How to get rid of wasps in the garden. How to make an effective wasp trap from a plastic bottle Bee and wasp traps

Wasps often settle in private houses and plots of land. Their favorite places are attics, roof spaces and earthen holes. If there are too many of these insects, they pose a threat to both crops and people. Therefore, a wasp trap is already a necessity. Let's look at what types of these products exist, what properties they have, and also figure out how to create them with your own hands.

Industrial production models

Now there are many companies that specialize in the production of traps for striped pests. The cost of such products varies and depends on their individual properties and principle of operation.

The simplest and affordable option consists of a medium-sized container, inside of which a bait for wasps is placed. Small holes are made evenly throughout this container. Insects fly to the appetizing smell of the bait, enter the trap and die in it, because they are not able to get out of there.

What can be used as bait? The best way The following food products are suitable for these purposes:

  • sugar or fruit syrup;
  • sweet water;
  • leftover meat;
  • pieces of sausage.

As you can see, in this case you can use not only sweets, but also leftover products that contain protein.

There are also more complex and expensive trap models. In such products, as a rule, two or more ultraviolet lamps. Attracted by the light, insects fall onto a metal mesh that operates under high (for wasps) electrical voltage. The power of the lamps used is most often 8 or 20 kilowatts - depending on this, the device is capable of attracting pests over an area of ​​50 to 100 square meters.

Manufactured for outdoor and indoor use different variants of these devices - this should definitely be taken into account when purchasing. It is also important to pay attention to the reputation of the manufacturing company. The following companies have proven themselves well in this regard:

  • Tescoma from the Czech Republic;
  • Swissino Solutions from Switzerland;
  • Eschert Design from Holland.

The products produced by these companies are of very high quality, effective and functional, so their cost is quite high. You can save a lot by purchasing a trap made by domestic or Chinese manufacturers. With excellent functionality, such devices will cost you much less.

Making a simple model with your own hands

A simple but effective wasp trap you can make yourself. Moreover, the process is not particularly complicated.

To ensure on your suburban area For maximum protection against striped insects, you will need not one, but several of these products. Purchasing industrial options may be too expensive, so it is advisable to make them yourself.

To make such traps, you can use plastic bottles or glass jars. The first option is the simplest and most accessible. Let's take a closer look at how this process is carried out:

  • Take an empty 1.5 or 2 liter plastic bottle.
  • Using a sharp knife, carefully cut off approximately 1/3 of the top.
  • Unscrew the lid and insert the smaller part inside the larger one so that the neck is at the bottom.
  • Use tape or wire to secure the resulting structure.
  • Make small holes in the top of the trap and thread a string through them.
  • Choose a place on the site largest accumulation wasps and hang the resulting product there.

As bait, try using softened fruits or berries, a mixture of sugar syrup and lemon juice, fruit or berry juices, as well as leftover meat products diluted with a small amount of water. Wasps are very partial to beer and other alcoholic drinks in small doses.

Once trapped, wasps are unable to get out. Trying to get free, they will hit the walls of the structure, but will fall into the solution and drown in it.

It is recommended to choose bottles with a volume of at least 1.5 liters for these designs. However, in some cases, if there are too many insects in the area, a wasp trap made from a 5-liter plastic bottle will be more effective.

Other manufacturing options

There are some other trap options. self-made.

You can use a regular glass jar of any size for this. It’s great if it contains leftover jam, syrup, compote or other sweets. The contents of the container should be filled with water and stirred thoroughly. You must first cut a small hole in the lid for this future trap. Having tightly closed the jar with a lid, it should be hung or placed in the place where the highest wasp activity is observed.

An ordinary plastic bucket with a tight-fitting lid can be a good trap for pest wasps. Everything is extremely simple here:

  • one or more holes are cut in the container;
  • bait is poured.
  • The lid closes tightly.

As in previous cases, it is effective to use liquid sweets or softened pieces of meat or fish moistened with water as bait. Insects attracted by the appetizing smell will find themselves trapped and stuck in the solution prepared for them.

Wasps, like many other insects, have a tendency to fly towards light. That is why the following type of trap is made for them:

  • in normal tin can the bottom is cut out;
  • instead of the bottom, a mesh or lattice of suitable size is inserted;
  • on the opposite side, a special cone made of metal mesh, – the cone hole should be approximately 2-3 cm;
  • such a trap is installed on special stands;
  • A small container containing an appetizing bait is placed directly below it.

The wasps, smelling the delicious smell, fly straight to this container. And when, having had a satisfying feast, the insects rush towards the light, upward - they fly inside the cone and immediately find themselves in a trap.

Self-made traps have undeniable advantages, in particular, the possibility of repeated use and absolute environmental safety. Make as many of these products as possible and place them in areas most populated by wasps. This way you can get rid of the problem quickly and effectively.

What's summer without the buzzing of insects? One of the most active ones are wasps. Everything would be fine, but they are capable of attacking humans and domestic animals as soon as they suspect a threat. There are many types of wasps. Most of them live in hives, but there are also solitary hermits. Individuals living in nests defend their territory from any intrusion. Simply walking past a nest can become a target for attack. And not just one wasp, but a whole family!

There are several ways to solve the problem with these insects. Sometimes it is enough to reduce the population of individuals, in others it is necessary to destroy the entire nest.

Then, when the home of these winged beasts does not pose a threat, all kinds of traps are used. After all, do not forget that wasps actively destroy garden pests. However, their love for sweet fruits, fermentation products, and any other organic food can cause an attack on humans. How many wasps are there in gardens and vineyards at the end of summer? Great amount! They just eat the crops. And what they will not like very much is any attempt to drive them away from food or territory.

How to reduce the number of wasps on the site?

Traps and sticky tape will come to the rescue! Each of these methods has advantages. It is necessary to consider each method of combating flying gluttons separately.

Tape and its effectiveness

One of the most simple ways. What should be done?

  1. Buy special duct tape from insects in the store. It is desirable that it not only have high adhesive ability, but also poison dead insects.
  2. Inspect the area and find the nest.
  3. Hang the tape near the insects' home.
  4. If there is no nest on the site, then sticky strips should be hung in places where insects accumulate: raspberries, fruit trees, vineyard.

The disadvantage of this method is the rapid deterioration of the tape. It needs to be changed every day. On the other hand, it is not expensive and is easy to hang.

Making your own adhesive strips

To make your own insect repellent adhesive tape, you only need 2 components:

  • scotch;
  • insect glue.

The process of creating a feed consists of several steps.

  1. Unwind 70-100 cm of tape.
  2. Attach a weight to one side. For example, a medium-sized nut.
  3. Apply insect repellent glue to the sticky side of the unrolled tape.
  4. Secure the strips in places where insects accumulate.

This product can trap flies, bees, small wasps and other insects. Large individuals and hornets have strong wings and in some cases escape from the glue. To make the adhesive tape more effective, small pieces of crushed fruit are placed on its surface. To increase the effectiveness of the product, wide tape is used. The glue should not have toxic chemical odors, otherwise it will repel wasps.

Attention! Insect glue can be poisonous! Conduct preparatory work You need to wear gloves, and your hands should be washed thoroughly after all procedures.


Full traps are much more effective than tape. Making a wasp trap with your own hands is quite simple. There are 3 main types, each of which has dozens of modifications.

  1. Electric wasp fighters.
  2. Traps with liquid.
  3. Cylinders designed for the insect's instinct to fly exclusively upward.

The manufacturing mechanism of electric fighters is complex and will require not only a large number of time to create a working apparatus, but also a certain level of knowledge. However, its effectiveness is no better than in other cases. The only advantage of an electric trap is that there is no need to clean and remove dead insects.

Due to the complexity of manufacturing and the lack of advantages over other types of traps, they will not be considered further. The focus will be on simple and reliable tools.

Trap made of plastic bottles

Traps made from plastic bottles are very easy to make and use. They are durable and reliable. But to quickly achieve your goals, you will need several of these products.

To create the design you will need:

  • 2-3 liter plastic bottle or jar.
  • scissors.
  • a piece of wire for hanging.
  • tubes with a diameter of up to 1 cm and a length of 2-3.
  • tape or tape.

Now you can begin the process itself.

  1. Cut off part of the bottle with scissors, approximately 7-10 cm from the neck.
  2. Set the top aside; you will need it at the end.
  3. Make 5-10 holes in the bottom of the bottle, at a height of more than 5 cm.
  4. Insert the tubes into the holes. Glue a piece of tape or tape on the inside.
  5. Insert top part bottles neck down.
  6. Make 2 holes for fastening the structure.
  7. Pull the wire through the mounting holes.
  8. That's it, all that remains is to pour the bait onto the bottom.

Why can't insects get out?

Wasps live by instinct. They completely lack independent intelligence and thinking. Once inside the structure and having had enough, the insect begins to fly along the wall, but cannot fly out. Hitting the top of the bottle, the wasp falls back down. She ends up drowning in the bait.

What are tubes for?

When the number of dead representatives of the wasp family begins to cover the entire surface, blocking the passage from the neck to the sides, the individual that has just flown in will easily get out of the trap. But if she crawls inside through the tube, she won’t be able to get back out.

It would seem that it is enough to clean the trap regularly and there will be no need to make holes and insert tubes. This is done for other reasons. Firstly, when leaving for the city for a week, you will not need to remove the traps. The number of individuals destroyed will be much greater. Secondly, wasps are sensitive to smell. Thanks to the ventilation created by the tubes, the smell from the bait will spread over a considerable distance. The effectiveness of the bait and the trap as a whole increases.

Glass jar and straws

The basic principle of operation is no different from the above option, but instead plastic bottle used glass jar. How to make such a trap?

  1. Roll up the jar or put a reusable lid on top.
  2. Make holes in the lid.
  3. Insert the tubes into the holes, but so that the top is less than a centimeter.
  4. Pour the bait into the jar.

Just in case, tape is placed on the inner end of the tubes.

The cylinder and the action of light

It has already been said that wasps are not capable of reasoning and problem solving. Instincts drive these insects. One of them is a wasp flying towards the light. This property underlies another trap design, which you can make yourself. To do this you will need:

  • a dark cylinder without a base (for example, a canister with a cut off bottom);
  • old sieve or fine mesh;
  • tubes;
  • scotch;
  • knife or scissors.

Having collected everything you need, you can start creating.

  1. Seal one base with mesh or secure an old sieve. There should be no gaps between the cylinder walls and the base.
  2. Make holes near the opposite base.
  3. Attach tape to the tubes. The result should be something like a valve.
  4. Insert the tubes with the valve inside the cylinder.
  5. The trap is ready.

How does a cylindrical trap work?

On flat surface bait is placed. For these purposes, use bricks or cinder blocks. Now the bait is covered with a cylinder, with the net towards the top. Wasps crawl through the tubes into the structure. If you set the trap in an open area, and not in the shade of trees, then the insects will try to fly out through the upper base, covered with mesh. They will not go down and try to crawl out. All that remains is to inject Dichlorvos or another toxic substance into the product at the end of the day. After use, the cylinder is rinsed and it is ready for use again.

The valve tubes can be lubricated with vegetable oil to completely prevent the wasp from flying out of the trap. Special attention need to pay attention to baits. What do wasps like?

  • Syrup.
  • A sweet liquid, like juice.
  • Ripe fruits.
  • Pieces of meat.
  • Fresh fish with flavor.
  • Fermentation products.
  • Rotten food.

It is no secret that wasps pose a great danger to adults and children. It is believed that if they are not touched, they are harmless. But you still need to protect your family from these insects.

Summer time is very rich in fruits, watermelons, melons, which are a delicacy for wasps. Try to do a simple trap, which will help reduce the number of annoying insects.

You will need the following materials:

  • plastic bottle, 1.5-2 liters in size;
  • water;
  • soap;
  • wire.

To make a trap you need to do the following:

  1. A plastic bottle is popularly called a one and a half bottle. The upper cone with a neck, cut off about 1/3 of the entire bottle.
  2. Make holes in the middle of the bottom. A sharp object (awl, knife) is suitable for piercing. The holes are needed for ventilation.
  3. Make it from unwanted old photographic film small cylinder, with a diameter of 2-3 cm.
  4. This cylinder needs to be attached to the bottom. To do this, melt the bottom of the cylinder and press it tightly to the bottom of the bottle.
  5. You need to put bait in the middle of the attached photographic film. A piece of meat or fish is suitable as it.
  6. Make a soap solution and pour it to the bottom. Pour in enough liquid so that it does not reach the edges of the cylinder, but is around it.
  7. We insert the upper cone in an inverted position inside the remaining part of the bottle. We make holes on the sides, in both parts.
  8. We attach a small wire to these holes to hang and fasten the two pieces of one and a half pieces.
  9. Hang in a windless place.

The trap is ready to receive insects.

Operating principle

The stinging insect flies into the funnel at the smell of the bait. Taking a piece of meat, he tries to fly up, but falls into a soapy solution. The wasp cannot stand on the surface of the soap solution and drowns.

Important! It is necessary to periodically replace rotten meat with fresh meat, since the aroma of rot is not attractive to wasps.

As a soap would be better suited laundry soap or washing powder. A substitute option could be thick sugar syrup. In this case, the cylinder will not be needed.

If you are too lazy to bother with such a trap, then you can

Video instruction

When wasps make their nest too close to residential buildings, they pose a danger to people and pets. Wasp traps can be purchased, but they are sticky and difficult to set up. Instead, try making your own reusable trap using a plastic bottle and bait, such as a piece of meat or sugar with liquid soap. Such homemade trap It's easy to use and can help you get rid of those pesky wasps.


Part 1

Make a wasp trap

Remove the label from a 2-liter plastic water bottle. You should be able to easily see what's inside the bottle to tell if you've got any wasps. You can also use a bottle with a label, but this will make it more difficult for you to check whether there are wasps in it.

Draw a line around the neck of the plastic bottle with a marker. The line should be drawn at the point where the neck of the bottle stops expanding and becomes a straight cylinder. Don't try to draw a perfectly straight line - you'll need it to cut the bottle along it.

  • If you are using a cardboard bag, draw a line around the top, under the triangular folds.
  • Cut the neck of the plastic bottle along the drawn line. This can be done using a sharp knife, scissors or other suitable tool. It should be sharp enough to cut a plastic bottle.

    • When you start cutting the plastic bottle it may slip out, so take your time and be careful not to cut yourself. To prevent the bottle from slipping out, you can place it on a slightly damp cloth or towel - this will make it easier to hold it in place.
    • For the trap you will need both the base and the neck of the bottle, so cut along the marked line.
  • Using a paper towel, coat the inside of the bottle with vegetable oil. This will make the walls slippery and the wasps will not be able to climb them. You can do without this as the cooking oil can become sticky over time if you don't clean the bottle regularly. However, the oil will make the trap more effective for a while. Instead of vegetable oil You can use Vaseline.

    Turn the neck over and insert it into the bottle. The neck will serve as a funnel through which the wasps will enter the bottle, but will not be able to get out of it. Before inserting the neck into the bottle, remove the cap from it. Through this hole the wasps will be able to enter the trap.

    Glue both parts with tape along the cut. The tape will hold the neck in place. It is best to use clear tape so that the wasps inside the trap are clearly visible.

    • If you are using opaque tape, cut the strip in half to make it as thin as possible.
  • Make two holes on opposite sides of the bottle near the top edge. Punch two holes using a hole punch, scissors, or other suitable tool. Be careful not to get hurt when doing this.

    Take a rope 30 centimeters long, thread its ends through the holes and tie. You will hang the trap on this rope. Any rope or twine will do, as long as it is strong enough to withstand the weight of the trap and possible gusts of wind.

    • Twine and even an old shoe lace will do.

    Part 2

    Fill the bait and set the trap

    In spring and early summer, use fat and meat scraps as bait. Add a little water to create a solution in which the wasps will drown. During the spring and early summer, wasps create nests and lay eggs, and this is when they need protein.

    • At this time, even the queen wasp can be caught for meat, which will force the remaining wasps from this nest to move to a new place.
  • In the second half of summer and early autumn, use something sweet as bait. Mix sweet bait with water and liquid soap. In late summer and early fall, wasps need extra energy, so they look for sweet food. Liquid soap will reduce the surface tension of the water, causing the wasps to drown. Suitable baits include sugar, lemon juice or vinegar. You can experiment with the type and amount of bait and choose what attracts wasps better.

    Pour the bait solution into the hole of the trap. At the same time, make sure that the solution does not get on the outer edge of the hole, otherwise the wasps will not crawl inside. The solution should cover the bottom of the bottle by about 3-5 centimeters. As a result, the wasps will be forced to crawl completely into the trap to get to the bait.

    • If you are using a smaller plastic bottle instead of a 2-liter bottle, add less solution. There should be at least 5 centimeters of free space between the bait solution and the hole in the overturned neck.
    • If you plan to release captured wasps, add 1 to 3 tablespoons (15 to 45 milliliters) of solution to the bottle. This amount is enough to attract wasps without drowning in the water.
  • Set or hang a trap. Place the trap on a small table or chair to raise it slightly above ground level. You can also hang the trap from a fence post or the bottom branch of a tree. More wasps will be caught in the trap if it hangs at a height of about 1.2 meters rather than standing on the ground.

    A wasp trap helps get rid of annoying insects indoors, in a barn, in a yard, summer cottage. A simple, budget device is quickly made, but brings significant benefits. Place the trap anywhere convenient location, choose the fasteners yourself.

    The most common design of improvised means. You can make a wasp trap at home in a few minutes.

    You will need:

    • a bottle with a capacity of at least 1.5 liters for lemonade, beer, kvass, mineral water;
    • tape or stapler with staples, electrical tape;
    • scissors;
    • string or screws.

    The manufacturing process is extremely simple and does not require special skills.

    1. Cut off the neck.
    2. Turn it upside down and put it back into the bottle.
    3. Secure with tape or staples.
    4. Cut holes on the sides and insert a string so you can hang it. Or fasten with screws in the selected location.

    The DIY wasp trap is ready. All that remains is to put the bait on the bottom.

    On a note!

    A bottle with a volume of more than 2 liters will be the optimal container for making the structure. signals to each other when food is found. In a few minutes, almost the entire swarm will fly away. Several dozen individuals gather in a bottle per day.

    Periodically, the trap should be emptied and new bait should be added, so it is more convenient to secure the neck with adhesive tape or tape. It's easy to tear it off and put new tape in place.

    The operating principle is simple. The wasp flies to the scent of the bait, crawls into the neck, feasts to its heart's content, and tries to get out. However, the transparent bottle prevents the insect from finding its way out. The wasp either crawls up the wall or takes off, but remains inside.

    A simple, effective trap

    If you don’t have the time or desire to build a structure for insects, you can make a wasp trap at home in a matter of minutes. The principle of operation is to lure insects and force them to get into the trap. Water is poured into the container, covered with a film with holes, and placed in the right place. Most the best option– glass jar from 0.5 l to 3 l.

    Do not wash the jam jar, fill it halfway with water, cover with film, and make holes. The wasps will flock to the scent, begin to make their way to the food through the holes, and will immediately drown.

    You don’t have to cover the container with anything, but add a little to the water detergent or liquid soap. An effective bait is Coca-Cola, sugar, water, beer. You can simply leave a little drink at the bottom of the bottle, cut off the neck, and grease the walls with Vaseline or vegetable oil.

    To make a trap, use a jar with a screw-on lid. Bait is poured inside and holes are made in the lid. A photo of the wasp trap is shown below.

    The right bait

    To lure an insect into a trap, it must be attracted by scent. Bait for wasps can be sweet, sour, liquid, or solid. Adults feed on plant juices, liquids, and honey, but for their larvae they obtain protein food. Both sugar and meat will be equally effective.

    Making wasp bait with your own hands is very simple. You need to select the ingredients and place them in the trap. Update periodically. To attract insects use:

    • Apple juice;
    • jam;
    • lemonade;
    • kvass;
    • beer;
    • Coca Cola;
    • crushed grapes, other berries;
    • lemon juice;
    • sugar, syrup;
    • apple, wine, table vinegar with sugar;
    • compote;
    • pieces of ripe fruit;
    • meat;
    • fish.

    It is recommended to use meat bait to catch wasps in the spring and early summer. At the end of April, it looks for a place for, and also looks for food for the larvae. If she can be caught, there will be no wasp swarm on the site. In other cases, the larvae will simply be left without food. To prevent the bait from drying out, add a little water to the bottom of the bottle. Pork and beef will help catch wasps; chicken is not suitable for these purposes. It is not at all necessary to use a fresh product; rotten meat attracts insects even more.

    On a note!

    A homemade wasp trap is often placed in the apiary along the perimeter of the site or near the hive. To prevent bees from getting caught in the trap, they pour bait inside that is of no interest to them. Bees are indifferent to mash, beer, fish, and meat. It is not recommended to pour sweets, juices, or throw pieces of fruit.

    Sticky wasp trap

    If a wasp family has settled near the house, in the wall, in outbuildings, and periodically flies into the house, you can catch them using sticky fly tape. Hang it on the windows, near the door.

    In the apiary, in the garden, in the yard they use a homemade sticky trap for wasps. You can make it in 5 minutes. To make it, you will need a base - a piece of plywood, oilcloth, plastic, wood or other durable material on which glue can be applied.

    They buy a special non-drying glue that is used to catch cockroaches at home and ants in the garden. A suitable remedy is Clean House, Viola, RaTrap. Apply to the surface with minimum distance between the stripes. It takes about 120 g of glue to make one trap. Ready design hang on a tree, wall, or any suitable place.

    On a note!

    The main disadvantage is that not only wasps, but also other insects can fall into the trap. In rainy weather the trap quickly loses its properties.

    Poison trap

    If you don’t have time to prepare the structure, but you need to get rid of wasps, you can use any fruit or poison. Most easy way extermination of annoying insects. Suitable baits include watermelon, melon, grapes, ripe apple, fragrant pear. Cut in half so that insects can easily access the juice.

    The poison is used without odor so as not to repel pests. Any dust, powder is suitable - boric acid, Clean house, and liquid products Lambda Zone, Delta Zone. All that remains is to choose a suitable place and leave the bait. A photo of such a trap can be seen below.

    If catching pests does not help the situation, you need to start looking for a nest on plot of land, .