Fairy tale therapy training. Fairytale therapy “Removing the masks” (psychological training for teachers) methodological development on the topic. Journey through the forest

Name: Fairy tale therapy training
Author: Zinkevich-Evstigneeva T.D.
Publishing house: Speech
The year of publishing: 2006
Pages: 176
Format: doc+djvu
Size: 2.82 MB
ISBN: 5-9268-0406-X
Quality: excellent

Using the psychotherapeutic programs presented in this book, it is possible to develop the emotional-volitional sphere of the child, develop his personality and correct the emotional problems that arise. The book contains recommendations for conducting classes, scenarios and guidelines.
The book is intended for teachers, child psychologists, parents and educators.

T. Grabenko, T. Zinkevich-Evstigneeva, D. Frolov. A magical country is within us...11
Emotional-volitional development program for children and adolescents…11
Lesson one and lesson the very last: diagnostics of performance...12
Lesson two: getting to know the fairyland and its king...17
Lesson three to nine: introduction to the servants of the senses...20
Third lesson: meeting a servant named joy...22
Lesson four: meeting a servant named sadness...26
Lesson five: meeting a servant named interest...31
Lesson six: meeting a servant named anger...36
Lesson seven: meeting a servant named fear...38
Lessons eight and nine: getting to know the servants named resentment, guilt and pleasure...44
Lesson ten: conspiracy of resentment...44
Lesson eleven: in search of love...47
Lesson Twelve: Return of the King...47
T. Zinkevich-Evstigneeva. Tales of the starry land of the zodiac...50
The Tale of the Constellations ...58
A fairy tale about how its first inhabitant, Aries, appeared in the land of the zodiac...61
The tale of how the second resident appeared in the zodiac -
A fairy tale about how the constellation Gemini appeared in the zodiac...67
The tale of how the constellation Cancer came into being...70
The tale of how the constellation Leo appeared in the sky...74
The tale of the sixth inhabitant of the zodiac - the constellation Virgo...76
A fairy tale about how the constellation Libra appeared in the zodiac...79
The tale of the eighth inhabitant of the zodiac - the constellation Scorpio...82
The Tale of the Sagittarius Constellation...86
A fairy tale about how the constellation Capricorn appeared in the zodiac...89
The Tale of the Constellation Aquarius...93
The tale of how the last inhabitant appeared in the zodiac -
constellation Pisces...96
N. Solovyova. Miracles on the sand" ...100
Equipment and materials...106
A few words from the experience of working under the program...107
Lesson scenarios...109
Lesson Ml...109
Lesson No. 2…112
Lesson No. 3…114
Lesson No. 4 ...116
Lesson No. 5 ...118
Lesson No. 6…120
Lesson No. 7…123
Lesson No. 8…125
Lesson No. 9…127
Lesson No. 10…129
O. Smirnova. How to tell your child about the seasons...132
Introductory module...134
Correctional and developmental module ...146
Integration module ...154
Speech therapy tasks...158
Open speech therapy lesson “Magic Hut” ...164
Literature ...170

Mini-training on fairy tale therapy for teachers “Time for yourself”

Belyaeva Veronica
Mini-training on fairy tale therapy for teachers “Time for yourself”

I suggest you play in the form of fairy tale therapy. The algorithm for classes, games and exercises are taken from T. D. Zinkevich-Evstigneeva.

Target: training teachers, parents in the way of self-knowledge and internal features their children through fairytale therapy.

Tasks: 1. Organize the acquaintance of event participants with the method of fairy tale therapy.

2. Create a favorable atmosphere for work.

3. Develop reflection and self-knowledge skills.

Form of work : work must be organized in small groups of 7 – 10 people, this contributes to the formation of effective interaction skills.

And it will help us get into a fairy tale game "Great Master", but we are all here not masters, but craftswomen, but now we’ll find out what. First we say our name:

Veronica, I am a great master of listening.

2. Exercise “Majestic name” Assignment: It is known that in Rus' a name meant much more to a person than an ordinary nickname. Throughout a person’s life, certain forces are guided by them, which are inherent in the first sound of his name. These forces help to overcome difficulties and recognize sources of joy, inspiration, and wisdom. These forces are the engine of human growth. But at the same time, a name can also be a source of danger, because the first sound of a name also contains those forces that, if handled ineptly, and sometimes without attention to them, can destroy the creative principle. However, accepting these forces and paying close attention to them allows you to acquire special strength. For example, one eastern prince was named Jumber. Trying to understand the hidden meaning of his name, he reflected on the meaning of the first sound “D” - and realized that Kindness, Valor, and duty were leading him through life. And they demand special attention And internal work Insolence, Pugnacity and Stupidity.

Let's reflect on the hidden meaning of our names. Let's reveal the secret of the first sound of our name. What guides us through life? And what requires our special attention? Write these definitions in the booklet Veronica - B: leads through life - fidelity, endurance; requires special attention - hot temper, agitation.

Reflection : Was it difficult to complete the task? What is more difficult - to name positive qualities or qualities that require attention and work?

3. Exercise “Favorite Hero” Remember your favorite character from a movie, fairy tale, play, TV show, etc. Write the name of your character, why you are attracted to him, what qualities you like most about him and what qualities you may not like. An average of 2 minutes is allotted for each participant.

4. "What would happen if..." Now I would like to play with you a game in which everything is like in a fairy tale. What would happen if you turned into this fairy-tale hero? Write.

Fairytale therapists believe that the hero we choose serves as an example for identification and qualities that we don’t like, we would like to change in ourselves. Would you like?

Now we will watch a cartoon about a little gray donkey who also wanted to change. (cartoon “Everything is the other way around”, Soyuzmultfilm, 1974


What does a fairy tale teach? Listen to the answers. (Be able to accept yourself)

What did the donkey discover the source of? vitality? (In the power of imagination)

A good fairy tale that touches our heart always leaves some mysterious consequence, a feeling inner strength. It can be experienced as calm joy or insight, as a romantic state or concentrated absorption.

5. Now each of you writes one of your own or your own fairy-tale hero on your sheet of paper flaw, then passes his sheet to other participants. You write on his sheet after the words “. but you." some kind of positive quality this person: anything (you have very beautiful eyes, you tell jokes better than anyone else).

At the end of the task, each participant is returned his sheet.

The first part of our fabulous journey has come to an end, you will complete it at home by completing homework(Ode about yourself, maybe someone will write a fairy tale about themselves.

Explanation of the concept of “Fairytale therapy”

Fairy tale therapy- this is a way of transmitting to an individual (usually a child) the necessary moral norms and rules. This information is contained in folk tales and legends, epics, and parables. The oldest way of socialization and transfer of experience.

The following areas of fairy tale therapy are distinguished:

    Solving life problems. Helps a person develop a model of behavior in a given situation. In fairy tales you can see a certain problem and many effective proposals to overcome it. Thus, the reader is given the opportunity to choose best option to solve your life problems.

    Transfer of experience. Through fairy tales, elders pass on their life experiences to the younger generation, teach moral standards and goodness, and show “what is good and what is bad.” After all, the first teachers in a child’s life are his favorite stories.

    Development of thinking. Suitable for ages 3 to 12 years. When adults read a fairy tale to a child, they ask him to analyze the actions of the characters, tell him who, in his opinion, is a good character and who is not, or give him the opportunity to come up with a continuation of the story. Thus, the baby’s thinking, memory, and creativity develop.

    Medical and psychiatric direction. The therapeutic method allows a person to come up with his own fairy tale and show it to a psychologist. The latter carries out the interpretation and identifies problems that will have to be dealt with in the future.

Modern methods of fairy tale therapy:

  • Working on an existing fairy tale. During the lesson, we work through a well-known piece. The characters and their relationships with each other are discussed.

    Independent writing of a fairy tale. A person composes a story that helps the psychologist study in more detail his condition, social circle and relationships with friends.

    Dramatization or dramatization of a written fairy tale. This method allows you to be an actor and take on a role that carries a certain emotional meaning, to experience those frightening, exciting moments for people and to understand that there is nothing terrible about it, that all bad things come to an end.

    Working on the ending of a fairy tale. This could be a discussion of a famous fairy tale, the ending of which is proposed to be changed. In addition, you can come up with a continuation of it.

    Art therapeutic work based on the plot of a fairy tale. Here, visual creativity is taken as a basis, which involves drawing, sculpting or designing based on the content of a certain work.

In order for a fairytale therapy session to be productive, it is necessary to prepare for it in advance. Based on the chosen method, handouts are prepared (pictures, pencils, album sheets, plasticine, etc.), books, paintings, music, costumes, selected the best way conducting (sitting at desks, in a circle, on the floor), a lesson plan is built according to a certain structure.

Structure of fairy tale therapy classes:

    Ritual of “immersion” in a fairy tale. The mood is created for collaboration- listening to fairy-tale melodies or meditating on the transition to a fairy-tale world.

    Introduction to the fairy tale. You are reading or listening to an audio recording.

    Discussion. The presenter asks questions related to the main character and the plot of the entire story. The value of the fairy tale and what it can teach the audience must be determined.

    Art therapeutic work. Drawing heroes or the most interesting moment of a fairy tale.

    Ritual of “exit” from a fairy tale. Close your eyes and count to 3 together, on the count of “three” you will be transported from the world of magic to the audience.

    Summarizing. Based on the answers to the questions asked, the therapist interprets the personality of each participant. Upon completion, he conveys his conclusions to them, either individually or in front of the whole group.

Fairytale therapy for preschoolers

Fairy tales are selected according to the age of the child. Children aged 1 to 4 years are suitable for works where the main characters are animals. Children from 5 to 6 years old can already read fairy tales with non-existent characters, such as fairies, goblins and others.

Ways to help you achieve success when working with children:

    Practical activities based on a fairy tale. It is necessary to find out what the child likes to do most (drawing, sculpting, designing, etc.), and include his desire in the structure of the lesson. Thus, in the process practical activities a conversation is anticipated, the material will be consolidated and the boundaries for psychoanalysis will expand.

    Presenter's interest. While reading a story, the fairytale therapist himself must immerse himself in the fairy tale, and only then will he be able to convey to the child the right meaning works and interest him.

    Emotional design of fairy tales. In order to interest preschoolers in a work, it is necessary to show those emotions that are inherent in the heroes of the fairy tale. They will help with this expressive reading, intonation, facial expressions, gestures.

    Working on your child's mood. If the baby is upset, did not get enough sleep or is tired, then the fairytale therapy session should be postponed, because he will not be able to immerse himself in work, but will only become even more sad.

Rules for organizing fairytale therapy work with preschoolers:

    Consider the age of the children. When preparing for a lesson, you need to choose a work according to age so that the child can understand the content and comprehend it.

    Dosage of information provided. Classes should be built according to a certain structure, remember that everything is good in moderation. Acquaintance with a fairy tale is accompanied only by looking at its illustrations.

    Therapeutic focus. After reading, it is advisable to play out the plot, discuss it, or draw fragments from the fairy tale.

    No moralizing. It is necessary to avoid pressure on the child and moralizing from an adult, because the atmosphere during the lesson should be unobtrusive and friendly.

    Summing up. After reading, you definitely need to analyze the fairy tale, the characters and find out what impression it made on the children.

This method allows you to reveal the baby’s soul, enrich him with knowledge and shape his character. Taking into account all the rules during preparation for the lesson, the leader has the opportunity to achieve their goals and build trusting relationships with their students.

Training teachers and parents in a way to understand themselves and the internal characteristics of their children through fairy tale therapy.

1. Organize the acquaintance of event participants with the method of fairy tale therapy.

2.Create a favorable atmosphere for work through the “Rain” exercise.

3.Develop reflection and self-knowledge skills.

Form of work: work should be organized in small groups of 7 - 10 people, this contributes to the formation of effective interaction skills.





Fairy tale therapy

"Take off our masks"

(psychological training)


educational psychologist

R.F. Artamonova


Training teachers and parents in a way to understand themselves and the internal characteristics of their children through fairy tale therapy.

Tasks :

  1. Organize the acquaintance of event participants with the method of fairy tale therapy.
  2. Create a favorable atmosphere for work through the “Rain” exercise.
  3. Develop reflection and self-knowledge skills.

Form of work : work must be organized in small groups of 7 – 10 people, this contributes to the formation of effective interaction skills.

Equipment: A4 paper, pens or pencils.


One of the functions of a fairy tale is that it helps an adult or a child return to their former joyful spontaneity. It causes amazement and wonder, opening access to the world of fantasy, imaginative thinking, direct and non-judgmental entry into the role that the content offers them. Communication with a fairy tale helps to awaken creative powers.

Dear colleagues, teachers! Today I would like to offer you unusual way getting to know yourself and your personality through creativity and the ability to fantasize. This will help you think positively and relax. I would like each of you to take away something interesting and instructive for yourself from today’s lesson. Today, each participant in our class will work only for themselves. The lesson is called “Removing the Masks.” In fact, this is very difficult to do, but this is not required, because everyone today will work with their own text. Perhaps by understanding yourself, you as a parent will be able to understand your child.

Progress of the event

Stage 1 - preparatory

Exercise "Rain"

Target : organize a positive mood in the group for the lesson.

Instructions : to perform this exercise, you need to stand in one line, turn your face to the back of your neighbor’s head, as if in formation. The psychologist or presenter stands at the end of the line and pronounces the instructions: “Imagine that you are walking down the street. Good weather. Suddenly a warm summer rain started dripping. The rain touches your body (head, shoulders, back, arms, hands, legs). At this moment, each participant puts their hands on their head, shoulders, back, etc. to his neighbor and begins to imitate raindrops with light touches.” This exercise promotes group unity and a spirit of teamwork.

Stage 2 - main


“The fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it: a lesson for good fellows.”
A.S. Pushkin

One unusual summer day, waking up early in the morning, you decided to go to the park and just dream, sit on a bench, feed the pigeons. The mood is high, everything around is blooming, chirping and singing. As you left the house, you caught yourself thinking that it would be nice to change something in your life from now on. Just what? You entered the park and discovered that the usual path along which you loved to walk led somewhere further into the forest and narrowed somewhere there. You walked along the path and suddenly, to your surprise, you saw a chest in the bushes...

Presenter's task:

Think about what kind of chest this is? What material is it made of? Big or small? With or without a lock? Think about what might be in it?
The more participants describe, the more information they will have to understand themselves and their hidden “conflicts.” It is necessary to write that what first came to mind is the most reliable and correct information.

Fairy tale text:

“...We looked into the chest, calmed our curiosity and moved on. How long is it short, suddenly you noticed animal behind the tree..."

Presenter's task:

What kind of animal do you think this is, evil or good? Will you approach him and pet him or run away from him?
Participants describe in their sheets everything that they consider necessary to tell about this beast and their actions in relation to it.

Fairy tale text:

“The sun was warm. You came out into a fabulously beautiful clearing, on which stands a lonely oak tree, and under the oak tree lies a corpse , near the body lay some book .

Presenter's task:

Do you think the corpse is a woman or a man? Old or young? What book was lying under the oak tree?
Participants also describe everything, you can give time to think, answer questions if something is not clear.

Fairy tale text:

“Looking around, you noticed that there was still a lot of interesting things in the clearing and moved on. Far from where you were standing, you saw a camel calmly chewing something.”

Presenter's task:
Describe your feeling in this moment. What will you do, approach the camel or not? If so, why? If not, why not?

Fairy tale text:

“The clearing was so big that you moved on. Suddenly you heard some noise. It was a herd of horses that was rapidly running towards you. You realized that you need to do something, otherwise you will be trampled by a herd of horses...”

Presenter's task:
Describe your state, feelings, thoughts and actions. What are you going to do? What measures to take? Where to run?

Fairy tale text:

“It turned out that from fresh air your head began to spin, and you imagined a herd of horses. It was a mirage. You went to where, in your opinion, the clearing should end, but suddenly you came to some kind of fence..”

Presenter's task
What kind of fence is this, how tall, old or new, what material is it made of? How will you overcome it?

Fairy tale text:

The tale is told quickly, but the deed is not done quickly. Having overcome the fence, you came out onto a warm, clean, sunny beach. What's happening around you? Look around, what do you see, hear, feel? There is a huge rose bush growing among the beach...”

Presenter's task:
How many roses and what color will you pick for yourself? If you don’t pick it up, then why?

Fairy tale text:

“After you inhaled the scent of roses, basked in the sun, you wanted to swim in the river, which is nearby...”

Presenter's task
How will you enter the water? (fast, slow, smooth, or not at all. If not, why? Describe your actions

That’s the end of the tale, and those who listened and worked with us did well!

Stage 3 - final

Interpretation of a fairy tale for a test

Box – symbolizes the human soul (big, small, closed, open).
Chest Contents– values, interests, motives, hidden needs, grievances. The state that is at a given moment in time is what for a person is the main component of his soul (needs, fears, wisdom, experiences).
Example: Gold - greed, books - wisdom, knowledge (interpreted independently).
Lock – a person’s openness or closedness (sociability, anxiety, fears, communication barriers)
Animal behind the tree– your friends, perhaps your attitude towards friends.
Camel – relationships with relatives, brothers, sisters, parents.
Dead body - psychological age of the soul (man, woman, young old).
Young man – energy, strength, physical endurance.
Old man – rich life experience, endurance, tolerance.
Young woman - activity, performance.
Elderly woman – wisdom.
(it is advisable to specify that the human corpse should be either young or old). This will determine the psychological age of the individual.
Book - perhaps your interests, or what worries and excites you at the moment.
Herd of horses – relationships with the opposite sex (your methods of action)
Fence – your determination, the goals that you set for yourself. Ways to achieve goals will be spelled out in ways to overcome the fence.
Example: Go around the fence, climb over, find a gate, find a hole in the fence, walk along the fence.
Beach - what do you see, hear or feel? - this is your type of perception that prevails in you. See - visual, Hear - auditory. You feel - tactile perception. Whatever came first, that type of perception of the surrounding world prevails.
Water – how you solve problems, ways to resolve any situations.
rose bush – how many pieces and what color will you pick for yourself? – color symbolizes the state of a person at the moment (dark - negative, light - positive, bright - active, creative), and quantity is the number of novels or loves that have happened to you in life or will happen.

Conclusion :

“So we have finished the “fairytale journey” into our inner world through a fairy tale, each of us needs to think about our answers and try to give them a logical explanation.

The more the class participants write about what they saw, heard, felt, the greater and better the process of self-awareness of their characteristics, the causes of conflicts, their capabilities and qualities will be. Every parent can use this activity with their child or group of children. Perhaps you will learn more about your grown-up child and help him in a difficult teenage crisis.

Fairytale therapy training with teachers.

Topic: Fairytale therapy in working with children.


    Team building.

    Show teachers the benefits of working with fairy tales.

    Teach practical techniques for working with fairy tales.

    Unleash the creative potential of teachers.

Necessary materials. Pieces of old wallpaper; paints; magazines with pictures, photographs; pencils, felt-tip pens; brushes; scissors; plasticine; various waste materials; glue; small cards for writing the first letters of the participants’ names; audio cassette with a recording of calm music.

Progress of the lesson:


What do you expect from the seminar?

At the seminar I will show some techniques for working with a fairy tale. You all read fairy tales with your children, but maybe not everyone realizes that reading fairy tales to your children is already fairy tale therapy. After all, you complete each lesson with a fairy tale by discussing with the guys the answers to the question: what did the fairy tale teach us and how will we use this knowledge in situations in our lives? Thus, traveling through the fairy tale, the children become wiser, learn about life, and acquire social skills. Therefore, fairytale therapy classes do not lead away from reality, but, on the contrary, lead to it.

Goals of fairy tale therapy: development creativity and adaptive skills, improving ways of interacting with the outside world, as well as training, diagnosis and correction - these are the main possibilities of fairy tale therapy. The use of fairy tale therapeutic technologies gives the teacher the opportunity to help children cope with their problems, restore their emotional balance or eliminate existing behavioral disorders, promote intellectual development, the process of activating resources and personal potential.

The form of metaphor in which fairy tales, stories, parables, anecdotes, and poems are created is most accessible to a child’s perception. This makes her attractive for work aimed at correction, training and development. In addition, working with a fairy tale, modeling within the framework of a fairy tale form develops the personality of the teacher, creates an invisible bridge between a child and an adult, and brings parents and children closer together.

Participants sit in a circle. To whom this statement applies, switch places.

Swap places with those who always follow the rules;

Who believes that miracles exist;

Who is still waiting for the prince;

Who is afraid of Baba Yaga;

Who believes in their own strength;

Who loves to write fairy tales?

    Introduction to the tale:

Once upon a time there lived a sorceress. Every night she went to people, into their magical dreams. She flew on her golden chariot. good people she gifted with different talents. That night she visited you. Who saw her? She also visited those who had not seen her. And she gifted all of you with the talent of composing fairy tales.”

In order for a child to better “perceive” what happens to him in a fairy tale, you can come up with a ritual of ENTERING the Magic Land.

The purpose of the ritual of entry is to listen carefully and actively participate.

The presence of a ritual of entry (exit) into a fairy tale is mandatory for children. Such a ritual helps to safely return from dramatic reality to everyday life. The ritual of entry and exit should be the same. Preferably in the same way every time. For young children, such rituals can be: manipulations with magical objects (magic ring, golden key, Alice's mirror, etc.); casting magic spells or reading magic book; dance and movement ritual, etc. Children really enjoy going into the fairy tale with the help of a guide. As a rule, he has a legend that explains his presence in our world to children. For example, one of the reasons for its appearance may be a threat to the fairy-tale world, prompting it to turn to children who can save it. The role of a guide can be played by Fairy, Elf, Elder, Gnome, etc. dolls.

Children's fairytale journey should be filled with games that allow them to get to know the fairy tale better.

Exercise : Each group comes up with its own ritual. It could be a fairy tale, poetry, legend, etc.

Demonstration .

Discussion :

Now everyone can express their thoughts about what is happening.

2 Task:

"Journey" (meditation)

Before reading a fairy tale, a recording of calm music is turned on.

“Now close your eyes... Imagine that you are going on a trip. You have traveled to many countries and met different people.

And then one day you were driving through a field. Butterflies and dragonflies flew around. The bees were buzzing - they were collecting honey. The birds sang - they were happy that you were driving through their field. It smelled of flowers and fresh strawberries. And then on the hill you saw the Beautiful Palace. Something inside told you that it was very important for you to go there. And you headed along the road leading to the Palace.

When you entered the Palace, you were amazed by its beauty. Everything here was comfortable and beautiful. It’s as if someone built this Palace especially for you. And you realized that in this Palace you will find something very important for yourself. You walked around the Palace with your easy and confident gait.

Imagine walking along it and finding what you want...

Everything that you have found for yourself in this Beautiful Palace remains with you, and you will take it with you when you return. Now you take a deep breath... and exhale. Take with you all the good things that happened to you. And slowly opening your eyes, come back to us.”


2. “Creation of Fairytale Land”

Now I suggest you take all the good things that you acquired during your trip and create each group its own Fairytale Land. All the magical materials you need can be found here on the table.

    The group creates a country on a poster.

The group is encouraged to use magazine clippings, colored paper, plasticine, paints, markers, pencils and other materials.

    The group creates a “Fairytale Land” on the sand.

    The group creates a "Fairytale Land" in space.

Participants are given 20 minutes to create a country. And I propose to come up with a name for our Fairytale Land. To do this, you can add the initial letters of your names and create one new name. This will be the name of your Fairytale Land.

Demonstration .

Discussion :

“What wonderful countries you have created! Each of you contributed a piece of your warmth, your soul to its creation.

“Well, now we have our own Fairytale Land, the name of which contains a piece of every name of those present here. Only it doesn’t yet have fairy-tale inhabitants, so we will now start creating fairy-tale inhabitants.

    Selection of fairy-tale characters:

Game "Associations"

Each participant offers three associations: he says which of the famous fairy-tale characters he himself associates with, and with whom – his two closest neighbors in the circle. It is advisable to justify the association.

1 Group. Each participant in a circle will say his name, and then some fairy-tale hero starting with the first letter of his name.

    Group. Each participant says his name in a circle, and then names some magical object from a fairy tale with the last letter of his name.

    Group. I asked you to bringobjects or toys, both favorite and not favorite. You just need to breathe into them as much love as possible, a little imagination and apply full cup patience. And then they will become truly magical. These will be your heroes.


    The main theme of the line of heroes: we will determine the motives of their actions if we answer the questions: “Why does the hero commit an act?”, “Why?” , “How is he related to the actions of other heroes?”, methods of overcoming difficulties are revealed as a result of the questions: “How does the hero solve the problem and in what way?” , Attitude to the world around us, to ourselves, suggests the questions: “What do the hero’s actions bring to others?” In which ones is he a creator, and in which ones is he a destroyer?

    Themes of Fairy Tales: The main theme is an expression of the task or lesson that is contained in the fairy tale. The search for a topic centers around the questions: “What does this fairy tale teach?”, “How will we use the knowledge gained?”

    1. Difficulty communicating with peers, with parents,

      Feelings of inferiority, Aggressive behavior (feels weak, unwanted.)

      Fears, anxieties

      Age characteristics


      School difficulties


      Establishing yourself as an individual

Algorithm of a psycho-corrective fairy tale:

    The beginning We choose a hero who resembles a child (by gender, age and character).

    Problematic situation. The hero finds himself in a problematic situation similar to that of a child. We describe all the hero’s experiences.

    Ways to solve. The hero understands this problematic situation, looks for a way out of the current situation, analyzes what will happen if he acts in one way or another.

    Climax. The hero of the fairy tale copes with difficulties.

    Denouement. Good heroes win, bad ones are punished.

Moral of the story. The hero draws conclusions from what is happening, perhaps understands that he was wrong and changes for the better.

So, let's try to compose our own psychotherapeutic fairy tales.


How did you choose the roles?

Who was the first to suggest using something?

How was the plot created?

    Circle. Reflection:

How were your expectations met?

“Anonymous gift” (drawing)

“Now, please, take some sheets of paper and try to depict the feelings that you are experiencing now. Everything you need can be found on the table.”

A recording of calm music is turned on, and the group members perform work on the topic “My Feelings.” Each participant should be busy only with his own work. Each group member reviews all the works and chooses the one that awakened a response in him and a desire to give a gift. After this, the group members make small gifts with wishes and place them on the works that they liked. If someone’s work is left without a gift, the group makes a collective gift for this participant.

“Look at the wonderful creations you have made. And may everything that you have created here be Everyday life helps you understand yourself better, reminds you of our meetings.”

Discussion. The final discussion of the meeting is held

What do you remember most?

Does anyone have anything left unsaid? You now have the opportunity to say this.

What wishes can you express regarding our work in the next academic year?

Fairy tale therapy training “Trees characters from a magical forest”

Conceptual introduction:

At the beginning, “The Tale of Character Trees” was used only in work with primary schoolchildren - it, in fact, was written for them. But it turned out that the fairy tale is interesting to both high school students and even adults. Perhaps this is due to the fact that it is meditative in nature. The exercise built on the basis of this fairy tale, which is described below, can be used both within the framework of fairy tale therapy and metaphorical training, and in other types of training, during which the methods of art therapy and image therapy are natural. The facilitator is required to have the skills to perform visualization techniques and adhere to the rules of psychological safety. The first stage of the exercise is carried out against the background of relaxation music.

Goals : development of reflection and metaphorical thinking skills.


    Helping training participants understand their own character traits.

    training the ability to relax and relieve tension.

    development of creativity; training the ability to effectively interact with others.

Stages of work:

I. Stage – warming up

Goals : Immersion of participants in the atmosphere of a fairy tale.


Exercise “Fairy-tale characters” (the exercise was developed by the training compilers)

Goals : immersion of participants in the atmosphere of a fairy tale; actualization in the minds of participants of fairy-tale metaphors, characters and the most typical expressions; awakening of archetypal resources.

Materials : quiet, melodic music.

Time: 10-15 minutes.

Procedure : Let's immerse ourselves in the wonderful world of a fairy tale for a few minutes. Each of you knows a huge number of fairy tales. As we all know, in every fairy tale there are “negative” characters, such as Baba Yaga, Serpent Gorynych, etc., and “positive” ones, such as Cinderella, Ivan Tsarevich, etc. Your task is to remember first, in a circle, all the “negative” characters, briefly explaining why you classified this character in this category, and then the “positive” ones.

Issues for discussion:

    Was it difficult for you to do this exercise?

    Has it ever happened that the name of the character you chose was called by other participants?

    Have there been any characters that you would place in a different category than the participant who first voiced them?

    Did you remember the unnamed characters while completing the task? If so, you can voice them.

II. Stage – Main activity



Exercise “Character Trees”

Goals : the use of a fairy-tale metaphor to better understand oneself; developing the ability to relax and relieve tension; development of creativity; awakening of archetypal resources.

Materials : music player; musical recordings; painting kits; sheets of A4 paper.

Time : 40 min.

This exercise consists of 2 parts:

Part 1. “Drawing a fairy tale”

Procedure : “Sit down comfortably. You can close your eyes, but this is not at all necessary. I ask you to just imagine everything that I will talk about now. Let your imagination draw bright pictures, and I will tell you a fairy tale...”

Sounds like “The Tale of Character Trees” (see Appendix 1). When the fairy tale ends, the leader asks the group members to use their imagination and, once magical forest you can’t get there, imagine and depict what their personal Character Tree might look like. You can draw with pencils or felt-tip pens, but paint is preferable.

It is necessary to ensure in advance that sheets of paper and paint are already on the tables at which the group members will draw after leaving the circle. Drawing time is at least twenty minutes. Three to four minutes before the end of the allotted time, the presenter announces:

“The image of your Character Tree is almost complete. But I have one more small request for you. Think: who could live near your Tree? Maybe not near, but right in it - say, in a hollow? Or in the crown? Maybe someone feels comfortable on some branch or between the roots of your Character Tree? Probably, it could be birds or animals, but not necessarily - it is quite possible that it will turn out to be a completely unusual creature. There may be several of them. Add to your drawing an image of the one or those you want... Come up with a name for this creature or these creatures.” After a few minutes, the presenter asks those participants who have already finished drawing to return to the circle with their drawing. The gradual filling of the circle with people informs the overly enthusiastic “artists” about the need to complete the drawing.

Part 2. “Find similar traits”

Procedure : “Look at the drawings of other participants and choose the drawing that you think is somewhat similar to yours. Tell us how you see these similarities. I ask you not to try to interpret other people's drawings or make any diagnoses. Just look and make your choice. If you have such a desire, you can give comments on your drawing.”

Participants report their choices and briefly explain them. They also have the opportunity to ask each other questions regarding some aspects or details of the image, to clarify whether the image in the drawing is correctly understood. Everyone has the right not to answer questions. Participants - those who want to - comment on their drawings and talk about the sensations that arose during the stages of the exercise, while listening to the fairy tale and while drawing. The explanations that the participants will make about the creatures that appear in the drawings with Character Trees are extremely interesting.

Issues for discussion:

    Which common features met in the drawings of the group members?

    Were all the drawings expected from their authors?

    How did you feel about the work you did?

III. Stage - Completion

Goals : receiving feedback; self-analysis by the participants of the experience gained as a result of the training; development of creativity; training the ability to interact with others.

Materials : calm, instrumental music.

Exercise “Tale in a Circle”

Goals : self-analysis by the participants of the experience gained as a result of the training; development of creativity; training the ability to interact with others.

Materials : calm, instrumental music.

Time : 20-30 min.

Procedure : The presenter invites the participants to compose a common fairy tale in which the newly invented characters would act. The composing process itself can also be constructed different ways: you can come up with a plot based on the characteristics of the characters that have arisen, or you can start composing a fairy tale in a circle, introducing characters one by one. If the group is large enough (more than eight people), then it makes sense to divide it into subgroups of four to six people and offer not only to compose a fairy tale, but also to stage it.

Issues for discussion:

    Can you say what the creatures you imagined symbolized?

    How did these creatures manifest themselves in the fairy tales you created?

    What was their role and significance in these tales?

    How would you characterize these creatures?

    What qualities do they have?

    Was it difficult for you to unite your creatures into a single fairy tale plot?

    How did you cope with these difficulties?

    What feelings are you experiencing now?

Annex 1

The Tale of Character Trees

In some amazing world, in a valley spread among high and inaccessible mountains, in a magical forest, where they sing their wondrous songs amazing birds grew... Trees-Characters. These were unusual trees. Their appearance was a reflection of the characters of people who lived far, far beyond the mountains. Each Character Tree had four main branches from the trunk, and from them many small ones. These four branches had their own names: Attitude towards people, Attitude towards business, Attitude towards oneself, Attitude towards things. Each Tree-Character had its own branches, different from others, its own characteristic feature. On one Character Tree, the branch of Attitude towards people was straight and directed upward, because it was a branch of Truthfulness, and on the other it was twisted with a ring of Lies. Somewhere the branch of Attitude towards oneself provocatively stuck out with Narcissism, somewhere it sagged to the ground from its Humiliation, and somewhere it calmly and confidently rose towards the sun as the embodiment of Dignity. The branches of the Relationship to things on some Character Trees were twisted from Greed, while on others they revealed their Generosity with an abundance of foliage. Very different Character Trees grew in this magical forest. The ground cracked under some of the Characters - they were so heavy, but the light Characters literally floated in the air, barely clinging to the soil with their roots. There were Characters that were completely covered with needles - from the roots to the crown, and therefore they were very prickly. And others resembled telegraph poles with barely noticeable extensions - these were straight Characters. Even a chainsaw could not cut through hard Characters, and soft Characters were so malleable that their trunks could easily be crushed like clay. Among them were very beautiful and ugly, tall and short, slender and creeping along the ground. The Trees-Characters were so different because they grew on different soils, the sun warmed them differently, the wind blew differently, and the rain did not provide moisture equally. But everything in life turns out differently for every person, right? Sometimes a fierce storm would blow into the magical valley, and it would violently rush at the Trees-Characters: some were broken or uprooted, others were bent to the ground, but could not be broken. There were also those who did not bend even under the strongest hurricane wind and only proudly straightened their mighty branches - the branches of Attitude towards oneself, Attitude towards people, Attitude towards business and Attitude towards things. Each person in this magical forest has his own Character Tree, which in its appearance reflects his inherent character. Many people would like to go there and see what their Character Tree looks like. But no one can get into this magical forest...


    Vachkov I.V. Fundamentals of group training technology / I.V. Vachkov. – M.: Publishing house “Os-89”, 1999. – 176 p.

    Vachkov I.V. Psychology of training work: Content, organizational and methodological aspects of conducting a training group / I.V. Vachkov. – M.: Eksmo, 2007. – 416 p.

    Grabenko T.M. Workshop on creative therapy / T.M. Grabenko, T.D. Zinkevich-Evstigneeva. – St. Petersburg: Rech, 2003. – 400 p.