Why do I dream about my tears? Why dream of tears, crying in a dream, wiping someone’s tears? Basic interpretations - why do you dream of tears according to the versions of different dream books. New family dream book

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Why do you dream about Tears in a dream according to 27 dream books?

Below you can find out for free the interpretation of the “Tears” symbol from 27 online dream books. If you do not find the desired interpretation on this page, use the search form in all dream books on our site. You can also order a personal interpretation of your dream by an expert.

If in a dream you saw people crying- your sorrows and sorrows will be perceived by others as their own.

Modern dream book

Find out what it means if you dream of Tears?

Seeing yourself in tears in a dream- a sign of approaching grief.

If in your dream other people shed tears- your sorrows will affect the happiness of other people.

Dream book of the 21st century

Why did you dream about Tears in a dream?

Crying in a dream means joy, consolation, abundance of well-being, wipe away flowing tears in a dream- to consolation, see a face in tears- to unexpected profits.

Wiping away a woman's tears- to a break in love, to laugh at a crying woman - to a strong union.

Longo's Dream Interpretation

If you dreamed that tears were rolling down your eyes and you couldn't stop crying.- the dream suggests that in real life You weak person, unable to withstand the blows of fate. You love to whine, pretending to be offended, and complain about fate to the villain who brings you surprises. You consider yourself an exceptional person because all the bumps and misadventures fall on you, although the lives of others are not much different from yours. Our advice to you is to stop pretending to be offended by God and people and pestering those around you with endless sad stories from your life. Finally, get down to real business, it will certainly distract you from useless complaints.

Hold back tears in your sleep- the dream indicates that in real life you do not like to make your suffering public. You prefer to go through everything alone, so as not to bother others with your problems. Perhaps you prefer to do this because you don't want to impose on anyone. Do you believe that others will not be able to understand and sympathize with you? You think badly about people! Would you do the same in their place? Probably not.

Wiping away tears in a dream- it seems to you that others actually treat you much worse than they show. You are very suspicious and therefore look for people in the most ordinary actions. secret meaning, hidden negative intentions towards you. Try to do less introspection and start looking at things more simply. Do you think that people have nothing better to do than plan something bad towards you?

Seeing someone else's tears in a dream- in reality, you are insensitive to other people's pain and suffering. You believe that every person must experience what heaven has given him, therefore all suffering and trials must be accepted stoically and as a matter of course. And if this is so, then there is no need to express compassion.

Dream book for a bitch

Tears are joy and satisfaction.

Wiping away tears means you will feel sorry, reassure someone and give useful advice.

Seeing people crying in a dream- the people around you will sympathize with you in your sorrows and will help with advice or action if necessary.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

Cry in your sleep if tears bring you relief- means that your internal tension is subsiding. After such a dream, you can expect that in reality you will experience some kind of relief.

Other people's tears in your dream- a sign that deep down you anticipate sad events.

If tears make you bitter- such a dream portends very difficult trials for you.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of January, February, March, April

Tears - you will be upset.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of September, October, November, December

Tears are a test of your patience.

Dream interpretation of birthday people in May, June, July, August

Tears - to tenderness, to undisguised joy.

Miller's Dream Book

If you cry in a dream- it means trouble awaits you soon.

If in a dream you see people crying- this means that your sorrows and sorrows will touch those around you.

Chinese dream book

Shedding tears with someone- portends celebration, congratulations with gifts.

The dead man collapses with tears- portends prosperity.

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

Why see Tears in a dream?

Having a dream in which you cut onions and shed streams of tears- this means that in real life you will show weakness and give in to persistent demands.

If your tears are caused by rubbing horseradish- this means that the cause of family troubles will be a letter to your husband from your mistress, which you accidentally read.

Wiping away the tears of an offended child- portends troubles with other people's children. Seeing your mother shedding tears- means that in reality you will experience bitter loneliness and orphanhood.

Laugh until you cry in your sleep- indicates that you will upset your loved one with an unfair reproach.

Dream interpretation of a modern woman

Crying in a dream means impending trouble.

If you see people crying in your dreams- your sadness will evoke compassion and a desire to help others.

Dream Book of the Wanderer

Interpretation of the dream: Tears according to the dream book?

Tears are grace, liberation.

Freud's Dream Book

Tears are a symbol of ejaculation and the desire for sexual intercourse.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

Tears - to unexpected joy.

French dream book

Tears in a dream, bitter crying- a harbinger of pleasant and joyful events, a meeting that will bring fun and joy.

Universal dream book

The desire to cry symbolizes an uncontrollable flow of emotions, regardless of whether you are experiencing joy, pain or anger. In your dream, were these tears of joy or were you sad? Do you enjoy expressing your emotions or would you like to hold them back? The dream speaks of how much you would like to open up to others.

Gypsy dream book

Dream that you are in tears- to receive a letter containing bad news.

See a crying baby- the letter will bring good news.

Esoteric dream book

Tears are for joy.

Strangers mean trouble.

Online dream book

Meaning of sleep: Tears according to the dream book?

A dream in which you shed tears- a sign that you will grieve.

More interpretations

Seeing people crying- a hint that you will bring problems to others.

According to the dream book, to offend someone who is crying- promises to go through very difficult times.

Mother who cries- a warning that you may be alone.

Laughter that led to tears- a sign that you can hurt someone dear to you with your comments.

If you dream that bloody tears are flowing from your eyes- be extremely careful, refrain from any undertakings and active actions, otherwise a disaster cannot be avoided.

If in a dream you saw your mother's tears- perhaps her health will worsen, you should now be as attentive as possible towards her.

Also, her crying can warn about some global mistakes that you are making in Lately, now you should be extremely careful and carefully weigh your every step.

If you dream of a man's tears- it means success awaits you in business sphere and prosperity.

Video: Why do you dream about Tears?

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Did you dream about Tears, but the necessary interpretation of the dream is not in the dream book?

Our experts will help you find out why you dream of Tears in a dream, just write your dream in the form below and they will explain to you what it means if you saw this symbol in a dream. Try it!

    I saw in a dream that my mother was sick and would soon die, I went up to her to see what she was dreaming about, she was lying there, and I started crying a lot, when I woke up I was in tears, later when I fell asleep again, I see that the neighbor was telling me what her daughter-in-law had a stillborn baby was born, my friend and I started crying…. Can you tell me what this is for, she is pregnant, my neighbor has been for 8 months, and about my mother????

    I had a dream I was crying, mourning my problems, tears in large quantities, I even remember that the glass was full and I was also spitting liquid out of my mouth, they calmed me down, someone even drank this liquid, then I see a lot of people, neighbors in the yard, I go up home and there my wife meets me with With my daughter beheaded, I somehow began to see my daughter’s suffering and asked my wife if she could hear us, to which my wife replied, part of the ear remained with the body

    I dreamed that I saw a classmate whom I loved. I think he had a fight with my mother. I told him that when she dies, then you will understand how dear she is to you and she ran away crying. Because he did not listen to me. On the way I met my ex-girlfriend, she said everyone dies and that she also no longer has a mother (although her mother is alive)

    I introduced my parents to my future husband’s parents. In the dream they didn’t like each other. My mother never behaves the way she did in the dream. She betrayed me. I ran into the bathroom and cried, and my boyfriend saw all this and even didn't fit

    I had a dream in which I was crying because of a guy who didn’t come to me (whom I love but not mutually, in reality) all my friends are next to me, even this guy’s mother is next to me and everyone calms me down. I’m lying in bed and crying hysterical tears. .I just can’t calm down..in my dream I missed this guy because in reality I don’t have enough either...I’ve been talking to this guy for four years now and all these four years I’ve loved him.but he doesn’t hold me and doesn’t let me go ..

    I’m standing in my entrance with a friend (on this moment we don’t communicate), the grandmother comes up and her eyes are cloudy (well, I realized that she is a witch). She gives her friend a cross and she’s holding some object and let’s put a spell on my friend, I scream at the grandmother and my friend is crying, I tell her to throw away the cross she screams, she can’t….. I throw obscenities at the grandmother with everything I have. Then the grandmother disappeared, I go up to my friend’s hand, take her by the hand and read the prayers. And I woke up.

    Hello, I had a dream that my mother was running somewhere and crying, it was winter, she was lightly dressed and I... people walked like zombies in a black glare... and I ran after her and also cried, I screamed to her "Mom-mama “Then I saw a woman, she laughed very loudly and said that I would never see my mother again!

    Hello. I dreamed that I was calming a crying teenage boy of about 10 years old. He stood next to me and tears were running down his cheeks, and I wiped them away and said that everything would be fine. Then a girl came up to him, hugged him and also began to calm him down.

    Hello Tatiana. I had a dream in which I saw a girl behind a fence, she was crying. and she was surrounded by faces of non-Russian appearance. As I passed by, I realized that she needed help and started to take out the phone to call, but a man, also not of Russian appearance, ran out from the neighboring fence and ran after me. further actions unfolded in the hospital, where I offered him money so that he would not touch me. He took the money but did not leave me. I ran to my house and started calling the young man. The connection was bad and I never got through.

    that's the whole dream. please help me and explain so that it can mean.

    I like one boy. A lot.
    And so I dreamed of him, he smiled... communicated well with me... kissed me (although he doesn’t kiss me in reality)... and today (well, you could say yesterday) I dreamed of his tears... we were sitting in the car... he felt bad... and for a second I saw his tears... and then everything became normal... and he continued to smile... he often dreams about... what could this be for?!

    I only remember from the dream that a man took my bag, and I screamed for him to give me the phone from it, because the guy was supposed to call, you could say I was hysterical in the dream, I screamed and cried, that’s why I woke up, I feel it on my cheeks also tears and sobs. Our relationship is now at such a stage that we almost broke up last night, I fell asleep with bad thoughts, what could this mean?

    I came with my sister to my grandmother’s (healthy) house in the evening, there was no one at home except us, there was a coffin in one of the rooms, a young girl in white was lying in it, when we lay down next to her (in the coffin), she got up and tried something... something like taking over us, I resisted, but she still tried to inspire something, in a dream I repeated the word “white”, and she “gray”, while pressing her hand to my stomach, like this several times, after that I began to water bloody tears.

    I saw in a dream how my beloved boy cried and said that he loved me, that I didn’t need to wait long and he would leave his girlfriend and be with me, but now everything is bad in our lives, we had a very big fight

    I dreamed that my friend died, almost in my arms. I was very sad, literally sobbing, and no one could or wanted to help me cope with this grief. I went to her mom and dad and talked. Only my boyfriend helped me, he consoled me, tried to distract me, protect me, make me happy. But even this did not console me, I called our head girl from the institute so that she would tell everyone about her death, we cried together. Then I calmed down a little and my loved one and I went for a walk, it was warm outside, Golden autumn. We went to a shop that sold wooden crafts and wicker items. But some are dilapidated and old. then we saw a saucepan with sour, cloudy soup standing on the ground. And floating in it, that is, lay a dead, unplucked rooster. My boyfriend took it, wet, and began to wipe himself with it. It was very strange, there was such a strong stench. And I ran away from there. Then I saw my little brother in the yard and scolded him for not hearing me call him. And she sent him home.

    I saw my friends arrive in the trunk of the car, they got out, I was very glad to see them. I went up and hugged them. I thanked one boy for bringing the guy I love. since they are best friends. then I sat on the lap of the guy I liked and he hugged me. I turned around and saw a tear on his face. then I got up and went somewhere and turned around and this guy was in a wheelchair. I didn’t understand what was happening. Everything was as if in reality

    Today I dreamed about the wedding of my mother and my husband. I don't know why they got married. At first I was happy about their wedding, and then for some reason I cried, because I realized that I had lost my husband.

    I had a mixed dream. I said that I was in the store with my mother and brother and we wanted to buy cosmetics, but we didn’t buy them, I saw some guy watching us from the side and how I liked the silver chain, but without buying anything we left, then I saw that I seemed to be dying, I felt some kind of weakness, as if my soul was leaving me and immediately everything became normal, but I saw that something happened to me and that’s why it was like I broke up with my boyfriend, I cry and it calms me down a secret guy with whom I don’t even communicate practically and then I run away with my older brother and don’t remember anything else, but the dream didn’t please me, I feel very bad, something is choking me, I’ll be glad to see your help)

    I dreamed that a security guard wanted to rape me, I was unlocking myself at the same time, I was screaming, help, it was all in a STORE and people were looking at me and no one came to me, didn’t help me, I escaped and for some reason my school was nearby, I ran there and started cry there I met my friend and told her everything, she began to feel sorry for me and at that moment I woke up and could no longer sleep! please tell me what is this for?

    Hello Tatiana. I dreamed that I was on a street in the city, there was a stop and shops and I was standing there. I sang a song, but when I sang, I did not look at the audience who had gathered. I looked up and there were two little men with wings who were always with me and when I sang they either flew away or disappeared (but these were not my loved ones). I sang and cried, as if I knew that we would not see each other again, it was so sad, but I also felt love when I sang the song. there was a microphone on the stage and one time I saw red and blue balls there. Everything was shrouded in warmth and care. It seemed like I wanted to protect them and because of this they flew away. I remember a phrase from a song... then I choose life. please tell me what this dream means.

    summer, I went to see my friend home. A friend and her sons are standing on the back platform, crying. I go up to her, wipe my tears, and say that I too could be in the place of that girl who, as it later turned out, died near the houses on the outskirts of the city. The boys stood nearby, but I didn’t wipe away their tears.

    I dreamed that my husbands and I were running into our houses and to my husband’s, and one of them wanted to steal money and a phone from a bag, but I noticed and took it. Then I ran out into the street with fear and cried a lot, and Ani ran away. I cried a lot and called for help. but someone didn’t help, and it seemed to me that I was running away from them, but I was running away from them, but she asked me to call the police, and then she ran and made a noise when the police dealt with them, then I quietly ran away from them like a lady. And at home, my husband scolded me, drunk, where I was there and he didn’t believe me in everything I told him and I woke up

    I'm walking along the road and I'm meeting ex-boyfriend with some guy unknown to me, my ex, seeing me, stops and comes to me and asks how I’m doing, then I tell him that I miss him very much, he hugs him, kisses him and tears flow down his cheek. We start talking about the fact that he has someone else.

    I’m in my old house arguing with my husband, I see how he kills people but without blood, then I came up crying, I take my dead friend in my arms and there is a child instead of her, then somehow I found myself in the church and we were thinking about how to rob her, after a while I ended up in the other wing where is the service going on I was given candles and books everything was bright then everything disappeared and there was a child in my arms again and he turned into a scarecrow

    I was on the bus, as I realized, to some kind of camp, on the bus a girl threw some kind of thing at me. We started fighting with her, when we arrived I realized that I didn’t have any clothes with me, I started calling my dad, to which he said that he couldn’t to come, he has no money, it’s as if he had a hundred rubles left, I started crying very hard, my friends started to calm me down, I met them there and some boys, in the end I woke up.

    I saw that a guy whom I had loved for a long time was sitting in one of the rooms. But he doesn't know about it. And so I decided to go confess my feelings to him, to which he began to criticize me, saying that I was not beautiful, fat, and unnatural. With this he brought me to tears and I looked in the mirror, seeing traces of lines from tears. Then he went somewhere and I followed him, in the yard he met his friends and told them about my confession. They started laughing at me and mocking me. Then I returned home, running away from them. And at home I began to tell everyone about this incident, at the same time crying.

    In a dream, I accused everyone of smoking and got hit in the face for it. Some kind of evening... A get-together... I left in tears, saying... Everyone was happy and smiling... Someone thinks he got drunk... While walking... I dropped the phone in a puddle... I picked it up... I wiped it... And then the call... Number I don’t remember..Name is Tatyana..

    I dreamed about my ex-mother-in-law, first I somehow ended up in their house, had a conversation with my mother-in-law, then went out onto the porch and there I met my wife who stood in front of me in panties and a beautiful white knitted sweater on her body. A conversation ensued, I took her hand t let go, continued the conversation, she threw herself into my arms, I hugged her and began to try to hide my tears so that she wouldn’t see them, but when I lowered my head, she also cried on my chest with words like that’s the trip.

    In general, the point is that first I was walking with a friend and then with my beloved, a fat girl started pestering him, saying that he should kiss her, I didn’t like it, small children started climbing towards me, I shouted loudly Shut up, everyone fell silent and I ran to Vanya he stood crying and said that his mother saw them, we stood kissing and I cried a lot because I was afraid of losing him, then we ran to his mother because she saw the whole situation, I repented, they seemed to forgive me and I hugged him for a long time

    I dreamed that it was as if I was at school and there was a crowd of people whom I knew, classmates, and not only that person, who was my best friend with whom we don’t communicate now, well, that means this crowd is standing as if everyone took their turn so that I could to say something. girls come up and say that she’s very good and ring, etc. and cry, then a guy, my classmate, comes up and hugs me and also says how sensitive and kind I am and apologizes. then I understand that my boyfriend is standing in line and what does he have to do with the next one, and after him my ex-best friend, well, that means he leaves me without saying anything and I understand that he has nothing to say, so I kind of go up to ex-friend, and then my boyfriend comes up and turns me around and says that I’m supposedly the best, etc., and then he kisses me and I turn around and there’s no crowd there, so I ask what is this and then I wake up like this!

    Hello, I'll tell you briefly. I’m getting married, they found a bride, after a while the marriage will take place, somehow spontaneously, I know the bride, she’s an acquaintance, but I never imagined that I’d get married to her, the wedding took place in an unknown place, I understand that I’ll get married after a while and I start to cry, tears come, not from happiness. Then I have a conversation with the father of the bride and again there are tears, but I try not to show them. Why do I cry in my sleep? Thank you)

    I lived with a girl for 2 years and it so happened that we broke up, a week passed, we did not call each other and did not write off each other. And then I dreamed about her: she came in a dream, accused me of everything, and brought me to tears. She said that I didn’t have time to part and was already running after someone else. When I woke up I really cried. What does it mean?

    It’s dark around, the light flickers... I look at my beloved, and at one moment I seem to be pulled into a whirlpool, or to the bottom, I see my hands, I reach out to my beloved, but she stands and a tear runs down her cheek. She just I stayed there, as if I couldn’t do anything, and I was pulled somewhere, everything disappeared, only shadow and darkness remained. And I woke up in tears.

    I dreamed that I had grown so many teeth that I couldn’t even close my mouth... and this made me cry, I could even sob. Then they begin to break and even more teeth grow in their place!

    I dreamed that my husband died of some kind of pulmonary disease, I remembered that he was going to quit smoking and reproached him for not quitting. I cried so much I thought my heart would break and couldn’t believe he was gone.

    I dreamed of my grandmother's old house. I wanted to buy him. When I entered the house, I began to cry, remembering the past. There were many people who wanted to sell me this house. I don’t know anyone who saw it. I remembered the cost of the house.

    Hello, I dreamed about my boss, in the dream our team was at work, but not at workplace, and in some room. Our boss walked back and forth in shorts. From his office, where he allegedly had a romantic relationship with his wife, to us. But he took his pants from us soon. We were dressed. Then I went to the next day I came to work, but in my place there was another girl, and the colleague with whom I worked shouted that I was a thief, that I stole money from her department. And I told her that I didn’t steal anything. That I had a debt (and in reality is the same, I owe 1900 but I didn’t hide it anywhere) And she shouted to me that she saw it on the cameras. I then went into the boss’s office, he was cheerful and smiling, and I proved to him that I didn’t steal anything, that’s how it is He said that he would basically put me down. I asked him to show me what was on the cameras and he just turned on some kind of movie for me. The situation in the office was different.

    I have a boyfriend, his name is Dima! Everything is fine with us, but we don’t communicate much! I had a dream that I was at school and was already walking home (but I don’t remember that for sure) at school I constantly walked next to him so that he would notice me, but he didn’t notice me! Well, when I went home, several girls followed me and started telling me in an angry tone that they were coming to tell me a secret about Dima, but I didn’t want to listen to them and ran away at that time, I started crying a lot and at that moment I saw Dima, but alas, he didn’t notice me! I again deliberately walked past him and went down the stairs, sat down and cried a lot after that, I woke up! And the day before yesterday I dreamed that my friend was kissing a guy and I thought it was Dima...

    I go to work and am carrying a bag and a cart with groceries, it’s very cold for some reason, I wrap myself in a blanket, then it becomes warm, I take off the blanket and walk along the road, fold it and suddenly I realize that I don’t have a cart, I go back along the road and there is an old bag there a cart with bagels and something else, I’m upset, I’m going home, I’m nervous and crying, I don’t know what to do

    I was standing with my friend either indoors or outdoors, it was not clear.
    Suddenly some guy started saying something unpleasant to me, I couldn’t stand it and started crying. At that moment I thought to myself that everything had just accumulated and I couldn’t hold back my tears.

    I remember that in a dream I was in some kind of danger. me and my friends.
    I was forced to run away from home, but before that I decided to say goodbye to my mother. it was difficult, I cried a lot and couldn’t calm down.

    I dreamed that I was performing at a concert and in between my boyfriend came up to me and gave me white roses at that moment I was talking on the phone, he said that he was leaving, I went to pick up the phone and kissed him, then I saw my friend’s tears and woke up

    Hello. In general. it all started with my friends and I sitting on the seashore and talking (I don’t remember what), then one of them disappeared, there were 4 of us, there were 3. Then I found myself on the sand, and apparently was playing something , my friends came and took me away. Then we found ourselves in a room watching some movie, everyone was laughing. and suddenly a waterfall started pouring out of my eyes, it can’t even be called tears.

    I had a dream, a person is hit at a traffic light, I don’t see the person’s face and body, but subconsciously I know who it is. and then in a dream I am constantly in tears, in bitter tears, because of his death, in life this man is healthy and is not going to die

    the actions took place in a camp where I had never rested, it was the first day in this camp, but the feeling was as if I had already been there and the smell and places already seemed familiar to me, and on the same first day that we were brought to the camp, we were asked to choose a senior squad, when we chose, on the same day this girl started a rumor about another girl and a very bad rumor, the girl who started the rumor blamed everything on me and that I wish I was the eldest in the squad and not her, then my whole squad stopped talking to talk to me, I went to the director of the camp and told her everything, and when I told her, I cried a lot without stopping, and when I woke up, tears were running down my eyes

    I was going to watch the competition of a guy I like, I came, we started talking, then our conversation went deeper and I called him to bed... (taking into account the fact that we had already had sex before and he knew about it) for an unknown reason he refused, it affected me and I cried and ran away in hysterics, and he shouted to me stop, don’t cry... I cried quite a lot, and then I woke up and was all in tears

    Crowded concert hall. I needed to go on stage and give some kind of speech. I didn’t want this so much and was afraid that I started crying incessantly. I woke up from stabbing myself with a knife in the throat (I didn’t want to go on stage), all in tears. What does it mean?

    I was finally accepted into the university, at first I was incredibly happy, and then I cried because I went through so much suffering to achieve this. But in reality I didn’t get in, I’m very tormented and constantly think about it.

    I was waiting for my daughter from school, she was late, when she returned I scolded her very much, and then I realized that something was wrong, I spread her legs and saw blood, cried a lot and woke up, and could no longer stop even in reality.

    I had a dream that my friend, whom I don’t have in real life, died, and I was crying and blaming myself for this, and I was hurt in the dream, then I dreamed of a former friend with whom I have not communicated for a year, but I see him every day, as if he came in a dream and didn’t say a word to me, but I told him “what the hell is wrong, get out of here” then he chased me in a dream
    This is a dream, please explain it to me)

    My late uncle and I were in his yard, we were talking about something, but I don’t remember what, but he was talking about something stupid and that it’s fucked up. then a woman came and said that why are you playing saboi yourself and then I realized that he was dead and only I could see him. I was very scared and hugged her. then I fell on the field and everyone froze, like time stopped and my uncle appeared and kissed me, my brother and only one other person. I began to cry very loudly and bitterly, then my uncle collected all his tears, those tears were interrupted into little white stones and he disappeared.

    My classmate and I had an argument that evening, and I told him not to come near me, and that I didn’t want to communicate with him. And he called me cerebral palsy (everything happened on the Internet), well, I think, well, ok. And I dreamed that he was singing a very touching song, and I was standing, listening and crying. All this happens at school, many also stand and listen. But I don’t remember if anyone cried too. Tell me what you can do))

    I dreamed that in the corner of my apartment I saw a hand with an arrow dead young person. I was scared and called my husband. And I ran to the next apartment to my sister. Then they said that the young man had come to life and they were fighting. After a while they came and said that my husband was dead. I cried a lot..... I was just hysterical in a dream, they gave me what that letter from my husband where he said goodbye to me. Then at the end of the dream it turned out that it was a joke on me…………….my husband is alive and well in reality. Thank you.

    well......my friend and I played, ran around the school, it was fun, we tickled each other. We were laughing and having a lot of fun, but suddenly the teacher came up to him and started scolding him. He started crying because he was being scolded.

    I'm dressed festively and going down the escalator
    I'm not alone (I don't remember with whom)
    and my friend, a girl with whom I almost never spoke, begins to overtake us
    she is in a beautiful blue dress with a small bouquet (like a wedding one in size but not a wedding one)
    I urge those who are with me to let her through
    I'm in a good mood
    she overtakes us and disappears a couple of steps away
    She’s either talking into the phone or just quietly saying to herself, “Are you really better than me?”
    she turns her head and her face is in tears
    she hands her phone to me
    in her eyes I see a request for help
    I take the phone and my sleep is interrupted by the ringing of my phone...

    I dreamed that I was standing with my loved one on the balcony and talking. Then we looked down, and there was a guy sitting crying... we went downstairs to ask what happened, but he disappeared. Then we went into the entrance, and this guy was sitting there , bowing his head. As soon as he raised his head, we saw that bloody tears were pouring from his eyes... and he told us: “Look what they did to me!”

    It all started when I was sitting at home playing the console, then some girl took and stuck something in the form of sticks, but pointed ones, into my throat, all my relatives were there, and one of them called an ambulance for me, the ambulance arrived and I wrapped it in some kind of bandage, then my friends came in, we went outside, it was a cloudy day and very cold, like autumn, then we walked to my best friend’s mother, I stood near the house with two boys and one of them said something to me, I told about what happened at home and started crying a lot, after that I woke up covered in a cold sweat.

    Hello, I dreamed that I had arrived in my hometown, and we were going to go there soon, as if I was meeting my best friend I hug her and start crying.....

    I met a boy and suddenly, unexpectedly, he leaves and I understand that he will never return, this makes my soul very anxious, this makes me cry, even hysterical, and no one can calm me down.

Why does a woman dream of tears?

Tears in a dream, bitter crying are a harbinger of pleasant and joyful events, a meeting that will bring with it fun and joy.

1 Tears for Tsvetkov's dream book

Seeing tears in a dream means:

To unexpected joy.

Also see Cry.

1 Tears for Modern dream book

Seeing yourself in tears in a dream is a sign of approaching grief.

If in your dream other people shed tears, your sorrows will be reflected in the happiness of other people.

The stranger a dream seems to us, the deeper its meaning.

Sigmund Freud

1 Tears for Dream Interpretation of a Path Seeker

Tears in a dream means:

Tears are grace, liberation.

1 Tears for Universal dream book

Meaning of the dream of tears:

The desire to cry symbolizes an uncontrollable flow of emotions, regardless of whether you are experiencing joy, pain or anger. In your dream, were these tears of joy or were you sad? Do you enjoy expressing your emotions or would you like to hold them back? The dream speaks of how much you would like to open up to others.

1 Tears for Dream Interpretation of O. Smurova

If you dreamed of hysteria, then a calm and happy life awaits you.

See also: why do you dream of screaming, why do you dream of swearing, why do you dream of a loud woman.

Inside everyone, even the best of us, lies an uncontrollable wild beast that wakes up when we sleep...


1 Tears according to the Mayan Dream Book

Good meaning: If you dreamed that someone was crying, then very soon you will find a way out of this situation. Burn the handkerchief soaked with your tears at the next midnight.

Bad meaning: If you dreamed that you were crying, then someone wants to deceive you. To prevent a person from succeeding, burn a rag with a drop of blood from a person who does not love you.

1 Tears for

Tears in a dream mean:

You will be upset.

1 Tears for Dream interpretation of birthday people of January, February, March, April

Liberation; cleansing; equilibrium. A healing dream.

1 Tears for Dream interpretation for a bitch

Why does a woman dream of tears?

Joy and satisfaction.

Wiping away tears means you will feel sorry, reassure someone and give useful advice.

Seeing people crying in a dream means the people around you will sympathize with you in your sorrows and will help you with advice or action if necessary.

When in a dream it seems that someone is waking you up and calling you, do not respond and do not look out the window - this is one of your deceased relatives calling you to them.

1 Tears according to Freud's dream book

Why does a woman dream of tears?

They are a symbol of ejaculation and the desire for sexual intercourse.

1 Tears for Women's dream book

Seeing tears in a dream means:

What does it mean to see in a dream? Why do you dream about Tears? Crying in a dream means impending trouble. If you see people crying in a dream, your sadness will arouse compassion and a desire to help those around you.

1 Tears for Dream interpretation of birthday people of May, June, July, August

Tears in a dream in the dream book are interpreted as:

To tenderness, to undisguised joy.

1 Tears for Esoteric dream book

Tears in a dream means:

Yours to joy.

Strangers mean trouble.

1 Tears for Dream Interpretation of Stealing Veles

Meaning of the dream of tears:

Joy, consolation.

1 Tears according to Miller's dream book

What does it mean if a woman dreams of tears:

If you cry in a dream, it means that trouble awaits you soon. If in a dream you see people crying, it means that your sorrows and sorrows will touch those around you.

If someone shudders in a dream, it means that person is growing.

1 Tears for Russian dream book

What can tears mean in a dream:


1 Tears for Dream Interpretation of Spiritual Seekers

Tears in a dream mean:

Crying is misfortune;

to see people crying - your suffering will not leave those around you indifferent.

Also see Lamentation.

1 Tears for ABC of dream interpretation

If a girl dreams of tears, it means:

A symbol of emotional release, relief.

Crying in a dream means rejoicing in reality.

1 Tears for Slavic dream book

Why does a woman dream of tears?

Wiping away currents is a consolation; wiping away a young woman’s tears means a break with a loved one; face in tears - sudden benefit; Laughing at a crying woman is a strong union.

1 Tears according to the Small Dream Book

Seeing tears in a dream means:

If you dreamed that your face was covered in tears, then perhaps some kind of grief awaits you. If there are tears on someone else's face, then your troubles will affect the people close to you.

1 Tears for Eastern dream book

Interpretation of a dream about tears:

Crying, shedding bitter tears - to fun and joy.

1 Tears according to the Online Dream Book

Interpretation of a dream about tears:

A dream in which you shed tears is a sign that you will grieve.

Seeing people crying is a hint that you will bring problems to others.

According to the dream book, offending someone who is crying promises to go through very difficult times.

A mother who cries is a warning that you may be lonely.

Laughter that leads to tears is a sign that you can hurt someone dear to you with your comments.

If you dream that bloody tears are flowing from your eyes, be extremely careful, refrain from any undertakings and active actions, otherwise a disaster cannot be avoided.

If in a dream you saw your mother’s tears, perhaps her health will worsen, you should now be as attentive as possible towards her.

Also her cry

If you dream of a man's tears, it means that success in business and prosperity awaits you.

1 Tears for Chinese Dream Book of Zhou Gong

Tears in a dream predicts:

Shedding tears with someone - foretells celebration, congratulations with gifts.

Grief and tears about a person from afar - portends misfortune.

Crying while sitting on the bed - portends a great misfortune.

A person cries, baring his teeth - there will be rivalry, litigation.

The dead man is crying - foreshadows a squabble, a quarrel.

A dead man collapses with tears - portends prosperity.

1 Tears for Dream interpretation of birthday people of September, October, November, December

Why do you dream about Tears?

To test your patience.

1 Tears for Gypsy dream book

If you dream that you are in tears, this means you will receive a letter containing bad news.

Seeing a crying baby means a letter will bring good news.

1 Tears for Dream book alphabetically

To see a dream in which you cut onions and shed tears in streams means that in real life you will show weakness and give in to persistent demands. If your tears are caused by rubbing horseradish, it means that the cause of family troubles will be a letter to your husband from your mistress that you accidentally read.

Wiping the tears of an offended child foreshadows troubles with other people's children. Seeing your mother shedding tears means that in reality you will experience bitter loneliness and orphanhood. Laughing until you cry in a dream means that you will upset your loved one with an unfair reproach.

1 Tears for Dream Interpretation of Simeon Prozorov

Lucky sign. This is a dream in reverse. If you cried in a dream, a long period of joy awaits you. You saw someone crying - bring joy to a friend.

Imagine that tears are flowing like a stream.

1 Tears for Dream book of the 20th century

Crying in a dream if tears give you relief: it means that your internal tension is subsiding. After such a dream, you can expect that in reality you will experience some kind of relief.

Other people's tears in your dream: a sign that in the depths of your soul you anticipate sad events.

If tears make you bitter: such a dream portends very difficult trials for you.

1 Tears for Dream book for girls

1 Tears for Dream Interpretation of the White Magician Yuri Longo

If you dreamed that tears were rolling down and you couldn’t stop crying, the dream suggests that in real life you are a weak person, unable to withstand the blows of fate. You love to whine, pretending to be offended, and complain about fate to the villain who brings you surprises. You consider yourself an exceptional person because all the bumps and misadventures fall on you, although the lives of others are not much different from yours. Our advice to you is to stop pretending to be offended by God and people and pestering those around you with endless sad stories from your life. Finally, get down to real business, it will certainly distract you from useless complaints.

Holding back tears in a dream - a dream indicates that in real life you do not like to expose your suffering to public display. You prefer to go through everything alone, so as not to bother others with your problems. Perhaps you prefer to do this because you don't want to impose on anyone. Do you believe that others will not be able to understand and sympathize with you? You think badly about people! Would you do the same in their place? Probably not.

Wiping away tears in a dream - it seems to you that those around you actually treat you much worse than they show. You are very suspicious and therefore in the most ordinary actions of people you look for secret meaning, hidden negative intentions towards you. Try to do less introspection and start looking at things more simply. Do you think that people have nothing better to do than plan something bad towards you?

Seeing someone else's tears in a dream means that in reality you are insensitive to other people's pain and suffering. You believe that every person must experience what heaven has given him, therefore all suffering and trials must be accepted stoically and as a matter of course. And if this is so, then there is no need to express compassion.

1 Tears for Dream Interpretation of Spiritual Seekers

Why dream that you are in a state of hysterics and you cannot contain your violent emotions - then you need to visit a psychotherapist, otherwise you may end up in a closed hospital.

I dreamed of hysterics - If you saw someone falling into hysterics, then you will show sympathy for unfamiliar people and help them solve their financial problems.

1 Tears according to the Dream Book of the 21st century

Why do you dream about Tears?

Hysteria - Seeing yourself having a hysterical attack in a dream means being completely calm and content in reality.

Hysteria - Deep satisfaction.

Seeing Tears - If you dreamed of crying in a dream - to joy, consolation, an abundance of well-being; wiping away flowing tears in a dream - to consolation; to see a face in tears - to unexpected profit. Wiping away a woman’s tears means a break in love; laughing at a crying woman means a strong union.

1 Tears for Dream Interpretation of Spiritual Seekers

To see a dream about Hysteria - To see your hysterical attack in a dream means that in reality you will be completely calm and happy.

To figure out why you dream of tears, remember your dream in detail, and then read the predictions in this article. I have collected the best interpretations of dream books that I use when I want to find out what awaits me in the future.

If you cried in a dream and could not stop the tears, it means that in real life you often show weakness and are not able to withstand failures. That is why blows of fate rain down on you every now and then. This is a lesson through which you must learn to solve problems and not give in to difficulties.

Other interpretations:

  1. Holding back tears in a dream - in reality, you prefer to experience problems alone, you don’t like to demonstrate negative emotions in front of people. But because of this, you suppress feelings, which can lead to illness. You need to learn to open up and share your experiences at least with loved ones.
  2. Wiping away tears means you are exaggerating your problems. It also seems to you that people treat you much worse than they really are. It’s better to stop analyzing grievances and understand that you often make mountains out of molehills.
  3. A man crying in a dream means a long business trip or trip. The trip will be very useful and will affect your career, so you need to take it seriously.
  4. A woman dreams of tears as a sign of separation from her lover. But at a distance, the feelings will intensify and you will understand that you are really made for each other. Your relationship is fateful for both.
  5. Seeing another person cry means that in reality you rarely show empathy and compassion towards others, so you seem to be a very callous, unemotional person. Try to be more interested in the affairs of others, and not think only about yourself.

Miller's Dream Book

Crying in a dream means troubles and misfortunes. You have long anticipated their onset, and in a dream your subconscious confirms your guesses. Gain strength and patience to cope with the problems that will come at you in one big heap.

Other interpretations:

  1. Crying desperately in a dream means unexpected joy. An event will happen that will give you a lot of positive emotions. Most likely, it will be associated with the successes of loved ones and friends, which you can sincerely share.
  2. Seeing a crying child means you can find solace in what you love. Even if this is not the case now, you will very soon understand what activity brings you real pleasure and makes you forget about the grief you experienced.
  3. Tears of happiness - to difficult trials. In life is coming difficult period, but you should accept it with gratitude. This is a kind of survival school for you. And the future will depend on the results of the “exam”.
  4. A lot of crying people - despite the fact that a lot of troubles will happen to you, you can easily cope with them thanks to the help and support of loved ones.
  5. Other people's tears are a sign of great misfortune that will happen through your fault. You will commit a serious offense, because of which you will begin to pay the price of your own misfortunes. Accept this lesson of fate with gratitude, and then you can change the situation for the better.
  6. Hot tears burning your face - a constant worry for the future. You will feel like you are losing ground under your feet. And it will not be possible to quickly restore lost calm. First of all, take care of solving your money problems, then your fears will gradually subside.

Family dream book

Seeing tears on your own face is a sign of unexpected joy, which will help you cope with the sadness that has been overwhelming you lately. On life path hope for the best will dawn, and you will be comforted.

Other interpretations:

  1. Wiping tears from your face means you will find yourself in an unpleasant situation and experience real despair. But a close friend will very quickly come to the rescue, support and console. Together you can quickly fix everything and adjust the circumstances to suit you.
  2. A tear-stained face means a favorable period will come in life when everything works out easily and effortlessly. Start planning important things, make wishes and set goals. And then you will very quickly achieve success that you never dared to dream of before.
  3. Wiping away other people's tears means a close friend will get into trouble, and only you can help him. Don't waste your energy, time and money on this. Even if you have to sacrifice something, do not spare yourself. And in the future, fate will reward you for your active participation in the affairs of others.
  4. Small tears - your patience will be seriously tested. It will take a lot of patience not to lose your temper. A loved one will bring bad news. He will commit an offense from which you will suffer the most.
  5. Large tears mean disappointment at work. You could be demoted or even fired because of a minor oversight. And an ill-wisher among your colleagues will aggravate the situation by presenting it to your superiors in a light that is unfavorable to you.
  6. Children's tears - get ready to be touched and rejoice. There will be a new baby in your family. He will become a special child who will grow up to be an extremely talented person, delighting his parents with his great successes.
  7. Shedding tears while cutting - show weakness in a situation that is important to you, which will cause the result to be unprofitable. And it will take a lot of effort to fix everything. But it’s unlikely to do otherwise, because the interests of your loved one are at stake.
  8. Cold tears - to joy and happiness. Long-awaited luck will come into your life. Luck will become a constant companion in any business you undertake. Take advantage of the moment, because the favorable period will end quickly, and you will have to wait several years for the next one.

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Very often the dream book writes that crying can predict both unexpected joy and real tears. Modern books write that many things in your life will be just fine, especially for those who are currently depressed and worried about various situations.

However, tears in a dream can also carry negative information. To understand what such a dream means, try to imagine yourself as a reason to cry in real life.

Whether this can actually happen or not. Pay attention to who exactly you saw crying in your dream. This is how the dream book interprets tears in a dream in various contexts.

Before joy

Usually in such a dream you start crying completely unexpectedly, when there are no troubles and the reaction is inadequate to the event that you are experiencing.

For example, a girl may suddenly burst into tears because a guy gave her a teddy bear or treated her to candy.

The dream book interprets tears in such a situation as unexpected joy, and the louder the crying, the greater happiness awaits you in the near future. Especially if the reason was completely insignificant.

It’s also worth interpreting your tears if you suddenly start doing it falsely, theatrically, just for some purpose.

The dream book writes that lying drops on the cheeks generally mean unexpected joy and happiness in life, as well as an unexpected gift.

You may dream of your tears as a sign of good news. If you cry in front of someone in order to pity this person, then the dream book writes that in reality you will not be able to do this.

An acquaintance will recognize your insincerity and falsehood, and after that it will be simply unrealistic to get what you are counting on.

So you shouldn’t engage in amateur activities, because it can ruin his opinion of you. Especially if this is a very important and respectable person.

If you dreamed of tears flowing down your cheeks, what does this mean? The dream book writes that soon a difficult problem or trouble will be resolved in a favorable way.

Such a dream can also occur after various failures, thoughts about unhappy love, as well as experiences.

This dream predicts a successful resolution of the conflict and relief. But it is not always due to the fact that the person realizes his guilt and will try to communicate with you again.

Modern books indicate that you will be able to understand the problem and let go of the situation. And this could be the best solution than simply breaking up for an unknown reason, when a person himself cannot understand why he made this decision or for what reason they did this to him.

In such a situation, it’s clear why you dream of tears - they predict a long-awaited outcome to the situation and relief. And the joy that everything is changing for the better, at least, negativity becomes a thing of the past.

AND steric crying in a dream interprets tears as a sign of a pleasant purchase and gift. The dream book writes that such a dream predicts a pleasant and unexpected proposal for you. To roar like a beluga in a dream and fight in hysterics is a great happiness. Sometimes this dream means pleasant and very unexpected news and the resolution of negative circumstances.

Other people

Here the dream book interprets dreams in two ways. Why do you dream of tears in the eyes of a friend or relative, loved one, modern books interpreted in two ways: it can predict both bright, happy and bad news.

The dream book writes that such a dream can also come true as a prophetic dream, especially if the likelihood of grief is quite high: there is a dysfunctional or even sick person in the family, and also an old man.

Therefore, as the dream book writes, you should compare what happens in a dream with reality. And, if you see your ex's mom young man suffering from alcoholism, in tears, then the dream book writes that such a dream is unlikely to predict her joy. Also, crying over someone's death is a dream that can literally come true.

Dream interpretation of tears

Many dream books, explaining why tears are seen in dreams, say that in reality, the dreamer will experience joy and happiness. Such visions are shapeshifting dreams. If you dreamed of tears, then soon you can expect joyful events, pleasant news from afar and meetings with old friends.

Tears can symbolize internal state souls, the desire to shed accumulated emotions and rise to a better moral level.

Experiencing strong mental anguish in a dream and crying because of it is a favorable sign. The mental overload of the body comes out in such a simple way. This is a kind of cleansing, getting rid of accumulated sadness and unspoken resentment. The human brain tries not to cause conscious trauma and processes unnecessary information in the form of a strong emotion.

A slightly different symbolic interpretation of a child’s crying is either receiving good news, with which the dreamer will be significantly surprised, or a messenger large quantity small things that will take up almost all your free time.

From sadness to joy - different dream books about tears

To get an accurate interpretation of such dreams, it is not necessary to use a dream book; tears can mean almost anything. Various sources even have diametrically opposed opinions.

The ancient Slavs explained why tears are seen in dreams simply - to joy. But Miller’s generation perceived such signs as prophetic, and expected trouble from such dreams.

How does the ancient Slavic dream book interpret tears?

If you dream of tears

Velesov (ancient Slavic) dream book, believes that such a dream is for the good. Soon events will occur that will make the dreamer experience joy or even true happiness.

  • rubbing your tears over your face is a sign of joy about a great celebration;
  • seeing a crying child is a surprise;
  • comforting your husband is good news about his relatives;
  • many people are crying in one house - a big feast, perhaps a wedding.

Prophetic sign of trouble - Miller's dream book

The American psychoanalyst, having analyzed many archetypes, created a universal book of dream interpretations, which explains that such a dream is a harbinger of impending troubles. An exception is the crying of a child - such a dream promises good news from distant relatives

  • to see your cheeks in tears - a series of failures will come in life;
  • for a man to console his beloved - to break the relationship;
  • reassuring your husband is a violation of financial well-being;
  • if you dream that many other people are crying, the dreamer’s experiences will not go unanswered.

There are tears - there is contact according to Freud

If a man cries

Quite unexpectedly, German psychotherapist Sigmund Freud explains why tears appear in dreams. He believes that almost all symbols that relate to fluids can symbolize ejaculation.

  • A man’s dream, in which he sees his tears, means his physiological possibility of fertilization and the imminent conception of a child. The specific symbolism of tears is ejaculation. In general, this is a desire for intimacy, a desire to possess an object of passion, to experience a peak of emotions.
  • Licking from the face is a craving for unnatural intercourse.
  • If you dream of uncontrollable crying, a new partner will be ideal for you sexually. The emotions experienced cannot be compared with everything that was experienced before. But everyday relationships will not work out.

Well-being analysis

If you had to see tears in a dream, you need to remember your emotions immediately after waking up. They mainly indicate the positive or negative direction of sleep.

Oppression, heavy expectation of trouble, “a stone on the heart” - bad sign. Especially if you dream of tears on the face of a deceased relative, or, especially, on an icon. The details of the dream will tell you which people you need to pay maximum attention to.

Fatigue from having to console a crying child is a lot of different troubles that will take up all the time and will not bring pleasure.

Neutral, the dream was remembered only at lunchtime, there is no painful feeling - any proven dream book can be taken as the basis for interpretation. But there will be no vivid impressions, just as the mind will not accurately understand whether the dream came true or not.

Feeling of emptiness, like a deflated limp balloon in the chest, relief - very good sign. Such a dream is dreamed in order to relieve emotional tension and ease the state of mind. The next round of life begins, which will have a beneficial effect on further development events.