic with additional decorative accessories. Paintings, mirrors, original tile texture, decorative niches and windows will be more appropriate than ever.

White or light tiles goes well with dark furniture.

Bathroom tiles: new items and modern ideas 2017

The holiday mood served main theme in the design of this bathroom. The colors of sand and water play a dominant role here. The most striking detail was the tile around the mirror.

Modern minimalist style is always in demand among its admirers. A stunning focal point in this bathroom is the dark tiles in the shower area.

The marble pattern on the tiles enhances the pastel background.

Modern ideas for decorating a children's bathroom with tiles

Tiles are an ideal option for rooms with high humidity. New design ideas, an abundance of textures, shades and sizes allow you to create optimal choice for any interior.

Breaking news in the world of ceramic tiles happens three times a year. The first premiere takes place at the Cevisama exhibition in February in Valencia, then the next new products are shown at the Batimat exhibition in Russia in April, and then the Italians show their best developments at the Cersaie exhibition in Bologna in September. Sometimes some factories add new collections before or after the presentation at Cersaie to revive demand. Several months pass from the moment the collection is presented to the start of its mass production, and some of the new products never see the light of day due to little interest from buyers. Therefore, new collections of tiles cannot always be purchased immediately.

New bathroom tiles 2017 presented in Santa Ceramics stores

Throughout the year we will collect on this page all the main new products of the year, sorting them by newness. You can purchase this tile in any of our stores in Moscow or order remotely by calling hotline.

Available upon request

Italian designers Sant’Agostino continued their series of small-format bathroom tiles by presenting their new Patchwork Colors. Thanks to his convenient size it is suitable for decorating even the tiniest rooms. The collection is made in five variants of decorative painting and in a mix that combines all its types. Tiles can be used both on the floor and on the walls.

Country of origin: Spain

Available upon request

Tile size: 25.8x29 cm.

Surface: matte

Porcelain tile size: 25.8x29 cm New 2019 from the Bestile factory, TOSCANA BASES - amazing hexagon-shaped porcelain tiles, produced in various shades. Suitable for floor and wall installation. The photo shows hexagons in deep green. There are 13 shades in the collection.

Price: from 7259 rubles / sq.m. meter

Country of origin: Italy

Available upon request

Tile size: 20x20 cm.

Surface: matte

New collection for 2017 from the famous Italian concern Sant’Agostino, whose products are always popular among the luxury segment. The plate has a slight retro effect on the surface in a small size. In this case, four tiles are assembled into an elegant ornament measuring 40x40 cm in the style of Italian Art Nouveau - Liberty. The tile goes well with other finishing materials, such as decorative plaster, wood and metal. Recommended for use in home and commercial interiors

Price: from 2318 rubles / sq. meter

In stock

Tile size: 20x60 cm.

Surface: matte

Porcelain stoneware size: 20x60 cm, 60x60 cm Gray is one of the shades of the new SPLASH collection from the Portuguese factory Love Ceramic. The SPLASH collection is made with an imitation of thin plaster. Porcelain tiles are produced in 20x60 cm format.

Price: from 4497 ​​rubles / sq. meter

Country of origin: Spain

Available upon request

Tile size: 25.8x29 cm.

Surface: matte

Porcelain tile size: 25.8x29 cmBestile TOSCANA BASES porcelain tiles are monocolor hexagons that are suitable for installation on both walls and floors. The collection is presented in 13 colors, which allows you to create unique combinations and implement bold ideas. The collection has a single shape and size: hexagons 25.8x29 cm. Everyone can find something of their own in it.

Price: from 5617 rubles / sq. meter

Country of origin: Italy

Available upon request

Tile size: 20x20 cm.

Surface: matte

The photo shows another variant of the ornament from the Black&White 05 design collection in black and white in the most contrasting design. The glaze on the surface of the tile is quite resistant to heavy traffic and frost-resistant, thanks to which the collection of black and white tiles can be used to decorate unheated rooms.

Country of origin: Russia

In stock

Tile size: 30x30 cm.

Surface: matte

Porcelain tile sizes: 30x30 cm, 30x60 cm, 60x60 cm New for 2017, representing the fashionable trend of porcelain tiles in the bathroom. Available in five shades. One of the most expressive, Iron, imitates the texture of Tyrolean stone, Italian marble used in artistic decoration. The tiles are presented in a wide range of sizes, allowing you to decorate home and commercial interiors of any configuration. The tiles are painted throughout their entire thickness and rectified along the side edges, making it possible to create multi-format layouts in the interior and beyond.

Price: from 1195 rubles / sq. meter

Country of origin: Russia

In stock

Tile size: 30x30 cm.

Surface: matte

Porcelain tile sizes: 30x30 cm, 30x60 cm, 60x60 cm The Climb collection of ceramic granite is a real find for those who want to decorate not just a bathroom, but a full-fledged SPA interior. At the same time, an important aspect in favor of choosing Climb Italon will be the affordable price range of the collection. In addition to a wide range of sizes and decorative designs, the collection includes a special X2 series, designed for the design of water and street areas: sides, grates and elements for draining water. Structured tiles - specially created for areas with direct contact with water and maximum anti-slip effect. Climb - represents maximum unity with nature and an excellent technical component modern material.

Price: from 2432 rubles / sq. meter

Country of origin: Portugal

In stock

Tile size: 20x60 cm.

Surface: matte

Porcelain tile size: 20x60 cm, 60x60 cm New 2019 from the Portuguese factory Love Ceramic - the SPLASH collection. The collection mainly consists of monocolors under plaster, but there are also relief elements in which the constant search for three-dimensionality and bright design is noticeable. An excellent solution for coatings in residential and commercial premises.

What are fashion tiles? Every autumn, Italy hosts the world's largest exhibition of ceramic tiles - Cersaie, which is a trendsetter in the world of tiles. What will be shown at this exhibition (and every year these are several main trends) will be fashionable in the coming years. That is why leading tile manufacturers, as well as distributors and designers from all over the world gather at Cersaie.

The latest fashion trends in tiles for the 2016-2017 season include:
- three-dimensional tiles with three-dimensional relief,
- patchwork tiles,
- brick-like tiles,
- porcelain tiles for laying on bathroom walls,
- chevrons,
- tiles for fabric
- large tiles
- white marble tiles
- hexagonal tiles and much more.

And we have prepared for you a selection of fashionable bathroom tiles from the last few seasons. For each category, 2-3 collections are shown, and read more about the trends in fashionable tiles at the end of this page, where you will also find links to the corresponding selections of tiles from the Santa Ceramics catalog.

Order samples of your favorite tiles to your home,

Price: from 1980 rubles / sq. meter

Country of origin: Russia

In stock

Tile size: 60x60 cm.

Surface: matte

Porcelain stoneware size: 60x60 cm, 30x60 cm, 59x59 cm, 44x88 cm, 45x90 cm

Price: from 1900 rubles / sq. meter

Country of origin: Spain

In stock

Tile size: 7.3x30 cm.

Surface: glossy

The Dolce tile collection is a classic brick in the most delicate colors and the delicate effect of hand-glazed tiles: snow-white, creamy, grassy-olive, coffee, sky blue, smoky purple, grayish, inky. A showroom with tiles was demonstrated at the Cevisama 2016 exhibition. The highlight of the collection is the filigree decor with the effect of embossing and voluminous inscriptions in the form of postage stamps, quality marks and prints of herbaceous and flowering plants. The side edges are lightly rolled; the series will be surprisingly good for creating a cozy rustic interior, a country atmosphere and the comfort of unity with nature. It goes well with furniture and accessories made of natural wood, brass or bronze fittings, natural shapes and natural colors.

Country of origin: Italy

In stock

Tile size: 20x20 cm.

Surface: matte

Collection 2017 with a fashionable design in black and white. Includes black, white, gray tiles, 5 variants of ornamental series. Suitable for installation on floors and walls. The laconic range of the Black&White series is embodied in fashionable patterns that are ideal for modern interiors. Decorated tiles, similar to the background, can be purchased in multiples of a square meter at the same price, which allows you to not limit the designer’s imagination in using decors.

Price: from 7259 rubles / sq.m. meter

Country of origin: Italy

Available upon request

Tile size: 20x20 cm.

Surface: matte

Another new product for 2017 from the Italian concern Sant'Agostono with a fashionable design in the Art Nouveau style. Italian painting on the surface of the tiles is reproduced using modern Digital technology. Creates the illusion of painting with natural vegetable paints on the surface of primed concrete with an aging effect. Looks great on the floor , and on the walls of the bathroom. Patchwork Classic porcelain tiles correspond to European technical standards quality EN 14411.

Price: from 5617 rubles / sq. meter

Country of origin: Italy

In stock

Tile size: 20x20 cm.

Surface: matte

Small luxury tiles Black&White can be used to decorate a fashionable bathroom in the style of Italian Liberty and even Art Deco. At the same time, it is worth adhering to classic finishing elements, following the principles of avant-garde simplicity, exoticism and originality of execution. When choosing furniture, choose laconic angular shapes with patterns in the form of steps and zigzag. The baguette for the mirror can be chosen either with gilding or in a “black and white” combination in the form of piano keys. Clear contours and frames are welcome.

Country of origin: Spain

Available upon request

Tile size: 14x28 cm.

Surface: matte

Laverton from the Vives factory is a collection with a southern flavor, ideal for those who want to decorate a bathroom with the atmosphere of the warm southern Spanish coast, who like the Provence style and country style of a Spanish cozy patio. The collection is made from traditional Spanish red clay, followed by high-temperature firing to ensure excellent results. specifications material. The collection contains three cool shades in the LOFT style (Nieve, Gris, Grafito) and three warm shades authentic cotto (Arena, Beige, Natural). The tiles are designed with the effect handmade, a putty impression resembling a clay shard. Shown in the photo neutral shade the color of Nieve paradise sand in a hexagonal format on the floor and work area, with which you can also decorate a Scandinavian interior.

Price: from 2472 rubles / sq. meter

Country of origin: Russia

In stock

Tile size: 31.5x57 cm.

Surface: NULL

Marble-effect tiles produced for the Russian market by the Atlas Concorde plant. Imitates white Carrara marble, mined on the Italian coast of the Ligurian Sea.

Price: from 5654 rubles / sq. meter

Country of origin: Spain

Available upon request

Surface: NULL

At the world-famous exhibition Cersaie 2016, the large-format new Marbox product was demonstrated for the first time. The collection is made in three types of natural stone: fashionable Carrara marble, stylish limestone tuff and discreet serpentine. Muretto mosaics in the form of oblong strips imitating travertine or marble can be used as decorations.

Price: from 3804 rubles / sq. meter

Country of origin: Spain

Available upon request

Tile size: 14x28 cm.

Surface: matte

Porcelain stoneware size: 14x28 cm, octagonal and medallion 20x20 cm, 30x30 cm, 60x60 cm, 80x80 cm, hexagonal 23x26.6 cm The Laverton collection presents us with a mix of classic terracotta surfaces and modern concrete bases. An eclectic combination of two opposing surfaces - popular fashion trend in modern design. Laverton ceramic granite is a real kaleidoscope various forms at: The factory has produced a special 30x30 cm Antideslizante format with an anti-slip coating for installation in areas with high humidity (swimming areas, showers and pools); it can also be used on the porch, where ice may form in winter with a possible risk of slipping.

Country of origin: Spain

Available upon request

Tile size: 15x17 cm.

Surface: satin

The Brocat collection is made in a fashionable and current form - hexagonal, which, in combination with the black and white color of the collection, gives a modern sound to the interior. Each tile is covered with a delicately textured stencil design in five variations. The tiles can be used not only in bathrooms, but also in unheated rooms, since they are made like clinker, which determines the high strength properties of the material. You can use the Panal collection as a plain background; if you want a larger format option, the factory recommends Concret porcelain tiles 36x36 cm.

Price: from 5131 rubles / sq. meter

Country of origin: Italy

In stock

Tile size: 8x31.5 cm.

Surface: glossy

Expected in stock in MayNew product from the leading Italian factory Atlas Concorde, which sets trends in the global tile market. The Brick Atelier series features a rectified edge that allows these tiles to be laid with minimal joints. The collection will help to decorate the room in both classic and modern style.

Price: from 4982 rubles / sq. meter

Country of origin: Italy

In stock

Tile size: 40x80 cm.

Surface: satin

Tile size: 50x110 cm, 40x80 cm Premium new product for the 2015-2016 season from the main Italian factory Atlas Concorde in the style of the famous jewelry house Tiffany. The designers tried to convey the legendary turquoise in bulk to create a festive mood for bathroom owners every day. The series produces amazingly beautiful hexagonal mosaics with gold plating (24 carats), flowing mosaics that look like rain, borders, cornices and corner elements.

Price: from 3308 rubles / sq. meter

Country of origin: Italy

In stock

Tile size: 30.5x56 cm.

Surface: glossy

White marble tiles have remained at the peak of popularity for almost 5 years now. Thanks to modern technology printing, the tile pattern is almost indistinguishable from the pattern of natural marble. The universal size of the Marvel collection is suitable for both large and compact bathrooms. The tiles look great without decorations, although the collection also includes mosaics and damask decors.

Price: from 347 rubles / piece.

Country of origin: Spain

Available upon request

Tile size: 23x26.6 cm.

Surface: matte

Porcelain stoneware sizes: 80x80 cm, 60x60 cm, 59.3x59.3 cm, 23x26.6 cm, 14x28 cm One of the latest products from the Vives art factory, specializing in complex design projects. Hexagonal tiles Rift Fingal - decorated hexagons with a colorful and bright geometric pattern in the form of small triangles, painted with natural pigments. Due to this and the rectification of the side edges, the seams between the tiles are almost invisible. In addition to the Fingal pattern, the collection offers various options for decorative hexagonal tiles in a modern industrial interpretation and unique design:

Price: from 4346 rubles / sq. meter

Country of origin: Italy

Available upon request

Tile size: 40x80 cm.

Surface: satin

The photo shows a bathroom design, decorated in oriental style using fabric seamless tiles Room in Cord. The prototype for creating such a surface was a special cord weaving of woolen threads, creating special scars on the surface. Cord tiles are available with a vintage Cord Check finish. The warm and comfortable atmosphere in the room is complemented by full-length decors with imitation silk-screen embroidery on fabric with contrasting stripes. The ethnic design is complemented by appropriate sanitary ware of soft sloping shapes, accessories and bath accessories.

Price: from 6317 rubles / sq. meter

Country of origin: Spain

In stock

Tile size: 29.75x29.75 cm.

Surface: matte

Porcelain tile size: 29.75 x 29.75 cm The Moving collection combines porcelain floor tiles and wall tiles. Floor porcelain tiles are available in larger sizes than wall tiles and have 36 variations of patterns in patchwork format. The Moving Mix Natural series has a modern post-modern feel with lots of ornamental patchwork tiles. It has excellent technical characteristics, so it can be used on walls and floors in home interiors and public spaces. Quality of Aparici Ceramicas, unique style and subtle artistic taste determine the popularity of the Moving Natural collection and high sales volumes.

Price: from 3043 rubles / sq. meter

Country of origin: Spain

In stock

Tile size: 25.2x75.9 cm.

Surface: matte

Tile size: 25.2x75.9 cmThe Recover designer collection combines a minimalist design with construction cement and graphic sketches in the style of fashionable street graffiti art. The collection offers three cool shades of background tiles: Grey, Vison and Ivory. Recover comes in a creative format with the imprint of a fine-toothed Kraft trowel. Bright avant-garde and surreal Ornato ornaments will add individuality to the interior. The brightness of colors and clarity of plot are determined by the use of Digital technology. Ornato decors are available in 18 design options.

Price: from 3894 rubles / sq. meter

Country of origin: Italy

In stock

Tile size: 40x80 cm.

Surface: matte

Convex textured tiles with rectified edges, suitable for installation with minimal joints. Can be used in conjunction with a white background of 40x80 cm to decorate rooms in a neutral style or any other contrasting tile to create bright, unforgettable interiors.

Price: from 261 rubles / piece.

Country of origin: Spain

In stock

Tile size: 10x20 cm.

Surface: glossy

Fashionable designer collection Mugat-Rivoli from the design factory Vives Ceramica, which combines 2 fashion trends at once - brick-look tiles and patchwork-style tiles. The collection can be divided into tiles with bevel Mugat, smooth Rivoli and embossed tiles Raspail. Original tiles with a chamfer or the so-called hog are especially popular when decorating bathrooms in the English and French classics. Additionally, the collection includes plinths and cornices that allow you to create a unique atmosphere and neatly design the transition of tiles to another finishing material when laying tiles not to the full height of the room. Laying options with an offset module like white or blue tiles in tandem with a contrasting tazzette will look great as floor tiles.

Price: from 5485 rubles / sq. meter

Country of origin: Italy

Available upon request

Tile size: 25x21.6 cm.

Surface: matte

Porcelain tile size: 25x21.6 cm Brick Lane porcelain tile collection - a collection with a modern interpretation of authentic building materials- brickwork and paving stones. The collection is named after a street in the London quarter, the walls of the buildings of which are decorated with brick, and the street itself is paved with paving stones. Designers from one of the oldest factories worked on the decorativeness of the collection with a slight restoration touch and effect shabby chic. Hexagonal tiles are made in four main shades, each of which has a decorative variation with a pronounced texture and “scorched” pattern. The small size of porcelain stoneware and its expressive shadow variety of shades are a stylish and expressive material for finishing walls and floors. Download the full catalog of BrickLane porcelain stoneware (4.5 MB

Price: from 8585 rubles / sq. meter

Country of origin: Italy

Available upon request

Tile size: 120x120 cm.

Surface: polished

Frost resistance : Yes A rather impressive new product presented at the Russian exhibition BATIMAT 2016. The large size is designed to save significant time and money compared to laying traditional porcelain stoneware. The absence of seams over a large area provides an excellent aesthetic effect, solidity and integrity of the coating. The collection has two versions - cold and aristocratic with silver and veins, and vanilla cream with a light creamy undertone. Large size can be used for home use, commensurate with the area and geometry of the room, and for installation in public commercial buildings with a high degree of traffic. The collection has a small thickness of 9 mm, even for a two-meter format.

Price: from 6327 rubles / sq. meter

Country of origin: Spain

Available upon request

Tile size: 44.63x119.3 cm.

Surface: glossy

Fashionable tiles - stylish, original coating, catching the eye and transforming the interior. The Montblanc collection combines European aesthetics and quality workmanship with oriental traditions. The background tile of the new Cersaie 2016 includes an unusual three-dimensional texture in three options: with imitation glass blocks, silk fabric assembled in numerous patterns and a zigzag print in the style of a traditional chevron. Montblanc fashion tiles have generated all the most popular textures in a luxurious mirror finish, which is much more expressive and popular than a matte surface. The tiles are also made in a fashionable metallized treatment with the application of precious gold and silver using a special technology that allows the use of such surfaces in showers without the risk of oxidation and difficulties in cleaning lime.

Price: from 699 rubles / piece.

Country of origin: Spain

In stock

Tile size: 13.5x25.6 cm.

Surface: glossy

Awaiting delivery to warehouse Surface type: glossy Fashionable Bricket tiles are an ultra-modern collection that created a real sensation at the Spanish Cevisama 2016 exhibition. In such a short period of time, the tiles became a real hit in sales and a subject for discussion in popular design magazines. The designers of Aparici Ceramicas have created a real bestseller. On one side, the ceramics imitate a parallelepiped brick, on the other, hexagonal tiles in an incredibly beautiful color palette: delicate mint, juicy scarlet, snow-white, stylish black, titanium and terracotta beige. As the main background, the factory recommends combining it with rectangular Bricket tiles in a similar color palette and with the large-format Arctic collection. The three-dimensional pattern on the surface is made using modern digital technology, which allows us to obtain the most intricate and entertaining prints and imitations.

Price: from 8898 rubles / sq.m. meter

Country of origin: Spain

Available upon request

Tile size: 15x17 cm.

Surface: satin

Surface type: matte The Modeli collection will certainly be appreciated by creative people and designers who prefer a laconic style and extravagant experiments with unusual shapes. The collection of extruded porcelain stoneware was created as an object of design modeling, composing either a chaotic black and white patchwork or more complex designer ornaments in the form of large hexagonal contours of a honeycomb. An excellent option for modern avant-garde interiors. The tiles will look great with rough plastered walls or similar imitation tiles, brickwork, wood and metal.

Fashionable designer porcelain tiles with oriental design

Price: from 7978 rubles / sq.m. meter

Country of origin: Spain

Available upon request

Tile size: 20.5x12 cm.

Surface: satin

Porcelain tile sizes: 10.5x6.5 cm, 20.5x12 cm, modules 38.5x42 cm and 77x84 cm Collection Provenzal- a small collection in the form of a medallion, the shape of which is borrowed from the Moorish culture and which is perfect for decorating a bathroom in an oriental style. A special production method - extrusion - allows you to obtain the most unusual and bizarre shapes. It is made of porcelain stoneware, which has universal use. The collection includes 8 shades of tiles measuring 20.5x12 cm and 11 shades measuring 10.5x6.5 cm; they can be easily mixed with each other, creating colorful oriental interiors with the hot flavor of West African countries. A special addition is the series Provenzal Compo- composition tiles with three different textures, as if embroidered with satin stitch on silk fabric in four shades: cobalt Blue, snow-white Bianchi, blue-and-white mosaic Angeli and decorated with a thin stripe of Rigato.

Price: from 1380 rubles / piece.

Country of origin: Russia

In stock

Tile size: 29.6x79.6 cm.

Surface: matte

Porcelain tile size: 29.6 x 79.6 cm Charme Evo porcelain mosaic tiles consist of multi-colored marble bricks that look very impressive both on the walls and on the floor. If on the walls it is an imitation of brickwork, painstakingly laid out from individual bricks, then on the floor the effect of a mosaic mix will be created. Mosaic modules have uneven edges and are joined in a certain way almost end to end, due to which the seams will be invisible. Porcelain stoneware mosaic has a number of advantages: it is frost-resistant, it can be used to cover surfaces that undergo significant temperature changes, it is impact-resistant and can withstand significant loads and impacts chemical substances. Moreover, the price of such mosaics is several times lower than their Italian or Spanish counterparts.

Not so long ago, volumetric elements in tiles were piecemeal and expensive, so they were used mainly as decor. But technology does not stand still and today each factory is ready to offer you several collections, and the price for it is now usually set at square meter and almost matches the usual background tiles.

Usually the trendsetters of tile fashion are Italians, but this fashion trend came from Spanish factories, and this is not surprising, because the patterns are not very similar to traditional Spanish patterns on hydraulic tiles. However, the trend was quickly picked up by Italian and even Russian factories and today you can choose fashionable patchwork tiles to suit every taste and budget.

Large format tiles

Many people remember the times when 60x60 cm tiles seemed huge and no one wanted to take them. Nowadays you won’t surprise anyone with 100x100 cm tiles, but maximum size mass-produced porcelain tiles are 160x320 cm. Wall tile sizes of 40x80 cm are also growing and have become common; 50x100 cm, 40x120 cm and more are gaining popularity. and maximum solidity of the surface is fashionable and simply beautiful.

White marble effect tiles

Tiles imitating white varieties of Italian marble, such as calacata or statuario, took over the exhibitions of factories several years ago and are still at the peak of popularity. And all because the quality of printing has become such that it can no longer be distinguished from natural marble.

This is a new trend and appeared at Cersaie 2016 in only a few factories. But considering that these factories are leaders in the Italian market, we can assume that next year fabric-look tiles will be at the peak of popularity. Want to get ahead of your time? Buy it now.

Once upon a time it was cut from an ordinary rectangular one and therefore was very expensive. Now technology makes it possible to stamp tiles immediately in the form of hexagons (or even more complex shapes). Therefore, now everyone can get an impressive tile layout at a very reasonable price.

It became very popular a couple of years ago and there is an explanation for this. Factories again began to focus on the American market, and American style in the minds of the Italians, this is a loft. However, loft has become popular in Russia, and brick-like tiles are a truly fashionable solution.

Aged tiles

It has become another fashion trend of last year. A worn surface, chips on the edges of tiles, faded paint - now all these are not manufacturing defects, but trendy designs from the world's leading factories.

Porcelain tiles for the bathroom

In Russia, tiles are still very popular, but in Europe they are losing ground. Moreover, factories are gradually discontinuing their tile collections and replacing them with new porcelain stoneware products. If you want to get a modern interior, decorate your bathroom with porcelain tiles. In addition, porcelain stoneware is stronger, has less water absorption and is more resistant to many other factors.

Multi-colored hexagonal tiles for bathrooms in interiors

Where and how to buy fashionable bathroom tiles?

You can buy the latest collections of fashionable tiles at any of the. All salons accept Visa, Mastercard and Mir bank cards and cash. In addition, you can pay for your order by card on our website or make a bank transfer using the details.

The bathroom becomes not only functional, but also a beautiful, fashionable room in a modern apartment. This is a place of relaxation and relaxation after a stressful working day. That is why the bathroom design should be unobtrusive, harmonious, and cozy. As a rule, tiles or porcelain stoneware are used to decorate a modern bathroom. And the choice of this finishing material determines what your bathroom will ultimately be like.

If you don’t know what style to decorate your bathroom, what tiles to choose, how to think about a color combination, then read this article. In it we will look latest trends bathroom design, current color and stylistic solutions, popular finishing materials 2017-2018.

Bathroom decor with tiles: latest trends and new designs 2017 - 2018

Recently, minimalist urban and stylish light Scandinavian design have been rapidly gaining popularity. These two trends in interior design have won the hearts of many owners of modern homes. Loft is gradually migrating from cafe interiors to our homes, and the restrained Scandinavian style imposed by IKEA catalogs is increasingly being chosen by designers to decorate modern kitchens and bathrooms. Both directions are distinguished by their conciseness and practicality.

Popular styles

If you have a small bathroom, then it is better to decorate it in a light Scandinavian style. To do this, you will need either white tiles or very light ones. The floor can be decorated in black and white colors. To do this, choose a mosaic, hexagonal tiles or beautiful tiles with an interesting black and white pattern. Often, when decorating a Scandinavian-style bathroom, they use rectangular white tiles that imitate brickwork, and in dry areas they do not lay it over the entire wall, but end it in the middle of the wall, decorating the end with a beautiful border. The remaining wall can be painted light blue, purple, grey, turquoise or any other color you like.

If you have a large bathroom, then you can decorate it in an urban style. As a rule, creating such an interior requires walls that imitate “bare” concrete, but you can also finish it with textured tiles in dark shades, or it is better to use natural stone or porcelain stoneware slabs. Recently, matte tiles of a fairly large size with the texture of natural stone or wood have been gaining popularity. Examples and photos of a bathroom with dark-colored tiles are presented below.

Current shapes and designs of ceramic tiles

The favorite among materials for finishing the bathroom is still tiles. Only the shape, color, patterns and texture of the tiles change. Recently, they have been used to decorate the bathroom. rectangular tiles size 60 x 30 cm. Natural stone and porcelain stoneware, which have different shapes, are also in fashion, but the slab itself is quite large. Such materials are good for decorating large and spacious rooms. The latest trend in bathroom design is the use of marble slabs; see the photos for examples of such interiors.

If you have, then it is better to give preference to light or white small tiles or even use small mosaics for decoration. Now small tiles imitating brick have become fashionable. Glass mosaic is also trendy; it is used to decorate the area near the sink or shower wall. If you are decorating in a Scandinavian style or with Art Deco motifs, then the floor can be laid with stylish pixel tiles with geometric black and white patterns. At first glance, it somewhat resembles a mosaic, but this tile design looks much more interesting. You can find pixel tiles in the catalogs of online stores selling Italian ceramics.

Now designers are experimenting not only with combinations of colors and textures, but are also constantly searching for new ideas and forms. Therefore, now, when developing, they are increasingly using tiles non-standard shape and colors. They are also experimenting with options for laying ceramic tiles. It is laid out in a herringbone pattern, with narrow rectangular plates, combined in one interior different shapes tiles and mosaics. Hexagon-shaped tiles are back in fashion.

Photo of a bathroom interior with tiles: a new take on classic hexagonal tiles

Cladding wet areas with glass mosaic

Fashionable shades of tiles for the bathroom

In 2017 – 2018, designs that claim naturalness and authenticity will remain popular. “Natural” finishing materials such as wood, stone, clay, etc. will be in fashion. Therefore, to decorate modern bathrooms, matte tiles in beige, brown, gray shades with the texture of wood or stone will be used. If funds allow, you can finish the bathroom natural stone, while laying the floor and walls with slabs in the same color scheme. Single color designs are very popular right now.

Bathrooms decorated in black and white colors look no less stylish. For large bathtubs it is important to use tiles of various shapes and different colors to create a visual separation between the wet and dry areas in the bathroom.

In catalogs with Italian tiles, you increasingly come across tile options with Scandinavian-style ornaments. By choosing a similar colored tiles You can very easily create an interesting and at the same time uncomplicated interior. Simply divide the space into zones, cover one part of the wall with colored tiles with patterns, and the remaining wall with classic white tiles. For an example of this tile design in the bathroom, see the photo.

Which tiles for the bathroom should you choose?

As already indicated above, when choosing tiles and finishing materials in general, you should start primarily from the size of the room. It will be easier to cover the walls with small tiles, and finishing a large room will be less labor-intensive if you choose large rectangular or square tiles.

The color of the tile will depend on the overall concept that will be used in the design and decoration of the room. If we talk about the combination of furniture color and tile shade, then it is better to choose either very similar tones, or, on the contrary, very contrasting ones.

The most fashionable color this season will undoubtedly be gray. But don't think that an interior with gray tiles will be boring. Using the rich variety of shades and textures of this finishing material, you can create an atmosphere of luxury and relaxation in a gray bathroom. Given the trend of using natural materials, stone tiles will be very popular this year. Here is an example photo of a bathroom tile design, where you can see how the nobility of stone combined with minimalism and other natural materials creates a truly stylish and modern atmosphere.

Often, to create a single harmonious atmosphere, ceramic tiles are chosen for finishing, duplicating the texture of bathroom furniture, i.e. if at the furniture glossy facades, then the tiles should be glossy, and if you plan to buy furniture made of natural wood, then the tiles should match its texture.

Life hack: how to lay tiles yourself?

If you have decided to renovate and develop a bathroom design yourself, then video lessons that are devoted to laying bathroom tiles and small bathroom design tricks can help you.

Training video: tiling a bathroom

Tutorial video: how to make a hole in a tile

Beautiful tiles for the bathroom: photos with design ideas

You can create a beautiful, thoughtful bathroom interior, in which everything is carefully planned, on your own. Get inspired by a collection of photos from interesting design tiles in the bathroom and come up with your own interior solutions. After all, absolutely any bathroom can be stylishly and beautifully decorated, no matter if it is located in a Khrushchev-era building, in a panel house or a cottage.

Stylish tiles

Interior solutions for the bathroom

Non-standard installation methods tiles in the bathroom

Modern bathrooms

Hexagon Bathroom Tiles

Magnificent interiors with mosaics

Various bathroom tiling solutions

Restraint and minimalism are in fashion

Bathroom interior with hexagon tiles

Interior with blue tiles

Bathroom interior with fashionable hexagonal tiles

Color options for bathroom tiles

Orange tiles in the bathroom

Photo gallery of ceramic tiles from the collections of Russian and European manufacturers

In this section you will find interesting collections of ceramic tiles from Russian and foreign manufacturers.

Alcor bathroom tiles, interior design photos

Bathroom tiles Kerama Marazzi, interior design photo

Europa Ceramica bathroom tiles, interior design photos

Bathroom tiles Cersanit, interior design photo

Bathroom tiles Cersanit, interior design photo

Bathroom tiles Cersanit, interior design photo

Ceradim bathroom tiles, interior design photos

You can find out prices for ceramic tiles on the official websites of manufacturers. If you want to save money, you can do it with a pattern that imitates tiles.