What can I do to prevent the pan from burning? Cast iron frying pan sticks - what to do? Sticks to a Teflon frying pan, what should I do?

At all times, housewives have struggled with food burnt to the bottom of dishes. This problem especially often occurs with frying pans. A little over 10 years ago, Teflon-coated samples hit the market, which seemed like a salvation from such a disaster. This material was especially appreciated by fans healthy image life, because during operation there is no need to add oil. Nevertheless, the problem of burnt food still remains relevant, and modern housewives still share cleaning methods if a frying pan burns. But why is this happening, because it’s the 21st century, technology has reached incredible limits in the production of dishes and care products.

Regardless of the material from which the frying pan is made, there are several main reasons for its deterioration:

  • low-quality frying pans - samples from trusted companies that have a non-stick coating, according to the manufacturer's recommendation, can be used for no more than 2-4 years. What can we say about fakes or cheap dishes? When consumers try to save money by buying frying pans at extremely low prices, they do not realize that their useful life is reduced significantly. Thus, a cheaply purchased non-stick frying pan will only be good for 2-3 months. After approximately this period of time, food begins to stick;
  • Improper use of the frying pan also causes mechanical damage to its surface. Whether the cookware is ceramic, Teflon coated, cast iron, or any other material, it cannot withstand abuse. It is important to follow the recommendations for use given by the manufacturer or read on the Internet, otherwise the dishes will soon become unusable.

To eliminate the causes of food burning in a frying pan, you should choose only high-quality samples and follow the rules for use, care and storage.

How to clean a burnt frying pan

If you are unable to save the dishes, you should explore cleaning methods that differ depending on the material from which they are made. And the sooner you do this, the easier it will be to remove carbon deposits. Long-term use of a frying pan with soot leads not only to a deterioration in the quality of food, but also to the growth of a layer of old fat. In the future, it will become more difficult to clean the pan, or you will have to throw it away altogether.

Cast-iron pan

This frying pan produces the most delicious pancakes, but only if the poured dough does not stick. To prevent this from happening, it is important to take action immediately.

  1. Once burning occurs, remove food from the pan before it sticks further. Pour 2 tablespoons of salt onto a dry bottom and pour in 100 ml of vinegar. Place the frying pan on the heat and wait until the mixture boils away. Next, add baking soda in the same volume as salt and keep on the fire for another 10 minutes. Let cool and then wash as usual.
  2. If you just purchased a cast iron frying pan, you can create a non-stick layer by filling the bottom with salt and placing it in the oven. Leave for an hour, then remove the salt and wipe the dishes vegetable oil.

If the cast iron frying pan still burns after this, boil it with citric acid, dissolved in water (1 tablespoon per liter of liquid).

Aluminum frying pan

Removing burnt fat from such dishes is not difficult: pour water into a deep container and add silicate glue and soda in proportions of one tablespoon per liter of water. This solution should be placed on the stove and boiled, and then lower the frying pan into it. Usually half an hour is enough for the burnt food to go away. Next, just use a sponge to rinse the pan under water using a regular detergent.

There is another way - the removed skin from sour apples is poured into a pan of water, boiled, and then the frying pan is lowered into it. Boiling for an hour completely removes carbon deposits due to the acid released from the fruit peel.

Ceramic pan

It's a little more difficult to clean a burnt ceramic frying pan. Such utensils are especially valued by housewives, as they are environmentally friendly, cooking also does not require the addition of oil, and the food turns out tasty and of high quality. But ceramics are far from the easiest material to use, so housewives are often faced with the need to remove burnt food from its surface.

There are several cleaning methods that allow you to remove burnt oil and other food from a ceramic frying pan; you need to choose based on the degree of contamination.

  1. Small areas of dirt can be easily removed with a cloth or sponge soaked in olive oil.
  2. If the pan burns strongly, add hot water and add a few drops of dish soap. Leave for half an hour or an hour, then simply wipe with a soft sponge.
  3. Large stains of burnt fat can be removed with ethyl alcohol - blot a cloth with it and thoroughly saturate the stain. Then wipe and wash the pan as usual.
  4. Even more old and large burnt areas can be cleaned household products for washing kitchen stove. To do this, you need to treat the surface to be cleaned with gel or foam (not powders), leave for 15-20 minutes and rinse thoroughly under water.

Stainless steel

You can remove the burnt layer on a stainless steel frying pan with salt - cover the area thickly and leave to “salt” for 2-3 hours. Afterwards, rinse under water and, if necessary, scrub with a sponge. Many housewives fill the frying pan with a salty solution, but this is not recommended; as a result, yellow stains will remain on the dishes.

If the pan is burnt, it is better to wash it immediately. If it doesn’t scrub well, boil water and soda in it (1-2 tablespoons). As a rule, this is enough to remove carbon deposits.

Non-stick coating

There are several ways to clean a burnt non-stick frying pan:

  1. Boil the dishes in a solution of water and detergent, based on the proportion: per 1 liter of the first component, 10 ml of the second. Then rinse under running water.
  2. Make a solution of 3 liters of water, 150 ml of silicate glue and 200 g. soda Boil it and lower the frying pan into it, and rinse after 30-40 minutes.
  3. Wash the pan several times dishwasher, then, if necessary, wipe with a sponge.
  4. Use sanitary gels for plumbing fixtures - their components combat various types pollution.

In all cases, it is important to start acting as early as possible - the older the burn, the more time and effort you will have to put in.

It is also important to remember - never rub baking soda or other abrasive substances on pans. Modern manufacturers even the most resistant materials cover protective layers, which are easy to destroy by rubbing the dishes once with a brush or abrasives.

Nutritionists and doctors can talk as much as they like about the dangers of fried foods, but even people on a strict diet sometimes treat themselves to delicious golden fried potatoes and onions. Unfortunately, the cooking process is often marred by food burning to the bottom of the dishes, which becomes a real problem to wash. Modern tableware with a non-stick coating, designed to make the work of housewives easier and save them from this scourge, does not always satisfy consumer requirements. After all, dishes cooked in traditional aluminum and cast iron frying pans often seem much tastier and more aromatic to us.

Why does food burn on the pan?

It would seem that, ideal option in this case, you should have a non-stick frying pan. So it was when such a miracle first appeared on our market, and we could not get enough of the opportunity to cook dishes without oil and the ease of washing this kind of dishes. But it turns out that the shelf life of such frying pans is much shorter than the usual cast iron and aluminum ones, and the food cooked in them is not as tasty.

Non-stick frying pans with Teflon coating, as well as ceramic ones, should be purchased only original ones from a well-known manufacturer, well-established brands. But even after 2-3 years of operation they will have to be changed, since the ones that appear on top layer scratches and microcracks will cause food to burn. In addition, damage to the top layer makes the dishes unsuitable for use, since food cooked in them is harmful to health. What to do - you have to change the dishes.

Microcracks and scratches appear during use on aluminum and cast iron frying pans, which makes the cooking process not particularly comfortable, and washing dishes even painful.

What can you do to prevent food from burning on the pan?

During cooking, it is very important that the pan does not burn.

So what can you do to prevent food from sticking to the surface during cooking and the pan from burning? We offer some practical tips that will help make the cooking process more enjoyable and cleaning the pan less difficult.

Non-stick cookware

A frying pan with a non-stick coating requires special care to increase its service life.

  • Contact with the surface of metal objects such as knives and forks is undesirable. Use wooden or plastic spatulas to stir food during cooking.
  • Cleaning agents with abrasive particles are not suitable for caring for such dishes; they scratch the surface, causing scratches and microcracks.
  • Do not use metal scourers to remove burnt food, much less scrape it with a knife.
  • In order for the surface of the product to remain intact for as long as possible, and for the frying pan to please its owner, you should not leave empty dishes on the burner that is on. Temperature changes are also harmful to the coating, so you should not pour cold water into a hot frying pan.

Recipes for aluminum and cast iron cookware

There are several old, but quite effective and proven recipes that were used by our grandmothers, who had no idea about new technologies that made it possible to create non-stick cookware. And yet, their simple kitchen utensils made of cast iron and aluminum were always in perfect condition, and the food did not burn and was amazingly tasty.

  • Heat a dry frying pan over low heat and place 3-4 tablespoons of salt on the hot surface (it is better to use coarse table salt). Distribute the salt in an even layer over the entire surface of the bottom and fry over medium heat for about 2-3 minutes. Leave the pan to cool, then remove the salt and wipe the surface with a dry cloth. This "grandmother's" recipe will prevent food from burning in the pan. It should be noted that this recipe is not suitable for Teflon and ceramic surfaces; it can only be used for traditional cast iron and aluminum frying pans.
  • Heating the pan with salt is a good thing to do before cooking pancakes. In this case, they turn out one to one and do not stick at all, even the very first pancake, which is traditionally supposed to be lumpy.
  • There is another equally interesting and unexpected way to save a frying pan on which food always burns. You need to throw diced pieces of bread on it and fry them without adding oil until cooked over low heat. As a result, you will receive for the first course delicious croutons and a frying pan that will not burn.

It is not clear why these recipes work, maybe someone will someday explain this phenomenon with scientific point vision. In this case, the result is important to us, and, as they say, it is obvious, that is, in a frying pan, in which you can now cook with pleasure.

No matter what food system we adhere to, it is unlikely that we can do without a frying pan in the kitchen. Tasty and healthy food is not only the basis of our lives, but also a source of pleasure and even communication. Utensils in which cooking brings true pleasure deserve special praise. We are happy to share useful and practical advice, and if you have any special little-known recipes, we will be glad if you share with us.

This point is familiar to everyone who has at least once tried to fry cutlets, pancakes, fish, chops or anything else in a frying pan without a non-stick coating. At first everything goes according to plan - you heat the pan, add oil, then start frying, and at the moment when it is time to turn the food over to the other side, you realize that it is stuck tightly. At best, you still manage to turn your chicken breast, a cutlet or whatever you fried, significantly spoiling its presentation; at worst, you go into panic while your failed dinner, stuck to the frying pan, quickly turns into coals...

Yes, as always, I exaggerated things a little, but anyone who has encountered such a situation knows that this is not funny at all. Well, in this case, you should be encouraged by the thought that there is a completely rational explanation for what happened, which means that next time it can be avoided. In this article, we will look at why food may stick to the pan, and what to do if this happens to you. So,

Why does she stick...

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A disclaimer needs to be made at the outset: not all pans are created equal. Modern frying pans with a non-stick coating, for example, are completely unheard of about the problem of sticking, because they were invented precisely for this purpose - so that you could fry cutlets, scrambled eggs and fish without thinking about how to finally tear them off the bottom of the pan. Cast iron frying pans are a different matter: they are calcined in a special way with the addition of oil, which fills microscopic pores in the metal, forming smooth coating, to which, if done correctly, food no longer sticks. Thus, the main record holders for food sticking are stainless steel frying pans.

A steel frying pan is a great item. It is grippy, not too heavy, its material does not react with acidic foods (as, for example, copper does), it heats up relatively quickly, and with the right skill, absolutely any dish on it will turn out absolutely perfect. A stainless steel frying pan, however, does not always heat up evenly, but this problem has already been solved by making multilayer frying pans with the addition of various alloys. Thus, its only drawback remains excessive stickiness.

So why does food stick to the pan?

This is where chemistry (in the science sense, not the science that everyone thinks) comes into play. You may not have taken it or have completely forgotten what van der Waals forces are, but you are sure to remember that high temperature accelerates everything chemical processes happening around us. The cutlet might stick to a cold frying pan (if they both survived long enough), but in a hot frying pan this happens almost instantly. Quite strong bonds are formed between the molecules on the surfaces of the food and the frying pan, whack - and your cutlet stays on as if glued! Products with a high protein content stick especially tightly to the pan, since proteins form compounds with iron atoms on the surface of the pan, and due to the structural features of fish in general and its protein structure in particular, it is fish that sticks to the pan most strongly.

…and what to do with it?

The easiest and most logical way to prevent food from sticking to the pan is to place something between them that can separate them. There's a clever and simple trick I use when I want fried fish with crispy skin that won't have to be pulled off the bottom of the pan. Take a sheet of parchment, fold it in half, then again, then fold the paper in half 2-3 more times so that the fold line each time passes through the corner marking the center of the large sheet. Place this corner to the center of the frying pan and cut the paper a little earlier than the walls of the frying pan begin, unfold it - and you will have a piece of parchment, conditionally round shape with a diameter slightly smaller than the bottom of the frying pan, which is called the word “cartouche”. Place it in a frying pan, add oil and fry the fish, pressing it to the bottom with a spatula.

Everything ingenious is simple, isn't it? This technique can be used not only for frying fish, but also in other cases when you are afraid that your food will burn, but frying should not be too long.

But stop! In fact, we always put something between the food and the bottom of the pan that is quite capable of preventing it from sticking. This thing is called "butter".

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Really, correct use Using oil when frying can, if not completely eliminate, then significantly reduce the risk of food burning, and the key to this, again, lies in selecting the correct temperature. The fact is that cold oil has a higher viscosity than hot oil. As it heats up, it becomes more fluid, which is easily noticeable even to the naked eye, and penetrates those microscopic pores at the bottom of the pan, filling them and thereby reducing the area of ​​contact between food and metal. But the main trick here is that oil can heat up to a temperature much higher than the boiling point of water.

Oil is your friend and helper

What happens to food - that same cutlet or piece of chicken - after it is added to a frying pan with hot oil? Heat instantly evaporates moisture from its surface, turning it into steam. But since the piece of chicken is in the pan, the steam can't just escape, and it lifts the product a little - it turns out something like air cushion, which forms a layer between food and metal and prevents their interaction. The problem is that both the food itself and this steam are at a much lower temperature than the oil, cooling it, and if there was not enough oil (or you did not let it heat up properly), its temperature will drop below what is necessary for the water to evaporate, coming out of the product - and that’s all, good news.

Thus, the oil must always be heated properly, almost to the smoking point, but still without allowing it to smoke - and the amount of oil must be sufficient to maintain its temperature at the required level.

Worried about using too much oil? You are right to be afraid - but there are tricks here too, knowing which you can reduce the amount of oil.

First, use a frying pan with a thick bottom - this holds heat well and will heat the oil that the treacherous food is trying to cool.

Secondly, whenever possible, fry foods in batches - even if it takes a little longer, but this way they will not crowd in the pan and fry correctly.

Finally, before frying, blot your food with paper towels to remove moisture from the surface: less water means less energy needed to evaporate it, which means less oil.

If the food still sticks

This is also possible. Yes, I know, you did everything exactly as written above, but there are too many variables in the equation, and your eye is not a precision instrument, and you just want to cook dinner without claiming a Nobel Prize in physics (at least not in this moment).

It's no secret that work the kitchen doesn't bring the most trouble, when it comes to cleaning and . Burnt frying pan can add tr at days. Therefore, it will be useful for you to know what to do to the food didn't burn!

We cook and clean the kitchen several times a day and it takes a lot of effort and time. Those who love to cook know dozens that make their lives much easier, but for others, cooking usually causes a lot of stress.

For example, when you wash dishes, it is often difficult to remove grease and food residue from the dishes. Agree, there is nothing worse than spending hours preparing a dish only to have it burn tightly to the bottom of the pan.

To help you avoid these problems, today we will tell you 9 interesting “tricks” to the food didn't burn.

Write it down!

1. To prevent food from burning, use olive oil

A small amount of olive oil at the bottom of the pan - this is one of the most effective ways save food from burning. Just pour a little oil into the pan and use a silicone brush spread it evenly to cover the entire bottom.

Before you start frying, you need to wait until the pan is hot (of course, the oil should not burn or smoke).

2. Add a little salt

If the pan is made of aluminum, food will stick to it more easily. After all, it is a porous material.

To prevent burning, apply to the bottom of the pan. thin layer sunflower oil And add a little salt, spreading it evenly over the entire surface.

Try not to overdo it with salt, as this can make the food taste worse. If you feel you have added too much, remove the excess with a napkin before the pan heats up.

3. Use apple cider vinegar

Aluminum and other porous materials must be securely “sealed” before you start cooking. This is necessary to prevent the food from burning.

A good option is to pour a little oil and, after it heats up, add a little vinegar. Wait until it has completely evaporated and you can begin the cooking process.

In addition, you will be interested to know one more fact. According to a study conducted by Middlesax University (UK), vinegar has antibacterial properties, which means it helps to further disinfect kitchen utensils.

4.To prevent food from burning, use natural butter

Natural oil contains nutrients, essential for the body, and oily compounds make the task of cooking easier.

Depending on the type, oil may be a source irreplaceable fatty acids, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants.

Use a teaspoon butter to grease the pan before cooking sausages or croquettes.

To prevent the oil from burning, do not overheat the pan and add a pinch of salt.

5. Stop using metal spatulas and spoons

If you are cooking in a frying pan with, Do not use metal spoons or spatulas. They can easily damage it.

Instead, you can buy wooden, plastic or silicone spatulas. They will not scratch the surface and therefore food will not stick.

6. Do not use metal jaws

Such wire or simply hard sponges can enlarge pores in aluminum pans and scratch the coating on non-stick ones. Instead, use soft sponges or brushes to keep your pans in good condition longer.

7. Don’t store pans inside each other

Of course, this saves space, but it’s better not to do it. 15 ideas that will make cleaning and household chores less time-consuming

Many housewives have appreciated the benefits of cooking in a cast iron frying pan. But such cookware is not equipped with the non-stick coating that is fashionable today, and troubles happen with it: it happens that instead of a beautiful dish, you end up with heavily fried or even completely burnt food. But there are little secrets that will help eliminate this problem forever. Today we will talk about why everything sticks to a cast iron frying pan, what to do and how to get rid of it. How to make meat, chicken and scrambled eggs no longer sticky?


If your kitchen aid begins to burn, it means that mistakes were made in its use:

  1. When using a new frying pan, it is possible that it may not be properly prepared for use.
  2. A mistake in caring for dishes that have been in use for many years. If it was washed or stored incorrectly, it will definitely start to burn.

In any case, the solution is very simple: the cast iron product must be calcined and then grease the entire frying surface with oil.

Why heat the pan?

Cast iron - hard material, having many pores visible to the naked eye. Both the oil necessary for frying and water can equally easily get into these pores, causing unpleasant consequences.

If you just purchased a new cast iron frying pan, remember that it needs preliminary preparation. The dishes must be washed and placed on the stove to warm up.

Important! This way, all unnecessary chemicals that could have been used to create the dishes will come out and burn. Calcination will also help create a kind of film on the dishes, thanks to which the food will not burn.

Benefits of calcination:

  • All dirt that has fallen on it from the store and from production is removed from the dishes.
  • Getting rid of excess odors.
  • Making a homemade non-stick coating
  • Protection against rust and corrosion.

Accordingly, both completely new dishes and those that have not been used for a long time must be calcined.

How to heat a frying pan?

A cast iron frying pan has been used by housewives for decades; it is reliable, retains heat for a long time and is very convenient to cook with. But if your cast iron pan is sticking, you should follow these steps:

  1. Clear inner part dishes from burnt food.
  2. If it was not possible to remove all the dirt the first time, you can pour a little water into the dish, add soda, and boil the solution for 3-5 minutes. Afterwards, the water is cooled, drained and the surface is cleaned again.
  3. Next, the pan is washed cold water and leave to dry.
  4. After drying, salt about 1 cm thick is poured into the frying pan and heated over the fire for about half an hour.
  5. Next, allow the pan to cool, remove the salt and grease its entire surface with vegetable oil. You can choose sunflower, olive, flaxseed or any other oil.

Important! The lubricant allows you to create a film on the dishes that penetrates into the porous material, which protects the surface from burning.

There are several nuances that should be taken into account by all housewives who are wondering: what to do to prevent a cast iron frying pan from burning.

Question one

The first thing housewives are interested in is what layer of salt should be poured in order to successfully heat a frying pan? Salt is needed to extract all the dirt and moisture from porous cast iron, so don't skimp. The layer should cover the entire bottom of the dish, at least half a centimeter.

Important! To prevent the salt from burning, it should be stirred after heating. To do this, you can use a wooden spatula.

After you have heated the pan, remove the salt. To do this, take a soft, dry cloth or napkin.

Important! Cast iron cools very slowly, but you need to be patient and wait for the cookware to cool completely. Otherwise, you may get burned.

Question two

The next question that we should dwell on in more detail is how to heat a cast iron frying pan so that it does not burn. The most convenient thing is to heat it in an oven, but this method is not available to most modern housewives. Therefore, you can use the oven or take the dishes with you outdoors and heat them over a fire.

Important! As a last resort, you can do this on the stove, only in this case you must ventilate the kitchen well during and after processing the dishes.

  1. When calcining in the oven, oil is used to lubricate not only the inside, but also outer part. And in order not to wash the entire oven from oil stains later, cover the bottom with foil or place a baking sheet.
  2. If you use a dish for frying pancakes, before cooking, coat the inside of it well with vegetable oil, then heat it up and only then start cooking.

Don’t forget about proper care of your dishes. Then it will definitely serve you for a long time and won’t make you worry about burnt food.


If your cast iron frying pan is sticking, it's most likely due to improper use. Let's look at the basic recommendations for caring for cast iron. To prevent food from burning on the dishes, just follow a few simple rules.

Rule 1

Do not wash the pan with hard brushes or abrasive powders. This type of handling will result in the food starting to stick. If there is fat left on the surface, you can remove it soft cloth or a napkin. If there is stuck food, soak the pan with baking soda or detergent for several hours.

Rule 2

Storage cast iron cookware must be dry. After washing, you can dry it on the stove. If water remains on the dishes, this will lead to rust, and cooking in such a frying pan becomes not only inconvenient, but also dangerous.

Rule 3

A cast iron frying pan requires you to use it as often as possible. With constant use, it is lubricated with oil, and its surface is less susceptible to corrosion, and food does not stick.

Important! If you have not used the cookware for a long time, rinse it and bake it before cooking.

If your dishes are no longer new and are damaged by carbon deposits or rust, you need to clean them. Let's look at how to do this below.

Cleaning the frying pan

The two main problems faced by users of cast iron cookware are carbon deposits and rust. Methods for cleaning these contaminants are simple, but differ from each other.


There are many ways to clean a frying pan from carbon deposits. Let's look at the main ones.

Vinegar and salt

Salt and vinegar will help us clean cast iron from carbon deposits:

  1. They must be mixed so that a porridge-like mass is obtained.
  2. Apply a homemade cleaning product to a sponge and rub the stains inner surface dishes.
  3. The outer part can be processed special chemistry from soot or vinegar.
  4. After the procedure, the pan is washed and dried on the stove.

Important! If the carbon deposits are very strong, cleaning may take several days, in which case the product is soaked in a cleaning solution.

Soda, glue and soap

Another option if your cast iron pan burns:

  1. Mix 0.5 kg of soda, two bottles of office glue, and a chopped piece of laundry soap.
  2. The entire mixture must be mixed with water and placed in a large saucepan so that it covers the entire pan.
  3. Next, set the pan to heat, wait until it boils and the soot separates.
  4. Afterwards, the frying pan is taken out and washed, cleaning off the carbon deposits that have not come off mechanically.

Important! The same method can be used without glue and soda, just prepare more strong solution laundry soap.


Another option is to heat the pan over an open fire. But if it is not possible to get out onto the site or into the forest, this method can be upgraded to a home one. For this we need an oven:

  1. Line a baking sheet with foil.
  2. Place the dishes on it upside down.
  3. Let it warm up for 2 hours at 250 degrees.

Important! When calcining at home, there may be a lot of smoke in the room, so before starting work, open all the windows, and if you have an exhaust hood, turn it on too.

How to remove rust?

In order to remove rust, housewives also came up with many options. Let's talk about a few.

Important! If you notice traces of rust on the dishes, do not hesitate, because upon contact with food, they release substances that are dangerous to humans, which can lead to serious health consequences.

First way

Mix vinegar and water 1:1, soak the pan in this solution for 2-3 hours. Afterwards, we clean it with a porridge-like mixture of salt and vegetable oil.

If there is old rust, this method may not be suitable. More “strong artillery” is needed.

Second way:

  1. First, the dishes are thoroughly cleaned with Pemolux type powder.
  2. Next, use a wire brush.
  3. If there are still traces of rust on the frying pan after such a strong impact, you can use sandpaper.
  4. After all work, the frying pan is thoroughly washed and dried.

Third way

Also experienced housewives It is advised to make a kind of non-stick coating for cookware. To do this, it is well lubricated with vegetable oil and calcined in the oven at 180 degrees for about an hour. Afterwards, the dishes are allowed to cool and the remaining fat is wiped off with a napkin. The coating is created due to the fact that the porous material is clogged with oil, and does not give water a chance to get inside.

Important! If you decide to take this advice, please note that any detergents, dissolving fat, remove non-stick coating.

Now that your vessel is sparkling clean, it’s time to choose the appropriate recipe from those offered in our selection.

Video material

In skillful hands, food cooked on cast iron always turns out tasty, and to prevent it from burning, use simple rules care and tips on what to do to prevent a cast iron frying pan from sticking. Delight yourself and your loved ones with new dishes every day!