Aquarius horoscope april ex relationships

Changes for Aquarius are inevitable, and they will not always be pleasant - the horoscope for April 2019 warns. Aquarius, or rather some of them, will go one step down the career ladder, in the worst case, they will even part with their previous warm workplace.


The turns in the affairs of representatives of the zodiac house will be so abrupt that Aquarius will not always keep the situation under control and have time to analyze what is happening, which is fraught with the development of the wrong tactics and strategy. Young and ambitious representatives of the sign will undergo the greatest tests. They have not yet been tempered by life’s difficulties, and the ups and downs that arise can lead them to literally give up on the new professional responsibilities that have piled up. The main thing is not to hang your nose under any circumstances. Only active movement forward will help you stay in your previous positions. Remember folk tale about a frog caught in a cauldron of milk. Aquarius has a fairly large margin of safety and enormous internal potential, which at the end of the month they will successfully use and be able to turn the situation in their favor.

Many representatives of the sign will grab onto any job and try to tear their veins, doing several things at the same time. This is the wrong way. Focus all your efforts on just one important project if you truly want success.


In the Aquarius family in April 2019, love and mutual understanding reign. At this time, partners will certainly be passionate about some common idea or business. It could be anything - from renovation to a hobby, but this is what now provides excellent nourishment and refreshes the senses. Aquarius should try a little to make his dominance in a couple less noticeable, and then your relationship will become like during the honeymoon.

If your family has financial difficulties, then only by taking care of this problem together will you come to a solution.

Difficulties can be expected from places that would never even occur to Aquarius. Children, especially teenage children, can cause Aquarius a lot of trouble and trouble. Aquarius is a soft, if not soft-bodied, parent. His child is allowed more than others, and sooner or later this will lead to a conflict of interests. Aquarius will have to show character and will to strengthen their own authority.

It's better to spend your vacation in your own climatic zone, long absences from home will not benefit Aquarius. The dacha will be a wonderful and romantic place for Aquarius in April. But just don’t forget that on vacation you also need to relax!

Aquarius Woman

April will allow Aquarius women to realize many things creative ideas. This month, a hobby can easily turn into a means of generating additional income, and one that will not be inferior to your main income. In order for everything to work out, representatives of the sign need to make at least minimal efforts, except for those they spend on their hobbies themselves. The advertisement is engine of the trade. And it is a competent approach in this matter that will allow you to turn the pleasure you get from your hobby into real money. Advertising in specialized groups has proven itself well in this regard. in social networks, in newspapers like “From Hand to Hand” and business cards.

Aquarius Man

The Aquarius man will have to overcome many everyday difficulties, warns the horoscope for April 2019. Aquarius will face frequent breakdowns household appliances or car. The desperate owner will be angry and nervous about this, and sooner or later the idea of ​​​​replacing something that often breaks with a new thing will come to his mind. The stars warn the Aquarius man from such a purchase, especially if its cost exceeds your monthly income. Be patient a little longer, rent equipment, but make this purchase in April. WITH new thing It will be no less a hassle than with the old one; it will fail without even meeting the warranty period.

Aquarius child

In April 2019, it will be almost impossible to force little Aquarius to do anything. You will have to show miracles in the science of argumentation in order for your child to heed any demands from an adult. There is nothing to be surprised about. Retrograde Pluto will make every effort to complicate relationships in the Aquarius family. The stars advise you to be creative and make your proposals interesting for the child, leaving him visible freedom of choice in making decisions.


Aquarius in April 2019 feels that he is capable of moving mountains and turning back rivers! And he will really be able to achieve a lot (the Yellow Pig in April gives him unprecedented activity and energy), but the horoscope warns that there are also pitfalls on his way - there is a possibility of “burning out” and overstraining himself. As a result of this, representatives of the sign risk encountering such health problems as hypertensive crisis, increased fatigue, apathy and a feeling of moral devastation and even depression.

To prevent this from happening, he should avoid too active physical activity in any area of ​​his life - whether it concerns work, love or sports. But any types and methods of relaxation, be it relaxation, meditation, on the contrary, must be used as often as possible.

Aquarians who have chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract should start treating them - in April 2017, the effect of such treatment promises to be maximum.

Horoscope for April 2019, Aquarius will literally give up his hands from the piled-up responsibilities at work.
Will bring to the Aquarius woman additional income their hobby.
An Aquarius man should not make expensive purchases.
Horoscope for May 2019, Aquarius.

In April 2017, people born in the zodiac sign of Aquarius will feel the gaze of Mars, a planet that is not normally their patron. However, this month the situation will be exactly this way: the “red warrior” will be on your side, so you will have to adapt to conditions that will be frankly unusual for you. Firstly, fate will require confidence and adaptability from Aquarius, because circumstances will change with alarming speed. However, there will be nothing destructive in them, even potentially, that is, all the events happening around will ultimately allow you to realize yourself. The level you reach will depend on how clear you are about your own path. In terms of the work area, this means that by the beginning of the month, or at least by the end of the first decade, you should have a clear plan, according to which you can quickly and clearly implement the project that seems most important to you. For the sphere of feelings and emotions, the situation will develop in a similar, but not identical way. Here, circumstances will be on your side only to an indirect extent, so you will fully shape the reality around you. There will be no difficulties, but remember the position of Pluto, which now can ruin your plans unless they are well thought out.

Specifically in the area of ​​work in April 2017, representatives of your zodiac sign can receive many bonuses that will help in the future. It's about about financial growth, that is, you are unlikely to get a new position, but rather discover new opportunities for yourself. It could probably be a part-time job or something like that. On the other hand, there is a possibility of starting your own business, but you will have to try hard for this. At a minimum, you need to have a clear, thoughtful plan, a business project that will become the work of your whole life. If this is not the case, then do not rush to take even minimally active actions; the situation itself will tell you how and in what direction it is best to act. No one has canceled attentiveness, but you can rest assured that now the world will breathe in unison with you, that is, it is unlikely that you will have to solve any truly significant problems. The difficulties will be largely determined by your own mistakes, and that good time to practice improving yourself. For those who have own business, the second month of spring will be a stage of prosperity. You can open a new branch or department, this is a good time for intensive development. But be afraid of outside influence, protect your secrets and don’t let anyone into your “head”, otherwise Pluto will create conditions for you in which you will not be able to develop.

In relation to the sphere of feelings and emotions, key astral trends in April 2017 will be expressed in your relationships with your family. Many Aquarians at this stage will be able to solve all their pressing problems in the first ten days of the month. What should they do later? Singles can concentrate on finding their destiny. In this regard, April will be quite a bright and amazing time; at a minimum, unforgettable emotions await you, as spectacular as they are unpredictable. As for family Aquarius, in a certain situation they will have to resolve a couple of conflicts, which will probably affect the problem of “inconsistency” between generations. This situation will not affect you, and you probably would not even pay attention to it. But it is worth helping relatives, this will eliminate the occurrence of a critical situation in the future. Act according to the circumstances, your instincts will tell you the most best option solutions. You are absolutely free to choose methods and tools, so don’t doubt your abilities. However, it should be noted that the position of Pluto at certain moments can lead you astray. You can't let your emotions take over, but you need to rely on them. It's a fine line, and if you don't walk it, you'll get into trouble.

Attention! Thanks to the horoscope for April 2017 for the zodiac sign Aquarius, we can determine the main directions of our activity during this period. A horoscope is compiled based on data on the position of the Sun, Moon and Planets relative to our zodiac sign, where the Sun star is the main core around which the energy pattern of our destiny is woven. However, such astrological forecast is general in nature and makes sense only when determining general trends for typical representatives of the zodiac sign Aquarius. More accurate horoscope can be found out by making one of personal horoscopes, which can be obtained by clicking on the link below.

Other horoscopes for the Aquarius sign: Personal horoscopes for the Aquarius sign:

In April, the stars do not advise Aquarius to try to do more than they are capable of. At best, excessive initiative can result in severe overwork and depression, at worst - serious losses. Now it’s better to go with the flow and not force things.

Soon everything will be resolved by itself. You are required not to commit rash acts. In this case, passivity will be more useful than excessive activity.

If you follow the recommendations and avoid unnecessary consequences, April will be quite successful for you. Even if some incredible achievements do not await you, you will be able to significantly strengthen your position at work, in society and in your family.

Circumstances will miraculously work out in your favor, but unnecessary actions, on the contrary, can ruin everything.

It is perhaps difficult to find a more suitable month to relax for a while and let everything take its course.

In April, Aquarius may learn unexpected details about themselves or loved ones. Perhaps before you only guessed about something, now your suspicions will be confirmed. Perhaps this one will make you seriously reconsider your views.

You should not forget about those who directly depend on you. Your children or parents will need support. Also, you should not ignore those on whom you depend. At this stage, you somewhat overestimate your strength.

Family life and personal relationships of Aquarius in April 2017

The dreams and hopes of Aquarius can come true right now. For example:

  • the child will unexpectedly achieve academic success;
  • the person you have been courting for a long time will finally pay attention to you;
  • loved ones will suddenly receive a promotion at work.

Aquarius's constant relationships with partners will flow from one extreme to another. But this is nothing unusual for you, because you accept strong emotions in family life for due. However, it is better to refrain from loud showdowns, because even the calmest partner may not have unlimited patience. In addition, you yourself may too easily endure a breakup with a person who is boring you.

But this outcome may not be the best a good option developments of events. In relationships with those who love and value you, it is better to think twice before doing anything.

April is a good month for new relationships.

It is in them that you will show a new side of yourself, as you will behave complaisantly and quietly.

It’s hard to say whether your other half will like it or not, but soon Aquarians will show their true nature. If your partner truly values ​​you, don't be afraid to be yourself.

At work and in their career, everything will turn out best for Aquarius. in the best possible way. You will easily be able to solve old problems that have been bothering you for a long time. The authorities are favorable to you. Only one thing is required of you: you must not spoil your reputation as a good worker. Otherwise, you can completely rely on the circumstances that will be beneficial to you.

Aquarians should rely more on the advice of more experienced colleagues or acquaintances working in your field. They can help a lot in the future, even if you don't really like them.

This month you can move to work in another department, or get a promotion at work. This is where practical advice from others will come in handy.

There may be some difficulties in communicating with partners from other cities and countries. You need to prepare for the fact that the overall financial situation will not affect your business in the best way. But if you make the appropriate efforts, you will cope with any problems without outside help.

The financial situation in April may not be the most stable. There may be some delays in salary, or the money you were counting on will now be unavailable to you. But soon the situation will be resolved, and you will again be able to enjoy financial independence, albeit somewhat relative.

Aquarius health in April 2017

Aquarians should be especially careful on the roads; there is a possibility of accidents, especially for representatives of the Zodiac sign who have to spend a lot of time driving.

No serious illnesses are expected. You are full of strength and energy, which means that Aquarians will not pay attention even to some physical fatigue. To avoid loss of strength next month, it is better to take a course of vitamins now.

Try to rest more, your energy is not limitless. Good food will not harm, you can safely not deny yourself anything.

Due to the influence of Mars on the life of Aquarius, in April they will have to adapt to new living conditions. These conditions may seem quite unusual to you. First of all, you will need to trust more and adapt to a life that will change at an alarming rate.

However, there will be nothing destructive in these events, meaning in the end you will be able to tune in to the right mood and benefit for yourself. Life successes this month will largely depend on clearly defined goals and a developed action plan. If you know what you want and how to achieve it, your success will be impressive!

In the world of work, always try to have a clear plan of action before taking on your responsibilities. In the area of ​​personal relationships, the negative influence of Pluto can ruin all plans, so if you are planning something, work out your plan in detail.

Aquarius career horoscope for April 2017

In the field of career and work you can count on nice bonuses and surprises. If you've been thinking about starting your own business, April is a very favorable time for this. The only thing is that you need to think through everything to the smallest detail and devote your life to your work.

If you are employed, do not rush to take initiative in everything and take charge complex tasks. April is a favorable time for learning and improvement, and difficulties will largely be associated with your own mistakes, and not due to the will of circumstances.

If you have your own business, the second month of spring is an excellent time for intensive expansion. The only thing is because negative influence Pluto, don’t let anyone influence your decisions, otherwise there is a risk of failure.

Lucky days are 7, 8, if you don’t have a job, use this day to send out your resume and do interviews.

Love horoscope for April 2017 for Aquarius

Most of your attention in April will be directed specifically to the sphere of personal relationships. This is a time when many problems and disagreements will become a thing of the past, especially if you put in a little effort.

If you are alone, you can focus on finding your soulmate. The horoscope promises many colorful and surprising acquaintances. In general, life in this area will be full of unforgettable emotions and unpredictable events.

If you have a loved one, there is a possibility of conflicts and disagreements, especially if you have a large age difference. The horoscope predicts the possibility of interference in your relationships from relatives and close people. It is worth listening more to critical comments and taking them into account in the future.

In April, it is very important to keep your emotions under control. Due to the negative influence of Pluto, you may lose your way and succumb to impulsive decisions. Don't let your emotions get the better of you, but you need to listen to what your heart is saying and there is a very fine line here.

Lucky days - 1, 15, 16, 17, 18 if you are single, use these days for romantic meetings and acquaintances.

Health horoscope for April 2017 for Aquarius

In April, the horoscope does not predict any health-related problems, however, there will also be no increased strength or energy boost. Most likely, you will never find the strength to regularly engage in sports and fitness.

Favorable days in April 2017

  • Luck in sports: 7, 8, 22, 23;
  • Successful days in business: 7, 8;
  • Activity, ambition in work: 5, 6, 22, 23, 26, 27, 28;
  • Luck and optimism: 7, 8,;
  • Clarity of thinking (days of insight): 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30;
  • Confusion in thinking: 21, 22, 23;
  • Foresight, prophetic visions: 17, 18, 21, 22, 23;
  • Emotional sensitivity: 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24;
  • Luck in love: 1, 15, 16, 17, 18;
  • Desire for loneliness: 8, 9, 21, 22;
  • Probability of accidents: 13, 14, 27, 28, 29, 30.

April 2017 will bring new impressions to Aquarius and interesting acquaintances. The beginning of the month will be relatively harmonious and calm. During this period of April, Aquarius will have the opportunity to resolve all unresolved issues and set all priorities. It is important to set yourself specific goals, it will be much easier to achieve them. You won't be bored, you will be surrounded interesting people, which will not only brighten up your leisure time, but also push you to take decisive action. Listen to the advice and opinions of older people who have already achieved what you want to achieve. This will help you pave the right path to your dream. The second half of the month will be marked by bright events, interesting meetings and new acquaintances. Try not to sit at home on the couch in front of the TV, but instead go out into the world, take part in group events, visit exhibitions and museums, and go to the theater. This will give you the opportunity to meet promising individuals who will positively influence your worldview and attitude towards life. The wider your circle of contacts, the greater your chances of success. Don't miss this opportunity, go boldly towards your happiness.

The first ten days of April 2017 will bring representatives of the Aquarius zodiac sign the first fruits of hard work, which will be an excellent motivation for further efforts. But while you are in a state of euphoria from your first achievements, do not relax. You need to keep the situation under control and concentrate all your efforts on what matters most. The favorable location of Saturn will stabilize the financial situation of Aquarius, which will give even more confidence in their abilities. This arrangement will stimulate representatives of your zodiac sign to search for new sources of income. In most cases, the search will be successful, so there is a good chance that those of you who have been looking for a stable job will eventually find it.

In the second ten days of April 2017, Aquarius will need to cope with current tasks; in the middle of the month, some of you will go on a business trip. Perhaps these will be negotiations with potential partners or advanced training courses. In any case, the results of this trip will entail positive changes in professional life Aquarius. By the end of the period, the welfare and solvency of representatives of your zodiac sign should increase significantly. You will have the opportunity to start saving money for your long-awaited purchase. You should not keep funds at home. It will be better if you open a deposit account in a bank. Mid-April is the most favorable period for banking transactions. The productivity of Aquarius will increase significantly in mid-April, so success in financially will not keep you waiting. Make the most of your luck.

In the third decade of April 2017, the personal life and relationships of Aquarius, under the influence of aspects of Venus, will become even and smooth. The family will come to the fore, and Aquarians will try their best to improve the well-being of their loved ones. Aquarians will spend all their free time from work with their loved ones and members of their family. You will try to surround your family with love and care, and in return you will receive extremely sincere feelings and gratitude. Try to arrange a small family holiday for your loved ones, or even better, give them a pleasant surprise. For single representatives of your zodiac sign, the stars promise pleasant romantic acquaintances, which in the near future will develop into serious relationships. When choosing your person with whom you would like to connect your destiny, listen to your heart. Your intuition will not deceive you.