In life you need to do everything in a timely manner. Do everything on time. Meet new people

Many people know what a “black streak” is in life. No matter how hard we try to fix our life, it still goes wrong. Did you know that an effective way to get back on track is to start doing something new?

It is indeed possible to survive difficult times, and we will advise you how to do this. Remember: the key to success is to take action.

Change the script

Even a few hours spent in a new pleasant place will help you look at the world differently. And who knows, maybe you will get lucky and find the solution you have been looking for for a long time.

Start playing sports

Small personal goals and achievements, such as “running the extra mile,” can help you regain your self-confidence. After all, the saying “A healthy mind in a healthy body” is 100% true.

Get rid of all unnecessary things

It will become much easier for you to think and breathe in a comfortable, spacious and cozy home, not cluttered with useless things.

Meet new people

The people who surround us influence our attitude towards the world. So start inviting new wonderful people into your life whose views are different from yours.

Take a break and allow yourself to rest for a day or two

Sometimes it is very important to relax and just stay at home. Nothing dramatic will happen in one day, and you will have the opportunity to calm down and think.

Change your look

A new hair color, hairstyle, makeup or clothing will help you not only look new, but also feel like a different person.

There is nothing wrong with asking for help. If things go awry, don't hesitate to ask someone who has been through something similar for advice. Or just talk to your mom, she will always support you.

Start eating right

Sometimes it is very difficult to resist the desire to “eat” your bad feelings with some kind of junk food. But after this you will most likely feel even worse, as a feeling of guilt is added to the old problems. In difficult times, it is better to eat more grains, delicious vegetables and fruits.

Start learning something new

New skills mean new opportunities.

Learn a new language

This good way remind yourself that the world is a big place and you are not alone. And if you can learn French or Chinese, then you can do absolutely anything.

Break one bad habit every month

You don't need to change everything at once. Start with small steps. For example, instead of staying up all night in front of your laptop, go to bed on time. After a month you will be able to get used to it. Perhaps after this you will be able to overcome another bad habit.

Do something that really scares you

Even one small victory over yourself will mean a lot to you. By overcoming fear, you regain self-confidence.

Forgive yourself and others

Forgiving yourself and those who have hurt you will help you put the past behind you because it will no longer matter. From now on you can move on.

Procrastination is postponing planned tasks under various pretexts, diverting attention to less significant goals and irritants. As a result, the matter “suffers” - it is delayed, done at the last moment, carelessly, or not done at all.

I’ll say right away that switching attention and the multiplicity of stimuli that attract us is normal feature brain Many scientific experiments have shown that the efficiency of any, even the most conscientious, employee cannot be maintained at a constantly high level. We manage to do much less in a working day than robots could do in the same 8 hours of work. That is why at any workplace there are breaks for lunch, tea, conversations, smoke breaks, “industrial gymnastics” and other entertainment events. We must From time to time, switch your attention to something else in order to increase your productivity, and not become exhausted in the first three hours of work. Procrastination becomes a problem when it becomes a “normal” work state and eats up most of your working time.

Of course, the more mature and purposeful we become, the more we develop the ability to focus on a task, the ability to move towards long-term goals and the joy of receiving delayed results. But in order to work on a task like a Terminator, that is, without getting tired and without being distracted by anything, you need enormous motivation (for example, people work during war, hasty harvesting, on “shock” construction sites and at night before the exam).

And motivation, as you know, comes in two types - the desire to get something good for yourself or attempts to avoid something bad. That is, for maximum productivity, you must either really want to achieve this specific goal (and on time!) or be very “scared” of the consequences of not achieving this task. Motivators can be external (someone’s praise or rejection, a cash bonus, competition with others, etc.) or internal (curiosity, pride in oneself, a “conscience” that denounces you, the desire to get rid of unbearably unpleasant emotions, etc.).

That is, the first thing you should pay attention to if you just can’t take on something is your motivation. Why do you need to do it? Who decided this? What will happen if you do or don't do it? What happens inside you right before you become distracted by something? What is happening outside - is someone monitoring the process of you completing this task? Are there specific deadlines for completing this task? How flexible are these deadlines? What larger goals depend on you completing this task?

But that's not all, of course. Even if you are okay with both types of motivation - you know when and why this task should be done, and you really don’t want to face the consequences of not doing it, but for some reason you still don’t do it, then we are already dealing not with a natural “smoke break”, but with resistance.

Why is this happening?

I don't like the matter

Perhaps, as part of this task, you have to face the need to do something unpleasant, boring or too difficult for you (take notes on a long scientific article, talk with a person you obviously don’t like, use foreign language, which you don’t know well, attend an uninteresting event, etc.). And then it is precisely this part of the process that can slow down the completion of the entire task. In this case, all you need is either to find someone to whom you could entrust this particular part that is unpleasant for you, or to clearly see what exactly you are resisting. This is just a small part that you will need to spend on, probably not that much time. It happens that we stay angry for much longer and put it off, spinning up our painful emotions with everyone possible ways, and when we finally decide, the difficult process will be over in a few minutes or hours. You could simply admit that, yes, the task is unpleasant, and quickly do it (maybe even, first of all, while you have the strength, or, conversely, somehow in portions, in doses). But by postponing, we add to this bouquet indignation, and the search for those to blame, and blaming ourselves for postponing. And we spend much more time and mental energy on this damn thing.

Incorrect time estimate

Maybe it's your strategy for perceiving time. This is a familiar feeling to all students that “the exam is still like the moon,” which allows us to relax and kick back until the red emergency light flashes in our brain. That’s when that very powerful motivation kicks in, which allows us to make a “superhuman leap” and complete a huge project in a few hours, not months. For some, this strategy works well - but only if you have the opportunity, after your titanic efforts, to sit back for a while and recuperate. However, sometimes we do not quite adequately perceive the time and effort required for conscientious preparation. It seems to us that it is not necessary to strain yourself in advance. It may simply be a strategy that manifests itself in all things - big, small, loved and unloved. And this really reduces our efficiency and makes us miss many opportunities.

Fear of global processes

There are people who are very frightened by any global tasks and long-term goals. They are simply not designed to work for long-term results. One of my clients, for example, was terrified of doing “spring cleaning” - and, of course, she came up with thousands of wonderful reasons for postponing it. When I asked what scared her so much about this matter, she said that she sees dozens of small processes that are included in this very general cleaning, and the sheer number of them makes her feel sick. And, in her opinion, it was possible to praise oneself and relax only after absolutely everything was done. Then it’s easier not to do anything at all. What I recommended to her was to remove the word “general” from her head and simply clean the house - to the best of her ability. For example, just vacuum or wipe the window sills. And tomorrow we’ll do something else that’s not too burdensome. And also praise yourself for it. And then the pile-up of tasks turns into quite manageable small tasks. There is no need to spend every Saturday doing deep cleaning - you can tidy up a little every day. And for tasks you really don’t like (say, washing windows), invite a special person once a year. This approach helps to structure those tasks that seem huge and overwhelming to us, and from which we just want to hide. And praise yourself more often!

Connection with the past

It happens that the task that we put off is already somehow connected for us with unpleasant emotions (anxiety, fatigue, haste, fear of making a mistake). Again, I would advise you to separate the flies from the cutlets here in advance - that is, the matter itself from your subjective negative emotions with which you “wrapped” this matter for yourself. Take a closer look at where these negative emotions came from, what you are really afraid of and what you are angry about. If you avoid getting some kind of virtual “slap on the head” - someone’s disapproval, reproach, then what kind of people are they, and why do you give them the right to evaluate or disapprove of you? What happens if you give yourself permission in advance to be imperfect and make mistakes, and treat any outcome you get as a learning experience rather than a failure?

Emotional manipulation

Sometimes it may seem to us that a task has been unfairly placed on us, so we resist dealing with it in the hope that it will be transferred to someone else. We believe that we have more important things to do (and more worthy of our talent, intelligence and education). Or we generally think that this is not a woman’s or a man’s business. Then we not only postpone execution, but also deliberately demonstrate our dissatisfaction with others. We cultivate these negative emotions in ourselves because they are a tool of manipulation for us - either in order to avoid the matter altogether, or in order to shame (punish) those who should have helped us or done it for us. Sometimes this works, and you actually manage to achieve “fairness” and redistribute responsibilities more competently. But more often than not, your rancor only unnecessarily shakes the air and gives you a reputation as a quarrelsome or lazy person. So - if there is no way to find another performer - find for yourself something good and important in performing this particular task. For example, as a result, you will develop a new skill, or you will do a good deed for someone, or you will contribute to some more global (and worthy of you!) goal.

And - here’s what’s interesting - for some reason, on this very topic, I managed to write an article in an hour and a half. From the first to the last letter... And immediately after receiving an order from the editor.

Take just 10 minutes of time for self-development and find out how to keep up with everything and be on top!

It has the amazing ability to stop in place when we are doing something boring and unloved, and literally the next day fly at a speed of several hundred kilometers per second if we are having fun or need to cope with a lot of things... unfortunately...

Few people would not want to acquire such a valuable ally and learn.

So imagine that there are people who have tamed the clock and no longer need to worry about how to manage everything.

Well, how can you learn to keep up with everything?!

I once had former colleague at work – Nastya.

Smart, active, efficient - a good girl, in general.

But she has one huge drawback that hinders both her and her entire team: lack of punctuality in doing things.

Zapara is actually her middle name, and neuroses from piled-up tasks are constant companions.

At the same time, it cannot be said that she is simply lazy and does not want to do anything; this would explain Nastya’s situation.

She is constantly busy with something and seems to be trying to do everything, but something is always missing to get everything done!

I believe that my colleague's main problems are due to the fact that she:

  1. Doesn't know how to plan his time.
  2. Constantly distracted.
  3. Unable to concentrate on one thing.
  4. Doesn't know how to lead Personal diary success.
  5. Takes on more than he can handle.

How to keep up with everything: the beginning!

Learning to complete all tasks on time is as simple as programming your life for success.

People don’t even realize that they create most of the problems and obstacles in their lives themselves.

All you have to do is put in a little effort and everything will turn out even better than you expected.

Of course, lazy people who do not want to work on themselves will never understand how to manage everything, and will continue to flounder among unfulfilled tasks without hope of seeing the light at the end of the tunnel.

As you know: “You can win any battle only by choosing the right weapon!”

So, you need to start taming your time by buying a beautiful notebook, pen and watch.

The expense is small, but the benefits from this acquisition will be enormous.

“To begin with, imagine that an hour is not just a unit of time. This is a commodity that can be exchanged for money, education, pleasure, health and other resources. You just need to determine what exactly you need.”

But the most important thing is that you must understand that a person who feels tired and unhealthy will, in principle, not be able to work productively.

Therefore, make it a rule:

    Get enough sleep:

    The cherished rule about 7-8 hours of necessary sleep was not invented by fools.

    Eat properly:

    not only because it is tasty, but also because it is healthy.

    Fresh vegetables and fruits should be regular guests on your table.


    physical activity not only improves immunity, but also gives a boost of energy.

    To-do lists are your everything!

    I hope you have already bought a nice notebook and pen to keep your success diary?

    So: make it a habit in the evening or in the morning to write to-do lists that you plan to complete during the day.

    Moreover, do not write them out of the blue, but next to each item indicate the time required to complete it.

    Did you get the job done?

    Cross it off the list.

    You can also create separate lists of global plans for a month or a year.

    Before you finish work, resist the urge to go on Facebook or the UNIAN website, reject a phone call from a friend, refuse a mug of coffee.

    All this can be done during a break.

    Don't pile on more responsibilities than you can handle!

    Every person has a limit to his capabilities: for some it is very small, for others it is very impressive.

    Your task is to determine yours!

    Colleague Tanya can write 5 articles in a day, but you can only write 3, no matter how hard you try?

    Then you shouldn’t beg your boss for 5 tasks, then sit until midnight, not have time, get nervous and get a scolding the next day.

    Better complete your three tasks on time and efficiently!

    Keep your workplace tidy!

    Even if your workplace– your own apartment, no need to turn it into a dump.

    Firstly, unnecessary items are distracting, secondly, you waste time trying to find something you need in this rubble, thirdly, the clutter dampens you and prevents you from getting into a working mood.

    Optimize your workflow.

    Every task, including homework, can be simplified and the time it takes to complete it reduced if you show a little ingenuity.

    For example, the files that I need for work on a daily basis are copied to a separate folder, although I store all electronic documents in thematic and chronological folders.

    Use modern gadgets.

    When preparing dinner, you probably enjoy using help food processor, multicookers, electric meat grinders, etc., rather than doing everything manually, wasting energy and time.

    The same principle must be followed in any business!

    Reward yourself for success.

    We did one thing quickly and efficiently - drink tea with a delicious cake, another - look at the news feed on Facebook, a third - go for a walk, etc.

    Don't mark time in one place.

    People can drive themselves into hysterics in search of perfection that only they understand.

    Remember that the best is the enemy of the good.

    You shouldn't get hung up on some stupid ideals if it slows down your progress.

    Don't accumulate unfinished tasks.

    Forget about the phrase: “I’ll do it tomorrow!”

    Today is today, and you must finish everything planned before midnight.

    If you put something off every day, sooner or later an avalanche of unfulfilled tasks will cover you.

    Don't be afraid to ask for help.

    Sometimes, due to pride (or stupidity?), we are afraid to turn to even the closest people for help.

    If you don’t have time, then ask your mother to cook dinner, your husband to pick up the child from kindergarten, a friend-colleague to answer a call from a client, etc.

from the famous video blogger Pavel Bagryantsev:

“How to keep up with everything and manage many projects at the same time?”

You can try them all and choose the most optimal ones for yourself, you can combine these tips, or you can come up with something of your own.

The main thing is to start acting, and not just moan every day: “ How to keep up with everything?!».

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Rector of the International Institute Social Ecology Vyacheslav Gubanov about critical ages: how to prepare for them and how to live through them.

- “If I knew where to fall, I’d lay out some straw...”, “an expensive egg to Christ's day...". Or here’s another: “A spoon is dear to dinner.” All these and many other such different sayings and proverbs, in essence, are about the same thing: everything must be done on time. Popular wisdom, as always, is right! In our lives, everything is so scheduled and programmed that there is simply no extra time. Man is a fruit of nature, maturing extremely slowly. From the point of view of science, which our institute deals with, until the age of 49, he remains in the state of a “spiritual embryo”, which all this time prepares itself for adult life and passes, passes exams... For each At the age of 49, he is given a “flight mission”, which determines what he needs to do in the near future. And at the end of this period there is a strict check: whether it was completed or not. Such a school of life with 49 classes...
49 is seven times seven years, separating the crisis (critical) ages. Of these, in fact, the ladder of life is formed: step by step, forward - and upward, to the top!
Alas, this does not work out for everyone.
Sorry for such an example - but if we take a walk through the cemetery and look at the age of those who lie there, we will see that, basically, these are “bad students” who incorrectly solved the proposed problem, failed the “exam” - and therefore were expelled from the school of life If we know exactly what we should do and how we should do it, and we do it, we are “promoted to the next class.” So it turns out that the advice is to do everything on time - urgent need! As they say, forewarned is forearmed. If you want to be an excellent student in life, do your homework regularly! Solve your problems and move on with your life. But we need to decide honestly. The student logic “there are exams twice a year, but let the dean’s office worry about that” will not work in our case. Real life has different rules: you can’t buy a diploma and you can’t pass a unified exam. Here everyone has their own path, and everyone, as they say in the East, touches the stones of their path.
If you know what is coming, and from this position you evaluate everything that happens to you, then you do not suffer and do not worry in vain at turning points, maintaining philosophical calm and the ability to enjoy life.

So, during the first year of life a person develops his immune system; during the second - sexual; in the third year he learns to independently ensure his own survival: he eats himself, cleans up after himself...

Up to a year, the child is completely dependent on his mother and experiences his first crisis age precisely in the year when he is weaned from his mother’s breast. Then he leaves the protection of his mother, becomes very vulnerable and especially needs careful attitude towards him from all those who care for him. surrounds. At three years of age, the spirit of the growing person is connected to the body, and we suddenly notice a developing personality. The father begins to pay attention to his own child, who previously perceived him only as a kind of sexual competitor, who suddenly switched all the powers and emotions of his beloved wife to himself. Dad suddenly realizes that very close to him he is growing up very interesting creation with your own ideas about life!

By the age of 5, the spirit becomes stronger, and its owner begins to think - and often in very original ways! At the age of 7, the little person finally develops a sense of responsibility. Right now he is ready to enter school: only by this time his brain acquires the biological ability to perceive learning. Child prodigies, as we know, do exist - but, alas, they usually do not live up to the brilliant hopes placed on them in their youth. I don’t remember something large quantity famous politicians, scientists or diplomats who would grow up to be child prodigies. Why? Yes, because everything needs to be done on time. And the child, having fully lived his childhood, must grow up on time! There is no need to try to steal from him natural emotions, playtime and the experience of a carefree life, which are absolutely necessary for a person in adulthood. After all, it is on this foundation that he will build his full life!

At the age of 7, a child moves from the “first floor” to the “second”: the period of puberty begins, which will last until the age of 14. At the age of 9, the spirit of the opposite sex begins to have a strong influence on him! (It is possible that in his previous life he lived in a body of the other sex - otherwise, how could there be so many male and female principles mixed in each of us?!).

In me, for example, women often feel a subtle nature that understands them. And this feminine spirit my past life is manifested through the current male body. If two spiritual principles, masculine and feminine, coexist in us on equal terms, only then will we obtain a balanced, harmonious and mature personality, with the happy ability to manifest those qualities that are needed in life. this moment: either fully masculine, or feminine...

So, at the age of 9, the current gender of the individual is confirmed. A person receives “hello” from the previous, deceased body in the form of the soul that he inherited. Many, even quite normal, children begin to experience a terrible fear of death at this time. Few people talk about it, but it often becomes the cause of childhood neuroses. The guys are embarrassed by this and try to independently look for answers to the questions that torment them in various literature. By the way, this is where this irrepressible craving for “horror” films comes from: the fear must somehow spill out, be neutralized!..

You can try to mitigate the crisis of 9 years of age by providing the person with the right supplies in time useful information about the world order, to introduce him in a language he understands to the laws of evolution. And explain that death in a specific image certainly means birth in another... This way you can free his emotions from negativity, calm him down - and life will become brighter. A person who understands the laws of the universe can no longer be so easily unbalanced or intimidated...

17 years is the time of demand to meet growing needs at any cost: give me money, super jeans, a super mobile phone!.. This is normal. Interest in earning money appears only a year later, at 18. It is at this age that we fall madly in love, sometimes even trying to start a family. Actually, it’s a “terrible” age, because at this time the former life of our spirit again reminds itself of itself: now - in the form of the social unrealization of its former bearer. Throwing, ambition, resentment... It’s good, after all, that “once in life It happens..."!

The next critical age is 21 years old, the end of the construction of the bodily frame from the waist down. That's all - the third, bodily, chakra gained working momentum and began to breathe evenly and powerfully!

Attention to the “Iroquois”!
That's what we call this scheme. From birth to 21 years of age, human life develops in such a way and presents such tough lessons that this time can well be characterized as follows: “beating determines consciousness”! Alas, a person under 21 years of age can talk as much as he wants about conscience, duty, decency: he will know these concepts, but will not be able to feel them. The period of spiritual self-knowledge begins at the age of 21 and continues until the age of 28. Biologically, this is expressed in the activation of the parietal zone of the brain. A person learns to think about his actions, analyze and evaluate them.
The first truly global crisis awaits us at the age of 28, when for the first time we are presented with a serious bill for the past years. Three months before or three months after your 28th birthday, a two-week period of truly unbearable life begins! Events unfold vividly in my memory, they hit me painfully, and the feeling is that your previous life- absolutely worthless. Before moving on to the next stage of life, this serious “cleansing” must be experienced very carefully, without twitching or getting nervous. The fact is that until the age of 28, everyone is a child, from the point of view of the state of our energy field. Maturity comes suddenly and harshly. Entering the 29th year of life, many become complete strangers to both their body and their already established familiar emotional shell... Someone cannot withstand this withdrawal - and then the so-called “Saturnian” death may even occur (28 years is the time one revolution of Saturn around the Sun).

28 - 35 years old is a time of heightened attention to the opinions of others. Any condemning word is taken very seriously - as they say, it hits hard. Any praise inspires me. There is active socialization of the individual.

By the way, social conflicts We usually experience this once every 5 years. This applies to all aspects of public life. Regardless of whether you are starting a family or your own company, in five years serious problems will definitely begin. These are growing pains. They are natural and will even benefit you if your endeavor has healthy potential. Then, after 2 years, the process reaches a new positive level. If there is no potential, then the peak of the crisis will be followed by two years of painful agony and inevitable fiasco.

So, when applying for a job, be sure to inquire about the age of the company and wait to enter into a relationship with a company that is 4.5 years old: you still need to see how it gets through its 5-year crisis.

Spiritual, creative and ideological processes also experience moments of crisis, but every 9 years.

At the age of 35, the second period of life shocks begins, which are designed to strengthen the spirit: beating again determines consciousness! By this age, a person must have time to fully define himself in society. Having come of age is another, more mature step towards understanding yourself and achieving inner harmony. The bodily matrix is ​​linked into a single whole with the spiritual matrix.

The age of 35 is difficult for people - it is better not to change jobs or start a new business at this time. 36 - it's time to adjust own worldview, bring the spirit to high quality new level development. If this is not done, the coming 37 may become fatal - as they did for Pushkin, Yesenin, Mayakovsky... Having completed their primary mission on Earth, the great ones did not begin a new one - and their further stay here, in accordance with the laws of nature, became senseless...

42 - 49 years old is a time of spiritual self-knowledge on a new, more mature level. A woman often suddenly, out of nowhere, has a convulsive desire to give birth! Maybe she simply doesn’t realize that she only feels the need to give birth to herself as a new person - in full accordance with the requirements of nature?! Giving birth in the literal sense is not recommended in any case: since you are living through the age of spiritual self-knowledge, a small child now is a false step and vanity that lowers you to the biological level of development. And this is a step back, going against the evolutionary requirements of nature.

If by the age of 49 the process of self-knowledge by a person is not completed, the person becomes uninteresting to his own spirit: nature does not need “spiritual empty flowers.” There is a natural liquidation of the physical body... The rest are encouraged to even more actively improve the mature union of a full-fledged healthy body and an increasingly demanding spirit, which has been hard-earned and built over the years. It is necessary to develop as a person, to build up potential, gaining rewards in social and personal life. In this way, the onset of 56 years is being prepared: an age so important that for many it becomes the time of the second “Saturnian” crisis. Or - the second “Saturnian” death... For women, this time is characterized by the onset of menopause: you often want to give up on your own life, become a grandmother and isolate yourself from the world with diapers. But, on the contrary, you need to take care of yourself, your spirit and live, rejoicing in the fact that you finally passed this difficult exam under code number “56”!

The next crisis is 63 years old, several of which have already been spent in retirement. In our country, a person’s pension provision is calculated for three years of his life, which, in principle, is correct: if a man of sixty is deprived of the opportunity for active social activities, he will not live longer. The longevity of academicians is explained by the fact that they never retire, continuing to live in science. It's simple: they are interesting to society, and they are always interested in life! 7 years before the 70th birthday fly by unnoticed, and then they also make a discovery - riding on a white horse, as they say, into the next “reward period”! (see "Iroquois").

As for mere mortals, knowledge of critical ages helps them protect themselves from a lot of unpleasant surprises and problems that they should be able to explain without allowing them to turn into a snowball. Everything is cyclical in this world, everything takes us to a new, more high level. You just need to remember this and not have complexes every time about the natural ups and downs that are inevitable. We live according to inevitable laws: spiritual, creative, biological and social. The ability to obey them is the basis of a long, dynamic and creative life.
Rector of the “International Institute of Social Ecology”
V.V. Gubanov and the magazine "LADY-TIME"

Rector of the International Institute of Social Ecology Vyacheslav Gubanov about critical ages: how to prepare for them and how to live through them.

- “If I knew where to fall, I’d spread some straw...”, “an expensive egg for Christ’s day...”. Or here’s another: “A spoon is dear to dinner.” All these and many other such different sayings and proverbs are essentially about the same thing: everything must be done on time. Popular wisdom, as always, is right! In our lives, everything is so scheduled and programmed that there is simply no extra time. Man is a fruit of nature, ripening extremely slowly. From the point of view of the science that our institute deals with, until the age of 49, he remains in the state of a “spiritual embryo”, which all this time prepares itself for adult life and passes and passes exams... For each of the 49 years, he is given a “flight task” , which determines what he needs to do in the near future. And at the end of this period there is a strict check: whether it was completed or not. Such a school of life with 49 classes...

49 - this is seven times seven years, separating the crisis (critical) ages. From them, in fact, the ladder of life is formed: from step to step, forward - and up, to the top!

Alas, this does not work out for everyone. Sorry for such an example - but if we take a walk through the cemetery and look at the age of those who lie there, we will see that, basically, these are “bad students” who incorrectly solved the proposed problem, failed the “exam” - and therefore were expelled from the school of life . If we know exactly what we should do and how we should do it, and we do it, we are “promoted to the next class.” So it turns out that the advice to do everything on time is an urgent necessity! As they say, forewarned is forearmed. If you want to be an excellent student in life, do your homework regularly! Solve your problems and move on with your life. But we need to decide honestly. The student logic “there are exams twice a year, but let the dean’s office worry about that” will not work in our case. Real life has different rules: you can’t buy a diploma and you can’t pass a unified exam. Here everyone has their own path, and everyone, as they say in the East, touches the stones of their path.

If you know what is coming, and from this position you evaluate everything that happens to you, then you do not suffer and worry in vain at turning points, maintaining philosophical calm and the ability to enjoy life.

Attention to the table!

I developed this 7 by 7 matrix in 2001 and was very proud to see in practice that it worked. Until I realized, having visited the library of a Buddhist monastery in India, that everything was invented long before me. However, I nevertheless approached compiling this table on my own and even improved it somewhat compared to the ancient one. So, according to my data, after 49 years the table changes in dimension and becomes voluminous - since additional new laws begin to govern a person’s life.

As for the basic “7x7” matrix, it is generated by the fundamental phenomenon that in the human body there are seven main chakras - energy functional centers. The leading chakra of the year (vertical columns) determines the task for this year. The horizontal line is the leading chakra for the next seven years. Their intersection at a certain age confronts a person with main task, which must be addressed at the appropriate level.

So, during the first year of life a person develops his immune system; during the second - sexual; in the third year he learns to independently ensure his own survival: he eats himself, cleans up after himself...

Up to a year, the child is completely dependent on his mother and experiences his first crisis age precisely in the year when he is weaned from his mother’s breast. Then he leaves the protection of his mother, becomes very vulnerable and especially needs the careful attitude of all those who surround him. At three years of age, the spirit of the growing person is connected to the body, and we suddenly notice a developing personality. The father begins to pay attention to his own child, who previously perceived him only as a kind of sexual competitor, who suddenly switched all the powers and emotions of his beloved wife to himself. Dad suddenly realizes that a very interesting creature with his own ideas about life is growing up very close by!

TO 5 years the spirit grows stronger, and its owner begins to think - and often in a very original way! At the age of 7, the little person finally develops a sense of responsibility. Right now he is ready to enter school: only by this time his brain acquires the biological ability to perceive learning. Child prodigies, as we know, do exist - but, alas, they usually do not live up to the brilliant hopes placed on them in their youth. I don’t remember a large number of famous politicians, scientists or diplomats who grew up from child prodigies. Why? Yes, because everything needs to be done on time. And the child, having fully lived his childhood, must grow up on time! There is no need to try to steal from him natural emotions, playtime and the experience of a carefree life, which are absolutely necessary for a person in adulthood. After all, it is on this foundation that he will build his full life!

IN 7 years a child from the “first floor” moves to the “second”: the period of puberty begins (see table), which will last up to 14 years. At the age of 9, the spirit of the opposite sex begins to have a strong influence on him! (It is possible that in his previous life he lived in a body of the opposite sex - otherwise, how could so much of the masculine and feminine principles be mixed in each of us?!).

In me, for example, women often feel a subtle nature that understands them. And this feminine spirit of my past life manifests itself through the current male body. If two spiritual principles, masculine and feminine, coexist in us on equal terms, only then does a balanced, harmonious and mature personality emerge, with the happy ability to manifest those qualities that are needed at the moment: either fully masculine or feminine...

So, in 9 year old age, the current gender of the individual is being confirmed. A person receives “hello” from the previous, deceased body in the form of the soul that he inherited. Many, even quite normal, children begin to experience a terrible fear of death at this time. Few people talk about it, but it often becomes the cause of childhood neuroses. The guys are embarrassed by this and try to independently look for answers to the questions that torment them in various literature. By the way, this is where this irrepressible craving for “horror” films comes from: fear must somehow spill out, be neutralized!..

You can try to mitigate the crisis at the age of 9 by promptly and correctly providing a person with useful information about the world order, and introducing him to the laws of evolution in a language he understands. And explain that death in a specific image certainly means birth in another... This way you can free his emotions from negativity, calm him down - and life will become brighter. A person who understands the laws of the universe can no longer be so easily unbalanced or intimidated...

17 years- the time of demand to meet growing needs at any cost: give me money, super jeans, a super mobile phone!.. This is normal. Interest in earning money appears only a year later, at 18. It is at this age that we fall madly in love, sometimes even trying to start a family. In fact, it is a “terrible” age, because at this time the former life of our spirit again reminds itself of itself: now - in the form of the social unrealization of its former bearer. Throwing, ambitions, grievances... It’s good, after all, that “once in a lifetime it happens...”!

The next critical age is 21 years old, finishing the construction of the body frame from below to the waist. That's all - the third, bodily, chakra gained working momentum and began to breathe evenly and powerfully!

Attention to the “Iroquois”!

That's what we call this scheme. From birth to the age of 21, human life develops in such a way and presents such tough lessons that this time can well be characterized as follows: “beating determines consciousness”! Alas, a person under 21 years of age can talk as much as he wants about conscience, duty, decency: he will know these concepts, but will not be able to feel them. The period of spiritual self-knowledge begins at the age of 21 and continues until the age of 28. Biologically, this is expressed in the activation of the parietal zone of the brain. A person learns to think about his actions, analyze and evaluate them.

The first truly global crisis awaits us at the age of 28, when for the first time we are presented with a serious bill for the past years. Three months before or three months after your 28th birthday, a two-week stretch of truly unbearable life begins! Events unfold in your memory vividly, they hit you painfully, and you feel like your previous life was absolutely worthless. Before moving on to the next stage of life, this serious “cleansing” must be experienced very carefully, without twitching or getting nervous. The fact is that until the age of 28, we are all children, from the point of view of the state of our energy field. Maturity comes suddenly and harshly. Entering the 29th year of life, many become complete strangers to both their body and their already established familiar emotional shell... Someone cannot withstand this withdrawal - and then the so-called “Saturnian” death may even occur (28 years is the time one revolution of Saturn around the Sun).

28 - 35 years old- a time of heightened attention to the opinions of others. Any condemning word is taken very seriously - as they say, it hits back. Any praise inspires me. There is active socialization of the individual.

By the way, we usually experience social conflicts once every 5 years. This applies to all aspects of public life. Regardless of whether you are starting a family or your own company, in five years serious problems will definitely begin. These are growing pains. They are natural and will even benefit you if your endeavor has healthy potential. Then, after 2 years, the process reaches a new positive level. If there is no potential, then the peak of the crisis will be followed by two years of painful agony and inevitable fiasco.

So, when applying for a job, be sure to inquire about the age of the company and wait to enter into a relationship with a company that is 4.5 years old: you still need to see how it gets through its 5-year crisis.

Spiritual, creative and ideological processes also experience moments of crisis, but every 9 years.

At 35 years old the second period of life shocks begins, which are designed to strengthen the spirit: the beating again determines consciousness! By this age, a person must have time to fully define himself in society. The coming age is another, more mature step towards understanding oneself and achieving inner harmony. The bodily matrix is ​​linked into a single whole with the spiritual matrix.

The age of 35 is difficult for people - it is better not to change jobs or start a new business at this time. 36 - it’s time to adjust your own worldview, to bring your spirit to a qualitatively new level of development. If this is not done, the coming 37 may become fatal - as they did for Pushkin, Yesenin, Mayakovsky... Having completed their primary mission on Earth, the great ones did not begin a new one - and their further stay here, in accordance with the laws of nature, became meaningless. ..

42 - 49 years old- a time of spiritual self-knowledge on a new, more mature level. A woman often suddenly, out of nowhere, has a convulsive desire to give birth! Maybe she simply doesn’t realize that she only feels the need to give birth to herself as a new person - in full accordance with the requirements of nature?! It is not recommended to literally give birth under any circumstances: since you are living through the age of spiritual self-knowledge, Small child now is a false step and vanity that lowers you to the biological level of development. And this is a step back, going against the evolutionary requirements of nature.

If by the age of 49 the process of self-knowledge by a person is not completed, the person becomes uninteresting to his own spirit: nature does not need “spiritual empty flowers.” There is a natural liquidation of the physical body... The rest are invited to even more actively improve the mature union of a full-fledged healthy body and an increasingly demanding spirit, which has been hard-earned and built over the years. It is necessary to develop as a person, build potential, and gain rewards in social and personal life. In this way the attack is prepared 56 years old: an age so responsible that for many it becomes the time of the second “Saturnian” crisis. Or - the second “Saturnian” death... For women, this time is characterized by the onset of menopause: you often want to give up on your own life, become a grandmother and isolate yourself from the world with diapers. But, on the contrary, you need to take care of yourself, your spirit and live, rejoicing in the fact that you finally passed this difficult exam under code number “56”!

The next crisis is 63 years old, of which several years have already been spent in retirement. Our pension provision for a person is designed for three years of his life, which, in principle, is correct: if a man of sixty is deprived of the opportunity for active social activity, he will not live longer. The longevity of academics is explained by the fact that they never retire, continuing their life in science. It's simple: they are interesting to society, and they are always interested in life! 7 years before the 70th birthday fly by unnoticed, and then they also make a discovery - riding on a white horse, as they say, into the next “reward period”! (see "Iroquois").

As for mere mortals, knowledge of critical ages helps them protect themselves from a lot of unpleasant surprises and problems that they should be able to explain without allowing them to turn into a snowball. Everything is cyclical in this world, everything takes us to a new, higher level. You just need to remember this and not have complexes every time about the natural ups and downs that are inevitable. We live according to inevitable laws: spiritual-creative, biological and social. The ability to obey them is the basis of a long, dynamic and creative life.

Rector of the “International Institute of Social Ecology”V.V. Gubanov and "LADY-TIME" magazine

S.V. Zolotorov.

What is the perception matrix and how to use it

“Neither condemnation nor approval will change the Truth that IS.”

The perception matrix or individual filter is a kind of mask consisting of a certain number and unique arrangement of windows - holes through which we perceive the entire World around us. It’s as if we put a cardboard with cut-out windows on the text and through the windows we see certain letters, which we then compose into words and through this process we obtain the necessary information. But each of us has our own unique matrix.

The amount of information received depends on the degree of complexity of the perception matrix, i.e. on the number of windows, their sizes and relative positions. We can change all these parameters both in the direction of improving the process of receiving information and in the direction of reducing the received flow. The matrix, of course, is not cardboard, it is a wave formation that has a certain set of frequency harmonics with which we can resonate. It turns out that you can customize both the perception matrix and ourselves.

Ideally, we should be tuned exactly to what is available to us at this stage spiritual development matrix of perception. But that doesn't happen. We are all human beings (more on this below) introducing distortions into the perceived harmonics due to the fact that in these very harmonics (and not necessarily just color or sound, any vibrations in general) we unwittingly mix the frequencies of our emotional vibrations, from which ours are woven astral essential or energy information bodies.

It must be said that no Personality has the entire set of vibrations. Vibrations have to accumulate throughout the entire path of spiritual development. The set of all vibrations precisely means the moment of complete merging with God. That's why we are all so different. At least in our part of the Universe. But in those areas where the sets of harmonics are standard and the process of interweaving in a strictly specified order all kinds of harmonics, but predetermined, vibrations are coming evenly and equally distributed, these are precisely those parts of the Universe where Gray Personalities, as I have defined them, are found. There, even Love is defined differently. Somehow necessary mechanical, without shuddering in all bodies and without unusual warmth spreading throughout all bodies.

Here I used the word GRAY to designate a calm, without outbursts, process of spiritual development. But if you look deeper, then a uniform path of development, like a smooth highway, lulls the Soul and does not give it the variety of experience as during falls and ups. Those. there is no dynamism of the development process (with braking and acceleration), which means there are no those side harmonics that make the main colors of the AURA unique, playful, from which you cannot take your eyes off. Again, the purity of color can only be assessed in comparison with something of equal value, but different in composition. And when all auras are of the same set of colors without harmonics, then there is nothing to compare with. It's boring, though. And from boredom to indifference there is only one step. So, the Gold color can also be Gray if there is a lot of gold and it all shines evenly. This makes the eyes quickly get tired, which means the rods turn off and the cones turn on (or vice versa, I don’t remember exactly about daytime and twilight vision).

What a long way to go there. Even the Pleiadians are developing along a smoother and calmer path, although they also participated in wars and civil strife. But their difficulties in communication and mutual understanding are mere child’s play compared to ours.

That is why the entire nearby Cosmos is surprised how, in such an atmosphere of mutual embitterment, we can still somehow move forward along the path to merging with God. This is what surprises and attracts everyone to our region, as to a closed laboratory where unique experiments are carried out. Do you know how many observers there are around the Earth now? All tickets have been sold. So we have a full house and therefore the performance will take place under any conditions.

Naturally, I have my own matrix filter. If I declared that I was speaking the ultimate Truth, you would all have the right to send me to hell.

I am sharing my vision of the World and the Anti-World, as well as the Volumetric World and our section of the Universe.

I once again emphasize the fact that we are developing within a strictly defined section of the Universe within God in volumetric space. And from here it follows that at this stage of spiritual development we cannot operate with an infinite set of harmonics (vibrations). In our area of ​​the Universe, this set is still limited, and the quality of harmonics differs significantly from the quality of harmonics in neighboring areas. And yet, before the end of Brahma’s current day (this is a little less than half of the path traveled, I don’t know how many years) we will not yet merge with God. We will not merge with him for many more days of Brahma, because we are just entering the volumetric world, i.e. we acquire our own three-dimensional personality, ceasing to be its shadow on a plane. We have a long journey ahead of us through other parts of the Universe, where we will weave completely new harmonics, both in quality and quantity, into the existing framework of vibrations. And this is not necessary; there can be feelings and experiences, as we imagine them now. But the fact that our frame already consists of established emotions, fused with the help of an impulse ring into post-incarnation experience, makes us unique Personalities, which in turn imposes on us a special responsibility to Personalities from other parts of the Universe. We are not exceptional (in the sense of God's special love). No. We're more extreme, or something. And that’s why we are being studied now and will continue to be studied, because we are a walking library of unique harmonics. Now, if the whole experiment with us is completely successful (before the end of Brahma’s day), then God will use this experience in the next days of Brahma to build other sections of the Universe. God is also evolving. It would be illogical if he did nothing in terms of development. What an example he would set for us. That is why our task is the desire to merge with God, but not the merger itself. And it’s unlikely that we will catch up with Father in the foreseeable future.

Now I will try to use my perception matrix and explain who PEOPLE are and who PEOPLE are.

I don’t want to call the representatives of the Humanoid formation of the Earth the word PEOPLE due to the fact that PEOPLE are those who flew from the star to bring discord into the society of the satellites of the God of Love and Joy (translation from Sanskrit). This happened at the dawn of the Atlantic civilization, about 25-30 thousand years ago. I have nothing against the Jewish people, but they are the descendants of PEOPLE. And those entities that began their path of spiritual development at the dawn of the Lemurian civilization, when division by gender occurred, should be called PEOPLE - those who participate in the games of the God of Love and Joy, while acquiring wisdom that helps to understand the world around us and connect with God (translation from Sanskrit).

But at the moment, both PEOPLE AND PERSONS have already partially merged with their essences, composing, enriching, and impoverishing each other at the same time. If at the dawn of the fifth race the information system Satan had not intervened in the process of spiritual development of humanoids, then the merger of both humanoid branches would have been more effective and with fewer negative consequences. But there is still an artificially maintained barrier that separates PEOPLE and PEOPLE from the final merger. In the distortion of Language as a means of receiving and issuing information, in different groups The system of Satan is also to blame for the former Aryans. The same system also successfully carried out a project to block Divine abilities (telepathy, clairvoyance, the ability to levitate, etc.) among representatives of the Humanoid formation on Earth.

Yes! Space is inhabited by Humanoids, among whom there are PEOPLE. But HUMANS are a unique branch of the Humanoid formation, specially created on planet Earth through the joint efforts of many Humanoid civilizations. We carry within us the heritage of at least three major groups of Humanoids. But Reptoids and Insectoids also managed to mix their essence into us, albeit in very small quantities. That is why they are constantly studying us and trying to split us into parts (a method of studying inherent to the Dark Ones). They cannot understand how practically incompatible parts - love and hatred, curiosity and indifference, selfishness and altruism - can coexist in one set of essentials. Moreover, none of the Dark Ones understand how the Spark of God in the form of a Divine monad can fit within us, which gives us the potential opportunity to develop indefinitely and ultimately merge with God.

None of the representatives of technogenic civilizations can teach us anything. And they understand this very well. We just don’t remember a lot at this stage of development. We still have to remember the details of the structure of the Universe. And then we no longer need, there will be technical tricks on which Technogens depend.

We are HUMANOIDS. Our path to further development lies through the development and use of SPIRITUAL PRACTICES and through knowledge of the World through ourselves, and not through others. We are as one a big library, which originally contained all the wisdom of the Universe. But there is no need to be proud about this. We still need to learn how to use this library. And this is a long process that requires enormous effort and patience.

There are also inertial processes that were launched at the dawn of the birth of humanoid civilization, in the form of wars and all types of violence. This is our dowry from reptoids and insectoids. Right now is the moment in time when our formation must get rid of violence through violence. People are not yet completely tired of the horrors of tyranny, because its outbreaks were and still are local in nature (not counting the two world wars of the past century). But now the moment will come when violence will spread throughout Earth immediately and simultaneously. Do not misunderstand me. I'm not intimidating anyone. I am stating an impending fact. Moreover, it is approaching inexorably.

But you don’t need to be afraid of fear, but you need to accept it, realize it and overcome it. In connection with this question, another one immediately arises - if you do not accept violence in any form, then how will you behave in a situation where you or your loved ones are killed or raped? This is the main question that everyone must decide for themselves now, this minute. And once you decide, continue to act that way.

We also have Pride (not to be confused with Pride), the most terrible vice, which is branded by all orthodox confessions. You just need to get rid of this vice not in last resort, but at the very first. Pride is not just a weight on your feet and blinders on your eyes. This is something more serious and dangerous. This is precisely the so-called original sin Adam and Eve. According to modern concepts, Pride is an implant, something like a chip, but at the level of astral energies. This chip, with certain stimulation from outside, but with the internal consent of its carrier, is capable of creating a field of a specific frequency, such as a polarized film. A person shrouded in this field is not able to hear and see the inner world of other people, which means he is not able to empathize and sympathize with other people. The introduction of Pride into the energy structure of humanoids was carried out by the Satan system as a preventive measure in order to neutralize spiritual potential. If this had not been done in time, then the humanoid civilization on Earth would have long ago mastered en masse both the astral and lower mental planes. And this would greatly displace the reptoites and insectoids. At the same time, all DNA helices were folded, except for two, which are responsible for survival in physical conditions and for physical reproduction. It is quite difficult to get rid of the effects of the Pride implant, but it is possible. What is important is the inner desire to hear your interlocutor, no matter who he is. It is also important not to support empty disputes about anything for the purpose of conditional self-affirmation. Every thought and word must be clearly formulated and clearly expressed. In general, you need to talk less, and think and listen more. Silence is not just golden. This is primarily a cure for Pride. For humanoids, communication with sounds is generally not typical due to their great spiritual potential. The telepathic method of communication is more suitable for us. But the technogenic path of development, imposed on us by our enslavers, creates a lot of man-made noise in the near-Earth space. That is why the telepathic abilities of many earthlings have practically atrophied, but not completely. They can be restored. This can be compared to a dry mushroom that regains its original shape when immersed in water.

The formation of humanoids carries within itself a mass of unmanifested potentials that will begin to manifest themselves in the near future. And this will be a big surprise not so much for us, but for the entire universe around us. God the Father made a very subtle and sweet joke on all of us. It's worth appreciating.

In terms of revealing potential, there are also a number of recommendations. This is all the same as what I said before. Consumption of large quantities clean water, vegetarianism, fruitarianism, speculative pumping of cosmic energy flows through oneself, pure and naive faith in God.

Nothing happens in our universe by chance and without the will of God (I won’t talk about other universes - I don’t know anything about them). And these are not empty words, but a deep inner conviction based on the knowledge gained. And all manifestations of personality (through any qualities) are already predetermined by God’s master plan. It depends on us how deeply we will work through the situations offered to us, and what lesson we will learn from it. Let’s say that when we say that a child reaches adolescence at the age of 12-14, this does not mean that all children at this age will drink, smoke, run away from home, etc. and so on. It’s just that at this age the rhythm of the ongoing processes changes both in the physical body and in the energetic skeleton at the same time. And how a person will pass this age, what lessons he will have time to learn, depends both on the karmic plan and on the individual himself. But they still know about the existence of this point in the plan in advance. What is unknown is the specific implementation of the details of the plan.

And although the details are embodied differently for everyone, the set of embodiment combinations has a finite number, which, in principle, can be calculated long before the onset of adolescence. But it is at this age that Pride begins to manifest itself. The first stimulator of its manifestation is the child’s puberty and his formation as an individual. Those. the process of heating up passions begins, and the Pride chip comes into operation as a thermal sensor to prevent overheating. Therefore, it was precisely at this age before 1992 and at the age of 8 to 10 years after this year that children should not see scenes of violence (especially sexual violence), should not feel like outcasts and useless to anyone, but should feel constant unobtrusive attention to yourself and feel the waves of kindness and selfless love. In this case, the Pride chip will start working in standby mode, which can be controlled. It will turn on anyway, these are the rules of the game, but the consequences of its inclusion in standby mode are not comparable to the beginning of its operation in nominal or forced mode.

Of course, even Pride makes its contribution to the process of learning a person, especially attempts to get rid of it or at least neutralize it. There is nothing superfluous or impossible in the universe. But no ego can contain the Glory of God, much less be able to appropriate it, but even the Son of God is not able to try on this far from abstract outfit on his shoulders. The Radiance of God has such transcendental frequencies and energy-informational characteristics that you and I can hardly have even a shadow of a shadow of understanding of such quantities in our minds. And another aspect of this phenomenon is expressed in the fact that God is never above anyone. We are all parts of God. Can you single out your favorite and least favorite cells in your body? Try this and then cherish one and punish the other. And how can one cell live even for a moment on its own, isolated from other cells, without a centralized supply of nutrients and oxygen?

You will say that there are also cancer cells that can destroy the entire body. Yes, there are. These are precisely the cells in which Pride has taken over. In these cases, surgery helps. Anything that threatens the integrity of the body is removed. After all, there is a limit to any patience. Even the Divine.

There are also NON-HUMANS on Earth. Nonhumans are neither PEOPLE nor PEOPLE. Non-humans are either people from the animal world (true children of the Earth, young SOULS) or representatives of the Anti-World (who came to the World as a student exchange). Again, not all non-humans are negative heroes who only do harm to entities developing in the direct direction. No and no again. Non-humans who find themselves in our World are given a chance to change the direction of spiritual development from reverse to direct (increasing the vibrations of their essential components). However, the Dark Ones have everything under strict accounting and control. They very quickly figure out who is who immediately when the entity enters the next round of incarnation. And, as a rule, non-humans are used as their residents, saboteurs or simply saboteurs in our World. Although there are cases when the Light Ones managed to take under their protection a non-human who had not yet matured in a specific worldview and helped her begin the process of returning to the thorny road to God.

AND HUMANS were created by HUMANOIDS, if we talk about a set of bodies, i.e. essential components of personality. But the Spark of God in the form of the Divine Monad was given by the Father Himself. Therefore, PEOPLE, with complete trust in their Higher Self and with a naive and selfless Faith in God, can operate a direct channel with the Father, or rather with one of his emanations, which PEOPLE perceive as an unlimited data bank about the Universe and UNIVERSAL LOVE.

GOD THE FATHER is not somewhere out there, far away. HE is everywhere. We are only a small part of HIS, and quite an important part, conducting his WILL, LOVE and, for now, CONSCIOUSNESS on the plane of our realities. And when our triangle of selfhood grows into a pyramid, and the top of this pyramid - AWARENESS - fully works for us, we ourselves will become teachers and curators of the entities of other planes of reality, which are already the people from our World, whom we know as Saints and Ascended Teachers.

But right now, HUMANOIDS in general and PEOPLE in particular are entrusted with the most difficult task of reorganizing our section of the Universe into a universal School of Incarnational Experience based on the desire to merge with God. And so that life does not seem like honey, the Father has laid down a kind of intrigue in the face of the civilizations of the Dark Ring and Antiworld. But this generally conditional struggle makes the process of spiritual development of all entities better, both in terms of the depth of elaboration of the assigned tasks, and in the clearer formulation of these same tasks.

There are areas in the Universe where spiritual development has proceeded and continues without a hitch. So there, literally, grayness, averageness and nivilism predominate. The father must go through this too, but he needs us more now, since we give him more experience and options for further construction of the next sections of the Universe. This process is eternal and endless. True, with a break for sleep at the end of Brahma Day. Well, in the morning a new working day begins. Everything is like ours. More precisely, we are like the FATHER.

And in terms of the intrigue laid down by God, we can say the following that, in fact, the series of disasters that have already begun on Earth is designed to reveal the full potential of HUMANS, and on the verge of the impossible.

I remember that as a child I really didn’t like to climb over fences, and therefore I didn’t know how. But one day, when the boys and I climbed into someone else’s garden to pick apples, a huge dog jumped out of the ground. I don’t remember how I flew over a one and a half meter fence, barely touching it. And I came to my senses only a hundred or more meters away, having run them, in my opinion, in less than ten seconds. Here you have two records, uncharacteristic for a child of twelve years old.

Of course, now the situation will be much worse and more complicated. But still, this is, by and large, just a game. Therefore, all disasters must be treated playfully, but with full confidence in yourself and your potentialities (opportunities). Without this, no one will be able to survive the impending cataclysms.

Songs also exist for a reason, and good poems too. Even the ancient Aryans, getting ready for battle, sang cheerful songs and danced boldly. But after the battle it’s not a sin to cry. Yes, openly, and with bright tears.

I don’t know why, but since childhood I was excited by storms and strong wind. The anticipation of bad weather gave me joy and a desire to measure my strength against the storm. But not blindly, but wisely. Who will outwit whom? Only by dodging and getting into a position that is convenient for you can you defeat a blind, blockbuster force, first by exhausting it, bringing it to a white heat with your calmness and joy in your eyes, and then successfully directing its own blow at the force itself.

Under no circumstances should you lower your arms and head. First of all, you need to do everything that your current duty requires of you (everyone has their own). But we shouldn’t forget about self-education. Don't waste your time. If someone is destined to die, he will die anyway, but with already developed potential. And who else will pull the burden on Earth until 2012, especially, we need to prepare for this.

Yes! Soon the Elements will roam in full force and power. But the Elements don’t even suspect that they are harming any of us. We are not even ants to them. When you walk along a forest path, you don’t go around every ant and bug. You slap yourself forward, well, sometimes you go around a branch, and only because you might trip over it.

But there is also another blind force. This is the power of hatred and the desire to destroy one’s own kind. But this is also akin to a storm or hurricane, although it is true that one can and must fight against it. These are the rules of the game. No one will be able to sit on the sidelines anymore. Moreover, the division into light and dark will no longer be conditional, but actual. And we will fight for life not with words and convictions, but with fists and weapons. So master martial arts techniques and use of weapons, at least cold ones. Learn to camouflage yourself in the area and set up hidden shelters. Learn to survive autonomously without hope of any help. And as strange as it may sound, you will even have to learn how to deceive (not your own, but the enemy). This is how the porridge is brewed. Oh, let's also get plenty of adventure. Later, on Gaia, there will be something to remember and laugh from the heart. In the meantime, you will have to grit your teeth and only occasionally sing an encouraging song or cry bright tears.

May GOD bless you all on the thorny path to the TRUTH!

Alexander and Tamara Belyi The Secret Doctrine of the Days of the Apocalypse Book 2. The Matrix

Bely Alexander, Belaya Tamara

The Ship of the Universe "Dedicated to those who betrayed God..."

Fate of the Almena Crystal

In this article we will consider a number of basic concepts of the science of Kabbalah and analyze the connection of these concepts with the “energy matrix of the Universe.” In particular, let us consider the Kabbalistic “Tree of Life” (“Yetz Chaim”), which reflects the schematic structure of the world.

Tree of Life – Tree of Sephiroth ( sefirot ) (Kabbalah) : "Kabbalah(Hebrew: קַבָּלָה‎, “ receiving, acceptance, surrender") is a spiritual teaching in Judaism, the main sources of which are considered to be the Jewish religious books Yetzirah, Bagir (Bahir), Zohar (Zohar) and the writings of the Ari (Rabbi Isaac Luria Ashkenazi, also known as the Arizal). Kabbalah has directly or indirectly influenced many philosophers and scientists throughout history and has gained significant popularity in last years. Many Jewish movements of recent centuries are based on Kabbalah, in particular such significant ones as Hasidism and religious Zionism. Albert Pike spoke of the importance of the Qabalah as the key to Masonic esotericism.

Tree structure. Tree of Life(universe), also known as the Tree of Sephiroth, is the result of the emanation of 10 sephiroth from the Unknown ( Ein sof) and 22 paths (letters of the Hebrew alphabet). From the first to the tenth sephiroth the process of compaction occurs and in the last the material world is formed. Sometimes (they are) compared to 10 dimensions.

The theological idea behind the Sephiroth - the barrier between the infinity of the Creator and the soul of man. Kabbalah says that a person cannot accept the spiritual “light” as it is, and therefore, before it reaches a person, the light must “ shrink", passing through the layers of Sephiroth. Each Sephira (Sephira) has its own name and meaning:

The top three Sephiroth are called the “Sephiroth of the Mind”:

Keter- crown, crown.

Hochma– wisdom.

Bina- understanding.

The seven lower Sephiroth are called the "Sephiroth of Feelings":

Hesed- mercy, mercy.

Gevurah- valor, heroism, power.

Tiphareth– magnificence.

Netzach- eternity.

Move- glory, greatness.

Yesod- the basis.

Malchut- kingdom.

Besides this, there is an invisible sephiroth (sefira), Daat, not included in the standard numbering - “Invisible Sephiroth DAATkeys of knowledge(knowledge, cognition). (Vulcan, Chiron)."

In accordance with the book of Zohar, each sphere contains ten more spheres, and so on ad infinitum. Above the first sphere – kether – there is the infinite light of the Creator, also called simple light. The name of God at this level is “Atsmuto Itbarah.” The infinite Light passes freely through the spheres of Keter, Hochma and reaches the three upper spheres (“Gimel Rishonot”) contained in Bina. At this level there is eternal, unclouded perfection. Bina is also called paradise. Below Gimel Rishonot Bina a narrow stream of light passes through, which, having contracted many times, reaches the lower sphere - Malchut(malkuth). The lowest part of Malchut(malkuth) is our material world. As it rises, a person’s soul can reach the Gimel Rishonot Bina, but it will be possible to go beyond this level only after "final correction" of the world (gmar tikkun).

Rice. 1. Kabbalistic “Tree of Sephiroth” – “Tree of Life”. The zigzag yellow line is called – Sword of Truth.

The tree of life is divided into right, left and middle parts. Spheres on the right side– Hochma, Hesed and Netzach – symbolize property of giving(which is considered masculine), and spheres on the left side– Bina, Gevurah and Hod – symbolize desire to receive, considered feminine. Also, the right side is associated with light (Kedushah), and the left with darkness (Tuma) and dark forces (Sitra Achra).

Kabbalistic sources tell a legend that The Creator created the right forceschesed, which represent absolute mercy - the ability to forgive even the most serious sin, and created left forces- gevurah who symbolize a death sentence(gzira) for any offense. Seeing that right and left cannot exist on their own, He created the "middle line"(kav ha-emtsa) – spheres depicted on the tree in the middle, symbolizing the balance between giving and receiving. The midline is also called Israel. The spheres depicted on the tree at the same level are approximately equal in strength, but right(part) a little stronger than the left. The right forces were created to give us joy, and the left ones to speed up the process of our development(“material transformation”).

Each sphere manifests masculine properties in relation to the underlying one, and female in relation to the overlying sphere (the right one is considered a little more high than the left). The relationship between the two spheres is called “zivug” (lit. pairing). The lowest sphere – Malchut – has an exclusively female character.

In the book “Shlavei Sulam”, Malchut is compared to the moon, because, like the moon, it does not have its own glow, but can only shine with reflected light.

There is a correspondence between the spheres and six possible directions: north - gevurah, south – chesed, East - tiphareth, west – Malchut(malkut), up – netzach, down - move.

Each of the seven lower sephiroth corresponds to a personality from the Tanakh, the seven personalities are also called “ seven shepherds" (in order): Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Moshe, Aaron, Joseph, David. On the seven-day holiday of Sukkot, each day corresponds to one of the “ shepherds" The structure of the Sephiroth is also called tree of life.

The process of creation.

According to the teachings of Kabbalah, the Creator created the world by pronouncing the letters of the Hebrew alphabet. This process was first described by Abraham in the most ancient Kabbalistic work - Sepher Yetzirah (Book of Creation).

Man and woman were created as a vessel. The Creator wanted to fill it with light. Together with the light, the vessel took on the properties of the Creator fill(to give), but since the vessel could not do this, it refused the light of the Creator ( and began to die) . Then the 10 Sephiroth were created to hide the perfection of the Creator ( and give the opportunity to exist for vessels with the capabilities that the Creator gave them).

The six lower Gevurah, Hesed, Tiphareth, Od (Hod), Netzach, Yesod created the physical world, in which we can only receive the reflected light of the Creator.”

Spiritual worlds in Kabbalah

This system of worlds is called the spiritual worlds of the ABYA system (Atzilut, Beria, Yetzira, Assiya).

Above these worlds is Ein-Sof - the Lord Himself:

Ein Sof

All Kabbalistic systems stem from the fundamental distinctive feature concerning the problem of the Divine. Abstractly speaking, it is possible to think of God either as God Himself, referring only to His own nature, or as God in His relation to His creation. However, all Kabbalists agree that there is no religious knowledge God, even the most sublime, cannot be reached except through reasoning about the relationship of God to creation.

God in Himself- the absolute Essence, is beyond any speculative or even ecstatic comprehension. To express this unknowable aspect of the Deity, the early Kabbalists of Provence and Spain introduced the concept of Ein-Sof ("Infinite"). This expression cannot be traced in the translation of Latin or Arabic philosophical terms....

Kabbalists see spiritual world like a series of steps, “layers”, through which “light” passes ( spirituality) from the Almighty. The lower the level, the less spiritual “light”, inspiration, the soul receives, since the “light” weakens as it passes through the layers.

The structure of worlds

Between the Almighty and the soul at the beginning of its spiritual development there are four “ spiritual world»:

Olam HaAtzilutworld of nobility. Atzilut– (from the word “etzel” - “near”). Higher from Four Worlds of Kabbalah, relating only to the pure Spirit of God, the control system of all lower worlds down to our world. Also known as the "World of Emanations". In the western direction of Kabbalah, each of the 10 sephirot is associated with the corresponding name of the Creator. ( Next come the worlds):

Olam HaBriyaworld of creation

Olam Hayeziraworld of creation, world of angels

Olam HaAsiyaworld of action

Each of these worlds is divided into layers called Sephiroth."

« From these four worlds created by God , three spiritual and one material.

World – Atzilut

The world is the first and highest. It is called “Atzilut” in Kabbalistic literature. There are many explanations for the meaning of this word, for example from the word “etzel”, which in Hebrew means “at”, “near”. This spiritual world is the highest, closest to God.

There are no boundaries in the world of Atzilut. This means that no one exists there except God, and cannot exist in principle.

World – Briya

The name of the next world can be translated as " created"(from the Hebrew verb "livroa" - to create). Elements of limitation and compression are already appearing in this world.

Only the seven most powerful angels live in the world of Beria. Their names: Michael, Gavriel, Raphael, Uriel, Tzadkiel, Yofiel, Raziel.

The oldest Jewish books say that Samael, Angel of Death, was also supposed to live in the world of Beria, but for persuading Adam and Eve to violate the commandments of God, he was “demoted in rank” and sent to the world below.

So, the first spiritual world, in which there is already some kind of structuring, is the world Bria. Kabbalah also says that in the world of Beria, “Gan Eden Elyon” is located - the highest paradise, where the souls of only a few righteous people go

An angel travels between the worlds of Beria and Yetzirah Metatron– Prince of the Divine Face, Standing before the Face of God.

Peace – Yetzirah

The world of Yetzirah... Its name means “ created" There are already clear boundaries here, and this world is quite densely populated.

Firstly, most of the angels responsible for any manifestations of the lower, material world, live in the world of Yetzirah. For example, here are the angels responsible for the movement of the planets. Azriel is responsible for the correctness of answers given in a dream.

Another of the inhabitants of the world of Yetzirah - Dluel– manages livestock. You can’t list them all, because there are countless angels.

Rice. 2. Symbolic image of the Tree of Life.

In the world of Yetzirah there is also “Gan Eden Takhton” - the lower paradise. The souls of almost all Jews go there after death - with the exception of a few completely notorious sinners. However, in the world of Yetzirah, an increasing distance from the Divine Light is already beginning to be felt. The more creatures, the more boundaries! And every border is a barrier between vessel And Source.

In the world of Yetzirah lives angel Metatron. Its functions are extensive and varied, its powers are great. For example, it is said that when a person reads a prayer and accidentally allows grammatical error, That angel Metatron corrects it and presents the prayer before the Creator safe and sound...

World - Asia

The material world – “ Asia" – comes from the verb “laasot”, do. Angels also exist in our world, but most of its creatures are rude ( more spiritually rough) and material ( subtly material) – they have a hard ( more dense) shell".