Make a fire alarm. How to install a fire alarm. What else needs to be done after installing a fire alarm

Installation fire alarm– a mandatory stage of facility preparation before commissioning.

There are increased requirements for protecting premises from various emergencies, therefore without technical means fire safety not enough.

How to install?

Currently, the service - installation of fire alarms - is offered by many companies both in Moscow and in other cities. Offers vary in price, terms, and types of equipment used. In addition, on the OPS market you can find technical means that do not require special knowledge, which property owners can install on their own. But before you make a choice in favor of this or that company, as well as self-installation, it is necessary to take into account a number of nuances:

  • Installation of fire protection systems is a licensed activity - installation organization must have the appropriate permit, and self installation possible only on private premises;
  • The presence of strict regulatory regulation - each category of premises, buildings, structures has its own requirements for the level of technical support for fire protection;
  • The specifics of the facility, both structural and operational, influence the choice of equipment and the order of its placement.

Installation cost calculator by area

Name Quantity price, rub. Cost, rub.
Number of detectors from 4000
from 6000
Light and sound siren 1 from 200200
Cable from 170
Consumables from 600
Monitoring device 1 0
Battery 7 Ah 1 from 5600
Installation work
Name price, rub. Cost, rub.
Installation of detectors 600 0
External output equipment 700 0
Installation of sirens 500 0
Cabling 30 0
0 0
Battery installation 1000 0
Name Quantity price, rub. Cost, rub.
Total area of ​​protected premises
Number of protected premises
Number of detectors from 15000
Number of “external” exits from the protected premises from 32000
Light and sound siren 1 from 25002500
Consumables from 100
Control and receiving device with GSM channel 1 0
Battery 7 Ah 1 from 5600
Installation work
Name price, rub. Cost, rub.
Installation of detectors 600 0
External output equipment 700 0
Installation of sirens 500 0
Installation of control and receiving devices 350 0
Battery installation 1000 0

Installing a fire alarm system is a task for specialists who will calculate all the risks and carry out the work in strict accordance with regulatory requirements. It should be remembered here that the designers and installers of fire alarm systems are responsible for the quality of the work performed. And this is a very compelling argument to trust the installation security and fire alarm system prepared people. At the same time, you should not refuse installation just because it is necessary to involve specialists in the work. For small objects, for example, an apartment, a garage box, installation can be done on our own using ready-made equipment sets. But even in this case, it is worth inviting a specialist who will select the equipment that is suitable for this particular room. And only on the basis of his recommendations does it make sense to purchase technical equipment and install them.

On what objects should I place it?

Each owner of a premises for any purpose is responsible for ensuring fire safety requirements in it. The scope of requirements depends on the type of object, the order of its use, location and a number of other factors. For a significant number of premises, primarily for public purposes, it is provided mandatory installation fire warning equipment. It can be either local in nature, informing about a fire, or included in a complex for transmitting an alarm signal to the fire department.

In relation to objects that are not included in the list, where the installation of a security and fire alarm system is mandatory, a decision on the appropriate technical equipment accepted by the owner independently. Often they do not consider it necessary to install even the simplest autonomous detectors. But arbitrage practice in cases of fires, the situation is not in favor of such owners, because they have an obligation to ensure fire safety, then the courts come to the conclusion that the absence of fire safety regulations is a fact of insufficient fulfillment of this obligation, therefore, the guilt of the owner of the premises in non-compliance with fire safety requirements is obvious. Such circumstances make the installation of a security and fire alarm a mandatory procedure, which can actually protect against many negative consequences.

Work order

Installation of a fire alarm system involves several stages:

  • Site inspection;
  • Development of a project with definition of a list of equipment;
  • Preparing the object for installation;
  • Installation work;
  • Commissioning works.

Only like this A complex approach for installation will allow you to form effective system fire alarm. It should be noted that currently similar systems are complex in nature and are designed to notify not only people in the building, but also emergency services about a fire.

We should not forget that the structure of the security system also includes technical means of ensuring evacuation. Previously, they were only special signs of evacuation routes. At the present stage of development of technical means of safety and security, fire safety components are integrated with other complexes, for example, access control and management, thereby forming a unified emergency protection system. Such a system provides for constant technical monitoring of the condition of all objects, timely transmission of a signal about an emergency situation, remote dispatch of various engineering communications. According to experts, standard fire alarms using analogue equipment can reduce the time of fire detection by three times, and in combination with the equipment automatic fire extinguishing can ensure the localization of the fire before the arrival of the first fire crews.

Practice shows that proper installation of a security and fire alarm system by a specialized organization ensures long-term trouble-free operation of the equipment. And the installation of all devices does not end the work at the site for the installers. any technique needs periodic maintenance. The complexity and scale of its implementation depend on the technologies used, as well as the characteristics of the facility. By the way, even the most primitive equipment installed on its own needs regular maintenance. It is desirable that such work be carried out by specialists who will not only ensure the functionality of the technical security equipment, but during the maintenance process will eliminate the shortcomings of self-installation.

Equipping buildings with a fire alarm system is urgent need, on which the life and health of many people depend, which is much more expensive than any cost of installation work.

Before installing a fire alarm, you need to understand the types of such systems and choose the type that suits your specific requirements. You can install the system yourself, but it is better to call a special team. If desired, the owner of the system can register it with the State Fire Supervision Authority.

Types of systems

All types of fire alarm systems can be divided into several types.

  1. Threshold systems with radial loops.
  2. Threshold systems with a modular structure.
  3. Combined system.

Threshold systems with radial stubs

Threshold systems equipped with radial loops are popular for one reason only - they are very cheap. However, installation of such equipment will be quite expensive. Such a system has a lot of shortcomings that are difficult to notice immediately after installation.

In particular, the PKP can give false signals. The number of such false notifications here is an order of magnitude higher than in any other devices. At least two detectors must be installed in one room, and this leads to increased costs. Although the equipment is very economical, its installation and the expense of unnecessary detectors will lead to the fact that the total costs will be very significant.

With an abundance of sensors, it will be impossible to track them from one computer.

The control panel also sets a certain threshold at which a signal is given. It is almost impossible to check the serviceability of the alarm; if it breaks, the sound may not sound. PEP is highly dependent on the human factor.

In a word, such a system has many more disadvantages than advantages. When installing an alarm for serious purposes, it is better to choose something else.

Threshold systems with a modular structure

Such systems are inexpensive, like the previous type of alarm. They have almost the same disadvantages: expensive installation, a certain signal threshold, dependence on the human factor.

However, this type of alarm can be freely controlled from one remote control or computer. In addition, here it is possible to install two blocks simultaneously.

This system has a fundamentally different structure than the previous two. It works differently. All sensors in it are combined into a common unit, and they are regularly checked from the control panel. Signals from sensors can have four responses: “normal”, “fire”, “malfunction”, “absence”.

The disadvantage of this type of alarm is that they detect the source of fire too late and report it. Otherwise it's a very good system.

This system has an optimal price-quality ratio; using the survey panel, you can always identify faults in the sensors in a timely manner, as well as obtain a lot of useful information.

One loop of such an alarm can include up to two hundred sensors. To appreciate all the advantages of this system, you need to understand how this type of fire alarm works. It assumes the presence of twisted pairs, this is its main advantage and at the same time a disadvantage. When any sensor fails, the system itself remains fully operational.

The sensors do not have any specific signal threshold. They simply record the atmosphere at their designated point and send the data to the control panel. This allows you to very quickly identify the source of fire. In addition, such a system design allows you to find out about any faults in the network in a timely manner.

The cost of installing an analogue addressable system itself will not be expensive, but the equipment will cost a decent amount. Probably the only drawback of this signaling is that the protocol requires a twisted pair cable.

Combined systems

Combination fire alarms are the most powerful. They allow the installation of several thousand sensors and devices. They have a very wide range of additional equipment.

Fire alarm systems and devices of this type are controlled from one control point, which greatly facilitates safety monitoring. There are practically no disadvantages to a combined fire alarm, except that it can cost a decent amount of money.

Installation and dismantling

Installation of an alarm requires compliance with special rules that are prescribed in regulatory documentation. It is advisable to install such systems with the help of professionals if the owner of the premises does not have the skills to work with such systems.

Some owners ask the question whether it is possible to create a fire alarm with their own hands, that is, assemble the device itself at home. Yes, this is quite possible, but within certain limits. It is impossible to create complex systems on your own. A master can only do the most simple devices, and no one can guarantee that they will function properly.

Sometimes fire system works without any fire. The frightened owners do not know how to turn off the fire alarm. The sound of this system is very specific and hardly anyone will like it. To restore silence and order, you must do the following.

  1. First you need to find out the reason why the alarm went off. There may have been smoke or a small fire. The room must be ventilated immediately.
  2. If, after all, the system worked without any reason, then you need to decide on its type. The simplest alarm system with sensors can be easily turned off. To do this, you just need to remove the power source from the sensors themselves. For a more complex alarm system, you need to go to the control panel. The system often turns off only after the appropriate code has been entered.
  3. A radical way to eliminate noise is to cut through the alarm wires. If you need to restore it, you will have to carry out whole line works

Fire alarm is complex system, in which different types of devices interact with each other in an orderly manner: control panels, sensors, warning elements, communication lines, autonomous power supplies, peripheral equipment. Installing the equipment is not easy - you need to know the features of installing a fire alarm.

According to current legislation, industrial enterprises must have on their territory fire protection. Many owners of private houses and apartments also prefer to use precautionary measures. Experts recommend: before installing fire alarm systems, you need to decide on their type.

Simple and complex equipment

Fire alarm systems differ from each other in configuration and functionality.

They are different:

  1. Threshold equipment equipped with radial loops has become widespread due to the low cost of its components. The name contains the principle of operation of the device. The main control device serves sensors with individual sensitivity thresholds. Installation of a fire alarm involves the use of several units of detectors per room. The main disadvantage installed equipment is an increased level of false signals.
  2. Threshold signaling with a modular structure is similar to the previous scheme. The difference is that one control panel simultaneously controls the operation of communication lines, and installation and operation are designed for the use of two units.
  3. Address polling devices have a different structure compared to previous versions. The operation of the sensors is monitored by a module with a ring loop that allows you to filter out unnecessary information. The alarm circuit is reliable and easy to design.
  4. The analogue addressable line is modern device. Each detector has an individual address to which it sends a signal about its operating status. The sensors have twisted pairs. If any element fails, the system will continue to function.
  5. The combined system is installed indoors and outdoors. It is powerful, has a ring circuit using threshold and analog devices.

Regulations governing the installation of fire alarms

Fire alarm installation is carried out in accordance with GOST. Regulatory documents regulate the design of a fire system, the parameters of its elements and installation, including construction aspects. The basic rules are specified in the document on security and fire alarm systems.

According to the regulations, design and installation must be focused on ease of maintenance, repair and protection from damage. The installation of an alarm system is carried out in each room using at least two sensors, except stairwells, bathrooms. A number of documents contain special rules for different types devices.

Rules for installation/assembly of PS

Installation of a security and fire alarm depends on the area of ​​the room and height ceiling structures. Each device has individual installation and operating instructions.

However, there are general rules installation:

  • The selection and configuration of the central control unit is carried out in accordance with the instructions. IN simple models There are several input connectors for connecting sensors. Output lines allow you to turn on devices that signal danger. Complex circuits additionally have a security function. For simplified installation, you can purchase a wireless fire alarm system kit. It contains all the necessary components, including mounting hardware.
  • The laying of communication lines must be carried out in accordance with the requirements of SNiP. Only wires with copper cores and heat-resistant winding are used. For indoor installation nessesary to use corrugated pipe. Each loop has a specific marking. Wires are subject to inspection along their entire length. For sensors, it is better to use two-wire and four-wire options. Installation of an alarm system requires a 10% supply of loops. According to the rules, laying connecting wires with power cables is prohibited. The distance between the signal wires should be at least half a meter.
  • Fire detectors control a specific sector, therefore they are installed in places where open fire appears. According to the standards, they should be located at a distance of 9 m from each other, no more than 4.5 m from the corners of the walls, and no less than 0.2 m from the ceiling. Thermal sensors located where the temperature rises sharply, with the exception of places of use heating devices. Linear type sensors must be installed on opposite sides of the room.

After measurements and selection of locations for sensors with a central control unit, a fire and security alarm system is installed.

How to install - do it yourself or through a contractor?

Correct installation of security and fire systems ensures the safety and security of property. Design and commissioning works in the complex, according to the law, specialized organizations that have permits from the Ministry of Emergency Situations. They enter into an agreement with the customer for the maintenance of security and fire alarm systems.

Installation of systems is carried out on the basis of approved documentation. Specialists are able to install a fire alarm with an extensive network of devices and logical circuits in a short time. People who understand electrical engineering can perform simple installation of fire systems with their own hands. A well-designed scheme is easy to legitimize.

Before installing security and fire systems with your own hands, you need to select and buy certain type alarms. If financial opportunities do not allow this, then the device can be made independently.

In this case, the alarm signal will be sent to the owner’s phone, and not to the central control panel of the Ministry of Emergency Situations. You will have to call the fire department separately. Fire alarms in the home require taking into account some nuances:

  1. use of multi-core cable in the winding to connect sensors;
  2. the use of sealed or chip sensors that are installed on door or window openings;
  3. placement of sensors in accordance with the ceiling design according to established standards.
  4. connecting the system according to the instructions.

Recommendations for choosing a contractor - what to look for?

Installing and maintaining fire alarms requires a serious approach. Such work must be performed by highly qualified and experienced specialists. When choosing a performing company, you need to consider:

  • availability of a license;
  • stages of the organization’s activities: studying the features of the premises, determining the type of alarm system in relation to the facility, design, cost calculation, installation;
  • whether the company is in the National Association of Self-Regulatory Organizations SRO or not.

How much will the installation cost?

Fire alarm calculations depend on its configuration and efficient work constituent elements. High-quality equipment quickly responds to the appearance of primary signs of fire.

Unreliable installations often lead to false signals. Each licensed organization determines the scope of work and determines the total cost.

Payment depends on many factors:

  1. room area;
  2. the type of system installed at the site;
  3. its level of complexity;
  4. branching;
  5. control method: automatic or manual;
  6. characteristics of electrical installation work;
  7. additional costs for materials.


Installation of fire alarm elements has its own characteristics. Before you begin installing a system, it is important to determine its type and design complexity. The configuration and costs of equipment depend on this. These types of work are performed by licensed organizations employing qualified designers and engineers.

At home, you can install a simple fire alarm yourself. Any installation of the system is carried out in accordance with the regulations and requirements of GOST. The basics of installation of alarm elements are specified in the regulatory documentation. For each object, the cost of services is calculated individually.

Video: Fire alarm installation

The fire alarm system is a necessary condition for the construction of some objects. First of all, this applies to buildings where explosive substances are stored. This includes buildings in the healthcare, general education, and manufacturing industries.

The safety of any premises depends on the correct installation of fire alarms. Improperly executed installation work not only will they not protect the structure during a fire, but they will also contribute to the issuance of fines.

Alarm device

The main function of a fire alarm system is to detect a fire in a room using installed systems sensors Modern manufacturers I propose to use the following sensors in fire alarm systems:

  • optical;
  • smoke;
  • thermal.

Optical sensors are capable of detecting infrared or ultraviolet radiation that is released during the combustion process. Smoke detectors respond to the occurrence of increased smoke, and thermal ones - to a sharp increase in temperature. Often, for system reliability, devices of different types are combined.

All sensors can be divided into wired and wireless. All of them are connected to a central console, which receives the corresponding signals from the sensors. After processing the information, the location of the fire is determined, a control signal is turned on, which starts the warning and fire extinguishing system.

This system is quite complex, so installation of a fire alarm can be carried out if there is project documentation, which takes into account the purpose of the object.

Design, connection and maintenance of alarm systems are permitted only to those companies that have certificates and licenses to carry out this work.

When preparing design documentation, they develop technical task. It is subsequently used to make a layout of cables and devices.

Installation norms and rules

The list of all norms and rules that describe installation features is quite large. But the main ones should be mentioned.

Acquainted with full list rules you can in GOST and SNIP. In addition, you should pay attention to the Federal laws on which the design documentation is based. It is also necessary to comply with the requirements of Fire Safety Standards.

If the installation requirements are not met, it is necessary to dismantle the installed equipment and carry out all work in accordance with the standards. In this case, dismantling will be carried out at the expense of the performing company.

The installation of a fire alarm must be carried out taking into account all the requirements:

  • fully comply with the design documentation and the specifics of the premises;
  • high-quality performance of work.

In a protected building, it is advisable to divide all the premises into several control zones, in each of which a certain number of sensors are installed.

Electrical network standards

Power and communications networks also focus on Special attention. After all, they must be resistant to fire. As the room temperature rises, their insulation must be maintained.

Communication and power wiring must be laid in different channels. Where they intersect with the electric main, they must be equipped with additional reliable insulation.

The central control panel must be located in a specific room. Access to it should be limited service personnel. There are several types of control panels. Each of them can be used in certain conditions. Accordingly, the assembly of each device is individual.

When choosing, choose a conductor with a larger cross-section than for lighting fixtures.


Current legislation does not prohibit installing fire alarm systems yourself. All work must be carried out in accordance with certain rules that are prescribed in the project documentation.

But experts recommend that the system be installed by professionals. On your own, with the skills to work with such systems, you can assemble a system for your home. Complex designs should only be carried out by specialists who guarantee the serviceability of the structure as a whole.

Specialists connect the sensors in accordance with previously prepared diagrams and instructions for the devices.

An example of installing a foam or water fire extinguishing device. They are used in libraries, shops, hospitals, hotels, etc. The water flow in such a system must be at least 10 l/s. In case of fire, the water supply should be at least 30 minutes, and the distance between sprinklers should be no more than 4 m.

The installation of a fire alarm should be carried out at a temperature of about +200, humidity of about 60%, in the presence of supply and exhaust ventilation.

After installation of the structure, it is necessary to carry out inspection work.

The cost of installing an alarm directly depends on the area of ​​the protected premises, and, accordingly, the amount of equipment used.

End of work

After the installation of the fire alarm system by the performing company and the customer, it is necessary to draw up a summary executive documentation. It is necessary to prepare the following documents:

  • journal and executive diagrams;
  • certificates of statements and tests, examination of hidden work;
  • quality certificates of the materials used, their certificates;
  • working drawings.

A complete list of all necessary documents can be found on the website of the Ministry of Emergency Situations.

How to disable the fire alarm system

Well, the connection is made in accordance with all the rules. The work order was followed. But during operation, the fire system may be triggered for no reason. At this time, you need to make sure that there is no fire, after which the device must be turned off. We figured out how to connect the systems, but how to turn them off? After all, an unpleasant specific sound is often produced. To turn off the alarm you must:

  1. determine the reason why the alarm went off. Maybe for some reason there was an accumulation of smoke in the house or a small fire broke out. In this case, the room must be well ventilated;
  2. If no reason is observed, then you need to turn off the device. A simple alarm can be easily turned off by turning off the power source from the sensors. The difficult one involves turning off the system from rooms with a central control panel. In this case, you will need to enter a certain code;
  3. radical method of elimination unpleasant sound is the cutting of wires. But remember, to restore the functionality of this alarm, in this case it will be necessary to carry out a number of sequential works.

The price for installing an automatic fire alarm starts from 18,000 rubles and depends on:

  1. Fire alarm type (analog, addressable, wireless)
  2. System type sound notification(siren, voice announcement)
  3. Type of object (warehouse, shopping center, school, office, store, gym, complex of buildings and structures)
  4. Interior decoration of the facility, special attention is paid to ceilings (Armstrong tiles, concrete, wood, metal)
  5. Ceiling height
  6. Area of ​​the facility and number of rooms, including corridors, vestibules
  7. Transport accessibility

What else needs to be done after installing a fire alarm?

After completing the installation of an automatic fire alarm (AFS), according to the article 61 And 63 Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 390 of April 25, 2012 “On the fire safety regime” the owner of the premises or the tenant (the person responsible for fire safety is specified in the lease agreement) must conclude a contract for fire alarm maintenance with an organization that has the right to perform this type works on the basis of a license from the Ministry of Emergency Situations.

A set of fire safety documents, what does it consist of, how can I prepare it myself?

Your site must have set of fire safety documents, when checking the Ministry of Emergency Situations, you will be asked to provide it partially or completely. Learn more about what documents it includes, how to prepare them yourself, and fine amount for their absence, you can find out in our article:

Is it necessary to install fire detectors behind a suspended ceiling (false ceiling, Armstrong, suspended ceiling, plasterboard, etc.)? Those same 40 cm.

According to points 13.3.8, 13.3.11, 13.3.16 Set of rules No. 5, if the distance from the false ceiling to the ceiling more than 40 cm., then the ceiling space must be monitored by fire detectors, which must be accessible for maintenance and repair. Fire alarm detectors are also installed on the suspended ceiling itself (false ceiling).

What to do if the suspended ceiling (false ceiling) is perforated (with holes)? Where is the sensor placed, on the ceiling or perforated parts of the ceiling?

According to paragraph 13.3.16 Set of rules No. 5, if all 4 points are met:

  • perforation (holes, cells) have a uniform structure
  • the area of ​​these holes is more than 40 percent of the false ceiling area
  • hole diameter or cell size greater than 10 mm
  • the thickness of the suspended perforated ceiling is less than three times that of minimum size holes, cells

then fire alarm detectors are installed on the ceiling, above the false ceiling. It is assumed that smoke will freely pass through the cells of the perforated suspended ceiling and will be monitored by a fire detector on the ceiling.

Accordingly, if at least one point is not observed, fire alarm detectors are installed on suspended ceiling and on the ceiling, if it is more than 40 cm from the false ceiling.

Where and why is the IPR manual call point installed?

Manual call point (IPR) of fire alarm according to paragraph 13.13 Code of Practice No. 5 is established to allow people to be notified of a fire if the fire was noticed before the fire alarm went off. The person who noticed the fire first begins to evacuate and, running out into the street, activates the manual call point, which turns on the fire warning system. Accordingly, manual call points are installed immediately before the exits from the building, from the floor to the stairs, on escape routes at a height of 150 cm. The distance between manual call points inside the building should not exceed 50 meters.

How to turn off (press the button) the IPR manual fire call point?

When a manual fire alarm call point is activated, the button goes down so that people are notified of the fire without stopping, in case of a false fire signal or accidental pressing of the manual call point button it must be turned off (press the button) using a special key. The key is supplied with the IPR and is kept by the person responsible for operating the fire alarm. In some IPR models, when activated, the glass on the front panel breaks and to turn it off you need to replace glass.

Is it necessary to install an “EXIT” light sign and where is it installed?

According to paragraph 5 Set of rules No. 3, the “EXIT” light sign is installed in rooms where more than fifty people can be present at the same time, as well as in exhibition and showrooms, cinemas, etc. regardless of the number of people. Installation of the “EXIT” light board is carried out immediately before exiting the street, from the floor to the stairs or to a safe area. The “EXIT” sign must be lit constantly and have a backup power supply, which will ensure the operation of the “EXIT” sign during a power outage.

But, designers and our engineers strongly recommend installing light boards“EXIT” when installing a fire alarm in all rooms before going out onto the street, stairs, where there are workplaces, because it is inexpensive, and in case of smoke, its help during evacuation is priceless.

In what cases is it necessary to install a voice warning system, and when is a siren sufficient?

Is it necessary to duplicate the signal from the fire alarm to the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the fire department or to the monitoring console of private organizations?

Installing a fire alarm is necessary, first of all, to notify people of a fire or smoke in the room. The time remaining to fight the fire and evacuate people and only then to save property depends on the timeliness of the fire alarm, so duplicate the fire alarm signal to the monitoring console of third-party organizations or the Ministry of Emergency Situations not necessary, with the exception of buildings of functional classes fire danger F1.1, F1.2, F4.1, F4.2 according to Article 83 paragraph 7 Federal Law of July 22, 2008 No. 123-FZ “Technical Regulations on Fire Safety Requirements”, and in Article 32 paragraph 1 The same Federal Law states which buildings belong to these classes:

  • F1.1— preschool buildings educational organizations, specialized homes for the elderly and disabled (non-residential), hospitals, dormitory buildings of educational organizations with the presence of a boarding school and children's organizations
  • F1.2- hotels, hostels, dormitories of sanatoriums and general holiday homes, campsites, motels and boarding houses
  • F4.1— buildings of educational institutions, organizations additional education children, professional educational organizations
  • F4.2— buildings of educational organizations higher education, organizations of additional professional education

In these buildings and structures, according to article 83 paragraph 7 it is said that duplication of the signal about a fire should occur without intermediaries, i.e. no one can do this private organization, but should happen directly to the Ministry of Emergency Situations console, for example using PAK "Strelets-monitoring".

In all other buildings and structures, they can optionally duplicate the signal from the fire alarm to the Ministry of Emergency Situations using the Strelets-Monitoring software package or in other ways to the remote control of a third-party monitoring organization, but by law do not do this not obliged.

Who is responsible for violating fire safety requirements?

Regulated Art. 38 Federal Law of December 21, 1994 No. 69-FZ “On Fire Safety”