Where to apply for a social scholarship. Who is eligible to receive payments? Social scholarship: what determines its size

The state in our country is very relevant. After all, there are a huge number of different categories of the population that need financial support. And students are no exception. That is why now I would like to talk about who is entitled to a social scholarship.


Initially, you need to understand the basic terminology that will be used in this article. So, a student scholarship is a payment from the state to the student for his success. Only those who study well and have a high grade point average receive such assistance. This is a great motivation for every student. But it should be noted that the state also tries to help those students who do not have a means of subsistence. It is in this case that the state can be assigned. It is paid to those students who are considered low-income or in whose lives unforeseen difficulties arise. But here, too, it is important to make an amendment: this assistance is allocated from federal budget funds. So only those students who study on a free, that is, state basis, can apply for it.

Payment terms

It should be noted that this type Scholarships can be awarded for the entire duration of study. Payments may be stopped for special reasons or upon completion of the student’s studies at a given educational institution. However, universities and colleges often suspend payments in case of poor class attendance or poor performance. In this case, they can be restored after the student corrects the situation. It is important to remember that for the entire period of non-payment, the money was returned to the student in full.

About categories of citizens

Be sure to also tell about who is entitled to a social scholarship. So there is a list of citizens who can apply for it:

  • Upon presentation of a certificate - disabled people of groups I and II.
  • Low-income students, which must also be confirmed by certificates.
  • Orphans or categories equivalent to them. In this case, the scholarship can only be paid until the age of 23.
  • Students who have served in the Russian army on a contract basis for at least 3 years.

Additional categories

The categories of population provided for by the state are listed above. However, it should be noted that faculties or even universities can supplement this list at their discretion. So, who is entitled to a social scholarship in this case? There can be a huge number of options, but most often it is:

  • Married couples raising children.
  • Students from large families or
  • Students who look after disabled parents or seriously ill relatives.

About the amount

Many people are interested in finding out the size of the social scholarship. How much can a student receive in this case? The numbers may vary. Generally speaking, at the end of 2015, university students received a little more than 2,000 rubles, and students of secondary educational institutions, technical schools, and colleges received about 700 rubles in social scholarships. It is also important to note that the dean’s office may increase payments at its discretion. However, the maximum should not exceed the amount of 15 thousand rubles.

It should be noted that in the case of academic leave or maternity leave, such payments are not canceled. This does not depend on the wishes of the management of the educational institution, which is clearly stated in the law. Another important nuance: the student’s social scholarship is indexed annually and increases by a certain amount.

About the appointment of a social scholarship

Having figured out who is entitled to a social scholarship, I would also like to talk about the procedure for receiving it. Each educational institution prescribes all the nuances in its Regulations. It is this document that regulates the deadlines for submission, the categories of students who may qualify for payments, the time of payments, frequency and other important points. However, all these nuances should not run counter to the law. In addition to the payments described above, the student may also receive a regular or increased scholarship (depending on academic performance).

About documents

No one will argue with the fact that the student will need a certificate for a social scholarship. What documents will need to be collected in this case? Everything depends primarily on what category of population the student belongs to. For example, if a student is disabled, you will need a certificate from the medical labor expert commission; if he is an orphan, an extract from this. In addition, you will need to get a paper from the dean’s office about which faculty, in which group and in which A student is studying at a university. If a citizen belonging to the low-income category requires assistance, he will need to take a certificate about the composition of the family and the income of all its members for the last six months. You will also need a housing inspection report. If the student belongs to a certain category of citizens, for example, a Chernobyl survivor, you will need to bring a copy of the certificate confirming this fact.

Scholarship Process

You should also talk about how Initially the student collects everything Required documents and sent to social security authorities. It is precisely for this institution that a certificate from the place of study is needed. The student will have to write a statement to the social service department. After that full set documents are submitted to the commission for consideration. Based on the results of its meeting, its members make a verdict on each individual case: to authorize or refuse to assign a social scholarship.

It should be noted that today the largest number of applicants for such payments are citizens from among the low-income. If, during the calculations, the amount received exceeds the cost of living by at least one ruble, you can forget about the social scholarship. You must also remember that in this case you will have to update the documents regularly by submitting new certificates of income for all family members. You definitely need to track it specifically according to your region, because it may differ, and the desired payments to the student depend on this.

After the student has received confirmation that he has been awarded a social scholarship by the Social Security Administration, he goes with this certificate to the university administration and gives a package of documents locally. Payments will be calculated by the accounting department of the educational institution where the citizen is studying.

Legal nuances

If a student has a regular or increased scholarship, he can still receive a social scholarship. These two types of payments are independent of each other. It should also be noted that the student will receive a social scholarship regardless of academic performance. However, university authorities may suspend payments as a result of low attendance or academic failure.

A social scholarship is assigned to a student not from the moment of the resolution of the social commission, but from the moment the application is submitted. The regulations of universities may specify the deadline for submitting documents for such payments. So you also need to find out about this in time.

The essence of a social scholarship is not to motivate a student to study well. Her the main objective- support a citizen of the country in difficult times. However, if academic performance is poor, such payments may be frozen indefinitely, although no one has the right to suspend them completely. After “unfreezing” the student will receive all the money that was owed to him.

And as noted above, in addition to a social scholarship, a student can also receive a regular academic or an advanced one. But he can also calmly and without a twinge of conscience apply for a nominal one if he has certain merits to the educational institution.

Each person should receive the entire package of social assistance that he is entitled to at a certain time. There is nothing wrong with this and there is no need to be ashamed of it.

State provision concerns all spheres of human social life. Therefore, it is necessary to correctly prepare all documents in order to obtain low-income status.

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For children in such families, there are separate benefit options and it is necessary to understand whether a social scholarship is available for low-income students in Russia in 2019.

Necessary information

Social support for children in the country is provided at different levels. For low-income families, funds are allocated both for ordinary things - food, clothing, school items, and for more specific ones - free visits to cultural places.

Children from low-income families have the opportunity to apply for benefits at the federal and local levels. These funds are used to support citizens and ensure that they receive everything they need.

Depending on the assigned status and area of ​​residence, a set of social guarantees is determined for the family and for the child.

Social scholarships for the poor are provided by law. And you can only apply for it if you have official status.


State level support is carried out according to a certain scheme. Within its framework, it is necessary to navigate according to the norms of the terminological base:

Concept Designation
Low-income citizen A person who is part of a low-income family - within the framework of such an association, the income indicators for each family member are lower than the established minimum subsistence level
Scholarship A payment that is issued to a citizen studying at a budgetary department of a state educational institution. The manual identifies the best students in the course and provides them with financial incentives
Statement A document involving the transfer of data between different structures and confirming any legal actions
Living wage An indicator of the level of income per person in a region, which is recognized as the minimum for living. In different regions of the Russian Federation, the numbers differ - depending on the development of the region, the amount of work, and the level of wages

Who is eligible to receive payments?

Only a separate list of students can apply for a social scholarship. Initially, a certain framework was created according to the following conditions:

  • full-time training and no absences from classes;
  • training should be carried out only on a budgetary basis with successful passing of the Unified State Exam or Unified State Exam.
Children who are deprived of parental care or are recognized as orphans Payments are made in relation to them up to 23 years of age - in the case of a constant increase in the level of education
Disabled people In this case, children with disabilities, people with disabilities since childhood, or those with group 1 or 2 categories may qualify for benefits.
Citizens who came under radioactive influence This category includes the Chernobyl disaster, participation in the Semipalatinsk test site
Students who served under contract From 3 years in the ranks of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the FSB or executive authorities
Poor It is imperative to confirm the fact that you do not have a proper financial position - a certificate from social security is issued

Legislative regulation

Initially, the package of regulatory legal acts should include the main valid papers. Thus, one should rely on Federal Law No. 273-FZ “On Education in Russian Federation”.

This document establishes indicators for the size of government payments of such a plan. All scholarships are paid in accordance with Article 36 of this Federal Law. Paragraph 17 of the article talks about how the amount of the benefit should be formed.

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 899 “On establishing standards for the formation of a scholarship fund at the expense of budgetary allocations from the federal budget” forms indicators for the amount of social scholarship payments.

Since financing is provided from all-Russian funds. And for all students the benefit will be the same. ABOUT increased payments there is also a separate document with its provisions.

This is the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 679 “On increasing scholarships for needy first- and second-year students of federal state educational institutions of higher professional education who are studying full-time at the expense of federal budget allocations for undergraduate programs and specialist training programs and who have “good” and “good” grades. "Great"".

And the creation of this document began after Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 599 “On measures to implement state policy in the field of education and science” was put into effect.

How to apply for a state social scholarship for low-income students

This type of benefit is issued upon the student’s application. Therefore, it is necessary to prepare for a number of requirements and actions. Initially, you need to understand that receiving government assistance in this area is based on the citizen’s success in education.

Photo: procedure for applying for a social scholarship

It is to stimulate his high achievements that funding was introduced. The registration procedure itself involves several stages.

And in this case the most important ones will be:

  • registration procedure;
  • collection of documents.

In order to receive financial support, you must constantly attend classes at the educational institution and receive high grades for the work done.

Registration procedure

Receiving state-issued financial assistance requires taking a number of steps:

Draw up a certificate stating that the student is studying at the institution This document can be obtained from the dean's office educational organization— Universities or colleges
The dean’s office also prepares a document on the amount of income for the last three months. In their absence, a document is still drawn up indicating zero indicators for benefits
Pass all items for the session without debt If there are any “tails”, social scholarship payments are terminated
Confirm the status of a low-income family - according to all norms established by law All documents are transferred to the educational institution for verification and reporting

This algorithm should be carried out every session. Since the social scholarship is awarded only to excellent and good students and under certain conditions, it is necessary to constantly confirm the status.

Collecting certificates and calculating payments should begin in advance to avoid delays and long breaks in assistance. The student takes care of this on his own.

It is usually necessary to collect documents in the first month of the semester in order to process payments on time. More detailed deadlines are set at the place of study - there you need to get advice on registration.

It usually doesn’t take long to apply for a scholarship. large quantity time at university. Therefore, it is worth obtaining the status of a low-income family in advance so that there are no problems in further registration.

After the documents have been transferred from social protection to a higher or secondary educational institution, an administrative act of local significance is issued.

List of documents

A basic set of papers includes the following items:

For non-resident students it is necessary to provide additional options papers:

  • confirmation of registration in a dormitory or residential premises according to Form 9;
  • receipt of payment for accommodation in the hostel and absence of debt.

If a citizen does not live in a hostel, he must provide the appropriate certificate from a passport officer.

Amount of assistance this year

The amount of assistance benefits is determined based on several factors. So, there is an indicator of a student’s category, which is within the following framework:

Place of study, degree Amount of social scholarship, rubles
Technical schools 890
Colleges 890
Higher educational institutions, universities 2.5 thousand
Graduate students, assistants, residents 3.1 thousand
Postgraduate students in the field of technical and natural sciences 7.7 thousand

These indicators constitute payments with indexation included. In 2019, the level of supplement for social scholarships will be 4%. Therefore, in the first academic semester, payments are less than in the second.

Advantages and disadvantages

It is necessary to understand that this type of payment has its own nuances:

No increase in this category of scholarship is expected in Russia in the near future. Therefore, the poor cannot count on privileges and will receive the same amount of assistance.

The only option to increase your income is to receive a survivor's pension. Although such a payment is available only to certain categories of citizens.

Full-time university and technical school students do not have the opportunity to earn a living due to lack of time. That is why the state has provided social benefits to students.

Social scholarship recipients

Measures social support from the state there are several types:

  • State scholarship: social, academic, advanced;
  • One-time and monthly financial assistance to students.

In accordance with the law, the scholarship is an amount designed to stimulate the educational process. And her social view serves to support low-income groups of the population.

Who is eligible to receive it:

  1. Orphans or students without parental care;
  2. Persons whose parents died while their children were studying;
  3. Students who have been disabled since childhood, as well as disabled people of groups 1 and 2;
  4. Students exposed to radiation;
  5. Those who became disabled during the war;
  6. Contractors who have served under a contract for at least 3 years;
  7. Students from low-income families.

For certain groups of students, financial assistance is provided periodically, for others only in the presence of special circumstances.

Download for viewing and printing: In any case, the payment must be processed independently, collecting the required documents.

Conditions for receiving in 2019

Until 2017, social protection was responsible for processing this payment. The family documented that they are poor.

Currently, only educational institutions have the right to issue a social scholarship. The basis is receiving subsidies, benefits, compensation, and in-kind assistance.

Since 2017, a new criterion for its registration has been in force - the presence of a document confirming that the student has received social assistance. The scholarship period is 1 year from the date of submission of the document, after which it must be reissued.

Required conditions:

  1. The student has no debts on exams and tests or they have been eliminated.
  2. The student has not been expelled from a university or technical school.

Period size social benefits for students in 2018 was: at least 700 rubles in technical schools and colleges and at least 2,000 rubles in institutes and universities.

This amount is minimal; the administration has the right to increase the amount if the funding of the educational organization allows it.

Academic and advanced scholarships, their purpose

An academic scholarship, unlike a social one, directly depends on grades: it is awarded only in the absence of C grades or debts from previous sessions. Upon admission, all state employees receive it before the first session.

If an exam or test was missed for a valid reason, you must provide paper confirming this fact.

Conditions of receipt increased scholarship:

  • full-time education, on a budget place;
  • participation in cultural, sports, scientific activity university

The monthly payment starts from 1,300 rubles for universities and 480 rubles for technical schools. Each university has its own procedure for increasing it (for every top five), but the maximum amount does not exceed 6,000 rubles.

Needy full-time students who are in the 1st and 2nd year receive 6,307 rubles if they study without C grades.

The decision to pay an increased scholarship is made by the academic council and the student body. They take into account the academic and social benefits already received by the student.

This money is paid by the scholarship fund of the educational organization. It receives money from the federal budget.

Other types of Russian scholarships

On a government scholarship ( maximum size 5000 rubles) full-time students who have completed their studies up to the 3rd year can apply if:

  1. In the last two sessions, more than ½ grades are A's, and there are no C's or D's.
  2. They won or took a prize in a scientific Olympiad.
  3. A student’s article was published in a scientific journal (newspaper).

At the federal level, a presidential scholarship is also provided. The procedure for its appointment is similar to that of the government, and the maximum payment amount reaches 7,000 rubles.

In certain regions, there are governor's scholarships for full-time students studying at "4" and "5", as well as those involved in sports, science or art.

In what cases is one-time financial assistance provided?

One-time financial assistance to students is a one-time payment due to current circumstances, provided to a full-time student regardless of his grades and participation in public life.

The student is entitled to her appointment if:

  • a close relative died;
  • a child was born;
  • one of the family members needed expensive treatment;
  • there was a fire, an accident, his money was stolen, etc.
The amount of assistance is two academic payments, but can be increased by decision of the university commission. The amount is not subject to income tax.

The following have priority rights:

  • students with disabilities;
  • orphans, persons from large or low-income families;
  • pregnant women or raising children without a father;
  • arrived from other cities.

For them, the amount can be 5 regular scholarships.

To receive money, you must write an application to the dean’s office and attach the following documents to it:

  • passport;
  • certificate of disability;
  • child's birth certificate;
  • a certificate from the police about the theft;
  • death certificate;
  • certificate of income for the last 6 months;
  • pregnancy certificate;
  • medical report on the need for paid treatment.

Periodic cash payments to special categories of citizens

Orphans, disabled children and students with 1st or 2nd group disability, as well as students with children receive financial assistance twice a year on the basis of an application, passport, child certificate and certificate of disability.

Full-time students who receive a social scholarship or low-income students are entitled to a cash benefit once a year.

Reasons for its provision:

  1. Statement.
  2. Passport.
  3. Certificate from the house management about the composition of the family.
  4. Certificate of income.

This category includes students whose parents are unemployed, disabled, retired, have many children, as well as students with group 3 disabilities or war veterans.

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For any student one of the most important issues in training is the scholarship and its amount. Typically, scholarships are awarded to “good” and “excellent” students, but there are types of scholarships that are awarded regardless of the grades received by the student. These include a social scholarship. But to get it you need to collect a certain list of documents.

Only those students who study on a budget basis (with funds allocated from the federal budget) can count on receiving a social scholarship. Purpose of social scholarship assistance occurs only if a person is in dire need of it.?

You need to start applying for this type of financial assistance only when you fall into the following categories of citizens of the country:

You need to know that social scholarship payments can be issued the following categories students upon availability Money in the scholarship fund of a particular educational institution. Required list individuals may differ depending on the chosen educational institution. Additional list includes:

  1. citizens who are raising children at the time of study;
  2. children from large families;
  3. disabled people of group I;
  4. citizens caring for disabled parents;
  5. persons from single-parent families;
  6. family students.

The required main and additional list may include duplicate items. Thus, if you meet at least one point, then you can start completing the necessary documentation to obtain social data. payments.

Scholarship amount

State social assistance (social scholarship) is provided by law set size, which is no less than 150% of the amount of the regular scholarship paid. Each educational institution can independently determine the amount of payment, but it cannot be lower than minimum size scholarships provided by the university.

The purpose of a social scholarship, especially its size, depends on the place of residence and study. So in Moscow the amount of this social payment will be much higher than in a provincial city. It should be noted that the amount of this type of scholarship increases periodically. Therefore, to find out right size payments, you can contact the relevant authorities that are involved in its registration and payments.

How to get

So, we found out that to receive the help you need in the form of social Scholarships are only available to certain groups of people studying in higher education institutions. You should know that this payment is calculated regardless of the recipient’s academic success. Thus, even “C” students can count on receiving it. In addition, persons belonging to the required social category can obtain one-time financial support. Funds for its issuance are allocated by the Social Protection Fund for Students. Graduate students can also count on receiving it.

To obtain this assistance, students who fall into the established categories must contact the dean’s office of their faculty with the necessary list of documents.

If a student falls into a social category (orphan, disabled, low-income family, etc.), he should initially contact the authorities providing social protection of the population. The required branches of this government structure to process payments, they are located at the place of residence of the applicant. The following list of documents must be brought to these authorities:

After the above documents have been accepted, the applicant receives a certificate, which is issued in a certain way. It must contain the following information:

  1. FULL NAME. this citizen;
  2. his place of residence;
  3. the average per capita income of his family;
  4. the amount of the established subsistence minimum, which is valid at the time the certificate is issued;
  5. a phrase that confirms the fact that the recipient is related to the low-income category of citizens, as well as the fact that he has all the rights to receive such a form of material assistance as social assistance. help;
  6. round seal and stamp of this department of the social protection authority.

This certificate must be brought to the dean's office of the university faculty. After this, the appropriate order for the award of payments will be issued.

It must be remembered that payments are made only throughout the year. At the end of the period, the procedure should be repeated. Thus, a social scholarship differs from a regular one in that it is material support that is designed to support individuals who need it. It is paid regardless of educational achievements citizen. Its payment ceases only if the validity period expires, the reason for its appointment disappears, as well as in the event of a person’s expulsion.

But if there is academic debt, the payment of this assistance is suspended until it is repaid. The presence of such payments does not prevent the student from receiving an academic scholarship. Despite the fact that the size of this government payment is not large, it should be processed, since additional money will never be superfluous, and the registration procedure is not so complicated that it can simply be neglected.

Video “How to get a social scholarship”

Watch this post and you will find out which categories of citizens are eligible to receive social scholarships, and about the changes in the Federal Law “On Education” that were made in 2014.

If a person does not have enough money to provide even such basic needs as food or the purchase of medicines and clothing, he should find out how to apply for a social scholarship in 2019 and what is required for this.

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Students can become scholarship recipients in different cases. But government assistance is provided only to those who need it.

The purpose of this appointment is to stimulate future specialists and provide assistance to persons undergoing training at an educational institution.

However, financial support is not available to everyone. First of all, only those who study full-time can receive it.

General information

Appointed different types scholarships. The main category of recipients are those people who are in dire need of social assistance.

The choice of the type of payment is made based on the student’s social status and wealth. Required condition– the student must need help.

What it is

Those citizens who study at a higher educational institution or college and need to receive subsidies, which are more of a material assistance, have the right to receive support.

Unlike personal and Presidential scholarships, this support can be received by students with any academic performance.

What is needed for a social scholarship:

  • be a current student;
  • attend day care;
  • to have a difficult situation and need certain things.

Persons studying at their own expense (at the commercial department) are not eligible to receive financial assistance. This applies only to those who entered the budget department.

How much is (size)

Resolution No. 899 established the minimum amounts of social scholarships for students. Differentiation is carried out depending on the direction of the specialty received by a person.

Students of colleges (institutions of secondary specialized education) can make small payments - 730 rubles, on a certain date each month. For university students, this amount is slightly higher and amounts to 2,010 rubles.

Also, some educational institutions have their own non-state funds, but the scholarship is awarded for certain merits in education and is not social, that is, available to everyone who needs it.

Current regulatory framework

The basic law that governs the state. organizations, when assigning payments to students - Federal Law 312 dated July 3, 2016 “Scholarships and other cash payments.”

There are also a number of other regulations governing the process of providing financial assistance to students:

Federal Law No. 273 also provides a list of citizens entitled to receive assistance.

How to receive a social scholarship from January 1, 2019

To receive payments, you must first apply for them. There are several factors to consider before submitting your application.

First, you need to make sure that the academic session was successfully closed and there are no arrears in individual subjects. It is also necessary to prepare some documents.

The scholarship can only be received by current students in the process of studying. No payments are provided to applicants or graduates.

Who is eligible for universities?

The law establishes a list of persons who are entitled to financial assistance allocated by the state during the training process:

  1. Children who were officially recognized as orphans and have not reached the age of 23, and have not graduated from college or institute.
  2. Children left without parental care for one reason or another.
  3. Citizens who, while studying at an educational institution, lost one or both parents.
  4. Children with disabilities, in particular those who have groups 1 and 2.
  5. Citizens injured during military service.
  6. Persons who, for a period of more than 3 years, were on military service in the National Guard or the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.
  7. Persons officially recognized as poor.

When submitting an application, the fact of the need for social assistance will be checked, as well as registration for full-time study on a budgetary basis.

Registration procedure for students

Students wonder what certificates need to be prepared, what is the procedure for processing documents. Often, the question of receiving a scholarship worries girls who became pregnant during their studies.

Please note that during pregnancy, as well as during the period before and after childbirth, payments are suspended.

In excess of the established norm, according to Federal Law No. 273, a scholarship may be awarded to students who are studying in the 1st or 2nd year and need financial assistance. At the same time, they must receive education under a bachelor's or specialist's program.

For the poor

Students whose families, or themselves, have been recognized by social protection authorities as low-income, have a priority right to receive financial assistance from the state during the period of study.

If a pension is assigned to a low-income student, in addition to the usual papers, he must prepare the following:

  1. Certificate of family composition. This paper is issued upon application, at the student’s place of registration. Its validity period is 10 days, which must be taken into account when registering.
  2. Information about the family budget - 2-NDFL.

When determining the financial situation by a representative of the social protection authority, not only salaries the student’s father and mother, but also any benefits or pensions received.

For non-residents

Law No. 273 establishes that students who come to obtain secondary or higher education to another city, that is, those who are from out of town, also have the right to receive social assistance.

No restrictions were introduced. In this regard, the accrual and payment of scholarships is carried out on a general basis.

In addition to the usual documents, a student who comes from another city is required to provide a certificate in Form No. 9 confirming that he has received registration in the dormitory.

Receipts confirming the transfer of payment for the place of residence must also be attached.

By loss of a breadwinner

A person who has lost his breadwinner is especially in dire need of help. Due to circumstances, an increased rate may be assigned.

The scholarship is awarded in the amount established by law - for higher educational institutions– 2010 rubles, and is paid during the period of study at the institution.

Those citizens who have not reached the age of 23 are eligible to receive a scholarship. Also, the loss of a breadwinner may be considered not the death of parents, but a significant decrease in their income, due to which they are unable to support a child.

What documents need to be provided

To receive a scholarship, you must apply for it. The question arises, how to do it right. First of all, you need to prepare documents according to the list:

Additional documents are also provided confirming that the student is socially vulnerable. For example, a certificate of disability. Before you apply, you need to find out who is eligible.

Correct filling of the application (sample)

The application for a social scholarship is drawn up on one sheet of A4 paper. A sample application for a social scholarship is available.

Photo: sample application for a social scholarship

It is allowed to print the document on a computer and provide a manual signature. All fields must be filled out - it is especially important to indicate the circumstance that gives the right to receive payments.

Latest news and changes

Previously, a social scholarship was paid to all students who were eligible to receive assistance from the state.

This allowed almost every student to classify themselves as low-income, for the reason that during their studies, work activity is not fully carried out.

However, an innovation was adopted, according to which only those who provide evidence of low income of their family are eligible to receive a scholarship. That is, the student’s family itself must be poor.

The cost of living for a social scholarship 2019 has only a conditional meaning. Its size is determined based on the cost of goods and services necessary for the student.

Payments are provided for one year, after which you must apply again. From January 1, 2019, scholarships began to be paid to those students who are already receiving assistance from the state.