If you dream that you are being chased. What Medea's dream book says. Psychological dream book. What does the dream of a chase symbolize?

In fact, such a plot evokes disturbing sensations and the desire to find the solution to it at all costs is not at all accidental, because it is very powerful symbol, predicting some serious changes in the dreamer’s near future.

What if I dream about being chased?

At the same time, it should be noted that there are exceptions to the rules and it is hardly worth worrying seriously if you dreamed that “they were chasing me” in the case when the day before the dreamer watched action-packed films about a chase or was impressed by some real information or history of this kind. IN similar situations the nightly plot about how “they are chasing me” is most likely just a figment of one’s own imagination, which usually continues its activity even during deep rest.

In the opposite situation, such an image should undoubtedly, at a minimum, puzzle the dreamer, because the chase seen in a dream is a very bad symbol, and it does not matter whether the dreamer was being chased or whether he himself was chasing someone, since in both cases the interpretation will be negative character. This image almost always indicates the pursuit of some goals in reality, and the process itself and the means often acquire a manic character. So, if they are chasing the dreamer, then he is the goal, the obsession for specific person or even groups of people who want to harm him at any cost, or, on the contrary, to achieve his favor, which is also not always acceptable in real life.

It is also very important to be able to identify the one who was chasing the dreamer, because sometimes such a dream can reveal the real enemy of the sleeper. There are often cases when an envious person or a hidden enemy turns out to be someone from the immediate environment of the person to whose attention this dream appeared, and he did not even know about it.

Of course, this is not at all a reason to immediately make claims to a potential ill-wisher and start a showdown, but it’s better to take a closer look at him and analyze him more deeply existing relationships It certainly won't be superfluous. A night vision in which the sleeping person was chased by some kind of fairy-tale image, be it a predatory animal, a sorcerer or an unprecedented monster, is interpreted somewhat differently. For example, being chased by a huge bear in a dream foreshadows the sleeping person's future illness, which will turn out to be much more serious and dangerous than one might think at first glance.

Running away from a witch and experiencing panic and fear at the same time can predict to a person that evil fate and troubles will continue to follow him on his heels, no matter how much he tries to escape or evade his fate. Sometimes such symbols are a reflection of real predestination and the inability to change anything in one’s own life.

The night dream in which the sleeper himself was rushing after someone, trying at all costs to reach his “prey”, will have a slightly different meaning. And the decisive factor in this case will be the so-called result, which is whether the dreamer can achieve his goal.

What does it portend?

For example, being left with nothing in a dream indicates the futility of the efforts made to achieve success in reality. There is also another decoding that symbolizes the impossibility of defeating an illness or some serious difficulties that have arisen in real life, despite the fact that sometimes it will seem to a person that victory is very close. To overtake someone or something in a dream, on the contrary, will predict a very favorable outcome for the dreamer, although this is not at all a reason to relax, because for this he will have to go through whole line the hardest tests and more than once stepping over one’s own “I”.

Sometimes dreams of a rapid pursuit or pursuit indicate too rapid development of events in reality and some kind of haste, as a result of which the person to whose attention this image appeared will make a serious mistake in reality. It is quite possible that the consequences of such a rash act will spoil the dreamer’s life for a long time and he will have to make a considerable amount of effort to eliminate them. Persecution in night vision can also be a reflection of the internal contradictions tormenting the sleeper, as well as the hardships that he continually experiences due to the impossibility of resolving some terribly unfavorable situation hanging over him.

For a young woman, a chase in a dream can be an omen of the appearance of an overly annoying boyfriend in her life, who will cause her a lot of problems and suffering. It is quite possible that she will have to resort to any tricks in order to finally get rid of his encroachments.

A dream in which you are escaping from being chased foreshadows the worst fears regarding the health of one of your relatives. If in your dream you leave the chase far behind and safely escape from it, it means that in reality you will safely avoid the losses that threaten you.

Chasing someone and catching a fugitive means your desire to improve your financial situation by any means will not bring satisfaction upon achieving your goal. An unsuccessful pursuit means disappointment and irritability.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation alphabetically

What do dreams mean? Chase

If you are catching up, the dream means that trips, changes in fate or unexpected monetary gains await you. If they catch up with you, the dream foreshadows the loss of property.

Imagine that you turned around and ran after your pursuers. They are running away from you. You have a pistol in your hands (see Pistol).

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of Simeon Prozorov

Dream about Chase

Hearing a rapid pursuit behind you means you will have to do everything in extreme haste.

To see the pursuit overtaking you and try to get away from it - haste and haste in business will harm you.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of the 21st century

What does Pursuit mean in a dream?

Being persecuted by someone means for the dreamer that he has an internal conflict.

This may be a desire to avoid one’s own anger or aggression against someone.

Both people and animals can act as pursuers.

Chasing someone yourself is better than running away. This portends difficult but successful work.

Running away from someone means your problems will remain unresolved.

Interpretation of dreams from

The dream of a chase is a very common one, and people who have such a dream often want to find out what it could mean.

Today we will try to determine what the chase is about in a dream and what such a dream can promise for a person.

What if you dream of a chase?

This kind of dream occurs to people quite often, and it can be divided into two types: they are chasing you, or you are trying to catch up with someone. The first option means that in real life you will be forced to do most things on the go, which, naturally, will not lead to anything good.

If you yourself are pursuing someone in a dream, this means that, despite your timidity and uncertainty, you will be able to achieve success in reality. In any case, it still won’t hurt you to re-evaluate your life views and opportunities, to recharge your confidence in own strength.

In such a dream, any object encountered along the way is a symbol of some idea that does not get out of your head in reality. In general, a dream in which you are chasing someone is a sign of a difficult but successful work.

However, there can be many interpretations of such a dream, depending on the plot and emotional component of the dream. Let's look at the most common dreams.

1. If in a dream you watch one person chasing another, this is a sign that in reality you are making attempts to correct the situation and influence what is happening. It is quite possible that the method you have chosen is not entirely effective, and it would be worth choosing another way to solve the problem.

2. If you are trying to hide from large quantity people you don’t know - this means that inside you there is a fear of responsibility, which is most likely associated with your work. You should work hard on yourself, otherwise you will never be able to achieve success and recognition in society.

3. If a woman or girl saw in a dream how she was being pursued by her own husband or boyfriend, this is a warning dream, indicating that there is some kind of understatement between you. This situation is very dangerous, because if it is not nipped in the bud, the consequences can be the most disastrous for the marriage. You should sit down and have an honest conversation with your significant other and find out all the accumulated complaints against each other.

4. If you are trying to hide from the pursuit of a person unknown to you, this is a sign of an internal conflict in you; you cannot decide on your desires, feelings and conscience. Perhaps it’s time to finally understand yourself and find out what you really want, and not torment yourself with doubts.

5. If you see an animal being chased in a dream, this means that in real life you are trying to get away from life problems, and stubbornly refuse to notice them. This is a very wrong position, because very soon you will find yourself waist-deep in a pile of unresolved problems that will mentally weigh you down from all sides. Try to overcome yourself and not be afraid of difficulties, no matter how much you want it.

6. Trying to hide from a car or other vehicle that is pursuing you is a sign of your secrecy and isolation, an attempt to avoid contact with society. Try not to close yourself off, meet people halfway, and very soon you will understand that communication is wonderful!

7. If in a dream you are trying to hide from persecution by government officials (police), this means that in real life you have some secrets that you cannot tell anyone, which is why you suffer.

8. If you see yourself in a dream catching up with another person, this is a sign that in reality you are setting unattainable goals for yourself that you are unlikely to ever be able to achieve.

9. If you are running away in a dream, but there is no pursuit in sight, expect a situation in reality when you will have to do some work literally on the run.

Why do you dream about a chase according to Miller’s dream book?

American psychologist Gustav Miller interprets a dream with a chase in his own way:

If you are trying to hide from persecution, this means that very soon someone close to you will begin to have serious health problems, so be on your guard now;

If you manage to hide from the people chasing you, this is a sign that in real life you will soon be overtaken by problems that you can easily overcome;

If you are struggling to catch up with a person in a dream, this means that in order to improve your well-being, you will be ready to take any steps, which will result in joy and satisfaction from achieved goal will not bring you;

If you were unable to catch up with the person, this promises you sadness and irritability.

Why do you dream of a chase according to Nostradamus’ dream book?

If you are involved in a chase in a dream, this means that in real life you are driven by some kind of obsession, which, however, you will not be able to implement;

If you are trying to overtake someone close to you in a dream, this means that you are trying to complete some task that is haunting you. However, you won’t be able to do this quickly, which will make you very worried;

If you watch one of your ill-wishers trying to overtake a person you don’t know, this is a sign of your inner fear. It is worth understanding your phobias and trying to get rid of them, if possible.

Why do you dream of a chase according to Freud's dream book?

The famous psychologist Sigmund Freud has his own opinion regarding such a dream. He believes that a dream with a chase may mean that the dreamer has specific goal which he is trying with all his might to achieve. But the problem is that this goal is unattainable, and a person torments himself with vain hopes. Such a dream usually comes to people who have been unable to achieve their goal for a long time and are very worried about this. Such a dream comes to a person at a time when he feels desperate and absolutely empty.

Also, such a dream, according to Freud, can mean a threat looming over a person. Moreover, it can be both spontaneous and deliberate. Freud's dream book tries to warn the dreamer that during this period he was as careful as possible and did not lose his vigilance.

Interpretation from the Tarot dream book

Watching adults chase a baby in a dream is a sign of opportunities that you missed. If adults are trying to overtake a teenager, this means that a promotion awaits you in reality. The new position will not bring you moral satisfaction, but the profit from it promises to be good;

Seeing how the police are trying to keep up with a killer holding a bladed weapon in his hands is a sign of your aggression towards another person. The Dream Interpretation recommends not to jump into action, but to try to find out its cause and learn to control your emotions;

See a strange dream, in which housewives chase homeless people, is a sign that in real life you are making every effort to change the current situation. However, you are unlikely to succeed, and circumstances will turn out to be much stronger than you;

If in a dream you see the police chasing a group of criminals near your house, this means that in reality you will have to do some work in a big hurry. This situation will arise due to some situation related to one of the people close to you;

If you are trying to overtake your friend in a dream, this means that in reality he is in danger;

If you see your parents being chased by the police, this is a sign that your relationships with other people are deteriorating due to your arrogance. Try to treat others more loyally and do not extol yourself above other people.

Why dream of a chase according to the dream book of the sorceress Medea

If you are being chased by other people or animals in a dream, this is a sign that there is an internal conflict within you. You cannot control your own emotions, aggression or anger towards another person. Try to control yourself and work more on yourself;

If you yourself are pursuing someone, this is a favorable sign that promises you difficult work, which will ultimately end successfully for you;

If you are trying to hide from some person, this is a sign that you are avoiding problems and trying not to notice them. This position is unacceptable, because no one will solve your problems, try to overcome this shortcoming in yourself.

Every time we lie down in a cozy bed, we have no idea what our subconscious has prepared this time, what kind of dream we will have to see. Sometimes we dream of simple images, and sometimes we dream of entire stories. In some visions, we observe the events taking place from the side, and in others, we ourselves find ourselves in the center of them.

Let's talk about dreams in which you became a participant in a chase. Why do you dream of a chase? This is the main question to which we will try to find an answer. Traditionally, to obtain a more accurate interpretation, let’s pay attention to the details:

  • In a sweet dream you have to run away or you are chasing someone.
  • Maybe you are watching the chase from the sidelines.
  • Someone is chasing you in your sleep.

In general, the dream book considers the chase as a phenomenon from two sides. On the one hand, it is a reflection of the dreamer’s state of mind: his inner world is in a phase of conflict, constant dissatisfaction and irritation. On the other hand, it is a symbol of the pursuit of some goal.

In the first case, the dreamer should first of all pay attention to himself: find a point of balance and come to inner harmony, realizing that the world around him is beautiful, no matter how you look at it. In the second case - to make every effort to achieve the goal that torments him so much.

As the dream book says, a chase in which you act as the pursuer is a good sign. Such a vision foreshadows some kind of work. It will not be easy, but it will bring success to its performer. Seeing someone being persecuted from the outside means trying to change the current circumstances.

What if in a dream you happened to run away from bandits? Such a vision says that no machinations on the part of ill-wishers can harm you. There is another interpretation on this matter. Persecution by bandits is the personification of rumors about the dreamer’s identity that are spread by others.

If in your sweet dreams you are being pursued by a killer, but you manage to escape from him, this is a good sign. you will live long life. Persecution by this kind of people in a woman’s dream speaks of the attention of a very annoying suitor, while in men’s dreams it promises the fulfillment of plans.

Running away from being chased by a vehicle (for example, a car) in your dream means being a very closed person. Your isolation is absolutely unfounded; you cannot hide endlessly from the world around you. Open up and you will see that it is not scary at all.

Next, let's talk about why you dream of being chased by representatives of the animal world. Chasing a clubfooted predator (bear) is an extremely pleasant sign for unmarried women and avid bachelors: soon you will be walking at your own wedding.

If in night vision a cow is chasing a person, this is also a good sign: your financial difficulties will end soon. The source of funds will come as a surprise to you. Perhaps it will be a lottery win or an inheritance.

What should you expect if you are being chased by a wolf? – In reality, a serious opponent will stand in the dreamer’s path. However, you have enough experience and knowledge to get around him in business.

To summarize, it is worth noting that dreams in which there was a chase are, in most cases, a reflection of the dreamer’s internal experiences. Working on your problems will allow you to get rid of your own worries and fears. In other cases, the chase foreshadows quite pleasant events: a wedding, receiving an inheritance (winning), success at work.


To the question of why you dream of a chase, you can find many different answers. In such dreams, details play a huge role: who is chasing, after whom, what you experience during such a dream, how it all ends, etc.

Running from someone in a dream

If in a dream you are running away from your pursuer, then in reality you will have to solve some important matters in a hurry. This event may end in failure or failure.

If we turn to the subconscious, then with the help of dreams of a chase it tries to communicate that a conflict is raging inside a person. In a dream, a person wants to free himself from the conflicts raging in his soul, to free himself from the heaviness that presses on him from the outside.

Those people have to run away from law enforcement agencies in a dream who have big troubles brewing in their relationship with a loved one. Most likely they will read you a moral and begin to teach you life. To avoid trouble, do not focus on the problem.

If an angry animal is chasing you, then someone is spreading false gossip about you, weaving intrigues or trying to plant a pig. Take a closer look at your surroundings, maybe you will be able to prevent troubles.

In pursuit it is very scary to be overtaken. If your enemies still managed to trap you, then such a dream portends a major loss.

Run after someone

When a person in a dream tries to catch up with someone, but fails, then in reality he cannot achieve his goal. Evaluate your strengths soberly, maybe the bar is too high and you shouldn’t exhaust yourself so much in pursuit of this goal.

A chase in a dream is real threat physical or psychological health of a sleeping person. If such dreams are repeated repeatedly, then you need to be especially careful and not run ahead of the locomotive. Let all life events take their course, do not rush to overtake your opponents, otherwise you risk losing everything that you already have in your soul.

A big role for the interpretation of a dream about a chase is who exactly the person is running after. If you know these people well, you can clearly distinguish their faces and know their names, then such a dream is a direct indicator of where you need to be careful. Understand your relationship with these people; most likely, not everything is as smooth as it seems.

If they run strangers or it is not at all visible who is participating in the chase, then perhaps this is an internal conflict that exists in your soul. Rest, listen to your feelings and everything will work out.


Events from the world of our dreams are similar to movies, and we ourselves remind ourselves, rather, of the heroes of these films - sometimes action-packed films filled with events.

Chases, pursuit, rapid running - without this it is impossible to imagine an action-packed action movie or adventure. But in real life, fortunately, not everyone gets to experience this.

How to interpret what a chase means in a dream, what persecution means, how to perceive it and what to expect? Such dreams are often disturbing and not very pleasant, but they are unlikely to foretell the dreamer something truly terrible. Most often, according to the dream book, the chase reflects our fears, the desire to hide or run away from something.

For example, the following could have happened in a dream:

  • You saw the chase from the side.
  • They themselves ran away from a crowd of people in their sleep.
  • They were running away from their lover or spouse.
  • They were hiding from being chased by some person.
  • They ran away from the animal with all their might.
  • A car or other vehicle was chasing you.
  • You ran and hid from the police in your sleep;
  • On the contrary, they were catching up with someone.
  • They ran away, although they did not see their pursuer.

By understanding what the chase is about in a dream, you can avoid troubles, and, on the contrary, achieve happiness and good luck - if you do the right thing.

Why did you dream about the chase?

1. Such a dream in which the pursuit was on the sidelines, you saw the pursuit, watched it - this speaks of your attempts in reality to somehow change the situation, attempts to influence something. Perhaps it is worth finding a different approach, looking at the situation differently?

2. Running away from a crowd or group of people in a dream is a sign that you have a fear of responsibility. This is probably related to your business activities, work area.

Are you afraid or wary of taking on excessive responsibility, afraid of not being able to cope? Think, maybe in this way you are losing the chance to achieve a high position and success.

3. If a woman dreams of being chased by her own husband, or a girl dreams that her chosen one is chasing her, this is a bright sign that makes you think.

You probably have some secrets from your loved one, or you simply want to get away from something, hide, you don’t want to do something - but you cannot tell him this, and you are subconsciously tormented. Omissions destroy any union, do not let this accumulate - be bolder and sincere with your chosen one.

4. Running away from being chased by someone in a dream is an indication of the dreamer’s strong internal conflict, some contradictory feelings or desires that are at war with each other, or with your conscience. It's time to calm down and understand yourself.

5. Chasing an animal in your dreams is a sign that in reality, in reality, you are stubbornly hiding and avoiding solving pressing problems, and this can backfire. Learn to be stronger and solve difficulties, even if it is unpleasant and scary.

6. Running away from being chased by a car or other transport in a dream is an indication that the dreamer is afraid of people, perhaps avoids any society and tends to close himself off. This can lead to loneliness - so be a little more open.

7. If you were hiding from being chased by the police in your dreams, you probably have secrets in reality. You are not completely honest, you hide something - and you yourself suffer from it.

8. On the contrary, if you yourself are catching up with someone, then perhaps you have too unrealistic goals or illusory dreams. Be more realistic, look at life soberly.

9. If in your dreams you were running away, but there was no chase in sight, you will have to do something in reality in a great hurry. Try to stay calm, don't fuss, don't get stressed.

Running away, hiding, hiding, catching up - all this is important in a dream, and the advice of dream books should be taken seriously, but soberly - realizing that these are just dreams. They do not shape reality, but only hint at possibilities and give advice. The decision is always yours to make!

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The chase is a natural state in the animal world, and one of the most common phenomena at all stages of human development, corresponding to the “predator-prey” situation. The dream of a chase is one of the most common and, as a rule, can be quite unpleasant: the pursuer has a frightening appearance, the dreamer experiences a feeling of panic and various difficulties, and awakening from such a dream is accompanied by fear, palpitations and other unpleasant sensations.

A dream about a chase is significant and indicates that this is not the most prosperous period in the dreamer’s life. The interpretation of such a dream depends on whether the dreamer was in the role of a pursuer or, on the contrary, he was being pursued, as well as on how and how the chase ended.

Dream Interpretation of Medea. Interpretation of the dream “Chase”

A dream in which someone is chasing you means a state of internal conflict. Perhaps you cannot cope with internal aggression, a state of anger, but if in a dream you run away from people or animals, you will not be able to solve your problems. A more favorable dream is one in which you are catching up with someone. This is a harbinger that your difficult work will end in success.

Dream book of the 21st century. Chase - what does such a dream mean?

If in a dream you hear that someone is rapidly chasing you, it means that in real life a period of haste awaits you. Seeing a chase and trying to hide from it - haste will greatly harm your affairs.

Dream Interpretation from A to Z. What does the dream “Pursuit” predict?

A dream in which you are trying to escape from being chased is a prediction of deteriorating health of someone close to you. If you manage to safely escape the pursuit and leave your pursuers far behind, this is an extremely favorable dream that predicts a happy deliverance from impending troubles and losses. If you yourself set out to catch up with someone, this means that you should not try to achieve material well-being at any cost, because it will not bring satisfaction. A failed pursuit is a harbinger of irritability and despondency.

Psychological dream book. What does the dream of a chase symbolize?

A dream in which you are a participant in a chase, whether you are pursuing someone or fleeing yourself, is a symbol of achieving a goal. If such a dream is repeated regularly, it means that you are unable to achieve your goal.


The dream of a chase speaks of an internal conflict between the desire for something and the inability to achieve it. If the dreamer is being chased, then the interpretation of the dream depends on who the pursuer is. Sometimes it's a real man associated with a problematic situation. An animal in the role of a pursuer means intrigue and intrigue, servants of the law - a severance of relationships with friends, and sometimes even criminal problems.

If the dreamer is trying to catch up with someone, such a dream can be very favorable; it depends on whether the person being pursued was caught and who he turned out to be. A caught animal means victory over the qualities of which it is a symbol, a caught person means superiority over an opponent.

“Waiting and catching up is just wasting time”(Russian proverb)

Today we have prepared Full description topics: dream “they are chasing me”: what is the dream about and full interpretation from different points of view.

The way we react in reality to feelings of anxiety and factors that put certain pressure on us is reflected in our dreams.

Usually in this case we dream that someone is chasing us, we are being pursued, a threat to our personal safety hangs over us, we can be hurt. In addition, in such dreams you can run away from someone, hide, or try to outwit your pursuer.

Such dreams reflect the desire to cope with your own fear, overcome stress, and other unpleasant situations that may occur in your waking life. Instead of resisting something in life, you run away from it, trying to hide in order to feel safe.

Ask yourself who the person is who is haunting you, and then you can understand what the source of danger, fear or stress is. Dreams may also indicate that you are refusing to acknowledge a point of view.

On the other hand, the one who haunts you in your dreams may be a part of yourself. Your feelings such as anger, jealousy, fear or love can take the form of a persecutor.

It is also possible that in your subconscious these feelings are associated with some other person, who then appears in your dreams as a pursuer, and then your dream calls you to pay attention to your self-destructive actions or actions.

More detailed analysis Such dreams show that you may simply be afraid of stalkers, persecution, perhaps under the influence of the media.

If someone is chasing you in a dream or wants to attack you, this means that there is a place for anxiety in your real life. In such dreams, the pursuer may be an intruder, an animal, a monster, or some vague figure. Typically, the stalker wants to harm you, catch you, injure you, or even kill you. Running away is an instinctive reaction to physical threat, both in the real world and in dreams. Naturally, in a dream you are trying to run away, hide, or somehow outwit your pursuer. Such dreams have several meanings.

Chasing in a dream means avoiding or ignoring real problems in life. Your actions in a dream show how you respond to pressure life situations and how you cope with fears and stress. If you run away from persecution, then in real life you act in a similar way when solving situations. Instead of confronting circumstances, you try to run away from problems and what does not suit you. If you are trying to hide from your pursuer in a dream, it means that in life you are hiding from problems.

Chasing in a dream means narrow-mindedness. If someone is chasing you in a dream or attacking you, then this may concern your views. You refuse to acknowledge a certain point of view or idea and are unwilling to listen to opinions that differ from yours.

Chasing in a dream means running away from oneself. The pursuer or attacker may be an aspect of your own personality. Perhaps you suppress or reject some feelings or character traits. Anger, jealousy, fear and even love can appear in your dreams as a threatening figure. You are projecting your own personality onto the pursuer.

Someone is chasing you in a dream - this means fear. The appearance of a threatening figure or stalker in dreams may represent the fear of being actually attacked. Women have these dreams more often than men because they feel physically more vulnerable. You may need to stop reading news about violent incidents and avoid engaging in conversations about these topics.

If you are chasing someone in a dream or attacking someone, it highlights your ambitions. This means that you want to achieve your goal through active means. On the other hand, it could also mean that you are behind in life in some way and want to catch up with others.

For better understanding In dreams of being chased and attacked, ask yourself who is chasing you so you can get a better idea. Who are you running from? Ask your stalker why he wants to hit you.

When interpreting a dream about a chase, consider the distance between you and the threatening figure. This indicates your proximity to the problem. If the stalker is very close or even attacks you, this indicates that the problem will not go away. The problem will remain unresolved until you confront it. If in a dream you increase the gap between you and the one who is pursuing you, then you will be able to successfully solve the problem or it will disappear.

Popular dreams:

Dreams in which a lot of action takes place can be watched with the same interest with which one watches an action-packed movie. Such a dream is remembered for a long time and leaves a strong impression.

But what could such a dream mean? Will everything you see in a dream really come true in real life?

Interpreting a dream is not an easy task.

In order to understand the meaning of a dream correctly, you need to analyze the meaning of each character you see, associate with it the meaning of each action and compare it with the emotions and attitude of the dreamer himself.

If you are in a period of life when the meaning of a dream can play an important role in making a decision, then it is better to turn to professional interpreters. But you can try to decipher the dream yourself.

Why do you dream that you are being chased?

If you had a dream in which you are being chased and you are trying to hide from the chase, it means that in real life you force you to do something that is difficult for you, what you don’t like or what you don’t have the strength for right now.

If the chase exhausts you and you realize in a dream that your strength is running out, then in reality you feel like a driven horse. They constantly push you and demand a lot from you. Now is the time to take a break and go on vacation. And you don’t need to persuade yourself to be patient and put off rest until better times. In the state you are in now, Problems are more likely to deal with you than you are with them.. So your efforts may cause more harm than good. It is with the goal of avoiding harm that you go on vacation with a clear conscience.

Stalking in a dream

If the chase becomes a pursuit, and you realize that someone is creeping behind you like a shadow, whom you really want to get rid of, but cannot - you have an internal conflict. A person dreams of such dreams during a period of great doubts and anxieties, when he needs to make the right decision, but which decision will be the right one is not clear. Today it may seem that the answer has been found, but tomorrow the question will arise with the same persistence.

If in a dream you leave your pursuer, you will be able to find a solution to the current situation.

If you get caught in a dream- such a dream prepares you for failure. You won't be able to cope with what's bothering you right now.

The pursuit

can be interpreted in another sense. For example, if you have a dream unmarried woman- you will have a very persistent admirer.

Another meaning of sleep - someone really needs something from you. Look around, maybe someone really needs your help.

Run away from the police

This dream reminds you that you have debts before the law. It is not at all necessary that the prison is crying for you at the moment; maybe you just forgot to pay a fine for speeding.

If you really have something to hide, then you will definitely be exposed. And if you are hiding from representatives of the law, then the dream suggests that you will soon be arrested. Or are you just nervous?.

From the killer

If you are involved in a dream not just in a chase, but are trying to escape from a killer, then they want to take away something valuable from you. It is difficult to say what exactly you are in danger of losing in the near future. It's possible that we're talking about about financial values. It is possible that they want to deprive you of your position at work. It is possible that they want to conquer you and make you fall in love with them.

If you manage to escape, then your pursuers in reality will not succeed. If you suffer as a result of the chase, you will have to suffer some losses. And if they manage to kill you, then be prepared that losses are inevitable.

Car chase

A car chase increases speed and makes the dream more emotional. If you are in that car that is trying to escape, it means you want to escape. It’s hard to say what exactly is driving you so hard. It is possible that you are tired of problems. It is possible that you are unhappy with your family life. But there's something that makes you dream of escape.

If in a dream you escape from being chased, this does not mean at all that your escape will happen in reality. It is possible that you will simply be able to get rid of what is gnawing at you.

you are in the car that is catching up with the fugitives- you are pursuing some goal that seems cherished to you. For you, the meaning of life has become to achieve your intended goal. If in a dream your pursuit ends in success, then in reality you will get what you crave so much. If in a dream the chase turns out to be a failure, the time has not yet come for your dream to come true.

If in a dream you just witness a car chase- such a dream may indicate that you are missing something. Events flash past you over which you have no control, but they leave you with nothing. You are neither with the pursuers nor with the fugitives. You stand on the sidelines and, as an outside observer, follow the race in which someone's fate is being decided.

If, watching the chase makes you feel sad– you need to become more active in life, otherwise you will feel like life is passing you by.

If, watching the chase, you get interested– you have to become a participant in someone’s story. Try to remain just an observer and not interfere.

Behind the man

If in a dream you are chasing a person, it means you yourself need something from someone.

Such a dream can mean passionate non-reciprocal love.

Another interpretation of the dream suggests that you really need help, but don’t know how to ask for it.

If you watch a chase, it is possible that you will become the cause of someone's suffering.

Dog chase

If in a dream a pack of dogs are chasing you, ready to pounce on you and tear you to pieces - Difficult times have come in your relationships with loved ones. It is possible that you offended someone close to you or crossed the road. Such a dream could mean rejection. But rejection did not occur due to the callousness of others or betrayal; this will only be your fault.

If in a dream you manages to escape the chase– It’s better to stop communicating with loved ones for a while and give it a chance to cool down.

If in a dream you are overtaken and even physically harmed, it is better to confess to a truce.

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Who hasn't looked into a dream book at least once? Why do you dream about the chase? If you saw yourself being chased in a dream, you yourself were running after someone, or you saw someone chasing someone and you are interested in finding out why you dreamed about it, then you need to remember as much as possible all the details (were you running away from someone or chased, caught up or not, who else was in this dream). In general, chasing is a sign that a person has any fears or concerns, a feeling of regret about a missed opportunity or an unachieved goal. Let's look into the dream book. Escape from pursuit - such a dream has different explanations, depending on the circumstances under which the action took place. Let's take a closer look at why this is a dream.

Let's look in the dream book. Chase - the meaning of sleep

Depending on whether you were involved in a chase or just watching, chasing someone or running away, there are many different interpretations.

First of all, if you are chasing something, it signifies your desire to achieve something, be it an improvement in your career or an impossible dream. If you run away, it means that you are haunted by fears, perhaps the burden of something impossible to fulfill, or unresolved grievances and disagreements. If you dream of a chase during a nightmare, it can reflect hidden fears, most likely in life with loved ones and loved ones.

Watching a chase from the side is a sign that you have been sitting idle, it’s time to take part, and not be an ordinary observer.

Crossing a bridge in a dream means loss of love, but if during a chase you run away from someone, then this symbolizes new stage life.

What will the dream book tell you about? Chasing, running away from someone - the meaning of sleep

Running away from someone is running away from problems.

If you dream that the one who was chasing fell behind, then you don’t have to worry. The problems that are looming will not cause any harm. Soon you will be able to get rid of them.

Running away from a man in a dream means that in life you will soon be deceived. You need to be attentive to the people around you. For young girls, a dream where she is running away from a man can be interpreted as a subconscious unpreparedness for a serious relationship.

To see a chase overtaking you in a dream and quickly trying to get away from it means that in the near future you will have to do a lot of things in a hurry, so you need to start solving your own affairs. If you are being haunted in a dream close person, then soon he will want to make amends.

Running away from a killer or maniac - such a dream means that soon you will need all your strength and energy to solve urgent matters.

If you are caught up during a chase, then this is a sign that accumulated problems cannot be avoided. Perhaps this will be an unpleasant conversation that will lead to trouble or problems at work.

Chase, pursuit

What will the dream book tell us? Chase, pursuit - why do you dream about this? Chasing someone or something for a long time means that you will soon receive a reward for your efforts and labors.

Chasing a loved one in a dream can symbolize your hidden desire to help him, to guide him in the right direction. You should also think about why this person is running away from you, maybe he doesn’t need help or maybe you are too intrusive.

If you are chasing the man or husband you love, then, alas, this means that your relationship is collapsing and cannot be saved.

Chasing someone at night is a sign of impending trouble that you foresaw, but since it has not yet become part of reality, you can still avoid everything.

If during a chase in a dream you are chasing your beloved girl, then this means that you are paying a lot of attention to her, which can lead to a breakdown in the relationship. Allow yourself to be a little more selfish, because the more we love a girl, the less she likes us.

Car chase

Let's look into the dream book. Car chase – what does this dream mean? If you are running away from someone in a car, while dodging, this means that you are trying to hide something, to get away from problems. You should seriously think about your secret or plan and decide - perhaps you shouldn’t prevaricate?

Driving with a companion means that your relationship with this person will improve.

Chase, animals

What does the dream book say? Chase, animals following the trail - what is this dream for? Running away from animals - such a dream means that gossip and intrigue will soon appear. You should take a closer look to see if you said anything unnecessary. But if a girl dreams that she is running away from a bear, then it is possible that she will soon get married. For entrepreneurs, a bear in a dream promises business problems and imminent troubles.

Running away from a snake in a dream means inevitable health problems. You should not hesitate to visit your doctor.

Seeing a dog running away in a dream means a deterioration in your financial situation. But don’t worry, as the lost money can soon be returned.

Running away from a cat in a dream is a very bad sign, which means that soon there will be troubles that will cover not only you, but also your loved ones.

Chasing by day of the week

The meaning of a dream often depends on what day of the week it occurred. Let's look in the dream book - the chase in different days weeks has such a meaning.

  • If you dreamed of a chase on Monday, it means that you will no longer be able to change something in life. But as they say, what happens will inevitably happen, but you can prepare for the blow of fate.
  • Dreaming of persecution on Tuesday? This speaks of health; running away can make you seriously ill. And if you are running after a loved one, it means that you want to help him and he needs it.
  • If you fall during a dream of a chase on Wednesday, then this may mean death. If you stumble, there will be an accident or mortal danger.
  • Dreams on Thursday speak about your financial situation. If you catch up with someone in a dream, this promises profit, and if they catch up with you, expect financial instability.
  • Friday - dreams talk about internal state, therefore, when you run away from someone, you are running away from yourself and your problems.
  • A Saturday dream about a chase means that you are following the wrong beliefs. Perhaps it's time to grow up or find a soul mate, and eventually start a family.
  • Sunday - all the bad things are left behind, soon there will be good news.