How to furnish a children's room with furniture. Children's corner in a one-room apartment - we arrange a working and sleeping area. Space: for sleeping, relaxing and playing

How to arrange a children's room

A person associates a happy childhood with unforgettable vivid impressions and memories, with loving parents - a strong and kind father and an affectionate and gentle mother. A child cannot survive without a mother in the first years of his life, so approximately up to three years old children's corner must be in my parents' bedroom.

When a child enters middle preschool age (from about three years old), for baby an important time is coming, and it’s time to leave the cozy parental bedroom and move into your own children's room. Parents must definitely take care of this. Your son or daughter's room may be small, but it should be separate; and if this is not possible, then in any case The child has there must be a permanent corner that needs to be highlighted for baby. And the caring hands, attentive, kind heart of adults should make this place cozy and comfortable in any conditions.

Imagine an empty room with a pure white ceiling, isolated from all noise. Some parents think that such a room is ideal conditions for a child? This idea is wrong. A room devoid of any attributes is not only useless, but also very harmful to baby. It has been found that children who grow up in empty, bare rooms are noticeably behind their peers who live in a rainbow environment (colored wallpaper, colorful blankets, elegant curtains) and pleasant sounds (music, ticking clocks, etc.).

Full childhood- this is its own territory, where no one should break into without permission and with demands to “immediately remove all this trash.” And “all this rubbish” is extremely valuable and lies in exactly the order that the child likes it.

So, childhood needs a place for personal happiness. And you should start arranging this place. Without the active and skillful intervention of parents, it is only a prerequisite for children's affairs.

Children's room should be clean, bright, preferably with windows facing sunny side. It must be equipped with a special set of children's furniture. One of the main items of this set is bed with high railings. It is better if it is extendable in length and can be adjusted as the child grows.

For preschoolers In addition to a sleeping place, you need a table with a chair. It is used for drawing and games, such as collecting children's construction set. A table with drawers for pencils and paints is possible. You also need a low shelf for toys and books. At the bottom of this shelf you can arrange drawer for toys that do not break (balls, cubes, etc.) and for storing various finds.

Very helpful children's furniture sets, those that include items with different purposes (cabinet, containers for toys, seats) that can be assembled in various combinations. And the presence of such a set allows you from time to time without much effort change the interior of the nursery depending on changes in the interests and hobbies of the child, and the process of assembling such furniture is reminiscent of playing with a constructor and is in itself fascinating and introduces an element interesting game to work on arranging the room.

All, what does the child use, must correspond to his height and age, so that he can sit on a chair without outside help, get a toy, take off and hang up his towel and clothes. However, the lamp and switch must be placed so that the baby, who has not yet learned to use these items, cannot reach them.

Children of middle age preschool age necessary for outdoor games also free space on the floor. To do this, leave part of the room free, put a carpet or rug there.

For children's room will be appropriate sofa cushions various geometric shape- round, ring-shaped, square with a hole, triangular, cone-shaped and the like. A child will be able to ride on them, arrange battles with their help, look through holes, and such pillows can also become a wonderful children's designer. Any mother or grandmother can sew them, and material for baby pillows there will be pieces of foam rubber, curtains that have long gone out of fashion.

It is advisable to attach a piece of smooth linoleum to one of the walls - it is convenient to draw on it with colored chalk.

Arranging a room or child's corner, make sure that everything that will surround your baby is durable, clean, made of natural materials, hygienic and beautiful. Try to take into account child's taste.

Immediately take care of large, convenient boxes for toys and a fragment of the wall for “art”. This is quite a serious matter. Rather than be distressed at the sight of a painted corridor, it is better to voluntarily provide the child with a field for activity in his own room. And the child is pleased, and you have less problems.

As the child grows up, he will gradually become the designer of his own space. Trust him to bring it to you himself children's interior crazy Be patient: what seems like a mess to you normal condition children's room.

Gradually the child grows up, and soon he will go to school. Not prevent teach the baby use a mirror. According to psychologists, people love their reflection, and Small children- especially. Therefore, we advise you to give them this opportunity to admire themselves. And with the help of a trellis child can and should see yourself in profile. This is a kind of adaptation of appearance to oneself, which is extremely important (to live in harmony with oneself). It is advisable to place a small mirror with a handle on the shelf nearby. It will help the baby see yourself from behind. In addition, you should also put combs and set of children's cosmetics.If such conditions exist, child with early age will learn on his own take care of your appearance.

remember, that children's room- this is an equivalent part of your apartment or house, which gives the baby the right to be on his own territory whenever he wants. Both adults and the child himself must constantly feel this. Own territory helps the child to grow independent and responsible. Everyone needs this for psychological comfort and personality formation. But also for preschoolers It is important to understand that he is a full member of the family, the same owner of his parents’ home.

how to arrange a children's room photo

A children's room must be multifaceted in terms of interior design. For parents, here are several basic tasks that must be completed so that both the child and his mother and father are confident in the safety and comfort of the room.

However, there are often cases when it is not possible to avoid common mistakes in the design of children's rooms, so we suggest working on the mistakes and correcting obvious as well as hidden flaws.

1. Cold light

Lighting is especially important for any living space, but in a nursery, poor quality light is unforgivable. If you don’t feel a cozy atmosphere for a long time, perhaps it’s not the layout or texture of the upholstery, but the cold white artificial light that comes from chandeliers, spotlights or floor lamps.


Choosing lamps for lighting fixtures in a nursery, the decisive role is played not only by power, but also by tonality: the light should be warm, with a yellowish undertone. It’s good if the lamps are equipped with a special device for adjusting the intensity luminous flux– dimmer.


2. Game environment

A room intended for your baby or preschooler does not necessarily have to shimmer with bright colors. If you use flashy shades in abundance in the arrangement and decorative design of the children's interior, the space will look like a playroom in an amusement park. In turn, such an oversight will lead to the fact that it will be difficult for children to concentrate, for example, on classes, studying or relaxing.



We constantly recommend choosing light basic shades that will form the basis for the color design of the room: sand, cream, golden, pastel shades, natural colors. All of them will be an excellent background for brighter objects, large quantity toys, playhouse and other accessories.

3. Expensive wallpaper

Parents who strive to create an atmosphere of luxury from the very birth of their child can be envied or advised not to rush into choosing expensive wallpaper or panels for wall decoration. It is better to leave a silk-screened coating or realistic painting until the child is old enough to appreciate the high quality and value of such materials.


Stylish and beautiful interior today you can create without using valuable species wood, expensive fabrics or wallpaper. Walls in the nursery where he lives Small child at the age of 2 years, it is better to simply color and decorate polyurethane moldings or liquid wallpaper. In case of contamination, which is so common in children's rooms, cleaning the surface will not be difficult.

4. Incorrect bed position

The crib should not be placed close to a window, as drafts often occur in this area. You should also not place the bed near the door for the same reason, and because it makes it more difficult for the child to fall asleep in the evening if there is noise in other rooms.


A children's bed is essential furniture, because a full-fledged and healthy sleep necessary for development and growth. That's why, sleeping area should be placed in the center, with the headboard or side to the wall, as far as possible from the entrance and window.


5. Tall or deep cabinets

Unless the storage system is equipped with a reliable ladder that gives access to the upper shelves, its presence is not entirely justified if we talk about the room of small children. It is difficult for kids to get the right thing if it is high or too deep on the shelf and there is a danger of overturning an unstable cabinet or falling from a height.



Until the child has reached a certain age and height, you should not place large furniture in the room, which, in the end, will not be convenient for the owner of the nursery. Here, every item should serve children and create Better conditions, be it a wardrobe, or a rack for books and toys.

6. Carpet

Soft and warm, carpet is not enough good option For flooring where small children live, create and misbehave. Rest assured: no detergents you will not be able to remove all stains from spilled paints, plasticine, felt-tip pens, or plants brought from the street.


For the floor in the nursery, select practical laminate or linoleum, on which you can lay a compact warm rug in the play area. This instance is much easier to clean and there will be less hassle with cleaning the room.

7. Heavy curtains

Textiles are different from textiles, so what is appropriate in an adult’s bedroom is completely unsuitable for a child’s room. Imagine what a game of hide and seek for kids behind thick curtains on a heavy curtain rod can turn into. In addition, such an option for decorating windows in this room would be extremely impractical.


If you hang curtains, be sure to use them from light fabric, which does not require a massive cornice. And one of the most successful methods of window decoration today is Roman lifting mechanism, which looks stylish, is easy to use and quite safe.

8. Dark workspace

If parents notice changes in their child's posture or their reluctance to do homework, it may be due to correct location desk in the room. It is important to remember that you cannot install a desk or work table against a wall perpendicular to the window, even if there is plenty of sunlight entering the room.


The best place for working area is the area directly in front of the window, since the child does not have to strain his eyes and bend low over the table during classes.


9. Stereotypes

You should not think that a boy’s room must necessarily be decorated in blue, gray or red tones, and a girl’s room must be decorated in all shades of pink. This is just as wrong as using purely “childish” decor or pieces of furniture in the interior.


If this is your desire, then choosing caramel or heavenly tones is, of course, possible. However, we must not forget that there are other, no less beautiful shades, as well as shapes and textures that can emphasize the individuality, character and taste of a growing person.

For example, in a boy’s room you can use a graphic pattern in the form of flowers or birds; it looks great in combination with dark shades and natural textures metal or wood.

10. Unequal opportunities

It often happens that one nursery is intended for two children of different genders or ages. At the same time, when an older and younger child share a nursery, a feeling of possessiveness and competition for the best chair, shelf or bed by the window inevitably arises. Often, parents deliberately distribute space not equally, but with the expectation that the eldest child has already grown up and he no longer needs this or that thing and vice versa.


As forward-thinking and insightful parents, you should never encourage similar situations, but to instill in children better feelings, tolerance and respect.

The children's room should be distributed so that each of the children, regardless of age or gender, is in equal conditions.

For example, place beds on both sides of the window, place a couple of chests of drawers along opposite walls, and organize two work stations according to the age and needs of the kids.

Design of a bright children's room

The world of a child is incomprehensible to an adult, so everything in his environment should be different from ordinary person! We will study how best to arrange a children's bedroom, and photos with examples will help you create a beautiful and bright apartment.

Children are able to pay attention to many points that are not noticeable to an adult. Thanks to each element in the surrounding world, a common mosaic is formed, which can significantly affect the formation of the child’s personality.

Thanks to the children's room, the child should not only feel comfortable for the parents, but your baby should also like it. In general, the entire atmosphere in the house should be favorable for the child, so that he feels at ease.

How to arrange a small children's room

Furniture is required that can shape the space in the room and can be the most important element for a child.

Among modern children's rooms you can find a pirate cabin, a fairy-tale room for a princess, and a compartment in a spaceship. But appearance- That's not all. for children must substantially comply with certain rules.

First of all, we're talking about O safety for the child. Be careful of glass that breaks easily and sharp corners that could injure children. The child often climbs on furniture, so you need to look for something durable and wear-resistant for the room, and also exclude loose elements. Furniture should be made only from environmentally friendly materials.

And secondly, the furniture should correspond to the tastes and characters of children. Never force your child to be in a room he or she does not like. When you buy furniture for a children's bedroom, be sure to consult with your child and try to find out what kind of room he dreams of, you can show him an example from the catalog. But be careful, children have a wild imagination, and it is very difficult for them to do it themselves. independent choice, so try together to choose the setting that will make your child happy every day.

Also important is the fact that in the setting of a children's bedroom there should be suited to the child’s age and growth. For example, so that the child can independently get things and objects from a high shelf, turn on and off the light, without the risk of falling or hitting himself.

Just remember that the bed should not be near heating device, and the table should be near natural light so that it falls on the left side.

What kind of wallpaper for a child's room?

The walls in a children's room are, one might say, its main element, and the child always sees them in front of him. Moreover, they are the first material on which children try themselves as little artists. The first letters learned, inscriptions in clumsy handwriting, portraits of family members most often leave indelible marks on the wallpaper recently pasted by parents.

The question “what wallpaper to choose for a child’s room” is not idle, because it is known that the pictures and patterns depicted on them have an impact on the child’s psyche, so the choice of wallpaper must be taken very seriously. Wallpaper for a children's room must certainly meet the requirements of environmental friendliness, practicality, safety, and also be made in a color scheme that is optimal for children's eyes.

Now natural wallpapers on the market are represented by paper, textile and cork wall materials.

The most practical, and also economical, option would be to use paper wallpaper. Their choice is so wide that choosing a coating for any interior will not be a problem. Moreover, paper wallpaper do not pose any threat to the health of children, because they are environmentally friendly pure material and do not contain any synthetic fibers. Of course, they do not have a very long service life, however, their prices are very affordable, and therefore they can be changed quite often without much damage to family budget and without much regret.

It is clear that single-layer paper wallpapers cannot be subjected to serious cleaning or washing, because they are not resistant to moisture, but their two-layer colleagues can already be wiped with a slightly damp cloth, and they do not fade so much in the sun.

So, next we look at the question of which wallpaper for the nursery should be chosen. Another type natural wallpaper are cork wallpapers. They differ from other wallpapers in their antistatic properties: due to the fact that they are not electrified, they do not collect dust on their surface, and this greatly facilitates their maintenance and extends the service life of this coating. It is precisely because of this property that cork wallpaper is an excellent option for decorating walls in a nursery, especially if the child has frequent allergic reactions. However, these wallpapers also have a drawback - their price. They cost more than regular paper wallpaper, so, unfortunately, not everyone can afford them.

Another expensive type of natural wallpaper for a child’s room is textile wallpaper. They are made in two layers: one layer is a paper or non-woven base, the other is fabric or threads applied to this base, from natural or artificial materials. Now textile wallpapers made specifically for children's rooms, the top layer of which is made of linen, have begun to appear on the market.

In addition to the fact that textile wallpapers are quite expensive, another disadvantage is the difficulty of caring for this coating - they need to be very carefully wiped with a dry cloth or very carefully vacuumed. Textile wallpaper not only looks very beautiful on the walls, but is also environmentally friendly, has good noise insulation properties, and is fire resistant, which is also a definite plus.

Market of finishing and related materials offers consumers wallpaper in a huge assortment. They can depict abstract drawings, maybe characters from your favorite films and cartoons, all kinds of ornaments, etc. Moreover, there are even wallpapers that are specifically designed for what the child drew on them.

However, when deciding which wallpaper to choose for a nursery, experts recommend giving preference to coatings with calm flowers, which have a beneficial effect on the child’s psyche. Therefore, the most the best option The wallpaper is presented in soft pastel colors. It is undesirable to use wallpaper with a frequently repeating pattern, because children can get bored of it very quickly and will only cause sparseness.

Whatever covering you choose, you should always remember that the children's room should be as cozy and comfortable as possible, because this is the child's world in which he develops, grows, and matures.

Main criteria

There are several rules thanks to which you can arrange a children's room - the bedroom can be made more comfortable, larger, wider and more spacious if you use bright hues. But dark shades of the walls will narrow any room. As for the child’s activity, for hyperactive children it is advisable to paint the walls in green shades. As you know, green color calms, but red brings activity. Therefore, to stir up a passive child, fill his room with red objects, toys, and balloons.

The world of a child is a fairy tale of our childhood. Therefore, try to bring it to life for your child, try to arrange the children's room beautifully, and 15 photo examples will help with this.

Ways to furnish a children's room in the photo

A small living area, in this case a one-room apartment, leaves very few options for redevelopment when parents share one room with a child. However, change should only happen because new life carries with it a lot of responsibilities on the part of the parents and a lot of impressions on the part of the child.

But don’t be upset in advance, because today experienced designers have created the most successful techniques that are easy to implement even in small apartment. The main goal of the redevelopment is to functionally use every meter so that each family member can find their own place to their liking.

Effective Zoning Rules

To combine an adult area and a children's corner in one room, it is important to know the laws of ergonomics, because sometimes simple, but effective ways able to increase space. Let's look at a few rules effective zoning And visual increase spaces:

  • The use of arches, podiums, shelving, mechanical partitions perfectly copes with the task of zoning. At the same time, they serve as separation and beneficial functionality;
  • Mirrors are often used by designers in their projects to expand the room. Thanks to the mirror, interior items are mirrored, making the room seem larger. It’s even better to use light colors on the walls and ceiling;
  • Furniture module. The choice of furniture should be based on its mobility and compactness, especially with the current choice of products from European manufacturers it's easy to do. For example, it is better to replace the bed folding sofa, which has a secret place for linen.
  • Make a revolution on your balcony or loggia. By glazing and insulating this part of the apartment, you can lengthen and increase your area.

Properly designed interior depending on the age of the child

Children grow and their interests change with age; what was interesting in infancy is no longer impressive at four years old. Therefore, the differences must have their own original story from birth to school years.

Children's Corner V one-room apartment in the first two years of life one cannot firmly call the child’s property, since at this age the main furniture is a crib and a changing rooma table combined with a chest of drawers.

Further more. The older the child gets, the more his priorities have to change. Starting from the age of two, it’s time to look at furniture that is more interesting for children: bright shelves, framed pictures of animals, crafts, etc. More important feature is illumination.

There should be a lot of light, so it is advisable to place the crib close to the window, but not directly at the windowsill. Very often, the children's area, when the child is still very small, merges with the adult one due to the fact that the crib is placed next to the adult bed. In this case, simply separate the area with a comfortable small chair and a bright rug.

Preschooler and his apartment

Here you can no longer get by with a crib and a chest of drawers; a preschooler needs a table, a full-fledged place on a teenager’s bed, and shelves for stationery.

Here are some tips used in “odnushka”when zoning a room:

  • Opt for beds with drawers;
  • Closet great idea for a shared dressing room, it can be mounted in a niche;
  • Separate off the part of the room where the child will be located with decorative curtains.

The issue of room style worries most residents who have children. Correctly decorate a room in a classic and modern style. The Scandinavian style, devoid of unnecessary items, is also suitable; due to its simplicity and lightness, more and more designers choose it every year to create a warm and calm interior.

7 years - new changes

Arranging a schoolchild's children's corner means making it as independent as possible from the spaciousness of the parent's corner. Children grow up and need their personal space more and more. You can create a partition in several ways:

  • Build a shelving unit;
  • Mount sliding doors or heavy curtains made of durable textiles;
  • Place a closet on the border between the parents' sleeping sofa and the children's corner.

In arranging interior items and furniture, one thing can be said - mobile and compact designs work here. For example, bunk bed with table below save extra square meters for another purpose. As for wall decoration, you can safely give the child a choice, since wallpaper with mini bears or some other little animals from infancy will no longer interest him. A child’s personal furniture is a manifestation of his individuality, so give him the full right to choose.

Mistakes to avoid in a children's room when decorating the interior

A children's room in a one-room apartment, even if there is no room to roam around to realize your desired fantasies, can be made multifaceted and functional; look at the photos in which the zoning of the room between parents and child organically combines interior items. But there are still mistakes that need to be avoided:

  • Electric lighting. Avoid cold light as it makes you feel cold and uneasy. The warm tone of the lamps will give the room comfort and warmth.
  • Too much bright colors. Making a room provocative is unforgivable if you decide to combine all the colors of the rainbow in one room. In such a room it will not only be difficult to stay in, but it will also be impossible to concentrate.
  • Parents are often willing to buy the most expensive things for their child’s home. But take your time and think about whether it is rational to cover the walls with overly expensive wallpaper. Those who have children know that it is better to postpone such an undertaking until the child is in preschool age, since there is a high probability that the walls may be outlined, scuffed and painted. Create a beautiful atmosphere with crafts such as inexpensive light wallpaper will become an object of impression if they are decorated with butterflies. You can draw them or stick them on them by purchasing them at a stationery store.

  • Placing the bed near the window. A window, even the most reliable one, is often a place of drafts, so it is better to step back at least a meter from it.
  • The flooring is carpet. Carpet is, without a doubt, a warm material, not slippery, but if you spill paint water or compote on it, you are unlikely to be able to clean it completely.
  • Heavy curtains near the window. You should not decorate the window with voluminous curtains, they take up free space.

Safety in the children's room

When creating the comfort of a children's room, it is important to foresee all possible dangerous corners in advance. In an effort to make the nursery bright and colorful, do not forget that children are often active and quick to master a new space, so it is very difficult to keep track of them.

Sports corner for children

Each child is gifted with one or another ability and each is talented in his own way, but almost every child loves sports games, which include: climbing stairs, ropes, horizontal bars, etc. In order for the design of a one-room apartment to combine a sports corner, the work area should be properly designed, because often a sports corner is wall bars.

It would be logical to install this corner opposite the bed against the wall, and put a voluminous mat underneath, this point is especially important if you teach your child from an early age. Very often small slides and swings are offered for small children. In our case, you can buy them removable, which are then removed and hidden in a secret place.

To date, manufacturers sports corners offer their consumers a special wall mount on which they can easily hang a bicycle or scooter.

Space for a child is an important component in the overall ambiance of a room. Interior design is not a simple matter, but it can be solved. Thoroughly prepared parents have all the powers to develop their child into a worthy personality, the main thing is not to infringe on his personal space. Check out the photos of designers who offer to skillfully combine the lives of parents and the younger generation.

A small nursery is not a reason to despair. If you organize the space correctly, everything your child needs will fit in it. Our tips on decorating the interior of a small children's room will help you visually expand the room, as well as decide on the choice of finishes, furniture and decor.

Choosing a style for a small room

Of all the variety of design styles, those that are characterized for the most part are suitable for decorating a small nursery. light shades. These include modern, marine, classic, Scandinavian, Provence and loft.

Children's room in modern style

The strict laconicism of modernity in children's version diluted bright colors, but maintains the correctness of the lines. A restrained interior without much decoration creates the impression of cleanliness and order, teaching neatness.

The decoration of a small children's room in a modern style is mostly monochromatic, with occasional discreet geometric prints. This style is more suitable for boys and girls over 10 years old.

Children's room in nautical style

Does your child dream of travel, distant islands and sunken treasures? Marine style will help turn your dreams into reality.

It is characterized by a combination of white, blue and red colors (solid and striped fragments) with a noble wood texture. In the interior of a small children's room nautical style There must certainly be such attributes as a steering wheel, anchors, and fishing nets. Drawings and decor in the form of shells, fish, starfish, as well as an aquarium (preferably from acrylic glass), wall clock-compass, inflatable Lifebuoy, models of sailing ships and yachts.

For curtains, it is better to use translucent matte tulle, reminiscent of sails, but rough matting, linen or cotton fabric in blue and white colors will also work. Curtain tiebacks can be made from ropes, tying them with beautiful nautical knots.

Children's room in classic style

Delicate cream shades, luxurious wavy draperies, the shine of gold and silver, elegant ornaments, carved furniture— in such an environment, every child will feel like in a fairy tale.

It is better to decorate a small children's room for a girl in airy or marshmallow tones, and for a boy to use more varnished wood, elements of blue, gray and beige.

Children's room in Scandinavian style

Children who love winter will surely love the clean and cool Nordic interior.

Main feature Scandinavian style- an abundance of light, which is especially important for small children's rooms. Everything in it is reminiscent of northern nature: parquet and bleached wood furniture, shades of snow-capped mountains and icy rivers, cobweb chandeliers or snow globes. The windows remain open most of the time, letting in the sun, and at night they can be closed with light-colored roller blinds.

Children's room in Provence style

French Provence is pastel tenderness, small floral patterns, chintz fabrics, lace, frills and thin flowing lines. This romantic style more suitable for girls, of all ages - from infants to high school students.

The unobtrusive lightness of Provence will create a wonderful, peaceful atmosphere in a small nursery in which it is pleasant to play, study and relax.

Children's room in loft style

This style is characterized by industrial features: unfinished walls (imitation brick or stone masonry, concrete slabs), open ceiling beams, metal lamps on brackets or laconic hanging chandeliers, urban photo wallpaper, simple furniture. All this gives the room a free and slightly careless look.

A small loft-style nursery can be a good option for an active boy. In an environment where everything looks reliable and unbreakable, you can play ball, climb sports walls and hanging ladders, swing on rings and train on the horizontal bar.

Colors for a small children's room

Decorating a small nursery requires moderation in the choice of colors. Of course, you want to surround your baby with bright things, but it’s better if they are toys. Wallpaper, furniture, floor or ceiling coverings will look much more harmonious in a restrained and neutral palette.

White children's room

The snow-white color and its light shades will visually expand even the tiniest children's room, making it lighter and more comfortable. In addition, the light background goes perfectly with both pastel and rich elements.

Beige children's

Decorating a small children's room beige tones Ideal for children of any gender. You can complement beige with details of green, pink, and also blue color, products from natural wood, gold or silver inserts.

Yellow children's

Room design in warm sunny colors is a universal option. Yellow lifts your spirits, gives you energy, stimulates mental activity. In such a room the child will become friendly and cheerful.

Any shade of yellow can be mixed with equal saturation - green, blue, purple, gray, white or pink. Orange and red colors are allowed only in small splashes, otherwise they will attract all attention.

Green nursery

The color of grass and spring leaves is the easiest to perceive. It is ideal for decorating a small children's room in natural tones and looks great next to wood.

Green can be easily diluted with white, gray, orange, yellow, brown, turquoise, purple or pink. It is the color of peace and security, giving rest to the eyes.

Pink children's

Traditional for little princesses, pink creates a serene atmosphere. Every girl will love such a gentle, doll-like children's room. You can combine dreamy pink with everything pastel shades, as well as light green and chocolate.

Blue children's

Blue color is equally suitable for both boys and girls. The interior of a small children's room, made in blue tones with white additions, but beige, pink, and yellow shades are also appropriate.

Materials and decoration of a small nursery

Materials for any children's room should be chosen with special care. Firstly, they must be environmentally friendly and not emit harmful substances, synthetic odors, and secondly, to be resistant to mechanical damage. In addition, no less important - aesthetic appearance and affordable price.


In a small nursery it is very desirable to have a heated floor. Suitable for coatings wooden parquet, quality laminate, Cork tree. For babies who are just learning to walk, a soft carpet or carpet tiles will be indispensable.

It is better to avoid linoleum and fashionable self-leveling options - it is solid plastic, and besides, it is very slippery. In general, you shouldn’t make too smooth hard floors in such rooms: one careless movement can lead to injury, but children love to jump, run, dance and fool around all the time.


To make a small room seem more spacious, the walls should be light and discreet. This could be painting, wallpaper (except vinyl - they do not allow the walls to breathe and sometimes even cause allergic reactions), decorative plaster. Small, graceful patterns are allowed, thin stripes, photo wallpaper with perspective or 3D effect.

It makes sense to leave one of the walls or part of it under children's creativity. A slate surface (board or special paint) is perfect for drawing with chalk. You can also buy paper wallpaper-coloring books, which will provide your child with interesting leisure time for a long time.


For finishing the ceiling in a small nursery, light whitewash is optimal. To forget about cracks and crumbling plaster for 20-30 years, paint can be applied over painting fiberglass.

If you need volume, then a two-level plasterboard structure will fit perfectly here. Glossy materials will help make the room visually taller suspended ceiling, as well as upward-facing lighting.


Fabrics used in the baby's room should be hypoallergenic and collect as little dust as possible. For curtains will do thin tulle, linen or cotton. You can also use bamboo blinds and Roman shades.

When choosing bed linen, it is advisable to focus on dim colors that harmoniously match the interior. Textiles in contact with skin must comply sanitary standards, no chemical smell and no shedding. It must contain completely natural fibers.

Arrangement of furniture, appliances and accessories

To make it convenient for your child to play and do things, you should take care of the correct arrangement of furniture, provide shelves, drawers, and cabinets for storing clothes, toys or books. If every thing has its place, this will teach the baby to have order.

Small square children's room

IN square room you can put a bed against one wall, a closet against the other, and a work desk near the window. The remaining space can easily be filled by a wall bars, sports rings or some additional shelving.

Narrow (rectangular) small children's room

To balance a rectangular children's room, you need to place wide transverse elements (a single or two-tier bed, a low bookcase with shelves, chests of drawers) along the narrow walls, and tall, slender cabinets near the long ones.

If the window is on a short wall, it should be covered by one curtain with pronounced transverse folds, and in the opposite case, vertical curtains from the ceiling to the floor will come in handy.

Small children's room of non-standard shape

If the children's room has non-standard layout, then there is wide scope for imagination. For example, you can order unusual furniture with beveled corners, make an interesting niche for a bed out of plasterboard or wood, hang a hammock, and place low ottomans or bean bags instead of ordinary chairs.

Proper lighting in the nursery

The room in which the child spends a lot of time must be well lit. This has an impact not only on the overall atmosphere, making the room cozy and welcoming, but also on vision.

The soft, diffused light of LED bulbs (light emitting diodes) in the white and yellow spectrum is best perceived. In second place in terms of safety are incandescent lamps. According to researchers, they are as close as possible in the type of radiation to sunlight. Bright neon colors can irritate the eyes, and fluorescent lights daylight(containing mercury) are generally not recommended for use at home, especially in a nursery.

As for lamps, in a small children's room you should give preference to spot options, placing them along the entire ceiling. In the center you can hang a small chandelier, for example, in the form of a ball, bell, butterfly. A compact sconce would not hurt on the wall near the bed, and would be ideal for a work area desk lamp or directional pendant.