Bitumen impregnation for concrete. Penetron materials for concrete waterproofing. Waterproofing impregnation for concrete

The main event that can provide comfortable conditions existence, is the fight against dampness indoors. The first material used for waterproofing was animal fat. As an alternative to this expensive water-repellent material, over time, cheaper vegetable fats, tar - a resinous product of dry wood, and natural bitumen - began to be used. Vegetable fats and tar became the founders of impregnating waterproofing, natural bitumens formed the basis for the production technology of coating and similar ones. roll waterproofing.

Types of impregnating waterproofing

Impregnated waterproofing, due to its ease of implementation, has still not lost its popularity. Some materials in this group have remained almost unchanged, for example, drying oil, which is a boiled vegetable oil, and tar.

IN modern construction A number of new highly effective impregnations are used: based on oligomeric, acrylic, silicone, epoxy and other synthetic resins.

  • As a cheaper alternative to oil impregnations, oligomeric waterproofing was developed. This impregnation is produced from oil refining products and is a material similar in composition and properties machine oil and diesel fuel. The protective effect of oligomeric waterproofing is based on the non-wetting properties of carbohydrates. The main difficulty in using such waterproofing is the need to apply it to dry surfaces, which is impossible in damp rooms that are already in use. In addition, these impregnations contain organic solvents, which smell for some time.

Insulating emulsions were developed to work on damp walls and to remove the smell of organic solvents. In such a waterproofing composition, non-wettable organic particles are distributed in small drops in an aqueous solution. When water hits a wet concrete structure, it carries oily droplets deep into the mass. Inside the concrete element, organic particles clump together, making the concrete waterproof. The most common emulsions are acrylics and silicones.

  • Acrylic impregnations It’s not entirely correct to call them “impregnations.” Part of the polymer in the form of a film remains on the surface. More effective are impregnations based on modified acrylic - acrylic styrenes, methacrylics, acrylic butadienes and other copolymers. This group includes the compositions “Polyrem VD-1624”, “Hard”, “Elastic”, “Folbit 800”, “Ceresit ST 17”. Close relatives of such impregnations are acrylic and polymer water repellents, which are characterized by deeper penetration into the concrete and a less pronounced film on the surface.
  • To the group silicone impregnations It is natural to include silanes, siliconates, siloxanes and other silicon-containing polymers. Despite the differences in the structure of these compositions, they share similar properties. Silicones easily copolymerize with silicates - sand, cement, crushed stone, glass, as well as varnishes, paints and plastic materials. The following silicone impregnations are presented on the market: “Aquasil”, “AS-10”, “Polyrem VD-1915”, “Ceresit ST 17”. These compositions are recommended for surface application.

The main advantage of silicone impregnations is the ability to form a single whole with the mineral elements of the building, by covering the pores, cracks and capillaries of concrete from the inside with a continuous film.

Penetrating waterproofing: types and main characteristics

A new type of protection of concrete structures from moisture is waterproofing for concrete with penetrating action. Impregnation can be a colorless liquid, paste or powder diluted with water, but their principle of operation is similar. Water-soluble waterproofing elements penetrate concrete to a depth of 100-300 mm and enter into a chemical reaction with lime, which is always present inside concrete, and other substances. The products formed as a result of this interaction have low solubility in water, and therefore begin to quickly crystallize from solution. In this case, crystals are formed special type- bundles or brushes of needles directed with their tips inside the pores. The force of surface tension prevents the liquid from spreading, seeping between the needles and wetting them.

Crystals occupying a small part of the pore make it impenetrable to moisture penetration, but do not at all interfere with the movement of steam. This selectivity of waterproofing action leads to rapid drying of the concrete structure and the formation of resistance to subsequent wetting.

Representatives of penetrating waterproofing: “Viatron”, “Gidrozit BS”, “Gidrotex”, “Carat-P”, “Osmosil”, “Penetron”, “Slurry”, “Ceresit CR 90”. Some of these materials combine the characteristics of impregnating and penetrating waterproofing.

The combination of Penetron and Penecrit materials is used to prevent water filtration through cracks, crevices, joints, interfaces and abutments. These waterproofing compounds include: cement, quartz sand with a certain granule size, and chemically active additives.

In this video you can see how to apply waterproofing for Penetron concrete with your own hands, and understand the principle of its operation (and the actions of similar additives):

Properties of coating waterproofing

At first glance, impregnating and coating waterproofing are similar: they are applied to the surface of a concrete element and penetrate into the body of the material. Their difference lies in their mechanism of action. The role of impregnating waterproofing is to hydrophobize the surface of pores, cracks and capillaries. That is, impregnation works in the volume of the concrete element.

The coating composition, on the contrary, works on the surface, penetrating the material just enough to ensure reliable adhesion to the concrete. This thin layer bears a lot of responsibility, so the requirements for it are very stringent. These requirements increase if the waterproofing layer is applied on the side facing the water pressure. In this case, the water does not press the waterproofing against the wall, but, on the contrary, tears it off. Therefore, waterproofing must have the following characteristics:

  • high adhesion to the protected layer;
  • waterproof and water-resistant;
  • crack resistance and elasticity.

Many requirements, sometimes contradictory, for insulating materials of this group have led to the emergence of many specific types, differing in the degree of modification, phase composition and type of binder.

Difference between coating waterproofing based on binder

Based on the type of binder, coating waterproofing is divided into mineral and organic.

  • Waterproofing compositions based on cement binder are produced and supplied to the consumer in dry form in bags or plastic buckets. Dry mixtures are brought into working condition by construction site by mixing them with water to form a paste. Work must be carried out immediately after preparing the mixture, before it hardens. Coating waterproofing materials based on mineral binder include “Polyrem SGi-605”, “Stromix - protection from dampness”, “Ceresit CR-65”, “Elastoliqvid”, “Seal Coat”. To enhance waterproofing properties, a polymer latex dispersion is used. In this case, the waterproofing is called two-component. It goes on sale as a set of two units: dry powder in a bag or bucket and dispersion in a bucket or canister. The expected effect is achieved only by combining both components.

For liquidation emergency situations special compositions are used, the main feature of which is rapid setting in contact with water, and during the hardening process the composition expands. Such compositions are called filling compounds; their family includes: “Hydrotex B”, “Lakhta - water plug”, “Polyrem SGi-631”, “Ceresit CX 5”, “Carat-Fix”.

  • In the group of coating waterproofing with organic binders, the leader has been and remains bitumen-based mastics. To improve elasticity and increase adhesion to the base, add synthetic rubbers and latexes, which makes it possible to obtain modified mastics. These include “Ceresit CL 51” and “Ceresit CL 50”, which contain synthetic resins. Waterproofing “Asoflex-R2M-Boden” and “Hyper-Desmo” are made on the basis of polyurethane, “Germo-Butyl-2M-U” is made on butyl rubber.

Materials for roll waterproofing

Roll waterproofing is a bitumen-polymer binder applied to a fiberglass or non-woven polyester base. The upper surface of the waterproofing material is covered with a protective mineral coating, polymer film or sand, and the lower surface is covered with a polymer film.

Fiberglass bases have low elasticity and the ability to absorb significant tensile forces with small deformations. Polyester is a more elastic material and can elongate by almost 40% without breaking. Therefore, polyester-based roll waterproofing is used in structures where severe deformation is possible.

The base must be carefully prepared before applying the waterproofing layer, and primed before directly laying the material. The number of layers of roll waterproofing depends on the strength and type of water load.

Present on the market waterproofing materials Russian production– “Steklobit”, “Technoplast” and imported products - geomembranes made of high- and low pressure from NAUE, self-adhesive waterproofing Ceresit BT 21, BT 12, BT 85, BT 85 R, BT 85 SR.

Additives for increasing the waterproofing of concrete

In addition to water-repellent materials applied to the surface of building structures, a number of special additives to concrete for waterproofing have been developed. Such compositions, introduced into the concrete mixture during its production, increase the water resistance of concrete. Additives of this group improve not only waterproofing, but also other properties of the material. Waterproofing additives for concrete are made from polymers that have the ability to grow into concrete mixture, closing cracks and hydraulic tunnels formed during hardening of the material.

Technologies for using additives are determined by their type. Many dry mixtures for waterproofing are used in combination with other modifiers, for example, frost-resistant additives and plasticizers.

The ratio of dry composition and water is indicated in the instructions supplied by the additive manufacturers.

The introduction of waterproofing additives into the concrete mixture during its preparation allows you to avoid extra costs for work on the protection of concrete and reinforced concrete structures from the damaging effects of moisture.

Almost all industrial, residential and public facilities need waterproofing, not to mention critical hydraulic structures. Such protection can extend the life of building structures by at least two times, ensures long-term operation of finishing layers and coatings, and comfort in the premises.

Water, without which it is impossible to ripen concrete, begins to have a destructive effect on it during operation. This is a fact due to the capillary-porous structure of the artificial stone.

Migrating through capillaries, moisture moisturizes the enclosing structures and increases the degradation of the material. In addition, the liquid often contains impurities of alkalis, salts, and sulfates, which enhances the negative effect.

Getting into the pores, these substances can increase in volume many times over, which provokes destruction load-bearing structures, peeling of paints and plasters, deformation of finishing coatings. To avoid a whole host of problems, you should use effective waterproofing materials.

Groundwater penetrates into structures and structures from below


Modern construction market offers a lot of technological materials that help protect fake diamond from the destructive effects of moisture.

According to the chemical composition, internal waterproofing is divided as follows:

  • mineral– these are dry mixtures, the composition of which is represented by cement, modifiers, and water repellents. This solution is relevant where the concrete structure is not susceptible to cracking (internal plastered walls, monolithic floors). Before waterproofing, the base is leveled and moistened;
  • polymer cement is a cunning combination of sand, cement, polymer additives, microfibers. Such protection not only insulates, but also increases the strength of the foundations. By the way, it is polymers that work for increased moisture resistance and resistance to cracking;
  • polymer– protection is based on epoxy, polyurethane, acrylic resins. This solution guarantees 100% waterproofness, high elasticity, and active additives work for good adhesion even with moistened concrete. Plus, polymers can bridge cracks in the foundation;
  • bituminous– materials of this group are produced on the basis of petroleum products and are reinforced with synthetic or natural fillers. The application is carried out on dry concrete, but such a layer is afraid of mechanical damage, so it requires protection with technical fabric, polystyrene foam boards, and screed. A very economical solution, in demand on horizontal surfaces;
  • bitumen-polymer– this group of waterproofing is characterized by high elasticity and increased strength. Materials are divided into rolls (for roofing), mastics (for underground structures), emulsions (for waterproofing mineral bases).

By type, internal waterproofing of concrete is classified as follows:

  • pasting– these are bitumen-polymer rolls, membranes used for reliable protection of vertical and horizontal bases;
  • plastering– the product is used to protect waterproofing, create high-strength coatings, and process joints;
  • painting and coating– solutions and mastics that protect concrete from capillary moisture. Good decision for internal processing and places where there are no vibrations and deformations;
  • cast– hot and cold waterproofing (asphalt, asphalt-polymer) is presented in the form of solutions and mastics. Used to protect inclined, horizontal, vertical bases and temperature-shrinkable joints;
  • penetrating– the compositions penetrate deeply into the concrete structure, fill cracks, reliably preventing the penetration of moisture.

How to protect concrete indoors? Below are the most effective and practical ways processing.

Penetrating waterproofing of concrete indoors

The idea of ​​penetration (penetrating waterproofing) was born in Europe in the middle of the last century. Mechanism of operation cement materials comes down to the reaction of free lime (and artificial stone always has it!), capillary water and clever active reagents. As a result a reliable protection is formed in the thickness of the base, blocking the penetration of moisture.

However, not everything is so rosy. Thanks to serious chemical reactions, which there is no point in describing in detail, the chemical balance in the system may be disrupted. A decrease in pH due to the binding of free lime can lead to early corrosion of reinforcement in reinforced concrete structures.

The material must be of high quality, with a well-developed quantitative composition of active chemistry

All this leads to the need for painstaking selection of penetrating waterproofing. In practice, the effectiveness of this solution depends on many “BUTs”, for example, the actual state of the concrete, the nature of the surface, and the general dynamics of the structure. Sometimes it is more effective to add additives to concrete at the preparation stage.


  • rapid strength gain;
  • volumetric waterproofing of concrete;
  • environmental safety is a promising option for the installation of domestic and drinking water supplies.


  • the size of capillary cracks should not exceed 0.3 mm;
  • concrete should not be exposed dynamic loads, carbonized.

Scope of application: internal walls under tiled cladding, floors and walls exposed to water and moisture.

Brands: Penetron, Vetonit, Lakhta, Kalmatron, Hydrotex.

Technical specifications

Coating waterproofing

This is surface insulation. We can say that thin-layer cement-based coating systems provide very decent adhesion, becoming almost one with the concrete (unlike the same rolled bitumen materials). Dry mixtures are optimal for waterproofing foundations in static conditions, for example, tanks, basements. Rigid waterproofing is sealed with water and forms a durable thin-layer coating.

Polymer coating waterproofing after hardening retains elasticity, which works well under conditions of dynamic and temperature loads. This method is best implemented in underground garages, on foundations, in residential and industrial premises (both inside and outside). In any case, after treatment, the surface can be finished with tiles or plaster, depending on the purpose of the object.


  • tear-off waterproof, which is effective in recessed rooms and basements;
  • vapor permeability;
  • crack resistance against dynamic loads;
  • ease of processing;
  • durability.


  • protection against mechanical wear is required.

Scope of application: vertical, horizontal structures of residential and production premises, foundations, basements, garages.


Main brands of coating waterproofing agents: Osnovit, Litokol, Knauf

Horizontal cut-off waterproofing

This volumetric protection of concrete, by the way, is one of the most effective. The method is based on injections of chemically active liquids into the thickness of artificial stone. As a result after hardening, a waterproof barrier is formed. The basis of the system can be silicates and organosilicon compounds, and the latter are an order of magnitude more effective, since they fill the thinnest capillaries.


  • low viscosity has a good effect on spreadability;
  • resistance to aggressive environments;
  • high adhesion to concrete;
  • excellent compressive and flexural strength.


  • high price;
  • Waterproofing is carried out only at positive temperatures.

Scope of application: force closure of cracks in concrete foundations of any load-bearing structures.

Brands: Penetron, Osnovit, Ivsil, Ceresit, Litokol


Polyurethane waterproofing of concrete

The best option for high-quality waterproofing indoors is a one-component polyurethane mastic. This material, after being applied to concrete, polymerizes and forms a durable seamless coating with moisture-proofing properties. It is gratifying that polyurethane can be used as a moisture barrier for laying tiles, screeds, and as an independent finishing coating.

Polyurethane insulation does not interfere with the vapor permeability of concrete


  • the polymer forms a durable, elastic, seamless layer;
  • excellent waterproofing properties;
  • application to any concrete, regardless of the structure configuration;
  • resistance to impact and abrasion loads;
  • after the implementation of the work and polymerization, we can talk about a complete absence of toxicity;
  • resistance to chemicals and biological effects.


  • the material is applied under favorable conditions;
  • contains toxic xylene, which is not very pleasant when applied;
  • does not work for internal waterproofing of tanks in contact with chlorine, say, in swimming pools;
  • does not work with negative water pressure, that is, it does not The best decision for waterproofing foundations.

Scope of application: industrial and domestic premises with high humidity, technical water treatment areas, insulation interfloor ceilings in production, waterproofing under self-leveling polymer floors.

Brands: Hyperdesmo.

Technical specifications

Waterproofing concrete joints

The practice is that more than 70% of all concrete leaks occur through seams. Therefore, purchasing waterproofing materials alone is clearly not enough; protecting the structure from unexpected water penetration must be comprehensive. To solve these problems, special waterproofing tapes have been developed.

Waterproofing tape is a high-strength, elastic material designed to strengthen joints, moisture protection of seams and joints. Plus, with self-adhesive tapes you can conveniently seal corners, drain holes, communication inlets, and floor-to-wall connections. As a rule, the material is used in combination with cement mortars, polymer mastics, epoxy and polyurethane adhesives.

No special tools are needed to install the waterproofing tape.


  • versatility– mounting waterproofing tapes are produced with a bottom adhesive layer, which guarantees reliable and instant fixation to any concrete structures;
  • durability– modern belts are equipped with durable metallized top layer. This works for high durability and protection;
  • waterproofing characteristics– the material successfully repels moisture, preventing its penetration deep into cracks and joints;
  • ease of use– it is most convenient to lay waterproofing tape in rolls. No special tool is required for this;
  • affordable price.


Scope of application: waterproofing of seams, joints, junctions.

Brands: Penetron, Knauf.

Technical specifications

Where to start processing concrete in damp and damp areas

If the base is concrete, the beginning of work should be based on clearing the seams and filling them with mortar, which will level the surface. It would not be amiss to use special biocides that will cure artificial stone from fungus and mold and, in principle, prevent their occurrence. Using fluation, the salts should be converted and the base should be cleaned with metal brushes.

If the base requires repair, thin-layer repair compounds should be used to prevent the formation of cold seams.

The choice of type of base cleaning depends on the degree of concrete destruction and the nature of the damage:

  • mechanical– using hammer drills, pneumatic hammers, picks, sandblasting and grinding machines;
  • hydraulic- here main role water and apparatus plays high pressure(180-1200 Atm);
  • chemical– concrete is cleaned with solutions of hydrochloric and phosphoric acids;
  • thermal– work with oxygen or propane torches.

In addition, when installing waterproofing, you will need equipment and tools:

  • for preparing working mixtures: construction drill with a mixing attachment (selected depending on the type of container used), in fact, you will also need clean containers;
  • for the implementation of a waterproofing layer: sprayers, pumps, paint rollers, spatulas, brushes;
  • protective uniform.

Thin-layer repair compounds work successfully when installing fillets in basements with subsequent waterproofing

Technology of internal waterproofing with polyurethane compounds

The choice of insulation system depends on the tasks at hand. General recommendations are given in the table.

Internal polyurethane waterproofing systems for concrete

Waterproofing option System Optimal application
Standard Primer

Average consumption 1-1.2 kg/sq.m.

Floors between floors, walls, sales of floor coverings in residential, industrial, sanitary premises. Waterproofing under screed, finishing coatings, heated floors
Standard plus (with finishing varnish) Primer

Polyurethane mastic: 2 layers

Polyurethane varnish: 2 layers. Average consumption – 0.2 kg/sq.m.

Any coatings with improved waterproofing and high chemical resistance. Industrial premises, saunas, steam rooms, etc.
Standard with sand Primer

Polyurethane mastic: 2 layers

Sprinkling with quartz sand on the front layer of mastic with a consumption of 1.5-2.0 kg/sq.m. Sand fraction – 0.8-1.3 mm

Floors, walls for waterproofing under tile materials, under screed in industrial, residential, sanitary premises
Standard with sand and finishing varnish Primer

Polyurethane mastic: 2 layers

Sprinkling with quartz sand

Polyurethane varnish: 2 layers with a total consumption of 0.25-0.30 kg/sq.m.

Floors of technical premises in active use
Standard + geotextile reinforcement Primer

Mastic: 1 layer

Rolling out geotextiles over a freshly laid layer

Mastic: 2 layers. Total mastic consumption 1.5-1.8 kg/sq.m

Waterproofing under screed, exploitable bases

Concrete requirements

The surface must be dry, chemically neutral, durable, and dust-free. It is unacceptable to have peeling layers and rust on it. Traces of oils, chemicals, and dirt are removed using special chemicals.

The tensile strength is standardized - not lower than 20 MPa. If reinforcement is not used for waterproofing, there should be no cracks higher than 0.5 mm in the concrete. Large cracks and defects are expanded and repaired using sealants or repair compounds.

The roughness of the base is normalized - below 0.5 mm. If waterproofing with reinforcement is implemented, the requirements for surface quality are reduced. The presence of cracks and defects up to 3 mm is acceptable, roughness is 1-2 mm. In any case, there should be no protruding elements or corners on the concrete.

Application technology

Before applying polyurethane waterproofing, gaps around pipes, ducts, cables are filled, internal corners. Polyurethane sealant is used.

The first operation is priming.

When applying polyurethane waterproofing, the average consumption is 0.1-0.25 kg/sq.m.

Epoxy and universal primers are two-component. Before application, they are mixed in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations.

When 4-12 hours have passed after priming, the first layer of waterproofing is applied. Polyurethane mastics and varnishes are mixed using a construction drill and a mixing attachment at low speeds. Work is underway manually- using brushes, Maklavitz brushes or rollers (not foam rubber) or mechanical - airless sprayers.

When applied, the material is evenly distributed over the concrete, without stains or sagging. Visual control facilitates the use of colored mastics and varnishes. Recommended consumption for 1 layer is 0.5-0.6 kg/sq.m. You cannot use more than 1 kg per square, as this will lead to deterioration of waterproofing.

The second and subsequent layers are arranged with an interval of layer-by-layer drying (6-24 hours). Finishing layer polyurethane varnish or mastic is applied after a day or two. If the system uses quartz sand, it is thrown by hand onto last layer polyurethane mastic. When the material has polymerized, the remaining quartz is swept away with a construction vacuum cleaner or brushes.

All specified curing parameters are optimal for obtaining high-quality internal waterproofing, but they are not considered absolutely rigid. If the application instructions are followed, the period of complete polymerization is 7 days.

Technology for sealing joints and seams

For internal waterproofing, two types of systems can be used:

  1. elastic waterproofing tape + one-component glue (average consumption – 400-600 ml/m.p.);
  2. elastic waterproofing tape + two-component epoxy adhesive.

The difference is that in the first case the glue remains elastic, in the second it turns into durable and hard material. Two-component adhesive is applied only to a dry surface.

Principle of work when preparing concrete:

  • Fragments of low-strength concrete are removed mechanically (with grinders, water jets, sandblasting). Waterproofing requires strong structural concrete;
  • Irregularities that may prevent a tight fit of the tape are restored with high-strength repair compounds. The optimal choice may be the repair mixture Skrepa M500 from the Penetron brand;
  • if there are pressure leaks on the structure, they are eliminated using hydraulic seals;
  • To ensure high adhesion of the one-component adhesive and concrete, the surface is dried whenever possible.

The choice of waterproofing tape should be based on the expected size of the expansion joint and its width. If there are no specific parameters, take material of average width + 200 mm. To the prepared concrete base glue is applied. One-component - completely ready for use, two-component - mixed in the proportion A:B - 2:1 by volume. The mixer is operated for about three minutes at low speed (up to 300).

If it is possible to apply the material to wet substrates, the adhesive is applied with force so that water and air escape from the pores of the concrete

A continuous, even layer should form, 2-3 mm thick, with a width of at least 80 mm on each side of the crack. They work with a spatula. Place the tape on the glue, making a small loop in the seam area. The coating is rolled tightly with a plastic roller. The air must be completely removed from under the tape.. The correctness of the action is indicated by a slight squeeze of glue along the edges of the tape (5-7 mm).

The squeezed out composition needs to be puttied around the edges. The tapes are glued together with an overlap of 100 mm. For reliable waterproofing, welding with a construction hair dryer (nozzle 20-40 mm, 2300 W) is used at a temperature of 300-350 degrees. At the end, the tape is pressed firmly using any convenient method for 24 hours.

Penetrating waterproofing technology

Work is carried out only on stable, dry or matt-moist concrete. All loose layers, paint, and fats are removed. The base must be moistened until completely saturated.

The cement mixture is mixed with water in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations. As a rule, 5-5.4 liters of water are required for 20 kg of mixture. They take a brush to work to perform plastering works. the material is intensively applied to the surface with a consumption of 1.5 kg/sq.m.

The second layer is implemented after binding the first (after 4-8 hours). To avoid stresses, do not exceed standard flow for one layer. For three days, the base is protected with plastic film from drying out too quickly, moistened with water spray, and protected from mechanical stress.

Volumetric waterproofing technology

Work is carried out on dry or damp, cleaned substrates. Epoxy injection compounds are two-component and require mixing. The exact dosage depends on the manufacturer. In any case, the hardener is mixed with the bulk using a low-speed drill.

After kneading, the composition should be homogeneous, without visible streaks of unmixed material.. To avoid poor mixing Special attention given to the walls and bottom of the container. Mixing time should not exceed 2 minutes. Before introducing material into concrete, cracks should be inspected for suitability for injection. To do this they are purged compressed air, all packers must be closed, except for one through which air is introduced.

Application scheme:

  • According to the injection method, the material is injected under pressure. For this purpose in drilled holes packers are driven or screwed in;
  • the distance between the holes depends on the slot parameters (depth and width). If the cracks go right through the concrete, holes are drilled from inside and outside the premises;
  • packers are fixed in recesses alternately on both sides of the crack;
  • if the cracks are very small, it is better to avoid drilling - in this case, the packer is fixed with glue (injection pressure should not exceed 50 atm);
  • after fixation, the cracks are covered with surface insulation;
  • injections begin after 12 hours;
  • work can be performed using a hand pump, two- or one-component injection pump. By the way, in a two-component pump, mixing of the composition occurs in the mixer head;
  • if there are deep vertical cracks in the concrete, work starts from the lowest packer;
  • material is injected until it begins to flow out of the nearest packer;
  • consistently fill all areas;
  • When the material has hardened, the packers and surface insulation are removed.

Repeated injection is carried out 15-30 minutes after completion of the first

It is possible to implement the flood method. This is convenient when working on horizontal surfaces. Filler holes are drilled on the base, maintaining a distance of 50 cm from each other to the bottom of the crack. Next, you can start pouring the mixture.

Safety precautions

Work should be carried out wearing rubber gloves. Hands are pre-lubricated with protective cream. When waterproofing, it is often necessary to work overhead. To avoid contact of working mixtures with the eyes, it is necessary to wear helmets with eye protection or well-fitted safety glasses. Special clothing and safety shoes are required.

All conditions for occupational hygiene must be provided - there must be at hand sufficient quantity water and soap to wash away dirt, disposable towels.

If synthetic resins come into contact with the skin, wipe the area with a clean swab treated with protective cream. If the burn is serious, consult a doctor. If the composition gets into the eyes, rinse running water 10-15 minutes. You need to see a doctor.

If the room is closed, ventilation must be provided. In general, industry safety regulations are required to be followed. When using waterproofing, adhere to the requirements indicated on the packaging labels.

Uncured adhesives cannot be disposed of in sewerage or soil. You should wait until the material hardens and can be disposed of as other construction expenses.

Cost of internal concrete waterproofing

The costs of implementing internal waterproofing of concrete depend on the chosen method, the actual parameters of the concrete structure or structure, and the type of materials. The cost of preparing the foundations for work starts from 20 rubles/sq.m. Costs for the main range of work – from 400 rubles/sq.m.

Approximate costs for waterproofing materials:

  • penetrating compounds - from 230-300 rubles/kg;
  • polyurethane - from 512 rubles/kg;
  • volumetric waterproofing - from 300 rubles/kg;
  • waterproofing tape – from 245 rub.


In practice, when installing internal waterproofing, random materials, dry mixtures from different companies and manufacturers with their own properties and know-how are often used. The combined application of such compounds may cause a rejection effect. A striking example is the unprofessional use of gypsum and cement compositions in one protective “pie” without an intermediate primer layer. It is not uncommon for layers of penetrating waterproofing to be rejected, which is caused by insufficient cleaning of concrete, etc.

When choosing waterproofing materials, it is advisable to use systems from one manufacturer (soil, primer, moisture protection, repair mixtures, final finishing etc.)

The decision on internal waterproofing is made individually. As a rule, this is needed in recessed, basement, damp rooms in the absence of external waterproofing, low efficiency and lack of natural drainage and drainage communications, shut-off insulation. The most effective is A complex approach based on the use of mastics, cement mixtures, insulating tapes and bulk insulation. It is better to leave polyurethane insulation for walls, floors and ceilings.

Practical waterproofing techniques using the example of a floor basement shown in the video:

Waterproofing helps resist long-term exposure to moisture by acting as a barrier to water seeping into the pores of concrete. The use of a penetrating composition allows for reliable sealing of a layer up to 15 cm thick. Some manufacturers claim penetration of the mixture into the surface up to 0.6 m. The frost resistance grade increases by 2-3 steps.

The difference between penetrating waterproofing and roll or coating coatings is that during application the components seep through moisture-filled pores to a considerable depth and crystallize. The resulting protection lasts the entire service life of the structure and can only be destroyed together with the base material. The hardened layer will not allow water to pass through, but will remain vapor permeable.

Penetrating insulation is intended to be used to protect concrete, reinforced concrete structures and cement plaster. It cannot be chosen for large-porous products: asbestos-cement slabs, foam and expanded clay concrete blocks.

Dry penetrating waterproofing includes the following components:

  1. Portland cement;
  2. finely ground quartz or silicate sand (screening out a given granulometric fraction);
  3. active polymer additives.

Manufacturers try not to disclose full names active chemical additives and indicate in the passport only the main properties that affect compatibility with other materials. In addition to Ceresit and Knauf, they have proven themselves well:

  • Carat;
  • Penetron (Penetron);
  • Vandex;
  • Hydrotex;
  • Xypex,
  • Masterseal;
  • Calmatron;
  • Lakhta.

The products are produced both in ready-to-use form and in the form of concentrates and dry mixtures that require prior dilution with water. Packaged liquid waterproofing can be an aqueous suspension (canister), or a thicker mastic (closed bucket). Application to a concrete floor is done with a brush or paint roller. The surface must be abundantly moistened with water so that the protection can penetrate to the maximum depth.

The efficiency of waterproofing work is increased through the use of auxiliary products for a more specific purpose. Sealing of cracks and chips larger than 0.3 mm, protection of joints, seams, passages of technological communications of prefabricated structures is done with a solution with special characteristics from the line of the same manufacturer. Such dry mixtures have a similar composition based on Portland cement, but when hardened in cavities they do not shrink or increase in volume and form a mass with increased strength. The use of a type such as a waterproofing seal is permissible when water comes directly from the destroyed area.

Mandatory characteristics of penetrating capillary waterproofing include obtaining good adhesion of the treated base and increasing the surface's resistance to mechanical stress.

Brands of mixtures for concrete insulation

Penetrating materials are applied like liquid waterproofing, but for the possibility of long-term storage, ease of transportation and use in the right quantity they are often released in dry form.

Selected for insulation:

  • foundations;
  • all types of concrete structures;
  • brick inserts into self-leveling or prefabricated reinforced concrete structures;
  • basement walls from groundwater ingress;
  • ceilings and floors;
  • swimming pools, wells, drinking water reservoirs;
  • cement plaster.

WDM SM-Extra is a penetrating coating waterproofing agent for concrete with water-stopping functions (W16). At the same time, the chemical resistance of the surface increases, additional protection from leaching out other polymer additives that improve performance.

Consumption – 1.5 kg/m² with a layer thickness of 1 mm. When performing insulation, apply a layer of 2-3 mm with a spatula or palm. For leveling, use a brush soaked in water. The surface and ambient air temperature should be between +5 and +35°C. A previously used floor is cleaned of dirt and dust, moistened abundantly and maintained in this condition for 5-7 days.

2. KT tron-1.

To waterproof the floor on the ground in a private house located in an area of ​​frequent flooding with groundwater, it is excellent to buy a dry mixture, the use of which is provided in the form of coating and injection. The resulting protection is resistant to man-made pressure of aggressive liquid media and gases. Concrete becomes immune to sea ​​water, exposure to carbonization and anti-icing salts, vapor permeability is maintained.

The standard consumption for a thickness of 1 mm is 1.2 kg/m². The minimum allowable is 1 kg, recommended by the manufacturer is 1.6. For 1 pass you need to apply no more than 0.8 kg. The frost resistance of concrete increases by F200-F300 (depending on its quality). KT tron-1 crystals can penetrate a liquid medium to a depth of 0.6 m. Concrete treated with penetrating waterproofing can withstand constant exposure to +1,200°C.

3. Penetron.

High-quality waterproofing of the floor in the basement is carried out using the penetrating composition of this line. No specific preparation of the work site is required. In a dissolved state, the finished liquid mixture can be applied to a moist or dry surface. This saves time and costs on drying/wetting the base.

In an individual household they choose for the following reasons:

  • applicable for all types of concrete;
  • forms a strong adhesion with reinforcing parts;
  • environmentally safe in contact with drinking water.


This is an example of a bitumen-latex emulsion with the addition of synthetic resins. It is sprayed simultaneously with the catalyst using a special airless spraying unit. It has a high degree of adhesion and can be used at -25 and +100°C. Polymer rubber can withstand impacts and stretching up to 5000%. The advantage is versatility - can be used on surfaces made from different materials(concrete, brick, wood, metal, plastic, glass). Can be painted and does not form seams, completely sealing the base.

To protect against moisture, liquid glass (sodium glass) GOST 13078-81 is used as an additive; more about it in. It is chosen when bitumen coating is not possible both for covering the base and for adding to a fresh solution. It is valued for the low cost of the material and the good characteristics of the strength of the resulting surface and antibacterial properties. But liquid glass is not used on its own, only as an additive. Re-processing occurs at least every 5 years.

6. Penecrit.

To seal seams from the inside, mixtures (dry) Penecrit are produced, which are used in combination with Penetron. They are waterproof W14 with a flow rate of 1.5 kg/m.p.

7. Gidrotex-Sh.

It has a frost resistance of 200 cycles and a consumption of 0.9-1.0 kg/m.p.

Materials for penetrating protection should be purchased based on the following fundamental points:

  1. Availability of application technology, surface preparation requirements.
  2. Compliance with the maximum permissible indicators of operating conditions ( temperature regime, expected loads, aggressiveness of the environment).
  3. Estimated service life. Concrete structures are designed, as a rule, to last for decades - the high cost of protection will be repaid many times over by the absence of the need for repair and restoration work.
  4. Compatible with other materials and their components. To guarantee the quality of the result, all penetrating compounds (basic and additional) must be taken from the same line. When choosing a penetrating impregnation, it is better to take into account the type of plasticizers in concrete and the chemistry of the intended finishing coating environment.
  5. Shelf life. Quick setting of a solution (for example, liquid glass) requires working skills and calculation of preparing portions of the mixture for one-time production. The alternative is to increase the number of workers.
  6. Shelf life of dry packaging before the start of work.

The structure of a house will not last long if the foundation is not protected from moisture. Concrete is the basis of the foundation; it is strong and durable, but is not able to withstand a humid environment for a long time. This part of the house is affected from above by precipitation, while from below by soil and groundwater. Here you should add heaving and soil pressure, chemical reagents contained in water, as well as the temperature difference in the above-ground and underground parts of the foundation.

The need for waterproofing

If the base is not insulated at the time of construction, then after a couple of years you will have to pay a much larger amount for the restoration of the material.

Waterproofing is presented today in a huge range, it can be:

  • mastic;
  • roll;
  • liquid.

The latter type is more effective; it can be used to create a seamless contour and cut off the path of moisture into the structure.

Types of liquid waterproofing

Liquid waterproofing for concrete is represented by several materials, the most common are liquid rubber and liquid glass. Manufacturers only claim the advantages of these solutions, but in practice it turns out that there are also disadvantages. If we compare liquid rubber and glass with rolled bituminous materials, as well as membrane films, the former will be distinguished by the ease of application to the base of the most different forms. The material is able to penetrate even hard-to-reach places.

Using liquid glass or rubber, you can create a layer that will be more resistant to moisture than bituminous materials.

Concrete waterproofing technology liquid glass does not involve heating the material, which facilitates application work and increases the level of fire safety. The resulting layer is non-toxic, it does not melt in the heat, and is also non-flammable. These materials can replace several layers of rolled waterproofing at once, but the application should be carried out in a fairly thin layer, so the final weight is insignificant.

Area of ​​use

Liquid rubber and glass can adhere well to any surface. These advantages have significantly expanded the scope of use of the described materials, so today they are used to waterproof structures and rooms with a constant presence of water.

This should include:

  • fonts in baths;
  • fountains;
  • foundation bowls of swimming pools.

Reviews about liquid glass

In construction hypermarkets, in particular in Leroy, liquid concrete waterproofing is offered in a wide range. Among other materials, liquid glass should be highlighted, the service life of which is 5 years. This does not mean that after this period the foundation will lose protection. Glass will only gradually self-destruct during operation, and the process will begin from the surface layers. According to consumers, over the course of a year the reinforced layer will become 1 mm thinner. If you apply liquid glass in a layer of up to 5 mm, the material will completely lose its properties in the tenth year.

However, users emphasize that waterproofing can be provided with a longer service life if it is coated with protective paint. When consumers use liquid penetrating waterproofing for concrete, they emphasize one more nuance, which can be called a minus and a plus. It is expressed in instant crystallization. The solution must be applied very quickly, otherwise it will set and will not be suitable for work. If you do not have practice, then it is better to entrust the matter to a professional, since the material can simply be ruined.

Fast setting becomes an advantage, according to buyers, when it is necessary to coat a concrete pool bowl located close to groundwater. In this case, we are talking about structures that manage to fill with water in one evening. In wet conditions Waterproofing work can not be carried out with every material, to be precise - only with liquid glass. In 4 hours the surface will dry completely and form an impenetrable film.

If you decide to use liquid glass for waterproofing concrete, you must read the instructions. From it you can learn that when using this material, it is important to follow the dosage. If you mix the material with a composition similar to a concrete mixture, then there should not be an increased dose, since the solution will turn out “oaky” and will not adapt to the structure. In this case, the seams will be torn, as well as the joints. In addition, according to consumers, the coating will be unstable to damage, and if there is an accidental impact, cracks will appear.

Liquid waterproofing for concrete is one of the most effective. If you decide to use liquid glass, then you can use it for application:

  • brush;
  • roller;
  • brush.

Depending on what the final goals are, you should choose the proportion of the mixture.

When it is planned to lay on top of the laid layer roll material, then the waterproofing is made superficial. To do this, glass is diluted with concrete and applied with a brush or spray gun in two layers. The mixture will penetrate 2 mm into the foundation, filling cracks and micropores.

Liquid waterproofing for concrete can also be used when the foundation is prefabricated. In this case, it is necessary to insulate the seams using a composition of cement and liquid glass. To create a strong monolithic foundation, liquid glass should be added to the solution. It is important to consider the dosage, otherwise the strength of the structure will suffer. The foundation should be poured by several people who will work the mixture until it sets.

Sometimes liquid glass is used for In this case, work is usually carried out to restore the foundation, which began to collapse during operation. To do this, holes are made in individual parts of the structure using a perforator, and then the prepared mixture is pumped inside. It is unlikely that there will be specific equipment in the house, so such work is usually entrusted to professionals, and it is easy to overdo it with the dosage.

Features of applying liquid rubber

Liquid waterproofing for concrete is offered for sale in the form of rubber. This ready-made composition, which is applied with a roller or brush. Mixtures are cheaper if they are intended to be applied in several layers. It should be remembered that once the package is opened, the rubber will not be stored, so it must be used immediately. This waterproofing technology is time-consuming and cannot provide deep penetration.

You can use a two-component composition, such as bitumen emulsion, which is mixed with polymers during operation and applied by spraying. This will require special equipment. The composition is driven into the base by pressure force quite firmly. This allows you to reduce material consumption, and if you carry out work using the spraying method, you will have to use the services of specialists.

Features of liquid rubber

The price of liquid waterproofing for concrete will be mentioned below. However, cost is not the only thing you need to know before purchasing a product. When choosing a solution to protect the foundation, you should pay attention to the features of liquid rubber, which remains elastic even after drying. This indicates that soil movements and shrinkage of the house will not affect the integrity of the formed layer. The material will only stretch slightly in those places where the foundation has cracked or will shrink when displaced. If we compare rubber with liquid glass, then the latter does not have such abilities.

Cost of liquid waterproofing

The price of liquid glass for waterproofing concrete is 249 rubles. for 10 l. This is 15 kg of solution. As for liquid glass, 1 kg of material can be purchased for 155 rubles. The consumption of this waterproofing per one square meter will be approximately 6 kg. Depending on the porosity, the indicator may vary. Sometimes it reaches 3 kg per square meter.


In order to achieve a positive result when waterproofing a foundation with liquid-type materials, you need to become familiar with the technology. For example, liquid rubber should be applied exclusively to a dry surface, but manufacturers claim that the coating will dry even if the foundation remains wet. But for the material there is no difference - the base was dry or wet; the problem is that the water inside the foundation after the waterproofing work is completed simply will not find a way out.

For a long time, concrete has been considered one of the most popular building materials. It is worth noting that it became widespread and recognized by builders only in the last century, despite the fact that the date of its appearance goes far into the past.

The volume of concrete produced continues to grow every year; it is preferred in a wide variety of variations, using it to build almost everything. Concrete is a universal material with good characteristics, suitable for various applications.

Unfortunately, not everyone thinks about waterproofing concrete, which, according to many professional builders, is simply necessary. And for this, not only various compositions are used, but also many modern materials.

The problem is that, despite good level The strength and water-repellent properties of this material leave much to be desired, because the pores located on the very surface of the material can be seen even with the naked eye. It is through them that moisture can penetrate, which leads to the gradual destruction of the material and entire buildings.

For this reason, concrete requires proper waterproofing. This issue is especially relevant if you plan to build something where constant contact of concrete with water is provided.

When a person who wants to build any structure made of concrete decides to organize waterproofing, he is faced with a very difficult choice. The fact is that there are a large number modern methods which will prevent moisture from penetrating into the material.

  • Firstly, you can solve this problem by using concrete additives for waterproofing.
  • Secondly, the coating method can be used.
  • Thirdly, mastic for waterproofing concrete is quite popular.
  • Fourthly, there are possible options for using welded or glued waterproofing. Fifthly, some use special concrete sealants.

We have not listed all the ways to protect concrete from moisture, since there really are a lot of them. Let's look at the most popular and effective of them in order.

Method 1. Penetrating waterproofing

We will consider penetrating waterproofing first. The fact is that this method was mentioned 50 years ago, but it did not become popular at that time and did not find wide application. The operating principle of this method is that chemical elements, included in its composition, getting on the surface of walls made of concrete, begin to penetrate inside through microcapillaries.

For this reason, the method acquired such an incomprehensible and strange name, which has an obvious meaning. Already in microcapillaries, the active ingredients of this mixture are able to interact with substances contained in the concrete itself.

Thus, microplugs form, which ultimately completely block the movement of moisture in the wall itself. It is worth noting that the level of vapor permeability of the structure will not change at all.

Until recently, this method was presented only in the form of one dry mixture called Penetron. Fortunately, now you can find a large number of more modern analogues that are superior to it in many ways. Instructions for using such mixtures always come with them, so you should easily maintain the correct proportions.

But it is worth noting the fact that you definitely will not find such a solution, because penetrating waterproofing for concrete is distributed only in the form of dry powders, but, as mentioned earlier, this is not a big problem, because the most important thing is the proportions, and making a mistake in they are difficult.

Method 2: Additives

An additive to concrete is not uncommon in 2017, this method has long been known to many; it surpasses, probably, any method in popularity. You ask: “Why do people prefer him?”

The fact is that adding something to concrete at the production stage is much easier than later using a simple mixture to waterproof concrete surfaces. This method is also called internal waterproofing of concrete by many, but this term does not quite suit this method, but first let’s look at the additives that can defeat moisture inside the walls. Here is a sample list of them:

  • resin impurities;
  • unique petroleum acids;
  • stearic acids;
  • salts of naphthenic acids;
  • paraffins;
  • silicate glue;
  • calcium nitrate;
  • iron chloride.

But special attention should be paid to the hydrophobicity of such waterproofing concrete. Hydrophobic mixtures are distinguished by the fact that they have certain insulating characteristics, but do not mix with the concrete itself. Water-repellent impurities are also released, which, as you might have guessed, produce an effect only in combination with the substances that make up the concrete.

Method 3. Impregnation

Liquid waterproofing for concrete using impregnations is divided into two main types:

  • Impregnations that provide surface protection. Such waterproofing materials are made on the basis of various polyurethanes and acrylates. They are not suitable for outdoor work, as they form plain film on a surface that, over a certain period of time, reduces the moisture content of concrete, blocking the access of water inside. Thus, you will carry out, one might say, waterproofing holes in concrete, which is not reliable.
  • Impregnations for deep application. Such waterproofing solutions are made on the basis of silicates; they significantly affect the strength of concrete, changing it in positive side. Thus, you will provide reliable moisture protection for any vertical walls.

This type will make waterproofing concrete structures a simple matter that even a person who knows nothing about it can handle. There is no need to select proportions, since the impregnations are sold ready-made.

Repairing such structures is not useful, since moisture resistance is added to the strength of concrete. Such coating waterproofing for concrete is carried out using a special brush.

Method 4. Mastic

Many people think that mastic also has a second name - polyurethane waterproofing, but this is not so, only one of the varieties has this name. This type waterproofing is attractive in many aspects.

  • Firstly, it has a low price.
  • Secondly, applying such protection will prevent various unpleasant situations, and repairs to the premises will not be required for a long time!

Some additive can also be used along with mastic; this should not be forgotten either. Among mastic waterproofing, it is worth highlighting two types:


The application of such waterproofing has been used to protect against moisture for a very long time. But this method has not yet lost popularity. Due to the fact that the bitumen, which must be applied heated, contains special substances, no additional steps are required before installation.

The substances do not penetrate into the concrete much, but the pores are sealed, thus providing protection from moisture. Repair of premises with concrete structures will not be boring for many years to come. In this situation, there is no need to maintain proportions, since the solution is sold ready-made.


This mastic definitely does not belong to the category “dry mixtures for waterproofing, dry mixture for waterproofing”, because this method is much more modern. It is based on the fact that insulation is carried out using acrylic. You can even build a waterfall using this type of waterproofing, because it is reliable! You won’t have to suffer while choosing proportions for the same reason.

But you shouldn’t be relaxed about this process, because minimum thickness The layer of such insulation should not be less than 1 mm, then you can definitely forget about repairs for a long time. In this way, waterproofing of aerated concrete can also be carried out.

Method 5. Waterproofing with liquid glass

Waterproofing with liquid glass was invented recently, because professional builders the correct proportions had to be chosen. Now this process is carried out automatically, and sometimes liquid glass is simply added to concrete, but here it is important to take into account many little things so as not to overdo it with liquid glass, because the walls should be made of concrete.

You will ignore the repairs because they are unnecessary, and if you simply cover the walls with liquid glass after completing the work, you will only need a special roller or a convenient brush. Dry waterproofing doesn't even compare to this method! Probably only deep penetration waterproofing can work better.

But we cannot help but talk about the shortcomings. When waterproofing with liquid glass, walls must be carefully protected from mechanical damage. The fact is that the laid layers of liquid glass are not enough; it is very fragile. Of course, no protection plates are required. but it’s better not to approach the wall again.

You may notice that liquid glass for waterproofing is good only in certain conditions. For this reason, we cannot recommend you to use only liquid glass.

Method 6. Concrete contact

Concrete contact is used to improve adhesion between concrete surfaces and other materials. This product is for external and interior work. Has proven itself well in facade works, finishing of plinths.

It consists of quartz filler, acrylic and polymers. It itself is a polymer primer that forms a waterproof surface after drying. Concrete contact can still compete with previously proposed methods.

It contains particles of varying density and weight; do not forget to thoroughly mix the composition before application and periodically during work. Concrete contact penetrates deep into the pores, where it closes them. This is how waterproofing is organized. Apply as per concrete surfaces, and on wooden ones. Contains biocides - antifungal additives.

For this reason, you can pay attention to concrete contact, but remember that it must be purchased only from trusted manufacturers.