How to remove dust in an apartment for a long time. How to permanently get rid of dust in an apartment and is it possible? Recipes for homemade dust removers with antistatic effect

A conscientious housewife probably thinks at least once a week about how much dust accumulates in the house. This is not to mention those unfortunate people who have allergies to dust, sensitive lungs or small children - in this case, apartments have to be arranged at least once every couple of days. But there are several ways to reduce dust, both with one-time solutions and good ongoing habits. Let's talk about them.

The homes of dedicated minimalists tend to have the least amount of dust because they know how to eliminate unnecessary things from their lives. Small useless rubbish like souvenirs brought from travel, dubious decorative elements and a collection of elephant figurines not only leads to the fact that cleaning takes forever, but also to the accumulation of dust on such items. It is better to get rid of everything that is of no value, and if things are still very valuable as a memory, then at least put them in a box or put them in a glass cabinet.

Humidify the air

Start small - install a humidity sensor in your apartment, these are available in smart home systems. Most likely, you will quickly realize that the air in your apartment is much drier or more humid than it should be, and therefore you should think about buying an air humidifier.

“The optimal air humidity in an apartment should be no more than 50-60%. This parameter is especially important for rooms where a child is constantly present. However, the air humidity in our apartments is not ideal: in summer it increases, and in winter heating season- decreases. Humidity is difficult to determine by eye, so humidity sensors are now becoming more and more popular. They are easy to install - just connect to your home Internet and monitor the air condition in mobile application. Air humidity sensors can be tested as a set „ smart home“Which does not have to be purchased - the equipment is provided for rent,” says Oleg Burdelev, head of the MGTS service implementation department.

The humidifier itself, of course, does not reduce the amount of dust, but it does affect its “behavior.” The fact is that in dry air, dust particles fly freely around the room and are literally “easy to rise” - at the slightest gust, when you just walk by, they rise into the air. This increases the risk that fine dust can enter the lungs and lead to various illnesses. Under the influence of moisture, dust particles become heavier and therefore quickly settle to the surface. And it is much easier to remove dust from surfaces with a damp cloth than from the air.

Organize your closet

90% of the dust in the house is dead cells from our own skin and textile microfibers. Accordingly, the less textiles hanging in the closet, the less dust will accumulate. Organize your wardrobe, get rid of things you will never wear again, put out-of-season items in boxes. Don't forget to wash your closet or closet floor at least as often as you clean the rest of the house.

Minimize the use of textiles in the home

As already mentioned, the less textiles there are in the house, the less dusty it will be. Home textiles become not only a source of dust, but also a “dust collector” - once on the textiles, the dust settles tightly in the fibers. Therefore, get rid of all non-utilitarian textiles in the house - for example, tablecloths, napkins, extra tracks on the floor, decorative pillows. Even curtains are better replaced with blinds or roller blinds- which are smaller in volume and more reliably protect from sunlight and prying eyes.

Try to wash home textiles at least once every 3-4 months, especially for decorative pillows. More massive elements like carpets should be knocked out at least once a year, or better yet, once every six months.

Store books and magazines properly

Books, magazines and others paper products- a serious source of dust. In addition to the fact that dust inevitably settles on them and is quite problematic to remove with each cleaning, old paper also breaks down, gradually turning into fine dust. Experts advise keeping a minimum number of books and magazines in the house. If you cannot do without them, then it is better to store them in the room where you visit least often. An option for excellent students is to wrap each book in a plastic bag so that the book is less influenced by factors environment and so that when destroyed, paper particles do not become airborne.

Use the right cloth when cleaning wet

Contrary to tradition, an old, stretched country T-shirt is poorly suited to the role of a dust rag. Buy a special microfiber cloth - its features allow you to collect all the dust from the surface to the maximum, also “neutralizing” it along the way - rolling it into a damp micro-roller.

Few people know that after each cleaning it is better to wash the dust cloth in washing machine. Just do not use conditioners and washing gels that soften the structure of the fabric - once it softens, the microfiber cloth begins to collect dust worse and loses its magical properties.

In fact, the origin of dust is not only domestic. No less harmful particles enter the apartment from the street: soot, smoke, pollen and mold spores. "PM2.5 includes solid particles of dust, ash, soot, as well as sulfates and nitrates, less than 2.5 microns in size. It is from them that the smog of large cities mainly consists. Cars are the main source of these pollutants. These are exhausts, particles of erased road surface, brake pads and tires,” says Mikhail Amelkin, microclimate expert.

Therefore, you should be careful about how you ventilate the rooms. It is recommended to ventilate the apartment after rain or using ventilation devices with high-quality filters. This is especially important for residents of houses located near major highways.

Moisturize your skin

Perhaps the most non-obvious tip for reducing dust in the home is to monitor your own hygiene. We have already found out that most of the dust is particles of dead skin. Therefore, the more often you and your family use a scrub, rough washcloth and body moisturizer, the less dust your body will produce. By the way, a humidifier will greatly help maintain the level of moisture in the skin.

The eternal enemy of health and cleanliness in the house is dust. Even after general cleaning, it can be seen on smooth surfaces within a few hours. It not only spoils the appearance of the room, but is also very dangerous to health. What is the best way to remove dust in an apartment and how to prevent its occurrence?

Harm from house dust

The concept of “dust” is quite broad and includes a large number of components. So, particles of dirt, animal hair, various allergens, etc. fly in the air. Particularly dangerous are dust mites, which can trigger an asthmatic attack or lead to the development of allergies.

In addition, dust particles carry other pathological microorganisms and harmful substances. First of all, these are carcinogens that arise as a result of the operation of household appliances, toxins from cigarette smoke, fungal spores and bacteria. When they enter the body, they provoke the development of diseases, so dust control is very important for maintaining health.

Removing dust collectors

To reduce the amount of dust in the room, remove all decorative and interior items that contribute to its accumulation. To do this, follow simple recommendations:

  • If possible, remove carpets from walls and floors. This is where it concentrates maximum amount dust, even with daily vacuuming.
  • Throw out items from your closets that you have not used for more than six months (with the exception of seasonal clothing).
  • Limit the presence of decorative elements in the room. For the most part, this applies to napkins, artificial flowers, figurines and books that stand on open shelves. If you do not want to part with your favorite items, store them behind glass.
  • If possible, replace curtains and tulle with roller shutters or blinds. Due to their smaller area, they do not accumulate as much dust and are easier to care for.

Dust removal methods

Regular cleaning will help get rid of dust in the room. You should definitely go through all the corners of the rooms and wipe or wash even the most secret places where dirt can accumulate. To effectively and permanently get rid of contaminants, use simple recommendations for dust control.

Remove dirt not only from open surfaces, but also from furniture, including upholstered furniture. To do this, cover the sofa with a damp sheet and knock out the dust. A wet cloth will absorb all dirt and prevent it from spreading in the air and settling on other objects. You can also vacuum the surface using a special furniture brush.

A washing vacuum cleaner with an aqua filter is perfect for cleaning dust in an apartment.

Steaming will help quickly remove dust from curtains. This method will not only remove dirt, but also kill bacteria and smooth out the fabric. If you want to regularly keep your home clean, purchase a floor-mounted steamer with a large water tank.

Clear house dust and all indoor plants. Wipe the leaves with a damp cloth and spray with water from a spray bottle. Also wipe down the window sill or shelf where the plants are placed. Don't forget about caring for your pets. Brush the coat regularly and wash the paws after a walk.

Wipe dust from all surfaces, including cabinets, curtain rods, pictures and baseboards. Don't miss out on household appliances either. Dust often accumulates on computer monitors and TV screens.

To clean the floors, first vacuum the surface well and then wet clean it. The best option- usage washing vacuum cleaner equipped with an aquafilter. Such a household appliance will not only effectively clean the floor from dust, but will also destroy dirt particles.

If you don't have a vacuum cleaner, use a mop and a rag. Wipe down all exposed surfaces thoroughly, especially under tables, sofas and beds.

Ventilate the room regularly, especially while cleaning. To prevent street dust from entering the room, install on the windows Mosquito nets or cover the openings with a damp cloth.

The best way to deal with dust

To make it easier to fight dust, use special means and instruments.

Humidifier. With sufficient humidity, dust does not fly in the air, but settles on the surface, where it is easier to notice and eliminate.

Hygrometer is a device that controls humidity levels. Modern humidifiers are equipped with this function, so you don’t have to purchase it additionally. A hygrometer can help you determine when humidity is too high and at risk of mold growth.

Membranes for windows. Such devices protect against the penetration of street dust into the room. Another advantage of membranes is that they prevent allergens (pollen, poplar fluff, etc.) from entering the house.

A houseplant will help reduce the amount of dust in the air - chlorophytum. Place it in a place where dirt accumulates the most (on a windowsill, desktop or bedside table).

House dust- the enemy of most modern housewives. It seems that I just finished cleaning, and then, lo and behold, this hated dust is right there again. Is this picture familiar to you? Do you know that the main source of dust is ourselves, our hair, dead skin particles, as well as animal hair, pollen from indoor plants, materials from which furniture, walls and much more are made.

Today you will learn how to quickly and efficiently fight dust how to reduce its quantity to a minimum. After all, dust not only looks unattractive, but also harms our health; it is one of the strongest allergens and the cause of respiratory problems. You will learn some tips and rules on how to deal with house dust. And if you follow these rules regularly, if you turn them into your habit, it will take much less time than regularly fighting dust. And as a result, you will have a clean and, most importantly, hypoallergenic apartment.

So. List of rules for dealing with house dust:

1 . Use your vacuum cleaner correctly. Don't skimp on bags; change them in your vacuum cleaner regularly. It’s best to buy a vacuum cleaner with an aqua filter. (How to choose a vacuum cleaner)

2 . Don't forget about wet cleaning. Clean floors as often as possible, paying attention to areas under the sofa, bed, cabinets and other furniture. Use a damp or dry cloth to wipe the surface of shelves, chests of drawers, bedside tables, household and digital equipment, especially screens and monitors.

3 . Comb your hair only in the bathroom. After all, hair scattered throughout the apartment are excellent dust collectors. And if you sweep them off the bathroom floor in a timely manner, you will thereby eliminate the excess dust collector.

4 . Pay special attention to dust control in the kitchen. Here it accumulates in huge quantities. Store crumbly foods in tightly closed containers. Change the hood filter regularly. Try to take out the trash every day, even if there is not much of it accumulated.

5 . Give preference to leather furniture, of course, it is expensive in terms of cost, but it can not only decorate your interior, but also attract less dust and, in addition, it is much easier to clean.

6 . Don't forget to change your bed linen more often. And remember that colored laundry gets dirty just like white laundry.

7 . At least once a month, shake out the blankets and air out the pillows in the sun.

8 . Get rid of carpets as much as possible, as they are the biggest dust collectors in the house. And if you can’t imagine your home without carpets, replace them with small rugs that can be easily washed in water.

9. Get rid of all unnecessary things in the house. Surely, you have some things that are lying around just in case, waiting in the wings. Most of the time it never comes. But you should be able to regularly wipe dust from them. And with so many unnecessary things, it will simply become impossible.

10 . Several times a year, use the services of companies that clean carpets, rugs and upholstered furniture with your equipment.

11 . Plant living plants; they will keep the air in your home clean. Give them a healthy shower. You should not decorate your house or apartment artificial flowers, they are also excellent dust collectors.

12 . Keep an eye on your pets, promptly wash off dirt from their paws at the entrance, clean and comb them.

13 . We all know that rooms need to be ventilated, but few people know that along with the air through open windows we let dust into the house. But don’t worry, there is a way out - only ventilate when it’s not outside. strong wind or, even better, right after it rains.

14 . Do not smoke in the house or allow anyone else to do so, as tobacco smoke particles create toxic dust. By the way, such miracle devices as air purifiers and humidifiers will effectively help fight dust in your home.

15 . If you have a fireplace in your house or apartment, if you like candles and incense, then remember that this contributes to the formation of soot.

16 . Instead of blinds, use better curtains. It is always easier to wash them than to scrub each slate on the blinds.

17 . Select furniture so that it is at least 30 cm below the ceiling. This will make it much easier for you to wipe dust from the top of cabinets and shelves.

18. And finally. Try to make dust control a regular activity. Spend five minutes every morning dusting and dedicate at least once a month to general cleaning.

As you understand, you can learn how to deal with dust, but completely getting rid of it is simply unrealistic. However, if you constantly maintain order in your house or apartment, it will really become much less.

How do you, our readers, get rid of dust and keep your home clean?

Do you get the impression that you can’t get rid of the dust and it won’t go anywhere? Alas, there is no universal super remedy that can solve this problem once and for all. But it is still possible to minimize the amount. So, today you will learn how to get rid of dust, how harmful it is and where it comes from.

On a note! It is impossible to get rid of all the dust in the house: it will accumulate over time even in empty room without people. Why? To give a detailed answer, let’s get acquainted with the composition of dust and the sources of its appearance.

Dust is very small particles(can be mineral or organic), the diameter of which ranges from 0.005-0.1 mm. Larger particles are already sand. Where might dust be present? Yes, almost everywhere, even where, at first glance, reigns perfect cleanliness. And if there is a lot of dust, then it, being exposed to humidity, settles on the surface.

Man (more precisely, his activity) and dust go hand in hand, such is nature. We, as a rule, do not pay much attention to dust, but scientists have long proven that it is harmful to health, because it is full of dangerous microorganisms. Typically, the most dangerous is fine dust, which we don’t even see.

In nature. Main source dust in this case are small particles of soil that, when dry, rise with the wind (sometimes very high) and move tens or even hundreds of kilometers. During flight, these particles mix with the smallest cosmic dust penetrating into the atmosphere with the remains of meteorites.

In residential premises. It has been proven that we inhale about 50 ml of dust every day, most of it at home. It is in residential premises (especially closed ones) that it accumulates in large quantities. Over the course of a year, up to 30 kg of dust can accumulate in a simple city apartment.

As for the composition of dust, it is quite difficult to determine it, since it always changes depending on the specific room. However, there are still average indicators, let’s consider them.

Table No1. Dust composition (average values).

How harmful is dust?

We are perfectly adapted to various kinds external influences - for example, we are protected from the penetration of bacteria into the body by the mucous membranes of the respiratory organs. What is characteristic is that these shells self-clean from foreign particles that have fallen on them. But when immunity decreases, i.e. when a person is sick, this system fails. And it is in such situations that dust in the house becomes a serious threat.

Dust consisting of particles is especially dangerous synthetic materials- for example, old insulation or foam rubber, wallpaper, furniture, carpets, etc. These particles may contain harmful chemical compounds (including pesticides). There are also a lot of dust mites in this dust, and they main reason allergic reactions that provoke the development of asthma. By the way, this is precisely why allergy sufferers suffer from dust.

Important! The spores of harmful fungi that we inhale with dust are no less dangerous. Fungi can cause meningitis and diseases Bladder, kidneys, lungs and bronchi.

Finally, settling dust contaminates food and water, causing certain pulmonary/infectious diseases to develop. To avoid all these troubles, it is imperative to keep the apartment clean!

Where does dust collect in the apartment?

The main dust collector in the house is, as noted earlier, carpets(especially wall-mounted ones, because they receive the least attention). Therefore, all carpets in the apartment need to be thoroughly vacuumed at least once every few days. During general cleaning, you can use a steam mop or steam cleaner (more on this a little later), thanks to which the carpet is not only refreshed and regains its former attractiveness, but also cleansed of bacteria.

Another dust collector - cloth. It is better not to leave things on the back of the chair, but to immediately put them in the closet. This will not only keep the apartment tidy, but also speed up cleaning. Small decorative elements– vases, figurines and the like – should be wiped regularly, because dust also accumulates on them.

On a note! Heavy and dark curtains It’s better not to use them - instead, hang light, light curtains (the latter attract dust much less). Also, avoid wool coverings for furniture, and be sure to store all wool clothes in the closet.

Old pillows with feather/down filling are a real breeding ground for dust mites. For this reason, instead of natural filler It is worth using synthetic - for example, holofiber (which is small balls of improved padding polyester). In addition to lightness and elasticity, holofiber has the following properties:

  • softness;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • hypoallergenic;
  • moisture/wear resistance.

Holofiber is an excellent filler

Besides, holofiber is a “breathable material” that repels dirt. It also does not attract dust.

First, let's note: a damp cloth is quite enough to remove dust from hard surfaces. This way the particles will not scatter around the room, but will stick to the fabric. You just need to make sure that the rag is not too wet: if there is too much water, the dust will turn into dirt, which can greatly damage the furniture finish.

Give preference to microfiber or cotton rags - these materials cope better with dirt and absorb moisture.

Here are some more tips from the experts on our site.

  1. The apartment needs to be ventilated as often as possible.
  2. Wet cleaning should be carried out at least two to three times a week, and all accessible surfaces should be cleaned.
  3. You should also try to brush your pets more often and wipe the dust on the leaves of plants.
  4. Every week, all decorative elements - paintings, toys, figurines - must be wiped.

  5. Skirting boards (as well as the space behind the baseboards) are a real breeding ground for mites and dust; these places need to be vacuumed regularly.
  6. All upholstered furniture, curtains and walls should be thoroughly vacuumed every month.

  7. Correctly knock dust out of upholstered furniture: cover, for example, a chair with a wet cloth, and then start beating with a beater. In this case, the dust will remain on the fabric and not spread throughout the room.
  8. Finally, general cleaning should be carried out in the apartment at least once a month.

Note! Dust that accumulates in fans, air conditioners and hoods is extremely dangerous! You cannot clean them yourself - you will have to contact a service center.

What means should I use?

First of all - a little physics. Microparticles, as we remember, have a slight electrical charge, so they stick to objects with the opposite charge. To avoid this, antistatic agents are used: thanks to them, the accumulation of static electricity is minimized, which means that dust simply does not settle on equipment and furniture.

Today there are many different means that have one or another effectiveness. To choose suitable option, you need to know about its purpose. Before use, read the instructions, otherwise, instead of the desired cleanliness, a thick, unflattering coating may appear on the surfaces.

  • polish– it is used to prevent dust from settling on furniture for a long time (for example, “Chirton Anti-Dust”, “Pronto Anti-Dust”). The polish contains antistatic agents and adds shine. As a result, the dust does not settle on the furniture, but rather “slides off” it. At the same time, anti-dust is not a panacea - you will still have to carry out wet cleaning, albeit less often;

  • separate sprays not only neutralize static electricity, but also eliminate dust mites (“Uplon Expert”). Such products should be used infrequently - approximately once every 6 months;
  • antistatic agents for PC/TVs– remove dust and dirt (“BIG D Antistatic Spray”. It is better to give preference to products that are approved for use when the equipment is turned on and do not require subsequent cleaning with a napkin;

  • impregnationwe're talking about about products for upholstered furniture, which, after application, spread to the surface and create a kind of protective film, preventing dust from penetrating inside. However, the furniture still needs to be cleaned, otherwise the impregnation will transform into a thick coating;
  • vinegar– suitable for lovers of folk remedies. You need to add 50-70 ml of vinegar, a few drops essential oil(you can take any) and 2 tsp. olive oil in 200 ml of cool water, pour the resulting solution into a spray bottle and treat the furniture. This method is good because it also eliminates unpleasant odors.

When choosing household chemicals, pay Special attention composition. Stay away from toxic substances (such as phosphates, ammonium, chlorine, etc.) and remember: Some products provoke irritation of mucous membranes and skin, therefore it is better to work with gloves and a protective mask.

What brushes are suitable for cleaning?

Let’s immediately make a reservation that ordinary brooms will not help in our case. They will not remove the dust, but will only raise it into the air. Of course, you can clean it with a damp cloth, as described above, but it may leave stains. Therefore, to clean hard surfaces, you can use one of the options below.

These brushes are convenient to use; they allow you to clean even the most hard to reach places(this could be a keyboard, blinds, bookshelf, etc.).

GOST R 51870-2014. Professional cleaning services. Specifications . Downloadable file (click the link to open the PDF in a new window).

Dust removal devices

The most popular device is considered to be a vacuum cleaner. Give preference to models with water filters or HEPA (English: High Efficiency Particulate Air - highly effective particle retention). However, when using washing equipment Humidity increases, which can contribute to the development of mold, so it is better to clean tiles, linoleum or stone with such devices.

In addition to the vacuum cleaner, dust concentration in the apartment is reduced using the following devices.

If the humidity in the room is low, a humidifier - ultrasonic, steam or traditional - will help you. Thanks to the device, dust will not swirl in the air.

Steam cleaner Karcher SC 2 EasyFix. User manual. Downloadable file (click the link to open the PDF in a new window).

Master Class. Cleaning carpet with a steam cleaner

Step 1. To begin with, a few words about the device itself. A cleaner that will allow it to dry in no more than 12 hours is suitable for carpet. Excess moisture can damage the carpet and cause mold to grow.

Step 2. You need a steam cleaner with sufficient power. If you use a low-power device, there is a risk that it will not remove the product from the carpet. Because of this, the carpet will quickly become dirty again.

Step 3. Select the right time for cleaning - it is necessary that the carpet dries as quickly as possible.

Step 4. Use a small amount of detergent with an acidity (pH) of no more than 10, otherwise the surface of the carpet may be damaged.

Step 5. Remove furniture and other objects that may interfere in advance. Clear the area for yourself so you can see all the dirt.

Step 6. Now, having finished with the preparation, you can proceed directly to cleaning. First, fill the purifier with hot water.

Step 7 Add a little cleaning agent and follow the instructions.

Step 8 Start cleaning the carpet from the corner farthest from the door and gradually move towards the exit so as not to walk on the clean surface.

Step 9 Apply detergent to the maximum, walk a couple of times on the carpet.

Step 10 Now all that remains is to rinse off the used product with water. You should not leave it (the product) on the carpet, as dirt will stick to it.

Step 11 Turn on fans/air conditioners to help the carpet dry faster. You can use a dehumidifier (if available).

Removing dust from the ceiling

To do this, use a mop with a long handle and an attachment made of dust-collecting material. You can also use a brush for cleaning. If the ceiling is suspended, use a soap solution. Soak a soft nozzle in it, then carefully wipe the entire stretch ceiling

Removing dust from books

On bookshelves, as we noted earlier, a lot of dust accumulates, but the books themselves cannot be cleaned even with a vacuum cleaner. After that, we still wipe them with a damp cloth. But we recommend using a special dust-repellent mixture for this. Preparing such a mixture is quite simple: mix glycerin with water (1:10).

Getting rid of construction dust

Construction dust is something that you have to deal with both during renovation and after it. But upon completion repair work There will be less hassle if you take care in advance to protect doors, glass and furniture by sealing them with a special film.

On a note! If construction dust does not want to settle, spray the floor and air with water and a small amount of vinegar or citric acid. Then it will be much easier to collect slightly damp dust - both on the floor and in the air.

For cleaning, it is convenient to use a mop with a sponge; the water should be changed as often as possible. Then the floor and all surfaces at height should be wiped repeatedly with damp sponges/rags. The final touch– removing traces of dust using rags (exceptionally clean!), soaked in water and vinegar.

Video - Cleaning construction dust with a household vacuum cleaner

Houseplants from dust

The opinion that the air can be purified (including dust) with the help of indoor plants is widespread. But we believe that the effectiveness of green assistants is somewhat exaggerated. Yes, in general, plants have a positive effect on the microclimate in the apartment, but wet cleaning in tandem with modern devices much more effective than any ficus. However, indoor plants can still be used as dust aids.

Table No. 2. Houseplants that purify the air.

Name, photoShort description

It cleans the air well of formaldehyde and carbon monoxide. It is recommended to place it in the children's room and in the kitchen.

Also absorbs formaldehyde that is released new furniture. It is also a more popular medicinal plant.

Helps purify the air of toxic compounds that are released plastic windows and furniture.

An effective air purifier. Absorbs all volatile substances harmful to the body.

Cleanses from toxic compounds and mold, accumulates dust on the leaves.

Eliminates not only toxic substances released by laminate, plastic windows and furniture, but also staphylococci.

Copes well with harmful microorganisms and bacteria. It is recommended to place it in the bedroom to breathe fresh air while sleeping.

Also has cleansing properties. The leaves of the plant secrete special substances that kill harmful microorganisms.

Absorbs formaldehyde and nitrogen oxides - substances emitted by furniture.

The action is the same as a vacuum cleaner - the plant collects dust.

Purifies the air from formaldehyde and also humidifies it.

Effectively purify the air of germs.

The plant is known for absorbing benzene from the air.

Absorbs negative ions (come from electrical appliances), instead highlighting the positive ones. Also picks up dust.

So now you know about effective methods removing dust from the apartment. Frankly speaking, it is not an easy task, but it is a noble one. With a little effort, you can not only enjoy cleanliness, but also protect yourself and your loved ones from serious illnesses!

Dust not only spoils aesthetic appearance home, but also causes a deterioration in the well-being of residents. The problem is that it is impossible to get rid of dust in the apartment for a long time. Even the person himself is the cause of the appearance of these microscopic particles, not to mention other factors. You will have to constantly invest time and effort, but the cleaning process can be simplified by following a few recommendations.

Some. Even if you do not open the windows so that dust from the street does not enter the apartment, this will not help in the long run, since microscopic particles skin, human and animal hair, pile of carpets and upholstered furniture, pieces of paint and whitewash and dirt on shoes are also sources of the problem. Over the course of a year, an average of 40 kg of dust accumulates in an apartment of 65 square meters.

Dust itself is not too dangerous for humans, but it spreads bacteria and viruses that cause allergies, asthma and other health problems.

Dust mites- powerful allergen

Methods to remove dust in an apartment

1. Wet cleaning. For thousands of years of existence, humanity has not come up with more effective way dust control. Wiping surfaces with a damp cloth and thoroughly washing the floors at least once every 3-4 days will reduce the amount of dust in the room to a minimum.

You can add special dust-repellent agents to the water or to the wiping cloth, which will prevent particles from settling on the surface for several days.

The frequency of cleaning depends on several factors: the area of ​​the room, its technical condition, degree of air pollution, number of residents and animals. When dust becomes visible to the naked eye, you need to start cleaning wet cleaning. spring-cleaning should be carried out at least once a month.

Carefully wipe the decorative elements of upholstered furniture (buttons, hanging pieces of fabric), on which dust mites - saprophytes - usually live.

2. Elimination of dust collectors. Many household items accumulate dust, although they do not bring tangible benefits, simply being an interior decoration.

  • refuse carpets on the walls if you are not ready to vacuum or beat them at least once every 7 days;
  • put things in the closet that you don’t use every day, such as old bags;
  • books and Stuffed Toys hide them in a sideboard behind glass, they will collect less dust, but the comfort in the house will remain;
  • artificial flowers and figurines also accumulate a lot of dust on the surface, do not forget to wipe them when cleaning;
  • instead of massive curtains, screens, canopies, use light curtains or blinds;
  • Replace bedspreads, pillows and carpets made of natural fabrics (especially silk) with synthetic analogues that fray less;
  • wash all fabrics that are not stored in closed cabinets more often;
  • do not forget to periodically wash the windows and wipe the blinds;
  • promptly remove old rotten foam rubber from upholstered furniture and seal cracks in baseboards;
  • remove dust under radiators;
  • comb your hair only in the bathroom; long locks of hair scattered around the apartment will collect even more dust;
  • Wash your pet's paws after a walk.

3. Vacuuming. At correct use vacuum cleaner - the best remedy for cleaning, but during operation a lot of dust rises into the air; at this moment there should be no children or people with dust allergies in the room. After turning on the device, open doors and windows to allow for drafts.

Even the most modern device is not able to remove all the dust from the surface in one pass. For each square meter spend 1.5-2 minutes on the area. Treat the corners of the apartment and baseboards especially carefully. If possible, go over the walls with a vacuum cleaner. Use a special attachment to clean open shelves. After vacuuming, do wet cleaning.

4. Care of household appliances. Clean air conditioner filters and humidifiers in a timely manner, change the bags in your vacuum cleaner at the frequency recommended by the manufacturer. Wipe TV and monitor screens with special wipes. Clean computers and laptops whose static electricity attracts a lot of dust.

Algorithm for cleaning an apartment from dust

  1. Remove all unnecessary things from closed cabinets or under glass.
  2. Vacuum upholstered furniture or cover it with a thin, slightly damp cloth, then knock out the dust.
  3. Wipe, steam or wash the curtains.
  4. Spray indoor plants with a spray bottle and wipe with a soft cloth. Brush your pets, especially those with long hair.
  5. Beat or vacuum carpets.
  6. Wash the floors.
  7. Wipe off dust from all surfaces: furniture, cabinets, cornices, household appliances, walls, batteries.

Dust control in the apartment

Window membranes (mesh) - not only protect against insects, but also prevent dust from entering from the street even when open windows, this cheap product should be in every home.

Humidifier – at high humidity, dust settles faster on the surface and becomes noticeable. But the air should not be over-humidified, otherwise mold may appear, which is even more dangerous than dust.

Chlorophytum is a non-capricious and easy-to-care plant that reduces the amount of dust in its habitat.

Chlorophytum - a plant that traps dust

Air purifiers are devices that pass air through special filters. Recommended for installation in new and recently renovated rooms where there is a lot of dust. Can have ionization function and ultraviolet lamp to destroy pathogenic microorganisms.

A vacuum cleaner with an aquafilter - unlike a regular one, cleans not only the surface being treated, but also the air; it is recommended for people with respiratory diseases.

Dust repellents (polishes, aerosols, oils) - do not eliminate dust, but only protect smooth surfaces thanks to the antistatic effect, preventing dust from settling for some time, but the particles still accumulate in another place.