How to make sure there is no dust. How to deal with dust in an apartment effectively and quickly. Don't forget about hard-to-reach places

No matter how wonderful the hostess is, dust still appears in the apartment. However, knowledge of effective ways to combat it allows you to comply perfect order. So that each method makes it possible to achieve best results, it is important to know the origin of the dust. Depends on right choice way to eliminate it.

According to the results of a study by scientists, more than 70% of dust is of natural origin. The remaining 30% comes from human life. These are the types of dust that appear in our homes.

TO natural includes dust from the following sources:

  • the soil;
  • water resources (oceans, seas, rivers);
  • forest fires, volcanic eruptions;
  • air currents in deserts;
  • space - the remains of burnt meteorites and comets;
  • flower pollen.
Dust from human activity has the following origin:
  • skin microparticles;
  • hair;
  • pet hair;
  • materials that make up walls, ceilings, floors, furniture, carpeting.

The most “productive” source of dust is the remains of human skin. This factor must be taken into account, and try to carry out body treatment procedures in sanitary rooms.

Basic rules for dust control

To minimize the accumulation of dust in the apartment, it is advisable to follow the following rules:
  • Use the vacuum cleaner correctly, change dust bags more often or empty the container promptly (after each cleaning). It is recommended to purchase a vacuum cleaner (see) equipped with an aqua filter.
  • Carry out wet cleaning regularly: washing floors, wiping areas that are not afraid of moisture with a damp cloth. The rest - with a dry cloth with special care products for furniture and interior items.
  • Combing hair should only be done in the bathroom. Sweep them off the floor as often as possible.
  • The main attention should be paid to cleaning the kitchen, which is the leader in dust collection. It is better to keep crumbly products in closed containers. Take out the trash every day, regardless of its quantity. It is recommended to frequently change the hood filter above the stove.
  • Give preference to furniture covered with leather. This option is expensive, but such furniture will decorate the interior, it is easy to clean, and it hardly attracts dust.
  • Frequent changes of bed linen mean a minimum of dust consisting of skin particles.
  • Drying and airing pillows outdoors in dry sunny weather. Regularly (at least once a month) shaking out blankets, rugs and bedspreads from dust.
  • Using a minimum number of carpets and rugs. The ideal option is small rugs or paths that are easy to shake out or wet clean (see).
  • You should not keep unnecessary things in your apartment that do not serve any function other than as a dust collector.
  • Periodically contact a company that cleans upholstered furniture and carpets using special equipment.
  • The presence of living plants in the room that help purify the air. Indoor plants require regular spraying or showering, depending on the characteristics of the flowers.
  • Carefully care for pets (bathing, cleaning paws, combing).
  • Ventilation is recommended only during calm, windless weather, ideally after rain.
  • Do not smoke in the house, use special humidifiers and air purifiers.
  • It is more practical to use curtains that can be washed at any time. Blinds are less practical and much more difficult to clean.
  • To make it easier to wipe the furniture, especially at the top, it is advisable that it be at least 30 cm high from the ceiling.
  • If you wipe dust daily in all accessible places and do general cleaning once a month, order in the house and a minimum of dust will be ensured.

People have become more picky about using cleaning products to keep their homes clean. Most people prefer to use chemical-free products; they can be prepared at home.

Spicy carpet cleaner. Its preparation is reminiscent of cooking food, because the basis is taken food products, more precisely, spices: pour a pinch of cinnamon and cloves, 3-4 bay leaves into 1 liter of water, in which you have previously dissolved 2 cups of baking soda. Shake the mixture and you can start treating the carpets. Apply the product with a sponge or brush, rub and leave for several hours. After this, you will need a vacuum cleaner that will remove the dried soda residue along with spices and dust. Soda acts as a disinfectant, while spices create a pleasant aroma.

Bath fizz. Add half a glass of baking soda to 1 cup of 9 percent vinegar. Wipe the tiles, sink and bathtub with the resulting sizzling mixture. After 15-20 minutes, lightly rub, then rinse and wipe dry. The effect is stunning whiteness and shine, and a complete absence of dust.

Homemade cleaning wipes. Place soft rags from old unnecessary things in a basin with a solution of vinegar and water in a ratio of 1:3. Mute the smell of vinegar with any essential oil (a few drops). Leave in closed. Such rags will help out when cleaning kitchen utensils and household appliances.

Homemade polish. Fill the vessel 3/4 full vegetable oil, add 1/4 vinegar plus the juice of half a lemon. This product is stored in the refrigerator. Before wiping surfaces wooden furniture shake well.

People's Councils using available safe means:

  • mustard powder instead of dishwashing detergent;
  • diluted vinegar instead of chemical glass cleaner;
  • baking soda for stains and dust on furniture (rub with a soft damp cloth with a pinch of soda sprinkled on it);
  • half and half vinegar with water for bath and toilet care;
  • cleaning tiles with raw potatoes;
  • using vinegar (add to water) to wash the floor and remove as much dust as possible from it.
We present to your attention a video that shows the preparation of citrus spray. This is a safe and effective home remedy for removing dust and dirt.

The main means of cleaning and fighting dust is water. It dissolves dust microparticles, washes away its accumulations, and removes odors. If you need to get rid of light dust, it is quite enough clean water with a soft cloth.

But sometimes you have to eliminate heavy dirt, all kinds of stains that appeared from a large amount of dust and turned into garbage. In this case, household chemicals will help. What exactly do you need to have to do the perfect cleaning? It is worth taking a closer look at the recommendations of professionals:

  • special liquid for the care of glass and mirrors;
  • bath and toilet cleaning products with a disinfectant effect;
  • floor cleaning concentrate;
  • air freshener.
Chemicals are available on the market in various forms: gels, liquids, powders, concentrates, emulsions, pastes, creams, sprays. Their range is so wide that there will be no problems with purchasing - you can easily buy a product to suit your taste and needs.

When choosing household chemicals, you need to pay attention to the composition. If an allergy sufferer lives in the house, you should purchase a product without ingredients that cause allergies.

There are also caveats general: do not buy chemicals with content:
  • chlorine, ammonium and phosphates (contain toxins that cause malignant formations);
  • tricloban and triclosan (reducing protective functions organism);
  • flavorings based chemical elements– allergens.
Any chemical household products, even with a gentle composition, often have a harmful effect on the skin and respiratory organs. Therefore, cleaning should be done with rubber gloves in a ventilated room. If there is a thorough cleaning ahead, a protective mask will not hurt.

Technical assistants in the fight against dust

Cleaning can be made easy and even interesting activity, and fast and high quality. For these purposes, the industry produces household equipment, presented in the retail chain in a wide range and variety of types:
  • vacuum cleaners ( perfect option– presence of wet filtration);
  • humidifiers for the air in the room (too dry air is moistened and not saturated with dust particles);
  • hygrometer – determines the humidity of the atmosphere in the room;
  • special mops (see), brushes, brooms, brushes, sets of rags;
  • electric brushes (mini vacuum cleaners).

Houseplants and clean air

Growing indoor plants is not only an exciting hobby, it is also an opportunity to provide a room with healthy air. Many plants absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen, and absorb dust particles.

What types of plants are advisable to have in an apartment, and what properties they should have:

  • Chlorophytum- one of the most useful flowers, it is able to absorb formaldehyde, carbon monoxide and other toxic air elements.
  • Aloe (agave), ficus benjamina relieve residents of toxic fumes from plastic furniture.
  • Dieffenbachia It has unique property kill staphylococcal infection, destroys xylene and toluene emitted by polished and varnished surfaces.
  • Spathiphyllum fights elements harmful to humans such as trichlorethylene and formaldehyde.
  • Schefflera“loves” smoking tars, nicotine, and frees the atmosphere in the room from them.
  • Begoniaceae prevent harmful effects electrical appliances, destroy fungi, microbes, and increase air humidity.
  • Bay tree, geranium, lemon purify the air from pathogenic microorganisms.
  • Dracaena and gerbera absorb carbon dioxide, benzene, trichlorethylene from the air and release oxygen.
  • Sansevieria removes nitrogen oxides from the air.

It is necessary to properly care for indoor plants so that they do not turn from a number of “useful” into additional source dust. They need to be regularly watered, sprayed, washed in the shower, and there will be much less dust and harmful substances in the house.

Subtleties of dust control

In addition to knowing how to do high-quality cleaning and remove dust, you also need to know and understand what is the main source of dust in your apartment. It is necessary to conduct a full “audit” of the things in it:
  • If the entire floor of the apartment is covered with carpets, carpet runners and rugs, immediately get rid of them or reduce them to the bare minimum (put small ones so that they can be easily shaken out or washed). Read more about carpet cleaning methods -.
  • Too much a large number of figurines, accessories, photos on stands, napkins and other small crafts, it is more advisable to put them in boxes and hide them in a closet.
  • Determine the purpose of each item and throw away what is not needed, or put in the pantry items that will be used extremely rarely.
  • If the curtains in the apartment are too thick, they collect a lot of dust, so it is better to change them to lightweight ones that can be washed more easily and more often.
  • It is advisable to exclude woolen decorative and interior elements, sofa feather pillows It’s better to change to synthetic ones that can be washed and dried.
Fighting dust is an endless job, because dust appears again and again. However, based on the recommendations considered, we can conclude that first of all it is necessary to get rid of excess sources of dust, and for prevention, do wet cleaning more often using products that are safe for health.

You can endlessly fight dust in your home. Small mineral particles, fabric fibers and skin flakes constantly float in the air and settle on various surfaces. Unfortunately, it is impossible to completely get rid of them. However, if you adopt the secrets of professional cleaners, you can significantly reduce the amount of dust in your apartment even without special effort keep the premises clean at all times.

Even in an empty, perfectly cleaned apartment, approximately 12 thousand dust particles settle on the surface in two weeks. square centimeter. They tell you how to quickly get rid of dust and make the cleaning process more efficient Helpstar home service experts.

Do wet cleaning regularly

Good old wet cleaning - tried and true effective method pollution control. By wiping the surface, we remove static electricity, and as a result, much less dust settles on the floor and shelves. Thanks to regular wet cleaning, the overall content of small particles in the air is reduced, and dust mites and bacteria are killed. This is especially true during periods of exacerbation of respiratory diseases, when viruses literally fly in the air. Regular dust removal helps maintain immunity and significantly speeds up the healing process. Therefore, make it a rule to dust and wash the floor at least once a week. Soon it will become simple and good habit.

Use the right equipment

Before starting any fight, you need to properly arm yourself. Home service specialists use napkins and mops (mop attachments) made from special materials. So, to remove dust, it is best to use microfiber cloths; its fibers, like a brush, collect all the small particles from the surface. Rags made from other materials only remove part of the dirt, and the remaining dust and dirt are only spread over the surface. Professional cleaners also use a plume broom; it can significantly speed up the cleaning process because it instantly collects dust - its particles are attracted to the pile due to the resulting static electricity. In addition, this is an excellent tool for cleaning hard-to-reach places and decorative small items - he waved the plume - and all the figurines are clean, there is no need to remove and wipe each of them separately. We also recommend periodically treating facades and horizontal surfaces of furniture with polish and antistatic effect, then much less dust will settle on them.

Act according to a well-thought-out plan

Professional cleaners remove dust every day from the most different apartments. They always operate according to certain regulations that save time. Specialists are able to clean a room of dirt very quickly and efficiently, because they always move according to the same pattern. The main rule is that you need to clean from top to bottom so that the dust that you shake off from the top shelves does not settle on already cleaned surfaces. To avoid missing anything, walk in a circle in each room - from door to door or from window to window. It is necessary to wipe window sills, shelves, furniture surfaces, appliances, paintings, sconces and various interior decorations - vases, desk lamp and figurines. It is better to place souvenirs that you cannot part with in cabinets and admire them through glass - small trinkets collect a lot of dust and complicate the cleaning process. This solution will save you a lot of time.

When all surfaces are dust-free, you need to vacuum the floor and then wash it. Try to move from the remote corners of the apartment to the entrance to it - this way you will not bring dust and dirt into already cleaned rooms. Wet cleaning is completed in the hallway - this way the floors in other rooms will have time to dry before you return there.

Don't forget about hard-to-reach places

Special attention Cleaners focus on the upper surfaces of cabinets, which are so inconvenient to wipe. Meanwhile, this is where a huge amount of dust accumulates. To speed up the process, you can lay newspaper or large-format paper on them. During cleaning, the sheets are quickly removed from the cabinets along with all the accumulated dust. The main thing is to do it carefully. In the kitchen, instead of paper, you can use film; it will also protect the surface of the cabinet from the formation of plaque from a mixture of dust and grease. Don't forget about chandeliers - lamps literally attract dust. Moreover, the more complex their shape, the faster they become dirty. It is recommended to wipe them with a damp cloth once every two to three weeks. But it’s much faster to do this with a plume broom. When dry, it will quickly remove dust, and if you wet the fibers and go over the chandelier again, you will get a complete wet cleaning.

Wash your home textiles more often

The amount of dust in the house, oddly enough, depends on how often the bed linen is changed. Home textiles are the main source of dust in every apartment, and they need to be cleaned regularly. If you don't take care of it for a long time, bedspreads, upholstered furniture, and bed linen harbor dust mites, which can cause allergies. Bed linen should be washed at least once a week.

Do not forget also about the permanent upholstery of upholstered furniture; it must be vacuumed regularly. You can also cover the sofa or chair with a damp sheet and beat it thoroughly - this way all the accumulated dust will settle on the fabric and will not get into the air.

A separate conversation about carpets. If you don’t want them to become a haven for dust mites and intestinal pathogens, you will have to thoroughly vacuum them once a week and treat them with a special disinfectant. For effective fight For the cleanliness of carpets and your own health, it is important to clearly know.

All other textiles - bedspreads, rugs, removable furniture covers– It’s worth cleaning about once a month. At the same time, it is not necessary to take dirty clothes to the dry cleaner yourself; some home services, including Helpstar, offer delivery services. The courier will pick up everything you need and bring it back in perfectly clean condition.

The accumulation of dust in the apartment not only spoils appearance interior, but also negatively affects the health and well-being of people living in the house. It pollutes the air and provokes the appearance of dust mites, causes allergies and various diseases respiratory organs. Young children and newborns, whose immunity is still weak, are especially vulnerable.

To reduce dust in an apartment, it is not enough to wipe the surfaces and wash the floors in the apartment twice a week. Cleaning should be regular and thorough. In addition, it is recommended to get rid of things that actively attract and collect dust. You can also use special or folk remedies which will help reduce the amount of dust.

Before you start fighting, you need to understand why there is a lot of dust in the apartment. As a rule, this occurs due to too dry air in the room, lack of regular cleaning, or the presence of a large number of objects that attract dust particles. Once you find out the cause, you can eliminate it. Let's figure out how to get rid of dust in your apartment for a long time.

Main dust collectors

Let's figure out where the dust in the apartment comes from. The most important dust collectors are carpets, especially wall carpets, since the latter receive minimal attention. Carpets You need to vacuum thoroughly at least once every two to three days, or better yet, daily.

As spring cleaning You can use a steam mop or a steam generator with a carpet attachment. This treatment thoroughly and deeply cleans the products, kills harmful microorganisms and bacteria. In addition, it will refresh the carpet and give it an attractive appearance.

Small decorative items, including figurines, vases and other elements, require regular care and wiping. These are also good dust absorbers. If you want them to attract less dust, store the products in a cabinet behind glass doors. Get rid of unnecessary decorative details.

Avoid dark, long, dense and heavy curtains. Replace the products with light, light curtains. They attract dust and dirt in a much smaller volume. For the same reason, do not use woolen coverings for furniture and other surfaces, do not store woolen items in the room, immediately put them in the closet.

Dust mites thrive in pillows and products filled with down and feathers. Therefore it is recommended to replace natural filler to synthetic. A suitable option it will become holofiber or comforter. This is an improved padding polyester filler, rolled into small balls.

Holofiber or comforter is soft, elastic and comfortable, light in weight and simple care. This is a breathable, environmentally friendly and hypoallergenic material that retains its shape after deformation. It is resistant to wear and moisture. Does not attract dust and repels dirt, which allows you to keep the pillows clean for a long time. Read how to properly clean pillows at home.

How and where to wipe off dust

Before you can reduce the amount of dust in your apartment, you need to select special products. Take microfiber cloths or woolen cloth. As we have already learned, wool actively attracts dust particles. You can use ordinary water for cleaning. For effectiveness, many people add a couple of drops there. essential oil. In addition, there are special polishes for cleaning furniture and professional dust removers.

Dust particles appear on upholstered furniture in a short time. For effective cleaning, you need to not only vacuum the products, but also periodically knock out the material. To do this, place a damp sheet on a chair or sofa and go through it with a firecracker or carpet beater.

This will remove dust and dirt from deep inside the furniture. After the procedure, vacuum items. Don't forget to clean and clean drapes, drapes and blinds. Use a special brush, a vacuum cleaner with a suitable attachment, or a steam mop.

We often wash the floors, but we forget about the ceilings, mezzanines and top shelves of cabinets. But a large amount of dust accumulates there, which then falls down. By the way, experts advise starting cleaning from the top and then gradually descending. Clean the ceiling quickly and easily using a steam mop. If you don’t have one, you can take a classic mop with a long handle or a vacuum cleaner with a long-bristled brush.

Many people are interested in how to clean the air in an apartment from dust, dirt and harmful bacteria. Humidifiers and ionizers will also help with this. Alternatively, you can use a classic or washing vacuum cleaner. Place a chlorophytum plant in your apartment, which perfectly absorbs dust around.

Ventilate living areas regularly. To prevent dust and dirt from getting into the room from the street, install Mosquito nets. You can hang a damp cloth on the mesh and the air in the apartment will become fresh. Special window membranes that are installed on window glass will protect you from dust and dirt from the street.

To combat dust mites, you need to regularly clean upholstered furniture, bedding and accessories. Air pillows, blankets and mattresses regularly. Change your pillowcases, sheets and duvet covers every seven to ten days.

The eternal enemy of health and cleanliness in the house is dust. Even after general cleaning, it can be seen on smooth surfaces within a few hours. It not only spoils the appearance of the room, but is also very dangerous to health. What is the best way to remove dust in an apartment and how to prevent its occurrence?

Harm from house dust

The concept of “dust” is quite broad and includes a large number of components. So, particles of dirt, animal hair, various allergens, etc. fly in the air. Particularly dangerous are dust mites, which can trigger an asthmatic attack or lead to the development of allergies.

In addition, dust particles carry other pathological microorganisms and harmful substances. First of all, these are carcinogens that arise as a result of work household appliances, toxins from cigarette smoke, fungal spores and bacteria. When they enter the body, they provoke the development of diseases, so dust control is very important for maintaining health.

Removing dust collectors

To reduce the amount of dust in the room, remove all decorative and interior items that contribute to its accumulation. To do this, follow simple recommendations:

  • If possible, remove carpets from walls and floors. This is where it concentrates maximum amount dust, even with daily vacuuming.
  • Throw out items from your closets that you have not used for more than six months (with the exception of seasonal clothing).
  • Limit the presence of decorative elements in the room. For the most part this applies to napkins, artificial flowers, figurines and books that stand on open shelves. If you do not want to part with your favorite items, store them behind glass.
  • If possible, replace curtains and tulle with roller shutters or blinds. Due to their smaller area, they do not accumulate as much dust and are easier to care for.

Dust removal methods

Regular cleaning will help get rid of dust in the room. You should definitely go through all the corners of the rooms and wipe or wash even the most secret places where dirt can accumulate. To effectively and permanently get rid of contaminants, use simple recommendations for dust control.

Remove dirt not only from open surfaces, but also from furniture, including upholstered furniture. To do this, cover the sofa with a damp sheet and knock out the dust. A wet cloth will absorb all dirt and prevent it from spreading in the air and settling on other objects. You can also vacuum the surface using a special furniture brush.

A washing vacuum cleaner with an aqua filter is perfect for cleaning dust in an apartment.

Steaming will help quickly remove dust from curtains. This method will not only remove dirt, but also kill bacteria and smooth out the fabric. If you want to regularly keep your home clean, purchase a floor-mounted steamer with a large water tank.

Clear from house dust and all indoor plants. Wipe the leaves with a damp cloth and spray with water from a spray bottle. Also wipe down the window sill or shelf where the plants are placed. Don't forget about caring for your pets. Brush the coat regularly and wash the paws after a walk.

Wipe dust from all surfaces, including cabinets, curtain rods, pictures and baseboards. Don't miss out on household appliances either. Dust often accumulates on computer monitors and TV screens.

To clean the floors, first vacuum the surface well and then wet clean it. The best option– use of a washing vacuum cleaner equipped with an aqua filter. Such a household appliance will not only effectively clean the floor from dust, but will also destroy dirt particles.

If you don't have a vacuum cleaner, use a mop and a rag. Wipe down all exposed surfaces thoroughly, especially under tables, sofas and beds.

Ventilate the room regularly, especially while cleaning. To prevent street dust from entering the room, install mosquito nets on the windows or cover the openings with a damp cloth.

The best way to deal with dust

The use of special tools and devices will help make it easier to combat dust.

Humidifier. With sufficient humidity, dust does not fly in the air, but settles on the surface, where it is easier to notice and eliminate.

Hygrometer is a device that controls humidity levels. Modern humidifiers are equipped with this function, so you don’t have to purchase it additionally. A hygrometer can help you determine when humidity is too high and at risk of mold growth.

Membranes for windows. Such devices protect against the penetration of street dust into the room. Another advantage of membranes is that they prevent allergens (pollen, poplar fluff, etc.) from entering the house.

Helps reduce the amount of dust in the air indoor plantchlorophytum. Place it in a place where dirt accumulates the most (on a windowsill, desktop or bedside table).

Have you ever seen scary pictures of what dust looks like under a microscope?

House dust contains particles of dead skin, hair, pollen, and pet hair if the latter live in the house.

Residents of the lower floors may even have rubber particles in their dust. car tires. Well, the most unpleasant thing is saprophytic mites. By the way, this is almost forty percent dust.

I would, of course, like to get rid of the dust once and for all, but this, unfortunately, is fantastic. To reduce layers of dust, you need to wage a regular, preferably daily, war with an invisible enemy.

Wet and dry cleaning is the simplest and most effective remedy. Unfortunately, the miracle of cleaning products has not yet been invented, so you need to pick up a rag every day and destroy the dust.

After cleaning, dust quickly settles on objects, so use the “top to bottom” principle, i.e. start cleaning from the ceiling to the floor. First, the corners in the room so that cobwebs do not form, then move on to the cabinets, then the tables and chairs, and finally the floor.

A lot of dust settles on the curtains, so they need to be washed often. Put the books in a closet or place them on closed shelves. Don't bet on open spaces Stuffed Toys, pillows, napkins, etc.

Check the window seals; they may be letting dirt in from the street. There is a lot of dust in the carpets. Either clean them constantly or put them away.

Yours Jewelry made of silver blackened? Find out at home.

Classic felt boots have many advantages: ease of wear, warmth, low price... But they get dirty quite easily in wet weather. Read how to clean light felt boots from different types pollution.

Apartment cleaning products

You can buy rags at the store, or you can use old unwanted clothes or sheets. It’s good if the rag is cotton. Cotton absorbs water well and does not leave scratches on surfaces.

For embossed surfaces, prepare a brush. There is nothing better for the floor than a mop. Fortunately, you can now buy from various materials, self-unscrewing and with a movable head to clean in hard-to-reach places.

You can buy dust removal wipes. Good because they are soaked special means, which not only removes dust, but also disinfects.

Use sticky roller brushes to remove dirt and dust from textiles. An electric broom will use static electricity to remove dust from electrical appliances, for example, from TV and computer.

Effective means:

  • Anti-dust polish acts as an antistatic agent. Doesn't get rid of dust long term, but will slightly prolong the cleanliness of the house.
  • Ventilation. It must be done daily, at least twice. Wet cleaning carry out exactly at the time when the windows are open. In the warm season, the minimum ventilation time is twenty minutes. In cold weather - two minutes, but it is better to create a draft during these minutes.
  • Vacuum cleaner It doesn’t matter whether it’s a detergent or not, the main thing is to vacuum the apartment every two days. Some models washing vacuum cleaners There is an “air purification” function. If a large amount of dust has already accumulated in the house, a universal vacuum cleaner will also help.

These devices purify the air, also kill bacteria, sometimes ionize the air and aromatize it. It all depends on the model you choose.

The principle of operation of the purifier: dust and dirt settle on the filters. It’s good if the purifier model includes a HEPA filter – a dust filter.

These filters were originally developed for use in medical institutions, so the HEPA filter is capable of retaining even very fine dust.


The comfortable level of air humidity for humans is forty percent, but it is unlikely that in our apartments this mark will rise above twenty percent.

If previously you could only hang wet rags on the radiators, now everything is much simpler: you can buy an air humidifier.

In dry air, dust settles very slowly on surfaces. You will do the cleaning, and after fifteen minutes a new portion of dust will settle from the air. When the air is humid, the dust becomes wet and quickly sinks, so that it can be easily removed from the floor.

Traditional methods of cleaning an apartment

Get a plant called chlorophytum - quite common and easy to care for. Spray it with water daily. There will be much less dust. Other plants also help cope with dust, but especially chlorophytum.

Dampen the dust cloth aqueous solution, to which add a little detergent. Do not overdo it with the product, otherwise there will be stains on the furniture.

Do not overuse brooms. After all, a broom only scatters dust and does not remove it.

Do you wear sheepskin coats made of genuine leather in winter? When dirty, these products are quite difficult to clean. Find out how to do it correctly at home.

Modern thermal underwear is made from special synthetic fabrics. In, you can learn how to properly wash thermal underwear.

And if it appears on any clothing grease stain, first it is advisable to sprinkle it with salt. Read how to remove old grease stains from different types of fabrics.

Get rid of dust mite by washing things on high temperatures, if the material of the product allows it.

Dust cannot be completely eliminated, but its amount can be reduced. You have to fight with her constantly. It's not easy, but modern technologies greatly facilitate the work of housewives.