The blind area is painted white. Is the blind area crumbling? Use modern concrete impregnations! Strengthening the foundation, or How to properly paint concrete surfaces with rubber paint

In order to protect the foundation of the house from the penetration of atmospheric moisture, a blind area must be made around each building. For its production are used various materials, but concrete is most often chosen for this purpose.

Concrete, being artificial stone, has sufficient strength to last for several decades. But anyone, even a not very experienced builder, knows that concrete structures located on outdoors Quite quickly they become covered with cracks, cavities and other defects. The culprit of these processes is water - the most terrible enemy concrete structures. Penetrating into the pores of concrete, it freezes and contributes to the formation of micro-fractures in the material, which subsequently turn into serious defects.

And, if water quickly drains from concrete walls, then the blind area, which has a slight slope and is almost horizontal, is exposed to moisture much longer and therefore needs protection.

It is advisable immediately after installing the blind area, but even if quite a lot of time has passed and it has begun to crumble, it is not too late to use the achievements modern science and restore its integrity and functionality.
For this purpose, special substances called “concrete impregnations” are used.

Impregnations for concrete, their types and purpose

There are two types of means to improve the properties of concrete. These are additives and impregnations.

But, if additives are used to introduce into the concrete mixture during its preparation, then impregnations are applied after the concrete has acquired the necessary strength. They are used not only for protection, but also to restore the properties of those in use.

Unlike additives that change the properties of the entire mass of concrete, impregnations are able to affect a depth of no more than 5 mm. But this is quite enough to significantly extend the life of the structure.

All impregnations for concrete are divided into two large types:

  • made on the basis of inorganic compounds;
  • made on the basis of organic compounds.

The effect of inorganic mixtures on concrete is based on their ability to react with soluble external molecular compounds of the structure, turning them inert to other reactions. Thus, upper layer concrete becomes immune to impact external factors.

Organic impregnations are liquid mixtures containing polyurethane and epoxy resins. When in contact with concrete, they fill all, even the smallest, pores of the outer layer of concrete, providing it with the ability to resist aggressive environmental factors and repel water. They give the material additional strength and prevent the formation of cement dust.

If you are faced with the task of choosing an organic impregnation, then you should know that the polyurethane composition is the most versatile, coping with almost all tasks. Other compounds are not so functional and are used to solve highly specialized problems.

The following classification of impregnations for concrete is based on their division according to purpose:

    • Colored impregnations - used at the final stage of processing the concrete surface. If you want the blind area to fit perfectly into the overall exterior of the building, then you should think about giving it a color that is in harmony with the appearance of the house.
      In previous years, this was done by painting the blind area paint and varnish materials, but such a coating is extremely short-lived and requires constant restoration. It turned out to be much more effective to use colored impregnating compounds, which, penetrating 2–3 mm into the thickness of the blind area, create a durable colored layer. But color impregnation alone is not enough; you will also have to cover the blind area with a layer of a water-repellent mixture.
    • Dust-removing impregnations - mainly used for treating dust-producing concrete floors with intensive use.
      It is not necessary to cover the blind area with such a composition, because it should not be subjected to large mechanical loads. But if you consider that the same impregnation will give it moisture resistance, then you can achieve two goals in one application.

  • Protective impregnations - their main task is to give the top layer of concrete water-repellent properties. They fill all the smallest pores, making the concrete almost hydrophobic.
    Their use helps prevent the occurrence of cracks, chips and efflorescence of the blind area surface. After their use, concrete becomes immune to the effects of fungus, mold, harmful substances and UV radiation. Thus, these mixtures are almost universal protective agent, which cannot but affect their cost.
  • Strengthening impregnations - when exposed to them, the top layer of concrete is subject to modification, increasing its strength. Substances penetrate concrete to a depth of 5 mm.

These impregnations are made on the basis of sodium and potassium. IN last years Lithium is also used as a base, which can not only increase the strength of the base, but also give it hydrophobic properties.

Rules for using impregnations

Better results when using impregnating compounds can be achieved if you treat a new one. But this method is also suitable for old structures. The only condition for its use is the need to repair the surface of the structure in use:

  • it must be cleaned of dirt and dust;
  • cracks and chips need to be repaired;
  • It is advisable to dry grind the concrete using special grinding machines(if possible).

There is no point in applying impregnation to an uneven, flaky surface. New structures are treated no earlier than 15 days after they are poured.

The remaining rules are the same for both new and old blind areas:

  • The impregnating composition must be applied at temperatures from +5 to +40 degrees. Carrying out work outside of this temperature range is fraught with deterioration in the properties of both the impregnation and the treated surface.
  • Impregnation must be applied to a dry surface of the blind area; work should not be carried out during fog or rain.
  • The blind area should be treated using products personal protection skin, eyes and respiratory organs.
  • Impregnation is applied in several layers, and a certain time must pass between their application. Typically, the second layer of impregnation is applied approximately 1 hour after the first, when the surface becomes sticky, and the third - 2 hours after the second. But this general recommendations, the instructions for each composition contain more specific instructions. Time completely dry impregnation is approximately 12 - 14 hours.
  • To apply impregnations, you need to use brushes and rollers made from materials that are resistant to solvents.

Thus, to restore the properties of the old blind area you will have to work hard, but this will allow you not to have to deal with removing the old one and preparing the base for pouring new blind area, installation of formwork and concrete works. At the same time, the old blind area will acquire a completely civilized appearance and will protect the foundation of the house from destruction for many years to come.

Blind area around residential buildings usually made of concrete or sand-cement mortars. At the same time, there is a fairly widespread misconception among private developers that the destruction concrete blind area occur only due to any mechanical loads. In fact main reason is carbon dioxide corrosion of concrete - the formation of dusty microcalcite from free lime and carbon dioxide from the air. There are other types of corrosion, for example, sulfate, as well as chloride and others. As a result of corrosion processes, not only dust is formed, but also the strength and resistance to abrasion of the outer layer of concrete is significantly reduced. It should be noted that simply increasing the grade strength of concrete does not lead to durable concrete structures.
IN regulatory document SNiP 2.03.11-85 “Protection building structures from corrosion" indicates that when designing concrete structures, protection of concrete and reinforced concrete structures from corrosion. Therefore, owners of private property often face the need to protect concrete surfaces, including blind areas, from the effects of precipitation. For this purpose, along with other types of protective measures, paint coatings. However, it should be taken into account that when periodically moistened with water or precipitation, it is necessary to hydrophobize concrete surfaces with special compounds as a primer layer for paint and varnish coatings (clause 2.31, SNiP 2.03.11-85).
Used to protect concrete Various types polymer coatings: from traditional pentaphthalic and vinyl chloride paints and enamels to high-quality epoxy and polyurethane protective and decorative compositions. Polymer coatings are not only characterized by a long service life, but also by high resistance to chemically active substances.
For creating protective coating You can use POLAC EP-52PA enamel, which is a modified epoxy composition. This enamel has an adhesion-inhibiting effect, which significantly increases protective properties and increases the durability of the coating.
This coating has good moisture resistance, weather resistance, resistance to UV radiation, and chemical resistance. High and stable adhesion of the coating to concrete and other materials is maintained for a long period of time - tens of years. In addition, a color scheme for the blind area is possible.
The most technologically advanced and versatile for protecting concrete surfaces are also impregnations based on polyurethane resins. These substances have high penetrating ability, perfectly bind concrete, quickly harden (polymerize), are chemically resistant, do not cause corrosion of the concrete base, and have very high impact strength and elasticity.
On Russian market Polyurethane compositions from such Western companies as TIKKURILA, NOVILUX and others are quite well represented. It should be noted that the range of inexpensive and quality materials very narrow. These include products domestic manufacturer polymer coatings - the TEOKHIM company, whose products include moisture-curing compositions of the ELAKOR-PU type.
The protective composition "ELAKOR-PU" based on polyurethane is designed to prevent dust and destruction of concrete bases. The standard applied coating penetrates deep into the concrete by 3-5 mm, forming on the surface protective film thickness 150-200 microns. This impregnation strengthens and hardens the concrete surface, creates reliable waterproofing protection, blocks pores and microdefects in the concrete structure, forming super-strong, impenetrable crystals in it. As a result, the upper protective layer is one with concrete base, which completely eliminates the possibility of its detachment.
"ELAKOR" strengthens concrete even of grades M100 and less. After treatment, the concrete surface does not slip and becomes more resistant to impact loads and wear. The operating temperature of the coating is from -60 to +100ºС, and the service life is 10-15 years.
In addition, it is possible color scheme blind areas, anti-slip devices, etc. However, for the sake of fairness, it should be noted that over time, under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, the color seems to turn brown.

In addition, polymer paints such as polyurethane enamel, acrylic paint or epoxy primer-enamel. All these polymer coatings have their own advantages, including the possibility of application without prior priming, for example, epoxy primer-enamel "AQUAPOLIMERDEKOR", use when negative temperatures– perchlorovinyl enamel “BETIL”, can be applied to freshly laid concrete – water paint"AQUABETOL", weather resistance - acrylic paint "BETYLAT", increased chemical, - wear resistance - polyurethane enamel "POLYMERDEKOR". In addition, the advantages of all polymer paints are impeccable quality, affordable cost and ease of application.
So polymer paint"BETYLAT" forms a durable, vapor-permeable coating that is resistant to atmospheric conditions. It can be used on concrete surfaces with light pedestrian traffic. Available in two types: on acrylic and organosilicon bases.
Before painting, the surface must be cleaned of dust and dirt and dried. Then, before applying the paint, to improve adhesion and harden the surface, it is recommended to treat it with “BETYLATE-PRIMER” and “BETYLATE-IMPREGMENTATION”.

The blind area is protective strip made of concrete, asphalt, decorative stone or crushed stone, which is located along the outer walls of the house. In addition to the aesthetic effect, it has important function drainage of melt and rain water. According to SNiP, it is located around the entire perimeter of the house.

The blind area itself is made in a multilayer structure. Its surface is covered with concrete and asphalt. These durable materials are capable of great efficiency. How to treat a concrete blind area to protect it from the same groundwater, you will find out below.

Waterproofing a blind area is an important process that can protect a home, in particular a basement, from moisture penetration and ensure a long service life. Properly performed waterproofing of the blind area of ​​a house directly affects the quality of life in it.

Groundwater and meltwater can seriously damage the foundation of a building over time, thus leading to small cracks at the first stage, which will only increase over time. You can contact specialists in your field with this problem, but waterproofing the blind area with your own hands is also quite possible.

Our article will tell you in detail how to treat a concrete blind area and what materials can be used to protect it.

What does proper waterproofing of a blind area look like?

Quite often they use it to protect the blind area of ​​a house. Clay or pressure is often used brickwork. Horizontal waterproofing blind areas can provide protection for the foundation and basement walls, thus creating a barrier to groundwater.

If the structure does not include a basement, then the waterproofing is installed at the same level as the base. On average, this is 20 centimeters above ground level.

If, waterproofing the blind area around the house is done in a cascade version. That is, the material is laid in the form of protrusions, and each previous layer must overlap the next one.

If there is a basement in the house, . The first of them must correspond to the level of the basement floor. The second should be located at the level of the base, slightly above the blind area itself.

Horizontal waterproofing of the blind area can be done using cement screed. Here everything depends on the climate of the region (such criteria as the level of groundwater, soil moisture, and so on are important).

Portland cement with sealing additives, which can be sodium aluminate, is very popular in this regard.

Good protection concrete blind area is achieved with a concrete layer thickness of about 20-25 mm. Instead of concrete, roofing felt or roofing felt is quite suitable. Any of these materials should be laid in two layers, and then glued with mastic.

In rare cases, an asphalt screed is used to waterproof the blind area. Its layer is on average 30 mm.

In addition to the primary one, there are also blind areas. She is called upon to fulfill the role additional protection. With this option, in most cases, waterproofing is used. During installation, this material should be laid on the walls of the house at a height of up to 20 centimeters. This design will additionally protect the building from negative impact water.

Waterproofing by penetrating method

This method of waterproofing a blind area is now quite popular, despite the fact that it appeared relatively recently. It is based on ensuring a significant increase in the durability and strength of the structure due to the influence of hydraulic pressure.

This effect is possible due to the penetration of insulating materials deep into the pores of the blind area (about 40 centimeters). In this way a crystalline structure is formed. Water is not able to filter through the concrete body.

Waterproofing the blind area of ​​a house using the painting method

The painting method is quite popular. How to treat the concrete blind area in this case? Good protection of the concrete blind area is achieved by using bitumen mastic. It is applied with a brush to a clean and dry surface on top of the primer.

If necessary, the walls can be easily leveled with mortar. This method is also applicable to rubble walls.

Bitumen mastic should be applied in layers. The thickness of each of them should not exceed 2 mm.

This whole process should be divided into several steps, carefully treating the entire surface.

In the end, you should get a continuous waterproofing of the blind area around the house. Under no circumstances should there be any cracks or swelling on it. When applying mastic to an uncleaned or damp wall, these defects may well appear. To get rid of defects, these areas need to be cleaned again, then dried and also covered with a new layer of mastic.

Also used as adhesive solution with horizontal adhesive waterproofing. This method is typical for using roofing felt or roofing felt.

Materials for waterproofing the blind area must be cut into small pieces before installation. It is necessary to make allowance for overlap during the installation procedure itself. Before processing the concrete blind area, careful grinding should be done.

It is easy to do using a roller with a soft lining. The applied mass must be at least 70 kilograms.

Mastic is also used in areas of overlap seams. After the final layer, mastic is applied to the material itself. It should be applied in a continuous layer. Then everything is covered with dry sand. The blind area with insulation and waterproofing is ready!

Other nuances of waterproofing the blind area of ​​a house

  1. To create a blind area, it is better to use solutions that are made using waterproofing cements. In this case, the protection of the blind area will be much higher.
  2. How to protect the blind area in case of excessive accumulation of groundwater and in case of poor drainage? It is imperative to make a groove along the perimeter of the blind area. This simple device for waterproofing the blind area, in turn, will ensure water drainage.
  3. Before filling the ditch for the blind area, you must first cover it with waterproofing. In this case, there must be an influx on the foundation walls. The best materials for this purpose are those that are based on polypropylene. Polyvinyl chloride films are also suitable. Ruberoid and polyethylene film practically unsuitable for these purposes.
  4. Before covering a concrete blind area with materials with a pronounced porous structure, they must first pass. Without treatment, artificial stone is good for such purposes.
  5. Drainage profiled membranes will be very useful when installing a blind area. They thus represent an analogue of a concrete blind area. Thus, the membrane located on the ground will be covered with crushed stone and sand.

Following this, waterproofing the blind area around the house can be made from any coating. Here the owner’s hands are completely untied on this issue.
The blind area is a structure that surrounds the house continuously around the perimeter and is closely adjacent to the base. The main function of the blind area is to protect the building from moisture entering...

  • The main function of the blind area is to prevent the impact of external factors on the foundation of the house. This protective structure, which should prevent any moisture from entering the building, and for this it...

  • The blind area is architectural element building that performs many functions. It prevents moisture from penetrating into the foundation, basement and technical rooms of the house. Even a small amount of moisture...
  • Repair is a delicate matter, requiring both physical and material costs. But this does not apply to auxiliary and utility rooms(garages), where you can fit into a small budget and carry out all the work in a short period of time, for example, painting concrete walls and floor.

    At first glance, the work is quite simple and does not require any construction skills from you, but it would still be useful to study all the features of this process.

    Cracks and potholes cannot be hidden even with three layers of paint.

    Concrete is a universal surface

    Concrete is the one construction material, which is almost always the basis of the structure, requiring further finishing work.

    Depending on what and where the concrete has to be used, it is covered with:

    • Ceramic or porcelain tiles.
    • Granite.
    • Polymers.
    • Panel finishing (plastic or wooden).
    • Enamels and paints.

    Interesting! Modern finishers often use toppings. This method of finishing concrete involves grinding concrete that has not yet completely hardened while simultaneously applying and rubbing in special additives. This technique is practiced when installing industrial floors.

    But today we’ll talk about why and with what to paint concrete, so that repairs do not create a gap in the budget, and the work is done efficiently and for long-term operation surfaces.

    Often, “bare” concrete is painted in production and industrial premises

    Why paint concrete

    By painting concrete, we expect to perform several tasks that increase the comfort of a person’s stay in a room with painted walls:

    1. Dust the concrete surface.
    2. Protect from:
    • Mechanical damage.
    • Wear.
    • Impacts chemical substances.
    • Aggressive effects of precipitation and temperature changes in the case when concrete has to work in the open air.
    1. Maximize service life.
    2. Make the concrete surface more aesthetically pleasing.
    3. Improve its performance characteristics.

    Important! Many of the above factors depend on the quality of the applied finishing material, so when buying cheap paint, be sure that it will not last long.

    How to paint concrete

    When choosing paint for concrete, first of all you should consider:

    • In what conditions will concrete have to work (street walls, residential premises, industrial surfaces).
    • What do you expect from appearance concrete product or structure.
    • The price for the material that you are willing to pay to achieve the goal.

    Let's look at simple example, what is common in the questions of how to paint a concrete monument and how to paint a concrete blind area. Both surfaces will be exposed to the adverse effects of the atmosphere.

    This means the paint should be:

    • Frost-resistant and resistant to temperature changes.
    • Water repellent.
    • Contain antibacterial additives.

    That's all, good luck with the repair! In the video presented in this article you will find Additional information on this topic.

    The final stage of building a house is construction of a blind area, tightly encircling the base.

    This necessary measure, since the main purpose of the blind area is to protect against the penetration of melt and rainwater, which can cause the appearance of fungus and render it unusable.

    Material Concrete, asphalt slabs and brick can also serve as a protective cover for the foundation.

    Experienced builders note that the optimal basis for the blind area from the standpoint of functionality, cost and labor intensity is concrete. You can make a concrete blind area yourself if you follow the work technology and choose the right grade of concrete.

    Advantages of concrete blind area

    A blind area around the house made from concrete mixture, has considerable advantages:

    • properly selected concrete mixture after hardening, it is transformed into a monolith that does not allow moisture to pass through;
    • concrete is durable, during long-term use, repeated repairs are possible (sealing small chips or cracks);
    • concrete blind area can look very decorative if the top layer of concrete is mixed with a coloring pigment or pebbles, fragments of tiles or natural stone are laid on top of the fresh mixture;
    • concrete laying technology is quite available to home craftsmen;
    • concrete blind area is quite economical compared to using natural stone.

    Concrete blind area

    A blind area made of concrete mixture for an object built on normal soils includes several types of materials, laid in layers on the prepared surface.

    The basis is pillow made of compacted clay and sand, necessary as a moisture-blocking layer. Next is laid crushed stone, reinforcing mesh and a layer of concrete. If the house is built on heaving soils, winter frosts cause their crystallization and deformation, which increases pressure on the foundation and can destroy the blind area.

    To eliminate this effect of heaving soil, an insulating layer is added to the main layers of the concrete blind area, for the construction of which sprayed polyurethane foam or extruded polystyrene foam is used ( detailed information about the insulated blind area, read.

    What brand of concrete is needed for the blind area

    Main qualities The adjacent blind area is considered to be resistant to temperature and humidity changes, high strength and maximum water resistance.

    Except correct installation layers making up the blind area, great value It has right choice concrete grades. To ensure that the waterproofing finish around the base does not crack in the first winter, but lasts for many years, concrete grade M200 and higher should be used.

    Brand M200 considered the most popular construction concrete, which is used for laying blind areas and garden paths, leveling screeds and molding stairs.

    Concrete M300 has best characteristics, but its cost is significantly higher, so you can choose a compromise option - brand M250, combining affordable cost and optimal quality for the installation of a blind area.

    Preparation of concrete for blind area

    If the purchase of ready-mixed concrete is not available for financial or organizational and technical reasons, you can prepare the desired mixture yourself from materials remaining from the main construction.

    Approximately by 70% concrete consists of filler, which is used as crushed stone and sand, broken bricks and expanded clay, as well as waste slag.

    The binding component is cement(it is best to take brands from M300 to M500), which should be purchased from official dealers or directly from the manufacturer to avoid the delivery of low-quality products.

    Helpful advice: When mixing concrete, water must be added at certain intervals, waiting until the next portion is completely absorbed by the cement. In this case, there will be no voids in the concrete. Approximately 0.65 parts of water are added to one part of cement.

    To ensure sufficient strength of the concrete blind area, it is advisable to take crushed stone from river gravel or rock dumps of the fraction from 5 to 20 mm.

    The sand is sifted before mixing to separate particles of silt and clay, as well as limestone inclusions. The procedure for obtaining high-quality concrete is as follows:: pour cement into a container with a small volume of water until a homogeneous mass is formed, gradually adding water, then add crushed stone and then sand. Each component of the mixture must be mixed.

    Blind area dimensions

    Calculation of blind area sizes carried out relative to the projection of the roof beyond the plane of the wall, adding at least 20 cm to that value.

    The optimal width of the blind area is considered one meter, which provides sufficient protection for the foundation and at the same time can allow the use of the blind area as a bypass path around the house.

    The thickness of the concrete layer is not less than 20 cm at the basement wall. To drain water, a slight slope is formed in 3-5 degrees.

    Stages of work

    The construction of the blind area is carried out in several successive stages:

    • marking future blind area;
    • excavation along the markings to a depth of 25 cm;
    • the part of the foundation or basement wall that has been exposed after excavation is thoroughly coated with bitumen or laid with a couple of layers of film waterproofing;
    • between the base and the future blind area is carried out expansion joint, eliminating excessive pressure on the structure during soil subsidence. Suture gap ( up to 1.5 cm) is filled with roofing material folded in half or a sand-gravel mixture;
    • formation permanent formwork from edged boards(board thickness 20 mm);
    • styling clay pillow followed by compaction;
    • laying the sand layer(about 10 cm) with water poured over it to compact it;
    • backfilling of gravel layer(about 7 cm) and compacting it;
    • laying reinforcing mesh(bar overlap spacing is 10 cm);
    • preparation of concrete mixture and its pouring into the formwork to the level of the laid beacons;
    • concrete compaction the bayonet method using a thick metal rod (frequently “piercing” the concrete layer with a rod with vibrating swings for better distribution of pieces of gravel);
    • top of concrete pad leveled and cleaned;
    • It’s a good idea to lay the blind area along the outer perimeter drainage channel, providing effective drainage of water flowing from the roof;
    • to ensure normal maturation of concrete, the blind area is covered film or wet cloth. After about a week, the blind area is completely ready.

    Boards with inside covered with film. To make it more convenient to form a slope on the blind area, the formwork is attached to the boards transverse slats-beacons with the required degree of slope (on all corner parts and several in areas adjacent to the facade).

    Protection of concrete blind area from destruction

    To keep the concrete blind area intact for a long time, use various ways her protection from carbon dioxide and other types of corrosion:

    • carry out hydrophobic priming of concrete surface followed by coating with polymer coloring or transparent mixtures based on epoxy resins, as well as moisture-resistant enamels;
    • large pebbles can be placed tightly on the hardening concrete;
    • the blind area is being processed crystallizing compounds, which close the pores of concrete and prevent its deep moisture.

    For more information about the construction of a concrete blind area, see in this video: