How to apply horse manure under bushes in the fall. Horse manure as a fertilizer: how to use, reviews How to use fresh horse manure

To improve the growth and development of garden plants, they use different kinds fertilizers Among the large number of substances based on organic compounds, horse manure is especially popular. It includes almost all nutritional elements, needed by plants. Due to the high concentration of organic matter, it is important to know how to use horse humus as a fertilizer so as not to harm vegetables.

Composition of horse humus

Horse dung is a mixture of animal excrement and the bedding on which it sleeps. The rotted composition is no worse than chemical fertilizers. Straw is most often used as bedding, which is used as an independent fertilizer. When decomposed, it rots and makes the soil nutritious.

Dry stalks of grain crops, from which straw is made, contain microelements necessary for the full development and growth of plants. Some livestock breeders use sawdust. They retain water well in the soil. Chips from coniferous trees saturates the soil with acid, which is necessary to feed cucumbers, tomatoes, and carrots.

Horse manure is 70.1% water. Quantity organic matter- about 24%. Such a high concentration helps enrich the soil with all the necessary nutritional components. One of the main chemical elements that make up horse droppings is total nitrogen – 0.58%. Horse manure contains 0.19% ammonia nitrogen and must be broken down before the fertilizer reaches the soil. This substance is part of the proteins and amino acids necessary for the normal existence of any plants.

In addition to nitrogen, the structure of manure contains other important nutritional elements: phosphorus (0.28%), potassium (0.64%), magnesium (0.14%). Thanks to this composition, manure has positive characteristics.

  1. Porous texture. When it gets into the ground, the loose mixture makes it airy and helps retain moisture.
  2. Ability to improve vegetable nutrition. When manured, carbon dioxide is released in large quantities, which helps improve the photosynthesis of green plants.
  3. The high temperature of decay accelerates the process of decomposition of complex chemical compounds. This helps to quickly enrich the soil with nutrients.
  4. The likelihood of pathogenic microbes multiplying and contaminating the soil with them is minimal.
  5. Light weight. Granulated manure is packed in standard bags, the weight of which does not exceed 40 kg.

General rules of application

To wisely use horse manure to fertilize your garden, you must adhere to certain rules. It is better to apply fresh manure in the fall for digging. By spring, it will be so decomposed that it will serve as food for soil bacteria. IN clay soils it is added in larger quantities than in sandy ones.

Because of high temperature decomposition, it is undesirable to apply fresh humus as root feeding. Semi-rotted droppings look dry due to the loss of a large amount of moisture. It is applied in the spring in an amount of 4–6 kg per m². For effective and economical use, organic fertilizer is placed in the holes, thoroughly mixed with the ground.

Humus can also be used for summer feeding. During this period, they cover the ground with the purpose of mulching it. Humus is used not only in pure form, but also in mixtures with other substances. Manure and sawdust should be used in a 1:1 ratio. A large amount of horse droppings (up to 15 kg per 1 m²) transforms even heavy clay soils into suitable for cultivating vegetables.


The main task when storing horse humus is to ensure that the loss of its beneficial substances is minimal. The nitrogen contained in the fertilizer is of particular value for the plants being grown. This Chemical substance quickly breaks down into nitrites and nitrates. The latter are highly soluble and easily washed off with water.

Therefore, during storage, manure should not come into contact with water. When complex nitrogen compounds decompose, ammonia is released. This substance is toxic to humans in large quantities. To avoid poisoning, the manure pile should be placed at the end of the site.

Most The best way manure storage - formation of an embankment with a width of about three meters and up to two meters high. The resulting pile is compacted and covered with straw. Weed seedlings from seeds contained in manure or blown by the wind are cut off with a hoe.

Advice: “It is better to make a compost pile on the north side. If there are no such places in your dacha, you can plant a pumpkin around it; its wide leaves will serve as protection from the sun. Densely planted sunflowers will also create good shade.”

Fertilizer recipes

Horse droppings are used as fertilizer for vegetables, strawberries, fruit trees, and also for flowers. The exceptional composition makes it possible to use manure in various forms.

Fresh - delivered from the stables. In this form it is better to apply in the fall, after the last harvest. High heat transfer allows it to be used as biological fuel. To do this, it is laid out in layers about 30 cm high, having previously cleared the ground of weeds and residues. cultivated plants. During the winter months, it has time to decompose, and the heat released during the decay process prevents the ground from freezing.

Well-warmed soil is necessary for the early ripening of zucchini, cucumbers, and cabbage. Half-rotted horse excrement has a porous structure. To feed plants, it is recommended to dilute them with water and apply them to areas where beets, carrots, potatoes, and berries will be grown. Humus is considered the most significant and necessary for the garden. It takes several years to obtain it. Thanks to its properties, it ensures full growth of most plants. When feeding fruit crops bring up to five buckets of humus under one tree.

To retain moisture, cover with fertilizer tree trunk circles. Application of humus under berry bushes also very popular. Apply this fertilizer in three buckets per square meter. To mulch strawberries and raspberries, rotted excrement is mixed with dry leaves or straw and laid out in a layer about 10 cm high. Liquid manure is a liquid concentrate. It is sold in 5 liter bottles. Many gardeners make this fertilizer themselves.

Preparation of "Horse mash". Freshly cut nettles are placed in a container and completely filled with water. After 3 days, horse manure is added to the mixture at the rate of 1 part humus to 10 parts infusion. Mix everything well and leave for another 2-3 days. The finished concentrate is applied under the roots or sprayed on the leaves. Potassium-nitrogen fertilizer in the form of slurry can be taken from any place where horses are bred. This type of feeding is well suited for tomatoes.

Granular horse manure is easy to transport. It is also an excellent alternative to fresh food in areas where it is not possible to purchase a “natural product”. Granular manure is an all-natural basic fertilizer that has the same characteristics as fresh manure. It is more concentrated - 1 kg of granules contains the same amount of nutrients as 4 kg of fresh substance.

The fertilizer does not have a repulsive odor. The granules do not contain weed seeds, the presence of which is typical for fresh manure.

Before use, you must carefully read the instructions and, observing all the points, begin applying fertilizer.

Almost all flowers are very picky about the soil. Horse humus can improve its quality. Fertilizer applied to a flowerbed in the fall will not only enrich the soil with nitrogen, but also protect root system flowers from freezing. Fresh droppings have a high nitrogen content. Excess of this chemical element in tomatoes it promotes the growth of green mass. Therefore, it is better to feed tomatoes with compost or horse humus diluted with water. Strawberries are taken from the ground a large number of nitrogen-containing elements. Horse manure is an ideal fertilizer for her, but it is used only in a form highly diluted with water (5 kg of manure per 100 liters of water). The resulting infusion is poured over the strawberries.

Despite everything positive characteristics horse humus, in some circumstances it is unacceptable to use it. The presence of plaque on the surface of horse manure indicates the presence of pathogenic fungi. The use of such fertilizer can lead to plant infection with diseases. Only completely rotted fertilizer should be applied to cucumber beds. Incompletely decomposed manure releases ammonia, which is dangerous for cucumbers. This applies only to fertilizing carried out in spring or summer period. Proper and careful use of horse humus as a fertilizer will allow you to grow healthy and strong plants capable of producing rich harvests.

Without timely fertilizing can't be obtained good harvest not a single garden or vegetable crop. When growing plants in a suburban area, fertilizers can be used both mineral and organic. Moreover, the latter type of fertilizing is the most popular among summer residents.

Gardeners fertilize garden crops and fruit trees mostly manure. There are four main types of such feeding. horticultural crops can be cow, poultry, pork or horse. In this case, the last type of feeding is considered the best.

Almost all summer residents periodically use horse manure as fertilizer. How to apply this fertilizer correctly, we’ll talk about this later in the article.


This organic fertilizer contains simply a huge amount of substances beneficial to plants. Horse manure contains:

  • nitrogen;
  • phosphoric acid;
  • organic matter;
  • potassium;
  • magnesium and manganese;
  • zinc, boron, etc.

When using this fertilizer in the soil:

  • the content of nutrients and carbon dioxide increases;
  • beneficial microorganisms are activated.

In addition, the use of horse manure as fertilizer can significantly improve the structure of the soil on the site. When used, the soil in the garden becomes much more suitable for growing plants. In land improved with manure of this variety, the air and water balance is first normalized. This fertilizer makes clay soil more loose. In sandy soil it retains moisture and does not allow it to be washed out. nutrients.

Varieties by degree of decomposition

Used on suburban areas maybe horse manure:

  • fresh;
  • half-rotted;
  • decomposed to the stage of humus.

Of course, the most useful for garden and garden crops is horse humus. This manure can be used for almost any plant. This type of semi-rotted fertilizer can also be beneficial for some crops. For example, such manure is often fertilized:

  • pumpkin;
  • cabbage

In addition, this type of horse manure is very often used for feeding flowers, including roses. If desired, semi-rotted fertilizer of this type can be applied to other crops. But in this case, manure is used mainly only as an infusion diluted with water, which must be prepared using a special technology.

Fresh horse manure: application

Unfortunately, it is impossible to feed this type of fertilizer with unrotted fertilizer. Adding such a mass to the beds can lead to plant disease and even death. The fact is that when horse manure overheats, a very large amount of heat is released. Therefore, fresh fertilizer of this type can simply burn the roots of the plants.

In addition, fresh horse manure contains a large number of weed seeds. Therefore, after using it, the beds begin to become very overgrown. Also, fresh manure may contain harmful microorganisms and fungal spores that can cause diseases of garden and garden crops.

Thus, such a substance is not used as a fertilizer. But fresh horse manure can also be used usefully on the site. Summer residents use this mass, for example, very often in greenhouses in the spring. When manure of this variety is overheated, a lot of heat is actually released. Therefore, its use in greenhouses allows you to protect plants from the cold as reliably as possible.

Types by type of litter

The characteristics of this fertilizer, among other things, largely depend on what kind of bedding was used when keeping horses in the stable. In this regard, horse manure is distinguished:

  • with grain straw;
  • sawdust;
  • peat.

By overheating, this fertilizer promotes accelerated decomposition, including the litter. As a result, the mass is additionally saturated with various substances beneficial to plants.

Manure with peat is considered the highest quality. Using this fertilizer, you can get the highest yields. Manure and straw are also considered a very good top dressing. This fertilizer contains a lot of nitrogen.

Horse manure on sawdust contains the least amount of useful substances. But this fertilizer can significantly improve the characteristics of the soil in the beds and enjoys well-deserved popularity among summer residents.

Application in greenhouses

In summer, fresh horse manure is often used to increase the yield of cucumbers in greenhouses. To do this, a barrel with an infusion prepared from such a mass is simply placed in the middle of the greenhouse. The carbon dioxide released during fermentation of manure has a very beneficial effect on the development of pumpkin plants. In the greenhouse to obtain best result It is recommended to stir the infused manure daily.

Adding fresh horse mass directly to the beds is allowed only in the fall, after harvesting. Over the winter it will have time to rot and saturate the soil with useful substances. In this case, manure is scattered over the beds and the soil is immediately dug up. This method of application prevents nitrogen from evaporating.

How does it affect garden crops?

When using semi-rotted horse manure and humus:

  • the productivity of garden and horticultural crops is significantly increased;
  • plants get sick less.

In addition, the use of such fertilizer improves the taste of fruits and vegetables grown in the garden, as well as their keeping quality. A very good solution could be, for example, feeding onions and radishes with horse manure. When using this fertilizer, the bitterness of bulbs and root vegetables disappears.

How to prepare the infusion correctly

Various kinds vegetables and root crops are usually fed not directly with horse manure, but with solutions containing it. A concentrated infusion of such fertilizer is prepared using approximately the following technology:

  • old barrel or any other container is thoroughly washed and dried;
  • pour dry manure into it;
  • fill the mass with water at the rate of 5 liters per bucket;
  • infuse the manure for 2 weeks, stirring occasionally.

To enhance the effect, you can add a little hay or tree leaves to the infusion at the preparation stage.

How to use for tomatoes

Of course, many summer residents would probably like to know how to use horse manure, for example, for tomatoes. This crop is fed with this fertilizer for the first time approximately 20 days after planting the seedlings in open ground. In this case, 0.5 liters of concentrated infusion of manure is mixed in 10 liters of water. Water tomatoes with this liquid at the rate of approximately 0.5 liters per plant. Before fertilizing tomatoes, the soil underneath them is moistened generously with water.

Water the plants with the horse manure solution as carefully as possible. When performing this procedure, be sure to ensure that the liquid does not fall on the leaves or stems. The green tissues of tomatoes are quite tender. Therefore, the fertilizer solution can simply burn the leaves and stems of tomatoes. It is best to fertilize tomatoes with this infusion in the morning or evening.

The second time, tomatoes are fertilized with horse manure during the blooming period. Then the tomatoes are fed during fruit set. Both of these times use the same composition as in the spring. However, in this case, the consumption of infusion is reduced to 0.5 liters per 1 m 2.

Peppers are also fertilized using horse manure in the same way. This scheme is also used to increase the yield of eggplants. Potatoes are usually fertilized with such manure only once per season - during planting. In this case, the fertilizer is most often simply thrown directly into the holes in dry form.

How to use horse manure to fertilize cucumbers

Pumpkin crops respond particularly well to this type of fertilizing. Fertilizing cucumbers with such manure not only increases yield. When feeding this variety, bitter greens never grow on the vines of this crop.

The first time such fertilizer is applied to the beds prepared for cucumbers, usually in the spring, for digging. This crop is fed the second time at the beginning of the flowering of the crop. The third time cucumbers are fertilized with horse manure during the fruiting period. After another couple of weeks, the fourth (last) feeding is carried out.

Fertilizer is prepared using horse manure for cucumbers according to the same recipe as for tomatoes. According to the same scheme, if desired, you can feed zucchini and pumpkins during the season.

Rules for the use of dry manure

Most often, garden crops are fed with horse manure diluted with water by irrigation. But, of course, you can use this fertilizer in dry form. Manure of this variety is most often used to immediately cover the entire area of ​​that part of the plot that is used for growing garden crops.

In this case, the rotted or fresh mass is simply spread over the soil surface in the most even layer about 5 cm thick. Next, the manure is buried in the ground using a fork or shovel. This method of feeding is usually used on already depleted land that has long been used for growing garden plants.

How to use on trees and shrubs

Of course, horse manure can also be used as a fertilizer to fertilize apple trees, pears, plums, etc. In this case, this fertilizer is also usually used in dry form. Rotted manure is simply scattered over and then dug up the soil.

At the same time, 5 buckets of this fertilizer are usually applied to mature fruit trees, and 3 buckets to young ones. Immediately after applying manure, trees and shrubs are watered. This operation is performed in most cases in the fall.

To improve the growth and development of garden plants, various types of fertilizers are used. Among the large number of substances based on organic compounds, horse manure is especially popular. It includes almost all the nutritional elements needed by plants. Due to the high concentration of organic matter, it is important to know how to use horse humus as a fertilizer so as not to harm vegetables.

Composition of horse humus

Horse manure is a mixture of an animal's excrement and the bedding on which it sleeps. The rotted composition is no worse than chemical fertilizers. Straw is most often used as bedding, which is used as an independent fertilizer. When decomposed, it rots and makes the soil nutritious.

Dry stalks of grain crops, from which straw is made, contain microelements necessary for the full development and growth of plants. Some livestock breeders use sawdust to cover the floor in the stable. They retain water well in the soil. Coniferous tree shavings saturate the soil with acid, which is necessary to feed cucumbers, tomatoes, and carrots.

Horse manure is 70.1% water. The amount of organic matter is about 24%. Such a high concentration helps enrich the soil with all the necessary nutritional components. One of the main chemical elements that make up horse droppings is total nitrogen – 0.58%. Horse manure contains 0.19% ammonia nitrogen and must be broken down before the fertilizer reaches the soil. This substance is part of the proteins and amino acids necessary for the normal existence of any plants.

In addition to nitrogen, the structure of manure contains other important nutritional elements: phosphorus (0.28%), potassium (0.64%), magnesium (0.14%). Thanks to this composition, manure has positive characteristics.

  1. Porous texture. When it gets into the ground, the loose mixture makes it airy and helps retain moisture.
  2. Ability to improve vegetable nutrition. When manured, carbon dioxide is released in large quantities, which helps improve the photosynthesis of green plants.
  3. The high temperature of decay accelerates the process of decomposition of complex chemical compounds. This helps to quickly enrich the soil with nutrients.
  4. The likelihood of pathogenic microbes multiplying and contaminating the soil with them is minimal.
  5. Light weight. Granulated manure is packed in standard bags, the weight of which does not exceed 40 kg.

General rules of application

To wisely use horse manure to fertilize your garden, you must adhere to certain rules. It is better to apply fresh manure in the fall for digging. By spring, it will be so decomposed that it will serve as food for soil bacteria. It is added in larger quantities to clay soils than to sandy soils.

Due to the high decomposition temperature, it is undesirable to apply humus fresh as a root feeding. Semi-rotted droppings look dry due to the loss of a large amount of moisture. It is applied in the spring in an amount of 4–6 kg per m². For effective and economical use, organic fertilizer is placed in the holes, thoroughly mixed with the ground.

Humus can also be used for summer feeding. During this period, they cover the ground with the purpose of mulching it. Humus is used not only in its pure form, but also in a mixture with other substances. Manure and sawdust should be used in a 1:1 ratio. A large amount of horse droppings (up to 15 kg per 1 m²) transforms even heavy clay soils into suitable for cultivating vegetables.


The main task when storing horse humus is to ensure that the loss of its beneficial substances is minimal. The nitrogen contained in the fertilizer is of particular value for the plants being grown. This chemical quickly breaks down into nitrites and nitrates. The latter are highly soluble and easily washed off with water.

Therefore, during storage, manure should not come into contact with water. When complex nitrogen compounds decompose, ammonia is released. This substance is toxic to humans in large quantities. To avoid poisoning, the manure pile should be placed at the end of the site.

The best way to store manure is to form a mound about three meters wide and up to two meters high. The resulting pile is compacted and covered with straw. Weed seedlings from seeds contained in manure or blown by the wind are cut off with a hoe.

Advice: “It is better to make a compost pile on the north side. If there are no such places in your dacha, you can plant a pumpkin around it; its wide leaves will serve as protection from the sun. Densely planted sunflowers will also create good shade.”

Fertilizer recipes

Horse droppings are used as fertilizer for vegetables, strawberries, fruit trees, and flowers. The exceptional composition makes it possible to use manure in various forms.

Fresh - delivered from the stables. In this form it is better to apply in the fall, after the last harvest. High heat transfer allows it to be used as a biological fuel. To do this, it is laid out in layers about 30 cm high, having previously cleared the ground of weeds and remains of cultivated plants. During the winter months, it has time to decompose, and the heat released during the decay process prevents the ground from freezing.

Well-warmed soil is necessary for the early ripening of zucchini, cucumbers, and cabbage. Half-rotted horse excrement has a porous structure. To feed plants, it is recommended to dilute them with water and apply them to areas where beets, carrots, potatoes, and berries will be grown. Humus is considered the most significant and necessary for the garden. It takes several years to obtain it. Thanks to its properties, it ensures full growth of most plants. When feeding fruit crops, add up to five buckets of humus per tree.

To preserve moisture, the tree trunk circles are covered with fertilizer. The use of humus for berry bushes is also very popular. Apply this fertilizer in three buckets per square meter. To mulch strawberries and raspberries, rotted excrement is mixed with dry leaves or straw and laid out in a layer about 10 cm high. Liquid manure is a liquid concentrate. It is sold in 5 liter bottles. Many gardeners make this fertilizer themselves.

Preparation of "Horse mash". Freshly cut nettles are placed in a container and completely filled with water. After 3 days, horse manure is added to the mixture at the rate of 1 part humus to 10 parts infusion. Mix everything well and leave for another 2-3 days. The finished concentrate is applied under the roots or sprayed on the leaves. Potassium-nitrogen fertilizer in the form of slurry can be taken from any place where horses are bred. This type of feeding is well suited for tomatoes.

Granular horse manure is easy to transport. It is also an excellent alternative to fresh food in areas where it is not possible to purchase a “natural product”. Granular manure is an all-natural basic fertilizer that has the same characteristics as fresh manure. It is more concentrated - 1 kg of granules contains the same amount of nutrients as 4 kg of fresh substance.

The fertilizer does not have a repulsive odor. The granules do not contain weed seeds, the presence of which is typical for fresh manure.

Before use, you must carefully read the instructions and, observing all the points, begin applying fertilizer.

Almost all flowers are very picky about the soil. Horse humus can improve its quality. Fertilizer applied to a flower bed in the fall will not only enrich the soil with nitrogen, but also protect the root system of flowers from freezing. Fresh droppings have a high nitrogen content. An excess of this chemical element in tomatoes promotes the growth of green mass. Therefore, it is better to feed tomatoes with compost or horse humus diluted with water. Strawberries take a large amount of nitrogen-containing elements from the soil. Horse manure is an ideal fertilizer for her, but it is used only in a form highly diluted with water (5 kg of manure per 100 liters of water). The resulting infusion is poured over the strawberries.

Despite all the positive characteristics of horse humus, in some circumstances it is unacceptable to use it. The presence of plaque on the surface of horse manure indicates the presence of pathogenic fungi. The use of such fertilizer can lead to plant infection with diseases. Only completely rotted fertilizer should be applied to cucumber beds. Incompletely decomposed manure releases ammonia, which is dangerous for cucumbers. This applies only to fertilizing carried out in spring or summer. Proper and careful use of horse humus as a fertilizer will allow you to grow healthy and strong plants capable of producing rich harvests.

Feeding cucumbers with mullein is popular. This organic fertilizer or compositions with its addition are well received vegetable crop. To get the benefits of fertilizing, you need to know at what time and in what quantity to apply it.

Growing cucumbers is not complete without the application of mineral or organic fertilizers. Can I use mullein on my summer cottage, everyone will speak for themselves beneficial features this component.

Mullein (cow dung) is organic fertilizer, which stimulates the growth and development of cucumbers, increases the number of ripened fruits, improves immunity and protects against many diseases. In fertilized soil, the number of many useful microelements increases: nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, boron, iron and others. The composition is environmentally friendly and inexpensive.

The risk of developing diseases among cucumbers can be reduced even at the stage of preparing seeds for sowing. For sowing, it is best to take disinfected seeds. In addition to the common solution of potassium permanganate, an infusion of cow dung is popular and effective. Recommended proportions 1:6.

The use of infusion for spraying helps prevent many fungal and viral diseases. If the disease has just appeared, the stems of the bushes have become thinner, the leaves have withered and turned yellow, then foliar treatment is also effective. In this case, the manure is diluted in a ratio of 1:3 before use.

You can feed cucumbers with mullein several times during the entire growing season, with an interval of 12-14 days. It is especially useful when the plant looks lethargic, weak, and the leaves on the stem have turned white. Suitable for the first feeding, when the first leaves just begin to unfold. The main thing is to know what kind of manure is suitable for cucumbers and at what time it is safe to use it.

Basic rules for using fertilizer

Cucumbers benefit from mullein various stages their development, but it is different from slurry. Slurry contains many microelements, but it may contain pathogens various infections. Mullein is produced by fermentation and during this process pathogenic organisms are killed. Therefore, it is safer to cultivate the land with mullein than with slurry.

A large number of microelements are concentrated in the manure bed, and beneficial microorganisms begin to multiply. It becomes profitable to plant vegetables on such plots of land. All useful material, which are contained in the soil, are more easily absorbed by the plant when mullein is added. During the ripening period, you can enjoy tasty and crispy cucumbers.

How to make a garden bed, vegetable growers recommend rotted manure for cucumbers. Before planting cucumbers, it is useful for them to cultivate the garden during autumn or spring digging. If cucumbers are planted in such soil, a rich and high-quality harvest is obtained. Rotted droppings are also used to mulch the beds and infusions for watering are prepared based on it.

Manure cannot be used for feeding fresh. Fresh manure can cause burns to the root system and leaves. It is allowed to make an infusion from fresh manure for watering and spraying, or put it in a pure, undiluted form only in the fall, digging up the ground.

Since unrotted manure contains many weed seeds, spreading it on the site leads to the spread of weeds.

Despite the fact that cucumbers love and accept mullein well, you should not add it to the soil too often. An excess of some microelements can harm the plant. Therefore, only balanced use can be beneficial.

How to prepare a healthy composition

Ready-made mullein is sold, but you can make your own fertilizer for cucumbers. There are two main types of mullein: liquid and litter.

If there is bedding material from sawdust and straw in the cow's stall, the resulting manure is of the bedding type. The result is solid manure with the inclusion of straw. During long-term storage, it begins to overheat, forming humus. Humus is also useful for feeding plants.

Liquid fertilizer for cucumbers can be made as follows. IN compost pit or larger plastic barrel lay auxiliary components such as straw, fallen leaves, sawdust, potato tops or tomatoes. Everything is filled with liquid manure. Then the layer of auxiliary components is repeated again. The layers are alternated to the very edge of the container.

You can feed cucumbers with a composition made in a different way. You should start making mullein-based fertilizer a week before applying it to the beds. The easiest way to do it good feeding, this is to dilute mullein with water in a ratio of 1:2 and leave to infuse.

The beginning of fermentation is indicated by the appearance of bubbles and the color becomes lighter. Before watering, the resulting solution is diluted again with water. Mullein infusion should be watered only between rows, avoiding contact with leaves and ovaries. To save everything valuable properties, open the container with ready-made solution it is forbidden.

There are several rules for feeding a cucumber bed with prepared manure. During the entire period of development, it is recommended to feed the cucumber bed at least four times. Since a varied diet improves the development of cucumbers, it is useful to alternate nutritional components.

  • The very first time, you should fertilize cucumbers with mullein before the flowering period begins. The recommended dosage of manure is 250 g, which is diluted with a bucket of water. From the experience of gardeners: “Together with manure, I diluted 5 g of potassium sulfate, superphosphate and urea.”
  • Next time, it is necessary to apply fertilizers at the beginning of fruiting. Instead of mullein, you can use chicken droppings and wood ash, which are also diluted in a bucket of water.
  • After two weeks, you can water the cucumbers again with a solution containing mullein. Advice: “Dilute the mullein separately with water in a ratio of 1:3.” For the composition, you will also need to take a diluted solution (1 liter), add 5 g of potassium sulfate, urea and superphosphate.
  • It is recommended to apply the last fertilizing after three weeks. Again, instead of cow dung, an infusion of bird droppings is prepared.

Cucumbers in a greenhouse can be fed with mullein for the first time two weeks after planting the seedlings. 1 liter of mullein is diluted in 10 liters of water and left to infuse for about three days. Then dilute it again with water and add 250 g of wood ash.

When feeding plants, it is best not to pour the mullein solution at the root, but to place it in grooves made next to the beds. After the solution is absorbed, the grooves are covered with earth again.

Application of horse and rabbit manure

Many vegetable growers note that it is much more effective for cucumbers in open ground choose horse manure as fertilizer. It decomposes much faster, heats up quickly and cools down slowly. It retains heat for a long time, which has a beneficial effect on the development of cucumbers.

It is best to treat the land with horse manure, especially fresh, in the fall. For 1 sq. meter you will need to take 5.5 kg of the main component. When digging up the soil in spring, it is best to add rotted manure for cucumbers. During flowering and ovary formation, it is most effective to water with liquid manure.

To make a bed for cucumbers when using horse manure in greenhouse conditions, first remove upper layer soil. Then manure is placed on top of the remaining bed and boiling water is poured over it to get rid of all pathogens. After this, the greenhouses are covered with a new layer of soil, the beds are dug up and leveled.

It is beneficial for plants to make compost from horse manure. To prepare it, you need to put it in a hole or large capacity various plant waste, for example, leaves, sawdust, tops of other vegetables and mixed with prepared manure. To make a liquid fertilizer, manure is diluted with a bucket of water and left to infuse.

You can also feed cucumbers with rabbit manure; it is no less useful than cow or horse manure. It contains nitrogen, potassium, calcium, magnesium, various trace elements, vitamins and other valuable substances in equal quantities. Growing a good harvest is simple, since all components are easily and quickly absorbed by plants. Manure loosens and fertilizes the soil.

Rabbit manure as a fertilizer is used in any form in a greenhouse or in open beds. The soil is cultivated with fresh droppings in the fall. To prepare the infusion, you need to take one part of manure and ten parts of water. Leave to infuse for 2.5 weeks. Compost is considered effective. Make a compost pit, about 1.5 meters deep, throw sawdust and leaves into it. The heap will alternate vegetation layer with manure. Can be used for cucumbers in the spring, before planting.

The key to a good harvest is the correct and timely use of fertilizers. Be sure to take into account the timing of manure application and dilute the components in the recommended dosages.