Making a ceiling in a wooden house. How to make a ceiling in a wooden house: installation recommendations, which ceiling to make with your own hands. What styles are natural wood used in?

Ceiling repair in wooden house DIY starts with choosing materials. Since nowadays the market is literally oversaturated with all kinds of offers, for many people this task is not an easy one. To help with the choice, below I will talk about some of the most common modern materials that are suitable for finishing the ceiling in a wooden house.

Types of ceiling materials

So, when choosing what to cover the ceiling in a wooden house, you can give preference to one of the following coatings:

Option 1: clapboard or block house

Wood ceiling decoration is classic version For wooden houses which is the most popular. Most often, lining is used for these purposes, i.e. a special finishing board, or block house. The latter is an analogue of lining, however, unlike it, it has a cross-section cylindrical, as a result of which it imitates a log.

These materials have an attractive appearance, go well with wooden walls, and also have many other advantages:

  • durability - thanks to modern impregnations wooden finishing will last no less than the house itself;
  • is an environmentally friendly natural material. In addition, wood is known to contribute to the formation of a favorable microclimate in the room. This is due to its vapor permeability and ability to regulate humidity levels (absorbs moisture if the humidity level is high, and releases it if the humidity level is low);
  • has good heat and sound insulation qualities, which makes housing more cozy and comfortable;
  • easy to install;

As you can see, the arguments in favor wood finishing enough.

However, it should be noted that along with the advantages, the materials under consideration also have some disadvantages:

  • wood is a flammable material. True, this disadvantage can be eliminated by the same impregnations, which not only protect the wood from moisture and biological influences, but also serve as a fire retardant;
  • A wooden ceiling goes well only with wooden walls. If the walls are finished with other materials, you will have to abandon the lining or block house;
  • requires periodic maintenance, which consists of putty (in case of cracks) and varnishing, etc.

Therefore, wooden materials are not always the best choice for the ceiling in a wooden house.

The appearance, durability and other performance qualities of wooden finishing materials largely depend on the type of wood from which they are made.

It must be said that there are two ways to decorate the ceiling with clapboard:

  • full cladding - in this case, a sheathing or frame is attached to the beams, which is completely covered with clapboard or block house. The finishing boards are fixed with self-tapping screws or clamps. You can learn more about installation from other articles on our website dedicated to finishing technology;

  • covering the space between the beams - in this case the beams remain open, which is an interesting design technique. This ceiling looks great in interiors decorated in various rustic styles.

The principle of installing the lining in this case remains the same as with a full ceiling covering.

When choosing a lining or block house, keep in mind that these materials are divided not only by type of wood, but also by quality. Depending on this, according to GOST 8242-88 1996, there are the following types of lining:

Variety Peculiarities
"Extra" The lining of this class has absolutely no defects (no knots, no chips, no cracks). Accordingly, it is the most expensive.
A class (first grade) The presence of captive light healthy knots (no more than one for every one and a half meters), blind cracks (no more than two up to 9.5 cm in length) and resin pockets (no more than two) is allowed.

It should be noted that due to some divergence of requirements in different regulatory documents, sometimes first-grade lining from some manufacturers is better than “Extra” from others.

To class (second grade) It differs from the first class by the presence of visible defects, such as:
  • cracks;
  • captive knots;
  • chips;
  • small dents;
  • places with blue.
Class C (third grade) Lining of this class is intended for rough work, so we will not consider it.

To finish the ceiling in open spaces, such as a veranda, you should use lining made of moisture-resistant wood. Good choice are finishing materials made of larch.

Thus, the price depends on the type of wood and grade. Below is the cost for some types of this material:

Option 2: plastic lining

Many may doubt the advisability of using plastic lining for finishing the ceiling in a wooden house. However, this material is resistant to moisture and is easy to clean. Therefore he is excellent choice for covering the ceiling in the bathroom or even in the kitchen.

Among the others positive qualities of this coverage the following points can be distinguished:

  • large selection of designs - panels come in different colors, and they can imitate wood or other materials;
  • easy to install;
  • the cost is lower than natural lining;
  • long service life.

Installation of plastic lining is carried out according to the same principle as usual - before sheathing the ceiling in village house made of wood with plastic, it is necessary to make a frame to which the plastic lining is attached with self-tapping screws or clamps. The only difference is that plastic guides are installed along the perimeter of the ceiling, into which panels are subsequently inserted.

Below is the cost of some models of plastic lining:

Option 3: drywall

Drywall is one of the most common finishing materials. True, unlike all the coatings described above, it is intended for rough finishing.

It must be said that drywall is most often used in cases where the walls wooden house also finished, i.e. their wooden texture is hidden. However, sometimes designers combine a white painted ceiling with wooden walls. With a skillful approach, this solution looks quite original and interesting.

As for the advantages of drywall, many people prefer this material for the following reasons:

  • allows you to quickly and easily form a flat ceiling surface for subsequent finishing, for example, painting;
  • allows you to create ceilings of complex shapes, as well as install decorative ones, etc.;
  • there is no dirt during the work process, as is the case with plastering;
  • is an environmentally friendly material.

However, this material also has some disadvantages:

  • does not withstand exposure to moisture. If, for example, water leaks from the second floor, the ceiling will be damaged;
  • the strength of plasterboard leaves much to be desired, so it will not be possible to attach a heavy structure to such a ceiling;
  • installed drywall requires a fairly complex rough finish.

Brief instructions for installing drywall look like this:

  1. first of all, a frame is made of wooden beams or special profiles;
  2. then the frame is covered with plasterboard. Self-tapping screws are used to secure it;
  3. Next, the chamfers are cut off from the ends of the sheets and the joints are reinforced with a sickle mesh;

  1. after this, the ceiling surface is primed with two layers of acrylic primer;
  2. then the joints of the sheets and screw heads are puttyed;
  3. the next step is to cover the entire ceiling with a layer of starting putty;
  4. the hardened putty is sanded and then covered with primer again;
  5. then thin layer finishing putty is applied and finally sanded with a fine mesh or sandpaper. After this, you can start painting, having first primed the surface again.

As mentioned above, the cost of drywall is quite affordable:

Option 4: suspended ceiling

Stretch ceiling is modern solution, therefore its use in a wooden house requires a competent approach to design. Combining it with an archaic style can become either a “trick” of the interior or a failed idea.

Glossy stretch ceilings look the most original. Moreover, pastel beige or light orange coatings harmonize best with wooden walls. However, sometimes bolder colors on the ceiling also look advantageous, for example, green as in the photo above or light pink.

As an alternative to painted plasterboard, you can use matte stretch ceilings, which have a more traditional appearance.

Among the advantages of suspended ceilings, the following points can be highlighted:

  • practicality - easy to clean and can withstand various detergents, so they are great for use in the kitchen;
  • are not afraid of exposure to moisture;
  • durability - manufacturers provide an average warranty of 15 years, but their service life is much longer.

There are several disadvantages:

  • the canvas easily tears from the mechanical effects of sharp objects. True, it’s unlikely that anyone will throw knives at the ceiling;
  • relatively high cost - the price starts from 250-300 rubles. for 1m2. The cost of expensive models can be more than 1000 rubles. for 1m2;
  • the installation process requires certain skills, so it is better to entrust this work to specialists;
  • you will have to forget about suspended structures on the ceiling.

As you can see, although there are many shortcomings, most of them are not critical. Therefore in Lately The popularity of suspended ceilings is growing.

Option 5: suspended ceilings

Finally, I will say a few words about suspended ceilings. In terms of their performance, they are, as a rule, not much different from plastic lining, since they are made of PVC or mineral fiber. Therefore they can also be used in the bathroom or kitchen.

Today there is a huge selection of suspended ceiling designs that will allow you to choose them for any interior. In particular, there are models with wood panels which can be used even in the living room of a wooden house.

According to the type of construction, suspended ceilings are divided into two types:

  • cassette - based on a frame structure in the form of slats on which square panels are laid;
  • slatted - also represent a frame structure, however, they are based on supporting rails on suspensions, to which decorative slats are in turn attached.

Velom installation process suspended ceiling, regardless of its type, not more difficult to install plastic panels.

As for the cost, below are the prices for some models of these products that are common in our market:


You can get more information from the video in this article. If you have any questions regarding the materials described above, ask them in the comments, and I will gladly help you "width="640″ height="360″ frameborder="0″ allowfullscreen="allowfullscreen">


All of the above ceiling materials Great for a wooden house, but with their own pros and cons. Therefore, when choosing, you should focus on the design of the room, operating conditions, as well as cost, which often plays a decisive role.

You can get more information from the video in this article. If you have any questions regarding the materials described above, ask them in the comments, and I will be happy to answer you.

The hemmed ceiling is more popular today than in Soviet times - the bleached one. Today, when answering the question of what can be used to cover the ceiling, you don’t have to suffer, since there is a wide variety of finishing materials on the construction markets.

In this article we will review the most popular materials, so that at the end of the floor you will know exactly what is the best way to sheathe the ceiling in own home or apartment.
Regarding installation technology, you need to look for answers in other reviews; here we give only the characteristics of the materials, advantages and justification for the choice.

General information about sheathed ceilings

The technology for their installation is not the pinnacle of development by modern engineers. I mean, it's not even tensile structures, which are problematic to do with your own hands.

No special tools or equipment required, no high professional knowledge. And you don’t even need skills in working with building materials - most of them are all cut with a knife or easily sawed, have a small specific gravity, are simply marked, and are attached through (or along the edges provided for this) with ordinary self-tapping screws, or with specially designed hardware.

There are many videos on the technology of installing different ceiling coverings on our website - after choosing the material, you can familiarize yourself with the procedure of work, “without leaving the checkout.” It will also tell you how the wiring and communications are laid inside - this is one of the common advantages of suspended or sheathed ceilings.

Another common advantage is that there is no need to thoroughly prepare the main surface for installation. There is a rough finish, the frame will hold up normally - all surface irregularities and defects will be hidden behind the cladding.


Let's start with the market leaders.

Drywall is dominant

The most common material for cladding ceilings and walls today is plasterboard. It is suitable for ceiling and wall mounting. It is actively used in private construction and repairs. public buildings. It can be found both in a huge, rich mansion and in a country house - the material is incredibly versatile.

Pros of plasterboard ceilings:

  • Easy to install;
  • Inexpensive;
  • Does not require maintenance;
  • Can serve for a very long time, if there is no constant contact with moisture, since the surface is easily repaired;
  • Installation of such structures is very simple;
  • An additional advantage is that, under the skillful influence of steam or when moistened, it takes bent shapes, which is very convenient when installing curved structures.

This same property of drywall is also considered a disadvantage: with excess humidity or under the influence of intense moisture vapor (for example, in the kitchen over a gas stove), gypsum plasterboard loses its strength and becomes deformed, until it completely crumbles. This means that the kitchen and bathroom are no longer needed. technical specifications material.

Advice! If you still have a liking for gypsum plasterboard, then there are also moisture-resistant options that are labeled gypsum board. They have green color cardboard shell, and can be installed in rooms with high humidity. At the same time, its cost will be slightly higher than that of a simple one, but the difference is not critical - for a sheet you will overpay, on average, about 50 rubles, and the price, in general, is 300.

GCR is enough heavy material(1 sheet with an area of ​​3 m2 weighs about 25 kilograms), compared to other competitors, so you need to use a metal profile made of galvanized steel for frames.

  • Metal carcass It is assembled quite quickly, and has all the necessary accessories for this, which are purchased separately.
  • Sometimes you can see drywall being installed on wooden slats or beams. This option does exist, but it is not without certain disadvantages. Wood is a slightly more “living” material than metal; it periodically expands and contracts due to differences in temperature and humidity.
    Therefore, such situational deformations negatively affect weak gypsum board fastenings, reducing the service life of the structure.
  • As a result, cracks may appear. It is also worth noting the non-ideal geometry of the slats, in contrast to the rolled profile.
  • Multi-level plasterboard ceilings with curved inserts - the standard modern design in the house!

PVC panels

This is also not a very expensive material that meets the standard requirements for false ceilings. They don’t look so attractive, and, as they say, the renovation smacks of cheapness, but with a skillful combination of materials, it can sparkle in a special way. The material is great for lining baths and kitchens, and here's why.

Among the advantages:

  • Easy to assemble structure;
  • Lowest specific weight of the structure;
  • Easy to care for;
  • The material does not allow moisture to pass through;
  • Durability and complete resistance to fungi and mold;
  • Wide range of textures and color shades.

Plastic products can be divided into panels and lining. The first ones have a large width and are not painted in bulk, but only on the front side.

The plastic lining, like its wooden counterpart, is about 10 cm wide, but it is uniform in color, more durable and resistant to temperature changes, which is why it can be used not only indoors, but also outdoors.

Advice! It is advisable not to use rough materials when washing ceilings made of PVC panels, since the surface is not scratch-resistant. Do not use abrasive detergents; the surface can be easily wiped off even with plain soapy water. You can use kitchen detergents.

To the ceiling, PVC panels and lamellas are hemmed onto profiles, also made of PVC, or onto a very ordinary wooden strip, which is what you see most often. In conditions of high humidity, instead of wood, you can purchase metal profiles, like for drywall.

You need to be careful during installation, as the material is fragile.

If PVC is not properly maintained, the lifespan of your ceiling will be short. With normal installation and proper care, the original appearance of the material is guaranteed to be preserved for more than 15 years.

Metal slats

One of the types of hemming surfaces is. “Metal-look” or real metal slats are also a popular type of cladding for a fashionable ceiling in a home.


  • The material does not require additional processing, and the base surface does not require preliminary preparation.
  • There are no flammable polymers in the cladding, fire safety is absolute. Spraying to give color to the lamellas (slats) can be ignored; it is no more than a few micrometers thick.
  • All such metal structures weigh practically nothing, they can be mounted on any ceilings.

There is a big minus - there is no sound insulation, like everyone else metal coatings. Therefore, installation must be carried out immediately with a soundproofing layer.

Advice! Metal slats can be mounted on the ceiling in different directions, and even select individual elements with different colors. It turns out very stylish, and most importantly – original!

Metal slats are quite easy to clean, but you need to be careful in their care, as scratches from abrasives and even rough materials easily remain on the surface. This is what the instructions say, read carefully.

MDF panels and boards

Wood fiber is also an excellent material for fulfilling your cherished dream of covering the ceiling in a house or apartment.


  • Not bad for thin material holds sound and heat (of course, everything is relative);
  • Certain types (moisture-resistant, impregnated) can be used for rooms with high humidity - although the idea is questionable, and it is better to make do with more suitable products;
  • Lamination allows long-term use and easy cleaning;
  • Easy assembly;
  • Low own weight, allowing the installation of lightweight frames.

Cons: Most commercially available ceiling tiles MDF does not resist moisture in any way, is easily flammable, and is not environmentally friendly pure material. They also have an easily damaged front side.


All materials – material allocated to a separate group. This also includes lining, including “Euro” types of cladding.

It is enough to look at numerous photos of ceilings covered with wood to understand the charm, comfort and beauty of the finish. Wood has a huge number of benefits, including durability.

But the main thing is absolute naturalness and the property characteristic exclusively of wood to create a favorable microclimate in the room.


  1. Wood retains heat better than artificial counterparts.
  2. The material is “breathable”, as they say. That is, it allows air to pass through normally and promotes ventilation of the above-ceiling space.

The disadvantages include the following:

  • The properties of the cladding will depend entirely on the type of wood chosen;
  • It follows that you will have to pay a decent price for quality;
  • For the most part, wood is afraid of moisture, which requires you to regularly treat its surface with protective compounds.
  • The material is flammable and we require special precautions when installing electrical wiring.
  • Insects can settle in the wood, which will quickly render the cladding unusable.

Advice! The last two shortcomings are also eliminated through chemical treatment.

Here are brief answers to the problem of how to cover the ceiling in a house. The installation technology and characteristics of each design must be looked at depending on the selected material.

The ceiling decoration in a wooden house must correspond to the general internal style premises. Walls made of scaffolding maintain a healthy microclimate, but if they are designed in such a way that the wood is covered with artificial materials, then the latter can also be used for the ceiling. High ceilings in a private house increase the number of finishing options, and the original shapes of the roof open up scope for design solutions.

Ceilings in a house made of wood are made in the form lightweight design made of beams and planks. The space between the beams is filled with thermal insulation. But before covering the ceiling in a wooden house, The owner needs to familiarize himself with the requirements for materials:

Wood is a popular material; it retains normal humidity well. The boards absorb moisture and return it when the air dries. Ceilings are sometimes not finished with anything, the wooden structure remains visible, insulation is done from the outside and inside ceilings Beams on the ceiling create a special mood and are successfully used in a rustic style.

Various materials for the ceiling:

Multilayer plywood

A cheap and simple option is to decorate the ceiling with plywood country house- used quite often, since the multilayer material is made from veneer High Quality, and installation is facilitated due to the low weight and large area of ​​​​the canvas. It can also be used to file curved shapes. Finishing the ceiling in a wooden house with plywood solves the problem of protruding beams.

Varieties of plywood are distinguished by the following qualities:

To finish the ceiling with plywood, a sheathing of slats is installed. Sometimes sections of the material are included in the drywall composition to make it easier to frame curved surfaces. Plywood is a worthy solution, if the owner is thinking about how to cheaply line the inside of the ceiling in a wooden house.

Cladding lining

Thin board is a clean material (from an environmental point of view). The ceiling covered with clapboard is ideal for wooden walls premises. Inexpensive wood species are used to save money in the manufacture of panels. The strips are connected using a longitudinal groove and tongue, which are machined on the side faces during the production process.

Classification of lining to select the appropriate option:

Lining is a durable material that creates a durable coating and additional sound insulation. The material allows air to penetrate through micropores and provides comfort in the room. Natural board looks better in small rooms, because in spacious areas the material loses its individuality and attractiveness.

Lining is often combined with other types of finishes. When finishing a ceiling with beams in a wooden house, the space is filled with boards light shade, and the purlins are hemmed darker.

Lining dimensions:

  • strip length 2−4 m;
  • working width 7−15 cm;
  • The thickness of the strip is 1.0−2.5 cm.

Veneer panels

The material differs from lining by the presence on the surface of a thin veneer made of expensive wood species (rosewood, oak). The panels are made from 15 to 200 cm wide, the ceiling is made up of strips from 20 to 90 cm. Veneer boards are wooden planks onto which a decorative layer is glued.

“Layer cake” consists of 2/3 of the thickness of coniferous species, the front surfaces are made of rare wood. Price square meter decreases, but the appearance remains at the level of expensive material. Impregnation with antiseptic compounds and wax prevents rotting and reproduction of insects.

The cost is higher than that of lining, but the application options are various combinations more diverse. Easy installation allows you to make a ceiling from MDF boards with your own hands. The work is done easily even without experience and professional skills. The panels create an acoustic effect, so sound insulation is required.

Block house as a covering

Luxurious forms of imitation timber made of expensive wood on the ceiling are used in rooms with a height of 2.7 m. The lathing, together with the finishing layer, occupies 10 cm - this circumstance is taken into account when choosing a decorative layer. The block house is not placed on the floor without lathing, since the material requires a gap for ventilation. The front layer is made in the form of semicircular convexities, which organically creates the appearance of a ceiling made of logs.

The finishing layer turns out to be heavy, so the load-bearing floor beams are made of strong logs. The material is periodically varnished during operation to provide protection from moisture. In rooms with low ceilings, the finishing is made of light-colored bars.

Natural massif

Boards for finishing the ceiling are made from expensive species, so the layer is durable and lasts for decades. The panels are connected to each other using grooves and protrusions on the side surfaces.

The material retains optimal humidity in room. A solid ceiling is expensive, and not everyone can afford such luxury. Inexpensive veneer or lining inserts are made between beams of noble wood to reduce the cost of the structure. The combination of dissimilar materials gives the ceiling uniqueness and originality.

Plastering the surface

The type of finishing in a wooden house with wet mortar is used less frequently, as it makes the floor heavier. The material is inferior to modern effective finishing methods due to the labor-intensive process.

The wood is pre-treated with antiseptics, agents against fungus and mold, and a layer of varnish is applied to it to protect it from exposure environment. Before starting work, an insulating layer is installed. A shingle of wooden planks is filled onto the covering so that the mortar adheres to the surface. Sometimes used metal mesh with large cells.

Cement-sand or cement-lime mortar is used more often than others due to the low cost of the constituent materials. The second type is better, because it has higher adhesion (sticking) to wood, but this coating is used only in dry rooms. Modern ready-made plaster mixtures it's easier to work, because the composition contains plasticizers, but the cost of such material also increases.

Plastic binder

The coating is a practical and inexpensive option. Polymer panels consist of two layers, between which there are stiffening ribs. Connection elements in the form of a tongue-and-groove system are provided on the side faces.

Plastic has the following characteristics:

  • smooth glossy or matte surface suitable for interiors of different styles;
  • the material is easily cleaned and does not deteriorate under the influence of moisture;
  • panels are available in widths from 10 to 50 cm, which expands the choice;
  • strips are produced in lengths of 6 m - this allows you to build a ceiling without additional connections along the length.

Disadvantages of a plastic coating: it requires creation underneath ventilation gap to prevent the appearance of mold, and also that the design may fade under the influence of the sun.

A pattern imitating wood, stone or woven materials is applied to the surface of the plastic; due to the variety of patterns, the use in interior compositions is expanding.

Plasterboard finishing

The widespread material allows you to realize any designer’s plans. The panels consist of an internal gypsum binder layer, onto which cardboard is glued on both sides. Depending on the impregnation, the following types are distinguished:

  • ordinary beige plasterboard for use in standard conditions;
  • gray material for wet rooms (kitchen and bathroom);
  • gray panels are also used to cover the ceiling in rooms with an increased risk of fire.

The panels are mounted on the ceiling, having previously installed a frame made of galvanized profile. Mineral wool insulation is laid between the guide girders. It is better to finish the ceiling with plasterboard in a wooden house together with assistants, since it is inconvenient to install the sheets yourself.

Additionally, the plasterboard is finished over the installed coating. The ceiling is plastered and then painted, covered with wallpaper, tiles or cork covering. Drywall is bent using humidification technology, so it is suitable for the device multi-level design different forms.

Stretch ceiling

The material used is polyvinyl chloride film or polyester fabric. Coating is carried out between load-bearing beams or used to close runs. Surfaces to be treated stretch films, combined with plasterboard structures. When choosing practical covering take into account the temperature in winter, the regularity of heating, and the individual characteristics of the material.

Smooth surface has advantages:

Disadvantages include the impossibility of repair - repairing cracks or breaks becomes noticeable.

DIY installation

Preparation of the floor is done regardless of the type chosen ceiling covering. Add to list preliminary work includes:

  • antiseptic treatment with compounds to prevent wood rotting and damage by fungus or mold;
  • protective primer against moisture in the kitchen, bathroom, bathhouse;
  • organization ventilation space when constructing a support frame;
  • treatment with preparations that increase wood resistance to fire;
  • installation of an insulating layer;
  • laying wiring in special protective hoses.

Sheathing stuffing

The frame is arranged for each type of coating according to separate rules. The lathing is made of metal or galvanized profile if it is done over a wooden floor with subsequent installation of plasterboard or plastic. Such profiles do not absorb moisture, the laid layer does not deform. The frame is made of wooden beams if the finishing is made of lining or panels with a layer of decorative veneer.

Self-tapping screws are used for fastening to the ceiling and adjacent elements. The pitch is selected depending on the width of the insulation, which is rolled out from a roll between the bars. If the insulation is located on the attic side, then the recommended distance between the slats is 50-60 cm.

Procedure for laying the sheathing:

  • The timber is treated with antiseptic solutions, insecticides and kept in the finished room for 2-3 days for acclimatization and drying.
  • The location of the slats on the ceiling is marked, the accuracy is checked with a level, square and cord. Before drawing the horizon line at the top of the walls, the most low angle in the room. This point serves as the beginning from which, using a level, the line of the frame trim is cut off.
  • The beam is positioned taking into account unevenness, which is eliminated with the help of hangers and brackets. Fastening elements are placed every 50 cm. If the differences in ceiling height are insignificant, then wooden wedges are used. The linings are treated with an antiseptic at the same time as the bars and are also dried.

  • The insulation is installed after installing the bars. Penoplex is used, mineral wool, polystyrene foam, polystyrene foam. The thickness of the layer is selected depending on the operating conditions.
  • To protect against condensation, film waterproofing is installed. This layer is required in rooms with high humidity. To create a ventilation gap between the finish and the film, a counter-lattice is installed.

Galvanized metal profiles are used using similar technology. To connect the purlins to each other and to the hangers, metal screws 9 mm long are used. The galvanized frame does not require pre-treatment or drying. The finished structure made of profiles weighs lighter than a base made of timber.

Laying wooden boards

The lining creates a closed type cladding on the ceiling. Material is purchased according to preliminary calculation, but with a margin (several panels more) if finishing is in progress budget types. Extra stripes are used for replacement if unacceptable visual defects are detected. If work is carried out with panels of large length, then the help of another person will be required.

The lining is installed in a certain sequence:

Work is carried out at air temperatures above 0 °C and low humidity levels. Ready-made hidden fasteners are used instead of nails or self-tapping screws, but their cost is higher than standard hardware. The lining is painted or varnished after completion of work.

Exposed Beam Design

Wooden ceiling purlins are left open according to the design project developer's intentions. Their surface is painted, stained, varnished or artificially planed. For surfaces with protruding beams, cladding with clapboard, plastic or other materials is used. Lamps are placed on the lower part of the crossbar, but this is practiced in rooms with high ceilings, since the body of the device takes up from 8 to 15 cm.

In the spaces between the beams it is carried out various finishes. The material is chosen to be homogeneous or, conversely, contrasting. If in load-bearing frame building elements of purlins are not provided, then additional beams made of decorative materials are installed. Details are used in Provence and country style, the integrity of which is not visible without such details.

Purlins with emptiness inside are used for laying ventilation pipes, electrical wiring is a functional element. Decorative beams made of wood, plastic, plasterboard. The frame is made of metal, galvanized or wood, which is sheathed with a finishing layer. Solid beams are made from solid wood- such elements are attached to the ceiling using nails, self-tapping screws or special hidden hangers.

Artificial beams are installed in rooms with sufficient height. Small cross-section bars, on the contrary, are used in low rooms. Before starting work, work out all the details and the location of the beams for high quality workmanship designs.

The surface is aged using a special varnish. The composition is applied to the painted surface and, when dried, forms an imitation of cracks.

Brushing involves treating the surface of wood with a stiff brush powered by an electric motor. The device cleans out soft veins without removing hard fibers. The chipped surface is covered with varnish.

Wood in an ethno-style interior is combined with forged metal elements, hemp ropes and large ropes.

The material is selected depending on the individual preferences of the customer and his material capabilities. At creative approach the ceiling becomes worthy decoration interior

The popularity of low-rise construction is growing every year. Most of the houses built are wooden buildings. When in a wooden house virtually all the walls are immediately ready for final finishing, the ceilings in such cases require additional work so that ceiling trim It turned out to be high quality and beautiful.

It is possible to sheathe the ceiling both in multi-storey buildings and in wooden houses in different ways. You can choose which options are better only by comparing all the factors that directly affect the finishing of the ceiling.

These factors include:

  • The ratio of the level of natural lighting to the planned artificial;
  • Future layout and design of the room;
  • Estimated degree of room humidity;
  • Functional purpose of the room;
  • Ceiling height in the room;
  • Availability of a second floor;
  • Availability of stairs.

With all the variety of interior proposals, log ceilings can be designed in any direction. At the same time, you can emphasize environmental friendliness and naturalness not only in a rustic style with the help of wooden trim.

Interesting ideas for decorating a living room in a private home can be found in the article:

4 ways to make a ceiling in a wooden house

The arrangement of the ceiling covering requires detailed study. Do high-quality repairs It is always more profitable and economical in the long term, especially in a new home. You can properly hem the ceiling; for this you should know the basic classification of ceiling structures.

Ceilings can be:

  1. Hanging;
  2. Hemmed;
  3. Tension;
  4. Combined.

It is worth taking into account the height of the rooms. So that the casing does not hide centimeters when low ceilings, you should avoid suspended ceiling systems that are attached to an additional frame.

Ceiling installation in a wooden country house

To properly design the ceiling in a log house, you need to study in detail the structure and coating of the ceiling system. To do this, it is important to have an idea of ​​the design of the draft ceiling.

Ceiling system in wooden buildings consists of (in order from bottom to top):

  • Interior decoration;
  • Boards;
  • Beams;
  • Vapor barrier film;
  • Thermal insulation material;
  • Waterproofing;
  • Wooden logs;
  • Flooring or flooring of the next floor.

The arrangement of ceilings in a log house is influenced by several factors: waterproofing, thermal insulation, as well as the functionality of the room above the ceiling. The last point is conditional; if the room above the ceiling is not used, then the flooring is not laid. If the ceiling on the outside is a roof, then instead of flooring, the last layer of the structure will be roofing material.

The most suitable material for the ceiling in a wooden house

A large number of materials are suitable for the inside of the ceiling. But there are also limitations. For example, it is not recommended to cover the inside of the ceiling with plastic material. Firstly, the natural atmosphere of the log house is lost, and secondly, the plastic can burn.

You can cover the ceiling:

  1. Natural wooden material;
  2. Tensile structure with non-flammable PVC film;
  3. Plasterboard;
  4. Veneered panels;

The design of the ceiling should be consistent with common interior Houses. Therefore, materials are selected taking into account the wall decoration and floor design. If the task is to make the cladding yourself, then the designs are selected based on the complexity of installation.

White color can increase space and raise the height of a room. Before painting, the entire plasterboard must be treated with putty, so that in the future it will be possible to change the color of the coating.

Wooden materials for the ceiling in the house

The most harmonious finish for the ceiling in a log house is cladding with natural wood. Wood unites the main structures of the house and makes the interior complete and natural.

TO wood paneling include:

  • Wooden lining (board lining);
  • Wooden panels;
  • Veneer panels and MDF boards.

A private house provides more opportunities for interior ceiling decoration. And the natural desire is to make this decoration out of natural material, always welcome. And in order to protect the wooden material from the possibility of fire, a protective solution is applied to it.

Plywood ceiling in a wooden modern house

Beautiful photos of ceiling decor with beams only confirm its popularity wooden buildings. It’s not in vain modern tendencies aimed at eco-friendly homes.

Proper ceiling insulation

Both in an old house and in a new one, the question of additional insulation ceiling, even if the house was built with stove heating. The issue of thermal insulation of the ceiling in a log house is very extensive, so it must be considered in detail and in detail.

There are the following methods for insulating the ceiling surface:

  1. Outer;
  2. From the inside.

Each method will be most effective in certain conditions and with certain insulation materials. For example, laying vapor-proof materials is used for the external method, and vapor-permeable materials are used for the internal method.

Thermal insulation design also depends on the method of insulating the ceiling.

Conventional thermal insulation diagram:

  • Floor beams;
  • Suitable insulation;
  • Vapor barrier film;
  • Lathing.

Insulation is selected taking into account many factors. To fill the insulation tightly and without voids, you can use ecowool. Filing such material will be quick.

I advise you to fill the ceiling with polyurethane foam if there are no rodents that eat this insulation. Every thermal insulation material special. And the time spent studying these features is worth it, because... warm house– a guarantee of comfort.

Wooden ceilings in interior design (video)

Construction of eco-friendly wooden houses is not only a tribute to fashion, but also an awareness of the benefits and value natural materials. And if such houses are built with careful attention to all details, taking into account the rules of eco-friendly houses, then maximum efficiency is expressed by both financial savings and a favorable internal microclimate in the house.

Examples of how to sheathe the ceiling in a wooden house inside (photo)