How to decorate an aquarium. Decorative design of an aquarium Design of a large aquarium

In addition to the fact that a beautifully designed aquarium is the dream of every indoor fish lover, it is also original way decorate the room. It can act both as a room decoration and serve as a stylish partition for zoning space. To turn this interior element into a real work of art, you need to familiarize yourself with the principles and styles of decorating an aquarium with your own hands.

Modern aquariums are not only a corner of wildlife, but a full-fledged work of art in your home

Basic aquarium design styles

Dutch style

This trend originated in the Netherlands in the thirties of the last century, and since then has managed to acquire a large number of followers. Usually a large number of different plant species are used (10-12), which are planted in groups from the back of the aquarium to the front.

In the Dutch style, plants are usually divided into three groups: foreground, middle and background plants.

For every ten square centimeters a certain plant should grow at the bottom - this makes it possible for the plants not to shade or cover each other. The Dutch trend in aquarium farming implies an emphasis on green, brown and red algae.

Combination of green and pink flowers creates a wonderfully calming contrast

Japanese rock garden

An aquarium in this style fits perfectly into minimalist and high-tech interiors. The focus is on space and feeling free space. Stones of unusual shapes and not too lush algae are used. Typically there are four stones in an aquarium, each of which has symbolic meaning: the main one, two additional ones and the so-called sacrificial stone. It is recommended to use stones that are similar in shape and texture.

A flock of small fish swimming above the broken rocks creates a feeling of freedom and spaciousness

Sea style

Corals, shells, and fragments of reefs originally from the sea or ocean are used. You can also use decor in the form of miniature sunken schooners and treasure chests. The use of cool fluorescent lamps that produce pale blue light is encouraged.

Marine aquariums are rightfully considered the most picturesque of all types of aquariums.

Collection style

Intended use large quantity different types of plants (from fifteen), which can grow not only in groups, but also in a chaotic manner. Unlike its Dutch counterpart, the collection style involves the use of any, not just stem plants.

Among freshwater aquariums greatest distribution got exactly the collector style

Basic elements of aquarium design


Most often, the substrate for an aquarium is sand, crushed volcanic rock, basalt, gravel, gneiss, granite, and porphyry. The choice of one type of soil or another should be based on the properties of its composition: the more stones containing calcium it contains, the harder the resulting water will be.

Light soil reflects light well, which significantly enhances the composition

Freshwater shrimp different colors look very interesting

Tip: to check the suitability of the substrate, use acetic acid, which needs to be dropped onto a pebble. If the vinegar foams and hisses, it means the stone contains lime - such material is not suitable for decorating an aquarium.

Today you can create a model of almost any body of water in the world at home

Clean, clear water, light soil and goldfish will create an amazing and beautiful picture

If you want to decorate your fish’s home with stones you found yourself, boil them before placing them in the aquarium.

Multi-colored fish look very impressive against the background of driftwood and light soil

Using well-chosen stones and any carpet plant, you will achieve a beautiful minimalist design.


The easiest way to decorate the back wall of an aquarium is to use film, which is sold at any pet store and is attached with double-sided tape. You can also use Java moss, driftwood, purchased miniature castles or statues to decorate the background.

Thanks to the film applied to back wall, your underwater design will look completely finished

The background perfectly imitates a natural sheer rock


Wooden elements are needed in an aquarium not only to decorate it, but to create shelters for fish. Of course, you can buy ready-made driftwood at a pet store, but it’s much more interesting to prepare it yourself. Yes, and for the inhabitants of your room water world this will be much more useful, since some fish do not feel comfortable in hard water, and natural driftwood can soften it.

A wooden driftwood can perfectly serve as the central element of the entire composition.

Tip: when designing an aquarium with your own hands, you can’t use just any piece of wood found in a nearby park. For example, it is better to avoid oak, as its wood produces tannins that strongly color the water. Rotten or rotten driftwood is not suitable for decorating an aquarium.

An excellent imitation of underwater roots is created by well-chosen driftwood

Preparing driftwood for immersion in an aquarium comes down to the following:

  • you need to peel it off from the remaining bark;
  • saw off or chop off loose areas;
  • Place the driftwood in a container of water and boil with the addition of a small amount of potassium permanganate. The heat treatment time depends on the size of the driftwood;
  • to wooden decoration did not float to the surface of the aquarium, it is advised to add a large amount of salt to the water (the salt should stop dissolving) and boil the snag for about an hour. After boiling, you need to rinse it from salt and let it cool at room temperature.

When the driftwood is ready, it is placed in the aquarium. It is advisable to do this before planting the plants and filling the reservoir with water.

The three elements of the core of the entire composition - soil, stones and driftwood - are already waiting to fill the aquarium with water

Red discus fish look great in the background white sand and driftwood of rich wood color

Java moss

This plant can give aquarium decorative elements a touch of completeness and naturalness. Java moss is low maintenance and easy to grow. The only thing it requires for normal growth is an established carbon dioxide supply system.

Java moss is used to create vegetation on an underwater floating island

As for the level of illumination of the aquarium, Java moss takes root in any lighting. If its level is low, the moss has light shade and elongated shape. With sufficient lighting, it will have a more accurate shape and dense structure.

Thanks to Java moss, numerous crowns of the underwater landscape have been created

Tip: when planting Java moss on stones or driftwood, you can fix it with a cotton thread or fishing line: the first will rot over time, the second will remain forever, but will not be visible due to its transparency.

The underwater bonsai is created from shaped driftwood and a crown of Java moss

Underwater waterfall

How to decorate an aquarium with your own hands in such a way that it is guaranteed to attract attention? You can use a waterfall effect in it. Of course, this is just an illusion, but the effect it produces is simply stunning.

The waterfall effect is created thanks to the contrasting white vein in the dark-colored stone

To create an underwater waterfall you will need a tube with constantly supplied air and fine clean sand. The illusion of falling water is achieved through the movement of grains of sand, which are blown away by the air flow.

The entire composition plays an important role in creating the illusion of a waterfall.

Decorating a 200 liter aquarium

A two-hundred-liter aquarium is good because all styles are suitable for its design - thanks to its large dimensions, such a water tank will not seem too filled with decorative details, even if it is decorated in a Dutch or collector style. Microsorum, Anubiasbarterivar, Caladiifolia and Pogostemonhelferi plants look good in a two-hundred-liter tank.

The large volume of the aquarium is a great help for design experiments

A two-hundred-liter aquarium looks great if you decorate it in the minimalist style of a Japanese rock garden, because spacious aquariums are suitable for bringing it to life.

Light stones covered with greenery create the impression of a real mountain landscape

Decorating a 100 liter aquarium

It is in such an aquarium that it is easiest for beginners who love indoor fish to learn the basics of aquarium science. The hundred-liter tank should not be overfilled so that the water remains clean longer, so it is better to rely on plants such as Monosolenium, Cladophora and EgeriaDensa.

In a 100 liter aquarium, it is worth paying attention Special attention not only the design, but also the living inhabitants

Imitation of a tropical forest, created thanks to driftwood and dense greenery

Green meadow with overhanging thickets

A 100-liter aquarium looks great with a background of dark green Java moss, dark gravel and a couple of medium-sized driftwood.

Decoration of a 50 liter aquarium

Since fifty-liter aquariums are mainly purchased by beginners in the field of aquarium keeping, most pet stores offer such tanks with a ready-made set of components. And most often the included lamp for such an aquarium is not powerful enough. That is why slow-growing plants that do not need a lot of light are well suited for a small container - in particular, Microsorum.

A small and secluded backwater in your aquarium

Since the volume of a fifty-liter aquarium is relatively small, you need to carefully ensure that algae does not grow too much. To do this, you will have to trim them regularly.

Aquariums are an opportunity to create beautiful world, a world that will delight and calm you


Decorating an aquarium with your own hands- a difficult but very interesting activity. A tastefully decorated aquarium can bring a touch of peace, coolness and wildlife to the interior.

The aquarium can rightfully be considered one of the most interesting elements interior Decorating rooms with its help allows you not only to effectively decorate a room and emphasize individuality, but also to change the overall design. When creating works of art, quite accessible materials and simple techniques are most often used. In order to start decorating an aquarium with your own hands, you need to choose a basic style, which you should adhere to throughout the entire work.

General rules for decorating an aquarium with your own hands

In decorating, as in any other activity, there are certain well-established execution techniques. When creating decorations for an aquarium with your own hands, you should adhere to the simplest rules that will make the work easier and safer. These include:

  • Before performing work, move the fish to another vessel filled with water. Subsequently it is preferable to use the same water, to do this, pour half of the contents to where the fish will wait, and after completing the work, return the water back;
  • the aquarium is completely cleaned, including all parts that cannot be replaced;
  • items to be installed inside should also be treated;
  • After installing all the elements, make sure that everything is securely fastened.

Basic aquarium design styles

Whatever the chosen style, the basics of decoration can be reduced to several ways:

  • decoration using natural and artificial objects;
  • working with the background;
  • use of backlight.

These three tools provide opportunities for a wide scope of imagination and the implementation of the most daring ideas with your own hands. Decorating an aquarium can be a very inexpensive process if you use items found or made yourself. In addition, different stylistic trends require interior items of different availability.

In our country, the Dutch style is often used in decoration. This trend, which came to us from the Netherlands, immediately fell in love with fish keeping fans. The basis of decoration is made up of groups of plants, planted throughout the entire aquarium in groups, from large to small. To create such an interior inside the water world with your own hands, you need to plant plants at a distance of 10 cm from each other, this will allow them to grow and not interfere with each other. You can add brightness to your aquarium by using seaweed of different colors, combining them at your discretion.

No less beautiful can be called Japanese style called "Rock Garden". Such an aquarium will fit perfectly into minimalist or high-tech interiors, giving them a special atmosphere of comfort. The basis here is a feeling of spaciousness, achieved through the use of a minimum of details. Most often, bright soil and 3-4 large stones are used for decoration, located in the center and creating the feeling of rock fragments. Figures of ships or statues in a single copy are also often used.

The marine style is full of shells, corals, reef fragments, and everything that is often found in the real ocean. Exactly here a sunken schooner would be ideal, treasure chest or sea monster cave. It is better to choose cool tones as lighting here, and make the background darker, this will give full feeling dives.

The most interesting is the antique style of the aquarium. Small copies of monuments and architectural elements are used here as decorations. ancient world. When designing an aquarium that meets latest trends, Greek motifs are often used However, you can also use ancient Slavic objects, something related to Maya or Egypt. Such decorations will emphasize individuality and make the aquarium unique.

When decorating the interior of an aquarium, you need to pay attention to the following points:

Interesting ideas for decorating an aquarium

By decorating an aquarium with your own hands, it is possible to make it unique, for example, by creating a mini-waterfall inside. This effect can be achieved by drawing a light stripe on a dark stone with a porous sponge. For more complex falsification, sand is used. Using a compressor, it is blown out, simulating the movement of water flows. The fallen sand is collected in a reservoir and the process is repeated.

A voluminous one will look advantageous the background. Decoration is easy to do yourself, the material can be polystyrene foam, which without special effort takes the form of stones and rocks. The resulting result can be made smooth by firing; in the process, the ornament will be fused and given a smooth outline. The product is treated with grade 500 cement, then sprinkled with sand and tinted with a collector. It is best to secure the decoration using sealant.

Themed decorations for the holidays will bring a huge variety, for example, a Christmas tree on New Year or a small cupid for Valentine's Day will surprise your guests and make the design unique. Installing these elements in an aquarium with your own hands is quite simple and brings a lot of joy, creating a festive atmosphere.

An aquarium designed independently will bring many pleasant moments of joy and tranquility. With the proper approach, decorating with your own hands will leave only positive emotions and a long memory of a pleasant pastime. You can change the interior of a small water world quite often, the main thing is do not forget about the quality of materials and safety its inhabitants.

Nowadays, beautiful and fashionable design of an aquarium for a person involved in keeping and breeding fish is not just entertainment, but a matter of prestige and simply aesthetic pleasure from contemplating the results of his labors.

Psychologists say that an aquarium with fish located in an apartment can calm the nerves and normalize a person’s mental state. To do this, you just need to organize a relaxation area with an aquarium and watch the fish for at least 30-60 minutes. in a day.

Aquarium: DIY decoration

The most exciting and time-consuming activity for all of us in the process of installing and filling an aquarium tank is its correct and beautiful design in the same style with the design of the room.

Today there are a huge number of accessories that can be placed in an aquarium. Decorating it yourself will allow you to recreate as accurately as possible exactly the environment that you want to see there. Just do not forget that the main inhabitants of the aquarium are fish. And they need maximum amount free space in order to be able to swim freely.

The main components that allow you to design an aquarium (200 liters and all others) are:

  • stones;
  • natural and artificial algae;
  • pebbles;
  • various wooden elements;
  • artificial decorative elements, such as locks, chests, etc.


let's consider next steps and examples of aquarium design:

  • covering the bottom with soil;
  • stones and grottoes;
  • decorating an aquarium using a properly selected background;
  • use of different types of plants;
  • correct selection of lighting;
  • decorating an aquarium using decorative elements.

Each of them has its own specific rules, which will be described below.

Laying the bottom with soil

The soil for the aquarium bottom is one of the main and integral attributes. Before purchasing it in a specialized store, decide what type of aquarium you want to have, since this natural material must be purchased according to a specific purpose. Yes, yes, you heard right: a certain type of soil is taken for each purpose.

So, if you have small fish living in your aquarium, then it is best to buy a fine type of soil, while large-grained or mixed soil will suit the larger inhabitants of the tank. A similar approach is acceptable when you decide to set up a Dutch-style aquarium at home, that is, a tank in which plants predominate rather than fish.

In addition, when choosing a bottom coating, you must take into account the individual habits of the exotic aquarium fish you have chosen. If you have purchased certain varieties of catfish, then you need to remember that they love to rummage in the ground. Therefore, you cannot buy fine soil for them, otherwise there will always be fog in the aquarium. To avoid this, you need to purchase a bottom covering of such a size that they cannot dig through it.

It is best to buy a plain cover for the aquarium. It is best to choose a dark-colored bottom base, as it will highlight the inhabitants of your fish house.

Before placing the purchased soil in the aquarium, it must be thoroughly washed or, which is ideal, doused with boiling water.

Stones and grottoes

How is an aquarium decorated with stones and grottoes? These parts chosen for decoration must be made only from natural, natural materials. They should not contain harmful or toxic impurities that, if released into the water, can lead to the death of the inhabitants of the aquarium.

In the case of independently collecting decorative elements for the aquarium, do-it-yourself decoration is done only after pre-processing everything previously collected material for the purpose of disinfection and checking for the absence of all elements harmful to the health of the inhabitants of this reservoir.

Processing stones and driftwood

Stones can be processed in the same way as soil for the bottom of an aquarium, but pre-processing driftwood is a little more complicated. To do this, you need to place the selected wooden decor into a container with water (so that the liquid completely covers it) and add salt there until it stops dissolving, then remove the treated driftwood and rinse it clean water, place in the purchased fish tank.

Do not forget that in no case should the aquarium contain elements made of limestone, rubber, various elements, or elements coated with paint or enamel.

Also, you should not oversaturate the aquarium with decor, especially with large elements, such as stones, grottoes, etc., as this leads to a decrease in useful internal space, necessary for underwater inhabitants for vital movement.

Do not forget that large decorative elements should be placed in the corners of the container or in the background so as not to spoil the entire appearance.

Decorating an aquarium with the right background

The so-called background is important element aquarium decor. Since the background covering sets the mood for your entire creation, you should not choose dark and gloomy tones that have a spirit of despondency and sadness.

There are several rear options:

  • You can simply paint the back wall of the tank in a color of your choice. This path has its pros and cons. An undeniable advantage is the uniqueness and 100% originality of your brainchild. The list of disadvantages includes certain difficulties with changing an existing background (removing it with a solvent).
  • Background in the form of a colored plastic film, having an unlimited number of different variation solutions, among which everyone can choose the most suitable one for him. In addition, the price of such a film will be almost imperceptible in your pocket, and it can be installed or removed very quickly.
  • Panels and dioramas for the aquarium. Do-it-yourself decoration in this case is an ideal option, since these parts can not only be purchased in the store, but also made independently using the following available materials: small pebbles, driftwood and branches, foam plastic and polyurethane foam. But we must not forget about the environmental friendliness and natural origin of the selected materials, so as not to harm the fish. Such decorative elements will always be one of a kind.

Rules for gluing film

Such a film can be attached both to the outside and to the inside of the back wall. If you want to get more saturated colors, then, of course, it is better to stick it from the inside.

Before gluing the film, you must make sure that the surface of the inner wall of the back of the aquarium is completely dry (to avoid the appearance of pimples). Treat the purchased film around the entire perimeter with a special transparent silicone sealant, purchased in advance at a pet store. Do not use regular sealant under any circumstances, as the consequences of its use can be irreparable for aquarium inhabitants.

If you decide to stick the film inside the aquarium, then you should not skimp on silicone: it is better to coat the film very carefully, especially its upper edge, to avoid the possibility of it peeling off. After fixing, wait until the material has completely dried, and only then fill the tank with water.

Decorating an aquarium with various types of plants: live or artificial

If you have purchased an aquarium and are decorating it, then do not forget about purchasing and planting various types of algae. There is no need to oversaturate the container with them, but you can’t do without them, since they saturate the water with oxygen and are food for some types of fish.

They also act as a “nursery” for newly born fish, since only by hiding in algae can they survive, since it is common among many species of fish to eat their young. Those species of fish that spawn hide them on or under sheets of algae.

Planting and caring for live aquarium plants

Before purchasing, it is best to consult with a salesperson at a pet store, he will help you choose the perfect one. suitable plants, and will also tell you how to properly plant them in an aquarium so that they please your eyes for a long time.

In any case, there are varieties of aquatic vegetation that do not require planting in the ground. For all others, the thickness of the soil should not exceed 3-5 cm, and it is recommended to choose medium or large grains. It is this size of soil that will speed up the process of full rooting of plants. A newly planted plant can be lightly pressed with pebbles or other decorative elements. At the same time, its roots should be in a straightened state.

Choosing the right lighting

If you decide to decorate the purchased aquarium with your own hands, then do not forget about the correct lighting, because not only the appearance of the tank, but also the health of its inhabitants depends on it, since the strength and its spectrum are vital for plants.

Today there is a huge number of different lights, both external and fully adapted for working underwater, so everyone can find the option that suits them. To help the novice aquarist, many different manuals have been published to help set up an aquarium correctly and quickly. The photos below will help make this process as simple and easy as possible.

Decorating an aquarium using decorative elements

When decorating an aquarium with decorative elements, you must remember that they must be environmentally friendly and free of harmful impurities, and in no case should you oversaturate the aquarium with them.

You can use both purchased and self-made decor.


Today there are different styles of aquarium design. All of them are very richly presented in the pictures and photographs posted in our article and in various books devoted to the aquarium business. Also in Russia they can be seen in dolphinariums. Among them stand out the following options aquarium decoration:

  • Biotope, which is the landscape of a single body of water.
  • Dutch design style, placing the main emphasis on the richness of the underwater flora, and not on the fish.
  • Geographic - an aquarium with representatives of the animal and flora a particular region.
  • The pseudo-sea aquarium is stylized to resemble the seabed without plants, and its inhabitants are brightly colored fish. Since such a tank is decorated with large-sized decorations, such as stones, corals, artificial polyps, shells, and there is almost no vegetation, it is excellent for cichlids. After all, this is the ideal design for an aquarium for cichlids.
  • Children's aquariums are designed in accordance with the child's favorite theme (games, cartoons, book plots, etc.).
  • Marine aquarium with inhabitants living in salt water.
  • Futuristic aquariums filled with luminous elements, including special hybrid fluorescent fish.
  • Household and themed containers created based on human imagination.

The design of a corner aquarium follows the same principles as all others. Variety different types and the styles of work of aquarium experts known all over the world will help you with this not an easy task. We hope that the recommendations given in this article will help you get a clear idea of ​​the future interior decoration of the fish house. In addition, the photos we offer will help you decorate your aquarium correctly and beautifully. They will serve as an excellent visual aid.

Before planting plants in the aquarium, you need to think about the design of the side and back walls, since the overall impression of the design depends on this.

A good solution to this problem would be to purchase structured panels made from natural cork or synthetic resin. Relatively inexpensive styrofoam panels that imitate relief and are suitable for coating with non-toxic paints are also suitable for this.

To decorate such decorative walls, small-leaved forms of plants are recommended, such as: Java fern (Microsorum pteropus) And dwarf anubias (Anubias barteri var. nаna). Their roots are secured to a structured decorative panel using wire in a PVC braid.

For landscaping large stones and driftwood, the same dwarf anubias and microsorium are suitable, as well as Bolbitis and different types of mosses. They are attached to them using a cotton thread, which disintegrates over time, as a rule, this happens after the plant is attached to the substrate.

IN Lately Richia colonies attached to a stone or driftwood using fishing line or a synthetic hair net have become a very popular decoration.

Before buying plants for decorating an aquarium, you should sketch out a plan for their placement, on which you need to indicate which species will border each other, which in turn is determined by the size of the plants and their best combination.

The plan should be marked with a so-called plant path. This design element creates the illusion of depth in the space, providing a favorable visual effect.

When decorating a Dutch-type aquarium with plants, to create such a path, choose unpretentious, slow-growing plant species, such as: Lobelia cardinalis and light-loving Saururus cernus.

Sometimes fast-growing species are used for this purpose: Alternanthera reineckii And Hygrophila corymbosa. You can also plant rosette type plants, for example Veil undershirt (Isoetes velata) or young specimens Echinodorus beheri.

Never place a path in the center of the aquarium, as this will visually split it into two parts, which will worsen the overall impression of the picture.

When decorating an aquarium with plants, pay special attention to dense planting. You shouldn't skimp on this!

If desired, you can create a second parallel path made up of plants of a different shape and color.

At the next planning step, you should decide where to place tapeworm plants and what species to use as such. Such plants look especially impressive when planted separately.

Large species with sword-shaped leaves are usually used as tapeworm plants, for example: Echinodorus bleheri, Echinodorus parviflorus, Echinodorus cordifolius And Echinodorus uruguayensis. Perfect for this purpose tiger nymph (Nymphaea lotus), as well as some types of crinums and aponogetons.

In small aquariums with a capacity of less than 60 liters, it is better to completely abandon tapeworm plants, otherwise they will dominate the aquarium. But in aquariums with a large bottom area, it is better to limit yourself to two or three medium-sized bushes.

As for the design of the foreground, the choice of fast-growing and unpretentious plants not very wide for this purpose. Low-growing plants that reproduce vegetatively by forming suckers are suitable for this.

These types include: Echinodorus tenellus, Echinodorus quadricostatus And Sagittaria subulata, which are capable of covering the soil with a green carpet in a short time.

Unpretentious Eleocharis acicularis, also known as Eleocharis acicularis, as well as different kinds Lilaeopsis (Lilaeopsis). They should be purchased in large quantities, as they grow rather slowly.

Some types of cryptocorynes also look decorative in the foreground: dwarf cryptocoryne (Cryptocoryne parva), Cryptocoryne willisii,Cryptocoryne wendtii, Cryptocoryne walkeri, their rather slow growth is compensated by low lighting requirements.

And of course, for planting in the foreground of the aquarium, we can confidently recommend a dwarf Anubias (Anubias barteri var. nаа). This species is more difficult to cultivate, and therefore is recommended for cultivation only by experienced aquarists.

When planting dwarf plants in the foreground, you often have to face certain difficulties. So, caring for tender shoots will require a lot of patience. Glossostigma And Marselia, constantly reaching towards the surface. Rounded tweezers can help here.

You will have to spend a lot of time and effort planting dwarf plants with sword-shaped leaves of the type. Each such plant must be planted in its own hole close to the other.

Larger species of plants that form offspring are planted in a similar way, for example Echinodorus Quadricostatus And Sagittaria subulata.

After the foreground of the aquarium is formed and the solitary plants are planted in their places, you should think about planting plants in the middle and background.

When decorating an aquarium with plants, small-leaved stem species are most suitable for the middle plan: Bacopa caroliniana (Bacopa caroliniana) And Bacopa small-leaved (Vasora monniera), Hygrophila polysperma, Hemianthus micranthemoides, Heteranthera zosterifolia and more demanding in culture Didiplis diandra and Micrantemum shady (Micranthemum umbrosum).

They will look good in a large aquarium, in the middle and background. Limnophila, various hybrids Ludwigia, and Rotala rotundifolia, Hygrophila difformis and various color forms.

Light-loving and water-sensitive plants are especially suitable for the middle and background. Cabomba (Cabomba) And Myriophyllum, Eichhornia azurea, as well as species with an intense red color: Alternanthera reineckii, Ammannia gracilis And Ammannia senegalensis.

Of the large number of species of rosette plants, for planting in the central zone and in the background of the aquarium, we can recommend various species and hybrids of Echinodorus, many of which are very demanding of light, as well as almost all commercially available species of Cryptocoryne, which, although content with less light, grow much more slowly. Vallisneria and Ceratopteris are suitable for this purpose.

When decorating the middle and background of the aquarium with plants, you must adhere to certain rules. Thus, stem plants are planted in a group in the form of a ladder, and a large group almost always looks more attractive than a small one.

Fleshy, strong shoots Ammannia graceful (Ammannia gracilis) or Eusteralis stellata planted separately, at a distance at which they will not shade each other.

To create a harmonious perception for the observer, the bulk of the plants in the middle ground (cryptocorynes, echinodorus) are also planted in large groups.

When decorating an aquarium with plants, you should achieve an effective contrast of plants, for which you should not plant species of the same structure and similar color next to each other.

Thus, species with very similar habit, such as Cabomba and Myriophyllum or red Ammania, should not be planted next to the red-brown Cabomba furcata.

The most important rule when decorating an aquarium with plants is the need to obtain maximum contrast using a richness of colors and a variety of their shapes.

When purchasing plants, keep in mind that dense planting will require more significant expenses than keeping fish!

It should be remembered that most plant species (with the exception of tapeworms) produce maximum impact only when they are planted in large groups. So always buy several of each type!

Let's sum it up

  • Before you start decorating the aquarium with plants, you should fill it at least half with water;
  • Free all purchased plants from their bundles and remove them from containers, if any;
  • Before planting plants in the aquarium, shorten their roots. Trim stem species and sort by size. Separate the plant cuttings that form the shoots;
  • Plant the side and back walls of the aquarium with plants so that the aquarium equipment is camouflaged;
  • Green up, at least partially, driftwood and large stones;
  • Plant paths of plants diagonally from the front edge of the aquarium in the form of terraces. Group plants without leaving any free space;
  • Plant tapeworm plants in well-lit places, but not in the center of the aquarium;
  • Always plant plants in large groups, thereby achieving maximum visual effect;
  • Always plant strong shoots and low-growing plants for the foreground one per hole;
  • When grouping, always ensure that the plants are in different groups differed from each other in appearance;
  • Plant groups of plants of different colors and leaf shapes next to each other, achieving contrast;
  • Consider the needs of light and shade-loving plants;
  • Plant species that need water flow should be placed near the outlet of the filter;
  • Keep the plantings dense to prevent algae formation.

In the process of decorating an aquarium with plants, the main thing is to successfully arrange the decorative elements and plant the plants.

Overall it's hard to give ready-made recipes. Everything is determined by the artistic taste of the aquarist!

The decorations not only decorate the aquarium, but also serve as shelter for fish, a place for spawning and attachment of many types of plants.

Making decorations is quite simple. The most important thing is to ensure the safety of the inhabitants, without using harmful materials and be sure to maintain proportions. Harmonious composition- when the decorations correspond to the size of the aquarium.

The internal background, as a rule, imitates some natural object: stones, driftwood, bamboo thickets, cork tree bark.

This background is good for aquariums with large fish, in which large decorations for the aquarium would not be entirely appropriate, besides, large fish like to swim rapidly, dropping decorations, and some species dig them up.

There are relief backgrounds that protrude over most of the aquarium, and there are relatively flat ones.

The back wall of the tank can be decorated with purchased materials or made independently from improvised materials. Let's consider the second option.

Materials for self-made:

  • a sheet of thick cardboard with dimensions corresponding to the dimensions of the back wall;
  • leaves of dry grass, seeds, peelings of tree bark;
  • watercolor paints;
  • glue.

Manufacturing stages:

  1. A sheet of cardboard is completely covered with black paint.
  2. After the paint has dried, apply glue (you can use a glue stick) to the entire surface of the cardboard.
  3. The harvested grass is carefully distributed over the entire sheet and rolled with a rolling pin to better fix the particles.
  4. Unadhered excess is removed and, if necessary, gaps are sealed.

The finished background is attached to the back wall of the aquarium with outside. This is just one option out of many possible ones.

Look at 1 more manufacturing option:

Decorating with stones

Many fish, such as African cichlids, like to hide and need places to hide. For these purposes, decorations are made from stones in the aquarium. But one should take into account the fact that some stones, such as limestone, marble, tuff, sandstone, release calcium salts into the water and make it hard.

The stones in the aquarium are either simply arranged beautifully, or they are used to make various slides and grottoes.

If you decide to place stones using the aquascape technique, then it is better to choose uneven, textured and preferably dark ones. Stones without marks and with smooth smooth edges look unnatural. The porous texture of the stones will create unnecessary shadows.

The stones should not be the same size on the ground, otherwise they will merge.

To make the aquarium imitate a corner of the water space wildlife, excessively flat, level ground should be avoided. It can only be level at the front wall, so as not to draw attention away from the decoration.

Rounded pebbles do not affect the quality of water in any way, therefore they are very popular among aquarists who make decorations for their aquariums with their own hands.

Any work begins with measurements. The size of the grotto should be such that there is a distance from it to the front and rear windows, then the fish that are fleeing persecution will be able to swim out of the grotto from both sides.

You should never make one entrance to the house so that the fish are locked there.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Tubes are rolled out of landscape paper, which will be the openings of the grotto.
  2. The foundation is being formed. To do this, the flattest and widest stones are laid out in a row with a gradual rounding. It is better that the stones are the same in height.
  3. Placed between the stones paper straws, marking the entrance to the grotto.
  4. To create an empty space inside the grotto, a wad of paper or cellophane wrapped with tape is placed in the center of the circle of stones.
  5. On glue ( silicone sealant) the second level of stones and all subsequent ones are planted to the desired height.
  6. After the walls of the slide are ready, a flat pebble is placed on a ball of paper - this is the base of the roof from the inside.
  7. The stones connecting the walls and the base of the roof are glued.

The grotto is ready.

You can insert small snags into the resulting holes between the pebbles or, after drying, plant plants, for example, Thai fern. This will make the grotto in the aquarium more natural.

Silicone on the slide can be masked with small pebbles or sand.

The grotto is kept for two days, then the tubes can be removed from it.

It is better to place heavy grottoes not on the ground itself, but on a plexiglass substrate; for this you may even need to clear a place at the bottom. If a pebble of aquarium soil gets under a heavy mainsail, it can cause a point stress in the bottom glass and it will crack.

Universal mainsail (simple option)

Before starting work, you need to have a clear idea of ​​what the finished decoration will look like. It’s better to draw it to know exactly how many and what shapes of planes will be needed.

To make it you will need:

  • expanded clay;
  • water;
  • cement;
  • sand;
  • polyethylene.

Manufacturing stages:

  1. Cement and sand are mixed in a ratio of 3:1.
  2. Expanded clay is covered with a cement-sand mixture, filled with water and mixed. The consistency should be such that each granule is in the cement, but does not sink in it. This is necessary so that the homemade decoration has a pronounced relief.
  3. On flat surface Cellophane (cling film) is spread, the resulting mass is laid out on it, and blanks are formed: a base with two columns (2 pieces) and a separate flat part in the shape of an oval or rectangle, which will be attached to the columns.
  4. The blanks must be covered with cellophane on top, otherwise the cement will be brittle.
  5. After the figures have dried, a fresh solution of cement and sand is prepared in the same proportions. It is applied to the tops of the dried columns of one of the blanks and the flat part is placed on them. The second workpiece is already attached to the resulting platform with columns down. The joints are secured with cement.

The result is a relief textured grotto in three tiers. The structure should be placed in water for a week to remove excess alkali from the cement.

Such blanks can be of any shape and size. And due to the fact that the bottom is smooth, they can be used as a background by pasting over the back wall.

See how to make a small aquarium grower:

Pipe shelters

A simple, inexpensive and quick way is to make shelters for the inhabitants of the aquarium from plumbing polypropylene pipes.

The diameter of the pipes is selected depending on the size of the aquarium, fish, and the wishes of the owner.

Manufacturing stages:

  1. Cut the pipes to the required length.
  2. Prepare multi-colored small pebbles (soil).
  3. Carefully lubricate polypropylene blanks with silicone sealant.
  4. Place the pipe vertically in a container with soil and sprinkle it generously with pebbles. The dishes should be such that you can roll the tubes like a rolling pin with pressure for thorough gluing.

The product is allowed to dry and placed horizontally on the bottom of the aquarium.

Tree in aquarium design

Most often, they make their own aquarium decorations from driftwood. They have interesting shapes and allow you to create fancy decorations for your aquarium with your own hands. To make your own driftwood, you need to choose trees with dense wood, such as ash, hazel, elm, maple. U coniferous species The wood is friable, so it will rot in water and encourage the development of bacteria.

Parts of trees turn into snags under the influence of water, wind, and sand.

A snag that has been in the water for a long time and is saturated with it will not require an addition in the form of an anchor for sinking; it will stay well at the bottom.

In most cases, snags need to be anchored, as they have good buoyancy.

The fastest way to drown and disinfect is to steam the driftwood in a strong salt solution (2-2.5 kg of salt per 10 liters of water) for 3-5 hours over low heat.

She is then placed in water with weights attached to make her sink. This is done so that the salt leaves the driftwood. After 2-3 days, the snag will sink without additional weighting.

Wherever your imagination leads, you should remember that any decorations must take into account the habits and behavior of aquarium fish and be safe.