How to assemble a wardrobe from fabric instructions. How to assemble a cabinet correctly. Assembling the body of a sliding wardrobe basic principles

– about its assembly.

Theoretically, everything seems clear. The sides are attached to the horizon, the necessary modules are mounted, all this is installed on a common horizon, well, and so on...

And when the time comes for installation, many beginners have a lot of questions: How, for example, to assemble the box, lying down or standing? When to stuff back wall? When should you install a built-in module with drawers?

Moreover, it turns out that even individual cabinet modules are quite heavy. In a word, everything seems to be clear, but in practice, not everything is so simple.

So, let's look at this question using a simple example.

In this case, we have a product consisting of three sections, in the central section there is a module with drawers.

Before installing it, the following steps must be done:

  • All parts must be drilled (meaning they must have all connecting holes)
  • The upper guide under the sliding system must be secured to the upper horizon (the lower guide is not attached, since it can then be used to align the entire system vertically, and when installing the assembled modules on the horizon, the lower guide can simply be damaged.)
  • The module with drawers must be pre-drilled for the tie bolts to internal partitions cabinet
  • The module itself must be completely assembled, the facades on it must be exposed

In general there is a law:

Before installation, you need to do as much as possible that can be done before installation.

Even such a trifle as attaching corners to parts will “steal” more time from you during installation than in the assembly shop, for one reason - during installation everything has to be done “on the fly”, using improvised materials, in awkward positions.

The photo shows how the outermost module is assembled.

It has a side wall that is 100mm larger than the partition (if you are wondering why, read it), so you need to put something 100mm high under the partition so that the module lies flat.

After assembly, this module needs to be raised (we agreed that the diagonal of the outermost, widest side is less than the height from the floor to the ceiling of the room), and in a standing position, attach the stiffener to the corners.

Then, you need to put the module back down and carefully hammer the back wall (carefully, because if the nails are driven in crookedly, they can break the chipboard on the side).

Each assembled module is lifted and installed on a pre-installed (and exposed) common horizon.

Yes, you need to remember, when the module is still lying down, to drill holes in the body strips for further fastening of the upper horizon (it is attached through these holes with 4x30 self-tapping screws).

When the module is already standing on the general horizon, drilling holes will be inconvenient (moreover, if the distance from the last shelf to the body strip smaller size drill - it’s generally impossible, since it won’t work from the inside, and generally the gaps on top are millimeters...20-50 mm.

Each subsequent module is tightened with the previous coupling bolts, and the resulting structure is aligned relative to the common lower horizon.

Then the upper horizon is attached (we agreed that the upper guide sliding system We attached it to it in advance so as not to “practice” with it during installation, wasting precious time).

After everything, the sliding system is installed, adjusted, and, in general, everything, the cabinet is assembled.

I think the meaning of what is written is clear, especially since assembling a wardrobe is not difficult. It’s simple, it’s more convenient to read once how to do everything than to rack your brains and ruin your nerves later.

That's all, see you in the next posts.

Today, everyone can quickly and efficiently assemble a cabinet on their own. To do this you just need to order everything necessary materials, which you will find in specialized stores. This piece of furniture is very popular and has many significant advantages. To install it in your room, you need to know step by step instructions for assembling the cabinet.


First of all, you need to decide which cabinet is suitable for your room. Modern buyers prefer sliding wardrobes because they are more functional.

Among their main advantages:

  1. Increased capacity and compact design. The furniture does not look bulky, but at the same time it can fit enough a large number of of things.
  2. A sliding wardrobe can be placed in a room of any size and shape. This piece of furniture can be skillfully transformed and adjusted to the characteristics of your room.
  3. Possibility of zoning the premises. Using this item you can visually divide a room into different zones. Most often, the room is divided into a work area and a relaxation area.
  4. Door mechanism. You do not need additional space to open the wardrobe.
  5. Convenient assembly. This can be done independently and without special skills.

In a house or apartment, any type of closet, be it a compartment or a hinged one, takes up important place. Thanks to this piece of furniture, it was possible to find a worthy solution to the issue of maximum functionality in a limited space.

The main advantage of cabinets is the economic use of usable space in the room. They are multifunctional, durable and easy to use.

They are also an integral part of the apartment’s interior. As a rule, it occupies the entire space from floor to ceiling, eliminating the presence hard to reach places where dust and dirt may accumulate. This allows you not only to extend the life of the cabinet, but also to preserve your health.

When designing this type of furniture, all architectural features premises. This allows you to use all corners, niches and other " dead zones" The design of the cabinet allows you to store almost everything in it, even things of non-standard dimensions.

The greatest effect of using the usable space of the cabinet is achieved through the use of sliding door systems. This system designed for durable and quiet operation.

Thanks to the possibility of making a sliding wardrobe to order, you have an unlimited choice, from manufacturing materials to design solutions.

The closet should be as spacious and functional as possible. When choosing a design, you can order the number of exit shelves you need, drawers, hangers, baskets. At the same time, do not forget about free access to the contents of the cabinet.

Modern market furniture materials allows the use of almost any type of material.

This allows you to design a closet that harmoniously combines with other elements of the interior of the room, without thereby violating the overall design concept of the apartment.

Main rules

In order to quickly assemble the furniture you just purchased, you must strictly adhere to the instructions provided by the manufacturer of the product.

There are some basic rules for installing cabinet furniture. If you strictly follow them, then any thing can be assembled in the shortest possible time with high quality:

  • There is no need to remove everything from the original packaging at once. With such actions, you can mix up the details, and then it will be difficult to figure out what belongs to what. Strict order must be observed. Read the factory instructions carefully several times. This way you won’t have to redo all the work again later.
  • We strongly recommend that you ensure that all fittings are in place. If any part is missing, then you will not be able to assemble this piece of furniture. The fittings must correspond to the declared color scheme. Make sure the drawer slides are smooth enough.

  • It is necessary to assemble everything one by one, each section separately. It is best to start work from the bottom. Only after its installation can you proceed to installing the sidewalls.
  • Carefully open the original packaging, place all the parts on a special table and prepare the necessary tools.
  • At the final stage of installation you need to install mirror doors. This way you can avoid damaging them.

Materials and finishing

IN Lately For the production of high-quality furniture, the most commonly used material is chipboard. It consists of wood chips, only a fairly large dispersion. In order to give such chips a sheet shape, the hot pressing method is used. The binding element is formaldehyde resins.

The main difference between chipboard and laminated chipboard is that the second material is covered with a special film. It is made from paper and melamine resin. The laminated chipboard has good density. It is because of this indicator that it is stronger and will serve you for many years.

This material varies in composition. Although some buyers believe that it has no varieties.

If we divide laminated chipboard by coating, we can distinguish the following types:

  • veneered;
  • laminated;
  • draft.

They also differ in their composition.

There are three main varieties:

  1. For the first one, only sawdust is used premium. The surface of such a product is not chipped and should look simply flawless. To decorate the slab, veneer or a special film is used.
  2. The second grade slab may have minor defects. Decoration is possible, but is not used very often.
  3. Third grade slabs have visible defects. There is no decoration.

It is worth noting that laminated chipboards are fireproof and also moisture resistant. They are able to withstand quite high temperatures. Most often, laminated chipboard is used in the production of furniture, in particular cabinets. Less often it is used as partitions or for interior decoration. The composition of the material allows it to hold nails or screws well.

Furniture made from this material has many advantages when compared with other materials.

Among the main advantages are:

  1. Affordable price.
  2. The manufacturing process is not particularly difficult.
  3. High quality material.
  4. Long service life.
  5. Wide range of colors. Possibility of additional decoration.
  6. Compatible with a variety of materials.

Furniture items made from laminated chipboard will fit perfectly into any interior style.

It is worth noting one more feature of these plates. They have soundproofing qualities and are also able to retain heat indoors. If necessary, they can even cover the walls of a house.

Required Tools

No big cost to purchase the necessary tool you won't be required to.

In order to install a cabinet, you must have a standard set of tools:

  • special clamp for parts;
  • electric screwdriver;
  • rubber mallet;
  • hex wrench;
  • construction knife;
  • standard screwdriver;
  • stationery knife;

  • drill different sizes;
  • electric drill;
  • awl;
  • paper with fine-grained sandpaper;
  • construction pencil;
  • square;
  • For measurements you will need a tape measure.

It is correct to guess which one construction tool to assemble the furniture you will need, it is impossible. It all depends on the complexity of the project.

Installation algorithm

You first need to prepare the room in which you want to place the cabinet. Next, you need to make sure once again that you have everything at hand. necessary tools and materials.

To an inexperienced user, assembling furniture seems quite simple. It is only after seemingly minor mistakes have been made that various installation defects:

  1. The connection between the wings and the door is very weak.
  2. Door creaks when opening.
  3. Misalignment of parts that occurs as a result of misaligned holes.
  4. The furniture is wobbly and completely unstable.

To avoid these troubles, it is advisable to assemble according to a strict scheme.

There are two types of installation - vertical and horizontal. In the second case, misalignment of the parts that are connected occurs much less often.

Only if your ceiling height is not sufficient, then assembly is carried out in a position where the cabinet is located vertically.

Initially, you need to attach the legs and base to the bottom. Legs are only needed if the floor under the cabinet is uneven. Then you can begin directly assembling the main body. To do this, we firmly attach the sidewalls to the base. To further strengthen the structure, we attach a stand. This way the sidewalls will not tilt. Then you need to screw on the parts that remain.

The sliding wardrobe occupies the leading position in the domestic market among furniture various configurations. Thanks to him free space is used sparingly, it fits perfectly even in small room. Despite the fact that sliding wardrobes are compact in size, they are quite spacious. In addition, they are multifunctional and have a long service life if assembled correctly.

Preparation process

To make it easier to navigate the question, instructions are always included with the elements. The wardrobe assembly diagram includes information about the stages of work, the name and quantity of parts and elements. When buying a cabinet, you also need to check the quality of each component part: strips, fasteners. You need to make sure that there are no various types defects - swelling, cracks, chips. When transporting a furniture set, it is recommended to take precautions; for example, poorly secured furniture may fall and break.

Tools for assembling a wardrobe

In order for furniture to serve its owner for as long as possible, it must be properly assembled. Any assembly of a wardrobe (instructions and diagrams will help us with this) will not be complete without the use of some tools. Here are the main ones:

  1. and a tape measure for measuring.
  2. Drill or hammer drill.
  3. Screwdriver.
  4. Hacksaw.
  5. Hammer.
  6. Pencil.
  7. Self-tapping screws and dowels.

Selecting an installation location. Marking

First of all, you need to decide where the purchased furniture will be located. Before assembling the coupe, it is important to take into account all the nuances and details of placement. When planning to install furniture in the corner of the room, keep in mind that the total length is measured from the corner. To determine this value, take the size of the mezzanine. Next, they carry out which will display the boundaries of the future cabinet. In order for the line to be even, you need to make several marks and then connect them.

For long term Furniture service requires high-quality assembly of wardrobe doors. Instructions for this work are required. Next, you need to decide where the bar will be located, separating the compartments for things with horizontal shelves and the place where the hangers with clothes will be placed. To determine these areas, you need to measure the perimeter of the future cabinet ceiling and measure the necessary distance from the outer boundaries of the structure. The height of the shelves, the size of the edge of the structure and the vertical stand are marked on two vertical lines.

Installation of fastenings for a sliding wardrobe

Modern furniture manufacturers assume that an action plan is needed for such a difficult task as assembling a wardrobe. Instructions are included with each piece of furniture. Only after everything step by step steps Having read it with understanding, you can begin installing the fastenings for the wardrobe.

Fasteners are applied to the pre-drawn lines and locations for future holes are marked where dowels will subsequently need to be driven in.

Fastening cabinet elements

Since the closet is assembled independently, without the involvement of professionals, it is necessary that the assembly diagram of the sliding wardrobe is always present before your eyes in order to avoid possible mistakes.

The vertical stand is fixed with screws to the fastenings. Before installing the mezzanine, you need to draw a line with a pencil in the place where it will be located. Holes are drilled along this line, self-tapping screws and dowels are driven into them, and then the mount is mounted on them. Any assembly of a wardrobe, the instructions for which describe the entire process in great detail, involves the installation of mezzanines. It is fastened and fixed with self-tapping screws. Next, you can begin installing the side panel. To do this, you need to measure the distance from floor to ceiling as accurately as possible. The sidewall is adjusted to the size of the main structure and securely fastened. On it and vertical rack Marks are made, and 2 fasteners are installed in the marked places. After this, the shelves are installed and secured with self-tapping screws.

Since not everyone can assemble a wardrobe correctly, this process must be approached with all seriousness and responsibility. Where the hangers will be located or where the hangers will be, you need to hang the pipe. The hangers with clothes will be held on it. The pipe is cut to a certain size and installed on fastenings that were made in advance. The next step is marking. The mounting points on the wall surface are marked with a pencil. A hole is drilled in each false panel into which a dowel is driven. Then the panels are fastened with self-tapping screws in the marked places.

Wardrobe door assembly

When the main structure of the cabinet is secured, you can begin such a direct process as assembling the wardrobe doors, the installation instructions for which are described step by step. It is necessary to adjust the length of the guides to the appropriate size. The planks are attached to the false panels on the floor and ceiling using self-tapping screws. Each wardrobe model has the principle of a sliding door system, but the furniture different manufacturers has its own individual characteristics. It is advisable to choose a system that does not require the installation of special equipment. You can order doors at furniture factory, then there will be no need to additionally cut the material and adjust the sheets to size. How to assemble wardrobe doors yourself? Algorithm of actions:

  1. Attach the rails to the finished door. It is not advisable to tighten their rollers very tightly and tightly, since they must move freely.
  2. Alternately insert the door into the lower and upper guides.
  3. To ensure that the doors open silently, after adjusting them to the angle and height of inclination, you can stick pile on the sides of the sliding panel.

Types of wardrobes

Before choosing a wardrobe, you need to decide on its model. Some prefer the built-in look, others prefer the full-size one. The first model is a structure that is built into free space. The only drawback of this type is the inability to move. The second type is a wardrobe made according to individual order. And the wardrobe is assembled (instructions must be included) either by the buyers themselves or by specialists.

In conclusion, we can conclude that if there is a niche in the room, then this is the right place would be better suited for arrangement After all, in addition to saving space, it will also save your money.

    Having understood our drawings and understanding which part belongs to what, we begin the assembly.

    Having selected the diameter of the drill for the holes for the comformats, take the drill in your hands and begin drilling the holes. Drill holes symmetrically to avoid damaging appearance closet

  1. Using a screwdriver, assemble the cabinet frame onto the comformats.

  1. Next, you need to strengthen the doors with canopies (if the door system is ordinary) or screw in guides (if you have sliding doors).

  1. Then, in the places where there will be shelves and drawers, make markings for shelf supports and drawer guides. The markings must be precise so that the shelves and drawers are not awry, but run parallel.

  1. After marking, drill the corresponding holes and screw the shelf supports and drawer guides.

  1. After assembling the cabinet, bring its appearance to the ideal. As you can see, there is a missing edge at the chipboard seams. Take an iron and a towel. Carefully place the edge on the chipboard and iron it through the towel.

  1. After gluing the edge, take a sharp knife in your hands and carefully, slowly, begin to cut off the excess edge.

  1. Finally, put the plugs on the comformats.

Now we can congratulate you! You have become the owner of a beautiful handmade wardrobe.

Using these instructions and your imagination, you can make your own wardrobe with lighting inside, with built-in lamps, or with a regular mirror on the doors. Once you have the courage, you can create a cabinet of any design and complexity. As you can see, there is nothing difficult about this!


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  • February 27, 2009 at 4:05 pm
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The wardrobe is the most functional element of furniture. It can be easily placed even in a small area. Such a design today is quite expensive, so it makes sense to assemble it yourself.

Cabinet project

The first thing you need to do is decide on the location of its installation. In this case, everything is individual, there is no specific advice. You can install the cabinet in a closet, a niche in the wall or a corner of the room.

If there is enough free space, then the size of the structure should be chosen based on the golden ratio rule, that is, the ratio of height and length should be 1.62.

Figure 1. Option drawing of a sliding wardrobe.

If the room has ceilings 2.5 m high, then it is best to choose a cabinet length of 1.54 m (250 / 1.62 = 1.543). In most cases, the standard depth of furniture parts is 60 cm. It is not recommended to go beyond this depth, because it may be inconvenient to remove clothes from the upper shelves. It should also be taken into account that all parts that are located inside the structure must be 10 cm narrower.

When a suitable installation location has been selected, you will need to draw up a drawing. It is advisable to do detailed diagram cabinet and all shelves indicating dimensions. This can be done on a computer or on paper. Special software allows you to quickly calculate the number and dimensions of all boards for cutting.

The process of designing a cabinet using a special software consists of the following steps:

  1. Determining the dimensions of the cabinet to be manufactured.
  2. Choice suitable material for the manufacture of.
  3. Dividing the space inside into separate sections.
  4. Filling this space with drawers (if necessary).
  5. Determination of door sizes and materials.
  6. Adding additional side elements (if necessary).
  7. Determining the ends that will need to be edged.
  8. Selection of suitable fittings and its arrangement.

If you wish, you can print a 3D image of the cabinet to make assembly easier.

A drawing of the cabinet that will be assembled is presented in Figure 1. The length of the cabinet is 1.5 m, depth is 60 cm, and height is 2.4 m.

This cabinet can be placed in a pantry if there is a beam on top. The doors will not go all the way to the ceiling.

The shelves are made from ordinary laminated chipboard in the color you like. To secure them, you need to use screws and metal corners.

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Items to work with

Figure 2. Diagram of a more advanced wardrobe.

After all the calculations have been made, you will need to purchase everything necessary details. Cutting and edge processing can be done independently or ordered from the manufacturer. However, you should understand that it will not be possible to make a quality cut at home. This is due to the fact that special tools are needed for cutting. In special workshops it is possible to make cuts complex shapes, shelves with round corners, cut out patterns and so on.

The cost of cutting all the elements and processing them is a small part of the cost of the cabinet.

To order cutting parts from the manufacturer you will need to have finished drawing with the designation of all sizes of elements.

You will need the following items:

  • 3 boards 60x150 cm (will be placed horizontally);
  • 2 boards 60x200 cm (placed vertically);
  • 1 piece 60x135 cm;
  • 3 parts for shelves 60x32.5 cm;
  • 1 sheet 30x150 cm for the shelf, which is placed behind the beam;
  • 3 boards 40x30 cm for a shelf that is placed behind the beam.

At this stage, it is important to avoid errors in calculations, so before purchasing parts you need to study the drawing and calculate the existing gaps.

The costs of producing all elements in a special workshop will consist of:

  • drawing up a cutting map (it is recommended to entrust cutting to a master);
  • cutting laminated chipboard;
  • production of plinths;
  • production of round parts.

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Cabinet assembly

You can assemble the cabinet with your own hands as follows:

Figure 3. Calculation of wardrobe doors.

  1. First of all, you need to install a piece of 60x150 cm on the floor, and then attach 2 side boards to it. If there is a baseboard in the room, it is recommended to remove it so that you do not have to cut the walls at an angle. All elements can be secured to dowels to the wall or to metal corners to the bottom board using self-tapping screws. In some cases, furniture corners made of plastic are used for shelves, but you should understand that they are unreliable.
  2. Next, the shelves that will be located inside are assembled. To do this, you need to connect 2 horizontal parts 60x150 cm (which are located above the bar) with a board 60x135 cm and 3 transverse compartments large sizes.
  3. The finished compartments are secured to the corners of the cabinet using self-tapping screws. If you can get to the side walls, then you can use Euroscrews for fastening. This element is often used to assemble cabinets.
  4. Next, the upper shelves are installed, which are made separately from the outside. To do this, you need to attach 3 partitions 40x30 cm to the 30x150 cm part.

If a cabinet is made with top cover, which is equal to the length of the cabinet, you should know that securing it is quite problematic. In this case, you will need to leave the desired height so that you can pry the upper part with a hexagon. The lid can also be attached to metal corners.

The result will be 2 large compartments for hangers, in which you can place outerwear, dresses, suits, and so on. There will be 1 large shelf on one side, and the other side will be divided into 3 small compartments. On top there will be one shelf of large width, which is divided into 3 small compartments at the wall. At the very top there is a shelf for small clothes.

The location of the shelves can be seen in Fig. 2.

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Door installation

The most difficult stage is installing the doors.

Doors can be purchased at the store or assembled yourself.

Width sliding doors should be a maximum of 1 m.

If the length of the cabinet is 1.54 m, then you will need to divide it by 2.

Each door will be 77cm wide + 2-3cm overlap to avoid gaps.

The door layout can be seen in Fig. 3.

For example, if the ceiling height is 2.5 m, then the thickness of the linings in the upper and lower parts should be 1.6 cm, and the gap for the wheels in the upper and lower parts should be 1.5 cm. As a result, the height of the doors is calculated as follows: 250 – 1.6 – 1.6 – 1.5 – 1.5 = 243.8 cm. The side profiles need to be made of the same height. Gaps may vary. Everything will depend on the profiles that are used, so it is important to read the instructions from the manufacturer.

  1. The doors are fixed into the pantry opening, so you will need to make a laminated chipboard gasket around the perimeter.
  2. Next, the door guides are cut off. They must match the width of the cabinet being manufactured and fit easily between the walls. They will need to be secured strictly level, and they should be parallel to each other. First of all, you will need to secure the upper rail using self-tapping screws and press washers, then the lower one. You will need to insert stoppers when the doors are not open.
  3. When the guides are level, you will need to insert the door. The first step is to insert the far door into the upper track, and then lift it to install the door in the lower part. The front door is also inserted - first of all it is inserted top part, then the bottom one.
  4. In order to adjust the doors, you will need to tighten the bolt at the bottom with a hexagon. If the bolt is tightened, the door will lift. If he unscrews, then the door lowers. If the doors are parallel, they will open easily. If the doors are installed incorrectly, the rollers may start to pop out.
  5. At this stage, cabinet assembly is complete. You can hang hooks, attach a hanging rod and install additional drawers if necessary.

By doing all the assembly work yourself, you can save quite a large amount Money. If you have some skills and desire, then you can assemble a cabinet quite quickly. It is important to perform all actions carefully.