Installation of sewerage tank. We select and install a container for sewage waste. Selecting a storage tank for sewerage

Arrangement private sewer(cesspool) on suburban area- one of the first tasks for a comfortable stay in the house. Thus, high-quality drainage of wastewater will eliminate the need to inhale the stench and deal with used water using the bucket and watering method. Therefore, to install a wastewater collection and recycling system, it is necessary to carefully select sewage containers that will bear the “brunt” of the wastewater.

Today, owners of private land choose a wastewater tank for a pit not only depending on its price, but primarily on the type of material from which the sewage tank is made.

Important: before choosing a tank for collecting wastewater in a pit, you must carefully analyze the composition and properties of the soil on the site. After all, it is the soil that will exert its influence on the container from the outside.

Depending on the preferences of the owners summer cottages and private properties can choose a container for wastewater from different materials. Short review The advantages of certain types of sewage containers will help you determine more accurately. So, the modern market offers such tanks.

Metal tanks

These can be either standard barrels or containers with holes for supplying inlet pipes, or self-welded tanks. A similar container for a cesspool will do its job perfectly, but nothing more. That is, a metal tank will be a good storage tank, but, unfortunately, metal is not suitable for use in creating biological stations for wastewater treatment. Since the metal is susceptible to corrosion, which means it will affect chemical composition organics in the tank. Thus, the process of biological treatment of wastewater will be disrupted.

The advantages of a metal container for sewerage are:

  • Comparatively cheap;
  • Fairly easy installation;
  • The ability to create a storage device from improvised materials.

The only downside we note is the tendency to corrosion, which means a short service life.

Important: after 3-5 years, the metal wastewater tank will have to be dismantled and a new one installed.

Concrete storage

For a larger volume of wastewater and for the purpose of high reliability of the storage tank, many owners also use concrete rings as a material to create a sewer tank. Concrete containers in this case live up to expectations, but require a lot of effort for their installation. So, in addition to attracting special equipment for installation concrete rings You will also have to additionally seal the joints bitumen mastic, and also concrete the bottom of the pit.

Important: you can avoid processing joints if you use concrete rings with a Euro-lock. When connecting such elements, the lock closes, forming a tight joint.

The advantages of concrete sewerage tanks are:

  • Relative durability. Concrete sewerage tanks last up to 50 years with proper care.
  • Solidity and immobility of the tank thanks to the large mass of concrete products. Thus, the floating of a reinforced concrete storage tank is excluded.
  • Resistance to aggressive environments, in which there will be a concrete tank at all times.

The disadvantages of such tanks include:

  • High hygroscopicity of concrete. And this means that over time concrete well will be saturated with moisture from the soil and moisture from the inside, which will lead to the inevitable destruction of the walls of the container or at least the appearance of cracks in it. As a result, you will have to clean the drive and carry out expensive repairs.
  • The need to use special equipment to install the rings. And for this it is necessary to ensure the access of cars to the intended location, which is not always possible without damaging the landscape design.
  • Risk of shear concrete structure over time under the influence of heaving soil. As a result, the tightness of the drainage well will be broken, and significant damage will be caused to nature.

Brick Tanks

This type of tank can be created independently if there are excess bricks on the site. This type of sewerage tank can be used if the volume of wastewater is minimal and the frequency of sewerage use is kept to a minimum. The fact is that brick, like concrete, is hygroscopic and will accumulate moisture over time. After which it will begin to carry it into the ground, and this threatens to contaminate the soil.

Important: laying bricks for a sewer tank in a dacha must be done in two rows to strengthen the walls of the sewer pit. In this case, both sides of the drive will need to be treated with mastic.

Advantages of a brick storage:

  • Ease of constructing a pit in the country;
  • An opportunity to save your budget and make a storage device from available materials;
  • The ability to independently vary the volume of the waste tank to suit the needs of your home/dacha.

The disadvantages of such a tank include:

  • The need for additional concreting of the bottom to seal the tank for sewage.
  • Short service life. Such a storage tank will remain sealed for at most 5-7 years, then the walls will crack and wastewater will begin to flow into the ground, which threatens to contaminate the water in wells or boreholes, especially if the groundwater in the area is located high.
  • Possibility of destruction of brick walls under the influence of moving and heaving soils.

Plastic containers

Plastic septic tanks are one of the most popular tanks today. Similar containers for sewerage are presented on the modern market in a variety of designs and volumes. Special technology The manufacture of such tanks makes it possible to create a polymer whose strength can withstand high tensile and compressive loads. Therefore, polymer containers are not afraid of any ground movements and heaving.

Advantages of plastic tanks:

  • Maximum lightness of the product. To transport plastic cesspools, even one passenger car is enough.
  • Based on the low weight of the structure, installation of the product is also simplified. So, you can install plastic containers for sewerage in the ground with just four hands by inviting a neighbor.
  • Price finished product allows you not to think about the maximum costs for sewerage installation. The cost of a polymer tank is several times less than all those listed above.
  • In addition, plastic sewer containers absolutely inert to aggressive environments. Thus, the service life of the tank can be calculated in tens of years.

Important: the only condition high-quality installation such a drive is its anchoring to concrete slab and creating a concrete/clay backfill around the tank. This will prevent the tank from floating, which may feel like a float in the ground.

The disadvantage of plastic tanks is their fragility under the influence of low temperatures. Therefore, during installation it is advisable to also do backfill from insulation.

Tanks made of polypropylene

This polymer composition many times stronger than even plastic, since softening agents are added to the composition for plasticity. As a result, polypropylene containers for sewerage received a number of advantages:

  • Resistant to temperature changes and not subject to cracking as a result of their impact.
  • Durability of sewer structure service. Tanks made of polypropylene last for 100 years.
  • The absolute waterproofness of the containers allows you not to worry about the condition of the sources at the dacha or near the country house.
  • Impact resistance aggressive environments and steam (for sterilization).
  • The presence of thick tank walls from 0.5 to 2 cm. Moreover, the tanks are equipped with stiffening ribs, which further protects the tanks from floating out of the ground.

Polyethylene containers

This is the most durable type of waste water tank. Such containers for sewerage are made with the addition of glass fiber threads to the polymer composition. As a result, the walls of the tank perfectly resist soil heaving and shifts. However, it is worth remembering that smooth compression and stretching of polyethylene containers for sewerage is permissible and acceptable for the tank, but a sharp blow can damage the plane and lead to a crack.

The advantages of PET wastewater tanks are:

  • Light weight of the product;
  • Various configurations of tanks from square to spherical;
  • Long service life (from 30 to 50 years);
  • Resistance to aggressive environments.

The only disadvantage of such tanks is their fragility relative to sudden mechanical impact.

Important: PET containers for sewerage must also be anchored and covered with concrete.

Principles for choosing a ready-made tank for wastewater

In order for the cesspool to remain sealed for a long time and work efficiently to receive wastewater, it is necessary to carefully select a sewage tank. So, stick to these principles:

  • The sewer tank must have walls at least 1.5 cm thick.
  • It is desirable that the storage tank for sewerage already has ready-made holes for supplying a receiving pipe and draining wastewater.
  • The presence of an inspection hatch in such a sewer tank is mandatory.
  • Volume of the finished tank for sewer pit should be calculated at the rate of 1 m3 per family member permanently residing in the country house/house.

Important: and do not forget about the rules for high-quality installation of a storage tank (sewer tank). Such a pit will serve faithfully without a threat to the environment.

Do-it-yourself sewerage in the country- this is the plan for the summer for many summer residents. And if you are one of them and do not have a clear idea of ​​​​the capabilities of an autonomous sewer system, then this article is for you. It will not discuss the rare possibility of connecting to central networks, since it is rare even in elite villages.

Sewerage in the country - making a traditional cesspool

The principle of a cesspool: a pit with straight walls is dug on the site. The pit must be of sufficient size, the walls must be strengthened (forming concrete walls using formwork or plastering over a mesh). Crushed stone is often laid at the bottom of the pit, so the cesspool can be called a single-chamber septic tank.

Device standards. The use of a cesspool for sewage in a private house is regulated by several basic rules, including:

  • the need to construct a bottom if the daily volume of wastewater exceeds 1m3. If the water flow does not exceed these values, then the bacteria living in the soil will have time to purify the wastewater. Otherwise this will not happen, resulting in contamination groundwater– wells within a radius of 30 meters may become unsuitable for drinking;
  • within the city, concreting the bottom is mandatory;

  • the bottom of the pit should be lined with crushed stone to improve cleaning Wastewater a layer of sand can be placed on top of the crushed stone layer;
  • The calculation of the volume of a sealed cesspool is calculated depending on the volume of water consumed by one person on average per day - 150 liters. If 5 people permanently live in the house, then this is 750 liters per day or 0.75 m3. If you install a 10m3 storage tank, the pumping period will be 13 days;
  • We calculate the storage capacity. If the house has a bathtub and water heating devices that run on solid fuel or electricity, then 1 person per day consumes, on average, 150 liters of water, but if the water heaters operate on gas, then 1 person consumes about 180 liters of water. If there are 4 people in a family, then 150 * 4 = 600 l or 180 * 4 = 720 l. The rate of water consumption per day is 0.6 – 0.72 m3. With a storage volume of 8 m3, waste must be pumped out every 10-13 days

Advantages and disadvantages of using a cesspool

Storage tank - an option for a sewage system for a summer residence

This device option similar to the previous one, except that the stacks and the bottom of the container are completely sealed. Wastewater is stored in a container until the sewage disposal truck is called.

Principle of operation: a storage sealed container is installed on the site, into which household waste flows, similar to a cesspool.

Device standards

  • the container should be of sufficient volume so that you do not have to frequently call a sewer truck. Purchasing a septic tank that is too large is not economically beneficial. For 5 people, a volume of 8 m3 is quite suitable, the pumping frequency will be about 3 times a month;
  • There are no restrictions on the use of this sewerage option in the country.

Advantages and disadvantages of using a sealed storage tank

  • environmentally safe, as it does not pollute the soil, because the storage tank for the dacha is sealed;
  • the installation is easy to operate and install;
  • operation for more than 50 years;
  • The groundwater level and soil type are not important.

Advantages over cesspool in the country:

  • emptying is possible without pumping - by replacing it with a similar container;
  • on internal surfaces there is no sticking of salts, which is observed in a conventional cesspool.
  • high operating costs, since permanent residence at the dacha you will have to call a sewer truck once every two weeks;
  • the need for access to the storage tank. The length of the machine hose is 7 meters, of which 3 need to be lowered into the hole.

Conclusion: the use of storage capacity is more modern solution than building a cesspool. However, its design is not advisable in all cases and given the fact that you agree to pump it out more often than a cesspool.

Dry toilets for summer cottages

If the previous options are not suitable for you for some reason, then perhaps a dry toilet will be the solution to organizing a toilet in your country house with your own hands. Note that in this case there is no full-fledged sewerage system as such. There is only a solution for the toilet.

The principle of operation of a dry toilet: it has a tank for receiving wastewater, in which deodorization and purification of wastewater occurs. As a rule, a dry closet also has a second tank into which it is filled. clean water(manually or from water supply). Water is used to flush liquid waste into the lower tank. Since they exist different kinds dry closets, it is worth separately describing the operating principle of each:

  • electric - the waste tank has two parts that allow you to separate waste into solid and liquid. The latter are discharged into the sewer or drainage, and the solids are dried with a compressor. For the installation to operate, ventilation and connection to the electrical network are required;
  • peat toilets are based on processing waste with peat. Their lower container is designed for 100 kg of waste, which will eliminate the need for frequent cleaning of the toilet, and the upper container does not store water - instead, peat pours out of the tank when you press the handle, which turns waste into compost. However, their power is limited. If more than 2 people use the toilet, then the peat will not be able to quickly absorb all the liquid waste. A hose must be installed to remove purified water. Installation of ventilation is required;
  • The portable dry toilet has a receiving tank with a volume of less than 25 kg. Cleaning or even dissolving waste occurs with liquids, which can be formaldehyde, ammonium, or preparations from living bacteria. The former are very toxic; their use can be justified if there is no possibility of discharging disinfected wastewater into the sewer system. Ammonium liquids completely decompose after 7 days. Preparations made from bacteria are considered environmentally friendly, and some people use recycled waste as fertilizer.

Standards for installing dry toilets in the country

  • need for ventilation
  • the cost of portable dry toilets is $65; peat $70; electric $940;
  • The cleaning frequency of a dry closet with a lower tank volume of 24 kg is up to 2.5 months for a family of 3-5 people. You should not wait until the bottom tank of a stationary dry closet is completely filled if its volume is large. Since cleaning 100 kg of waste is quite labor-intensive;

Advantages and disadvantages of dry toilets

  • most quick way organization of the toilet;
  • easy to use and install;
  • Possibility of installation in any room;
  • it does not require electricity or a water connection to operate;
  • no odor;
  • service for more than 5 years.
  • does not comprehensively solve the problem of sewerage in the country. At a minimum, other sewage systems must be installed for the shower and kitchen;
  • necessity self-cleaning when filling;
  • operation is impossible at sub-zero temperatures;
  • Some models separate liquid and solid waste in the simplest way: the front compartment is for liquid waste, the rear compartment is for solid waste. Therefore, you can only use it while sitting.
  • the need to use electricity, peat, disinfection liquids, etc.

DIY septic tank in the country

This type of sewage system in the country is the most modern and environmentally friendly.

Note: a septic tank can be called either a simple plastic tank or a container in which wastewater accumulates. The septic tank can be manufactured at a factory or sold using traditional building materials– reinforced concrete rings, brickwork, monolithic ebb reinforced concrete walls and etc.

Operating principle: a septic tank is a container divided into sections (1-3) in which wastewater accumulates, settles and is purified by special bacteria. The result of this process is sludge and clarified wastewater, purified by 50%, which requires further purification, which can be carried out artificially or naturally.

Septic tanks with natural cleaning

Septic tanks with artificial cleaning

Septic tanks with natural cleaning are underground settling tanks, which consist of two chambers - two wells connected at the top or a ready-made plastic container with two compartments. In the first compartment, the sewage settles and the residue falls out. The liquid part of the sewer moves to the second compartment. There, organic compounds are decomposed with the help of bacteria.

Clarified wastewater is discharged into filter wells or onto filtration fields - it goes into the ground, where it is subsequently purified. For a family of 5 people, a field of 30 m2 will be enough.

If the site has unsuitable soil, for example, sandy loam or loam, then the filtration field must be constructed with an artificial layer of soil from sand and crushed stone. In this case, the filtration field cannot be used when groundwater occurs at a depth of 2.5 meters from the surface. In this case, a filtration field can be built at the dacha with your own hands in an embankment, the height of which is calculated from the occurrence of groundwater.

Having passed through the thickness of the filtration field, the purified wastewater is collected in receiving pipes and follows them into distribution wells and then into a ditch. Instead of a filtration field, a filtration well can be used

If the use of a septic tank with natural wastewater treatment is impractical due to the occurrence of unsuitable soil types or high groundwater levels, then a septic tank with artificial treatment can help. Installing such a sewer system at your dacha with your own hands is also quite simple. And the wastewater is purified after passing through the settling tank using a biofilter and an aeration tank.

A biofilter is a container in which aerobic bacteria purify wastewater.

An aeration tank is the same biofilter, but it uses a pump to pass oxygen through the liquid and enhance the reaction.

Keep in mind that the use of microorganisms requires regular use. If there is a break in the operation of the autonomous installation for two weeks, then the microflora of your private sewer may die and wastewater purification will become impossible without the introduction of special bacteria.

Standards for using a septic tank for a summer residence

  • the septic tank requires cleaning - up to twice a year, for which they call a sewer truck;
  • Every 5-10 years, the filtration well or field must be recycled - the contaminated drainage layer is replaced with new sand and crushed stone. Today there are special powders on sale that, when used regularly, prevent silting of drainage;
  • The groundwater level should be less than 2.5 m, there should be no boreholes or wells within a radius of 25 meters, the soil should have sufficient filtering capacity.

Advantages and disadvantages of septic tanks for summer cottages

Conclusion: the options described above will help in 60% of cases and will become an excellent autonomous sewage system in the country.

Now I will give the most thoughtful and economical option, which will cover 40%. This is a well for a septic tank, similar in design to a cesspool and a septic tank with natural cleaning (if the well is installed on sandy soil, then the throughput per 1m2 is 100 liters; If sandy loam soils under the well, then the throughput is 50 l). The filter well can be made of reinforced concrete well or brick; there should be holes in the walls with a total area of ​​10%, and the bottom should be made of gravel, sand and crushed stone. The sinuses of the well pit are filled with the same materials for drainage.

For sewerage. Whatever they are built from. Concrete rings, cinder blocks, old car tires, metal and plastic containers, and ready-made factory septic tanks are used. In general, every person uses everything that is at hand for construction, and they install them both at the dacha and in a private house.

In a small dacha with a small number of people living, it is advisable to install a storage tank and connect a sewerage system to it. Due to the low water consumption, the capacity will be sufficient for a small sewer system, and installing it will not be difficult. In this article, let's look at how a sewer storage tank is installed.

Types of storage tanks

Storage capacity designed for collection and storage drain water from the sewer followed by pumping out. Mainly metal or plastic barrels are used for these purposes. In the absence of such, the container can be built from concrete rings, cinder blocks, car tires. Only in this case will it be necessary to properly seal it so that wastewater does not seep into the ground.

Choosing a location for the container

When choosing a location for installing a container, first of all, provide free access for the sewer truck. After all, sooner or later the filled container will have to be pumped out. It is better to install it below the level of the house on the back side and close to the foundation. The distance should be no more than 5 m. If it is not possible to place the container at such a distance, then an additional inspection well will have to be installed on the sewer between the house and the container. Install a tank fill alarm sensor in your home to ensure timely pumping.

Installation of storage tanks

Installing a container made of different materials comes down to one thing: you have to dig a hole. But the installation is slightly different due to the use of different materials:

  • To install a container from metal barrels dig a hole with a diameter slightly larger than a barrel. To increase the volume of the container, the barrels can be welded vertically with each other. Moreover, you leave the bottom only in the lower barrel. Measure the depth of the pit according to the height of all welded barrels. Place a 10-15 cm sand cushion at the bottom of the hole. As you know, metal tends to rust and rot. Therefore, to protect the structure from exposure to water, cover the barrels with bitumen or paint before installation. Place the finished container in the hole. In the side of the barrel where the sewer pipe will enter, cut a hole to fit the diameter of the pipe. Insert the pipe into the barrel and seal the joint with sealant. Now you can fill the gap between the walls of the barrel with the pit. As the soil is poured, compact each layer after about 25 cm. Cover the top of the container with a lid with a hatch.
  • Installation of a container made of concrete rings is carried out on a pre-concreted bottom of the pit. Lower the concrete rings into the hole using a truck crane and seal all joints with silicone or sealant. cement based. Waterproof the outer walls of the rings, install sewerage, and fill the gap between the walls of the container and the pit with earth. Place a reinforced concrete cover with a hatch on top. It should protrude above the ground.
  • Installing a plastic container follows the same principle. Dig a hole larger in diameter than the container, about 10-15 cm on each side. Measure the depth to the neck. It should be above the ground. The bottom of the pit can be made from sand cushion, as mentioned above, but there is one problem - the plastic is quite lightweight material, therefore, in the spring, with the rise of groundwater, the container can be pushed out of the ground. The best option Concrete can serve as the bottom for a plastic container. The bottom of the pit is concreted along with anchors. When the concrete has hardened, install the container, tying it with straps to the anchors. Connect the sewer and seal the pipe entrance. Backfilling is done in layers of 20-30 cm. As you backfill, fill the container with water so that the pressure of the earth does not crush the soft walls of the plastic. You can fill it with a mixture of sand (6 parts) and cement (1 part), compacting each layer. Place the lid on the neck of the container and the job is done.
  • To build a container made of brick or cinder block, dig a hole in the shape of the future container. Concrete the bottom and lay out the walls in a checkerboard pattern. Waterproof the walls with hot bitumen both inside and outside. Make a sewer line and fill the gaps with earth. The top of the container can be covered sheet metal or knocked down wooden shields.
  • A small storage tank can be built from old car tires. When laying them on top of each other, pour bitumen between them to seal.

Note! There is currently a lot of interest in horizontal plastic containers. They are equipped inside with partitions with overflow holes. After passing through several compartments, the filtered water can be drained into the ground. This type of container is installed in the same way as a regular plastic container, but with the obligatory fastening with belts to a concrete slab.

As you can see, installing a storage tank is a fairly simple process and can be done by every owner of his own yard. The best option for installation from the containers described above is plastic. It is lightweight, compact, easy to transport, and most importantly, has the longest service life. Watch the installation video provided and follow the instructions to get to work.


This video shows how a sewage container was buried and insulated on the site:

Developers of private houses face the problem of disposal of liquid household waste. You can install plastic sewerage containers with your own hands. They will serve long and reliably. The assortment is quite large. These can be ordinary storage tanks, simple septic tanks And autonomous systems waste-free wastewater treatment.

Types of plastic containers

Sewage containers come in the following types:

At first, many people simply bury a storage tank in the ground to collect wastewater from the house, which is periodically emptied using a sewer truck. Behind Lately Plastic containers for sewerage have gained popularity.

Storage capacity is always needed. Even if the owner has built an autonomous treatment plant, additional tanks may be required for volley discharges.

The septic tank processes liquid household waste. It consists of compartments. In the first of them, heavy particles settle and fats float. It occupies 70% of the total volume of the septic tank. In the next compartment, biological decomposition and filtration of partially settled water occurs, and then it goes into the ground through a filtration field or

Local treatment facilities contain devices for biological wastewater treatment. It is necessary to distinguish between anaerobic and aerobic methods of bacterial decomposition. In the first case, this occurs in the absence of oxygen. The action of most septic tanks is based on this method. Anaerobic bacteria feed on organic matter, which turns into sludge. It settles at the bottom of the container and is then collected and used as quality fertilizer soil.

For the life of aerobic bacteria, oxygen is required, which is pumped from the air in the form of small bubbles by a compressor. The process is active, and the degree of purification is high. The compressor requires electricity to operate.

Biological products are periodically introduced into plastic cleaning containers, where microbes multiply and eat sewage. In this case, it is necessary to constantly mix the effluent with air. Devices for aerobic decomposition are called aeration tanks. The process is carried out continuously, otherwise the microbes die within 3 months. That's why this technology used in houses with permanent residence.

Treatment facilities are calculated based on the number of people living in the house. Their volume should not be less or more than the calculated one to be effective. But reserve capacity is always needed in case of an unexpected influx of guests or unforeseen accidents.

The sewer tank can be metal, reinforced concrete or brick. Plastic sewage containers have the following advantages:

  • tightness;
  • ease of installation and assembly;
  • resistance to aggressive environments;
  • durability.

The disadvantage is low strength. Therefore, care should be taken during transportation and installation. Do not place the container on sharp stones that can push through the walls.

Choosing a plastic container

Their volume depends on many factors and is calculated in different ways. Let's consider the factors influencing the choice of such tanks.

1. Determining the volume of the storage tank

Plastic containers for sewerage are selected based on the frequency of removals, the number of residents and the average water consumption per person. It is recommended to pump out waste no more than 2 times a month. At daily norm consumption 150 l for a family of 3 people. you will need a tank with a volume of 6.75 m3. In this case, it is necessary to take into account various unforeseen situations due to which the removal may be delayed. They take about 30% of the estimated amount of wastewater. Then the final volume of the container will be 9 m 3.

If the manufacturer does not have such a tank, you should choose the closest model bigger size. It should be purchased in advance to determine the size of the pit. The height of the technological hatch is about 100 cm. In some models, it can be hermetically extended to increase the depth of the tank in order to prevent the liquid from freezing in winter.

With periodic visits, you can install plastic sewage containers in your dacha of smaller volume, which can be pumped out at the end of the season. To save money, you can use used plastic containers 1-1.5 m 3 in size.

2. How to calculate the volume of a septic tank

The volume of the septic tank should be equal to the 3-day water consumption of all users. At a rate of 150 liters for a family of 3 people, the consumption will be 450 liters per day. Then in 3 days a volume of 1350 liters will be required. The estimated consumption is increased by 30% and then the nearest larger standard container is selected. As a result, the required volume of the septic tank will be 2 m3.

The range of tank volumes is 1-150 m3.

3. Which plastic container to choose

Plastic sewage containers are made in vertical and horizontal cylindrical, rectangular shape or in the form of a ball. The material used is plastic or fiberglass. The walls can be single-layer or double-layer.

Plastic tanks are supplied with components to determine their filling level. This is a float system with light or sound alarm, notifying about filling to a specified level.

The wall thickness of the barrel for sewerage must be at least 9 mm.

Septic tanks for wastewater treatment can be used as plastic storage tanks for sewerage. IN summer time they work reliably for their intended purpose, and the water after purification can be used to water the garden. In winter, the activity of waste-eating bacteria decreases, and the waste must be removed with a sewer truck.

Plastic containers for sewage. Reviews

Objective assessments plastic tanks provide reviews from people who have installed them themselves and also used them for many years.

For summer residents, it turned out to be sufficient to use storage tanks of no more than 1 m 3. Even if you live there permanently in the summer, it is enough for the entire period. But on condition: if you connect the tank to the toilet flush, and pour the rest of the waste into a compost pit.

It is advisable to purchase a storage tank for the volume of the sewer truck. The wastewater will completely fill the barrel and will have to be removed less frequently.

Industrial septic tanks made of plastic cope with the job when constantly used in a private home. The water is reliably purified and goes into the ground. Typically, owners call vacuum cleaners for periodic cleaning once a year.

Autonomous sewerage based plastic containers is an environmentally friendly and safe system. If you follow the instructions for use, it does its job. Industrial stations for biological treatment of sewage waste domestic production homeowners often purchase and give positive reviews.

How to install plastic sewer containers

  1. At a distance of about 5 m from the house and with the possibility of convenient access for a sewage truck, a pit is dug, and a reinforced concrete foundation 20 cm thick is poured at its bottom. Fastening elements should be placed in it.
  2. It is removed from the house in a trench 1 m deep with a slope of 3-5 mm/m for self-removal of wastewater. The installation is done in a straight line to avoid blockages.
  3. Plastic containers are lowered on ropes or cables into the pit. The tank is installed on the foundation and secured with anchor straps to concrete screed so that it does not float up in the future under the influence of groundwater.
  4. Holes are cut in the tank, and sewer and ventilation pipes through rubber cuffs.
  5. Next, it is wrapped in geotextiles and covered with sand, which is periodically moistened and compacted. In this case, water is poured inside to the backfill level.


If you choose and install plastic sewage containers correctly, they will allow you to live comfortably in a private house with removal, partial or complete recycling of household waste. The devices are reliable and durable.

An urgent question that plagues everyone who wants to live in private country houses without the ability to connect to central water supply and drainage, how to do it autonomous sewerage. After all, without it it is not possible to fully use such benefits of civilization as a bath, shower, kitchen sink, washing machine and much more. Sewerage in a private house can be equipped different ways, which we will talk about in this article. Choosing the right system that suits your individual conditions and needs is even more important than implementing it.

What kind of sewerage system can there be - a private house with permanent and temporary residence

The option for arranging a drainage system in private homes is selected depending on several conditions:

  • House with permanent or temporary residence.
  • How many people permanently live in the house?
  • What is the daily water consumption per person in the house (depends on the number of water consumers, such as a bathtub, shower, toilet, sink, washbasin, washing machine, etc.)
  • What is the groundwater level?
  • What is the size of the site, how much space can be used for treatment systems.
  • What is the structure and type of soil on the site.
  • Climatic conditions of the area.

You can learn more about the requirements in the relevant sections of SanPin and SNiP.

Conventionally, all sewerage systems in a private house can be divided into only two types:

  • Storage systems(cesspool without bottom, sealed container for waste).
  • Wastewater treatment plants(the simplest single-chamber septic tank with soil purification, a two-chamber septic tank - overflowing wells with natural purification, a two-three-chamber septic tank with a filtration field, a septic tank with a biofilter, a septic tank (aeration tank) with a constant air supply).

The most ancient method of arranging a sewer system, proven over centuries and even millennia, is a cesspool. Some 50 - 70 years ago there was no alternative to this method at all. But people didn't use this a large number of water in private homes, like today.

A cesspool is a well without a bottom. The walls of the cesspool can be made of brick, concrete rings, concrete or other material. Soil remains at the bottom. When sewage from the house gets into the pit more or less pure water seeps into the soil, purifying itself. Fecal matter and other solid organic waste settles to the bottom, accumulating. Over time, the well becomes filled with solid waste, and then it needs to be cleaned.

Previously, the walls of the cesspool were not made waterproof; then, when the hole was filled, they simply buried it and dug a new one in another place.

I would like to immediately note that installing a sewer system in a private house using a cesspool is possible only if the average daily volume of wastewater is less than 1 m3. In this case, soil microorganisms that live in the soil and feed on organic matter have time to process the water that penetrates the soil through the bottom of the pit. If the volume of wastewater is greater than this norm, the water does not undergo sufficient purification, penetrates into the soil and pollutes groundwater. This risks contaminating wells and other water sources within a radius of 50 m. Adding microorganisms to the cesspool somewhat reduces bad smell emanating from it, and also speeds up the process of water purification. But, nevertheless, it is not worth the risk.

Conclusion. A cesspool without a bottom can be built if the house is visited 2-3 days a week and does not consume a lot of water. In this case, the groundwater level must be at least 1 m below the bottom of the pit, otherwise contamination of the soil and water source cannot be avoided. Despite the lowest cost of arrangement, a cesspool is not popular in modern country houses and cottages.

Sealed container - storage tank

A sealed container is installed on the site near the house, into which wastewater and waste from the entire house flow through pipes. This container can be ready-made, store-bought, and made of plastic, metal or other material. Or it can be assembled independently from concrete rings, the bottom is made of concrete, and the lid is made of metal. The main condition when installing a sewer system in a private house of this type is complete tightness. Suitable for sewerage corrugated pipes pragma.

When the container is full, it must be cleaned. To do this, a sewer truck is called, the call of which costs from 15 to 30 USD. The frequency of emptying the container, as well as the required volume, depends on the amount of waste. For example, if 4 people permanently live in a house, use a bath, shower, sink, toilet, washing machine, then the minimum volume of the storage tank should be 8 m3, it will have to be cleaned every 10 - 13 days.

Conclusion. A sealed cesspool is one of the options for installing sewerage in a private house if the groundwater level in the area is high. This will completely protect the soil and water sources from possible contamination. The disadvantage of such a sewage system is that you will often have to call a sewer truck. To do this, from the very beginning it is necessary to correctly calculate the location of the container to ensure convenient access to it. The bottom of the hole or container should not be deeper than 3 m from the soil surface, otherwise the cleaning hose will not reach the bottom. The lid of the container must be insulated to protect the pipeline from freezing. For such a sewer system in a private house, the cost depends on the material of the container. The cheapest option would be to purchase used Eurocubes, the most expensive would be concrete pouring or brick. In addition - monthly expenses for cleaning.

Single-chamber septic tank - the simplest option for soil treatment

A single-chamber septic tank is not far from the cesspool; it is often called that. It is a well, the bottom of which is filled with crushed stone in a layer of at least 30 cm, and on top of coarse sand in the same layer. Wastewater flows through pipes into a well, where the water, seeping through a layer of sand, crushed stone, and then soil, is purified by 50%. Adding sand and crushed stone improves the quality of water purification and partly feces, but does not radically solve the problem.

Conclusion. Conducting sewerage in a private house using a single-chamber septic tank is impossible with permanent residence and large volumes of wastewater. Only for houses with temporary residence and low level groundwater. After some time, the crushed stone and sand will need to be completely replaced, as they will silt up.

Two-chamber septic tank - overflow settling wells

As one of economical options sewerage system, which can be installed independently, the installation of overflow settling wells and filter wells is universally popular.

This sewage system in a private house consists of two wells: one with a sealed bottom, the second without a bottom, but with powder, as in the previous method (crushed stone and sand). Wastewater from the house flows into the first well, where solid organic waste and feces sink to the bottom, fatty waste floats to the surface, and more or less clarified water is formed between them. At a height of approximately 2/3 of the first well, it is connected to the second well by an overflow pipe, located slightly at an angle so that water can flow there freely. Partially clarified water enters the second well, where it percolates through a sprinkle of crushed stone, sand and soil, purifies even more and leaves.

The first well is a settling tank, and the second is a filter well. Over time, a critical mass of feces accumulates in the first well, to remove which it is necessary to call a sewer truck. This will have to be done approximately once every 4 - 6 months. To reduce the unpleasant odor, microorganisms are added to the first well that decompose feces.

Overflow sewer in a private house: photo - example

You can make a two-chamber septic tank yourself from concrete rings, concrete or brick, or you can purchase a ready-made (plastic) one from the manufacturer. In the finished two-chamber septic tank, additional cleaning will also occur using special microorganisms.

Conclusion. It is possible to install a sewer system in a private house from two overflow wells only if the groundwater level, even during a flood, is 1 m lower from the bottom of the second well. Ideal conditions is sandy or sandy loam soil on the site. After 5 years, the crushed stone and sand in the filter well will have to be replaced.

Septic tank with filtration field - biological and soil treatment

We move on to a description of more or less serious cleaning systems that allow you not to worry about environmental pollution.

This type of septic tank is one container divided into 2 - 3 sections or several separate well containers connected by pipes. Most often, having decided to install this type of sewer system, a factory-made septic tank is purchased.

In the first container, wastewater settles, as in the previous method (settling well). Through the pipe, partially clarified water flows into a second container or section, where anaerobic bacteria decompose organic residues. Even more clarified water reaches the filtration fields.

Filtration fields are areas underground where wastewater undergoes soil treatment. Thanks to the large area (about 30 m2), the water is purified by 80%. The ideal case is if the soil is sandy or sandy loam, otherwise you will have to equip an artificial filtration field made of crushed stone and sand. After passing through the filtration fields, the water is collected in pipelines and discharged into drainage ditches or wells. Trees or edible vegetables cannot be planted above the filtration fields; only a flower bed is allowed.

Over time, the fields become silted and need to be cleaned, or rather replaced with crushed stone and sand. You can imagine how much work will have to be done, and what your site will turn into after this.

Conclusion. Laying a sewer system in a private house, which requires the presence of a filtration field, is only possible if the groundwater level is below 2.5 - 3 m. Otherwise, this is quite constructive solution subject to sufficient free space. Also, do not forget that the distance from the filtration fields to water sources and residential buildings should be more than 30 m.

Septic tank with biofilter - natural treatment station

A deep cleaning station allows for complete installation of sewerage in a private house, even if the groundwater level is very high.

A septic tank is a container divided into 3 - 4 sections. It is better to purchase it from a trusted manufacturer, after consulting with professionals about the required volume and equipment. Of course, the price for such a sewer system in a private house is not the lowest, starting from 1200 USD.

In the first chamber of the septic tank, water settles, in the second, organic matter decomposes by anaerobic microorganisms, the third chamber serves for water separation, since in the fourth, organic matter decomposes with the help of aerobic bacteria, which need a constant flow of air. To do this, a pipe is mounted above the chamber, rising 50 cm above the ground level. Aerobic bacteria are added to a filter installed on the pipe leading from the third section to the fourth. In essence, this is the filtration field - only in miniature and concentrated. Thanks to the small area of ​​water movement and the high concentration of microorganisms, the water is thoroughly purified up to 90 - 95%. This water can be safely used for technical needs - watering the garden, washing the car and much more. To do this, their fourth section is given a pipe leading either to a container for accumulating purified water, or to drainage ditch or a well, where it will simply be absorbed into the soil.

Sewage treatment in a private house - operation diagram:

Conclusion. Septic tank with biofilter - good decision for a private home with permanent residence. Microorganisms can be added to the septic tank by simply pouring them into the toilet. There are no restrictions on the use of such a treatment plant. An undeniable advantage is that it does not require electricity. The only drawback is that sewerage installation in a private house requires permanent residence, since without the constant flow of wastewater, bacteria die. When new strains are introduced, they begin active activity only after two weeks.

Septic tank with forced air supply - artificial treatment station

An accelerated treatment station where natural processes occur artificially. Construction of a sewer system in a private house using an aeration tank will require supplying electricity to the septic tank to connect an air pump and air distributor.

Such a septic tank consists of three chambers or separate containers connected to each other. Water enters the first chamber through sewer pipes, where it settles and solid waste precipitates. Partially clarified water from the first chamber is pumped into the second.

The second chamber is actually an aeration tank; here water is mixed with activated sludge, which consists of microorganisms and plants. All microorganisms and bacteria activated sludge- aerobic. It is for their full functioning that forced aeration is needed.

Water mixed with sludge enters the third chamber - a settling tank for deeper cleaning. The sludge is then pumped back into the aeration tank using a special pump.

Forced air supply provides fairly rapid treatment of wastewater, which can then be used for technical needs.

Conclusion. An aeration tank is an expensive but necessary pleasure in some cases. The price starts from 3700 USD. There are no restrictions on the installation of such sewerage. Disadvantages are the need for electricity and permanent residence, otherwise the activated sludge bacteria die.

Water supply and sewerage of a private house - general rules

The location of sewerage facilities is subject to certain restrictions.

Septic tank should be located:

  • no closer than 5 m from a residential building;
  • no closer than 20 - 50 m from the water source (well, borehole, reservoir);
  • no closer than 10 m from the garden.

House must be remote:

  • 8 m from filter wells;
  • 25 m from filter fields;
  • 50 m from aeration treatment plants;
  • 300 m from drainage wells or stations.

The pipes leading to the septic tank must be insulated so that they do not freeze in winter. To do this, they are wrapped with heat-insulating material and inserted into asbestos-cement pipes. External sewerage distribution in a private house is carried out with pipes with a diameter of 100 - 110 mm, the slope should be 2 cm by 2 m, i.e. 2°, in practice they do a little more - 5 - 7° (with a margin). But you shouldn’t joke with this matter, since a larger slope will lead to water quickly passing through the pipes, and feces will linger and clog them, and a smaller slope will not ensure the movement of wastewater through the pipes at all. It is advisable to lay the pipes so that there are no turns or corners. For internal wiring sewer pipes 50 mm diameter is sufficient. If the house has more than one floor, and baths, sinks, and a toilet are also installed on the upper floors, then a riser with a diameter of 200 mm is used to drain wastewater down.

If you decide that you can do the sewerage of a private house with your own hands, be sure to take into account all the restrictions of SanPin and SNiP regarding the location and design of the sewerage system. In order not to spoil relations with your neighbors, consider the location of their water sources and other buildings.

The sewerage project for a private house is extremely important; you should not try to do without it. Sewerage is not a system that tolerates approximateness. Contact design bureaus or architects, and let the professionals create a working design for you, taking into account all the characteristics of the soil, site, climate and operating conditions. It is better if this project is completed together with the project of the house itself before its construction begins. This will make installation much easier.

If you are interested in the question of how to make a sewer system in a private house at high level groundwater, then based on all of the above, these could be the following options:

  • Sealed container for waste accumulation.
  • Septic tank with biofilter.
  • Aeration treatment station (aeration tank).

Direct installation work sewer system in a private house - not so complicated. It is necessary to install pipes throughout the house that will collect wastewater from different sources, connect them into a collector and lead them through the foundation or under it along the ground to the septic tank. Excavation You can do it yourself, or you can hire an excavator. But choosing the right sewerage system and drawing up a project is much more important.

Sewerage in a private house: video - example