My ceiling wallpaper has peeled off, what should I do? How to glue wallpaper. Poor base preparation

After the renovation is completed, a slight euphoria sets in - the tedious process is left behind. Over time, large and small defects appear, for example, wallpaper begins to peel off. Let's figure out how to glue peeling wallpaper and return the finish to a presentable appearance, without the need to resort to a full-scale repair. It is not always possible to catch the moment of the appearance of the first waves or lagging corners. Ideally, flaws should be corrected immediately after discovery. Mini renovations help you cope with troubles and not plunge back into the state of unsettledness and discomfort that accompany home improvement work.

Pasting walls is the final stage and the main type of repair when renovating the interior. It is important not only to perfectly match the pattern and hide the joints. To avoid finding peeling strips on the floor the next morning, it’s worth learning more about the reasons:

  • Wall defects. Sinks in plaster and its crumbling, cracks, even small ones, and chips must be eliminated without fail. Flaws will indicate themselves as bubbles, waves and other damage to the finish.
  • Incorrectly selected glue. The composition is selected depending on the material from which the “lining” is made. Manufacturers indicate the required type of adhesive composition. Similar information is contained on the packaging of the composition itself. When purchasing, you may not pay attention to valuable information and find that the results of a labor-intensive process have come to naught.
  • Poor quality of wall preparation. To the complex preliminary work includes thorough surface cleaning, priming and leveling. TO final finishing start after completely dry fresh coat of plaster or primer. If you rush to start work, this will negatively affect the quality finishing. Problems may not appear immediately, but over time.
  • Failure to comply with the rules for creating a microclimate in the room after pasting. Recommended temperature Range– from 18°C ​​to 30°C. You cannot open windows and vents for several days. It is necessary to eliminate drafts and prevent direct sunlight from hitting the drying surface.
  • Uneven layer of glue when applying the composition. Omissions and insufficient impregnation with adhesive solution, especially around the edges, can cause unscheduled repairs.

Shortcomings on preparatory stage are fraught with problems after repair

The decoration of the room does not tolerate neglect of little things. Any of the risk factors leads to the need to pick up tools and arm yourself with patience.

Video educational program from the pros:

It is important to know! Preliminary pasting of special paper tape places where the edges and joints of the strips will be located prevents the finishing materials from falling behind.

Time, drafts and mistakes when pasting take their toll

Tools and devices for work

The arsenal of assistants is almost no different from the set that was necessary for pasting. This is a standard kit home handyman. However, for some devices you will have to go to a hardware store. Re-gluing peeling wallpaper has its own characteristics due to the limited working area. The following tools will be required:

  • Adhesive composition. This could be a mixture that was used for finishing, or a special glue for gluing wallpaper.
  • Brush for applying the adhesive mixture. When restoring a small area, it is recommended to choose a tool with a narrow working part - it is more convenient for them to coat a small piece. If half a strip has come off, use a regular wallpaper brush.
  • Rubberized roller. Necessary for “rolling out” the glued surface - press the material with a roller and smooth out the folds.
  • Narrow spatula. It will be needed to prepare the wall - to remove any remaining paper or crumbled plaster.
  • Large volume syringe. An indispensable assistant in eliminating bubbles.
  • Hairdryer A regular household appliance may be needed to heat the glued fragments.

Additionally, you need to prepare several clean cloth napkins and do not forget about a container with water for wet cleaning.

The exact boundaries of defects are checked using a spatula

It is important to know! Over time, the wallpaper fades; when fresh fragments are pasted, the colors differ - the new elements look brighter. Therefore, the integrity of the already pasted finishing material is restored.

Rubberized roller – indispensable assistant home handyman

What glue to use for repairs

Not repeating previous mistakes is one of the tasks that must be solved when gluing up peeling wallpaper. A responsible approach to the choice of composition eliminates the need to repeat the procedure and allows extra costs repair damage. How to glue wallpaper that has come off?

Special wallpaper compositions

The range of adhesives intended for finishing materials is quite wide. The compositions are presented in all price segments. On the packaging, the manufacturer indicates what type of finishing materials the mixture is intended for.

Most often they are sold dry and prepared independently immediately before gluing. Please note that some products are intended for non-woven wallpaper; they cannot be used for paper wallpaper, and vice versa.

For peeling wallpaper, you can use the remaining glue after the main repair, if the expiration date has not expired. It is economically irrational to buy a whole pack for a small fragment or several plots. When restoring a large area, when you have to re-glue almost the entire strip, the cost of a new pack is completely justified.

PVA - pros and cons

Familiar from childhood, inexpensive and not requiring special training, PVA is often used when deciding what to use to glue peeling wallpaper. Glue is applied to the paper over the entire area, the strip is pressed tightly against the wall and rolled several times. It would seem that the problem is solved. However, there is a high risk of new ones:

  • PVA has high adhesion and reliably glues surfaces, but is practically insoluble in water. The next time you renovate, you will have to put in a lot of effort to remove the remaining paper and completely clean the wall.
  • In places of impregnation may appear yellow spots with sharp contours, which are especially noticeable against a light background.
  • PVA is suitable for treating small areas, up to 5 cm. For more serious repairs, other compositions are recommended.

Consequences of using PVA

Wallpaper glue

The best option for small areas, good way glue any loose joints, top or bottom edges. Sold in finished form in any hardware store. The tube volume is small - from 50 to 100 ml. This eliminates the worry about excess.

The spout is elongated and narrowed, which facilitates application in hard-to-reach areas and allows for high-quality work on joints and corners. For better connection use a roller to roll the glued strip to the wall.

It is recommended to choose glue from trusted brands and pay attention to the instructions and advice from the manufacturer. Most products are universal and suitable for all types of wallpaper - paper, vinyl, non-woven, fabric. At the final stage, the glued areas are heated with a regular hairdryer.

Popular compositions for elimination minor defects

Why is paste a thing of the past?

Universal household glue at one time gained so much popularity that many still cannot refuse to use the viscous sticky substance. The main advantage of the paste is its low cost and quick cooking at home. This completes the list of advantages.

If you need to glue wallpaper, paste is not helpful. It is able to cope with clean paper that is not soaked in adhesive mixture and does not harden after drying. And there is a high probability that an unpleasant surprise will await you the next morning - stripes lying on the floor. To achieve high-quality results, we use proven products from recognized manufacturers.

It is important to know! To prevent the wallpaper from tearing when preparing for gluing, the edges are pre-soaked with water. Moisture will not prevent the glue from doing its job - reliably eliminating defects and returning the interior to its original appearance.

How to glue wallpaper correctly

How to glue wallpaper that has come off? Solving this practical problem requires appropriate skills and knowledge. Pasting a new strip onto a clean surface is easier than removing defects. You have to work in conditions of limited action and perform labor-intensive operations if there are tears and waves in the material.

How to glue corners and joints

As a rule, these are the most problematic areas where finishing defects appear most quickly. During repairs, it is important to understand how to glue wallpaper end-to-end, so that you don’t have to deal with alterations later. The best way– overlapping gluing, when one strip overlaps another.

This method works great when joining strips in corners where it is difficult to maintain verticality when gluing heavy, wet paper or vinyl. If this was not done on time and the joints have fallen behind, proceed as follows:

  • Gently lift with a spatula finishing material and advance until the edge of the plate rests on an undamaged area.
  • Completely clean the wall - use a spatula to remove the plaster and adhering pieces of paper. Then vacuum at low power and wipe with a thick cloth, preferably from cotton fabric lint-free.
  • Apply suitable glue - preferably special glue for gluing - to the entire peeled surface, give a little time for impregnation. It is important that the hard finish softens a little and becomes elastic.
  • Press the area to be glued to the wall, starting from the inside and moving towards the corner or edge. Carefully level the coating, preventing the formation of creases.
  • Press down and at the same time smooth with a rubber roller to prevent the formation of bubbles. Carefully roll the joints and stretch the roller onto the adjacent strips.
  • Excess glue is removed with a cloth.
  • If necessary, dry with a hairdryer, do not open windows and exclude drafts until completely dry.

When gluing the edges, thoroughly coat the surface with adhesive.

Wave-like ruptures

The occurrence of such defects is a direct indication that it is necessary not only to glue the peeled off area, but to replace the strip completely. This is one of the indications that cracks have appeared in the wall. The decision to re-glue the entire fragment is fraught with the fact that the color of the fresh wallpaper will be different - too noticeable and does not improve the interior. The following method is recommended:

  • The swollen fold is carefully cut construction knife and smooth out the edges.
  • Use a small dry brush of medium hardness to remove particles of plaster and other elements. You can vacuum at low power to remove dust.
  • If there is such a possibility, prime the crack in the wall - this is only possible for surface flaws formed in top layer plaster.
  • Cover with glue inner surface– you will need a narrow brush or special remedy for gluing.
  • Carefully press down and smooth the surface with a roller, trying to bring the edges together as much as possible so that the seam is not visible.
  • Remove excess glue with a dry cloth and do not open windows or doors until completely dry.

Such repairs are a temporary measure, and are possible only in places hidden from view - under the table or behind the cabinet, behind the curtains.

Such a state of finishing is an indicator for carrying out cosmetic repairs

Swollen blisters

A common cause of bubbles is carelessness when applying the adhesive. The mixture is not enough for absolute adhesion. Over time, the paper or base of the material lags behind, and you have to glue the bubble.
It is undesirable to violate the integrity of the strip - this can lead to the appearance of defects in other places. Proceed as follows:

  • Prepare a large syringe to inject the adhesive mixture into the bubble. The spout of the nozzle on the tube with universal glue not suitable for gluing - too large diameter tip.
  • Puncture the swelling with a needle and release the air. A rubberized roller is useful for this procedure.
  • Insert the needle of a syringe filled with glue into the same hole and squeeze out the contents with a piston. Preliminarily determined approximate quantity composition so that there is no excess.
  • Using a roller, smooth and press down the glued area until the glue is completely distributed under the paper.
  • Heat the surface with a hairdryer to improve adhesion and faster drying.
  • If excess adhesive mixture appears, it is removed with a cloth.

Techniques for eliminating bubbles

To eliminate extensive defects, techniques similar to wallpapering are used.

Large areas

In advanced cases or if the wallpaper begins to fall off due to constant drafts, gluing it with universal glue and a roller will not work. resort to more effective ways troubleshooting:

  • The remaining part is separated from the wall. A spatula helps in the work, which is used to check the border of the peeled off area.
  • Completely clean the wall and the interior of the finish from fragments of plaster, paper particles, dust, and other contaminants. It is acceptable to use the vacuum cleaner at low power.
  • Apply in an even layer wallpaper glue the appropriate type.
  • Wait until the material softens and becomes elastic.
  • Glue the peeled part, starting from the bottom, and press the fabric.
  • The glued areas are rolled with a roller, which is also driven from the bottom up or diagonally towards the joint - this way no air will remain and it is easier to remove excess glue.
  • After gluing, the strips are carefully rolled again with a roller.
  • Remove excess glue and leave to dry, remembering that there should be no drafts.

The desire to glue the peeling wallpaper yourself can either be crowned with success or lead to the need for new cosmetic repairs. The best decision- contact specialists repair and finishing work. Experienced craftsmen eliminate defects quickly and efficiently, using proven methods and means. Professionals guarantee the result - the wallpaper will last until scheduled repairs.

Before you start fixing the wallpaper on the walls, you need to find out why the joints on the wallpaper come off. Perhaps the basic technology of gluing the walls was violated. You can correct imperfections on papered walls different ways, which will differ in labor intensity and costs.

How to glue wallpaper end to end? Many people are concerned about this issue. There are two options for gluing wallpaper - overlapping and butt. The first method is most often used to glue the joints of wallpaper in hard to reach places, in all other cases the second method is used.

Before starting the main process, you need to prepare the surface to be glued, select the material, glue and stock up on tools.

The process of wallpapering butt joints:

  1. After choosing the wallpaper, we cut it into canvases, adding to required length another five centimeters.
  2. We coat the canvas with glue, carefully spreading it from the center to the edges. Next, for further impregnation, fold the canvas in half.
  3. We begin gluing the wallpaper strictly from top to bottom, from the window along with the guide line. After the wallpaper is completely dry, cut off the excess pieces of canvas with a sharp knife.
  4. Smooth the canvas with a wallpaper spatula and remove any excess glue with a dry cloth.
  5. In the same way, the next piece of wallpaper is glued flush with the previous one, with the edges touching each other.

Before pasting wallpaper end-to-end, make sure that the room temperature is at least +20 0 C. Window and door openings must be tightly closed to avoid drafts and sunlight.

How to remove bubbles on wallpaper after gluing

Bubbles on wallpaper after gluing is a familiar situation to many. They not only spoil general form, but can also lead to delamination of the material and the proliferation of various insects.

To avoid this problem, you need to prepare in advance and stock up on everything you need.

Necessary tools for work:

  1. When gluing non-woven wallpaper, you will need a rubber roller, which will perfectly help remove excess air and glue.
  2. For vinyl materials A plastic spatula or a fairly wide brush with small bristles of medium hardness will be indispensable.
  3. When working with paper wallpaper, use a simple dry cloth, such as soft flannel.

Before removing bubbles on the wallpaper, they still need to be strengthened on the walls, applying some effort to this. Namely, the canvas coated with glue must be taken with both hands by the upper edges and lifted. Then apply the canvas to the top of the wall, trying to immediately begin to level it both vertically and horizontally.

How to remove bubbles from wallpaper (video)

How to glue wallpaper joints yourself

How to glue wallpaper joints with your own hands? Believe me, this is not at all difficult process, and the result will clearly surprise you.

Necessary materials for work:

  • Small brush;
  • Thick PVA glue of good quality;
  • Hairdryer with hot blowing mode;
  • Clean damp rags.

First you need to very carefully bend back the seams where the wallpaper has come apart. If there are putty residues on the wallpaper, it must be removed and the wall vacuumed so that other debris cannot get under the wallpaper, which can lead to the appearance of bumps. If the putty layer turns out to be large in size, then the wall needs to be puttied and primed in advance. Next, coat the wallpaper and wall with glue.

When working with paper wallpaper, only dry rags are needed, but it is better to straighten heavy vinyl sheets with a damp cloth, removing any bubbles that have formed.

Then we warm up the seams with a hot blow dryer and wipe the seams with a rag again, pressing the wallpaper well.

Wallpaper joints peeling off: reasons (video)

The wallpaper has peeled off at the joints: what is the best way to glue it?

Wallpaper has peeled off at the joints in the room - this is not a reason to start right away new renovation, because by gluing the wallpaper correctly, you can return the finish to its original attractiveness.

Selecting glue for wallpaper restoration:

  1. Special glue. It is advisable to purchase such glue already famous brand to be sure of the result. You may have to spend much more than calculated, since the prices of some types of glue are quite high.
  2. PVA glue. In this case, you won’t have to spend money, because such glue is usually found in every home. But it is not suitable for gluing heavy canvas, and in the case of paper coverings, may leave yellow stains on the wallpaper.

Gluing up loose wallpaper is a responsible process, since if you do not glue the joint in time, this can lead to a complete re-gluing of the entire wallpaper sheet. And this is much more difficult and more expensive.

How to glue wallpaper so that the joints are not visible: advice from professionals

How to glue wallpaper so that the joints are not visible? Start with careful preparation walls Ideal surface for coatings is the key to the success of the final result.

Tips from professionals for wallpapering:

  • Before wallpapering, measure the height from the ceiling to the floor. Mark the resulting height on the wallpaper and add another 10 cm, but only if the wallpaper does not have a solid image.
  • Glue the first roll on the side where there is a window, starting from the corner. Apply glue to the wallpaper and fold it in half so that the glue is absorbed. Then you coat the wall with glue and start gluing the wallpaper.
  • Start gluing the wallpaper from the top so that there is a margin, aligning the stripes. It is recommended to glue half of the canvas first, smoothing it along the wall, and then glue the second half.

If there are glue residues along the edges of the wallpaper, they should be removed with a dry cloth. The remaining top allowance is removed using a sharp knife. Further pasting is done in the same way.

How to adjust wallpaper to a pattern? - you ask. High-quality wallpaper adjustment consists in correct technique gluing. Let's look at what adjustments there are in wallpapering.

Types of wallpaper adjustments:

  1. Fit according to the drawing. Having pasted the first strip, you also need to unwind a piece of wallpaper from the roll and try it on next to the pasted strip on the wall. Moving a piece of wallpaper, make sure that the patterns match.
  2. Direct fit. This type of pattern is usually located across the entire width of the strip. And after the other pieces are neatly fitted, the pattern will be repeated horizontally across the entire wall.
  3. Diagonal fit. In this case, the pattern characterizes going beyond the boundaries of one stripe. To make it easier to adjust wallpaper with a pattern, experts usually place a small pattern element along the edge of the strip.

What to do if dark stripes are visible at the joints of the wallpaper

Dark stripes at the joints of wallpaper are a serious problem that worries many. Let's look at what needs to be done in such situations.

Instructions to avoid the appearance of dark stripes at the joints of wallpaper:

  • If you work with paper materials, then avoid getting the canvas excessively wet. This can lead not only to deformation of the wallpaper sheets, but also to an undesirable color effect after the adhesive mixture has dried.
  • After gluing the wallpaper to the wall, you must carefully press it to the surface. Tools such as a narrow spatula or a special roller will help you with this.
  • Choose wisely adhesive composition for gluing, because many adhesives are simply not suitable for certain types of wallpaper.

Glue the sheets so that the layer of glue is relatively thin and at the same time so that it has time to glue the canvas before it begins to shrink. Then you will avoid many critical situations that arise when wallpapering.

How to glue wallpaper end to end (video)

In order for wallpapering to be successful, you just need to follow simple rules. First of all, it is necessary to prepare the room, starting with the surfaces of the walls and ending with temperature conditions. All the tips described will help you perfectly complete the repairs you started.

Often, after a while, ours ceases to look as attractive as at the very beginning. It's crumbling and the wallpaper is peeling off in places. But this is not yet a reason to start a new repair; you can simply fix the old one and extend its life for a few more years.

Why does the wallpaper come off the wall?

Most often, the reason is inaccurate adherence to the pasting instructions. Especially it concerns severe types wallpaper that requires special glue and additional materials, for example, paper strips at the joints.

Also, the reason may lie in insufficient surface preparation or uneven application of glue. The peeling of wallpaper is sometimes explained by the dampness of the room. In bathrooms and kitchens, wallpaper peels off often and thickly. And what should we do if the wallpaper has peeled off and we don’t plan any repairs yet?

Timely restoration of wallpaper joints can save time and money. At the same time, it is important to choose the right glue and tools. So, how to glue peeling wallpaper: you need a special glue, it is preferable to choose a well-known manufacturer. You will also need a small roller specifically for rolling joints.

We also prepare a sponge to remove excess glue, a vacuum cleaner and a household hair dryer. How to fix wallpaper at the joint if it has peeled off: first, carefully separate the loose sheets, vacuum the wall and the wallpaper itself to remove dust and putty crumbs. Apply glue from a tube or with a brush (depending on the area of ​​the peeled wallpaper).

Next, roll the sheets of wallpaper in the direction from the glued part to the joint. Remove any excess glue with a damp sponge. If you are gluing PVA, dry the seams additionally with a hairdryer and then go over with a roller again.

Some time after renovation, many apartment owners encounter minor problems: the wallpaper comes off or bubbles.

Wallpaper is peeling off: what should you do? As a rule, such defects can be corrected independently without the help of professionals.

Construction stores offer ready-made mixtures, with which you can glue wallpaper. In addition, you can make do with improvised means by preparing the composition yourself.

Causes of defects

Most often, wallpaper peels off if the base was prepared incorrectly

To avoid trouble in the future, before you start finishing works Apartment owners should understand why the wallpaper peels off at the joints. The most common reason is a poorly prepared surface. Regardless of the age of the building, the walls continue to sag and deform, resulting in cracks.

Before you start gluing, you should carefully check the walls, remove weak plaster, etc.

Other reasons why wallpaper peels off from the ceiling or wall may be:

  • non-compliance with technology when installing gypsum board slabs or improper processing of joints;
  • poor surface cleaning old decoration or incorrect ;
  • savings on primer;
  • gluing wallpaper onto wet plaster.

Finishers get into trouble because they have too much confidence in their own experience. Before starting any work, you should carefully read the manufacturer's instructions. Application adhesive solution may have certain nuances.

Any adhesive should be applied evenly, avoiding skips or accumulation of liquid.

Indoor climate

At high level humidity and frequent condensation, the wallpaper may become damp and come off the wall
Repair compositionApplication benefits
1 Glue used for basic workFor restoration work, it is best to use the same brand of glue that was used for the main work. But it is necessary to dilute the glue to a more liquid consistency.
2 Specialized ready-made liquid mixturesIf there is no previously used glue left, you can purchase it at a hardware store. ready solution for gluing joints: the composition is sold in ready-made liquid form, in tubes and does not leave marks on the finishing material.
3 PasteSave family budget you can by making homemade paste. It is possible to make a composition based on flour or starch. This method of repair will not leave marks on the wallpaper and will not turn yellow over time.

To glue wallpaper at the joints or in the center of the canvas, do not use PVA glue or instant adhesives. Over time, in the area of ​​application of such adhesive mixtures yellowing will appear, which will be especially noticeable on material in cool shades or white. In addition, during subsequent repairs, such places will be very difficult to clean.

Air bubbles

What if it was not the edges that began to fall off, but air bubbles formed in the center of the canvas? The following will help correct the situation:

  • large volume medical syringe;
  • household hair dryer;
  • rubberized roller;
  • clean soft cloth;
  • glue.

Poke the needle into the bubble and inject glue into the cavity of the bubble

The bubble itself must be carefully pierced with a clean syringe needle and the glue injected under the surface of the wallpaper. After some time (about 5 minutes), the material will soften slightly and the surface of the roll will easily stick to the wall.

The material must be glued with a roller, directing movements towards the puncture site. The resulting creases can be straightened out by heating the wallpaper with a hairdryer and straightening the area with a soft cloth or a special roller.

What to do if the whole canvas needs to be glued? If possible, the strip should be replaced with a new one, following the gluing technology. If there is not enough material, then the separated piece should be straightened on a horizontal surface and cleaned of possible elements of the old finish. Coat the wall with glue and apply an even layer of the solution to the wallpaper. Let the liquid absorb a little. For more information about dealing with the problem, watch this video:

Carefully glue the wallpaper onto the wall, straightening it with a soft, clean cloth: from top to bottom and from the center to the edges. The material tears very easily, so special care must be taken.

If you decide to cover walls or ceilings with wallpaper, then treat this with all responsibility. Situations often arise when, after the renovation is completed, the wallpaper peels off at the joints. This can happen immediately or some time after they are applied.

Often this happens when we are in a hurry to get the job done and say “maybe”, “it will do as it is”, and then pay for it with separated joints. In any process there is technology and wallpapering is no exception.

First of all, let's look at what was done wrong when gluing the canvases, which resulted in the opening of the joints between the canvases. You need to know this so as not to repeat previous mistakes.

Why does wallpaper peel off at the joints?

There may be several reasons, let's look at each of them.

Poorly prepared surface

Before you start wallpapering, you need to properly prepare the base. It is especially necessary to approach this seriously if the trellises are thin and smooth. It is necessary to remove the old coating from the surface and evaluate the base. Read how to quickly remove paper wallpaper from different surfaces.

If there are unevenness or cracks, they should be puttied. Prime the surface with wallpaper primer, for example UNIS. If the base is well prepared, then you can use a primer with glue.

Wallpaper glue

One of the important aspects is the correctly selected adhesive composition. For each type of wallpaper there is a specific type. You shouldn’t skimp on glue; it’s better to have a little left over than not enough.

Dilute the adhesive mass only strictly according to the instructions on the package. Do not do this by eye, as you will violate the proportion that implies 100% adhesive ability.

The technology of wallpapering is not followed

We coat the wallpaper with a base on paper with glue, more generously along the edges, since when you fold them for impregnation, the edges “dry out” a little, which is why the wallpaper peels off at the joints.

If the trellises are on non-woven fabric, then only apply the adhesive to the wall. After fixing the canvas on the wall, leveling it, smoothing it, go over the edges of the canvas again with a brush with adhesive mass, and only then smooth it completely. This will to some extent allow the joints to stick well.

Drying conditions for pasted wallpaper

Seams often peel off because the fabrics must dry gradually, naturally and evenly throughout the day. At the same time, you should keep closed doors, vents, windows, eliminating drafts, do not forcefully dry out the trellises.

Moisture evaporating from the adhesive mass creates high humidity, which ensures the technologically specified drying period. The recommended air temperature for wallpapering is +23 degrees. All these factors will ensure high-quality gluing of the trellises to the surface and prevent them from peeling off at the seams.

Unseen circumstances

It may also occur emergency situation when your upstairs neighbors flood you. If the exposure to water is prolonged, and it comes from a hot tap, then you will not be envied, as I know this from my own experience. In this case, the wallpaper at the joints actually peels off, and maybe even the trellises themselves.

We were all at work, and when the water flooded the two floors below me, the neighbors called. Water flowed from all the openings of the chandeliers, passing through the voids of the floor slabs, getting into almost all the rooms of the apartment, dripping from the ceiling, flowing along the walls. The emergency service turned off the water and turned off the lights in the apartment for three days to allow the moisture to evaporate.

The wallpaper was almost undamaged, but in some places it peeled off and the seams came apart to a minimum in the hallway. But the ceilings were all damaged. A small digression, but on topic. Such an unforeseen picture may occur, but this is an emergency scenario and rarely happens. Go ahead.

What should you do if the wallpaper has already peeled off at the seams, you ask. If the fact already exists, then we will try to correct the situation.

How to glue wallpaper joints

In places where the wallpaper is peeling off at the joints, you must carefully peel it back and remove dust or crumbs of loose putty with a brush (you can use a vacuum cleaner). The joining place must be clean so that after gluing small particles do not appear in the form of tubercles and the seams are properly glued.

Using a small brush, apply adhesive to the wall between the joints and to the bent trellises. Let the glue soak the wallpaper a little and thicken on the wall (a couple of minutes). Peeled off trellises, as a rule, lose their original elasticity, so we watch how they get wet and, if necessary, apply the adhesive mass again.

As soon as the adhesive composition begins to thicken, we connect the separated canvases, as if attracting them to each other so that there is no gap. Then we glue the peel-off sheets. If the adhesive comes out on the seams, then immediately remove the excess.
In addition, you can press and hold this area for a while. Use a rag and then roll the seams with a roller. Now the joints should dry without drafts - in the same mode as when gluing trellises. We have reviewed the order of work, all that remains is to decide on the type of glue.

What glue to use to glue wallpaper at the joints

Several options can be used to re-glue loose areas.

We use regular wallpaper glue for your type of wallpaper. You can dilute it a little thicker. Bend the seams, apply glue and do everything described above. Maybe the reason was the insufficient amount of adhesive on the edges of the canvases.

PVA glue is well known to everyone; it is simply universal. The only drawback is that it can leave yellowish stains on the trellises. Based on this, on light wallpaper It's better not to use it. Glue the joints of dark samples.

Manufacturers are now producing special glue to glue the seams on wallpaper. It comes in small tubes - “QUELYD RACCORD”, “KLEO STRONG”, for example.

The tube contains instructions for use and describes the sequence of all operations. This option is perhaps the best for today.

You can also give advice on how to glue the edges of the canvases. Glued successfully and laundry soap, but I haven’t tried it myself, so I won’t recommend it.

We discussed the main factors that cause wallpaper to peel off at the joints, so as not to repeat this in the future. In addition, if this already occurs, then how to correct the situation, and what glue to use. I recommend that you initially do everything efficiently, then there will be no problems.