Do-it-yourself ceiling cladding with clapboard. Lining the ceiling with clapboard Lining the ceiling with clapboard figured

One of the stages of any repair can be called ceiling work. Repairing the ceiling is quite a labor-intensive job, so everyone is trying to make this process easier and simpler. Finishing the ceiling with clapboard is considered the most simple option, requiring neither construction experience nor special costs. But how to cover a ceiling with clapboard correctly?

To answer this question, you need to carefully study some of the subtleties of the process. Covering the ceiling with clapboard is carried out in several stages.

The lining on the ceiling looks noble

Material selection

This stage can be safely called the most important, since you need to select quality material, which will serve for a long time.

The modern construction market offers a variety of materials for finishing residential premises. One of these materials is lining. It is a panel with a ridge on one side and a groove on the other. The connection of tongue-and-groove panels allows you to create reliable system fixation.

Most often, natural wood is used to make lining. Linden, pine and cedar are considered ideal raw materials.

Depending on the quality, wooden lining is divided into categories:

  1. “Extra” are panels High Quality, there are no knots or dark spots on them. The price of such material is very high.
  2. “A” – material with a small number of knots. Lining of this class is available to most consumers.
  3. “B” – panels with knots on the surface. Suitable for finishing country houses, lounges and balconies.
  4. “C” is a material of very low quality, with a large number of knots and dark spots.

Wooden paneling on the ceiling

In addition to wood, polyvinyl chloride is used to make lining. Plastic panels have a number of advantages:

  • resistance to high humidity;
  • no additional processing required protective equipment;
  • decorative film on the surface can imitate any expensive wood.

But PVC panels also have negative qualities:

  • under the influence of gravity, the material may crack,
  • the color of the lining “fades” from sunlight.

Having purchased wooden lining for ceiling cladding, you should use the following tips:

  1. After unpacking, the purchased material must be laid out in the room where the ceiling will be sheathed.
  2. To prevent the drying panels from becoming deformed, the surface underneath them must be fairly flat.
  3. It is recommended to dry the lining for a long time, from one month to three.

Selection of tools

Cladding the ceiling with clapboard involves the use simple tools that every owner has in his arsenal:

  • drill,
  • screwdriver,
  • hacksaw,
  • level,
  • roulette.

Preparatory work

  1. First of all, it is necessary to remove the old coating from the ceiling and clean the crumbling plaster.
  2. Then you need to make markings for the sheathing. The frame guides are positioned perpendicular to the selected direction of the lining boards. The direction is chosen so that the length of the panels does not have joints.
  3. If wooden blocks are chosen for the frame, they must be additionally treated with protective agents. The metal sheathing has small indentations from the ceiling, which allow you to hide existing engineering systems and communications.

The surface under the frame must be perfectly flat. This will extend the life of the ceiling and avoid unnecessary problems.

Lathing for plastic lining can be made from wooden slats

Installation of panels on the sheathing

To finish the ceiling with clapboard is not required a large number of people with special knowledge. But the help of a friend or relative will make the job much easier. This is especially true for the installation of long panels.

The first panel is pressed tightly against the wall and secured in the places where the frame passes. The ridge of the second panel is inserted into the groove of the panel of the previous row and secured in a similar way. Work should be carried out only at positive temperatures and low humidity.

Holes for pipes and fixtures are cut as work progresses to avoid unnecessary cuts.

Clapboard ceiling

Fastening is best done where the ridge enters the groove. This will hide the caps of the fasteners. When covering the ceiling with wooden paneling, it is advisable to use stainless fasteners to prevent the appearance of rusty stains. It is possible to use hidden fasteners, but their cost is quite high.

The ceiling covered with clapboard does not require special care. The main thing is to promptly clean it from dust and dirt. And on plastic panels, any damage or scratches found can be repaired with wax.

Lining is a finishing material that is widely used in construction. Lining the ceiling with clapboard is often used for finishing country houses and baths. This finishing material has been known for many years. Ceiling made of wooden lining It looks attractive and makes it easy to breathe. The lining is also used for exterior finishing buildings. The edges of this product have a special groove for fastening. The connection is reliable, durable and protects the structure from the penetration of excess moisture.

Before you start covering the ceiling with clapboard, the material must be treated with an antiseptic and then covered with varnish or paint.

Types and some characteristics of lining

Exist different types linings. The most common of them are wooden and plastic. Plastic lining is used very often when cladding walls and ceilings. It is made in the form of separate slats, which have some advantages over other finishing materials:

  1. Has excellent decorative qualities and is attractive appearance.
  2. Doesn't require any additional processing after installation.
  3. Attaches to the surface very easily and simply.
  4. Well hides all errors of the base surface.
  5. The material does not corrode and does not rot.
  6. Its cost is much lower than the price of wooden lining.
  7. When installing plastic panels, you can provide additional sound insulation and insulation of the room.

Features of wooden lining:

  1. This is an environmentally friendly natural material.
  2. Installation is more complicated compared to its plastic counterpart.
  3. Has higher thermal insulation properties than plastic material.
  4. Has fairly high durability.
  5. The ceiling surface, lined with wooden lining, requires special care.
  6. Has a beautiful appearance.
  7. Lining the ceiling with clapboard allows you to install additional heat protection and sound insulation.
  8. It costs much more than plastic products.
  9. An excellent material for interior decoration of dry rooms.
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Tools for work

To finish the ceiling with clapboard with your own hands, you need to prepare the following tools:

  • hammer drill or drill;
  • screwdriver;
  • hammer;
  • construction square;
  • level;
  • rule;
  • roulette;
  • scissors for cutting metal;
  • hacksaw with fine teeth;
  • bars for lathing with a thickness of 20 mm (these can be wooden slats or metal profiles UD and CD);
  • dowels and screws for fastening sheathing elements;
  • crabs (cross-shaped fastenings for metal profiles).
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Ceiling process

Covering the ceiling with clapboard should be done without haste, since defects in the work cannot always be corrected. The procedure is approximately this:

  1. Marking the sheathing begins with identifying the low angle rooms. In this place, a distance is measured from the corner downwards equal to the sum of the thickness of the beam or profile and the thickness of the lining. A mark is placed on the wall.
  2. The mark is transferred using watermark or laser level on all walls of the room.
  3. All marks are connected with fishing line or nylon thread. A line is drawn along it on the walls around the perimeter of the room.
  4. If wooden slats are used to construct the sheathing, they must be treated in advance to protect against mold and mildew with an antiseptic.
  5. TO wooden ceiling The sheathing elements are fastened with self-tapping screws. The distance between the bars is no more than 50 cm.
  6. TO concrete surface the sheathing is secured with dowels, for which it is necessary to drill the corresponding holes.
  7. The outer slats are attached first, then the rest. The beam closest to the wall is fixed 10 cm from it. Using wooden, plywood or other spacers, the slats are leveled to obtain a strictly horizontal surface. This is checked with a fishing line stretched between the outer bars of the sheathing.
  8. Wiring for lighting fixtures.
  9. The initial lining panel is attached to the sheathing with a gap of 5-7 mm from the wall.
  10. Next, install the next strips, tightly inserting them into the locks of the previous ones. Sometimes you will have to knock them out with light blows with a rubber hammer. Fastening is done using small screws and nails. It is recommended to pre-drill holes in wooden lining to prevent the panel from splitting.
  11. For the installation of lighting fixtures, appropriate holes are cut using a sharp knife, jigsaw, and special drill bits. When cutting holes in plastic lining, it is recommended to heat the knife.
  12. The last strip most often has to be adjusted to size by cutting it lengthwise with a hacksaw or jigsaw.
  13. The clapboard ceiling covering is finished. All that remains is to install ceiling plinth, which will close the gap between the wall and the cladding material and give the ceiling surface a finished look.

You can make the cladding of a living space from anything; fortunately, the market offers a huge selection. It's just a matter of personal preference and price. The desire to repair the ceiling yourself will not be enough, since you will need a special tool and at least the slightest idea about repair work. The lining itself is a fairly easy-to-work material, which means its installation will not be difficult for a real man.

Preparatory work before starting sheathing

You cannot immediately cover the ceiling with clapboard. First you need to select and purchase finishing materials, fasteners and missing tools. And, of course, you cannot do without preliminary cleaning of the surface, preparation and insulation.

But let's take things in order. First you need to choose a high-quality, and most importantly durable material that will also suit your taste.

Type of lining

Wood paneling

Cladding panels have a specific structure for their convenient fixation. All bars are mounted using grooves and ridges, which are assembled like a puzzle. Therefore, it is important to choose a material that will have an ideal shape and show no traces of defects.

Wood panels are divided into categories:

  • The “Extra” category is assigned to materials made from premium raw materials, do not have knots or dark spots. This category is the most expensive;
  • Category “A” includes the same high-quality bars, but with a small number of knots. A kind of price-quality union. At the same time, the prices for such goods are quite acceptable;
  • Category “B” is best used in rooms that do not require close attention - recreation areas in the country, balconies, loggias;
  • Category “C” is panels made from the cheapest types of wood with knots and dark spots.

Healthy! The best materials The following trees are used for upholstery: pine, linden or cedar. This is a classification of wood coverings. But cladding ceilings with clapboards is more diverse; PVC materials can also be included in this category.

Plastic panels

PVC panels are divided into:

  • Seamless panels. Their design and ridge-by-ridge cladding technology make the ceiling as smooth as possible with a barely noticeable seam. Most often, in this case, panels of greater width are used in order to reduce the number of visible seams. In the photo you can clearly see the quality of the panels;

  • Panels with highlighted seam. They look similar to wooden lining. However, such cladding does not need to be pre-treated with anything;

Before covering the ceiling plastic lining, you need to pay attention to some points when working with PVC panels:

  • The plastic itself has a fairly flexible structure and hides surface defects well. But such panels should not be subjected to constant stress, since cracks subsequently form that cannot be removed in any way;
  • has high moisture resistance, but the sun's rays are harmful to it. If the sun constantly hits such a ceiling, then over time it will lose its original appearance.

MDF panels

The fastenings on products made of wood and MDF are similar, so lining the ceiling is done in the same way as with wooden blocks.

Next step after choosing wood panels

When all facing material purchased, it must be prepared. You can’t immediately start covering the room.

  • Immediately after purchasing the materials, they must be removed from the packaging and laid out separately from each other;
  • It is recommended to lay out the panels on wooden blocks or just a flat, dry surface;
  • Wooden panels must be dried first. No one can guarantee the complete absence of moisture in a product.

Advice! The optimal time for drying wooden materials is 1 quarter.

Be sure to use these tips, since covering the ceiling with clapboard for many years is only possible if the humidity of the room and the wood are equal. Otherwise, there will always be a possibility of deformation of the skin.

Note! Plastic and MDF panels do not need to be dried. Before installation, the materials should be kept for no more than three days in a warm place.

We begin installation

First you need to stock up on a special tool:

  • Hammer, drill or drill. If the room has a concrete ceiling, then you need to use a drill with a diameter of 6-8 millimeters.
  • Electric screwdriver or a screwdriver for screwing in self-tapping screws. This device will significantly speed up and simplify the cladding process.
  • Jigsaw or hacksaw for cutting required sizes panels. Suitable for wood, plastic and MDF.
  • Construction tape.
  • Building level for the most even finish.

Advice! If the right tool is not at home and, most likely, it will not be useful in the future, then in specialized construction stores There is a tool rental service. You will not only need to pay for use, but also leave some kind of document or other collateral.

Now you can safely get to work. Below are instructions: how to properly sheathe a ceiling with clapboard with my own hands and using the above recommendations.

Preparatory stage of work:

  • Clean the ceiling from dust, dirt and even plaster, as it often crumbles;
  • Draw markup to build the sheathing. Immediately determine the direction in which the lining will lie. The choice should be made in favor of a direction in which there will be no end joints between the panels;

Note! Wood materials are not as durable as metal constructions. If the choice is made in favor of wood, then before installation it must be treated with additional means for protection. But it is impossible to completely get rid of the possibility of rot or mold appearing over the years, since moisture can accumulate there at any time.

  • If you own a house or cottage, be sure to lay a thermal insulation layer in the ceiling. The profile posts are installed at a distance of 50-60 centimeters from each other and insulation is laid in this space. This should not be done in apartments;
  • The lathing is attached to the ceiling using dowel nails. The depth of the fittings is selected according to the thickness of the frame;
  • Fasteners should be installed at a distance of no more than 50 centimeters. If the ceiling is covered with eurolining, the distance of fasteners is reduced by half. This is due to the greater weight and thickness of the material.

Preparatory work is a very important step towards beautiful ceiling, which, at the same time, will last for many years. At this stage it is important to make the surface perfectly smooth and even.

Installation of lining on a structure

Installing panels on the sheathing is a fairly simple task and does not require the use of special knowledge. It is advisable if you have an assistant in this matter. Then lining of any length will be installed quickly and efficiently.

  • The first block should be firmly fixed to the wall.

  • Subsequent rows of panels are inserted into the grooves of the previous ones. Each panel must be secured in place where the sheathing runs.
  • Holes for lighting fixtures and pipes are measured during direct installation, so as not to make mistakes and not do anything unnecessary.

To ensure a perfect ceiling, panel fasteners should be inserted at the junction of the groove and tongue. Thus, the screw heads will not be visible. If nails are used for sheathing, their heads are cut with a special tool. Subsequently, wax must be applied to the attachment points.

Before covering the ceiling with plastic, openings are made in all panels. A drill (necessarily small in diameter) is used for this, which will not damage the surface of the panel.

  • Before covering the ceiling with clapboard, conduct a thorough check of the electricity and communications in the ceiling. If problems are discovered after installation of the cladding, then when it is removed, damage and defects may remain;
  • If the cladding is made of wooden material, then would be better suited accessories from of stainless steel, for example, since it will not cause rust. In the case of plastic, you can use any fasteners, as it is easy to clean;
  • Under no circumstances should installation begin if the room temperature is below 10 degrees. You should also not carry out work in a damp room;
  • It will be useful to insulate the cladding in places of contact with the wiring.

Operation of the lining

If you are using wooden materials for the ceiling, then they must first be coated with an antiseptic, and then paint and varnish materials for protection from ultraviolet radiation and other harmful effects.

Do-it-yourself ceiling cladding with plastic lining also provides for some care measures:

  • Cleaning the surface from accumulating dust and dirt;
  • Treatment of chips and scratches with special wax.

In the case of MDF panels, the only thing to avoid is moisture. Its percentage in the room should not exceed 75%.


The article describes in detail and step by step how to hem a ceiling with clapboard yourself. We recommend watching the video in the article - it shows the process more clearly.

When working on interior decoration premises are used various materials. But despite modern technologies and development, lining is in great demand on the market building materials. Today, lining is a leader in the field ceiling coverings. Therefore, in this article we will consider the question of how to cover the ceiling with clapboard on a balcony or any other room.

The advantages of lining include ease of installation, beautiful view natural wood, relatively inexpensive price.

Materials and tools for fastening the lining

Tools you should take:

  • screwdriver or impact drill;
  • nails/dowels/screws/screws/clasps;
  • hammer;
  • centimeter/tape measure;
  • building level;
  • hacksaw for metal;
  • table and stepladder.

The main elements of installation are the lining board and the frame. The frame for covering the ceiling comes in two types - wooden and metal.

When installing with a wooden frame (lathing), you will need:

  • suspensions for attaching the frame to the ceiling;
  • wooden beams measuring 40x40 mm, from which the frame is assembled;
  • self-tapping screws

The beams for a wooden frame must be perfectly smooth and intact.

If selected metal frame You will need a metal profile made of galvanized steel, hangers, and metal screws.

The material of the ceiling lining is varied - it can be wood, fiberboard, polyvinyl chloride or MDF. In great demand uses lining made of wood (pine, linden).

For bathrooms with high humidity and kitchen premises you should opt for a metal frame and plastic lining. Also for suitable for kitchens and wooden lining, but it is better to attach it to the base of a metal sheathing.

Unlike a wooden frame, galvanized metal profiles cannot be deformed by humid air.

Natural wooden lining panels are ideal for lining the ceiling in a bathhouse, despite the high degree of humidity in the room.

Preparatory work

How to cover a ceiling with clapboard, where to start? Before starting fastening work, it is necessary to prepare the ceiling - remove the chandelier and small lamps. Also inspect the ceiling surface for damaged plaster or whitewash and cracks.

After eliminating defects ceiling surface should be treated with a mold repellent. If necessary, the ceiling can be insulated with a layer of heat-insulating material.


Step 1: Frame installation

Fastening the lining to the ceiling surface begins with installing the frame. Without lathing, covering with clapboard will not only not hide flaws in the ceiling surface, but will also emphasize them.

Before installing the sheathing, the first step is to mark it. It is worth paying attention to the direction in which the lining will be laid. The profiles of the metal frame or the slats of the wooden sheathing must lie transversely (i.e., perpendicular to the direction of the lining), with longitudinal direction linings - on the contrary.

The sheathing must be installed as evenly as possible, otherwise skewing of the lining may occur. Wooden sheathing has less durability than a frame made of metal profiles. But wooden frame more suitable for covering the ceiling with wood paneling.

Installation of a wooden frame for lining consists of several stages:

  1. If there is no need to lower the ceiling level, then wooden beams are attached directly to the ceiling surface.
  2. To level the frame level, use wedges made of wood or plastic.
  3. First, brackets are installed on the ceiling and then beams are added to them.

If the ceiling is sheathed plastic panels clapboards, then between wooden beams craftsmen recommend maintaining a distance of 40-60 cm. For lining panels made of solid wood the distance between the bars should be from 60 to 100 cm, respectively.

Installation of metal sheathing consists of the following steps:

  1. Take measurements of the height of the room/room in all corners, thereby determining the lowest point.
  2. From the selected point, measure a line 5-10 cm - level.
  3. An initial metal profile is attached along the entire perimeter of the walls, taking into account the established level. Dowels can be used as fastening.
  4. It is necessary to attach profile hangers to the ceiling surface. The suspension plates are bent downwards.
  5. Metal main profiles are attached to hangers and initial profiles.
  6. Before final fastening, you should check the level of all frame profiles.

The choice of lathing depends on preferences and financial opportunities. Metal profiles are durable, but also have a higher price compared to a wooden frame.

Step 2: Laying communications (wiring)

Before attaching the lining, you should check the functionality of the electrical wiring being laid, its reliability and insulation strength.

Step 3: Cladding

During the work, the material from which the lining is made is not significant. Because the workflow for each type of lining is similar. Strips (panels) of the lining are cut to length equal to length ceiling (minus 0.5 cm). If the walls are not perfectly smooth, then the panels are placed close to the wall. The strip must be laid perpendicular to the frame guides and with the groove towards the corner.

Then the first strip is attached on both sides along the entire length. It is necessary to retreat a distance of 5 mm from the wall.

The final strips of lining must be tightly inserted at a certain angle into the groove (lock) of the previous panel. To achieve a tighter fit, you can use a small rubber mallet: Gently tap on the end edges of the panels.

The second side of the panel should be screwed/nailed to the sheathing guides at the bottom of the lock.

As you lay the lining, you need to decide on the wiring - make the appropriate outlet holes. Otherwise, after completing the work, it will be problematic to remove the electrical wiring and the material may be deformed.

The process of attaching the panels to the ceiling continues to the opposite side of the room. The very last panel should be driven into the groove, additionally using small wedges. These wedges are driven between the lining panel and the wall.

Most likely, the last strip will need to be adjusted in length. If wooden lining is used, the strip is cut with a hacksaw. If the panel is made of plastic, you need to make one even cut on both sides of the panel and carefully break it.

Of the common methods of fixing lining strips to the ceiling, experts distinguish 2 main methods:

  • fixation with clamps. Using a special construction bracket (kleimer), which is “put on” the groove of the lining panel and attached to the frame. The use of such brackets completely eliminates damage to the lining material. Fastening with clamps is suitable for plastic lining.
  • open fixation. This method is used when covering the ceiling with heavy lining panels. At open method requires at least minimal skill and accuracy.
  • fixation with self-tapping screws. This method is used, like clamps, when covering lining with plastic panels.

As a fastening in this method Use self-tapping screws or small nails with small heads (or without heads). Nails should be carefully driven vertically into the grooves of the panels so as not to distort the appearance of the coating. But if, after fastening, the lining strips are treated with a dark-colored varnish, then you can not hide the nail heads, but hammer them in the center of the panel.

When fastening with nails, hammer blows should not be applied directly to the nail head. In this case, you can use a special extension for the nail (doboynik).

In the process of fastening the lining, it is necessary to avoid the formation of gaps and cracks between the panels. Otherwise, the appearance of the ceiling will suffer significantly.

Step 4: Installing skirting boards

In conclusion installation work installed along the perimeter of the updated ceiling decorative plinth(or corners). The plinth will hide the gaps between the ceiling and the wall, the ends of the cut strips of lining and give a finished look to the ceiling surface.


The process of attaching the lining to the ceiling is not labor-intensive in itself. A person without experience in repair and maintenance can easily handle it. finishing works or with a minimum of repair skills.

It is best to attach the lining to the ceiling surface not alone, but with an assistant. This way you can significantly reduce the time, make the fastening better and more even. In addition, holding the lining panel on your own is very difficult and inconvenient.

As a result, finishing the ceiling with clapboard looks presentable; such a ceiling will delight you for a long time with its ideal appearance, texture and color.

There are many options for finishing rooms, however, most of them require the use specialized tool. It is advisable to have some kind of construction experience for the work process.

As for the ceiling lining, this is a fairly simple and undemanding process that every man can do.

Where does the work process begin?

Before covering the ceiling with clapboard, several steps should be taken: from purchasing and selecting finishing materials to preparing the surface and installing insulation.

Let's start with the most important thing - purchasing high-quality and durable building material.

Types of lining

On modern construction market several options are presented finishing materials, each of which can be used for residential premises. All of them have a number of features and differ in structure and installation technology.

Wooden panels

First of all, lining is a product that has a tongue-and-groove fixation system: each subsequent panel fits into the groove of the previous one. Therefore, it is very important that these elements are of high quality and do not have any obvious defects.

Based on quality, products are divided into several categories:

  • “Extra” - premium quality wooden panels, without knots or dark spots. The most expensive option.
  • “A” - there may be several small knots on the surface. The price is quite acceptable for most consumers.
  • “B” - suitable for finishing premises on summer cottages, balconies, recreation areas.
  • “C” - low-grade panels: many knots, darkening.

Of the wood species, it is better to choose linden, pine and cedar.

But that's what it concerns wood panels, but covering ceilings with clapboard can also be done using PVC products.

Plastic lining

There are two types of PVC panels:

  • Seamless - the technology of a hidden tongue-and-groove system is used, in which a barely noticeable seam remains on the ceiling.
    To reduce the number of joints between panels, wider products are used. You can verify this by looking at the photo.

  • Dedicated seam - this type looks like wooden lining, the only difference is that plastic lining does not need to be further processed.

Before covering the ceiling with plastic lining, you should know several features of PVC panels:

  • Plastic products hide irregularities and bend easily, but constant stress can lead to cracks. It is impossible to restore such a panel.
  • Plastic is not afraid of moisture, but it can “fade” from constant exposure to sunlight.

MDF panels

Ceiling lining with lining made of MDF panels is carried out according to the type of fastening wooden products. However, there is one very important difference, which is considered a clear disadvantage of MDF products: fear of moisture. Abundant moisture can cause the panels to not only deform over time, but also collapse.

What should you do after purchasing wooden lining

Immediately after purchasing the products, it is strictly not recommended to immediately mount them on the ceiling; this may lead to adverse consequences.

Here are some tips to keep your product in its original condition:

  • After purchasing wooden lining, unpack the packaging and lay out the boards in the room where installation will take place.
  • Should be placed on flat surface, best on wooden blocks.
  • It is advisable to dry it for as long as possible, because even chamber-drying lining may turn out to be damp.

For your information!
Experts advise drying the tree for a quarter, but if you are in a hurry, you can wait at least a few weeks.

This is very important, since you will be able to sheathe the ceiling with clapboard efficiently only if the humidity of the wood is equal to the humidity of the room. Otherwise, the possibility that the panels will become deformed remains.

For plastic and MDF panels there is no such concept of drying; it is enough to store them in a warm room before installation for 2-3 days.

Start of finishing work

You should start by purchasing the necessary tools:

  • Drill or hammer drill. For concrete ceilings It is better to use a more powerful impact device. You will need a drill with a diameter of 6 and 8 mm.
  • Screwdriver. Screwing screws into the ceiling with a screwdriver is a lengthy process, but using an electric screwdriver or cordless screwdriver you can speed up.
  • Hacksaw or jigsaw. Power tools are most practical for cutting wood, plastic and MDF panels to size.
  • Roulette.
  • Building level. Without measuring instrument cannot be avoided, since it is precisely due to the lack of a plane that problems with installation may arise.

If you have difficulties with a tool, you can rent it in special construction stores without spending money on purchase.

And now, in fact, instructions: how to properly sheathe a ceiling with clapboard, using only your own strength and the knowledge gained from the information below.

Preparing the surface for work

  • First of all, everything unnecessary is removed from the ceiling, right down to the plaster, which begins to crumble.
  • After that, the surface is marked for the future sheathing.

You should decide on the direction of the lining and secure the racks perpendicular to this direction. Choose so that there are no end joints along the length.

We should not forget that wooden materials are short-lived, so if you decide to install a wooden frame, then at least pre-treat it with protective agents.
However, it is impossible to completely avoid the risk of rot and mold, plus there is a risk of moisture appearing under the finishing material.

  • There should be about 45-60 cm between the profile posts so that the insulation can easily fit into this space.
    For an apartment, there is no thermal insulation layer, so insulation should only be purchased by those who live in their own home or country house.
  • It is attached to dowel nails, their depth depends on the thickness of the timber.

To level the plane, use pads under the timber from any available materials.

  • There should be no more than 50 cm between the fasteners. If the ceiling is covered with euro-lining wooden, which is thicker and heavier than other materials, the spacing between the fasteners narrows to 25-35 cm.

Target preparatory work– create a perfectly flat surface on which the lining will lie without any problems. If the ceiling leveling requirements are not met, you may not even dream of long-term operation.

Installation of lining on the sheathing

Installation of finishing materials is extremely simple and does not require any special skills. The only condition in order to carry out high-quality installation of the lining is that all work should be carried out with an assistant.

Especially when it comes to long panels.

  • The first panel is placed close to the wall and fixed.

  • The next row is inserted into the groove of the previous panel and fixed with fasteners in those places where the sheathing lies.
  • Cutouts for pipes and lamps are measured locally, without any preliminary work. Since there is a possibility of making a mistake and not taking into account a few centimeters, but we don’t need extra technological holes in the ceiling.

To make it beautiful, the fasteners should be placed exactly in the place where the ridge fits into the groove. This will hide unwanted screw heads. Using nails, you can bite off their heads in advance with pliers, and seal the attachment point with wax.

And before sheathing the ceiling with plastic, you should make holes in the panels in advance using a small-diameter drill so as not to damage the surface during installation.

  • Before covering the ceiling with clapboard, check the integrity of all communications and electrical systems: dismantling finishing materials can lead to deformation of the panels.

  • Use stainless fasteners to prevent rust marks from appearing on the wood. Plastic is unpretentious in this regard; it can be easily cleaned of various stains.

  • Work should not take place at temperatures below 10 degrees and in high humidity.

  • It will not be superfluous to insulate products in those places where they come into contact with the wiring.

Caring for lining

The wooden surface is demanding in maintenance: it must first be treated with antiseptics.

After which, to protect the surface from exposure to UV rays and other adverse factors.

After the ceiling has been covered with plastic lining with your own hands, measures must be taken to preserve it.

  • Wipe off dirt and dust as often as possible.
  • Treat with wax those places where chips and scratches are found.

If you installed MDF panels on the ceiling, then the only thing they are afraid of and what they should be protected from is moisture. Try not to allow the humidity level in such a room to be more than 75%.


Now you know how to line a ceiling with clapboard without resorting to the services of specialists. A video is also attached to the article: covering walls and ceilings with clapboard, so that you have answers to all your questions about installation technology.