A ceremony is held at the grave. Witchcraft in the cemetery: the most powerful rituals. Faking a love spell with a doll

Only a very brave person, capable of resisting evil spells, is able to carry out the ritual of removing damage from a cemetery. Sorcerers and witches who are familiar with black magic first-hand claim that for any strong curse, even a cemetery one, there is always a neutralizing spell, the main thing is not to delay with counter-actions.

  • Damage to the grave - what you should know

    When surrounded successful people individuals appear who wish them harm, thinking that the negativity comes from a person dear to their hearts, many begin to last resort. But in vain, because often a mean blow comes from an unexpected direction - from a close friend, blood relative, friendly neighbor, business partner.

    Reasons to settle scores with the object of irritation through witchcraft secret enemies can be different: from strong jealousy and resentment to banal envy of a person whose personal life is going well.

    You are mistaken if you think that only a practicing warlock can do damage to a cemetery, and that such spells always lead to death.

    An energetically strong spiteful critic is capable of causing damage to an unsuspecting person, who will observe all the conventions of the terrible ritual and put into the action all the negativity experienced towards the victim. True, the effect of such a spell will not be as destructive as due to the work of real magicians and shamans.

    With the help of cemetery soil, two types of black spells are cast: for loneliness and for death. They come in varying degrees of complexity and duration of impact; the more complex the ritual is to perform, the faster and stronger it will act.

    Most rituals positioned as easy way self-deliverance against cemetery damage, unfortunately, is a completely useless tool in the fight against black magic infection. The most you can expect from such home healing is a slowdown in the destruction program and a temporary improvement in health.

    However, you should not dismiss the proposed rituals - they will help you buy time to find an experienced practicing sorcerer who will undertake to eliminate the negativity that is destroying your life.

    Ritual of getting rid of damage

    For a healing ritual, buy a snow-white towel during the waning moon and thoroughly wipe your body with it, imagining how the fabric absorbs all the bad energy.

    When finished, take the towel to the churchyard. Additionally, take raw food with you. egg, apple and crust rye bread. Find the grave of your namesake (by name), on which there is no headstone, fresh, with a cross. Tie a negative-impregnated cloth onto the cross. Then say three times:

    “Sepulchral soul, take away your sins and damage,
    Drive away evil and evil spirits from me, God's servant (worldly name).
    You will never rise from the grave,
    And there will never be evil intent on me, the servant of God (worldly name).
    Be that way! Amen".

    Having pronounced the spell, turn to the deceased with words of gratitude and appease the grave spirit by placing the stored treats at the head of the mound.

    When leaving the cemetery, do not look back, no matter whose voice you hear behind you. Go straight to the temple, there order an annual funeral prayer service for the soul from whom you recently asked for help, and an annual memorial service for yourself.

    Do not visit the cemetery where the cleansing ritual was held, no matter how much you are drawn there. Consider the prohibition when choosing a place for ritual cleansing - do not go to the cemetery where your deceased relatives and friends lie.

  • The damage is removed at the cemetery when it was placed there. Filmed at burial sites and different types witchcraft, more about this in this article.

    In the article:

    Removing damage from a cemetery

    Various damages are done at churchyards, and not always the goal negative impact a sorcerer on a person - death or illness. - a type of negative program that represents damage to relationships in order to interfere with personal life.

    More often, the removal of negativity is done by magicians upon request. It’s good when a person knows how to work with such energy. But you have to deal with the expulsion of negativity on your own. strong, can harm and heal.

    Finding out that you have been damaged is not difficult. She appears brightly. There are the following signs of the presence of such misfortune in life:

    • when the ground is near the door. Most likely, it is from a cemetery - the other one is not in use;
    • unpleasant results when diagnosing spoilage of an egg - black bubbles, blood, and a strong smell of spoiled product are noticeable. How to check for spoilage with eggs, read on the website;
    • problems in relationships: quarrels in the family, infidelity, even divorce;
    • deterioration of health and well-being, irritability, unreasonable fear, nightmares, lack of strength to do familiar things.

    Damage to a cemetery - how it is done

    This information is provided for informational purposes only. Don't respond in kind to the offender. When you remove the negative program from yourself, it will return to the sender, which will serve as a lesson and punishment at the same time.

    A shroud of loneliness is made on three graves without a name. The spirits of the buried are tied to the victim. They interfere with love and marriage. Representatives of the opposite sex unconsciously sense the dead energy of a spoiled person and avoid serious relationships with him.

    Sometimes victims of damage to those who have had it done at their grave notice the soil near the door of the house. If you notice such a bad sign, take action.

    Widely practiced gaze dead person to a photograph of a witchcraft victim. It is believed that the one whom the dead eyes look at is not a survivor. They also bring items from tombs and funerals - bread or water that was used to wash the deceased.

    One of the strong ones is directed like this. On a grave selected according to certain criteria, thirteen stones are buried in a circle. In the center is a cross that was stolen from an unmarked tombstone, a photograph or a personal item of the victim.

    Objects are stabbed on the grave bad person(there are ways to determine this) for nine days. And they read the spell 9 times, which consists of 13 paragraphs. Afterwards, traces of the ritual are burned.

    How to remove the damage that was done to the cemetery

    Removing the shroud of loneliness is a difficult task, which is beyond the capabilities of the average person. Independent attempts end tragically - the negative program is supported by three spirits that were called from unmarked graves. To remove it, they turn to a master, but not everyone takes on such work.

    When there is damage of any kind, and no one can remove it, try the following method. This is an old way.

    Find a cemetery where they don't bury you. Go to him odd number month. Find an unmarked grave. There are many of these in old abandoned churchyards. When you see a suitable burial site, clear it of weeds and debris. Do it with a pure heart, not under duress.

    After cleaning, leave sweets on the grave, stand at your feet, cross yourself three times and say:

    The afterlife soul, a deceased person.
    Your grave is quiet, although it is dashing.
    No one should touch you, no one should disturb you.
    The angel from beyond the grave will guard your house.
    I bow down to you, I tell you more quietly.
    May God protect you, may the Mother of God protect you.
    Take away the dashing evil eye and evil damage from me.
    How you were buried, closed in a coffin, and forgotten forever,
    So all my evil will go away into the land.

    To remove cemetery damage, you need to choose the right time. Such rituals are performed on the waning moon.

    Buy a white headscarf. It must be worn for three days, and should not be removed at home or at night. Then wipe your entire body with the handkerchief. Imagine how the bad energy leaves it and is absorbed into the scarf, which is then wrapped in white paper. Packages are not suitable for such purposes.

    Take the bundle to the cemetery. Go through the gate, face east and read:

    I give my death to the one who gave it.
    I don’t take someone else’s, I take care of my own.

    Throw the package on the ground in front of you. But not to the grave. Just to get on the path. Also, all cemeteries have special places for garbage that are suitable for this.

    After throwing away the scarf, walk away and don’t look back. On the way home, do not greet anyone, do not talk, do not communicate with gestures - the damage will return to you.

    When you get home, take a shower. Go to church for seven days and light candles St. Panteleimon And Jesus Christ. In your own words, ask for healing and deliverance from witchcraft, help and protection. Start going to church the day after going to the cemetery.

    There is another option for removing grave damage: buy a new white towel without patterns. Wipe your entire body with it and go with it to the cemetery. Find the grave of a person with a name like yours. And so that a cross, and not a monument, is installed on it.

    Tie the towel you brought to him and say the spell three times:

    Grave soul, take away the damage and sins,
    Drive away evil spirits and evil from the servant of God (name).
    You won't rise from the grave,
    And evil will never happen to God’s servant (name).
    In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen!

    With words of gratitude to the deceased for his help, place a treat on the grave - a raw chicken egg, a piece of rye bread and an apple. Then leave, don’t linger and don’t look back.

    From the cemetery go to the church. It is important to choose the time for it to be open. In the temple, order an annual memorial for the deceased from whom you asked for help in getting rid of damage, as well as an annual memorial for yourself.

    Despite the fact that a love spell on a grave is powerful and in most cases irreversible, it is quite insidious. That is why it is not recommended to independently carry out magical rituals that involve necroenergetics - it is better to turn to a professional magician for this. What effect does the ritual have on the victim and what consequences can an appeal to the dark forces living in the cemetery lead to? I'll tell you about this right now.

    Preparing for a love spell on a grave

    A grave love spell is not just a ritual, but a whole set of rules that should never be violated. If you do not provide due respect and worship to the souls, or rather the energy cocoons of the deceased, in whose areas the ritual is being carried out, they can take terrible revenge on the subject. The first thing to start with is the story.

    It has never happened before that necroenergetics obeyed a believer, a baptized person. You will also have to renounce your religion forever.

    Church from now on is a place where you should never appear. Your home should also be free of images of saints and other attributes of believers (crosses, incense, funeral candles, etc.).

    All portraits and photographs of deceased relatives will also have to be removed from the walls and placed in a closet or drawer. The fact is that the energy of those deceased who were your loved ones carries a positive charge and performs protective functions towards you. The souls of these people will never allow the dark demons to perform the ritual, since under any circumstances they main task is to protect you from troubles and dangers that await you both in this world and in the other world.

    And in this case, there is a high probability that the cemetery will want to “draw” you to itself. But if you are determined to improve your personal life in this particular way, prepare for a love spell on a grave as described above.

    Features of a grave love spell

    When working in a cemetery, take into account the peculiarities of “communication” with otherworldly forces. It is important to choose the right day for the ritual so as not to end up at a time when grave demons (incubi, succubi, mimics, corpse eaters) and the dead themselves do not “celebrate” some of their holidays. They really don't like to be disturbed.

    I am well aware of these days, but it is not possible for a non-professional to obtain reliable information about this from books and especially the Internet. The choice of date is also important because on the “wrong” days one of the listed demons can possess you or the person you are bewitching. And this can lead to completely unpredictable consequences.

    There is another danger that lies in wait, first of all, for those who perform it unprofessionally. You may incorrectly set the vector of the energy beam and encounter unwanted side effect. It often happens that a bewitched person, who is irresistibly drawn to the subject, cannot enter into intimate intimacy with him - for this he chooses completely different people.

    An unpleasant situation, which is then very difficult to correct, most often occurs when dead energy completely covers and dissolves the subject’s energy, i.e. he himself is a weak, doubtful person, easily susceptible to the influence of others. In this situation, the dark demons released into the wild begin to work on their own, regardless of the goals that were set by those who turned to them for help.

    Which grave to choose for a love ritual?

    There are several rituals that require going to the cemetery. In some cases, the location of the ritual is a very old or, conversely, a fresh grave. This could be a place without a monument or any other “identification marks,” or a grave where lies a person who bears exactly the same name as the victim of the love spell. Often they choose to bury a baby or a virgin.

    As practice shows, good results gives a magical effect, for which one grave was used, in which a married couple was buried. In this case, you resort to the help of two energy cocoons at once, which during life had a powerful joint love energy. It can be difficult for a beginner to find a suitable place, but the magician already knows where and how to look for the right grave. And this is another argument in favor of not engaging in amateur activities in the churchyard.

    I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, intend to devote this article to describing the ritual of casting a love spell on a loved one through the grave. What are cemetery rituals of love witchcraft through necroenergy, and what role does the spirit of the deceased play in performing love spell guy at the grave - this is what we will talk about today.

    Strong love spells on a married man, made at the grave, are really effective, because the dead help a person in love, someone who is ready to do anything to tie another person to themselves, to achieve what they want.

    • Love spells on a fresh grave,
    • as well as love spell rituals on old graves,
    • and on the graves of the abandoned,
    • nameless,

    — are strong, but the kickbacks are no less terrible.

    However, knowledge practical experience and careful execution of the ritual reduce the possibility of getting a kickback to almost zero.

    The power of a grave love spell on a man and the rules for carrying it out

    A black love spell for a guy on a fresh grave can be done on both the waxing and waning Moon. In general, things are ambiguous with cemetery love spells for a beloved man. There are many nuances that need to be taken into account, on which the result depends. independent work generally. During the waxing Moon, working in a cemetery gives a pronounced love spell effect, causing precisely love longing in the victim, while the longing created by a magician on the energy of the waning Moon is precisely necrotic in nature.

    Definitely before real love spell a lover is diagnosed in a cemetery, the will and protection of the victim are weakened. Weakening and removing protection can be done through ritual cleansing, of which there is plenty in black magic. Great in this regard. If you have not studied the methods of working with runes, and your relationship with this system has not yet developed, you can immediately recite “I am doing a dashing, opposite thing ...” just before the ritual that you need to perform, for example, before a dark love spell with a candle in a cemetery. . If your lover has a moderate defense, this spell will weaken his will.

    Does the character of a loved one and how they are affected through necroenergy matter? This question is often asked to me by magician’s clients. I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, will say this: there is a direct connection between personality characteristics, a person’s worldview, and how power is manifested love magic. Black love spells married man through the grave they are good for melancholic people prone to depression. Plunging into necrotic energy, such a person finds himself in his element, in an environment of sadness and tears.

    If your lover is a person with a strong will and good magical protections, you cannot do without weakening them. Defense exists to repel magical attacks. As a result, your work will not give the desired result, and your efforts will be in vain. Moreover, you may get a strong pullback. Later in the article, how make a love spell on a grave through the spirit of the deceased.

    About Dark spirits and a proven love spell through the grave

    Do cemetery rituals, for example, dark love spell on an unmarked grave, on Christian believers, because a Christian egregor must protect his followers? Yes, there is egregor protection, and for some believers it is even quite strong. But effective love spells through the grave, full of necroenergy, work perfectly, and the demons of Christian believers see perfectly well and do what the sorcerer specifies.

    The whole point is how much one or another Force really needs this or that person. It matters what the person himself is oriented towards. So, for example, the Dark Forces promise the sorcerer abilities, respect, in human society. While the spirits of the Christian pantheon are focused on the fear of God, and the so-called. piety.

    Believers are required to be meek, patient and submissive for the sake of reward in the afterlife. But what to do with the impatient, with those who strive to leave obedience? In this case, there is a persistent myth about heaven and hell, where all sinners supposedly go.

    What about the righteous? Do they have everything, do they need nothing? On the contrary, people who pray earnestly have a lot of problems. This again and again drives them to church, where they continue to feed the greedy Christian egregor. It is reasonable to ask: we love, we tolerate, we forgive, but where is the help? The answer, sorry, is obvious.

    So, Dark spirits promise a person strength. Christian spirits instill in a person the need for fear and submission. Both of them essentially need one thing – people’s energy. For it, for our energy, there is a struggle in subtle worlds. A person is free to choose his own path. What do you need, where will you go? Decide.

    Really effective love spell on an unmarked grave through the spirit of the deceased

    The proven love spell of the guy in question is easy to perform, but even intuitively, when reading the plot, it seems strong. This is, in fact, how it is. The ritual is working, quite strong. You just need to find a responsive spirit of the grave. This - key moment, which determines the success of a love spell through the grave.

    For the witchcraft ritual you will need:

    • Red candle
    • Photo of the one you will bewitch
    • Red cotton or wool threads

    So, on Friday, on the waxing Moon, go to an old unmarked grave with a wooden cross, which you will mark in advance for your own love spell with a candle in the cemetery. This place should be marked by obvious activity. An active grave can always be identified by signs. Traces of birds, cats, stray dogs, or a mark that an animal was rummaging there - all this suggests that you will meet a response here. There should be no doubt - this particular grave in the cemetery is active, and you can safely take it to work.

    ATTENTION IMPORTANT: I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, recommend everyone to wear a proven Talisman to attract the energy of money and luck. This powerful Amulet attracts good luck and wealth. MONEY AMULET is made strictly individually, under the name specific person and his date of birth. The main thing is to immediately set it up correctly in accordance with the instructions sent, it is equally suitable for people of any religion

    When looking for an active unmarked grave, look for cracked headstones.

    There is almost no grass there, but there are plenty of weeds. Another obvious sign of the existence of an active dead creature - a crow. The raven is a witchcraft bird; those places in the cemetery over which they circle are endowed with special powers. Starting the ritual of effectively casting a love spell on a guy with a candle in a cemetery, light a red candle, place it at the feet of the deceased, and, turning your face to the cross, read the spell to summon the spirit that lives in this place 9 times:

    “In the middle of the old churchyard there is an abandoned grave. The dead man rests in it, but his spirit knows no peace. Open, gates, open, earth, nameless deceased, I call on you to help me.”

    Attach a photo of the beloved man on whom you are making this black love spell through an unmarked grave front side to the crosshair on the grave cross and securely tie it crosswise with red thread. Take natural threads - wool or cotton.

    While scrolling through the photo, read the black conspiracy for a man’s love:

    “I twist (the name of the object) with a red thread, I tie it to myself (my name) with ardent love. Let him yearn, suffer, know neither peace nor love without me. I will fasten (object’s name) to the grave cross and add longing to his heart. Without me he will howl like a dog, not sleep, not eat, not drink. He can love me alone to the death's death. Word and deed. Amen".

    Tie the ends of the threads into 3 knots, drip candles with wax, while reading the plot for a lover:

    “I seal my work with a mortal seal, and I put this shield over the corpse in the grave, no one can change my words, my witchcraft cannot be removed from (the name of the object). It will be like this. Amen".

    At the end of this love spell on a grave candle, you need to lightly hit the top of the cross and say: “What is said will be done. Amen". You can use not a photo, but a volt

    A love spell in a cemetery is effective method win the love of the chosen one. This ritual belongs to the category of black magic.

    How to choose a place and time

    There are several ways to bewitch a loved one, the most powerful is a cemetery love spell.

    1. Magicians advise choosing the territory of an ancient burial place for the ritual. A good option is a cemetery where no one has been buried for several years.
    2. When choosing a cemetery stone, next to which the fortuneteller will perform the ritual, you need to focus on the presence of dry trees. There should be many birds or stray animals near the grave.
    3. Also, a powerful love spell is performed on the graves of children (under 14 years old) and married couples who were happily married.
    4. The time to perform a love ritual is late at night. The effect of fortune telling will be stronger if there is a full moon or a waxing moon in the sky.
    5. The day of the love spell should not coincide with any church holiday, it is forbidden to cast magic on Sunday.


    A cemetery love spell is carried out using threads, a personal item of the chosen one, a voodoo doll, candles, photographs, etc. In actions, you must follow all the rules and recommendations, only then the ritual will work.

    With threads

    A love spell on a man or woman using threads requires preparatory work:

    1. A week before the event you need to fast.
    2. On the day of the ceremony, it is recommended to go to the temple for morning prayer.
    3. You need to quietly throw 3 red threads to the bewitched object for 3 days, and then take them back.

    The love ritual is done like this:

    1. At night, the fortuneteller goes to the cemetery and finds a gravestone on which the same name will be written as that of her lover.
    2. Near the gravestone, the performer of the ritual must bury for 3 days the needle and thread that the bewitched object carried with her.
    3. After the specified period, the fortuneteller digs up all the attributes, returns home, cuts off the buttons from the chosen one’s clothes and sews them in place with threads from the cemetery, while pronouncing the magic words:

      “I tie the servant of God (object of the love spell) to the servant of God (customer) to the gravestone, to the gravestone. Let it be so".

    For a personal item

    A love spell through a cemetery on a personal item is carried out using the following attributes:

    • 13 black candles;
    • an object used by a lover;
    • small red cloth.

    The order of the ritual at night in the cemetery:

    1. Find a cemetery stone with the same name as the object of the love spell. You need to choose an abandoned grave with a lot of dry vegetation around it.
    2. Make a circle of candles near the gravestone and light them, and place the victim’s personal item in the center.
    3. Say the spell 13 times:

      “Dark forces come to the rescue, devour the soul of the slave (victim). Let him lose peace until the (performer) comes to the slave. Melancholy eats him up, without a slave (the customer) dies. As the deceased lies in the grave, so he will lie near (the name of the sorceress). Key, tongue, lock. May it be so forever and ever. Amen".

    4. Wait until all the candles burn out and wrap the wax remains along with the grave soil in red cloth.
    5. Bury the package in the yard of the person being bewitched, and return the enchanted item to the beloved.

    And another option in the video:

    With photo

    To cast a love spell on a cemetery using a photo that cannot be taken, you will need the following items:

    • an image of a loved one taken no more than 1 year ago;
    • 7 candles bought the day before in the temple;
    • needle.

    To protect yourself from the influence of demonic forces, you need to read the “Our Father” prayer before entering the cemetery.

    Stages of the magical sacrament:

    1. Find a grave with the same name as the victim. If the ceremony is carried out for the love of a man, then you can stay behind the gate, but if for a woman, for example, ex-wife, then you need to go straight to the tombstone.
    2. Light 7 candles.
    3. Prick the finger on your left hand with a needle, drop a drop of blood on the photo and read the magic words:

      “Devils, help me, find the three sisters. They sit on the board, and under it there is melancholy. Find it on the servant of God (bewitched). She will only love the slave (performer) and follow her on her heels. I conjure with blood. Amen".

    4. Burn the photograph and scatter the ashes to the wind.

    On the hair

    To dry your hair, you need to prepare the following attributes:

    • own hair and the hair of the bewitched object;
    • red candle;
    • envelope;
    • an image of yourself and your beloved.

    The love ritual is done as follows:

    1. You need to find an abandoned grave or burial place of a married couple.
    2. It is necessary to place a lighted candle near the gravestone.
    3. Then you should put the photographs on the grave, pick some grass and start braiding your hair with it, saying the spell three times:

      “I braid hair with hair, and with grave grass. I take away the fate, soul and heart of the slave (name of the victim). From now on and forever our lives will be intertwined and merged together. The dead will be witnesses, the union will be strong. What was said is destined to come true. Let it be so".

    4. After this, the photos need to be folded facing each other, and the braided braid should be placed between them. All this needs to be put into an envelope and filled with candle wax.
    5. The envelope should be stored for a week and then burned. Bring the ashes along with 13 coins to the grave where the ceremony was performed.

    With a voodoo doll

    A love spell on a grave with a voodoo doll is a powerful love ritual. Such a doll is made from an element of the person being bewitched’s clothing and his hair.

    In order to perform the ritual, you need:

    1. Come to a cemetery at night and find an abandoned grave, next to which there are many crows.
    2. Place a mirror next to the tombstone and place a doll opposite it. You must first write your loved one’s name on the doll’s belly, and your own on the back.
    3. Light a black candle and, holding it in your right hand, say the magic words:

      “Spirits of Loa, come to the rescue, tie your loved one to your slave forever. I pass the power through myself, I want to be with my beloved. Let him not take a step without (name of the customer), only (name of the fortune teller) will love one. Key, tongue, lock. Amen".

    4. Wait until the candle burns out, bury the remains next to the grave, and hide the doll at home in a secluded place.

    After the spell is cast, the energy of the dead world flows into the doll and the love spell begins to work.

    With a grave candle

    1. At night you need to come to the cemetery and find an unmarked tombstone (it’s good if it’s a wooden cross).
    2. A red candle must be buried next to this grave for 13 days.
    3. After the specified period, you need to return to this place, dig up a candle, place it at a distance of 1.5 m from the cross, light it and say the spell:

      “I’m standing on an abandoned grave, I want to bewitch my beloved. Restless spirit, open the gates, help to bewitch the slave (name of the chosen one). Even if he knows no peace, he can neither eat nor drink. If he does not come to the slave (name of the performer), he will end up in the grave. Let it be so, and not otherwise, from now on and forever and ever. Amen".

    4. On the way home, it is forbidden to turn back and talk to anyone.
    5. It is recommended to bury the enchanted candle in the yard of the object being bewitched.

    With grave earth

    A love spell on cemetery land is done as follows:

    1. You need to come to the cemetery during the day, find a grave with the same name as that of your beloved person, and take a handful of earth from there.
    2. Then you need to invite your loved one to visit, leave him alone, and at this time walk around the house, scattering earth from the grave and reading the magic words:

      “Dead souls live in the cemetery and cannot leave it. So the servant of God (bewitched) will now not be able to leave this house. The grave earth subjugates the will and closes the gates. Now the slave (name of the chosen one) and the slave (name of the performer of the ceremony) will be together from now on and forever. In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen".

    3. You should leave a small handful of earth to pour it into the shoes in which the chosen one came.

    For 9 graves

    To cast a love spell on 9 graves you need to prepare:

    • rope;
    • 9 boiled eggs;
    • 9 pieces of white bread;

    Stages of implementation:

    1. In the dark, find 9 tombstones in the cemetery with the same name as the chosen one.
    2. Place an egg, bread and honey on each of the graves, saying:

      “I’m standing on the threshold of death, remembering the deceased, asking for help. Let him help you bewitch your sweetheart, subdue your will, and take away your heart. Key, tongue, lock."

    3. After each round, you need to make a knot in the rope. There should be 9 pieces in total.
    4. On the way home you can’t turn around and talk.

    The next day you should go to the temple and light 9 candles for the repose, put sweets and cookies on the funeral table, saying:

    “I thank my assistants for their help, I give them the ransom.”

    At home you need to make a volt and wrap it with a rope with knots tied in a cemetery. Hide the Volt for 9 days and then bury it in your lover's yard.

    At the witch's grave

    A love spell on a witch's grave can only be done at midnight.

    The love ritual is carried out as follows:

    1. Find the burial place of a sorcerer or witch.
    2. Light 1 black candle and 8 red ones.
    3. They pierce the finger on the right hand and drop a drop of blood onto the image of the beloved in the area of ​​the heart.
    4. Read the spell:

      “Agvarez, I call for help, I conjure with blood. I unite the forces of darkness, I wish to bewitch my beloved. So that I couldn’t eat or sleep, I fell off my feet without love. I call upon the deceased magician to help, I wish to conquer the will of the slave (name of the one being bewitched). What was said is destined to come true.”

    5. They open a bottle of red wine, pour a little into a glass and place it next to the tombstone, and the rest is poured onto the sorcerer’s grave.
    6. The photograph is burned, and the cinders from the photo and candles are buried next to the cemetery.

    For the ritual to take effect, you need to invite the chosen one to visit and give him red wine.

    On a fresh grave

    A love spell on a fresh grave is carried out after sunset during the waxing moon.

    For it you need to prepare the following attributes:

    • church candle yellow color;
    • image of a beloved person;
    • red wool thread.
    1. At night, find a fresh grave, place and light a candle next to the tombstone.
    2. Place the photo on the ground and say:

      “Deceased man, help me in matters of love, tie my dear one to the servant of God (name of the ritual performer). He can’t live without her in the morning or at night; all roads will lead to her house. A restless soul wanders around the white world, finding no peace, and so the servant of God (the name of the one being bewitched) will wander the earth. Let it be so. In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen".

    3. Extinguish the flame and tie the photo to the candle with red thread.
    4. Bury the package next to the tombstone and go home.

    For sex

    Such magical ritual done to take a man away from a rival or to resurrect intimate relationships in family.

    To carry out a love spell you will need:

    • red candle;
    • photo of your own, your loved one and the homewrecker;
    • white fabric.

    Stages of implementation:

    1. We need to find a burial place married couple.
    2. Light a candle, take the image of your lover and set it on fire with the words:

      “Burn like a bright fire, leave your husband. I’m breaking up your union and returning your spouse to the family.”

    3. Photos of husband and wife must be placed face to face, wrapped in white cloth, wax dripped on top and magic words pronounced:

      “Just as a candle burns with a bright flame, so the passion for his wife flares up in the heart of the husband (name). He doesn’t look to the left, he doesn’t go to other women. He returns to his family and makes love to his wife. Let it be so, and not otherwise. In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit."

    4. The resulting bundle should be taken home and placed under the pillow for a week, and then buried in the yard under a tree.

    White love spell

    Strong love spell through the cemetery, which is called "White", must be carried out in daytime.

    To make a white love ritual, you need to prepare:

    • 3 yellow church candles;
    • an icon of a saint with a name like the object being bewitched;
    • honey and sweets.

    Steps to take:

    1. Come to the grave of your relative or friend.
    2. Arrange and light all the candles.
    3. Place it next to the gravestone personalized icon and say the spell:

      “Deceased friend, help me, help me in love affairs. Let the servant of God (name of the chosen one) come to the servant of God (name of the customer) and bring happiness and love. Higher power this union is blessed, destinies are united together. In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen".

    4. You need to put a payoff for help in the form of sweets and honey on the gravestone.
    5. When leaving the cemetery, you need to read the “Our Father” prayer three times, and the next day go to church and light a candle for the repose.

    Place the enchanted icon in a prominent place in the room.

    "Black Wedding"

    Such a ritual belongs to the category of black magic and carries many negative consequences.

    To carry out a black love spell in a cemetery, you need a person who will play the role of a priest, a grave of the deceased, where the same name will be written as that of the person being bewitched, and also wedding rings(they unwind during the sacrament). The entire ritual should be performed at night during the full moon on the men's day of the week (Monday, Wednesday or Friday).

    In order to avoid negative consequences from this ritual, you need to make a ransom in the form of 13 coins left at the crossroads of three roads.

    Biological love spell

    For a biological love spell you need following materials:

    • hair or saliva of the person being bewitched (if the ritual is performed on a man, then you can get his sperm);
    • paper;
    • needle;
    • matches.

    The ritual can only be performed at night as follows:

    1. You need to find an abandoned tombstone with a wooden cross in the cemetery. It is recommended to choose a place where many crows fly.
    2. You need to wrap the prepared biological material in a sheet of paper and pierce your ring finger right hand and drop a drop of blood onto the bundle.
    3. Set the paper on fire and say the magic words:

      “Blood to blood, hand to hand, the dear one will be faithful only to the slave (name of the performer). Cross to cross, earth to earth, I conjure my beloved in the darkness. Cross, castle, tongue. Let it be so, and not otherwise. Amen".

    4. The ashes need to be scattered to the wind.

    Gypsy version

    In a gypsy love spell in a cemetery they use playing cards:

    1. At night in the cemetery you need to make a volt.
    2. Find a tombstone with the name of the love spell victim.
    3. Place the volt on the grave, shuffle the deck of cards and pull out all the cards of the heart suit.
    4. Light a red candle and burn the cards one by one, saying:

      “You don’t see anyone, you don’t hear anyone, only the slave (name of the performer) is on your mind and in your heart. You love her only, you will never leave her, you will be with her all your life. As the sun moves across the sky, so (name of the chosen one) will come to (name of the customer). Let it be so. Amen".

    5. The charmed volt must be buried next to the gravestone.
    6. When returning home, you can't look back.

    All steps must be repeated for 13 days; on the last day, the volt is buried not in the cemetery, but in the yard where the bewitched object lives.

    "City in the Churchyard"

    The ritual called “City in the Churchyard” is carried out as follows:

    1. They buy 13 yellow candles in a church shop.
    2. At night they go to the cemetery and, passing by the graves, read the words of the love spell:

      “I’ll come to the settlement, to the city, to the churchyard. I'll find bones there. I’ll walk along the row, look at the houses, at the graves. The dead will wake up and gather to help the slave. They will take away the dear one’s heart and give it to the slave (name). (The name of the person being bewitched) will be sad, suffer, lose peace and sleep, until (the name of the bewitched person) appears and bows at his feet. Dark forces help, they take away the will of the dear one, they add melancholy to the heart. What was said is destined to come true. Let it be so from now on and forever. Amen, amen, amen."

    You need to walk around the cemetery until all 13 candles burn out. You cannot see your loved one for 3 days after the ritual. Repeat the love spell after 9 and then after 40 days.

    How long does it take for a cemetery love spell to take effect?

    Many fortune tellers are interested in the question of when the first results from the ritual will appear.

    The timing depends on the following factors:

    • what magical ritual was performed;
    • whether a ransom was made;
    • white or black magic was used in the love sacrament;
    • how much energy was expended during the ritual.

    Strong love spells take longer to start working.

    The cemetery love spell will take effect after the following time:

    1. 2-3 days if the performer did not have enough energy. The duration of such a love spell is 3-4 months.
    2. A week, if the ceremony was performed according to all the rules, with a payoff. This binding can last up to 10 years.
    3. 1 month, if the ritual was performed in compliance with all recommendations, with payment, and the customer had a lot of energy and great faith in a positive outcome. Such a love spell can last a lifetime.

    A love spell in a cemetery has its consequences both for the customer and for the person being bewitched:

    1. The cemetery is the territory of the dead, therefore, when invading this space, a person’s energy protection. He begins to feel weak and is accompanied by constant apathy and depression.
    2. If a mistake was made during a magical sacrament, then a fatal outcome is possible either for the performer or for the chosen one. Death can also take away one of your close relatives or friends.
    3. The emergence of fatal or difficult to diagnose diseases cannot be ruled out.
    4. Large monetary losses or dismissal are possible.
    5. Changing the character and habits of the person being bewitched. He may become aggressive. Alcoholic or drug addiction.
    6. All Negative consequences(rollback) may haunt subsequent generations.

    How to recognize such a love spell on a person

    A cemetery love spell can be determined by the following characteristics:

    1. The chosen one begins to experience an irresistible desire to spend all the time next to the customer. But at the same time he feels that he is here not of his own free will.
    2. A person begins to get sick and signs of aging appear. Chronic diseases are getting worse. This occurs due to lack of energy and suppressed will.
    3. The bewitched person is depressed all the time, things are not going well at work, and he is unlucky in any endeavor.
    4. An inexplicable craving for alcohol-containing drinks or tobacco appears, which gives a feeling of freedom for a while.
    5. In the family and with close friends, problems arise for no reason. conflict situations.
    6. Any critical remarks only cause aggression.
    7. There is a desire to commit suicide.
    8. The victim of a love spell suffers from constant nightmares.

    How to remove such a love spell

    In order to independently remove a love spell on a witch’s grave or any other cemetery love ritual, you need to do the following:

    1. Keep a strict fast for 3 days, i.e. do not eat meat and fish products, alcohol and milk.
    2. During these days, it is recommended to visit the temple and pray every day.
    3. Then you need to prepare 3 pancakes, jelly and kutya.
    4. In the morning you need to come to the cemetery and find a grave with a name like that of the victim of a love ceremony.
    5. You should put cooked food on the tombstone, light a church candle and say the following words: “I will remember the deceased, I will free the will. I remove the love spell and return the name. Amen".
    6. Returning home, you need to read the “Our Father” prayer three times. It is recommended to go to the river and plunge into the water 3 times.

    Repeat all steps after 9 and then after 40 days.

    Online fortune telling: is this love spell right for you?

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