Spider mites: how to fight, remedies and preparations. How to deal with spider mites - effective methods of destruction Types of mites on indoor plants

Has this ever happened to you: you wake up in the morning and come up to admire your flowers, but all the tops of the plants have drooped and are covered with cobwebs? A similar picture can be seen in indoor plants, and in the garden on flowers, trees and berries. The name of this misfortune is spider mite. It can penetrate everywhere and its tiny size makes it almost elusive. How quickly and efficiently get rid of spider mite once and for all and prevent its occurrence?

You need to know the enemy by sight

Spider mites(or scientifically in Latin - Tetranychidae) are distributed throughout our to the globe. But given their vitality, it is possible that beyond its borders J. Even in the ice of Antarctica, larvae of these insects were found. Species diversity Spider mites are simply astounding, with over 12 hundred different species.

This is what a spider mite looks like when zoomed in

The size of this pest is so small (less than one millimeter) that it is almost impossible to see it with the naked eye. The appearance of spider mites on indoor plants can be detected only when insect colonies reach impressive sizes. And also by characteristic feature- the appearance of cobwebs near the leaf cuttings and at the bottom of the leaf.

This is what spider mite larvae look like

Mites feed on plant juices, located on the underside of the leaf blade, closer to the large veins. Spider mite, like forest ticks, has a sharp proboscis, with which it pierces the leaf tissue and drinks the juice. As a result of the activity of a colony of pests, the plant begins to quickly wither, rapidly lose leaves and, ultimately, dies if timely measures are not taken.

And on this leaf you can see the spider mite itself, its larvae and the eggs it lays.

The lifespan of a tick is less than two months, but females manage to lay up to five thousand eggs during this time, from which a new generation of ticks emerges every 2-3 days. Therefore, the pest population is growing almost at lightning speed.

Spider mites are a threat to indoor flowers. At the sight of sticky cobwebs, twisted, yellowed leaves with reddish spots, the housewife understands: a stubborn struggle lies ahead with the tiny pest.

General information about the pest

Spider mites are small insects from the subclass of mites. It has 8 legs and resembles a spider. The body is oval in shape, covered with small villi, up to 1 millimeter in size. About 1,650 species are found in nature.



Which plants are more susceptible to infection?

Spider mites often settle on plants such as:

  • Orchid.
  • Citrus.
  • Balsam.
  • Ficus.
  • Fuchsia.

Reasons for appearance

  • After purchasing a flower in a store if the specimen is poorly examined.
  • Due to penetration into the apartment through windows, balconies, doors, ventilation.
  • When purchasing soil with larvae and eggs of the pest.
  • In case of using contaminated soil from street flower beds.

Important! When purchasing new indoor plants, you need to carefully inspect all leaves, buds and substrate for the presence of pests. The purchased flower is placed separately from other types of green decor in the apartment for 14 days. If a tick is identified, it is necessary to urgently take measures to destroy it.

Harm to plants

Spider mites feed by piercing greens and sucking juice from leaves. Small ones appear at the site of damage yellow spots, the flower is covered with a thin web. In case of severe infection, foliage and luxurious flowers may fall and, as a final result, the death of the ornamental plant.

results negative impact spider mite:

  • a large number of small light dots on inside leaves;
  • a gray web entwines the entire plant;
  • decorative flower stops growing;
  • flaccid stem;
  • buds fall.

How to fight: effective methods

Important details:

  • After purchase, the flower is quarantined (at least 14 days).
  • Spraying is carried out and air humidifiers are used.
  • Ventilate the room.
  • Use air conditioning.
  • Transfer the plant to another place.
  • Wipe the leaves with a damp cloth.
  • Inspect for the presence of insects (once a month).
  • Rinse the flower weekly with warm water in the shower, preventing moisture from getting into the soil.

General rules

The most important: prevent the emergence and spread of the pest.

To combat spider mites, effective synthetic drugs are used:

  • Actellik. Treatment is carried out 3 times a month with an interval of 5 days.
  • Fitoverm. Apply twice for 30 days, repeat the procedure after 4-5 days.
  • Neoron. Spray twice a year.
  • Flumite. Treat 2-3 times a month.
  • Skelta. Use no more than four times a year.

After treatment, the flower is transplanted into a new flowerpot. Wipe the area where the plant stood with soapy water. Insecticides should be changed periodically to prevent the insect from becoming accustomed to the drugs.

Before using chemicals, be sure to read the instructions to understand what concentration of the working solution is optimal for specific type plants.

Folk remedies

You can use home methods to combat spider mites.


  • The plant is cleaned by hand: damaged parts of the flower are removed, the cobwebs are removed.
  • Wash under warm water, avoiding water getting into the soil.
  • Before using folk remedies indoor flower must dry out.
  • The tray, window sill, window, and floor are also treated with soap solutions.

Verified folk remedies:

  • Garlic tincture. Chop two peeled medium heads of garlic, then add 1 liter of water at room temperature. Leave to infuse in a dark, cool place for 5-7 days, then dilute with warm water in the same amount. Spray ready-made product on a flower.
  • Onion tincture. Five liters warm water and 100 grams of onion peel are combined and left for 7 days. Strain and use to spray the plant. Both tinctures (onion and garlic) are used twice with an interval of 5 days.
  • Soap solution. Any product is suitable: bar and liquid soap. For 0.5 liters of water (+30°C), add 1 tbsp. l. detergent, 10 drops of tea tree ether. The plant is well treated and left for 3-4 hours. Afterwards, wash it under a strong stream of water, put the bag on the flower, and leave it like that for a day.

Pest prevention

An important condition for growing a healthy indoor plant are preventive measures:

You can learn more effective methods of fighting spider mites by watching the following video:

It would seem that flowers growing in a room that are not in contact with the street should not be affected by pests, but they get to them too. The real problem is a colony of spider mites on indoor plants. How to fight? Let's figure it out together.

This microscopic pest is invisible to the naked eye. But traces of its vital activity can be seen by looking at the damage caused to plants. A nimble lover of plant juice leaves punctures on the leaves, which are clearly visible when examined in the light. Over time, they merge, forming spots, and the damaged leaves dry out. The plant stops growing, the leaves turn pale. The cobwebs produced by the pest indicate that the plant is heavily infested with mites. This stage of damage requires immediate action, otherwise the flowers may simply die. In order not to miss the danger, they need to be inspected regularly. Traces of molting that look like whitish dandruff, as well as silvery stripes and spots - the pest's secretions - also indicate that flowers are infested with mites. To search for it, it is better to use a magnifying glass, choosing a sunny, bright day. With electric lighting, the chances of detecting it are slim.

Biologists classify ticks as arachnids, a type of arthropod. This classification is possible due to the special structure of its body. That is why all insecticides against mites used against other insects are powerless. They need other means. There are more than 2000 in nature various types ticks. They can be found in every corner of the globe.

The following species pose the greatest danger to indoor plants:

  • The common spider mite is absolutely omnivorous, affecting up to 200 species of plants;
  • red spider mite - specializes in indoor plants and is most dangerous for them;
  • red-legged spider mite;
  • Turkestan cotton spider mite.

The community of these microscopic arthropods has not been fully studied, so the discovery of other species is possible.

The main food of any representative from the above list is plant juice. Deprived of it indoor flowers quickly weaken and die. What is the danger of spider mites?

They are difficult to detect

The size of an adult individual, regardless of the species, is no more than 1 mm, and the color – greenish-brown in different shades – allows it to easily blend into the foliage. Only wintering females are brightly colored. The mite lives on the underside of leaves, so its colony is not noticeable.

They multiply quickly

The tick's reproduction cycle, called metamorphosis, can last from a month to a week and depends on the ambient temperature. At a temperature of about 30 degrees Celsius, the larvae emerge from the eggs within 3 days, and after a few days they are ready to reproduce. Therefore, the tick colony grows very quickly, capturing new territories.

Ease of infection

The pest can be brought into the house with purchased plants or other planting material, with soil, on the soles of shoes and on clothes. Finally, a tick can enter a room through an open window, blown in by the wind, and the number of floors does not play a role here.

The presence of diapause in females

If conditions for development and nutrition become unfavorable, female ticks enter a kind of resting stage, in which they can remain for up to 5 years. But more often they simply settle down for the winter - daylight hours shorter than 17 hours do not allow them to lead an active lifestyle. Mites overwinter on the leaves or in the soil of the pot. They are able to burrow to a depth of 20 cm. Any crack is suitable for them - in a window sill, wall, ceiling, or floor. Females do the same during prolonged heat.

Such features of the life cycle make pest control difficult and lengthy.

Which indoor plants are susceptible to infection?

Most species of mites are omnivores, some have their own special preferences, but most of them do not live on plants of the Gesneriaceae family due to the small hairs covering their leaves. They have their own pest, also from the mite family - the flat beetle, but it does not belong to the arachnids.

This pest does not favor aloe, but it will happily feed on the juices of other flowers:

  • citrus fruits;
  • arrowroot;
  • aroid;
  • kutrovykh.

Often mites can be found on ficus, fuchsia, croton, and impatiens. Special gourmets prefer one species: the phalaenopsis mite attacks orchids, and the cactus flat beetle attacks cacti. But the favorite target of this insect is roses. Even with a constant fight against small arthropods, spider mites are found on roses again and again. Some gardeners simply stop growing it because of this.

But you can still cope with this pest.

Chemicals against spider mites

A lot of remedies have been invented for spider mites, and they all belong to the class of acaricides or insectoacaricides.

This pest cannot be destroyed with insecticides; they will not harm it.

Table: insectoacaricides and acaricides for killing spider mites.

A drugClassFeatures of application
AktellikAcaroinsecticideActs at all stages of development. Hazard class 2. Dangerous for pets. Outdoor processing recommended
ApolloAcaricide with hormonal actionSterilizes adult individuals, destroying all others. Hazard class - 4
DemitanAcaricide, active ingredient - phenazachineSlightly toxic, dangerous for fish. Resistance is possible, so only a single treatment
KarateInsectoacaricideEffective at all stages of development. Hazard class – 3. Dangerous for bees, fish and pets
BitoxibacillinBiological insectoacaricideSafe intestinal preparation for adult pests
NeoronContact acaricideHazard class - 4
NissanHormonal acaricideSterilizes adults, destroys all others
OmiteContact action acaricideAffects adults and nymphs. Hazard class - 2
SunmiteContact acaricideAffects all individuals. Resistance to the drug may develop, so apply once per season. Hazard class - 3
SkeltaInsectoacaricideEffective on individuals of all ages.
TalstarInsectoacaricide from the pyrethroid groupEffective at all stages of development. Low toxicity for people. Harmful to fish and bees
FlumiteHormonal acaricideIt acts on all stages of development, sterilizing adults. One-time processing. Low toxicity
FufanonInsectoacaricideAffects all individuals. Hazard class 3
EnvidorInsectoacaricide, disrupts lipid metabolismEffective at all stages of development. Hazard class – 3.

First of all, you need to use Bitoxibacillin, Apollo, Akarin, Flumite, since they are less dangerous for humans.

How to get rid of spider mites if chemicals don't want to use it? There are many folk methods.

Folk remedies for fighting

First of all, these are various decoctions and infusions.

  • Boil 100 dried alder leaves or 100 g of fresh leaves in 1 liter of water for half an hour. The infusion steeped for 12 hours is filtered and used for spraying.
  • Pour 50 g of dandelion leaves or 30 g of dandelion roots with hot (40 degrees) water and leave for about 3 hours, strain.
  • 100 g of crushed horseradish roots are poured with a liter of water. Let it brew for an hour and strain.
  • 20 g of garlic cloves are passed through a garlic press and mixed with 1 liter of water. Strain without insisting and process immediately.
  • Finely chop a large onion, pour 0.5 liters of warm, soft water, and let it brew for 5 to 7 hours under the lid. Use a strained solution.
  • Gently wipe the leaves with medical alcohol with 965 concentration. Special attention It is necessary to pay attention to the treatment of leaf axils, where mites can hide.
  • If you turn on a household UV lamp with rays for just 2-3 minutes middle length, then the tick will be destroyed. You can do this 3-4 times a week.
  • It is possible to use a mixture of acetone and 96% alcohol in a 1:2 ratio. It is better to simply completely dip the plants in this solution. Combine the processing process with replanting, thoroughly cleaning the roots from the old substrate.

How to properly process plants and flowers

A haphazard fight against spider mites will not give the desired effect; on the contrary, it will form a strong immunity to poisons. Therefore, in the fight against such a dangerous pest, you need to be consistent, methodical and not forget about some little things that can reduce all efforts to zero.

What do we have to do?

  • It is necessary to treat not only the affected plant, but also all the other flowers standing on this windowsill, and possibly in the entire room.
  • Trim off all damaged leaves and destroy.
  • Arrange a shower for the plants, you can even wash the leaves with soapy water and rinse. For those plants that water treatments contraindicated, suitable steam bath. To do this, they are placed in the bath and turned on very high for a quarter of an hour. hot water without closing the drain. But the doors, on the contrary, are closed.
  • Thoroughly disinfect all trays; you can keep them in boiling water.
  • Treat the leaves with the selected preparation, wetting the entire surface. They spill the soil in the pot.
  • Place a plastic bag over the flower and tie it, creating an enclosed space. The package is not removed until 2 days. The plant should not stand in the sun, otherwise it will simply cook.
  • While the spider mite feeds on poisons, carefully treat with alcohol or soap solution outer surface pots, window sills, frames, glass, without missing a single crack. It wouldn't hurt to wash the curtains.
  • To completely destroy mites, treatments must be repeated 2 more times with an interval of 6 days, but no more. It may be necessary to change the folk remedy or acaricide so that the ticks do not become addicted.

In order not to start a tedious struggle again, you need to take preventive measures.

Prevention of occurrence

The tick loves dry air and high temperature air. In order not to give him pleasure, the flowers need to be sprayed often, and the apartment must be ventilated so that it is not too hot.

A good preventive measure can be a hot shower every 3 weeks. Many plants can easily tolerate temperatures up to 45 degrees.

Everything related to plants and brought into the house from outside must pass strict control and, if necessary, processing. New flower washed in the shower and placed on an empty windowsill, where he must undergo a two-week quarantine. Soil for plants needs to be steamed, like all other components used to prepare planting mixtures, including drainage.

Spider mites are a very dangerous and insidious enemy. It can quickly destroy an entire collection of indoor flowers. Therefore, you need to fight him mercilessly, only then can he be defeated.

A small bug up to 0.5 mm, it is impossible to discern the population on the plant with the naked eye. But the damage caused to culture is immediately visible. Despite its name, this pest is not related to mites, so many chemicals aimed at killing insects do not affect it.

Spider mites are arachnids. Bugs have different colors: green in summer and brownish-brown in winter. They form their populations on the inside of the leaf.

It is difficult to destroy the pest - it is very viable. Even if you place the plant in favorable conditions The tick will not die, but will simply hibernate and wait for the right moment.

Spider mites are very common; they do not live only in Antarctica. But the most favorable conditions for reproduction and life are: temperature 20-35 degrees with air humidity 30-55%.

In June, the pest begins to actively reproduce in the open air, and in early September it goes into hibernation. To get rid of the pest, treatment must be carried out during the active period of life.

In an apartment, this pest can hide under the baseboards in the cracks of the window sill, crawl along the walls and ceiling. IN winter period It may seem that it is not there, but as soon as a favorable period comes, it will immediately move to indoor plants.

Before you start fighting spider mites, it is worth identifying the reason for their appearance in the apartment.

Pest activity in a residential area begins at winter time when the heating is on and the air becomes dry. Those plants that are located near heating radiators are affected by mites in case of infrequent watering.

On a note. Often an infected flower is brought from the store. Do not forget that it is impossible to see the pest on the plant until the lesions reach visible proportions.

Popular ready-made drugs for fighting

As mentioned earlier, any drugs for pest control are not suitable, let’s look at the most effective ones.


Fourth class toxicity drug – biological insectoacaricide. Fitoverm destroys the pest at any stage of development.

The price of the drug is 21 rubles per bottle.


A very good acaricide, as it destroys not only the tick itself, but also its egg laying. This drug destroys the pest population on indoor plants in two treatments.

Cost 40 rub.


Powerful, chemical drug used when other means are ineffective. It contains a substance such as pirimiphos-methyl. “Actellik” is effective, but it must be used at home very carefully, since it has a second class of toxicity and is dangerous for pets and people.

Treatment is carried out once every 5 days. Experts advise carrying out no more than two treatments in a row., otherwise the spider mite may adapt to the drug.

Price – 20 rubles per 2 ml ampoule.

Important! It is impossible to treat indoor plants indoors; they are taken out to open air.


This is a very effective and popular remedy among gardeners that destroys most pests. But It is useless against spider mites, since it is an insecticide that they are not afraid of.

If a decrease in the population of this pest was noticed when using this drug, then this is most likely the result of spraying. But some gardeners are satisfied with the use of this tick medicine.

Cost 40 rubles per ml.

Zoo shampoos and treatments for fleas or bedbugs

To get rid of spider mites, you can also use animal products aimed at killing fleas and bedbugs. They contain acaricides that are very effective against spider mites; with constant treatment, you can completely get rid of this pest.


This is a highly effective drug that can be used even on a hot summer day. Instructions for using Anti-Tick are very simple: to prepare the composition you need to dilute required quantity concentrate in a bucket of water and spray the plants on the day of preparation.

Protection against spider mites lasts 2 weeks, after which the processing must be repeated.

Folk remedies

If the pest population on the plant is small, then you can try to cope with spider mites using folk remedies. Let's consider what and how you can process flowers.



Many gardeners very effectively fight spider mites using laundry soap. It's easy to do:

  1. Place the potted plant in the bathtub.
  2. Soap a dish sponge with laundry soap.
  3. Wipe all the leaves and stem of the plant.
  4. You should do the same with the pot and tray.
  5. Spray the soil in the pot with a solution of laundry soap.

    It is impossible to water the entire plant, it may die, so the earthen ball is only moistened from above.

  6. Leave the foam on the plant for 4 hours.
  7. Wash off the foam from the plant and cover it with a plastic bag for a day.

Such manipulations will cause the mite population to die, as gas exchange with high humidity will be disrupted.

From the video you will learn how to fight spider mites using laundry soap:


Garlic infusion helps gardeners get rid of many types of pests, and spider mites are no exception.

  1. Take 2 heads of garlic, pass the cloves through a garlic press and place in a liter jar.
  2. Pour the mixture cold water, close tightly and leave to infuse for 5 days in a dark place.
  3. Before use, dilute the infusion with 1 liter of water and treat the plants along with the pots.


Suitable for processing onion peel 100 grams of which are poured into 5 liters of water and left for 5 days.

Strain the infusion and process the flowers.

Other folk recipes

In addition to those described above folk ways to destroy spider mites, there are other time-tested recipes.

Herbal infusions for spraying:

Reference. All folk compositions apply every 5 days.

Read more about how to deal with spider mites on indoor and outdoor garden plants, can be read.

Preventive measures

There are many ways to get rid of spider mites, but It is better to take preventive measures:

  • Plants must be kept in optimal conditions - dryness and waterlogging, favorable conditions for the growth of the pest population;
  • plants need a shower to remove dirt and dust from the leaves;
  • remove dried leaves and inflorescences in a timely manner;
  • When spraying, add a few drops of neem tree oil to the water.

You can also use folk remedies for treating plants for prevention, only in less concentrated forms.

Useful video

From the video you will learn about spider mites and how to fight them:


Spider mites are a terrible enemy of plants that can lead to the death of a flower. But if you pick the right remedy for processing crops and apply preventive measures, you can completely eliminate infection and preserve your flower plantings.

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Spider mites are a common pest. Unfortunately, almost every owner of indoor plants encounters it, since it is “omnivorous” and is able to reproduce on any flowers except aquatic ones.

The tick feeds on plant sap. As a result, your favorite flowers quickly weaken and die. The pest is very dangerous. It is difficult to detect, since the size of adult individuals does not exceed 1 mm. The color of the body often blends in with the foliage and serves as an excellent camouflage. They settle on the bottom of sheets, making them even more difficult to notice.

The rapid reproduction of ticks also brings many problems. They group into colonies and populate everything large territory plants. And even if the conditions for this are unfavorable, the females enter a resting stage and live up to 5 years, having the opportunity to begin the breeding cycle again at any time.

Interesting: females also “hibernate” in winter, hiding (in addition to leaves) in the soil, and even cracks in the windowsill, walls or floor.

This all complicates the process of getting rid of the pest. To save a plant, you need to understand the signs of its appearance and the features of dealing with it.

What does it look like

It is quite difficult to see it with the naked eye. Biologists classify it as arachnid, a type of arthropod. This is due to the structure of the body - it has several legs (in adults - 8, in larvae - 6), which makes it vaguely similar to a spider.

Color varies from pale, greenish-yellow, translucent. Visible internal organs, look just like dark spots on the back. But there are other types that are more noticeable in color, such as bright red.

Adult females acquire orange and reddish tint, which makes them easier to detect on the plant. They have small “claws” on their legs that help them attach to leaves.

Ticks spin a thin web in which both adults and larvae live. Life cycle each tick – up to 50 days.

Where do spider mites come from?

When an arthropod lands on a plant, it immediately hides on the underside of the leaf or in the upper layers of the soil. Therefore, it is simply impossible to determine the infection immediately. At this time, it actively reproduces.

A tick can settle if:

  1. No special soil for the plant is used (soil from the garden, lawn);
  2. Nearby is an infected flower (in a pot, or a simple bouquet);
  3. The flower stood on the street or next to an open window.

In the first case, the pest immediately gets into the ground, and in the others - onto the foliage. Less commonly, a mite enters a houseplant through pets or human clothing.

Interesting: the spider mite does not jump or fly on its own, but only moves slowly over short distances. It can be brought by the wind, with the help of a cobweb. So he is able to move over kilometer distances quite quickly.

The only way to protect the plant is to avoid the influence of these factors on it.

Reasons for appearance

Spider mites are a very common pest that even affects gardening and vegetable gardens. However, it does not take root everywhere. If the plant is located in a place where the temperature is above 25 degrees and the air is dry, the likelihood of active pest development is very high.

Dry, warm climates are a common cause of arthropods.

Therefore, it is more often found in greenhouses rather than in the garden, where the soil is damper and colder. In a humid environment, an adult “falls” into depression, as it is unable to get rid of excess water.

As for the mite on indoor plants, it feels great in heating season. This causes heat from the battery and insufficient air humidity. Rare watering of the plant and lack of a humidifier are factors contributing to the appearance and development of spider mites.

Signs of appearance

During its life, the spider mite damages the plant cells responsible for photosynthesis. Various flowers react to this individually. But there is common features, noticing which we can talk about the presence of a pest:

  1. The leaves below become lighter or acquire a brownish tint in spots.
  2. Over time, they merge into one large spot, the leaf completely dries out and falls off.
  3. The leaf blade turns red, becomes bronze, and becomes covered with a “marble” pattern.
  4. A cobweb appears under the leaf or on other parts of the shoot.
  5. The leaves become deformed, curling at the edges.
  6. Slow growth, fading buds, lack of flowering.

With severe damage, the entire plant becomes covered with cobwebs. A moving mass is noticeable at the tips of the leaves - this is a colony of mites. In this case, it is difficult to help the plant. The ticks are going to migrate to nearby flowers, since there is no food for them anymore.

To check for pests on indoor plants before cobwebs appear, place a piece of paper under the leaves and shake them lightly. Then look at the sheet below magnifying glass, small bugs will be noticeable.

How to fight

But there are several options that you can use to try to get rid of the pest. However, there is no guarantee that even after thoroughly treating all house plants, mites will not appear again.

Home Recipes

Folk remedies sometimes help better than store-bought chemicals. Several effective ways:

  • Using medical alcohol;
  • Treatment with laundry soap;
  • Application of drops from cat fleas.

To kill a tick, 96% spirit is needed. They need to moisten a cotton pad and thoroughly wipe each leaf of the plant.

Be careful: the method is quite aggressive and is only suitable for plants with thick leaves (ficus, Chinese roses, palm trees). Fuchsias and violets cannot be treated with this product!

Laundry soap for a long time known method getting rid of pests. By itself, it does not affect mites and their eggs, but creates a film on the plant. Ticks cannot breathe under it and die over time.

The procedure is as follows:

  1. Beat the soap into foam and apply it to all the leaves using a brush.
  2. After 3-4 hours, the plant is washed under warm water from the shower. To do this, the pot is tightened plastic bag, tying it around the stem to prevent water from getting into the ground.
  3. Then cover the plant itself with a plastic bag, leaving it like that overnight.

Good to know: for plants with many small leaves, spraying with a strong soap solution is suitable.

Cat flea drops are also an effective method of controlling spider mites. It is necessary to dissolve 3-4 drops of the product in a liter of water and thoroughly spray the plant. After 10 days, the procedure is repeated.

Ready-made products

The most effective are drugs from the category of acaricides. Another popular type is insectoacaricides. Broad-spectrum insecticides are less effective. For use in apartment conditions, special biological agents, safe for humans and animals. However, these substances are not able to affect tick eggs; they destroy only adult individuals. Therefore, treatment is carried out several times with an interval of 3-4 days.

A well-known remedy is Fitoverm for spider mites.

This is a drug with enteric contact action. When a pest enters the body, it causes its death. The biological product has a slight odor that completely disappears after 3-4 hours, so it is more suitable for indoor processing.

To cure a plant from mites, you need to dissolve 2 ml of the drug in 1 liter. water. Spray the leaves with the resulting solution every 7 days. Repeat 2-4 times.

Many consider it the most a powerful tool against this pest there is a drug such as Aktara. However, it is an insecticide that is more effective in controlling harmful insects rather than mites. It has a weak effect against arthropods.

Another popular insecticide used against large concentrations of insects and mites is Alatar. It is characterized by an aggressive effect on the pest from the inside and outside. However, it is quite toxic and during room processing you need to be very careful, open the windows and thoroughly wash your hands and wash yourself after processing. It is better to consult sellers in flower shops about the dosage.

A non-standard way to solve the problem with ticks is the use of Dichlorvos. This poison is quite effective against arachnid pests. It must be used carefully. Isolate the flower using a cardboard or box cone and spray the product on top of the plant. Carefully spray the soil, stems, entire pot and nearby surfaces. It is better not to be in the room for several hours after treatment.

This is one of the types of arachnids, characterized by its small size (0.2-0.3 mm) and 4 legs. Distinctive feature– he doesn’t spin webs. Lays red eggs individually near the veins on the bottom of the leaf.

The plant is affected in the same way as a simple spider mite. It breeds in dry, warm environments. Moves slowly. It most often affects orchids, citrus fruits and flowers from the Passiflora genus. You can get rid of it using the same methods as spider mites.

There are a few simple tips to avoid ticks:

  • Spray the plant more often;
  • Ventilate the room regularly;
  • Humidify the air;
  • Before replanting, “fry” the soil in the oven;
  • Do not place bouquets near the pots;
  • Be sure to wipe the window sill and all nearby surfaces while processing plants.

Prevention helps to avoid problems with your favorite flowers, but if infection does occur, persistence and regular treatment are important.