Selecting penetrating waterproofing. Types of modern penetrating waterproofing of foundations: choice, method of application. Surface-applied Penetron system waterproofing materials

During the hardening process, concrete acquires a porous structure. Water falling on the surface moves through internal capillaries and microcracks, causing leaching of components cement mortar, decreased frost resistance, early corrosion of reinforcement, accelerates the destruction of the structure.

Through filtration leads to moistening of building materials located on a concrete base - bricks, blocks. The walls of underground structures - garages, basements, cellars - are exposed to dampness and mold invasion.

To prevent moisture filtration and increase the water resistance of concrete, penetrating waterproofing based on a cement-sand mixture with active chemical components is used. The waterproofing layer is formed in the thickness of the structure at a depth of several tens of centimeters, which fundamentally distinguishes this type of material from others that create surface protection.

Scope of application

Waterproofing of concrete is necessary where structures are subject to periodic water pressure in hydraulic structures:

  • dams;
  • reservoirs;
  • wells, reservoirs;
  • treatment sewers and systems for disposal of soil and Wastewater.

Deep-acting moisture insulation of concrete is indispensable in rooms where high humidity persists:

  • underground parking lots;
  • bathrooms;
  • showers.

Penetrating waterproofing is used to protect concrete building structures located in an aggressive humid environment:

  • foundations on moisture-intensive soils;
  • river and sea berths, piers, lighthouses;
  • bridge supports, storm barriers;
  • roofs, balconies, elevator shafts.

Effective use of penetrating compounds where it is not possible to treat outer surface- walls of basements, cellars. They are actively used in the construction of private houses, baths, saunas, swimming pools for internal insulation work on concrete.

Materials with ultra-fast hardening eliminate leaks. Their setting time is 5-10 minutes.

Operating principle

In addition to cement and sand, the mixture of penetrating waterproofing contains active additives that give the material the required properties. Manufacturers keep secret the formula of the product obtained by fine chemical synthesis. Its components are soluble in water, but the substances formed as a result of the reaction are practically insoluble.

The components of insulation additives are active oxides and salts of aluminum and alkali metals. IN aquatic environment bind free lime, which is constantly present in the cement stone, with the formation of sparingly soluble compounds. During the clogging process, the pores and capillaries are filled with a material similar to concrete in composition and characteristics, which compacts its deep structures.

Waterproofing for concrete is prepared by mixing a dry mixture with water, then it is applied to the surface of walls, foundations or other structures. Under the influence of osmotic pressure, the solution penetrates into the thickness of the porous material and reacts with free calcium. The resulting needle-shaped crystals settle on the walls of capillaries and microcracks, narrowing their lumen.

Plaster with deep penetration protects the surface from leaching of active substances. With new contacts with water, the reaction resumes, compaction continues, and the cracks “self-heal.”


In the 50s, the first experiments were carried out with substances capable of sealing micropores in the thickness of the concrete mass. The results obtained in Denmark were impressive. Since then, many varieties of penetrating waterproofing have appeared, foreign and domestic production. The most popular of them are Penetron, Kristallizol, Lakhta, Viatron, Element.

New developments have advantages over roll or paint insulation:

  • not flammable, not explosive, do not emit toxic substances, do not emit radiation;
  • increase the corrosion resistance of concrete and reinforcement;
  • do not wear out;
  • maintain vapor permeability and air permeability of surfaces;
  • create protective layer in the thickness of the concrete, and not on the surface, forming a single conglomerate with the massif;
  • The water resistance grade increases by 2-6 steps, strength - by 15-20%, frost resistance by 100 cycles;
  • structures can be mechanically processed - drilling, tapping, without compromising the waterproof properties of concrete;
  • through cracks “self-heal” - when water gets into them, the chemical components are activated, the reaction resumes, the cavities are filled with insoluble substances;
  • are not exposed to radiation;
  • effective for protecting above-ground and underground structures, can be treated from internal or outside.

Penetrating compounds are applied to a damp surface without pre-drying, which significantly speeds up processing. Internal waterproofing for concrete is successfully used in different directions of water pressure - forward and reverse.

Fungi are reluctant to settle on surfaces coated with penetrating waterproofing, which makes it indispensable in rooms with high humidity.

An increase in waterproof properties has a positive effect on the durability of concrete structures, extending their service life to 50 years.

How to apply penetrating waterproofing

Moisture-proof materials are used at the stage of construction, repair or reconstruction of a facility. In order for the compositions to correspond to the declared qualities and have the necessary effect, they must be used according to the instructions.

  1. The insulated surfaces are cleaned of dirt, oil stains, finishing residues and coatings. To open the pores, treat with steel brushes, sandblasting tools, and wash with a solution of hydrochloric acid or a stream of water under pressure. Mold, moss and fungi are removed. Exposed reinforcement is cleaned of rust. The cracks are cut with a spatula. In joints and seams, grooves are made to a depth of 25 mm. Communications must be protected with sealant.
  2. Abundantly moisturize the surface. This improves adhesion to the waterproofing material and allows active substances to penetrate deeply into the concrete structure. Preliminary drainage is arranged to remove excess water.
  3. Dry mixtures are mixed with water in the ratios specified by the manufacturer on the packaging until a uniform paste or liquid is obtained. The prepared portion should be enough for 25-30 minutes, because... the substance sets quickly. Re-thinning not allowed.
  4. Apply the insulation with a spatula, roller, brush or pneumatic spray gun. After the first layer has set, the surface is moistened with water and treated again. Make sure that there are no gaps or omissions. Work is carried out at air temperatures above +5°.

When application is ineffective

Waterproofing does not cope with its task if there are structural or expansion joints. Movements of individual elements, even minimal ones, lead to leaks. In this case, the joints are insulated with seam sealants.

It is not recommended to use the compositions deep penetration based on cement to protect cellular concrete from moisture. Currently, two-component materials with a polymer component are used for this purpose.

Dynamic loads are a contraindication for the use of penetrating waterproofing. Deformation and displacement of parts of the structure leads to the appearance of cracks, in which this type of protection is ineffective.

Do not use penetrating waterproofing for treating concrete with a low waterproof grade (W=2), prefabricated foundation blocks, gypsum or cement based plasters, dry and loose surfaces.


Penetrating waterproofing of concrete increases its water resistance, frost resistance and strength in humid and aggressive environments. Used in civil, military and hydraulic engineering. The surfaces of structures are treated with compositions based on CPS with patented chemical additives. This extends the service life of concrete up to 50 years.

To solve the pressing issue of restoring the waterproofing of basements and other long-used buried premises, traditional bitumen, lining and plaster waterproofing is used less and less. New materials have replaced outdated materials technical solutions, implemented using penetrating waterproofing.

Operating principle of penetrating waterproofing

Penetrating waterproofing compounds include two groups of materials: special surface coatings with a penetrating effect and injection hydroactive solutions.

  • Part waterproofing coatings includes chemically active additives. Waterproofing compounds spread through the pores and capillaries of concrete with the formation of insoluble crystals.

During the operation of structures, when new contacts of water molecules with concrete occur, the chemical reaction with the development of compaction deep into the structure.

  • Hydroactive injection compounds are used to eliminate leaks in building structures. Basically, these are one-component polyurethane fluids with low viscosity.

During contact with water, polyurethane compounds expand in volume. Spread occurs injection waterproofing throughout the entire structure. In this case, the water in the cavities is replaced with a waterproof polyurethane filler.

How penetrating waterproofing works - video

And this video will clearly show how penetrating insulation materials work:

Advantages of penetrating waterproofing

An important advantage of penetrating waterproofing materials is their environmental friendliness. These compounds provide waterproofness while maintaining vapor permeability. This property helps preserve performance characteristics building materials - concrete, brick, stone - and the health of people living in such a building.

The advantages of penetrating waterproofing include its ability to form a single whole with the building structure.

The use of penetrating waterproofing has a positive effect on the frost resistance and strength of concrete. This is due to the fact that with constant filtration of water through concrete, the components of the cement stone are washed out. With the loss of 20% calcium hydroxide, concrete loses up to 30% of its original strength. As a rule, such serious consequences are observed when long-term operation- about 40 years old. Usually there is a loss of strength - 2-5%. But not all waterproofing materials can eliminate even such a weakening of concrete in the depths of the structure. Restoring the strength characteristics of concrete and reinforced concrete structures helps to increase the frost resistance of the material.

The frost resistance of the waterproofing material itself does not matter, since it is a single whole with concrete.

“Eternal” methyl acrylate injection waterproofing

Penetrating waterproofing based on methyl acrylate gel is quite widely used in foreign countries. This material belongs to the injection compositions that penetrate deeply into the thickness of the building material in order to increase its waterproofing characteristics.

The process of using methyl acrylate injection waterproofing is as follows:

  • In problem areas of concrete or brick walls drill holes into which the gel is pumped.
  • After being introduced into the building material, methyl acrylate gel spreads deeper, displacing moisture and clogging pores. Over time, the gel reaches the outer surface of the structure and completely covers it with a protective dense layer.

An additional advantage of methyl acrylate gel is its ability to penetrate into the depths of adjacent building structure areas, strengthening and protecting them.

The distinctive feature of this injection material is the high speed of its action. When sealing a leak in the basement using a gel injection, water stops seeping into the room within a few seconds.

To create a reliable protective layer in basement first, inject the gel into the most problem areas and then plaster the walls cement-sand mortar with gel additives.

Methyl acrylate gel is used for waterproofing basements and other underground structures, including the subway.

However, penetrating waterproofing compounds based on this gel have a significant disadvantage - the high cost of the work. The average consumer cannot do this waterproofing with his own hands, since it will require a special pumping unit. Such equipment is available only in fairly large construction organizations. But, on the other hand, the use of methyl acrylate gel injections will allow you to permanently get rid of problems with poor waterproofing.

Surface-applied Penetron system waterproofing materials

Penetron produces a wide range of penetrating materials, both for waterproofing coatings and for injection.

Penetron compositions for application to the surface of the protected structure have a number of unique qualities:

  • These compositions are applied to a damp surface that does not require pre-drying, which significantly speeds up and reduces the cost of carrying out waterproofing works. Application is carried out with a brush (on smooth surfaces) or a spatula (on uneven surfaces).
  • Penetron system materials are easy to work with; you just need to follow the rules described in the instructions.
  • These materials can be used both on the inside and outside of the structure, regardless of the direction in which the water acts.
  • The use of Penetron compositions makes it possible to significantly improve the waterproof grade of concrete, increase the strength and frost resistance characteristics of concrete and reinforced concrete elements.
  • In case of mechanical damage to the treated structure, the increased performance properties acquired by it are preserved. The use of compositions of this brand ensures the ability of concrete to “self-heal”.
  • Processing materials with this system allows you to permanently get rid of the problem of poor waterproofing
  • Concrete coated with a Penetron waterproofing layer retains vapor permeability.
  • The material can be used for both existing and under construction structures of all degrees of crack resistance.
  • The use of waterproofing compounds of this group helps prevent corrosion destruction of reinforcement.
  • Waterproofing can be used even in conditions of high hydrostatic pressure.
  • Characteristics acquired building material thanks to Penetron treatment, they are preserved even under intense radiation exposure.
  • Waterproofing compounds of this group are approved for use in tanks for drinking water. They are non-toxic, non-flammable materials, explosion and radiation safe.

The shelf life of waterproofing materials in original packaging is 18 months.

Penetron is a dry mortar, consisting of special grades of cement, quartz sand of a certain granulometric composition, active chemical additives produced according to the company’s patent.

This waterproofing material has a wide range of applications:

  • Processing of monolithic and prefabricated concrete and reinforced concrete structures. Can be used on surfaces coated with cement-sand plaster mortar.
  • To cut off capillary suction, Penetron is used in combination with Penecrit. Also, a complex of these materials is used for waterproofing cracks, seams, abutments, joints, and places where communications enter.
  • Penetron together with Peneplug or Waterplug is used to combat pressure leaks.

Waterproofing materials Penetron systems are able to protect the structure from the effects of groundwater and wastewater, salt water, alkaline and acidic compounds.

Application of Penetron waterproofing: video tutorial

If you are planning to use Penetron penetrating waterproofing, we recommend watching this video:

Reviews of penetrating waterproofing Penetron

Injection waterproofing system Penetron

The injection waterproofing of the Penetron line includes a complex of two-component resins PeneSplitSil. It contains two resins: slow- and fast-reacting.

The main purpose of using the injection complex is to stop the flow of water into the cavity of static and moving cracks, thereby protecting the reinforcement from corrosion.

In case of pressure leaks, PeneSplitSil is used in conjunction with PenePurF.

The waterproofing composition can be used in complexes with perforated hoses located in the seams of the structure during its construction, in brick and stone structures to eliminate capillary suction.

Features of PeneSplitSil waterproofing:

  • has good interaction with concrete, polymer materials, metal;
  • after polymerization, a highly elastic material is formed;
  • does not contain solvents;
  • work can be carried out at temperatures (+5) - (+35 0 C), and the operation of treated structures can be carried out in the range from (-50 0 C) to (+150 0 C).

Brands of penetrating waterproofing compounds presented on the domestic market

  • Comparison with Penetron is worthy of such penetrating compositions as Kalmatron, Aquatron, Lakhta. They are widely used for waterproofing hydraulic engineering facilities, swimming pools, wells, transport facilities, energy complexes, housing and industrial construction projects, and civil defense premises.
  • The compositions "Gidrotex-K", "Gidrotex-V", "Gidrotex-U" are waterproofing materials for internal and external waterproofing of structures made of concrete and stone. "Gidrotex-V" is recommended for use in buried and semi-buried premises operating under conditions of constant infiltration of groundwater.
  • The Ceresit brand of compositions – CR 90 Crystaliser – has a penetrating effect. This material is used for waterproofing non-salted substrates made of mineral materials and not subject to deformation. Can be used in combination with elastic waterproofing tapes.
  • Penetrating hydrohit is a dry mixture used for waterproofing concrete and reinforced concrete. If it is necessary to eliminate a pressure leak, use the Hydrohit filling composition.

Prices for materials for penetrating waterproofing

Look at the prices in this table to choose the product that has the best price-quality ratio for you:

The task of preserving the state's fixed assets is directly related to the health and well-being of people. One of the effective and reliable ways Its solution is the use of high-tech modern waterproofing materials with penetrating action.

Waterproofing is one of the the best ways protection of foundations from harmful effects groundwater. Moisture can destroy not only classic brick or rubble masonry, due to its chemical properties water also destroys over time durable concrete, destroys the reinforcement frame of the base. It is necessary to select waterproofing taking into account the climate of the region and the type of foundation.

Main types of foundation waterproofing

There are three main types of coatings that can protect the foundation from moisture:

  1. Coating. These are special waterproof coatings that create a waterproofing layer no more than 3 mm thick. They are made from bitumen (a solid or resin-like product) with the addition of polymer resins and essential oils, rigid and elastic polymer-cement compositions. The main purpose is to prevent capillary penetration of moisture into the concrete structure; they are applied using a spatula or roller. In some cases, when coating waterproofing It is supplied in the form of a suspension and is applied by spraying.
  2. The adhesive waterproofing of the foundation is a built-up layer. This group of products includes roofing felt, various types of penetrating membranes and bitumen polymers. The peculiarity is that they are all produced on the basis of bitumen, so for better pasting the materials need to be heated. By price adhesive waterproofing foundation is cheap, its disadvantage is possible violation tightness and moisture penetration through joints.
  3. Penetrating waterproofing, its second name is plaster. These are materials that are produced on the basis of cement with the addition of various composite compositions and are applied to the surface in the form of a solution. In most cases, these are powders. Sold in bags, before use they need to be diluted in water and applied with a spatula like regular plaster. The average thickness of the coating is 5-15 mm, it copes well with capillary moisture, but is not very resistant to mechanical damage, and over time, cracks appear on the coating.

The choice of this type of waterproofing is quite large; almost all of them are made using mineral based, therefore environmentally friendly.

Penetrating waterproofing - principle of operation

Concrete is a porous material, inside of which there are specific micro-channels through which moisture can penetrate inside. Such micro-channels can be closed only by external high-quality treatment. Moisture getting into the middle concrete foundation, after freezing, it expands to significant volumes and destroys concrete from the inside. It gradually destroys the internal structure of concrete and slowly reaches reinforcement cage. If metal corrosion begins, it is almost impossible to stop it, and within a few years the destruction of the foundation will begin.

Built-up waterproofing is not suitable for all types of foundations. It is often used as an outer protective layer for other insulations.

Modern types of pasting or coating materials are not resistant to mechanical stress and cover only the outer surface of the foundation, practically without penetrating into the pores.

Penetrating waterproofing, in turn, due to the formation of crystals of water-insoluble mineral salts, gets inside the pores and clogs them, protecting the integrity of the concrete. Crystals are able to fill even minimal porous channels and water leakage no longer occurs through the increased surface tension of the water surface. That is why the choice of penetrating waterproofing is justified.

Penetrating waterproofing is mineral mixtures based on cement with synthetic additives polymer materials and resins. If they are applied to a cold, damp surface, the crystals will grow almost continuously, so even after mechanical damage to the coating, the waterproofing will quickly recover. This type protective coating copes well with seasonal temperature changes. Please note that this is environmentally friendly pure material, which can be used both outside and indoors. Some suspensions can be applied by spraying, but they are expensive and are used more on large concrete surfaces.

Types and purpose of the base protective layer

Based on its composition and purpose, penetrating foundation waterproofing is divided into types:

  1. An aqueous solution that is applied with a brush or spray. It is used mainly on new surfaces that do not have visible damage or large cracks.
  2. The mixture is dry and must first be diluted with water to a paste consistency. It is applied with a spatula, used for repair and restoration waterproofing work, and can also be used as a primary layer before installing roofing felt.
  3. Waterproofing seams. This cement mixture, is used exclusively for tightening seams and cracks.

On the waterproofing materials market, liquid mixtures are considered the best; they perfectly cover porous surfaces. concrete base and penetrate to a depth of up to half a meter. Liquid penetrating foundation waterproofing is resistant to atmospheric and mechanical influences, it does not dissolve in acids, alkalis and is almost impossible to destroy. After treating a wet surface, a durable crystallization layer is formed, which has the ability to recover.

Application is carried out in four stages:

  1. The surface of the foundation must first be cleaned of dust, grease and old bitumen. Then treat the concrete under pressure with water so that it penetrates deep into the pores. Clean the protruding parts of the fittings from rust and treat them with anti-corrosion compounds.
  2. Mix the composition with water until a medium-density suspension is achieved.
  3. Apply the composition in two layers to the concrete surface, the interval between applications should be at least 6 hours.
  4. Before applying the second layer, it is recommended to brush the first one to ensure penetration of the next layer of waterproofing.

If liquid composition needs to be restored waterproofing layer destroyed foundation, then the mixture is diluted to a thick paste-like mass and applied with a spatula. Apply decorative coverings over waterproofing can be done only after a month.

Foundation repair using penetrating waterproofing

The essence of the method is that some special mixtures tend to quickly harden under the influence of water, forming a durable concrete plug in places where the base is deformed:

  1. The crack or seam must first be widened, deepened and cleaned of dust and foreign objects.
  2. Then prepare a thick paste and mold it into a plug in the shape of a hole in the concrete. All work must be carried out as quickly as possible, since the mixture dries quite quickly.
  3. Place the plug in the gulley, hold it with your hands or heavy materials at hand for several minutes. This time will be enough for active crystallization to begin; the mixture may heat up significantly during this time.

The surface of the gulley is leveled with a compound and treated with liquid penetrating waterproofing.

Advantages and disadvantages

This the best remedy to protect the foundation from moisture in porous micro-channels:

  1. A deep waterproofing layer can be formed.
  2. This is one of the few waterproofing materials that can be successfully used for treating indoor residential premises, since the waterproofing does not form volatile substances hazardous to health.
  3. Can be applied to wet surfaces regardless of the direction of groundwater movement.

The disadvantages include:

  1. Provides protection of porous micro-channels from moisture only in concrete structures; it is not suitable for treating brick and rubble foundations.
  2. Penetrating waterproofing can only be used on crack-resistant concrete foundations.
  3. Cannot be used for waterproofing structures made of porous materials.
  4. Cannot be applied to prefabricated strip foundations due to the presence of too large seams between the blocks.

In addition to dry mixtures, which are then diluted with water, for greater efficiency it is also advisable to use adhesive waterproofing. Then both layers of material will provide maximum reliability and protection from moisture. Some types of waterproofing are also added to the concrete before it is prepared and poured. Then you get a material that is resistant to moisture, mechanically strong and inert towards contaminated water. When applying penetrating waterproofing, you must remember the safety rules and wear rubber gloves and goggles.

Waterproofing helps resist long-term exposure to moisture by acting as a barrier to water seeping into the pores of concrete. The use of a penetrating composition allows for reliable sealing of a layer up to 15 cm thick. Some manufacturers claim penetration of the mixture into the surface up to 0.6 m. The frost resistance grade increases by 2-3 steps.

The difference between penetrating waterproofing and roll or coating coatings is that during application the components seep through moisture-filled pores to a considerable depth and crystallize. The resulting protection lasts the entire service life of the structure and can only be destroyed together with the base material. The hardened layer will not allow water to pass through, but will remain vapor permeable.

Penetrating insulation involves the use of concrete, reinforced concrete structures and cement plaster. It cannot be chosen for large-porous products: asbestos-cement slabs, foam and expanded clay concrete blocks.

Dry penetrating waterproofing includes the following components:

  1. Portland cement;
  2. finely ground quartz or silicate sand (screening out a given granulometric fraction);
  3. active polymer additives.

Manufacturers try not to disclose full names active chemical additives and indicate in the passport only the main properties that affect compatibility with other materials. In addition to Ceresit and Knauf, they have proven themselves well:

  • Carat;
  • Penetron (Penetron);
  • Vandex;
  • Hydrotex;
  • Xypex,
  • Masterseal;
  • Calmatron;
  • Lakhta.

The products are produced both in ready-to-use form and in the form of concentrates and dry mixtures that require prior dilution with water. Packaged liquid waterproofing can be an aqueous suspension (canister), a thicker mastic (closed bucket). Application to a concrete floor is done with a brush or paint roller. The surface must be abundantly moistened with water so that the protection can penetrate to the maximum depth.

The efficiency of waterproofing work is increased through the use of auxiliary products for a more specific purpose. Sealing of cracks and chips larger than 0.3 mm, protection of joints, seams, passages of technological communications of prefabricated structures is done with a solution with special characteristics from the line of the same manufacturer. Such dry mixtures have a similar composition based on Portland cement, but when hardened in cavities they do not shrink or increase in volume and form a mass with increased strength. The use of a type such as a waterproofing seal is permissible when water comes directly from the destroyed area.

Mandatory characteristics of penetrating capillary waterproofing include obtaining good adhesion of the treated base and increasing the surface's resistance to mechanical stress.

Brands of mixtures for concrete insulation

Penetrating materials are applied like liquid waterproofing, but for the possibility of long-term storage, ease of transportation and use in the right amount they are often released in dry form.

Selected for insulation:

  • foundations;
  • all types of concrete structures;
  • brick inserts into self-leveling or prefabricated reinforced concrete structures;
  • basement walls from groundwater ingress;
  • ceilings and floors;
  • swimming pools, wells, drinking water reservoirs;
  • cement plaster.

WDM SM-Extra is a penetrating coating waterproofing agent for concrete with water-stopping functions (W16). At the same time, the chemical resistance of the surface increases, and additional protection against leaching of other polymer additives, improving performance.

Consumption – 1.5 kg/m² with a layer thickness of 1 mm. When performing insulation, apply a layer of 2-3 mm with a spatula or palm. For leveling, use a brush soaked in water. The surface and ambient air temperature should be between +5 and +35°C. A previously used floor is cleaned of dirt and dust, moistened abundantly and maintained in this condition for 5-7 days.

2. KT tron-1.

For waterproofing the floor on the ground in a private house located in an area of ​​frequent flooding groundwater, it’s great to buy a dry mixture, the use of which is provided in the form of coating and injections. The resulting protection is resistant to man-made pressure of liquid aggressive environments and gases. Concrete becomes immune to sea ​​water, exposure to carbonization and anti-icing salts, vapor permeability is maintained.

The standard consumption for a thickness of 1 mm is 1.2 kg/m². The minimum allowable is 1 kg, recommended by the manufacturer is 1.6. For 1 pass you need to apply no more than 0.8 kg. The frost resistance of concrete increases by F200-F300 (depending on its quality). KT tron-1 crystals can penetrate a liquid medium to a depth of 0.6 m. Concrete treated with penetrating waterproofing can withstand constant exposure to +1,200°C.

3. Penetron.

High-quality floor waterproofing ground floor produced by the penetrating composition of this line. No specific preparation of the work site is required. In a dissolved state, the finished liquid mixture can be applied to a moist or dry surface. This saves time and costs on drying/wetting the base.

In an individual household they choose for the following reasons:

  • applicable for all types of concrete;
  • forms a strong adhesion with reinforcing parts;
  • environmentally safe in contact with drinking water.


This is an example of a bitumen-latex emulsion with the addition of synthetic resins. It is sprayed simultaneously with the catalyst using a special airless spraying unit. It has a high degree of adhesion and can be used at -25 and +100°C. Polymer rubber can withstand impacts and stretching up to 5000%. The advantage is versatility - can be used on surfaces made from different materials(concrete, brick, wood, metal, plastic, glass). Can be painted and does not form seams, completely sealing the base.

To protect against moisture, take as an additive liquid glass(sodium) GOST 13078-81, more about it in. It is chosen when bitumen coating is not possible both for covering the base and for adding to a fresh solution. It is valued for its low cost of material and good characteristics strength of the resulting surface, antibacterial properties. But liquid glass is not used on its own, only as an additive. Re-processing occurs at least every 5 years.

6. Penecrit.

To seal seams from the inside, mixtures (dry) Penecrit are produced, which are used in combination with Penetron. They are waterproof W14 with a flow rate of 1.5 kg/m.p.

7. Gidrotex-Sh.

It has a frost resistance of 200 cycles and a consumption of 0.9-1.0 kg/m.p.

Materials for penetrating protection should be purchased based on the following fundamental points:

  1. Availability of application technology, surface preparation requirements.
  2. Compliance with the maximum permissible indicators of operating conditions ( temperature regime, expected loads, aggressiveness of the environment).
  3. Estimated service life. Concrete structures are designed, as a rule, for decades - the high price of protection will be recouped many times over by eliminating the need for repair and restoration work.
  4. Compatible with other materials and their components. To guarantee the quality of the result, all penetrating compounds (basic and additional) must be taken from the same line. When choosing a penetrating impregnation, it is better to take into account the type of plasticizers in concrete and the chemistry of the intended finishing coating environment.
  5. Shelf life. Quick setting of a solution (for example, liquid glass) requires working skills and calculation of preparing portions of the mixture for one-time production. The alternative is to increase the number of workers.
  6. Shelf life of dry packaging before the start of work.