Hydrangea paniculata low varieties. Hydrangeas. Varieties and species wintering in Udmurtia. Why do residents of the Moscow region often choose hydrangea for planting in the garden?

Hydrangea is a lush and long-flowering deciduous shrub. Corymbose inflorescences consist of fertile (bisexual) and sterile (sterile) flowers. They can be arranged chaotically, but more often they form viburnum-shaped inflorescences with fertile flowers in the center and sterile ones on the edge. There are varieties with only one type of flower. The scutellum can be flat, spherical, hemispherical or pyramidal. Tree-like and paniculate hydrangeas have taken root well in central Russia, largely due to their resilience. In the Moscow region, hydrangeas grow best in full sun; in the southern regions of Russia they are recommended to be planted in partial shade. In care, it is important to ensure regular and abundant watering (it is not for nothing that the Latin name of hydrangea, hydrangea, is translated as “vessel of water”). We will tell you in detail about the best varieties of hydrangeas in our review.

In Russia, varieties of 3 types of hydrangea are common: tree-like, paniculate and large-leaved.

Hydrangea paniculata(Hydrangea paniculata). Shrub or standard tree 2 - 5 m high. Wild forms are found in Japan and China. Paniculate hydrangeas are distinguished by dark green leaves and burgundy shoots. Inflorescences form on shoots current year. The buds bloom very slowly, so abundant mass flowering occurs in August. The inflorescence is a pyramidal scutum resembling a panicle. At the moment of dissolution there is a greenish tint, then the color becomes pure white or cream, and by autumn pinkish tones with a brick tint appear and again a greenish tint. flowering bush attracts bees with its aroma and is good honey plant. The high frost resistance of the species allows it to be grown even in North-West region. In the Moscow region, paniculate hydrangeas overwinter without shelter. The shoots quickly become woody and overwinter well.

Hydrangea (Hydrangea arborescens). A shrub from 1 to 3 m high, native to North America. Unpretentious and winter-hardy. Loves shade. It can tolerate short-term drought: drooping leaves “come to life” immediately after abundant watering. Spherical or flat scutes are formed on the tops of annual shoots. At the beginning of flowering, the inflorescences have a greenish tint, and when fully bloomed they become creamy. Fertile flowers predominate in the inflorescences, and there are few sterile ones. But there are varieties with sterile inflorescences. The scutes are large, with a diameter of 10 - 15 to 20 cm. It blooms from June to September. Young growth often does not mature and freezes, but after spring pruning the bush grows back well. Freezing does not affect flowering.

Hydrangea largeleaf(Hydrangea macrophylla). Shrub 1 - 2 m high. In winter it leaves with green herbaceous shoots, which become woody only next year. This biological feature leads to severe freezing of young growth in harsh climates. In winter, all leaves are removed, the shoots are tied, bent to the ground and covered with lutrasil. Inflorescences are not formed on all annual shoots, so flowering is not as abundant, unlike other types of hydrangea. The inflorescences exceed 20 cm in diameter. Dwarf varieties good for container growing. The shape and color of the inflorescences are varied. Varieties of the “changeable” variety are able to change the color of the inflorescences depending on chemical composition soil. Large-leaved hydrangeas grow best in acidic soils.

Varieties of paniculata hydrangea amaze the imagination and attract with beautiful blooms that exude a delicate aroma of summer. This is a group of shrubs that are perfect for decorating gardens, lawns and alleys for a long time. At correct landing and care, hydrangeas can grow for more than 50 years.

Famous varieties of paniculate hydrangea

The main difference between paniculata hydrangea and other species is the cone-shaped inflorescences, like lilacs. They consist of two types of small flowers of different sizes: bisexual and sterile.
There are many varieties of this species, which are replenished with new specimens every year. They differ in the tone of the inflorescences, the height of the bushes, the timing of flowering, as well as other characteristic features. Plants are frost-resistant, with proper care They take root well in temperate continental climates.

We talked in more detail about the proper care and cultivation of hydrangea in the garden in the article

1. Hydrangea paniculata variety Vanilla Fraise Renhy

The most popular variety of paniculate hydrangea is a real pearl of any garden. Gorgeous blooms with changing shades of flowers! Flowers appear at the end of June on almost every branch. At first, the panicle inflorescences are white, then they acquire a soft pink color, like ice cream with vanilla cream. In September the flower turns bright red.

Height up to 2 meters and width up to 1.5 meters. Prefers partial shade. It has fairly high soil requirements. To fully enjoy the charm of this hydrangea variety, you need to provide it with fertile, acidic, humus soil.

Frost resistance ensures abundant flowering every year: from June to September. Blooms on this year's shoots. In spring, it is worth cutting off the shoots by 1-3 buds to get beautiful shape bush and form giant inflorescences up to 30 cm long with abundant flowering.

This variety of hydrangea looks impressive both individually and in a group, along paths, near the walls of buildings, near fences or in a larger group in a flowerbed. Don't forget to plan to plant it near your home, terrace or garden bench.

Perennial flower, easy to grow, very hardy plant. First Salon du Vegetal Award in France. Bronze medalist at Plantarium.

2. Hydrangea paniculata variety Limelight (Limelight)

The variety "Limelight" got its name from the greenish tone of the petals, which turn pink towards the end of the flowering season. The bush is round in shape, spreading, up to 2 m in height and width. It blooms from the last days of July to September with large cone-shaped inflorescences, up to 25-30 cm long. The lime shade of the flowers lasts until September if the bush grows in partial shade. In the sun, the petals lighten, and closer to September they become soft pink. The leaves of representatives of this variety are rich green, with moderate velvety.

The Limelight variety was developed by Dutch breeders and quickly became widespread throughout the world. It has been noted as one of the best varieties by the Pennsylvania, Great Britain and Philadelphia Horticultural Society.

3. Hydrangea paniculata variety Pink Diamond (Pink Diamond)

The bush is tall, up to 2 meters in height and 1 meter in width. The leaves are light green, slightly rough. Narrow paniculate inflorescences up to 30 cm in length, reminiscent of chestnut candles, are white at the beginning of flowering and gradually acquire a bright pink color. It blooms in June, and decorates the area with its abundant flowering for 2 whole months. The flowers are borne on stiff, reddish stems, so they do not need to be supported.

4. Hydrangea paniculata variety Bobo (Bobo)

The Bobo variety was developed in Belgium and quickly became famous for its compact size. It reaches a height of no more than 70-90 cm, and a width of up to 50 cm. It is successfully grown both in open ground, and in special containers on balconies or terraces. The plant blooms from the second month of summer to the beginning of autumn. The inflorescences are white-yellow, gradually turning pink. In 2011 at the prestigious flower exhibition in Belgium this type was recognized as the best of the new varieties.

5. Hydrangea paniculata variety Silver Dollar (Silver Dollar)

Tall bush, up to 2.5 meters wide and 2 meters high. The inflorescences are large, cone-shaped, white with a slightly noticeable light green tint, and gradually turn pink by the end of summer. The flowering period begins in July and ends in late September or early October. The leaves are emerald green, ovate, pointed at the ends. The variety is famous for its unpretentiousness and resistance to diseases. Unlike some other types of hydrangea, "Silver Dollar" thrives in both partial shade and full sun.

6. Hydrangea paniculata variety Pinky Winky (Pinky Winky)

The bush is spreading, with a lush crown, up to 2 m in height and 1.5 m in width. The leaves are oblong, slightly rough, and towards autumn they change color from light green to red. The inflorescences are pyramidal, with a white top and purple-pink bottom. Blooms from July to September. The variety is relatively young, bred in Belgium in 2003, after which it became widespread in gardening and landscape design.

7. Hydrangea paniculata variety Grandiflora (Grandiflora)

"Grandiflora" is one of the most resistant hydrangea varieties with low soil requirements and excellent decorative qualities. One of the largest and most impressive representatives of the species. Reaches 3 meters in height and 2 meters in width. The cone-shaped inflorescences are lush, large, 30 cm or more in length. Flowering appears in the second half of summer. The flower caps are at first cream-colored, over time they become snow-white, and closer to autumn they become green-crimson in color. The end of flowering occurs at the beginning of October. Requires annual pruning in the spring, only then can hydrangea bloom abundantly. The variety "Grandiflora" is one of the oldest - it became famous in 1860, and is still very popular among gardeners.

8. Hydrangea paniculata variety Sundae Fraise (Sunday Fraise)

Hydrangea variety "Sundae Fraise" grows up to 1.5 m in height. Its width usually does not exceed 1-1.20 m. Thanks to its small size, the bush is successfully planted in containers. In mid-June it blooms with conical inflorescences, first white, and closer to autumn - purple-red. Coloring occurs gradually: starting from the bottom, the pink tone slowly makes its way to the top. The hydrangea variety "Sundae Fraise" was awarded a silver medal at a flower exhibition in Holland in 2010.

9. Hydrangea paniculata variety Kyushu (Kyushu)

The "Kyushu" bush grows up to 3 meters in height and 2 meters in width. Its pyramid-shaped flower caps reach 24 cm, are pale white, and exude pleasant aroma. Sterile flowers are present in small quantities. The leaves are glossy, green, and towards the end of summer they acquire a yellowish tint. "Kyushu" blooms in mid-July, and until autumn delights those around with its magnificent appearance and rich aroma. The popularity of the variety was given to the British botanist collector K. Ingram when he met it on the Japanese island of Kyushu in 1926.

10. Hydrangea paniculata variety Phantom

Very decorative variety with a long flowering period from July to October. Dense inflorescences up to 30-40 cm long. The color of the flowers is white at the beginning, later pink. The variety is tolerant of soil composition and grows well in medium garden soils. In the spring, it is recommended to moderately prune the previous year's shoots by 1/4 of the length, and every few years, if necessary, a rejuvenating cut. The variety is frost-resistant and does not require shelter.

In the landscape design of a site, it is customary to use several varieties of paniculate hydrangea - different heights, different shapes and density of the brush, they create an interesting dynamic composition throughout the season.

These and other varieties of paniculata hydrangea are worthy of decorating your garden and yard. Plant them one by one, or combine them in a composition of different types, - in any case, these plants will become the “highlight” of the site.

Hydrangea paniculata is one of the four most popular species cultivated in Russia. Hydrangea paniculata gets its name from the shape of its flower. It is a variegated “panicle” at the very end of the branch, which is shrouded in large leaves of various shapes. Hydrangea care guide room conditions.

Hydrangea paniculata flowers are flat in shape and about 15 centimeters across. The length of one panicle is 35 centimeters, and its diameter is 20 centimeters.

The foliage of paniculata hydrangea is:

  • Velvety;
  • Serrated;
  • Serrated;
  • Broadly ovate;
  • Chereshkova;

According to the saturation and brightness of color, the foliage is located from top to bottom, from the brightest to the palest at the foot. Maximum length hydrangea leaf 12 centimeters.

The difference between paniculata and tree hydrangea

The two leading types of garden hydrangeas are tree hydrangea and paniculate hydrangea. Both plants have mass positive qualities, but they also have disadvantages:

  1. Tree hydrangea is a typical shrub, in contrast to its paniculate counterpart, which in shape is more like a small tree, often multi-stemmed and less often single-stemmed.
  2. Paniculata hydrangea tolerates low temperatures well. Young shoots of paniculata hydrangea gain strength by autumn and are completely covered with “bark”, for this reason even they are not afraid of Russian frost. What can't be said about tree hydrangea. In winter, all its young shoots freeze, because they do not have time to get stronger. And the next year they produce fresh shoots again and bloom in the same color. If you cover this species under snow, then next year the bush will gain strength and again continue its path to the sun’s rays.

Both species have a wide range of colors; anyone can choose the plant that suits their liking. And it will be a wonderful addition to the natural ensemble in the garden.

Hydrangea paniculata, varieties with photos

The most comfortable varieties of paniculata hydrangea for the Moscow region can be considered:

  • hydrangea paniculata vanilla freise – frost-resistant, large. At the end of flowering, the flowers become crimson, and by the end of autumn they are entirely purple;
  • Hydrangea paniculata grandiflora
  • hydrangea paniculata pinky winky - a variety suitable for single planting, susceptible to “attack” of mites
  • Hydrangea paniculata limelight - distinguished by a dense sterile inflorescence. Frost-resistant, “loves” acidic soil;
  • hydrangea paniculata bobo – the best place for growth partial shade. The soil needs to be drained. The best option for a terrace or border;
  • Hydrangea paniculata mega mindi is unique in that dried inflorescences can remain on the stem all winter. The flowers on the “panicle” are quite large and love light;
  • Hydrangea paniculata tardiva is a variety that is distinguished by its incredible height (under 2 meters). Wind protection is required. Often used by florists to create winter bouquets.
  • hydrangea paniculata silver dollar - recommended to be planted in group ensembles in recreation areas;
  • Hydrangea paniculata Sunday Freeze is characterized as very compact, dense and uniform. Its height reaches a meter.
  • Hydrangea paniculata kyushu - loves partial shade, is frost-resistant, cannot be pruned during the period of sap flow;
  • Beautiful decoration of the site - paniculata kyushu hydrangea

  • hydrangea paniculata mega pearl - perfect for single planting, but will also take its place in a group planting;
  • Hydrangea paniculata polar bear - snow-white flowers, frost-resistant, inflorescences large and abundant;
  • Hydrangea paniculata bombshell - this species is a small shrub that is abundantly strewn with snow-white flowers.
  • There are a huge variety of panicle hydrangea varieties, some of them are distinguished by their love of moisture and sun:

    Delicate and bright airy hydrangea inflorescences will give the garden its own style and a mood of comfort. Ideal option to realize your design fantasies is paniculata hydrangea. In addition to the fact that the plant blooms profusely and is very unpretentious, it lends itself perfectly to shaping. From bushes of this species you can even create standard forms that will last for many years. This feature of paniculata hydrangea makes it ideal for decorating any garden plot. In this article we will look at the best varieties flowers and tell you about the features of growing them in open ground.

    Description, photos and types of hydrangeas

    Today, there are more than eighty species of hydrangeas, of which more than one hundred have been bred by breeders. hybrid varieties. There are erect and climbing, evergreen and deciduous, tree-like and dwarf, heat-loving and frost-resistant hydrangeas.

    The leaves of the plant can be oval or round, with jagged edges or wavy. Depending on the type and variety, the inflorescences are formed in the form of a panicle, cone, umbrella or ball. Along the edges of each inflorescence are sterile flowers with four petals, and in the center are fruiting flowers. Hydrangea blooms for a long time with white, red, lilac, blue, purple, bright crimson or deep pink flowers. Their palette may have transitional shades or consist of two colors.

    The most popular is large-leaved hydrangea with spherical inflorescences, which in the 18th century came from Japan to Europe, where it created a sensation. This plant was grown only at home because it was heat-loving. Since then, breeders have developed a wide selection of varieties and types of hydrangea that are frost-resistant and can grow in open ground at almost any latitude.

    Hydrangeas: types and varieties for Russian gardens

    In the gardens of our climate zone, hydrangeas are widespread and winter well: tree-like, paniculate and serrate.

    Tree or wild hydrangea is a bush up to 2.5 meters high with pointed leaves and huge dense inflorescences of different colors. The species is considered winter-hardy and unpretentious, which is why it is widely used for decorating garden plots in the middle latitudes of our country. Does not need shelter, prefers semi-shaded and shady areas.

    Hydrangea serrata is medium-sized tree-like spreading shrub up to one and a half meters high. Its bright green oval leaves are pointed towards the top. The inflorescences in the form of a ball consist of flowers of blue shades. The brightness of their color depends on the acidity of the soil. As the petals fade, they turn pink. Hydrangea serrata flowers bloom in mid-summer and bloom until September. The species is suitable for growing in middle lane our country, but requires shelter for the winter. Loves moderate watering and tolerates any transplants well.

    Hydrangea paniculata is an incredible beautiful plant and is one of the most popular types in garden culture. A small tree in open ground will grow from two to five meters. It is resistant to cold by its shoots, which quickly become woody. The pubescent leaves are up to 12 cm long and have an elliptical shape. The panicle-shaped inflorescences consist of fragrant flowers that are excellent honey plants. Flowering begins in June and lasts until frost. The species is suitable for cultivation in the central and northern parts of Russia, since without shelter it can withstand frosts down to -25C. Hydrangea paniculata has a large number of a wide variety of varieties, among which are:

    1. Variety "Grandiflora" - This is a massive shrub with oblong velvety leaves and large, white inflorescences that turn pink over time. On fertile, light and well-moistened soils it grows up to two meters. Does not love strong wind, but tolerates frost well.
    2. Variety "Vanilla Fries" is a spreading bush up to two meters high. Lush inflorescences consist of white flowers, which later turn bright pink. It begins to bloom late. Loves light and moisture. Tolerates severe frosts without difficulty.
    3. Variety "Great Star" distinguished by oval shiny leaves and small inflorescences with large flowers. Their four petals create a propeller-like appearance, and bloom in the second half of summer. The variety is frost-resistant, but requires shelter for the winter.
    4. Variety "Bobo" refers to dwarf forms, which do not grow up to one meter. It blooms in the second half of summer with lush inflorescences of pink, white and light yellow shades. In winter it is mulched with leaves. Suitable for decorating flower beds and small front gardens.
    5. Variety "Unique" grows up to two meters and decorates gardens with its exquisite appearance. The spreading bush is covered with boiling snow-white inflorescences, which turn pink towards the end of flowering. Young plants take shelter for the winter.
    6. Variety "Phantom" represents so abundantly flowering shrub, that due to its large white inflorescences and cream flowers, the leaves are practically invisible. To make the flowering even more magnificent, the shoots are pruned short in the spring.

    Different varieties of hydrangea paniculata

    Planting hydrangeas in open ground

    Hydrangeas are planted in well-lit areas without direct sunlight. They grow best in partial shade in well-drained, loamy, textured soils. The soil must be acidic or neutral reaction, since on alkaline soils the plant gets sick, grows poorly and practically does not bloom due to a lack of iron.

    Flower seedlings are planted just before the buds are set. A mixture of manure and bone meal is added to the holes prepared according to the size of the root system. or ready-made fertilizer for hydrangeas. The plant is carefully removed from the container and, together with the earthen ball, is placed in the hole. The roots are sprinkled with soil and pressed lightly. After planting, hydrangea must be watered abundantly.

    The color of flowers directly depends on the acidity of the soil. To get bright blue inflorescences, alkaline soil aluminum salts are added. IN acidic soil pink flowers can be obtained after adding limestone.

    Paniculata hydrangea: care

    The shrub is unpretentious, so special knowledge and skills are not required when caring for it. Translated from Greek, the name of the flower means “vessel of water,” which speaks of the main conditions of its life. Therefore, it is necessary to water the hydrangea quite often and abundantly. The soil should be constantly moist, but that's how it is. So that there is no stagnation of water in it.

    To facilitate planting care You can add moss or hydrogel to the hole along with the root system. They are able to retain moisture and prevent the soil from drying out during the hot season.

    Hydrangea fertilizer

    When caring for a plant, do not forget about its fertilizer, on which active growth and flowering depend. Three feedings are done per season:

    1. In the spring, at the beginning of the growing season, plants and bushes are fed with nitrogen fertilizers. Young bushes are fertilized a few days after planting.
    2. Just before flowering, around June, nitrogen fertilizers are applied again.
    3. In September, when the plant begins to bloom, garden hydrangeas fed with potassium salt.

    Bush pruning

    Pruning bushes is a very important part of care, since an incorrect procedure can damage the bush or lead to poor flowering.

    Features of pruning hydrangea:

    1. Old inflorescences are removed to healthy and strong buds.
    2. In paniculata hydrangea, last year's shoots are cut off by only a third.
    3. Branches that are too dense and weak are cut at the root.
    4. In relatively mild climates, pruning is recommended before the active growing season begins in the spring. This is explained by the fact that dried hydrangea inflorescences not only look beautiful in winter garden, but also protect new buds from frost.

    Preparing paniculata hydrangea for winter

    The frost-resistant shrub survives frosts well. However, in regions with harsh winters it needs to be covered. Frostbitten shoots quickly recover and grow back in the spring, so only the root system can be covered. To do this, the base around the bush is hilled and covered with mulch.

    During winters with temperatures below -35C, the entire bush is insulated. Adult plants are tied and wrapped with spunbond or lutrasil. Then a frame is built around them, the inside of which is filled with dry leaves or straw. Young plants are pressed to the ground and covered with roofing felt, which is pressed down with bricks or boards.

    Caracas are removed from the bushes in April, and covering material is removed only after the last frost has passed.

    Propagation of hydrangea paniculata

    Reproduction is carried out in three ways:

    • layering;
    • cuttings;
    • shifts.


    When pruning a plant, there are pieces of shoots left that can be rooted. To do this, they are first placed in water for several days, and then the cuttings are cut. In soil consisting of sand and peat, cuttings are planted two-thirds of the entire length. The container is covered with polyethylene and placed in a cool place. Caring for cuttings involves keeping the soil moist. It shouldn't dry out. In this way, the cuttings take root and are stored until spring. Young plants planted in open ground must be covered for the winter for three years.

    Green cuttings cut in summer are rooted in an earthen mixture with a top layer of sand. The branches should not reach the peat.

    Reproduction by layering

    To get a young plant, a depression is made in the soil next to a large bush. The soft young shoot is bent down and sprinkled with a layer of earthen mixture. Placed next to support to which the middle part of the retracted shoot is tied. It will be possible to separate a young plant from the mother bush only after the branch gives roots and begins to grow. This will happen no earlier than in a year.

    In order for layering and shoots to take root well and quickly, it is recommended to use a growth stimulator when rooting them.

    Seed propagation

    Species hydrangeas are propagated by seeds. Sowing is carried out in the fall in seedling containers filled with an earthen mixture consisting of leaf soil, peat and coarse sand (4: 2: 1). The seeds are sprinkled with a small layer of soil and moistened with a sprayer. In order for the seedlings to sprout together, it is recommended to cover the containers with film or glass. The mini greenhouse is placed in a warm place with an air temperature in the range of 14-20C. The film or glass should be removed every day for half an hour, ventilating the substrate. At the same time, you must ensure that it is always wet.

    The first shoots appear no earlier than a month later. The film is immediately removed and the containers are placed in a well-lit place. When the first true leaves appear, the seedlings prick for the first time. The second time they are planted in separate pots at the end of spring.

    As soon as young plants get stronger, they need to start hardening off. IN warm days bushes are displayed on Fresh air in a place protected from direct sunlight, wind and rain. To prevent young plants from being weakened by flowering, the emerging buds are removed. Hydrangea grown from seeds is planted in open ground only two years after sowing.

    In the garden of a real owner who will love the plant and take care of it with pleasure, paniculata hydrangea will certainly take root and give the flower garden a unique look.

    Paniculata hydrangea is a flower that has caught the hearts of gardeners all over the world. They love hydrangea for its abundant and long flowering from spring to late autumn and is often called the “Endless Summer” flower. Hydrangea is an absolute favorite when it comes to decorating with flowers. summer cottage. In Japan, hydrangea is considered a miracle of nature; residents poetically call it the flower of the purple sun.

    The long flowering period begins in early summer and continues until late autumn, almost until the first frost. Gardeners and landscape designers are attracted by the variety of shapes and colors of hydrangea.

    Considering that paniculate hydrangea is a variety of perennial plants and is unpretentious to climatic conditions, the use of shrubs in landscape design has become simply irreplaceable.

    Hydrangea: varieties and types.

    The hydrangea shrub has many species; they say that the total number of species and varieties of hydrangea is close to a hundred. The domestic gardener does not have much time on the weekend to pay increased attention to flowers, which is why the least demanding varieties of hydrangea are considered favorites that do not require endless care:

    • Hydrangea paniculata;
    • hydrangea;
    • large-leaved hydrangea.

    Paniculata hydrangea in the garden

    Most common variety - hydrangea paniculata. Paniculata hydrangea grows completely freely in wildlife on the Japanese islands, China and far east our homeland. Bright inflorescences in the form of panicles reach 25 centimeters.

    Depending on the variety, paniculate hydrangea is able to change the palette of the inflorescence from white and soft green to bright pink at the end of flowering. The first flowers form at the end of June and bloom throughout summer period, until the first October frost.

    Benefits of paniculate hydrangea.

    Today on our agenda is paniculate hydrangea. In the middle zone and even in the northern regions, these are the shrubs that winter well. Paniculata hydrangea does not require any additional shelter. Only necessary around the bush sprinkle the tree trunk circle with peat, covering the root system. Such events are enough for the bush to overwinter well. The main advantages of hydrangea shrubs:

    • Grows well in places where there is no sun in shady areas of the garden;
    • As a result of rapid growth, it begins to delight with flowers already 3-4 years after planting;
    • An unpretentious variety of paniculate hydrangea responds steadily to low temperatures;
    • In landscape design it can be planted as a shrub or as a standard small tree;
    • An incredible variety of types and varieties to suit every refined taste.

    Paniculata hydrangea care and propagation

    Note that almost all varieties of paniculate hydrangea prefer the sun, but if the bush is in the open sun throughout the daylight hours, flowering will proceed faster. The color scheme will also quickly change from soft beige to bright red.

    Experienced gardeners recommend planting hydrangeas where at noon the plant is completely in the shade or at least in openwork shade. By fulfilling these conditions, the flowering of the plant will be quite long and more abundant. It’s even better if the bush is planted on the side where there is sun until two o’clock in the afternoon; these are ideal conditions for hydrangea.

    Any type and variety of hydrangea has increased requirements for soil moisture. During dry summers, watering should be done twice a week. Typically, 30-40 liters should be planned for an adult bush; 20 liters per watering is enough for a young hydrangea bush. The basic rule is the constant presence of moisture.

    The second thing you should definitely pay attention to is the nutrition of the plant. All types of hydrangea “love” to eat. Nessesary to use full complex It is advisable to combine mineral fertilizers with Organic throughout the entire period growing season.

    Tip: Mulch the root system with pine bark or needle litter of any coniferous tree, and the plant will thank you with incredibly beautiful flowering.

    Acidic soil has a positive effect on hydrangea inflorescences. The optimal soil acidity level is 6 -7 pH.

    Paniculata hydrangea. Top 10 best varieties.

    Our top ten consists of the most popular panicle hydrangea varieties.

    1st place: hydrangea paniculata Polar Dipper.

    The first place is taken Polar Dipper. Hydrangea is a well-spreading shrub, the height of the bush is 1.5 - 2 meters.

    The size of flowers, that is, one flowering ear, is 40-45 cm. At the moment, this is the largest ear that can be found in species diversity paniculate hydrangea.

    The paniculate hydrangea Polar Dipper blooms with a palette of white and cream colors, and ends in soft pink tones. Flowering begins in mid-July and ends in the southern regions in October.

    2nd place: Hydrangea paniculata Limelight.

    In second place is deservedly the variety of paniculate hydrangea with the name Limelight. Hydrangea paniculata Limelight fits the description of a compact and elegant bush. The height of the bush reaches 120-150 cm. size of peduncles Limelight 25-35 cm.

    Limelight begins to bloom in color scheme reminiscent exotic fruit lime. The tone of the flower is lemon-yellow, but not very pronounced, sometimes more greenish-yellow, and it goes into winter with snow-white flowers. Agree, the spectacle is not usually beautiful.

    The undeniable advantage is that paniculate hydrangea in our top 10 contains varieties that do not get wet from rain. The flowers do not stick together, do not close, and do not depend on winds or rains. Inflorescences always have a marketable, beautiful view throughout the season. Erect hydrangea bushes do not fall apart, they are always elegant, collected and incredibly beautiful.

    3rd place: paniculata hydrangea Vanilla Fraze

    Fireworks in the garden, there is no other name for this variety. Unpretentious hydrangea paniculata Vanilla Fraze, planting and caring for which is carried out in open ground, has won the special favor of beauty connoisseurs. The Vanilla Fries variety became the winner in 2015 at all specialized exhibitions and received many awards.

    The Vanilla Fraze bush is unusually beautiful; the height of the bush in central Russia does not exceed 150 cm. The flower stalks reach a size of 30 cm. The paniculate hydrangea Vanilla Fraze usually blooms at the end of June.

    Note that almost all paniculata hydrangeas begin to bloom in mid-July and last until October. However, the Vanilla Fraze variety begins to bloom in June.

    Flowering begins Vanilla Fraze with the formation of white flowers. Gradually, literally after two to three weeks, you can observe how the lower part of the bud changes snow white color to a pink tint. The cone of the flower remains completely white. The variety fully justifies the translation of its name and resembles vanilla ice cream.

    On one Vanilla Fraze hydrangea bush there can be flower stalks of different colors at the same time. There are flowers on the bush that are just entering the pink stage, while at the same time there are flowers that are almost completely covered in pink palette. The spectacle is impressive and extraordinary; no one remains indifferent when passing by the bush of paniculate hydrangea Vanilla Fraze.

    4th place: hydrangea paniculata Silver Dollar

    The fourth variety that many people like is Silver Dollar. The height of the bush exceeds 2-2.5 meters, for which it is especially popular among landscapers. perennial shrub Silver Dollar is tall, powerful, strong. The shoots are straight, do not bend under the flowers and do not require garter. The silver dollar blooms with snow-white buds, gradually turns pink and turns completely brown in winter.

    The silver dollar paniculate hydrangea blooms from mid-July and retains its peduncle until September inclusive. A popular variety in demand in landscape design and always looks winning. Wherever you plant it, even if you plant it in the shade, it will patiently endure all the hardships and will delight throughout the summer.

    5th place: hydrangea paniculata Kuishi

    Another variety worth paying attention to is the Quishi hydrangea. The Kuishi variety is very common and much loved in Europe. This is one of those paniculate hydrangeas that blooms quite early. The flowering period is from June to the end of September. Distinctive feature Kuishi is its unique delicate aroma.

    The bush contains both sterile and fertile flowers. As we mentioned, the extraordinary peduncle exudes delicately tendersmell. The plant reaches a height of 2.5 meters. The bush looks more like a small tree. Good location in front of the windows of the house.

    Urban landscapers are very fond of planting Kuishi hydrangea, since the variety is very tolerant of heavy street pollution. We draw the attention of landscapers who will be involved in landscaping to thisurban areas.

    6th place: hydrangea paniculata Bobo

    Our favorite variety of owners of small suburban plots is in sixth place and is called paniculate hydrangea Bobo. The variety was developed recently, but has literally won the hearts of many, many hydrangea lovers.

    A small variety with a bush size of only 60-70 cm. The Bobo hydrangea bush is unusually miniature and literally completely covered with peduncles that reach a length of 30 centimeters. Half the bush is flowers. This is literally - lush bouquet or, if you prefer, a flowerbed on a leg! It grows well even in a barrel.

    Bobo blooms in early July and blooms until October. This is certainly a very original bush. We recommend Bobo hydrangea especially to those who have limited space. You definitely need to pay attention to it. Experts characterize it as a gentle and touching variety.

    7th place: paniculata hydrangea Phantom

    Another variety that took 7th place on our list is called Phantom. An absolute favorite of landscape designers, it has gained popularity because the bush grows quite quickly and efficiently. The height of the bush reaches 2 meters, its width is not inferior and also grows up to 2 meters.

    Popular in the city. The bush blooms with white buds somewhere in July and keeps the color until October in the southern regions. The height of the peduncle is 25cm. Elegant and self-sufficient, we draw your attention to him as a representative of park culture.

    8th place: Hydrangea paniculata Mega Mindy

    A rare variety called Mega Mindy is in eighth place. This is a neat, small bush with a stem height of about 125 - 150 cm. The bush blooms with white flowers and then it becomes cherry and deep pink buds. Closer to September, the flower stalks turn bright red.

    Hydrangea paniculata Mega Mindy grows quite quickly, remaining very miniature. Elastic stems free the gardener from gartering. Creates good mood adding bright colors to garden design.

    9th place: paniculata hydrangea Grandiflora

    And of course, grandiflora; gardeners have long known and loved this variety. The height of the bush is 2.5 meters, sometimes a little less. Mostly sterile flowers on peduncles. It blooms extremely beautifully, the height of the peduncle is 30 centimeters. The bush has a cup-shaped shape, does not fall apart, that is, it maintains its structure while remaining very elegant and beautiful.

    Grandiflora can be planted in the foreground, either in a single planting or in a group. In any case, they look incredibly beautiful. Paniculata planted along roads Grandiflora pleases pedestrians lush flowering.

    10th place: Hydrangea paniculata Wims Red

    And the last 10 on the list closes our hit parade of hydrangeas, a variety called Weems Red. Let's just say he's not a frequent visitor to personal plot. To the surprise of gardeners, it blooms with white flowers quite early, somewhere at the end of June, and blooms almost before the snow falls.

    By mid-summer, the flower suddenly turns bright red. The color palette changes rapidly from white to bright scarlet. The variety smells surprisingly delicate and has a sweet aroma. Crazy beautiful variety Weems Red, with a bush height of only 125 centimeters, that is, the variety is considered not tall for hydrangea.

    The peduncles are small, but due to its bright color, Weems Red deserves tenth place on our list. Please contact wim's red attention.

    For today, this is the entire list of paniculate hydrangeas. Of course, every gardener and gardener who loves paniculate hydrangeas will have their own popular and favorite varieties. Perhaps in the comments

    Paniculata hydrangea care and pruning in a short video review: