Polyurethane - harmful synthetics or high-tech material? Foam mattress is harmful to health Polyurethane foam pillow is harmful to health

However, it is worth noting that most often the toxicity of such mattresses is caused by non-compliance with their production technology, so you should not save money and purchase such products from little-known companies and manufacturers. This is not to say that we should completely abandon mattresses made from practical and relatively inexpensive polyurethane foam. It is worth noting that a fully reacted polyurethane polymer is chemically inert and therefore safe! For example, polyurethane foam mattresses from the RollMattress company are made of high-quality material, in compliance with manufacturing technology.

OSB boards

Formaldehyde is a by-product of combustion. Thus, they may be present in significant concentrations and in indoors, and on outdoors– in a room with working gas stove, in tobacco smoke, in car exhaust gases, etc. Formaldehyde is found in those building materials in the production of which urea adhesives (synthetic resins, polyurethane adhesives) are used - this substance is used to obtain these compositions. In the production of plastics, varnishes and paints, it serves as a preservative; in the manufacture of artificial fabrics it imparts to the fibers best performance crease resistance, low shrinkage and dimensional stability. Water solution formaldehyde - phenol - helps protein coagulation, which is why it is used to tan gelatin.

Floor covering TM VINILAM

Everything else, I think, is confusing the consumer and overloading his brain with unnecessary information. So, I have been doing turnkey renovations for 17 years now.

with their own with my own hands laid more than one thousand square meters of different floor coverings, including all kinds of vinyl floor coverings- from rolls to tiles or planks of the most different sizes, With different systems fastening, gluing or snapping. It's directly base layer vinyl in the form of planks of different sizes, on top of which there is a decorative-textured film that imitates the color and texture of wood or stone, or other materials.

Polyurethane is safe for health

In everyday life, PVC fabric is resistant to acids, alkalis, solvents, and mineral oils. According to the conclusions of specialists who have studied the composition of polyvinyl chloride, its components do not belong to volatile substances, therefore the statement that “ stretch ceiling harmful to health” is groundless. In order for a person to be harmed, components that are dangerous to him must penetrate the body. On the other hand, PVC contains such hazardous substances like toluene and phenol, and it is their presence that worries consumers most.

Development and study of the properties of a protective coating based on modified polyurethane DEVELOPMENT AND INVESTIGATION OF THE PROPERTIES OF THE PROTECTIVE COATING ON THE BASE OF MODIFIED POLYURETHANE Text of a scientific article in the specialty - Chemistry

It has been established that the physical and mechanical properties of the coating are determined by the ratio of the components. The toxicological properties of the coating were studied. The toxicity test was carried out by biotesting using a biological test object - the lower crustacean daphnia "Daphnia magna Straus". The introduction of tetraethoxysilane a into the composition leads to a decrease in toxicity due to an increase in hydrophobicity and the formation of a cross-linked structure.

1. At the very top of the dozen are polymer materials. A person who cares about his health should be wary of the abbreviations PVC, PVA, chipboard, fiberboard. The fact is that these are widely used during installation and finishing works materials, if they are not sufficiently purified during production, can release dioxin into the surrounding space - a strong carcinogen that provokes cell mutation and the occurrence of malignant tumors.

Polyurethane foam is an effective insulation material

Here it is necessary to keep in mind the insulating layer of rigid closed-cell polyurethane foam with a density of more than 25 kg/m3. The PPU coating is quite capable of supporting the weight of an average person. You just shouldn't do it in shoes with heels. We recommend shoes with soft soles, because any hard or sharp objects can pierce and thereby damage the surface of the PU foam. If you still managed to damage the insulating layer of polyurethane foam, then the damaged area must be cut out and re-foamed.

Is polyurethane harmful?

It is made from gas-filled plastic. In order for the chemical reaction to occur successfully during the production process, the following components are used: During the reaction, carbon dioxide is formed.

Thanks to this, the polyurethane foam foams. After hardening it does not change. Rigid polyurethane foam is used for thermal insulation. They are good for insulating floors, walls, and roofs. Ecotermix is ​​a modern polyurethane foam. Nowadays it is very popular in construction.

Harmful and dangerous building materials: black list

Wide PVC application gave rise to a lot of concerns regarding its environmental and hygienic safety. If you look for information about the harmfulness vinyl materials, then you can find a lot of frankly “yellow” articles that make PVC the number 1 killer of humanity. To answer this question, you need to understand the physical and chemical properties this substance, and also consider the production technology of PVC products. As you can see, the material is stable and resistant to temperatures and chemical agents.

The whole truth about polyurethane foam

If necessary, the fire resistance of insulation is increased by applying fire-resistant compounds, the use of which does not affect the deterioration performance characteristics PPU. The results of tests carried out in Europe showed that the polyurethane foam layer on the roof did not change its heat, hydro and vapor barrier properties for 20 years. Polyurethane foam with a density (50 - 100 kg/m3) supports combustion only in the presence of an open flame, but does not support independent combustion and does not smolder. Its disadvantage is its instability to ultraviolet sunlight.

However, in order for the tree to become a home only for you, excluding wood-boring beetles and other living creatures, it must be treated with a special compound. In addition, do not forget that wood rots over time, which means it needs to be treated with at least two compounds. Now imagine what happens to these compounds over time? After all, they not only evaporate and, over time, wood processing must be carried out again and again. Well-burnt brick is safer in this regard, however, if the house is located on soil with high humidity, the walls, even with very thorough heating, rarely warm up to desired temperature.

IN last years Foamed polymer thermal insulation materials have become widespread.

Indeed, from the point of view of thermophysics, these are the most effective heat insulators. But when we're talking about about housing, about this product construction production, with which a person will have to communicate every day for many hours over decades - thermophysical properties alone are not enough. The main thing here is chemical safety and durability. The main cause of chemical hazards lies in nature polymer materials.

Is it harmful to wear earplugs often?

In this case, during sleep, when we do not control the position of the earplugs, they can move even further and injure the eardrum. The likelihood is small, because the earplugs will have to go a long way for this to happen, but not all manufacturers are equally conscious about the design of the shape of these devices, so it is better to be careful. By pulling out earplugs too quickly, we risk damaging the inner ear.

One of the features of such an adhesive is that as it cures, it usually increases in volume. Such foaming makes it possible to fill even minor gaps with such glue without any displacement of the joined products. Moreover, the resulting compound is distinguished by its high resistance to sudden temperature changes from -60 to +120 degrees.

At the same time, it is not afraid of vibration, radiation, water, gasoline, oil, as well as cryogenic temperatures. It should also be added that the adhesive joint has excellent resistance to pathogenic fungi and mold. Polyurethane adhesive does not contain any solvents, and it does not have a strong odor.

Today you can find one- and two-component polyurethane adhesives on sale. The first option uses water as a hardener, which simplifies the use of adhesive application equipment. As for the second option, it is obtained by mixing a polyol and an isocyanate.

So, if you decide to repair your shoes, then polyurethane glue is an affordable and effective cost-effective solution to such a problem.

In the process of its polymerization, foaming and subsequent degassing, the toxicity of STYRENE must be eliminated. However, POLYSTYRENE (PS), from which expanded polystyrene is made, belongs to equilibrium polymers, i.e. is in thermodynamic equilibrium with its highly toxic monomer - STYRENE (C): STYRENE is a highly toxic substance.

The heart suffers from microdoses of styrene, and special problems arise in women (styrene is an embryogenic poison that causes deformity of the embryo in the womb).

Polyurethane foam can be classified into the so-called category of one of the types of foams, or gas-filled plastic masses. From the very moment of its invention, PPU (polyurethane foam) has been used so actively and widely that this allows it to be called polymer No. 1. It surrounds us everywhere. The only way to avoid meeting him is in the depths of the forest, where no one has gone before. Everywhere, from household items to spaceships, you can find objects made from polyurethane foam.

PPU material: manufacturing technology

The idea that underlies the invention of this material includes such a feature as thermal insulation properties air. And the production technology is based on chemical reaction, which occurs when two substances are mixed - isocyanate and polyol. As a result of their combination, a material is obtained that consists of tiny microcapsules filled with air.

Polyurethane foam is produced in two ways:

  • Filling;
  • Spraying.

This is how monolithic forms of the popular thermal insulation material. This method It is considered the most economical because it has virtually no waste and requires little consumption of raw materials and production time.

How to make polyurethane foam filler: the benefits of the material

By mixing and starting the chemical reaction of the polyol and isocyanate, without access to air, the result is a uniform stream of material, which is then poured into the mold. Ready in a few seconds cold material fills the entire container and hardens. An example of this process is polyurethane foam.

Advantages of this technology:

  • Time saving;
  • It is possible to obtain any ideal relief shape;
  • Makes it possible to use it in any application.

Products made using casting technology are found everywhere. Many of us do not even suspect how many polyurethane objects surround us in everyday life, at work, and on the street.

Hard polyurethane foam or isolon: spraying technology

Modern construction market can offer its consumers not only materials that have a long history of use and an established reputation, but also a large composition of polymers that have come to the market quite recently and are gradually gaining customer recognition. Polyurethane foam belongs to this group.

The construction material professionals classify it as a type of gas-filled plastic. PUF consists of 85% inert gas phase.

The scope of application of polyurethane foam is wide and varied. It is used in construction, medicine, mechanical engineering, automotive industry, in ventilation systems, air conditioning and refrigeration units. However, frequent disputes over whether polyurethane foam is harmful to health have accompanied it since its “birth.” The most discussed of these issues is the opinion that polyurethane foam is harmful as a foam-ormafoam filling for mattresses on which a person spends a lot of time in a defenseless state, after which an allergy occurs. But it is believed that polyurethane foam can be considered as a potentially harmful material only during its combustion, when the material releases toxic substances. Some people include pillows and shoes that contain polyurethane foam in the risk category. But the toxicity and harmfulness of this material has not been proven, and these items are not dangerous.

Reviews indicate that polyurethane products have the following unique qualities:

  • High adhesion to many surfaces;
  • Possibility of installation without fasteners;
  • The absence of “cold bridges” when performing seamless thermal insulation;
  • Anti-corrosion protection of pipes and metal structures;
  • Possibility of manufacturing heat-insulating “shells” the desired shape produced by pressing soft polyurethane foam;
  • Working in temperature range from -190 to +199 o C;
  • Inert to most acids and salts, both alkaline;
  • Liquid viscoelastic polyurethane foam makes it possible to fill cracks and other spaces where other insulation cannot be installed. strengthens them.

The disadvantages of this material include the fact that its formula and composition are destroyed under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, which requires its isolation from sunlight. In addition, polyurethane foam burns, and when using it, fire safety rules must be observed.

Modern polyurethane foam: properties and technical characteristics

The birth of polyurethane foam dates back to 1937. At this time, a small group of scientists from the research laboratory in Leverkusen practically synthesized material with unusual and amazing properties. Depending on the proportions and mixing components, the properties of the newly invented material changed.

In some cases, the material turned out to be elastic and flexible, but not strong enough and unable to withstand ruptures and loads. In another case, it had strength, density, and hardness, but it was impossible to bend due to its fragility.

Through trial and error, scientists managed to achieve the desired result and the material had an extremely promising future. However, the Second World War significantly slowed down the development of events. And only starting from the 60s of the twentieth century, the use of polyurethane foam began to gain rapid momentum.

Technical characteristics of the memorix material:

  • Thermal conductivity;
  • Noise insulation;
  • Resistance to chemical environments;
  • Moisture absorption capacity;
  • Flammability;
  • Density;
  • Long service life.
  • Durability;
  • Environmental friendliness.

Hardening of polyurethane foam occurs in 20-30 seconds, and after that it becomes absolutely not dangerous either to humans or to the environment.

Foamed polyurethane foam: what is it and where is it used?

Foamed polyurethane foam is widely used in construction today. To prove its excellent properties, you can note that 10 cm of this material is equivalent in thermal conductivity to 2 meters of brickwork. In instrument making and the refrigeration industry, such effective and compact thermal insulation is very indispensable. The material is also used in the rocket and space industries, automotive industry and in the manufacture of upholstered furniture.

Areas of application of polyurethane foam:

  • Construction of prefabricated buildings;
  • Capital construction;
  • Thermal insulation of external walls;
  • Renovation of old buildings;
  • Thermal insulation of oil and fuel oil pipelines;
  • Insulation of thermal routes in populated areas;
  • Strengthening vibration resistance in electrical devices;
  • Construction of automobiles, aircraft and railway cars;
  • Light and furniture industry;

This material is also used as a thermal insulation layer in the construction of flotation docks and hulls of sea vessels.

Polyurethane foam insulation: installation methods

Spraying a thermal insulation coating made of polyurethane foam is a high-quality and quick way installation To successfully spray thermal insulation, you must adhere to certain rules.


  • The working surface must be dry and clean;
  • An important condition for work is the absence of precipitation;
  • The wind during operation should be no stronger than 5 m/sec;
  • The permissible temperature of the surface on which the material is applied must be above +10 o C;
  • The temperature of the mixture itself is +18-25 o C;
  • The sprayed layer should be 3-5 cm thick.

The work must be carried out in a protective suit and mask, the room must be well ventilated, including in hard-to-reach areas. The sprayed layer at a time is approximately 15 mm. To achieve a better insulation effect, the area is treated several times.

The benefits of PPU and what it is (video)

Polyurethane foam insulation has a lot of advantages that make it indispensable in many industries and in everyday life. This can explain the growing popularity of polyurethane foam, which has the advantage of not only its high thermal insulation component, light weight and durability.

Expanded polyurethane room insulation - their popularity is growing from year to year. Over the past few years, the amount used in construction, and specifically for insulating premises, has increased tenfold. This popularity is once again confirmed by its excellent thermal insulation characteristics. However, with the increasing use of this insulation, the controversy surrounding the environmental friendliness of this material is growing in direct proportion.

If a lot has been said and written about the advantages of polyurethane foam insulation, then how does this thermal insulation material affect health:

In order to understand how safe polyurethane foam insulation is for health, you need to understand the composition of this material. Polyurethane foam consists of a mixture of complex chemical substances- polyester and polyisocyanate. A mixture of these substances is sprayed from special equipment onto the surface to be insulated. When interacting with oxygen, the mixture hardens, penetrating into all areas of the heat-insulated surface. Today, the production of polyurethane eliminates the use of toxic ether fractions. Polyurethane does not contain freon, formaldehyde and other chemical products harmful to health. Many skeptics claim that when applying a mixture of polyurethane foam, chemical compounds harmful to health are formed in the air. Indeed, when spraying the mixture, polyurethane releases harmful chemicals, but after hardening, there is no threat to life and health. This is confirmed by numerous studies - after carrying out work in a heat-insulated room, no traces of the presence of harmful toxic substances were found. And this is unconvincing, many will say.

Then let's make a comparison with the main competitor of polyurethane foam - mineral wool. Its use as a heat-insulating material has long been banned in children's and medical institutions. And this is not just like that. It turns out that contained in the composition mineral wool, a chemical compound, emits toxic fumes. Also, this type of insulation is an allergen. All these circumstances can cause irreparable harm to our health. Polyurethane foam, unlike its competitor, is not flammable and is not an allergen. Its thermal conductivity is low enough to prevent smoldering even during a short-term fire.

“Why doesn’t mold grow?” - skeptics do not calm down.

Here we need to remember how harmful mold fungi cause to our health. And only thanks to polyurethane foam insulation, it is possible to create an ideal room microclimate - without humidity, mold and dust. Isn't this the key to the health of our and future generations? Considering the low thermal conductivity of this material, you can save a lot on heating the room, thereby preserving our natural resources and the environment. All these qualities, combined with the price of the material, have undoubtedly made polyurethane foam insulation materials leaders in the thermal insulation of premises for many years.

Is polyurethane foam environmentally friendly? Is PPU harmful?

First, let's figure out what polyurethane foam is?

Polyurethane foam is a plastic produced through a thermosetting chemical reaction. The structure of this material is similar to regular soap suds, it consists of cells isolated from each other, which contain gas inside, only the cells are the same size, unlike ordinary foam. Solid polymer makes up only 3–5% of the total volume of polyurethane foam, and the remaining 95–97% is gas, which is a heat insulator.

The fact that polyurethane foam has a full range of environmental friendliness indicators is confirmed by both a number of hygienic certificates and realities. The chemical resistance of this material is indicative, which determines its long service life and indirectly confirms its environmental friendliness. Both polyurethane foam and polyurethane do not decompose, do not interact with anything, and therefore are completely inert. In addition, today the use of highly volatile ether fractions in the creation of these materials has been completely eliminated.

It should be noted that these materials do not contain asbestos, formaldehyde or other chemicals. The spraying of polyurethane foam was accompanied by checks that did not detect any harmful substances in the atmosphere of the room. The biological neutrality of polyurethane foam, which turns out to be resistant to mold and bacteria, and to rotting processes, is also indicative. This material does not cause any allergies.

When using polyurethane foam, pillows and mattresses are made; it is used to create sofas and transport seats. It is also used as thermal insulation in boilers or refrigerators, as well as in other equipment that during operation may come into contact with food products. We can use polyurethane foam even in beekeeping, where it is used to create hives modern design. It is also used in septic tanks, where it is necessary to create surfaces for colonization by bacteria - practice shows that in such conditions even stone has a shorter period of destruction than polyurethane foam.

Polyurethane foam is widely used in medicine for the manufacture of various devices, and sometimes it comes into contact not only with drugs intended for oral consumption, but also with human mucous membranes - as an example, we can consider equipment for taking impressions in dentistry and prosthetics. As a conclusion, it can be emphasized that the volume of consumption of such material by modern humanity is indeed very high, and a person can almost constantly be in contact with it.

Continuing to consider the list of advantages that this material has, it should be noted that its use as insulation for houses and other buildings also becomes advisable because rodents show complete indifference to it. Rats and mice do not try to chew this material, and their digestive systems are unable to digest it due to the mentioned reason of its chemical stability.

Also already mentioned is the fact that PPU modern style Although they are capable of burning, they themselves do not spread the fire, being self-extinguishing. There are different degrees of flammability of such materials - G1, G2, G3, and the lower the digital indicator, the slower they burn. G3 is still used most often, because its cost is lower. Low burning rate and self-extinguishing are ensured by introducing fire retardants into the composition of such material, which remain in closed capsules of the material forever - the indicator will not decrease over time.

Speaking of vapor barriers and rotting

Closed-cell polyurethane foam of decent quality does not require any vapor barrier - especially since polyurethane foam modern type have more than 92 percent closed cells, and therefore a vapor barrier is definitely not required, and such insulation will not absorb moisture.

That is, closed cells or good vapor barrier are absolutely necessary to ensure the normal functioning of insulation - especially when we talk about climates with seriously negative temperatures. But even in positive temperatures, when there is no risk of destruction of the insulation due to freezing of moisture crystals in it, closed-cell options turn out to be the most preferable, since the thermal conductivity of such a material will be stable, while open-cell will significantly increase thermal conductivity.

Porous materials such as cellulose, when exposed to constant moisture, are prone to rotting, mold, and even if it does not initially last a year or two due to use special chemistry, then it will manifest itself later. So the benefits of using polyurethane foam are completely obvious.

In cars, seats, front dashboard, various door trims, etc. are made of polyurethane foam. Bee hives are even made from polyurethane foam. All these things undergo strict quality control to ensure safety for human use. Industrial polyurethane foam is the same mattress, but it is very hard and can be stuck to a wall or even a ceiling. In the section of our website called You will find confirmation that polyurethane foam from various manufacturers does not emit harmful substances after application and polymerization, and there are simply no terrible formaldehydes and other harmful resins in polyurethane foam.

The properties of polyurethane foam allow it to be used in the construction of children's and medical institutions, in the food industry, where the requirements for clean air and fire safety are especially stringent.

    Orthopedic qualities. Perhaps this is the most important quality for a mattress. Mattresses made from highly elastic, high-density polyurethane foam Roll Schaum have good orthopedic properties, thanks to which they perfectly follow the anatomy of the human body and at the same time provide the necessary support to the spine.

    Like all materials, polyurethane foam has its drawbacks. Among them, short service life. Over time, polyurethane foam may begin to loosen, which leads to the unsuitability of the product. However, it is worth noting that any mattress, no matter how much it costs, on average has a shelf life of five to ten years (depending on the content); after this period has expired, the mattress must be replaced. In addition, PU foam mattresses have a fairly low cost, and therefore their short service life is completely eliminated.

    Useful products on the topic:

    Mattress Vita Baltic FRAU WILMA (FRAU WILMA)

    The combination of two monoblocks of Euro Vita Foam foam of different densities allows you to choose your side of comfort: one side of the mattress is medium-soft, the other is moderately hard. Removable knitted cover to choose from: ADAPTIVE cover with thermoregulating impregnation ADAPTIVE or SILVER DREAM ANTISTRESS cover with silver ion treatment using ARGENTANO technology.