“I don’t like the city and I say it straight”: how young people live in the village. "Rational good-natured people." Sociologist - about how modern youth live How our youth live now

There were no young girls in the entrance, and the grandmothers on the bench called the janitor a prostitute.

Good afternoon Today I decided to touch on one of the most pressing topics modern Russia and talk a little about the younger generation. I understand that this topic has been raped in all positions, chewed up by the media and tortured by everyone, from deputies to teachers, but this does not make it lose its relevance.

For the sake of understanding, I will make a short digression to explain my motivation for writing such a post. On Monday, I participated in the recording of a program on the LOT TV channel (Leningrad Regional Television Company), which was dedicated to the new law on obscene language, the purity of the Russian language and everything related to these issues on the Internet, namely in blogs and social networks (I can record post this evening or tomorrow morning). Early next week, I was invited to another program on the LOT channel, and the topic would be: “Is it easy to be young?”

Some people think that everything is bad, our young people are drinking alcohol and dying from drugs, others see positive trends, for example, demographic growth and look confidently into the future. Statistics can often be used in any way, depending on the context and purpose of use. Therefore, I would like to hear the “live” opinion of LiveJournal bloggers from different regions, about the state of affairs on the ground and your opinion about what is happening. Personally, I was in the youth council of one of the districts for about two years Leningrad Region and almost the same amount was headed by its municipal counterpart. Accordingly, participation in the system youth policy, interaction with various organizations, structures and government officials, gave me the opportunity to see the situation from different angles.

For those who are “in the tank,” I remind you that the category of youth in Russia includes citizens from 14 to 35 years old. I am now 24 years old and I am also a representative of this “dying out” part of our society, although perhaps I am exaggerating and yet, not “dying out”, but slowly gaining strength?

Statistics: Fertility/Mortality

According to Rosstat, as of January 1, 2013, the population of the Russian Federation was 143,347 thousand people. In 2012, for the first time since 1992, the population increased by 292.4 thousand people, or 0.2%. At the same time, the number of marriages over the past year in the country decreased by more than 100 thousand cases (by 7.85%). Young people, according to the same statistics, make up 27% of the total population of the country; according to some experts, this figure will be reduced to 20% by 2020. This means that over time there will be a shortage of the working population and, as a result, there will simply be no one to work. Against this background, the number of immigrants to Russia increased several times over that year.

How young people in Russia understand their country, their place in society and their future.

It turned out that they did not understand at all. Young people do not have any meaningful model for the structure of their country, and there is no clear scenario for their own life- Same.

Young people do not see prospects in the profession they received; they do not trust either the authorities or the opposition. Only those who chose the answer “emigration” had a clear vision of their future. A third of the boys and girls surveyed admitted their desire to leave the country.

If in a group of first-year students (from 17 to 25 years old) most often there is an attitude towards Russia as a great power, a powerful country, with a great past and a glorious future, then after 25, after graduating from university, this attitude changes to extremely skeptical : "A great power that is sliding into the abyss." Faced with reality, young people begin to look at the world dramatically.
Young people named the main problems of our country as follows: fools, roads, theft, arbitrariness of officials, alcoholism and drug addiction, as well as poverty. Moreover, according to the views of those surveyed, poverty is unfair - those who work honestly all their lives die in poverty. A third said they wanted to emigrate. Moreover, we noticed that such a desire was expressed by those who least often traveled anywhere.


I cited the statistics above for clarity, so that you can look at what is happening and compare with what you can observe in your region. You don’t have to do this and just write your opinion in the comments. I will write about my region. The youth of the Leningrad Region, which is the 4th most economically important region of the Russian Federation, may be in a slightly more advantageous position than their peers from other regions. And the presence of a city like St. Petersburg opens up more prospects for self-realization. But this is only at first glance. For some reason, many of my friends, acquaintances and acquaintances of acquaintances are in no hurry to take advantage of the opportunities that they have. Many simply do not care about their own country, have no vision of their future and have no desire to do anything.

Political views are superficial, often there is simply a lack of understanding of what is happening or simply no one cares. Not everything is so bad, there are creative, gifted and energetic guys, but in general, I can’t say that they are in the majority. Live in the province, even close to " Northern capital", is still quite boring and the less locality, the more clearly it manifests itself. The main difference is alcohol and drugs. Sometimes I am amazed at the indifference and laziness of individual representatives of my generation.

An indifferent attitude towards the country and one’s own destiny. I repeat that perhaps I’m just exaggerating, because there are many positive examples And not all young people are like this, but every year we see an increase in such negative trends. Well, I wrote a lot of letters, it seems to me better to continue the discussion on this topic in the comments, it will be more productive, if, of course, someone wants to discuss this topic.

They sent me questions that will be discussed during the recording of the program; if you have the desire and opportunity, I will be grateful for your answers to them:

1. What kind of informal youth organizations and subcultures exist? Why is it fashionable to be a representative of a subculture?
2. Are volunteer movements popular now?
3. Have the priorities of young people changed recently?
4. Professional guidance for young people when choosing a university?
5. Are there youth clubs or interest sections in the region?
6. What are the opportunities for part-time work in your free time?

Is everything so sad among young people? What opinion do you have about the younger generation of our country? "Is it easy to be young?"

30 facts about youth of the twenty-first century

At the end of 2016, Sberbank, together with the Validata agency, conducted a study among people from 5 to 25 years old. The review presents such aspects of the life of young people as information processing, relationships with parents, self-perception, attitudes and values, frustration and fears, expectations from the future. Read it with full confidence say: “This didn’t happen in our time!!”

Data processing

Fact 1. They were born with a button on their finger.

Online is the leading dimension of reality, shaping current trends and role models. It’s easier to meet people online, talk about yourself, look for information, and buy things. In every class there is a student who understands computer science better than the teacher. The current agenda is followed through social networks.

Fact 2. They perceive concise and visual information

Their attention switches quickly: the average period of concentration of a representative of generation Z on one object is 8 seconds. In general, information is consumed in small “snackable” portions. The visibility of information is important, since icons, emoticons and pictures often replace text.

Fact 3. There are no long-term trends

Social networks create a sense of flow in which everything changes every second - what is fashionable today is replaced by a new fashion tomorrow. There are no strong preferences, constant loyalty to brands and clothing styles, or “must-have lists” in music or cinema.

Relationships with parents

Fact 4. The generation gap is blurred

Parents build partnerships with their children, guided by the principle “not to scold for bad things, but to praise for normal things.” Both children and parents talk about each other with tenderness and warmth.

We praise them more. If they are problem-free, conflict-free, they seem to carry out tasks, they seem to communicate normally, you need to praise them so that they have some kind of incentive... Previously, they scolded them more. It’s the same in families: they used to scold more, but now they praise more.

Fact 5. Adults are not absolute authorities

Adults recognize that children are superior to them in many skills and are better at navigating modern, endlessly changing life. And young people, in turn, do not have any special reverence for their elders; they communicate with them freely and as equals.

We were brought up that it is impossible, it means it is impossible. And they ask: “Why not?” Why do I have to explain this?! They are not afraid to be right, to convey their opinion, to find out. They are not afraid to argue and ask questions.

Fact 6. Centennials are overprotected

Parents feel sorry for their children and take on all household responsibilities, putting minimal pressure on their children. As a result, Generation Z is not developing the skills to solve real-life problems.

We are more developed [compared to our parents], but we don’t understand how things work, we only roughly understand how things are done….


Fact 7. Can’t live without social interaction

It is important to constantly be in touch - children of generation Z are never alone, and they don’t really like to be alone. The company values ​​those qualities that make it easy to communicate. In any situation, it is very important to interact seamlessly.

Fact 8. Confidence in your own exclusivity

Generation Z is instilled with the idea of ​​their uniqueness - every child is talented and one of a kind. Everyone considers himself different from the other, hobbies are described as unusual, relationships with parents are considered better than others.

Fact 9. Mainstream generation

They totally follow the recommendations of online media and popular bloggers, as a result of which there are no clearly defined subcultures, and everyone becomes similar, despite the boundless belief in their own exclusivity, regardless of the city and level of material security.

The main word about girls now is “eyebrows.” They all do something with them...

Fact 10. They don’t see themselves as one generation

Young people do not notice what unites them. Everyone is free to do what they want, because a set of certain markers (hobbies, music, movies) are not perceived as a “friend or foe” signal.

Fact 11. The model of gradual movement to success does not work.

They have no confidence that gradual efforts will lead to the goal. The history of Russia in recent years has shown generation Z that everything can go wrong. However, they know that success can be easy and quick: numerous articles in online media tell stories of sudden and rapid success.

It is better to live for today and not make global plans for the future. How can you know, maybe a plane won’t fly into your house, like in the book “Empire of Angels”...

Fact 12. Quiet resistance VS open rebellion

They don’t openly rebel, don’t stage coups, and try to formally follow the rules. They act as they see fit, without informing their parents, demonstrating obedience and conformity.

Fact 13. Lack of gender equality

They adhere to the traditional view of the interaction of the sexes: girls should be modest, take care of the house and raise children, young people should provide for the family. Advanced girls are considered selfish and require constant demonstration of your worth. Most people plan to get married and start a family at the age of 25-27.

A man should be strict, with a backbone, but with his girlfriend he should be soft. I can’t imagine that I sit at home with the children while my wife earns money, this is moral castration for me

Attitudes and values

Fact 14. The main thing is to find your way

The attitude towards finding oneself is set not only by parents, but also by teachers. Moreover, it is actively broadcast through mass culture.

Fact 15. Hedonistic mindset

The main request from life is to be happy. The focus is on enjoying life, getting pleasure from it, valuing every moment and loving yourself. You can only become happy if you find your way. And difficulties mean that the path is chosen incorrectly.

Fact 16. Happiness is success

Success is not measured by wealth and status, but by life's variety and enjoyment. Only the “correctly chosen path” can lead to success.

Success is when you enjoy life, no matter what you do, you have harmony in your soul, if you work for 20 thousand, but at the same time you are happy, there are no conflicts within, you are a successful person.

Fact 17. Self-development is fashionable

Centennials constantly talk about self-development and self-improvement. Self-development is considered to be any hobby, any activity “at will,” travel, music and drawing classes, going to the cinema and theater, interest in history or photography.

Fact 18. Life is good when it's varied

Life should be varied - it should combine work, family, hobbies, travel, communication with friends, otherwise life seems boring, and a person degrades. You definitely need to try different things, then life will be more interesting and it will be easier to find your way.

Fact 19. Work should be a joy

The words “career” and “prestigious job” are practically not heard; young people are not ready to “work hard”. Work should bring pleasure, income and not take up a lot of time.

Fact 20. Individualistic mindset

Representatives of Generation Z do not think about changing the world or humanity; first of all, they want to make their lives and the lives of their loved ones comfortable.

I think it’s stupid to do charity work now. If you have time to go and wash windows in some orphanage, it is better to spend this time on yourself and self-development, so that you can earn more money later. And then in the future you will be able, for example, to buy toys for the whole orphanage.

Fact 21. Passionately want recognition

They expect praise for any action even in adult life. Recognition should lead to social popularity at work, among friends and on social networks.

We live differently, we go to look and take pictures so that others will appreciate and envy, but before we went somewhere just to relax.

Fact 22. It's fashionable to be smart

It's fashionable to be able to install social connections, maintain a conversation on various topics and generally be not boring.

Fact 23. Apology for family values

It is customary among young people to say that they love their family and adore their parents. Successful family life- a sign of wealth, and ultimately, happiness. Creating a good family is more important goal than professional implementation.

I see that my parents will be my most reliable support all my life; mom and dad are the people I can really rely on!

Frustrations and fears

Fact 24. Fear of disappointing parents

A parenting model that emphasizes encouragement and “faith in the child” appears to be “positive pressure” for young people. At the same time, they experience the fear of not living up to the expectations placed on them.

Fact 25. Wrong choice is a disaster

“The right choice” becomes almost a matter of life or death; you cannot make a mistake, because then happiness, and therefore the feeling of success, is at risk. Centennials experience a constant fear of the irreversibility of the choice they have made; it seems to them that with an abundance of roads and forks, they can only take one and only once.

Fact 26. Freedom of choice is not a help, but a hindrance

Parents do not help in choosing a path; they refuse to take responsibility because they themselves do not know “what is right” and are afraid of reproaches in the future. At the same time, young people feel confused because they are faced with a choice without any clear guidelines. And the path of parents seems routine and monotonous.

We are a confused generation. Previously, parents were strict, but this is the most positive severity: they told me how to do it, they listened to them. Yes, and now you are standing at a crossroads, you don’t know where to go. Freedom itself turned out to be a limitation.

Fact 27. Fear of “ordinary” life

Generation Z is afraid that adult life will be monotonous, in which they will forget how to see joy in everyday life. And life without spontaneity and intense experiences cannot be interesting.

Fact 28. Fear of loneliness and social inadequacy

Ideal future - family and friends. Being a “loner” is a failure and falling out of society. Loneliness does not mean independence and freedom.

People look at me with horror and do not understand me. It scares me. I could live alone or with only one person, but of course I would like to be in society, without this I won’t be able to live fully.

Expectations for the future

Fact 29. Minimum planning horizon

The distant future seems incomprehensible and scary to Generation Z. The planning horizon only works if there is an absolutely clear goal: finish school, pass exams, graduate from university.

Fact 30. The main expectations from the future are comfort and tranquility

Generation Z sets unambitious goals to avoid disappointment. The main expectations from the future are “Safe Choice”: normal life, simple happiness, comfort, well-being, tranquility, family.

I want ordinary female happiness) a family, a house by the pond so that children can run around) so that you don’t need anything) but you don’t need too much either) so that your parents are healthy and proud of this happiness.

What prospects exist for the youth of Russia and what do these prospects consist of? This is what we will talk about.

There is no work, no future, no development, there are no people nearby who believe in the village, the decadent mood of the population, poverty, fellow countrymen suffering from idleness, the main residents are pensioners, “ real life", which no one has ever seen and which can only be seen on TV screens and I really want to try. In most villages, especially in the outback, this is exactly what happens.

For city dwellers who come for a couple of days, it’s almost a resort, nature, distances, horizons, but urbanized Russians, who have breathed and seen enough of everything rural, will definitely happily return to their city.

The prospects of a country can also be judged by what percentage of young people want to stay in it permanently, build a career, start a family, raise children. Without confidence in a country, one cannot live well in it.

Russian youth for the most part remain and want to stay in their homeland. The era when the main solution to problems was considered to be “getting over the hill” is over; today it is becoming fashionable to believe in the country.

Youth is a group of the population aged from 14 to 30-35 years. The end of childhood and the beginning of adult life, according to the Russians themselves, is the period from 16 to... 35 years. According to the latest data, there are 39.6 million young citizens in Russia - 27% of the country’s total population. About 10 million live in the countryside, most of the youth in Dagestan, Ingushetia, and Chechnya.

What are Russian youth like?

Less than half of young people are interested in politics:

“The results of some studies show that young people are generally apolitical. Less than half of young Russians participate in federal elections, and only 33 percent of young citizens under the age of 35 are interested in politics.

Only 2.7 percent of young people take part in activities public organizations"(Wikipedia)

Despite the universally implemented policy of tolerance, a fairly large percentage of young people share nationalist motives:

“..at the moment, 35 percent of young people aged 18-35 experience irritation or hostility towards representatives of other nationalities, 51 percent would approve of the decision to evict certain national groups from the region.”

The unemployment rate among young people is quite high: 6.4%. And this despite the fact that there are a lot of job opportunities, and many employers prefer young, but less educated workers to educated ones who are in middle and advanced age.

The preference of young people for an idle and dependent lifestyle is associated with the cultivation in society of ideas about glamor fashion, about the benefits of choosing the easy path over the difficult and principled one. That is, to put it simply, an ordinary teenager, a young man, not burdened with moral principles, does not understand why “hunch over” in order to achieve unclear goals when there are simpler ways to get “booty”.

Girls may be looking not for work, but for a sponsor or relying on their parents’ support (62% of girls aged 20 to 29 are dependent), guys get involved in crime and dubious adventures(the most frequently committed crimes among young people are robbery, drug trafficking, fraud, theft), some of the young people can simply waste years aimlessly in “doing nothing”“, because there are still mom and dad who support.

Most actual problems youth in our country: alcoholism, drug addiction, unemployment (in the Caucasus regions the unemployment rate reaches 13%), lack and difficulty of purchasing housing, divorce, etc.

As for the stories often voiced in the media about the degradation of Russian youth, the hysteria is created; in fact, the percentage of “spoiled” young people is no greater than in other countries and is not very different from the same percentage during the existence of the USSR.

After all, youth are the product of society, their parents, and everything they are is largely given to them by others.

About the degradation of the population and even more primitive ways of combating it in the social video “Modern Youth” with your own eyes (read the comment below):

It was not without reason that I chose this particular video; it is clear to all thinking people that there are different types of youth. And to put emphasis on those who “hang out” in courtyards and lead an immoral lifestyle, as the brightest representatives of modern Russia, when there are those young people who are raising the country, is stupid.

But I liked the comment under the video, which explains the picture well:

The idols of young people 10 years ago were “pop and rock stars, representatives of the “golden” youth (52%), successful businessmen, oligarchs (42%), athletes (37%).” Two-thirds of young Russians believe that Russia will become a country healthy image life.

Every second young person studies, the majority dreams of going to university after graduating from school, every seventh wants to go to college, every fifth after graduating from school wants to go to work.

According to data at the beginning of the 21st century, young people entered universities mainly in economics and engineering and technical specialties, half of the students in universities were enrolled on a paid basis.

Politicians place bets on the young, the maturing generation is called the potential of the country, while the young themselves often go their own way. And this is not at all because they are obstinate due to an excess of intelligence, they are far-sighted, insightful, they are simply tired of lectures, life according to orders (after all, many are far from politics), they choose, albeit thorny, meaningless, but their own path.

Post-perestroika ideology, which certainly affected the worldview of the entire country, gave rise to the germs of reckless self-will in the younger generation born at that time. If in Soviet times a person performed many actions on orders, for the benefit of the system, there was a goal, albeit one to which they were forced, then after the collapse of this system, there were more opportunities to achieve different goals, but there was less incentive.

And today young Russians are just beginning to realize that their main driving force is inside, that no one will do anything for them, that they need to achieve something themselves.

Most young Russians are employed:

“By the nature of work in material production, young people were distributed as follows: 89.8% are employed, 2.7% own a business with hired labor, 2.2% are employed and have own business, 2.5% are engaged in self-employment activities, 5.5% in other types of activities (small commerce, work in personal subsidiary and household activities).

That is, the overwhelming majority of young people in material production make up the hired labor force.

Only a little more than two percent of young people own their own enterprises that produce products and are employers. And about ten percent are engaged in small businesses.”

In total, the overwhelming majority of the employed population in Russia are low- and medium-skilled workers:

“The share of highly qualified specialists (science, education) is 18.8%, managers in bodies government controlled and production management – ​​8.0%, semi-qualified specialists ( technical specialists in production, auxiliary specialists in intellectual work) - 15.4%, skilled workers in enterprises and service sector workers - 47.0%, unskilled workers - 10.8%.

Total workers (workers) of medium and low qualifications together make up 73.2%, which is clearly not attractive to young people in the age of technological progress and informatization.”

There are many vacancies and offers for young people on the labor markets that do not require special knowledge or qualifications. There is work, the reason, rather, is the lack of motivation among the people themselves.

About one of the most promising types of business for young people - the actively developing Internet sphere, in the video of the Rossiya24 channel

IT specialties are becoming one of the most popular areas of education for young people.

With the beginning of legally permitted individual labor activity in 1988, 9% of the economically active population of the USSR joined it. Currently, 14.8% of the economically active population in the Russian Federation work in small businesses - this is the growth over 24 years.

Considering huge opportunities— too few Russians use them, preferring hired labor as their main work activity. Some people justify it as weak state support small businesses, some with start-up capital costs, lack of guarantees. But in reality, many are simply afraid to take risks.

So, there are many prospects, but you need to use them. In addition to the labor sphere, the education sector is accessible to everyone; it is quite simple to obtain professional skills if desired. There are many specialties that are similar to each other, there is no strict selection, unless you enroll in a field where there are 300 people per place, there is an alternative in the form of paid education.

Most young people have a reserved attitude towards the West and do not consider it an enemy.

The most big influence According to surveys, the formation of the foundations of the life experience of young people is influenced by the family, the company in which the teenager finds himself, school, the army, etc. chatting in Internet. The last point became especially relevant after 2010; previously, such influence was replaced by radio and television, today their niche has been occupied by the Internet, which once again proves the growing popularity of the latter.

78% of Russians consider themselves patriots (89% recognize patriotism as a deeply personal feeling), while 42% are proud to live in Russia, 27% are proud of Russia itself. Young people look at the attitude of older generations towards the country.

According to other data, 68% consider Russia a great power. 77% agree that Russia will become a prosperous country only due to its originality, moving in its own special way, different from the Western one.

More than 80% of Russians want to stay in Russia, only about 12% want to go abroad.

Among those who still want to leave the country are 50% of young people under 35 years of age, with a high level of education and income. As statistics say, it is highly qualified specialists who are leaving or want to leave, literate people who know several foreign languages; in other countries they are either guaranteed a place waiting for them or they are confident that they will find one without any problems. People with low incomes and education are also leaving.

An impressive portion of young people whose parents have average income and social status, choose the path that the majority chooses. And if everyone around loves the country, then children and young people treat it accordingly. Not everything is going smoothly in Russia in many areas ( social security, living conditions of different categories), but all the negativity that exists in any country can be overshadowed by the satisfaction of living in a great power.

“Over the past two years, Russians’ satisfaction with almost all areas of personal and work life has increased. With the exception of satisfaction with the nutrition of one’s own family, which decreased by half. The population is still least satisfied with financial situation families and living conditions.”

Russians dream of living to a ripe old age, living life with dignity, and only 1% includes migration abroad among their main dreams.

Of course, you don’t have to write about love for Russia on your forehead; moreover, love for your homeland is a voluntary and not obligatory feeling, but respect for the country in which you live is necessary condition normal life.

It’s one thing when young people stay in the country, because everyone else is staying, there is no money, courage, faith to go abroad, and quite another thing when they have no illusions, and, knowing that social benefits are lower, the conditions for business development in Russia worse, but they consciously choose this path because this is their homeland.

In Russia, as in any other country, in order to live well, you need to try, first of all you need to understand that no one will do anything for anyone and happiness mostly depends on the people themselves.

For a successful existence, it is not enough to have good external living conditions; you need faith in the country, in the prospects of life in this country.

There is a high tendency among young people to have high expectations. This is when 70-80% of school graduates want to enter universities (and believe that this is prestigious too social norm have higher education), are confident that they will become highly qualified specialists, but only 25% of them study with “good” and “excellent” marks.

Of those studying at school, only 13% would like to go abroad, but 50% would not mind studying and returning back, or relaxing there; in general, everyone wants to work and live in Russia.

Modern youth considers the main components of happiness to be material wealth, good health, friendly family.

The share of youth in the world population is at least 18%, most of them live in developing countries. According to Wikipedia, 209 million of these 1.5 billion young people are forced to live on less than $1 a day, and 515 million are forced to live on less than $2 a day.

The Russians average earnings- 30 thousand rubles. per month, that is, a thousand rubles. in a day. Young people, given their combination of studies or lack of experience, may earn less, but even 500 rubles. - that's significantly more than $2 a day.

In general, we are far from poor. Russia ranks first in the list of countries in terms of population literacy, education is accessible and social. the norm for many.

I think that you need to look soberly and before speaking with your own lips about the absolute viability and prospects of the country, you need to believe in it. For most young people in Russia good conditions to realize oneself, but there are areas that are absolutely not taken into account by the state, there are problems, difficulties with the health of people, children, which are solved much easier abroad than in Russia.

And if in our country they give up on some difficult cases, then abroad they will easily find a way out or perceive it as the norm, and not as an object for experiments, manifestations of curiosity. Many understand this; this does not make the homeland cease to be the homeland.

Still, the majority of young people will never leave the country, and the crisis of recent years, including tense relations with the West, and the strengthening of patriotic sentiments and faith in the country, will contribute to the fact that the younger generation will prefer Russia to overseas horizons. And this means that those who remain will have to raise the country, and not just be in it.

Ruslana, 20 years old

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4 out of 4

Place of Birth: Zheshart village, Komi Republic, 7 thousand people
Place of residence: village of Vylgort, Komi Republic, 12 thousand people

I lived with my parents in a village in a wooden house, and now I have moved to a neighboring village to study to become a veterinarian. Mom works as a therapeutic nurse, and dad is a bailiff. I helped my parents around the house from the age of seven, but I didn’t do anything special: I cleaned the house, fed the animals, changed hay for the cows. Now I live in a hostel. After studying, I take up carving, knitting, military sports training, and vocals. Even in the evening in front of the TV, I like to keep my hands busy.

The school had two classes of twenty-five people. There are two schools in the village and two kindergartens. My classmates were diligent and did not play truant - I think that villagers are often more hardworking than city students.

It is clear that we don’t have something like a cinema, but there are no problems with work, since there is a plywood factory, and everyone who asks for work is not turned away there. We once had several large farms, but they were abandoned: cows were slaughtered for meat, things were stolen, fields were abandoned. This is sad, because, firstly, people used to know that they ate meat without additives, and, secondly, they understood that they were needed, so they waited for something new working day. When the farm was closed, the men began to drink too much because there was no work. A few months later they were called to another job, but on the condition that they were coded. Some never made it back.

When I look into a cow's eyes, I see that she looks back with kindness and waits to be petted.

I dream of starting my own farm. To start with 50 heads, so that the cows have tags and chips. On modern farms, cows are never tied up: they drink, eat, and walk whenever and wherever they want. They can even go to a special apparatus with brushes to scratch and pamper themselves. Milking takes place on the clock, and the cow herself knows when to go home.
Now an adult cow costs about 400 thousand rubles. Sometimes, if it is difficult for a person to purchase several dozen heads, the state gives the first large payment to those who return to the village after studying. But even if they didn’t make a contribution, it wouldn’t stop me: on farms you can work as a nurse, then as a milkmaid, then you can get to the head doctor and earn money from this position.

My grandparents always had cows, pigs, chickens, geese - I loved to look after them, feed them, and that’s why I want to connect my life with this. When I look into a cow's eyes, I see that she looks back with kindness and waits to be petted.

I would like to return to the village, because even a village is uncomfortable. There are too many stone houses, sidewalks and other things there. What can we say about cities where there is no air, nature and river.

Dasha, 18 years old

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4 out of 4

Place of Birth: Obrosovo village, Vologda Region, 300 people
Place of residence: Vologda city, 300 thousand people

My school was ten minutes walk from home. From the first to the third grade, only three people studied with us, then two more girls came to us. There were a few more guys who stayed for the second year and ended up in our class. We spent time at school with almost the whole family, since my dad works as a physics and computer science teacher and leads tourism, and my mother teaches in primary school.

In general, there are not many teachers, and it often happens that one teacher teaches physical education and drawing or, for example, history, biology and chemistry at once. In the fall, during labor lessons, we collected crops in the school garden, where the students work, and in the spring we went to clean-up days throughout the village. We also sometimes helped the cook in the kitchen if she couldn’t keep up. Some teachers conducted lessons with cheerful enthusiasm, uttered various funny phrases: “that’s where the dog rummaged,” “tropical nonsense,” “I’m fucking sick.” I sometimes pronounce these expressions myself now.

I only recently became a student, but now I understand that there weren’t many really important things in my life, besides family and school, but they still existed. For example, since childhood, my dad instilled in me a love of sports - since I was six years old, I have been going on water trips every summer. I also absolutely love mountains. All year round Our whole family went skiing or cycling, and I really honor these traditions.

During two years of studying at a city school, I never found friends: I felt that I was different from them, and I liked it

Religion also occupies an important place in my life - I am Orthodox. This was not forced on me, I just went to Sunday school in the village - that’s how it all started. If you force something on me, I will do the opposite. We were taken to churches and monasteries on excursions at will. As I grew older, I began to go to services myself, go to confession, and receive communion. I believe that there is no need to impose your faith on anyone - this is a very delicate matter.

In Obrosovo you can only study until the 9th grade, so in high school I had to go to the city. I didn’t go to tutors, and why would there be tutors when there’s a village full of teachers? No one ever refused help, because the teachers treated us like their own children, and this is the main difference between a village school and a city school. You could come home to the teacher, and he would explain everything, and not only about studies, but about any issue. There is no such thing in the city - it’s every man for himself. During two years of studying at a city school, I never found friends: I felt that I was different from them, and I liked it.

In the evenings I go out onto the porch and hear the birds singing, the grasshoppers chirping - I would never trade all this for the city

I'm a country girl - I don't like big cities and I say this honestly. It seems to me that there is no life there: there are only skyscrapers, cars, traffic. I've been to many of these places. Is it possible in the city to go out onto the porch, stretch and run on the grass? How about a swim in the river? In the evenings I go out onto the porch and hear the birds singing, the grasshoppers chirping - I would never trade all this for the city.

Of course, there are problems in the village. For example, our road is terrible, although according to documents and maps there is asphalt. All our farms are also in last years closed, although there were once many cows there. I remember driving a car to visit my grandmother and suddenly a whole herd crosses the road - so you stand and wait. Now there are no jobs at all, so people are leaving for the city. But we would need a good chairman, so that he himself would be a mountain for the village, like the residents, but this does not exist yet, and this is very sad.

There are so many prospects in the city, but I don’t need any of it. I just need a house in the village next to the river - and that’s it, I’ll be the happiest person in the world. I respect those who live in the city, but if someone tells me that I am a country girl, I will take it as a compliment. But if they offend my village, then I will answer.

Recently we were annexed to another settlement: we were called Borovetskoye, but became Prigorodnoye. It’s like a knife in the back - all the residents were against it, but the annexation still happened. And just as we were born Borovets, we will die as Borovets.

Nikolay, 20 years old

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Place of Birth: Selivanikha village, Minusinsk district, Krasnoyarsk Territory, 2 thousand people
Place of residence: Minusinsk city, 68 thousand people

My village is located five kilometers from the city and is divided into two parts - an area with private plots and an area with brick two-story buildings in which there are apartments. People with apartments still buy plots to have their own garden. Of course, there are shops in the village - five of them, but theirs is still more familiar and of better quality. My father and mother already lived in a new brick neighborhood, and my grandparents lived in a wooden house, but I helped them all. Also, as a teenager, I worked in a construction team - we collected garbage around the village and received small money for it.

In our parallel there were two classes of 13 people. There were no special problems at school, although I was often called to the carpet to see the director. I passed the exams in the ninth year and entered acting in the city without exams. After the eighth grade at a summer camp, the guys and I showed sketches, and an uncle came up to me and noticed me. It turned out that he is the director of the College of Culture and Arts. He said that I had good data and invited me to study. Now I want to continue my studies - get a higher education and become an actor. There is one theater in the city, but there are no jobs there, so you will have to go somewhere. I have never been to Moscow, but I think that I still want to try to enter GITIS.

My village is developing. For example, recently on the main street they installed something like a traffic light with one yellow light- it blinks at night and shows that there is a pedestrian crossing. We also have a regional House of Culture, which was built in the nineties. There is a dance studio, a library, and an airsoft section. But still, I admire megacities, because in big cities there are a lot of people, there is room to expand and there is someone to meet.

Ksyusha, 22 years old

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Place of Birth: Chapaevo village, Sakhalin island, 700 people
Place of residence: Vladivostok city, 600 thousand people

My mother works in the regional center - she is an assistant judge in the magistrate's court. Dad goes fishing. And my grandmother works as a personnel officer in the village itself at the Korsakovsky state farm.

I don’t have a boyfriend, although almost all of my classmates have gotten married and have children. In the village people give birth and get married very early, but I’m in no hurry. I always wanted to be a translator, I studied Japanese. I passed almost all subjects on the Unified State Exam, but it was in English that I lacked a couple of points for admission to a Vladivostok university on a budget.

As a result, I entered Vladivostok as a political scientist, but I often regret my choice, since this specialty did not impress me at all. I think I could go to the Sakhalin university to study languages. Now I am studying for a master's degree in the specialty " social work", but I'm also not happy with my choice. But I can’t drop out, because all my relatives consider education extremely important. Although the village boys who left after the ninth grade and graduated from colleges and technical schools work as tractor drivers and earn 60 thousand rubles a month. And I work part-time as a waiter in a Korean restaurant for 20 thousand.

There are a lot of problems and disadvantages in sparsely populated areas. There are two shops in our village, kindergarten, school, first aid station, library and disco once a week. People have nothing to do except drink in the evenings after work. Therefore there high level alcoholism. But improvements, of course, occur, although rarely. For example, not long ago children's playgrounds and several sports equipment were installed in the village.

I myself went to work at the age of 14: first I mowed grass near houses, washed entrances, and then got a job as a cleaner in a state farm office.

Before enrolling, I went to school by bus to a neighboring village - it was 10 minutes by bus and 10 minutes on foot from the stop to the school. Initially, the classes consisted of 15–20 people, but most left after the ninth grade, and there were now seven of us left - 2 girls and 5 boys. The village is located near the city, and many students come from there, because at every lesson you will definitely be asked and you will not be able to sit in the corner - these are classes comparable to tutoring. Usually, urban children are sent to village schools by their parents - they drop them off and pick them up every day. Many teachers also come from the city to work and they are quite competent. As for the Unified State Exam, our school receives one of the best results throughout the district and even the region. But even despite this, the village still remains a village. City schoolchildren can be immediately recognized from village ones - at least their clothes are different. My village classmates mostly wore tracksuits, and they all smoked.

I came from school at 3 o’clock in the afternoon - I rested and watched TV. Then there were some chores around the house. If I spent the night with my parents, my duties included only washing the dishes and vacuuming, since my parents live in an apartment. But most often I spent the night with my grandmother in a private wooden house, and there I still had to bring water from the river or from a well, bring coal and firewood. In the summer, gardening and cutting wood are added to the responsibilities. I can’t say that I did it reluctantly: this is a necessity for village life, which has become a habit.

I myself went to work at the age of 14: first I mowed grass near houses, washed entrances, and then got a job as a cleaner in a state farm office. They paid well, and I was happy with the personal money.

I love motherland. I remember village games with particular pleasure: these are all sorts of war games with wooden sticks, and tuck-it-for-yourself (hide and seek. - Note ed.), all kinds of ball games, Board games, regular and plantain dolls, hopscotch, jump ropes and much more. Almost the entire day we were left to our own devices, and we had a whole village at our disposal, and not like the city people - only small yard, beyond which you cannot go. I’ve been to different big cities, but I haven’t found anything better than Sakhalin. I would like to return to my homeland, life in the village is mine. It's peace and quiet, and if I want entertainment, I can go to the city, it's not far.

Andrey, 18 years old

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Place of Birth: Peshnigort village, Perm region, 800 people
Place of residence: there

My school is located in the center of the village, but I live on the outskirts. There are many children at the school, because not only village residents study there, but also people from nearby villages. There were from 16 to 24 people in my class different time. In the primary grades, our school is mainly attended by children from families, and in high school Many children come from the orphanage, we have our own in the village. I can’t say that there are people in the village who live very poorly, but still in my class there were children whose clothes had not changed for several years.

As children, we most loved to play Cossacks-robbers and football; in winter we built caves, descended on “avalanches” from steep slope and, of course, we rode down the mountain on the hood of a car. There were no computers or telephones, so we had to look for interesting TV shows in the newspaper and find out the weather there. Previously, we had to carry water home every day, but now we have our own well. We also used to have a Russian oven, where my grandmother and mother baked pies and shangi (round pies with cottage cheese or potatoes. - Note ed.), and now we have a regular stove, so we cook food mainly on the stove, and use the stove only to heat the house. We also have a bathroom, but we hardly use it - a bathhouse, of course, is better than any bathroom.

The village has its own improvements: before we had one store, but now there are five of them

Mom works as a primary school teacher. Dad worked for the police as a signalman, and now he works in city electrical networks. I am currently a third year student teacher training college- one might say, I continue the dynasty of teachers. Most likely, then I will teach physical education and gymnastics, but before that I need to have time to serve in the army. I was raised in such a way that I consider it a matter of honor to give back to my homeland. My main goal is to get back on my feet and provide my parents with good retirement days.

I don't like big cities because of the hustle and bustle and large quantity cars But I would like to visit them to see the beauty of the Kremlins, monasteries and all that. The village has its own improvements: before we had one store, but now there are five. They are also building a church, because in Soviet time the only church was destroyed, and restoration work has only begun now. My grandmother is very religious, and she tries to instill this in us. I am baptized, and I believe in God - sometimes I turn to him in difficult times, and this makes me a little more confident in myself.

With friends we love to spend time outside - with games on the slide and in the snow. Sometimes you want to walk until late, even despite the extremely rare illumination of the streets and temperatures down to minus forty. In the warm season, we often go out for picnics and fishing, and go picking mushrooms and berries. Of course, in the summer there is also work in the garden. But, unfortunately, we do not have places for swimming.

Now there are only five people in my eleventh grade. The school is located a few minutes walk from the house, the atmosphere there is friendly and calm: everyone is friendly to each other. This year I hope to get gold medal and go to the city university to study journalism, and then I want to get a prestigious job.

I think people in cities are more preoccupied with their own problems, more self-absorbed. If a person in the village becomes ill, they will pay attention to him much faster than in the city. I myself have not been to big cities and have not traveled outside my region, but I think I could still live in megacities. It would take me a long time to get used to, but in big cities there are a lot of opportunities for self-development, shopping, business, career growth, and this outweighs all fears.

Today there are not many villagers left compared to the number of city dwellers, because we all know about the advantages of city life. But there are those who love the slow-paced village life - as a rule, these are adults who have considered the decision to live in the village. They either moved from the city, which often happens, or simply stayed in the village in accordance with their worldview, habits, and state of mind.

Villagers often suffer from alcoholism, poverty and lack of education. In this regard, I have a feeling that the government does not take good care of people who live in regions with small populations. I myself often see poverty in my native village, and then I watch the lives of citizens on TV, and I get a feeling of the gap between the rich and the poor in our country. For me, living well means having the opportunity to receive a constant income in an amount that is enough to meet my needs. At least I don’t want to think about how to distribute money for food so that there is enough of it.

Twenty first century…. What are the interests of young people living today and now on Earth? What are her values, priorities, views? These questions cannot be answered in a few words. Therefore, we will answer in detail and fairly.

Here is a report, an abstract and an essay, educational issues and an abstract for a presentation... the article is written as a report for an interested audience.


It is impossible not to mention it first, because almost all modern youth “hang out” in virtuality. Guys and girls live in several worlds. And, sad as it is, the virtual world is replacing reality. Forums, social media, entertainment portals…. They are capable of keeping people glued to computer monitors and laptops for almost days.

Sometimes it seems that guys and girls who “live” online are too lazy to go out into the real world.

Virtuality is very convenient because you can say, comment, discuss a lot, and are not afraid of judgmental glances.


Modern youth cannot imagine life without them. The club is a place for meeting people, relaxing and having a good time. Many modern individuals do not know how to relax differently.


Just don’t rush to say that the concept of “fashion” applies more to girls. Many guys love and adore fashion. They are even ready to spend their entire salary on new things. And they don't think there's anything shameful about it. Guys also love to look great, keeping up with fashion trends.


Without her it’s like without air. It is through her that the new generation, basically, strives to convey absolutely all their emotions, feelings, sensations, views, experiences... That is why new musical movements often began to emerge.


Cars and motorcycles

Many people disappear into these “iron kings of the roads.” There are fans among car and motorcycle enthusiasts. They themselves assemble “author’s vehicles” from many old spare parts. It turns out quite well, by the way. If you also add LEDs and tuning.

Cell phones

How can you not be interested in them if they have conquered the whole world? No one can imagine life without the presence of a mobile phone. And many have several of them. It’s just that one likes certain bells and whistles, and the other likes others. Considering the quantity mobile operators, a mobile phone in a single copy is not a mobile phone.



He rules over human weaknesses. A person who has become involved in all this gambling can no longer live peacefully without the goal of winning big money. A lot of guys lose cars, houses, savings. They realize that they are left with nothing and continue to play...

Sport Despite technological progress, sport has not died in. Its most popular types are football, hockey, volleyball, basketball. One cannot help but remember the skateboarders who occupy the squares and avenues of cities.



It is of interest, of course, not only to young people. But for this category of people, communication is of particular importance. Words are a way of self-expression, narration about oneself.


This can be attributed to clubs, but we decided to consider this “interest” separately, since it has some of its own nuances. Why do guys and girls love discos? Not only for dancing and meeting new people. They are calmed by color music and music. They seem to “tune” everyone to the right wave. Young people can quickly relieve stress if they bring it to a disco.

Computer games

There are so many magazines, articles, websites dedicated to them... Discs are selling out before our eyes. Especially those games in which boys and girls find themselves. Games that are based on the plot of your favorite films or TV shows are also popular.

Neither girls nor boys think about gambling addiction. And, unfortunately, she may come...


No matter how crazy it may sound, sex and youth are an “inseparable couple.” Both guys and girls are already accustomed to making love on the first date. They consider it normal and natural. Hence the “not embarrassed” about vulgarities and intimate issues.


Why are they interesting to young people? Because they want to buy more of everything than people of a different age category. They need to show off to their friends! They need to show how self-sufficient and independent they are. Not everyone succeeds in showing themselves from this side, but they try, resorting to the most in various ways. Young people don’t even think that stealing and cheating are bad. Guys and girls forget that debts need to be repaid, even though they can’t do it on time.


Films with erotic content, comedies with elements of vulgarity, and obscene scenes are the pinnacle of dreams for young people. Unfortunately, such films infect young people with the virus of addiction.

In general, modern youth like to live the way they live!

Learn something new for yourself, make up your mind. Life is especially interesting when meaning appears in it. Meaning is not without purpose.

The question of how to become a leader does not leave anyone indifferent. In every company, even consisting of ten people, everyone strives to occupy exclusively leadership positions. But not everyone can be a leader! And then key point in this whole issue it is not the end in itself, but the desire for it.

There are a lot of negative things associated with guys and girls who live in our time. But who they become in this life depends only on them. Only they can realize and plan what they will achieve and how they will be perceived by acquaintances and strangers.

Do not miss. . .