We build a house from wood concrete with our own hands, video. A house made of wood concrete: the pros and cons of building from wood concrete blocks Construction of a country house from wood concrete

Guided by the postulate “if you want it done well, do it yourself,” many people strive to build a house with their own hands. The question arises: from what material? Leaders immediately come to mind construction market: concrete, aerated concrete, foam concrete, brick and wood. But there is a material about which one can say “well forgotten old” - this is wood concrete. And the idea of ​​making wood concrete with your own hands is generally great, since it is in no way inferior to the above-mentioned building materials, and in some cases even surpasses them.

What is wood concrete made of, its advantages

Arbolite is a lightweight concrete that has a coarse-grained structure. It is also called wood concrete, since wood waste (chips, sawdust, shavings) takes up about 90% of its composition. In addition to wood chips, the composition of wood concrete includes cement (a binding component) and chemical additives. The advantages of this material are obvious:

  • has high bending strength;
  • retains heat well;
  • environmentally friendly;
  • practically does not burn;
  • resistant to low temperatures;
  • not susceptible to mold;
  • absorbs noise well;
  • any building materials adhere perfectly to its surface;
  • has low weight;
  • its use saves labor costs during installation;
  • there is no need to use special equipment;
  • when using it there are no problems with the foundation;
  • shrinkage of the house does not cause deformation of the walls;
  • low cost.

Options for constructing an arbolite structure

Building a house from wood concrete with your own hands is not so difficult. The main thing is to decide on the choice of method for constructing the walls. There are two options:

  • the first, using wood concrete blocks, made with your own hands at home or purchased in specialized stores;
  • the second, using technology that uses monolithic wood concrete.

That is, the projects are different, but the building materials are the same.

Important! It should be remembered that such material can only be used for low-rise construction (no more than 2-3 floors).

How to make wood concrete blocks on your own

The site for the production of such blocks can be personal plot or garage.

Preparatory stage

First of all, we purchase wood waste from the nearest sawmill (minimum chip size 4.0 x 5.0 x 0.5 cm). A smaller one is not suitable, since when mixed with cement, the relevance of using this component disappears. Next we do this:

  • we put wood chips under a canopy and leave it there for 2-3 months;
  • treat with lime dissolved in water (2 kg per 120 liters of water);
  • periodically mix the waste (2-3 days);
  • leave to dry completely;
  • mix the wood concrete solution.

Components and proportions of the mixture

To prepare 1 m2 of mixture you will need the following components:

  • 300 kg of pre-treated organic filler;
  • 300 kg of cement;
  • about 400 liters of water;
  • 20-30 kg of modified chemical additives.

You can prepare the mixture in a concrete mixer or any suitable container (for example, in a trough).

Preparing the mold for filling

To make the mold we use wooden boards, which we sheathe or sheet metal. We cover the bottom with linoleum. In order to ready product It was easily removed from the mold; we recommend that the design include handles.

Advice! It is recommended to moisten the mold with water before filling it with the solution.

Production of wood concrete blocks

The manufacturing technology is quite simple:

  • pour wood chips and modified chemical additives into the container;
  • pour in water (not all of it, just enough to cover the waste);
  • mix everything well;
  • add cement and remaining water;
  • mix thoroughly again;
  • fill the form with the solution (leave 3-4 cm from the top edge unfilled);
  • compact;
  • keep the block in the mold for 24 hours;
  • remove the block from the mold and leave it under a canopy for 2-3 weeks.

House made of arbolite blocks

The construction of a building such as an arbolite house begins with design and technical documentation.


Documentation for the construction of any private house, which includes not only a building plan, but also information about the foundation, the building materials used, and the possibility of connecting to communications, must be agreed upon and approved by the relevant authorities.

On a note! Designing a building made of wood concrete is not much different from a typical plan for building a house made of expanded clay concrete.

Foundation construction

Due to the fact that wood concrete has the advantage of being light weight, you can choose absolutely any foundation for your house: on piles, on slabs, strip or columnar. Let's say we are building a house on a strip foundation. Work order:

  • mark the dimensions of the foundation;
  • We sample the soil to the required depth;
  • We lay a layer of a mixture of sand and crushed stone on the bottom;
  • compact it and spill it with water;
  • install reinforcing elements;
  • we install wooden formwork;
  • pour sand-cement mixture inside the formwork;
  • after hardening, lubricate the foundation with bitumen and lay two or three layers of waterproofing (for example, roofing felt);
  • the surface limited by the foundation is covered with a mixture of sand and crushed stone and tamped;
  • fill with a layer of concrete (more than 50 mm).


This part of the building is made using brickwork 40-50 cm high. The main function of the plinth is to protect the wood concrete blocks from harmful effects water.

We build walls

The technology for constructing walls from arbolite blocks is similar to the process of constructing walls from some other blocks (aerated concrete, foam concrete, expanded clay concrete) and is very similar to brickwork. We lay out the blocks in a checkerboard pattern, in rows, starting from the corner. We check the degree of vertical deviation using a level. To fasten the blocks we use a cement-sand mixture. After installing three rows, we take a break for 24 hours to allow the bonding solution to dry completely.

Advice! To prevent quick removal moisture from the mixture, we recommend moistening the blocks before laying.

Recommended wall thickness for two-story house– 300 mm, and if higher – 400 mm. The thickness of the walls may be less (for example, 200 mm) if it is subsequently planned to use heat-insulating materials or external cladding. But remember: it’s warmer where the walls are thicker.

It is not necessary to reinforce walls built with wood concrete. But if you want to increase the strength of corners, junctions of walls, doors and window openings, you can apply reinforcing elements.

Interfloor ceilings

If you have restrictions in cash, then a good option for coverings is wooden beam. If finances allow, then appropriate reinforced concrete slabs or metal channels.

Roofing and rafter installation

Algorithm for installing rafters and installation roofing material for buildings made of wood concrete is the same as for buildings built from other building materials.

Important! Before installing the rafter strapping, it is necessary to lay it on arbolite blocks waterproofing layer.

External and internal finishing

Any materials and methods are used for finishing. Finishing work can be produced immediately after construction is completed or even during the process.

This video will help you how to build a house correctly:

Features of monolithic construction

To build monolithic house, it is necessary to study the installation technology monolithic walls, and other stages of construction are similar to the process of building a house from blocks.

The technology for constructing monolithic walls is very similar to conventional concreting: formwork is also constructed (height - maximum 600 mm), reinforcement is made, wood concrete is poured with a layer of 500 mm (no more). After this, everything is compacted and dries for 3-4 days. Then the formwork is lifted up in order to pour the next layer.

A house made of monolithic wood concrete in detail - watch the video:

In custody

It becomes clear that building a house from wood concrete with your own hands is not particularly difficult, and knowing all the nuances of making such blocks, you can build a very warm and high-quality house.

The variety of building materials on the market today is quite large. Many of them are already quite familiar to the mass consumer, but new ones are constantly appearing, which most buyers have not yet really become familiar with. All this can cause certain difficulties when choosing suitable option for building a house not only ordinary people, so far only taking a closer look at what is on sale, but also among construction professionals. Wood concrete can be classified as such a new material, but still the definition of “forgotten old” is more suitable for it. After all, it first appeared in the 60s of the last century, and even during the times of the USSR its production was established, which was somewhat covered up later. Now wood concrete is gaining new popularity.

Arbolite belongs to composite building materials. Once upon a time he already used enough in great demand in residential construction. Many houses were built on its basis, including as an experiment in the Arctic. Then the material was undeservedly forgotten and only now has become in demand again.

It is lightweight concrete filled with wood chips from coniferous and hardwood species. It also contains a certain amount of completely peaceful additives and additives that improve the performance of the material, but do not affect its environmental friendliness.

Block wood concrete

Wood concrete is produced mainly in the form of blocks, which facilitate the process of building houses, but it can also be produced for pouring formwork. There are such varieties of this material as:

  • structural;
  • thermal insulation.

Arbolite blocks are used mainly for low-rise construction. The material is used to construct buildings for a wide variety of economic purposes.

Attention! This material also has some limitations in its use - these are rooms with high humidity, as well as those in which there is a possibility of the presence of aggressive gases.

Due to the high wood content in the composition and the safety of the additives used, this material is characterized by fairly high environmental qualities. They are quite comparable to the characteristics of natural wood. Arbolite has other significant advantages, without having any significant disadvantages.

Pros and cons of houses made of wood concrete

Arbolite may contain different quantity wood chips, reaching up to 90 percent of the total volume. It is permissible to contain a certain amount of sawdust, which should not exceed a certain indicator according to the standards, otherwise the strength of the wood concrete blocks is significantly reduced. If wood chips predominate in the composition of the material, then its structure looks almost like natural wood.

Wood concrete composition

Houses built on wood concrete are warm and comfortable to live in. This material has many other advantages. Its main advantages include the following properties:

  • high strength;
  • resistance to external influences;
  • excellent thermal conductivity;
  • good sound absorption;
  • excellent fire resistance;
  • ease of processing;
  • ease of use.

Despite the high content of wood chips, the material is not flammable due to the additives added to its composition. So there is no need to worry about fire safety house made on the basis of wood concrete. It is practically not subject to shrinkage, as a result of which finishing work can begin immediately after the walls are erected. The material holds its shape well and is resistant to various mechanical impacts. Reacts well to temperature changes. It is practically not susceptible to rotting, and is not afraid of rodents or insect pests.

The material is environmentally friendly, so it is in demand among buyers

Blocks made from this material, compared to traditional concrete ones, are significantly lighter in weight, which makes it easier to carry out construction work, without requiring the use of heavy equipment when building houses. In addition, they place less load on the foundation, which means lower construction costs. In addition, wood concrete is quite easy to process - you can use a regular hacksaw to cut blocks. It’s enough just to make any holes in them, hammer in nails, screw in self-tapping screws or bolts. Surfaces made of this material do not require any special fastening.

With all the advantages of this material, it was not possible to avoid a small number of inherent disadvantages. They are not so significant, but still present. These include several disadvantages such as:

  • excessive sensitivity to moisture;
  • quite high cost of material;
  • some external unattractiveness outer surface, if it is not additionally finished, which, however, can be completely solved with the help of cladding;

When buying wood concrete, check the batch for quality
  • sometimes encountered asymmetry of blocks and deviations in their sizes, as well as the predominance of sawdust instead of wood chips in the composition, obtained as a result of violations of technology or the production cycle.

Advice. To avoid purchasing low-quality wood concrete blocks, you should immediately check the material during purchase. Most defects are visible to the naked eye. This applies to deviations in size and to the use of sawdust in the production of blocks instead of wood chips. In addition, it is better to purchase materials from trusted manufacturers, for whom reputation is more important than selling products of dubious quality by any means.

What are the reviews of this material from the owners of wood concrete houses?

Reviews from people who chose wood concrete to build a house are mostly positive. This applies to both wood concrete blocks and casting material, which is used in monolithic construction. Those who are dissatisfied with the chosen option are much smaller. And such dissatisfaction is more likely related to the purchase of products Bad quality than directly with the properties of a given material.

Most owners of houses based on wood concrete emphasize the following advantages of this material:

  • building a house, including exterior finishing, does not take too long;
  • during the construction of the building there were no complaints about the material from the workers;

You can build a house from wood concrete without using heavy equipment
  • arbolite blocks are very easy to saw or drill, and all fastenings adhere perfectly to walls made of this material;
  • In the house itself, heat is retained simply perfectly; even if the electricity is turned off for a while, the rooms remain at a comfortable temperature for a long time.

Monolithic house made of wood concrete: how to build it yourself?

People who want to make their home as durable as possible often choose monolithic construction. A building constructed using this technology is characterized by increased reliability and durability. And using wood concrete as a building material allows you to make your home environmentally friendly, safe and comfortable to stay in.

At the initial stage of building a house, you first need to determine for yourself what you would like to see it like and how it will look externally. Then, based on this, you need to prepare a project. If you plan to do ground floor, then the foundation must be monolithic. Otherwise, you can get by with a simple strip foundation or even a foundation on screw piles, which is quite acceptable due to the low weight of wood concrete.

Construction of a house from wood concrete

When building a house from wood concrete according to monolithic technology Additional equipment will be required - formwork and scaffolding. The formwork itself can be removable. But non-removable ones are often used, which makes the building even more durable. In addition, you will need to use certain equipment to carry out the work of pouring formwork at height.

During construction monolithic house with your own hands you need to follow some simple tips:

  1. If there is a plinth, it is built 50 cm above the level of the blind area, which avoids moisture getting on the surface of the wood concrete and its further destruction. It is better to choose brick as the main material for building a basement.
  2. After pouring the foundation, formwork is installed, which can be made of boards, plywood, or sheets of metal. And to give the structure additional strength, a frame made of reinforcement is installed inside the formwork.
  3. The mass of wood concrete is poured into the formwork no more than 30 cm, after which it must be compacted.
  4. After 3-4 days, when the solution has hardened, the formwork can be dismantled and moved higher to continue work. If permanent formwork is used, then the steps are almost the same, but the process goes much faster.
  5. The optimal thickness of the wall is at least 60 cm, and the boards for formwork and foundation are about 5 cm.

Building a house from wood concrete is not the most difficult task. The main thing is to carry out the work in stages and use high-quality material for construction.

Do-it-yourself wood concrete house: video

The search for new building materials has never stopped and continues throughout human history. In the course of scientific and practical research, a new modern material, wood concrete, which received official state status in 1983. According to GOST, this material is classified as lightweight concrete containing a filler made of organic matter, which is intended for the construction of low-rise buildings. The characteristics of wood concrete allow you to easily build a house with your own hands.

Wood concrete house

Properties of wood concrete

Advantages and disadvantages

In the process of designing a house made of wood concrete, you should comprehensively study the properties and characteristics of wood concrete. The main advantages of this material are:

  • Good thermal insulation properties. The presence of wood sawdust in the material helps to increase this indicator. Warm plaster, used in modern construction, is produced according to a similar principle.
  • Strength characteristics are at the level of indicators possessed by cinder block, shell rock or aerated concrete.
  • The service life does not differ from traditional materials given that correct execution technological operations during production and compliance with laying and finishing rules.
  • The relatively small mass of arbolite blocks greatly facilitates the work with them.
  • The production of the material is quite simple and does not involve significant material costs. Finding materials for making wood concrete on your own is not difficult, and you can do without the use of special equipment.
Arbolite blocks

In front of everyone positive qualities wood concrete, the material is not without a number of disadvantages:

  • The presence in the composition of wood concrete of a significant amount sawdust makes it susceptible to moisture, which can lead to destruction of the material. In order to protect the material from destruction, plastering of the surface of the blocks is used, which, in addition, gives them additional strength. The situation in this case is similar to that when shell rock is used in construction. It is also fragile in the absence of plaster and crumbles under the influence external factors. Applying plaster gives the material high strength.
  • For small rodents, wood concrete can serve as both housing and food. To eliminate this problem, a concrete base with a thickness of at least 500 mm and a height of about half a meter is created. You can stop rodent attacks by laying a chain-link mesh under a layer of plaster.

Classification of wood concrete blocks

The material is divided depending on the following characteristics.
Density when completely dry:

  • 500 kg/m3 – thermal insulation;
  • 500-850 kg/m. cube – structural.

Filler composition:

  • wood chips;
  • rice stalks and cotton, remains of flax and hemp stalks.


  • materials with low density are used to construct a thermal insulation layer for rooms and to create partitions between rooms, as well as as walls that are not load-bearing;
  • with increased strength of the material, it is used in the construction of load-bearing walls.


The strength characteristics of wood concrete are in accordance with the tasks assigned to it in accordance with the density of the block.

  • The average density depends on the components used as filler and binder. As density increases, strength increases and, accordingly, the class of the material increases.
  • Thermal conductivity indicators increase with increasing amount of the binder component in the wood concrete. An increase in thermal conductivity leads to a deterioration in strength properties and loss of structural properties.
  • Frost resistance is at the level of 25-50 cycles.
  • The degree of shrinkage is affected by the density of the block. It increases as this indicator decreases.
  • Water absorption is 45-80%, which significantly exceeds this figure for other materials.
  • The vapor permeability of the material is characterized by high values, which correspond to a similar indicator of wood.
  • The fire resistance of the material is at high level. Wood concrete is not able to support the combustion process and has the ability to withstand high temperatures for a long time.
  • The sound permeability of wood concrete blocks is at a level comparable to natural wood.
  • The maximum number of floors of buildings constructed from wood concrete does not exceed three.
  • The cost of the material is quite affordable for the mass consumer.

Arbolite blocks combine the properties of various materials

Do-it-yourself wood concrete block manufacturing technology

The process of producing wood concrete blocks is so simple that you only need the ability to properly use a concrete mixer and knowledge of the proportions of the components of the material.

The main component is wood filler, on which the performance properties of the building material depend. According to GOST, its size is 40x10x5 mm. In this case, the presence of small sawdust is allowed, the share of which in the total volume does not exceed 20%. To obtain high-quality material, an important requirement is the removal of sugar from the raw material. For this purpose, the wood is soaked and introduced into the solution. liquid glass. This process lasts for eighty days with constant stirring of the mass to avoid rotting. The maximum effect is achieved when using a solution of calcium oxides, which is abundantly watered on lumber.

Ready block

The time required to prepare raw materials allows for the assembly of molds for the production of blocks.

The form is a structure resembling a box, with linoleum laid on the bottom and walls. This is necessary to facilitate the process of removing finished blocks.

After a certain number of formworks have been assembled and the wood filler has completely dried, the production of blocks begins. The technology consists of loading wood concrete components into the cavity of a concrete mixer according to the proportion. The composition of the material is determined the following proportion: One bag of cement requires two bags of sand and six bags of prepared wood pulp. Then water is introduced and mixing begins. The result should not be a liquid mixture, but a wet mass.

The mixture of cement and wood must be loaded into molds and compacted thoroughly. When completing these operations, you should give a day to allow the mixture to dry.

At the end of the specified period, it is necessary to carefully remove the resulting blocks from the molds, which must be reused for the manufacture of the next batch of products. The use of products is permitted provided they are completely dry. This requires at least 3-4 days.

Simplicity production process production of wood concrete blocks does not reduce the requirements for the finished product. When producing this building material, the recommendations described below should be followed.

  • During production, it is necessary to use, in addition to large-sized wood shavings, small sawdust. This will reduce the thermal conductivity of the material.
  • Proper removal of sugar from wood guarantees the absence of swelling of wood concrete when used in construction.
  • It is important that thorough mixing occurs during the preparation of the mixture. Fulfilling this condition will allow the pores of the wood material to be well saturated.
  • The introduction of the required additional materials into the solution makes it possible to impart specific characteristics to the wood concrete. As a percentage, their number should not exceed 2-4% of the total volume of the mixture.
  • The cement used in preparing the mixture must be grade M400, not lower.

You can make blocks yourself

The process of building a house from wood concrete: step-by-step instructions

Foundation construction

Strip foundation for a house made of wood concrete

When arranging the foundation, the characteristics of wood concrete should be taken into account. When building a house from wood concrete with your own hands, you can use any type of foundation. This is due to the fact that even with significant subsidence of the structure, cracking of the wall made of wood concrete does not occur, due to its ability to withstand significant bending loads. Thus, it is possible to use a suitable foundation, the construction of which is associated with lower costs. It is believed that the most suitable design foundation is a foundation using bored piles or a traditional one strip foundation.

It should be remembered that wood concrete has one significant drawback - significant moisture permeability. Therefore, it is imperative to properly organize the waterproofing of the foundation. This activity can be carried out as follows:

  • raise the foundation at a level of half a meter from the ground;
  • build a brick base half a meter high.

Arbolite blocks are laid using lime mortar, to which cement is added in small quantities.


When building a house from wood concrete with your own hands, it is important not to neglect the following recommendations:

  • The thermal characteristics of the material can be fully used provided that there are no cold bridges that lead to significant heat losses. To eliminate them, it is necessary to use mortar joint breaking technology, which uses wooden planks.
  • To prevent absorption of moisture contained in cement mortar, use blocks that are not completely dried, or wet the surface of the dry material.
  • Using a solution with a thinner consistency is another solution to the problem described above.
  • The use of wood concrete in construction implies mandatory finishing of its surface.
  • If necessary, use non-standard forms wood concrete block, it is advisable to expose it machining on the spot. This will reduce construction time and money.

Home construction

Exterior finishing

The surface of wood concrete blocks has a roughness that ensures reliable adhesion of wood concrete and plaster. In this case, there is no need for additional measures to prepare the walls. As facing material Other materials may also be used. In addition, it is quite possible to use acrylic urethane facade paint.

Exterior finishing

Finishing is allowed only with materials that have reliable adhesion to wood concrete, while performing protective functions. If the surface of the walls is uneven, the construction of wood sheathing is allowed.

Interior decoration

Decorating walls located inside the house has no restrictions. The only condition for the use of wood concrete in this case is the humidity of the premises, which should not be more than 75%.

Roof structure

An important stage in building a house from arbolite blocks with your own hands is arranging the roof. When constructing it, it is important to correctly redistribute the loads that are transferred to the walls of the building. To solve this problem there are various ways, for example, organization reinforced screed from cement mortar.

Roof structure

Wood concrete is a special type of concrete - with wood chips. The walls of houses made from this material are strong, warm and light; the minimal load on the foundation allows work to be carried out in the shortest possible time (from 2 months, including plastering the surface). Wood concrete blocks weigh little, lifting equipment is not needed, all stages of construction can be done on your own. The main requirements of the technology are: waterproofing the foundation and the need for protective plastering of the walls immediately after the construction of the house.

Regulatory guidance describing general technical specifications Products made from wood concrete comply with GOST 19222-84. About 80–90% of the composition contains cellulose (wood chips, flax processing waste), it also includes high-strength cement, fungifying and strengthening additives. The material has a porous structure and has good sound insulation and thermal insulation properties, it is environmentally friendly and is not afraid of biological influences. Standard thickness the walls of the house are 30 cm (corresponding in thermal conductivity to 1.5 m of brickwork), the basic investments during construction relate to the arrangement of the foundation. Use columnar, strip or shallow type.

Arbolite is a plastic material, and as a result, it is suitable for erecting a building on any soil, including moving soil; the walls do not crack even if the foundation is skewed. Recommended scope of application: residential and industrial building(fire resistance allows this), garages, bathhouses. Due to significant porosity, height restrictions apply: building codes allow the construction of a house made of wood concrete up to 2 floors (ideally no more than 7 m), preference is given to mansard buildings. The main advantage of the technology is the low cost of construction; costs depend solely on the area and finishing materials.

Step by step guide for building a house

The main emphasis is on the selection and arrangement of a reliable and high building foundation. Standard step-by-step instruction building a house with your own hands includes:

  • Preparing the site, laying the foundation with simultaneous laying of communications.
  • Filling of armored belt, waterproofing work.
  • Construction of the ground floor.
  • Masonry load-bearing walls And internal partitions.
  • Arrangement of the ventilation duct.
  • Laying the floor and erecting a second or attic floor during construction one-story house- roofing.
  • Cladding: facades and interior walls.

1. Arrangement of the foundation and armored belt.

The significant bending strength of wood concrete allows you to choose any type of base; the use of shallow tiled base is allowed. The main thing is to raise the foundation as high as possible. Held full complex waterproofing works: filling the pillow, spreading rolls of roofing material and coating the foundation walls. It is important to efficiently compact the drainage layer of sand; for this purpose, a vibrating rammer is used.

At this stage, the pipes are laid and only after that the reinforcing tape is laid. To fill the armored belt it is used high strength concrete And metal grid with a cell size of no more than 150×150 mm, with a diameter of 10 mm. The recommended tape thickness is at least 30 cm.

2. Installation of blocks.

The process of building a house made of wood concrete begins from a corner, the technology is similar brickwork. The blocks are placed with the holes down and adjusted to the level as the work progresses. Used as a masonry mixture cement-sand mortar in proportions 1:2, polyurethane foam(dear, but effective method) or special glue. Reinforcement of the structure - required condition. Ideal scheme: reinforcing mesh through 2 rows and installation of reinforced concrete cores through the vertical slots of the blocks.

At the stage of construction of internal partitions, it is installed ventilation duct from pre-filled elements made of cement-sand mortar. Due to the high absorption properties of wood concrete, it is important to wet or use wet blocks, otherwise they will begin to absorb moisture, which will affect the quality of the masonry. As a ceiling between floors or attic space It is recommended to choose seamless concrete slabs; laying is allowed cement screed.

3. Roofing and finishing works.

Upon completion of the masonry, wooden beams treated with an antiseptic are placed above the last row of blocks. For rafter system regular ones will do edged boards. It is allowed to start cladding the facade immediately after the construction of the walls, but it is advisable to wait until the end roofing works. For exterior finishing suitable: siding, brick, lining, wood, facade paint, plaster, an important condition when choosing a material is its adhesion and resistance to moisture. For interior decoration, any options are purchased with the only requirement - maintaining the humidity level inside the building within 75%.

The main reason for choosing this building material is its insulating properties due to its porous structure. This is evidenced by reviews from residents about houses built from wood concrete, in particular - there is a general decrease in energy consumption for heating. But porosity has back side- significant water absorption. For this reason, wood concrete cannot be used in rooms with high humidity without reliable waterproofing, also the material is not suitable for use in environments with aggressive gases.

To obtain high-quality construction and prevent destruction, it is recommended:

  • Build the foundation as high as possible to ground level.
  • Lay the blocks according to outside armored belt as additional reinforcement.
  • Provide a brick backing up to 50 cm thick.
  • Lay the blocks using the breaking joint method (using wooden planks) to eliminate cold bridges. It is advisable to use a special masonry mixture or introduce expanded perlite into the cement-sand mortar.
  • Choose materials with high adhesion for wall decoration; decorative concrete is considered optimal.
  • Wet the blocks before laying (to prevent the wood concrete from absorbing moisture from the solution).

There is another way - building a house from monolithic wood concrete (like a sliding or removable formwork), the thickness of the walls is selected taking into account the climatic conditions of the region. In this case, the solution is prepared directly on the construction site; there are no cold bridges. Despite all the advantages of this option, it is not recommended to use it for building a house with your own hands due to high requirements for the quality of the composition, mixing and compaction of the mixture (you cannot do without special equipment).

Possible mistakes

The grossest violation of technology is considered to be done incorrectly. masonry mortar, a house built from wood concrete will be warm only in the absence of cold bridges. When using purchased adhesive for blocks, it is better to check the instructions: the composition must comply with building installation standards and have thermal insulation additives.

It is strictly forbidden to lay wood concrete in the ground; the foundation is made of concrete not lower than M300. In this case, the laying of communications is done simultaneously with the construction of the base; it is important to think through their placement scheme in advance (make additional holes coated with waterproofing foundation slabs highly undesirable).

Turnkey house prices

When contacting construction companies, costs depend on the choice of equipment and price class (economy, standard or premium). On average, 1 m2 of construction of a regular box costs 12,000 rubles; when handing it over on a turn-key basis (laying communications, laying the roof, inserting double-glazed windows, plastering internal walls and facades, waterproofing and filling the floor), the price of the basic set increases by 7,000 rubles. The minimum cost of 1 m2 when choosing a standard class is 15,000–24,000 rubles.

When building a turnkey house from premium wood concrete blocks, the initial price per 1 m2 is 45,000 rubles. Costs increase mainly due to the use of more expensive building materials and the implementation of unique design solutions. In many construction companies There are flexible discount systems (starting from 100–120 m2).

Often consumers choose Alternative option: order a diagram and project documentation from specialists (the price for such a service rarely exceeds 200 rubles per 1 m2) and build a house from wood concrete with your own hands. The advantage of this method is not only cost savings, but also quick coordination and approval of the project.

A do-it-yourself wood concrete house is considered one of the best solutions. This material is in no way inferior in its characteristics to popular aerated concrete, brick or wood. Arbolite can be made independently at home, which allows you to save a decent amount without buying ready-made blocks.

What is wood concrete?

Arbolite is one of the varieties of lightweight concrete. This material consists of 80% wood chips. The main components of wood concrete are called:

  • organic fillers– various wastes from the woodworking industry;
  • various modifying additives(to regulate porosity, protect against pests, accelerate the setting process);
  • Portland cement and water.

Pros and cons of wood concrete

When building walls from arbolite blocks, there are a lot of advantages:

  • due to the light weight of the blocks, the process of building a house will not lead to additional difficulties;
  • construction costs are reduced because there is no need to hire specialized equipment;
  • there is no need to build a strong foundation;
  • manages to get rid of waste from sawmills and other woodworking enterprises;
  • a house made of wood concrete is not subject to deformation processes, so cracks are unlikely to appear on it;
  • the material has low thermal conductivity, which allows you to save on heating your home in the future;
  • increased frost resistance, which allows you to effectively operate the house in harsh climates;
  • fire resistance. Achieved by presence mineral fillers and special additives;
  • excellent adhesion properties, which facilitates the finishing of wood concrete;
  • excellent strength indicators, which is combined with the durability of wood concrete blocks;
  • wood concrete is environmentally friendly, does not harm humans and the environment;
  • relatively low price.

The disadvantages of such blocks include their ability to absorb moisture, which is usually solved by including insulating materials in the wall design. Wood concrete is attractive to rodents. They can not only destroy walls, but also make their homes in them. Therefore, such houses must have a powerful and high base, and during plastering it is recommended to use a chain-link mesh.

How to make wood concrete at home?

To make blocks from wood waste from a sawmill, you need to purchase suitable raw materials at any sawmill. Minimum size chips should be 4x5x0.5 cm. The prepared raw materials are left under a canopy for a period of two to three months. After this, it is treated with slaked lime, which is prepared at the rate of a kilogram of powder per 60 liters of water. The resulting mixture is stirred every two days until it is completely dry.

After finishing preparatory work You can start mixing the solution. To obtain one cube of the mixture, you must use the following components:

  • 300 kg of wood filler;
  • 300 kg of Portland cement;
  • 400 l of water;
  • 30 kg of various additives.

You can prepare the solution using a regular concrete mixer. The resulting mixture is poured into pre-prepared molds. They can be made from ordinary boards covered with moisture-resistant plywood. Linoleum can be laid on the bottom of the molds. It is filled with solution, leaving a gap of several centimeters on top.

The mixture must be compacted, which allows you to get rid of voids. The block is kept in this form for 24 hours, after which it is removed and left under a canopy for several weeks to gain strength.

What wood concrete is used to build houses?

Before building a wood concrete house, you need to choose the right main material, which must have the following characteristics:

  • homogeneous structure. The block must contain particles of the same size, which are distributed throughout the entire volume;
  • correct geometry. Regulatory documents for wood concrete, deviations of 5-7 mm are allowed;
  • no impurities. The presence of any color inhomogeneities on the surface indicates a violation of the technology;
  • availability of quality certificates. Such blocks will work efficiently over a long period of time.

Characteristics of wood concrete

Detailed instructions for building a house from arbolite blocks

To build a house from wood concrete with your own hands, you must strictly adhere to generally accepted technology.

Pouring the foundation

Arbolite blocks are very light, so there is no need to build a strong foundation for them. It can have almost any design and configuration. If a strip foundation is selected, the following sequence of work should be followed:

  • the external contours of the foundation are marked on the surface;
  • carry out excavation of soil to the designed depth;
  • placed at the bottom of the trench sand and gravel cushion, which is subsequently compacted;
  • install formwork;
  • install fittings;
  • concrete is poured;
  • after a few days the formwork is removed;
  • the surface of the foundation is treated with bitumen and several layers of roofing material are laid;
  • carry out backfilling.

Construction of the plinth and masonry of wood concrete walls

For arbolite blocks, the base can be built from several rows of bricks. The recommended height of this part of the house is 500 mm.

The technology for laying walls made of wood concrete is no different from the construction method load-bearing structures from any other blocks. Installation of the material begins from the edge of the base, with mandatory bandaging of the seams. The position of each element is carefully checked using a level. Wood concrete is laid using conventional cement-sand mortar.

After installing every three rows, take a break for a day. This time is enough for the solution to set.

Reinforcement of masonry from arbolite blocks

It is not necessary to reinforce wood concrete, but such a solution will help increase the rigidity of the walls. To perform this operation use plastic mesh or ordinary steel rods. It is recommended to lay the reinforcement in the corners of the house, where the walls meet.

Reinforcement of wood concrete masonry

Installation of jumpers

For installing jumpers over window and doorways use one of the solutions:

  • use of a metal corner. Its edges are walled up in the walls, after which blocks are inserted inside;
  • use of channels. Grooves are made in the blocks and then laid on the lintel.

Installation of flooring in a house made of wood concrete

To construct the floor, you can use wooden or metal beams or reinforced concrete slabs. It is not necessary to pour an armored belt under this design.

Rules for finishing a house

Finishing a house made of wood concrete can be carried out immediately after the completion of the main construction work. Walls made from this material must be protected from external influences as quickly as possible, since they are capable of absorbing moisture.

For exterior finishing, plaster, brick, siding, and lining are used. Inside the house it is allowed to use any materials at the discretion of the owner.

The main mistakes when building houses from wood concrete

When building a house from wood concrete blocks with your own hands, you can make the following mistakes:

  • involving non-professionals in the construction process. Failure to comply with technology leads to irreparable errors;
  • use of low-quality blocks. Over time, they collapse, making normal operation of the house impossible;
  • incorrect block geometry. Leads to overconsumption of solution and deterioration appearance building;
  • the presence of a plinth made of cellular concrete. Leads to the penetration of moisture into the walls, which impairs their performance;
  • lack of armored belt in front of the ceiling. The presence of this element eliminates uneven load on wall structures.