Those who believe that money is everything Franklin. Benjamin Franklin: quotes, aphorisms, sayings. What good have I done in a day?

(1706 - 1790) - an outstanding American politician, diplomat, inventor, writer and journalist. He was one of the authors of the United States Constitution and the only one of the Founding Fathers who affixed his signature to all three of the most important historical documents underlying the formation of the young state.

He left to his descendants not only scientific works and philosophical treatises, but also vivid notes about his life, which he created in the period from 1771 to 1790. They were compiled into the famous Autobiography, published after his death. In this work, Franklin talks with irony and humor about his extraordinary fate and what helped him become what he became.

We have selected 10 of the most remarkable quotes from this book:

It is stupid to live in quarrels with those with whom you have to constantly deal.

Gradually I began to become convinced that truth, sincerity and honesty in relationships between people are of great importance for happiness in life.

The best way to return the past is to remember everything that has been experienced; and in order for memories to last longer, it is better to put them on paper.

Some may say that these are all trifles that should not be remembered or told; but if they consider that although the dust that falls into the eyes of one person or into one shop on a windy day has no of great importance, then a large number of such cases in populated city and their frequent repetition gives this little detail weight and significance; then perhaps they will not criticize so harshly those who pay some attention to such base appearance affairs.

Human happiness is created not so much by great successes, which happen rarely, as by small everyday improvements.

Most people do not tolerate vanity in their neighbors, no matter how much of it they themselves possess; but I give it its due whenever I encounter it, being convinced that vanity often benefits the one who possesses it, as well as others within the sphere of its action; whereby in many cases it would not be entirely senseless if a person thanked God for his vanity, as well as for other bounties.

An English proverb says: “If you want to succeed, ask your wife for it.” For me it was great luck that my wife was as hardworking and thrifty as I was.

Those who rule, as a rule, do not like to take on the trouble of considering and implementing new projects on top of their numerous affairs. The best public measures are rarely taken as a result of wise preliminary deliberation; they are usually dictated by circumstances.

“The one who has done you one favor is more likely to do you another than the one whom you yourself have served.” And this shows how much more profitable it is to leave a hostile attack against you unattended than to be offended, harbor a grudge and pay in the same coin.

Lack of modesty is a lack of intelligence.

The image of Benjamin Franklin is indelibly imprinted not only on the American psyche, but also on the largest currency made by the US Treasury, the $100. It would be difficult to choose a more suitable Founding Father to feature on this banknote. Because Franklin is one of America's most famous statesmen, scientist, philosopher, writer, businessman and free thinker.

Few people know, but Benjamin was also the founder and owner of the printing house. It was this entrepreneurial spirit that allowed him to not only become rich, but also serve his community and create better world for future generations.

This article presents selected quotes and aphorisms from Benjamin Franklin that everyone should read.

Early age

- “A penny saved is a penny earned.”

- “Investing in knowledge always gives the best return.”

- “Being poor is not a shame, but you should be ashamed of it.”

- “Anyone who believes that money can do anything can be suspected of doing anything for the sake of money.”

- “It’s better to go to bed without dinner than to wake up in debt.”

- “If you have things to do tomorrow, do them today.”

- “Negligence does more harm than lack of knowledge.”

- “Laziness moves so slowly that poverty will soon overtake it.”

Benjamin Franklin: Quotes about Jews

At the time Franklin was already a senior statesman. He showed worthy courage in issuing a warning to his political “colleagues” about the Jews. It was even included in the Constitutional Convention of 1789 and called the “miracle of prophecy.”

Let's look at some quotes about Jews:

“The Jews are a menace to this country and their entry must be prohibited by this Constitution.”

“I completely agree with General Washington that we must protect our young nation from the insidious influence of the Jews.”

- “For more than 1,700 years, Jews have been mourning their sad fate, which is that they were expelled from their homeland - Palestine. But they immediately found convincing reasons not to return there. Why? Because they are vampires, and vampires do not live among themselves."

“If you do not exclude them, in less than 200 years our descendants will be working in the fields to provide them (the Jews) with a means of subsistence, while they will be in counting houses, rubbing their hands.”

Selected wise sayings

“The symbol of the Renaissance in America,” this is how Benjamin Franklin was called, whose quotes are so wise and insightful that they remain popular today:

“The Constitution only guarantees the American people the right to happiness. You have to catch it yourself."

“The tragedy of life is that we get old too early and wisdom too late.”

- “Keep your eyes wide open before marriage and half closed after it.”

- “God helps those who help themselves.”

- “If a person goes to bed early and gets up early, he will be healthy, rich and wise.”

“After all, marriage is the natural state of man. A bachelor is not a full-fledged person. He is like the odd half of a pair of scissors."

- “Eat to please yourself, and dress to please others.”

- “Reverence for God is a duty. Listening to and reading sermons can be helpful.”

Autobiographical Quotes

On my duty life path Benjamin Franklin, whose quotes are very popular today, never despaired and achieved his goals. Thanks to the fact that he served freely for the benefit of his people, he always achieved success and was happy man. And some of the secrets of a fulfilling life lie in his aphorisms:

“Reading was the only entertainment I allowed myself.”

“Perhaps there are no other natural passions that are more difficult to suppress than pride.”

- “Let your things have their places, let every part of your business have its time.”

- “Do not use harmful deception, think decently and fairly.”

- “Only virtuous people are capable of freedom.”

- “I grew up with the opinion that truth, sincerity and honesty in human-human relationships are extremely important for bliss in life."

- “One of my employees at the publishing house drank all the time, and the other only drank when he had completed all the work.”

And in conclusion, it is worth adding: Benjamin Franklin (whose quote about money became world famous) lived his life in the spirit of He was deeply interested in what was happening around him. He excelled in several different areas of human activity. Provided a huge impact to the development of electricity and the forms of speech we still use today.

Benjamin Franklin

(English) Benjamin Franklin; 1706 - 1790) - politician, diplomat, scientist, inventor, journalist. One of the leaders of the American War of Independence. One of the developers of the Bolshoi design State Seal USA. The first American to become a foreign member of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Time is money.

Time is the fabric of which life is made.

Don't leave for tomorrow what you can do today.

Don't waste time because it is life.

Keep all your things in their place, have your own time for each activity.

Since you are not sure of even one minute, do not waste even one hour.

If time is the most precious thing, then wasting time is the biggest waste.

One today is worth two tomorrow.

There is a time for every task.

Keep time! Guard him any hour, any minute. Without supervision, it slinks away like a lizard. Illuminate every moment with an honest, worthy achievement!

If you want to have leisure, do not waste time.

Laziness makes everything difficult.

Laziness begins with cobweb fetters and ends with iron chains.

Laziness moves so slowly that poverty quickly catches up with it.

Laziness is rust of mind and body; a key that is used frequently always shines like new.

Be ashamed of your idleness when you can do so much for yourself, for your family, for your country.

Carelessness does more harm than lack of knowledge.

Stupidity is somewhat reminiscent of love. At least because she is always right.

All philosophers are wise in their maxims and fools in their behavior.

The learned fool writes his nonsense best style than an unscientist, but that doesn’t stop it from being nonsense.

Fools throw feasts, and smart people eat at them.

Silencing a fool is impolite, but allowing him to continue is simply cruel.

Experience is an expensive school, but what to do if there is no other school for fools.

Corruption has breakfast with Wealth, lunches with Poverty, suppers with Poverty and goes to bed with Shame.

Carefree youth entails sad old age.

Marriage without love is fraught with love without marriage.

Marriage is like a mirage: it always seems more beautiful from a distance.

Be polite to everyone, sociable to many, familiar to some.

Be steadfast in what your duty dictates.

At twenty years old, desire rules over a person, at thirty years old - reason, at forty years old - reason.

A person lives not by what he eats, but by what he digests. This position applies equally to the mind as to the body.

It is difficult for a person who has no money to remain decent.

There is nothing in nature that could give a person happiness.

It's easy to see; difficult to predict.

In rivers and bad governments, the lightest floats on top.

Anger always has reasons, but not always good enough.

Perhaps of all our innate passions, pride is the most difficult to break; No matter how you disguise it, no matter how you fight it, its soul, kill it - it still lives and from time to time breaks through and shows itself.

Delight is the child of ignorance.

Choose your friend slowly, and be even less in a hurry to change him.

If you want to get rid of a guest who bothers you with his visits, lend him money.

Work hard and you'll get it good results, because drop by drop the stone is chiseled, and with small blows you can knock down an oak tree, and a mouse, with patience and perseverance, gnaws through a ship's rope.

If scammers knew all the benefits of honesty, they would stop cheating for the sake of profit.

A proud person hates pride in others.

Pride that dines on vanity dines on contempt.

In this world, the only inevitable things are death and taxes.

Contentment is the philosopher's stone, turning everything it touches into gold.

A big empire, like a big pie, is most easily eaten from the edges.

A daughter who does not recognize her responsibilities turns out to be an uncontrollable wife.

If a man could halve his desires, he would halve his troubles.

He who has patience can have whatever he wants.

If you don't want to be forgotten immediately after death, write things worth reading or do things worth writing about.

If you want to know a girl's flaws, praise her in front of her friends.

Nations that wage an unjust war are nothing more than a large band of robbers.

If you do not heed prudence, then it will definitely take revenge on you.

Greed and happiness have never met each other; no wonder they are strangers.

If you want to sleep soundly, take a clear conscience with you to bed.

Of all medicines, the best are rest and abstinence.

Idlers rarely visit a busy person; flies don’t fly to a boiling pot.

If you argue, get irritated and object, you may sometimes win, but this victory will be meaningless, because you will never win the favor of your opponent.

A cat wearing gloves will not catch mice.

Creditors have better memory than debtors.

He who loves delicacies is bound to be a beggar.

Who is mighty? Someone who can overcome their bad habits.

Who deceives you as often as you do?

It is easier to suppress the first desire than to satisfy everything that follows it.

Many people complain about memory, almost no one complains about intelligence.

The best doctor is the one who knows the uselessness of most drugs.

People who don't listen to advice cannot be helped.

A master at making excuses is rarely a master at anything else.

True honor is the decision to do, in all circumstances, what is useful to the most people.

If you want to have a faithful servant, and one you like, serve yourself.

The real tragedy of life is that one becomes old too early and wise too late.

Teach your child to keep his mouth shut, and he will quickly learn to speak.

Late children are early orphans.

Let the child's first lesson be obedience. Then the second one can be what you consider necessary.

Beware of small wasteful expenses, for a small leak can sink a large ship.

Some people think that they are buying pleasure, but they themselves are selling themselves into slavery.

You cannot help someone who does not want to listen to advice.

Never expect trouble or worry about something that may never happen. Stay close to the sunshine.

Once the party has achieved its main goal, each member begins to look after his own private interests; thereby he comes into conflict with others, and a split occurs in the party, which causes even greater confusion.

Optimism is the passion to claim that everything is good when in reality everything is bad.

Cheating and perfidy are the methods of fools who do not have the intelligence to live honestly.

Those who are absent always remain guilty; those present always have the opportunity to justify themselves.

Plow the land deeply while the couch potato is sleeping, and you will have enough grain for both sale and for yourself.

Idleness is like rust; it eats away at a person faster than fatigue from work.

Before you consult your whim, consult your wallet.

A highwayman, whether he participates in a gang or robs alone, remains a robber; and a nation that makes an unjust war is nothing more than a large band of robbers.

Decide to do what you must, and do without retreating what you decide to do.

Since people learned to cook food, they eat twice as much as nature requires.

He who loves himself has no rivals.

The best is the cheapest.

He who gives up his inalienable liberty to gain a little temporary security deserves neither liberty nor safety.

Among those who are engaged in public affairs, there are only a few who think only about the good of their country, no matter what they say; and although their actions bring real benefit to their country, yet the people did not at first separate their interests from the interests of their country, so they did not act on the principle of charity.

After obstacles and losses, people become more humble and wiser.

There are three faithful friend: Old book, old dog and cash.

Where there is famine, laws are not respected; where laws are not respected, there is hunger.

If you want to extend your life, shorten your meals.

He who can rest is superior to him who can take cities.

He who is able to endure is able to achieve whatever he wants.

It is not the correction of a mistake, but persistence in it that brings down the honor of any person.

What begins with anger ends in shame.

Sobriety puts firewood in the stove, meat in the pan, bread on the table, credit in the state, money in the wallet, strength in the body, clothes on the back, intelligence in the head, contentment in the family.

Keep your eyes wide before the wedding and close them after.

Fatigue is the best pillow.

A bachelor does not represent the value that he could have in marriage union. He is an unfinished animal. It resembles half a pair of scissors.

Labor is the father of happiness.

To be satisfied with your situation, you need to compare it with a worse situation.

Young ladies' men should give preference not to young women, but to those who are getting younger. They are so grateful.

I, Benjamin Franklin, achieved wealth, honor and fame only because I tried to be moral and benevolent and tried to the best of my ability to follow the principles that I developed in my early youth and followed them all my life.

State: USA

Field of activity: Policy

If we talk about US presidents and prominent political figures, several names immediately come to mind - those who have done a lot for the country. And Benjamin Franklin's name is in the front row. Let's take a closer look at what this man was like, how he achieved recognition among citizens and why he is still remembered and loved.

early years

Benjamin Franklin was born on January 17, 1706. His father was an immigrant from Great Britain. This was natural - then the territory of the modern United States was a small British colony. The boy was born in Boston, which then belonged to the province of Massachusetts Bay (in our time these are the states of Massachusetts, Maine, New Hampshire).

The family did not live well. The father was engaged in the production of soap and candles, but he passionately wanted his child to go to school, but for complete education there wasn't enough money. Therefore, young Benjamin tried to gain knowledge on his own - he read a lot, which later allowed him to become a famous writer. From the age of 12, he begins to help his older brother in the printing house. He really likes this activity, and Franklin chooses it as his profession.

Upon reaching the age of 21, Benjamin decides that he is already an adult (even by American standards), knows printing inside and out, so he needs to set off on his free voyage as soon as possible. He moves to Philadelphia and opens his own printing house there.

It must be admitted that this business quickly helped Franklin get rich. Soon he was already printing and publishing his own newspaper, then the government turned its attention to him and began ordering special brochures, as well as printing money.

In general, he was a very active person, he never sat still, he always tried to be on time everywhere. In 1728, Franklin gathered a circle of interests from artisans - in the future this circle would become known as the Philadelphia Philosophical Society.

But that's not all: he helped launch lending to the city's first public library, hospitals and college. In addition, he earned the title of scientist and experimenter, like the American one. Franklin studied electricity a lot - we note that he was one of the first to introduce the term “electric motor”.

He also paid great attention to a detailed study of the Gulf Stream - the Atlantic underwater current. Benjamin turned to him for the simple reason that sailing in those days was the only means of communication between England and its American colonies.

One day, Franklin carried out calculations and was surprised to discover that merchant ships departing from London to the city of New Port (near New York) arrived a couple of weeks faster than mail ships traveling from the port of Falmouth to the destination port of New York.

Everything turned out to be as simple as shelling pears: the English sailors in command of mail ships had no idea about the Gulf Stream, while the American commanders of merchant ships knew all its vagaries.

Franklin was the first to compile detailed map Gulf Stream, so that all sailors, without exception, take it with them on their journey. The reader may wonder: why study the Gulf Stream at all? Didn't Mr. Franklin have other things to do?

Let us answer: this was his direct responsibility, since since 1737 he had served as postmaster of the state of Pennsylvania.

Then his powers expanded - Franklin began to manage the mail of all American colonies. That's why he was interested in the Gulf Stream, so that people waiting for letters from home or sending them would not wait too long.

The Prime of Benjamin

As mentioned above, Franklin was a local celebrity in Philadelphia, a highly respected and revered man. In 1751, he opened the Philadelphia Academy, which would soon become the basis of the University of Pennsylvania. Of course, such a person cannot help but be interested and foreign policy states.

In the 1750s, he often traveled to London to resolve government issues. During this period, relations between the British crown and the colonies became strained. London understood that it was losing control over them and tried to tighten measures to regulate life on the American continent. Franklin spoke about this in Parliament, noting their illegality. This was especially true of the Stamp Act, which was passed in 1765. It consisted in the fact that all trade transactions, as well as the production of official documents and the sale of printed publications, were taxed in favor of the King of England. In London, they took this step to plug holes in the treasury, which was empty as a result of the latest military operations. What they got was anti-English sentiment and a readiness to revolt. Thousands of Americans took to the streets demanding the end of this tax. And Franklin successfully coped with this task - the Act was repealed already in next year. But it was no longer possible to stop the uprisings against English rule.

In 1776, he was sent to France to achieve an agreement with America against England - the situation was already tense to the limit. Everyone understood that war was just around the corner. And young colonies need help, not only human, but also financial. This is why Benjamin went to France. The trip was successful, the contract was signed. France, England's longtime enemy, was happy to once again annoy its northern neighbor.

US Constitution and Declaration of Independence

It is impossible to imagine America today without these two documents. But until 1776 it existed without them. And they owe their appearance precisely to the founding fathers, among whom was Benjamin Franklin.

The Declaration was adopted at a meeting of the Continental Congress on July 4, 1776. In it, America clearly stated that it was gaining independence from England. And also for the first time a new name of the state was spelled out there: the United States of America. At that time there were only 13 colonies, but all representatives were in favor.

The US Constitution was adopted after the war with Great Britain, in 1787. There were still the same number of colonies. And Franklin once again put his signature. Moreover, he was its co-author along with other prominent figures. Now it was possible to safely declare the appearance of a new country on the world map.

Benjamin Franklin - the president depicted on the most popular banknote

Benjamin was ambassador to France and spent a lot of time there during the war, concluding deals beneficial to the States. After returning to his homeland and signing the constitution in 1787, he became preoccupied with choosing the head of state - the president. The candidate was George Washington, who was elected in 1789, giving rise to a succession of American leaders.

Benjamin himself slowly retired from political affairs - he was already 83 years old. The age is quite respectable for those years. My health slowly began to deteriorate. In 1790, on April 17 at the age of 84, he died.

The funeral was attended by about 20 thousand people, which testified to unconditional respect for the deceased (the population of Boston at that time was about 30 thousand). Franklin left his fortune for development public projects in the city and state - the creation of a scientific museum, the organization of funds, and the payment of scholarships.

More than 200 years have passed since Franklin's death, but he remains one of the most famous and influential Americans. And the only public figure depicted on the $100 bill.

Biography, books, quotes and aphorisms.

An American politician, diplomat, polymath, inventor, writer, journalist, publisher, freemason. One of the leaders of the American War of Independence. Benjamin Franklin is the only one of the Founding Fathers to affix his signature to all three of the most important historical documents that underlie the formation of the United States of America as independent state: US Declaration of Independence, The US Constitution and the Treaty of Versailles of 1783 , which formally ended the Thirteen War of Independence british colonies V North America from Great Britain. Wikipedia

Born on January 17, 1706, he became the 15th child in the family (two more were born after him). His father, an English emigrant, worked as a craftsman, and the family lived in Boston. His father wanted to give Benjamin an education, but the funds were only sufficient for two years of schooling. As a 12-year-old teenager, he began working as an apprentice for his brother in the printing house, although he had already been helping his father in the workshop since he was 10 years old. Printing would be his main occupation for many years.

In 1723, Franklin found himself in Philadelphia, and the governor of the colony sent him to London; he spent a year and a half in the capital of Great Britain. Upon returning to Philadelphia in 1727, he created his own printing house. The following year, Franklin became the organizer of the Philadelphia Debating Society of Craftsmen and Traders, which in 1743 would become the American Philosophical Society.

Throughout 1729-1748. Franklin was publisher of the Pennsylvania Gazette from 1732 to 1758. under his leadership, “Poor Richard’s Almanac” was published, in which one could find a lot of teachings, useful recommendations, sayings, aphorisms, etc. During 1737-1753. worked as postmaster in Pennsylvania, and later, until 1774, as postmaster of the North American colonies. Around this time he began to become involved in politics. In 1754, the first congress of representatives of the colony was held in Albany, and Franklin was among those who initiated it and then proposed a plan to unite them.

Franklin was the de facto spiritual leader of the new American nation in the second half of the 18th century and the first half of the 19th century.

Franklin died on April 17, 1790. About 20 thousand people gathered for his funeral in Philadelphia, despite the fact that the entire population of the city that year was 33,000 people, including infants.

He was a Freemason and a member of the greatest Masonic lodge, the Nine Sisters.

Books by Benjamin Franklin

And autobiography

“Autobiography” is one of the most famous texts of the thinker. It was started in 1771 and published in 1791. The first Russian translation appeared already in 1799. It was made by Andrei Turgenev. Franklin's text tells only about the first half of the thinker's life and ends in 1757. It is interesting primarily because the thinker describes the stages of his formation and development as a person.

Time is money

Dale Carnegie said, “If you want excellent advice on how to deal with people, manage yourself, and improve your personal qualities, read Benjamin Franklin's autobiography, one of life's most fascinating stories.”

Way to Wealth. Autobiography

This book eliminates a monstrous historical injustice: for the first time, it presents to the domestic reader the legacy of one of the most remarkable minds of mankind - Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790).

Benjamin Franklin Quotes

Critics are our friends: they point out our mistakes.

Teach your children to be silent. They will learn to speak on their own.

One “today” is worth two “tomorrows”.

Talk less. Do more. Words will show your intelligence, but actions will show your worth.

If you want to know a girl's flaws, praise her in front of her friends.

Who has deceived you as often as you have?

Those who are absent are always to blame.

Investments in knowledge always give the greatest return.

If you do what you shouldn't, tolerate what you don't like.

Laziness is like rust: it corrodes faster than frequent use wears it out.

It is easier to suppress the first desire than to satisfy all subsequent ones.

He who buys what he needs ends up selling what he needs.

What cannot be corrected should not be mourned.

If you pour the contents of your wallet into your head, no one will take it away from you.

Many people think that they are buying pleasure. In fact, they are selling themselves to him.

Since you are not sure of even one minute, do not waste even one hour.

Beware of small wasteful expenses, for a small leak can sink a large ship.

If you want to get rid of a guest who bothers you with his visits, lend him money.

Before you consult your whim, consult your wallet.

To be happy, you must either reduce your desires or increase your means.

Democracy is when two wolves and a lamb vote on the dinner menu. Freedom is when a well-armed lamb challenges the result of such a vote.

Beauty without kindness dies unclaimed.

Benjamin Franklin - books, quotes, biography - interesting to know updated: October 13, 2017 by: website