What soil is needed for growing cucumbers in a greenhouse: the best parameters, composition, methods for increasing fertility. Soil for cucumber seedlings Do cucumbers like peat?

Over the years, even the once fertile soil is noticeably depleted. This cannot be allowed, otherwise the rich harvests will have to be forgotten. Gardeners prefer to fertilize the soil with organic matter. Among them, a special place is given to peat - a natural source useful substances.

Can I use

On garden plots Often they use “clean” peat, free from any additives. It is dumped in whole cars and then evenly distributed over the arable land. It is not right.

Lowland peat consists of 50% humus. However, this is not enough to get a good harvest. You will have to use other fertilizers. Even nitrogen, which is found in abundance in peat, is difficult for plants to absorb.

Note. There are 25 kg of nitrogen per 1000 kg of peat, of which plants can consume a maximum of 1.5 kg.

To achieve a good effect, peat is mixed with turf or other useful components. For 1 sq. m. a couple of buckets of this composition is enough. Similar feeding is carried out annually.

Benefits of peat:

Harm of peat:

  • In combination with low-quality fertilizers, it slows down the growth of plants and contributes to their death.
  • In its pure form, it increases the acidity of the soil, which negatively affects the growth of garden crops.
  • Contraindicated for loose fertile soil.
  • With large volumes of peat, one of the most dangerous garden pests, the mole cricket, can be brought into the area.

Types and properties of peat


  • Formed in swamps from particles of wood, moss, reeds and reeds. Mostly black.
  • It is characterized by an abundance of minerals and rapid decomposition in the complete absence of oxygen (the degree of decomposition is above 40%).
  • Average pH – 5. Used on clay or sandy soils.
  • Rich in humic acid. It absorbs water perfectly (humidity reaches 70%), which is why it often slides, cakes, and silts.

Before use, lowland peat requires long-term ventilation.

It is this type, due to its maximum neutrality, that is preferable for use in vegetable gardens. It is not additionally composted - it is added immediately. Per sq. m. 30 l is enough.

Lowland peat is often used in the spring to mulch lawn surfaces. The lawn is first combed and nitrogenous fertilizers are applied. Sprinkle the top with a five-millimeter layer of peat.


  • It contains wild rosemary, moss, and other plants that are not demanding of water and nutrition.
  • It has a porous structure and therefore retains water well.
  • The degree of decomposition is 20%.
  • The fibrous structure allows you to retain mineral compounds for a long time.
  • Able to provide soil with good thermal insulation.
  • Does not shrink on the soil.
  • Its average pH is 2.7.

High-moor peat is used to fertilize fruit and berry crops and flowers.

Due to its strong acidity, it requires pre-composting - organic matter should decompose completely.

Substrates for sowing vegetables, flowers, and herbs are made from high-moor peat. In greenhouses, it is often used as the main material, after being pre-ventilated and supplied with dolomite flour and minerals.


  • It is a mixture of previous species.
  • Consists of sedge, wild rosemary, and several types of moss.
  • Used for composting.
  • The degree of decomposition is within 40%.

Peat-based compost

Experienced gardeners do not scatter tons of this valuable natural raw material on their plots. They make excellent compost based on it.

There are several interesting options:


Wet organic raw materials are poured onto the ground in small piles for ventilation ( optimal humidity for this type of compost – 70%). Next, this material is laid in a layer of 50 cm in a previously prepared place. Small depressions are made inside where pet feces are placed. Sprinkle another small layer of peat on top. The sides are reinforced with earth if necessary. If the compost begins to dry out, water it. It will be possible to use this fertilizer within a year. The optimal time for use is spring. Consumption – up to 3 kg per 1 sq. m.

Peat and manure

The principle is approximately the same: first lay a peat layer (no more than 0.5 m), then a layer of manure (any will do: cow, goat, horse, chicken), and then peat again on top. The maximum stacking height is 150 cm. When dry, this compost is watered with water, slurry, herbal infusions or potassium solution.

Attention! This type of compost needs mixing once every 2 months.

Peat manure with sawdust

Lay a layer of raw materials, sawdust (up to 10 cm high) on it, then weeds, plant waste, tops (20 cm layer). Peat again completes the laying. The height of the heap is up to 150 cm.

This compost will be ready for use in 1.5-2 years. Like the previous species, it needs periodic stirring, watering with water, slurry and superphosphate. It is better to use it in spring time. Dosage – 1.5 kg per 1 sq. m.

Any compost should be protected from direct sunlight. It's better to make a canopy. In autumn, gardeners cover it with fallen leaves.

Peat compost is applied like regular manure: spread over the site or applied to each hole directly during planting.

Application as fertilizer

Most crops respond well to the application of peat fertilizer: vigorous flowering, abundance of fruits. It is customary to fertilize in the spring. Peat is especially loved by potatoes, tomatoes, blueberries, strawberries, and flowers.

For potatoes

It is this culture that absorbs nutrients from peat better than others. The soil should be loose and slightly acidic. If you mix peat compost with mineral fertilizers, more fertile soil it will simply not be found.

Light soil is fertilized in the spring - the peat mass is placed directly into the holes. Heavy - in the fall, simultaneously with the application of manure.

In spring, peat compost is placed together with sprouted potato tubers directly into the holes. This way all the nutrients get to the growing roots. This is very important point for those wishing to receive in the fall good harvest.

For strawberries

The use of peat also has a beneficial effect on strawberry fruiting: it blooms profusely, ripens faster, and produces a bountiful harvest.

Pure peat is only suitable for mulching beds. But there is a caveat here: many gardeners are sure that this cannot be done due to the high acidity of organic raw materials. The situation can be corrected by pre-ventilating and mixing it with sawdust and ash (5 kg of ash is taken for 50 kg of peat).

To feed the crop itself, it is better to use a composted composition. There are 2 ways to apply it to strawberries:

  • When planting directly in a hole (the peat layer in this case should not exceed 5 cm).
  • In the fall, when preparing strawberry beds for winter, peat compost is spread between the rows and dug up (25 kg is enough for 1 sq. m.).

For tomatoes

Approximately once every 2 weeks, tomatoes are fed with a peat mixture. This contributes to the formation of a friendly ovary on the bushes, uniform ripening of the fruits and obtaining a rich harvest.

Some gardeners enhance this effect by placing such a mixture in the holes when sowing seedlings.

For cabbage

It is known that the queen vegetable beds quite capricious. Cabbage feels best in a low acidic environment.

If you reduce the acidity of organic raw materials by pre-composting, it can be safely used for this crop. The effect will be visible immediately: the ovaries will appear quickly enough, the cabbage will be more resistant to pests, and clubroot will not develop on the rhizome.

Peat compost is applied directly into the hole (about a handful by volume) before planting the grown shoots.

For cucumbers

Cucumbers, like cabbage, do not like the high acidity of peat. Therefore, organic raw materials are first composted and then laid out on the beds. It’s hard to think of a better food for cucumbers: they develop well, bloom and bear fruit well. The approximate dosage of such fertilizer is 20 kg per 1 sq. m.

For flowers

Not only garden flowers are fed with peat, but also domestic ones. It is also used for mulching.

The material is of greatest value in combination with other organic as well as mineral fertilizers and sand.

In very porous soil, it is easier for flowers to tolerate replanting if they are fertilized with a peat mixture. This is especially noticeable in the case of capricious peonies, which do not tolerate any interference in their development.

Peat mixture helps to grow abundantly flowering plants, with strong green shoots.

Ash from peat briquettes

Peat ash is used as lime and partially phosphorus fertilizer on highly acidified soils. This is usually done at the rate of 2 kg per 1 sq. m.

Should cucumber seeds be germinated?

Cucumber seeds germinate most actively at a temperature of 20-25 °C. The minimum temperature for germination is 18 °C, while seedlings appear later and are sparse. If the soil temperature is below 18 °C, then some of the seeds rot and do not sprout. Germinated seeds can develop at temperatures from 15 to 18 °C; below 15 °C, the development of germinated seeds is delayed. When sowing with sprouted seeds, it is necessary that the root of the seedlings is not damaged, since in this case root rot appears faster, leading to weakened development of plants and their early death. When sowing seeds in a greenhouse in a permanent place, it is recommended to place a wetted seed and a dry one next to it. If both seeds sprout, the plants can be replanted with big lump soil.

What volume of pot is needed for cucumber seedlings?

If you grow seedlings with cotyledons and one true leaf, then a pot size with a diameter of 6 cm is sufficient. The age of such seedlings is 12-15 days. When receiving seedlings with 2-3 leaves, the pot should be 7 cm in diameter, and for growing thirty-day-old seedlings, pots with a diameter of 8 cm are needed. But such seedlings have 4-5 leaves, it is quite difficult to transport them over long distances, during transportation they are often injured and even takes longer to take root without visible damage than small seedlings with 1-2 leaves.

What soil is needed for growing cucumber seedlings?

The root system of the cucumber is weak, and the leaf surface will grow quickly, so increased demands are placed on the soil for growing seedlings. The soil must have good breathability and retain water. The most suitable mixture is peat, sand and humus. If it is possible to store soil from a summer cottage, it is better to prepare it in the fall. Splicing on store-bought soils often leads to failure. The reason is an unscrupulous approach to peat procurement.

Before sowing, the soil is moistened and fertilizers are added to it. Add 100 g of “Universal” fertilizer from the Buysky Chemical Plant or 80 g of “Kemira Universal” fertilizer to a bucket (10 l).

Is it possible to grow cucumber seedlings on high-moor peat?

High peat has a low degree of decomposition, light brown color, fibrous structure, there is practically no pathogenic microflora in it, it has high porosity, as a result of which the root system of the cucumber is located evenly in the pot and is well fed with air. Nutrients in peat are in a form that is difficult to digest and become available to plants only as the peat decomposes. The peat pH is 4.8-5.5, therefore high-moor peat must be limed: for one bucket (10 l) take 60-80 g of chalk and then After thoroughly mixing, add 10-12 g of superphosphate, 10 g of potassium nitrate, 2-3 g of ammonium nitrate, 5-6 g of magnesium sulfate, 1 tablet of trace elements. Instead of these fertilizers, you can take 150 g of “Universal” fertilizer from the Buysky Chemical Plant and 60-80 g of chalk.

Is it possible to grow cucumber seedlings on soil from a plot where vegetables were grown?

On the ridges where cucumber was grown the previous year, pathogens of cucumber diseases accumulate. Therefore, you cannot take soil from the beds after cucumber, as well as zucchini, pumpkin, squash, and melon. You can take soil from the ridges after growing cabbage, potatoes, onions, beans, beans, and peas. 80-100 g of “Universal” fertilizer is added to this soil.

What should you do if the seedlings stretch?

When grown on a windowsill, on a veranda, or in a loggia, cucumber plants do not receive enough light, but the air temperature can be high. Such conditions contribute to the elongation of the stem. To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to reduce the air temperature by opening the windows, and at temperatures above 12-15 ° C, you can open the windows or take the seedlings out onto the balcony.

At what depth should I plant cucumber seedlings?

On sandy and loamy soils, plants are planted by deepening the pot to ¾ of the height; on peaty and light sandy soils, it is completely buried.

Over time, any soil is depleted and requires systematic fertilization, otherwise cultivation cultivated plants it becomes difficult. In this case, gardeners resort to fertilizing the substrate with organic substances.

One of these is peat - a natural fertilizer formed from particles of dead bog plants. Peat, as a mineral, is mined in swamps, river beds or watersheds.

This type of raw material has been used for a long time as the basis of fertilizers for the land and in other fields of activity. The substance consists of decomposed plants and synthesis products - humus, mineral particles and water. The composition also contains a small amount of mineral and chemical elements.

Peat deposits are used in many areas. Mainly as a fuel in power plants, livestock farming, wastewater treatment, in development medicines for medicine. IN construction industry peat insulation materials are used.

A large proportion of peat bogs are used by gardeners and gardeners to increase soil fertility. Fertilizers, stimulating preparations for plant growth, pots for seedlings and covering biomaterial for the winter are made from peat deposits.

Peat material accumulates many photosynthetic products and carbon, which, when added to the soil, improves its permeability to moisture and air, makes it loose, and also changes the microbiological composition.

Substance improves the structure of the earth, reduces nitrate content, reduces the effect of pesticides, suppresses harmful bacteria and fungi, and increases acidity. Humic and amino acids included in the composition improve the development of plant crops. That is why peat as a fertilizer is so often used for vegetable gardens.

The following types of peat are distinguished:

  1. Lowland. This species is formed from particles of wood, mosses, sedges and reeds in swampy areas. Plant decomposition occurs without oxygen with the help of microorganisms in the low-lying layer. This variety is characterized by high humidity and density. The peat layer consists of low-lying, undecomposed plants: alder, fern, birch, spruce, willow, etc. It lies in the floodplains of rivers and deep ravines.
  2. Horse. From its name it indicates that it forms in the top layer of wetlands from grass and plants. Oxygen is involved in the formation. It has a light and loose structure, consists of the remains of plants of the upper type: larch, pine, marsh sedge, etc.
  3. Transitional. It is composed of part of high-moor and low-lying peat.

Lowland peat: application and properties of raw materials

This type of raw material is characterized by a high concentration of minerals and rapid decomposition. Mostly it comes in black.

The neutral or slightly acidic composition (pH 4–6) is saturated with humic acid, strongly absorbs water, so the humidity reaches 70%. Due to moisture, it is prone to the formation of lumps, caking and silting.

Before use lowland peat ventilate for several days outdoors, pouring into small piles. Used in combination with compost and the addition of mineral fertilizers to enrich the soil or retain moisture in clay or sandy soils.

Lowland peat evenly laid on the surface of the earth and dig up the soil to a depth of no more than 10 cm. The optimal rate is considered to be 20 to 30 liters/m². If the land on the site is new and has not been fertilized before, then apply from 50 to 60 liters/m².

The addition of peat raw materials makes the soil structure granular, due to the fact that the earth particles are held together into small lumps. The soil allows air to pass through freely, is well saturated and retains moisture, which has a beneficial effect on the root system of plants.

Lowland peat is often used for mulching lawn surfaces spring period. Before this, the lawn is combed out, nitrogen fertilizers are added and a thin layer of peat no more than 3–5 mm is distributed on the surface.

Mulching with low-lying peat is used in the case of sandy and clayey soils so that moisture is retained longer during irrigation. To do this, remove the weeds, water and fertilize the soil, then distribute the peat covering thin layer on the surface(2–5 cm), being careful not to touch the areas around the stems.

High-moor peat: characteristics and methods of use in gardening

High-moor peat is characterized by porosity and a high ability to retain moisture. It is not biodegradable for a long time.

Thanks to the long fiber structure, it retains minerals in its composition for a long time. The soil, saturated with long-fiber high-moor peat, is light and different thermal insulation qualities and does not shrink when growing plants.

Unfortunately, high peat low in nutrients. High-moor peat deposits have an acidic pH of 2.5–3.1. and are often used to acidify soil.

Some plants require just such an environment to develop. For example, for potatoes, strawberries, hydrangea, sorrel, violets, heather. In this case, aerated peat is added in 1:1 proportions for loamy and sandy soils.

In order not to suppress plant crops with high acidity, high-moor peat is first compost in pits or piles until complete decomposition of organic residues.

Based on the raw materials, substrates are prepared for growing seedlings of vegetables and flowers, and are also used in the greenhouse as the main material. Before this substance stir and ventilate, add mineral fertilizer and dolomite flour.

Acidity must be measured, since the optimal pH level for plants is 5.5–6.5. The prepared base is kept for 1.5–2 weeks, stirring occasionally, after which the plants are planted.

To use useful raw materials in gardening, you should know some rules. Before use peat fertilizer“dissolve” and air for about two weeks.

It is best to sift the material additionally through a special mesh. Ventilation is carried out in order to reduce toxicity. Then the raw materials are piled up and kept for up to two or three months, periodically shoveling.

Peat fertilizer has proven itself well in growing flowers. Airy and porous soil promotes rapid restoration of flowers after transplants. Peonies are especially favorable to peat substrate. Flowers develop quickly and delight with bright colors, while emitting richer odors.

Gardeners often use instead of manure peat compost. The only drawback of this method is the longer decomposition of peat in the soil than that of manure. In addition, high-moor peat has high acidity, which requires aging before use. But when proper preparation, peat compost is in no way inferior to manure.

Composting is performed from early spring to late autumn. Add to compost heaps peat various material, which serves as an excellent complement to beneficial microorganisms.

Most often, these are fallen leaves, plant waste, tops, weeds, food debris and sawdust. Compost takes about one to one and a half years to prepare. During this time, it is considered ready if the mixture has turned into a homogeneous mass.

Using peat for summer cottage leads to positive results. The natural substance is used for the following purposes:

How should peat be applied? The method is ineffective if you simply scatter the raw materials on the soil surface. To achieve maximum effect, peat material is mixed with turf, humus and other components, then apply 2-3 buckets per area of ​​1 m². This fertilizing can be done every year, which will increase the level of soil fertility by 1%.

Simple rules should be taken into account when applying peat fertilizer at a summer cottage:

  • The amount of peat substance in the soil composition should not exceed 70%.
  • Before use, be sure to mix it with humus and sand.
  • Additionally apply mineral fertilizers.
  • Use low-lying peat deposits.
  • Use on loams and sandy soils.

The result of fertilizing is influenced by the degree of decomposition of peat raw materials, which should not be less than 30–40%. If a low-lying type of material is used, then before using it you must ventilate and grind. At the same time, the material should not be overdried; the optimal humidity should be 50–70%.

Peat for the garden: the benefits and harms of raw materials

Gardeners use peat raw materials to impart looseness to the earthen coma and create the correct structure of sod-podzolic soils, where sand and clay predominate. As you know, sand holds water poorly, while clay is airtight.

That's why, best option You can’t find soil for this kind of soil. How to choose peat for the garden? You can choose depending on the degree of decomposition of the substance. There are three categories:

  • Lowland type. More than 40% decomposition rate. Due to the neutral composition in the best possible way Suitable for vegetable garden.
  • Transitional type. The degree of decomposition is from 25 to 40%. Used as composting material.
  • Horse type. The minimum degree of decomposition, which is 20%. It is not recommended to apply it in its pure form to the soil due to its high acidity; it requires pre-treatment.

The main benefits and harms of peat in the garden plot of land. Let’s determine what the beneficial effects of the peat composition are:

  1. Allows you to increase productivity by improving the soil, with minimal costs.
  2. Increases the humus layer of the soil, thereby improving fertility.
  3. Increases porosity, air and water permeability of the substrate, improving the functioning of the root system of plants.
  4. Fights pathogenic microflora, fungi, bacteria, and is a good antiseptic.
  5. If the acidity of the substrate is low, this indicator can be normalized if you choose the right type of peat.
  6. It quickly warms the ground, is able to retain useful substances and stop their leaching.
  7. It is hygroscopic. Increases soil moisture capacity.

What disadvantages and harm can it bring:

  1. Peat is harmful only if it is used incorrectly or combined with low-quality fertilizers. Then the plants slow down their development, and in some cases even death is possible.
  2. The substance can increase soil acidity, which has an adverse effect on crop growth. To avoid acidification of the soil, lime the peat material - add 4–6 kg of lime per 100 kg.
  3. Peat will not bring any benefit if the soil is fertile and loose. The content of microelements in the substance is minimal and will only be absorbed by 5%. This should be taken into account.

Peat as a fertilizer for vegetable crops

Almost all crops yield good yields when using peat. Tomatoes, sorrel, potatoes, strawberries, strawberries and blueberries react especially favorably to the beneficial substance.

Fertilizing is carried out in the spring, simultaneously with planting potatoes. Peat material mixed with manure thrown straight into the hole, which allows nutrients to better penetrate to the seeds.

Peat also works well for strawberry growth. The fruits ripen faster and the harvest becomes richer. Has an equally good effect planting material for tomatoes. Feeding is carried out once every 14 days basal or foliar method.

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Selecting components for the soil

To increase the resistance of seeds to low temperatures, they can be hardened. To do this, the washed seeds are laid out on gauze, filtered paper or scalded sawdust. They should lie for a day at a temperature of 20 ° C. Then they are placed in the refrigerator or covered with snow. Some of the seeds die after this treatment, but the remaining part will be more resistant to short-term drops in temperature.​

​Required: 200 g cucumbers, 20 g smoked pork belly, 25 g onions, 50 g broth, 125 g milk sauce, 2 egg whites, 20 g cheese.​

  • ​Root rot of cucumber.​​Scheme for sowing cucumber seeds.​
  • ​Good cucumber seedlings should have a thick stem and a dark green color.​​Next required condition- the composition of the soil for seedlings should contain a moderate amount of nutrients and allow water to pass well when watering. For crops that are severely affected by blackleg, the soil for seedlings includes turf soil, peat and sand (3:1). The peat must sit for at least a year, during which it is shoveled and limed. And the turf land must be harvested for at least two years and be well decomposed. It is better to use coarse river sand. If there is no such thing, then any, but washed and sifted until clean water and dried. Earth and peat are also pre-sifted through sieves with 1 x 1 cm cells, and then mixed in the required proportion adding sand.​
  • ​Prepared, hatched or treated seeds must be planted in individual containers, since cucumber does not tolerate root damage during transplantation. Such seedlings take a long time to take root, get sick and may die. Even an established plant will be much less productive than one grown in a cup and planted with a whole lump of soil.​ ​Treated seeds are prepared for planting; they are often recommended to be sown directly in open ground, since they are covered the thinnest layer antifungal and antimicrobial drugs. Granulated seeds, in addition to being protective, are also covered with a layer of nutrients that give a positive start to young, immature plants.​
  • ​After the disinfection process has been carried out, seed material can be added to the soil nutrient mixture. Prepared soil for seedlings according to all the rules will guarantee a high and stable harvest at your summer cottage. Have a successful season! Preparing the soil for seedlings begins with the process of mixing the soil. To do this, spread polyethylene on the ground and pour out each component in the required proportions.​

Mixing the ingredients

Properly grown seedlings will guarantee a good harvest of tomatoes, cabbage, peppers and eggplants from your summer cottage. Therefore, first of all, you need to take care of the soil in which the seeds will germinate. The soil mixture for seedlings must meet certain characteristics. It should have good porosity, friability and not too acidic environment. Such indicators can be achieved provided that the soil for seedlings is properly prepared.​

​The soil mixture for planting cucumbers can be taken ready-made. Experienced gardeners usually do it themselves. There are several compositions of planting mixtures. Here are some examples of the simplest ones:​

​Purified fresh cucumbers you need to cut into pieces and remove the seeds. Lightly fry the onion cut into slices along with pieces of smoked brisket in a deep frying pan. You should also add chopped cucumbers and add meat broth. Then cover the pan with a lid and simmer until the cucumbers soften. When they become soft, you need to add half the milk sauce, salt and pepper. Next, you need to beat the egg whites into a thick foam, grate the cheese and add it all to the remaining milk sauce. Then pour the prepared sauce over the cucumbers and bake in the oven until golden brown.

In the first days after planting, watering is not necessary so as not to cool the greenhouse. In the future, as the soil dries out, the seedlings should be watered. warm water, heated to 25-30°C. The temperature in the greenhouse should be 25-27°C during the day, and 16-18°C at night. On sunny days, in order to increase air humidity, it is necessary to saturate the greenhouse with water vapor. To do this, you need to water the plants before lunch (about 3 liters per frame), and then quickly close the greenhouse with frames. To prevent the leaves from overheating, you need to ventilate 1-2 hours after the poultice, that is, raise the frames. Such poultice watering must be carried out every day (from 8 to 12 days). During this time, the growth of cucumbers will increase, and they will bloom faster.

The best time to plant plants in open ground is the first week of June. Planting should be done in the afternoon, that is, in the 2nd half of the day. But if the weather worsens in the evening (for example, the temperature dropped sharply or a north wind blew), planting should be postponed for a day or arranged using newspapers, paper and other improvised means. reliable protection already planted plants.​

  • ​The technology for growing cucumbers includes soil preparation, temperature control, watering and fertilizing.​
  • ​Many plants require a light seeding mixture using leaf soil. This soil is humus of fallen leaves. Rake them in your summer cottage or in the forest, put them in a pile, water them regularly summer time, cover with black film to speed up reheating. The leaves rot for at least two or even three years.​

​It is necessary to plant cucumber seedlings, 2 seeds per planting container, to ensure the required number of plants. After pecking the seeds and unfolding the cotyledon leaves, the weaker plant must be removed, otherwise both cucumber seedlings will be weakened due to competition for water, light and nutrients. The plant cannot be pulled out or pulled out - it can pull along the still weak roots of the remaining seedling and damage them. The easiest way is to carefully pinch or cut it off at ground level; the remaining part will gradually decompose without harming the second plant. Now the seedling will have space and will get a lot of nutrients.​

  • ​Calibrated seeds need moisture and warmth to germinate. If these two conditions are not provided, even seeds that have already sprouted may die. Most often, they are wrapped in damp cloth and placed in a place with high temperature (about 30 degrees). Seeds that have formed a small root must be immediately planted in the ground.

​Cucumbers are a popular pumpkin crop, annual herbaceous plant, successfully grown both in open ground and in protected greenhouses. Cucumbers have been successfully grown by mankind for more than 6 thousand years; they come from the foothills of the Himalayas and are even mentioned in the Bible. Despite its ancient origin, cucumber is still part of numerous national cuisines and is successfully used to prepare many delicious and healthy dishes.​

  • ​Experienced vegetable growers advise making soil composition for seedlings for different cultures separately, since each vegetable has its own individual needs and preferences.​

A typical mistake Beginner gardeners can sow seeds in ordinary soil taken from their garden. Therefore, many fail in growing vegetable seedlings at home and prefer to buy plants that are ready for planting. The secret to getting good seedlings is to properly prepare the soil for seedlings. Therefore, we will prepare it ourselves, especially since there is nothing complicated in this process.​

Soil disinfection

​1. To 10 liters of garden soil add 3 liters of humus, 1 glass of ash and one tablespoon of superphosphate. IN clay soil We recommend adding one liter of sand.​

  1. ​Pickles stuffed with fish.​
  2. ​Feeding should begin when the plants develop 5-6 leaves and tendrils begin to appear. Then it should be carried out after 10 or 12 days, and in the period when fruiting begins - after a week. To carry out the first fertilizing, it is necessary to dissolve ammonium nitrate, superphosphate and potassium chloride in 10 liters of water at the rate of 10:10:5 g. When the fruiting period begins, the doses of nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizers should be increased by 1.5 times, potassium - by 2 times .​

​To plant seedlings, it is necessary to arrange ridges. Then, on the side of each ridge, always on the south side, you need to plant young plants to a depth almost to the very cotyledons. Then seedlings of the following vegetable crops (early cabbage, onions or root plants) should be planted on the ridges. Planting should be done simultaneously with watering. In the future, the plants should be watered after 2-3 days, using water heated in barrels. To prevent crusts from forming, after watering, humus, turf, or soil removed from the rows should be poured into the holes under the plants.​


How to grow good cucumber seedlings at home?

​System diagram drip irrigation cucumbers in a greenhouse.​

Pre-calcined sand sprinkled on top of the substrate in a layer of 0.5 cm protects well from blackleg. Prepare it as follows:

Features of growing cucumber seedlings

Stretched pale seedlings are a common occurrence when growing at home. To prevent this from happening, you need to change two modes of growing cucumber seedlings - temperature and light.​

  • An important question for obtaining good cucumber seedlings at home is when to plant cucumber seedlings. If this is done too early, the seedlings will overgrow, stretch out, and be pale and fragile. Such seedlings are unlikely to produce a strong and healthy actively fruiting plant. If you delay planting cucumber seedlings, the plants will be too small and weak, rooting in the soil will take a long time and the harvest will be late.
  • ​Thanks to the dietary properties of this vegetable, it has many fans all over the world: it contains virtually no proteins, carbohydrates and fats, but it contains a lot of potassium, essential for heart and kidney health, vitamins, including carotene, and a high percentage of microelements. Since ancient times, cucumber has been used as a medicinal plant, as well as in cosmetics.​
  • ​The soil for seedlings of tomatoes, peppers and eggplants should have the following composition:​
  • ​The soil for seedlings of tomatoes, peppers, cabbage, eggplants and cucumbers should consist of the following components:​
  • ​2. The mixture is made from three parts garden soil, one part manure and one part fine sawdust.​

​Required: cucumbers - 4 pcs., fish fillets - 2 pcs. (not large), onions - 1 pc., butter - 1 tbsp. l., broth - ½ cup, sour cream - 2 tbsp. l., flour - 1 tsp., pepper, herbs.​


​The development of cucumber plants is positively influenced by light fertilizing, which is carried out with a solution consisting of ammonium nitrate (4-5 g), superphosphate (10-11 g), potassium chloride (3-4 g) per 10 liters of water. After the fruiting process has begun, it is necessary to increase the concentration of the fertilizing solution from 25 to 50%. When caring for cucumbers, be sure to water them, loosen the soil, fertilize and lay out the vines along the grooves and ridges.​

  • ​Cucumbers can be consumed fresh, in making second courses (for example, stuffing them), and in canning. Cucumber juice has also proven itself in cosmetics and folk medicine as a laxative for stomach diseases. For getting great harvest It is necessary that the technology for growing cucumbers be fully observed.​
  • ​sieve and rinse any sand you have until you get clear water,​
  • ​The air temperature needs to be reduced to about 15 degrees, and the seedlings need to be additionally illuminated; if there is very little light, this will have to be done around the clock.​

​The optimal time for planting cucumber seeds for seedlings is 20-25 days before the planned date of transplanting into the ground or greenhouse.​

In order to properly grow cucumber seedlings at home, you must follow a number of rules:

Choosing soil for cucumber seedlings

Add 1 part of peat and river sand to one part of turf soil. The resulting composition is thoroughly mixed, after which it is well watered with a nutrient solution consisting of 25-30 grams of superphosphate, potassium sulfate and 10 grams of urea per 10 liters of water.​


​Seedlings can be grown in cups or pots.​

Peeled and seeded pickles need to be filled with minced meat made from fresh fish, onions, parsley and pepper. After this, the stuffed cucumbers must be placed in a deep saucepan or frying pan, pour broth and sour cream over them and simmer on low heat for 25-30 minutes. Then the cucumbers should be removed from the saucepan. Wheat flour should be fried in wheat oil and added to the remaining broth, salt and pepper and heat, stirring until boiling. The resulting sauce must be strained into a bowl and sprinkled with dill. You can serve potatoes or rice porridge as a side dish.​

  • ​An earlier and higher yield of cucumbers under film coverings is obtained using the seedling method of cultivation. Seedlings should be planted in a permanent place in early May from May 5 to May 10. Cucumbers can be planted 10-12 days earlier if you combine the use of film covers with soil heating, that is, arrange manure steam beds.​
  • ​Cucumber is an annual creeping plant that, with the help of tendrils, is firmly attached to supports and grows upward. In order to get an early and good harvest when growing cucumbers in protected soil, it is necessary to pinch the main shoot of the plants above the second or 3-4th leaf. Since the homeland of these vegetables is the hot tropics, they are very demanding of heat and moisture. People even distinguish the so-called “cucumber” years. During this period in the summer the weather should be warm, drizzling rains should fall every 1-2 days, and then there will be warm evaporation from the surface of the heated earth.​
  • ​heat in a frying pan or heat-resistant dish until dry,​
  • ​On light windows it is often enough to install side and top mirrors that will reflect sunlight onto the seedlings. Sometimes it is enough to place cups of cucumbers farther from each other, especially if they already have fairly large leaves that shade each other.​

Proper planting of seeds

​For active growth and high-quality fruiting, it is advisable to plant cucumber seeds for seedlings in soil that is similar in chemical and mechanical composition to the one in which the plant will live further. In this case, it will be easier for the roots of a young cucumber to germinate in a new environment and gain a foothold in it.​

​Soil selection.​

What to do if cucumber seedlings have stretched out?

​Mix turf soil, peat and humus in equal proportions. To the resulting mixture you can add a couple of matchboxes of superphosphate and 0.5 liters of cans of ash.​

​. It is obtained from rotted manure or plants, which makes this soil the most nutritious and fertile of all existing types of soil.​

After hardening, the seeds are planted one at a time in a pot at a depth of 1.5-2 cm and covered with a dark film. Seedlings are germinated at a temperature of 25–27 °C. Shoots should appear on the fourth day, and the cotyledons should unfold on the fifth. The film is removed from five-day-old seedlings, the daytime temperature is reduced to 15–20 °C, and the night temperature to 12–18 °C. A short-term decrease in temperature prevents the subcotyledon from elongating, drooping and wilting of plants.​


​Table of diseases and pests of cucumbers.​

​The old soil in the greenhouse becomes compacted over time, so sawdust or chopped straw should be added to it every year from 10 to 30%, and with them, for every 10 kg of sawdust, an additional 20 g of ammonium nitrate should be added. After adding loosening agents, the soil needs to be plowed to a depth of 15-20 cm.​

If there is not enough moisture in the air, the growth of cucumber plants stops and weakens. Cucumbers are also very picky about the moisture content of the soil. Since the root system of this vegetable develops in the surface layer of soil, a change in its moisture content can have a detrimental effect on the overall development of the plants. Cucumbers need to be watered frequently, but in small doses so that the top layer of soil, 10 to 15 cm deep, is moist all the time.​

​cool, pour into a new plastic bag and use.​

If the seedlings are very elongated, they can be helped when planting in the ground. Such a plant is carefully and carefully buried down to the cotyledons or gradually sprinkled with warm and loose soil. The main condition for good survival of elongated seedlings is planting them in well-warmed, not waterlogged soil. If it had to be planted in cold soil, the ground around such a plant is covered with a dark perforated film, which accumulates solar heat and evaporates excess moisture. In this case, the part of the stem buried in the ground will not rot, but will produce additional roots and support weak, elongated seedlings. After a while it will be just as strong and green plant, like everyone else.​

​As soon as the first cotyledon leaves appear, the cucumber seedlings must be placed in a cooler and brighter place. This is necessary so that the section of the stem under the cotyledons does not stretch, forming weak, fragile seedlings. You need a lot of light, but direct sunlight should be avoided - they can burn tender and soft young leaves. Water the seedlings with warm water, spray only in the first half of the day in non-sunny weather or in a place protected from direct sunlight.

Growing cucumber seedlings - video


Land for seedlings.

​Time for planting cucumbers for seedlings.​

To prepare the soil for cabbage seedlings you will need:

Preparing the land for seedlings.

​Sometimes by chance two sprouts grow in a glass. Then the weak sprout is pinched at the root. Its root decomposes without a trace, and the root system of the stronger second sprout remains intact.​

  • ​Bon appetit!​
  • Cucumbers are susceptible to many diseases. Most often they are affected by downy mildew, anthracnose and bacteriosis. Downy mildew appears as a white powdery coating that forms on the upper side of the leaf, and then on the underside. Anthracnose can be recognized by the formation of light brown spots on the upper side of the leaf, a pinkish bloom on the underside, and pinkish-bronze sores on the fruit. With bacteriosis, oily-angular spots appear on the leaves of affected plants, and watery spots appear on the fruits.​
  • ​Mineral nutrition scheme for cucumber.​

​For growing cucumbers, the soil plays an important role, which must be prepared in the fall. It should be sufficiently moist, necessarily loose and free of weeds. For the harvest to be effective, it is necessary to apply manure, peat manure compost, and decomposed city garbage (6-8 kg per 1 m2). It is more advisable to apply fertilizers in layers: manure - in the fall, mineral fertilizers - for pre-sowing treatment in the spring.​

​For flower crops that are not affected by blackleg, one part of compost soil can be added to the above composition. Nowadays there are many ready-to-use peat-based soils with the addition of mineral fertilizers on sale. Many of them can be used to grow seedlings or added to existing mixtures.​

​Cucumber seedlings begin to bloom very quickly, even in the cups the first buds are already forming. This does not negatively affect the quality of strong, healthy seedlings, but it can take away little strength from a weakened one.

DIY soil for seedlings

​Cucumbers love moist air, but do not tolerate “going out” into the night with wet leaves - in such a situation, the plants are quickly affected by fungal diseases.​

​Light mode.​

​Mix humus (compost), leaf soil and river sand 1:2:1. For a bucket of this mixture, it would not be superfluous to add 1 cup (200g) of ash, 0.5 cups of fluff lime, 1 matchbox of potassium sulfate and 3 matchboxes of superphosphate. If it is not possible to use mineral fertilizers, then they can be replaced with ash in the amount of 3 cups.​


Seedlings, planting and growing cucumbers

​. An integral component of any soil mixture for seedlings. It ensures the flow required quantity humidity to the plant. It also helps create good soil looseness.​

Plants are watered with settled water heated to +24 degrees.

​Cucumber is one of the favorite treats on festive table both as an ingredient in salads and in pickled form. In times of crisis, most gardeners try to grow this vegetable in their garden plots and even on window sills. Cucumber is demanding in terms of care and growing conditions, so to obtain bountiful harvest It is important to have complete information on its agricultural technology.​

Brief cultivation technology

​To combat false powdery mildew spraying with a weak solution should be used copper sulfate(5 g per 10 l of water), and for adult plants use a more concentrated solution (10 g per 10 l of water). Good results when combating powdery mildew, anthracnose and bacteriosis of cucumbers, spraying with 0.08% carotane, morestan or 0.5% copper oxychloride solution gives.

Plants must be placed in single rows, with a distance between rows of 120 cm, in a row - 30-35 cm. Next, holes should be made, the depth of which is 8-9 cm. When planting seedlings, you need to remember that the stem should not be covered with soil. To better illuminate the plants, the distance between the holes must be different: from the side glazing and from the central aisle (between their centers) - 30 cm, and in the center of the row - 35 cm.​

​Scheme of planting cucumbers in a greenhouse.​

How to steam soil for seedlings

​For such seedlings, it will be better to remove the first flowers and give the plant the opportunity to take root well in the soil, improve its health and form a strong bush. This plant will begin to bear fruit a little later than the others, but will quickly make up for lost time and be equal in yield to the rest of the seedlings. Weak or elongated seedlings planted with buds or flowers will suffer for a long time, may drop buds and even ovaries, and as a result will produce much less fruit.​

Cucumber seedlings

​Temperature disturbances such as excessive heat and prolonged hypothermia of seedlings, especially in combination with high humidity air and soil lead to blackleg disease. With this form of root rot, a black area appears at the base of the plant stem, near the ground, causing cell death and the death of the entire green part. It will not be possible to save the affected plant; it must be urgently removed and destroyed along with the soil - it is the source of the disease. The remaining seedlings must be treated with fungicides.

​Temperature conditions.​

The soil for seedlings of cucumbers, pumpkins, melons, and watermelons is prepared in the following composition:

​Baking powders​

​The seedlings are grown for about a month. During this period, it needs to be fed twice. For the first time, fifteen-day-old seedlings are fed. As a fertilizer, it is better to use a solution of mullein (in a ratio of 1:10) or bird droppings (in a ratio of 1:20). Use no more than 50 ml per plant. The timing of sowing cucumbers depends on further growing conditions. In the first ten days of April, cucumber seeds are sown for further planting of seedlings in greenhouses and film greenhouses, and no later than May 10 - for planting in open ground.

Planting seedlings in open ground

​Cucumbers stewed in sour cream.​

3 days after planting, the plants should be tied up. To do this, over each ridge at a height of about 2 m, you need to pull 2 ​​rows of wire or cord so that the distance between them is 20 cm. The cucumber plants are tied in a checkerboard pattern with a loose knot. Caring for planted cucumber plants should consist of watering, which should be moderate and only warm days, while providing ventilation during sunny hours.​

Before sowing, it is necessary to select healthy seeds. To do this, they need to be selected in a 3% saline solution according to specific gravity, after which they should be dried, heated at a temperature of 50-60°C for about 3 hours, and then germinated. When to sow cucumbers depends on many reasons: for example, where the plot is located, how the plants will be protected from frost, etc.​

​January04 and February most the right time to purchase soil for seedlings. Before sowing, place a closed bag of soil in a bucket with very hot soil (at least 60 - 70 degrees), cover with a lid and leave it until it cools completely. Such steaming of the soil will disinfect it from pathogenic microflora and pest larvae that may well be there. When filling the pots for sowing, lightly “salt” the top of the soil with the dust fraction of the AVA fertilizer. Then the seedlings do not need to be fed with anything during their growth period.

Growing in a greenhouse

Cucumber seedlings planted in open ground or in a greenhouse are much more demanding of air humidity than other crops, but they cannot tolerate it at all if even a drop of water remains on the leaves overnight. In this case, the seedlings quickly become ill with powdery mildew, which can kill the entire plantation or the “population” of the greenhouse.​

​Optimal soil composition for cucumber seedlings:​

​Planting cucumber seedlings in a greenhouse.​

​Mix one bucket of leaf soil with the same amount of humus. 1 glass (200 g) of ash is poured into the resulting mixture, up to 10 g. potassium sulfate, and also add about 20 g. superphosphate. Everything is thoroughly mixed.​

​. In addition to peat, the soil for seedlings acquires good porosity after adding coarse river sand. It is this component that creates the best conditions for growing garden plants in seedlings. river sand and peat can replace sawdust, but before using them they must be treated with boiling water.​

Technology of cucumbers in greenhouses

For planting, you can use seeds purchased in the store or obtained from your own cucumbers. Plants grown from seeds 3-4 years old have high yields. The worst harvest will be from plants grown from last year's seeds. It is also not recommended to take seeds from hybrid varieties, since the chances of obtaining plants with identical properties are low.​

​Required: 200 g cucumbers, 20 g sour cream, 40 g butter, 75 g broth, 10 g tomato paste, greens.​

​The first foliar feeding should be given to the plants immediately after they are planted in a permanent place in the greenhouse, that is, in the phase of 5-6 leaves, at the rate of 10 g of urea per 10 liters of water. Then fertilizing should be done every time after prolonged cloudy weather. For 10 liters of water you need to add 5 g of ammonium nitrate, 5 g of double superphosphate and 5 g of potassium nitrate. The solution should be used depending on the age and development of the plants, that is, 10-20 liters per 50 m2. All foliar feeding should be carried out in the 2nd half of the day.

​Seedlings must be grown in paper cups or peat pots for 20-25 days. A mixture of 3 parts low-lying peat, 1 part sawdust and 0.5 parts mullein, diluted in half with water, should be poured into the container. For 1 m3 of this mixture you need to add nitrogen (0.08 kg), phosphorus (2.9 kg) and potassium (0.48 kg). Depending on the acidity of the peat, a certain amount of lime must be added to the mixture.​

​You can prepare your own soil from a mixture of peat, sand and ash. For a bucket of peat you should take half a bucket of sand and a liter jar of ash. Instead of ash, it is fashionable to take a 0.5 liter jar of chalk or a glass of lime or dolomite. Peat is sold in gardening stores, and sand and chalk in construction departments. Instead of peat, you can use coconut substrate (1 briquette per bucket of water). For swelling, it is better to pour a briquette of coconut substrate with boiling water (again for disinfection), and then cover with a lid until it cools completely.​

​Therefore, water the cucumbers in the morning with warm water, trying not to leave the leaves wet until the evening. If necessary, the plants are sprayed, but so that they have time to dry by night.

​Sod or humus soil.​

​Properly grown and prepared for planting, cucumber seedlings should have at least a couple of true leaves, a strong short stem, a rich, juicy green color, and a well-developed root system (if the container for seedlings is transparent, it should be visible that the entire lump of earth is covered with roots).​

Diseases and the fight against them

​I would like to warn vegetable growers against excessive use of fertilizers when preparing the soil for vegetable seedlings, if the base soil used is nutritious in itself. This is due to the fact that at the initial stage of seed germination the plant does not require many microelements. The need for them arises only when the first true leaves appear. Therefore, additional nutrition is usually applied through liquid fertilizers a few weeks after germination.​

Leaf ground

Three days before planting, the seedlings are fertilized again. To do this, use a complex nitrogen-phosphorus-potassium fertilizer, in which phosphorus and potassium predominate.​

Cucumber Recipes

Seeds should be stored at a temperature of +16°C and humidity - 50-60%. Then they will not lose their qualities for 10 years.​

Peeled and sliced ​​cucumbers should be rolled in flour, to which salt and pepper have been added, and fried in oil. Then the fried cucumbers should be placed in a deep frying pan, poured with meat broth, add sour cream and tomato paste. After this, close the lid and simmer over low heat until the cucumbers become soft enough. The finished dish must be served by pouring sauce over it, sprinkling dill on top and covering it with white bread croutons. Wheat or rice porridge is a good side dish.​

​First, the greenhouses must be cleared of snow and ice, then filled to the lining with manure, which must be spread evenly and slightly compacted. After 4 days, the manure gives sediment, so it should be further compacted, Special attention paying attention to places near the harness. If a stable and favorable thermal regime has been created in the greenhouse, then in the 2nd half of March (March 15-20) you can start growing cucumbers.​

​After sowing, it is necessary to maintain air humidity at 70-75%. It is better to remove late-appearing plants, as they will produce little yield in the future. As a rule, until the seedlings are planted in the ground, there is no need to water them, since the humidity in the pots is kept within 72%. If it decreases, then it is necessary to start watering. A few days before planting the seedlings, they should be accustomed to the outside air. The day before planting, you need to feed with mineral fertilizers: ammonium nitrate, potassium sulfate, superphosphate at the rate of 10:30:40 g per 10 liters of water, which is enough to treat 1 m2. To avoid burns on plants after feeding, you need to wash off the fertilizers with clean water.​

​It should be remembered that the soil for seedlings with your own hands does not contain anything, so when preparing them you need to add any complex mineral fertilizer (3 tablespoons per bucket of peat, and the fertilizer must be thoroughly mixed with the soil).​

​Cucumbers are one of the most rewarding garden crops, which, with minimal care and attention, will thank its owners with a bountiful and tasty harvest.​

​To grow cucumber seedlings for a greenhouse, it is necessary to select so-called parthenocarpic, or self-pollinating varieties that do not require the help of bees and other insects. If the seedlings are intended for open ground, bee-pollinated varieties of this vegetable are also suitable.

​This process is necessary to remove pathogens from the soil. You can disinfect the soil mixture for home seedlings in various ways, one of which is freezing it. But, if this is not possible, then you can use watering with disinfectants or steam treatment.​

​. Distinctive feature This type of soil is characterized by its high looseness, but its low nutrient content does not allow it to be used as the main soil for seedlings. Therefore, its use is possible only after combining with other types of soil. Leaf soil is most often collected in the forest belt where they grow deciduous trees. Vegetable growers do not recommend using soil collected under willow, oak or chestnut to prepare the soil for seedlings good quality it won't work: it's too rich in tannins.​

Within a month, the seedlings take on the appearance of squat bushes, with a well-developed root system and 1-2 dark green leaves. It is planted in soil insulated from below at a depth of 5 cm with manure or other organic substances.​

Homemade seeds are prepared for sowing. First, the seeds are discarded. To do this, they are placed in a saline solution (3 g of salt per glass of water). Empty seeds will float, and viable ones will end up at the bottom.​


Secrets strong seedlings cucumbers | House in the village


Sow cucumbers for seedlings

​For the development of the root system, it is necessary that the soil layer be sufficient, so along the greenhouse (in its middle) you need to make a groove, the width of which is 25-30 cm and the depth of 12-15 cm. It is necessary to pour into it a soil mixture, which consists of 2 parts of turf soil and 1 part of humus. As a result, the groove should have a total layer of at least 23-25 ​​cm. A ridge will form above the groove (on both sides), onto which fresh garden soil or old greenhouse soil should be poured.​

Pre-sowing seed preparation

​Good cucumber seedlings should be dark green in color, have 1 true leaf, and a thick stem.​

​The seedlings will have to be constantly watered not with water, but with a weak solution of such fertilizer (a teaspoon per 3 liters of water). You can use liquid fertilizer. Complex fertilizers usually contain not only nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, but also microelements.​

​Read about growing cucumbers in a greenhouse in our next article.​


​Seeds offered for sale come in different qualities - regular, processed and granulated.​

Which soil is better?

Method one. Pour the prepared fertile mixture well with a solution of potassium permanganate (3 g per 10 liters of water), and then additional processing antifungal drugs.​

​Preparing the soil for seedlings is not too complex process, but still, it requires some effort and free time from the vegetable grower. Therefore, many people prefer not to bother and purchase a ready-made soil mixture. However, not all manufacturers of such products are conscientious, and there is a possibility of purchasing peat soil with an acidic environment. Even if you add mineral fertilizers to it, you may not get good germination of seeds and strong seedlings.​

​After the last feeding, they try not to water the seedlings so that the earthen ball with roots dries out a little. When transplanting, the soil in the hole is disinfected with a one percent solution of potassium permanganate. The bottom of the cup is cut off with a knife, and the plant is carefully pushed out of the cup. With this method of transplantation, the risk of damage to the roots is minimal. The plant is planted in a hole, sprinkled with wet soil, and then dry. During the first week, plants should be shaded with branches, cardboard or boxes to improve survival rate.

Good seeds are treated against fungal diseases in a one percent manganese solution, washed and dried. It should be noted that store-bought seeds do not need to be discarded and disinfected.​

​Cucumbers with milk sauce.​

​Next, in the middle of the greenhouse, transverse oblong holes should be made, the depth of which is 10-12 cm. These holes must first be watered with warm water, then the seedlings should be planted in pairs so that they are in an inclined position and face the pots towards the center. To speed up the appearance of side shoots, you need to pinch the apical bud above the 3-4th leaf. Early ripening varieties do not need to be pinched.

Watering, fertilizing

​If you are late in planting it, this can lead to pampering, stretching of the plants and poor survival after planting. It is best to start planting seedlings in the ground in the first half of June after the danger of frost has passed. In the case where it is possible to cover it with film, planting can be postponed to the first half of May.​

​Cucumbers are part of the most common vegetable crops. Everyone loves them, so this vegetable can be found in any summer cottage and garden.​

​The soil for growing seedlings and sowing seeds can have different compositions, but under one non-applicable condition - it must be fresh, that is, not previously used. Old soil for seedlings can only be used after steaming. At home, this can be done in the oven. kitchen stove. Pour the soil into a basin or pan, moisten it, close the lid and place in the oven at 80 - 85 degrees for two hours. At a higher temperature, the organic part of the mixture (peat, humus) begins to burn out.

​Drainage (added to the bottom of the planting container to remove excess moisture). Expanded clay, vermiculite, sunflower husks and other adsorbent materials can be used as drainage.​

Landing in the ground

​Ordinary seeds must be calibrated and rejected before planting: those that are known to be crippled and small are immediately selected, and the remaining ones are immersed in a strong solution of table salt - the seeds that float are unusable, and the good ones will sink to the bottom. They are selected, washed thoroughly with fresh water and dried or immediately processed for sowing.​

Method two. The soil for seedlings is placed in a fabric bag or in a perforated container and left to steam for 45 minutes. You can, of course, calcine the earth in the oven, but along with the pathogenic microbes, the necessary nutrients also disappear.​

For this reason, experienced summer residents prepare the soil for seedlings of tomatoes, cabbage, peppers and eggplants with their own hands. It is best to start this process in the fall, and by spring the soil for seedlings will settle and settle. If you leave it for storage in the barn, then it will also freeze well, which will only benefit it.​

The spring season is full of worries and troubles about planting seedlings, from peppers and tomatoes to flowers, we are all ready to grow through seedlings, just to speed up the time of harvest and flowering. Now there are a lot of different containers, mini-greenhouses, all kinds of containers and devices for seedlings.

Peat tablets are one of the convenient things for growing seedlings of crops that do not like transplanting. For example, growing cucumbers in peat tablets is more correct than growing them in boxes. By planting cucumber seedlings directly into the ground along with a tablet, you preserve the roots and the plants immediately begin to grow. When transplanting from boxes, the roots are damaged. Cucumbers really don’t like it when their roots are touched and then take a long time to recover in the garden.

What are peat tablets and how are they used?

This is compressed peat, which is given the appearance of a disk. This tablet is always covered with natural mesh. The middle of each disk has a small hole. It is needed to place the plant seed inside. Before planting cucumbers in peat tablets, the latter should be soaked. From this procedure they increase approximately fivefold.

The ideal mixture of peat and soil allows the seedlings of zucchini and cucumbers to develop well in peat tablets. And then they easily take root in their permanent place.

The advantages of planting cucumbers in peat tablets:

  1. You save money on consumables; you don’t need anything other than peat tablets. There is no need to transfer them from one large container to separate larger containers.
  2. Cucumber seedlings in peat tablets take root well.
  3. Plants are not injured when planted in the garden.
  4. Planting cucumbers in peat tablets allows you to effectively use the area occupied by seedlings.
  5. These discs have a high air permeability, so the seedlings breathe well.
  6. Peat tablets provide good protection against waterlogging.

Planting and growing cucumber seedlings in peat tablets

  • A tray with high walls serves as a common container; peat discs need to be placed in it and filled with water. Leave until completely swollen.

cucumber peat tablets

  • Before planting cucumbers in peat tablets, some gardeners recommend enlarging the seed hole. However, you don't have to do this.
  • Place a cucumber seed inside the cavity. And again, opinions differ, some recommend sprinkling them with 1-2 mm of peat, while others say that there is no need to sprinkle them.

  • Now you need to cover the container with film and place the seedlings in a warm place. But not close to the battery.
  • Keep the peat moisturized. After the cucumbers germinate, place the container closer to the light.
  • After the plants have grown and it’s time to plant them in the garden, we plant cucumbers (peat tablets) in the ground. Before this, they must be freed from the protective net.

Cucumber seedlings in peat pots

This method is suitable for those who do not trust innovations. If it is not clear how to plant cucumber seeds in peat tablets, you can use pots made of the same material. They are convenient because the seedlings do not need to be removed from them, but cucumbers in peat tablets need to be planted in the garden bed along with them. This is useful when transplanting cucumbers, because at this point they have a very weak root system.

Another advantage of peat pots is that they do not fall apart when wet. They are treated against pests and microorganisms. They do not contain weed seeds or harmful chemical compounds.

However, you need to make sure that you purchase peat pots. If they are made of cardboard, then the cucumbers will not be able to break through their walls with their roots. The downside may be increased attention to soil moisture in the pot. Because they tend to dry out quickly. Not enough water and the sprout died. Too much water and the pot got moldy.

To facilitate the growth of the root system of cucumbers, it is recommended to make several holes before moving the pots to the garden bed.

If you figure out how to plant cucumbers in peat tablets and pots, this can make the life of gardeners and summer residents much easier. Because it will allow you to get a good harvest a little earlier than usual. Because cucumbers are not injured and take root better.

Peat pots or tablets are a modern and convenient way to grow seedlings that do not tolerate picking well.

Plants are moved into open ground directly with peat containers, the roots remain intact, and the growth of seedlings does not slow down.

Peat pots: quick and convenient

Peat pots or cups - simple, affordable and economical way growing cucumber seedlings. The containers are made from a mixture of peat and pressed cardboard. Stores offer products of various volumes and depths, single or combined in several pieces.

To grow cucumber seedlings in peat pots, you need medium-sized containers. In too spacious soils the soil quickly turns sour; small ones do not allow fast-growing seedlings to develop normally.

Selection rules

To ensure that the seedlings are strong and of high quality, you need to choose the right peat containers. Good pots have a flat, smooth surface without protruding coarse fibers.

The walls of the cups should not be too thick and hard, otherwise, when transplanting, the roots of the seedlings will not be able to break through the peat walls.

Excessively soft cups are also not suitable; with constant watering they will lose their shape. High-quality pots have a stable, flat bottom, a neatly processed top, and they are leveled in height.

These little things are very important. Carefully made cups will not tip over; the same height allows you to cover the plantings with glass or film, creating the microclimate necessary for the seedlings.

Benefits of peat pots:

  • You can fill the containers with any soil, both purchased and prepared yourself;
  • the cups hold their shape well;
  • when transplanted into beds, peat quickly soaks and does not interfere with the normal development of roots;
  • You can use mineral or organic fertilizers.

Despite the positive aspects Peat cups also have their disadvantages.:

  • cheap samples contain too much cardboard;
  • bulky cups take up a lot of space on the windowsill or balcony;
  • The soil in containers dries out quickly; constant humidity control is necessary.

How to plant cucumber seedlings in peat pots?

Before planting, you need to find a suitable container for cucumber seedlings in peat cups.

The ideal container is a cardboard box of a suitable size. It prevents containers from tipping over, does not interfere with normal air exchange and does not retain excess moisture.

In the bottom of peat cups with an awl or thick needle several drainage holes are made. The soil for cucumber seedlings should be light, nutritious, and have a neutral or slightly alkaline reaction.

The ideal option is a mixture of garden or turf soil with humus and a small amount of old sawdust.

It is not advisable to replace humus with peat. The walls of the pots are also made of peat, an excess of it will acidify the soil, and the seedlings will develop poorly. The substrate can be enriched with nutrients: urea, potassium sulfate, superphosphate or wood ash. All components are thoroughly mixed.

Before planting, the soil can be disinfected by heating it in the oven or microwave. Alternative option– spilling the soil with a solution of potassium permanganate. This procedure kills harmful microorganisms that can cause seedling diseases.

The pots are filled with soil so that at least 1 cm remains to the walls. The soil is lightly pressed down. Later it will settle and backfilling will be required, so part of the soil should be set aside. You can plant both dry and pre-soaked seeds.

Planting cucumbers in peat pots for seedlings. If dry material is used, the seed is buried with your fingers, lowering it into the ground by 1.5-2 cm. The surface of the soil is slightly compacted; there is no need to compact it. The pots are placed in a prepared tray so that the containers do not tip over. The soil is generously sprayed with warm water from a spray bottle..

When planting germinated seeds, you need to be more careful. A hole 2 cm deep is made in the soil, the sprouted seed is carefully moved into it, sprinkled with soil and pressed down a little.

Important Do not injure the tender sprout, otherwise the seedling will die.

The soil is moistened with a spray bottle. You should not use a watering can; directed jets of water can wash away the soil.

Plantings are covered plastic film or glass and placed in heat. After the emergence of seedlings (4-5 days), the mini-garden moves to a bright place: window sill of a south or southeast window. In cloudy weather, the seedlings will have to be illuminated with fluorescent lamps.

Caring for seedlings in peat pots

In peat containers, the soil dries out quickly. In the first days, the necessary moisture is retained by the film; after removing it, you need to carefully monitor the condition of the soil.

It shouldn't dry out the soil is moistened daily or every other day. To water newly germinated seedlings, use a spray bottle or spoon; older plants can be watered from a watering can.

After a few days, the soil in the pot may settle. It is recommended to carefully add the prepared substrate squeezing it with your fingers. It is important to ensure that a hard crust does not form on the surface of the soil, interfering with plant respiration. For prevention, loosen the soil at least 2 times a week, trying not to touch the roots.

The first feeding is carried out after the unfolding of a pair of true leaves. cucumbers can be fertilized with an aqueous solution mineral fertilizer for seedlings or diluted mullein. You need to water the pre-moistened soil with nutrient compounds; after fertilizing, the cucumber seedlings are sprayed with a spray bottle.

Peat tablets: one hundred percent result

Peat tablets for cucumber seedlings – a more thoughtful option for growing cucumber seedlings. They are easy to use, accessible, and inexpensive. Planted plants do not need picking; they quickly take root in any soil.

The tablets are made from light, environmentally friendly peak peat mixed with useful substances: growth stimulants, components with a disinfectant effect, nutritional supplements.

Landed plants do not experience a deficiency of nutrients, they develop well. The shape of the products is maintained by a thin but durable mesh. Thanks to it, the soaked peat does not spread, and the seedling is firmly fixed.

Stores offer different variants tablets. They differ in diameter, which is chosen based on the size of the future seedling. The largest options are suitable for cucumbers., giving a final volume of 400 ml.

For the successful development of cucumber seedlings in peat tablets, it is better to choose products from well-known manufacturers who use high-quality peat and do not skimp on useful additives.

The cheapest tablets consist of low-grade fibrous raw materials; they swell poorly and do not hold their shape. Another disadvantage of cheap tablets is that they are overly acidic environment, which is not very useful for cucumber seedlings.

How to plant cucumber seedlings in peat tablets?

Before planting, peat tablets are placed in a deep container and pour warm water. As it is absorbed, add more. After a few hours, the tablets will turn into even columns. They are carefully moved into a deep tray.

The ideal container for pills is a plastic container or cake box. It is also convenient to use special trays with cassettes for fixing tablets. The only drawback of this design is the high cost.

At the top of the tablets there are holes for placing seeds. They can be slightly expanded with a toothpick. Dry seeds or seeds treated with a growth stimulant are placed into the resulting mini-holes. Dry seed material is buried with a toothpick.

The sprouted seeds are carefully placed in the hole, covered with a piece of peat. There is no need to press them in; fragile sprouts are easily injured.

Peat columns are placed in prepared pallets and covered with glass. Plantings are kept warm until germination. After germination, the mini-garden is placed on the windowsill and protected from drafts.

For successful growth of young plants Requires warmth and high humidity levels. Peat columns are sprayed with warm water once every 2 days.

Tablets contain all essential nutrients, cucumber seedlings do not need additional fertilizing.

If the mesh holding the peat breaks, the seedlings will have to be transplanted into any suitable container, after first removing the remnants of the mesh and adding fresh soil.

Before moving to the beds, the netting is carefully cut off from the plant. It does not dissolve in the soil, which can inhibit root growth.

Peat tablets and cups are a convenient, simple and modern way of growing cucumber seedlings that you must try. It is not suitable for industrial cultivation, but most amateur gardeners consider peat containers ideal for growing cucumbers.

Useful video

Personal experience of growing cucumbers in peat tablets in 2 parts.

Part 1 - planting seeds:

Part 2 - transplanting sprouted shoots:

Probably everyone knows that cucumber is a rather fastidious crop, which is not so easy to grow in seedlings and then replant. Therefore, to make this whole process less painful and not “shatter” your nerves so much, it is better to overpay a little and stock up on peat tablets, in which the cucumber seedlings will be planted.

Of course, most likely, you no longer ask this question, since all modern gardeners have used them at least once or, at least, seen them once. But, if this word still doesn’t explain much to you, then this information will help fill in the gaps a little.

What are peat tablets?

So, peat tablets are small pucks of pressed peat, which are covered with a natural mesh. On top of each such ring there is already a depression in which it is very convenient to place the seeds. In its original form, the “tablet” consists of low 8-mm washers, which, when soaked in water, and this procedure is carried out immediately before planting, increase approximately five times.

A mixture of wet peat and soil is simply an ideal environment. Cucumber seedlings in peat tablets feel just great. Due to the fact that the mixture in the tablet retains moisture very well, the seeds are protected from fungi, which cause the fall of seedlings grown in poor-quality soil.

Benefits of peat tablets

If you still have some doubts that cucumber seedlings in peat tablets are much better, then you will definitely be convinced by the main advantages of such nutritional “pucks”:

Significant cost savings on seed germination and rooting;

Very high air capacity;

Almost complete absence of injury to seedlings during transplantation;

Efficient use of space;

Protection against waterlogging.

Planting cucumbers in peat tablets

In principle, this procedure is not particularly complicated and planting cucumbers in peat tablets will not take you much time. You just need to follow some tips and the whole process will go very quickly and successfully:

Peat tablets should be placed next to each other in a high tray and filled with warm water for 10 - 20 minutes until completely swollen.

Carefully place cucumber seeds in the existing recesses of the formed containers and lightly (only 1 - 2 mm) cover them with a mixture of tablets.

We move the tablets to the seedling box. A special heated container is best suited for these purposes. If there is none, then you can simply place the box with future seedlings on some warm surface. This will allow the seeds to germinate faster.

It is very important to monitor the air temperature (20 - 25 0C) and humidity environment. It is also highly advisable to use lamps daylight, which will provide additional illumination.

The humidity of the substrate must be checked very carefully, since cucumbers love to “drink” water. It is best to water using a spray bottle.

After the seeds germinate and seedlings form, they can be opened during the day to allow access to fresh air. At night the box is closed again.

After the time has come, it is necessary to plant the seedlings in the garden bed. To do this, the tablets are taken out of the container and placed in the previously prepared recesses, after which they are covered with earth and carefully compacted. You can get the finished harvest of green cucumbers approximately 10 - 14 days earlier than if you planted them directly in the garden. And this is another significant “plus”, isn’t it?

Peat tablets are usually used for sowing seedlings of tomatoes and peppers. However, with their help you can also grow high-quality cucumber seedlings.

Peat tablets contain everything necessary for the development of cucumber seedlings. Small peat tablets with a diameter of 3 cm are suitable for planting cucumbers, given that they will still need to be grown in pots.

Place peat tablets in a tray and fill them with warm water. When they swell, they increase in volume by five or more times. Once the peat tablets stop absorbing water, drain the excess from the tray (1).

Deepen the holes located in the upper part of the tablets and place one cucumber seed in them. Cover the holes with peat by lightly stirring the peat tablet with a toothpick or sharp knife.

Cover the tray with peat tablets with a lid or place it in a clean plastic bag. Place the tray with the sown cucumber seeds in a warm place with a temperature of +25 °C. After 7–10 days, shoots will appear (2).

Open the shelter slightly and place the tray in a bright, warm place (3).

With good lighting, seedlings develop quite quickly. Feeding in peat tablets is not required; watering is done as the top part dries out. When you notice that the tablets begin to settle and decrease in size, pour some water into the bottom of the tray and add more as they are absorbed. Remove excess water from the tray because excess moisture prevents air from reaching the roots. When the cucumber roots begin to grow through the mesh on the tablet, further development requires planting cucumber seedlings in pots.
To transplant cucumbers, you can use a special soil mixture or prepare the soil for seedlings yourself.
Pour the prepared soil mixture into the pot in a layer of 3–4 cm. Remove the shell (4) from the peat tablet and place the tablet with the seedling (5) in the center of the pot.

Spread the protruding cucumber roots evenly over the surface of the soil mixture and cover with soil (6).

The soil level should be 1–1.5 cm below the edge of the pot. Gently water the cucumber seedlings, place them in a warm sunny place - preferably on a windowsill facing south or west (7).