How to install plastic window sills and slopes with your own hands. DIY installation of a plastic window sill. How to properly secure a window sill yourself and what should be done for this How to install a plastic window sill in stages

Modern tendencies require innovations in every area of ​​life, including repairs. With the development of technology, new materials and products appear that have much better performance. If previously it was necessary to install two window frames to provide heat and sound insulation, now it is enough to install a thin metal-plastic window, which perfectly copes with the same functions, and is also more efficient. Instead of a heavy concrete window sill, PVC products are now used, which are important to be able to install correctly to achieve optimal performance.


Installing a plastic window sill in an apartment or house can be done for various reasons. The simplest of them is the wear and tear of the old window and its complete replacement, including all its components. Metal-plastic windows have long gained credibility and are very popular, as they are easy to install, and their service life and performance characteristics very high.

Thanks to modern window is a universal product; you can add a wide variety of window sills to it that will meet the stylistic goal of the room and provide comfort.

The most versatile option is considered to be a PVC window sill, which fits perfectly with the window itself, creating a single composition. In addition, the cost of such a product is much lower than that of more sophisticated options of the type natural stone. In order to accurately determine which window sill is best to install in the room, you need to know the advantages and disadvantages of this window element.

Among the positive qualities are:

  • resistance to moisture and different temperatures - a PVC window sill does not change its shape and appearance;
  • no need for serious care of the product;
  • light weight of the window sill, unlike similar options;
  • does not need painting to refresh the appearance;
  • does not shrink like wooden products;
  • the ability to install this element of any size, shape and even color depending on the wishes of the owners.

If we talk about the negative aspects, then they include:

  • Fragility of the product - if used carelessly, dents and even holes may appear on the window sill.
  • If upper layer has a gloss, it is susceptible to scratches, which will quickly deteriorate the appearance of the product.
  • Weak resistance to very high temperatures. You should not place hot pots and kettles on a PVC window sill, as this can deform the surface, ruining it forever.

There are quite a lot of options for materials from which a window sill can be made, but most often they choose those that look good and have the desired characteristics. If speak about PVC structures, then an important advantage is that it is inexpensive and does not require most additional work, which are inherent in other materials: treatment against corrosion, rotting, painting.

In addition, thanks to their excellent characteristics, these window sills comply with GOST, because they are not harmful to humans and have parameters that ensure the safety of residents.

Style and design

Since metal-plastic windows are often white, PVC window sills were initially made only in this version. With the growing popularity of this product, different color solutions for both windows and window sills began to appear. Most often a variation white is an imitation of wood, which is used in bedrooms or children's rooms. In addition, this option allows you to install modern designs V wooden house, which will not stand out externally, but fit into the concept of the building.

For the production of such products it is used laminated PVC films under the tree. To impart the desired properties, additional impregnation with melamine resin is carried out.

This way you can give the surface the look of any wood, be it oak, alder or cherry.

In addition, window sills finished with natural stone, most often granite or marble, are also popular. Thanks to this solution, you can avoid buying an expensive and heavy product, but get an equally beautiful window design option. If you need to somehow decorate the room, which is especially often the case with a children’s room, then you can resort to using colored window sills.

They may have different texture and shape, which are selected taking into account the wishes of the client.

If we talk about convenience, then for each type of house there are options of different lengths and widths, so that you can manage the space as correctly as possible. Brickwork differs in width from the walls panel house, that’s why we need different window sills here. If we talk about original design solutions, then you can make a window sill-tabletop that will perform two functions at once, thereby making it possible to do without buying a table.

This option will look good in small kitchens or bedrooms where you need to place a lot of space. functional zones in a small space.

The use of glossy or matte coating, original shapes and sizes - this is all that the owner of a PVC window sill can get. Often, such options are made to order and are a little more expensive, but the appearance of the room with such an accessory will be inimitable. Each owner decides for himself what to install in his home based on taste preferences and financial capabilities.

What to install?

Usually window sills are made standard sizes to fit the most common window options. But due to the fact that frames can often have atypical characteristics, very often it is necessary to trim the product on the spot so that it fits under the window as well as possible. To approach the process correctly, the first step is to carry out everything necessary measurements, and only after that cut off the excess.

It is best to mark with a pencil or marker so that it is clearly visible.

Necessary tools and components

Any repair process requires correct selection tools to provide maximum efficiency work, and the correct choice of components will make the process of operating the product simple and not causing any problems or worries.

To install a PVC window sill, you need to have:

  • the product itself;
  • corner for determining the slope of the window sill;
  • level to check the evenness of installation of the product;
  • marker with tape measure for marking;
  • silicone sealant for sealing joints and seams;
  • polyurethane foam to eliminate cavities between the window sill and the wall of the house itself;
  • jigsaw for cutting off unnecessary parts;
  • hammer drill to dismantle the old structure and provide necessary conditions for new;
  • screwdriver for fastening the window sill;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • cement mortar for leveling the surface under the new window sill and sealing the installation sites of the structure;
  • stationery knife and clean rags for cleaning window design finished look.

In addition to the basic tools and materials, you should also not forget about additional ones, which include slopes, thanks to which the window is transformed, creating a completely different perception of the room.

The cover on the window sill, which is put on both sides of the product, is necessary in order to frame it beautifully and close the cavities into which dust or moisture can get, from where it will not be easy to remove it. Usually it looks like a smooth strip with protrusions at the ends.

When installing it, you need to cut it in half and then measure it required amount so that it fits perfectly on the new window sill.

In order to cut a window sill, you can use several tools:

  • Hacksaw for metal, any home owner will have one. The process of cutting with it will be lengthy and will require considerable physical strength.
  • Jigsaw, which is best suited for such work, as it cuts off excess parts quickly and without much difficulty. For best result It is important to set the pendulum stroke to zero, and for the work choose a metal file with small teeth.
  • Bulgarian helps to trim unnecessary parts very quickly and accurately, but at the same time it is very noisy and dusty during operation.
  • Cordless saws are cordless instruments. It is easy and convenient to work with such equipment, but their disadvantage is the high cost of the tool.

When all the tools are ready, you can begin work, in which it is important to follow all the recommendations, otherwise the product may become distorted and the appearance of the window will suffer greatly from this.

It is important to remember that the places that need to be foamed must dry out for some time so as not to change their characteristics.

Preparatory work

In order to install a new PVC window sill, the first step is to dismantle the old structure. Depending on what material it was made of, certain work will be carried out. It is best to remove old parts carefully so as not to damage the masonry and have to restore it. If it was not possible to carry out dismantling effectively, then additional procedures will be needed.

First of all, the surface where the window sill will be installed is cleared of debris and unnecessary parts. Next, you need to calculate what dimensions the new window element has and whether it is necessary to change the dimensions of the opening. If both designs had approximately equal performance, then the process will proceed faster. If there is an obvious difference, then it is necessary to carry out work to adjust the size of the window opening to install a new PVC product.

If the window sill is thinner than before, then the difference can be eliminated using cement mortar, if it is thicker, then the excess part can be removed using a hammer drill, after which you will have to make a concrete screed.

When calculating the height of the base for installing a new element, it is important to take into account the gap for the foam on which the product will be attached. It must be at least 2 cm. If necessary, additional work is carried out to adjust the grooves in the side slopes. In order for the window to keep the cold out, it is important to exclude any possibility of this, which is why the junction of the frame and the window sill is coated with silicone sealant, after which the installation itself takes place.

When calculating the width of the window sill, it is important to decide where exactly it will begin and end. You can make it the width of the window or leave a margin of a few centimeters so that the edges on each side go into the wall. Typically, such gaps are four to six centimeters long.

Initially, you need to make cuts in the slopes into which the new PVC window sill will be inserted.

Installation subtleties

In order to install a new PVC window sill with your own hands, you need to correctly install the structure. The installation process of such parts can be carried out using:

The simplest and convenient option There will be an option with foam for installation. The first step is to prepare wooden wedges that will serve as supports for the new window sill. They are placed over the entire surface of the prepared base. It is important to check the levelness of the installation using a level and note the tilt of the product. It is necessary that the bevel be directed into the room in order to direct condensation not towards the stove, but into the room.

If any inconsistencies arise in these indicators, then the wooden wedges can be increased or, conversely, decreased depending on the situation.

All work is carried out in stages to avoid installation errors and unsatisfactory results. Once the wedges are the right size, free space between the window sill and the base is covered with foam. To prevent the angle of inclination from changing, it is important to install a weight on the windowsill that will provide the required resistance, so the foam will harden correctly. For complete hardening, at least two or even three days should pass, after which you can remove the weighting and use the window sill.

The process of installing a window and window sill goes step by step, and it is important to take into account all the stages in order to get a decent result in the end. This process is inextricably linked with the finishing of the walls, therefore, when planning the installation option, you need to think in advance about how further work will be carried out.

  • If you plan to install a window sill before finishing it with sandwich panels or plasterboard, then there is no need to ditch the bottom. As the thickness increases, the slab will be pressed using the finishing material.
  • If the slopes are covered with varnish or putty paint, then in this case it is necessary to trench the surface.

If you plan to use massive elements in the form of wood panels, linings, traffic jams, Venetian plaster, then it is important to take into account the protrusion of the slab, taking into account the thickness of the coating. Otherwise, it will be recessed inside the opening, which will not look aesthetically pleasing.

Thus, replacing a window requires that the old concrete window sill also be removed and replaced with a new one. For the convenience of further work, it is advisable to remove the old structure without causing any major damage to the masonry.

You can replace a heavy and outdated window sill with a modern PVC product, which is not only light and quite durable, but also has a varied appearance that can be matched to the style of the room, which is very convenient.

The work process comes down to the following steps:

  • Installation of a new product, inserting it into pre-prepared grooves.
  • Aligning the window sill relative to the window using wooden wedges.
  • The process of fixation, when the window sill can be secured using polyurethane foam, which will provide excellent performance characteristics for many years.
  • The use of plugs, which may have different shapes. Depending on the design features of the window sill, they can be without lugs, if the thickness of the product is quite large and there is a desire to make it look like a stone monolith, or with lugs if the thickness is minimal and a simple version of the window element is used.

To change the window sill quickly and correctly, it is important to complete all the steps, which include dismantling old structures, installing new and Finishing work. This is important because incorrect dismantling of an old product will add unnecessary work, inaccuracies in installing a new one will lead to operational problems, and improper finishing work will affect the final appearance.

To remove the foam that will remain after installation, you must first cut it off using a utility knife, and then apply a layer of tile adhesive, which must be puttied when dry. Only after this can the surface be painted or wallpapered.


To do high-quality repairs, you need to select the right materials for it. When replacing windows and window sills, it is worth choosing the correct dimensions of the latter. Standard width the dimensions for it will be:

  • 50-60 cm, if installation will be carried out in a brick house;
  • 20-25 cm for panel houses.

The widest window sill that can be found on the market is 80 cm, and the narrowest is 20 cm. If we talk about length indicators, it can be from 1.5 meters to 6.

All unnecessary parts are removed during the installation process so that the resulting window has an aesthetic appearance.

If we talk about atypical windows, for example, small structures in a bathroom or other room, then in this case there is no need to use a large window sill; the best solution would be a width of 10 cm. Almost all standard products have a thickness of 2 cm, which is enough for moderate loads and full use of the window element. There are also thinner products, where the thickness is 1.8 cm, which implies lighter loads on the surface.

If the window sill is planned to be used as a table, then its width must be sufficient for this, so products are produced in widths from 60 cm to one meter. This option can be used in almost any room where you need to minimize the amount of furniture and increase functionality.


Due to the emergence of new materials for the manufacture of window sills, color options for such products have also appeared. The simplest one is to use various colors and shades, which can either be transferred to the window itself or go separately as a decorative element of the room.

Often such accents are made in the kitchen, bedroom, nursery, where there is an opportunity to add color to the interior.

For a more refined appearance, you can use window sills imitating natural stone, marble and granite, or wood, which looks especially beautiful in wooden buildings. The variety of options for window sills can include not only color, but also texture, which can be glossy or matte.

For original style and to give the interior an expensive appearance, it is better to use gloss, but in a quieter room the matte version will look great.

Window repair is always accompanied by nuances that it is advisable to know and skillfully use.

  • If you need to use a hammer drill, it is important to protect your face and hands with glasses and gloves so that nothing gets on them.
  • When working on the base for a new PVC product, you need to clearly know its dimensions, so as not to knock off the excess part of the wall, but also not to make the hole smaller than necessary.
  • The gap that forms between the window sill and the surface on which it rests must be sealed with foam. To help this material adhere better, it is important to wet the surface before use.
  • When choosing the width of the product, it is important to know that its protrusion beyond the slope should not exceed 6 centimeters. If this is neglected, the circulation of air masses may be disrupted and the windows will fog up heavily.
  • When repairing a balcony and replacing windows with access to it, the thickness of a standard window sill will be 20 cm, but if you have suitable dimensions, you can use even meter-long products. You can also fix the product on the balcony using foam or glue, depending on the situation.

For useful tips on choosing and installing window sills and slopes, see the following video.

Successful examples and options

  • You can install windows both in a wooden house and in a brick one, and depending on this you can choose the color of the entire structure and design features certain parts.
  • The use of a wooden window sill in combination with a frame in the same color blends harmoniously with the entire house, which is finished modern materials with imitation wood.

An indispensable attribute of any window system is the window sill. In addition to performing a decorative function, it additionally protects the room from cold penetration in the area of ​​the stand profile. Most widespread received plastic (PVC), wooden and partly granite window sills. But since plastic products cost less, have high performance characteristics, and are lighter in weight, they are in great demand. Carrying out installation work does not require special skills, so installing a window sill if available the necessary tool can be done by hand.

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    When does a window sill need to be replaced?

    A large selection of polyvinyl chloride slabs allows you to choose the product required characteristics according to the following parameters:

    • colors, imitation stone or precious wood;
    • dimensions in mm: width 110–800, length 4050–6000, thickness 18–22;
    • a specific manufacturer;
    • affordable cost per linear meter;
    • quality and composition of polyvinyl chloride;
    • resistance to wear and damage, heat, and ultraviolet radiation.

    There are several reasons why the owners of an apartment or house decide to install a window sill on their own:

    • The windows are in good condition, but the panel has become unusable - damaged, scratched, pressed through.
    • The previous product was not secured correctly.
    • After the renovation, there was a desire to install a PVC plate of a different color, more suitable for the new interior.
    • Changing the width of the panel. Replacing it with a narrow product that does not block the movement of warm air from heating element upward, thereby improving air circulation. The window frame warms up and does not become damp, which reduces the likelihood of mold growth.
    • It is difficult to find a specialist to perform small volumes of work in the form of one window sill.
    • The desire to carry out the installation yourself, saving some money.

    To successfully install the window sill on your own, you will need to additionally purchase two end caps; they are attached to the side sections of the product at the final stage of work. And when connecting two window sill panels at an angle or in a straight line, purchase a universal PVC connector.

    Tools and materials

    The quality and class of tools and materials used determine the quality of the work performed, the ease and convenience of its implementation, and the service life of the entire window structure. First of all, you will need to prepare:

    • PVC window sill;
    • building level with measuring tape, pencil;
    • electric jigsaw, grinder;
    • a container of polyurethane foam for a special gun;
    • stationery knife;
    • wooden wedges different thicknesses;
    • mounting brackets, screws;
    • chisel with hammer;
    • spatula with primer.

    Preparatory work

    Before installing the window sill, you need to prepare the place , side slopes and the lower part of the window opening. The recesses in the slopes provide additional support for the canvas on the sides, so the panel should extend slightly into the walls. To do this, attach it to the wall and make corresponding marks on each side with a pencil (marker). Next, select the grooves, deepening by 1–2 cm. This work To avoid the formation of large holes and excessive damage to the slopes, it should be carried out very carefully.

    If there are metal perforated corners, horizontal cuts in the slopes will be correctly made using a grinder, then the cut will be absolutely even. The rest of the recess is completed with a chisel and hammer, which are well suited for working on any soft surfaces, such as gypsum plaster. If the walls are made of concrete, then the side grooves are made with a hammer drill with a special attachment in the form of a chisel.

    Only after this is the bottom of the window opening prepared with the installed stand profile, to which the window sill is attached and aligned with the window. The surface is cleaned of remnants of plaster, concrete, brick and dust generated during work with slopes is swept away. For better adhesion to the polyurethane foam, the prepared base is moistened, but it would be wise to use a primer, applying it over the surface with a brush. Having soaked all the holes, bulges and cracks, it will reliably hold the base together..

    Taking measurements and trimming

    Before installation, you will need to take measurements, the correctness of which determines the appearance and strength of the future structure. Therefore, in addition to the characteristics and properties of a product made of polyvinyl chloride, it is necessary to take into account such nuances as its thickness and the distance between the battery and the window sill. Otherwise, the stove hanging over the heating device, disrupting the air circulation, will cause a deterioration in the microclimate in the room.

    The length of the installed panel must exceed the distance between the slopes and extend into them to a depth of two to three centimeters. The width is selected arbitrarily, but since the window sill is located above the radiator, the front protrusion is made no more than 8 cm, which is necessary for normal heating and movement of air masses inside the room. For this reason, the vertical distance from the battery is maintained at least 10 cm.

    Be sure to leave 5 mm gaps on the sides of the window sill. Their presence will allow you to avoid damage caused by deformation of the panel when it is heated by a battery or exposed to sunlight. To maintain the required distance, beacons 5 mm thick are used, which are removed at the final stage of work, and the cracks formed in their place are sealed with sealant.

    In accordance with the measurements taken, a window sill of the required length and width is cut out of the workpiece. To do this, it is better to use a jigsaw or grinder, a hacksaw with a fine-toothed metal saw, which will allow you to get perfectly smooth edges. Since plastic is a fragile material, you should cut carefully without using excessive force.

    If the above requirements are not met, chips and cracks will form, and the edge of the panel will turn out uneven. The work must be carried out in compliance with all safety measures, therefore, to protect against small particles formed during intensive cutting, it is necessary to wear work gloves and goggles.

    Installation instructions

    There are several ways to install a window sill.

    • Most old method involves its fixation using a special composition. Today, due to the emergence of more convenient, reliable fastening options, it is rarely used.
    • Using self-tapping screws. IN window frame prepare holes for hardware. After processing them acrylic sealant The edge of the window sill is placed under the window and secured with screws.
    • On spring brackets. The fasteners are screwed directly to the substitution profile and the product is installed in the resulting groove, between the frame and brackets.
    • Wedging using beams. They are driven under the panel all the way, trying to ensure that its edge is pressed against the frame. This method It is considered the most labor-intensive, but at the same time reliable.

    Additional rigidity of the structure, regardless of the chosen installation method, is provided by placing special pads under the window sill and filling the resulting voids with polyurethane foam.

    It is easier and more convenient to fix the product on polyurethane foam, having previously leveled it on wooden or plastic stands. They can be prepared in different thicknesses, lengths and widths, which makes height adjustment easier. If the space between the base and the window sill exceeds 100 mm, then it is partially filled with mortar, while leveling the surface. A gap of a few centimeters is enough for the foam.

    The supports are installed, maintaining a distance of 400–500 mm between them, but in the amount of at least three units - one in the center, two at the edges. The thickness of the substrate is chosen so that the window sill fits exactly between the supports and the lower edge of the window. Next, special mounting plates bent at an angle are screwed onto the stand profile to hold the panel. By pressing the front of the workpiece, they minimize the likelihood of a gap forming. Instead of plates, you can use long screws.

    Having prepared the supports and installed the panel, preliminary alignment is carried out relative to the horizon. If the window sill space is planned to be filled mineral wool, and not with polyurethane foam, then the slab is removed and the supports are glued to the base with silicone glue.

    Having removed part of the protective film on the sides - in the places adjacent to the slopes, end caps are attached to them. The panel is carefully inserted and, resting on the backing, is inserted into place. With a light tap, the window sill is adjusted to the window until it stops, thereby aligning it in width.

    Re-check the position relative to the horizon in transverse and longitudinal directions. Ideally, the air bubble of the level should be located in the center, but a slight offset towards the room is allowed. Then the presence of a slope will prevent the accumulation of moisture.

    When installing a window sill on a balcony or loggia, there are some nuances. Since there is no reliable support, the workpiece has to be secured using brackets. They are pre-mounted on the stand profile or lower on the wall using self-tapping screws with press washers. The minimum number of brackets per window sill is at least 4 pieces. It is recommended to maintain a distance of no more than 25 cm between them. To ensure reliability of the design, additional fastening panels with frame with screws.

    The final stage of work

    When the polyurethane foam hardens, it increases in volume, and the window sill may rise and become deformed. Therefore, before foaming the window sill space, the panel is loaded using any available weights - containers with water, books, collapsible dumbbells. They will hold it in place, and the foam will be squeezed out along the entire length. Excess frozen foam is cut off with a knife and the final finishing is carried out.

    After installing the window sill, all detected gaps and cracks in the area of ​​the slopes and at the bottom of the window are eliminated using silicone sealant. It is applied in a thin strip and compacted by running a finger over the top. Excess is promptly removed with a damp cloth. After drying, it will be more difficult to do this, and the result will be less accurate.

    Also remove excess dried foam, cutting it off with a stationery knife to a depth of 1 cm. Next, the surface under the panel and the detected voids large sizes fill flush with the wall ordinary plaster. Using glue for PVC products, install plugs at the ends of the window sill. Upon completion of all work, after final finishing the slopes remain to be removed protective film.

    As you can see, installing a window sill on your own does not require special skills. The only significant obstacle may be the lack of the necessary tools and the purchase Supplies(their remains may no longer be useful). Accordingly, the costs will be higher than the services of a qualified specialist.

    The role of the window sill cannot be overestimated. After all, this is not only a decorative element of the window and room. The window sill participates in thermal insulation, preventing the penetration of cold air from the street. Therefore, installing this window element is a process that requires accuracy and strict adherence to the rules. This article is devoted to the installation of window sills.

    The materials from which window sills are made today can be different. The type of window sill board determines the method of its installation.

    Wood, for example, oak, cherry, pine, has long been the most common material from which window sill boards were made. Wooden window sills do not lose their connoisseurs to this day. The wood is pre-dried and treated with antiseptic solutions and varnish.

    The main advantage of a wooden window sill board is its natural origin and noble appearance. But such material is expensive, and solid wood products are subject to deformation. To preserve the window sill, you need to protect it from exposure to abrasives, water and aggressive chemicals, and also periodically renew the coating.

    Boards made of laminated veneer lumber are less expensive and more resistant to external influences if they are made in compliance with the technology.

    Chipboard and MDF

    As a cheaper alternative to wood, many companies produce window sill boards made from chipboard or fibreboard. The products are covered with a special film on top. MDF is a more durable and moisture-resistant material compared to chipboard. If the integrity of the film is damaged, water that gets onto the slab from chips can lead to swelling and significant deformation. MDF is more expensive, but more stable.

    Window sills made from wood chips or fiber are very easy to clean. The main thing is not to use abrasives.

    Stone products

    Connoisseurs of natural materials often prefer stone window sill boards. Most often it is granite or marble. Stone products are beautiful, each window sill has a unique pattern. But this pleasure is not cheap.

    In addition, it is easy to leave scratches on polished surfaces of natural stone. Stone window sills easily absorb dirt, such as coffee, wine or tea stains. And their thermal insulation is weak. Due to the high cost and heavy weight, it is better to invite professionals to install a stone window sill.

    An alternative to a natural stone window sill is an acrylic-based artificial stone board. Such products are not inferior in strength, heat resistance and beauty, but at the same time they are cheaper and do not scratch.

    PVC products in construction are becoming increasingly popular every year. This also applies to plastic window sills, which have a whole list of advantages.

    PVC window sills also have disadvantages:

    • non-natural origin of the material;
    • the laminating film, which plays a decorative role, can peel off and be easily scratched;
    • High temperatures, such as a hot pan, can cause the window sill to warp.

    However, plastic window sills are most often used for installation on their own.

    How to mount a window sill

    All window sills are installed according to general principle. Since plastic window sill boards are often preferred for DIY installation, we will describe in detail step by step instructions specifically for PVC window sills, noting at the end the features of installing structures made of other materials.

    Before buying materials, it is necessary to correctly measure the place where the window sill will stand. The length of the window sill is determined as follows:

    To determine the width of the window sill, you need to measure the width of the wall to the window. To the result obtained, add 1.5 - 2 cm to deepen the board into the window groove. This width is sufficient if you plan to install flush with the wall, which is feasible for smooth walls.

    Note! When the walls are uneven, it is recommended to measure them on both sides of the window. This will allow you to adjust the window sill and install it evenly.

    You can provide a protrusion, the size of which should not exceed 8 cm, so as not to interfere with the convection of air from the battery. After all, this will not only disrupt the uniform distribution of heat in the room, but also in cold weather will lead to damage to the window as a result of the formation of ice.

    In accordance with the measurements obtained, the window sill is adjusted according to required length and width. Now you can begin installation.

    Window sill installation

    Step 1. Try on the future window sill at the installation site. Trim the board if necessary.

    Note! It is recommended to cut plastic and stone with a grinder; a jigsaw is more suitable for wood, MDF and chipboard.

    Step 2. Use a hammer drill to make grooves in the walls if necessary. The edges of the window sill will go into these recesses.

    Step 3: Clean the installation surface from dust and debris.

    Step 4.

    Step 5. Wooden wedges are placed under the window sill, starting from the outer ones and ending with the central ones. The substrates should not protrude beyond the walls and the inner edge of the window sill. Maximum distance there should be 40 cm between the wedges.

    Step 6. Align the window sill with the spirit level. If there are deviations from the horizon, then correct with the help of additional wedges.

    Note! The board should have a slope from the window to the inner edge of approximately 0.2 cm. This measure will prevent the accumulation of liquid near the window: the water will simply drain.

    Step 7. Place a weight on the windowsill. The total load should be 10-20 kg.

    Step 8. After we have additionally checked the horizontal position of the window sill board, we begin to secure it. For this purpose, polyurethane foam is used. It is better to take professional foam and a special spray gun. Additional fixation to the window profile is carried out from the outside using self-tapping screws.

    Note! When foam gets where it shouldn’t be, it is removed immediately with a cloth. If it has already hardened, you can wipe off the foam using special solvents.

    Step 9. After 24 hours, remove the weight and trim off excess foam.

    Now you can install the plugs at the ends and remove the protective film.

    If you decide to install a wooden window sill, then inside The boards must be attached with felt, which has undergone antiseptic treatment, using shingles. The ends of stone window sills are also protected with a felt layer before installation. Otherwise, the installation follows the same principle as for plastic products.

    Thus, installing a window sill is not difficult, especially if we're talking about about a plastic board. The main thing is to maintain precision in alignment when working and not to overdo it with polyurethane foam.

    Video - Window sill installation

    A window sill is not only a decorative element on which you can place pots with plants and household items, but also a structural detail. Standard installation A window sill on plastic windows can prevent sudden movement of warm air from the radiator to the ceiling. In this way, heat exchange inside the room is regulated and the lower structures are heated. Let's look at how to install a window sill on a plastic window yourself.

    Types of window sills

    Window sill blocks must be made of wear-resistant, quality material. Now on construction market We have the widest selection of products available different taste and wallet. The most popular designs for windows are made of stone, wood boards, plastic.

    PVC window sill board

    Such window sills are distinguished by good performance parameters and reliability. They tolerate high humidity conditions and exposure to ultraviolet radiation very well, and are almost not deformed and do not become moldy.

    Another advantage is their ease of installation. Installation work will not take much time. This window sill does not require any coating or painting. Such designs are inexpensive, which is why they are in demand.

    PVC products are very durable due to special stiffening ribs. Their surface is laminated, for which films based on acrylic resin or melamine.

    Composite systems

    This type of structure is created from 2 parts - a board that lies in the base and in the top covering (can be made of laminate, special film or veneer).

    These products include window sills made of WPC, MDF or chipboard. Often the basis of chipboard is sawdust from deciduous and softwood.

    Now many apartment owners correctly believe that installing chipboard window sills on plastic windows will be a practical and economical option. Over time, this raw material does not swell from moisture and is not damaged. MDF boards are made from fine chips, which are processed in a special way and combined into blocks. This material is environmentally friendly - it is safe for human health.

    Window sill consisting of fibreboards, quite durable. The owners will not have any trouble cleaning such products. For washing, it is better not to use powders that scratch the surface. At installation work It is recommended to lay thermal insulation at the ends.

    Window sills made of WPC (wood-polymer composite) consist of polymers and special fillers from natural material. Plastic windows with these window sills have all the advantages wooden structures, are not susceptible to the appearance of mold. The surface of this product is more durable, and their difference from wooden structures is their resistance to fire.

    This profile may be similar to plastic or MDF, depending on the amount of wood component used. WPC window sills can be coated with varnish or enamel paint, and finishing can be done using different types films consisting of synthetic materials.

    Wooden window sill

    For facing space in window opening Wood has been used for a long time. The highest quality products are made from ash, beech, cherry, and oak. To create window sills, materials from other valuable species are used, for example, maple, mahogany. More economical ones include structures made of larch or pine.

    Processing of raw materials is carried out in a large number of stages. It is dried, then polished, covered with mastic made from wax and natural oils. The structure is processed using a special waterproofing impregnation and a layer of varnish. This ensures quality and ease of use of the finished product.
    The cost of a slab made of natural wood is quite high. Window sill boards made from ash are 30% more expensive than oak boards, due to the fact that ash perfectly retains its shape. On window sills made of soft coniferous trees Over time, damage and pitting may appear. These window sills are cheaper.

    For plastic windows, wooden window sills have many advantages. They have good thermal insulation properties. This choice It will be best for owners if they want to use a similar window sill on a loggia or kitchen. Often a window sill block is used as an additional work surface. Hot objects are placed on it, and moisture also gets onto the windowsill. In order for a product to withstand such a load, it must be durable and of good quality.

    Installation of PVC window sill

    Installing a window sill to a plastic window requires certain skills from workers. Incorrect installation of the window sill can lead to poor thermal insulation of the entire window structure. Installation of this product often carried out simultaneously with replacing the window frame. In terms of consumption monetary resources and the cost of materials is more economical, faster and more convenient. Let's study detailed instructions how to install plastic window sill.

    Determining the size of the window sill

    Window sills that are made of PVC are best suited to plastic windows. You need to start work by calculating the window sill size indicators for the desired plastic window. To determine how long the window sill should be, you need to measure the width of the opening with a tape measure. Add 60 mm to the resulting value. On each side, the window sill should protrude beyond the slopes by at least 30 mm. Otherwise plastic corner with the F profile, which is used when installing slopes, will significantly protrude beyond the window sill, which is considered unacceptable.

    Width indicator plastic profile is determined quite simply.

    It should be remembered that the permissible protrusion of the window sill from the opening is from 50 to 70 mm. Otherwise, it will block the battery, which will prevent the passage of heat.

    This can cause not only fogging, but also the formation of ice on the windows. The window sill should be inserted approximately 20 mm under the window structure itself. Accordingly, these figures must be added to the depth of the window opening, which is measured from the profile to the wall.

    Making a window sill blank

    When installing a window sill with your own hands, you need to apply the obtained indicators. Then the window sill blank is cut out to the appropriate width and length. The cutting process is carried out with a grinder, as with its help you can get perfectly smooth edges. If this tool is not at hand, then a jigsaw will do the job, you just have to cut it carefully. If you don’t have a jigsaw, you can saw off the workpiece using a regular saw.

    How to fasten if the workpiece does not fit into the opening? It is necessary to cut out those parts that interfere with it. You can make the protruding parts of the window sill on the right and left recess into the wall. After the installation process on a plastic window sill, the recesses are filled with putty using this method.

    The effect of solidity of the window sill and wall should be ensured. To do this, small recesses are made in the wall using a hammer drill. Then you need to attach a window sill to the opening and make marks for the cuts. Rectangles that interfere with installation are cut off on the right and left. Now the plastic window sill blank is completely ready for installation in place.

    Surface preparation

    Before installing a plastic window sill, it is necessary to clean the horizontal surface from construction waste and dust. The question arises, how to install the product correctly?

    It should be taken into account that, regardless of the material used to make the window sill, it must always be installed at a slight inclination towards the room.

    This is necessary so that water from glass condensation or watering plants does not collect under the frame. A tilt of a few millimeters will be sufficient.

    Before attaching the window sill to a plastic window, you need to install special wedges or spacers, which should be fixed using gypsum mortar. They are needed to install the window sill to the required level. Then linings are prepared under the window sill. The linings should not protrude so that they do not have to be cut off in the future. Now a check is made to see how level the window sill can be installed.

    Fastening a plastic window sill

    Several methods are used to attach a plastic window sill:

    • Using two-component polyurethane foam (the most common method).
    • On glue using spacers. They act like abs.
    • For a special type of brackets. This also includes situations where the width of the window sill significantly exceeds the size of the window opening.
    • Using special holding brackets.

    Polyurethane foam is applied along the frame, a plastic window sill is installed and fixed. All remaining voids are filled with polyurethane foam. It should be remembered that the foam can expand greatly in volume, so you need to be careful and careful. When the polyurethane foam has completely hardened, you need to remove the spacers and check the quality of installation of the plastic window sill using a level. The places where the plastic window sill touches the frame and slopes are sealed with acrylic.

    Caring for the window sill

    Their polyvinyl chloride boards must be cleaned with water and detergents. For wooden parts It is better to use a well-wrung out cloth without abrasive materials. It is not advisable to clean wood with abrasives or wet it with water. The surface of the window sill must be protected from freezing. Dust is removed with a dry cloth, and every 3–4 years it is necessary to cover the product with a new layer of varnish, wax or paint.

    A new window sill will last you longer if the following conditions are met:

    • Accuracy when carrying out work.
    • Use of high-quality building materials and raw materials.
    • The correct choice of material from which the window sill is made.
    • Installation taking into account all instructions and requirements.
    • Careful handling and regular maintenance of the surface.

    It follows that the installation of window sills for plastic windows, as well as replacing the window sill with a new one, can be done independently. You only need to follow all the steps in the workflow.

    You may well purchase a window sill separately from a plastic window, because it may, for example, break, or you initially wanted to keep the old wooden window sill, but then changed your mind. We will tell you how to install a plastic window sill with your own hands.

    Choosing the right one

    If you have chosen a PVC window sill, most likely, all its positive and negative aspects have been assessed. The advantages are:

    • Durability. Plastic itself has a very long service life. It is not affected by water or other corrosive non-aggressive liquids.
    • Relatively easy to install. Compared to products made from other materials, there is less risk of doing something wrong during installation.
    • Reasonable price. Window sills made of wood, artificial or natural stone have a cost that is significantly higher.
    • Light weight.
    • Ease of processing.
    • Additional thermal insulation.
    • Easy to clean. Almost any non-abrasive cleaning products are suitable.

    Here are some cons:

    • Instability to high temperatures (in most cases).
    • Inability to recover from damage. If wooden ones, for example, can be puttied, cleaned and painted, then such a trick will not work here.
    • If the surface of the product is rough, dirt will accumulate there over time, which is not so easy to wash off.

    Window sills can be purchased either together with installed windows or after. They are installed both on the balcony and in a wooden house. In this case, it is worth paying attention to:


    In order for the installation to go smoothly, we will need the following tools:

    • hammer;
    • roulette;
    • level or laser level;
    • construction corner;
    • polyurethane foam and gun;
    • Bulgarian;
    • chisel;
    • linings made of plastic or other material;
    • acrylic or silicone sealant;
    • side plugs.

    Foam can have varying degrees of expansion. You should choose it according to your needs. But it’s better not to take one that won’t expand at all, because... it will not be able to compensate for some gaps, and they may remain after installation.

    This step may take most of the time, but it is actually the most important in the entire process.

    Let's see how the window is installed. It is important to assess whether there are any deviations from the horizontal plane. To do this, apply a level or run a projection from a laser level along the lower edge of the frame. In the future, the window sill will be aligned precisely along it, which can also lead to misalignment. If there are small deviations, then this is not a big deal; further on it will be described how they can be compensated.

    We measure the width of the window opening. It is important to remember that the plane of the stand should be recessed 1 cm from each end into the slopes, and the protruding part on the sides should extend beyond the opening by 3 cm or more.

    We make grooves in the slopes where the ends of the window sill will go. The edge of the frame will serve as a guide in this regard. Pay attention to the edge of the stand on which the window sits, namely the bottom edge of the frame.

    In order to do everything correctly, you can use several methods. Using a laser plane builder, a horizontal line is projected onto the opening. From this line along the window, a measurement is taken to the edge, and the value is recorded. Further, the same distance is laid off from the same line, but already on the slope. If there is no level, then you can use a water level or an ordinary level, which is placed close to the bottom line of the frame, aligned in a horizontal plane along the bubble indicator and a mark is made.

    A straight line is drawn that will connect our mark and the edge of the frame.

    Most likely, there is a metal corner at the corners of the slopes. In no case should you try to knock it down with a chisel and hammer, as this can damage it completely. For this it is better to use a grinder. Simply make two small transverse cuts across its width. An incision is also made along the drawn line.

    Using a chisel or other suitable tool and a hammer knock out indentations of 1.5–2 cm.

    Next, you need to evaluate the surface on which the installation will be carried out. Attention should be paid not only to how uneven it is, but also to the distance from it to the bottom of the window. Ideally, it should not exceed 4 cm. This is due to the fact that it is at this thickness that the foam the best way polymerizes, which makes it quite dense and durable. If the layer size is large, then voids may form inside, which reduces bearing capacity, and can also cause drafts.

    If the size exceeds 4 cm, it is necessary to reduce the gap. This can be done using improvised means. For example, you can build a small formwork from the rule and fill it with mortar. In this case, it will be easier to derive the required level. If the installation is carried out at a time when there are still remains of brick or foam block from the partitions inside the room, then the base can be laid out of them, and all the cracks can be sealed with mortar or glue. After this, you need to give it at least a day for everything to stand and set.

    In the case when the level of the base will be raised using a foam block, it must be soaked in water for a short time. Due to its porosity, it absorbs moisture well, and if it takes too much of it from the solution on which it is placed, there will be no setting. Wetting saturates the foam block with moisture, so setting will occur as well as possible.

    Installation work

    The first step is cleaning. It is better to produce it using construction vacuum cleaner, because brushes and brushes are not able to remove all the dust.

    For good adhesion of foam to other materials, moisture is necessary. Therefore, it is recommended to moisten the surface with water. But you can go further and kill two birds with one stone. You should not use water, but a primer. This way it will be possible to remove any remaining dust and also provide the necessary moisture. You can apply it with a brush, but it is more convenient to do it with a hand sprayer. If you use the latter, then cover the windows with something or wipe them immediately. If you let the impregnation dry, then you will have to remove it later with consequences.

    The window sill is being marked. Its total width will be the width of the opening plus 10 cm (this overlap is necessary to provide 5 cm for each “ear”). The depth will be equal to the distance from the window support to the middle of the heater, if it is located under the window. It's better not to close it completely. If you do this then warm air will not flow to the glass, and they will fog up, which will lead to the accumulation of condensation and the growth of mold and mildew. If there is no battery and radiator, then the protrusion can be made by 5 cm. In some cases, at the request of the customer, an even larger protrusion is made. Perhaps the space will be used as an extension of the desktop or in some other way. In this case, it is necessary to install as supports metal corners. Their base is recessed into the plaster. The length of the window sill is adjusted taking into account that the edges will be recessed into the wall by 1 cm.

    Using a hacksaw for metal or an electric jigsaw, trimming is carried out.

    Next, you need to prepare supports on which the plane will rest. Special ones are often used plastic plates, but they may not provide the necessary rigidity. Instead, you can use parts of the cut window sill. They should be placed every 40-50 cm. They are placed using building level or using a level (when using the latter, a line is projected and measurements are taken from it at both ends to the supports, the distance should be the same). Their height should be such that the window sill fits right under the bottom of the frame and rests against the installation bar. In order to prevent them from moving during the process, you can fix them with self-tapping screws. If the platform is made of aerated block, then you can simply screw it all the way through with self-tapping screws; in the case of brick, you will have to use a hammer drill and dowels.

    You can go the other way and install the supports not across, but along the window sill. They can be made from plaster beacons. In this case, there will be more emphasis, which will definitely eliminate deflections and creases.

    Using a gun and polyurethane foam, cracks that may exist under the window are sealed. You need to pay special attention to the corners. There are times when everything is installed beautifully, but there is a draft from below, which is an indicator of inattention.

    Plugs are mounted on the window sill, and it is tried on in its place. If there are no gaps between it and the window, then you can continue installation. If the gap is large enough, it is necessary to raise the supports; with its minimum values, you can count on the foam to compensate for the gap. Until the repair is completely completed, there is no need to remove the film; it will be enough to lift it in those places that will be hidden in the wall and under the window.

    If the supports were mounted lengthwise, then the main layer of foam must be applied before the window sill is installed in its place. If across, then blowing can be done in several stages. Before installation - the part closest to the window. Then walk along the middle line, and then along the edge.

    For a day, the plane must be pressed down with a weight. To do this, you can use books, eggplants with water, dumbbells (but it is advisable to make a lining for them from a durable material), etc.

    After polymerization and drying of the foam, its excess is trimmed off. Moreover, under the window sill it needs to be cut flush by about 1 cm so that this space can be easily puttied and the applied material has a sufficient layer.

    If there is a skew

    The solution would be a little installation trick. Most often, this remains invisible to others, especially if the width of the product is more than 25 cm. To do this, we will need self-tapping screws or some other material with which we can make adjustable beacons. They are mounted in two lines. The first should be located almost flush against the window, and its level should exactly follow the slope of the window. The second is installed closer to the edge. It must be leveled exactly using a special tool. After installation, the far part of the window sill will fit snugly against the window frame, and the near part will be precisely level. This will deceive the eye and create the visual effect of correct placement.

    Installation of a window sill can be combined with the installation of plastic covers on the corners near the window. Never rush the process, especially when marking. We are interested to know what nuances you noticed for yourself personally. Share your observations in the comments.


    Watch video instructions from a professional on installing a PVC window sill. All the nuances are clear: